date,state,totalTestsPeopleAntigen,positiveTestsPeopleAntigen,negativeTestsPeopleAntigen,totalTestsAntigen,positiveTestsAntigen,negativeTestsAntigen,totalTestsPeopleAntibody,positiveTestsPeopleAntibody,negativeTestsPeopleAntibody,totalTestsAntibody,positiveTestsAntibody,negativeTestsAntibody,totalTestEncountersViral,totalTestsViral,positiveTestsViral,negativeTestsViral,positiveCasesViral,probableCases,totalTestsPeopleViral,positive,negative,pending,hospitalizedCurrently,hospitalizedCumulative,inIcuCurrently,inIcuCumulative,onVentilatorCurrently,onVentilatorCumulative,recovered,death,deathConfirmed,deathProbable,lastUpdateTime,dateChecked,checker,doubleChecker,privateNotes,dataQualityGrade Date,State,Total Antigen Tests (People),Positive Antigen Tests (People),Negative Antigen Tests (People),Total Antigen Tests,Positive Antigen Tests,Negative Antigen Tests,Total Antibody Tests (People),Positive Antibody Tests (People),Negative Antibody Tests (People),Total Antibody Tests,Positive Antibody Tests,Negative Antibody Tests,Total Test Encounters (PCR),Total Tests (PCR),Positive Tests (PCR),Negative Tests (PCR),Positive Cases (PCR),Probable Cases,Total PCR Tests (People),Positive,Negative,Pending,Hospitalized – Currently,Hospitalized – Cumulative,In ICU – Currently,In ICU – Cumulative,On Ventilator – Currently,On Ventilator – Cumulative,Recovered,Deaths,Deaths (confirmed),Deaths (probable),Last Update ET,Check time (ET),Checker,Doublechecker,Notes,Data Quality Grade 2020-05-31,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2063825,,,,370770,,,370770,1693055,,3436,89590,1050,,791,,65934,23905,,,05/31 0:00,05/31 15:00,KP,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-30,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2005381,,,,369660,,,369660,1635721,,3619,89400,1124,,857,,65609,23848,,,05/30 0:00,05/30 16:54,RS,CML,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-29,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1944130,,,,368284,,,368284,1575846,,3781,89194,1164,,889,,65289,23780,,,05/29 0:00,05/29 17:18,QN,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-28,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1876789,,,,366733,,,366733,1510056,,4010,89042,1219,,931,,64954,23722,,,05/28 0:00,05/28 16:02,RS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-27,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1811544,,,,364965,,,364965,1446579,,4208,88866,1261,,988,,64632,23643,,,05/27 0:00,05/27 16:12,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-26,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1774128,,,,363836,,,363836,1410292,,4265,88686,1273,,1002,,64443,23564,,,05/26 0:00,05/26 15:54,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-25,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1739449,,,,362764,,,362764,1376685,,4348,88554,1366,,1058,,64280,23488,,,05/25 0:00,05/25 16:51,RS,ESK,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-24,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1699826,,,,361515,,,361515,1338311,,4393,88324,1406,,1067,,64080,23391,,,05/24 0:00,05/24 15:56,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-23,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1652061,,,,359926,,,359926,1292135,,4642,88083,1502,,1254,,63292,23282,,,05/22 0:00,05/23 17:21,QN,ESK,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-22,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1600793,,,,358154,,,358154,1242639,,4844,87843,1581,,1254,,63292,23195,,,05/22 0:00,05/23 17:21,QN,ESK,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-21,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1555055,,,,356458,,,356458,1198597,,5187,87638,1695,,1345,,62826,23083,,,05/21 0:00,05/21 16:44,RS,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-20,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1505836,,,,354370,,,354370,1151466,,5570,87459,1761,,1421,,61886,22976,,,05/20 0:00,05/20 16:43,MM/RS,RS/MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-19,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1467739,,,,352845,,,352845,1114894,,5818,87169,1836,,1481,,61886,22843,,,05/19 0:00,5/19 15:31,RS,KP ,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-18,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1439557,,,,351371,,,351371,1088186,,5840,86901,1908,,1538,,61681,22729,,,05/18 0:00,5/18 15:42,RS,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-17,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1413396,,,,350121,,,350121,1063275,,5897,86575,1981,,1601,,61381,22619,,,05/17 0:00,5/17 17:31,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-16,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1378717,,,,348232,,,348232,1030485,,6220,86207,2077,,1674,,60796,22478,,,05/16 0:00,5/16 16:54,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-15,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1338048,,,,345813,,,345813,992235,,6394,85782,2156,,1774,,60302,22304,,,05/14 0:00,5/15 16:31,KP,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-14,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1298757,,,,343051,,,343051,955706,,6706,85454,2223,,1846,,59758,22170,,,05/14 0:00,5/15 16:31,KP,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-13,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1258907,,,,340661,,,340661,918246,,6946,85008,2308,,1908,,59193,22013,,,05/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-12,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1225113,,,,338485,,,338485,886628,,7063,84489,2375,,1964,,58679,21845,,,05/12 0:00,05/12 16:45,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A 2020-05-11,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1204650,,,,337055,,,337055,867595,,7226,84194,2450,,2020,,58363,21640,,,05/10 0:00,05/11 16:38,RS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from 4. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s: (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab",A 2020-05-10,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1182998,,,,335395,,,335395,847603,,7262,83761,2488,,2073,,58006,21478,,,05/10 0:00,05/11 16:38,RS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from 4. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s: (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab",A 2020-05-09,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1153768,,,,333122,,,333122,820646,,7776,83285,2664,,2203,,57180,21271,,,05/09 0:00,05/09 16:35,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from 4. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s: (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab",B 2020-05-08,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1121543,,,,330407,,,330407,791136,,8196,82730,2811,,2295,,56378,21045,,,05/08 0:00,05/08 16:40,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from 4. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s: (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab",B 2020-05-07,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1089916,,,,327469,,,327469,762447,,8665,82197,2976,,2425,,55547,20828,,,05/07 0:00,05/07 16:10,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from 4. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s: (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab",B 2020-05-06,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1055921,,,,323978,,,323978,731943,,9179,81570,3098,,,,54597,19877,,,05/06 0:00,05/06 16:48,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B 2020-05-05,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1028899,,,,321192,,,321192,707707,,9600,80918,3281,,,,58950,19645,,,05/05 0:00,05/05 16:54,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B 2020-05-04,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1007310,,,,318953,,,318953,688357,,9647,80376,3330,,,,58950,19415,,,05/04 0:00,05/04 16:32,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B 2020-05-03,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,985911,,,,316415,,,316415,669496,,9786,79768,3430,,,,58950,19189,,,05/03 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B 2020-05-02,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,959017,,,,312977,,,312977,646040,,10350,78942,3501,,,,57540,18909,,,05/02 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B 2020-05-01,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,927438,,,,308314,,,308314,619124,,10993,78224,3640,,,,56187,18610,,,05/01 0:00,05/01 16:08,ESK,MM,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B 2020-04-30,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,900636,,,,304372,,,304372,596264,,11598,77400,3769,,,,54771,18321,,,04/30 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B 2020-04-29,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,872481,,,,299691,,,299691,572790,,12159,76450,3923,,,,53238,18015,,,04/29 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B 2020-04-28,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,844994,,,,295106,,,295106,549888,,12646,75362,4071,,,,51673,17638,,,04/28 0:00,04/28 16:23,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B 2020-04-27,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,826095,,,,291996,,,291996,534099,,12819,74602,4157,,,,50751,17303,,,04/27 0:00,04/28 9:48,MM,,"(4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B 2020-04-26,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,805350,,,,288045,,,288045,517305,,12839,73540,4284,,,,49687,16966,,,04/26 0:00,,,,"(4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B 2020-04-25,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,777568,,,,282143,,,282143,495425,,13524,72444,4410,,,,47935,16599,,,04/25 0:00,04/25 14:54,QN,RS,"(4/25 QN aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B 2020-04-24,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,730656,,,,271590,,,271590,459066,,14258,71373,4540,,,,46156,16162,,,04/24 0:00,,,,"(4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",A 2020-04-23,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,695920,,,,263460,,,263460,432460,,15021,70182,4597,,,,44244,15740,,,04/23 0:00,,,,"(4/19-20 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",A 2020-04-22,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,669982,,,,257216,,,257216,412766,,15599,68773,4690,,,,42308,15302,,,04/22 0:00,,,,"(4/19-20 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",A 2020-04-21,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,649325,,,,251690,,,251690,397635,,16135,67271,4729,,,,40482,14828,,,04/21 0:00,04/22 8:15,QN,,"(4/19-20 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",A 2020-04-20,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,633861,,,,247512,,,247512,386349,,16103,65969,4814,,,,39085,14347,,,04/20 0:00,04/21 8:32,QN,,"(4/19-20 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",A 2020-04-19,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,617555,,,,242786,,,242786,374769,,16213,64550,4878,,,,37596,13869,,,04/19 0:00,04/20 8:22,QN,,"(4/19 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",A 2020-04-18,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,596532,,,,236732,,,236732,359800,,16967,63103,4996,,,,35458,13362,,,04/18 0:00,04/18 23:59,PR++,SJ,,A 2020-04-17,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,573223,,,,229642,,,229642,343581,,17316,61120,5039,,,,33392,12822,,,04/17 14:00,,,,,A 2020-04-16,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,550579,,,,222284,,,222284,328295,,17735,59052,5071,,,,30800,12192,,,04/16 0:00,,,,(4/16 Aft) Discharges not reported,A 2020-04-15,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,526012,,,,213779,,,213779,312233,,18335,56968,5205,,,,28004,11586,,,04/15 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-14,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,499143,,,,202208,,,202208,296935,,18697,54653,5225,,,,25589,10834,,,04/14 0:00,,,,"(4/14 RS) No discharge reported today so our ""recovered"" and Cumulative Hospitalized numbers are stale - no new data since 4/12 (4/13 ESK) No discharge reported today so our ""recovered"" and Cumulative Hospitalized numbers are stale - no new data since 4/12",A 2020-04-13,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,478357,,,,195031,,,195031,283326,,18825,52936,5156,,,,23887,10056,,,04/13 0:00,,,,"(4/13 ESK) No discharge reported today so our ""recovered"" and Cumulative Hospitalized numbers are stale - no new data since 4/12",A 2020-04-12,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,461601,,,,188694,,,188694,272907,,18707,50919,5198,,,,23887,9385,,,04/12 0:00,,,,,A 2020-04-11,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,440980,,,,180458,,,180458,260522,,18654,48297,5009,,,,22025,8627,,,04/11 0:00,,,,"(4/9 ESK) Clarity on NY numbers from NYT (4/7 eve SJ) we need source links for Hosp/ICU/Recovered data added to the source matrix. NB: ""midnight 4/6"" = 4/7 00:00 (4/5 eve SJ) updating time stamp from today's press conf:",A 2020-04-10,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,417885,,,,170512,,,170512,247373,,18569,45768,4908,,,,20249,7844,,,04/10 0:00,,,,"(4/9 ESK) Clarity on NY numbers from NYT (4/7 eve SJ) we need source links for Hosp/ICU/Recovered data added to the source matrix. NB: ""midnight 4/6"" = 4/7 00:00 (4/5 eve SJ) updating time stamp from today's press conf:",A 2020-04-09,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,391549,,,,159937,,,159937,231612,,18279,42852,4925,,,,18297,7067,,,04/09 0:00,,,,"(4/9 ESK) Clarity on NY numbers from NYT (4/7 eve SJ) we need source links for Hosp/ICU/Recovered data added to the source matrix. NB: ""midnight 4/6"" = 4/7 00:00 (4/5 eve SJ) updating time stamp from today's press conf:",A 2020-04-08,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,365153,,,,149316,,,149316,215837,,18079,39982,4841,,,,16353,6268,,,04/07 0:00,,,,"(4/7 eve SJ) we need source links for Hosp/ICU/Recovered data added to the source matrix. NB: ""midnight 4/6"" = 4/7 00:00 (4/5 eve SJ) updating time stamp from today's press conf:",A 2020-04-07,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,340058,,,,138863,,,138863,201195,,17493,36932,4539,,,,14590,5489,,,04/06 0:00,04/07 17:41,ESK,OL,(4/5 eve SJ) updating time stamp from today's press conf:,A 2020-04-06,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,320811,,,,130689,,,130689,190122,,16837,34377,4504,,,,13366,4758,,,04/06 0:00,04/07 17:41,ESK,OL,(4/5 eve SJ) updating time stamp from today's press conf:,A 2020-04-05,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,302280,,,,122031,,,122031,180249,,16479,32293,4376,,,,12187,4159,,,04/04 0:00,04/05 16:23,KP,AM,"(4/4 eve) We need a single link to press conferences, at least a youtube channel",A 2020-04-04,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,283621,,,,113704,,,113704,169917,,15905,29471,4126,,,,10478,3565,,,04/03 11:00,04/04 22:09,SJ,,"(4/4 eve) We need a single link to press conferences, at least a youtube channel",A 2020-04-03,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,260520,,,,102863,,,102863,157657,,14810,26210,3731,,,,8886,2935,,,04/03 11:00,04/04 22:09,SJ,,"(4/4 eve) We need a single link to press conferences, at least a youtube channel",A 2020-04-02,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,238965,,,,92381,,,92381,146584,,13383,22786,3396,,,,7434,2373,,,04/02 11:45,,,,"(4/2 eve NG) False alarm, only updated timestamp",A 2020-04-01,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,220934,,,,83712,,,83712,137222,,12226,19929,3022,,,,6142,1941,,,04/01 12:00,,,,,A 2020-03-31,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,205233,,,,75795,,,75795,129438,,10929,17085,2710,,,,4975,1550,,,03/29 9:16,,,,,A 2020-03-30,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,186585,,,,66497,,,66497,120088,,9517,14578,2352,,,,4204,1218,,,03/29 9:16,,,,,A 2020-03-29,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,172470,,,,59513,,,59513,112957,,8503,12695,2037,,,,3572,965,,,03/29 9:16,,,,,A 2020-03-28,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,156069,,,,52318,,,52318,103751,,7328,10454,1755,,,,2726,728,,,03/28 13:15,,,,,A 2020-03-27,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,138625,,,,44637,,,44637,93988,,6481,8732,1583,,,,2045,519,,,03/27 11:15,,,,,A 2020-03-26,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,122310,,,,37258,,,37258,85052,,5327,6921,1290,,,,,385,,,03/26 16:59,,,,,B 2020-03-25,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,103659,,,,30810,,,30810,72849,,4079,5126,,,,,,285,,,03/25 11:45,,,,,B 2020-03-24,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,91517,,,,25665,,,25665,65852,,3343,4041,,,,,,210,,,03/24 11:30,,,,,B 2020-03-23,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,78565,,,,20875,,,20875,57690,,2629,3125,,,,,,114,,,03/23 11:36,,,,,B 2020-03-22,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,61753,,,,15168,,,15168,46585,,2043,2354,,,,,,114,,,03/22 11:00,,,,, 2020-03-21,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,45724,,,,10356,,,10356,35368,,1436,1531,,,,,,44,,,03/20 21:22,,,,, 2020-03-20,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,32637,,,,7102,,,7102,25535,,1042,,,,,,,35,,,03/20 13:20,,,,, 2020-03-19,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,22513,,,,4152,,,4152,18361,,617,,,,,,,12,,,03/19 13:20,,,,, 2020-03-18,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,14815,,,,2383,,,2383,12432,,416,,,,,,,12,,,03/18 15:05,,,,, 2020-03-17,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,10262,,,,1374,,,1374,8888,,325,,,,,,,7,,,03/16 15:00,,,,, 2020-03-16,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7355,,,,942,,,942,6413,,,,,,,,,7,,,03/16 16:22,,,,, 2020-03-15,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5419,,,,648,,,648,4771,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/15 0:00,,,,, 2020-03-14,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4126,,,,517,,,517,3609,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 12:30,,,,, 2020-03-13,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2836,,,,353,,,353,2483,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 16:00,,,,, 2020-03-12,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2074,,,,251,,,251,1823,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 16:00,,,,, 2020-03-11,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1521,,,,195,,,195,1326,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-10,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1096,,,,151,,,151,945,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-09,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,695,,,,88,,,88,607,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-08,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,388,,,,60,,,60,328,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-07,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,188,,,,36,,,36,152,236,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-06,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,122,,,,25,,,25,97,236,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-05,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,,,,3,,,3,27,24,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-04,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,,1,,,1,9,24,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,, 2020-03-03,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,1,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2020-03-02,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,