South Dakota : Long-term care notes


South Dakota reports long-term care COVID-19 data for Long Term Care facilities. COVID Tracking Project puts Long Term Care facilities in the Lumped or Other facilities category. South Dakota reports resident case and death numbers on their main COVID-19 dashboard and reports their staff cases in the weekly Department of Health’s Healthcare Partner Webinar slides. South Dakota reports cumulative data but not outbreak data. South Dakota does not report facility-level data. South Dakota reports resident and staff cases separately.    South Dakota reports cumulative data for resident and staff cases and deaths and number of facilities that’s had a case.    South Dakota does not report outbreak data   South Dakota does not report facility-level data.   On August 27, 2020, South Dakota began releasing long-term care data of resident and staff cases and deaths and the number of facilities that had one case in their Department of Health's Healthcare Partner Webinar slides. South Dakota Webinar noted their data is from self-reported "touch-base calls" with facilities. The COVID Tracking Project used this data because it was the only available long-term-care information on the state’s website.   On January 7, 2021, COVID Tracking Project began gathering resident case and death data from South Dakota's main COVID-19 data dashboard rather than from South Dakota's Webinar slides. The COVID Tracking Project continued collecting South Dakota’s staff cases and deaths, and number of facilities that had a case from the Webinar slides.

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Facility notes

The state does not provide facility-level data.