Date Number Title
February 12, 2021, 8:34 PM PST 1101 [KS] Add antigen tests for 2/12
February 12, 2021, 8:34 PM PST 1101 [KS] Add antigen tests for 2/12
July 10, 2020, 8:23 AM PDT 600 [KS] PCL Cases Historicals ***Awaiting Outreach Results***
July 6, 2020, 12:55 PM PDT 581 [KS]Data entry errors in Positive Cases PCR column - we actually don't have a source for it. so the full time series should be deleted.
June 24, 2020, 5:38 AM PDT 516 [KS] PCL Historicals and WS2
April 24, 2020, 9:24 PM PDT 292 [States Daily CSV] KS deathIncrease is negative for 2020-04-24

#1101: [KS] Add antigen tests for 2/12

Issue number 1101

karaschechtman opened this issue on February 12, 2021, 8:34 PM PST

Labels Data quality

Open in Github

State or US: KS

Describe the problem KS added antigen tests to its dashboard on 2/12. Backfill today's value.

Link to data source Screenshot from today: (Day before did not have:


karaschechtman commented on February 12, 2021, 8:37 PM PST
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#1101: [KS] Add antigen tests for 2/12

Issue number 1101

karaschechtman opened this issue on February 12, 2021, 8:34 PM PST

Labels Data quality

Open in Github

State or US: KS

Describe the problem KS added antigen tests to its dashboard on 2/12. Backfill today's value.

Link to data source Screenshot from today: (Day before did not have:


karaschechtman commented on February 12, 2021, 8:37 PM PST
Open in Github

#600: [KS] PCL Cases Historicals ***Awaiting Outreach Results***

Issue number 600

pscsharon opened this issue on July 10, 2020, 8:23 AM PDT

Labels Backfill Missing Data PCL/SVP Historicals

Open in Github

Need to finalize decision on whether we can or cannot use KS's historical case data for our Positive Cases (PCR) historicals. If yes, please backfill all days. We have not yet recorded any.

WS2: Screen Shot 2020-07-10 at 8 00 27 AM

States Daily: Screen Shot 2020-07-10 at 8 00 11 AM

KS Dashboard Comments: (Note that KS explicitly states they lump confirmed and probable in their case count.) Screen Shot 2020-07-10 at 7 58 52 AM

Screen Shot 2020-07-10 at 7 58 42 AM

KS Dashboard showing historical numbers: Screen Shot 2020-07-10 at 7 59 25 AM

PRESS RELEASES: Strange. They just add the current day’s to the front and re-PDF the whole thing. This action leads me to think their historicals are not updated to be only confirmed… if they just keep adding today’s press release to prior days, but I am stretching - yes.


the-daniel-lin commented on July 27, 2020, 7:21 AM PDT
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The historical hover-over graph is most-likely a lumped figure, so we can't use it for backfill. We are waiting for confirmation from outreach.

The 'COVID-19 Summary' under 'Daily Case Summary & Historical Data' on the state page reports the number of positive tests, but these seem to be 'specimens,' rather than people. This is also inconclusive.

This problem is further complicated when considering that the 'Negative Tests' number is a lumped value (

There is a separate number on the state page through the 'Testing Rates' button. In the 'Positive PCR Tests by Performing Lab' table, under 'Number of Cases,' we suspect that this number indicates lab-confirmed cases. We are waiting for confirmation from outreach on this and are working to take screenshots in order to have a record for potential back-filling.

***Note: On 7/27, this number and the 'Positive test' number in the historical PDF were the same.

karaschechtman commented on July 28, 2020, 8:00 AM PDT
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We decided not to use the number from this graph as "Confirmed Cases": Screen Shot 2020-07-28 at 11 00 22 AM


  • This number equals a number they call “positive tests” on their summary PDFs
  • KS lumps antibody and antigen in its negatives, and neg+pos for these figures = totals, so we know at least the totals are lumped. KS calls the positives “PCR tests” but they could be sneaking in antigens under the header of “PCR” like FL and AK do
  • These confirmed/probable numbers will be impossible for days before we started screenshotting this page
  • There is another potential source of confirmed figures from summing a timeseries, but the timeseries (1) doesn’t confirm that it’s confirmed cases, and (2) is by date diagnosed rather than date reported, so would be on a different timeline from our lumped figures making inferring probables impossible from it

#581: [KS]Data entry errors in Positive Cases PCR column - we actually don't have a source for it. so the full time series should be deleted.

Issue number 581

muamichali opened this issue on July 6, 2020, 12:55 PM PDT

Labels Data quality

Open in Github

State or US: KS

Describe the problem

Link to data source


amandafrench commented on July 6, 2020, 1:17 PM PDT
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That takes care of one item on my To Do list, which was listed as "KS PCR ARGH" and I was going to have to go back and figure out what that meant

camille-le commented on July 6, 2020, 11:03 PM PDT
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#516: [KS] PCL Historicals and WS2

Issue number 516

karaschechtman opened this issue on June 24, 2020, 5:38 AM PDT

Labels PCL/SVP Historicals

Open in Github

Death values are historically recorded in both the "Deaths" and "Deaths (Confirmed)" columns for KS. However, KS's death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main "Deaths" field.


karaschechtman commented on June 25, 2020, 7:21 AM PDT
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Updated WS2 tooltips and left a private note Screen Shot 2020-06-25 at 10 21 52 AM Screen Shot 2020-06-25 at 10 23 05 AM

karaschechtman commented on June 25, 2020, 7:48 AM PDT
Open in Github

Deleting KS values on States Daily in the confirmed field Before: Before1 Before2

After: After1 After2

jesseandersonumd commented on June 26, 2020, 6:57 AM PDT
Open in Github

DC'ed by JJA 6/26 9:57:00 a.m. ET

#292: [States Daily CSV] KS deathIncrease is negative for 2020-04-24

Issue number 292

acobolew opened this issue on April 24, 2020, 9:24 PM PDT

Open in Github

[States Daily CSV] KS deathIncrease is negative for 2020-04-24

library(data.table) covidtracking.dt <- fread('') covidtracking.dt[, date := as.Date(as.character(date), '%Y%m%d')] covidtracking.dt[order(date, decreasing=FALSE)][ , .(date, state, death, deathIncrease) ][deathIncrease < 0] date state death deathIncrease 1: 2020-04-05 VA 51 -1 2: 2020-04-07 DC 22 -2 3: 2020-04-22 AR 42 -1 4: 2020-04-23 PA 1421 -201 5: 2020-04-24 KS 111 -1 6: 2020-04-24 TN 168 -2


muamichali commented on April 26, 2020, 1:40 PM PDT
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Hi @acobolew Thanks for letting us know

This was the data reported by Kansas. Here are the screenshots documenting their reports