April 9, 2021, 11:10 AM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site
https://bi.wisconsin.gov/t/DHS/views/PercentofconfirmedprobableCOVID-19casesby-group-MOBILE/CaseDB2/[email protected]/ed25311e-7f8a-4c7d-aee8-97b28850f0ac?:embed=y&:display_spinner=no&:showAppBanner=false&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=4&:display_count=n&:showVizHome=n&:origin=viz_share_link
Quaternary site
Quinary site


Total test resulst field
Total Test Encounters (PCR)
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On February 8, 2021, Wisconsin's Total PCR tests (test encounters) decreased by roughly 13,000 without explanation.

On February 1, 2021, Wisconsin’s Total PCR tests (test encounters) decreased by roughly 17,000 without explanation.

On January 9, 2021, Wisconsin’s Recovered metric decreased by approximately 20,000, however on their official twitter Wisconsin indicated a problem with this metric. The metric was updated, and then patched in our data, later on January 9, 2021.

On October 29, we populated the full time series for Total Test Encounters (PCR) from a time series provided by Wisconsin via CSV on their dashboard. Also as of October 29, Wisconsin's totalTestResults represent total test encounters instead of being calculated via pos+neg. The number of unique people ever tested remains available in the API in the totalTestsPeopleViral field.

On October 20, Wisconsin started providing a total tests number on their dashboard and we started to collect that data into Total Test Encounters (PCR).

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting Probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from Confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting Probable cases of COVID-19 separately from Confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, we added more than two weeks' worth of Probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation."

February 8, 2021, 5:15 PM PST

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site
https://bi.wisconsin.gov/t/DHS/views/PercentofconfirmedprobableCOVID-19casesby-group-MOBILE/CaseDB2/[email protected]/ed25311e-7f8a-4c7d-aee8-97b28850f0ac?:embed=y&:display_spinner=no&:showAppBanner=false&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=4&:display_count=n&:showVizHome=n&:origin=viz_share_link
Quaternary site
Quinary site


Total test resulst field
Total Test Encounters (PCR)
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On February 1, 2021, Wisconsin’s Total PCR tests (test encounters) decreased by roughly 17k without explanation.

On January 9, 2021, Wisconsin’s Recovered metric decreased by approximately 20,000, however on their official twitter Wisconsin indicated a problem with this metric. The metric was updated, and then patched in our data, later on January 9, 2021.

On October 29, we populated the full time series for Total Test Encounters (PCR) from a time series provided by Wisconsin via CSV on their dashboard. Also as of October 29, Wisconsin's totalTestResults represent total test encounters instead of being calculated via pos+neg. The number of unique people ever tested remains available in the API in the totalTestsPeopleViral field.

On October 20, Wisconsin started providing a total tests number on their dashboard and we started to collect that data into Total Test Encounters (PCR).

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting Probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from Confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting Probable cases of COVID-19 separately from Confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, we added more than two weeks' worth of Probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation."

February 1, 2021, 3:07 PM PST

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site
https://bi.wisconsin.gov/t/DHS/views/PercentofconfirmedprobableCOVID-19casesby-group-MOBILE/CaseDB2/[email protected]/ed25311e-7f8a-4c7d-aee8-97b28850f0ac?:embed=y&:display_spinner=no&:showAppBanner=false&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=4&:display_count=n&:showVizHome=n&:origin=viz_share_link
Quaternary site
Quinary site


Total test resulst field
Total Test Encounters (PCR)
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On January 9, 2021, Wisconsin’s Recovered metric decreased by approximately 20,000, however on their official twitter Wisconsin indicated a problem with this metric. The metric was updated, and then patched in our data, later on January 9, 2021.

On October 29, we populated the full time series for Total Test Encounters (PCR) from a time series provided by Wisconsin via CSV on their dashboard. Also as of October 29, Wisconsin's totalTestResults represent total test encounters instead of being calculated via pos+neg. The number of unique people ever tested remains available in the API in the totalTestsPeopleViral field.

On October 20, Wisconsin started providing a total tests number on their dashboard and we started to collect that data into Total Test Encounters (PCR).

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting Probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from Confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting Probable cases of COVID-19 separately from Confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, we added more than two weeks' worth of Probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation."

January 9, 2021, 9:28 PM PST

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site
https://bi.wisconsin.gov/t/DHS/views/PercentofconfirmedprobableCOVID-19casesby-group-MOBILE/CaseDB2/[email protected]/ed25311e-7f8a-4c7d-aee8-97b28850f0ac?:embed=y&:display_spinner=no&:showAppBanner=false&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=4&:display_count=n&:showVizHome=n&:origin=viz_share_link
Quaternary site
Quinary site


Total test resulst field
Total Test Encounters (PCR)
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On January 9, 2021, Wisconsin’s Recovered metric decreased by approximately 20,000, however on their official twitter Wisconsin indicated a problem with this metric. Because of this we carried over the previous day’s value.

On October 29, we populated the full time series for Total Test Encounters (PCR) from a time series provided by Wisconsin via CSV on their dashboard. Also as of October 29, Wisconsin's totalTestResults represent total test encounters instead of being calculated via pos+neg. The number of unique people ever tested remains available in the API in the totalTestsPeopleViral field.

On October 20, Wisconsin started providing a total tests number on their dashboard and we started to collect that data into Total Test Encounters (PCR).

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting Probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from Confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting Probable cases of COVID-19 separately from Confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, we added more than two weeks' worth of Probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation."

January 9, 2021, 3:21 PM PST

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site
https://bi.wisconsin.gov/t/DHS/views/PercentofconfirmedprobableCOVID-19casesby-group-MOBILE/CaseDB2/[email protected]/ed25311e-7f8a-4c7d-aee8-97b28850f0ac?:embed=y&:display_spinner=no&:showAppBanner=false&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=4&:display_count=n&:showVizHome=n&:origin=viz_share_link
Quaternary site
Quinary site


Total test resulst field
Total Test Encounters (PCR)
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On October 29, we populated the full time series for Total Test Encounters (PCR) from a time series provided by Wisconsin via CSV on their dashboard. Also as of October 29, Wisconsin's totalTestResults represent total test encounters instead of being calculated via pos+neg. The number of unique people ever tested remains available in the API in the totalTestsPeopleViral field.

On October 20, Wisconsin started providing a total tests number on their dashboard and we started to collect that data into Total Test Encounters (PCR).

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting Probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from Confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting Probable cases of COVID-19 separately from Confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, we added more than two weeks' worth of Probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation."

December 18, 2020, 10:04 PM PST

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site
https://bi.wisconsin.gov/t/DHS/views/PercentofconfirmedprobableCOVID-19casesby-group-MOBILE/CaseDB2/[email protected]/ed25311e-7f8a-4c7d-aee8-97b28850f0ac?:embed=y&:display_spinner=no&:showAppBanner=false&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=4&:display_count=n&:showVizHome=n&:origin=viz_share_link
Quaternary site
Quinary site


Total test resulst field
Total Test Encounters (PCR)
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


December 17, 2020, 4:16 PM PST

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site
https://bi.wisconsin.gov/t/DHS/views/PercentofconfirmedprobableCOVID-19casesby-group-MOBILE/CaseDB2/[email protected]/ed25311e-7f8a-4c7d-aee8-97b28850f0ac?:embed=y&:display_spinner=no&:showAppBanner=false&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=4&:display_count=n&:showVizHome=n&:origin=viz_share_link
Quaternary site
Quinary site


Total test resulst field
Total Test Encounters (PCR)
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On October 29, we populated the full time series for Total Test Encounters (PCR) from a time series provided by Wisconsin via CSV on their dashboard. Also as of October 29, Wisconsin's totalTestResults represent total test encounters instead of being calculated via pos+neg. The number of unique people ever tested remains available in the API in the totalTestsPeopleViral field.

On October 20, Wisconsin started providing a total tests number on their dashboard and we started to collect that data into Total Test Encounters (PCR).

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable cases of COVID-19 separately from confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, The COVID Tracking Project added more than two weeks' worth of probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation.

December 10, 2020, 10:17 AM PST

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site
https://bi.wisconsin.gov/t/DHS/views/PercentofconfirmedprobableCOVID-19casesby-group-MOBILE/CaseDB2/[email protected]/ed25311e-7f8a-4c7d-aee8-97b28850f0ac?:embed=y&:display_spinner=no&:showAppBanner=false&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=4&:display_count=n&:showVizHome=n&:origin=viz_share_link
Quaternary site


Total test resulst field
Total Test Encounters (PCR)
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On October 29, we populated the full time series for Total Test Encounters (PCR) from a time series provided by Wisconsin via CSV on their dashboard. Also as of October 29, Wisconsin's totalTestResults represent total test encounters instead of being calculated via pos+neg. The number of unique people ever tested remains available in the API in the totalTestsPeopleViral field.

On October 20, Wisconsin started providing a total tests number on their dashboard and we started to collect that data into Total Test Encounters (PCR).

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable cases of COVID-19 separately from confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, The COVID Tracking Project added more than two weeks' worth of probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation.

November 9, 2020, 3:17 PM PST

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site
https://bi.wisconsin.gov/t/DHS/views/PercentofconfirmedprobableCOVID-19casesby-group-MOBILE/CaseDB2/[email protected]/ed25311e-7f8a-4c7d-aee8-97b28850f0ac?:embed=y&:display_spinner=no&:showAppBanner=false&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=4&:display_count=n&:showVizHome=n&:origin=viz_share_link


Total test resulst field
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable cases of COVID-19 separately from confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, The COVID Tracking Project added more than two weeks' worth of probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation.

October 29, 2020, 3:02 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site
https://bi.wisconsin.gov/t/DHS/views/PercentofconfirmedprobableCOVID-19casesby-group-MOBILE/CaseDB2/[email protected]/ed25311e-7f8a-4c7d-aee8-97b28850f0ac?:embed=y&:display_spinner=no&:showAppBanner=false&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=4&:display_count=n&:showVizHome=n&:origin=viz_share_link
Quaternary site


Total test resulst field
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable cases of COVID-19 separately from confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, The COVID Tracking Project added more than two weeks' worth of probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation.

October 23, 2020, 4:03 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site
https://bi.wisconsin.gov/t/DHS/views/PercentofconfirmedprobableCOVID-19casesby-group-MOBILE/CaseDB2/[email protected]/ed25311e-7f8a-4c7d-aee8-97b28850f0ac?:embed=y&:display_spinner=no&:showAppBanner=false&:embed_code_version=3&:loadOrderID=4&:display_count=n&:showVizHome=n&:origin=viz_share_link


Total test resulst field
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable cases of COVID-19 separately from confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, The COVID Tracking Project added more than two weeks' worth of probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

October 22, 2020, 3:46 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site


Total test resulst field
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable cases of COVID-19 separately from confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, The COVID Tracking Project added more than two weeks' worth of probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

October 18, 2020, 4:35 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site


Total test resulst field
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable cases of COVID-19 separately from confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, The COVID Tracking Project added more than two weeks' worth of probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

October 18, 2020, 11:00 AM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site


Total test resulst field
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable cases of COVID-19 separately from confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, The COVID Tracking Project added more than two weeks' worth of probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

September 25, 2020, 9:03 AM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site


Total test resulst field
CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable cases of COVID-19 separately from confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, The COVID Tracking Project added more than two weeks' worth of probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

September 18, 2020, 11:03 AM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site


CTP website preferred total test units
CTP website preferred total test field


On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable cases of COVID-19 separately from confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, The COVID Tracking Project added more than two weeks' worth of probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

September 2, 2020, 8:03 AM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site



On March 30, 2020, Wisconsin revised its cumulative Negative PCR tests (people) data downward without explanation.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable cases of COVID-19 separately from confirmed cases of COVID-19. On June 25, 2020, The COVID Tracking Project added more than two weeks' worth of probable cases to our Cases (confirmed plus probable) for WI, initially causing a large single day increase in cases. We subsequently updated our historical Cases data using data provided to us by the state, which eliminated this one-day increase.

In early June of 2020, Wisconsin started reporting probable deaths from COVID-19 separately from confirmed deaths from COVID-19. We did not discover this data until June 29, 2020, and so our time series only has data for this metric beginning on that date.

August 25, 2020, 4:02 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results.

Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted.

As of April 27, Wisconsin is reporting people tested.

On March 30, Wisconsin revised down negatives from 16550 to 15856.

In early June, Wisconsin started breaking out its probable cases. On June 25, we caught these figures, initially causing a large single day jump in cases, but in the late evening we updated our historical case numbers to include these on the appropriate days based on historical data provided to us by the state. In early June,

Wisconsin started breaking out its probable deaths. On June 29, we caught these figures, and only have data for them past that date.

On July 12, Wisconsin decreased deaths by one with no explanation.

July 29, 2020, 4:02 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results. Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted. As of April 27, Wisconsin is reporting people tested. On March 30, Wisconsin revised down negatives from 16550 to 15856. In early June, Wisconsin started breaking out its probable cases. On June 25, we caught these figures, initially causing a large single day jump in cases, but in the late evening we updated our historical case numbers to include these on the appropriate days based on historical data provided to us by the state. In early June, Wisconsin started breaking out its probable deaths. On June 29, we caught these figures, and only have data for them past that date. On July 12, Wisconsin decreased deaths by one with no explanation.

July 28, 2020, 7:02 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results. Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted. As of April 27, Wisconsin is reporting people tested. On March 30, Wisconsin revised down negatives from 16550 to 15856. In early June, Wisconsin started breaking out its probable cases. On June 25th, we caught these figures, initially causing a large single day jump in cases, but in the late evening we updated our historical case numbers to include these on the appropriate days based on historical data provided to us by the state. In early June, Wisconsin started breaking out its probable deaths. On June 29, we caught these figures, and only have data for them past that date. On July 12, Wisconsin decreased deaths by one with no explanation.

July 28, 2020, 4:02 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results. Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted. As of April 27, Wisconsin is reporting people tested. On March 30, WI revised down negatives from 16550 to 15856. In early June, Wisconsin started breaking out its probable cases. On June 25th, we caught these figures, initially causing a large single day jump in cases, but in the late evening we updated our historical case numbers to include these on the appropriate days based on historical data provided to us by the state. In early June, Wisconsin started breaking out its probable deaths. On June 29, we caught these figures, and only have data for them past that date. On July 12, WI decreased deaths by one with no explanation.

July 12, 2020, 10:02 AM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results. Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted. As of April 27, Wisconsin is reporting people tested. On March 30, WI revised down negatives from 16550 to 15856. On June 25th, Wisconsin reported probable cases for the first time, including a large number of cases from earlier in the pandemic. Initially this manifested as a large single day jump in cases, but in the late evening we updated our historical case numbers to include these on the appropriate days based on historical data provided to us by the state. In early June, Wisconsin started breaking out its probable deaths. On 6/29, we caught these figures, and only have data for them past that date.

July 8, 2020, 4:02 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site
Secondary site
Tertiary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results. Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted. As of April 27, Wisconsin is reporting people tested. On March 30, WI revised down negatives from 16550 to 15856. On June 25th, Wisconsin reported probable cases for the first time, including a large number of cases from earlier in the pandemic. Initially this manifested as a large single day jump in cases, but in the late evening we updated our historical case numbers to include these on the appropriate days based on historical data provided to us by the state.

July 4, 2020, 9:02 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results. Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted. As of April 27, Wisconsin is reporting people tested. On March 30, WI revised down negatives from 16550 to 15856. On June 25th, Wisconsin reported probable cases for the first time, including a large number of cases from earlier in the pandemic. Initially this manifested as a large single day jump in cases, but in the late evening we updated our historical case numbers to include these on the appropriate days based on historical data provided to us by the state.

June 25, 2020, 7:02 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results. Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted. As of April 27, Wisconsin is reporting people tested. On March 30, WI revised down negatives from 16550 to 15856. On June 25th, Wisconsin reported cumulative probable cases. This will affect daily increases in cases

June 25, 2020, 1:02 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results. Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted. As of April 27, Wisconsin is reporting people tested. On March 30, WI revised down negatives from 16550 to 15856.

June 4, 2020, 6:01 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results. Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted. As of April 27, Wisconsin is reporting people tested. On March 30, WI revised down negatives from 16550 to 15856.

June 4, 2020, 2:01 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



June 1, 2020, 6:01 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results. Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted. As of April 27, Wisconsin is reporting people tested. On March 30, WI revised down negatives from 16550 to 15856.

May 11, 2020, 9:01 AM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results. Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted. As of April 27, Wisconsin is reporting people tested.

April 29, 2020, 6:08 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



Negatives include only Wisconsin residents whose negative test results were reported electronically to DHS. This underestimates total negative test results. Deaths must be reported by health providers or coroners, and recorded by local health departments, to be counted.

April 25, 2020, 2:01 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



The number of people with negative test results includes only Wisconsin residents who had negative test results reported electronically to DHS. As a result, this number underestimates the total number of Wisconsin residents with negative test results. As individual cases are investigated by public health, there may be corrections to the status and details of cases that result in changes to this information. Deaths must be reported by health care providers, medical examiners/coroners, and recorded by local health departments in order to be counted.

April 19, 2020, 9:01 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



Negative is the largest calculated Total - Positive; current total reported may lag current possitive reported.

April 12, 2020, 1:01 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



WA reports confirmed cases, laboratory tests and deaths as of the previous day. Currently, new negative test results are not reported. Negative is the largest calculated Total - Positive; current total reported may lag current possitive reported.

April 11, 2020, 4:01 AM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



Updates expected at 2 pm CT. Negative test results are WI residents only and excludes duplicate lab results

April 1, 2020, 9:00 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



Updates expected at 2 pm CT

March 27, 2020, 4:44 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



No pending counts. Positive = “Positive” + “Positive Recovered”

March 25, 2020, 4:00 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



No pending counts. Positive = “Positive” + “Positive Recovered”

March 19, 2020, 4:00 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



No pending counts. Positive = “Positive” + “Positive Recovered”

March 17, 2020, 10:17 AM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



No pending counts. Positive = “Positive” + “Positive Recovered”

March 14, 2020, 3:56 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



March 12, 2020, 9:01 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site



No pending test counts are reported. Add “Positive” and “Positive Recovered” lines together.

March 12, 2020, 2:21 PM PDT

State COVID websites

Primary site

