date,state,totalTestsPeopleAntigen,positiveTestsPeopleAntigen,negativeTestsPeopleAntigen,totalTestsAntigen,positiveTestsAntigen,negativeTestsAntigen,totalTestsPeopleAntibody,positiveTestsPeopleAntibody,negativeTestsPeopleAntibody,totalTestsAntibody,positiveTestsAntibody,negativeTestsAntibody,totalTestEncountersViral,totalTestsViral,positiveTestsViral,negativeTestsViral,positiveCasesViral,probableCases,totalTestsPeopleViral,positive,negative,pending,hospitalizedCurrently,hospitalizedCumulative,inIcuCurrently,inIcuCumulative,onVentilatorCurrently,onVentilatorCumulative,recovered,death,deathConfirmed,deathProbable,lastUpdateTime,dateChecked,checker,doubleChecker,privateNotes,dataQualityGrade Date,State,Total Antigen Tests (People),Positive Antigen Tests (People),Negative Antigen Tests (People),Total Antigen Tests,Positive Antigen Tests,Negative Antigen Tests,Total Antibody Tests (People),Positive Antibody Tests (People),Negative Antibody Tests (People),Total Antibody Tests,Positive Antibody Tests,Negative Antibody Tests,Total Test Encounters (PCR),Total Tests (PCR),Positive Tests (PCR),Negative Tests (PCR),Positive Cases (PCR),Probable Cases,Total PCR Tests (People),Positive,Negative,Pending,Hospitalized – Currently,Hospitalized – Cumulative,In ICU – Currently,In ICU – Cumulative,On Ventilator – Currently,On Ventilator – Cumulative,Recovered,Deaths,Deaths (confirmed),Deaths (probable),Last Update ET,Check time (ET),Checker,Doublechecker,Notes,Data Quality Grade 2021-01-11,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4621140,,416129,,332730,70656,,403386,4288410,403,3117,19182,571,,352,,33142,5393,4758,635,01/10 17:00,01/11 16:00,SAC,JAL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2021-01-10,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4588152,,411465,,329185,69671,,398856,4258967,374,3060,19095,553,,348,,32998,5383,4749,634,01/09 17:00,01/10 16:12,SAC,KP,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2021-01-09,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4537960,,404268,,325517,68198,,393715,4212443,321,3032,19025,565,,348,,32833,5381,4748,633,01/08 17:00,01/09 16:04,LMB,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2021-01-08,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4500002,,398661,,321172,66745,,387917,4178830,298,2991,18918,547,,351,,32595,5312,4681,631,01/07 17:00,01/08 16:22,MAA,BAG,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2021-01-07,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4463768,,392694,,317123,65556,,382679,4146645,337,3000,18790,568,,366,,32368,5275,4646,629,01/06 17:00,01/07 16:23,NLK,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2021-01-06,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4428211,,386635,,313349,63951,,377300,4114862,307,2925,18636,537,,357,,32101,5226,4604,622,01/05 17:00,01/06 15:57,SAO,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2021-01-05,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4404641,,382344,,309659,62254,,371913,4094982,310,2918,18526,558,,337,,31735,5191,4572,619,01/04 17:00,01/05 16:17,SAO,JCF,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2021-01-04,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4383477,,378485,,306617,60919,,367536,4076860,332,2765,18387,563,,339,,31561,5132,4522,610,01/03 17:00,01/04 16:00,SAO,HMH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2021-01-03,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4365480,,375690,,303881,59884,,363765,4061599,306,2708,18310,557,,344,,31368,5124,4516,608,01/02 17:00,01/03 16:33,ELC,SB,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2021-01-02,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4337939,,371576,,299963,58792,,358755,4037976,309,2710,18240,557,,335,,31182,5117,4509,608,01/01 17:00,01/02 16:13,GBS,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2021-01-01,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4291320,,364782,,297053,57713,,354766,3994267,340,2754,18166,557,,322,,30964,5081,4478,603,12/31 17:00,01/01 16:26,EFD,KVP,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-31,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4255991,,359589,,293446,56138,,349584,3962545,356,2744,18041,525,,328,,30707,5032,4437,595,12/30 17:00,12/31 15:57,PJS,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-30,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4220943,,354682,,289732,54613,,344345,3931211,341,2707,17910,553,,330,,30444,4984,4394,590,12/29 17:00,12/30 16:13,SAO,JCF,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-29,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4191183,,350261,,287216,53081,,340297,3903967,329,2698,17782,539,,326,,30133,4920,4340,580,12/28 17:00,12/29 17:06,QN,LSW,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-28,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4168673,,347136,,284344,51831,,336175,3884329,332,2563,17605,526,,321,,29782,4861,4288,573,12/27 17:00,12/28 15:57,LMB,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-27,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4149987,,344591,,282407,51169,,333576,3867580,318,2495,17548,514,,318,,29661,4854,4285,569,12/26 17:00,12/27 16:14,ALF,RRS,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-26,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4128799,,341947,,279153,50424,,329577,3849646,267,2454,17464,548,,299,,29545,4840,4272,568,12/25 17:00,12/26 16:18,MBM,LSW,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-25,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4070000,,338769,,278048,49945,,327993,3794765,272,2478,17450,518,,291,,29131,4820,4268,552,12/24 17:00,12/25 16:24,DJW,KVP,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-24,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4070000,,334662,,275235,48680,,323915,3794765,337,2577,17389,530,,294,,28940,4791,4263,528,12/23 17:00,12/24 16:13,LDH,MBM,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-23,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,4029903,,329850,,271811,47322,,319133,3758092,354,2586,17271,532,,290,,28330,4760,4251,509,12/22 17:00,12/23 16:09,SAC,JAL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-22,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3993232,,325601,,268472,46009,,314481,3724760,342,2166,17083,535,,279,,28175,4705,4221,484,12/21 17:00,12/22 17:17,MAJ,DZL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-21,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3975016,,323094,,265785,45105,,310890,3709231,329,2442,16948,530,,282,,27887,4654,4192,462,12/20 17:00,12/21 16:50,LMB,KVP,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-20,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3937968,,319340,,262589,44259,,306848,3675379,326,2405,16878,517,,272,,27780,4650,4189,461,12/19 17:00,12/20 16:09,LMB,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-19,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3888669,,314238,,259635,43337,,302972,3629034,318,2429,16824,495,,264,,27633,4643,4184,459,12/18 17:00,12/19 16:06,JJH,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-18,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3831683,,308734,,256999,42389,,299388,3574684,334,2409,16684,510,,254,,27471,4598,4164,434,12/17 17:00,12/17 16:07,SAC,BAG,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-17,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3810790,,306207,,254722,41371,,296093,3556068,410,2399,16503,490,,246,,27307,4553,4126,427,12/16 17:00,12/17 16:13,SAO,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-16,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3780026,,302764,,251894,40346,,292240,3528132,359,2349,16353,511,,257,,27060,4508,4090,418,12/15 17:00,12/16 16:16,SAO,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-15,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3754756,,299894,,249040,39269,,288309,3505716,382,2361,16187,490,,240,,26929,4470,4058,412,12/14 17:00,12/15 16:11,EFD,HMH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-14,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3729013,,296965,,246566,38583,,285149,3482447,415,2260,16073,458,,236,,26618,4414,4009,405,12/13 17:00,12/14 16:10,SAO,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-13,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3702747,,294026,,243919,37990,,281909,3458828,358,2154,16014,426,,220,,26503,4411,4006,405,12/12 17:00,12/13 17:03,JWD,NEZ,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-12,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3670781,,290122,,241397,37218,,278615,3429384,338,2117,15967,440,,229,,26434,4409,4005,404,12/11 17:00,12/12 16:21,KEH,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-11,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3634492,,285871,,238281,36157,,274438,3396211,366,2115,15864,427,,216,,26190,4370,3973,397,12/10 17:00,12/11 16:21,NMW,KVP,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-10,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3600741,,282215,,235720,35323,,271043,3365021,366,2051,15723,415,,203,,26016,4335,3940,395,12/09 17:00,12/10 16:36,JWD,NEZ,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-09,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3573299,,279105,,232940,34188,,267128,3340359,382,2035,15592,436,,200,,25862,4281,3894,387,12/08 17:00,12/09 16:51,HGC,JAG,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-08,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3545869,,275809,,229553,33177,,262730,3316316,348,1918,15467,435,,196,,25201,4260,3875,385,12/07 17:00,12/08 16:54,SAC,CB-M,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-07,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3522052,,273087,,226426,32444,,258870,3295626,329,1885,15356,403,,180,,25401,4208,3829,379,12/06 17:00,12/07 16:06,MBM,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-06,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3492201,,270132,,223379,31674,,255053,3268822,479,1969,15295,395,,187,,25235,4200,3822,378,12/05 17:00,12/06 16:10,MSO,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-05,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3436348,,263811,,220510,30663,,251173,3215838,344,1852,15255,407,,183,,25115,4197,3819,378,12/04 17:00,12/05 16:13,KFA,BML,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-04,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3386624,,258264,,217588,29792,,247380,3169036,368,1854,15116,413,,187,,24998,4160,3805,355,12/03 17:00,12/04 16:16,SAC,LSW,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-03,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3361001,,255535,,215768,28735,,244503,3145233,386,1853,15014,411,,186,,24782,4147,3798,349,12/02 17:00,12/03 16:10,HAH,KVP,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-02,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3350896,,253961,,214386,28094,,242480,3136510,388,1860,14883,427,,188,,24620,4113,3768,345,12/01 17:00,12/02 16:17,HAH,JAL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-12-01,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3341426,,252516,,212916,27147,,240063,3128510,335,1757,14725,398,,173,,24393,4093,3750,343,11/30 17:00,12/01 17:34,HMH,SB,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-30,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3326327,,250857,,211254,26581,,237835,3115073,327,1658,14619,376,,162,,24199,4062,3723,339,11/29 17:00,11/30 16:39,JJH,DZL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-29,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3309343,,249282,,209783,26159,,235942,3099560,338,1628,14572,365,,155,,24062,4058,3719,339,11/28 17:00,11/29 16:45,PJS,BAG,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-28,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3295208,,247942,,208169,25448,,233617,3087039,271,1585,14516,370,,149,,23957,4054,3715,339,11/27 17:00,11/28 16:13,LLB,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-27,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3269710,,245600,,205632,24812,,230444,3064078,317,1593,14451,373,,160,,23858,4044,3704,340,11/26 17:00,11/27 16:33,BNB,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-26,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3236893,,243145,,204406,24494,,228900,3032487,315,1601,14417,370,,152,,23749,4029,3698,331,11/25 17:00,11/26 16:02,BAG,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-25,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3213866,,239167,,202426,23874,,226300,3011440,304,1549,14312,361,,153,,23625,4008,3679,329,11/24 17:00,11/25 16:46,HAH,RSG,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-24,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3187267,,239167,,200284,23298,,223582,2986983,323,1496,14212,354,,146,,23498,3979,3660,319,11/23 17:00,11/24 16:52,RSS,KVP,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-23,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3161059,,237216,,198142,22896,,221038,2962917,382,1512,14096,351,,152,,23253,3942,3629,313,11/22 17:00,11/23 16:31,CKW,JNG,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-22,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3118894,,234326,,195499,22297,,217796,2923395,351,1469,14046,320,,145,,23133,3938,3628,310,11/21 17:00,11/22 16:21,YXC,SMBS,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-21,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3071135,,230823,,193754,21925,,215679,2877381,349,1507,14017,331,,135,,23053,3938,3628,310,11/20 17:00,11/21 16:18,JCF,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-20,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3035632,,228050,,191971,21360,,213331,2843661,351,1510,13914,318,,133,,22946,3912,3605,307,11/20 17:00,11/20 16:15,SLS,HMH++,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-19,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3007461,,226178,,190156,20631,,210787,2817305,440,1569,13815,303,,123,,22858,3896,3594,302,11/18 17:00,11/19 16:45,BAG,CB-M,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-18,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2983430,,224321,,188853,19980,,208833,2794577,364,1469,13707,318,,126,,22594,3860,3569,291,11/17 17:00,11/18 16:22,KSB,HMH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-17,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2963157,,223485,,187287,19475,,206762,2775870,312,1392,13608,272,,103,,22466,3835,3557,278,11/16 17:00,11/17 16:14,YXC,DZL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-16,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2938133,,221669,,185525,19112,,204637,2752608,266,1337,13552,263,,118,,22362,3806,3533,273,11/15 17:00,11/16 16:39,BAG,JAL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-15,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2920737,,220239,,183454,18506,,201960,2737283,278,1284,13504,252,,120,,22252,3800,3527,273,11/14 17:00,11/15 16:06,BAG,LDH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-14,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2887002,,217693,,182484,18315,,200799,2704518,293,1312,13480,261,,121,,22192,3799,3526,273,11/13 17:00,11/14 15:58,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-13,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2864009,,215909,,181476,17786,,199262,2682533,318,1296,13408,258,,115,,22095,3785,3513,272,11/12 17:00,11/13 15:55,BAG,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-12,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2853797,,214915,,180623,17404,,198027,2673174,370,1313,13339,246,,110,,22002,3758,3490,268,11/11 17:00,11/12 16:23,BAG,DZL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-11,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2841807,,213917,,179686,16820,,196506,2662121,362,1265,13273,250,,106,,21863,3741,3474,267,11/10 17:00,11/11 16:54,JPL,LSW,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-10,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2820659,,212446,,178432,16480,,194912,2642227,289,1174,13183,224,,88,,21716,3726,3460,266,11/09 17:00,11/10 16:03,KVP,LDH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-09,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2802850,,211092,,177240,16237,,193477,2625610,303,1127,13116,214,,98,,21618,3713,3447,266,11/08 17:00,11/09 16:15,BAG,JNG,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-08,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2787106,,210094,,176219,15956,,192175,2610887,271,1090,13064,202,,90,,21494,3707,3441,266,11/07 17:00,11/08 16:28,YC,LDH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-07,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2766353,,208746,,175187,15686,,190873,2591166,264,1062,13022,215,,91,,21441,3704,3439,265,11/06 17:00,11/07 15:56,KVP,HMH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-06,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2743229,,207023,,173645,15125,,188770,2569584,266,1057,12936,216,,96,,21366,3682,3432,250,11/05 17:00,11/06 15:55,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-05,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2719206,,205694,,172418,14784,,187202,2546788,297,1064,12865,240,,104,,21289,3688,3426,262,11/04 17:00,11/05 16:25,KSB,QN,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-04,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2700765,,204362,,171426,14410,,185836,2529339,262,1041,12797,231,,102,,20372,3677,3416,261,11/03 17:00,11/04 16:44,JAL,NEZ,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-03,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2685669,,203259,,170577,14102,,184679,2515092,280,1026,12739,222,,97,,20306,3666,3408,258,11/02 17:00,11/03 17:00,YC,JNG,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-02,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2663155,,201764,,169512,13906,,183418,2493643,309,1031,12674,214,,97,,20124,3658,3402,256,11/01 17:00,11/02 16:11,SNW,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-11-01,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2647659,,200892,,168675,13717,,182392,2478984,289,1012,12647,228,,98,,20044,3655,3399,256,10/31 17:00,11/01 17:38,HH,NEZ,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-31,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2626052,,199544,,167703,13487,,181190,2458349,273,1026,12604,228,,104,,20008,3654,3398,256,10/30 17:00,10/31 16:03,KVP,BML,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-30,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2606664,,198437,,166551,13088,,179639,2440113,302,1065,12511,231,,107,,19929,3643,3391,252,10/29 17:00,10/30 16:10,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-29,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2583805,,196941,,165384,12799,,178183,2418421,334,1082,12454,249,,108,,19832,3636,3384,252,10/28 17:00,10/29 16:15,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-28,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2563313,,195768,,164308,12446,,176754,2399005,336,1068,12384,252,,113,,19786,3616,3364,252,10/27 17:00,10/28 16:51,GET,ALF,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-27,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2543515,,194517,,163339,12070,,175409,2380176,335,1081,12320,230,,106,,19702,3600,3350,250,10/27 17:00,10/27 16:02,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-26,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2525421,,193427,,162427,11848,,174275,2362994,312,1048,12260,230,,114,,19583,3581,3331,250,10/25 17:00,10/26 17:07,GET,JAC,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-25,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2510113,,192590,,161668,11703,,173371,2348445,283,979,12233,216,,109,,19520,3579,3329,250,10/24 17:00,10/25 16:03,SGG,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-24,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2489017,,191459,,160843,11529,,172372,2328174,283,979,12198,220,,117,,19455,3578,3328,250,10/23 17:00,10/24 15:51,RK,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-23,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2472061,,190579,,160004,11280,,171284,2312057,310,1012,12140,233,,113,,19406,3539,3293,246,10/22 17:00,10/23 16:59,RK,CB-M,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-22,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2451698,,189561,,159060,11044,,170104,2292638,424,1109,12073,218,,120,,19321,3524,3274,250,10/21 17:00,10/22 16:53,EG,LDH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-21,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2431736,,188401,,157998,10774,,168772,2273738,315,1010,12010,202,,97,,19226,3515,3266,249,10/20 17:00,10/21 17:18,RK,HMH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-20,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2411940,,187280,,157213,10541,,167754,2254727,249,937,11955,194,,98,,19170,3485,3236,249,10/19 17:00,10/20 16:30,RK,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-19,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2398111,,186494,,156439,10389,,166828,2241672,283,972,11882,210,,81,,19096,3457,3209,248,10/18 17:00,10/19 16:31,RK,DZL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-18,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2386778,,185890,,155838,10300,,166138,2230940,282,972,11861,205,,95,,19034,3433,3186,247,10/17 17:00,10/18 17:01,NMJ,SB,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-17,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2366380,,184857,,155068,10170,,165238,2211312,290,993,11831,219,,100,,18996,3422,3175,247,10/16 17:00,10/17 16:27,KVP,LDH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-16,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2346899,,183829,,154126,9998,,164124,2192773,329,1002,11780,222,,104,,18911,3408,3161,247,10/15 17:00,10/16 16:52,SAJ,HMH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-15,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2326802,,182743,,153117,9824,,162941,2173685,319,1009,11704,220,,104,,18831,3388,3149,239,10/14 17:00,10/15 17:13,KJZ,QN,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-14,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2304369,,181521,,152039,9571,,161610,2152330,334,1007,11628,230,,102,,18747,3381,3141,240,10/13 17:00,10/14 16:49,KFA,ALF,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-13,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2292562,,180768,,151357,9448,,160805,2141205,313,999,11598,200,,98,,18657,3372,3132,240,10/12 17:00,10/13 16:00,LNH,HMH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-12,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2271842,,179640,,150321,9249,,159570,2121521,321,965,11553,205,,92,,18539,3361,3122,239,10/11 17:00,10/12 16:24,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-11,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2256820,,176851,,149631,9085,,158716,2107189,296,924,11519,201,,98,,18492,3358,3120,238,10/10 17:00,10/11 17:54,SMBS,KP,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-10,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2238204,,176851,,148933,8972,,157905,2089271,301,943,11501,208,,97,,18447,3354,3116,238,10/09 17:00,10/10 16:05,KVP,BML,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/10 KVP) Found note on dashboard saying that 689 cases reported on Thur 10/08 shb reported on Wed 10/07.",A+ 2020-10-09,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2219510,,176851,,147928,8721,,156649,2071582,312,963,11447,205,,87,,18336,3344,3110,234,10/08 17:00,10/09 16:17,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link",A+ 2020-10-08,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2189792,,175080,,146957,8578,,155535,2042835,310,933,11393,196,,89,,18278,3328,3097,231,10/07 17:00,10/08 15:52,LNH,QN,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link",A+ 2020-10-07,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2170313,,174072,,145462,8229,,153691,2024851,362,1003,11345,228,,109,,18189,3303,3088,215,10/06 17:00,10/07 16:17,RK,JAC,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link",A+ 2020-10-06,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2154168,,173202,,144987,8195,,153182,2009181,319,926,11316,219,,104,,18112,3291,3077,214,10/05 17:00,10/06 16:29,RK,DZL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link",A+ 2020-10-05,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2139991,,172487,,144439,8118,,152557,1995552,329,925,11259,213,,101,,17893,3276,3063,213,10/04 17:00,10/05 17:19,JB,DZL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/4 KVP/ALF) Total Test Encounters didn't updated so carried over negatives (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-10-04,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2113878,,171249,,143883,7987,,151870,1970955,282,877,11221,197,,98,,17848,3273,3060,213,10/03 17:00,10/04 16:26,KVP,ALF,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (10/4 KVP/ALF) Total Test Encounters didn't updated so carried over negatives (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-10-03,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2113878,,171249,,142923,7880,,150803,1970955,306,906,11191,191,,103,,17810,3270,3057,213,10/02 17:00,10/03 15:56,KVP,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-10-02,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2094361,,169995,,141850,7837,,149687,1952511,300,890,11140,201,,108,,17752,3250,3037,213,10/01 17:00,10/02 16:06,LNH,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-10-01,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2074236,,169007,,140990,7731,,148721,1933246,326,913,11092,210,,107,,17713,3228,3015,213,09/30 17:00,10/01 16:23,KVP,LDH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-30,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2049988,,167677,,140614,7657,,148271,1909374,314,908,11041,190,,104,,17633,3208,2995,213,09/29 17:00,09/30 17:22,SMBS,PK,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-29,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2039510,,167223,,139961,7555,,147516,1899549,360,958,10978,202,,113,,17576,3187,2976,211,09/28 17:00,09/29 16:38,BHP,PR,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-28,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2027168,,166501,,139144,7449,,146593,1888024,288,890,10916,193,,103,,17483,3172,2962,210,09/27 17:00,09/28 17:27,BSM,ESK,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-27,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2003129,,165374,,138734,7410,,146144,1864395,265,868,10889,198,,103,,17443,3159,2951,208,09/26 17:00,09/27 16:04,KVP,HMH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-26,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1993344,,165048,,138173,7235,,145408,1855171,310,924,10863,202,,111,,17255,3144,2937,207,09/25 17:00,09/26 16:25,AYC,PK,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-25,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1973499,,163973,,137283,7150,,144433,1836216,348,965,10806,221,,117,,17185,3136,2930,206,09/24 17:00,09/25 15:58,LSW,RSG,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-24,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1952965,,163164,,136448,7044,,143492,1816517,358,982,10769,219,,112,,17099,3113,2907,206,09/23 17:00,09/24 16:25,KVP,LDH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-23,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1922606,,161672,,135626,6964,,142590,1786980,298,916,10718,215,,113,,17038,3089,2882,207,09/22 17:00,09/23 16:22,CML,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-22,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1911580,,161087,,135101,6909,,142010,1776479,308,940,10675,213,,113,,16979,3060,2853,207,09/21 17:00,09/22 15:50,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-21,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1898637,,160412,,134301,6837,,141138,1764336,343,995,10613,217,,106,,16903,3021,2816,205,09/20 17:00,9/21 16:44,SAL,HMH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-20,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1882028,,159604,,133722,6789,,140511,1748306,308,939,10591,263,,126,,16880,3015,2811,204,09/19 17:00,9/20 15:54,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-19,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1866666,,158898,,132966,6689,,139655,1733700,299,960,10562,219,,108,,16848,2990,2787,203,09/18 17:00,09/19 16:16,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-18,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1831623,,157605,,132090,6612,,138702,1699533,297,945,10520,212,,102,,16762,2949,2755,194,09/17 17:00,9/18 16:41,MRD,KWS,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-17,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1822012,,156565,,130960,6500,,137460,1691052,326,995,10464,225,,109,,16671,2920,2734,186,09/16 17:00,9/17 16:06,KVP,RSG,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-16,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1799851,,155402,,129963,6396,,136359,1669888,349,1027,10389,212,,103,,16536,2884,2711,173,09/15 17:00,9/16 17:19,JAG,PK,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/16 JAG) VA notes that “regarding the death data for Wednesday, September 16, 2020, there is an existing data backlog. VDH is working diligently to identify COVID-19 related deaths using vital record death certificate information.” (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken",A+ 2020-09-15,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1785553,,154395,,129259,6255,,135514,1656294,329,1015,10337,228,,104,,16449,2839,2691,148,09/14 17:00,9/15 15:50,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken ",A+ 2020-09-14,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1773158,,153493,,128400,6171,,134571,1644758,308,1006,10293,220,,110,,16361,2743,2607,136,09/13 17:00,9/14 16:29,SPA,DZL,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken ",A+ 2020-09-13,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1760096,,152703,,127672,6142,,133814,1632424,304,1012,10244,232,,119,,16310,2724,2591,133,09/12 17:00,09/13 17:00,KVP,LDH,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken ",A+ 2020-09-12,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1744020,,151825,,126850,6090,,132940,1617170,272,995,10218,228,,113,,16276,2722,2589,133,09/11 17:00,9/12 16:05,KVP,PK,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken ",A+ 2020-09-11,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1728110,,150703,,125703,5937,,131640,1602407,340,1120,10155,249,,120,,16143,2711,2578,133,09/10 17:00,9/11 16:49,LNH,CB-M,"PROCESS: Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken ",A+ 2020-09-10,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1710556,,149486,,124619,5906,,130525,1585937,333,1096,10085,255,,134,,16061,2708,2575,133,09/09 17:00,9/10 16:32,KVP,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-09-09,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1694203,,148183,,123488,5801,,129289,1570715,272,1072,10008,252,,121,,15967,2697,2564,133,09/08 17:00,9/09 16:22,JAG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-09-08,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1684048,,147187,,122711,5696,,128407,1561337,283,1051,9932,240,,118,,15770,2686,2553,133,09/07 17:00,9/08 17:18,AER,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (9/8 AER) links to positive anitibody tests and positive tests (PCR) are broken (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-09-07,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1676446,,146610,,121919,5652,,127571,1554527,294,1061,9902,249,,119,,15742,2684,2551,133,09/06 17:00,9/07 16:22,KVP,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-09-06,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1664475,,145825,,121317,5609,,126926,1543158,268,1083,9881,232,,119,,15683,2678,2545,133,09/05 17:00,9/06 16:04,KVP,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-09-05,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1652020,,144891,,120191,5536,,125727,1531829,285,1098,9849,243,,121,,15636,2677,2544,133,09/04 17:00,9/05 16:23,KVP,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-09-04,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1634308,,143477,,119259,5520,,124779,1515049,273,1101,9798,244,,128,,15492,2662,2529,133,09/03 17:00,9/04 16:42,JAG,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-09-03,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1619053,,142173,,118190,5478,,123668,1500863,330,1130,9741,257,,123,,15395,2652,2519,133,09/02 17:00,9/03 16:29,KVP,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-09-02,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1605290,,140932,,117141,5401,,122542,1488149,278,1114,9678,266,,134,,15319,2641,2508,133,09/01 17:00,9/02 16:09,KAT,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-09-01,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1593368,,140228,,116294,5321,,121615,1477074,235,1039,9621,258,,130,,15199,2612,2479,133,08/31 17:00,9/01 16:08,KVP ,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-31,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1581291,,139056,,115334,5260,,120594,1465957,318,1082,9569,257,,146,,15085,2580,2447,133,08/30 17:00,8/31 16:33,MJW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-30,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1568194,,137012,,114514,5233,,119747,1453680,313,1090,9555,251,,132,,14999,2569,2436,133,08/29 17:00,8/30 17:02,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-29,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1555487,,137012,,113623,5186,,118809,1441864,310,1101,9512,245,,131,,14957,2568,2435,133,08/28 17:00,8/29 16:26,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-28,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1539290,,135726,,112446,5146,,117592,1426844,288,1101,9460,261,,136,,14866,2550,2417,133,08/27 17:00,8/28 16:59,JNG,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-27,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1502521,,134326,,110437,5021,,115458,1392084,349,1174,9391,264,,148,,14764,2515,2382,133,08/26 17:00,8/27 17:55,AIA,DPT,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-26,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1502521,,133061,,110437,5021,,115458,1392084,328,1170,9326,265,,145,,14682,2515,2382,133,08/26 17:00,8/26 16:25,NEZ,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-25,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1495014,,132419,,109679,4956,,114635,1385335,347,1174,9259,273,,144,,14581,2494,2370,124,08/24 17:00,8/25 16:17,MJW,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-24,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1479117,,131291,,108767,4863,,113630,1370350,307,1127,9207,256,,134,,14482,2471,2352,119,08/23 17:00,8/24 16:01,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-23,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1466033,,130505,,108112,4854,,112966,1357921,309,1155,9176,251,,130,,14443,2467,2348,119,08/22 17:00,8/23 16:01,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-22,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1453671,,129523,,107268,4804,,112072,1346403,291,1154,9139,254,,125,,14353,2443,2324,119,08/21 17:00,8/22 16:01,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-21,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1437278,,128248,,106177,4683,,110860,1331101,357,1233,9071,263,,142,,14249,2436,2319,117,08/20 17:00,08/21 16:12,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-20,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1418335,,126909,,105289,4593,,109882,1313046,373,1266,8998,276,,148,,14091,2427,2310,117,08/19 17:00,08/20 16:40,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-19,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1402471,,125862,,104475,4544,,109019,1297996,343,1243,8925,280,,145,,13989,2410,2293,117,08/18 17:00,08/19 16:02,PK,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-18,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1385832,,125049,,103809,4473,,108282,1282023,381,1253,8849,300,,163,,13910,2396,2278,118,08/17 17:00,08/18 16:00,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-17,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1369037,,124287,,103016,4405,,107421,1266021,316,1173,8767,281,,158,,13827,2385,2268,117,08/16 17:00,08/17 16:36,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-16,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1349460,,123419,,102299,4388,,106687,1247161,341,1184,8737,283,,165,,13783,2381,2266,115,08/15 17:00,08/16 16:20,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-15,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1332938,,122373,,101448,4302,,105750,1231490,407,1271,8701,279,,167,,13694,2381,2265,116,08/14 17:00,08/15 15:51,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-14,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1316037,,121207,,100603,4235,,104838,1215434,439,1299,8650,268,,150,,13477,2370,2255,115,08/13 17:00,08/14 16:23,KAT,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-13,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1301909,,120124,,99428,4194,,103622,1202481,390,1258,8592,289,,141,,13389,2363,2248,115,08/12 17:00,08/13 16:04,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-12,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1283409,,118778,,98374,4147,,102521,1185035,397,1281,8532,290,,142,,13247,2352,2238,114,08/11 17:00,08/12 16:37,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-11,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1267512,,117747,,97712,4033,,101745,1169800,427,1293,8458,280,,148,,13152,2344,2232,112,08/10 17:00,08/11 16:18,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-10,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1257605,,116969,,96807,3942,,100749,1160798,396,1251,8391,279,,159,,12961,2327,2215,112,08/09 17:00,08/10 16:00,MJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-09,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1240339,,115992,,96167,3919,,100086,1144172,344,1200,8369,260,,146,,12923,2326,2214,112,08/08 17:00,08/09 16:16,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-08,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1219165,,115088,,95326,3863,,99189,1123839,362,1258,8332,271,,145,,12843,2322,2211,111,08/07 17:00,08/08 16:13,MJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-07,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1205004,,113903,,94141,3741,,97882,1110863,475,1372,8281,284,,159,,12725,2317,2208,109,08/06 17:00,08/07 16:00,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-06,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1191304,,112844,,92244,3623,,95867,1099060,474,1349,8183,284,,157,,12635,2299,2191,108,08/05 17:00,08/06 16:25,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-05,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1176180,,111669,,91473,3576,,95049,1084707,423,1304,8126,283,,144,,12522,2274,2164,110,08/04 17:00,08/05 16:44,MJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-04,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1164515,,110906,,90728,3523,,94251,1073787,375,1255,8085,282,,144,,12385,2244,2134,110,08/03 17:00,08/04 16:46,CB-M,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-03,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1151604,,109903,,89602,3504,,93106,1062002,322,1205,8018,271,,151,,12255,2218,2108,110,08/02 17:00,08/03 16:49,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-02,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1136568,,108778,,88324,3458,,91782,1048244,315,1172,7955,267,,138,,12108,2218,2108,110,08/01 17:00,08/02 16:15,KVP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-08-01,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1123927,,107823,,87367,3434,,90801,1036560,352,1256,7910,275,,150,,12007,2215,2105,110,07/31 17:00,08/01 16:04,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-07-31,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1107360,,106630,,86501,3387,,89888,1020859,449,1334,7866,279,,145,,11937,2174,2067,107,07/30 17:00,07/31 16:30,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-07-30,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1091615,,105369,,85546,3358,,88904,1006069,492,1357,7786,284,,147,,11728,2141,2035,106,07/29 17:00,07/30 16:46,AJC,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-07-29,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1073463,,104037,,84700,3293,,87993,988763,484,1350,7738,276,,155,,11650,2125,2020,105,07/28 17:00,07/29 16:49,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-07-28,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1056148,,101450,,83732,3262,,86994,972416,436,1294,7686,261,,153,,11550,2095,1991,104,07/27 17:00,07/28 16:34,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-07-27,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1036010,,101450,,82871,3201,,86072,953139,379,1200,7647,260,,140,,10940,2082,1978,104,07/26 17:00,07/27 16:30,MM,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-07-26,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1025066,,100785,,81393,3174,,84567,943673,393,1174,7593,268,,143,,10882,2078,1975,103,07/25 17:00,07/26 16:36,AMW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-07-25,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1007314,,99636,,80480,3129,,83609,926834,416,1201,7570,266,,138,,10800,2075,1972,103,07/24 17:00,07/25 16:11,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+ 2020-07-24,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,987188,,98175,,79253,3111,,82364,907935,451,1250,7515,274,,142,,10576,2067,1964,103,07/23 17:00,07/24 17:31,SPA,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-23,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,969145,,96887,,78182,3055,,81237,890963,417,1218,7437,257,,136,,10479,2054,1951,103,07/22 17:00,07/23 16:18,KVP,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-22,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,951174,,94379,,77380,3013,,80393,873794,385,1157,7351,253,,136,,10331,2051,1948,103,07/21 17:00,07/22 16:40,KAT,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-21,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,937148,,94379,,76427,2944,,79371,860721,427,1189,7267,258,,127,,10235,2048,1945,103,07/20 17:00,07/21 15:55,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-20,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,917501,,93228,,75415,2960,,78375,842086,415,1158,7201,265,,125,,10107,2031,1927,104,07/19 17:00,07/20 16:54,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-19,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,910003,,92712,,74490,2940,,77430,829933,453,1186,7165,249,,127,,10017,2027,1923,104,07/18 17:00,07/19 16:02,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-18,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,897264,,91652,,73420,2953,,76373,813328,421,1166,7147,254,,108,,9976,2025,1921,104,07/17 17:00,07/18 15:56,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-17,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,880326,,90256,,72516,2917,,75433,801271,470,1171,7087,247,,118,,9883,2013,1909,104,07/16 17:00,07/17 16:43,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-16,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,867931,,89268,,71570,2861,,74431,786742,444,1134,7020,248,,118,,9644,2007,1903,104,07/15 17:00,07/16 16:29,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-15,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,854366,,88265,,70669,2858,,73527,771455,382,1081,6905,246,,113,,9527,1992,1882,110,07/14 17:00,07/15 15:57,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-14,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,840502,,87237,,69610,2833,,72443,758407,420,1127,6817,249,,112,,9423,1977,1870,107,07/13 17:00,07/14 16:21,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-13,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,826461,,86045,,68814,2828,,71642,742373,466,1129,6765,243,,105,,9330,1968,1861,107,07/12 17:00,07/13 15:39,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-12,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,813923,,84998,,67830,2840,,70670,733375,389,1045,6744,228,,101,,9310,1966,1859,107,07/11 17:00,07/12 15:46,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-11,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,797916,,83832,,66963,2819,,69782,716553,365,1020,6707,230,,97,,9271,1962,1857,105,07/10 17:00,07/11 15:28,SNW,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-10,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,781377,,82679,,66095,2836,,68931,699794,378,1006,6675,234,,102,,9189,1958,1853,105,07/09 17:00,07/10 16:23,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-09,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,767920,,81692,,65191,2797,,67988,685440,370,956,6625,215,,93,,9065,1937,1832,105,07/08 17:00,07/09 16:35,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-08,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,751199,,80487,,64583,2792,,67375,670624,377,971,6577,230,,98,,9011,1905,1799,106,07/07 17:00,7/08 16:50,DZL,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-07,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,738299,,79499,,63950,2790,,66740,661377,313,902,6512,221,,105,,8913,1881,1775,106,07/06 17:00,7/07 16:02,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-06,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,727501,,78870,,63339,2763,,66102,649011,218,783,6435,194,,86,,8809,1853,1747,106,07/05 17:00,7/06 15:42,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-05,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,718139,,78124,,62981,2767,,65748,643607,246,792,6418,202,,95,,8784,1853,1746,107,07/04 17:00,7/05 15:31,MEC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-04,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,707750,,77536,,62400,2709,,65109,634120,280,808,6405,207,,99,,8741,1849,1745,104,07/03 17:00,7/04 15:24,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-03,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,696041,,76798,,61690,2703,,64393,623967,283,818,6382,207,,95,,8711,1845,1741,104,07/02 17:00,7/03 16:03,MEC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-02,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,684558,,75964,,61039,2696,,63735,610521,343,888,6333,206,,95,,8496,1816,1712,104,07/01 17:00,7/02 16:49,ENT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-07-01,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,671918,,75141,,60528,2675,,63203,595430,357,892,6262,205,,95,,8131,1786,1681,105,06/30 17:00,07/01 15:47,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-30,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,655404,,74344,,60124,2663,,62787,582247,355,902,6203,230,,98,,8080,1763,1658,105,06/29 17:00,06/30 16:43,ASL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-29,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,645759,,73788,,59522,2667,,62189,574183,261,796,6164,225,,101,,8023,1740,1635,105,06/28 17:00,06/29 16:24,BAS,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-28,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,636714,,73198,,59071,2665,,61736,566592,295,818,6136,235,,107,,8005,1732,1628,104,06/27 17:00,06/28 15:50,ETS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-27,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,626022,,72567,,58611,2636,,61247,556679,284,819,6120,234,,103,,7968,1724,1620,104,06/26 17:00,06/27 16:16,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-26,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,615504,,71867,,57977,2593,,60570,545893,295,854,6071,219,,99,,7868,1700,1596,104,06/25 17:00,06/26 16:13,HMH,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-25,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,603811,,70986,,57384,2562,,59946,533020,303,854,5995,237,,104,,7818,1675,1572,103,06/24 17:00,06/25 16:12,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-24,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,592071,,70203,,56956,2558,,59514,517057,319,886,5955,235,,107,,7765,1661,1559,102,06/23 17:00,06/24 16:30,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-23,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,581308,,69593,,56452,2542,,58994,509383,291,847,5913,245,,126,,7725,1645,1542,103,06/22 17:00,06/23 15:34,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-22,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,573171,,69143,,55949,2516,,58465,499658,298,848,5869,240,,132,,7663,1620,1517,103,06/21 17:00,06/22 15:39,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-21,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,564397,,68672,,55504,2490,,57994,487682,297,863,5840,243,,125,,7646,1611,1508,103,06/20 17:00,06/21 16:02,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-20,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,550142,,67975,,54953,2490,,57443,473961,303,880,5807,267,,133,,7607,1607,1504,103,06/19 17:00,06/20 15:28,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-19,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,541308,,67410,,54312,2481,,56793,455618,285,862,5797,251,,121,,7563,1602,1499,103,06/18 17:00,06/19 15:52,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-18,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,531435,,66774,,53769,2469,,56238,445830,259,857,5744,241,,129,,7493,1586,1482,104,06/17 17:00,06/18 16:16,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-17,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,520100,,66042,,53318,2457,,55775,438566,313,938,5692,249,,120,,7429,1583,1478,105,06/16 17:00,06/17 15:41,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-16,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,509881,,65432,,52917,2414,,55331,430107,257,904,5643,241,,125,,7341,1570,1465,105,06/15 17:00,06/16 16:01,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-15,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,502392,,64951,,52460,2426,,54886,424113,259,902,5588,269,,130,,7230,1552,1444,108,06/14 17:00,06/15 15:28,HMH,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-14,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,493715,,64446,,52103,2403,,54506,414494,302,958,5536,334,,155,,7178,1546,1438,108,06/13 17:00,06/14 15:52,MEC,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-13,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,484215,,63856,,51499,2370,,53869,406124,283,959,5511,295,,142,,7131,1541,1435,106,06/12 17:00,06/13 15:09,KWS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-12,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,473654,,63219,,50853,2358,,53211,397319,363,1026,5445,297,,143,,7002,1534,1426,108,06/11 17:00,06/12 15:29,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-11,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,463688,,62434,,50275,2372,,52647,354750,358,1069,5360,273,,138,,6895,1520,1413,107,06/10 17:00,06/11 15:25,BHP,CML,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-10,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,451588,,61618,,49785,2392,,52177,346187,407,1155,5272,296,,139,,6826,1514,1408,106,06/09 17:00,06/10 16:23,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-09,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,440721,,60931,,49362,2376,,51738,339118,383,1169,5203,311,,155,,6677,1496,1391,105,06/08 17:00,06/09 15:35,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link for the Hospital Deashboard; - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-08,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,432667,,60282,,48879,2372,,51251,332341,373,1173,5143,308,,160,,6557,1477,1373,104,06/07 17:00,06/08 14:48,reb,RS,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link for the Hospital Deashboard; - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-07,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,424012,,59668,,48349,2332,,50681,329135,385,1186,5106,316,,165,,6538,1472,1369,103,06/06 17:00,06/07 16:24,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link for the Hospital Deashboard; - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-06,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,414775,,59020,,47123,2274,,49397,321734,350,1171,5054,324,,169,,6382,1460,1357,103,06/05 17:00,06/06 15:04,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-05,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,404882,,58319,,46281,2251,,48532,315238,374,1205,5008,320,,161,,6392,1453,1350,103,06/04 17:00,06/05 14:43,NRC,KP,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-04,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,392951,,57368,,45620,2236,,47856,305734,412,1266,4957,321,,171,,6284,1445,1338,107,06/03 17:00,06/04 16:06,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-03,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,381549,,56250,,44715,2190,,46905,295482,435,1311,4884,313,,185,,6165,1428,1322,106,06/02 17:00,06/03 17:05,ETW,QN,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-02,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,369281,,55298,,44069,2170,,46239,282650,450,1362,4770,336,,186,,6011,1407,1300,107,06/01 17:00,06/02 14:39,BSL,AFG,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-06-01,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,361797,,54481,,43247,2151,,45398,279321,419,1371,4694,347,,188,,5899,1392,1282,110,05/31 17:00,06/01 16:16,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-05-31,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,353839,,53898,,42499,2108,,44607,270784,500,1458,4643,371,,196,,5868,1375,1274,101,05/30 17:00,05/31 17:03,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-05-30,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,344000,,53077,,41529,2082,,43611,261901,481,1471,4601,372,,194,,5745,1370,1269,101,05/29 17:00,05/30 14:40,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-05-29,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,332047,,51711,,40477,2056,,42533,255844,525,1524,4529,373,,193,,5648,1358,1258,100,05/29 17:00,05/30 14:40,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-05-28,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,319685,,50205,,39393,2008,,41401,245880,476,1502,4442,416,,195,,5472,1338,1236,102,05/27 17:00,05/28 15:59,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-05-27,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,307928,,48969,,38276,1973,,40249,236798,444,1459,4385,390,,203,,5367,1281,1202,79,05/26 17:00,05/27 16:34,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-05-26,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,296427,,47645,,37440,1902,,39342,227839,412,1403,4325,366,,190,,5227,1236,1175,61,05/25 17:00,05/26 15:51,SLW,REB,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-05-25,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,291201,,47140,,35890,1837,,37727,221023,414,1376,4269,349,,182,,5145,1208,1158,50,05/24 17:00,05/25 15:48,AW,PR,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-05-24,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,283616,,46256,,34451,1793,,36244,207841,411,1351,4214,354,,192,,5102,1171,1135,36,05/23 17:00,05/24 14:32,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-05-23,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,276297,,45359,,33962,1787,,35749,196721,409,1384,4181,330,,213,,5047,1159,1123,36,05/22 17:00,05/23 16:08,BL,REB,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-05-22,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,265667,,43902,,33208,1742,,34950,190225,464,1459,4145,366,,207,,4963,1136,1100,36,05/21 17:00,05/22 16:25,G-S,QN,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-05-21,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,257480,,42676,,32428,1709,,34137,184462,490,1491,4093,351,,191,,4778,1099,1064,35,05/21 17:00,05/22 16:25,G-S,QN,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+ 2020-05-20,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,246428,,41104,,31247,1661,,32908,179718,518,1536,3979,370,,202,,4523,1074,1040,34,05/19 17:00,05/20 16:09,REB,PR,"(5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) (5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-19,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,238274,,39921,,30539,1606,,32145,170644,473,1497,3904,377,,199,,4271,1041,1007,34,05/18 17:00,05/19 17:23,REB,MM,"(5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) (5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-18,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,232634,,39211,,29591,1549,,31140,165086,530,1502,3822,361,,194,,4107,1014,980,34,05/17 17:00,05/18 14:59,REB,MM,"(5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) (5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-17,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,224126,,38003,,28901,1487,,30388,159973,527,1524,3775,379,,195,,3993,1009,975,34,05/16 17:00,05/17 14:43,REB,RS,"(5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) (5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-16,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,216321,,36922,,28233,1450,,29683,155885,485,1505,3724,381,,189,,3909,1002,968,34,05/15 17:00,05/16 15:45,RS,JAC,"(5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) (5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-15,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,209111,,35912,,27293,1379,,28672,149342,458,1511,3657,362,,195,,3805,977,944,33,05/14 17:00,05/15 16:16,REB,MM,"(5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) (5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-14,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,201159,,34740,,26469,1344,,27813,139017,496,1533,3592,355,,201,,3678,955,927,28,05/13 17:00,05/14 16:42,RS,QN,"(5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-13,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,192424,,33434,,25431,1315,,26746,134646,485,1526,3520,374,,202,,3554,927,899,28,05/12 17:00,,,,"(5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-12,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,186415,,32577,,24601,1199,,25800,129529,447,1529,3395,364,,201,,3400,891,864,27,05/12 9:00,05/12 15:18,RSB,KP,"(5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-11,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,182211,,31982,,23889,1181,,25070,125547,432,1504,3300,362,,194,,3273,850,823,27,05/10 17:00,05/11 15:47,SLW,REB,"(5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-10,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,176658,,31136,,22962,1119,,24081,118974,506,1555,3211,351,,187,,3201,839,813,26,05/09 17:00,05/10 14:37,JAC,DPT,"(5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-09,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,169541,,30016,,22086,1110,,23196,113953,501,1593,3164,367,,198,,3124,827,801,26,05/08 17:00,05/09 15:07,BL,REB,"(5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-08,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,161115,,28671,,21274,1068,,22342,107603,549,1625,3059,378,,199,,2997,812,787,25,05/07 17:00,05/08 15:12,JAC,KP,"(5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-07,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,153833,,27518,,20537,1033,,21570,101582,519,1613,2955,371,,203,,2825,769,745,24,05/06 17:00,05/07 15:43,RS,PR,"(5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-06,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,145121,,26185,,19357,899,,20256,93452,469,1496,2773,361,,189,,2617,713,690,23,05/04 17:00,05/06 16:39,REB,AW,"(5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-05,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,138936,,25079,,19357,899,,20256,93452,469,1496,2700,361,,189,,2617,713,690,23,05/04 17:00,05/06 16:39,REB,AW,"(5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-04,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,135641,,24539,,18640,852,,19492,92801,478,1463,2627,348,,192,,2547,684,662,22,05/03 17:00,05/04 14:55,SPA,RS,"(5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+ 2020-05-03,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,130820,,23596,,17873,798,,18671,89331,465,1413,2519,385,,193,,2497,660,644,16,05/02 17:00,05/03 16:40,REB,DPT,"(5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",B 2020-05-02,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,124968,,22637,,16979,752,,17731,84365,458,1426,2416,375,,202,,2312,616,607,9,05/02 0:00,,,,"(5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. (4/28) Methodology change for cumulative hospitalized as per DT and EK: add up the hospital dashboard and discharged (4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",B 2020-05-01,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,118355,,21476,,16109,792,,16901,89539,468,1431,2322,366,,193,,2196,581,572,9,04/30 17:00,05/01 15:40,SPA,AW,"(5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. (4/28) Methodology change for cumulative hospitalized as per DT and EK: add up the hospital dashboard and discharged (4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharched (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B 2020-04-30,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,112915,,20578,,15180,666,,15846,75663,583,1550,2259,372,,208,,2104,552,543,9,04/30 0:00,04/30 15:44,JAC,REB,"(4/28) Methodology change for cumulative hospitalized as per DT and EK: add up the hospital dashboard and discharged (4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharched (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B 2020-04-29,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,106271,,19344,,14328,633,,14961,70979,620,1566,2165,387,,222,,2042,522,513,9,04/29 0:00,04/29 15:58,ESK,PR,"(4/28) Methodology change for cumulative hospitalized as per DT and EK: add up the hospital dashboard and discharged (4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharched (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B 2020-04-28,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,102182,,18567,,13794,545,,14339,68959,560,1508,2066,376,,217,,1914,492,487,5,04/27 17:00,04/28 16:05,KP,AW,"(4/28) Methodology change for cumulative hospitalized as per DT and EK: add up the hospital dashboard and discharged (4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharched (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B 2020-04-27,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,98928,,17974,,13036,499,,13535,67144,542,1455,2014,389,,217,,1843,458,454,4,04/27 0:00,04/27 15:40,DPT,ESK,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B 2020-04-26,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,95186,,17180,,12488,482,,12970,63630,539,1436,1942,387,,217,,1815,448,444,4,04/26 0:00,04/26 15:47,BL,REB,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B 2020-04-25,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,91125,,16409,,11902,464,,12366,60276,1405,1405,1837,357,,223,,1717,436,432,4,04/25 0:00,04/25 14:29,REB,AW,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B 2020-04-24,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,87596,,15704,,11169,425,,11594,57846,487,1399,1753,379,,220,,1672,410,407,3,04/24 0:00,04/24 22:51,SPA,QN,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. (4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-23,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,82606,,14835,,10627,371,,10998,53891,492,1379,1659,400,,249,,1567,372,370,2,04/23 0:00,,,,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. (4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-22,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,77795,,13940,,9952,314,,10266,50512,477,1374,1581,419,,244,,1497,349,347,2,04/22 0:00,04/22 23:05,JFC,RV,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. (4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-21,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,75079,,13382,,9451,179,,9630,48724,477,1331,1500,403,,251,,1418,324,321,3,04/21 0:00,,,,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. (4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-20,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,73105,,12913,,,,,8990,47745,468,1296,1422,396,,237,,1324,300,,,04/20 0:00,04/20 22:31,DB,,"(4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-19,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,70666,,12352,,,,,8537,46196,499,1319,1296,388,,231,,1267,277,,,04/19 0:00,,,,"(4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-18,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,67960,,11808,,,,,8053,43878,486,1307,1221,398,,230,,1228,258,,,04/17 17:00,04/18 22:30,AGS,,"(4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-17,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,64655,,11200,,,,,7491,41506,499,1308,1114,400,,224,,1110,231,,,04/16 17:00,,,,"(4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-16,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,61384,,10526,,,,,6889,39555,537,1337,1048,427,,238,,951,208,,,04/16 0:00,,,," 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-15,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,58358,,9948,,,,,6500,37669,496,1298,978,394,,234,,752,195,,,04/15 0:00,,,," 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-14,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,56311,,9551,,,,,6171,36592,469,1282,903,422,,276,,721,154,,,04/13 17:00,,,,"(4/13 SPA evening) 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' (4/13 QN morn) Currently hospitalized includes confirmed and pending cases. current ICU and ventilator numbers are separate. All hospitalization data taken from hospitalization dashboard. data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-13,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,54698,,9221,,,,,5747,35654,473,1238,872,428,,302,,,149,,,04/13 9:00,04/13 22:54,SPA,RV,"(4/13 SPA evening) 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' (4/13 QN morn) Currently hospitalized includes confirmed and pending cases. current ICU and ventilator numbers are separate. All hospitalization data taken from hospitalization dashboard. data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-12,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,52556,,8813,,,,,5274,34711,521,751,837,440,,294,,,141,,,04/11 17:00,04/12 22:34,EB,ESK,"(4/12 LH) Our pending number only captures pending tests for those in hospital (4/11 SD) hospitalization data only from hospital dashboard and using confirmed+. I removed the cumulative hospitalized (772). data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-11,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,50191,,8351,,,,,5077,32922,517,1252,772,426,,283,,,130,,,04/10 17:00,04/11 22:23,REB,,"(4/11 SD) hospitalization data only from hospital dashboard and using confirmed+. I removed the cumulative hospitalized (772). data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A 2020-04-10,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,47392,,7915,,,,,4509,30950,521,1238,685,457,,287,,,121,,,04/10 9:00,,,,"(4/10 QN morning) Pending taken from hospitalization dashboard as per slack conversation (""receiving inpatient hospital care with pending test results"") (4/10 LAW morning) Our ""currently hospitalized"" number includes those who are hospitalized with both positive and pending test results, per VA's hospital website. But, our ""cumulative hospitalized"" comes from the state dashboard, and as of 4/10, is lower than the currently hospitalized number provided by the hospital website (4/9 SPA afternoon) 'Cumulative Hospitalizations' come from 'Total Hospitalizations in VA's dashboard ( while data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other ( (4/8 AFG morning) per!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard, the hospitalization number is ""Hospitalization status at the time the case was investigated by VDH. This underrepresnets the total num er of hospitaliations in Virginia"" ",A 2020-04-09,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,44020,,7378,,,,,4042,28984,627,669,563,469,,285,,,109,,,04/09 0:00,04/09 22:48,SD,,"(4/9 SPA afternoon) 'Cumulative Hospitalizations' come from 'Total Hospitalizations in VA's dashboard ( while data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other ( (4/8 AFG morning) per!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard, the hospitalization number is ""Hospitalization status at the time the case was investigated by VDH. This underrepresnets the total num er of hospitaliations in Virginia""",A 2020-04-08,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,41710,,6923,,,,,3645,27000,,,563,,,,,,75,,,04/07 17:00,04/08 15:22,SPA,MM,"(4/8 AFG morning) per!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard, the hospitalization number is ""Hospitalization status at the time the case was investigated by VDH. This underrepresnets the total num er of hospitaliations in Virginia"" negative = total - positive is 27,000 -- noted to see if future reports are similarly divisble by 1000 (4/7 eve AGS) ICU and Ventilator numbers have not been updated since 4/1 press conference (4/5 aft AW) Per convo w/ KP, Screenshot from last night shows dashboard had 52 deaths. Now dashboard has 51. Revising deaths number to 51 assuming that state revised their count. (4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative ICU + Vent data from 4/1 Press Conference Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A 2020-04-07,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,39319,,6533,,,,,3333,25312,,,497,,,,,,63,,,04/06 17:00,04/07 22:56,AGS,SJ,"(4/7 eve AGS) ICU and Ventilator numbers have not been updated since 4/1 press conference (4/5 aft AW) Per convo w/ KP, Screenshot from last night shows dashboard had 52 deaths. Now dashboard has 51. Revising deaths number to 51 assuming that state revised their count. (4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative ICU + Vent data from 4/1 Press Conference Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A 2020-04-06,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,36357,,6122,,,,,2878,21643,,,431,,,,,,54,,,04/05 17:00,04/06 16:31,RS,PR,"(4/5 aft AW) Per convo w/ KP, Screenshot from last night shows dashboard had 52 deaths. Now dashboard has 51. Revising deaths number to 51 assuming that state revised their count. (4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative ICU + Vent data from 4/1 Press Conference Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A 2020-04-05,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,32548,,5637,,,,,2637,21034,,,390,,,,,,51,,,04/04 17:00,04/05 22:45,RV,SJ,"(4/5 aft AW) Per convo w/ KP, Screenshot from last night shows dashboard had 52 deaths. Now dashboard has 51. Revising deaths number to 51 assuming that state revised their count. (4/4 CML evening) No change in the Tableau workbook for stats. FB/Twitter has no new footage or statement from the governor (4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative ICU + Vent data from 4/1 Press Conference Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A 2020-04-04,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,30355,,5230,,,,,2407,19145,,,312,,,,,,52,,,04/03 17:00,04/04 22:40,CML,SJ,"(4/4 CML evening) No change in the Tableau workbook for stats. FB/Twitter has no new footage or statement from the governor (4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative ICU + Vent data from 4/1 Press Conference ( Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A 2020-04-03,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,27646,,4880,,,,,2012,16993,,,246,,,,,,46,,,04/03 9:00,04/03 23:01,AW,ESK,"(4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative Hospitalizations from 4/1 Press Conference (, Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A 2020-04-02,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,25682,,4550,,,,,1706,15883,,246,208,,,,,,41,,,04/02 9:00,04/02 22:40,DG,SJ,"(4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative Hospitalizations from 4/1 Press Conference (, Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A 2020-04-01,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,23290,,4191,,,,,1484,13860,,,165,,,,,,34,,,04/01 13:00,,,,,A 2020-03-31,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,21393,,3847,,,,,1250,12151,,,136,,,,,,27,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-30,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,19708,,3613,,,,,1020,11018,,,112,,,,,,25,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-29,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,18322,,3403,,,,,890,9719,,,99,,,,,,22,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-28,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,16724,,3214,,,,,739,8427,,,83,,,,,,17,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-27,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,14778,,2967,,,,,604,6733,,,65,,,,,,14,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-26,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,13374,,2777,,,,,460,5729,,,59,,,,,,13,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-25,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,12277,,2630,,,,,391,4979,,,45,,,,,,9,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-24,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,11203,,2494,,,,,290,4180,,,38,,,,,,7,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-23,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,10393,,2405,,,,,254,3443,,,32,,,,,,6,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-22,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,9895,,2375,,,,,219,3118,,,25,,,,,,3,,,03/21 17:00,,,,, 2020-03-21,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,8988,,2302,,,,,152,2638,,,20,,,,,,2,,,03/21 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-20,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,8393,,2253,,,,,114,2211,,,19,,,,,,2,,,03/20 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-19,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,7800,,2161,,,,,94,1829,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/19 12:00,,,,, 2020-03-18,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,7376,,2142,,,,,77,1201,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/18 12:00,,,,, 2020-03-17,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,7152,,2119,,,,,67,961,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/17 12:00,,,,, 2020-03-16,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6827,,2107,,,,,51,438,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/16 16:09,,,,, 2020-03-15,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6739,,2100,,,,,45,363,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/15 14:15,,,,, 2020-03-14,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6680,,2098,,,,,30,117,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 11:00,,,,, 2020-03-13,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6601,,2095,,,,,30,117,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-12,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6516,,2094,,,,,17,117,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 12:00,,,,, 2020-03-11,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6484,,2092,,,,,9,60,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-10,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6473,,2092,,,,,8,53,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-09,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6463,,2092,,,,,3,38,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-08,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6462,,2092,,,,,2,36,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-07,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6457,,2092,,,,,0,31,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-06,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6455,,2091,,,,,0,21,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-05,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6453,,2091,,,,,0,18,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-04,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6452,,2090,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-03,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6451,,2090,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-02,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6450,,2090,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-01,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6449,,2090,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-29,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6447,,2090,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-28,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6445,,2090,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-27,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6445,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,