date,state,totalTestsPeopleAntigen,positiveTestsPeopleAntigen,negativeTestsPeopleAntigen,totalTestsAntigen,positiveTestsAntigen,negativeTestsAntigen,totalTestsPeopleAntibody,positiveTestsPeopleAntibody,negativeTestsPeopleAntibody,totalTestsAntibody,positiveTestsAntibody,negativeTestsAntibody,totalTestEncountersViral,totalTestsViral,positiveTestsViral,negativeTestsViral,positiveCasesViral,probableCases,totalTestsPeopleViral,positive,negative,pending,hospitalizedCurrently,hospitalizedCumulative,inIcuCurrently,inIcuCumulative,onVentilatorCurrently,onVentilatorCumulative,recovered,death,deathConfirmed,deathProbable,lastUpdateTime,dateChecked,checker,doubleChecker,privateNotes,dataQualityGrade Date,State,Total Antigen Tests (People),Positive Antigen Tests (People),Negative Antigen Tests (People),Total Antigen Tests,Positive Antigen Tests,Negative Antigen Tests,Total Antibody Tests (People),Positive Antibody Tests (People),Negative Antibody Tests (People),Total Antibody Tests,Positive Antibody Tests,Negative Antibody Tests,Total Test Encounters (PCR),Total Tests (PCR),Positive Tests (PCR),Negative Tests (PCR),Positive Cases (PCR),Probable Cases,Total PCR Tests (People),Positive,Negative,Pending,Hospitalized – Currently,Hospitalized – Cumulative,In ICU – Currently,In ICU – Cumulative,On Ventilator – Currently,On Ventilator – Cumulative,Recovered,Deaths,Deaths (confirmed),Deaths (probable),Last Update ET,Check time (ET),Checker,Doublechecker,Notes,Data Quality Grade 2020-12-17,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3432892,,,,206594,,,206594,3226298,,1233,13074,279,,141,,,3042,3042,,12/16 2:59,12/17 17:21,SAC,LSW,,B 2020-12-16,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3411676,,,,205069,,,205069,3206607,,1181,12773,260,,138,,,2953,2953,,12/15 2:59,12/16 16:52,EEM,CB-M,,B 2020-12-15,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3380344,,,,203797,,,203797,3176547,,1144,12649,250,,128,,,2918,2918,,12/14 2:59,12/15 16:41,EFD,CB-M,,B 2020-12-14,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3347903,,,,202063,,,202063,3145840,,1140,12525,248,,147,,,2879,2879,,12/13 2:59,12/14 16:31,CKW,RSG,,B 2020-12-13,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3320070,,,,199735,,,199735,3120335,,1140,12368,248,,131,,,2879,2879,,12/12 2:59,12/13 16:37,MBM,NEZ,,B 2020-12-12,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3285936,,,,195554,,,195554,3090382,,1140,12237,248,,133,,,2879,2879,,12/11 2:59,12/12 16:12,BML,HMH ,,B 2020-12-11,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3256838,,,,192413,,,192413,3064425,,1166,12084,262,,133,,,2850,2850,,12/10 2:59,12/11 16:43,JCH,CB-M,,B 2020-12-10,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3225428,,,,189863,,,189863,3035565,,1177,11996,294,,144,,,3016,3016,,12/09 2:59,12/10 16:51,SKP,DZL,,B 2020-12-09,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3197050,,,,187327,,,187327,3009723,,1114,11841,294,,141,,,2967,2967,,12/08 2:59,12/09 17:07,JAG,P*K,,B 2020-12-08,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3164714,,,,184404,,,184404,2980310,,1094,11696,281,,135,,,2941,2941,,12/07 2:59,12/08 16:44,MJ,JNG,,B 2020-12-07,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3143000,,,,177447,,,177447,2965553,,1099,11544,274,,135,,,2925,2925,,12/06 2:59,12/07 17:29,HMH,MM,,B 2020-12-06,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3133845,,,,175793,,,175793,2958052,,1099,11475,274,,136,,,2925,2925,,12/04 2:59,12/06 17:07,YXC,KP,,B 2020-12-05,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3120146,,,,174290,,,174290,2945856,,1099,11273,274,,132,,,2925,2925,,12/04 2:59,12/05 16:39,DMO,LSW,,B 2020-12-04,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,172437,,,172437,2753107,,1097,11195,278,,137,,,2900,2900,,12/03 2:59,12/04 16:37,EEM,QN,,B 2020-12-03,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,170342,,,170342,2753107,,1083,10954,274,,135,,,2850,2850,,12/02 2:59,12/03 16:15,HAH,KVP,,B 2020-12-02,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,167216,,,167216,2753107,,1077,10920,284,,128,,,2805,2805,,12/01 2:59,12/02 16:47,MMT,LSW,,B 2020-12-01,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,165019,,,165019,2753107,,1003,10895,260,,113,,,2774,2774,,11/30 2:59,12/01 17:00,MEB,CB-M,,B 2020-11-30,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,162700,,,162700,2753107,,989,10759,256,,103,,,2703,2703,,11/29 2:59,11/30 16:32,SNW,JNG,,B 2020-11-29,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,160634,,,160634,2753107,,983,10663,236,,94,,,2703,2703,,11/28 2:59,11/29 17:13,KLS,KP,,B 2020-11-28,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,158167,,,158167,2753107,,990,10496,207,,83,,,2703,2703,,11/27 2:59,11/28 16:47,HAH,PK,,B 2020-11-27,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,153906,,,153906,2753107,,1002,10242,226,,102,,,2704,2704,,11/25 2:59,11/27 17:47,DCG,BSL,,B 2020-11-26,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,153906,,,153906,2753107,,1007,10242,215,,102,,,2704,2704,,11/25 2:59,11/25 16:28,SAC,SB,,B 2020-11-25,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,151019,,,151019,2753107,,932,10166,214,,101,,,2690,2690,,11/24 2:59,11/25 16:49,SAO,JNG,,B 2020-11-24,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,147537,,,147537,2753107,,894,10096,187,,82,,,2655,2655,,11/23 2:59,11/24 16:09,MSO,KVP,,B 2020-11-23,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,141260,,,141260,2753107,,893,9765,165,,86,,,2619,2619,,11/21 2:59,11/23 18:25,JAL,KVP,,B 2020-11-22,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894367,,,,141260,,,141260,2753107,,887,9765,199,,86,,,2619,2619,,11/21 2:59,11/22 17:06,BNB,KP,,B 2020-11-21,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2877894,,,,139543,,,139543,2738351,,876,9717,206,,87,,,2619,2619,,11/20 2:59,11/21 16:19,PJS,BSL,,B 2020-11-20,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2856474,,,,137411,,,137411,2719063,,844,9653,209,,94,,,2603,2603,,11/19 2:59,11/20 16:24,SNW,BAG,,B 2020-11-19,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2835472,,,,135424,,,135424,2700048,,748,9622,191,,85,,,2592,2592,,11/18 2:59,11/19 16:18,MSO,CB-M,,B 2020-11-18,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2813081,,,,134121,,,134121,2678960,,738,9573,208,,87,,,2571,2571,,11/17 2:59,11/18 16:13,JCF,QN,,B 2020-11-17,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2795736,,,,131532,,,131532,2664204,,707,9518,167,,85,,,2548,2548,,11/16 2:59,11/17 16:03,JB,CB-M,,B 2020-11-16,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2778095,,,,130040,,,130040,2648055,,681,9425,177,,84,,,2519,2519,,11/15 2:59,11/16 16:32,JCF,JAL,,B 2020-11-15,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2748782,,,,127731,,,127731,2621051,,658,9281,156,,75,,,2519,2519,,11/14 2:59,11/15 17:59,EFD,JAL,,B 2020-11-14,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2722087,,,,125498,,,125498,2596589,,698,9266,154,,121,,,2519,2519,,11/13 2:59,11/14 15:49,KVP,BML,,B 2020-11-13,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2694170,,,,123356,,,123356,2570814,,653,9178,147,,76,,,2507,2507,,11/12 2:59,11/13 16:02,BAG,CB-M,,B 2020-11-12,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2644425,,,,120011,,,120011,2524414,,628,9092,115,,58,,,2482,2482,,11/10 2:59,11/12 18:20,DZL,LSW,,B 2020-11-11,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2644425,,,,120011,,,120011,2524414,,589,9092,107,,58,,,2482,2482,,11/10 2:59,11/11 17:01,EFD,ALF,,B 2020-11-10,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2627515,,,,118570,,,118570,2508945,,537,9031,110,,62,,,2460,2460,,11/10 2:59,11/10 15:55,SNW,BSL,,B 2020-11-09,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2612198,,,,117331,,,117331,2494867,,526,8803,105,,55,,,2439,2439,,11/08 2:59,11/09 15:58,BAG,BSL,,B 2020-11-08,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2592766,,,,116011,,,116011,2476755,,504,8795,103,,45,,,2439,2439,,11/07 2:59,11/08 15:58,BAG,BSL,,B 2020-11-07,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2568257,,,,114241,,,114241,2454016,,510,8791,133,,61,,,2439,2439,,11/06 2:59,11/07 15:56,KVP,LSW,,B 2020-11-06,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2541074,,,,112550,,,112550,2428524,,492,8784,128,,48,,,2431,2431,,11/05 2:59,11/06 15:55,KVP,LSW,,B 2020-11-05,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2519494,,,,111480,,,111480,2408014,,476,8735,128,,62,,,2416,2416,,11/04 2:59,11/05 16:28,ALM,NEZ,,B 2020-11-04,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2495151,,,,110011,,,110011,2385140,,480,8675,131,,58,,,2400,2400,,11/03 2:59,11/04 16:29,JCF,DZL,,B 2020-11-03,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2470185,,,,109354,,,109354,2360831,,471,8634,124,,48,,,2378,2378,,11/02 2:59,11/03 16:59,EFD,CB-M,,B 2020-11-02,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2469146,,,,108315,,,108315,2360831,,464,8611,103,,47,,,2366,2366,,11/01 2:59,11/02 16:57,CKW,LDH,,B 2020-11-01,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2450122,,,,107501,,,107501,2342621,,470,8571,112,,47,,,2366,2366,,11/01 2:59,11/01 17:26,MMK,ALF,,B 2020-10-31,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2426385,,,,106573,,,106573,2319812,,450,8522,114,,52,,,2366,2366,,10/30 2:59,10/31 15:51,KVP,BML,,B 2020-10-30,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2405352,,,,105557,,,105557,2299795,,433,8467,112,,46,,,2359,2359,,10/29 2:59,10/30 16:16,LJH,BSL,,B 2020-10-29,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2383332,,,,104743,,,104743,2278589,,426,8383,112,,40,,,2353,2353,,10/28 2:59,10/29 16:44,GET,RSG,,B 2020-10-28,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2362595,,,,104027,,,104027,2258568,,417,8358,100,,44,,,2337,2337,,10/27 2:59,10/28 16:45,JAL,DZL,,B 2020-10-27,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2372596,,,,103500,,,103500,2269096,,422,8322,88,,37,,,2321,2321,,10/26 2:59,10/27 15:58,KVP,BSL,,B 2020-10-26,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2360387,,,,102913,,,102913,2257474,,389,8280,100,,43,,,2296,2296,,10/25 2:59,10/26 17:18,APP,LSW,,B 2020-10-25,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2360387,,,,102913,,,102913,2257474,,405,8280,101,,43,,,2296,2296,,10/25 2:59,10/25 17:20,MS,ALF,,B 2020-10-24,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2318931,,,,101345,,,101345,2217586,,412,8231,114,,48,,,2296,2296,,10/23 2:59,10/24 17:07,KVP,JAC,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-23,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2296275,,,,100525,,,100525,2195750,,437,8183,103,,49,,,2289,2289,,10/23 2:59,10/23 16:09,KVP,BSL,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-22,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2276453,,,,99874,,,99874,2176579,,407,8149,92,,43,,,2286,2286,,10/23 2:59,10/22 16:38,DAK,LDH,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-21,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2252788,,,,99150,,,99150,2153638,,414,8124,109,,43,,,2282,2282,,10/20 2:59,10/21 17:47,KJZ,DZL,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-20,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2244336,,,,98661,,,98661,2145675,,392,8077,82,,36,,,2258,2258,,10/19 2:59,10/20 15:58,KVP,BSL,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-19,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2230785,,,,98201,,,98201,2132584,,388,8018,72,,26,,,2239,2239,,10/18 2:59,10/19 17:49,DZL,JAC,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-18,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2214560,,,,98201,,,98201,2116889,,376,7994,91,,26,,,2239,2239,,10/18 2:59,10/18 17:07,NMJ,LDH,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-17,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2194254,,,,96894,,,96894,2097360,,396,7971,82,,27,,,2239,2239,,10/16 2:59,10/17 17:08,KVP,PK,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-16,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2169192,,,,96185,,,96185,2073007,,376,7956,77,,18,,,2232,2232,,10/15 2:59,10/16 16:23,AYC,CB-M,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-15,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2146509,,,,95509,,,95509,2051000,,373,7883,82,,25,,,2221,2221,,10/14 2:59,10/15 17:09,GET,DZL,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-14,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2123908,,,,94775,,,94775,2029133,,367,7874,83,,26,,,2211,2211,,10/13 2:59,10/14 19:08,,BHP,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-13,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2123908,,,,94775,,,94775,2029133,,376,7874,76,,26,,,2211,2190,,10/13 2:59,10/13 18:29,BSL,DZL,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-12,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2061438,,,,93035,,,93035,1968403,,352,7786,59,,27,,,2190,2190,,10/12 2:59,10/12 17:40,LDH,NEZ,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-11,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2061438,,,,93035,,,93035,1968403,,373,7786,70,,27,,,2190,2190,,10/12 2:59,10/11 16:32,AMW,CB-M,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-10,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2037946,,,,92560,,,92560,1945386,,364,7762,69,,30,,,2190,2190,,10/09 2:59,10/10 17:33,KVP,BML,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-09,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2016471,,,,91918,,,91918,1924553,,357,7733,72,,29,,,2183,2183,,10/08 2:59,10/09 16:22,GET,BSL,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-08,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1987477,,,,91208,,,91208,1896269,,383,7703,73,,30,,,2177,2177,,10/07 2:59,10/08 15:55,LNH,QN,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-07,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1961067,,,,90663,,,90663,1870404,,355,7673,68,,31,,,2165,2165,,10/06 2:59,10/07 16:40,LSW,JNG,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-06,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1951407,,,,90276,,,90276,1861131,,347,7622,64,,31,,,2158,2158,,10/05 2:59,10/06 16:42,AYC,DZL,PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag,B 2020-10-05,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1935899,,,,89874,,,89874,1846025,,367,7628,78,,29,,,2142,2142,,10/04 2:59,10/05 17:00,SAL,JAC,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/25 RSG) deaths dropped by 1 (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-10-04,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1922956,,,,89419,,,89419,1833537,,370,7611,82,,26,,,2142,2142,,10/03 2:59,10/04 16:42,KVP,ALF,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/25 RSG) deaths dropped by 1 (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-10-03,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1905759,,,,88810,,,88810,1816949,,361,7586,77,,40,,,2143,2143,,10/02 2:59,10/03 16:42,KVP,PK,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/25 RSG) deaths dropped by 1 (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-10-02,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1884074,,,,88116,,,88116,1796588,,371,7573,88,,33,,,2132,2132,,10/01 2:59,10/02 15:58,LNH,BSL,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/25 RSG) deaths dropped by 1 (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-10-01,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1868089,,,,87522,,,87522,1780567,,410,7533,90,,32,,,2126,2126,,10/01 2:59,10/01 16:35,LJH,JNG,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/25 RSG) deaths dropped by 1 (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-30,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1854399,,,,87042,,,87042,1767357,,384,7483,91,,26,,,2124,2124,,09/29 2:59,09/30 17:46,LSW,RSG,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/25 RSG) deaths dropped by 1 (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-29,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1848463,,,,86638,,,86638,1761825,,362,7477,75,,43,,,2100,2100,,09/28 2:59,09/29 16:32,KVP,CB-M,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/25 RSG) deaths dropped by 1 (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-28,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1837206,,,,86269,,,86269,1750937,,355,7455,71,,25,,,2100,2100,,09/27 2:59,09/28 17:43,CKW,JAC,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/25 RSG) deaths dropped by 1 (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-27,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1820623,,,,85830,,,85830,1734793,,395,7431,90,,31,,,2100,2100,,09/26 2:59,09/27 17:39,KVP,ESK,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/25 RSG) deaths dropped by 1 (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-26,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1801021,,,,85226,,,85226,1715795,,383,7412,86,,28,,,2100,2100,,09/25 2:59,09/26 17:21,AYC,REB,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/25 RSG) deaths dropped by 1 (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-25,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1783279,,,,84238,,,84238,1699041,,401,7357,87,,27,,,2080,2080,,09/24 2:59,09/25 17:01,RSG,MM,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/25 RSG) deaths dropped by 1 (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-24,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1743296,,,,83702,,,83702,1659594,,384,7349,101,,27,,,2081,2081,,09/23 2:59,09/24 16:45,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-23,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1740899,,,,83193,,,83193,1657706,,361,7314,90,,32,,,2070,2070,,09/22 2:59,09/23 17:29,KSB,ALF,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-22,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1740899,,,,83193,,,83193,1657706,,487,7314,85,,32,,,2070,2070,,09/20 2:59,09/22 18:32,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-21,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1736556,,,,82548,,,82548,1654008,,377,7262,69,,21,,,2037,2037,,09/20 2:59,09/21 17:03,JB,HMH,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-20,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1723040,,,,82199,,,82199,1640841,,380,7248,85,,26,,,2037,2037,,09/19 2:59,09/20 16:51,KVP,KP,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-19,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1704670,,,,81602,,,81602,1623068,,395,7215,93,,34,,,2037,2037,,09/18 2:59,09/19 17:43,KSB,SB,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-18,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1704670,,,,81602,,,81602,1623068,,379,7215,,,34,,,2037,2037,,09/18 2:59,09/18 17:51,QN,BSL,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-17,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1691047,,,,81198,,,81198,1609849,,380,7196,,,36,,,2031,2031,,09/17 2:59,09/17 17:34,JAC,LDH,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-16,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1676702,,,,80812,,,80812,1595890,,357,7162,,,29,,,2020,2020,,09/16 2:59,09/16 18:01,HLS,ALF,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-15,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1665715,,,,80465,,,80465,1585250,,348,7127,,,28,,,2015,2015,,09/15 2:59,09/15 17:57,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-14,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1653967,,,,80138,,,80138,1573829,,385,7098,,,26,,,2006,2006,,09/14 2:59,09/14 17:35,DZL,BHP,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-13,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1644585,,,,79826,,,79826,1564759,,371,7081,,,29,,,1991,1991,,09/13 2:59,09/13 18:17,BHP,LDH,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-12,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1631162,,,,79476,,,79476,1551686,,384,7048,,,19,,,1991,1991,,09/11 2:59,09/12 17:32,LSW,RSG,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-11,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1614748,,,,79011,,,79011,1535737,,392,7018,,,19,,,1991,1991,,09/11 2:59,09/11 18:05,QN,CB-M,"PROCESS: Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) ",B 2020-09-10,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1597987,,,,78467,,,78467,1519520,,382,6993,,,29,,,1985,1985,,09/10 2:59,09/10 18:13,KVP,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-09-09,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1583903,,,,78009,,,78009,1505894,,358,6966,,,34,,,1978,1978,,09/09 2:59,09/09 18:23,ALF,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-09-08,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1563053,,,,77235,,,77235,1485818,,376,6860,,,37,,,1953,1953,,09/06 2:59,09/08 16:10,SCH,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (9/8 SCH) Both webpages of WA and the dash crashed and are unavailable. Says ""HTTP error 503."" (WA Dept of Health Twitter notes severe wind storm damage 9/8 SB) (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-09-07,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1563053,,,,77235,,,77235,1485818,,384,6860,,,37,,,1953,1953,,09/06 2:59,09/07 16:23,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-09-06,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1550477,,,,76836,,,76836,1473641,,403,6842,,,34,,,1953,1953,,09/05 2:59,9/06 17:34,ESK,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-09-05,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1534090,,,,76335,,,76335,1457755,,417,6848,,,48,,,1953,1953,,09/04 2:59,09/05 17:41,KVP,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-09-04,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1518089,,,,75856,,,75856,1442233,,399,6834,,,50,,,1945,1945,,09/03 2:59,09/04 16:25,KAT,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-09-03,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1496353,,,,75377,,,75377,1420976,,408,6795,,,65,,,1935,1935,,09/02 2:59,09/03 16:36,KVP,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-09-02,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1480039,,,,74939,,,74939,1405100,,416,6787,,,48,,,1931,1931,,09/01 2:59,09/02 17:49,KAT,PK,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-09-01,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1473245,,,,74635,,,74635,1398610,,392,6763,,,49,,,1915,1915,,08/31 2:59,09/01 16:57,AJC,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-31,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1461354,,,,74320,,,74320,1387034,,411,6740,,,51,,,1905,1905,,08/30 2:59,08/31 17:25,LDH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-30,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1461354,,,,74320,,,74320,1387034,,415,6740,,,51,,,1905,1905,,08/30 2:59,08/30 17:55,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-29,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1423771,,,,73301,,,73301,1350470,,425,6679,,,46,,,1905,1905,,08/28 2:59,08/29 17:19,SB,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-28,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1408164,,,,72703,,,72703,1335461,,443,6674,,,45,,,1890,1890,,08/27 2:59,08/28 17:04,BSL,PK,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-27,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1391309,,,,72161,,,72161,1319148,,459,6640,,,37,,,1880,1880,,08/26 2:59,8/27 17:50,MJW,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-26,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1380104,,,,71705,,,71705,1308399,,441,6595,,,47,,,1876,1876,,08/25 2:59,8/26 17:55,MM,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-25,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1380050,,,,71681,,,71681,1308369,,421,6542,,,37,,,1867,1867,,08/24 2:59,08/25 16:40,JB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-24,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1380050,,,,71681,,,71681,1308369,,454,6530,,,36,,,1863,1863,,08/23 2:59,8/24 17:14,CKW,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-23,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1379036,,,,71659,,,71659,1307377,,455,6500,,,42,,,1857,1857,,08/22 2:59,8/23 16:17,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-22,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1376533,,,,71598,,,71598,1304935,,469,6469,,,45,,,1850,1850,,08/21 2:59,8/22 16:05,KVP,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-21,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1369264,,,,71414,,,71414,1297850,,481,6400,,,48,,,1837,1837,,08/20 2:59,8/21 16:03,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-20,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1356868,,,,70973,,,70973,1285895,,498,6388,,,44,,,1822,1822,,08/19 2:59,8/20 16:48,KVP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-19,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1344043,,,,70530,,,70530,1273513,,481,6358,,,43,,,1809,1809,,08/18 2:59,08/19 16:12,PK,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-18,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1329216,,,,69967,,,69967,1259249,,475,6296,,,39,,,1785,1785,,08/17 2:59,8/18 16:44,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-17,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1314115,,,,69369,,,69369,1244746,,487,6255,,,43,,,1781,1781,,08/16 2:59,8/17 17:25,KAT,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-16,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1297928,,,,68729,,,68729,1229199,,504,6230,,,55,,,1766,1766,,08/15 2:59,8/16 16:06,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-15,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1292977,,,,68579,,,68579,1224398,,529,6206,,,58,,,1755,1755,,08/13 2:59,8/15 16:18,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-14,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1284141,,,,68234,,,68234,1215907,,519,6182,,,58,,,1736,1736,,08/13 2:59,8/14 16:58,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-13,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1269631,,,,67611,,,67611,1202020,,513,6137,,,40,,,1724,1724,,08/11 2:59,8/13 16:05,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-12,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1254514,,,,67005,,,67005,1187509,,480,6102,,,59,,,1716,1716,,08/11 2:59,8/12 16:30,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-11,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1237902,,,,66404,,,66404,1171498,,495,6049,,,35,,,1697,1697,,08/10 2:59,8/11 17:15,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-10,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1221951,,,,65721,,,65721,1156230,,532,6001,,,49,,,1688,1688,,08/09 2:59,8/10 16:38,MJW,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-09,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1202997,,,,64918,,,64918,1138079,,531,5896,,,60,,,1688,1688,,08/08 2:59,8/09 16:40,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-08,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1198007,,,,64723,,,64723,1133284,,551,5890,,,56,,,1672,1672,,08/06 20:30,8/08 15:42,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-07,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1188665,,,,64357,,,64357,1124308,,505,5874,,,50,,,1653,1653,,08/06 2:59,8/07 16:25,LDH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-06,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1173650,,,,63698,,,63698,1109952,,518,5840,,,58,,,1624,1624,,08/05 2:59,8/06 17:04,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-05,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1159061,,,,62992,,1009486,62992,1096069,,525,5779,,,47,,,1619,1619,,08/04 2:59,8/05 16:14,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-04,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1143993,,,,62267,,1008822,62267,1081726,,518,5744,,,52,,,1600,1600,,08/03 2:59,8/04 17:35,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-03,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1127619,,,,61428,,1008280,61428,1066191,,512,5692,,,51,,,1596,1596,,08/02 2:59,8/03 16:33,SLC,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-02,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1110085,,,,60588,,1001528,60588,1049497,,530,5655,,,57,,,1592,1592,,08/01 2:59,8/02 16:22,KVP,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-08-01,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1105298,,,,60360,,973654,60360,1044938,,532,5568,,,56,,,1564,1564,,07/30 2:59,8/01 16:08,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-31,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1096302,,,,59950,,973654,59950,1036352,,526,5568,,,56,,,1564,1564,,07/30 2:59,7/31 16:45,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-30,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1081486,,,,59263,,958307,59263,1022223,,530,5476,,,57,,,1555,1555,,07/29 2:59,7/30 16:44,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-29,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1066898,,,,58530,,945234,58530,1008368,,509,5474,,,48,,,1548,1548,,07/28 2:59,7/29 16:32,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-28,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1051622,,,,57655,,933304,57655,993967,,478,5397,,,49,,,1518,1518,,07/27 2:59,7/28 16:41,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-27,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1035519,,,,56746,,919347,56746,978773,,481,5374,,,42,,,1501,1501,,07/26 2:59,07/27 16:03,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-26,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1018223,,,,55773,,903674,55773,962450,,494,5341,,,51,,,1494,1494,,07/25 2:59,07/26 16:06,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-25,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1013279,,,,55452,,883982,55452,957827,,520,5301,,,52,,,1495,1495,,07/24 2:59,07/25 17:34,KVP,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-24,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1003710,,,,54970,,870763,54970,948740,,517,5276,,,47,,,1482,1482,,07/23 2:59,07/24 16:22,SLC,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-23,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,988535,,,,54177,,855152,54177,934358,,527,5211,,,55,,,1468,1468,,07/22 2:59,07/23 16:08,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-22,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,974082,,,,53306,,841184,53306,920776,,546,5161,,,51,,,1465,1465,,07/21 2:59,07/22 16:04,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-21,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,958315,,,,52290,,826354,52290,906025,,494,5102,,,43,,,1453,1453,,07/20 2:59,07/21 15:44,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-20,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,941258,,,,51206,,809339,51206,890052,,511,5063,,,42,,,1447,1447,,07/19 2:59,07/20 16:03,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-19,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,923531,,,,50216,,791786,50216,873315,,534,5033,,,62,,,1444,1444,,07/18 2:59,07/19 16:00,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-18,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,918320,,,,49882,,767657,49882,868438,,524,4984,,,46,,,1434,1434,,07/17 2:59,07/18 15:51,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-17,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,908633,,,,49358,,753174,49358,859275,,536,4944,,,45,,,1427,1427,,07/16 2:59,07/17 15:56,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-16,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,892236,,,,48480,,733886,48480,843756,,527,4829,,,53,,,1421,1421,,07/15 2:59,07/16 17:19,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-15,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,876825,,,,47655,,718234,47655,829170,,497,4788,,,55,,,1404,1404,,07/14 2:59,07/15 15:58,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-14,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,859975,,,,46693,,708274,46693,813282,,445,4778,,,39,,,1399,1399,,07/13 2:59,07/14 16:08,CB-M,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-13,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,842062,,,,45745,,686005,45745,796317,,443,4751,,,35,,,1438,1438,,07/12 2:59,07/13 17:04,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-12,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,823502,,,,44675,,668466,44675,778827,,447,4662,,,57,,,1424,1424,,07/10 2:59,07/12 16:05,SLC,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-11,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,818120,,,,44341,,668466,44341,773779,,447,4662,,,57,,,1424,1424,,07/10 2:59,07/12 16:05,SLC,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-10,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,807777,,,,43815,,660330,43815,763962,,460,4665,,,60,,,1409,1409,,07/09 2:59,07/10 15:57,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-09,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,793550,,,,42974,,645072,42974,750576,,468,4630,,,59,,,1394,1394,,07/08 2:59,07/09 15:41,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-08,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,781051,,,,42132,,635524,42132,738919,,425,4582,,,52,,,1384,1384,,07/07 2:59,07/08 17:04,SLC,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-07,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,765654,,,,41172,,629256,41172,724482,,407,4544,,,37,,,1370,1370,,07/06 2:59,07/07 17:01,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-06,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,747998,,,,40125,,612706,40125,707873,,398,4482,,,39,,,1359,1359,,07/05 2:59,07/06 15:35,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-05,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,730249,,,,39156,,607276,39156,691093,,412,4473,,,56,,,1354,1354,,07/04 2:59,07/05 15:25,MEC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-04,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,725446,,,,38863,,599975,38863,686583,,446,4463,,,58,,,1352,1352,,07/03 2:59,07/04 14:46,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-03,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,720812,,,,38632,,584989,38632,682180,,460,4442,,,62,,,1342,1342,,07/02 2:59,07/03 16:09,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-02,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,710743,,,,38189,,571964,38189,672554,,430,4402,,,57,,,1339,1339,,07/01 2:59,07/02 16:11,ENT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-07-01,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,695932,,,,37320,,557275,37320,658612,,427,4361,,,50,,,1332,1332,,06/30 2:59,07/01 15:39,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-30,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,679784,,,,36442,,548220,36442,643342,,395,4323,,,50,,,1320,1320,,06/29 2:59,06/30 15:59,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-29,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,662055,,,,35540,,534443,35540,626515,,387,4275,,,52,,,1310,1310,,06/28 2:59,06/29 16:24,SLC,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-28,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,644439,,,,34556,,525802,34556,609883,,400,4240,,,58,,,1310,1310,,06/27 2:59,06/28 15:47,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-27,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,639585,,,,34292,,514428,34292,605293,,386,4194,,,50,,,1304,1304,,06/26 2:59,06/27 16:17,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-26,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,630907,,,,33803,,505795,33803,597104,,372,4106,,,49,,,1300,1300,,06/25 2:59,06/26 17:42,AW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-25,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,617320,,,,33183,,495498,33183,584137,,402,4093,,,56,,,1293,1293,,06/24 2:59,06/25 15:50,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-24,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,604087,,,,32523,,487059,32523,571564,,386,4067,,,44,,,1284,1284,,06/23 2:59,06/24 16:55,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-23,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,589542,,,,31848,,477204,31848,557694,,372,4062,,,37,,,1276,1276,,06/22 2:59,06/23 16:32,REB,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-22,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,576444,,,,31232,,474938,31232,545212,,362,4049,,,42,,,1270,1270,,06/22 2:59,06/23 16:32,REB,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-21,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,562810,,,,30513,,466069,30513,532297,,371,4030,,,54,,,1265,1265,,06/21 2:59,06/21 16:59,SNW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-20,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,559013,,,,30324,,474876,30324,528689,,359,4003,,,49,,,1255,1255,,06/20 2:59,06/20 15:36,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-19,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,551941,,,,30010,,474187,30010,521931,,396,3959,,,47,,,1245,1245,,06/18 2:59,06/19 15:36,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-18,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,541935,,,,29493,,469768,29493,512442,,373,3938,,,47,,,1226,1226,,06/17 2:59,06/18 17:37,HMH,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-17,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,532140,,,,28956,,463149,28956,503184,,359,3915,,,47,,,1231,1231,,06/16 2:59,06/17 16:35,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-16,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,521345,,,,28495,,454236,28495,492850,,342,3894,,,38,,,1221,1221,,06/15 2:59,06/16 16:15,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-15,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,508785,,,,28001,,443294,28001,480784,,357,3856,,,41,,,1217,1217,,06/14 2:59,06/15 15:17,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-14,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,496902,,,,27484,,432619,27484,469418,,350,3845,,,49,,,1213,1213,,06/13 2:59,06/14 15:24,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-13,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,492809,,,,27348,,428859,27348,465461,,372,3817,,,43,,,1204,1204,,06/12 2:59,6/13 15:16,BHP,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-12,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,486386,,,,27155,,422770,27155,459231,,386,3772,,,8,,,1194,1194,,06/12 2:59,6/13 15:16,BHP,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-11,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,476749,,,,26767,,413579,26767,449982,,384,3773,,,63,,,1190,1190,,06/11 2:59,6/11 15:42,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-10,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,464779,,,,26367,,402370,26367,438412,,350,3747,,,92,,,1176,1176,,06/10 2:59,6/10 16:45,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-09,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,452358,,,,25999,,390815,25999,426359,,372,3699,,,60,,,1161,1161,,06/08 2:59,6/09 16:38,ETW,REB,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-08,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,440607,,,,25591,,381030,25591,415016,,350,3669,,,66,,,1159,1159,,06/07 2:59,6/08 16:42,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-07,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,430047,,,,25081,,372754,25081,404966,,446,3652,,,57,,,1153,1153,,06/06 2:59,6/07 15:51,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-06,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,426922,,,,24971,,370382,24971,401951,,479,3639,,,86,,,1149,1149,,06/06 2:59,06/07 15:51,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-05,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,422150,,,,24809,,366633,24809,397341,,519,3615,,,91,,,1138,1138,,06/05 0:00,,,,,B 2020-06-04,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,414081,,,,24416,,360374,24416,389665,,484,3578,,,94,,,1135,1135,,06/04 2:59,06/05 16:07,NRC,RS,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B 2020-06-03,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,407704,,,,24086,,355785,24086,383618,,474,3543,,,89,,,1129,1129,,06/03 0:00,,,,,B 2020-06-02,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,400375,,,,23703,,350457,23703,376672,,473,3517,,,48,,,1124,1124,,06/02 0:00,,,,,B 2020-06-01,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,391905,,,,23288,,344050,23288,368617,,497,3501,,,52,,,1118,1118,,06/01 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-31,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,383882,,,,22878,,337852,22878,361004,,536,3480,,,67,,,1118,1118,,05/31 2:59,06/01 17:24,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B 2020-05-30,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,380960,,,,22778,,335508,22778,358182,,541,3455,,,88,,,1111,1111,,05/30 2:59,05/30 14:54,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B 2020-05-29,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,376873,,,,22630,,332210,22630,354243,,547,3413,,,85,,,1106,1106,,05/29 2:59,05/29 16:29,SPA,ALF,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B 2020-05-28,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,370033,,,,22285,,326818,22285,347748,,524,3394,,,94,,,1095,1095,,05/27 2:59,05/28 15:47,RS,QN," (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B 2020-05-27,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,363211,,,,21985,,321586,21985,341226,,521,3338,,,53,,,1078,1078,,05/26 2:59,05/27 16:52,ALF,MM," (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B 2020-05-26,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,355902,,,,21634,,315843,21634,334268,,509,3290,,,51,,,1070,1070,,05/25 2:59,05/26 16:05,SLW,REB,"(5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B 2020-05-25,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,347132,,,,21236,,308948,21236,325896,,536,3287,,,47,,,1061,1061,,05/24 2:59,05/25 15:36,AW,PR,"(5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B 2020-05-24,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,343829,,,,21087,,306465,21087,322742,,560,3256,,,74,,,1055,1055,,05/23 2:59,05/24 16:05,JAC,REB,"(5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B 2020-05-23,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,341006,,,,20986,,304123,20986,320020,,553,3230,,,96,,,1050,1050,,05/22 2:59,05/23 15:56,BL,REB,"(5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B 2020-05-22,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,337656,,,,20837,,301452,20837,316819,,572,3156,,,85,,,1044,1044,,05/21 2:59,05/22 16:51,G-S,KP,"(5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B 2020-05-21,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,331812,,,,20524,,296884,20524,311288,,518,3125,,,70,,,1037,1037,,05/20 2:59,05/21 16:18,JAC,QN,"(5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B 2020-05-20,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,326079,,,,20228,,292212,20228,305851,,504,,52,,,,,1031,1031,,05/19 2:59,05/20 15:48,REB,PR,"(5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (4/24 mor ERG) still showing data from 4/22 (4/20 morning MM) WA revised positives down after data cleanup that removed 190 out of state residents",B 2020-05-19,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,319019,,,,19960,,286574,19960,299059,,539,,52,,,,,1002,1002,,05/18 2:59,05/19 17:28,REB,MM,"(5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (4/24 mor ERG) still showing data from 4/22 (4/20 morning MM) WA revised positives down after data cleanup that removed 190 out of state residents",A 2020-05-18,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,310386,,,,19662,,279478,19662,290724,,558,,52,,,,,1001,1001,,05/17 2:59,05/18 16:33,REB,MM,"(5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (4/24 mor ERG) still showing data from 4/22 (4/20 morning MM) WA revised positives down after data cleanup that removed 190 out of state residents",A 2020-05-17,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,301924,,,,19343,,272496,19343,282581,,581,,52,,,,,1000,1000,,05/17 0:00,,,,,A 2020-05-16,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,299456,,,,19279,,270526,19279,280177,,663,,90,,,,,992,992,,05/16 0:00,,,,,A 2020-05-15,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,295958,,,,19161,,267697,19161,276797,,626,,114,,,,,983,983,,05/15 0:00,,,,,A 2020-05-14,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,289417,,,,18898,,262293,18898,270519,,645,,111,,,,,975,975,,05/14 0:00,,,,,A 2020-05-13,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,283044,,,,18627,,257288,18627,264417,,562,,114,,,,,962,962,,05/13 0:00,,,,,A 2020-05-12,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,276900,,,,18319,,252541,18319,258581,,321,,94,,,,,945,945,,05/12 0:00,,,,,A 2020-05-11,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,270794,,,,18069,,247565,18069,252725,,350,,110,,,,,931,931,,05/11 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-10,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,264596,,,,17773,,242722,17773,246823,,335,,101,,,,,921,921,,05/10 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-09,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,262820,,,,17711,,241361,17711,245109,,393,,128,,,,,905,905,,05/09 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-08,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,260312,,,,17583,,239267,17583,242729,,393,,122,,,,,891,891,,05/08 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-07,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,254216,,,,17330,,234092,17330,236886,,358,,144,,,,,870,870,,05/07 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-06,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,248702,,,,17065,,229508,17065,231637,,390,,127,,,,,862,862,,05/06 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-05,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,242290,,,,16776,,224209,16776,225514,,292,,102,,,,,841,841,,05/05 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-04,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,236165,,,,16518,,219140,16518,219647,,263,,86,,,,,834,834,,05/04 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-03,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,229800,,,,16132,,213630,16132,213668,,411,,120,,,,,830,,,05/03 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-02,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,228003,,,,16048,,212146,16048,211955,,428,,117,,,,,824,,,05/02 0:00,,,,,B 2020-05-01,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,225299,,,,15936,,209827,15936,209363,,470,,120,,,,,814,,,05/01 0:00,,,,,B 2020-04-30,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,219604,,,,15619,,205035,15619,203985,,474,,145,,,,,801,,,04/30 0:00,,,,,B 2020-04-29,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,214078,,,,15371,,200153,15371,198707,,490,,156,,,,,786,,,04/29 0:00,,,,,B 2020-04-28,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,208382,,,,15043,,195230,15043,193339,,436,,158,,,,,765,,,04/28 0:00,,,,,B 2020-04-27,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,202414,,,,14748,,189883,14748,187666,,536,,115,,,,,749,,,04/27 0:00,,,,,B 2020-04-26,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,196617,,,,14379,,184766,14379,182238,,508,,145,,,,,738,,,04/26 0:00,,,,,B 2020-04-25,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,194532,,,,14266,,182988,14266,180266,,455,,174,,,,,665,,,04/25 0:00,,,,,B 2020-04-24,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,191084,,,,14100,,179977,14100,176984,,551,,164,,,,,659,,,04/24 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-23,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,184908,,,,13750,,174468,13750,171158,,544,,151,,,,,654,,,04/23 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-22,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,179945,,,,13476,,170130,13476,166469,,543,,161,,,,,647,,,04/22 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-21,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,174818,,,,13193,,165706,13193,161625,,503,,161,,,,,640,,,04/21 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-20,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,170027,,,,12923,,161504,12923,157104,,403,,122,,,,,629,,,04/20 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-19,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,165059,,,,12589,,157116,12589,152470,,586,,193,,,,,615,,,04/19 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-18,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,163092,,,,12493,,155439,12493,150599,,518,,155,,,,,598,,,04/18 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-17,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,160524,,,,12318,,153193,12318,148206,,622,,195,,,,,585,,,04/17 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-16,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,155401,,,,11967,,148741,11967,143434,,595,,196,,,,,571,,,04/16 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-15,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,150699,,,,11658,,144393,11658,139041,,645,,194,,,,,551,,,04/15 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-14,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,146201,,,,11330,,140247,11330,134871,,387,,98,,,,,542,,,04/14 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-13,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,141543,,,,11028,,135938,11028,130515,,527,,166,,,,,526,,,04/13 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-12,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,136957,,,,10657,,131718,10657,126300,,642,,191,,,,,509,,,04/12 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-11,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,135476,,,,10568,,130287,10568,124908,,649,,191,,,,,494,,,04/11 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-10,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,133289,,,,10413,,128211,10413,122876,,642,,191,,,,,476,,,04/10 0:00,,,,,C 2020-04-09,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,128808,,,,10104,,123912,10104,118704,,650,,191,,,,,459,,,04/09 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-08,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,124317,,,,9741,,119606,9741,114576,,655,,186,,,,,443,,,04/08 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-07,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,119252,,,,9396,,114802,9396,109856,,641,,190,,,,,429,,,04/07 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-06,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,113776,,,,8983,,109573,8983,104793,,638,,191,,,,,407,,,04/06 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-05,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,108393,,,,8589,,104437,8589,99804,,581,,178,,,,,386,,,04/05 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-04,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,106297,,,,8418,,102485,8418,97879,,574,,174,,,,,365,,,04/04 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-03,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,103598,,,,8211,,99871,8211,95387,,,,,,,,,338,,,04/03 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-02,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,98545,,,,7796,,95017,7796,90749,,,,,,,,,310,,,04/02 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-01,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,93374,,,,7399,,90110,7399,85975,,,,,,,,,282,,,04/01 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-31,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,88412,,,,6949,,85393,6949,81463,,,,,,,,,262,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-30,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,83531,,,,6484,,80687,6484,77047,,,,,,,,,248,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-29,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,78081,,,,5921,,75537,5921,72160,,,,,,,,,237,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-28,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,76094,,,,5679,,73704,5679,70415,,,,,,,,,220,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-27,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,73297,,,,5391,,71103,5391,67906,,,,,,,,,199,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-26,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,68680,,,,4927,,66743,4927,63753,,,,,,,,,183,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-25,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,63993,,,,4492,,62272,4492,59501,,,,,,,,,159,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-24,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,58745,,,,4052,,57265,4052,54693,,,,,,,,,146,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-23,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,53245,,,,3614,,52038,3614,49631,,,,,,,,,137,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,A 2020-03-22,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,47738,,,,3151,,46735,3151,44587,,,,,,,,,126,,,03/22 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-21,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,45706,,,,2965,,44847,2965,42741,,,,,,,,,111,,,03/21 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-20,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,43276,,,,2771,,42505,2771,40505,,,,,,,,,104,,,03/20 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-19,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,39156,,,,2468,,38444,2468,36688,,,,,,,,,92,,,03/19 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-18,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,34696,,,,2135,,33894,2135,32561,,,,,,,,,82,,,03/18 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-17,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,29870,,,,1846,,29154,1846,28024,,,,,,,,,78,,,03/17 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-16,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,25055,,,,1582,,24516,1582,23473,,,,,,,,,69,,,03/16 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-15,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,20059,,,,1282,,19621,1282,18777,,,,,,,,,57,,,03/15 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-14,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,18316,,,,1174,,17932,1174,17142,,,,,,,,,51,,,03/14 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-13,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,15940,,,,1018,,15603,1018,14922,,,,,,,,,47,,,03/13 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-12,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,11614,,,,801,,11369,801,10813,,,,,,,,,44,,,03/12 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-11,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,7805,,,,622,,7605,622,7183,,,,,,,,,40,,,03/11 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-10,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,5486,,,,488,,5338,488,4998,,,,,,,,,37,,,03/10 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-09,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3673,,,,378,,3554,378,3295,,,,,,,,,35,,,03/09 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-08,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2632,,,,317,,2530,317,2315,60,,,,,,,,31,,,03/08 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-07,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2092,,,,256,,2007,256,1836,66,,,,,,,,27,,,03/07 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-06,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1667,,,,218,,1604,218,1449,,,,,,,,,26,,,03/06 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-05,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1156,,,,179,,1128,179,977,,,,,,,,,20,,,03/05 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-04,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,782,,,,128,,768,128,654,,,,,,,,,16,,,03/04 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-03,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,531,,,,90,,523,90,441,,,,,,,,,14,,,03/03 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-02,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,305,,,,65,,298,65,240,,,,,,,,,11,,,03/02 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-01,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,117,,,,34,,114,34,83,,,,,,,,,8,,,03/01 0:00,,,,, 2020-02-29,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,42,,,,18,,41,18,24,,,,,,,,,5,,,02/29 0:00,,,,, 2020-02-28,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,, 2020-02-27,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,, 2020-02-26,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,, 2020-02-25,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-24,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-23,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-22,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-21,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-20,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-19,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-18,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-17,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-16,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-15,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-14,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-13,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-12,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-11,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-10,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-09,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-08,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-07,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-06,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-05,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-04,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-03,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-02,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-02-01,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-01-31,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-01-30,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-01-29,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-01-28,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-01-27,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-01-26,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-01-25,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-01-24,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-01-23,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-01-22,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,