Published data
Batch #850
Published on February 12, 2021, 8:23 PM PST
On February 12, 2021, we cleared the history of Utah's Confirmed cases field, which we previously filled using data from its positive people tested via PCR number. Utah does not present this figure as confirmed cases and instead calls its main case number, which includes both PCR and antigen tests, "lab-confirmed cases." We are not going to duplicate UT's main case number into confirmed cases to replace this positive PCR individuals number because the definition the state uses for "confirmed" is not in accordance with CSTE definitions.
Batch #491
Published on November 9, 2020, 12:37 PM PST
Update negatives from Utah's data download from "Overview_Number of People Tested" for "PCR/amplification" test type
Batch #474
Published on November 6, 2020, 11:03 AM PST
Update PCR tested people from the download files provided by Utah. The number shown on the dashboard, that was used during daily publication includes both pcr and antigen tested people
Batch #450
Published on October 30, 2020, 3:34 PM PDT
daily push