January 14, 2021


Can they publish vaccine data for LTC facilities?


January 14, 2021

Answered by

We do not currently have this capability. We are collecting data from LTCFs via self-report surveys. Only about 50% of the facilities that have conducted clinics are currently reporting. We are working to increase that number and also hope to get this information added to the dashboard, we're just not there yet.

November 2, 2020


Can you publish the breakdown of antigen / PCR tests on your dashboard?


November 2, 2020

Answered by

Re: putting a breakdown of the total tests by test type on the dashboard, I brought it up with our surveillance team and it's something we'll look into. It may show up as part of a table detailing some other breakdowns of test data on a future update to the dashboard. Thanks for making the suggestion!

October 7, 2020


Are we reporting total tests accurately?


November 2, 2020

Answered by

No worries, this works too. Using the CSV you referenced in your original email (Overview_Total Tests by Date_2020-10-30.csv, for example) is the correct way to get both the total number of tests overall as well as the breakdown by type (PCR & antigen). In fact, to get the number of total tests in the box at the top of the, we're summing the "Count" variable from the same data set that is used to create the above CSV. To get total numbers of tests by PCR or antigen, filter that same CSV by "Test Type" as appropriate (which is what you're doing by the sound of it).

September 30, 2020


Hospitalizations: In the files, how can we find the hospitalization data available on the hospitalization page (https://coronavirus-dashboard.utah.gov/#hospitalizations-mortality)? I cannot find: cumulative in ICU, daily and cumulative on ventilator, current PUI hospitalized (since we capture confirmed + PUI for hospitalizations).


October 6, 2020

Answered by

Sorry - missed this email. Let me chase down the hospitalization stuff.

September 30, 2020


There are 2 files: 'Overview_Number of People Tested by Date_2020-09-30.csv' 'Overview_Total Tests by Date_2020-09-30.csv' One makes it sound like it's specimens, and the other makes it sound like it's people, but the values in both files are the same. Is it expected? can they describe each file? The counts they have in the files do not exactly match the dashboard. Today the numbers match but yesterday they didnt. It's hard to make conclusions from 2 days, but I'd want to know whether the zip should always reflect the dashboard exactly?


October 6, 2020

Answered by

On the other two files, I'm not seeing the same thing you're seeing. The values in each file are different. They may be the same in the earlier days of the outbreak (as it was less likely people would be tested multiple times until later into the outbreak), but as I scroll down through the file the values are definitely different. Maybe there was a problem with the file on 9/30, but yes, the charts should reflect the dashboard.Will get back to you when I hear about the hospitalizations.

September 23, 2020


Is it possible to add all the data in the "Number of People Tested by Date" and "Total Tests by Date" graphs to the datasets in Utah's open data catalog https://opendata.utah.gov/browse?category=Health If not, is is possible to add the option to download the raw data below the charts? It might be an option to enable in plotly.


September 29, 2020

Answered by

We've started including downloadable .zip file with individual CSV files that contain all the data on our dashboard. I think you can find this information in these files. If you go to our dashboard you will see some text at the top of the "Overview" tab. The link to the .zip file is at the end of the text.

September 2, 2020


We are currently interpreting Total Tests Reported as referring to the total number of tests conducted, and we are interpreting Total People Tested as referring to the total number of unique individuals tested. Are these correct interpretations?


September 2, 2020

Answered by

Those are correct interpretations.

September 2, 2020

Answered by

Yes, your interpretation is correct.

September 2, 2020


Do you have plans to release a full historical time-series of all testing and results? We have been capturing the total test results in Total Tests Reported since 7/16/2020 and number of unique individuals tested in Total People Tested since 5/13/2020. Do you plan to release a historical time series of that number? Will this historical dataset be available consistently and in an automation friendly form, like an ArcGIS or CKAN API or a direct download of CSV or JSON?


September 2, 2020

Answered by

We have no plans to do that at this time. You can track people tested by day, as well as total tests by day, along with total positives/negatives each day going back to day 1 on the charts on the "Overview" tab.

September 2, 2020

Answered by

You can track people tested by day, as well as total tests by day, along with total positives/negatives each day going back to day 1 on the charts on the "Overview" tab.

September 2, 2020


Other states provide their COVID-19 testing and outcomes in machine readable format, but as far as we are aware Utah Department of Health does not at this time. Do you have plans to release this data in a machine readable format, like an ArcGIS or CKAN API or a direct download of CSV or JSON?


September 2, 2020

Answered by

Not at this time.

September 2, 2020


We’re also interested in testing data in units of “testing encounters”, which can be defined as “the number of unique people who have been tested per day.“ Under this metric, if a person is being tested once today and once again the following week, that counts as two tests, however, if the same person has two samples tested at a testing center visit, then that only counts as one testing encounter. Are you willing to or are you planning to release testing encounters? If so, will you be able to provide historical data consistently under a machine readable format, like an ArcGIS or CKAN API or a direct download of CSV or JSON?


September 2, 2020

Answered by

We have no plans for that at this time.

August 13, 2020


Is Utah conducting antigen testing? If so: Are these testing results reported on the state site? How many antigen tests have been conducted? Are the total antigen test numbers included in the "Total Tests Reported" or the "Total People Tested" topline numbers on the dashboard?


August 13, 2020

Answered by

Yes, we are tracking and reporting antigen tests. The number of positive and negative antigen tests can be found at https://coronavirus.utah.gov/case-counts/ in the graph titled, "Number of people tested" on the Overview tab. You can click on the key to see the data points. They are very tiny to see, but if you hover over them, a little box will pop up that has the number by day. Because an antigen test is accurate in detecting active infection and which we use to make decisions like isolation or quarantine, we do include antigen test results in our total tests at the top of the overview tab.

August 13, 2020


Is it possible to add all the data in the "Number of People Tested by Data" and "Total Tests by Data" graphs to the datasets in Utah's open data catalog? If not, is it possible to add the option to download the raw data below the charts?


August 13, 2020

Answered by

We have no plans currently to do this. If you would like a raw data file, you'll need to file a request with our office so we can filter it to our data teams. Please know that we are several weeks out with any data requests due to the large volumne of these we get each day.

August 13, 2020


Is Utah performing pool testing? If so: How is this testing reported? What types of tests are being used for this?


August 13, 2020

Answered by

We are not doing any pool testing at this time.

June 15, 2020


Does Utah plan on separating the categories for long term care facilities? i.e. nursing home, long-term care and assisted living?


June 15, 2021

Answered by

We do not plan to separate LTCF by license type.

June 10, 2020


What does facilities resolved mean with regards to long term care facilities?


June 10, 2020

Answered by

If a facility has gone 14 days without a new positive case we consider the outbreak in the facility to be resolved.

June 1, 2020


Will Utah report deaths on race & ethnicity?


June 15, 2020

Answered by

They are now doing that! They published a new dashboard today.

June 1, 2020

Answered by

On the new data element, shooting for later this week. There are still some age categories and race/ethnicity categories where the numbers of deaths are too small to report, so trying to determine how best to address that. We are also looking at adding some rolling, 7-day graphs looking at percent positive of total daily tests.

June 1, 2020


Is it possible for UT to report demographics such that they add to 100% (not double count?)


June 1, 2020

Answered by

The race/ethnicity groups are not mutually exclusive, and allow for reporting race in combination or alone. These data have been cleaned prior to posting, and we will not remove a race or ethnicity if somebody reports in more than one category.

May 4, 2020


UT reached out to us about new dashboard


May 4, 2020

Answered by

Looking like it will probably be Thursday of this week. We will have case rates by small area, data on co-morbidities of cases and hospitalized cases, some new epi/incidence curves, cumulative information on ICU admits and ventilator use.