Rhode Island : Long-term care metadata history

April 8, 2021, 10:21 AM PDT


Rhode Island reports long-term care data for Assisted Living Facilities and Long-Term Care Facilities. They report cumulative and outbreak resident cases and deaths. Rhode Island’s cumulative data is since March 1, 2020. Rhode Island defines an outbreak as a facility with two or more resident cases in the past 14 days. Rhode Island provides facility-level data. Rhode Island reports ranges—not precise numbers—for its long-term-care data, and CTP collects the bottom of the range. As such, Rhode Island's data is an undercount and should be interpretted with caution. July 16, 2020: CTP started gathering outbreak data in Rhode Island.


April 5, 2021, 3:24 PM PDT


Rhode Island reports long-term care data for Assisted Living Facilities and Long-Term Care Facilities. They report cumulative and outbreak resident cases and deaths. Rhode Island’s cumulative data is since March 1, 2020. Rhode Island defines an outbreak as a facility with two or more resident cases in the past 14 days. Rhode Island reports totals as a range between two digits; CTP reports the lowest bound value for each range. Rhode Island provides facility-level data. July 16, 2020: CTP started gathering outbreak data in Rhode Island.


November 2, 2020, 10:33 AM PST


Rhode Island reports long-term care data for Assisted Living Facilities and Long-Term Care Facilities. They report cumulative and outbreak resident cases and deaths. Rhode Island’s cumulative data is since March 1, 2020. Rhode Island defines an outbreak as a facility with two or more resident cases in the past 14 days. Rhode Island reports totals as a range between two digits; CTP reports the lowest bound value for each range. Rhode Island provides facility-level data. July 16, 2020: CTP started gathering outbreak data in Rhode Island.


October 30, 2020, 8:33 AM PDT


Rhode Island reports long-term care data for Assisted Living Facilities and Long-Term Care Facilities. They report cumulative and outbreak resident cases and deaths. Rhode Island’s cumulative data is since March 1, 2020. Rhode Island defines an outbreak as a facility with two or more resident cases in the past 14 days. Rhode Island reports totals as a range between two digits; CTP reports the lowest bound value for each range. July 16, 2020: CTP started gathering outbreak data in Rhode Island.
