Now in ICU (confirmed + suspected)


Reported patients currently hospitalized who have suspected or lab-confirmed COVID-19. Only adult cases are reported.

This data is published by HHS. We include it to show federal as well as state data.

December 8, 2020, 10:38 AM PST

Reported patients currently hospitalized who have suspected or lab-confirmed COVID-19. Only adult cases are reported.

This data is published by HHS. We include it to show federal as well as state data.

December 7, 2020, 8:44 PM PST

Reported patients currently hospitalized who have suspected or lab-confirmed COVID-19. Only adult cases are reported.

This data is published by HHS. We include it to show federal as well as state data.

December 7, 2020, 7:12 PM PST

Reported patients currently hospitalized who have suspected or lab-confirmed COVID-19. Only adult cases are reported.

This data is published by HHS. We include it to show federal as well as state data._

December 7, 2020, 7:08 PM PST

Reported patients currently hospitalized who have suspected or lab-confirmed COVID-19. Only adult cases are reported.