Published data

Metadata Antigen tests Antibody tests PCR tests Cases Hospitalization Outcomes
Date Date checked Total test results source Total antigen tests (people) Positive antigen tests (people) Negative antigen tests (people) Total antigen tests (specimens) Positive antigen tests (specimens) Negative antigen tests (specimens) Total antibody tests (people) Positive antibody tests (people) Negative antibody tests (people) Total antibody tests (specimens) Positive antibody tests (specimens) Negative antibody tests (specimens) Total PCR tests (test encounters) Total PCR tests (specimens) Positive PCR tests (specimens) Negative PCR tests (specimens) Total PCR tests (people) Negative PCR tests (people) Pending Confirmed Cases Probable Cases Cases (confirmed plus probable) Currently hospitalized/Now hospitalized Cumulative hospitalized/Ever hospitalized Currently in ICU/Now in ICU Cumulative in ICU/Ever in ICU Currently on ventilator/Now on ventilator Cumulative on ventilator/Ever on ventilator Hospital discharges Recovered Deaths (confirmed and probable) Deaths (confirmed) Deaths (probable)
2020-09-27 2020-09-27T10:00:00Z totalTestsViral N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 132,108 11,517 120,591 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2,555,705 147,832 N/A 1,594,363 1,470,960 N/A 123,403 N/A 123,403 328 15,398 90 N/A N/A N/A N/A 7,463 3,935 3,790 145


Batch #409

Published on October 17, 2020, 9:43 PM PDT

MD has a report of weekly antibody test metrics going back to 7/29 that we (Michal) just found. Backfilling values.

Metadata Antigen tests Antibody tests PCR tests Cases Hospitalization Outcomes
Date Date checked Total test results source Total antigen tests (people) Positive antigen tests (people) Negative antigen tests (people) Total antigen tests (specimens) Positive antigen tests (specimens) Negative antigen tests (specimens) Total antibody tests (people) Positive antibody tests (people) Negative antibody tests (people) Total antibody tests (specimens) Positive antibody tests (specimens) Negative antibody tests (specimens) Total PCR tests (test encounters) Total PCR tests (specimens) Positive PCR tests (specimens) Negative PCR tests (specimens) Total PCR tests (people) Negative PCR tests (people) Pending Confirmed Cases Probable Cases Cases (confirmed plus probable) Currently hospitalized/Now hospitalized Cumulative hospitalized/Ever hospitalized Currently in ICU/Now in ICU Cumulative in ICU/Ever in ICU Currently on ventilator/Now on ventilator Cumulative on ventilator/Ever on ventilator Hospital discharges Recovered Deaths (confirmed and probable) Deaths (confirmed) Deaths (probable)
2020-09-27 2020-09-27T19:47:00Z totalTestsViral N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 132,108 11,517 120,591 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2,555,705 147,832 N/A 1,594,363 1,470,960 N/A 123,403 N/A 123,403 328 15,398 90 N/A N/A N/A N/A 7,463 3,935 3,790 145

Batch #337

Published on September 27, 2020, 3:25 PM PDT

daily push

Metadata Antigen tests Antibody tests PCR tests Cases Hospitalization Outcomes
Date Date checked Total test results source Total antigen tests (people) Positive antigen tests (people) Negative antigen tests (people) Total antigen tests (specimens) Positive antigen tests (specimens) Negative antigen tests (specimens) Total antibody tests (people) Positive antibody tests (people) Negative antibody tests (people) Total antibody tests (specimens) Positive antibody tests (specimens) Negative antibody tests (specimens) Total PCR tests (test encounters) Total PCR tests (specimens) Positive PCR tests (specimens) Negative PCR tests (specimens) Total PCR tests (people) Negative PCR tests (people) Pending Confirmed Cases Probable Cases Cases (confirmed plus probable) Currently hospitalized/Now hospitalized Cumulative hospitalized/Ever hospitalized Currently in ICU/Now in ICU Cumulative in ICU/Ever in ICU Currently on ventilator/Now on ventilator Cumulative on ventilator/Ever on ventilator Hospital discharges Recovered Deaths (confirmed and probable) Deaths (confirmed) Deaths (probable)
2020-09-27 2020-09-27T19:47:00Z totalTestsViral N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2,555,705 147,832 N/A 1,594,363 1,470,960 N/A 123,403 N/A 123,403 328 15,398 90 N/A N/A N/A N/A 7,463 3,935 3,790 145