California : Long-term care notes


California reports long-term care COVID-19 data for Skilled Nursing Facilities and Adult and Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly. They are reported in two separate locations on California websites. COVID Tracking Project puts Skilled Nursing Facility data in the Nursing Home category in our dataset and Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly data in the Lumped or Other Facilities category in our dataset. California reports cumulative and outbreak data. Data is cumulative since January 1, 2020 for Skilled Nursing Facilities. California provides facility-level data for Skilled Nursing Facilities and Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly.

California reports Skilled Nursing Facility staff and resident cases and staff and resident deaths separately. California reports Residential Care Facility staff and resident cases and staff and resident deaths as combined.

California reports “active” data for Skilled Nursing Facilities and Residential Care Facility is categorized as Outbreak in our dataset. For Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly, effective November 4, 2020, a case is considered “active” if the case is reported and not deceased for up to 29 days following a positive diagnosis date. Prior to November 4, 2020, cases with a missing diagnosis date were included in the active case methodology, therefore the number of “active” cases included previously was higher.

Skilled Nursing Facility deaths include those that occurred at Nursing Homes and those that occurred in other locations, such as a hospital or private home, if the death occurred within the 14-day bed hold period after the resident transferred from the Nursing Facility. Deaths that occurred outside of this 14-day period may not be captured. Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly licensed by the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division does not list facilities with a capacity for seven or more persons in care, which reflects in a lower number of facilities.

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Facility notes

The state provides facility-level cumulative data. The state provides facility-level outbreak data. Cumulative facility-level data was first reported by the state on 2020-04-23. Outbreak facility-level data was first reported by the state on 2020-04-23.

Because each state reports facility-level data differently, CTP has produced a number of scripts to make the dataset as standardized and comprehensive as possible. This state uses the following scripts: post_processing, standardize_data, collapse_facility_rows_no_adding. More information on each of these scripts can be found in our Airtable Facility Script Annotations. (