July 19, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies

On July 19, 2020 New Jersey's Confirmed cases went down by about 30 with no explanation. This also caused Total cases to decrease slightly.

July 28, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill CTP Backfill Mistake Correction

On July 28, 2020 New Jersey did not update Total tests (specimens) so Negative should have been carried over. Patching by carrying over the value from July 27, 2020.

March 6, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies

On March 6, 2021, New Jersey’s Ever hospitalized decreased by 916 without explanation.

April 10, 2020 to February 22, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill CTP Process / Source Change

Clearing duplicate recoveries field after switch to hosp. discharges.

February 22, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On February 22, 2021, New Jersey did not update its **Total PCR tests (specimens)** before the time of our daily update, which prevented us from updating **Negative PCR tests (people)** since it is calculated as the difference between **Total PCR tests (specimens)** and **Confirmed cases**.

February 16, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies

On February 16, 2021, New Jersey noted that due to laboratory reporting issues identified over the holiday weekend, some weekend backlog was included in their data for the day.

February 15, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies State / Metric No Update

On February 15, 2021, New Jersey [announced](https://twitter.com/GovMurphy/status/1361380875120898052?s=20) that today's data may be affected due to an electronic lab-reporting issue. Additionally, New Jersey did not update its **Total PCR tests (specimens)** or **Negative PCR tests (people)** before the time of our daily update.

February 14, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On February 14, 2021, New Jersey's **Total PCR Tests** and **Negative PCR Tests (people)** did not update in time for our publication.

February 10, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On February 10, 2021, New Jersey did not update its **Total PCR tests (specimens)** or **Negative PCR tests (people)** before the time of our daily update.

February 8, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On February 8, 2021, New Jersey did not update its **Total PCR tests (specimens)**, **Negative PCR tests (people)**, or **Currently on ventilator** before the time of our daily update.

February 8, 2021 to February 9, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies

On February 8, 2021, New Jersey [reported](https://twitter.com/GovMurphy/status/1358841345859870721) that today's data is artificially low due to electronic lab reporting issues. Data reported on February 9, 2021 is expected to correct the backlog.

February 7, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On February 7, 2021, New Jersey's **Total PCR Tests** did not update.

February 2, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On February 02, 2021, New Jersey did not update its Total PCR tests (specimens) before the time of our daily update, which prevented Negative PCR tests (people) from updating.

January 28, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies

On January 28, 2021, New Jersey's governor [announced](https://twitter.com/GovMurphy/status/1354865732560023552) new tests and deaths, which were used to update Probable cases and Cases (confirmed plus probable).

January 25, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On January 25, 2021, New Jersey did not update its Total PCR Tests before our publication date, which means that our calculated Negatives also did not update.

January 21, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On January 21st, 2020, the state of NJ did not update their testing numbers, consequently not updating total negative tests

January 15, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies

On January 15, 2021, New Jersey’s Probable cases decreased from 59,881 to 31,717 on their [data dashboard](https://covid19.nj.gov/#live-updates) without explanation. We believe this decrease may have been a mistake and sourced this data point from the [underlying data layer](https://services7.arcgis.com/Z0rixLlManVefxqY/arcgis/rest/services/DailyCaseCounts/Feat[…]27%2C+%27onStatisticField%27%3A+%27TOTAL_AG_CASES%27%7D%5D)(today's value is 60,791) in order to avoid the decrease.

January 8, 2021 to January 9, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies

On January 8, 2021 New Jersey’s Probable cases increased from 53,967 to 72,123 without explanation. This affected their Cases (confirmed + probable), which is calculated as Confirmed cases plus Probable cases in the absence of an explicit total case number. On January 9, 2021, their Probable cases decreased from 72,123 to 56,147. Because of this, we believe that the figure reported on January 8, 2021 was a mistake, and are correcting the number in our timeseries.

January 8, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill

Patch yesterdays probable cases count from the EPI curve value (sum of daily value on PCR and Antigen Positives chart) yesterday, instead of using the top-line value from the first dashboard tab.

January 8, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill CTP Process / Source Change State Anomalies

On January 8, 2021 New Jersey’s Probable cases increased from 53,967 to 72,123 without explanation. This affected their Cases (confirmed + probable), which is calculated as Positive PCR tests (people) plus Probable cases in the absence of an explicit total case number. On January 9, 2021, their Probable cases decreased from 72,123 to 56,147. Because of this, we believe that the figure reported on January 8, 2021 was a mistake, and are editing the number in out timeseries. In the absence of a historical timeseries for Probable cases, we are updating Probable cases for January 8, 2021 to be 53967, the same figure reported on January 7, 2021.

January 8, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies

On January 8, 2021 New Jersey's **Probable cases** increased from 53,967 to 72,123 without explanation. This also affects their Cases (confirmed + probable), which are calculated as Positive PCR tests (people) plus Probable cases in the absence of an explicit total case number.

March 5, 2020 to January 4, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill

The state added antigen probable cases. Backfill the probables and adjust positives with both confirmed and the new probables.

January 4, 2021

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On January 4, 2021, New Jersey did not update its **Total PCR Tests** before our publication date, which means that our calculated **Negative PCR Tests** also did not update.

December 30, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On December 30, 2020, New Jersey did not update its **Total PCR Tests** before our publication date, which meant that our calculated **Negative PCR Tests** also did not update.

December 22, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On December 22, 2020, New Jersey did not update their total tests by the time of our daily update. As a result, we were unable to update their Total PCR tests (specimens) and Negative PCR tests (people), which is calculated as Total PCR tests (specimens) minus Positive PCR tests (people) on December 22, 2020.

December 20, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On December 20, 2020, New Jersey's **Total PCR Tests** value did not update.

December 17, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies State / Metric No Update

On December 17, 2020, New Jersey did not report updated **Total Tests** number on their dashboard. Since that number is used to calculate the value for **Negative Tests (PCR)**, both of these values were not updated in today's data.

December 12, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On December 12, 2020, New Jersey did not update Total Tests (PCR). As a result, Negative (People or Cases) was carried over.

December 7, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On December 7, 2020, New Jersey did not update their Total PCR tests (specimens) by the time of our daily update. As a result we were unable to update Total PCR tests (specimens) and Negative PCR tests (people) which is calculated from Total PCR tests (specimens).

December 6, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On December 6, 2020, New Jersey's Total PCR tests (specimens) value was not updated. Without a new Total Test value, **Negative (People or Cases) **value was not recalculated and the previous day's value was used.

December 1, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On November 27, 2020, New Jersey did not update their** Total PCR tests (specimens)** number, so we also carried over their **Negative PCR tests (people) **number that is calculated from it.

November 29, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On November 29, 2020, the listed states had a partial or missed update.

November 27, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On November 27, 2020, New Jersey did not update their Total PCR tests (specimens) number, so we also carried over their Negative PCR tests (people) number that is calculated from it.

November 26, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On November 26, 2020, the listed states either released partial updates or did not update their data at all.

October 18, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill

On October 18, 2020 there was a transposed value in NJ's Total PCR tests (specimens), the value was entered as 4137596, but should have been 4135796. This mistake was corrected in our historical data on November 25, 2020

November 19, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On November 19, 2020, New Jersey did not update their Total PCR tests (specimens) number, so we carried over their Negative PCR tests (people) number that is calculated from it.

November 16, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State / Metric No Update

On November 16, 2020, New Jersey did not update their Total PCR tests (specimens) number. As a result, we carried over their Negative PCR tests (people) number that is calculated from it.

November 15, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies

On November 15, 2020, New Jersey's Total PCR tests (specimens) increased by 128,343 tests. We were unable to find an explanation for this.

November 4, 2020

Variables affected:

On November 4, 2020, New Jersey did not provide an update for Total PCR tests (specimens). As a result, we carried over the value for Negative PCR tests (people).

October 30, 2020

Variables affected:

On October 30, 2020, New Jersey did not update their total tests metric. As a result, we also carried over our Negative PCR tests (specimens) value.

October 23, 2020

Variables affected:

On 10/23, NJ's Cumulative Hospitalized number increased by ~13000 with no explanation found on the website or on social media.

October 18, 2020

Variables affected:

On 10/18, the Cases and Mortalities tab did not work again. We carried over the Cumulative Hospitalizations value.

October 17, 2020

Variables affected:

On 10/17, the Cases and Mortalities tab was broken, so we carried over Cumulative Hospitalizations.

October 11, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies CTP Backfill

On 10/11, NJ had significant drops for Currently Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, and Currently on Ventilator, but as of 9:48pm EST, their numbers went back up to match with the trend we had been seeing.

October 4, 2020

Variables affected:

On 10/4, the "ever hospitalized" tab came back.

October 3, 2020

Variables affected:

On 10/3, NJ's "Ever hospitalized" tab disappeared. We carried over hospitalization values.

March 26, 2020 to September 30, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill

Updated entire probables and total deaths columns for NJ based on its routine weekly release of probable deaths. There's no change to the last two days, just minor updates to historical data.

April 26, 2020 to September 15, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill Missed Update CTP Backfill

Weekly backfill of NJ probable deaths, updating total deaths as well. This is actually for two weeks since we skipped last week after they took an unusually long time to provide the "weekly" data update.

September 16, 2020

Variables affected:

On 9/16, NJ recoveries now only show daily new recoveries, the overall graph is now hidden, but still queriable via GIS (for now)

September 10, 2020

Variables affected:

On 9/11, there were discrepancies in New Jersey's info for 'On Ventilators' and 'Intensive/Critical Care' between the values reported atop the graph and the values given when mousing over the graph. For 'On Ventilators,' the values were 36 vs 21, and for 'Intensive/Critical Care,' the values were 62 and 41. We used the higher values (62 and 36) because they were more in line with previous days' values.

September 8, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill CTP Backfill Mistake Correction

Missed updating Total Cases/positive during pub shift

March 5, 2020 to April 28, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill New Dataset / Timeseries

The NJ dashboard has cumulative confirmed cases back to March 5 "by date reported to NJDOH", which appears to correspond to what we would call "dashboard time" since they match what data entry collects once our Positive Cases (PCR) column begins. They also _almost_ match our Positives column. I've used those numbers to extend our Positive Cases (PCR) column from 4/29 back to 3/5. For now, leaving Positives alone.

July 21, 2020 to September 2, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill

As usual, NJ has updated their probable death time series this week. The data runs through Tuesday but was only released on Thursday (9/3). When they do this, we replace our probable deaths column with their time series and update total deaths to be daily sum of our existing confirmed column plus the new probables.

August 31, 2020 to September 2, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill CTP Backfill Mistake Correction

Due to mistaken instructions, checkers on 8/31,9/1 and 9/2 did not calculate total deaths numbers in NJ

September 1, 2020

Variables affected:

On 9/1, New Jersey did not update their total PCR test figure by the time of our update, however the total cases increased from 191160 to 192290. This resulted in us carrying over the negative value as well. All other data points were included in our update.

April 13, 2020 to August 25, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill State Anomalies

Our weekly backfill of NJ's probable deaths time series, including updating the total deaths to account for the modified probables data. This removes an apparent drop in NJ total deaths on 8/26.

February 10, 2020 to August 18, 2020

Variables affected:

Weekly backfill of NJ probable deaths using state-provided probable deaths by date of death time series. Total deaths recalculated from probable + confirmed (confirmed deaths are dashboard date). This updates historical data only; no change to today or yesterday since this backfill matches the recent NJ dashboards.

May 11, 2020 to August 16, 2020

Variables affected:

Since 5/11. NJ has been reporting tests in "tests" units, but CTP has been capturing them in the "people" column. This moves all the values from 5/11-8/16 from "Total Tests PCR (People)" column to "Total Tests (PCR)" column

February 10, 2020 to August 11, 2020

Variables affected:

Updated New Jersey probables based on the revised probable death time series released on 8/14 (though dated 8/11). Our probables column now matches this time series and our total deaths has been updated to be the sum of our existing confirmed + the new probables. I've also extended our confirmed column back into March based on the assumption pre-5/3 total deaths were all confirmed.

August 14, 2020

Variables affected:

Recoveries showed a decrease on 8/14. The 8/13 number was carried over.

August 12, 2020 to August 13, 2020

Variables affected:

States Grades not published for 8/12-8/13

August 8, 2020

Variables affected:

On 8/8, NJ reported large drops in ICU (~25%) and vents (~50%). We also carried over negative cases as total test didn't update, and we carried over cum. hosp. and recoveries for lack of update as well.

March 11, 2020 to July 6, 2020

Variables affected:

New Jersey probable deaths have been backfilled based on the state's historical time series. Total deaths were updated to take into account the new distribution of probable deaths. This smooths out the big jumps that took place on 6/25 and 7/8 as well as the declines on 7/22 and 7/29. Confirmed deaths were not backfilled; this column remains as reported by the state each day on its dashboard. The backfill team plans to do this weekly on Wednesday, the same cadence NJ uses for updating its probable death numbers.

August 5, 2020

Variables affected:

On 8/5, New Jersey did not publish the PDF in which it usually reports Cumulative Hospitalized. As a result, we carried over the value from the previous day.

August 4, 2020

Variables affected:

(1) On 8/4, NJ reported current hospitalizations of 470, down from the previous report of 738 on 8/3. (2) On 8/4, although NJ's testing number was higher than the previous day, the negatives count cell turned red. We assumed this was an un-updated testing value that was not as current as the positive value and carried over the previous day's calculated negative number.

July 29, 2020

Variables affected:

NH on 7/29 did not update data -- expect a data dump on 7/30

July 28, 2020

Variables affected:

On July 28, 2020, New Jersey did not update totalTestsViral We carried over the calculated negatives.

July 25, 2020

Variables affected:

State of NJ did not update total tests and consequently, negative tests were not updated.

July 22, 2020

Variables affected:

On July 22, 2020, New Jersey reported 54 fewer probable deaths than the preceding day. Since we continuously backfilled New Jersey's probable deaths, this revision is no longer visible in the data.

July 19, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: State Anomalies

On July 19, 2020, New Jersey reported fewer cases than the previous day. Since we continuously backfilled the number of probable cases in New Jersey, this is preserved in the value of positiveCasesViral.

July 16, 2020 to July 18, 2020

Variables affected:

Between July 16, 2020 and July 18, 2020 we did not update the number of hospitalDischarges in New Jersey because doing so would have resulted in a decline.

June 25, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: New Metric

On June 25, 2020, New Jersey started reporting probable deaths.

June 6, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: CTP Backfill Missed Update

On June 6, 2020, New Jersey updated their total tests metric after our publication time. We updated the value for **Total PCR tests (specimens)** in our time series on August 5, 2020.

May 11, 2020

Variables affected:

Tags: New Metric State / Metric No Update

On May 11, 2020, New Jersey switched from reporting tests in units of unique people totalTestsPeopleViral to tests totalTestsViral