date,state,totalTestsPeopleAntigen,positiveTestsPeopleAntigen,negativeTestsPeopleAntigen,totalTestsAntigen,positiveTestsAntigen,negativeTestsAntigen,totalTestsPeopleAntibody,positiveTestsPeopleAntibody,negativeTestsPeopleAntibody,totalTestsAntibody,positiveTestsAntibody,negativeTestsAntibody,totalTestEncountersViral,totalTestsViral,positiveTestsViral,negativeTestsViral,positiveCasesViral,probableCases,totalTestsPeopleViral,positive,negative,pending,hospitalizedCurrently,hospitalizedCumulative,inIcuCurrently,inIcuCumulative,onVentilatorCurrently,onVentilatorCumulative,recovered,death,deathConfirmed,deathProbable,lastUpdateTime,dateChecked,checker,doubleChecker,privateNotes,dataQualityGrade Date,State,Total Antigen Tests (People),Positive Antigen Tests (People),Negative Antigen Tests (People),Total Antigen Tests,Positive Antigen Tests,Negative Antigen Tests,Total Antibody Tests (People),Positive Antibody Tests (People),Negative Antibody Tests (People),Total Antibody Tests,Positive Antibody Tests,Negative Antibody Tests,Total Test Encounters (PCR),Total Tests (PCR),Positive Tests (PCR),Negative Tests (PCR),Positive Cases (PCR),Probable Cases,Total PCR Tests (People),Positive,Negative,Pending,Hospitalized – Currently,Hospitalized – Cumulative,In ICU – Currently,In ICU – Cumulative,On Ventilator – Currently,On Ventilator – Cumulative,Recovered,Deaths,Deaths (confirmed),Deaths (probable),Last Update ET,Check time (ET),Checker,Doublechecker,Notes,Data Quality Grade 2020-12-03,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,567067,,,4346,124,227424,4690,223078,,36,,3,,,,2726,75,75,,12/02 23:59,12/03 15:58,HGC,KVP,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-12-02,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,559575,,,4346,120,225810,4466,221464,,33,,4,,,,2655,74,74,,12/01 23:59,12/02 16:16,PXS,BSL/ALF,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-12-01,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,555633,,,4248,117,225033,4365,220785,,32,,2,,,,2564,72,72,,11/30 23:59,12/01 16:19,MSO,HMH,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-30,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,552954,,,4185,111,223774,4296,219589,,25,,5,,,,2523,69,69,,11/29 23:59,11/30 15:59,HAH,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-29,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,550991,,,4114,111,222803,4225,218689,,21,,4,,,,2494,67,67,,11/28 23:59,11/29 16:28,CHH,HMH,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-28,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,547492,,,4048,107,221389,4155,217341,,19,,2,,,,2474,67,67,,11/27 23:59,11/28 16:02,LMB,LSW,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-27,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,546179,,,4012,103,220861,4115,216849,,21,,2,,,,2439,67,67,,11/26 23:59,11/27 16:00,BNB,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-26,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,533135,,,3914,103,219794,4017,215880,,24,,5,,,,2374,64,64,,11/24 23:59,11/26 16:21,SAC,SB,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-25,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,533135,,,3841,97,218098,3938,214257,,24,,5,,,,2374,64,64,,11/24 23:59,11/25 15:41,SAO,RS,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-24,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,527945,,,3752,93,216199,3845,212447,,22,,5,,,,2339,64,64,,11/23 23:59,11/24 16:39,MSO,DZL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-23,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,523227,,,3702,93,214903,3795,211201,,19,,3,,,,2300,63,63,,11/22 23:59,11/23 16:23,BNB,JAL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-22,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,516661,,,3634,93,213144,3727,209510,,22,,3,,,,2279,63,63,,11/21 23:59,11/22 15:40,DJW,RS,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-21,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,506543,,,3547,92,209638,3639,206091,,18,,2,,,,2246,63,63,,11/20 23:59,11/21 16:02,NMW,KVP,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-20,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,497906,,,3463,88,206362,3551,202899,,22,,1,,,,2205,62,62,,11/19 23:59,11/20 15:53,HAH,BAG,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-19,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,492865,,,3324,83,205043,3407,201719,,18,,1,,,,2157,61,61,,11/18 23:59,11/19 16:13,HAH,CB-M,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-18,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,482325,,,3174,81,202019,3255,198845,,18,,2,,,,2135,60,60,,11/17 23:59,11/18 16:02,JCF,JAL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-17,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,479705,,,3123,78,201409,3201,198286,,17,,1,,,,2107,59,59,,11/16 23:59,11/17 16:03,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-16,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,477590,,,3021,74,200398,3095,197377,,20,,1,,,,2050,59,59,,11/15 23:59,11/16 16:44,RJA,BHP,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-15,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,474928,,,2899,72,199462,2971,196563,,20,,1,,,,2023,59,59,,11/14 23:59,11/15 15:48,BAG,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-14,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,468034,,,2858,69,198755,2927,195897,,21,,2,,,,2000,59,59,,11/13 23:59,11/14 15:47,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-13,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,461509,,,2761,68,197706,2829,194945,,24,,3,,,,1977,59,59,,11/12 23:59,11/13 15:56,SBH,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-12,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,456048,,,2668,59,196689,2727,194021,,22,,5,,,,1958,59,59,,11/11 23:59,11/12 15:45,BAG,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-11,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,449806,,,2549,53,195339,2602,192790,,18,,6,,,,1947,59,59,,11/10 23:59,11/11 15:57,JPL,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-10,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,447581,,,2467,46,194485,2513,192018,,15,,4,,,,1936,59,59,,11/08 23:59,11/10 15:44,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-09,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,446327,,,2420,41,193797,2461,191377,,11,,4,,,,1931,59,59,,11/08 23:59,11/09 15:49,JPL,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-08,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,438828,,,2397,39,193365,2436,190968,,6,,0,,,,1923,59,59,,11/07 23:59,11/08 15:54,BAG,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-07,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,434341,,,2351,31,192491,2382,190140,,4,,0,,,,1913,59,59,,11/06 23:59,11/07 15:36,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-06,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,428851,,,2327,27,191701,2354,189374,,4,,2,,,,1904,58,58,,11/05 23:59,11/06 15:47,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-05,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,424422,,,2301,25,191008,2326,188707,,7,,4,,,,1888,58,58,,11/04 23:59,11/05 16:09,HAH,HMH,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-04,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,418799,,,2266,22,190073,2288,187807,,8,,4,,,,1870,58,58,,11/03 23:59,11/04 16:32,MBM,DZL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-03,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,416146,,,2239,18,189119,2257,186880,,3,,3,,,,1833,58,58,,11/02 23:59,11/03 16:04,EFD,HMH,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-02,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,415518,,,2219,16,188836,2235,186617,,4,,3,,,,1826,58,58,,11/01 23:59,11/02 15:59,JPL,JAC,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-11-01,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,412747,,,2196,16,188568,2212,186372,,4,,1,,,,1816,58,58,,10/31 23:59,11/01 16:19,SMBS,HMH,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-31,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,408161,,,2179,16,188136,2195,185957,,4,,1,,,,1800,58,58,,10/30 23:59,10/31 15:41,KVP,BML,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-30,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,403053,,,2157,16,187129,2173,184972,,4,,2,,,,1789,58,58,,10/29 23:59,10/30 15:40,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-29,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,398109,,,2141,13,186557,2154,184416,,6,,2,,,,1778,58,58,,10/28 23:59,10/29 16:19,KFA,HMH,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-28,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,395571,,,2125,13,185564,2138,183439,,8,,,,,,1768,58,58,,10/27 23:59,10/28 16:14,MEH,JNG,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-27,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,390962,,,2114,13,185029,2127,182915,,4,,,,,,1766,58,58,,10/26 23:59,10/27 15:41,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-26,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,389237,,,2085,11,184142,2096,182057,,11,,,,,,1741,58,58,,10/25 23:59,10/26 16:15,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-25,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,388466,,,2076,11,183718,2087,181642,,3,,,,,,1733,58,58,,10/24 23:59,10/25 15:41,RS,HMH,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-24,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,381875,,,2048,9,182919,2057,180871,,4,,,,,,1728,58,58,,10/23 23:59,10/24 15:42,KVP,RS,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-23,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,376997,,,2020,9,181278,2029,179258,,3,,,,,,1723,58,58,,10/22 23:59,10/23 15:44,CML,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-22,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,367990,,,1990,9,180113,1999,178123,,3,,,,,,1718,58,58,,10/21 23:59,10/22 16:12,EG,DZL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-21,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,362906,,,1975,8,179227,1983,177252,,4,,,,,,1708,58,58,,10/20 23:59,10/21 17:08,CML,ALF/RSG,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-20,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,360803,,,1956,7,178437,1963,176481,,0,,,,,,1701,58,58,,10/19 23:59,10/20 15:37,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-19,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,359928,,,1944,7,178077,1951,176133,,0,,,,,,1696,58,58,,10/18 23:59,10/19 16:35,DZL,NEZ,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441.",B 2020-10-18,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,355657,,,1936,7,177022,1943,175086,,2,,,,,,1689,58,58,,10/17 23:59,10/18 16:43,BAS,SB,PROCESS: WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. ,B 2020-10-17,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,350356,,,1926,6,175984,1932,174058,,3,,,,,,1687,58,58,,10/16 23:59,10/17 16:01,SPA,RSG,PROCESS: WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. ,B 2020-10-16,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,342441,,,1917,6,175298,1923,173381,,1,,,,,,1687,58,58,,10/15 23:59,10/16 15:42,BSL,JNG,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441. ",B 2020-10-15,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,340575,,,1904,6,174465,1910,172561,,6,,,,,,1685,58,58,,10/14 23:59,10/15 17:15,GET,DZL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441. ",B 2020-10-14,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,335448,,,1889,5,173423,1894,171534,,0,,,,,,1678,58,58,,10/13 23:59,10/14 16:20,CML,JNG,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441. ",B 2020-10-13,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,334028,,,1886,5,172768,1891,170882,,5,,,,,,1673,58,58,,10/12 23:59,10/13 15:52,LNH,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441. ",B 2020-10-12,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,332568,,,1875,5,172064,1880,170189,,0,,,,,,1664,58,58,,10/11 23:59,10/12 15:42,RS,SB,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441. ",B 2020-10-11,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,325665,,,1866,5,171211,1871,169345,,0,,,,,,1659,58,58,,10/10 23:59,10/11 17:18,BSM,RSG,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441. ",B 2020-10-10,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,319294,,,1856,5,169607,1861,167751,,0,,,,,,1651,58,58,,10/09 23:59,10/10 15:44,KVP,BML,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441. ",B 2020-10-09,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,314858,,,1846,5,168956,1851,167110,,0,,,,,,1646,58,58,,10/08 23:59,10/09 16:21,SMBS,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441. ",B 2020-10-08,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,312985,,,1838,5,167980,1843,166142,,1,,,,,,1638,58,58,,10/07 23:59,10/08 15:49,LNH,CML,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441. ",B 2020-10-07,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,307410,,,1827,5,166727,1832,164900,,1,,,,,,1635,58,58,,10/06 23:59,10/07 16:35,BSM,JNG,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441. ",B 2020-10-06,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,306090,,,1821,4,166163,1825,164342,,1,,,,,,1632,58,58,,10/05 23:59,10/06 15:50,KVP,CB-M,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (10/06 KVP) Total tests dropped from 167506 to 167441. ",B 2020-10-05,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,305188,,,1817,4,165678,1821,163861,,1,,,,,,1625,58,58,,10/04 23:59,10/05 16:57,SAL,JAC,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-10-04,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,300650,,,1784,4,164753,1788,162969,,0,,,,,,1622,58,58,,10/03 23:59,10/04 16:21,KVP,ALF,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-10-03,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,296511,,,1778,4,164138,1782,162360,,0,,,,,,1616,58,58,,10/02 23:59,10/03 15:40,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-10-02,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,291452,,,1769,4,163276,1773,161507,,1,,,,,,1611,58,58,,10/01 23:59,10/02 15:43,CML,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-10-01,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,286326,,,1755,4,162363,1759,160608,,3,,,,,,1609,58,58,,09/30 23:59,10/01 16:17,KVP,QN,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-30,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,282735,,,1752,4,161356,1756,159604,,3,,,,,,1606,58,58,,09/29 23:59,09/30 16:06,CML,PK,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-29,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,280558,,,1749,4,160750,1753,159001,,5,,,,,,1601,58,58,,09/28 23:59,09/29 15:50,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-28,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,279263,,,1745,4,159995,1749,158250,,3,,,,,,1590,58,58,,09/27 23:59,09/28 16:32,CKW,DZL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-27,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,271385,,,1742,4,159163,1746,157421,,2,,,,,,1584,58,58,,09/26 23:59,09/27 17:05,KVP,ALF,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-26,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,270136,,,1740,4,158539,1744,156799,,1,,,,,,1580,58,58,,09/25 23:59,09/26 15:55,RSG,CB-M,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-25,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,266178,,,1731,3,157651,1734,155920,,2,,,,,,1576,58,58,,09/24 23:59,09/25 16:13,LDH,RSG,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-24,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,261733,,,1724,3,156778,1727,155054,,3,,,,,,1566,58,58,,09/23 23:59,09/24 16:35,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-23,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,258071,,,1722,3,155911,1725,154189,,2,,,,,,1565,58,58,,09/22 23:59,09/23 17:02,CML,PK,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-22,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,256469,,,1721,3,155548,1724,153827,,1,,,,,,1557,58,58,,09/21 23:59,09/22 15:37,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-21,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,255516,,,1719,3,155036,1722,153317,,3,,,,,,1557,58,58,,09/20 23:59,09/21 16:08,SAL,DZL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-20,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,251100,,,1715,3,154198,1718,152483,,2,,,,,,1548,58,58,,09/19 23:59,09/20 15:43,CML,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-19,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,246313,,,1710,3,153243,1713,151533,,3,,,,,,1541,58,58,,09/18 23:59,09/19 16:23,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-18,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,241670,,,1706,3,152584,1709,150878,,6,,,,,,1536,58,58,,09/17 23:59,09/18 15:54,JNG,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-17,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,237564,,,1704,3,151712,1707,150008,,2,,,,,,1533,58,58,,09/16 23:59,09/17 16:04,KVP,CB-M,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-16,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,233912,,,1701,3,150649,1704,148948,,6,,,,,,1530,58,58,,09/15 23:59,09/16 16:02,LNH,ALF,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-15,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,232951,,,1700,2,150301,1702,148601,,7,,,,,,1524,58,58,,09/14 23:59,09/15 15:38,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-14,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,231961,,,1694,1,149881,1695,148187,,3,,,,,,1509,58,58,,09/13 23:59,09/14 15:56,SPA,JAC,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-13,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,228284,,,1683,1,149124,1684,147441,,1,,,,,,1505,58,58,,09/12 23:59,09/13 16:41,KVP,DZL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-12,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,224096,,,1676,1,148223,1677,146547,,4,,,,,,1496,58,58,,09/11 23:59,09/12 15:37,KVP,RS,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-11,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,219155,,,1667,1,147230,1668,145563,,4,,,,,,1493,58,58,,09/10 23:59,09/11 16:16,MEB,PK,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT ",B 2020-09-10,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,214253,,,1659,1,145991,1660,144332,,5,,,,,,1480,58,58,,09/09 23:59,09/10 15:45,KVP,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-09-09,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,212900,,,1656,1,145472,1657,143816,,5,,,,,,1468,58,58,,09/08 23:59,09/09 15:51,JB,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-09-08,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,211500,,,1651,1,145088,1652,143437,,4,,,,,,1465,58,58,,09/07 23:39,09/08 16:18,AER,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-09-07,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,210487,,,1649,1,144414,1650,142765,,2,,,,,,1465,58,58,,09/06 23:39,09/07 15:36,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-09-06,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,204968,,,1646,0,142568,1646,140922,,4,,,,,,1456,58,58,,09/05 23:39,09/06 15:46,KVP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-09-05,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,201078,,,1645,0,141652,1645,140007,,4,,,,,,1451,58,58,,09/04 23:39,09/05 16:05,KVP,PK,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-09-04,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,199349,,,1640,0,140794,1640,139154,,2,,,,,,1441,58,58,,09/03 23:39,09/04 16:27,KAT,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-09-03,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,193403,,,1630,0,139501,1630,137871,,3,,,,,,1436,58,58,,09/02 23:39,09/03 15:47,KVP,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-09-02,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,189683,,,1625,0,137747,1625,136122,,2,,,,,,1433,58,58,,09/01 23:39,09/02 15:45,JNG,PK,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-09-01,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,188535,,,1623,0,137205,1623,135582,,6,,,,,,1432,58,58,,08/31 23:59,09/01 15:57,KVP,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-31,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,184280,,,1617,0,134156,1617,132539,,8,,,,,,1425,58,58,,08/30 23:59,08/31 15:38,KVP,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-30,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,181068,,,1612,0,131690,1612,130078,,13,,,,,,1421,58,58,,08/29 23:59,08/30 17:05,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-29,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,176934,,,1601,0,128664,1601,127063,,10,,,,,,1413,58,58,,08/28 23:59,08/29 16:18,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-28,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,172016,,,1589,0,125319,1589,123730,,11,,,,,,1400,58,58,,08/27 23:59,08/28 15:56,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-27,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,169043,,,1585,0,123454,1585,121869,,12,,,,,,1396,58,58,,08/26 23:59,08/27 17:39,KSB,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-26,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,165571,,,1574,0,121545,1574,119971,,14,,,,,,1388,58,58,,08/25 23:59,08/26 16:15,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-25,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,164034,,,1570,0,120918,1570,119348,,13,,,,,,1386,58,58,,08/24 23:59,08/25 16:40,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-24,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,162323,,,1564,0,119979,1564,118415,,11,,,,,,1380,58,58,,08/23 23:59,08/24 16:18,KAT,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-23,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,159766,,,1556,0,118631,1556,117075,,13,,,,,,1371,58,58,,08/22 23:59,8/23 15:37,DJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-22,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,157618,,,1551,0,117290,1551,115739,,15,,,,,,1366,58,58,,08/21 23:59,08/22 15:42,DJW,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-21,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,154874,,,1540,0,115761,1540,114221,,10,,,,,,1358,58,58,,08/21 0:00,08/21 15:49,KAT,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-20,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,152759,,,1536,0,114418,1536,112882,,10,,,,,,1356,58,58,,08/20 0:00,08/20 16:34,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-19,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,150144,,,1532,0,112776,1532,111244,,12,,,,,,1354,58,58,,08/19 0:00,08/19 15:44,PK,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-18,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,148846,,,1530,0,111997,1530,110467,,17,,,,,,1347,58,58,,08/18 0:00,08/18 15:44,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-17,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147660,,,1527,0,111239,1527,109712,,18,,,,,,1343,58,58,,08/17 0:00,08/17 16:38,JB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-16,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,144707,,,1515,0,109341,1515,107826,,17,,,,,,1337,58,58,,08/16 0:00,08/16 15:52,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-15,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,143082,,,1510,0,108367,1510,106857,,14,,,,,,1332,58,58,,08/15 0:00,08/15 15:41,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-14,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,139485,,,1501,0,105532,1501,104031,,13,,,,,,1321,58,58,,08/14 0:00,08/14 15:45,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-13,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,137198,,,1484,0,104009,1484,102525,,14,,,,,,1310,58,58,,08/13 0:00,8/13 15:50,KVP,QN,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-12,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,135986,,,1478,0,103266,1478,101788,,9,,,,,,1302,58,58,,08/12 0:00,8/12 15:56,MJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-11,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,134316,,,1473,0,102209,1473,100736,,12,,,,,,1295,58,58,,08/11 0:00,08/11 15:46,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-10,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,132879,,,1461,0,101216,1461,99755,,11,,,,,,1282,58,58,,08/10 0:00,8/10 15:52,MM,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-09,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,131933,,,1458,0,100541,1458,99083,,6,,,,,,1279,58,58,,08/09 0:00,8/09 13:36,DJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-08,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,130464,,,1453,0,99783,1453,98330,,8,,,,,,1272,58,58,,08/08 0:00,8/08 15:35,DJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-07,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,129262,,,1447,0,98987,1447,97540,,6,,,,,,1260,58,58,,08/07 0:00,8/07 15:38,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-06,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,127874,,,1446,0,98115,1446,96669,,6,,,,,,1258,58,58,,08/06 0:00,8/06 15:43,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-05,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,126278,,,1436,0,97117,1436,95681,,9,,,,,,1254,57,57,,08/05 0:00,08/05 16:15,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-04,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,124805,,,1431,0,96529,1431,95098,,14,,,,,,1249,57,57,,08/04 0:00,8/04 15:49,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-03,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,122592,,,1426,0,95099,1426,93673,,14,,,,,,1240,57,57,,08/03 0:00,8/03 15:56,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-02,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,121982,,,1425,0,94601,1425,93176,,15,,,,,,1238,57,57,,08/02 0:00,8/02 17:52,KVP,KP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-08-01,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,120143,,,1421,0,93438,1421,92017,,16,,,,,,1231,57,57,,08/01 0:00,8/01 15:40,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-31,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,118674,,,1416,0,92493,1416,91077,,16,,,,,,1211,57,57,,07/31 0:00,7/31 17:05,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-30,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,117054,,,1408,0,91463,1408,90055,,18,,,,,,1207,57,57,,07/30 0:00,7/30 15:55,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-29,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,115839,,,1407,0,90758,1407,89351,,18,,,,,,1199,56,56,,07/29 0:00,7/29 15:47,DJW,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-28,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,114994,,,1406,0,90207,1406,88801,,18,,,,,,1194,56,56,,07/28 0:00,7/28 15:40,DJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-27,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113784,,,1403,0,89309,1403,87906,,13,,,,,,1190,56,56,,07/27 0:00,7/27 15:51,WCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-26,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,112641,,,1401,0,88477,1401,87076,,10,,,,,,1186,56,56,,07/26 0:00,7/26 15:44,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-25,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,111251,,,1397,0,87587,1397,86190,,13,,,,,,1182,56,56,,07/25 0:00,7/25 15:50,KVP,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-24,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109744,,,1384,0,86561,1384,85177,,12,,,,,,1177,56,56,,07/24 0:00,7/24 16:28,DJW,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-23,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,108130,,,1379,0,85492,1379,84113,,12,,,,,,1156,56,56,,07/23 0:00,7/23 15:37,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-22,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107034,,,1368,0,84780,1368,83412,,14,,,,,,1152,56,56,,07/22 0:00,7/22 16:43,DJW,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-21,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105576,,,1366,0,83816,1366,82450,,19,,,,,,1148,56,56,,07/21 0:00,7/21 15:48,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-20,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,104242,,,1359,0,82863,1359,81504,,22,,,,,,1139,56,56,,07/20 0:00,7/20 15:47,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-19,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,102452,,,1349,0,81527,1349,80178,,24,,,,,,1137,56,56,,07/19 0:00,7/19 15:42,DCC,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-18,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,99757,,,1339,0,79460,1339,78121,,25,,,,,,1125,56,56,,07/18 0:00,7/18 15:36,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-17,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98419,,,1336,0,78489,1336,77153,,33,,,,,,1121,56,56,,07/17 0:00,7/17 16:05,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-16,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96784,,,1327,0,77300,1327,75973,,25,,,,,,1111,56,56,,07/16 0:00,7/16 15:51,GMJ,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-15,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95378,,,1317,0,76387,1317,75070,,19,,,,,,1104,56,56,,07/15 0:00,7/15 15:20,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-14,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94198,,,1305,0,75675,1305,74370,,15,,,,,,1099,56,56,,07/14 0:00,7/14 15:24,CB-M,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-13,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92670,,,1301,0,74640,1301,73339,,10,,,,,,1096,56,56,,07/13 0:00,07/13 15:17,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-12,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91715,,,1295,0,73920,1295,72625,,17,,,,,,1089,56,56,,07/12 0:00,07/12 15:20,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-11,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90550,,,1282,0,73106,1282,71824,,18,,,,,,1066,56,56,,07/11 0:00,07/11 15:13,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-10,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,89352,,,1277,0,72265,1277,70988,,11,,,,,,1066,56,56,,07/10 0:00,07/10 15:52,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-09,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87373,,,1272,0,70880,1272,69608,,15,,,,,,1054,56,56,,07/08 0:00,07/09 15:27,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-08,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85979,,,1258,0,69926,1258,68668,,14,,,,,,1049,56,56,,07/08 0:00,07/09 15:27,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-07,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84664,,,1256,0,69263,1256,68007,,13,,,,,,1039,56,56,,07/07 0:00,07/07 15:12,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-06,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83564,,,1253,0,68512,1253,67259,,24,,,,,,1022,56,56,,07/05 0:00,07/06 15:15,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-05,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83102,,,1251,0,68177,1251,66926,,15,,,,,,1007,56,56,,07/05 0:00,07/06 15:15,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-04,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,82269,,,1240,0,67561,1240,66321,,16,,,,,,999,56,56,,07/04 0:00,07/04 15:18,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-03,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80955,,,1238,0,66553,1238,65315,,16,,,,,,967,56,56,,07/03 0:00,07/03 15:45,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-02,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79525,,,1229,0,65514,1229,64285,,21,,,,,,960,56,56,,07/02 0:00,07/02 16:07,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B 2020-07-01,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78000,,,1212,0,64470,1212,63258,,17,,,,,,961,56,56,,07/01 0:00,07/01 15:12,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-30,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77029,,,1210,0,63946,1210,62736,,16,,,,,,953,56,56,,06/30 0:00,06/30 15:35,ASL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-29,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75975,,,1210,0,63180,1210,61970,,13,,,,,,949,56,56,,06/28 0:00,06/29 15:19,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-28,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74536,,,1204,0,62083,1204,60879,,15,,,,,,946,56,56,,06/28 0:00,06/29 15:19,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-27,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,72995,,,1201,0,60913,1201,59712,,14,,,,,,946,56,56,,06/27 0:00,06/27 15:34,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-26,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71531,,,1199,0,59793,1199,58594,,14,,,,,,941,56,56,,06/26 0:00,06/26 15:12,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-25,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70078,,,1192,0,58905,1192,57713,,15,,,,,,938,56,56,,06/25 0:00,06/25 15:18,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-24,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68918,,,1185,0,58051,1185,56866,,13,,,,,,930,56,56,,06/24 0:00,06/24 16:19,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-23,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68167,,,1165,0,57514,1165,56349,,19,,,,,,927,56,56,,06/23 0:00,06/23 16:06,BSL,CML,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-22,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67251,,,1163,0,56796,1163,55633,,8,,,,,,926,56,56,,06/22 0:00,06/22 16:34,G-S,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-21,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66074,,,1159,0,56018,1159,54859,,11,,,,,,922,56,56,,06/21 0:00,06/21 17:23,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-20,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65045,,,1147,0,55237,1147,54090,,9,,,,,,920,56,56,,06/19 0:00,06/20 15:24,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-19,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63535,,,1143,0,54091,1143,52948,,8,,,,,,918,56,56,,06/19 0:00,06/20 15:24,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-18,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62072,,,1135,0,52952,1135,51817,,11,,,,,,917,56,56,,06/18 0:00,06/18 15:46,SMS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-17,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60726,,,1129,0,51870,1129,50741,,5,,,,,,915,55,55,,06/17 0:00,06/17 15:25,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-16,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59734,,,1129,0,51097,1129,49968,,12,,,,,,914,55,55,,06/16 0:00,06/16 15:15,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-15,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59263,,,1126,0,50760,1126,49634,,16,,,,,,912,55,55,,06/15 0:00,06/15 15:02,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-14,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57427,,,1125,0,49210,1125,48085,,26,,,,,,909,55,55,,06/14 0:00,06/14 14:41,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-13,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56187,,,1123,0,48159,1123,47036,,11,,,,,,908,55,55,,06/13 0:00,06/13 14:41,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-12,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54627,,,1118,0,46867,1118,45749,,16,,,,,,907,55,55,,06/11 0:00,06/12 15:08,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-11,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52922,,,1108,0,45456,1108,44348,,12,,,,,,905,55,55,,06/11 0:00,06/12 15:08,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-10,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51248,,,1092,0,44010,1092,42918,,11,,,,,,903,55,55,,06/10 0:00,06/10 16:19,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-09,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50029,,,1081,0,42999,1081,41918,,16,,,,,,901,55,55,,06/09 0:00,06/09 15:33,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-08,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49482,,,1073,0,42528,1073,41455,,13,,,,,,895,55,55,,06/08 0:00,06/08 14:49,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-07,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47855,,,1061,0,41124,1061,40063,,14,,,,,,890,55,55,,06/07 0:00,06/07 14:43,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-06,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46064,,,1044,0,39572,1044,38528,,16,,,,,,888,55,55,,06/06 0:00,06/06 14:23,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-05,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44752,,,1027,0,38458,1027,37431,,14,,,,,,882,55,55,,06/05 0:00,06/05 15:41,NRC,KP,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-04,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43602,,,1025,0,37505,1025,36480,,13,,,,,,881,55,55,,06/04 0:00,06/04 15:24,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-03,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42152,,,989,0,36233,989,35244,,10,,,,,,879,55,55,,06/03 0:00,06/03 16:57,AW,QN,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-02,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41413,,,987,0,35587,987,34600,,10,,,,,,879,55,55,,06/02 0:00,06/02 15:07,BSL,AFG,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-06-01,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40736,,,985,0,35017,985,34032,,16,,,,,,880,55,55,,06/01 0:00,06/01 15:48,REB,RS,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-05-31,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39281,,,981,0,33728,981,32747,,18,,,,,,873,55,55,,05/31 0:00,05/31 17:07,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-05-30,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37761,,,977,0,32380,977,31403,,17,,,,,,865,55,55,,05/30 0:00,5/30 14:46,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-05-29,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36266,,,975,0,31075,975,30100,,14,,,,,,859,55,55,,05/29 10:21,5/29 16:48,G-S,ALF,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-05-28,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35332,,,974,0,30266,974,29292,,17,,,,,,855,55,55,,05/27 5:00,5/28 15:49,RS,QN,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-05-27,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34411,,,970,0,29544,970,28574,,21,,,,,,849,54,54,,05/27 0:00,5/27 17:03,MM,JAC,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-05-26,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34175,,,968,0,29387,968,28419,,25,,,,,,848,54,54,,05/26 0:00,5/26 15:36,SLW,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-05-25,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33503,,,963,0,28819,963,27856,,19,,,,,,843,54,54,,05/25 0:00,5/25 15:45,AW,PR,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-05-24,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32620,,,957,0,28067,957,27110,,25,,,,,,839,54,54,,05/24 0:00,5/24 14:37,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-05-23,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31412,,,954,0,26979,954,26025,,21,,,,,,837,54,54,,05/23 0:00,05/23 15:57,BL,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-05-22,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30046,,,952,0,25816,952,24864,,16,,,,,,834,54,54,,05/22 0:00,05/22 16:57,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-05-21,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29221,,,950,0,24138,950,23188,,14,,,,,,827,54,54,,05/21 0:00,05/21 16:07,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B 2020-05-20,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27944,,,945,0,23034,945,22089,,15,,,,,,824,54,54,,05/20 0:00,05/20 15:21,REB,PR,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B 2020-05-19,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27349,,,944,0,22506,944,21562,,24,,,,,,820,54,54,,05/19 0:00,05/19 17:25,REB,MM,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B 2020-05-18,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26706,,,940,0,21954,940,21014,,22,,,,,,815,54,54,,05/18 0:00,05/18 15:37,REB,MM,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B 2020-05-17,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26034,,,940,0,21392,940,20452,,14,,,,,,810,54,54,,05/17 0:00,05/17 14:31,REB,RS,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B 2020-05-16,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25386,,,932,0,20703,932,19771,,20,,,,,,804,53,53,,05/16 0:00,05/16 15:55,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B 2020-05-15,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24785,,,931,0,19915,931,18984,,17,,,,,,796,53,53,,05/15 0:00,05/15 17:03,REB,MM,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B 2020-05-14,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24168,,,930,0,19293,930,18363,,18,,,,,,792,53,53,,05/14 0:00,05/14 15:59,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B 2020-05-13,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23439,,,929,0,18589,929,17660,,17,,,,,,789,53,53,,05/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B 2020-05-12,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23023,,,927,0,18097,927,17170,,18,,,,,,787,53,53,,05/12 0:00,05/12 15:42,RSB,KP,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B 2020-05-11,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22680,,,926,0,17802,926,16876,,14,,,,,,785,53,53,,05/11 0:00,05/11 15:40,SPA,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B 2020-05-10,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21962,,,926,0,17182,926,16256,,21,,,,,,777,53,53,,05/10 0:00,05/10 14:46,JAC,DPT,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B 2020-05-09,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21414,,,918,0,16720,918,15802,,21,,,,,,744,53,53,,05/09 0:00,05/09 15:21,BL,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B 2020-05-08,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20899,,,916,0,16258,916,15342,,15,,,,,,737,53,53,,05/08 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-07,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20285,,,914,0,15731,914,14817,,14,,2,,0,,718,53,53,,05/07 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-06,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20063,,,909,0,15334,909,14425,,26,,2,,0,,706,52,52,,05/06 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-05,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19605,,,906,0,15123,906,14217,,33,,2,,0,,,52,52,,05/05 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-04,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19414,,,901,0,14950,901,14049,,15,,,,,,,52,52,,05/04 0:00,,,,,C 2020-05-03,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18851,,,896,0,14630,896,13734,,19,,,,,,,52,,,05/03 0:00,,,,,C 2020-05-02,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18383,,,885,0,14290,885,13405,,11,,,,,,,51,,,05/02 0:00,,,,,C 2020-05-01,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17899,,,879,0,13972,879,13093,,19,,,,,,,50,,,05/01 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-30,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16851,,,866,0,13435,866,12569,,23,,,,,,,49,,,04/30 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-29,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16595,,,862,0,13237,862,12375,,26,,,,,,,47,,,04/29 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-28,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16430,,,862,0,13123,862,12261,,29,,,,,,,47,,,04/28 0:00,04/28 11:11,JJFC,MM,"(4/26 RS) Removed recovered as it was an error. VT does not publish this # (4/25 aft REB) need to decide about recovered (4/23 aft MM) recovered number from pro publica sheet was too high. I think we should remove (4/21 aft DPT**) added updated recovered number from the referenced spreadsheet. Working on clarifying the process (4/16,19 aft REB) carrying over recovered number. It's not on dashboards and I don't have access to the doc mentioned below (4/15 morning ALF) The number for Recovered in VT comes from ProPublica original reporting, captured in cell J16 of the document ",C 2020-04-27,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16137,,,855,0,13001,855,12146,,33,,,,,,,47,,,04/27 0:00,04/27 14:49,DPT,REB,"(4/26 RS) Removed recovered as it was an error. VT does not publish this # (4/25 aft REB) need to decide about recovered (4/23 aft MM) recovered number from pro publica sheet was too high. I think we should remove (4/21 aft DPT**) added updated recovered number from the referenced spreadsheet. Working on clarifying the process (4/16,19 aft REB) carrying over recovered number. It's not on dashboards and I don't have access to the doc mentioned below (4/15 morning ALF) The number for Recovered in VT comes from ProPublica original reporting, captured in cell J16 of the document ",C 2020-04-26,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15566,,,852,0,12777,852,11925,,34,,,,,,,46,,,04/26 0:00,04/26 15:40,BL,REB,"(4/26 RS) Removed recovered as it was an error. VT does not publish this # (4/25 aft REB) need to decide about recovered (4/23 aft MM) recovered number from pro publica sheet was too high. I think we should remove (4/21 aft DPT**) added updated recovered number from the referenced spreadsheet. Working on clarifying the process (4/16,19 aft REB) carrying over recovered number. It's not on dashboards and I don't have access to the doc mentioned below (4/15 morning ALF) The number for Recovered in VT comes from ProPublica original reporting, captured in cell J16 of the document ",C 2020-04-25,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15166,,,843,0,12657,843,11814,,37,,,,,,,46,,,04/25 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-24,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14408,,,834,0,12349,834,11515,,32,,,,,,,44,,,04/24 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-23,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13929,,,831,0,12062,831,11231,,44,,,,,,,43,,,04/23 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-22,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13326,,,828,0,11774,828,10946,,37,,,,,,,40,,,04/22 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-21,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12947,,,820,0,11559,820,10739,,41,,,,,,,40,,,04/21 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-20,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12788,,,817,0,11512,817,10695,,49,,,,,,15,38,,,04/20 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-19,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12481,,,813,0,11327,813,10514,,53,,,,,,15,38,,,04/19 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-18,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12186,,,802,0,11148,802,10346,,56,,,,,,15,38,,,04/18 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-17,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11684,,,792,0,10846,792,10054,,32,,,,,,15,35,,,04/17 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-16,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11133,,,779,0,10362,779,9583,,58,,,,,,15,35,,,04/16 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-15,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10768,,,770,0,10096,770,9326,,63,,,,,,15,30,,,04/15 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-14,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10342,,,761,0,9736,761,8975,,64,,,,,,15,29,,,04/14 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-13,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10115,,,754,0,9560,754,8806,,33,,,,,,15,28,,,04/13 0:00,04/13 9:40,MM,ESK,Dashboard Link:,A 2020-04-12,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9609,,,733,0,9049,733,8316,,34,,,,,,15,27,,,04/12 0:00,,,,"(4/11 REB noon) Most data is not updated since yesterday, only POSITIVE updated today on dashboard to data from 4/9. (4/10 CML eve) Recovered not updated since 4/3. Is there an update from ProPublica? Dashboard Link:",A 2020-04-11,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9061,,,713,0,8487,713,7774,,77,,,,,,15,25,,,04/11 0:00,,,,"(4/11 REB noon) Most data is not updated since yesterday, only POSITIVE updated today on dashboard to data from 4/9. (4/10 CML eve) Recovered not updated since 4/3. Is there an update from ProPublica? Dashboard Link:",A 2020-04-10,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8472,,,680,0,7929,680,7249,,32,,,,,,15,24,,,04/10 0:00,,,,"(4/10 CML eve) Recovered not updated since 4/3. Is there an update from ProPublica? Dashboard Link:, ",A 2020-04-09,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8164,,,631,0,7606,631,6975,,33,,,,,,15,23,,,04/09 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-08,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7787,,,608,0,7385,608,6777,,35,50,,,,,15,23,,,04/08 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-07,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7394,,,575,0,7028,575,6453,,29,45,,,,,15,23,,,04/07 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-06,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6882,,,543,0,6527,543,5984,,28,45,,,,,15,23,,,04/06 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-05,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6493,,,512,0,6172,512,5660,,29,45,,,,,15,22,,,04/05 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-04,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5891,,,460,0,5550,460,5090,,29,45,,,,,15,20,,,04/04 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-03,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5380,,,390,0,5048,390,4658,,29,45,,,,,15,17,,,04/03 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-02,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4871,,,359,0,4544,359,4185,,29,45,,,,,15,17,,,04/02 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-01,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4662,,,320,0,4339,320,4019,,30,45,,,,,15,16,,,04/01 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-31,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4447,,,293,0,4132,293,3839,,21,36,,,,,15,13,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-30,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4102,,,256,0,3802,256,3546,,,18,,,,,,12,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-29,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3917,,,234,0,3608,234,3374,,,18,,,,,,12,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-28,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3608,,,213,0,3319,213,3106,,,18,,,,,,12,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-27,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3248,,,185,0,2971,185,2786,,,18,,,,,,10,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-26,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3051,,,160,0,2776,160,2616,,,,,,,,,9,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-25,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2144,,,125,0,1756,125,1631,,,,,,,,,8,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-24,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1878,,,97,0,1502,97,1405,,,,,,,,,7,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-23,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1724,,,76,0,1358,76,1282,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-22,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1547,,,52,0,1140,52,1088,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/22 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-21,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1457,,,44,0,987,44,943,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/21 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-20,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1422,,,28,0,770,28,742,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/20 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-19,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1135,,,21,0,640,21,619,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-18,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,811,,,19,0,584,19,565,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-17,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,549,,,17,0,490,17,473,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-16,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,428,,,12,0,404,12,392,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-15,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,370,,,8,0,328,8,320,,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-14,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,238,,,5,0,223,5,218,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-13,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149,,,2,0,134,2,132,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-12,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,99,,,2,0,90,2,88,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-11,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66,,,1,0,58,1,57,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-10,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38,,,1,0,35,1,34,,,,,,,,,,,,03/10 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-09,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31,,,1,0,29,1,28,,,,,,,,,,,,03/09 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-08,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26,,,1,0,24,1,23,,,,,,,,,,,,03/08 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-07,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/07 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-06,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/06 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-05,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-04,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-03,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,