Published data
Batch #478
Published on November 7, 2020, 1:04 PM PST
PR is changing probable case reporting to reflect antigen instead of antibody reporting, moving to report antibody in a suspected category. Probable cases have dropped to 77. To avoid the appearance of a ~33,000 case drop today nationally and to reflect most up to date CSTE August definition, we are removing cases identified via antibody from PR's historical Positive field.
Batch #477
Published on November 7, 2020, 12:50 PM PST
As reported in #936, PR is changing probable case reporting to reflect antigen instead of antibody reporting, moving to report antibody in a suspected category. Probable cases have dropped to 77.
To avoid the appearance of a ~33,000 case drop today nationally and to reflect most up to date CSTE August definition, we are clearing PR's probable case history.
Batch #354
Published on October 1, 2020, 9:41 AM PDT
Received press release from Dept. de Salud with values updated to 8/28/20.
Backfill from 8/28/20-9/30/20 for Total Tests(PCR), Positive Tests(PCR), and Negative Tests(PCR).
Batch #277
Published on September 17, 2020, 3:32 PM PDT
daily push