February 22, 2021
Currently, the federal government does not use data directly provided by PR in its PCR testing dataset (accessible here: https://healthdata.gov/dataset/covid-19-diagnostic-laboratory-testing-pcr-testing-time-series), as it does for most jurisdictions. Instead, it uses data submitted directly by laboratories in PR, which appears to be very incomplete data.
Does PR submit any COVID-19 testing data to the federal government, either in aggregate or at the line level? If so, do you know why the CDC and HHS do not use PR’s data in public datasets? If not, why doesn’t PR submit data to the federal government?
February 11, 2021
Could we try to get a total tests number update from PR? We could ask the journalists who usually get the press releases and also ask PR directly for an update.
December 22, 2020
We see in Table 6(the one with totals for molecular tests performed for employees and residents from April to December) that in the months of November and December, only 4 molecular tests were performed. This corresponds with when Puerto Rico started to use antigen test(Oct. 26). Have you changed totally to antigen tests, or do you have plans to return to molecular tests? We aren’t sure if the reason we see 0’s is because of a change in the testing method or because of a testing lag. Could you help us understand better why we are seeing 0’s? Original Spanish: Se nota en la Tabla 6(la que da los totales de pruebas moleculares realizadas a empleados y residentes de abril a diciembre) que en los meses de noviembre y diciembre, solo se realizaron 4 pruebas moleculares. Se corresponde a cuando Puerto Rico empezó a utilizar las pruebas de antígeno(26 de octubre). ¿Cambiaron a las pruebas de antígeno totalmente, o tienen planes para regresar a las pruebas moleculares? No estamos seguro si la razón que solo vemos 0's sea por un cambio del modo de prueba o si sea por una demora de reportar. ¿Ud. nos puede ayudar a entender mejor porque todavía vemos 0's?
December 22, 2020
Answered by
At the end of October 2020 we began to perform antigen tests exclusively en long-term care establishments. In the case of a negative result where the person had symptoms associated with COVID, the protocol calls for a molecular test to be performed. Original Spanish: A finales de octubre de 2020 comenzamos a realizar exclusivamente pruebas de antígenos en los establecimientos de cuido prolongado. En caso de que hubiera un resultado negativo y la persona tuviera síntomas asociados a COVID, el protocolo establece que se realizaría una prueba molecular.
December 22, 2020
So, are the 4 molecular test were for residents who had a positive antigen result, or are these leftover tests from October? Original Spanish: Entonces ¿los cuatro pruebas moleculares eran para los residentes que tuvieron un resultado positivo de prueba de antígeno, o son los restos de las pruebas moleculares de octubre?
December 22, 2020
Answered by
Those 4 cases were molecular tests that were done during the month of October Original Spanish: Esos 4 casos son de las pruebas moleculares que se hicieron durante el mes de octubre.
November 2, 2020
I am looking at Tables 3-6 in the Informes Cernimiento de Hogares de Adultos Mayores y Égidas. I see the breakdown of the serological tests for employees and residents of homes visited, but I only see one table(Table 6) which communicates the totals of molecular tests performed without the results. Is there a place to see the breakdown of the molecular test results?
Original Spanish: Estoy mirando a las tablas 3-6 en los Informes Cernimiento de Hogares de Adultos Mayores y Égidas. Veo el desglose de las pruebas serológicas para los empleados y residentes de los hogares visitados, pero solo veo una tabla(la tabla 6) para comunicar los totales de las pruebas moleculares realizadas sin los resultados. ¿Hay dónde para ver el desglose de los resultados de las pruebas moleculares?
November 2, 2020
Answered by
When the initiative started in April 2020, the initiative was one collaboration of diverse sectors. The National Guard coordinated the tests, the Centros 330 took the samples, the Department of Health presented the serological tests and paid for the molecular tests, and Direct Relief gave an economic incentive to the Centros 330(Centros 330 is a non-profit, community-based corporation that provides primary and preventative health care. Also known as Federally Qualified Health Care Centers, there are currently over 1400 health care centers. Centros 330 gets its name because it receive funds from the government through Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act. https://saludprimariapr.org/web/centros-de-salud/).The tests were taken by the Centros 330 and processed by a private lab. Even though the results were reported to the BioPortal, it was the lab doing the reporting. My work group does not see the documents for those tests. That’s why they are reported as we were informed by the previous work group.Once the Department of Health takes the reigns of the initiative, these tests will be collected by us and we will do individual searches for each result so that we can present them.
Original Spanish: Cuando se comenzó la iniciativa en abril 2020, la iniciativa era una colaboración de diversos sectores. La Guardia Nacional coordinaba las pruebas, los Centros 330 tomaban las muestras, el Departamento de Salud brindaba las pruebas serológicas y pagaba por las moleculares y Direct Relief daba un incentivo económico a los Centros 330.Las pruebas eran tomadas por los Centros 330 y procesadas por un laboratorio privado. Aunque se reportaban los resultados al BioPortal, era el laboratorio quien reportaba. Mi grupo de trabajo no tiene vis ibilidad de los documentos de esas pruebas. Por eso se reportan tal cual nos fue informado por el grupo de trabajo anterior. Una vez el Departamento de Salud toma las riendas de la iniciativa, estas pruebas se colectan por nosotros y hacemos búsquedas individualizada de cada resultado para poder brindarlo.
November 2, 2020
On which occasions are both tests performed, and on what occasions are only one type of test done?
Original Spanish: ¿En cuáles ocasiones se hacen ambas pruebas, y en cuáles ocasiones se hace solo un tipo de prueba?
November 2, 2020
Answered by
I’m not familiar with the rational of test use at the beginning of the initiative. We know that in July, when there was a scarcity of reagent, the molecular test was limited to cases with a positive serology test.Currently, the molecular tests are performed in various instances: residents of égidas with positive IhM serology test, establishments where there were residents or staff with a positive serology test, establishments which notified us of a positive case in the hospital or from private testing, or the house was assigned this type of tests from the moment that the route was coordinated. When we began to perform the molecular tests at the end of August, we began in the health regions of Bayamón and San Juan since these regions had already experienced many cases of COVID-19 up to this date.
Original Spanish: No tengo conocimiento del racional de uso de pruebas al inicio de la iniciativa. Sabemos que en julio cuando hubo escazes de reacivos, se limitó la prueba molecular a casos con prueba serológica positiva.Actualmente se realizan pruebas moleculares en varias instancias: residentes de égidas con positivo a serológica IgM, establecimientos donde hubo residentes o empleados con prueba serológica positiva, establecmiento que se nos notifica hubo un caso positivo en hospital o por pruebasprivadas, o se asignó el hogar a ese tipo de pruebas al momento de hacer la coordinación de la ruta. Cuando comenzamos a realizar las pruebas moleculares a finales de agosto comenzamos en las regiones de salud de Bayamón y San Juan ya que esas regiones experimentaron muchos casos de COVID-19 para esa fecha.
November 2, 2020
How many tests are done for a person normally?
November 2, 2020
Answered by
It varies. There are establishments which have only been visited one time. There are establishments which are visited, after having detected that there were cases, which had to be visited again to do tests on various occasions. There are establishments which are on their second round of testing. Finally, there are establishments which have declined to participate in the initiative. __________ Original Spanish Question: ¿Cuántas pruebas se hacen para una persona normalmente?
Original Spanish Answer: Es variable. Hay establecimientos que se han visitado una vez. Hay establecimientos que se visitaron, después se detectó que había casos y se tuvo que visitar de nuevo para hacer pruebas en varias ocasiones. Hay establecimientos que van para su segunda ronda. Finalmente hay establecimientos que han declinado participar de la iniciativa.
November 2, 2020
Is there a preference for one type of test?
¿Hay preferencia por un tipo de prueba?
November 2, 2020
Answered by
All of the tests have their purpose and reason. The diagnostic test is the PCR, for when there is an outbreak or a suspected outbreak , it is utilized for monitoring the presence of virus in a facility. By showing the development of antibodies, the serology test allows us to see if the virus has had a presence.
Currently, we are beginning to do antigen testing. This will be our reference test, following the guidelines of the CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/nursing-homes-antigen-testing.html.
Todas las pruebas tienen su propósito y razón. La prueba diagnóstica es la PCR, por lo que cuando hay un brote o sospecha de brote es la utilizada para monitorear la presencia del virus en la facilidad. La serológica nos permite ver si ha habido presencia del virus por el desarrollo de los anticuerpos. Actualmente comenzamos a hacer la prueba de antígenos. Esa será nuestra prueba de referencia siguiendo las guías de los CDC https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/nursing-homes-antigen-testing.html.
October 28, 2020
Are there duplicate counts in the 'Total de centros impactados por municipio' or are they all unique centers?
¿Hay cuentos duplicados en el métrico de "Total de centros impactados por municipio," o son todos centros únicos?
October 28, 2020
Answered by
Translation: The total number of impacted centers/ 'Total de centros impactados por municipio' are unique. It is indicated in the notes that the same center could have been visited in more than one occasion.
Original Spanish: El total de centros impactados son únicos. Se indica en las notas que un mismo centro pudo haber ido visitado en más de una ocasión.
October 28, 2020
In the future, will there be any differentiation between deaths that occur in 'hogares de adultos mayores y égidas' and the cumulative number for the island? Also, what is the meaning of "égida" in this sense? It is not a familiar word to me.
En el futuro ¿se van a distinguir entre las muertes que ocurren en los hogares de adultos mayores y égidas y el número cumulativo de la isla? También ¿qué significa "égidas" en este sentido? No es una palabra conocida para mi.
October 28, 2020
Answered by
Translation: The "égidas" are an alternative living situation for seniors who live independently. Under the Administration of Public Housing, there are three types of independent living: independent houses, condominiums, and walk-ups. In Puerto Rico, some independent living spaces receive subsidies from the Department of Housing under the protection of Law 173 from August 31, 1996. There are also many independent living spaces of private companies which receive subsidies from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Soon we will begin to publish a report of the resident deaths of long-term care establishments.
Original Spanish: Las égidas son una alternativa de vivienda para adultos mayores que se mantienen independientes. Bajo la Administración de Vivienda Pública hay tres conceptos para las égidas de vivienda púbica: casas independientes, condominios y walk-up. En Puerto Rico, hay égidas que reciben subsidios del Departamento de Vivienda bajo el amparo de la Ley 173 del 31 de agosto de 1996. Por su parte también existe múltiples égidas de compañías privadas que reciben subsidios por parte del Departamento de la Vivienda Federal (HUD, en inglés).
Próximamente comenzaremos a publicar un informe de las muertes de residentes de los establecimientos de cuido prolongado.
September 30, 2020
We asked for a PR testing data report
September 30, 2020
Answered by
[at top]: What follows is a preliminary report of COVID-19 test results registered in the BioPortal of the Dept. de Salud on Aug. 28, 2020. Preliminary data from COVID-19 test results:[at bottom]: It's important to remember that the results of the tests reported at the Dept. de Salud are broken down in the table, not the cases; therefore, more tests than confirmed and probable cases are registered. The test results are received in a continual manner through the BioPortal, and so the presented data does not represent the totality of performed tests at the date of this report.[at top]: A continuación, un informe preliminar de los resultados de las pruebas para COVID-19, registradas en el BioPortal del Departamento de Salud al 28 de agosto de 2020. Datos preliminares de los resultados de las pruebas para COVID-19:[at bottom]: Es importante recordar que en la tabla se desglosan los resultados de las pruebas reportadas al Departamento de Salud, no los casos; por lo tanto, se registran más pruebas que casos confirmados y probables. Los resultados de las pruebas se reciben de manera continua a través del BioPortal, por lo que no se debe entender que los datos presentados representan la totalidad de las pruebas realizadas a la fecha de este informe.
September 23, 2020
How many tests are there in a pool?
¿Cuantas pruebas hay en un pool?
September 23, 2020
Answered by
The number of tests in a pool depends on the prevalence; in other words, in the rate of positivity that it has. It can be 5, 10, 20, etc.
The Public Health Lab is preparing to run pooling of 5 to 10 specimens per run.
La cantidad de pruebas en un pooling depende de la prevalencia; en otras palabras, de la tasa de positividad que se tiene. Puede ser 5, 10, 20, etc.
El Laboratorio de Salud Pública se está preparando para correr pooling de 5 a 10 muestras por tirada.
September 23, 2020
If a pool has a positive result, does it count toward the total number of tests? If so, does it count as one test or as "n" tests where "n" is the number of people in a pool?
Si un pool tiene un resultado positivo, ¿cuenta cómo el total de pruebas? Si es así, cuenta como una prueba o como n pruebas, donde n es el número de personas en un pool?
September 23, 2020
Answered by
If a pool tests as positive, all specimens in the pool have to be tested individually to know which is the positive. Si sale positivo, se tienen que analizar todas las muestras que estaban en la tirada, de manera individual, para saber cuál es la positiva.
September 23, 2020
Si un pool tiene un resultado positivo, ¿cuenta cómo el total de pruebas? Si es así, cuenta como una prueba o como n pruebas, donde n es el número de personas en un pool?
If a pool has a positive result, does it count toward the total number of tests? If so, does it count as one test or as "n" tests where "n" is the number of people in a pool?
September 23, 2020
Answered by
Si sale positivo, se tienen que analizar todas las muestras que estaban en la tirada, de manera individual, para saber cuál es la positiva.
If a pool tests as positive, all specimens in the pool have to be tested individually to know which is the positive.
August 3, 2020
Is the "Censo de Pacientes Adultos/Pediátricos" number cumulative?
August 3, 2020
Answered by
The total census of adult patients that are reflected in the dashboard are for the total number of hospitalized adults at the island level for that particular (day).
The total census of pediatric patients that are reflected in the dashboard are for the total number of hospitalized children at the island level for that particular day. _________ El censo total de pacientes adultos que se refleja en el dashboard responde a el número total de adultos hospitalizados a nivel isla para ese en particular.
El censo total de pacientes pediátricos que se refleja en el dashboard responde a el número total de pediátricos hospitalizados a nivel isla para ese día en particular.
August 3, 2020
What does "Camas Licenciadas" mean? Which beds are not licensed?
August 3, 2020
Answered by
Licensed beds(camas licensiadas) refers to the maximum number of beds, certified by that secretary, that a health facility can operate.
The active licensed beds/camas licenciadas activas refers to the the number of beds for which the health facility counts with the equipment and the personnel available to manage. This number can vary daily based on the means available and on the operational decisions made by every hospital institution.
Se refiere al número máximo de camas certificadas, por dicha secretaría, que una facilidad de salud podría operar.
Las camas licenciadas activas se refiere a la cantidad de camas para las cuales la facilidad de salud cuenta con el equipo y el personal disponible para manejarlas. Este número puede variar diariamente basado en los recursos disponibles y en la decisiones operacionales tomadas por cada institución hospitalaria.
August 3, 2020
Are you conducting antigen tests?
August 3, 2020
Answered by
August 3, 2020
Is PR conducting pool testing? If so, how are the results reported? What types are tests are you conducting?
August 3, 2020
Answered by
Puerto Rico is doing pool testing in Core Plus Pathology Laboratories/Core Plus Laboratorios Patológicos. The results are reported as negative or positive. They are molecular tests using the cobas system 6800. ______ Puerto Rico está haciendo pooling en Core Plus Laboratorios Patológicos. Los resultados se reportan negativos o positivos. Las pruebas son moleculares usando el sistema cobas 6800
August 3, 2020
Will you report data on long term care? Where can this information be found?
August 3, 2020
Answered by
The doctor, Idania Rodríguez, is leading this project and making reports as part of the Elderly Task Force. __________ La doctora Idania Rodríguez está liderando este proyecto y trabajando informes, como parte del Elderly Task Force.
August 3, 2020
Will you report information on race/ethnicity? Or tez/skin color? When might we see this information, and where will it be found?
August 3, 2020
Answered by
For the moment, we are not working with that information. ________ Por el momento, no estamos trabajando con esta información.