Michigan : Long-term care notes


Michigan reports long-term care COVID-19 data for Skilled Nursing Facilities and Home for the Aged. COVID Tracking Project puts Nursing Home data in the Nursing Home category, and Home of the Aged data in Lumped or Other category in our dataset. Michigan reports cumulative and outbreak data. Michigan does provide facility-level data. Michigan reports staff and resident cases and staff and resident deaths separately. Data is cumulative since January 1, 2020.

Michigan provides cumulative totals for resident and staff cases and resident and staff deaths and number of facilities with a case.

Michigan** **provides outbreak data for resident and staff cases and resident and staff deaths. Michigan reports outbreak data in their weekly report as “new” cases and deaths. Michigan does not define what “New” means. Michigan defines an outbreak as a facility with 1 or more cases in a 14-day period. An outbreak ends when 14 days have passed with no new confirmed case.

Michigan reports facility-level data.

Michigan’s data includes the total of suspected and confirmed resident deaths, total of confirmed COVID-19 staff cases, and cumulative total of suspected and confirmed staff deaths. Michigan reported only the number of resident cases from May 15 to June 15.

Source links

Facility notes

The state provides facility-level cumulative data. The state provides facility-level outbreak data. Cumulative facility-level data was first reported by the state on 2020-05-15. Outbreak facility-level data was first reported by the state on 2020-11-19.

Because each state reports facility-level data differently, CTP has produced a number of scripts to make the dataset as standardized and comprehensive as possible. This state uses the following scripts: post_processing, standardize_data. More information on each of these scripts can be found in our Airtable Facility Script Annotations. (https://airtable.com/shr99Ep06cplrcVg6)