date,state,totalTestsPeopleAntigen,positiveTestsPeopleAntigen,negativeTestsPeopleAntigen,totalTestsAntigen,positiveTestsAntigen,negativeTestsAntigen,totalTestsPeopleAntibody,positiveTestsPeopleAntibody,negativeTestsPeopleAntibody,totalTestsAntibody,positiveTestsAntibody,negativeTestsAntibody,totalTestEncountersViral,totalTestsViral,positiveTestsViral,negativeTestsViral,positiveCasesViral,probableCases,totalTestsPeopleViral,positive,negative,pending,hospitalizedCurrently,hospitalizedCumulative,inIcuCurrently,inIcuCumulative,onVentilatorCurrently,onVentilatorCumulative,recovered,death,deathConfirmed,deathProbable,lastUpdateIsoUtc,dateChecked,checker,doubleChecker,privateNotes,dataQualityGrade,pushDate,totalTestResults Date,State,Total Antigen Tests (People),Positive Antigen Tests (People),Negative Antigen Tests (People),Total Antigen Tests,Positive Antigen Tests,Negative Antigen Tests,Total Antibody Tests (People),Positive Antibody Tests (People),Negative Antibody Tests (People),Total Antibody Tests,Positive Antibody Tests,Negative Antibody Tests,Total Test Encounters (PCR),Total Tests (PCR),Positive Tests (PCR),Negative Tests (PCR),Positive Cases (PCR),Probable Cases,Total PCR Tests (People),Positive,Negative,Pending,Hospitalized – Currently,Hospitalized – Cumulative,In ICU – Currently,In ICU – Cumulative,On Ventilator – Currently,On Ventilator – Cumulative,Recovered,Deaths,Deaths (confirmed),Deaths (probable),Last Update ET,Check time (ET),Checker,Doublechecker,Notes,Data Quality Grade,pushDate,Total Test Results 20200831,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,348630,5598,342703,6125,,,6125,342505,,39,,,,8,,2238,37,37,,08/31 3:59,08/31 15:55,JNG,RS,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/23 TCD) Encountered an issue where values in dashboard were showing up differently on different machines. If weird discrepency arises have someone else take a look. (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/31 17:26, 20200830,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,346839,5568,340942,6086,,,6086,340753,,41,,,,8,,2233,37,37,,08/31 3:59,08/30 16:14,KSB,KP,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/23 TCD) Encountered an issue where values in dashboard were showing up differently on different machines. If weird discrepency arises have someone else take a look. (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/30 17:56, 20200829,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,345695,5558,339808,6035,,,6035,339660,,43,,,,7,,2201,37,37,,08/29 3:59,08/29 16:16,ESK,RSG,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/23 TCD) Encountered an issue where values in dashboard were showing up differently on different machines. If weird discrepency arises have someone else take a look. (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/29 17:49, 20200828,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,339538,5359,333850,5923,,,5923,333615,,37,,,,8,,2183,37,37,,08/28 3:59,08/28 16:00,JNG,RSG,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/23 TCD) Encountered an issue where values in dashboard were showing up differently on different machines. If weird discrepency arises have someone else take a look. (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,336220,5324,330567,5801,,,5801,330419,,43,,,,9,,2109,37,37,,08/27 3:59,08/27 15:52,LDH,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/23 TCD) Encountered an issue where values in dashboard were showing up differently on different machines. If weird discrepency arises have someone else take a look. (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,334804,5305,329171,5719,,,5719,329085,,44,,,,6,,2088,37,37,,08/26 3:59,08/26 15:44,JNG,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/23 TCD) Encountered an issue where values in dashboard were showing up differently on different machines. If weird discrepency arises have someone else take a look. (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,333831,5270,328233,5666,,,5666,328165,,46,,,,6,,1967,36,36,,08/25 3:59,08/25 15:58,JAG,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/23 TCD) Encountered an issue where values in dashboard were showing up differently on different machines. If weird discrepency arises have someone else take a look. (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,330503,5221,324954,5628,,,5628,324875,,43,,,,8,,1861,32,32,,08/24 3:59,08/24 16:01,CKW,RS,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/23 TCD) Encountered an issue where values in dashboard were showing up differently on different machines. If weird discrepency arises have someone else take a look. (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,327440,5170,321943,5558,,,5558,321882,,48,,,,7,,1745,32,32,,08/23 3:59,08/23 16:19,TCD,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/23 TCD) Encountered an issue where values in dashboard were showing up differently on different machines. If weird discrepency arises have someone else take a look. (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,326287,5151,320811,5494,,,5494,320793,,46,,,,6,,1686,31,31,,08/22 3:59,08/22 16:12,RRI,RS,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,321535,5073,316141,5403,,,5403,316132,,46,,,,6,,1601,30,30,,08/21 0:00,08/21 15:56,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,312647,4970,307360,5332,,,5332,307315,,51,,,,6,,1513,29,29,,08/20 0:00,08/20 16:18,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,310849,4950,305582,5247,,,5247,305602,,56,,,,6,,1501,29,29,,08/19 0:00,08/19 16:20,JAG,RSG,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,310009,4925,304767,5177,,,5177,304832,,47,,,,7,,1468,29,29,,08/18 0:00,08/18 16:02,XMH,RS,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,305648,4838,300493,5110,,,5110,300538,,33,,,,4,,1432,28,28,,08/17 0:00,08/17 16:12,KAT,DZL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,301515,4777,296426,5060,,,5060,296455,,42,,,,3,,1418,28,28,,08/16 0:00,08/16 16:04,JJO,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,296677,4706,291666,4954,,,4954,291723,,36,,,,4,,1384,28,28,,08/15 0:00,08/15 16:28,JJO,RSG,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,295929,4698,290927,4869,,,4869,291060,,38,,,,3,,1371,27,27,,08/14 0:00,08/14 16:29,JNG,RSG,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,294053,4662,289088,4750,,,4750,289303,,46,,,,3,,1360,27,27,,08/13 0:00,08/13 16:23,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,292582,4646,287633,4655,,,4655,287927,,39,,,,3,,1359,27,27,,08/12 0:00,08/12 15:48,NMJ,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,290744,4628,285813,4589,,,4589,286155,,39,,,,4,,1344,26,26,,08/11 0:00,08/11 15:53,PK,DZL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,280343,4290,272428,4539,,,4539,275804,,37,,,,3,,1332,26,26,,08/10 0:00,08/10 17:56,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,277919,4274,270039,4473,,,4473,273446,,40,,,,4,,1269,26,26,,08/09 0:00,08/09 16:21,JAG,SB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,273593,4195,265804,4373,,,4373,269220,,37,,,,4,,1254,26,26,,08/08 0:00,08/08 16:01,RS,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,268851,4124,261152,4288,,,4288,264563,,37,,,,3,,1238,25,25,,08/07 0:00,8/07 15:47,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,261572,4024,253987,4223,,,4223,257349,,42,,,,2,,1220,25,25,,08/06 0:00,8/06 16:31,AJC,JAC,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,257279,,,4183,,,4183,253096,,38,,,,2,,1017,25,25,,08/05 0:00,8/05 16:37,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/5 HMH) After we published on 8/4, AK redid their dashbaord. We will be adding in pos/neg pcr from a query tomorrow. See 8/5 interesting things thread from 8/5 for full list of source note changes to be made. (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,252649,,,4125,,,4125,248524,,33,,,,2,,987,25,25,,08/04 0:00,8/04 16:20,BAS,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/4 17:46, 20200803,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,245807,,,4064,,,4064,241743,,38,,,,4,,946,25,25,,08/03 0:00,8/03 17:14,MJW,SB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (8/3 SB) AN, AO, AW, AX cells showing up red but the numbers are correct; probably a formatting problem. See thread. (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,243090,,,3984,,,3984,239106,,39,,,,3,,932,24,24,,08/02 0:00,8/02 16:25,JJO,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,238633,,,3827,,,3827,234806,,37,,,,3,,930,24,24,,08/01 0:00,8/01 16:22,SB,JAC,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,233106,,,3677,,,3677,229429,,40,,,,3,,898,23,23,,07/31 0:00,07/31 17:27,KAT,RSG,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200730,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,225057,,,3559,,,3559,221498,,45,,,,3,,885,23,23,,07/30 0:00,07/30 16:46,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200729,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,223664,,,3442,,,3442,220222,,45,,,,3,,854,22,22,,07/29 0:00,07/29 16:30,SAL,RS,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200728,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,213875,,,3350,,,3350,210525,,44,,,,4,,836,22,22,,07/28 0:00,07/28 16:11,ETW,KWS,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200727,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,207264,,,3206,,,3206,204162,,38,,,,3,,817,21,21,,07/27 0:00,07/27 16:58,AJC,REB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200726,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,207264,,,3102,,,3102,204162,,43,,,,4,,817,20,20,,07/26 0:00,07/26 16:28,JJO,SB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200725,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,205066,,,2868,,,2868,202198,,38,,,,2,,815,20,20,,07/25 0:00,07/25 15:53,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200724,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,200572,,,2748,,,2748,197824,,37,,,,1,,800,19,19,,07/24 0:00,07/24 17:49,DZL,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200723,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,189509,,,2684,,,2684,186825,,36,,,,1,,787,19,19,,07/23 0:00,07/23 16:23,JAC,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200722,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,185333,,,2619,,,2619,182714,,34,,,,1,,753,19,19,,07/22 0:00,07/22 16:04,AIA,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200721,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,178626,,,2525,,,2525,176101,,32,,,,1,,737,18,18,,07/21 0:00,07/21 16:12,ATS,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200720,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,175586,,,2414,,,2414,173172,,29,,,,0,,712,18,18,,07/20 0:00,07/20 15:41,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200719,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,173010,,,2277,,,2277,170733,,27,,,,1,,712,18,18,,07/19 0:00,07/19 15:52,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200718,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,168363,,,2159,,,2159,166204,,26,,,,1,,708,18,18,,07/18 0:00,07/18 15:56,JJO,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200717,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,165414,,,2081,,,2081,163333,,32,,,,0,,697,17,17,,07/17 0:00,07/17 16:12,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200716,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,163022,,,2032,,,2032,160990,,32,,,,0,,688,17,17,,07/16 0:00,07/16 16:26,ATS,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/16 HMH) AK separates in and out of state cases, so today we entered total cases, as total. cases + total nonresident cases, and neg. tests is total tests - (total. cases + total nonresident cases). See today's thread more a more detailed explanation (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200715,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,156093,,,1631,,,1631,154462,,32,,,,0,,669,17,17,,07/15 0:00,07/15 16:08,DZL,RS,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200714,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149473,,,1579,,,1579,147894,,25,,,,1,,642,17,17,,07/14 0:00,07/14 15:48,JJO,HMH,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200713,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,146590,,,1539,,,1539,145051,,22,,,,0,,620,17,17,,07/13 0:00,07/13 15:31,ATS,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200712,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,145475,,,1479,,,1479,143996,,27,,,,0,,615,17,17,,07/12 0:00,07/12 16:11,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200711,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,143376,,,1385,,,1385,141991,,31,,,,1,,598,17,17,,07/11 0:00,07/11 16:17,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200710,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141931,,,1323,,,1323,140608,,30,,,,0,,588,17,17,,07/10 0:00,07/10 16:05,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200709,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,135744,,,1272,,,1272,134472,,28,,,,0,,571,17,17,,07/09 0:00,07/09 16:10,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200708,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133401,,,1226,,,1226,132175,,30,,,,0,,563,17,17,,07/08 0:00,07/08 16:24,RRI,REB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200707,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,131420,,,1184,,,1184,130236,,25,,,,1,,560,17,17,,07/06 0:00,07/07 15:44,GET,BHP,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200706,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,123753,,,1138,,,1138,122615,,19,,,,3,,548,16,16,,07/05 0:00,07/06 15:25,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/6 SB) No update today (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200705,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,123753,,,1138,,,1138,122615,,19,,,,3,,548,16,16,,07/04 0:00,07/05 15:51,JJO,SB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200704,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,122732,,,1111,,,1111,121621,,23,,,,3,,544,16,16,,07/04 0:00,07/05 15:51,JJO,SB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (7/5 JJO) Data not updated 7/5, presumably due to 4th holiday. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200703,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,120208,,,1063,,,1063,119145,,25,,,,3,,539,15,15,,07/03 0:00,07/03 15:50,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200702,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,115909,,,1017,,,1017,114892,,18,,,,1,,535,14,14,,07/02 0:00,07/02 16:05,GET,KWS,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200701,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,114400,,,978,,,978,113422,,20,,,,2,,528,14,14,,07/01 0:00,07/01 15:40,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200630,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,112185,,,940,,,940,111245,,18,,,,1,,526,14,14,,06/29 0:00,06/30 17:06,ASL,JAC,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200629,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,108709,,,904,,,904,107805,,16,,,,1,,525,14,14,,06/29 0:00,06/30 17:06,ASL,JAC,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200628,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,108300,,,883,,,883,107417,,12,,,,1,,521,14,14,,06/28 0:00,06/28 16:07,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200627,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105581,,,854,,,854,104727,,11,,,,1,,521,14,14,,06/27 0:00,06/27 15:10,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200626,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,101792,,,836,,,836,100956,,12,,,,2,,519,14,14,,06/26 0:00,06/26 16:16,CB-M,KWS,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200625,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,99452,,,816,,,816,98636,,14,,,,2,,513,12,12,,06/25 0:00,06/25 15:55,BAS,KWS,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200624,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96096,,,792,,,792,95304,,16,,,,2,,507,12,12,,06/24 0:00,06/24 16:38,GET,REB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200623,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92947,,,778,,,778,92169,,14,,,,1,,502,12,12,,06/23 0:00,06/23 15:33,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200622,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90824,,,761,,,761,90063,,13,,,,1,,491,12,12,,06/22 0:00,06/22 15:48,CKW,SB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200621,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88051,,,755,,,755,87296,,15,,,,1,,475,12,12,,06/21 0:00,06/21 15:36,ETW,SB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains. Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200620,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,86918,,,743,,,743,86175,,16,,,,1,,464,12,12,,06/20 0:00,06/20 15:22,SB,BML,(6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8,A,, 20200619,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83631,,,722,,,722,82909,,18,,,,1,,457,12,12,,06/19 0:00,06/19 16:17,SMS,RS,(6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8,A,, 20200618,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81185,,,708,,,708,80477,,18,,,,0,,449,12,12,,06/18 0:00,06/18 15:47,HMH,BSL,(6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8,A,, 20200617,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77709,,,696,,,696,77013,,23,,,,0,,438,12,12,,06/17 0:00,06/17 15:53,RSG,BSL,(6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8,A,, 20200616,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76215,,,676,,,676,75539,,22,,,,2,,429,12,12,,06/16 0:00,06/16 16:42,KWS,RS,(6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8,A,, 20200615,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74437,,,664,,,664,73773,,21,,,,3,,417,12,12,,06/15 0:00,06/15 15:21,KWS,BSL,(6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8,A,, 20200614,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73467,,,661,,,661,72806,,11,,,,1,,411,12,12,,06/14 0:00,06/14 15:27,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Data is through previous day. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200613,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71803,,,654,,,654,71149,,12,,,,2,,405,12,12,,06/13 0:00,06/13 16:07,SPA,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Data is through previous day. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200612,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70880,,,625,,,625,70255,,15,,,,3,,403,12,12,,06/12 0:00,06/12 15:35,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Data is through previous day. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200611,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69011,,,611,,,611,68400,,18,,,,4,,397,11,11,,06/11 0:00,06/11 16:01,ETW,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Data is through previous day. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200610,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67720,,,593,,,593,67127,,22,,,,3,,392,11,11,,06/10 0:00,06/10 16:07,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Data is through previous day. (6/10 HMH) Total PCR still as of 6/8",A,, 20200609,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66890,,,573,,,573,66317,,12,,,,1,,389,11,11,,06/09 0:00,06/09 15:02,ETW,RS,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",A,, 20200608,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65912,,,563,,,563,65349,,7,,,,0,,384,10,10,,06/08 0:00,06/08 15:36,ETW,QN,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",B,, 20200607,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64904,,,544,,,544,64360,,7,,,,1,,382,10,10,,06/07 0:00,06/07 15:38,TCD,RS,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",B,, 20200606,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63901,,,536,,,536,63365,,7,48,,,1,,382,10,10,,06/06 0:00,06/06 15:35,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",A,, 20200605,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60990,,,524,,,524,60466,,8,,,,1,,380,10,10,,06/05 0:00,06/05 16:15,RS,DPT,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",A,, 20200604,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60097,,,513,,,513,59584,,13,,,,1,,376,10,10,,06/04 0:00,06/04 15:51,JAC,PR,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",A,, 20200603,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58182,,,505,,,505,57677,,11,,,,0,,373,10,10,,06/03 0:00,06/03 16:59,ALF,MM,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",A,, 20200602,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56203,,,487,,,487,55716,,10,,,,0,,371,10,10,,06/02 0:00,06/02 15:23,RS,CML,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",A,, 20200601,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54190,,,467,,,467,53723,,10,,,,1,,368,10,10,,06/01 0:00,06/01 16:39,TLM,REB,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",A,, 20200531,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51695,,,434,,,434,51261,,14,,,,2,,368,10,10,,05/30 0:00,05/31 16:37,ALF,KP,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",A,, 20200530,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51695,,,434,,,434,51261,,14,,,,2,,368,10,10,,05/30 0:00,05/31 16:37,ALF,KP,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",A,, 20200529,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49439,,,430,,,430,49009,,14,,,,1,,367,10,10,,05/29 0:00,05/29 15:22,G-S,SPA,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",A,, 20200528,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47970,,,425,,,425,47545,,10,,,,,,366,10,10,,05/28 0:00,05/28 16:03,QN,REB,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",B,, 20200527,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46363,,,412,,,412,45951,,14,,,,,,364,10,10,,05/27 0:00,05/27 14:50,REB,RS,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",C,, 20200526,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44964,,,411,,,411,44553,,12,,,,,,362,10,10,,05/26 0:00,05/26 15:04,MM,RS,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",C,, 20200525,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44472,,,409,,,409,44063,,10,,,,,,361,10,10,,05/25 0:00,05/25 15:18,RS,ESK,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",C,, 20200524,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43507,,,408,,,408,43099,,10,,,,,,358,10,10,,05/24 0:00,05/24 14:16,RS,REB,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day Data is ""updated daily by noon and are current through the previous day"" sotimestamp is 00:00 + today's date",C,, 20200523,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42351,,,408,,,408,41943,,10,,,,,,358,10,10,,05/23 15:00,05/23 17:27,ESK,BL/SPA,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",C,, 20200522,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41446,,,404,,,404,41042,,15,,,,,,356,10,10,,05/22 0:00,05/22 15:51,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: AK reports specimens, not people tested. All data taken from state dashboard. Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",C,, 20200521,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39545,,,402,,,402,39143,,19,,,,,,356,10,10,,05/21 0:00,05/21 15:21,QN,PR,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day (5/18 QN mor) AK reports specimens, not people tested",C,, 20200520,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37045,,,402,,,402,36643,,16,,,,,,352,10,10,,05/20 0:00,05/20 16:44,QN,REB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day (5/18 QN mor) AK reports specimens, not people tested",C,, 20200519,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36380,,,399,,,399,35981,,16,,,,,,348,10,10,,05/19 0:00,05/19 15:30,MM,REB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day (5/18 QN mor) AK reports specimens, not people tested",B,, 20200518,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35611,,,399,,,399,35212,,9,,,,,,345,10,10,,05/18 0:00,05/18 16:08,RS,PR,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day (5/18 QN mor) AK reports specimens, not people tested",B,, 20200517,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34651,,,396,,,396,34255,,13,,,,,,344,10,10,,05/17 0:00,05/17 17:14,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",B,, 20200516,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33281,,,392,,,392,32889,,10,,,,,,344,10,10,,05/16 0:00,05/16 15:50,RS,BL,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",B,, 20200515,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32418,,,388,,,388,32030,,8,,,,,,343,10,10,,05/14 0:00,05/15 15:25,MM,REB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",B,, 20200514,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31762,,,387,,,387,31375,,12,,,,,,339,10,10,,05/14 0:00,05/15 15:25,MM,REB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",B,, 20200513,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30649,,,383,,,383,30266,,12,,,,,,338,10,10,,05/13 0:00,5/13 16:08,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",B,, 20200512,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29961,,,383,,,383,29578,,10,,,,,,334,10,10,,05/12 0:00,05/12 16:10,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",B,, 20200511,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28680,,,381,,,381,28299,,7,,,,,,328,10,10,,05/11 0:00,05/11 15:46,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",C,, 20200510,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27364,,,379,,,379,26985,,8,,,,,,324,10,10,,05/10 14:00,05/10 14:17,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",C,, 20200509,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26449,,,378,,,378,26071,,8,,,,,,318,10,10,,05/09 0:00,05/09 16:20,SLW,QN,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",C,, 20200508,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25473,,,377,,,377,25096,,16,,,,,,305,10,10,,05/08 0:00,05/08 16:17,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",C,, 20200507,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24341,,,374,,,374,23967,,12,,,,,,291,10,10,,05/07 0:00,05/07 16:09,QN,PR,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",C,, 20200506,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23655,,,372,,,372,23283,,8,,,,,,284,10,10,,05/06 0:00,05/06 16:05,AW,DPT,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",C,, 20200505,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22692,,,371,,,371,22321,,13,,,,,,277,9,9,,05/05 0:00,05/05 15:50,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",C,, 20200504,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21723,,,370,,,370,21353,,12,,,,,,263,9,9,,05/04 0:00,05/04 15:27,MEB,ESK,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains Data is through previous day ",C,, 20200503,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21578,,,368,,,368,21210,,12,,,,,,262,9,9,,05/03 14:15,5/03 15:41,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains (4/24 aft RS) Recovered cases decreased by 1 (4/23 aft RS) Negatives carried over as they're higher than reported on page (see note from 4/22) (4/22 Aft RS) After discussion, we decided with the way AK reports Cur and Cum hospitalization, it does not make sense to report both. Only reporting Current Hospitalization now. Thread: (4/22 AFG aft) Total tests (used in the calculation for Negative) taken from 1:37 in, ",C,, 20200502,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21399,,,365,,,365,21034,,10,,,,,,261,9,,,05/02 0:00,5/02 15:19,QN,DPT,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains (4/24 aft RS) Recovered cases decreased by 1 (4/23 aft RS) Negatives carried over as they're higher than reported on page (see note from 4/22) (4/22 Aft RS) After discussion, we decided with the way AK reports Cur and Cum hospitalization, it does not make sense to report both. Only reporting Current Hospitalization now. Thread: (4/22 AFG aft) Total tests (used in the calculation for Negative) taken from 1:37 in, ",C,, 20200501,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20325,,,364,,,364,19961,,25,,,,,,254,9,,,05/01 14:00,05/01 15:39,KP,CML,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains (4/24 aft RS) Recovered cases decreased by 1 (4/23 aft RS) Negatives carried over as they're higher than reported on page (see note from 4/22) (4/22 Aft RS) After discussion, we decided with the way AK reports Cur and Cum hospitalization, it does not make sense to report both. Only reporting Current Hospitalization now. Thread: (4/22 AFG aft) Total tests (used in the calculation for Negative) taken from 1:37 in, ",C,, 20200430,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19119,,,355,,,355,18764,,19,,,,,,252,9,,,04/30 15:00,4/30 15:19,SPA,DPT/PR,"PROCESS: Do not report Cum Hosp, as long as the note that total hospitalizations ""does not reflect current stays"" remains (4/24 aft RS) Recovered cases decreased by 1 (4/23 aft RS) Negatives carried over as they're higher than reported on page (see note from 4/22) (4/22 Aft RS) After discussion, we decided with the way AK reports Cur and Cum hospitalization, it does not make sense to report both. Only reporting Current Hospitalization now. Thread: (4/22 AFG aft) Total tests (used in the calculation for Negative) taken from 1:37 in, ",C,, 20200429,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19119,,,355,,,355,18764,,14,,,,,,240,9,,,04/28 14:50,4/29 16:30,RS,ESK,"(4/24 aft RS) Recovered cases decreased by 1 (4/23 aft RS) Negatives carried over as they're higher than reported on page (see note from 4/22) (4/22 Aft RS) After discussion, we decided with the way AK reports Cur and Cum hospitalization, it does not make sense to report both. Only reporting Current Hospitalization now. Thread: (4/22 AFG aft) Total tests (used in the calculation for Negative) taken from 1:37 in, ",B,, 20200428,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17089,,,351,,,351,16738,,16,,,,,,228,9,,,04/28 14:50,4/28 15:14,RS,CML,"(4/24 aft RS) Recovered cases decreased by 1 (4/23 aft RS) Negatives carried over as they're higher than reported on page (see note from 4/22) (4/22 Aft RS) After discussion, we decided with the way AK reports Cur and Cum hospitalization, it does not make sense to report both. Only reporting Current Hospitalization now. Thread: (4/22 AFG aft) Total tests (used in the calculation for Negative) taken from 1:37 in, ",B,, 20200427,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16256,,,345,,,345,15911,,10,,,,,,218,9,,,04/27 14:00,4/27 14:11,PR,RS,"(4/24 aft RS) Recovered cases decreased by 1 (4/23 aft RS) Negatives carried over as they're higher than reported on page (see note from 4/22) (4/22 Aft RS) After discussion, we decided with the way AK reports Cur and Cum hospitalization, it does not make sense to report both. Only reporting Current Hospitalization now. Thread: (4/22 AFG aft) Total tests (used in the calculation for Negative) taken from 1:37 in, ",B,, 20200426,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16177,,,341,,,341,15836,,14,,,,,,217,9,,,04/26 14:15,4/26 15:55,RS,REB,"(4/24 aft RS) Recovered cases decreased by 1 (4/23 aft RS) Negatives carried over as they're higher than reported on page (see note from 4/22) (4/22 Aft RS) After discussion, we decided with the way AK reports Cur and Cum hospitalization, it does not make sense to report both. Only reporting Current Hospitalization now. Thread: (4/22 AFG aft) Total tests (used in the calculation for Negative) taken from 1:37 in, ",B,, 20200425,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15732,,,339,,,339,15393,,32,,,,,,217,9,,,04/25 16:00,04/25 16:15,RS,REB,"(4/24 aft RS) Recovered cases decreased by 1 (4/23 aft RS) Negatives carried over as they're higher than reported on page (see note from 4/22) (4/22 Aft RS) After discussion, we decided with the way AK reports Cur and Cum hospitalization, it does not make sense to report both. Only reporting Current Hospitalization now. Thread: (4/22 AFG aft) Total tests (used in the calculation for Negative) taken from 1:37 in, ",B,, 20200424,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12281,,,339,,,339,11942,,36,,,,,,208,9,,,04/24 15:00,4/24 16:02,RS,REB,"(4/24 aft RS) Recovered cases decreased by 1 (4/23 aft RS) Negatives carried over as they're higher than reported on page (see note from 4/22) (4/22 Aft RS) After discussion, we decided with the way AK reports Cur and Cum hospitalization, it does not make sense to report both. Only reporting Current Hospitalization now. Thread: (4/22 AFG aft) Total tests (used in the calculation for Negative) taken from 1:37 in, ",A,, 20200423,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12161,,,337,,,337,11824,,42,,,,,,209,9,,,04/23 14:00,4/23 15:36,RS,QN,"(4/23 aft RS) Negatives carried over as they're higher than reported on page (see note from 4/22) (4/22 Aft RS) After discussion, we decided with the way AK reports Cur and Cum hospitalization, it does not make sense to report both. Only reporting Current Hospitalization now. Thread: (4/22 AFG aft) Total tests (used in the calculation for Negative) taken from 1:37 in, (4/20 AW aft) note: ""cumulative [hospitalized] does not reflect current stays"", that's why current is higher than cum. (4/13 AW aft) Red column--Yesterday's total testing numbers were either a typo or the state has revised them, based on historical data from state dashboard. Can't verify either case with the screenshots we have on our site though unfortunately ",A,, 20200422,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12159,,,335,,,335,11824,,39,36,,,,,196,9,,,04/22 14:00,4/22 16:28,AFG,PR,"(4/22 Aft RS) After discussion, we decided with the way AK reports Cur and Cum hospitalization, it does not make sense to report both. Only reporting Current Hospitalization now. Thread: (4/22 AFG aft) Total tests (used in the calculation for Negative) taken from 1:37 in, (4/20 AW aft) note: ""cumulative [hospitalized] does not reflect current stays"", that's why current is higher than cum. (4/13 AW aft) Red column--Yesterday's total testing numbers were either a typo or the state has revised them, based on historical data from state dashboard. Can't verify either case with the screenshots we have on our site though unfortunately ",A,, 20200421,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11119,,,329,,,329,10790,,42,36,,,,,168,9,,,04/21 15:15,4/21 15:32,AW,RS,,A,, 20200420,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10124,,,321,,,321,9803,,46,36,,,,,161,9,,,04/20 14:00,4/20 14:17,AW,RS,,A,, 20200419,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9895,,,319,,,319,9576,,37,36,,,,,153,9,,,04/18 17:45,4/19 14:11,SPA,RS,,A,, 20200418,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9655,,,314,,,314,9341,,39,36,,,,,147,9,,,04/18 14:15,4/18 15:09,PR,QN,,A,, 20200417,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9450,,,309,,,309,9141,,,36,,,,,128,9,,,04/16 0:00,4/17 16:46,MM,PR,"(4/13 AW aft) Red column--Yesterday's total testing numbers were either a typo or the state has revised them, based on historical data from state dashboard. Can't verify either case with the screenshots we have on our site though unfortunately",A,, 20200416,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8735,,,300,,,300,8435,,,35,,,,,110,9,,,04/16 15:30,4/16 15:42,MEB,RS,"(4/13 AW aft) Red column--Yesterday's total testing numbers were either a typo or the state has revised them, based on historical data from state dashboard. Can't verify either case with the screenshots we have on our site though unfortunately (4/11 SD) number of total tests at public health lab decreaed from 2408 to 2285. Total tests still increased, so value was updated anyway.",A,, 20200415,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8664,,,293,,,293,8371,,,34,,,,,106,9,,,04/15 15:15,4/15 15:33,AW,RS,"(4/13 AW aft) Red column--Yesterday's total testing numbers were either a typo or the state has revised them, based on historical data from state dashboard. Can't verify either case with the screenshots we have on our site though unfortunately (4/11 SD) number of total tests at public health lab decreaed from 2408 to 2285. Total tests still increased, so value was updated anyway.",A,, 20200414,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8348,,,285,,,285,8063,,,32,,,,,98,9,,,04/14 14:15,4/14 15:08,REB,LH,"(4/13 AW aft) Red column--Yesterday's total testing numbers were either a typo or the state has revised them, based on historical data from state dashboard. Can't verify either case with the screenshots we have on our site though unfortunately (4/11 SD) number of total tests at public health lab decreaed from 2408 to 2285. Total tests still increased, so value was updated anyway.",A,, 20200413,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7830,,,277,,,277,7553,,,32,,,,,85,8,,,04/13 0:00,4/13 16:43,REB,ESK,"(4/13 AW aft) Red column--Yesterday's total testing numbers were either a typo or the state has revised them, based on historical data from state dashboard. Can't verify either case with the screenshots we have on our site though unfortunately (4/11 SD) number of total tests at public health lab decreaed from 2408 to 2285. Total tests still increased, so value was updated anyway.",A,, 20200412,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8038,,,272,,,272,7766,,,31,,,,,66,8,,,04/12 14:50,4/12 15:23,JL,RS,"(4/11 SD) number of total tests at public health lab decreaed from 2408 to 2285. Total tests still increased, so value was updated anyway.",A,, 20200411,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7732,,,257,,,257,7475,,,31,,,,,63,8,,,04/11 14:45,4/11 16:39,SD,RS,"(4/11 SD) number of total tests at public health lab decreaed from 2408 to 2285. Total tests still increased, so value was updated anyway.",A,, 20200410,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7432,,,246,,,246,7186,,,28,,,,,55,7,,,04/10 15:30,4/10 15:48,JJ,RS,,A,, 20200409,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7223,,,235,,,235,6988,,,27,,,,,49,7,,,04/09 16:00,4/09 15:49,MC,HDF,,A,, 20200408,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7068,,,226,,,226,6842,,,27,,,,,32,7,,,04/08 15:00,4/08 15:13,AW,RS,,A,, 20200407,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6913,,,213,,,213,6700,,,23,,,,,29,6,,,04/07 15:15,4/07 15:31,RS,PR,"(4/7 RS Aft) AK started reporting recovered on 4/7 (4/6 - RS) Updated Negative to = Combined cumulative tests on dashboard - Positives.",A,, 20200406,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6883,,,191,,,191,6692,,,23,,,,,,6,,,04/06 14:45,4/06 15:30,JJ,RS/PR,(4/6 - RS) Updated Negative to = Combined cumulative tests on dashboard - Positives.,A,, 20200405,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6284,,,185,,,185,6099,,,20,,,,,,6,,,04/05 0:00,4/05 14:44,eh,AM,"(4/5 AM) The state now explicitly says data current through the previous day. New time stamp guidane: CURRENT DATE+00:00 (4/4 aft PJR) State page now says all data updated at noon, current Public and Local Time notes are out of date. Updated Negative to = Combined cumulative tests on dashboard - Positives. (4/3 afternoon MEB) Data updated 4/3, timestamp not updated yet. ",A,, 20200404,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6040,,,171,,,171,5869,,,16,,,,,,5,,,04/04 16:00,4/04 16:15,PJR,PR,"(4/4 aft PJR) State page now says all data updated at noon, current Public and Local Time notes are out of date. Updated Negative to = Combined cumulative tests on dashboard - Positives. (4/3 afternoon MEB) Data updated 4/3, timestamp not updated yet. (4/2 evening RV) The site now says all data are updated daily at noon.",A,, 20200403,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6016,,,157,,,157,5859,,,15,,,,,,3,,,04/03 16:00,4/03 15:55,MEB,HDF,"(4/3 afternoon MEB) Data updated 4/3, timestamp not updated yet. (4/2 evening RV) The site now says all data are updated daily at noon.",A,, 20200402,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5022,,,143,,,143,4879,,,9,,,,,,3,,,04/01 21:00,04/02 13:51,MM,HDF,,A,, 20200401,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4603,,,133,,,133,4470,,,9,,,,,,3,,,03/31 19:00,03/31 15:25,AW,KP,,A,3/31 17:25, 20200331,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3713,,,119,,,119,3594,,,7,,,,,,3,,,03/30 19:00,03/30 13:07,EB,HDF,,A,3/30 16:46, 20200330,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3654,,,114,,,114,3540,,,7,,,,,,3,,,03/29 19:00,03/29 15:47,RS,KP,,A,3/29 17:33, 20200329,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3334,,,102,,,102,3232,,,6,,,,,,2,,,03/28 19:00,03/28 13:22,RS,KP,,A,3/28 16:55, 20200328,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2921,,,85,,,85,2836,,,5,,,,,,2,,,03/27 19:00,03/27 13:27,EB,KP,,A,3/27 17:23, 20200327,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2388,,,69,,,69,2319,13,,3,,,,,,1,,,03/26 21:00,03/26 16:13,CF,KP,,A,3/26 17:15, 20200326,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1860,,,59,,,59,1801,,,3,,,,,,1,,,03/25 21:00,03/25 14:33,CF,JDM,,A,3/25 16:42, 20200325,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1691,,,42,,,42,1649,,,1,,,,,,1,,,03/24 21:00,03/24 14:01,KP,AM,,A,3/24 18:11, 20200324,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1022,,,36,,,36,986,,,0,,,,,,0,,,03/23 19:00,03/23 16:36,ESK,PR,,A,3/23 17:06, 20200323,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,968,,,22,,,22,946,,,0,,,,,,0,,,03/21 16:30,03/22 16:49,LH,ESK,,A,3/22 16:56, 20200322,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,968,,,22,,,22,946,,,0,,,,,,0,,,03/21 16:30,03/21 16:07,PR,OL,,,3/21 16:24, 20200321,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,772,,,14,,,14,758,,,0,,,,,,0,,,03/21 16:30,03/20 16:14,JEH,ESK,,,3/20 16:22, 20200320,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,698,,,12,,,12,686,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/20 16:30,03/19 15:12,LH,ESK,,,3/19 16:20, 20200319,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,438,,,6,,,6,432,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/18 16:30,03/18 16:11,KP,AM,,,3/18 16:55, 20200318,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,412,,,6,,,6,406,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/17 23:00,03/17 15:15,KP,AM,,,3/17 16:22, 20200317,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,337,,,3,,,3,334,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/17 0:01,03/16 15:06,LH,AM,,,3/16 16:22, 20200316,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,144,,,1,,,1,143,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/16 15:06,03/15 14:34,KP,SJ,,,3/15 16:05, 20200315,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,144,,,1,,,1,143,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/13 16:30,03/14 13:40,JK,JDM,,,3/14 16:16, 20200314,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,144,,,1,,,1,143,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/13 16:30,03/13 15:33,,,,,3/13 16:30, 20200313,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60,,,1,,,1,59,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/13 0:00,03/11 16:04,JH,AM,,,3/11 16:43, 20200312,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46,,,0,,,0,46,14,,,,,,,,0,,,03/11 16:30,03/09 15:36,JH,,,,3/9 17:02, 20200311,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46,,,0,,,0,46,14,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23,,,0,,,0,23,9,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23,,,0,,,0,23,9,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,,,0,,,0,14,6,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,0,,,0,12,2,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,AK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,0,,,0,8,1,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,976381,,,117152,8906,,126058,859229,,1004,14267,,1474,,807,48028,2182,2083,99,08/31 11:00,08/31 16:29,PK,RS,9/29 (ESK) 1297 Bump from backlog of tests from onboarding of new labs,B,8/31 17:26, 20200830,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,972283,,,116456,8779,,125235,855827,,969,14267,,1467,,804,48028,2162,2067,95,08/30 11:00,08/30 16:58,ESK,BHP,9/29 (ESK) 1297 Bump from backlog of tests from onboarding of new labs,B,8/30 17:56, 20200829,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,967213,,,115284,8605,,123889,851929,,986,14267,,1459,,801,48028,2152,2059,93,08/29 11:00,08/29 16:51,ESK,RSG,9/29 (ESK) 1297 Bump from backlog of tests from onboarding of new labs,B,8/29 17:49, 20200828,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,956401,,,113723,8462,,122185,842678,,1002,14267,,1450,,794,48028,2107,2017,90,08/28 11:00,08/28 15:42,LDH,BSL,(8/24 CKW) Total Tested is lower today (916364) than yesterday (916703) and testing is higher. Carried over yesterday's negatives.,B,8/28 17:43, 20200827,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,948580,,,112794,8229,,121023,835786,,1052,14005,,1430,,782,48028,2076,1990,86,08/27 11:00,08/27 16:23,KSB,DZL,(8/24 CKW) Total Tested is lower today (916364) than yesterday (916703) and testing is higher. Carried over yesterday's negatives.,B,8/27 18:55, 20200826,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,936557,,,112126,7128,,119254,824431,,1077,14005,,1412,,770,48028,2045,1965,80,08/26 11:00,08/26 15:41,NMJ,BSL,(8/24 CKW) Total Tested is lower today (916364) than yesterday (916703) and testing is higher. Carried over yesterday's negatives.,B,8/26 18:37, 20200825,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,920989,,,110954,6288,,117242,810035,,1097,13793,,1399,,764,44684,2037,1959,78,08/25 11:00,08/25 16:49,JAG,DZL,(8/24 CKW) Total Tested is lower today (916364) than yesterday (916703) and testing is higher. Carried over yesterday's negatives.,B,8/25 18:03, 20200824,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,916364,,,110769,5941,,116710,806609,,1149,13793,,1391,,754,44684,2024,1950,74,08/24 11:00,08/24 17:13,CKW,RSG,(8/24 CKW) Total Tested is lower today (916364) than yesterday (916703) and testing is higher. Carried over yesterday's negatives.,B,8/24 17:21, 20200823,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,916703,,,110094,4966,,115060,806609,,1093,13502,,1348,,734,44684,2013,1944,69,08/23 11:00,08/23 16:53,TCD,BSL,,B,8/23 17:24, 20200822,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,911316,,,109566,4966,,114532,801750,,1067,13502,,1348,,734,44684,2011,1942,69,08/22 11:00,08/22 15:37,PK,BSL,,B,8/22 17:10, 20200821,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,891813,,,107804,4966,,112770,784330,,1168,13330,,1348,,734,44684,1990,1921,69,08/21 11:00,08/21 16:46,TCD,REB,,B,8/21 17:26, 20200820,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,891813,,,107483,4966,,112449,784330,,1105,13330,,1348,,734,44684,1974,1905,69,08/20 11:00,08/20 16:45,KSB,BSL,,B,8/20 18:13, 20200819,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,880652,,,106784,4694,,111478,773868,,1198,13080,,1336,,731,41523,1944,1876,68,08/19 11:00,08/19 15:40,NMJ,BML," (7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/19 17:55, 20200818,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,863713,,,105815,4546,,110361,757898,,1280,12958,,1329,,729,41523,1936,1867,69,08/18 11:00,08/18 16:49,XMH,BHP," (7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/18 17:32, 20200817,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,848514,,,104595,4409,,109004,743919,,1301,12958,,1319,,720,41523,1925,1855,70,08/17 11:00,08/17 16:58,CKW,RSG," (7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/17 17:55, 20200816,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,842070,,,104079,4354,,108433,737991,,1289,12607,,1316,,720,41523,1898,1830,68,08/16 11:00,08/16 16:51,BAS,BSL," (7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/16 17:31, 20200815,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,832794,,,103357,4223,,107580,729437,,1259,12607,,1313,,719,41523,1896,1828,68,08/15 11:00,08/15 16:31,TCD,RSG," (7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/15 17:34, 20200814,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,820871,,,102196,4113,,106309,718675,,1326,12456,,1305,,716,41523,1893,1825,68,08/14 11:00,08/14 16:49,RSG,JAC," (7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/14 17:41, 20200813,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,798501,,,101496,4061,,105557,697005,,1341,12456,,1292,,707,41523,1890,1821,69,08/13 11:00,08/13 16:22,AIA,BSL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,791786,,,100801,3985,,104786,690985,,1386,12292,,1282,,700,41523,1882,1814,68,08/12 11:00,08/12 16:22,KAT,BSL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,779764,,,99926,3925,,103851,679838,,1504,12070,,1270,,691,37923,1847,1781,66,08/11 11:00,08/11 16:52,KSB,BHP,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,776937,,,99390,3630,,103020,677547,,1551,12070,,1249,,680,37923,1797,1733,64,08/10 11:00,08/10 17:40,KAT,SB,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,758852,,,97735,3599,,101334,661117,,1449,11537,,1242,,674,37923,1768,1707,61,08/09 11:00,08/09 16:44,JAC,BSL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,745942,,,94827,3560,,98387,651115,,1454,11537,,1228,,661,37923,1735,1674,61,08/08 11:00,08/08 17:01,RRI,RS,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,745942,,,94827,3474,,98301,651115,,1403,11537,,1219,,658,37923,1735,1674,61,08/07 11:00,8/07 15:50,LDH,BSL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,736594,,,93402,3190,,96592,643192,,1613,11313,,1211,,654,37923,1714,1654,60,08/06 11:00,8/06 16:32,AIA,DZL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,724582,,,91776,2878,,94654,632806,,1572,11100,,1200,,645,37923,1695,1639,56,08/05 11:00,8/05 16:03,BSL,HMH,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,719489,,,90890,2812,,93702,628599,,1572,11100,,1173,,634,35401,1666,1611,55,08/04 11:00,8/04 16:45,RSG,BSL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/4 17:58, 20200803,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,711317,,,89927,2734,,92661,621390,,1540,10865,,1153,,619,35401,1633,1580,53,08/03 11:00,8/03 16:42,BSL,RSG,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,703437,,,88811,2633,,91444,614626,,1538,10521,,1151,,616,35401,1627,1576,51,08/02 11:00,8/02 16:50,BAS,HMH,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,694802,,,86780,2569,,89349,608022,,1416,10521,,1150,,616,35401,1603,1553,50,08/01 11:00,8/01 15:52,SB,BSL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,687022,,,85278,2445,,87723,601744,,1596,10521,,1144,,613,35401,1580,1531,49,07/31 11:00,07/31 16:56,BSL,RSG,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200730,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,677841,,,83495,2267,,85762,594346,,1512,10070,,1129,,605,35401,1565,1516,49,07/30 11:00,07/30 16:19,BSL,HMH,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200729,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,666065,,,81572,2210,,83782,584493,,1605,9893,,1109,,595,32510,1538,1489,49,07/29 11:00,07/29 16:57,DZL,BSL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200728,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,663342,,,80309,2057,,82366,583033,,1598,9893,,1094,,584,32510,1491,1446,45,07/28 11:00,07/28 17:08,DZL,BSL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200727,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,655973,,,79129,1986,,81115,576844,,1473,9694,,1081,,577,32510,1491,1446,45,07/27 11:00,07/27 17:42,MM,RSG,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200726,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,647743,,,77351,1943,,79294,570392,,1512,9157,,1076,,573,32510,1473,1428,45,07/26 11:00,07/26 15:49,AMW,BSL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200725,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,639795,,,76314,1816,,78130,563481,,1499,9157,,1069,,567,32510,1456,1413,43,07/25 11:00,07/25 16:40,GET,RSG,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200724,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,627344,,,74365,1640,,76005,552979,,1536,9157,,1058,,565,32510,1438,1395,43,07/24 11:00,07/24 17:02,DZL,RSG,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200723,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,618011,,,72696,1516,,74212,545315,,1561,8995,,1043,,553,32510,1397,1357,40,07/23 11:00,07/23 15:45,AW,BSL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200722,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,608088,,,70413,1400,,71813,537675,,1468,8538,,1018,,540,29736,1364,1325,39,07/22 11:00,07/22 16:33,AIA,BSL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200721,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,599098,,,69075,1283,,70358,530023,,1549,8538,,1009,,535,29736,1303,1268,35,07/21 11:00,07/21 16:12,BSL,HMH,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200720,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,592608,,,67711,1180,,68891,524897,,1571,8368,,994,,528,29736,1291,1257,34,07/20 11:00,07/20 16:28,SB,BSL,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200719,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,584387,,,65865,1146,,67011,518522,,1524,7782,,988,,526,29736,1287,1254,33,07/18 11:00,07/19 16:06,BSL,BML,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200718,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,573441,,,64180,1054,,65234,509261,,1463,7782,,982,,524,29736,1286,1253,33,07/18 11:00,07/19 16:06,BSL,BML,"(7/19 BSL) Partial hospitalization update, much less than usual (7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200717,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,562135,,,62111,980,,63091,500024,,1433,7584,,967,,521,29736,1265,1232,33,07/17 11:00,07/17 15:16,AW,BSL,"(7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200716,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,550179,,,60158,930,,61088,490021,,1395,7584,,950,,516,29736,1230,1200,30,07/16 11:00,07/16 16:00,ATS,BSL,"(7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200715,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,540207,,,58225,842,,59067,481982,,1332,7291,,941,,514,29736,1211,1183,28,07/15 11:00,07/15 15:27,DZL,BSL,"(7/15 DZL) From 6/10 outreach, AL ""Total Tested"" refers to specimens, but we've been recording as people. Switched to reporting as specimens today. (7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200714,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,528275,,,56441,814,,57255,471834,,1362,7123,,931,,511,25783,1164,1136,28,07/14 11:00,07/14 15:29,JJO,REB,"(7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200713,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,518827,,,54768,777,,55545,464059,,1335,6745,,919,,505,25783,1124,1096,28,07/13 11:00,07/13 16:32,ATS,BSL,"(7/13 ATS) Curr. hosp increased (to 1335) but Cum. hosp did not change (still 6745) (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200712,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,510827,,,52908,679,,53587,457919,,1163,6745,,911,,503,25783,1121,1093,28,07/12 11:00,07/12 15:16,SB,JAC,"(7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200711,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,501367,,,51294,653,,51947,450073,,1093,6745,,904,,496,25783,1114,1086,28,07/10 11:00,07/11 17:08,QN,KWS,"(7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200710,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,491600,,,49892,616,,50508,441708,,1201,3089,,888,,493,25783,1104,1077,27,07/10 11:00,07/11 17:08,QN,KWS,"(7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp has a new method of calculation using a new program, raising the value to 6745 (7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200709,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,467754,,,48588,586,,49174,421330,,1135,3039,,877,,490,25783,1068,1042,26,07/09 11:00,07/09 15:31,GET,KWS,"(7/9 KWS) carry over negatives since totals didn't update (7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200708,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,467754,,,46424,538,,46962,421330,,1116,3006,,871,,486,22082,1058,1032,26,07/08 11:00,07/08 15:40,KVP,HMH,"(7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200707,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,460842,,,45263,522,,45785,415579,,1078,2961,,858,,479,22082,1033,1007,26,07/07 11:00,07/07 15:12,WCD,BSL,"(7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200706,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,454592,,,44375,503,,44878,410217,,1025,2914,,843,,473,22082,1007,984,23,07/06 11:00,07/06 15:28,ATS,BSL,"(7/6 ATS) Now pulling current hospitalizations from ArcGis query because the graph on the AL dashboard rounds after hitting 1,000 (showing 1k instead of 1016) (7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200705,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,449383,,,43450,503,,43953,405933,,919,2909,,843,,473,22082,1007,984,23,07/05 11:00,07/05 15:07,RSG,BSL,"(7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200704,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,441585,,,42359,503,,42862,399226,,818,2906,,843,,473,22082,1007,984,23,07/04 11:00,07/04 15:10,SNW,HMH,"(7/4 SNW) Ventilator (cumulative) went down by 1. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200703,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,430128,,,41362,503,,41865,388766,,838,2883,,838,,474,22082,1006,983,23,07/03 11:00,07/03 15:26,SPA,BSL,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200702,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,419221,,,39604,507,,40111,379617,,843,2835,,826,,468,22082,985,961,24,07/02 11:00,07/02 15:19,GET,BSL,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day)",B,, 20200701,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,413433,,,38442,520,,38962,374991,,809,2803,,814,,464,18866,972,947,25,07/01 11:00,07/01 15:11,RSG,BSL,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200630,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,406143,,,37536,509,,38045,368607,,775,2769,,806,,458,18866,950,926,24,06/30 11:00,06/30 15:40,ASL,BSL,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200629,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,392800,,,36682,493,,37175,356118,,726,2725,,801,,457,18866,929,905,24,06/29 11:00,06/29 15:20,CKW,BSL,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200628,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,385803,,,34964,477,,35441,350839,,650,2703,,790,,454,18866,919,898,21,06/28 11:00,06/28 16:05,SNW,BSL,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200627,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,384026,,,34605,478,,35083,348943,,655,2697,,789,,453,18866,919,898,21,06/27 11:00,06/27 15:17,SPA,BSL,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200626,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,377857,,,33717,466,,34183,344140,,668,2653,,772,,450,18866,907,887,20,06/26 11:00,06/26 15:21,CB-M,BSL,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200625,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,369005,,,32753,453,,33206,336252,,694,2612,,761,,447,18866,896,880,16,06/25 11:00,06/25 15:15,SMG,KWS,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200624,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,358319,,,31624,440,,32064,326695,,683,2567,,749,,441,18866,891,879,12,06/24 11:00,06/24 15:44,GET,BSL,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200623,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,353611,,,30670,427,,31097,322941,,681,2521,,737,,430,15974,864,854,10,06/23 11:00,06/23 15:40,RSG,AW,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200622,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,348687,,,30031,423,,30454,318656,,663,2471,,725,,424,15974,841,831,10,06/22 11:00,06/22 15:52,RSG,SB,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200621,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,344255,,,29598,423,,30021,314657,,625,2460,,721,,424,15974,839,829,10,06/21 11:00,06/21 15:09,ETW,BSL,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200620,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,339100,,,29126,423,,29549,309974,,638,2443,,717,,418,15974,838,828,10,06/20 11:00,06/20 15:43,ETW,BHP,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200619,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,330906,,,28583,419,,29002,302323,,650,2416,,710,,415,15974,822,812,10,06/19 11:00,06/19 15:10,RSG,RS,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200618,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,322124,,,27796,410,,28206,294328,,668,2373,,695,,405,15974,810,801,9,06/18 11:00,06/18 15:29,HMH,RS,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200617,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,310325,,,26914,398,,27312,283411,,688,2352,,687,,401,15974,790,784,6,06/17 11:00,06/17 16:16,AW,BSL,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200616,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,305036,,,26524,388,,26912,278512,,683,2315,,682,,399,13508,785,779,6,06/16 11:00,06/16 15:15,KWS,RS,"(6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200615,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,302294,,,25892,380,,26272,276402,,641,2259,,676,,395,13508,774,769,5,06/15 11:00,06/15 15:31,RSG,REB,"PROCESS: 1. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. NOTES: (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200614,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,297075,,,25235,380,,25615,271840,,576,2255,,675,,395,13508,773,768,5,06/14 11:00,06/14 14:55,RSG,SB,"PROCESS: 1. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. NOTES: (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200613,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,292872,,,24221,380,,24601,268651,,563,2241,,672,,395,13508,773,768,5,06/13 11:00,06/13 14:43,KWS,SPA,"PROCESS: 1. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. NOTES: (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200612,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,286008,,,23333,377,,23710,262675,,624,2202,,658,,384,13508,769,764,5,06/12 11:00,06/12 15:40,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. NOTES: (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200611,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,278455,,,22474,371,,22845,255981,,647,2165,,650,,380,13508,755,750,5,06/11 11:00,06/11 14:50,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. NOTES: (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200610,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,272694,,,21626,363,,21989,251068,,646,2129,,646,,378,13508,744,739,5,06/10 11:00,06/10 15:07,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. NOTES: (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly (not sure which day) ",B,, 20200609,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,267388,,,21071,351,,21422,246317,,628,2087,,631,,375,11395,729,725,4,06/09 11:00,06/09 15:29,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#9) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly(not sure which day) (6/3 GGR) Cum ICU went down from 591 to 588, Cum Vent went down from 355 to 351. Left prior reported numbers! (6/2 REB) dashboard does not show tests today. Updated everything except totals and negatives ",B,, 20200608,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,259232,,,20590,335,,20925,239066,,593,2054,,623,,371,11395,718,714,4,06/08 11:00,06/08 15:52,RSG,QN,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#9) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (6/8 QN) Did not update negatives since total tests updated late (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly(not sure which day) (6/3 GGR) Cum ICU went down from 591 to 588, Cum Vent went down from 355 to 351. Left prior reported numbers! (6/2 REB) dashboard does not show tests today. Updated everything except totals and negatives ",B,, 20200607,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,259232,,,20166,334,,20500,239066,,518,2022,,615,,364,11395,692,688,4,06/07 11:00,06/07 17:09,HMH,CML,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#9) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (6/7 HMH) Recoveries updated weekly(not sure which day) (6/3 GGR) Cum ICU went down from 591 to 588, Cum Vent went down from 355 to 351. Left prior reported numbers! (6/2 REB) dashboard does not show tests today. Updated everything except totals and negatives (5/31 SB) AL updated during afternoon shift! (5/31 ALF) Alabama has just started breaking out Probable & Confirmed cases (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one ",B,, 20200606,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,245310,,,19709,334,,20043,225601,,473,1993,,612,,363,11395,689,685,4,06/06 11:00,06/06 14:14,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#9) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (6/3 GGR) Cum ICU went down from 591 to 588, Cum Vent went down from 355 to 351. Left prior reported numbers! (6/2 REB) dashboard does not show tests today. Updated everything except totals and negatives (5/31 SB) AL updated during afternoon shift! (5/31 ALF) Alabama has just started breaking out Probable & Confirmed cases (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one ",B,, 20200605,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,239159,,,19073,314,,19387,220086,,582,1949,,603,,358,11395,676,672,4,06/05 11:00,06/05 16:24,RS,DPT,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (6/3 GGR) Cum ICU went down from 591 to 588, Cum Vent went down from 355 to 351. Left prior reported numbers! (6/2 REB) dashboard does not show tests today. Updated everything except totals and negatives (5/31 SB) AL updated during afternoon shift! (5/31 ALF) Alabama has just started breaking out Probable & Confirmed cases (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one ",B,, 20200604,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,235299,,,18766,306,,19072,216227,,601,1929,,601,,357,11395,653,651,2,06/04 0:00,06/04 15:53,JAC,PR,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (6/3 GGR) Cum ICU went down from 591 to 588, Cum Vent went down from 355 to 351. Left prior reported numbers! (6/2 REB) dashboard does not show tests today. Updated everything except totals and negatives (5/31 SB) AL updated during afternoon shift! (5/31 ALF) Alabama has just started breaking out Probable & Confirmed cases (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one ",B,, 20200603,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,231297,,,18554,297,,18851,212743,,610,1900,,591,,355,11395,653,651,2,06/03 0:00,06/03 17:15,GGR**,MM,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (6/3 GGR) Cum ICU went down from 591 to 588, Cum Vent went down from 355 to 351. Left prior reported numbers! (6/2 REB) dashboard does not show tests today. Updated everything except totals and negatives (5/31 SB) AL updated during afternoon shift! (5/31 ALF) Alabama has just started breaking out Probable & Confirmed cases (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one (5/23 SOJ) The information about deaths is located on the dashboard. is defunct.",B,, 20200602,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,223802,,,18354,288,,18642,205160,,606,1879,,591,,355,9355,651,649,2,06/01 0:00,06/02 16:41,REB,QN,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (6/2 REB) dashboard does not show tests today. Updated everything except totals and negatives (5/31 SB) AL updated during afternoon shift! (5/31 ALF) Alabama has just started breaking out Probable & Confirmed cases (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one (5/23 SOJ) The information about deaths is located on the dashboard. is defunct.",B,, 20200601,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,223235,,,18075,288,,18363,205160,,596,1856,,591,,355,9355,646,644,2,06/01 0:00,06/02 16:41,REB,QN,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (6/2 REB) dashboard does not show tests today. Updated everything except totals and negatives (5/31 SB) AL updated during afternoon shift! (5/31 ALF) Alabama has just started breaking out Probable & Confirmed cases (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one (5/23 SOJ) The information about deaths is located on the dashboard. is defunct.",B,, 20200531,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,221307,,,17614,289,,17903,199650,,527,1844,,589,,355,9355,631,629,2,05/31 0:00,05/31 17:24,SB,KP,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/31 SB) AL updated during afternoon shift! (5/31 ALF) Alabama has just started breaking out Probable & Confirmed cases (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one (5/23 SOJ) The information about deaths is located on the dashboard. is defunct.",B,, 20200530,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,212201,,,17359,,,17359,194842,,536,1826,,583,,349,9355,618,618,,05/30 0:00,05/30 16:45,RS,QN,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one (5/23 SOJ) The information about deaths is located on the dashboard. is defunct.",B,, 20200529,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,208883,,,16823,,,16823,192060,,590,1800,,577,,344,9355,605,605,,05/29 0:00,05/29 14:44,TCD,SPA,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one (5/23 SOJ) The information about deaths is located on the dashboard. is defunct.",B,, 20200528,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,200481,,,16310,,,16310,184171,,527,1765,,566,,338,9355,590,590,,05/28 0:00,05/28 16:13,QN,MM,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one (5/23 SOJ) The information about deaths is located on the dashboard. is defunct.",B,, 20200527,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,195794,,,15843,,,15843,179951,,607,1719,,560,,334,7951,581,581,,05/27 0:00,05/27 16:47,G-S,QN,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one (5/23 SOJ) The information about deaths is located on the dashboard. is defunct.",B,, 20200526,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,193759,,,15396,,,15396,178363,,569,1671,,551,,327,7951,575,575,,05/26 0:00,05/26 16:13,MM,RS,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one (5/23 SOJ) The information about deaths is located on the dashboard. is defunct.",B,, 20200525,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,190315,,,14730,,,14730,175585,,450,1629,,543,,323,7951,562,562,,05/25 0:00,05/25 16:33,RS,ESK,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one (5/23 SOJ) The information about deaths is located on the dashboard. is defunct.",B,, 20200524,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,185799,,,14327,,,14327,171472,,440,1612,,537,,320,7951,551,551,,05/24 0:00,05/24 16:18,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab (#8) on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/24 RS) Cum ICU decreased by one (5/23 SOJ) The information about deaths is located on the dashboard. is defunct.",B,, 20200523,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,182676,,,13938,,,13938,168738,,446,1589,,538,,319,7951,546,546,,05/23 0:00,05/23 17:11,SOJ,BL,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/23 SOJ) The information about deaths is located on the dashboard. is defunct.",B,, 20200522,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,177768,,,13563,,,13563,164205,,598,1561,,531,,315,7951,537,537,,05/22 0:00,05/22 16:50,RS,QN,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. ",B,, 20200521,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,170739,,,13119,,,13119,157620,,574,1528,,526,,311,,529,529,,05/21 0:00,05/21 15:37,QN,PR,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. ",B,, 20200520,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,164450,,,12744,,,12744,151706,,560,1493,,524,,309,,517,517,,05/19 0:00,05/20 15:19,AFG,REB,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. ",B,, 20200519,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,157566,,,12376,,,12376,145190,,489,1453,,517,,306,,504,504,,05/18 0:00,05/19 15:38,MM,REB,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. ",B,, 20200518,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,157123,,,12086,,,12086,145037,,536,1416,,512,,302,,489,489,,05/18 0:00,05/19 15:38,MM,REB,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. ",B,, 20200517,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,156350,,,11771,,,11771,144579,,460,1392,,504,,296,,488,488,,05/16 0:00,05/17 16:42,RS,REB,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200516,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,153494,,,11523,,,11523,141971,,455,1387,,501,,295,,485,485,,05/16 0:00,05/17 16:42,RS,REB,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200515,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,146063,,,11216,,,11216,134847,,519,1377,,497,,293,,476,476,,05/15 0:00,05/15 15:27,MM,REB,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200514,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,136372,,,10968,,,10968,131017,,509,1350,,489,,291,,467,467,,05/14 0:00,05/14 16:51,JAC,AFG,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200513,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133218,,,10617,,,10617,125755,,524,1317,,477,,284,,449,449,,05/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200512,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133218,,,10310,,,10310,122908,,529,1287,,468,,280,,429,429,,05/12 0:00,05/12 16:16,RS,QN,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last.",B,, 20200511,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,129444,,,10009,,,10009,119435,,458,1256,,463,,276,,401,401,,05/11 0:00,05/11 16:17,RS,REB,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200510,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,127421,,,9777,,,9777,117644,,424,1240,,460,,274,,393,393,,05/10 0:00,05/10 16:58,JAC,KP,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200509,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,125494,,,9567,,,9567,115927,,437,1228,,459,,272,,388,388,,05/09 0:00,05/09 16:17,BL,QN,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200508,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,120114,,,9221,,,9221,110893,,481,1207,,454,,266,,375,375,,05/08 0:00,05/08 16:17,RS,REB,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200507,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,115173,,,8898,,,8898,106275,,502,1178,,448,,266,,349,349,,05/07 0:00,05/07 16:05,MM,PR,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200506,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109516,,,8581,,,8581,100935,,485,1158,,442,,264,,340,340,,05/06 0:00,05/06 16:34,AW,MM,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200505,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,106766,,,8285,,,8285,98481,,522,1107,,428,,255,,313,313,,05/05 0:00,05/05 16:36,RS,QN,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200504,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,103117,,,8025,,,8025,95092,,517,1064,,411,,247,,296,296,,05/04 0:00,05/04 16:24,MEB,REB,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200503,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92500,,,7725,,,7725,84775,,427,1035,,403,,242,,290,290,,05/03 0:00,05/03 16:15,RS,CML,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard. The state frequently updates, so you may save time by doing it last. (5/03 aft RS) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200502,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92209,,,7434,,,7434,84775,,420,1023,,335,,195,,288,,,05/02 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (5/02 aft QN/DPT) Totals haven't updated carrying neg. (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200501,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91933,,,7158,,,7158,84775,,495,1008,,335,,195,,279,,,05/01 0:00,05/01 15:30,CML,MM,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200430,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87196,,,7019,,,7019,80177,,479,978,,335,,195,,269,,,04/30 0:00,04/30 16:15,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/30 aft SPA/RS) Stats for Total Testing were entered higher than the dashboard. Negatives did not actually drop versus yesterday Publish shift (4/30 mor KWS): sudden drop in ""Total Tested"" number from 80,449 to 27,050; was a typo!",B,, 20200429,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80449,,,6842,,,6842,73607,,498,945,,335,,195,,245,,,04/29 0:00,04/29 16:32,BL,ESK,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard ",B,, 20200428,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75827,,,6687,,,6687,69140,,530,911,,335,,195,,242,,,04/28 0:00,04/28 16:23,RS,AW,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Characteristics"" tab on dashboard ",B,, 20200427,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73997,,,6499,,,6499,67498,,426,872,,335,,195,,222,,,04/27 0:00,04/27 16:02,REB,ESK,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard ",B,, 20200426,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73551,,,6270,,,6270,67281,,384,845,,288,,170,,216,,,04/26 0:00,04/26 16:31,REB,KP,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/26 aft BL) total tested hasn't changed; leaving previous negatives calculation (4/24 eve SB) Negatives left unchanged; total tested has not changed but number of positives has increased, so negatives would decrease if updated (4/23 aft QN/PR) Deaths Dropped because the state stopped reporting probable + confirmed deaths. The death right now is just confirmed (4/20 eve REB) total death number decreased; also on 4/18 ",B,, 20200425,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71344,,,6137,,,6137,65207,,351,839,,288,,170,,212,,,04/25 0:00,04/25 16:33,RS,QN,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/24 eve SB) Negatives left unchanged; total tested has not changed but number of positives has increased, so negatives would decrease if updated (4/23 aft QN/PR) Deaths Dropped because the state stopped reporting probable + confirmed deaths. The death right now is just confirmed (4/20 eve REB) total death number decreased; also on 4/18 ",B,, 20200424,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52695,,,5832,,,5832,46863,,429,768,,288,,170,,197,,,04/24 0:00,04/24 22:17,SB,SJ,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/24 eve SB) Negatives left unchanged; total tested has not changed but number of positives has increased, so negatives would decrease if updated (4/23 aft QN/PR) Deaths Dropped because the state stopped reporting probable + confirmed deaths. The death right now is just confirmed (4/21 eve AGS) only deaths, positives and hospitalized updated; Cum. hospitalized decreased from 699 to 697 (4/20 eve REB) total death number *decreased* since afternoon (4/18 PR) reported deaths decreased FYI ",B,, 20200423,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52641,,,5778,,,5778,46863,,406,768,,288,,170,,197,,,04/23 0:00,,,," PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/23 aft QN/PR) Deaths Dropped because the state stopped reporting probable + confirmed deaths. The death right now is just confirmed (4/22-23 mor/eve) positives updated, total tested not - leaving negative as is (4/21 eve AGS) only deaths, positives and hospitalized updated; Cum. hospitalized decreased from 699 to 697 (4/21 aft AW) only deaths and positives updated (4/20 eve REB) total death number *decreased* since afternoon (4/20 aft AW): total tests not yet updated (4/18-4/19 JFC/REB/BL): positives updated before totals so carrying over neg number (4/18 PR) reported deaths decreased FYI ",B,, 20200422,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48760,,,5465,,,5465,43295,,440,730,,288,,170,,194,,,04/22 0:00,04/22 22:10,REB,RV,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/22 mor AFG) cases & deaths updated, totals remain the same (so negatives calc left alone) (4/21 eve AGS) only deaths, positives and hospitalized updated; Cum. hospitalized decreased from 699 to 697 (4/21 aft AW) only deaths and positives updated (4/20 eve REB) total death number *decreased* since afternoon (4/20 aft AW): total tests not yet updated (4/18-4/19 JFC/REB/BL): positives updated before totals so carrying over neg number (4/18 PR) reported deaths decreased FYI ",B,, 20200421,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48526,,,5231,,,5231,43295,,401,699,,260,,157,,177,,,04/21 0:00,04/21 23:00,AGS,RV,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/21 eve AGS) only deaths, positives and hospitalized updated; Cum. hospitalized decreased from 699 to 697 (4/21 aft AW) only deaths and positives updated (4/20 eve REB) total death number *decreased* since afternoon (4/20 aft AW): total tests not yet updated (4/18-4/19 JFC/REB/BL): positives updated before totals so carrying over neg number (4/18 PR) reported deaths decreased FYI ",B,, 20200420,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45900,,,5025,,,5025,40875,,397,641,,260,,157,,167,,,04/20 0:00,04/20 23:17,REB,RV,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/20 eve REB) total death number *decreased* since afternoon (4/20 aft AW): total tests not yet updated (4/18-4/19 JFC/REB/BL): positives updated before totals so carrying over neg number (4/18 PR) reported deaths decreased FYI ",B,, 20200419,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45712,,,4837,,,4837,40875,,360,641,,260,,157,,154,,,04/19 0:00,04/19 22:37,JFC,QN,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/18-4/19 JFC/REB/BL): positives updated before totals so carrying over neg number (4/18 PR) reported deaths decreased FYI ",B,, 20200418,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42538,,,4655,,,4655,37883,,359,620,,247,,148,,146,,,04/18 0:00,04/18 22:13,REB,CML,"PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/18 eve REB) positives updated before totals so carrying over neg number (4/18 PR) reported deaths decreased FYI",B,, 20200417,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37848,,,4530,,,4530,33318,,364,594,,247,,148,,144,,,04/17 0:00,04/17 22:19,JFC,RV,"(4/17 eve JFC) positives updated before totals so carrying over neg number from prev shift (4/16 aft MEB) positives updated again shortly after totals - carrying over number from beginning of shift (4/15 eve SJ) hosp reduced by 1 in the dashboard. updating to the new total. (4/15 aft+eve REB CML) carrying over negative, totals didn't update but positives did (4/16 eve SB) carrying over negative, total tested did not update but positives did PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard",B,, 20200416,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36391,,,4345,,,4345,32046,,360,553,,227,,137,,133,,,04/16 0:00,,,,"(4/16 aft MEB) positives updated again shortly after totals - carrying over number from beginning of shift (4/15 eve SJ) hosp reduced by 1 in the dashboard. updating to the new total. (4/15 aft+eve REB CML) carrying over negative, totals didn't update but positives did (4/16 eve SB) carrying over negative, total tested did not update but positives did PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard",B,, 20200415,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34077,,,4113,,,4113,29964,,402,525,,219,,134,,121,,,04/15 0:00,,,,"(4/15 eve SJ) hosp reduced by 1 in the dashboard. updating to the new total. (4/15 aft+eve REB CML) carrying over negative, totals didn't update but positives did PROCESS: ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard",B,, 20200414,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33117,,,3876,,,3876,29241,,380,493,,210,,132,,110,,,04/14 0:00,04/14 22:33,RV,CML,"(4/14 eve RV) Postives updated, totals did not, keeping the Negative (4/14 ATS morn) Total tests increased to 33,050 so updated Negative as Total - Positive (4/14 noon REB) Positive updated, but total tests is the same -- not updating negative (maybe they have unreported pending? need to check trend) (4/14 morning ALF) Cumulative on ventilator decreased: cell is red, but that should be correct. (4/13 AGS eve) total tests appeared to decline from last reported number. Currently reporting 28,486 total tests. Leaving negatives as is. Add a public note if the discrepancy persists. (4/13 MM morn) In the last shift positives increased wo total tests updating so leaving negatives as is (4/12 RS) ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/8-4/12: AJM, JJ, QN, MC, CML, SD, KP) negative figures unchanged due to no update for overall tests",B,, 20200413,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29182,,,3734,,,3734,25448,,380,457,,189,,119,,99,,,04/13 0:00,04/13 23:15,AGS,PR,"(4/13 AGS eve) total tests appeared to decline from last reported number. Currently reporting 28,486 total tests. Leaving negatives as is. Add a public note if the discrepancy persists. (4/13 MM morn) In the last shift positives increased wo total tests updating so leaving negatives as is (4/12 RS) ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/8-4/12: AJM, JJ, QN, MC, CML, SD, KP) negative figures unchanged due to no update for overall tests",B,, 20200412,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21583,,,3525,,,3525,18058,,290,437,,189,,119,,93,,,04/12 0:00,04/12 22:13,JFC,ESK,"(4/12 RS) ICU and Vent #s from ""Case Characteristics"" tab on dashboard (4/8-4/12: AJM, JJ, QN, MC, CML, SD, KP) negative figures unchanged due to no update for overall tests",B,, 20200411,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21249,,,3191,,,3191,18058,,343,402,,177,,113,,91,,,04/11 0:00,04/11 22:51,BL,RV,"(4/8-4/11: AJM, JJ, QN, MC, CML,SD) negative figures unchanged due to no update for overall tests ",B,, 20200410,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21026,,,2968,,,2968,18058,,350,368,,,,,,80,,,04/10 0:00,,,,"(4/8-4/10: AJM, JJ, QN, MC, CML) negative figures unchanged due to no update for overall tests ",B,, 20200409,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20827,,,2769,,,2769,18058,,324,333,,,,,,74,,,04/09 0:00,04/09 22:15,AJM,SJ,"(MC 4/8 aft) negative figures unchanged due to no update (AJM 4/9 evening) same as MC's comment (no update to overall tests)",B,, 20200408,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19122,,,2369,,,2369,16753,,308,314,,,,,,66,,,04/08 0:00,04/08 22:23,REB,PR,"(4/8 AW aft + REB eve) Positives updated, total tests did not, so did not change negatives. (4/7 RS Aft) Positives updated, total tests did not, so did not change negatives. Also, reported total hospitalizations decreased by 1 - Roger PR (4/7 morning ALF) Note distinction on website between Reported Deaths and ""died from illness."" We use Reported Deaths.",B,, 20200407,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14916,,,2119,,,2119,12797,,302,271,,,,,,56,,,04/07 0:00,04/07 22:50,CML,PR,"(4/7 RS Aft) Positives updated, total tests did not, so did not change negatives. Also, reported total hospitalizations decreased by 1 - Roger PR (4/7 morning ALF) Note distinction on website between Reported Deaths and ""died from illness."" We use Reported Deaths.",B,, 20200406,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14765,,,1968,,,1968,12797,,297,240,,,,,,50,,,04/06 0:00,04/06 22:36,JL,PR,"(4/6 evening JL) Positive numbers tested updated. Did not change negative number. (4/6 afternoon JJ) Positve and total numbers tested updated. Changed negative number. (MM 4/6 morming) Total tested reported on dashboard dropped. Since negatives are caclculated leaving same (4/5 eve DPT) negative left same, data updated but timestamp on state page did not, leaving local time unchanged to 4/5 00:00 (",B,, 20200405,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13078,,,1796,,,1796,11282,,282,231,,,,,,45,,,04/05 0:00,04/05 22:28,DPT,SJ,"(4/5 eve DPT) negative left same, data updated but timestamp on state page did not, leaving local time unchanged to 4/5 00:00 (4/4 PR) negative left same, deaths = total deaths NOT deaths from illness",B,, 20200404,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10853,,,1580,,,1580,9273,,238,212,,,,,,43,,,04/04 0:00,04/04 22:11,BL,SJ,"4/4 PR) negative left same, deaths = total deaths NOT deaths from illness (4/4 aft PJR) Data updated but timestamp on state page did not, updating Local Time to current date (4/3 aftn HDF) total count not updated w/ positives. Leaving negative count ",B,, 20200403,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9619,,,1432,,,1432,8187,,238,,,,,,,35,,,04/03 0:00,04/03 22:13,DG,ESK,"(4/3 aftn HDF) total count not updated w/ positives. Leaving negative count (4/2 evening RV) Positives updated, total counts still did not, carrying over negatives. Note that we are using ""reported deaths"" for tracking deaths. (4/2 aftn HDF) total count not updated w/ positives. Leaving negative count",B,, 20200402,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8736,,,1233,,,1233,7503,,226,,,,,,,32,,,04/02 0:00,04/02 22:24,RV,SJ,"(4/2 evening RV) Positives updated, total counts still did not, carrying over negatives. Note that we are using ""reported deaths"" for tracking deaths. (4/02 aftn HDF) total count not updated w/ positives. Leaving negative count",B,, 20200401,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7774,,,1077,,,1077,6697,,258,,,,,,,26,,,04/01 0:00,4/01 16:39,JJ,ESK,"(4/1 aft AM) Based on guidance on the AL site, we're now reporting REPORTED DEATHS in our deaths column (4/1 morning MM) Spelled the calculation of negatives as per `older` positive count (3/31 evening RV) Positives updated, but totals did not. Keeping negatives from last entry. Alabama didn't update until 4pm",B,, 20200331,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7279,,,981,,,981,6298,,172,,,,,,,13,,,03/31 0:00,3/31 17:23,PR,ESK,,B,, 20200330,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6553,,,859,,,859,5694,,156,,,,,,,6,,,03/29 0:00,3/30 16:03,EB,ESK/HDF,,B,, 20200329,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4990,,,806,,,806,4184,,158,,,,,,,4,,,03/29 0:00,3/29 16:04,RS,AF,,B,, 20200328,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4880,,,696,,,696,4184,,134,,,,,,,3,,,03/28 0:00,3/28 16:55,RS**,ESK,,B,, 20200327,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4771,,,587,,,587,4184,,112,,,,,,,3,,,03/27 0:00,3/27 13:39,EB,KP,,B,, 20200326,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4099,,,506,,,506,3593,,106,,,,,,,1,,,03/26 0:00,3/26 17:15,CF,ESK**,,C,, 20200325,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2812,,,283,,,283,2529,,91,,,,,,,0,,,03/25 11:30,3/25 16:00,skip,ESK,,C,, 20200324,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2321,,,215,,,215,2106,,74,,,,,,,0,,,03/24 12:00,3/24 14:06,KP,AM,,C,, 20200323,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1832,,,167,,,167,1665,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/23 12:00,3/23 14:59,CF,ESK,,C,, 20200322,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1602,,,138,,,138,1464,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/22 10:37,3/22 16:00,LH,ESK,,,, 20200321,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,152,,,124,,,124,28,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/21 11:20,3/21 14:35,MTC,ESK,,,, 20200320,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109,,,81,,,81,28,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/20 11:00,3/20 14:46,HDF**,ESK,,,, 20200319,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96,,,68,,,68,28,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/19 10:45,3/19 15:15,LH,ESK,,,, 20200318,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74,,,46,,,46,28,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/18 11:05,3/18 15:12,KP,AM,,,, 20200317,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64,,,36,,,36,28,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/17 11:15,3/17 15:15,KP**,AM,,,, 20200316,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56,,,28,,,28,28,40,,,,,,,,0,,,03/16 15:08,3/16 15:08,LH**,AM,,,, 20200315,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40,,,12,,,12,28,46,,,,,,,,0,,,03/15 14:12,3/15 14:46,KP**,SJ,,,, 20200314,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28,,,6,,,6,22,46,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,3/14 15:25,PR,AM,,,, 20200313,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,1,,,1,11,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,3/13 15:35,,,,,, 20200312,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,0,,,0,10,,,,,,,,,,,,03/09 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,0,,,0,10,,,,,,,,,,,,03/09 0:00,03/11 15:37,JDM,AM,"Some conflicting stats. ""Less than 10 persons needed to be tested based upon clinical and epidemiological information. 10 tests have been run...""",,, 20200310,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,,,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,AL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,AR,,,,4644,,,,,,,,,,727035,,665811,61224,,,61224,665811,,420,4213,,,87,542,54961,797,,,08/31 14:35,08/31 16:43,PK,RSG,"They often post the updated data graphics on twitter before they are updated on the page, if page graphics are from previous day check state social media link. (8/26 KWS) I changed the antigen from the value from the presser we used 8/20 to the lower one provided in slides on 8/25. Full details here: (8/24 KAT) - No updated data for antigen tests today--carrying over previous value (8/21 LDH) - The total confirmed cases were updated, however the values found in ""Covid-19 Update"" Section are the 8/20 values and have not been updated as of 16:30 When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/31 17:26, 20200830,AR,,,,3610,,,,,,,,,,712687,,651831,60856,,,60856,651831,,391,4182,,,84,541,54408,784,,,08/30 0:00,08/30 16:48,KSB,HMH,"They often post the updated data graphics on twitter before they are updated on the page, if page graphics are from previous day check state social media link. (8/26 KWS) I changed the antigen from the value from the presser we used 8/20 to the lower one provided in slides on 8/25. Full details here: (8/24 KAT) - No updated data for antigen tests today--carrying over previous value (8/21 LDH) - The total confirmed cases were updated, however the values found in ""Covid-19 Update"" Section are the 8/20 values and have not been updated as of 16:30 When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/30 17:56, 20200829,AR,,,,3610,,,,,,,,,,706970,,646592,60378,,,60378,646592,,407,4142,,,95,538,54133,772,,,08/29 0:00,08/29 17:48,RSG,JAC,"They often post the updated data graphics on twitter before they are updated on the page, if page graphics are from previous day check state social media link. (8/26 KWS) I changed the antigen from the value from the presser we used 8/20 to the lower one provided in slides on 8/25. Full details here: (8/24 KAT) - No updated data for antigen tests today--carrying over previous value (8/21 LDH) - The total confirmed cases were updated, however the values found in ""Covid-19 Update"" Section are the 8/20 values and have not been updated as of 16:30 When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/29 17:49, 20200828,AR,,,,3610,,,,,,,,,,698055,,638472,59583,,,59583,638472,,407,4142,,,95,538,53331,756,,,08/28 14:33,08/28 17:35,PK,BSL,"They often post the updated data graphics on twitter before they are updated on the page, if page graphics are from previous day check state social media link. (8/26 KWS) I changed the antigen from the value from the presser we used 8/20 to the lower one provided in slides on 8/25. Full details here: (8/24 KAT) - No updated data for antigen tests today--carrying over previous value (8/21 LDH) - The total confirmed cases were updated, however the values found in ""Covid-19 Update"" Section are the 8/20 values and have not been updated as of 16:30 When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,AR,,,,3610,,,,,,,,,,690028,,631283,58745,,,58745,631283,,433,4104,,,99,533,52665,739,,,08/27 14:33,08/27 16:55,BHP,DPT,"They often post the updated data graphics on twitter before they are updated on the page, if page graphics are from previous day check state social media link. (8/26 KWS) I changed the antigen from the value from the presser we used 8/20 to the lower one provided in slides on 8/25. Full details here: (8/24 KAT) - No updated data for antigen tests today--carrying over previous value (8/21 LDH) - The total confirmed cases were updated, however the values found in ""Covid-19 Update"" Section are the 8/20 values and have not been updated as of 16:30 When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,AR,,,,3610,,,,,,,,,,683273,,625250,58023,,,58023,625250,,435,4061,,,108,525,51901,732,,,08/26 14:39,08/26 18:41,JAG,HMH,"They often post the updated data graphics on twitter before they are updated on the page, if page graphics are from previous day check state social media link. (8/26 KWS) I changed the antigen from the value from the presser we used 8/20 to the lower one provided in slides on 8/25. Full details here: (8/24 KAT) - No updated data for antigen tests today--carrying over previous value (8/21 LDH) - The total confirmed cases were updated, however the values found in ""Covid-19 Update"" Section are the 8/20 values and have not been updated as of 16:30 When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,AR,,,,3610,,,,,,,,,,673704,,616810,57374,,,57374,616810,,442,4013,,,108,514,51351,711,,,08/25 14:36,08/25 16:38,JAG,HMH,"They often post the updated data graphics on twitter before they are updated on the page, if page graphics are from previous day check state social media link. (8/24 KAT) - No updated data for antigen tests today--carrying over previous value (8/21 LDH) - The total confirmed cases were updated, however the values found in ""Covid-19 Update"" Section are the 8/20 values and have not been updated as of 16:30 When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,673704,,616810,56894,,,56894,616810,,466,3962,,,108,507,50689,696,,,08/24 14:36,08/24 16:36,KAT,BSL,"They often post the updated data graphics on twitter before they are updated on the page, if page graphics are from previous day check state social media link. (8/24 KAT) - No updated data for antigen tests today--carrying over previous value (8/21 LDH) - The total confirmed cases were updated, however the values found in ""Covid-19 Update"" Section are the 8/20 values and have not been updated as of 16:30 When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,670826,,609126,56574,,,56574,609126,,500,3920,,,110,502,50251,687,,,08/23 0:00,08/23 17:11,TCD,HMH,"They often post the updated data graphics on twitter before they are updated on the page, if page graphics are from previous day check state social media link. (8/21 LDH) - The total confirmed cases were updated, however the values found in ""Covid-19 Update"" Section are the 8/20 values and have not been updated as of 16:30 When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,658591,,602939,56199,,,56199,602939,,492,3908,,,108,502,49764,674,,,08/22 0:00,08/22 16:29,TCD,HMH,"They often post the updated data graphics on twitter before they are updated on the page, if page graphics are from previous day check state social media link. (8/21 LDH) - The total confirmed cases were updated, however the values found in ""Covid-19 Update"" Section are the 8/20 values and have not been updated as of 16:30 When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,658591,,602939,55652,,,55652,602939,,509,3856,,,120,499,49135,663,,,08/21 14:56,08/21 16:29,LDH,BSL,"(8/21 LDH) - The total confirmed cases were updated, however the values found in ""Covid-19 Update"" Section are the 8/20 values and have not been updated as of 16:30 When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,648509,,593744,54765,,,54765,593744,,499,3790,,,108,488,48458,641,,,08/20 15:08,08/20 17:36,JNG,HMH,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,641280,,587064,54216,,,54216,587064,,499,3743,,,114,483,47666,631,,,08/19 14:47,08/19 16:59,XMH,REB,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,632652,,579575,53487,,,53487,579575,,492,3695,,,122,478,46970,619,,,08/18 14:37,08/18 17:06,KVP,HMH,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,622050,,569385,53077,,,53077,569385,,486,3621,,,120,472,46133,603,,,08/17 15:43,08/17 17:34,CKW,DZL,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,622050,,569385,52655,,,52665,569385,,478,3570,,,120,460,45572,599,,,08/16 16:31,08/16 17:06,HMH,BSL,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/16 HMH) (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,588660,,536268,51992,,,51992,536268,,464,3562,,,108,460,44905,600,,,08/15 16:31,08/15 17:35,HMH,SB,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/15 SB) See thread for discussion of antigen test number. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,588660,,536268,52392,,,52392,536268,,466,3566,,,113,466,45446,587,,,08/14 14:34,08/14 17:31,RRI,JAC,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/14 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, and deaths. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were not updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,583480,,531714,51766,,,51766,531714,,473,3566,,,112,466,44602,582,,,08/13 14:32,08/13 16:28,DPT,HMH,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were ot updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,AR,,,,1836,,,,,,,,,,572868,,522457,51114,,,51114,522457,,486,3472,,,113,455,42998,566,,,08/12 14:40,08/12 16:35,JAG,BSL,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were ot updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,AR,,,,1495,,,,,,,,,,572868,,522457,50411,,,50411,522457,,507,3401,,,116,450,42998,566,,,08/11 14:55,08/11 17:12,PK,RSG,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were ot updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,569320,,,50028,,,50028,519292,,508,3336,,,117,443,42130,555,,,08/10 15:30,08/10 16:49,DPT,SB,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were ot updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,563831,,,49383,,,49383,514448,,497,3284,,,117,437,41452,544,,,08/09 0:00,08/09 16:38,JAG,HMH,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were ot updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,551523,,,48039,,,48039,503484,,523,3223,,,116,435,40360,521,,,08/07 15:30,08/08 16:58,KVP,RSG,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/8 RSG) Per checker, only changes were to hospital related, AQ, AR, AU, AV. nothing else changed.Looks like they may have stopped reporting on Saturdays. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were ot updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,551523,,,48039,,,48039,503484,,514,3168,,,111,429,40360,521,,,08/07 15:30,8/07 16:26,SPA,BSL,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were ot updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,539101,,,47028,,,47028,492808,,514,3118,,,111,424,39555,515,,,08/06 14:40,8/06 16:34,AJC,HMH,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/6 HMH) Images on page were ot updated, used PR numbers for cur. hosp, cur. vent, recovered, and deaths. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,533899,,,46293,,,46293,488518,,516,3118,,,106,424,38848,508,,,08/05 15:00,8/05 16:41,RSG,BSL,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/5 RSG) Carried over total tests and negative tests from 8/4. Dash not updated. The rest of data from state page. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,533899,,,45381,,,45381,488518,,526,3054,,,101,414,38000,490,,,08/04 14:40,8/04 17:03,AIA,RSG,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/4 17:46, 20200803,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,527400,,,44597,,,44597,482803,,513,2966,,,108,403,37240,475,,,08/03 14:50,8/03 16:55,RSG,HMH,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,514581,,,43173,,,43173,471408,,499,2894,,,104,397,36034,458,,,08/01 17:30,8/02 15:44,BAS,BML,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,514581,,,43173,,,43173,471408,,507,2852,,,100,395,36034,460,,,08/01 0:00,8/01 17:10,RSG,BSL,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (8/1 RSG) All data from dash except for hospitalization data, including ICU+vents. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,502717,,,42511,,,42511,460958,,507,2852,,,100,395,35413,453,,,07/31 14:40,07/31 17:22,HMH,BSL,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200730,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,502717,,,41759,,,41759,460958,,508,2747,,,108,387,34737,442,,,07/30 14:40,07/30 17:03,AJC,BHP,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200729,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,495605,,,40968,,,40968,454637,,508,2747,,,108,387,33938,434,,,07/29 14:40,07/29 17:00,KAT,BSL,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200728,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,489906,,,40181,,,40181,449725,,501,2686,,,110,377,33188,428,,,07/28 14:40,07/28 17:30,ETW,KWS,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200727,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,484891,,,39447,,,39447,445444,,489,2624,,,110,369,32365,408,,,07/27 14:40,07/27 16:37,WCD,MM,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200726,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,477267,,,38623,,,38623,438644,,479,2542,,,105,358,31622,401,,,07/26 0:00,07/26 17:03,CRG,SB,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A+,, 20200725,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,461464,,,37249,,,37249,424215,,497,2361,,,109,329,29827,394,,,07/25 0:00,07/25 16:41,SPA,RS,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A+,, 20200724,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,461464,,,37249,,,37249,424215,,497,2361,,,109,329,29827,394,,,07/24 14:46,07/24 17:00,DZL,HMH,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A+,, 20200723,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,445467,,,36259,,,36259,410221,,480,2361,,,107,329,28864,386,,,07/23 14:46,07/23 16:16,HMH,JAC,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A+,, 20200722,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,439635,,,35246,,,35246,404980,,474,2317,,,107,323,27990,380,,,07/22 14:36,07/22 17:21,AIA,RSG,"When the PR tweet and Dash are close but not the same, go with the Dash. (7/22 RSG) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from page/dashboard. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A+,, 20200721,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,439635,,,34655,,,34655,404980,,488,2257,,,111,316,27283,374,,,07/21 14:36,07/21 16:35,ATS,HMH,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/21 ATS) Curr Vent from reporting. All others from dashboard (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A+,, 20200720,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,432816,,,33927,,,33927,398889,,471,2202,,,111,309,26397,357,,,07/20 14:36,07/20 16:40,AIA,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A+,, 20200719,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,419171,,,32533,,,32533,386638,,453,2177,,,97,307,25292,357,,,07/18 21:26,07/19 16:28,JJO,HMH,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A+,, 20200718,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,413005,,,31762,,,31762,381243,,464,2135,,,97,304,24776,353,,,07/17 19:56,07/18 16:17,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A+,, 20200717,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,406849,,,31762,,,31762,375735,,464,2070,,,97,298,24776,353,,,07/17 14:36,07/17 16:30,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200716,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,400144,,,31114,,,31114,369847,,470,1994,,,101,286,24195,341,,,07/16 14:36,07/16 16:48,ATS,HMH,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/16 ATS) Recovery, Deaths from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200715,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,395212,,,30297,,,30297,365479,,458,1948,,,94,279,23523,335,,,07/15 14:36,07/15 16:21,RSG,HMH,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/15 RSG) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting.Other figures from dashboard. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200714,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,389505,,,29733,,,29733,360566,,445,1872,,,91,273,22844,331,,,07/14 15:43,07/14 16:46,JJO,JAC,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/14 JJO) Recovery, Total Cases, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Ventilator usage from reporting. Other figures from dashboard. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200713,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,382402,,,28939,,,28939,354035,,439,1836,,,89,269,22106,323,,,07/13 14:36,07/13 16:30,ATS,HMH,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/13 ATS) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200712,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,382402,,,28367,,,28367,354035,,412,1822,,,84,266,21591,321,,,07/12 0:00,07/12 16:22,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200711,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,369649,,,26803,,,26803,342846,,402,1780,,,84,265,20642,313,,,07/10 19:46,07/11 16:07,SNW,BHP,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200710,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,364661,,,26803,,,26803,338609,,402,1743,,,84,260,20642,313,,,07/10 14:46,07/10 16:58,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/10 HMH) Recovery and death figures from reporting. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200709,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,364661,,,26052,,,26052,338609,,394,1705,,,82,284,19992,309,,,07/09 16:36,07/09 17:31,GET,QN,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200708,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,353272,,,24512,,,24512,328760,,358,1655,,,89,254,18725,301,,,07/08 14:46,07/08 16:23,GET,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200707,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,350396,,,24512,,,24512,326143,,369,1604,,,81,247,17834,292,,,07/07 16:18,07/07 17:17,WCD,BHP/KP,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200706,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,344529,,,24253,,,24253,320715,,337,1575,,,81,245,17834,292,,,07/06 15:02,07/06 17:15,CKW,MM,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/6 CKW) AR presser from reporting reports total cases at 24253 (4:59 mark, but state website reports 24523. Most likely a typo, went with the lower presser number (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200705,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,338893,,,23209,,,23209,315684,,285,1536,,,70,240,16726,286,,,07/05 0:00,07/05 14:05,RSG,SB,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/5 RSG) State website says case were updated today, but total is the same. No other data changed since yesterday. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200704,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,338893,,,23209,,,23209,315684,,285,1536,,,70,240,16726,286,,,07/04 0:00,07/04 16:07,JJO,HMH,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/3 JAC) Total tests were moved from Total Tests (People) to Total Tests (PCR) after an update from outreach. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs.",A,, 20200703,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,331237,,,22622,,,22622,308615,,285,1517,,,70,236,16164,281,,,07/03 15:16,07/03 16:52,SPA,BHP,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/22 G-S) Used state page number for total pos (higher). (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200702,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,323987,,,22075,,,22075,301912,,272,1477,,,72,231,15698,279,,,07/02 14:46,07/02 15:21,SMG,QN,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/22 G-S) Used state page number for total pos (higher). (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200701,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,314858,,,21197,,,21197,293661,,275,1448,,,72,224,15163,277,,,07/01 14:36,07/01 16:48,BHP,PR,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (7/1 BHP) Dashboard not up to date (AD, AF). Some values (AL, AN, AO) come from presser. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/22 G-S) Used state page number for total pos (higher). (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200630,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,311203,,,20777,,,20777,290426,,290,1413,,,67,220,14531,270,,,06/30 15:16,06/30 16:55,BHP,CML,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/22 G-S) Used state page number for total pos (higher). (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200629,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,302536,,,20257,,,20257,282279,,300,1380,,,63,211,14066,265,,,06/29 14:36,06/29 16:35,WCD,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/22 G-S) Used state page number for total pos (higher). (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200628,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,291222,,,19310,,,19310,271912,,278,1373,,,63,210,13270,259,,,06/27 19:00,06/28 16:09,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/22 G-S) Used state page number for total pos (higher). (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200627,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,283965,,,18740,,,18740,265225,,284,1337,,,63,206,12784,249,,,06/26 14:40,06/27 16:35,DCC,KWS,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/22 G-S) Used state page number for total pos (higher). (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200626,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,277380,,,18740,,,18062,259318,,284,1300,,,61,203,12127,240,,,06/26 14:40,06/27 16:35,DCC,KWS,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/25 SNW) Added ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip with ""no data"" since AR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/22 G-S) Used state page number for total pos (higher). (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200625,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,277380,,,18062,,,18062,259318,,284,1245,,,61,194,12127,240,,,06/25 15:20,06/25 16:36,AJC,QN,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/22 G-S) Used state page number for total pos (higher). (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200624,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,271866,,,17375,,,17375,254491,,267,1214,,,58,189,11568,240,,,06/24 15:38,06/24 17:24,HMH,BSL/ALF/BHP,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/24 HMH) Total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/22 G-S) Used state page number for total pos (higher). (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",B,, 20200623,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,264492,,,16678,,,16678,247814,,248,1188,,,57,186,11220,237,,,06/23 14:50,06/23 16:41,GET,QN,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/22 G-S) Used state page number for total pos (higher). (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200622,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,256339,,,16083,,,16083,240256,,237,1164,,,61,186,10793,227,,,06/22 14:50,06/22 15:59,G-S,SB,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/22 G-S) Used state page number for total pos (higher). (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200621,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,242234,,,15142,,,15142,227092,,240,1152,,,59,184,10082,224,,,06/20 19:40,06/21 16:05,TCD,SB,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200620,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,242234,,,15142,,,15142,227092,,224,1100,,,53,175,10082,224,,,06/20 0:00,06/20 16:34,JAC,BML,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",B,, 20200619,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,234772,,,14631,,,14631,220141,,224,1100,,,53,175,9712,214,,,06/19 15:40,06/19 17:06,CB-M,JAC,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",B,, 20200618,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,228434,,,13928,,,13928,214506,,226,1074,,,53,173,9376,208,,,06/18 15:10,06/18 17:08,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/18 RSG) state reported271 hospitalized, while press conf reported 226. Reported press conf #. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",B,, 20200617,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,220699,,,13606,,,13606,207093,,217,1052,,,53,168,8996,197,,,06/17 15:10,06/17 16:50,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200616,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,205292,,,13191,,,13191,192375,,214,1026,,,45,165,8352,182,,,06/16 15:10,06/16 16:48,SAL,KP,"PROCESS: Dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200615,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,204052,,,12917,,,12917,191221,,206,1003,,,45,163,8352,182,,,06/15 0:00,06/15 16:39,HMH,AFG,"PROCESS: 1. Note: dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/15 HMH) Most data from press conference, so total people tested is calc. from yesterday's number + the number of people testsed in the last 24 hours. Neg cases is calc. from yesterdays number + (number of people tested in last 24 hrs - people who tested positive in last 24 hrs. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",B,, 20200614,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,196989,,,12501,,,12501,184488,,204,998,,,46,162,8110,179,,,06/14 0:00,06/14 16:04,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard"" and ""State COVID-19 Page"" in two browser tabs. Refer to reach source note for reference. 2. Note: dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200613,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,187017,,,11547,,,11547,175470,,203,979,,,49,160,7607,176,,,06/13 0:00,06/13 15:25,KWS,SPA,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard"" and ""State COVID-19 Page"" in two browser tabs. Refer to reach source note for reference. 2. Note: dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200612,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,182645,,,11547,,,11547,169575,,203,961,,,49,157,7607,176,,,06/12 15:10,06/12 16:54,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard"" and ""State COVID-19 Page"" in two browser tabs. Refer to reach source note for reference. 2. Note: dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift ",A,, 20200611,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,176217,,,10816,,,10816,165849,,187,925,,,45,150,7351,171,,,06/11 14:50,06/11 16:50,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard"" and ""State COVID-19 Page"" in two browser tabs. Refer to reach source note for reference. 2. Note: dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/11 RSG) positive cases in AC, AE from press conf. Dashboard wasn't updated for columns AD, AF (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift (6/8 REB) data mostly from reporting (6/5 RS) Cases #, Curr Hosp, Deaths from press release, all else from state dash/page 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives ",A,, 20200610,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,176217,,,10368,,,10368,165849,,181,901,,,49,147,7116,165,,,06/10 15:00,06/10 16:44,BHP,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard"" and ""State COVID-19 Page"" in two browser tabs. Refer to reach source note for reference. 2. Note: dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift (6/8 REB) data mostly from reporting (6/5 RS) Cases #, Curr Hosp, Deaths from press release, all else from state dash/page 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR ",A,, 20200609,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,170520,,,10080,,,10080,155701,,173,865,,,44,144,6875,161,,,06/09 15:00,06/09 15:53,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: Open ""Dashboard"" and ""State COVID-19 Page"" in two browser tabs. Refer to reach source note for reference. Note, dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/9 BHP) I added a link above to the State COVID page, some data updated from presser. There appears to be a typo on the State page for Vents that was correct in the presser. (6/9 KWS) updated positives, negatives, totals pre-shift for a data quality task during morning shift (6/8 REB) data mostly from reporting (6/5 RS) Cases #, Curr Hosp, Deaths from press release, all else from state dash/page 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR ",A,, 20200608,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,160273,,,9740,,,9740,150847,,171,844,,,46,143,6424,155,,,06/08 15:10,06/08 16:47,REB,SPA,"PROCESS: Open ""Dashboard"" and ""State COVID-19 Page"" in two browser tabs. Refer to reach source note for reference. Note, dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/8 REB) data mostly from reporting (6/5 RS) Cases #, Curr Hosp, Deaths from press release, all else from state dash/page 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR ",A,, 20200607,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,160273,,,9426,,,9426,150847,,145,844,,,35,143,6424,154,,,06/07 16:10,06/07 17:25,TCD,CML,"PROCESS: Open ""Dashboard"" and ""State COVID-19 Page"" in two browser tabs. Refer to reach source note for reference. Note, dashboard has been known to lag behind state page in updating; use higher numbers. (6/5 RS) Cases #, Curr Hosp, Deaths from press release, all else from state dash/page 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR ",A,, 20200606,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,156757,,,9101,,,9101,147656,,154,838,,,36,142,6266,154,,,06/06 15:00,06/06 15:37,SPA,BML,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page (6/5 RS) Cases #, Curr Hosp, Deaths from press release, all else from state dash/page 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR ",A,, 20200605,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,150975,,,8651,,,8651,138960,,147,792,,,32,138,5919,152,,,06/05 0:00,06/05 15:55,TCD,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page (6/5 RS) Cases #, Curr Hosp, Deaths from press release, all else from state dash/page 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR ",A,, 20200604,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147385,,,8067,,,8067,134413,,138,757,,,30,127,5717,142,,,06/04 0:00,06/04 15:55,JAC,PR,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page 6/1 dashboard and presser data matched, testing numbers from dashboard, hospitalizations not yet updated today. 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR ",A,, 20200603,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,142480,,,8067,,,8067,134413,,132,731,,,31,124,5717,142,,,06/03 0:00,06/03 16:26,MM,DPT,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page 6/1 dashboard and presser data matched, testing numbers from dashboard, hospitalizations not yet updated today. 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting:",A,, 20200602,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133236,,,7443,,,7443,125793,,121,718,,,26,124,5401,133,,,06/02 0:00,06/02 15:05,JA,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page 6/1 dashboard and presser data matched, testing numbers from dashboard, hospitalizations not yet updated today. 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting:",A,, 20200601,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133236,,,7443,,,7443,125793,,115,711,,,27,123,5401,133,,,06/01 0:00,06/01 16:42,TLM,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page 6/1 dashboard and presser data matched, testing numbers from dashboard, hospitalizations not yet updated today. 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting:",A,, 20200531,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,129515,,,7253,,,7253,122262,,115,711,,,27,123,5275,133,,,05/30 15:13,05/31 17:31,JAC,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting:",A,, 20200530,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,126497,,,7013,,,7013,119484,,104,702,,,26,123,5166,133,,,05/30 15:13,05/31 17:31,JAC,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting:",A,, 20200529,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,119768,,,6538,,,6538,113230,,104,667,,,27,119,4583,125,,,05/28 19:50,05/29 14:33,KP,SPA,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting:",A,, 20200528,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,118641,,,6538,,,6538,112364,,104,640,,,27,118,4583,120,,,05/27 19:30,05/28 16:55,QN,ALF,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting:",A,, 20200527,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,115499,,,6277,,,6277,109319,,108,627,,,22,116,4424,120,,,05/27 0:00,05/27 16:45,REB,QN,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page 5/27 all data from presser, testing numbers are from the dashboard, not yet updated to presser positives (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting:",A,, 20200526,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,111622,,,6180,,,6180,105593,,107,617,,,18,114,4332,119,,,05/26 15:29,05/26 15:27,MM,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page (5/26 aft MM) numbers from PR (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting:",A,, 20200525,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,111622,,,6029,,,6029,105593,,92,605,,,17,111,4249,117,,,05/25 0:00,05/25 17:01,RS,ESK,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: ",A,, 20200524,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,108581,,,5922,,,5922,102659,,86,598,,,17,111,4148,116,,,05/24 0:00,05/24 16:08,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: ",A,, 20200523,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,103047,,,5612,,,5612,97435,,81,590,,,14,111,4029,113,,,05/23 0:00,05/23 14:40,ESK,BL,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: ",A,, 20200522,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,103047,,,5612,,,5612,97435,,86,584,,,14,110,4029,113,,,05/22 0:00,05/22 16:43,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page. Use the later ""as of"" date on the main state page as timestamp. Most likely press releases from reporting are more updated than the state page (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: ",A,, 20200521,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,99276,,,5458,,,5458,93818,,78,535,,,14,101,3915,110,,,05/21 0:00,05/21 16:43,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value",A,, 20200520,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96258,,,5003,,,5003,91255,,78,535,,,14,101,3852,107,,,05/20 0:00,05/20 16:02,AFG,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value",A,, 20200519,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93701,,,4923,,,4923,88778,,78,535,,,14,101,3739,102,,,05/19 0:00,05/19 17:52,SLW**,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/19 aft MM) numbers from PR (updated total tests calc w pos from reporting) (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value",A,, 20200518,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85185,,,4813,,,4813,80426,,77,530,,,12,101,3645,100,,,05/18 0:00,05/18 16:37,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/18 aft MM/RS) numbers from PR (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value",A,, 20200517,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85185,,,4759,,,4759,80426,,65,520,,,9,101,3590,98,,,05/17 0:00,05/17 16:44,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value ",A,, 20200516,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81529,,,4578,,,4578,77066,,65,520,,,10,101,3472,98,,,05/15 16:20,05/16 15:58,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value ",A,, 20200515,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81529,,,4463,,,4463,77066,,65,520,,,9,101,3390,98,,,05/15 16:20,05/16 15:58,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/16 QN) Cases, curr. Hosp and recovered taken from reporting: (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value ",A,, 20200514,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75818,,,4236,,,4236,71582,,64,509,,,13,100,3277,97,,,05/14 8:20,05/14 14:24,QN,BL,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",A,, 20200513,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73215,,,4164,,,4164,69051,,59,497,,,12,99,3220,95,,,05/12 18:33,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",A,, 20200512,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70444,,,4164,,,4164,66280,,59,485,,,12,98,3220,95,,,05/11 18:55,05/12 16:13,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/12 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting:",A,, 20200511,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69030,,,4034,,,4034,64996,,61,480,,,11,98,3149,94,,,05/10 19:05,05/11 16:42,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/11 RS) Cases and Hosp #s from reporting: (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",A,, 20200510,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65528,,,3747,,,3747,61781,,64,471,,,14,96,2968,88,,,05/10 10:15,05/10 14:21,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",B,, 20200509,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65528,,,3747,,,3747,61781,,64,471,,,14,96,2968,88,,,05/09 10:15,05/09 14:16,RS,BL,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",B,, 20200508,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63994,,,3694,,,3694,60300,,70,466,,,14,93,2159,88,,,05/08 8:15,05/08 15:14,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",B,, 20200507,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59995,,,3611,,,3611,56384,,69,462,,,14,93,2123,87,,,05/07 9:43,05/07 14:18,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",B,, 20200506,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59003,,,3568,,,3568,55435,,69,453,,,14,89,2109,85,,,05/06 14:42,05/06 16:44,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",B,, 20200505,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54635,,,3496,,,3496,51139,,89,453,,,16,89,2041,83,,,05/05 16:10,05/05 16:50,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/5 Aft RS) AR revised deaths down by 1 (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",B,, 20200504,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54442,,,3458,,,3458,50984,,91,438,,,16,88,2016,81,,,05/03 15:40,05/04 16:07,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/4 Aft RS) Updates from Reporting. Negatives not updated (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",B,, 20200503,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52890,,,3431,,,3431,49459,,100,427,,,20,88,1999,76,,,05/03 13:30,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",B,, 20200502,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51582,,,3372,,,3372,48210,,95,414,,,20,85,1987,73,,,05/02 14:47,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/2 aft QN/DPT) Positives, deaths, cur vent from reporting (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",B,, 20200501,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49676,,,3321,,,3321,46355,,95,414,,,23,85,1973,64,,,05/01 14:50,05/01 16:05,REB,AW,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (5/1 aft) Cases reported on page are higher (and newer) than dashboard, used this number (5/1 ATS mor) Negatives reported on dashboard went down - used this value (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",B,, 20200430,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48379,,,3255,,,3255,45124,,95,402,,,23,85,1305,61,,,04/30 14:49,04/30 16:02,SPA,DPT/PR,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/30 SPA aft) Data was updated by a Twitter post (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18",B,, 20200429,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45449,,,3192,,,3192,42257,,93,389,,,18,82,1249,59,,,04/29 9:00,04/29 15:40,BL,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18 ",B,, 20200428,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40671,,,3111,,,3111,37560,,104,,,,20,,1146,52,,,04/28 9:00,04/28 15:15,RS,CML,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/28 RS) All data from presser, no updated on Negatives so that is unchanged (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18 ",B,, 20200427,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40457,,,3017,,,3017,37440,,109,,,,25,,987,50,,,04/27 15:00,04/27 16:00,PR,ESK,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/27 mor MM) Deleting stale Cum Hosp + Cum ICU #s from 4/18 ",B,, 20200426,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39469,,,2941,,,2941,36528,,104,291,,,25,57,985,49,,,04/26 10:00,04/26 16:02,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/24 aft RS) Positives updated from state page (not on dashboard yet), rest of #s from dashboard (4/22 aft AFG) deaths decreased by 1, as one person was not a resident (4/21 aft AW) timestamp, pos, cur hop, cur vent, recovered, deaths from ",B,, 20200425,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38053,,,2829,,,2829,35224,,104,291,,,25,57,964,47,,,04/25 10:47,04/25 14:54,RS,SJ,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/24 aft RS) Positives updated from state page (not on dashboard yet), rest of #s from dashboard (4/22 aft AFG) deaths decreased by 1, as one person was not a resident (4/21 aft AW) timestamp, pos, cur hop, cur vent, recovered, deaths from ",B,, 20200424,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35578,,,2741,,,2741,32837,,101,291,,,24,57,929,45,,,04/24 10:47,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/24 aft RS) Positives updated from state page (not on dashboard yet), rest of #s from dashboard (4/23 aft RS/QN) Curr. Hosp numbers and deaths from Reporting, Positives and Timestamp from state page. No cumulative numbers updated for hosp (4/22 aft AFG) deaths decreased by 1, as one person was not a resident (4/21 eve AGS) didn't update cur hosp and cur vent because the timestamp on the state page was earlier than the timestamp of the 4/21 press conference (4/21 aft AW) timestamp, pos, cur hop, cur vent, recovered, deaths from (4/20 aft AW) new timestamp, positive, curr hosp, curr vent, recovered, and deaths from presser (slack or, dashboard not updated yet (4/19 eve JFC) dashboard updated 4/19 17:47 reports 39 deaths while reporting from press conf 4/19 13:30 reports 40 ",A,, 20200423,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31590,,,2465,,,2465,29125,,101,291,,,24,57,902,45,,,04/23 14:48,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/23 aft RS/QN) Curr. Hosp numbers and deaths from Reporting, Positives and Timestamp from state page. No cumulative numbers updated for hosp (4/22 aft AFG) deaths decreased by 1, as one person was not a resident (4/21 eve AGS) didn't update cur hosp and cur vent because the timestamp on the state page was earlier than the timestamp of the 4/21 press conference (4/21 aft AW) timestamp, pos, cur hop, cur vent, recovered, deaths from (4/20 aft AW) new timestamp, positive, curr hosp, curr vent, recovered, and deaths from presser (slack or, dashboard not updated yet (4/19 eve JFC) dashboard updated 4/19 17:47 reports 39 deaths while reporting from press conf 4/19 13:30 reports 40 ",A,, 20200422,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29713,,,2276,,,2276,27437,,97,291,,,23,57,863,42,,,04/22 16:01,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/22 aft AFG) deaths decreased by 1, as one person was not a resident (4/21 eve AGS) didn't update cur hosp and cur vent because the timestamp on the state page was earlier than the timestamp of the 4/21 press conference (4/21 aft AW) timestamp, pos, cur hop, cur vent, recovered, deaths from (4/20 aft AW) new timestamp, positive, curr hosp, curr vent, recovered, and deaths from presser (slack or, dashboard not updated yet (4/19 eve JFC) dashboard updated 4/19 17:47 reports 39 deaths while reporting from press conf 4/19 13:30 reports 40 (4/18 eve REB) carrying over cum. hosp + vent numbers, not reported on dashboards (4/18 QN) Curr. and Cumulative hosp and vent. from latest press conference from reporting - (4/16 RS) Current Hosp # from Reporting (4/16 mor ALF) Deleted the Cum Hosp, Cum ICU, and Cum Vent numbers from on 4/3 and 3/25. Have updated Source Notes and Public Note. ",A,, 20200421,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27441,,,2227,,,2227,25214,,86,291,,,27,57,809,43,,,04/21 0:00,04/21 23:03,AGS,RV,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/21 eve AGS) didn't update cur hosp and cur vent because the timestamp on the state page was earlier than the timestamp of the 4/21 press conference (4/21 aft AW) timestamp, pos, cur hop, cur vent, recovered, deaths from (4/20 aft AW) new timestamp, positive, curr hosp, curr vent, recovered, and deaths from presser (slack or, dashboard not updated yet (4/19 eve JFC) dashboard updated 4/19 17:47 reports 39 deaths while reporting from press conf 4/19 13:30 reports 40 (4/18 eve REB) carrying over cum. hosp + vent numbers, not reported on dashboards (4/18 QN) Curr. and Cumulative hosp and vent. from latest press conference from reporting - (4/16 RS) Current Hosp # from Reporting (4/16 mor ALF) Deleted the Cum Hosp, Cum ICU, and Cum Vent numbers from on 4/3 and 3/25. Have updated Source Notes and Public Note. ",A,, 20200420,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26553,,,1923,,,1923,24630,,93,291,,,24,57,749,42,,,04/20 14:30,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/20 aft AW) new timestamp, positive, curr hosp, curr vent, recovered, and deaths from presser (slack or, dashboard not updated yet (4/19 eve JFC) dashboard updated 4/19 17:47 reports 39 deaths while reporting from press conf 4/19 13:30 reports 40 (4/18 eve REB) carrying over cum. hosp + vent numbers, not reported on dashboards (4/18 QN) Curr. and Cumulative hosp and vent. from latest press conference from reporting - (4/16 RS) Current Hosp # from Reporting (4/16 mor ALF) Deleted the Cum Hosp, Cum ICU, and Cum Vent numbers from on 4/3 and 3/25. Have updated Source Notes and Public Note. ",A,, 20200419,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24209,,,1781,,,1781,22428,,88,291,,,25,57,721,40,,,04/19 18:47,04/19 22:43,JFC,QN,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/19 eve JFC) dashboard updated 4/19 17:47 reports 39 deaths while reporting from press conf 4/19 13:30 reports 40 (4/18 eve REB) carrying over cum. hosp + vent numbers, not reported on dashboards (4/18 QN) Curr. and Cumulative hosp and vent. from latest press conference from reporting - (4/16 RS) Current Hosp # from Reporting (4/16 mor ALF) Deleted the Cum Hosp, Cum ICU, and Cum Vent numbers from on 4/3 and 3/25. Have updated Source Notes and Public Note. ",A,, 20200418,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24141,,,1739,,,1739,22402,,86,291,,,22,57,703,38,,,04/17 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/18 QN) Curr. and Cumulative hosp and vent. from latest press conference from reporting (4/16 RS) Current Hosp # from Reporting (4/16 mor ALF) Deleted the Cum Hosp, Cum ICU, and Cum Vent numbers from on 4/3 and 3/25. Have updated Source Notes and Public Note. ",A,, 20200417,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23494,,,1695,,,1695,21799,,83,,,,21,,593,37,,,04/17 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/18 QN) Curr. and Cumulative hosp and vent. from latest press conference from reporting (4/16 RS) Current Hosp # from Reporting (4/16 mor ALF) Deleted the Cum Hosp, Cum ICU, and Cum Vent numbers from on 4/3 and 3/25. Have updated Source Notes and Public Note. ",A,, 20200416,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22675,,,1620,,,1620,21055,,85,,,,21,,548,37,,,04/16 14:45,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/16 RS) Current Hosp # from Reporting (4/16 mor ALF) This morning we have deleted the Cum Hosp, Cum ICU, and Cum Vent numbers that were last reported on 4/3 an 3/25. Have updated Source Notes and Public Note. (4/13-14-15 aft AW) Still carrying over cum hosp, cum ICU, cum vent numbers",A,, 20200415,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21834,,,1569,,,1569,20265,,83,130,,43,26,39,489,33,,,04/15 14:45,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hosp/Vent data is found on the main COVID-19 page (4/13-14-15 aft AW) Still carrying over cum hosp, cum ICU, cum vent numbers",A,, 20200414,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21131,,,1480,,,1480,19651,,81,130,,43,29,39,427,30,,,04/14 14:46,,,,"(4/13-14 aft AW) Still carrying over cum hosp, cum ICU, cum vent numbers (4/12 afternoon JL) no source for cumlative hospitalized, cumulative in ICU, or cumulative on Ventilator (left numbers as is), no updated press conf video (4/11 SD) negatives updated. (4/10 JJ CML) No update for negative numbers. Cumulative hosp, icu and ventilator unchanged since 4/5. Not a source in dashboard or page. ",A,, 20200413,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20804,,,1410,,,1410,19394,,74,130,,43,28,39,391,30,,,04/13 13:33,,,,"(4/13 aft AW) Still carrying over cum hosp, cum ICU, cum vent numbers (4/12 afternoon JL) no source for cumlative hospitalized, cumulative in ICU, or cumulative on Ventilator (left numbers as is), no updated press conf video (4/11 SD) negatives updated. (4/10 JJ CML) No update for negative numbers. Cumulative hosp, icu and ventilator unchanged since 4/5. Not a source in dashboard or page. ",A,, 20200412,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19722,,,1280,,,1280,18442,,74,130,,43,30,39,367,27,,,04/12 11:33,,,,"(4/12 afternoon JL) no source for cumlative hospitalized, cumulative in ICU, or cumulative on Ventilator (left numbers as is), no updated press conf video (4/11 SD) negatives updated. (4/10 JJ CML) No update for negative numbers. Cumulative hosp, icu and ventilator unchanged since 4/5. Not a source in dashboard or page. ",A,, 20200411,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18578,,,1226,,,1226,17352,,86,130,,43,33,39,340,24,,,04/11 13:20,,,,"(4/11 SD) negatives updated. (4/10 JJ CML) No update for negative numbers. Cumulative hosp, icu and ventilator unchanged since 4/5. Not a source in dashboard or page. ",A,, 20200410,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17120,,,1171,,,1171,15949,,86,130,,43,33,39,312,23,,,04/10 14:36,04/10 15:16,JJ,RS,"(JJ 4/10 aft) Updated numbers from Reporting, no update for negative numbers (RS 4/9 Aft) New cases number from #Reporting (MC 4/8 aft) positive figure from primary page, not dashboard; cum hosp, cum icu, cum ventilator figures unchanged",A,, 20200409,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14951,,,1119,,,1119,13832,,73,130,,43,31,39,288,21,,,04/09 14:35,,,,"(RS 4/9 Aft) New cases number from #Reporting (MC 4/8 aft) positive figure from primary page, not dashboard; cum hosp, cum icu, cum ventilator figures unchanged",A,, 20200408,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14530,,,1000,,,1000,13530,,76,130,,43,30,39,208,18,,,04/08 14:35,,,,,A,, 20200407,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13638,,,946,,,946,12692,,74,148,,,26,43,142,16,,,04/07 14:41,,,,"(4/5 aft PJR) Updated Cum Hosp, Cum ICU, and recovereds from presser (4/03 MEB) vent and hosp data on State primary page: Ventilator data, and recovered data from 4/3 presser. ",A,, 20200406,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12845,,,875,,,875,11970,,74,137,,,22,39,102,16,,,04/06 14:35,04/06 16:35,JJ,ESK,"(4/5 aft PJR) Updated Cum Hosp, Cum ICU, and recovereds from presser (4/03 MEB) vent and hosp data on State primary page: Ventilator data, and recovered data from 4/3 presser. ",A,, 20200405,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11242,,,830,,,830,10412,,67,130,,,27,39,97,16,,,04/05 14:34,04/05 16:39,PJR**,HDF,"(4/5 aft PJR) Updated Cum Hosp, Cum ICU, and recovereds from presser (4/05 aft eh) Dashboard data updated, no timestamp update – leaving site's timestamp as Local Time (4/04 aft PJR) Dashboard data updated after state's page, no timestamp update – leaving site's timestamp as Local Time (4/03 MEB) vent and hosp data on State primary page: Ventilator data, and recovered data from 4/3 presser. (4/02 KP) removed cumulative hospital/ventilator numbers because Arkansas is only reporting current numbers",A,, 20200404,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10370,,,743,,,743,9627,,72,106,,,23,39,79,14,,,04/04 0:00,04/04 16:45,PR**,AM,"(4/04 aft PJR) Dashboard data updated after state's page, no timestamp update – leaving site's timestamp as Local Time (4/03 MEB) vent and hosp data on State primary page: Ventilator data, and recovered data from 4/3 presser. (4/02 KP) removed cumulative hospital/ventilator numbers because Arkansas is only reporting current numbers",A,, 20200403,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9699,,,704,,,704,8995,,71,105,,,26,39,60,12,,,04/03 16:21,04/03 16:32,MEB,PR,"(4/03 MEB) vent and hosp data on State primary page: Ventilator data, and recovered data from 4/3 presser. (4/02 KP) removed cumulative hospital/ventilator numbers because Arkansas is only reporting current numbers",A,, 20200402,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8523,,,643,,,643,7880,,66,100,,,23,32,47,12,,,04/02 14:45,04/02 16:48,KP,ESK,(4/02 KP) removed cumulative hospital/ventilator numbers because Arkansas is only reporting current numbers,A,, 20200401,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7938,,,584,,,584,7354,,56,90,,,25,32,42,10,,,04/01 13:26,,,,,A,, 20200331,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6482,,,523,,,523,5959,,64,,,,23,,35,8,,,03/31 14:59,,,,,A,, 20200330,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5735,,,473,,,473,5262,,62,,,,21,,29,7,,,03/30 15:42,,,,,A,, 20200329,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3453,,,426,,,426,3027,,43,,,,16,,28,6,,,03/29 11:10,,,,,A,, 20200328,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3342,,,404,,,404,2938,,48,,,,17,,24,5,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1926,,,381,,,381,1545,,48,,,,17,,19,3,,,03/27 14:05,,,,,A,, 20200326,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1839,,,335,,,335,1504,,41,,,,13,,13,3,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1717,,,280,,,280,1437,,22,,,,4,,11,2,,,03/25 9:19,,,,,A,, 20200324,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1165,,,218,,,218,947,,22,,,,,,,0,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1080,,,174,,,174,906,,13,,,,,,,0,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,876,,,165,,,165,711,119,13,,,,,,,0,,,03/22 13:45,,,,,,, 20200321,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,685,,,118,,,118,567,154,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 13:47,,,,,,, 20200320,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,447,,,96,,,96,351,203,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 14:19,,,,,,, 20200319,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,356,,,46,,,46,310,113,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 11:23,,,,,,, 20200318,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,269,,,33,,,33,236,50,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,219,,,22,,,22,197,41,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,154,,,22,,,22,132,14,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:08,,,,,,, 20200315,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,119,,,16,,,16,103,30,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77,,,12,,,12,65,26,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39,,,9,,,9,30,22,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,,,6,,,6,24,20,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,0,,,0,12,14,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,0,,,0,12,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,0,,,0,12,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,0,,,0,6,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,0,,,0,6,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,AR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,0,,,0,6,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/31 15:34,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/31 17:26, 20200830,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/30 15:39,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/30 17:56, 20200829,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/29 15:43,ETS,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/29 17:49, 20200828,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/28 23:40,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/28 17:43, 20200827,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/27 16:52,AIA,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/27 18:55, 20200826,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/26 16:10,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/26 18:37, 20200825,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/25 16:50,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/25 18:03, 20200824,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/24 15:32,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/24 17:21, 20200823,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/23 16:33,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/23 17:24, 20200822,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/22 15:32,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/22 17:10, 20200821,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/21 15:45,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/21 17:26, 20200820,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/20 15:40,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/20 18:13, 20200819,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/19 15:42,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/19 17:55, 20200818,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/18 15:38,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/18 17:32, 20200817,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/17 16:06,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/17 17:55, 20200816,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/16 15:41,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/16 17:31, 20200815,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1514,0,1514,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/15 0:00,08/15 15:45,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (8/14 TCD) Number of tests (& 0 deaths/cases) updated via outreach (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/15 17:34, 20200814,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1396,0,1396,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/05 0:00,08/14 15:59,JNG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/14 17:41, 20200813,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1396,0,1396,,,,,,,,,0,,,08/05 0:00,08/13 15:36,BSL,DPT,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/13 18:17, 20200812,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1396,0,1396,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/24 0:00,08/12 15:38,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/12 18:47, 20200811,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1396,0,1396,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/24 0:00,08/11 16:00,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/10 18:38, 20200810,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1396,0,1396,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/24 0:00,08/10 15:41,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/10 18:38, 20200809,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1396,0,1396,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/24 0:00,08/09 16:26,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/9 17:07, 20200808,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1396,0,1396,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/24 0:00,08/08 15:34,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/8 17:37, 20200807,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1396,0,1396,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/24 0:00,8/07 16:01,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/7 18:08, 20200806,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1396,0,1396,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/24 0:00,8/06 15:45,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/6 17:19, 20200805,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1396,0,1396,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/24 0:00,8/05 15:39,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/5 17:43, 20200804,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1267,0,1267,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/23 0:00,8/04 15:45,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/4 17:58, 20200803,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1267,0,1267,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/23 0:00,8/03 15:37,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/3 17:32, 20200802,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1267,0,1267,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/23 0:00,8/02 17:18,JJO,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/2 18:12, 20200801,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1267,0,1267,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/23 0:00,8/01 15:48,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,8/1 17:50, 20200731,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200730,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200729,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200728,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200727,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200726,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200725,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200724,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200723,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200722,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200721,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200720,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200719,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200718,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200717,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200716,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,1037,0,1037,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/16 0:00,07/31 16:28,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/19 SB) Updated number of 1037 negative tests is from an American Samoan DOH responding Artis Curiskis; see threads from 7/16 & 7/19. (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200715,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,816,0,816,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200714,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,816,0,816,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200713,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,816,0,816,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200712,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,816,0,816,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200711,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,816,0,816,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200710,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,816,0,816,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200709,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,816,0,816,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200708,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,816,0,816,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200707,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200706,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200705,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200704,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200703,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,07/01 0:00,07/15 15:09,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (7/9 KWS) we might now have a source of total tests (specimens) from 7/4 (7/5 JJO) No new information thus far on cases or testing (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200702,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/27 0:00,07/02 16:55,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200701,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/27 0:00,07/02 16:55,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200630,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/27 0:00,07/02 16:55,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200629,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/27 0:00,07/02 16:55,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200628,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/27 0:00,07/02 16:55,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200627,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/27 0:00,07/02 16:55,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200626,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/25 0:00,06/26 15:34,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200625,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,696,0,696,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/25 0:00,06/26 15:34,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200624,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200623,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200622,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200621,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200620,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200619,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200618,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200617,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200616,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200615,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200614,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200613,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200612,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200611,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200610,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200609,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200608,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200607,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200606,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200605,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200604,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200603,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,06/01 0:00,06/24 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Check state site and media. The best source for information is (63 eve MM/REB) AS does not have any cases. We are patching the data from 1 to 0 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/11-5/26 numbers from reporting, including 174 tests (not 172) from ASDOH epidemiologist",C,, 20200602,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/29 0:00,06/02 15:07,JA,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/26 REB reporting! 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200601,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/29 0:00,06/02 15:07,JA,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/26 REB reporting! 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200531,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/29 0:00,06/02 15:07,JA,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/26 REB reporting! 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200530,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/29 0:00,06/02 15:07,JA,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/26 REB reporting! 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200529,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/29 0:00,06/02 15:07,JA,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 6/1 TLM I wasn't able to find any numbers on their site or in the reporting channel. 5/26 REB reporting! 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200528,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/27 0:00,05/28 16:15,QN,REB,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 5/26 REB reporting! 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200527,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,174,0,174,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/27 0:00,05/28 16:15,QN,REB,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 5/26 REB reporting! 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200526,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,124,0,124,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/19 0:00,05/26 14:58,MM,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200525,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,124,0,124,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/19 0:00,05/26 14:58,MM,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200524,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,124,0,124,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/19 0:00,05/26 14:58,MM,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200523,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,124,0,124,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/19 0:00,05/26 14:58,MM,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200522,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,124,0,124,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/19 0:00,05/26 14:58,MM,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200521,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,124,0,124,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/19 0:00,05/26 14:58,MM,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",D,, 20200520,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,124,0,124,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/19 0:00,05/26 14:58,MM,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",D,, 20200519,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,124,0,124,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/19 0:00,05/26 14:58,MM,RS,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is 5/19 MM test numbers from reporting 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting",C,, 20200518,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,105,0,105,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/10 0:00,05/18 16:07,RS,PR,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",C,, 20200517,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,105,0,105,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/10 0:00,05/18 16:07,RS,PR,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",C,, 20200516,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,105,0,105,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/10 0:00,05/18 16:07,RS,PR,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",C,, 20200515,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,105,0,105,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/10 0:00,05/18 16:07,RS,PR,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",C,, 20200514,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,105,0,105,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/10 0:00,05/18 16:07,RS,PR,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",C,, 20200513,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,105,0,105,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/10 0:00,05/18 16:07,RS,PR,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",C,, 20200512,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,105,0,105,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/10 0:00,05/18 16:07,RS,PR,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",C,, 20200511,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,105,0,105,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/10 0:00,05/18 16:07,RS,PR,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/11 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",D,, 20200510,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,83,0,83,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/03 0:00,05/10 14:40,G-S,KP,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/3 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",D,, 20200509,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,83,0,83,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/03 0:00,05/10 14:40,G-S,KP,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/3 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",D,, 20200508,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,83,0,83,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/03 0:00,05/10 14:40,G-S,KP,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/3 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200507,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,83,0,83,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/03 0:00,05/10 14:40,G-S,KP,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/3 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200506,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,83,0,83,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/03 0:00,05/10 14:40,G-S,KP,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/3 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200505,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,83,0,83,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/03 0:00,05/10 14:40,G-S,KP,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/3 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200504,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,83,0,83,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/03 0:00,05/10 14:40,G-S,KP,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 5/3 RS: Negatives updated from Reporting PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200503,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,57,0,57,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/01 0:00,,,,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 4/24: latest update from the Flag Day speech PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200502,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,57,0,57,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/01 0:00,,,,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 4/24: latest update from the Flag Day speech PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200501,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,57,0,57,,,,,,,,,0,,,05/01 0:00,,,,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 4/24: latest update from the Flag Day speech PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200430,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,0,,,04/19 0:00,,,,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 4/24: latest update from the Flag Day speech PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200429,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,0,,,04/19 0:00,,,,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 4/24: latest update from the Flag Day speech PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200428,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,0,,,04/19 0:00,,,,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 4/24: latest update from the Flag Day speech PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200427,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,0,,,04/19 0:00,,,,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 4/24: latest update from the Flag Day speech PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200426,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,0,,,04/19 0:00,,,,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 4/24: latest update from the Flag Day speech PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200425,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,0,,,04/19 0:00,,,,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 4/24: latest update from the Flag Day speech PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",F,, 20200424,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,,,,04/19 0:00,,,,"NB: We track testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. Do not confuse the two. 4/24: latest update from the Flag Day speech PROCESS: Check state site and media. Their tests take ~1 week to process. No confirmed cases yet. The best source for information is",,, 20200423,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,,,,04/06 0:00,04/24 14:10,RS,REB,"NB: Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. Currently, the best source for information is ",,, 20200422,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,,,,04/06 0:00,04/24 14:10,RS,REB,"NB: Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. Currently, the best source for information is ",,, 20200421,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,,,,04/06 0:00,04/24 14:10,RS,REB,"NB: Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. Currently, the best source for information is ",,, 20200420,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,,,,04/06 0:00,04/24 14:10,RS,REB,"NB: Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. Currently, the best source for information is ",,, 20200419,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,,,,04/06 0:00,04/24 14:10,RS,REB,"NB: Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. Currently, the best source for information is ",,, 20200418,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,,,,04/06 0:00,04/24 14:10,RS,REB,"NB: Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. Currently, the best source for information is ",,, 20200417,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,,,,04/06 0:00,04/24 14:10,RS,REB,"NB: Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. Currently, the best source for information is ",,, 20200416,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,,,,04/06 0:00,04/24 14:10,RS,REB,"NB: Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. Currently, the best source for information is ",,, 20200415,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,,,,04/06 0:00,04/24 14:10,RS,REB,"NB: Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. Currently, the best source for information is ",,, 20200414,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,17,,,,,,,,,,,04/06 0:00,04/24 14:10,RS,REB,"NB: Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. Currently, the best source for information is ",,, 20200413,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,,,,,,,,,,,,04/06 0:00,04/24 14:10,RS,REB,"NB: Samoa (aka Western Samoa) is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in the US territory American Samoa. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. Currently, the best source for information is ",,, 20200412,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,03/31 19:16,04/13 16:29,AW,ESK,"NOTE THAT ""SAMOA"" (aka ""Western Samoa"") is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in ""American Samoa,"" which is a U.S. Territory. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. (4/13 ESK) Removed pending because it is stale data",,, 20200411,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,03/31 19:16,04/13 16:29,AW,ESK,"NOTE THAT ""SAMOA"" (aka ""Western Samoa"") is an independent country. We are only tracking testing efforts in ""American Samoa,"" which is a U.S. Territory. Do not confuse the two. PROCESS: Check the state site (last updated 4/1) and check the #Reporting column for news sources or ask in #reporting channel. American Samoa has no testing facilities and must send samples from all suspected cases to faraway labs, which means that test results can take over a week to come back. There is therefore very little information about testing on its official pages and no confirmed cases in AS yet. (4/13 ESK) Removed pending because it is stale data",,, 20200410,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,0,,,04/06 16:00,,,,,,, 20200409,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,0,,,04/06 16:00,,,,,,, 20200408,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,0,,,04/06 16:00,,,,,,, 20200407,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,0,,,04/06 16:00,,,,,,, 20200406,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,0,,,04/06 16:00,,,,,,, 20200405,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,0,,,03/30 23:00,,,,(4/5 aft eh) Still no update on numbers from state,,, 20200404,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,0,,,03/30 23:00,,,,(4/5 aft eh) Still no update on numbers from state,,, 20200403,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,0,,,03/30 23:00,,,,(4/5 aft eh) Still no update on numbers from state,,, 20200402,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,0,,,03/30 23:00,,,,(4/5 aft eh) Still no update on numbers from state,,, 20200401,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,0,,,03/30 23:00,,,,(4/5 aft eh) Still no update on numbers from state,,, 20200331,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,3,0,3,2,,,,,,,,0,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,,, 20200330,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,,, 20200329,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,,, 20200328,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,,, 20200327,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,,, 20200326,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,,, 20200325,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,,, 20200324,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,,, 20200323,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200322,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200321,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200320,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,AS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:54,,,,,,, 20200831,AZ,,,,,,,,,,267557,,,,1202698,,,200104,1731,,201835,1002594,,768,21405,256,,152,,30682,5029,4762,267,08/31 0:00,08/31 17:07,HMH,ESK,"(8/24 RS) Cum hosp decreased again (8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. ",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,AZ,,,,,,,,,,266656,,,,1197728,,,199948,1713,,201661,997780,,757,21421,263,,161,,30539,5030,4762,268,08/30 0:00,08/30 15:45,SB,HMH,"(8/24 RS) Cum hosp decreased again (8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. ",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,AZ,,,,,,,,,,265542,,,,1190668,,,199579,1708,,201287,991089,,812,21433,262,,164,,30331,5007,4738,269,08/29 0:00,08/29 15:48,HMH,SB,"(8/24 RS) Cum hosp decreased again (8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. ",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,AZ,,,,,,,,,,264598,,,,1182397,,,198978,1680,,200658,983419,,809,21428,272,,160,,30123,4978,4709,269,08/28 0:00,08/28 16:57,RSG,MM,"(8/24 RS) Cum hosp decreased again (8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. ",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,AZ,,,,,,,,,,262982,,,,1173293,,,198504,1635,,200139,974789,,895,21426,311,,176,,29939,4929,4673,256,08/27 0:00,08/27 15:54,HMH,QN,"(8/24 RS) Cum hosp decreased again (8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. ",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,AZ,,,,,,,,,,261865,,,,1165295,,,197844,1615,,199459,967451,,967,21376,305,,180,,29734,4896,4640,256,08/26 0:00,08/26 16:00,HMH,DZL,"(8/24 RS) Cum hosp decreased again (8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. ",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,AZ,,,,,,,,,,261217,,,,1160602,,,197671,1602,,199273,962931,,999,21365,319,,168,,29526,4792,4535,257,08/25 0:00,08/25 15:49,HMH,DZL,"(8/24 RS) Cum hosp decreased again (8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. ",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,AZ,,,,,,,,,,260739,,,,1155629,,,196821,1593,,198414,958808,,908,21219,345,,176,,29341,4771,4514,257,08/24 0:00,08/24 15:55,RS,CB-M,"(8/24 RS) Cum hosp decreased again (8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. ",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,AZ,,,,,,,,,,259529,,,,1149287,,,196521,1582,,198103,952766,,969,21241,329,,191,,29147,4771,4515,256,08/23 0:00,08/23 15:52,HMH,SB,"(8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,AZ,,,,,,,,,,258197,,,,1142557,,,196318,1577,,197895,946239,,1046,21271,363,,209,,28932,4756,4500,256,08/22 0:00,08/22 15:48,HMH,SB,"(8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,AZ,,,,,,,,,,257196,,,,1126420,,,195331,1568,,196899,931089,,1068,21210,365,,234,,28731,4688,4433,255,08/21 0:00,08/21 15:47,HMH,CB-M,"(8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,AZ,,,,,,,,,,255456,,,,1116897,,,194734,1546,,196280,922163,,1070,21143,388,,233,,28471,4684,4429,255,08/20 0:00,08/20 16:02,HMH,BHP,"(8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,AZ,,,,,,,,,,254062,,,,1109724,,,194042,1515,,195557,915682,,1160,21020,414,,250,,28233,4634,4378,256,08/19 0:00,08/19 16:27,BML,REB,"(8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,AZ,,,,,,,,,,253264,,,,1102493,,,193416,1504,,194920,909077,,1167,20878,427,,260,,28027,4529,4273,256,08/18 0:00,08/18 15:44,CB-M,RS,"(8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,AZ,,,,,,,,,,252860,,,,1096897,,,192514,1491,,194005,904383,,1182,20756,430,,266,,27800,4506,4252,254,08/17 0:00,08/17 16:05,SB,DZL,"(8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,AZ,,,,,,,,,,251782,,,,1090499,,,192062,1475,,193537,898437,,1208,20755,417,,267,,27582,4506,4252,254,08/16 0:00,08/16 16:45,HMH,SB,"(8/16 HMH) Cum. hosp decreased by about 40 today (8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,AZ,,,,,,,,,,250030,,,,1075748,,,191211,1443,,192654,884537,,1282,20795,442,,284,,27339,4492,4238,254,08/15 0:00,08/15 15:42,SB,HMH,"(8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,AZ,,,,,,,,,,248666,,,,1066146,,,190292,1429,,191721,875854,,1359,20515,473,,324,,27029,4423,4169,254,08/14 0:00,08/14 16:06,HMH,CB-M,"(8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,AZ,,,,,,,,,,246800,,,,1056770,,,189386,1408,,190794,867384,,1411,20503,497,,334,,26736,4383,4130,253,08/13 0:00,08/13 15:40,HMH,DPT,"(8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,AZ,,,,,,,,,,241948,,,,1042838,,,188053,1390,,189443,854785,,1469,19821,519,,328,,26418,4347,4095,252,08/12 0:00,08/12 17:18,NMJ,BSL,"(8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,AZ,,,,,,,,,,241052,,,,1035900,,,187362,1375,,188737,848538,,1574,19292,510,,346,,26102,4199,3951,248,08/11 0:00,08/11 16:02,HMH,DZL,"(8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,AZ,,,,,,,,,,240582,,,,1026888,,,186180,1343,,187523,840708,,1575,19277,506,,366,,25848,4154,3922,232,08/10 0:00,08/10 16:09,HMH,SB,"(8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,AZ,,,,,,,,,,239427,,,,1021233,,,185593,1330,,186923,835640,,1626,19268,514,,374,,25527,4150,3918,232,08/09 0:00,08/09 15:42,KP,HMH,"(8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,AZ,,,,,,,,,,237810,,,,1015218,,,184804,1302,,186107,830414,,1659,19244,539,,400,,25163,4137,3905,232,08/08 0:00,08/08 15:55,SB,RS,"(8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,AZ,,,,,,,,,,236405,,,,1003583,,,183791,1262,,185053,819792,,1772,19241,565,,411,,24815,4081,3860,221,08/07 0:00,8/07 17:28,BML,KP,"(8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,AZ,,,,,,,,,,235088,,,,994625,,,182408,1239,,183647,812217,,1879,14068,593,,427,,24531,4002,3786,216,08/06 0:00,8/06 16:46,CB-M,BHP,"(8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,AZ,,,,,,,,,,233685,,,,984332,,,180993,1210,,182203,803339,,1945,13559,618,,455,,24222,3932,3717,215,08/05 0:00,8/05 16:27,HMH,DZL,"(8/5 DZL/HMH) Confirmed/probable hover works today! We are now recording probable cases, and have resumed recording confirmed cases, and death, as well as switching back to normal calc. for neg. cases (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,AZ,,,,,,,,,,232219,,,,971244,,,137710,813,,180505,790739,,2024,13294,638,,474,,23944,3845,2431,152,08/04 0:00,8/04 15:44,KP,HMH,"CONFIRMED/PROBABLE HOVER STILL BROKEN (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/4 17:46, 20200803,AZ,,,,,,,,,,231917,,,,964418,,,137710,813,,179497,784921,,2017,11400,628,,461,,23702,3779,2431,152,08/03 0:00,8/03 15:55,SB,HMH,"CONFIRMED/PROBABLE HOVER STILL BROKEN (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,AZ,,,,,,,,,,230790,,,,956428,,,137710,813,,178467,777961,,2147,11371,685,,474,,23413,3765,2431,152,08/02 0:00,8/02 16:39,CB-M,ALF,"CONFIRMED/PROBABLE HOVER STILL BROKEN (8/2 ALF) Until we can get Positive Cases (PCR) we must use the lumped (confirmed + probable) column in the Negative (People or Cases) formula. (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,AZ,,,,,,,,,,229328,,,,948650,,,137710,813,,177002,771648,,2226,11346,710,,490,,23064,3747,2431,152,08/01 0:00,8/01 16:19,JAC,SB,"CONFIRMED/PROBABLE HOVER STILL BROKEN (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,AZ,,,,,,,,,,227897,,,,933743,,,137710,813,,174010,759733,,2302,11260,719,,505,,22714,3694,2431,152,07/31 0:00,07/31 15:49,KP,HMH,"CONFIRMED/PROBABLE HOVER STILL BROKEN (7/31) MM Updated negatives based on (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,, 20200730,AZ,,,,,,,,,,226306,,,,913266,,,137710,813,,170798,742468,,2348,11172,758,,531,,22358,3626,2431,152,07/30 0:00,07/30 15:56,HMH,BHP,"CONFIRMED/PROBABLE HOVER STILL BROKEN (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,, 20200729,AZ,,,,,,,,,,224276,,,,901429,,,137710,813,,168273,733156,,2424,10060,800,,561,,21994,3454,2431,152,07/29 0:00,07/29 15:40,HMH,RS,"CONFIRMED/PROBABLE HOVER STILL BROKEN (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,, 20200728,AZ,,,,,,,,,,221894,,,,890931,,,137710,813,,165934,724997,,2564,9394,814,,574,,21626,3408,2431,152,07/28 0:00,07/28 16:03,HMH,BHP,"CONFIRMED/PROBABLE HOVER STILL BROKEN (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,, 20200727,AZ,,,,,,,,,,221349,,,,878333,,,137710,813,,163827,714506,,2626,7751,820,,567,,21321,3304,2431,152,07/27 0:00,07/27 16:52,JAC,REB,"CONFIRMED/PROBABLE HOVER STILL BROKEN (7/27 JAC) Deaths went down by one (7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. ",A+,, 20200726,AZ,,,,,,,,,,220444,,,,867103,,,137710,813,,162014,705089,,2650,7706,837,,581,,20978,3305,2431,152,07/26 0:00,07/26 15:46,BML,BSL,"(7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200725,AZ,,,,,,,,,,218559,,,,857609,,,137710,813,,160041,697568,,2758,7627,842,,594,,20566,3286,2431,152,07/25 0:00,07/25 16:37,RS,BSL,"(7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200724,AZ,,,,,,,,,,217015,,,,836817,,,137710,813,,156301,680516,,2844,7461,837,,575,,20171,3142,2431,152,07/24 0:00,07/24 16:09,HMH,KP,"(7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200723,AZ,,,,,,,,,,215211,,,,822713,,,137710,813,,152944,669769,,2966,7236,851,,617,,19737,3063,2431,152,07/23 0:00,07/23 15:45,JAC,BHP,"(7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200722,AZ,,,,,,,,,,213144,,,,813981,,,137710,813,,150609,663372,,3094,7047,870,,609,,19293,2974,2431,152,07/22 0:00,07/22 16:21,HMH,BHP,"(7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200721,AZ,,,,,,,,,,211454,,,,807666,,,137710,813,,148683,658983,,3041,6894,865,,608,,18863,2918,2431,152,07/21 0:00,07/21 15:55,KP,HMH,"(7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200720,AZ,,,,,,,,,,210464,,,,793523,,,137710,813,,145183,648340,,3084,6698,886,,622,,18518,2784,2431,152,07/20 0:00,07/20 16:08,HMH,RS,"(7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200719,AZ,,,,,,,,,,209531,,,,785979,,,137710,813,,143624,642355,,3136,6632,894,,622,,18149,2761,2431,152,07/19 0:00,07/19 16:01,KP,HMH,"(7/18 BHP/JAC) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. Becasue of this we used the total cases for the negative calculation today . (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200718,AZ,,,,,,,,,,206872,,,,771991,,,137710,813,,141265,630726,,3238,6567,894,,657,,17661,2730,2431,152,07/18 0:00,07/18 17:07,BHP,BSL,"(7/18 BHP) We were unable to mouse over cases or deaths to see the confirmed and probable numbers today. It was an issue for everyone and all browsers. (7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200717,AZ,,,,,,,,,,205682,,,,764155,,,137710,813,,138523,626445,,3466,6402,944,,687,,17184,2583,2431,152,07/17 0:00,07/17 16:04,HMH,BSL,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200716,AZ,,,,,,,,,,203318,,,,748491,,,133838,775,,134613,614653,,3454,6296,918,,657,,16684,2492,2353,139,07/16 0:00,07/16 15:38,BSL,HMH,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200715,AZ,,,,,,,,,,201004,,,,735184,,,130576,778,,131354,604608,,3493,6103,929,,671,,16155,2434,2295,139,07/15 0:00,07/15 15:01,BSL,HMH,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200714,AZ,,,,,,,,,,199450,,,,721191,,,127345,752,,128097,593846,,3517,5942,970,,674,,15678,2337,2208,129,07/14 0:00,07/14 15:31,JAC,KP,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200713,AZ,,,,,,,,,,198291,,,,701703,,,123101,723,,123824,578602,,3373,5839,936,,671,,15254,2245,2122,123,07/13 0:00,07/13 15:04,BSL,RS,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200712,AZ,,,,,,,,,,197017,,,,695463,,,121758,709,,122467,573705,,3432,5795,922,,631,,14829,2237,2114,123,07/12 0:00,07/12 15:21,BSL,KP,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200711,AZ,,,,,,,,,,194948,,,,683293,,,119233,697,,119930,564060,,3485,5750,899,,620,,14394,2151,2030,121,07/11 0:00,07/11 15:21,BSL,QN,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200710,AZ,,,,,,,,,,191767,,,,668528,,,116209,683,,116892,552319,,3432,5659,876,,615,,13853,2082,1961,121,07/10 0:00,07/10 15:06,BSL,HMH,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200709,AZ,,,,,,,,,,188864,,,,652418,,,112028,643,,112671,540390,,3437,5526,861,,575,,13341,2038,1917,121,07/09 0:00,07/09 15:20,BSL,JAC,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200708,AZ,,,,,,,,,,186602,,,,640487,,,108031,583,,108614,532456,,3421,5387,871,,570,,12803,1963,1842,121,07/08 0:00,07/08 15:39,HMH,BHP,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200707,AZ,,,,,,,,,,183595,,,,628275,,,104572,522,,105094,523703,,3356,5272,869,,544,,12260,1927,1807,120,07/07 0:00,07/07 15:23,BSL,BHP,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200706,AZ,,,,,,,,,,183109,,,,617343,,,100943,498,,101441,516400,,3212,5188,839,,533,,11836,1810,1695,115,07/06 0:00,07/06 15:06,BSL,RS,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200705,AZ,,,,,,,,,,182115,,,,603884,,,97611,478,,98089,506273,,3182,5161,821,,531,,11361,1809,1694,115,07/05 0:00,07/05 15:04,BSL,BML,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200704,AZ,,,,,,,,,,180250,,,,589040,,,94085,468,,94553,494955,,3113,5068,796,,413,,10903,1805,1690,115,07/04 0:00,07/04 15:14,BSL,JAC,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200703,AZ,,,,,,,,,,177849,,,,577919,,,91396,462,,91858,486523,,3013,5018,741,,489,,10478,1788,1673,115,07/03 0:00,07/03 15:11,BSL,BML,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200702,AZ,,,,,,,,,,175112,,,,560384,,,86970,455,,87425,473414,,2938,4916,723,,488,,10137,1757,1642,115,07/02 0:00,07/02 15:18,BSL,KWS,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200701,AZ,,,,,,,,,,172836,,,,549149,,,83645,447,,84092,465504,,2876,4837,675,,466,,9715,1720,1607,113,07/01 0:00,07/01 15:13,BHP,BSL,"(7/1 BHP) Recoveries updated for 6/25 from 250 to 232. I updated the long formula sheet. (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200630,AZ,,,,,,,,,,169911,,,,531922,,,78781,434,,79215,453141,,2793,4736,683,,455,,9411,1632,1529,103,06/30 0:00,06/30 15:14,KP,BSL,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200629,AZ,,,,,,,,,,166748,,,,511009,,,74119,414,,74533,436890,,2721,4634,679,,465,,9179,1588,1488,100,06/29 0:00,06/29 15:21,BSL,SB,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200628,AZ,,,,,,,,,,164333,,,,509485,,,73497,411,,73908,435988,,2691,4617,666,,475,,8926,1588,1488,100,06/28 0:00,06/28 15:13,SB,BSL,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200627,AZ,,,,,,,,,,162440,,,,494337,,,69641,410,,70051,424696,,2577,4595,657,,433,,8659,1579,1479,100,06/27 0:00,06/27 15:22,SB,BSL,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200626,AZ,,,,,,,,,,157620,,,,479330,,,66055,493,,66548,413275,,2110,4514,581,,312,,8389,1535,1435,100,06/26 0:00,06/26 15:06,BSL,RS,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200625,AZ,,,,,,,,,,155343,,,,463800,,,62634,396,,63030,401166,,2453,4406,611,,415,,8139,1490,1393,97,06/25 0:00,06/25 15:34,KWS,JAC,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200624,AZ,,,,,,,,,,151006,,,,448800,,,59586,388,,59974,389214,,2270,4313,581,,407,,7936,1463,1366,97,06/24 0:00,06/24 15:43,BSL,BHP,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200623,AZ,,,,,,,,,,149616,,,,440138,,,57799,380,,58179,382339,,2136,4255,614,,386,,7746,1384,1291,93,06/23 0:00,06/23 15:16,QN,BSL,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 ",A+,, 20200622,AZ,,,,,,,,,,148031,,,,429418,,,54214,372,,54586,375204,,1992,4255,583,,379,,7581,1342,1251,91,06/22 0:00,06/22 15:09,BSL,RS,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200621,AZ,,,,,,,,,,147565,,,,419372,,,52018,372,,52390,367354,,1942,4255,556,,361,,7387,1339,1248,91,06/21 0:00,06/21 15:41,KP,BSL,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200620,AZ,,,,,,,,,,144366,,,,404908,,,49426,372,,49798,355482,,1938,4252,546,,368,,7196,1338,1247,91,06/20 0:00,06/20 15:11,BML,BSL,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200619,AZ,,,,,,,,,,140847,,,,391850,,,46323,366,,46689,345527,,1832,4246,519,,362,,7018,1312,1224,88,06/19 0:00,06/19 15:15,RS,BSL,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200618,AZ,,,,,,,,,,138292,,,,379374,,,43085,358,,43443,336289,,1667,4241,540,,341,,6863,1271,1184,87,06/18 0:00,06/18 15:20,JAC,RS,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200617,AZ,,,,,,,,,,136117,,,,365846,,,40577,347,,40924,325269,,1582,4224,531,,346,,6715,1239,1159,80,06/17 0:00,06/17 15:18,JAC,BSL,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200616,AZ,,,,,,,,,,135295,,,,353991,,,38754,343,,39097,315237,,1506,4209,502,,340,,6598,1219,1140,79,06/16 0:00,06/16 15:25,KP,RS,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200615,AZ,,,,,,,,,,134173,,,,344929,,,36377,328,,36705,308552,,1449,4182,464,,307,,6462,1194,1127,67,06/15 0:00,06/15 16:07,SB,RS,"(6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200614,AZ,,,,,,,,,,131698,,,,337728,,,35374,317,,35691,302354,,1457,4148,452,,317,,6333,1186,1119,67,06/14 0:00,06/14 14:58,MM,JAC,"PROCESS: Data pull from dashboard (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200613,AZ,,,,,,,,,,128830,,,,328085,,,34146,312,,34458,293939,,1412,4115,447,,309,,6209,1183,1116,67,06/13 0:00,06/13 14:46,BML,AFG,"PROCESS: Data pull from dashboard (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200612,AZ,,,,,,,,,,122070,,,,320816,,,30955,309,,32918,289861,,1336,4079,429,,278,,5980,1144,1060,67,06/12 0:00,06/12 17:27,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Data pull from dashboard (6/12 JAC) AZ is having technical problems with it's dashboard; we were only able to update total test antibodies & PCR; Positive cases (lumped); Curr/cum hosp; Deaths (lumped) (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200611,AZ,,,,,,,,,,120054,,,,309273,,,30955,309,,31264,278318,,1291,4041,429,,278,,5980,1127,1060,67,06/11 0:00,06/11 15:07,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: Data pull from dashboard (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200610,AZ,,,,,,,,,,117257,,,,299687,,,,,,29852,269835,,1274,4000,413,,273,,5851,1095,,,06/10 0:00,06/10 15:32,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: Data pull from dashboard (6/10 JAC) AZ has revised several historical discharges and added numbers for 4/8 (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200609,AZ,,,,,,,,,,115961,,,,293213,,,,,,28296,264917,,1243,3959,438,,264,,5764,1070,,,06/09 0:00,06/09 14:53,RS,REB,"PROCESS: 1) Click dashboard link, open ""Summary"", ""Hospitalization"" and ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics"" in three browser tabs. 2) Check source note per column ** Note, for Recovered, use the ""Long Formulas"" sheet to add most recent day and get cumulative recoveries. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200608,AZ,,,,,,,,,,114579,,,,288081,,,,,,27678,260403,,1266,3911,390,,246,,5639,1047,,,06/08 0:00,06/08 15:48,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1) Click dashboard link, open ""Summary"", ""Hospitalization"" and ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics"" in three browser tabs. 2) Check source note per column ** Note, for Recovered, use the ""Long Formulas"" sheet to add most recent day and get cumulative recoveries. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200607,AZ,,,,,,,,,,111625,,,,281621,,,,,,26889,254732,,1252,3847,392,,248,,5517,1044,,,06/07 0:00,06/07 14:22,CML,RS,"PROCESS: 1) Click dashboard link, open ""Summary"", ""Hospitalization"" and ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics"" in three browser tabs. 2) Check source note per column ** Note, for Recovered, use the ""Long Formulas"" sheet to add most recent day and get cumulative recoveries. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200606,AZ,,,,,,,,,,109266,,,,271646,,,,,,25451,246195,,1278,3777,391,,292,,5399,1042,,,06/06 0:00,06/06 14:19,BML,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths. Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics"" tab: Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For Recovered, use the ""Long Formulas"" sheet and update the most recent day and use the sum in Recovered cell (you can also compare and make sure historic data was not changed) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200605,AZ,,,,,,,,,,106390,,,,263865,,,,,,24332,239533,,1234,3712,375,,241,,5298,1012,,,06/05 0:00,06/05 16:27,RS,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths. Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics"" tab: Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For Recovered, use the ""Long Formulas"" sheet and update the most recent day and use the sum in Recovered cell (you can also compare and make sure historic data was not changed) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200604,AZ,,,,,,,,,,101147,,,,249755,,,,,,22753,227002,,1079,3642,375,,223,,5172,996,,,06/04 0:00,06/04 16:03,QN,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths. Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics"" tab: Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For Recovered, use the ""Long Formulas"" sheet and update the most recent day and use the sum in Recovered cell (you can also compare and make sure historic data was not changed) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200603,AZ,,,,,,,,,,100519,,,,244525,,,,,,22233,222292,,1092,3589,379,,239,,5076,981,,,06/03 0:00,06/03 15:37,ALF,DPT,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths. Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics"" tab: Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For Recovered, use the ""Long Formulas"" sheet and update the most recent day and use the sum in Recovered cell (you can also compare and make sure historic data was not changed) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200602,AZ,,,,,,,,,,98756,,,,237833,,,,,,21250,216583,,1009,3520,380,,235,,4967,941,,,06/02 0:00,06/02 15:31,RS,CML,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths. Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics"" tab: Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For Recovered, use the ""Long Formulas"" sheet and update the most recent day and use the sum in Recovered cell (you can also compare and make sure historic data was not changed) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200601,AZ,,,,,,,,,,93856,,,,228070,,,,,,20123,207947,,968,3445,377,,238,,4869,917,,,06/01 0:00,06/01 16:50,TLM,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes). Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For recovered, add up all the number of discharges. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200531,AZ,,,,,,,,,,93367,,,,225206,,,,,,19936,205270,,973,3379,376,,239,,4761,906,,,05/31 0:00,05/31 15:47,ALF,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes). Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For recovered, add up all the number of discharges. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200530,AZ,,,,,,,,,,90668,,,,217047,,,,,,19255,197792,,975,3334,386,,241,,4657,903,,,05/30 0:00,05/30 16:02,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes). Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For recovered, add up all the number of discharges. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200529,AZ,,,,,,,,,,87682,,,,209813,,,,,,18465,191348,,931,3281,378,,238,,4551,885,,,05/29 0:00,05/29 16:01,KP,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes). Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For recovered, add up all the number of discharges. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200528,AZ,,,,,,,,,,84691,,,,202914,,,,,,17763,185151,,945,3223,374,,222,,4452,857,,,05/28 0:00,05/28 16:42,MM,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes). Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For recovered, add up all the number of discharges. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200527,AZ,,,,,,,,,,83284,,,,196266,,,,,,17262,179004,,911,3172,375,,237,,4361,831,,,05/27 0:00,05/27 16:41,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes). Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For recovered, add up all the number of discharges. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200526,AZ,,,,,,,,,,82338,,,,190731,,,,,,16783,173948,,818,3122,336,,208,,4297,807,,,05/25 0:00,05/26 14:57,MM,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes). Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For recovered, add up all the number of discharges. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200525,AZ,,,,,,,,,,80601,,,,187782,,,,,,16561,171221,,833,3077,334,,212,,4204,806,,,05/25 0:00,05/26 14:57,MM,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes). Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For recovered, add up all the number of discharges. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200524,AZ,,,,,,,,,,77018,,,,183641,,,,,,16339,167302,,804,3026,322,,201,,4132,800,,,05/24 0:00,05/24 15:36,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes). Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For recovered, add up all the number of discharges. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200523,AZ,,,,,,,,,,73350,2200,,,180439,12089,,,,,16039,164400,,784,2984,309,,193,,4033,799,,,05/23 0:00,05/23 15:35,ESK,BL,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes). Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For recovered, add up all the number of discharges. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200522,AZ,,,,,,,,,,69483,,,,176003,,,,,,15608,160395,,796,2943,311,,203,,3949,775,,,05/22 0:00,05/22 16:02,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes). Only use PCR tests to fill in our usual testing metrics. Fill in antibody testing data as well. 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator. For recovered, add up all the number of discharges. As of 5/5, numbers are going back to 4/9. Usually it's simple addition with the latest number, but often times the state revises this data -- redo the calculation and leave a note if this happens 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 ",A+,, 20200521,AZ,,,,,,,,,,65790,,,,171627,,,,,,15315,156312,,812,2885,299,,197,,3872,763,,,05/21 0:00,05/21 15:52,QN,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) (5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) ",A+,, 20200520,AZ,,,,,,,,,,61664,,,,165435,,,,,,14897,150538,,810,2836,298,,208,,3773,747,,,05/20 0:00,05/20 16:04,AFG,MM,"(5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200519,AZ,,,,,,,,,,59041,,,,161571,,,,,,14566,147005,,792,2800,318,,201,,3693,704,,,05/19 0:00,05/19 14:16,MM,RS,"(5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200518,AZ,,,,,,,,,,56311,,,,156473,,,,,,14170,142303,,820,2757,329,,200,,3570,686,,,05/18 0:00,05/18 15:25,REB,RS,"(5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200517,AZ,,,,,,,,,,51245,,,,151761,,,,,,13937,137824,,796,2703,337,,201,,3450,680,,,05/17 0:00,05/17 17:18,RS,REB,"(5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200516,AZ,,,,,,,,,,47716,,,,146788,,,,,,13631,133157,,791,2673,344,,210,,3357,679,,,05/16 0:00,05/16 14:37,QN,RS,"(5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200515,AZ,,,,,,,,,,44903,,,,142001,,,,,,13169,128832,,808,2636,313,,222,,3145,651,,,05/15 0:00,05/15 16:29,MM,REB,"(5/15 aft MM) cum hosp revised down slightly (5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200514,AZ,,,,,,,,,,41117,,,,134338,,,,,,12674,121664,,781,2595,323,,201,,3074,624,,,05/14 0:00,05/14 14:39,QN,RS,"(5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200513,AZ,,,,,,,,,,38060,,,,127750,,,,,,12176,115574,,755,2543,292,,191,,2979,594,,,05/13 0:00,,,,"(5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200512,AZ,,,,,,,,,,36209,,,,122842,,,,,,11736,111106,,765,2504,318,,204,,2909,562,,,05/12 0:00,05/12 15:33,RS,QN,"(5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200511,AZ,,,,,,,,,,33777,,,,116464,,,,,,11380,105084,,717,2462,297,,201,,2852,542,,,05/11 0:00,05/11 14:44,RS,MM,"(5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200510,AZ,,,,,,,,,,27362,,,,110377,,,,,,11119,99258,,713,2421,300,,195,,2775,536,,,05/10 0:00,05/10 15:34,G-S,KP,"(5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200509,AZ,,,,,,,,,,23130,,,,105810,,,,,,10960,94850,,739,2386,296,,186,,2684,532,,,05/09 0:00,05/09 15:03,SLW,RS,"(5/9 aft SLW) AZ has revised their historical discharges, increasing daily discharge numbers starting at 4/21 (5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200508,AZ,,,,,,,,,,18782,,,,101125,,,,,,10526,90599,,730,2350,295,,197,,1747,517,,,05/08 0:00,05/08 14:43,RS,MM,"(5/8 aft MM+RS) AZ started separating PCR&Serology test reporting. Unsure if we can calculate positive cases/tests from the percentages they provide. (5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200507,AZ,,,,,,,,,,14652,,,,96434,,,,,,9945,86489,,766,2292,288,,196,,1722,450,,,05/07 0:00,05/07 14:29,QN,RS,"(5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200506,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91737,,,,,,9707,82030,,754,2244,286,,193,,1693,426,,,05/06 0:00,05/06 14:38,AW,DPT,"(5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x3 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. Use this to fill in Positive, Negative, Deaths (see source notes) 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. Use this to fill in Curr. Hosp, Curr in ICU, Curr. on Ventilator, Recovered (see source notes) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. Use this to fill in Cum. Hosp (see source notes) ",A+,, 20200505,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88260,,,,,,9305,78955,,728,2192,303,,185,,1671,395,,,05/05 0:00,05/05 16:19,RS,KP,"(5/5 aft KP) We are currently adding the daily discharges to get a recovered number. As of today, they give numbers going back to 4/9. If they stop reporting that far back, we need to notice, and make sure we're preserving data correctly. (5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x4 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. A) Positive = ""Number of Cases"", B) Negative = ""Number of COVID-19 Tests - Number of Cases"", C) Deaths = ""Number of deaths"" 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. A) Curr. Hosp. = ""Inpatient COVID-19"" sub-tab, B) Curr. in ICU = ""ICU Beds for COVID-19"" sub-tab, C) Curr. on Ventilator = ""Ventilators in Use COVID-19"" sub-tab, D) Recovered = ""COVID-19 discharge"" tab, SUM up bar chart values (by day) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. A) Cum. Hosp. = ""Number of Cases Hospitalized""",A+,, 20200504,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85253,,,,,,8919,76334,,703,2135,288,,200,,1632,362,,,05/04 0:00,05/04 15:35,RS,MM,"(5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x4 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. A) Positive = ""Number of Cases"", B) Negative = ""Number of COVID-19 Tests - Number of Cases"", C) Deaths = ""Number of deaths"" 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. A) Curr. Hosp. = ""Inpatient COVID-19"" sub-tab, B) Curr. in ICU = ""ICU Beds for COVID-19"" sub-tab, C) Curr. on Ventilator = ""Ventilators in Use COVID-19"" sub-tab, D) Recovered = ""COVID-19 discharge"" tab, SUM up bar chart values (by day) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. A) Cum. Hosp. = ""Number of Cases Hospitalized""",A+,, 20200503,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81119,,,,,,8640,72479,,732,2089,282,,192,,1597,362,,,05/03 0:00,,,,"(5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x4 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. A) Positive = ""Number of Cases"", B) Negative = ""Number of COVID-19 Tests - Number of Cases"", C) Deaths = ""Number of deaths"" 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. A) Curr. Hosp. = ""Inpatient COVID-19"" sub-tab, B) Curr. in ICU = ""ICU Beds for COVID-19"" sub-tab, C) Curr. on Ventilator = ""Ventilators in Use COVID-19"" sub-tab, D) Recovered = ""COVID-19 discharge"" tab, SUM up bar chart values (by day) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. A) Cum. Hosp. = ""Number of Cases Hospitalized""",A+,, 20200502,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77997,,,,,,8364,69633,,718,2033,291,,198,,1565,348,,,05/02 0:00,,,,"(5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x4 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. A) Positive = ""Number of Cases"", B) Negative = ""Number of COVID-19 Tests - Number of Cases"", C) Deaths = ""Number of deaths"" 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. A) Curr. Hosp. = ""Inpatient COVID-19"" sub-tab, B) Curr. in ICU = ""ICU Beds for COVID-19"" sub-tab, C) Curr. on Ventilator = ""Ventilators in Use COVID-19"" sub-tab, D) Recovered = ""COVID-19 discharge"" tab, SUM up bar chart values (by day) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. A) Cum. Hosp. = ""Number of Cases Hospitalized""",A+,, 20200501,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74879,,,,,,7962,66917,,709,1986,311,,187,,1528,330,,,05/01 0:00,05/01 16:21,REB,AW,"(5/1 aft AW) we have not put positives in col AC because the pos numbers are ""lumped probable + confirmed"" (according to probable confirmed lump tab) KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x4 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. A) Positive = ""Number of Cases"", B) Negative = ""Number of COVID-19 Tests - Number of Cases"", C) Deaths = ""Number of deaths"" 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. A) Curr. Hosp. = ""Inpatient COVID-19"" sub-tab, B) Curr. in ICU = ""ICU Beds for COVID-19"" sub-tab, C) Curr. on Ventilator = ""Ventilators in Use COVID-19"" sub-tab, D) Recovered = ""COVID-19 discharge"" tab, SUM up bar chart values (by day) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. A) Cum. Hosp. = ""Number of Cases Hospitalized""",A+,, 20200430,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71786,,,,,,7648,64138,,755,1937,311,,194,,1499,320,,,04/30 0:00,04/30 14:33,SPA,DPT," KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x4 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. A) Positive = ""Number of Cases"", B) Negative = ""Number of COVID-19 Tests - Number of Cases"", C) Deaths = ""Number of deaths"" 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. A) Curr. Hosp. = ""Inpatient COVID-19"" sub-tab, B) Curr. in ICU = ""ICU Beds for COVID-19"" sub-tab, C) Curr. on Ventilator = ""Ventilators in Use COVID-19"" sub-tab, D) Recovered = ""COVID-19 discharge"" tab, SUM up bar chart values (by day) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. A) Cum. Hosp. = ""Number of Cases Hospitalized""",A+,, 20200429,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68813,,,,,,7202,61611,,756,1884,312,,191,,1475,304,,,04/29 0:00,04/30 9:40,KWS,," KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x4 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. A) Positive = ""Number of Cases"", B) Negative = ""Number of COVID-19 Tests - Number of Cases"", C) Deaths = ""Number of deaths"" 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. A) Curr. Hosp. = ""Inpatient COVID-19"" sub-tab, B) Curr. in ICU = ""ICU Beds for COVID-19"" sub-tab, C) Curr. on Ventilator = ""Ventilators in Use COVID-19"" sub-tab, D) Recovered = ""COVID-19 discharge"" tab, SUM up bar chart values (by day) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. A) Cum. Hosp. = ""Number of Cases Hospitalized""",A+,, 20200428,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67438,,,,,,6948,60490,,737,1824,303,,193,,1450,293,,,04/27 0:00,04/28 14:04,RS,LH," KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x4 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. A) Positive = ""Number of Cases"", B) Negative = ""Number of COVID-19 Tests - Number of Cases"", C) Deaths = ""Number of deaths"" 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. A) Curr. Hosp. = ""Inpatient COVID-19"" sub-tab, B) Curr. in ICU = ""ICU Beds for COVID-19"" sub-tab, C) Curr. on Ventilator = ""Ventilators in Use COVID-19"" sub-tab, D) Recovered = ""COVID-19 discharge"" tab, SUM up bar chart values (by day) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. A) Cum. Hosp. = ""Number of Cases Hospitalized""",A+,, 20200427,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66543,,,,,,6716,59827,,647,1772,328,,200,,1418,275,,,04/27 0:00,04/28 14:04,RS,LH," KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x4 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. A) Positive = ""Number of Cases"", B) Negative = ""Number of COVID-19 Tests - Number of Cases"", C) Deaths = ""Number of deaths"" 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. A) Curr. Hosp. = ""Inpatient COVID-19"" sub-tab, B) Curr. in ICU = ""ICU Beds for COVID-19"" sub-tab, C) Curr. on Ventilator = ""Ventilators in Use COVID-19"" sub-tab, D) Recovered = ""COVID-19 discharge"" tab, SUM up bar chart values (by day) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. A) Cum. Hosp. = ""Number of Cases Hospitalized""",A+,, 20200426,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64811,,,,,,6526,58285,,671,1716,308,,200,,1383,275,,,04/26 0:00,,,," KNOWN ISSUES: Hospital dashboard is known for being down for maintenance/technical issues (4/16, 4/18, 4/20-4/22 PR SB RS AFG). PROCESS: 1. Open ""Dashboard link"", which has a 4x4 matrix of tabs. Click ""Summary"" tab. A) Positive = ""Number of Cases"", B) Negative = ""Number of COVID-19 Tests - Number of Cases"", C) Deaths = ""Number of deaths"" 2. Search for ""Hospital COVID-19 Specific Metrics""; click tab. A) Curr. Hosp. = ""Inpatient COVID-19"" sub-tab, B) Curr. in ICU = ""ICU Beds for COVID-19"" sub-tab, C) Curr. on Ventilator = ""Ventilators in Use COVID-19"" sub-tab, D) Recovered = ""COVID-19 discharge"" tab, SUM up bar chart values (by day) 3. Search for ""Hospitalization""; click tab. A) Cum. Hosp. = ""Number of Cases Hospitalized""",A+,, 20200425,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62508,,,,,,6280,56228,,697,1672,313,,191,,1345,266,,,04/25 0:00,04/25 14:59,RS,QN,"(4/22 aft AFG) still experiencing technical issues (the hospital dashboard is not accessible) (4/21 eve AGS) still experiencing technical issues 4/21 PR - state dash down - note on top We are currently experiencing technical issues with some of our COVID-19 data dashboards. As of Tuesday, April 21, there are 5,251 cases and 208 deaths related to COVID-19. We apologize for the inconvenience while we address these issues. Hospitalization dashboard: Last tab: ""COVID-19 Specific Data"" for hosp/vent/ICU numbers Recovered: calculated from ""discharged"" on hospitalization dashboard (last tab) (4/20 RS) AZ's new dashboard no longer seems to contain Hosp #s. They note they'ev had some technical difficulutlies, so it may just be a delay in getting it up. For now, Hosp and Recovery #s are unchanged, 4/16 eve (SB) Freshness check: no change to positives, numbers tested, and number of deaths, but hospitalization dashboard is ""down for maintenance"" (4/18 PR) hosp dashboard did not open ",A+,, 20200424,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60714,,,,,,6045,54669,,639,1626,332,,186,,1313,266,,,04/24 0:00,,,,"(4/22 aft AFG) still experiencing technical issues (the hospital dashboard is not accessible) (4/21 eve AGS) still experiencing technical issues 4/21 PR - state dash down - note on top We are currently experiencing technical issues with some of our COVID-19 data dashboards. As of Tuesday, April 21, there are 5,251 cases and 208 deaths related to COVID-19. We apologize for the inconvenience while we address these issues. Hospitalization dashboard: Last tab: ""COVID-19 Specific Data"" for hosp/vent/ICU numbers Recovered: calculated from ""discharged"" on hospitalization dashboard (last tab) (4/20 RS) AZ's new dashboard no longer seems to contain Hosp #s. They note they'ev had some technical difficulutlies, so it may just be a delay in getting it up. For now, Hosp and Recovery #s are unchanged, 4/16 eve (SB) Freshness check: no change to positives, numbers tested, and number of deaths, but hospitalization dashboard is ""down for maintenance"" (4/18 PR) hosp dashboard did not open ",B,, 20200423,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58697,,,,,,5769,52928,,699,1572,305,,201,,1282,249,,,04/23 0:00,04/24 8:46,ESK,ALF,"(4/22 aft AFG) still experiencing technical issues (the hospital dashboard is not accessible) (4/21 eve AGS) still experiencing technical issues 4/21 PR - state dash down - note on top We are currently experiencing technical issues with some of our COVID-19 data dashboards. As of Tuesday, April 21, there are 5,251 cases and 208 deaths related to COVID-19. We apologize for the inconvenience while we address these issues. Hospitalization dashboard: Last tab: ""COVID-19 Specific Data"" for hosp/vent/ICU numbers Recovered: calculated from ""discharged"" on hospitalization dashboard (last tab) (4/20 RS) AZ's new dashboard no longer seems to contain Hosp #s. They note they'ev had some technical difficulutlies, so it may just be a delay in getting it up. For now, Hosp and Recovery #s are unchanged, 4/16 eve (SB) Freshness check: no change to positives, numbers tested, and number of deaths, but hospitalization dashboard is ""down for maintenance"" (4/18 PR) hosp dashboard did not open ",B,, 20200422,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56601,,,,,,5459,51142,,664,1528,300,,195,,1265,229,,,04/22 0:00,04/23 8:36,ATS,,"(4/22 aft AFG) still experiencing technical issues (the hospital dashboard is not accessible) (4/21 eve AGS) still experiencing technical issues 4/21 PR - state dash down - note on top We are currently experiencing technical issues with some of our COVID-19 data dashboards. As of Tuesday, April 21, there are 5,251 cases and 208 deaths related to COVID-19. We apologize for the inconvenience while we address these issues. Hospitalization dashboard: Last tab: ""COVID-19 Specific Data"" for hosp/vent/ICU numbers Recovered: calculated from ""discharged"" on hospitalization dashboard (last tab) (4/20 RS) AZ's new dashboard no longer seems to contain Hosp #s. They note they'ev had some technical difficulutlies, so it may just be a delay in getting it up. For now, Hosp and Recovery #s are unchanged, 4/16 eve (SB) Freshness check: no change to positives, numbers tested, and number of deaths, but hospitalization dashboard is ""down for maintenance"" (4/18 PR) hosp dashboard did not open ",B,, 20200421,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55152,,,,,,5251,49901,,637,1484,285,,181,,1155,208,,,04/21 0:00,,,,"(4/21 eve AGS) still experiencing technical issues 4/21 PR - state dash down - note on top We are currently experiencing technical issues with some of our COVID-19 data dashboards. As of Tuesday, April 21, there are 5,251 cases and 208 deaths related to COVID-19. We apologize for the inconvenience while we address these issues. Hospitalization dashboard: Last tab: ""COVID-19 Specific Data"" for hosp/vent/ICU numbers Recovered: calculated from ""discharged"" on hospitalization dashboard (last tab) (4/20 RS) AZ's new dashboard no longer seems to contain Hosp #s. They note they'ev had some technical difficulutlies, so it may just be a delay in getting it up. For now, Hosp and Recovery #s are unchanged, 4/16 eve (SB) Freshness check: no change to positives, numbers tested, and number of deaths, but hospitalization dashboard is ""down for maintenance"" (4/18 PR) hosp dashboard did not open ",B,, 20200420,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54500,,,,,,5064,49436,,637,1454,285,,181,,1155,187,,,04/20 0:00,,,,"Hospitalization dashboard: Last tab: ""COVID-19 Specific Data"" for hosp/vent/ICU numbers Recovered: calculated from ""discharged"" on hospitalization dashboard (last tab) 4/16 eve (SB) Freshness check: no change to positives, numbers tested, and number of deaths, but hospitalization dashboard is ""down for maintenance"" (4/18 PR) hosp dashboard did not open ",B,, 20200419,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52990,,,,,,4929,48061,,631,1387,283,,187,,994,184,,,04/19 0:00,,,,"Hospitalization dashboard: Last tab: ""COVID-19 Specific Data"" for hosp/vent/ICU numbers Recovered: calculated from ""discharged"" on hospitalization dashboard (last tab) 4/16 eve (SB) Freshness check: no change to positives, numbers tested, and number of deaths, but hospitalization dashboard is ""down for maintenance"" (4/18 PR) hosp dashboard did not open ",B,, 20200418,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51045,,,,,,4719,46326,,566,1341,285,,178,,539,177,,,04/18 0:00,,,,"Hospitalization dashboard: Last tab: ""COVID-19 Specific Data"" for hosp/vent/ICU numbers Recovered: calculated from ""discharged"" on hospitalization dashboard (last tab) 4/16 eve (SB) Freshness check: no change to positives, numbers tested, and number of deaths, but hospitalization dashboard is ""down for maintenance"" (4/18 PR) hosp dashboard did not open ",B,, 20200417,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49230,,,,,,4507,44723,,566,1289,285,,178,,539,169,,,04/17 0:00,,,,"Hospitalization dashboard: Last tab: ""COVID-19 Specific Data"" for hosp/vent/ICU numbers Recovered: calculated from ""discharged"" on hospitalization dashboard (last tab) 4/16 eve (SB) Freshness check: no change to positives, numbers tested, and number of deaths, but hospitalization dashboard is ""down for maintenance""",B,, 20200416,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47398,,,,,,4234,43164,,578,1258,278,,188,,460,150,,,04/16 0:00,,,,"Hospitalization dashboard: Last tab: ""COVID-19 Specific Data"" for hosp/vent/ICU numbers Recovered: calculated from ""discharged"" on hospitalization dashboard (last tab) 4/16 eve (SB) Freshness check: no change to positives, numbers tested, and number of deaths, but hospitalization dashboard is ""down for maintenance""",B,, 20200415,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45310,,,,,,3962,41348,,590,1213,286,,202,,385,142,,,04/15 0:00,,,,"Hospitalization dashboard: Last tab: ""COVID-19 Specific Data"" for hosp/vent/ICU numbers Recovered: calculated from ""discharged"" on hospitalization dashboard (last tab)",B,, 20200414,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44096,,,,,,3806,40290,,580,1171,286,,216,,249,131,,,04/14 0:00,,,,"Hospitalization dashbord: Last tab: ""COVID-19 Specific Data"" for hosp/vent/ICU numbers Recevered: calculated from ""discharged"" on hospitalization dashboard (last tab)",B,, 20200413,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43347,,,,,,3702,39645,,525,1122,286,,195,,,122,,,04/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: We no longer use county data for hospitalizations; (AW aft 4/13): use , COVID-19 Specific Data Tab for hosp/vent/ICU numbers (4/12 eve RV) Didn't get a chance to add these numbers before data was pushed, but it looks like hospitalization/ICU/vent numbers are now being tracked on this dashboard:",B,, 20200412,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42109,,,,,,3539,38570,,,1074,,,,,,115,,,04/12 0:00,04/13 9:01,AFG,QN,"PROCESS: We no longer include county level data for hospitalization (4/12 eve RV) Didn't get a chance to add these numbers before data was pushed, but it looks like hospitalization/ICU/vent numbers are now being tracked on this dashboard:",B,, 20200411,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40530,,,,,,3393,37137,,,1037,,,,,,108,,,04/11 0:00,04/11 22:52,BL,RV,PROCESS: We no longer include county level data for hospitalization,B,, 20200410,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37734,,,,,,3112,34622,,,995,,,,,,97,,,04/10 0:00,,,,PROCESS: We no longer include county level data for hospitalization,B,, 20200409,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37178,,,,,,3018,34160,,,950,,,,,,89,,,04/09 0:00,04/10 9:20,QN,,PROCESS: We no longer include county level data for hospitalization,B,, 20200408,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34564,,,,,,2726,31838,,,906,,,,,,80,,,04/08 0:00,,,,PROCESS: We no longer include county level data for hospitalization,B,, 20200407,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33375,,,,,,2575,30800,,,853,,,,,,73,,,04/07 0:00,04/07 17:04,RS,PR,"(4/7 RS Aft) Pima County again did not update Hosp and ICU #s, whereas Maricopa did. Since we don't know how long it might take, we will now update Hosp and ICU figures even if only 1 of 2 counties updated. (4/6 afternoon JJ) Did not update Hospitalized and ICU because Pima County did not update their numbers yet (MM 4/6 morning) Yesterday positives went up but total did not, so leaving negatives calculation as is for now (HDF afternoon 4/2) Pima County, Arizona, has begun reporting hospitalizations/ICUs again: (MM 4/2 afternoon) longer notes and screenshot here *added by HDF: ""testing"" tab is apparently behind by a day on some of their data",B,, 20200406,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32534,,,,,,2456,30078,,,819,,,,,,65,,,04/06 0:00,,,,"(4/6 afternoon JJ) Did not update Hospitalized and ICU because Pima County did not update their numbers yet (MM 4/6 morning) Yesterday positives went up but total did not, so leaving negatives calculation as is for now (HDF afternoon 4/2) Pima County, Arizona, has begun reporting hospitalizations/ICUs again: (MM 4/2 afternoon) longer notes and screenshot here *added by HDF: ""testing"" tab is apparently behind by a day on some of their data",B,, 20200405,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27410,,,,,,2269,25141,,,760,,,,,,64,,,04/05 0:00,04/06 9:51,MM**,ALF,"(MM 4/6 morning) Yesterday positives went up but total did not, so leaving negatives calculation as is for now (HDF afternoon 4/2) Pima County, Arizona, has begun reporting hospitalizations/ICUs again: (MM 4/2 afternoon) longer notes and screenshot here *added by HDF: ""testing"" tab is apparently behind by a day on some of their data",B,, 20200404,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27160,,,,,,2019,25141,,,711,,,,,,52,,,04/04 0:00,,,,"(4/4 aft PJR) updated hosp + icu for Maricopa + Pima counties at links in Public/Private notes (MEB afternoon 4/3) Hospitalization and ICU updated 4/3 for Maricopa county, 4/2 for Pima county. (HDF afternoon 4/2) Pima County, Arizona, has begun reporting hospitalizations/ICUs again: (MM 4/2 afternoon) longer notes and screenshot here *added by HDF: ""testing"" tab is apparently behind by a day on some of their data",B,, 20200403,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24673,,,,,,1769,22904,,,667,,,,,,41,,,04/03 0:00,,,,"(MEB afternoon 4/3) Hospitalization and ICU updated 4/3 for Maricopa county, 4/2 for Pima county. (HDF afternoon 4/2) Pima County, Arizona, has begun reporting hospitalizations/ICUs again: (MM 4/2 afternoon) longer notes and screenshot here *added by HDF: ""testing"" tab is apparently behind by a day on some of their data",B,, 20200402,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22709,,,,,,1598,21111,,,616,,,,,,32,,,04/02 0:00,04/03 10:31,QN,ALF,"(HDF afternoon 4/2) Pima County, Arizona, has begun reporting hospitalizations/ICUs again: (MM 4/2 afternoon) longer notes and screenshot here *added by HDF: ""testing"" tab is apparently behind by a day on some of their data",B,, 20200401,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21058,,,,,,1413,19645,,,582,,,,,,29,,,04/01 0:00,04/02 10:19,LRA,ALF,,B,, 20200331,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19371,,,,,,1289,18082,,,534,,,,,,24,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200330,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16759,,,,,,1157,15602,,,478,,,,,,20,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200329,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13872,,,,,,919,12953,,,427,,,,,,17,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200328,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8328,,,,,,873,7455,21,,386,,,,,,15,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200327,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8191,,,,,,736,7455,30,,343,,,,,,13,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200326,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,924,,,,,,577,347,33,,303,,,,,,8,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200325,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,773,,,,,,450,323,53,,264,,,,,,6,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200324,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,670,,,,,,357,313,22,,219,,,,,,5,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200323,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,574,,,,,,265,309,6,,189,,,,,,2,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200322,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,434,,,,,,152,282,87,,145,,,,,,2,,,03/22 0:00,,,,,,, 20200321,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,344,,,,,,104,240,122,,128,,,,,,1,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200320,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,276,,,,,,65,211,101,,108,,,,,,0,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,219,,,,,,44,175,130,,85,,,,,,0,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,176,,,,,,28,148,102,,67,,,,,,0,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,162,,,,,,20,142,66,,55,,,,,,0,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,143,,,,,,18,125,63,,42,,,,,,0,,,03/16 16:16,,,,,,, 20200315,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,,,,,,12,121,50,,36,,,,,,0,,,03/15 12:01,,,,,,, 20200314,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,,,,,,12,121,50,,26,,,,,,0,,,03/14 12:01,,,,,,, 20200313,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,103,,,,,,9,94,40,,22,,,,,,0,,,03/13 12:01,,,,,,, 20200312,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91,,,,,,9,82,24,,16,,,,,,,,,03/12 12:00,,,,,,, 20200311,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68,,,,,,9,59,32,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57,,,,,,6,51,27,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49,,,,,,5,44,7,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49,,,,,,5,44,7,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49,,,,,,5,44,7,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36,,,,,,3,33,15,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,,,,,,2,28,6,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,AZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29,,,,,,2,27,5,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11373305,,,704085,,,704085,10669220,,4829,,1346,,,,,12933,,,08/31 2:59,08/31 15:51,LDH,RS,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/31 17:26, 20200830,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11231829,,,699909,,,699909,10531920,,4943,,1396,,,,,12905,,,08/30 2:59,08/30 15:52,BHP,KP,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/30 17:56, 20200829,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11109630,,,693839,,,693839,10415791,,5063,,1411,,,,,12834,,,08/29 2:59,08/29 15:54,LDH,HMH,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/29 17:49, 20200828,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11010637,,,688858,,,688858,10321779,,5267,,1477,,,,,12690,,,08/28 2:59,08/28 15:47,MEB,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/28 17:43, 20200827,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10918415,,,683529,,,683529,10234886,,5397,,1492,,,,,12550,,,08/27 2:59,08/27 15:56,AIA,QN,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/27 18:55, 20200826,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10832757,,,679099,,,679099,10153658,,5537,,1507,,,,,12407,,,08/26 2:59,08/26 16:38,JAG,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/26 18:37, 20200825,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10762506,,,673095,,,673095,10089411,,5561,,1540,,,,,12257,,,08/25 2:59,08/25 15:49,BHP,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/25 18:03, 20200824,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10652487,,,668615,,,668615,9983872,,5618,,1549,,,,,12152,,,08/24 0:00,08/24 15:45,CKW,RS,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/24 17:21, 20200823,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10541031,,,663669,,,663669,9877362,,5665,,1582,,,,,12134,,,08/23 0:00,08/23 15:45,BHP,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/23 17:24, 20200822,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10436352,,,656892,,,656892,9779460,,5873,,1675,,,,,11988,,,08/22 0:00,08/22 15:40,LDH,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/22 17:10, 20200821,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10329372,,,650336,,,650336,9679036,,6039,,1706,,,,,11821,,,08/21 0:00,08/21 15:42,KAT,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/21 17:26, 20200820,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10227966,,,644751,,,644751,9583215,,6212,,1707,,,,,11686,,,08/20 0:00,08/20 16:24,GET,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/20 18:13, 20200819,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10140683,,,638831,,,638831,9501852,,6479,,1761,,,,,11523,,,08/19 0:00,08/19 15:45,JAG,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/19 17:55, 20200818,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10049039,,,632667,,,632667,9416372,,6360,,1801,,,,,11342,,,08/18 0:00,08/18 15:48,GET,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/18 17:32, 20200817,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9933780,,,628031,,,628031,9305749,,6332,,1811,,,,,11242,,,08/17 0:00,08/17 15:50,KAT,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/17 17:55, 20200816,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9798135,,,621562,,,621562,9176573,,6309,,1820,,,,,11224,,,08/16 0:00,08/16 15:45,JJO,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/16 17:31, 20200815,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9681111,,,613689,,,613689,9067422,,6327,,1812,,,,,11147,,,08/15 0:00,08/15 15:48,JJO,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/15 17:34, 20200814,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9556598,,,601075,,,601075,8955523,,6364,,1850,,,,,10996,,,08/14 0:00,08/14 15:52,GET,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/14 17:41, 20200813,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9445493,,,593141,,,593141,8852352,,6424,,1826,,,,,10808,,,08/13 0:00,08/13 15:46,GET,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9303467,,,586056,,,586056,8717411,,6647,,1873,,,,,10648,,,08/11 0:00,08/12 16:47,JAG,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9186279,,,574411,,,574411,8611868,,6759,,1885,,,,,10468,,,08/10 0:00,08/11 16:50,JB,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8998353,,,561911,,,561911,8436442,,6770,,1879,,,,,10359,,,08/09 0:00,08/10 17:04,SB,HMH,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8826119,,,554160,,,554160,8271959,,6849,,1891,,,,,10293,,,08/09 0:00,08/09 15:49,JAG,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8707527,,,545787,,,545787,8161740,,6956,,2038,,,,,10189,,,08/08 0:00,08/08 17:14,BHP,RS,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8596882,,,538416,,,538416,8058466,,7277,,1978,,,,,10011,,,08/07 0:00,8/07 15:50,KAT,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8500463,,,529980,,,529980,7970483,,7485,,2026,,,,,9869,,,08/06 0:00,8/06 15:46,GET,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8409400,,,524722,,,524722,7884678,,7552,,2005,,,,,9703,,,08/05 0:00,8/05 16:09,GET,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8305713,,,519427,,,519427,7786286,,7630,,2082,,,,,9501,,,08/04 0:00,8/04 15:54,NMJ,HMH,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/4 17:58, 20200803,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8184696,,,514901,,,514901,7669795,,7629,,2069,,,,,9388,,,08/03 0:00,8/03 15:54,KAT,HMH,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8035975,,,509162,,,509162,7526813,,7761,,2119,,,,,9356,,,08/02 0:00,8/02 15:59,JJO,HMH,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7886587,,,500130,,,500130,7386457,,7754,,2120,,,,,9224,,,07/31 0:00,8/01 15:51,AMW,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7811041,,,493588,,,493588,7317453,,7999,,2163,,,,,9005,,,07/31 0:00,07/31 15:43,REB,HMH,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200730,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7633840,,,485502,,,485502,7148338,,8198,,2220,,,,,8909,,,07/30 0:00,07/30 15:49,MM,JAC,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200729,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7517466,,,475305,,,475305,7042161,,8439,,2209,,,,,8715,,,07/29 0:00,07/29 15:50,BHP,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200728,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7417866,,,466550,,,466550,6951316,,8317,,2198,,,,,8518,,,07/28 0:00,07/28 17:41,CB-M,HMH,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200727,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7296578,,,460550,,,460550,6836028,,8820,,2284,,,,,8445,,,07/27 0:00,07/27 15:50,AJC,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200726,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7168139,,,453659,,,453659,6714480,,8820,,2284,,,,,8416,,,07/26 0:00,07/26 16:20,MEC,SB,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200725,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7047355,,,445400,,,445400,6601955,,8820,,2284,,,,,8337,,,07/25 0:00,07/25 16:36,RSG,RS,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200724,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6915876,,,435334,,,435334,6480542,,8820,,2284,,,,,8186,,,07/24 0:00,07/24 16:03,CB-M,HMH,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200723,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6778304,,,425616,,,425616,6352688,,8820,,2284,,,,,8027,,,07/23 0:00,07/23 15:47,BHP,JAC,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200722,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6664419,,,413576,,,413576,6250843,,8820,,2284,,,,,7870,,,07/22 0:00,07/22 15:46,SNW,HMH,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200721,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6536932,,,400769,,,400769,6136163,,8681,,2226,,,,,7755,,,07/21 0:00,07/21 16:03,WCD,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200720,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6414321,,,391538,,,391538,6022783,,8419,,2157,,,,,7694,,,07/20 0:00,07/20 16:33,JAC,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200719,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6286852,,,384692,,,384692,5902160,,8398,,2107,,,,,7685,,,07/19 0:00,07/19 15:43,JJO,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200718,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6167218,,,375363,,,375363,5791855,,8502,,2125,,,,,7595,,,07/18 0:00,07/18 15:36,JJO,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200717,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6044099,,,366164,,,366164,5677935,,8450,,2153,,,,,7475,,,07/17 0:00,07/17 15:47,RRI,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200716,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5915508,,,356178,,,356178,5559330,,8363,,2120,,,,,7345,,,07/16 0:00,07/16 15:56,JAC,HMH,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200715,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5793276,,,347634,,,347634,5445642,,8353,,2110,,,,,7227,,,07/15 0:00,07/15 16:38,RS,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200714,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5674955,,,336508,,,336508,5338447,,8145,,2083,,,,,7087,,,07/14 0:00,07/14 15:29,JJO,REB,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200713,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5544365,,,329162,,,329162,5215203,,7895,,2021,,,,,7040,,,07/13 0:00,07/13 15:21,BAS,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200712,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5406599,,,320804,,,320804,5085795,,7854,,2020,,,,,7017,,,07/12 0:00,07/12 15:18,BHP,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200711,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5275695,,,312344,,,312344,4963351,,7904,,2021,,,,,6945,,,07/11 0:00,07/11 15:23,SNW,QN,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200710,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5175737,,,304297,,,304297,4871440,,7896,,2005,,,,,6851,,,07/10 0:00,07/10 15:30,GET,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200709,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5078434,,,296499,,,296499,4781935,,7821,,1957,,,,,6711,,,07/09 0:00,07/09 16:37,JAC,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200708,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4996175,,,289468,,,289468,4706707,,7705,,1976,,,,,6562,,,07/08 0:00,07/08 19:04,JAC,BHP,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200707,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4896370,,,277774,,,277774,4618596,,7499,,1984,,,,,6448,,,07/07 0:00,07/07 15:35,CB-M,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200706,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4793353,,,271684,,,271684,4521669,,7278,,1937,,,,,6337,,,07/06 0:00,07/06 16:38,DZL,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation,B,, 20200705,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4680138,,,265985,,,265985,4414153,,7149,,1907,,,,,6331,,,07/05 0:00,07/05 15:07,SNW,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation.,B,, 20200704,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4553031,,,257388,,,257388,4295643,,7092,,1888,,,,,6313,,,07/04 0:00,07/04 15:18,JJO,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation.,B,, 20200703,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4448176,,,248235,,,248235,4199941,,7024,,1871,,,,,6263,,,07/03 0:00,07/03 15:33,CB-M,HMH,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation.,B,, 20200702,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4338718,,,242547,,,242547,4096171,,6812,,1934,,,,,6163,,,07/02 0:00,07/02 15:38,SMG,BSL,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation.,B,, 20200701,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4254176,,,236139,,,236139,4018037,,6612,,1859,,,,,6090,,,07/01 0:00,07/01 18:00,RSG,PR,(7/1 RSG) added addtl #s to current hospital and ICU from press conf. See Slack conversation.,B,, 20200630,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4167139,,,228732,,,228732,3938407,,6466,,1751,,,,,5980,,,06/30 0:00,06/30 17:02,SLC,BSL,,B,, 20200629,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4061692,,,219252,,,219252,3842440,,6179,,1686,,,,,5936,,,06/29 0:00,06/29 15:29,WCD,RS,,B,, 20200628,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3955952,,,211243,,,211243,3744709,,5956,,1602,,,,,5905,,,06/28 0:00,06/28 15:13,SNW,BSL,,B,, 20200627,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3862310,,,206433,,,206433,3655877,,5790,,1562,,,,,5872,,,06/27 0:00,06/27 15:22,KWS,BSL,,B,, 20200626,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3771314,,,200461,,,200461,3570853,,5639,,1570,,,,,5812,,,06/26 0:00,06/26 15:29,CB-M,BSL,,B,, 20200625,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3694345,,,195571,,,195571,3498774,,5522,,1523,,,,,5733,,,06/25 0:00,06/25 15:15,AJC,BSL,,B,, 20200624,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3592899,,,190222,,,190222,3402677,,5399,,1487,,,,,5632,,,06/24 0:00,06/24 16:37,DCC,BSL,,B,, 20200623,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3496929,,,183073,,,183073,3313856,,5065,,1421,,,,,5580,,,06/23 0:00,06/23 15:13,BHP,BSL,,B,, 20200622,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3411686,,,178054,,,178054,3233632,,4804,,1412,,,,,5515,,,06/22 0:00,06/22 15:15,BHP,RS,,B,, 20200621,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3319256,,,173824,,,173824,3145432,,4679,,1366,,,,,5495,,,06/21 0:00,06/21 15:11,SNW,BSL,,B,, 20200620,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3234412,,,169309,,,169309,3065103,,4582,,1332,,,,,5424,,,06/20 0:00,06/20 15:09,ETW,BSL,,B,, 20200619,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3155702,,,165416,,,165416,2990286,,4587,,1329,,,,,5360,,,06/19 0:00,06/19 16:30,SNW,JAC,,B,, 20200618,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3074530,,,161099,,,161099,2913431,,4584,,1298,,,,,5290,,,06/18 0:00,06/18 15:40,HMH,BSL,,B,, 20200617,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2997988,,,157015,,,157015,2840973,,4522,,1318,,,,,5208,,,06/17 0:00,06/17 15:06,SNW,BSL,,B,, 20200616,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2937755,,,153560,,,153560,2784195,,4462,,1272,,,,,5121,,,06/16 0:00,06/16 15:24,SAL,RS,,B,, 20200615,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2868182,,,151452,,,151452,2716730,,4323,,1270,,,,,5089,,,06/15 0:00,06/15 15:13,VVR,RS,,B,, 20200614,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2801996,,,148855,,,148855,2653141,,4247,,1280,,,,,5063,,,06/14 0:00,06/14 15:05,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. All numbers come from Dashboard. ",B,, 20200613,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2724393,,,145643,,,145643,2578750,,4411,,1313,,,,,4989,,,06/13 0:00,06/13 16:00,KWS,BML,"PROCESS: 1. All numbers come from Dashboard. ",B,, 20200612,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2662258,,,141983,,,141983,2520275,,4480,,1310,,,,,4943,,,06/12 0:00,06/12 14:43,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. All numbers come from Dashboard. ",B,, 20200611,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2597647,,,139281,,,139281,2458366,,4534,,1325,,,,,4881,,,06/11 0:00,06/11 14:47,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All numbers come from Dashboard. ",B,, 20200610,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2540798,,,136191,,,136191,2404607,,4719,,1326,,,,,4776,,,06/10 0:00,06/10 16:09,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All numbers come from Dashboard. ",B,, 20200609,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2486245,,,133489,,,133489,2352756,,4583,,1345,,,,,4697,,,06/09 0:00,06/09 17:01,REB,RS,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200608,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2431190,,,131319,,,131319,2299871,,4506,,1301,,,,,4653,,,06/08 0:00,06/08 14:36,reb,RS,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200607,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2362218,,,128812,,,128812,2233406,,4525,,1288,,,,,4626,,,06/07 0:00,06/07 15:03,HMH,RS,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200606,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2308300,,,126016,,,126016,2182284,,4526,,1315,,,,,4559,,,06/06 0:00,06/06 15:06,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200605,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2238463,,,122901,,,122901,2115562,,4625,,1333,,,,,4485,,,06/05 0:00,06/05 15:07,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200604,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2182671,,,119807,,,119807,2062864,,4455,,1279,,,,,4422,,,06/04 0:00,06/04 16:08,JAC,PR,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200603,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2131294,,,117687,,,117687,2013607,,4458,,1313,,,,,4361,,,06/03 0:00,06/03 15:52,reb,ALF,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200602,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2071591,,,115310,,,115310,1956281,,4393,,1286,,,,,4286,,,06/02 0:00,06/02 15:38,RS,CML,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200601,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2012583,,,113006,,,113006,1899577,,4258,,1273,,,,,4251,,,06/01 0:00,06/01 16:51,TLM,REB,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200531,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1944848,,,110583,,,110583,1834265,,4331,,1324,,,,,4213,,,05/30 0:00,05/31 17:11,ALF,KP,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200530,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1888595,,,106878,,,106878,1781717,,4215,,1273,,,,,4156,,,05/30 0:00,05/31 17:11,ALF,KP,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200529,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1835478,,,103886,,,103886,1731592,,4414,,1328,,,,,4068,,,05/29 0:00,05/29 16:11,TCD,MM,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200528,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1790559,,,101697,,,101697,1688862,,4529,,1325,,,,,3973,,,05/28 0:00,05/28 14:46,QN,RS,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200527,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1736894,,,98980,,,98980,1637914,,4544,,1407,,,,,3884,,,05/27 0:00,05/27 14:16,REB,RS,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200526,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1696396,,,96733,,,96733,1599663,,4404,,1392,,,,,3814,,,05/26 0:00,05/26 17:29,RS,KP,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200525,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1644102,,,94558,,,94558,1549544,,4306,,1301,,,,,3795,,,05/25 0:00,05/25 16:49,RS,ESK,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200524,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1582745,,,92710,,,92710,1490035,,4300,,1315,,,,,3774,,,05/24 0:00,05/24 16:01,RS,REB,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200523,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1515306,,,90631,,,90631,1424675,,4342,,1312,,,,,3708,,,05/23 0:00,05/23 14:45,ESK,BL,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU Time stamp should be current day 0:00, as data reflect all cases/tests through the end of the previous day. ",B,, 20200522,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1466773,,,88444,,,88444,1378329,,4762,,1317,,,,,3630,,,05/21 0:00,05/22 16:32,RS,QN,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU ",B,, 20200521,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1421127,,,86197,,,86197,1334930,,4735,,1310,,,,,3542,,,05/21 0:00,05/22 16:32,RS,QN,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU ",B,, 20200520,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1380120,,,84057,,,84057,1296063,,4681,,1345,,,,,3436,,,05/20 0:00,05/20 16:01,AFG,REB,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU ",B,, 20200519,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1339316,,,81795,,,81795,1257521,,4363,,1307,,,,,3334,,,05/19 0:00,05/19 14:18,MM,RS,"PROCESS: All numbers come from Dashboard. For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. Be careful to sum the numbers in vertical columns, so Hosp+Hosp and ICU+ICU ",B,, 20200518,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1292672,,,80430,,,80430,1212242,,4391,,1325,,,,,3302,,,05/17 0:00,05/18 15:31,RS,REB,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/7 QN) Data updated as per dashboard (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200517,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1235243,,,78839,,,78839,1156404,,4291,,1293,,,,,3261,,,05/17 0:00,05/18 15:31,RS,REB,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/7 QN) Data updated as per dashboard (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200516,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1179126,,,76793,,,76793,1102333,,4424,,1313,,,,,3204,,,05/16 0:00,05/16 14:41,QN,RS,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/7 QN) Data updated as per dashboard (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200515,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1133906,,,74936,,,74936,1058970,,4519,,1324,,,,,3108,,,05/14 0:00,05/15 15:33,MM,REB,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/7 QN) Data updated as per dashboard (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200514,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1104651,,,73164,,,73164,1031487,,4655,,1324,,,,,3032,,,05/14 0:00,05/15 15:33,MM,REB,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/7 QN) Data updated as per dashboard (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200513,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1065592,,,71141,,,71141,994451,,4545,,1314,,,,,2934,,,05/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/7 QN) Data updated as per dashboard (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200512,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1033370,,,69382,,,69382,963988,,4544,,1349,,,,,2847,,,05/12 0:00,05/12 15:03,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/7 QN) Data updated as per dashboard (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200511,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,991897,,,67939,,,67939,923958,,4549,,1329,,,,,2770,,,05/11 0:00,05/11 14:04,RS,MM,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/7 QN) Data updated as per dashboard (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200510,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,955664,,,66680,,,66680,888984,,4555,,1328,,,,,2745,,,05/10 0:00,05/10 15:58,KP,REB,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/7 QN) Data updated as per dashboard (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200509,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,912570,,,64561,,,64561,848009,,4538,,1349,,,,,2678,,,05/09 14:00,05/09 16:24,BL,REB,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/7 QN) Data updated as per dashboard (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200508,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,875272,,,62512,,,62512,812760,,4514,,1342,,,,,2585,,,05/08 14:00,05/08 15:16,RS,REB,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/7 QN) Data updated as per dashboard (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200507,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,842874,,,60614,,,60614,782260,,4560,,1374,,,,,2504,,,05/07 14:00,05/07 14:54,QN,RS,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/7 QN) Data updated as per dashboard (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200506,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,809036,,,58815,,,58815,750221,,4681,,1415,,,,,2412,,,05/05 14:00,05/06 16:36,RS,MM,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200505,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,779902,,,56212,,,56212,723690,,4622,,1388,,,,,2317,,,05/05 14:00,05/06 16:36,RS,MM,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200504,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,747874,,,54937,,,54937,692937,,4616,,1464,,,,,2254,,,05/04 14:00,05/04 16:38,RS,PR,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200503,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,715751,,,53616,,,53616,662135,,4734,,1468,,,,,2215,,,05/03 14:00,05/04 10:09,MM,,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (5/3 RS) CA has new dashboard: ",B,, 20200502,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,685048,,,52197,,,52197,634606,,4722,,1433,,,,,2171,,,05/01 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (4/25 RS) All data from Dashboard. If you cant see the tab for the Hospital #s, it is here: (4/22 aft RS) Total test # from Newsom Twitter and Reporting. (4/21 aft KP not updating hospital numbers since press release isn't out yet, even though tableau has updated) ",B,, 20200501,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,654985,,,50442,,,50442,604543,,4706,,1434,,,,,2073,,,04/30 0:00,05/01 16:54,KP,MM,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (4/25 RS) All data from Dashboard. If you cant see the tab for the Hospital #s, it is here: (4/22 aft RS) Total test # from Newsom Twitter and Reporting. (4/21 aft KP not updating hospital numbers since press release isn't out yet, even though tableau has updated) ",B,, 20200430,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,625337,,,48917,,,48917,576420,,4981,,1473,,,,,1982,,,04/29 0:00,05/01 9:54,ATS,,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (4/25 RS) All data from Dashboard. If you cant see the tab for the Hospital #s, it is here: (4/22 aft RS) Total test # from Newsom Twitter and Reporting. (4/21 aft KP not updating hospital numbers since press release isn't out yet, even though tableau has updated) ",B,, 20200429,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,603139,,,46500,,,46500,556639,,5011,,1512,,,,,1887,,,04/29 0:00,05/01 9:54,ATS,,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (4/25 RS) All data from Dashboard. If you cant see the tab for the Hospital #s, it is here: (4/22 aft RS) Total test # from Newsom Twitter and Reporting. (4/21 aft KP not updating hospital numbers since press release isn't out yet, even though tableau has updated) ",B,, 20200428,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,577608,,,,,,45031,532577,,4983,,1485,,,,,1809,,,04/27 0:00,04/28 16:03,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (4/25 RS) All data from Dashboard. If you cant see the tab for the Hospital #s, it is here: (4/22 aft RS) Total test # from Newsom Twitter and Reporting. (4/21 aft KP not updating hospital numbers since press release isn't out yet, even though tableau has updated) ",B,, 20200427,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,553409,,,,,,43464,509945,,4878,,1499,,,,,1755,,,04/27 0:00,04/28 16:03,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (4/25 RS) All data from Dashboard. If you cant see the tab for the Hospital #s, it is here: (4/22 aft RS) Total test # from Newsom Twitter and Reporting. (4/21 aft KP not updating hospital numbers since press release isn't out yet, even though tableau has updated) ",B,, 20200426,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,526084,,,,,,42164,483920,,4928,,1473,,,,,1710,,,04/25 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (4/25 RS) All data from Dashboard. If you cant see the tab for the Hospital #s, it is here: (4/22 aft RS) Total test # from Newsom Twitter and Reporting. (4/21 aft KP not updating hospital numbers since press release isn't out yet, even though tableau has updated) ",B,, 20200425,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,506035,,,,,,41137,464898,,4847,,1458,,,,,1651,,,04/23 0:00,04/25 15:43,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (4/25 RS) All data from Dashboard. If you cant see the tab for the Hospital #s, it is here: (4/22 aft RS) Total test # from Newsom Twitter and Reporting. (4/21 aft KP not updating hospital numbers since press release isn't out yet, even though tableau has updated) ",B,, 20200424,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,494173,,,,,,39254,454919,,4880,,1521,,,,,1562,,,04/23 0:00,04/25 15:43,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (4/25 RS) All data from Dashboard. If you cant see the tab for the Hospital #s, it is here: (4/22 aft RS) Total test # from Newsom Twitter and Reporting. (4/21 aft KP not updating hospital numbers since press release isn't out yet, even though tableau has updated) ",B,, 20200423,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,482097,,,,,,37369,444728,,4929,,1531,,,,,1469,,,04/22 0:00,04/24 8:23,ALF,,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (4/22 aft RS) Total test # from Newsom Twitter and Reporting. (4/21 aft KP not updating hospital numbers since press release isn't out yet, even though tableau has updated) ",B,, 20200422,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,465327,,,,,,35396,429931,,4984,,1551,,,,,1354,,,04/21 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (4/22 aft RS) Total test # from Newsom Twitter and Reporting. (4/21 aft KP not updating hospital numbers since press release isn't out yet, even though tableau has updated) ",B,, 20200421,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,300100,,,,,,33261,266839,,4886,,1502,,,,,1268,,,04/21 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. (4/22 aft RS) Total test # from Newsom Twitter and Reporting. (4/21 aft KP not updating hospital numbers since press release isn't out yet, even though tableau has updated) ",B,, 20200420,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,290500,,,,,,30978,259522,,4674,,1480,,,,,1208,,,04/19 0:00,04/20 16:16,PR,RS,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. ",B,, 20200419,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,280900,,,,,,30333,250567,7200,4731,,1457,,,,,1166,,,04/18 0:00,04/20 8:52,QN,,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from a Newsom presser - DO NOT revise negatives during the midday PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo w/ testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we have memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise negatives. Note that when XX total tests are conducted, YY results are available. Negatives = available results - positives 3 -- California reports pending tests irregularly. Do not use it to calculate negatives 4 -- For current hosp. and ICU, we use both confirmed + suspected. ",B,, 20200418,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,259666,,,,,,28963,230703,7200,4936,,1490,,,,,1072,,,04/17 0:00,04/18 18:52,PR,QN,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from Newsom presser for CA via reporting - DO NOT revise negatives during PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo including testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we recieve memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise -ves -- Process: when revising -ves for CA note that when XX number of total test conducted (and OF WHICH) YY number of results are available -- PROCESS : available results - positives = Negatives 3. California reports pending tests on irregular basis so do not use Pendings to calculate negatives Process: For current hospitalization and ICU numbers, we are now using both confirmed and suspected, as this combined number measures the strain on the hospital system. ",B,, 20200417,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,251614,,,,,,27528,224086,7200,4892,,1484,,,,,985,,,04/17 0:00,04/18 18:52,PR,QN,"PROCESS: 1 -- IF you only get positives from Newsom presser for CA via reporting - DO NOT revise negatives during PUB RUN -- unless you get full memo including testing data (see point 2) 2 -- Once we recieve memo from reporting or news release from website - it is safe to revise -ves -- Process: when revising -ves for CA note that when XX number of total test conducted (and OF WHICH) YY number of results are available -- PROCESS : available results - positives = Negatives 3. California reports pending tests on irregular basis so do not use Pendings to calculate negatives Process: For current hospitalization and ICU numbers, we are now using both confirmed and suspected, as this combined number measures the strain on the hospital system. ",B,, 20200416,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,246400,,,,,,26182,220218,13200,5031,,1568,,,,,890,,,04/15 0:00,,,,"(4/15 eve SJ CML) hospitalized and ICU counts updated since yesterday; should perhaps be updated for this afternoon as well. Pending results not updated since 4/10 (4/13 PR) Afternoon presser and Newsom Tweet did not reflect numbers consistent with our process -- thus revised UP 4/13 eve. PROCESS: For current hospitalization and ICU numbers, we are now using both confirmed and suspected, as this combined number measures the strain on the hospital system. ",B,, 20200415,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,216486,,,,,,24424,192062,13200,5163,,1175,,,,,821,,,04/14 0:00,04/16 8:51,ALF,QN,"(4/15 eve SJ CML) hospitalized and ICU counts updated since yesterday; should perhaps be updated for this afternoon as well. Pending results not updated since 4/10 (4/13 PR) Afternoon presser and Newsom Tweet did not reflect numbers consistent with our process -- thus revised UP 4/13 eve. PROCESS: For current hospitalization and ICU numbers, we are now using both confirmed and suspected, as this combined number measures the strain on the hospital system. ",B,, 20200414,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,202208,,,,,,23338,178870,13200,5163,,1552,,,,,758,,,04/13 0:00,04/15 10:02,MM,ALF,"(4/13 PR) Afternoon presser and Newsom Tweet did not reflect numbers consistent with our process -- thus revised UP 4/13 eve. PROCESS: For current hospitalization and ICU numbers, we are now using both confirmed and suspected, as this combined number measures the strain on the hospital system. ",B,, 20200413,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,190882,,,,,,22348,168534,13200,3015,,1178,,,,,687,,,04/12 0:00,04/14 9:42,ATS,,"(4/13 PR) Afternoon presser and Newsom Tweet did not reflect numbers consistent with our process -- thus revised UP 4/13 eve. PROCESS: For current hospitalization and ICU numbers, we are now using both confirmed and suspected, as this combined number measures the strain on the hospital system. ",B,, 20200412,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,190328,,,,,,21794,168534,13200,5234,,1539,,,,,651,,,04/11 0:00,04/13 15:42,ESK,PR,"PROCESS: For current hospitalization and ICU numbers, we are now using both confirmed and suspected, as this combined number measures the strain on the hospital system. ",B,, 20200411,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,173219,,,,,,20615,152604,13200,5236,,1591,,,,,609,,,04/09 0:00,04/11 16:42,AM,PR,"PROCESS: For current hospitalization and ICU numbers, we are now using both confirmed and suspected, as this combined number measures the strain on the hospital system. ",B,, 20200410,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,164863,,,,,,19472,145391,13900,2897,,1145,,,,,541,,,04/09 0:00,04/11 16:42,AM,PR,"PROCESS: For current hospitalization and ICU numbers, we are now using both confirmed and suspected, as this combined number measures the strain on the hospital system. ",B,, 20200409,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,163500,,,,,,18309,145191,14100,2825,,1132,,,,,492,,,04/08 19:00,04/09 22:55,SJ,,"(4/9 eve SJ) CA has been triggering flags regularly, but w/o visible update, the past few nights. ",B,, 20200408,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,144264,,,,,,16957,127307,14600,2714,,1154,,,,,442,,,04/07 18:00,04/08 16:43,ESK,AM,,B,, 20200407,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,131229,,,,,,15865,115364,14100,2611,,1108,,,,,374,,,04/07 18:00,04/08 16:43,ESK,AM,,B,, 20200406,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,117431,,,,,,14336,103095,15000,2509,,1085,,,,,343,,,04/06 0:00,,,," (4/4 DG) Interesting to note that CA is also reporting ""suspected"" COVID-19 hospitalizations (in addition to ""confirmed"" ones) -- an additional 3267/586 hosp/ICU (4/4 aft PJR) No data update, but presser at 12PT",B,, 20200405,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,116533,,,,,,13438,103095,15000,2398,,1040,,,,,319,,,04/04 0:00,,,," (4/4 DG) Interesting to note that CA is also reporting ""suspected"" COVID-19 hospitalizations (in addition to ""confirmed"" ones) -- an additional 3267/586 hosp/ICU (4/4 aft PJR) No data update, but presser at 12PT",B,, 20200404,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113700,,,,,,12026,101674,13000,2300,,1008,,,,,276,,,04/02 0:00,04/04 16:43,ESK,AM,"(4/4 aft PJR) No data update, but presser at 12PT",B,, 20200403,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35300,,,,,,10701,24599,59500,2188,,901,,,,,237,,,04/02 0:00,04/04 16:43,ESK,AM,"(4/4 aft PJR) No data update, but presser at 12PT",B,, 20200402,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33000,,,,,,9191,23809,59500,1922,,816,,,,,203,,,04/02 0:00,04/04 16:43,ESK,AM,"(4/4 aft PJR) No data update, but presser at 12PT",B,, 20200401,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29927,,,,,,8155,21772,57400,1855,,774,,,,,171,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200331,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29254,,,,,,7482,21772,57400,1617,,657,,,,,153,,,03/31 16:00,,,,,B,, 20200330,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26996,,,,,,6447,20549,64400,1432,,597,,,,,133,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200329,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26257,,,,,,5708,20549,64400,1034,,410,,,,,123,,,03/29 14:18,,,,,B,, 20200328,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25192,,,,,,4643,20549,64400,1034,,410,,,,,101,,,03/27 17:00,,,,,B,, 20200327,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21259,,,,,,3879,17380,57400,746,,200,,,,,78,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200326,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20386,,,,,,3006,17380,57400,,,,,,,,65,,,03/25 17:00,,,,,B,, 20200325,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18276,,,,,,2355,15921,48600,,,,,,,,53,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200324,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15554,,,,,,2102,13452,12100,,,,,,,,40,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200323,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14300,,,,,,1733,12567,12100,,,,,,,,27,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200322,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12840,,,,,,1536,11304,,,,,,,,,27,,,03/22 13:34,,,,,,, 20200321,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12528,,,,,,1279,11249,,,,,,,,,24,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200320,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11487,,,,,,1063,10424,,,,,,,,,20,,,03/20 14:41,,,,,,, 20200319,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9711,,,,,,924,8787,,,,,,,,,18,,,03/19 14:25,,,,,,, 20200318,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8592,,,,,,611,7981,,,,,,,,,13,,,03/17 21:00,,,,,,, 20200317,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8464,,,,,,483,7981,,,,,,,,,11,,,03/16 21:00,,,,,,, 20200316,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8316,,,,,,335,7981,,,,,,,,,6,,,03/16 15:10,,,,,,, 20200315,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1209,,,,,,293,916,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/14 11:00,,,,,,, 20200314,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1168,,,,,,252,916,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/13 11:00,,,,,,, 20200313,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1118,,,,,,202,916,,,,,,,,,4,,,03/12 10:00,,,,,,, 20200312,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1118,,,,,,202,916,,,,,,,,,4,,,03/12 10:00,,,,,,, 20200311,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1073,,,,,,157,916,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,823,,,,,,133,690,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,804,,,,,,114,690,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,550,,,,,,88,462,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,531,,,,,,69,462,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,522,,,,,,60,462,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,515,,,,,,53,462,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,CA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,515,,,,,,53,462,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,CO,,,,,,,,,,157500,10454,141188,1002802,,,,53394,3829,706067,57223,652673,,240,7010,,,,,5946,1843,,,08/30 1:59,08/31 16:41,HMH,PK,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (8/26 HMH) Found new source for confirmed/probable cases, began capturing today. (8/25 SB) Continuing to carry over antibody +/- (8/22 BML) Still keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers. Also, total antibody tests are now included on dashboard, but not antibody pos/neg; keeping those numbers constant as well. (8/21 QN/HMH) Website redesign and did not provide confirmed/probable case breakdown. Keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers constant (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,CO,,,,,,,,,,157120,10454,141188,994951,,,,53209,3832,701377,57041,648168,,239,6993,,,,,5933,1843,,,08/29 1:59,08/30 16:32,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (8/26 HMH) Found new source for confirmed/probable cases, began capturing today. (8/25 SB) Continuing to carry over antibody +/- (8/22 BML) Still keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers. Also, total antibody tests are now included on dashboard, but not antibody pos/neg; keeping those numbers constant as well. (8/21 QN/HMH) Website redesign and did not provide confirmed/probable case breakdown. Keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers constant (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,CO,,,,,,,,,,156499,10454,141188,985622,,,,52958,3815,695569,56773,642611,,225,6945,,,,,5921,1843,,,08/28 1:59,08/29 16:55,JAC,BHP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (8/26 HMH) Found new source for confirmed/probable cases, began capturing today. (8/25 SB) Continuing to carry over antibody +/- (8/22 BML) Still keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers. Also, total antibody tests are now included on dashboard, but not antibody pos/neg; keeping those numbers constant as well. (8/21 QN/HMH) Website redesign and did not provide confirmed/probable case breakdown. Keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers constant (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,CO,,,,,,,,,,155517,10454,141188,972990,,,,52562,3781,687530,56343,634968,,213,6928,,,,,5907,1835,,,08/27 1:59,08/28 16:45,MM,BHP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (8/26 HMH) Found new source for confirmed/probable cases, began capturing today. (8/25 SB) Continuing to carry over antibody +/- (8/22 BML) Still keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers. Also, total antibody tests are now included on dashboard, but not antibody pos/neg; keeping those numbers constant as well. (8/21 QN/HMH) Website redesign and did not provide confirmed/probable case breakdown. Keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers constant (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,CO,,,,,,,,,,154903,10454,141188,962754,,,,52229,3765,682339,55993,630110,,253,6902,,,,,5881,1835,,,08/26 1:59,08/27 16:10,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (8/26 HMH) Found new source for confirmed/probable cases, began capturing today. (8/25 SB) Continuing to carry over antibody +/- (8/22 BML) Still keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers. Also, total antibody tests are now included on dashboard, but not antibody pos/neg; keeping those numbers constant as well. (8/21 QN/HMH) Website redesign and did not provide confirmed/probable case breakdown. Keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers constant (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,CO,,,,,,,,,,154497,10454,141188,955641,,,,52074,3726,678335,55800,626261,,243,6894,,,,,5867,1826,,,08/25 1:59,08/26 17:04,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (8/26 HMH) Found new source for confirmed/probable cases, began capturing today. (8/25 SB) Continuing to carry over antibody +/- (8/22 BML) Still keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers. Also, total antibody tests are now included on dashboard, but not antibody pos/neg; keeping those numbers constant as well. (8/21 QN/HMH) Website redesign and did not provide confirmed/probable case breakdown. Keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers constant (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,CO,,,,,,,,,,154075,10454,141188,947645,,,,50313,3588,673913,55341,594857,,243,6845,,,,,5841,1824,,,08/24 1:59,08/25 16:20,SB,DZL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (8/25 SB) Continuing to carry over antibody +/- (8/22 BML) Still keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers. Also, total antibody tests are now included on dashboard, but not antibody pos/neg; keeping those numbers constant as well. (8/21 QN/HMH) Website redesign and did not provide confirmed/probable case breakdown. Keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers constant (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,CO,,,,,,,,,,153659,10454,141188,938596,,,,50313,3588,668994,55143,594857,,225,6841,,,,,5823,1815,,,08/23 1:59,08/24 16:54,JAC,DZL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (8/22 BML) Still keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers. Also, total antibody tests are now included on dashboard, but not antibody pos/neg; keeping those numbers constant as well. (8/21 QN/HMH) Website redesign and did not provide confirmed/probable case breakdown. Keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers constant (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,CO,,,,,,,,,,153148,10454,141188,930152,,,,50313,3588,663781,54883,594857,,258,6831,,,,,5804,1815,,,08/22 1:59,08/23 16:32,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (8/22 BML) Still keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers. Also, total antibody tests are now included on dashboard, but not antibody pos/neg; keeping those numbers constant as well. (8/21 QN/HMH) Website redesign and did not provide confirmed/probable case breakdown. Keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers constant (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,CO,,,,,,,,,,152413,10454,141188,918926,,,,50313,3588,657852,54586,594857,,236,6808,,,,,5791,1815,,,08/21 1:59,08/22 16:40,BML,SB,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (8/22 BML) Still keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers. Also, total antibody tests are now included on dashboard, but not antibody pos/neg; keeping those numbers constant as well. (8/21 QN/HMH) Website redesign and did not provide confirmed/probable case breakdown. Keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers constant (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,CO,,,,,,,,,,151642,10454,141188,906693,,,,50313,3588,651250,54230,594857,,238,6797,,,,,5759,1815,,,08/20 1:59,08/21 16:51,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (8/21 QN/HMH) Website redesign and did not provide confirmed/probable case breakdown. Keeping confirmed/probable/negative numbers constant (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,CO,,,,,,,,,,150931,10406,140525,895207,,,,50313,3588,645170,53901,594857,,238,6784,,,,,5759,1800,,,08/19 1:59,08/20 17:58,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,CO,,,,,,,,,,150520,10372,140148,887859,,,,50050,3581,640250,53631,590200,,262,6781,,,,,5729,1788,,,08/18 1:59,08/19 16:31,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,CO,,,,,,,,,,150080,10349,139731,881252,,,,49801,3569,636081,53370,586280,,245,6739,,,,,5712,1778,,,08/17 1:59,08/18 16:53,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,CO,,,,,,,,,,149571,10304,139267,873051,,,,49611,3565,631008,53176,581397,,240,6735,,,,,5695,1768,,,08/16 1:59,08/17 16:12,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,CO,,,,,,,,,,148571,10222,138349,859734,,,,49278,3560,622745,52838,573467,,236,6727,,,,,5660,1768,,,08/15 1:59,08/16 16:19,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,CO,,,,,,,,,,148122,10189,137933,848795,,,,48985,3553,616772,52538,567787,,236,6718,,,,,5660,1768,,,08/14 1:59,08/15 15:52,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,CO,,,,,,,,,,147320,10110,137210,837290,,,,48677,3542,609824,52219,561147,,265,6700,,,,,5644,1763,,,08/13 1:59,08/14 15:56,JAC,HMH,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,CO,,,,,,,,,,146470,10053,136417,825062,,,,48262,3494,602296,51756,554034,,288,6685,,,,,5630,1756,,,08/12 1:59,08/13 15:46,QN,HMH,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,CO,,,,,,,,,,145694,9992,135702,817422,,,,48008,3433,597867,51441,549859,,315,6679,,,,,5608,1751,,,08/11 1:59,08/12 17:30,NMJ,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,CO,,,,,,,,,,145181,9956,135225,810276,,,,47651,3388,593794,51039,546143,,309,6627,,,,,5579,1746,,,08/09 1:59,08/11 16:22,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,CO,,,,,,,,,,144812,9941,134871,801739,,,,47367,3293,588547,50660,541180,,319,6616,,,,,5554,1736,,,08/09 1:59,08/10 17:29,HMH,SB,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,CO,,,,,,,,,,144070,9890,134180,791022,,,,47083,3241,582639,50324,535556,,346,6602,,,,,5507,1736,,,08/08 1:59,08/09 15:56,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,CO,,,,,,,,,,143068,9795,133273,779670,,,,46656,3237,575894,49893,529238,,317,6582,,,,,5490,1736,,,08/07 1:59,08/08 16:09,SB,RS,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,CO,,,,,,,,,,142116,9726,132390,766473,,,,46200,3236,568127,49436,521927,,317,6572,,,,,5490,1729,,,08/06 1:59,8/07 17:34,BML,KP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,CO,,,,,,,,,,141311,9661,131650,754644,,,,45755,3233,562086,48988,516331,,320,6536,,,,,5471,1717,,,08/05 1:59,8/06 16:19,JAC,BHP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,CO,,,,,,,,,,140274,9584,130690,727026,,,,45177,3217,552205,48394,507028,,335,6516,,,,,5449,1710,,,08/04 1:59,8/05 16:42,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,CO,,,,,,,,,,139950,9553,130397,721921,,,,44773,3195,548808,47968,504035,,340,6487,,,,,5424,1710,,,08/03 1:59,8/04 16:55,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/4 17:58, 20200803,CO,,,,,,,,,,139566,9525,130041,714560,,,,44527,3189,544023,47716,499496,,308,6474,,,,,5393,1691,,,08/02 1:59,8/03 16:19,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,CO,,,,,,,,,,138850,9474,129376,703954,,,,44077,3190,537382,47267,493305,,335,6465,,,,,5359,1691,,,08/02 1:59,8/02 16:09,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,CO,,,,,,,,,,137774,9385,128389,691365,,,,43626,3183,530220,46809,486594,,350,6441,,,,,5334,1691,,,08/01 1:59,8/01 16:37,SB,JAC,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,CO,,,,,,,,,,136714,9293,127421,678823,,,,43032,3172,523174,46204,480142,,350,6413,,,,,5309,1691,,,07/31 1:59,07/31 15:53,REB,HMH,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200730,CO,,,,,,,,,,135720,9224,126496,668245,,,,42626,3170,516502,45796,473876,,341,6398,,,,,5277,1688,,,07/30 1:59,07/30 16:10,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200729,CO,,,,,,,,,,134877,9159,125718,656305,,,,42149,3165,509012,45314,466863,,353,6319,,,,,5243,1679,,,07/29 1:59,07/29 16:00,BHP,RS,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200728,CO,,,,,,,,,,133944,9091,124853,638968,,,,41400,3165,497265,44565,455865,,359,6271,,,,,5212,1668,,,07/28 1:59,07/28 16:34,BHP,KWS,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200727,CO,,,,,,,,,,133640,9075,124565,635575,,,,41174,,494626,44336,453452,,365,6268,,,,,5182,1661,,,07/27 1:59,07/27 17:03,REB,JAC,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,7/27 17:50, 20200726,CO,,,,,,,,,,132916,9035,123881,624351,,,,40628,,487235,43789,446607,,338,6261,,,,,5158,1661,,,07/26 1:59,07/27 17:03,REB,JAC,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200725,CO,,,,,,,,,,131524,8979,122545,608070,,,,39822,,476586,42980,436764,,357,6227,,,,,5133,1661,,,07/25 1:59,07/25 16:27,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200724,CO,,,,,,,,,,130158,8889,121269,594731,,,,39163,,467726,42314,428563,,356,6149,,,,,5122,1645,,,07/24 1:59,07/24 16:45,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200723,CO,,,,,,,,,,129221,8823,120398,585551,,,,38562,,462275,41698,423713,,351,6133,,,,,5095,1643,,,07/23 1:59,07/23 16:30,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200722,CO,,,,,,,,,,128423,8762,119661,574162,,,,37947,,454290,41059,416343,,373,6110,,,,,5064,1643,,,07/22 1:59,07/22 16:44,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200721,CO,,,,,,,,,,127886,8717,119169,565299,,,,37471,,448204,40566,410733,,386,6057,,,,,5019,1615,,,07/21 1:59,07/21 16:27,KP,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200720,CO,,,,,,,,,,127160,8676,118484,552916,,,,37041,,439068,40142,402027,,397,6032,,,,,4969,1615,,,07/20 1:59,07/20 16:14,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200719,CO,,,,,,,,,,126333,8621,117712,543670,,,,36698,,432848,39788,396150,,401,6019,,,,,4948,1615,,,07/19 1:59,07/19 15:58,BML,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200718,CO,,,,,,,,,,124691,8169,116522,534621,,,,36260,,427699,39344,391439,,394,5994,,,,,4927,1615,,,07/18 1:59,07/18 16:37,DCC,SB,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200717,CO,,,,,,,,,,123305,8094,115211,525680,,,,35690,,421313,38726,385623,,412,5966,,,,,4909,1615,,,07/17 1:59,07/17 15:41,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200716,CO,,,,,,,,,,121619,7961,113658,514742,,,,35126,,413187,38155,378061,,389,5950,,,,,4880,1601,,,07/16 1:59,07/16 16:33,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200715,CO,,,,,,,,,,120774,7916,112858,506128,,,,34663,,406967,37686,372304,,368,5963,,,,,4844,1594,,,07/15 1:59,07/15 15:48,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200714,CO,,,,,,,,,,119906,7866,112040,498831,,,,34229,,401942,37242,367713,,378,5941,,,,,4808,1589,,,07/14 1:59,07/14 16:28,SB,ALF,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200713,CO,,,,,,,,,,119014,7819,111195,490677,,,,33911,,396363,36913,362452,,324,5895,,,,,4780,1586,,,07/12 1:59,07/13 15:50,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200712,CO,,,,,,,,,,118286,7780,110506,481350,,,,33587,,389099,36591,355512,,324,5885,,,,,4749,1586,,,07/12 1:59,07/13 15:50,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/13 SB) Red cell is due to transposition error yesterday. Number of cases was 36591 (see old screenshots) but was entered as 36951. Thus when the new number of cases, 36913, is entered, it shows up as a decrease. I DC'd CO yesterday and missed the transposition error!! (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200711,CO,,,,,,,,,,117106,7740,109366,472300,,,,33189,,382859,36191,349670,,328,5864,,,,,4728,1586,,,07/11 1:59,07/11 15:30,QN,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200710,CO,,,,,,,,,,115504,7668,107836,460925,,,,32546,,374161,35525,341615,,318,5831,,,,,4691,1581,,,07/10 1:59,07/10 16:16,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200709,CO,,,,,,,,,,114240,7617,106623,451593,,,,32138,,367724,35116,335586,,335,5820,,,,,4669,1544,,,07/09 1:59,07/09 16:17,HMH,KWS,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200708,CO,,,,,,,,,,113417,7551,105866,444462,,,,31736,,362145,34664,330409,,335,5741,,,,,4669,1542,,,07/08 1:59,07/08 16:36,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200707,CO,,,,,,,,,,112722,7509,105213,438272,,,,31368,,357751,34257,326383,,327,5591,,,,,4636,1542,,,07/07 1:59,07/07 15:53,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200706,CO,,,,,,,,,,112389,7494,104895,431701,,,,31168,,352758,34065,321590,,286,5565,,,,,4603,1521,,,07/06 1:59,07/06 15:44,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/6 SB) Recovery numbers from 7/4 were updated from 16 to 24. New data entered in long formula along with today's recovery numbers. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200705,CO,,,,,,,,,,111453,7467,103986,424954,,,,30970,,347821,33866,316851,,283,5550,,,,,4568,1521,,,07/04 0:00,07/05 15:39,BML,SB,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200704,CO,,,,,,,,,,108441,7340,101101,418257,,,,30722,,342857,33619,312135,,270,5537,,,,,4557,1521,,,07/04 1:59,07/04 15:36,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200703,CO,,,,,,,,,,108441,7340,101101,410323,,,,30453,,337391,33352,306938,,270,5527,,,,,4541,1521,,,07/02 0:00,07/03 16:06,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200702,CO,,,,,,,,,,105861,6940,98921,401617,,,,30133,,330359,33029,300226,,262,5513,,,,,4524,1520,,,07/01 0:00,07/02 17:23,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/2 JAC) Antibody numbers haven't updated, updated a few dates of recovery numbers. (7/1 KWS) Changing the tooltips on Deaths (confirmed+probable) data to draw from ""Deaths Due to COVID-19"" and not ""Deaths Among Cases."" Deleting Deaths (confirmed) and Deaths (probable) fields since they are on deaths among case data rather than death certificate data. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200701,CO,,,,,,,,,,105861,6940,98921,394616,,,,29844,,324632,32715,294788,,237,5489,,,,,4502,1520,,,06/30 0:00,07/01 15:40,BHP,PR,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (7/1 BHP) Noticed that recovery data is updated. Did not update because we are short staffed and it is time consuming. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200630,CO,,,,,,,,,,105861,6940,98921,388813,,,,29651,,320997,32511,291346,,271,5442,,,,,4479,1508,,,06/29 0:00,06/30 16:31,KP,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200629,CO,,,,,,,,,,103883,6858,97025,383351,,,,29476,,316734,32307,287258,,234,5401,,,,,4459,1482,,,06/28 0:00,06/29 15:36,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200628,CO,,,,,,,,,,103883,6858,97025,375696,,,,29194,,310883,32022,281689,,235,5399,,,,,4442,1482,,,06/27 0:00,06/28 16:39,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200627,CO,,,,,,,,,,102493,6800,95693,367175,,,,28972,,304759,31796,275787,,226,5392,,,,,4430,1482,,,06/26 0:00,06/27 16:33,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200626,CO,,,,,,,,,,100820,6719,94101,359937,,,,28674,,299772,31479,271098,,247,5386,,,,,4412,1475,,,06/25 0:00,06/26 17:03,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200625,CO,,,,,,,,,,99414,6658,92756,351650,,,,28374,,293284,31155,264910,,247,5375,,,,,4392,1457,,,06/24 0:00,06/25 16:05,BSL,KWS,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200624,CO,,,,,,,,,,98575,6601,91974,345369,,,,28138,,288079,30893,259941,,238,5366,,,,,4370,1455,,,06/23 0:00,06/24 16:07,BSL,AFG,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200623,CO,,,,,,,,,,97704,6550,91154,341255,,,,27959,,285130,30705,257171,,249,5343,,,,,4342,1438,,,06/22 0:00,06/23 16:12,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200622,CO,,,,,,,,,,96842,6513,90329,335017,,,,27800,,280033,30539,252233,,256,5327,,,,,4328,1429,,,06/22 0:00,06/23 16:12,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200621,CO,,,,,,,,,,95756,6457,89299,329380,,,,27608,,275645,30349,248037,,255,5323,,,,,4309,1429,,,06/20 0:00,06/21 16:22,KP,SB,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200620,CO,,,,,,,,,,94134,6385,87749,322364,,,,27453,,270335,30187,242882,,250,5318,,,,,4296,1429,,,06/19 0:00,06/20 15:47,BML,BHP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200619,CO,,,,,,,,,,92430,6302,86128,314769,,,,27218,,264446,29901,234545,,270,5308,,,,,4280,1417,,,06/18 0:00,06/19 16:28,SNW,JAC,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200618,CO,,,,,,,,,,91019,6236,84783,308267,,,,27003,,259546,29673,232543,,270,5294,,,,,4253,1402,,,06/17 0:00,06/18 15:47,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200617,CO,,,,,,,,,,89925,6176,83749,301449,,,,26795,,254020,29442,227225,,290,5272,,,,,4231,1373,,,06/16 0:00,06/17 16:27,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200616,CO,,,,,,,,,,89033,6119,82914,296968,,,,26666,,250523,29299,223857,,276,5269,,,,,4196,1373,,,06/15 0:00,06/16 16:53,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/16 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates.",A,, 20200615,CO,,,,,,,,,,87907,6046,81861,291804,,,,26523,,246478,29130,219955,,276,5244,,,,,4196,1348,,,06/14 0:00,06/15 16:28,SB,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Check a few of the most recent values to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did 2. Hospital dashboard: 3. Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates. (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200614,CO,,,,,,,,,,86732,5984,80748,285911,,,,26408,,242034,29017,215626,,262,5244,,,,,4178,1348,,,06/13 0:00,06/14 16:35,BHP,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Check a few of the most recent values to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did 2. Hospital dashboard: 3. Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/14 BHP) # of discharges changed for 5/31 from 21 to 18. There appear to be other discrepencies or updates. (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200613,CO,,,,,,,,,,85027,5892,79135,278526,,,,28822,,236461,28822,207639,,274,5234,,,,,4184,1348,,,06/12 0:00,06/13 16:02,BHP,AFG,"PROCESS: 1. Check a few of the most recent values to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did 2. Hospital dashboard: 3. Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200612,CO,,,,,,,,,,83345,5799,77546,272930,,,,26040,,231763,28647,205723,,279,5057,,,,,4169,1339,,,06/12 0:00,06/13 16:02,BHP,AFG,"PROCESS: 1. Check a few of the most recent values to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did 2. Hospital dashboard: 3. Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200611,CO,,,,,,,,,,81530,5688,75842,267529,,,,25915,,227761,28499,201846,,277,5035,,,,,4150,1328,,,06/10 0:00,06/11 15:45,JAC,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Check a few of the most recent values to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did 2. Hospital dashboard: 3. Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200610,CO,,,,,,,,,,80341,5616,74725,262357,,,,25787,,223534,28347,197747,,305,5025,,,,,4130,1312,,,06/10 0:00,06/11 15:45,JAC,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Check a few of the most recent values to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did 2. Hospital dashboard: 3. Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200609,CO,,,,,,,,,,78783,5543,73240,257564,,,,25627,,219331,28183,193704,,304,4859,,,,,4112,1292,,,06/09 0:00,06/09 14:50,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Add the last number to the corresponding column in ""Long Formulas"" sheet The state only started tracking this from April 12th Check a few of the most recent value to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200608,CO,,,,,,,,,,77693,5482,72211,252303,,,,25457,,214940,28001,189483,,322,4485,,,,,4091,1274,,,06/08 0:00,06/08 15:55,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Add the last number to the corresponding column in ""Long Formulas"" sheet The state only started tracking this from April 12th Check a few of the most recent value to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200607,CO,,,,,,,,,,76100,5372,70728,246937,,,,25319,,210485,27848,185166,,299,4480,,,,,4074,1274,,,06/07 0:00,06/07 15:45,ALF,CML,"PROCESS: Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Add the last number to the corresponding column in ""Long Formulas"" sheet The state only started tracking this from April 12th Check a few of the most recent value to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200606,CO,,,,,,,,,,74094,5234,68860,241247,,,,25099,,205761,27615,180662,,299,4472,,,,,4055,1274,,,06/06 0:00,06/06 15:17,RS,BML,"PROCESS: Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Add the last number to the corresponding column in ""Long Formulas"" sheet The state only started tracking this from April 12th Check a few of the most recent value to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200605,CO,,,,,,,,,,71454,5059,66395,234666,,,,24848,,200912,27360,176064,,319,4460,,,,,4034,1255,,,06/05 0:00,06/05 14:37,RS,DPT,"PROCESS: Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Add the last number to the corresponding column in ""Long Formulas"" sheet The state only started tracking this from April 12th Check a few of the most recent value to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200604,CO,,,,,,,,,,69465,4934,64531,226370,,,,24557,,194697,27060,170140,,356,4443,,,,,4014,1254,,,06/04 0:00,06/04 16:08,QN,PR,"PROCESS: Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Add the last number to the corresponding column in ""Long Formulas"" sheet The state only started tracking this from April 12th Check a few of the most recent value to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200603,CO,,,,,,,,,,64424,4727,59697,221511,,,,24311,,190700,26788,167389,,388,4419,,,,,3983,1228,,,06/03 0:00,06/03 15:29,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Add the last number to the corresponding column in ""Long Formulas"" sheet The state only started tracking this from April 12th Check a few of the most recent value to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from Serology. These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200602,CO,,,,,,,,,,62953,4642,58311,218116,,,,24109,,188069,26577,163960,,394,4372,,,,,3954,1185,,,06/02 0:00,06/02 15:56,RS,CML,"PROCESS: Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Add the last number to the corresponding column in ""Long Formulas"" sheet The state only started tracking this from April 12th Check a few of the most recent value to make sure historic value didn't update/update if they did Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200601,CO,,,,,,,,,,61868,4570,57298,213020,,,,23949,,183947,26378,159998,,414,4347,,,,,3919,1181,,,06/01 0:00,06/01 16:21,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Refer to the state dashboard: ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use (6/1 RS) Hosp #s not updated yet",A,, 20200531,CO,,,,,,,,,,60069,4425,55644,205488,,,,23667,,178196,26098,154529,,414,4333,,,,,3919,1181,,,05/31 0:00,05/31 17:20,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Refer to the state dashboard: ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use",A,, 20200530,CO,,,,,,,,,,57487,4265,53222,199785,,,,23172,,173300,25613,150128,,421,4307,,,,,3859,1181,,,05/30 0:00,05/30 16:20,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Refer to the state dashboard: ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use",A,, 20200529,CO,,,,,,,,,,54652,4101,50551,191870,,,,22758,,166596,25121,143838,,464,4254,,,,,3838,1168,,,05/29 0:00,05/29 16:30,KP,MM,"PROCESS: Refer to the state dashboard: ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use",A,, 20200528,CO,,,,,,,,,,52660,3990,48670,184692,,,,22440,,160796,24767,138356,,464,4196,,,,,3783,1135,,,05/28 0:00,05/28 14:54,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Refer to the state dashboard: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use",A,, 20200527,CO,,,,,,,,,,51332,3913,47419,180252,,,,22208,,157036,24565,134855,,484,4160,,,,,3741,1114,,,05/26 0:00,05/27 16:50,REB,QN,"PROCESS: Refer to the state dashboard: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use",A,, 20200526,CO,,,,,,,,,,49653,3793,45860,176077,,,,21941,,153683,24269,131742,,507,4128,,,,,3702,1088,,,05/26 0:00,05/27 16:50,REB,QN,"PROCESS: Refer to the state dashboard: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use",A,, 20200525,CO,,,,,,,,,,48771,3713,45058,172044,,,,21857,,150308,24174,126134,,560,4119,,,,,3666,1088,,,05/25 0:00,05/25 16:05,ESK,RS,"PROCESS: Refer to the state dashboard: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use",A,, 20200524,CO,,,,,,,,,,47379,3614,43765,168665,,,,21657,,147744,23964,126087,,538,4105,,,,,3640,1088,,,05/23 0:00,05/24 15:14,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Refer to the state dashboard: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use (5/17) State updated previous day's serology values. These are NOT yet updated in our calculations (5/11 REB) positives, totals, death, curr+cum hosp from reporting (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated",A,, 20200523,CO,,,,,,,,,,44103,3448,40655,162468,,,,21202,,142667,23487,121465,,571,4082,,,,,3612,1088,,,05/22 0:00,05/23 15:03,ESK,BL,"PROCESS: Refer to the state dashboard: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use (5/17) State updated previous day's serology values. These are NOT yet updated in our calculations (5/11 REB) positives, totals, death, curr+cum hosp from reporting (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated",A,, 20200522,CO,,,,,,,,,,41457,3315,38142,158918,,,,20903,,139937,23191,119034,,620,4037,,,,,3580,1062,,,05/22 0:00,05/23 15:03,ESK,BL,"PROCESS: Refer to the state dashboard: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Positive cases (PCR): see ""Case Status for Cases & Deaths"" table on dashboard; use ""confirmed cases"" Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: Obtain from These numbers can officially be seen from the ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - The state often revises this historical data consistently so use (5/17) State updated previous day's serology values. These are NOT yet updated in our calculations (5/11 REB) positives, totals, death, curr+cum hosp from reporting (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated",A,, 20200521,CO,,,,,,,,,,39124,3183,35941,153797,,,,20595,,135611,22797,112814,,613,3990,,,,,3532,1001,,,05/21 0:00,05/21 16:09,QN,PR,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Antibody total pos and neg from Serology Numbers: available in ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - Numbers can change all the time please make sure to check or recaclulate from scratch (5/17) State updated previous day's serology values. These are NOT yet updated in our calculations (5/11 REB) positives, totals, death, curr+cum hosp from reporting (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated",A,, 20200520,CO,,,,,,,,,,36934,3047,33887,149432,,,,20304,,131837,22482,109355,,626,3955,,,,,3478,968,,,05/20 0:00,05/20 16:45,AFG,BL,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Antibody total pos and neg from Serology Numbers: available in ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - Numbers can change all the time please make sure to check or recaclulate from scratch (5/17) State updated previous day's serology values. These are NOT yet updated in our calculations (5/11 REB) positives, totals, death, curr+cum hosp from reporting (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated",A,, 20200519,CO,,,,,,,,,,36359,3018,33431,146418,,,,20028,,129159,22202,109131,,626,3899,,,,,3431,921,,,05/17 0:00,05/17 16:04,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: available in ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - Numbers can change all the time please make sure to check or recaclulate from scratch (5/17) State updated previous day's serology values. These are NOT yet updated in our calculations (5/11 REB) positives, totals, death, curr+cum hosp from reporting (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated",A,, 20200518,CO,,,,,,,,,,34674,2886,31788,143149,,,,19773,,126330,21938,106557,,650,3872,,,,,3346,878,,,05/16 0:00,05/16 14:55,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: available in ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - Numbers can change all the time please make sure to check or recaclulate from scratch (5/11 REB) positives, totals, death, curr+cum hosp from reporting (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th ",A,, 20200517,CO,,,,,,,,,,32682,2747,29935,139735,,,,19507,,123422,21633,103915,,650,3866,,,,,3346,878,,,05/15 0:00,05/17 16:04,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: available in ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - Numbers can change all the time please make sure to check or recaclulate from scratch (5/17) State updated previous day's serology values. These are NOT yet updated in our calculations",A,5/17 17:39, 20200516,CO,,,,,,,,,,30029,2538,27491,135313,,,,19151,,119759,21232,100608,,671,3842,,,,,3312,878,,,05/14 0:00,05/15 15:38,MM,REB,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: available in ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology - Numbers can change all the time please make sure to check or recaclulate from scratch (5/11 REB) positives, totals, death, curr+cum hosp from reporting (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th ",A,, 20200515,CO,,,,,,,,,,27212,2336,24876,131051,,,,18804,,115996,20838,97192,,685,3789,,,,,3217,1091,,,05/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: available in ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology (5/11 REB) positives, totals, death, curr+cum hosp from reporting (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th ",A,, 20200514,CO,,,,,,,,,,22549,2032,20517,127034,,,,18461,,112505,20475,94044,,685,3735,,,,,3217,1062,,,05/12 0:00,05/12 16:40,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: available in ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology (5/11 REB) positives, totals, death, curr+cum hosp from reporting (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th ",A,5/12 17:26, 20200513,CO,,,,,,,,,,21528,1979,19549,123213,,,,18211,,109304,20157,91093,,688,3695,,,,,3171,1009,,,05/11 0:00,05/12 16:40,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: available in ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology (5/11 REB) positives, totals, death, curr+cum hosp from reporting (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th ",A,, 20200512,CO,,,,,,,,,,21174,1956,19218,120284,,,,17983,,106761,19879,88778,,738,3663,,,,,3114,987,,,05/10 0:00,05/11 16:19,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: available in ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology (5/11 REB) positives, totals, death, curr+cum hosp from reporting (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th ",A,, 20200511,CO,,,,,,,,,,19529,1821,17708,117213,,,,17809,,104077,19899,88891,,573,3689,,,,,3076,981,,,05/09 0:00,05/10 17:02,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: Serology Numbers: available in ""3-day Average Positivity"" bar chart, click the ""PCR Daily"" drop down and select Serology (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th ",B,, 20200510,CO,,,,,,,,,,17742,1680,16062,113189,,,,17491,,100610,19703,84374,,790,3623,,,,,3023,967,,,05/08 0:00,05/09 15:17,SLW,BL,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (5/9 SLW) Revised deaths down by 1 (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th ",B,, 20200509,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,108509,,,,16969,,92267,18827,77945,,790,3600,,,,,2974,960,,,05/07 0:00,05/08 16:52,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (5/8 RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th ",B,, 20200508,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,103133,,,,16532,,92267,18801,75735,,821,3557,,,,,2869,961,,,05/06 0:00,05/07 14:36,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (5/4 mor ATS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th (4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles ",B,, 20200507,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,99827,,,,16012,,89529,17830,73517,,798,2986,,,,,2869,921,,,05/05 0:00,05/06 14:30,AW,DPT,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (5/4 mor ATS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th (4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles ",B,, 20200506,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,96666,,,,15600,,85976,17364,68612,,792,2919,,,,,2801,903,,,05/05 0:00,05/06 14:30,AW,DPT,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (5/4 mor ATS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated ",B,5/6 16:52, 20200505,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,93656,,,,15169,,83266,16907,68097,,834,2838,,,,,2743,851,,,05/03 0:00,05/03 16:15,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th (4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles ",B,, 20200504,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,91424,,,,14897,,81352,16635,66455,,883,2799,,,,,2650,842,,,05/03 18:00,05/04 15:17,MEB,RS,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (5/4 mor ATS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered not updated but Cum. Hosp updated (5/3 aft RS) Curr. Hosp and Recovered were not updated (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th (4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles ",B,5/4 16:44, 20200503,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,87842,,,,14498,,78179,16225,63681,,883,2793,,,,,2607,832,,,05/01 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th (4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles ",B,, 20200502,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,84507,,,,14078,,75259,15768,61181,,931,2747,,,,,2553,820,,,04/30 0:00,04/30 16:13,SPA,QN,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th (4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles ",B,, 20200501,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,81171,,,,13637,,72390,15284,57106,,959,2697,,,,,2486,777,,,04/29 0:00,04/29 16:50,PR,RS,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th (4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles ",B,, 20200430,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,77859,,,,13148,,69449,14758,56301,,966,2621,,,,,2415,766,,,04/30 0:00,04/30 16:13,SPA,QN,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Confirmed Positive Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (4/30 aft SPA) Currently Hospitalized is the sum of Confirmed and PUI cases (4/29 aft) death number from reporting (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th (4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles ",B,4/30 16:28, 20200429,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,75105,,,,12741,,,14735,54714,,964,2610,,,,,2275,760,,,04/27 0:00,04/28 16:23,KP,QN,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th (4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles ",B,4/29 17:10, 20200428,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,72403,,,,12374,,66341,13879,52462,,994,2485,,,,,2275,706,,,04/26 0:00,04/27 16:08,PR,ESK,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th (4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles ",B,4/28 16:34, 20200427,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,69744,,,,11980,,63274,13441,49833,,1007,2438,,,,,2150,680,,,04/25 0:00,04/26 16:20,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. Recovered: use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line (on hospitalization page). The state only started tracking this from April 12th Hospital dashboard: (4/25 RS) CO revised deaths down due to duplicates (4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th (4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles ",B,4/27 16:44, 20200426,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,66507,,,,11533,,59791,12968,46823,,1046,2410,,,,,2150,672,,,04/24 0:00,04/25 15:40,RS,QN,"(4/24 RS/QN) We can use the interactive line graph to get the Recovered: Sum up the daily values in the Green line. The state only started tracking this from April 12th (4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/18 MM) CO has a new hospital dashboard at It is showing future times for updates (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day. ",B,4/26 16:52, 20200425,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,63564,,,,10995,,56789,12256,44533,,1084,2366,,,,,2086,674,,,04/23 0:00,04/24 15:52,RS,REB,"(4/23 RS) CO reports Curr. Hosp here:, as of 4/24 we started included PUI as well (4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/18 MM) CO has a new hospital dashboard at It is showing future times for updates (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day.",B,4/25 16:40, 20200424,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,58315,,,,10208,,52324,11262,41062,,1084,2237,,,,,,552,,,04/22 0:00,04/23 16:12,PR,RS,"(4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/18 MM) CO has a new hospital dashboard at It is showing future times for updates (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/24 17:07, 20200423,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,56411,,,,,,50645,10878,39767,,859,2123,,,,,,508,,,04/22 0:00,04/23 16:12,PR,RS,"(4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/18 MM) CO has a new hospital dashboard at It is showing future times for updates (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/23 16:47, 20200422,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,54244,,,,,,48704,10447,38257,,851,2003,,,,,,486,,,04/20 0:00,,,,"(4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/18 MM) CO has a new hospital dashboard at It is showing future times for updates (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/22 16:56, 20200421,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,52768,,,,,,47466,10106,37360,,861,1880,,,,,,449,,,04/20 16:41,04/21 14:15,AW,RS,"(4/21 aft AW) timestamp from hosp dashboard (4/19 JFC) state site says only includes data through 4/18, hospital dashboard says data updated 4/19 14:06 (4/18 MM) CO has a new hospital dashboard at It is showing future times for updates (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time may contradict timestamp guideline from Principles PROCESS: Refer to the state site: Negative = People Tested - Cases. ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] --> Local Time = 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/21 16:43, 20200420,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,51291,,,,,,46195,9730,36465,,874,1813,,,,,,422,,,04/18 0:00,04/18 22:26,REB,CML,"(4/18 MM) CO has a new hospital dashboard at Notice: new dashboard is showing future times for updates (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time might contradict timestamp guideline from Principles tab PROCESS: Refer to the state site page for data . --> Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS:""reflects data through"" [yesterday] use for time 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/20 16:26, 20200419,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,49465,,,,,,44606,9433,35173,,874,1797,,,,,,411,,,04/17 0:00,,,,"(4/18 MM) CO has a new hospital dashboard at (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time might contradict timestamp guideline from Principles tab PROCESS: Refer to the state site page for data . --> Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS:""reflects data through"" [yesterday] use for time 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/19 16:24, 20200418,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,47884,,,,,,43307,9047,34260,,843,1755,,,,,,391,,,04/17 0:00,04/18 16:00,PR,QN,"(4/18 MM) CO has a new hospital dashboard at (4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time might contradict timestamp guideline from Principles tab PROCESS: Refer to the state site page for data . --> Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS:""reflects data through"" [yesterday] use for time 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/18 16:25, 20200417,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,46178,,,,,,41830,8675,33155,,858,1693,,,,,,374,,,04/16 18:00,04/17 14:52,MM,JJ,"(4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time might contradict timestamp guideline from Principles tab PROCESS: Refer to the state site page for data (the previous dashboard link was removed). Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS: where it says ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] use for time 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/17 16:53, 20200416,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,44683,,,,,,40533,8280,32253,,859,1636,,,,,,357,,,04/14 0:00,,,,"(4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time might contradict timestamp guideline from Principles tab PROCESS: Refer to the state site page for data (the previous dashboard link was removed). Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS: where it says ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] use for time 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/16 17:31, 20200415,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,43501,,,,,,39580,7941,31639,,878,1556,,,,,,329,,,04/13 0:00,04/14 14:45,REB,MC,"(4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time might contradict timestamp guideline from Principles tab PROCESS: Refer to the state site page for data (the previous dashboard link was removed). Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS: where it says ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] use for time 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/15 16:46, 20200414,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,42483,,,,,,38742,7691,31051,,888,1493,,,,,,308,,,04/12 0:00,04/13 14:33,AW,ESK,"(4/13 MM morn) guideline below on local time might contradict timestamp guideline from Principles tab PROCESS: Refer to the state site page for data (the previous dashboard link was removed). Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS: where it says ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] use for time 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/14 17:31, 20200413,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,40689,,,,,,37153,7684,29850,,842,1472,,,,,,304,,,04/11 0:00,04/12 16:29,PR,ESK," PROCESS: Refer to the state site page for data (the previous dashboard link was removed). Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS: where it says ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] use for time 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/13 16:51, 20200412,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,38104,,,,,,34873,6893,27980,,822,1376,,,,,,274,,,04/11 0:00,04/12 16:29,PR,ESK," PROCESS: Refer to the state site page for data (the previous dashboard link was removed). Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS: where it says ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] use for time 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/12 16:52, 20200411,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,35642,,,,,,32653,6510,26143,,841,1312,,,,,,250,,,04/10 18:00,04/11 16:48,AM,QN," PROCESS: Refer to the state site page for data (the previous dashboard link was removed). Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS: where it says ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] use for time 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/11 16:43, 20200410,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,33967,,,,,,31180,6510,26143,,842,1312,,,,,,250,,,04/10 1:59,04/10 18:15,PR,ESK," PROCESS: Refer to the state site page for data (the previous dashboard link was removed). Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS: where it says ""reflects data through"" [yesterday] use for time 00:00 on the current day.",A,4/10 17:01, 20200409,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,31768,,,,,,,5655,23544,,848,1162,,,,,,193,,,04/08 18:00,04/09 14:22,MC,RS," PROCESS: Refer to the state site page for data (the previous dashboard link was removed). Negative = People Tested - Cases.",A,4/9 17:31, 20200408,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,30535,,,,,,28094,5429,22665,,833,1079,,,,,,179,,,04/07 18:00,04/08 14:43,AW,RS,"(4/7 eve CML) Ignored dashboard b/c data is off. Went to state website only as reference point. (4/6 evening JL) note on website regarding total # of cases: ""**The total number of people tested may not include all negative results."" still calculated Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS: hard refresh the page! (4/2 evening RV) Avoid using the dashboard link, it was out of sync for me compared to the state page dashboard. Kept the Local Time at 4/1 since the site says data is only through 4/1 despite being updated today.",A,4/8 16:51, 20200407,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,28901,,,,,,26875,5172,21703,,786,994,,,,,,150,,,04/06 18:00,04/07 14:27,RS,JJ,"(4/6 evening JL) note on website regarding total # of cases: ""**The total number of people tested may not include all negative results."" still calculated Negative = People Tested - Cases. PROCESS: hard refresh the page! (4/2 evening RV) Avoid using the dashboard link, it was out of sync for me compared to the state page dashboard. Kept the Local Time at 4/1 since the site says data is only through 4/1 despite being updated today.",A,4/7 17:48, 20200406,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,27699,,,,,,25773,4950,20823,,786,924,,,,,,140,,,04/05 18:00,04/06 14:58,JJ,RS,"PROCESS: hard refresh the page! (4/2 evening RV) Avoid using the dashboard link, it was out of sync for me compared to the state page dashboard. Kept the Local Time at 4/1 since the site says data is only through 4/1 despite being updated today.",A,4/6 17:11, 20200405,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,25579,,,,,,23900,4565,19335,,783,875,,,,,,126,,,04/04 18:00,04/05 15:04,eh,AM,"(4/2 evening RV) Avoid using the dashboard link, it was out of sync for me compared to the state page dashboard. Kept the Local Time at 4/1 since the site says data is only through 4/1 despite being updated today.",A,4/5 16:51, 20200404,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,23611,,,,,,22071,4173,17898,,777,823,,,,,,111,,,04/03 18:00,04/04 16:07,PJR,PR,"(4/2 evening RV) Avoid using the dashboard link, it was out of sync for me compared to the state page dashboard. Kept the Local Time at 4/1 since the site says data is only through 4/1 despite being updated today.",A,4/4 17:15, 20200403,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,21795,,,,,,19788,3728,16683,,739,710,,,,,,97,,,04/02 18:00,04/03 15:42,MEB,ESK,"(4/2 evening RV) Avoid using the dashboard link, it was out of sync for me compared to the state page dashboard. Kept the Local Time at 4/1 since the site says data is only through 4/1 despite being updated today.",A,4/3 16:33, 20200402,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,20206,,,,,,18645,3342,15303,,698,620,,,,,,80,,,04/01 18:00,04/02 16:51,MM,ESK,,A,4/2 17:16, 20200401,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,18514,,,,,,15364,2966,13883,,574,509,,,,,,69,,,03/31 18:00,04/01 14:31,JJ,AM,(3/31 Eve ESK) The dashboard is horribly out of date. Is there a wyay to direct people which link is priority? Clecking through every link weems like xtra work if the we know one link is better,A,4/1 17:02, 20200331,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,17107,,,,,,15364,2627,12737,,503,414,,,,,,51,,,03/30 18:00,03/31 15:30,AW,ESK,,A,3/31 17:25, 20200330,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,15474,,,,,,14470,2627,12737,,358,414,,,,,,51,,,03/30 17:00,03/30 16:34,EB/HDF,ESK,,A,3/30 16:46, 20200329,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,14191,,,,,,13276,2061,11215,,332,274,,,,,,44,,,03/28 18:00,03/29 16:04,RS,AF,,A,3/29 17:33, 20200328,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,12504,,,,,,11676,1734,9942,,307,239,,,,,,31,,,03/27 18:00,03/28 16:44,RS,ESK,,A,3/28 16:55, 20200327,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,10911,,,,,,8064,1430,8692,,278,184,,,,,,24,,,03/26 18:00,3/27 14:19,EB,AM,,A,3/27 17:23, 20200326,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,9078,,,,,,8064,1086,6978,,230,148,,,,,,19,,,03/25 18:00,3/26 16:19,CF,KP,,A,3/26 17:15, 20200325,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,7944,,,,,,7701,912,6789,,152,84,,,,,,11,,,03/24 18:00,3/25 14:58,CF,HDF,,A,3/25 16:42, 20200324,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,6713,,,,,,6224,720,5504,,116,72,,,,,,7,,,03/23 18:13,3/24 16:03,PR,AM,,A,3/24 18:11, 20200323,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,5789,,,,,,5436,591,4845,,74,58,,,,,,6,,,03/22 18:00,3/23 16:37,ESK,PR,,A,3/23 17:06, 20200322,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,4367,,,,,,4550,475,4075,,56,49,,,,,,5,,,03/21 18:00,3/22 16:02,LH,ESK,,,3/22 16:56, 20200321,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,3535,,,,,,3680,363,3317,,,44,,,,,,4,,,03/20 18:00,3/21 15:52,KP,ESK,,,3/21 16:24, 20200320,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,2728,,,,,,2952,277,2675,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/20 14:42,3/20 14:44,HDF**,ESK,,,3/20 16:22, 20200319,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,2204,,,,,,,216,2112,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/18 18:30,3/19 15:23,LH,ESK,,,3/19 16:20, 20200318,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,1468,,,,,,1216,183,1617,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/18 0:00,3/18 16:55,AM,AM,,,3/18 16:55, 20200317,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,1007,,,,,,,160,1056,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/16 17:00,3/17 15:17,KP,AM,,,3/17 16:22, 20200316,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,704,,,,,,,131,627,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/16 15:35,3/16 15:35,LH,ESK,,,3/16 16:22, 20200315,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,525,,,,,,,131,627,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/15 15:45,3/15 16:05,KP,AM**,,,3/15 16:05, 20200314,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,333,,,,,,,101,610,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/14 14:00,3/14 15:42,PR,AM,,,3/14 16:16, 20200313,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,198,,,,,,,72,524,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 14:00,3/13 15:41,,,,,3/13 16:30, 20200312,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,70,,,,,,,45,298,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 17:00,3/11 15:50,JDM,AM,,,3/11 16:43, 20200311,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28,251,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,142,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9,133,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,104,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,55,69,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,46,30,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,CO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,19,21,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1170970,,,50753,2126,,52879,1120217,,52,11180,,,,,8967,4465,3580,885,08/30 20:30,08/31 16:39,BHP,RS,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/31 17:26, 20200830,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1125398,,,50387,2108,,52495,1075011,,60,11180,,,,,8967,4465,3579,886,08/27 18:30,08/30 17:03,AMW,BHP,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/30 17:56, 20200829,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1125398,,,50387,2108,,52495,1075011,,60,11180,,,,,8967,4465,3579,886,08/27 20:30,08/29 16:57,ETS,RSG,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/29 17:49, 20200828,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1125398,,,50387,2108,,52495,1075011,,60,11180,,,,,8967,4465,3579,886,08/27 20:30,08/28 17:03,NEZ,MM,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/28 17:43, 20200827,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1111401,,,50255,2095,,52350,1061146,,56,11180,,,,,8967,4465,3579,886,08/26 20:30,08/27 16:31,XMH,DZL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/27 18:55, 20200826,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1095949,,,50134,2086,,52220,1045815,,57,11087,,,,,8893,4463,3579,884,08/25 20:30,08/26 16:58,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/26 18:37, 20200825,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1080637,,,49971,2069,,52040,1030666,,59,11087,,,,,8893,4463,3580,883,08/24 20:30,08/25 16:57,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/25 18:03, 20200824,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1075645,,,49940,2071,,52011,1025705,,57,11087,,,,,8893,4460,3574,886,08/23 20:30,08/24 16:35,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/24 17:21, 20200823,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1020328,,,49477,2042,,51519,970851,,54,11087,,,,,8893,4460,3574,886,08/20 20:30,08/23 16:14,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/23 17:24, 20200822,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1020328,,,49477,2042,,51519,970851,,54,11087,,,,,8893,4460,3574,886,08/20 20:30,08/22 15:55,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/22 17:10, 20200821,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1020328,,,49477,2042,,51519,970851,,54,11087,,,,,8893,4460,3574,886,08/20 20:30,08/21 16:40,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/21 17:26, 20200820,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1012810,,,49402,2030,,51432,963408,,47,11087,,,,,8893,4458,3572,886,08/19 20:30,08/20 16:31,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/20 18:13, 20200819,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1000395,,,49289,2025,,51314,951106,,49,11015,,,,,8809,4457,3572,885,08/18 20:30,08/19 16:35,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/19 17:55, 20200818,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,990712,,,49236,2019,,51255,941476,,47,11015,,,,,8809,4456,3571,885,08/17 20:30,08/18 16:43,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/18 17:32, 20200817,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,979952,,,49251,2016,,51267,930701,,42,11015,,,,,8809,4456,3572,884,08/16 20:30,08/17 16:19,BSL,sb++,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/17 17:55, 20200816,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,935680,,,48887,2010,,50897,886793,,56,11015,,,,,8809,4453,3569,884,08/14 16:00,08/16 15:57,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/16 17:31, 20200815,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,935680,,,48887,2010,,50897,886793,,56,11015,,,,,8809,4453,3569,884,08/14 16:00,08/15 15:40,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/15 17:34, 20200814,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,935680,,,48887,2010,,50897,886793,,56,11015,,,,,8809,4453,3569,884,08/13 20:30,08/14 16:50,TCD,RSG,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/14 17:41, 20200813,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,925327,,,48774,2008,,50782,876553,,63,11015,,,,,8809,4450,3566,884,08/12 20:30,08/13 16:32,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,917282,,,48705,2001,,50706,868577,,58,10920,,,,,8721,4450,3566,884,08/11 20:30,08/12 16:49,GET,RSG,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,909305,,,48690,1994,,50684,860615,,70,10920,,,,,8721,4444,3561,883,08/10 20:30,08/11 16:35,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,900967,,,48577,1990,,50567,852390,,64,10920,,,,,8721,4444,3560,884,08/09 20:30,08/10 16:40,LDH,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,862658,,,48345,1975,,50320,814313,,65,10920,,,,,8721,4441,3558,883,08/06 20:30,08/09 15:50,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,862658,,,48345,1975,,50320,814313,,65,10920,,,,,8721,4441,3558,883,08/06 20:30,08/08 16:15,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,862658,,,48345,1975,,50320,814313,,65,10920,,,,,8721,4441,3558,883,08/06 20:30,8/07 17:16,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,855126,,,48273,1972,,50245,806853,,66,10920,,,,,8721,4437,3555,882,08/05 20:30,8/06 16:39,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,846142,,,48258,1967,,50225,797884,,59,10807,,,,,8613,4437,3555,882,08/04 20:30,8/05 17:16,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,834303,,,48142,1968,,50110,786161,,60,10807,,,,,8613,4437,3555,882,08/03 20:30,8/04 17:06,CRG,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/4 17:46, 20200803,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,827213,,,48093,1969,,50062,779120,,56,10807,,,,,8613,4437,3555,882,08/02 20:30,8/03 17:01,RSG,SB,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,792040,,,47854,1956,,49810,744186,,69,10807,,,,,8613,4432,3551,881,07/30 20:30,8/02 16:48,CRG,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,792040,,,47854,1956,,49810,744186,,69,10807,,,,,8613,4432,3551,881,07/30 20:30,8/01 16:08,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,792040,,,47854,1956,,49810,744186,,69,10807,,,,,8613,4432,3551,881,07/30 20:30,07/31 16:42,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200730,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,776775,,,47717,1953,,49670,729058,,66,10807,,,,,8613,4431,3550,881,07/29 20:30,07/30 16:50,CRG,RSG,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200729,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,763817,,,47581,1959,,49540,716236,,53,10712,,,,,8516,4425,3544,881,07/28 20:30,07/29 16:45,BHP,RS,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200728,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,750700,,,47089,1988,,49077,703611,,54,10712,,,,,8516,4423,3541,882,07/27 20:30,07/28 16:43,BSL,KWS,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200727,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,743062,,,46994,,,48983,696068,,59,10712,,,,,8516,4418,3536,882,07/26 20:30,07/27 16:50,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200726,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,711102,,,46806,,,48776,664296,,71,10712,,,,,8516,4413,3531,882,07/23 20:30,07/26 15:40,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200725,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,711102,,,46806,,,48776,664296,,71,10712,,,,,8516,4413,3531,882,07/23 20:30,07/26 15:40,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200724,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,711102,,,46806,,,48776,664296,,71,10712,,,,,8516,4413,3531,882,07/23 20:30,07/26 15:40,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200723,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,685869,,,46213,,,48232,639656,,72,10712,,,,,8516,4410,3530,880,07/22 20:30,07/23 16:35,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200722,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,672386,,,46203,,,48223,626183,,63,10654,,,,,8466,4406,3527,879,07/21 20:30,07/22 16:34,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200721,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,660857,,,46116,,,48096,614741,,62,10654,,,,,8466,4406,3527,879,07/20 20:30,07/21 16:44,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200720,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,660857,,,46116,,,48055,614741,,54,10654,,,,,8466,4406,3525,881,07/19 20:30,07/20 16:39,ENT,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200719,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,655309,,,46071,,,47893,609238,,66,10654,,,,,8466,4396,3519,877,07/17 20:30,07/19 15:55,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200718,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,627986,,,45910,,,47893,582076,,66,10654,,,,,8466,4396,3519,877,07/16 20:30,07/18 16:22,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200717,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,627986,,,45771,,,47893,582215,,66,10654,,,,,8466,4396,3519,877,07/16 20:30,07/18 16:22,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200716,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,627986,,,45653,,,47750,582333,,66,10654,,,,,8466,4389,3515,874,07/15 20:30,07/16 16:39,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200715,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,613569,,,45547,,,47636,568022,,67,10552,,,,,8351,4380,3505,875,07/14 20:30,07/15 16:41,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200714,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,602116,,,45523,,,47530,556593,,66,10552,,,,,8351,4372,3497,875,07/13 20:30,07/14 17:11,JAC,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200713,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,589778,,,45308,,,47510,544470,,74,10552,,,,,8351,4371,3492,879,07/12 20:30,07/13 16:43,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200712,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,587331,,,45224,,,47287,542107,,77,10552,,,,,8351,4348,3476,871,07/09 20:30,07/12 16:16,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200711,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,556230,,,45129,,,47287,511101,,77,10552,,,,,8351,4348,3476,871,07/09 20:30,07/12 16:16,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200710,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,556230,,,45056,,,47287,511174,,77,10552,,,,,8351,4348,3476,871,07/09 20:30,07/12 16:16,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/10 HMH) Confirmed + proable deaths add up to 1 less than the given number for total deaths which includes probable and confirmed. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200709,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,556230,,,44997,,,47209,511233,,90,10552,,,,,8351,4348,3476,872,07/08 20:30,07/09 16:47,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200708,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,543636,,,44741,,,47108,498895,,88,10411,,,,,8210,4343,3471,872,07/07 20:30,07/08 16:47,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200707,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,535465,,,44672,,,47033,490793,,83,10411,,,,,8210,4338,3466,872,07/06 20:30,07/07 16:55,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200706,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,528130,,,44593,,,46976,483537,,69,10411,,,,,8210,4338,3466,872,07/05 20:30,07/06 16:38,ATS,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200705,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,522385,,,44534,,,46717,477851,,95,10411,,,,,8210,4335,3463,872,07/02 20:30,07/05 14:12,SNW,SB,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200704,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,497693,,,44384,,,46717,453309,,95,10411,,,,,8210,4335,3463,872,07/02 20:30,07/05 14:12,SNW,SB,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200703,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,497693,,,44324,,,46717,453369,,95,10411,,,,,8210,4335,3463,872,07/02 20:30,07/05 14:12,SNW,SB,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (7/4 JJO) Doesn't seem to be an update due to 4th of July. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200702,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,497693,,,44225,,,46646,453468,,101,10411,,,,,8210,4326,3459,867,07/01 20:30,07/02 16:45,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200701,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,487323,,,44086,,,46572,443237,,100,10268,,,,,8053,4324,3457,867,06/30 20:30,07/01 16:36,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200630,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,475862,,,44018,,,46514,431844,,98,10268,,,,,8053,4322,3453,869,06/29 20:30,06/30 16:59,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200629,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,464414,,,43954,,,46362,420460,,99,10268,,,,,8053,4320,3451,869,06/28 20:30,06/29 16:59,RS,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200628,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,442998,,,43941,,,46303,399057,,103,10268,,,,,8053,4316,3448,868,06/27 20:30,06/28 16:39,ETS,SB,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200627,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,436644,,,43820,,,46206,392824,,106,10268,,,,,8053,4311,3443,868,06/26 20:30,06/27 16:49,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200626,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,427567,,,43802,,,46059,383765,,127,10268,,,,,8053,4307,3440,867,06/25 20:30,06/26 17:03,BSL,KWS,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200625,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,414889,,,43763,,,45994,371126,,122,10268,,,,,8053,4298,3434,864,06/24 20:30,06/25 16:32,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200624,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,406967,,,43610,,,45913,363357,,124,10099,,,,,7842,4287,3423,864,06/23 20:30,06/24 16:38,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/24 BSL) Decrease in total tets, affecting Z and AF; 2770 PCR tests removed for data error correction by CT (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200623,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,400391,,,43493,,,45899,356898,,138,10099,,,,,7842,4277,3414,863,06/23 15:30,06/23 17:26,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/23 MM) Removed value from column AD because they report tests, not people (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested').",B,, 20200622,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,401986,,,43487,,395590,45782,358499,,140,10099,,,,,7842,4263,3403,860,06/21 20:30,06/22 16:40,G-S,BHP,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200621,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,395590,,,43415,,393475,45755,352175,,149,10099,,,,,7842,4260,3401,859,06/21 20:30,06/22 16:40,G-S,BHP,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200620,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,393475,,,43303,,,45715,350172,,150,10099,,,,,7842,4251,3394,857,06/19 20:30,06/20 16:09,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200619,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,389703,,,43172,,,45557,346531,,172,10099,,,,,7842,4238,3385,853,06/18 20:30,06/19 16:40,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/19 RSG) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200618,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,377931,,,43078,,,45440,334853,,176,10099,,,,,7842,4226,3378,848,06/17 20:30,06/18 16:57,BSL,ALF,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200617,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,370638,,,42788,,,45429,327850,,186,9912,,,,,7611,4219,3373,846,06/17 16:00,06/17 17:13,SNW,BSL,"PROCESS: To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200616,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,365916,,,42557,,,45349,323359,,201,9912,,,,,7611,4210,3362,848,06/16 20:30,06/16 16:36,KWS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”). 2. To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200615,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,359486,,,42448,,,45235,317038,,203,9912,,,,,7611,4204,3356,848,06/14 20:30,06/15 16:40,KWS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”). 2. To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200614,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,354445,,,42182,,,45088,312263,,205,9912,,,,,7611,4201,3355,846,06/14 16:00,06/14 16:57,BHP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”). 2. To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/14 BHP) Cumulative hosp. & recovered not updated today. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200613,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,347190,,,42017,,,44994,305173,,233,9912,,,,,7611,4186,3342,844,06/12 20:30,06/13 16:07,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”). 2. To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/13 SB) No updated discharged (recovered) or cumulative hospitalization numbers reported in Daily Data Report (6/12); carrying over previous numbers (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200612,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,342338,,,41895,,,44689,300443,,244,9912,,,,,7611,4159,3321,838,06/11 20:30,06/12 16:33,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”). 2. To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200611,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,328353,,,41743,,320044,44461,286610,,246,9912,,,,,7611,4146,3308,838,06/10 20:30,06/11 16:32,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”). 2. To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200610,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,320044,,,41387,,315014,44347,278657,,270,9669,,,,,7284,4120,3283,837,06/09 20:30,06/10 16:54,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”). 2. To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200609,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,315014,,,41171,,310654,44179,273843,,293,9669,,,,,7284,4097,3266,831,06/08 20:30,06/09 16:35,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”); To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. Cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included! Most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22, 5/28. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren’t included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/31 BL) CT is late on updating cum hosp and recovered; last updated 5/22 (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same. Updated Recoveries and Cumulative Hospitalizations (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200608,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,310654,,,41051,,305996,44092,269603,,324,9669,,,,,7284,4084,3239,845,06/07 20:30,06/08 16:54,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”); To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. Cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included! Most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22, 5/28. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren’t included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/31 BL) CT is late on updating cum hosp and recovered; last updated 5/22 (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same. Updated Recoveries and Cumulative Hospitalizations (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200607,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,305996,,,40941,,300281,43968,265055,,333,9669,,,,,7284,4071,3229,842,06/06 20:30,06/07 16:43,SB,RS,"PROCESS: All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”); To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. Cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included! Most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22, 5/28. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren’t included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (6/7 SB) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/6) (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/31 BL) CT is late on updating cum hosp and recovered; last updated 5/22 (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same. Updated Recoveries and Cumulative Hospitalizations (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200606,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,300281,,,40670,,293474,43818,259611,,333,9669,,,,,7284,4055,3218,837,06/05 20:30,06/06 16:32,SMS,BML,"PROCESS: All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”); To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. Cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included! Most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22, 5/28. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren’t included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (6/6 SMS) Cum. Hospitalizations and Recovered not updated in Daily Data Report (6/5) (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/31 BL) CT is late on updating cum hosp and recovered; last updated 5/22 (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same. Updated Recoveries and Cumulative Hospitalizations (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200605,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,293474,,,,,285314,43460,243927,,350,9669,,,,,7284,4038,3196,842,06/04 20:30,06/05 16:34,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”); To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. Cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included! Most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22, 5/28. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren’t included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/31 BL) CT is late on updating cum hosp and recovered; last updated 5/22 (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same. Updated Recoveries and Cumulative Hospitalizations (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200604,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,285314,,,,,279457,43239,238286,,373,9669,,,,,7284,4007,3171,836,06/04 16:00,06/04 16:55,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”); To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. Cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included! Most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22, 5/28. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren’t included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (6/4 BSL) CT has updated cum hospitalized and cum discharged, but these numbers have decreased since 5/22. Starting 5/29, CT only reports lab-confirmed cases; data from previous dates include both lab-confirmed and suspected cases. (5/31 BL) CT is late on updating cum hosp and recovered; last updated 5/22 (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same. Updated Recoveries and Cumulative Hospitalizations (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). ",B,, 20200603,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,279457,,,,,274396,43091,233345,,406,13793,,,,,7511,3989,3156,833,06/02 20:30,06/03 16:50,BSL,PR,"PROCESS: All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”); To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. Cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included! Most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22, 5/28. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren’t included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (5/31 BL) CT is late on updating cum hosp and recovered; last updated 5/22 (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same. Updated Recoveries and Cumulative Hospitalizations (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200602,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,274396,,,,,268572,42979,227631,,434,13793,,,,,7511,3972,3139,833,06/01 20:30,06/02 16:33,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”); To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. Cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included! Most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22, 5/28. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren’t included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (5/31 BL) CT is late on updating cum hosp and recovered; last updated 5/22 (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same. Updated Recoveries and Cumulative Hospitalizations (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200601,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,268572,,,,,259320,42740,218650,,454,13793,,,,,7511,3964,3110,854,05/31 20:30,06/01 17:43,TLM,REB,"PROCESS: All data taken from the “daily data report” PDF (formerly known as “test data pdf”); To get to the daily data report PDF, click on the “state COVID-19 page” cell in this row, and then click on “daily data report”. Cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included! Most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren’t included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (6/1 TLM) No changes to the data on the main state page, and still no cum hosp and recovered in the data PDF. (5/31 BL) CT is late on updating cum hosp and recovered; last updated 5/22 (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200531,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,259320,,,,,250046,42201,207845,,481,12538,,,,,7127,3944,,,05/30 20:30,05/31 16:56,SB,BL,"PROCESS: All data taken from main state page, except for cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures which are (but not always) included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren't included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (5/31 BL) CT is late on updating cum hosp and recovered; last updated 5/22 (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200530,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,250046,,,,,,42022,204913,,533,12538,,,,,7127,3912,,,05/29 20:30,05/30 16:48,RS,QN,"PROCESS: All data taken from main state page, except for cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures which are (but not always) included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren't included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200529,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,246935,,,,,,41762,199631,,577,12538,,,,,7127,3868,,,05/28 20:30,05/29 16:40,TCD,MM,"PROCESS: All data taken from main state page, except for cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures which are (but not always) included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren't included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200528,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,241393,,,,,,41559,193966,,648,12538,,,,,7127,3826,,,05/27 20:30,05/28 16:33,MM,REB,"PROCESS: All data taken from main state page, except for cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures which are (but not always) included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren't included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (5/28 QN) CT revised total cases down by 15 people due to duplicates. Kept cum. hosp and recovered the same (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200527,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,235525,,,,,,41288,187581,,684,12538,,,,,7127,3803,,,05/25 20:30,05/27 17:02,QN,REB,"PROCESS: All data taken from main state page, except for cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures which are (but not always) included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren't included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200526,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,229769,,,,,,41303,184059,,694,12538,,,,,7127,3769,,,05/25 20:30,05/27 17:02,QN,REB,"PROCESS: All data taken from main state page, except for cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures which are (but not always) included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren't included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200525,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,225362,,,,,,40873,180853,,706,12538,,,,,7127,3742,,,05/24 20:30,05/25 16:42,RS,ESK,"PROCESS: All data taken from main state page, except for cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures which are (but not always) included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren't included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (5/25 BL) On 5/24, CT changed their testing label to ""PCR tests reported."" We're now putting total tests in the 'total PCR tests' column (NOT 'total people tested'). (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200524,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,221726,,,,,214136,40468,173668,,701,12538,,,,,7127,3693,,,05/23 20:30,05/24 16:31,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: All data taken from main state page, except for cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures which are (but not always) included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren't included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200523,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,214136,,,,,208367,40022,168345,,724,12538,,,,,7127,3675,,,05/22 20:30,05/23 16:50,ESK,BL,"PROCESS: All data taken from main state page, except for cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures which are (but not always) included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren't included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200522,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,208367,,,,,202328,39640,162688,,740,12538,,,,,7127,3637,,,05/21 20:30,05/22 16:49,RS,QN,"PROCESS: All data taken from main state page, except for cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures which are (but not always) included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/22. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. If these figures aren't included in the PDFs, carry over previous number. (5/22 MM) Updated negatives calculation that used a transposed number based on GH issue (see States Daily was already patched so negatives going down is not a real issues. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200521,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,202328,,,,,196447,39208,157239,,816,10946,,,,,6264,3582,,,05/20 8:30,05/21 15:04,QN,RS,"PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, and 5/14. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. (5/13 - 5/21 MM/QN/RS) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200520,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,196447,,,,,190718,39017,151701,,887,10946,,,,,6264,3529,,,05/20 16:00,05/20 16:32,BL,PR," PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30, 5/7, and 5/14. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. (5/18 MM) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/16 QN) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/13 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200519,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,190718,,,,,185520,38430,147090,,914,10946,,,,,6264,3472,,,05/18 19:00,05/19 17:32,SLW,QN," PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30 and 5/7. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless. (5/18 MM) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/16 QN) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/13 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. ",B,, 20200518,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,185520,,,,,177679,38116,139563,,920,10946,,,,,6264,3449,,,05/17 20:30,05/18 15:51,SPA,REB,"(5/16 QN) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/13 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30 and 5/7. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless.",B,, 20200517,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,177679,,,,,,37419,133188,,937,10946,,,,,6264,3408,,,05/16 20:30,05/17 17:08,RS,REB,"(5/16 QN) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/13 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30 and 5/7. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless.",B,, 20200516,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,170607,,,,,164755,36703,128052,,994,10946,,,,,6264,3339,,,05/15 20:15,05/16 16:20,QN,RS,"(5/16 QN) Cum. Hosp and recovered not updated (5/13 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30 and 5/7. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless.",B,, 20200515,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,164755,,,,,155908,36085,119823,,1033,10946,,,,,6264,3285,,,05/14 20:30,05/15 17:19,MM,REB,"(5/13 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30 and 5/7. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless.",B,, 20200514,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,155908,,,,,142943,35464,114098,,1103,10946,,,,,6264,3219,,,05/13 20:30,05/14 16:55,RS,AFG,"(5/13 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30 and 5/7. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless.",B,, 20200513,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149562,,,,,138424,34855,108088,,1158,9389,,,,,5413,3125,,,05/13 14:00,,,,"(5/13 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30 and 5/7. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless.",B,, 20200512,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,142943,,,,,,34333,104091,,1189,9389,,,,,5413,3041,,,05/12 14:00,05/12 16:47,RS,QN,"(5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. (5/2 aft CML) Previously we published CT was reporting people tested; this is now removed. Cum. Hosp and Recovered #s are unchanged. (5/1 mor ATS) Now reporting Cum Hosp and discharges in TEST DATA, filling in Cum Hosp and Recovered (4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30 and 5/7. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless.",B,, 20200511,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,138424,,,,,,33765,98743,,1212,9389,,,,,5413,3008,2718,,05/11 14:00,05/11 16:38,RS,REB,"(5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. (5/2 aft CML) Previously we published CT was reporting people tested; this is now removed. Cum. Hosp and Recovered #s are unchanged. (5/1 mor ATS) Now reporting Cum Hosp and discharges in TEST DATA, filling in Cum Hosp and Recovered (4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30 and 5/7. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless.",B,, 20200510,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,132508,,,,,,33554,96638,,1242,9389,,,,,5413,2967,2633,,05/10 14:00,05/10 16:45,G-S,KP,"(5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW, 5/10 aft G-S) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. (5/2 aft CML) Previously we published CT was reporting people tested; this is now removed. Cum. Hosp and Recovered #s are unchanged. (5/1 mor ATS) Now reporting Cum Hosp and discharges in TEST DATA, filling in Cum Hosp and Recovered (4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30 and 5/7. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless.",B,, 20200509,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,130192,,,,,,32984,90585,,1301,9389,,,,,5413,2932,2495,,05/09 14:00,05/09 15:57,SLW,BL,"(5/8 RS, 5/9 aft SLW) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. (5/2 aft CML) Previously we published CT was reporting people tested; this is now removed. Cum. Hosp and Recovered #s are unchanged. (5/1 mor ATS) Now reporting Cum Hosp and discharges in TEST DATA, filling in Cum Hosp and Recovered (4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations and recovered figures are not always included in ""Test data"" PDFs; most recently included on 4/30 and 5/7. We suspect they are updated once a week, but check every day regardless.",B,, 20200508,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,123569,,,,,,32411,88130,,1327,9389,,,,,5413,2874,2436,,05/07 20:30,05/08 16:49,RS,REB,"(5/8 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated (5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. (5/2 aft CML) Previously we published CT was reporting people tested; this is now removed. Cum. Hosp and Recovered #s are unchanged. (5/1 mor ATS) Now reporting Cum Hosp and discharges in TEST DATA, filling in Cum Hosp and Recovered (4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations may not show up on ""Test Data"" PDF file. It was not in 05/02 PDF but was available in 04/30 PDF",B,, 20200507,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,120541,,,,,,31784,84390,,1385,9389,,,,,5413,2797,2339,,05/06 20:30,05/07 16:19,RS,PR,"(5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. (5/2 aft CML) Previously we published CT was reporting people tested; this is now removed. Cum. Hosp and Recovered #s are unchanged. (5/1 mor ATS) Now reporting Cum Hosp and discharges in TEST DATA, filling in Cum Hosp and Recovered (4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations may not show up on ""Test Data"" PDF file. It was not in 05/02 PDF but was available in 04/30 PDF",B,, 20200506,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,116174,,,,,,30995,80452,,1445,7758,,,,,4346,2718,2339,,05/05 20:30,05/06 16:41,DPT,AW,"(5/6 aft DPT) timestamp from the Test Data PDF (5/5 aft RS, 5/6 aft DPT) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. (5/2 aft CML) Previously we published CT was reporting people tested; this is now removed. Cum. Hosp and Recovered #s are unchanged. (5/1 mor ATS) Now reporting Cum Hosp and discharges in TEST DATA, filling in Cum Hosp and Recovered (4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations may not show up on ""Test Data"" PDF file. It was not in 05/02 PDF but was available in 04/30 PDF",B,, 20200505,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,111447,,,,,,30621,78022,,1500,7758,,,,,4346,2633,2257,,05/04 16:00,05/05 16:47,RS,KP,"(5/5 aft RS) Cum Hosp and Recovered not updated. (5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. (5/2 aft CML) Previously we published CT was reporting people tested; this is now removed. Cum. Hosp and Recovered #s are unchanged. (5/1 mor ATS) Now reporting Cum Hosp and discharges in TEST DATA, filling in Cum Hosp and Recovered (4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations may not show up on ""Test Data"" PDF file. It was not in 05/02 PDF but was available in 04/30 PDF",B,, 20200504,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,108643,,,,,,29287,73206,,1488,7758,,,,,4346,2495,2168,,05/03 16:00,05/04 16:35,MEB,PR,"(5/4 aft MEB) CT transitioning to a new process, so data reported 5/3 includes only hosp and fatalities. Data reported 5/4 will combine 5/3 and 5/4. (5/2 aft CML) Previously we published CT was reporting people tested; this is now removed. Cum. Hosp and Recovered #s are unchanged. (5/1 mor ATS) Now reporting Cum Hosp and discharges in TEST DATA, filling in Cum Hosp and Recovered (4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations may not show up on ""Test Data"" PDF file. It was not in 05/02 PDF but was available in 04/30 PDF",B,, 20200503,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105330,,,,,,29287,73206,,1551,7758,,,,,4346,2436,2089,,05/02 18:00,,,,"(5/2 aft CML) Previously we published CT was reporting people tested; this is now removed. Cum. Hosp and Recovered #s are unchanged. (5/1 mor ATS) Now reporting Cum Hosp and discharges in TEST DATA, filling in Cum Hosp and Recovered (4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting PROCESS: cumulative hospitalizations may not show up on ""Test Data"" PDF file. It was not in 05/02 PDF but was available in 04/30 PDF",B,, 20200502,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,102493,,,,,,28764,71493,,1592,7758,,,,,4346,2339,1998,,05/01 12:00,05/02 16:49,BL,QN,(5/2 aft CML) Previously we published CT was reporting people tested; this is now removed,B,, 20200501,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100257,,,,,,28764,71493,,1592,7758,,,,,4346,2339,1924,,05/01 12:00,05/02 16:49,BL,QN,(5/2 aft CML) Previously we published CT was reporting people tested; this is now removed,B,, 20200430,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97133,,,,,,27700,69433,,1650,,,,,,,2257,1862,,04/30 16:00,05/01 10:25,ATS,QN,"(5/1 mor ATS) Now reporting Cum Hosp and discharges in TEST DATA, filling in Cum Hosp and Recovered (4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting (4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at",C,, 20200429,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94818,,,,,,26767,68051,,1691,,,,,,,2168,1764,,04/29 16:00,,,,"(4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting (4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at",C,, 20200428,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92745,,,,,,26312,66433,,1732,,,,,,,2089,1639,,04/28 16:00,04/28 16:32,RS,QN,"(4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting (4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at",C,, 20200427,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90746,,,,,,25269,54542,,1758,,,,,,,1998,1544,,04/27 16:27,04/27 16:42,RS,ESK,"(4/27 aft RS) Curr Hosp and Deaths updated from presser, other info unchanged (4/21 aft AW) from reporting (4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at",C,, 20200426,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79811,,,,,,25269,54542,,1766,,,,,,,1924,1423,,04/26 16:00,,,,"(4/21 aft AW) from reporting (4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at",C,, 20200425,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77602,,,,,,24582,53020,,1810,,,,,,,1862,1331,,04/25 16:00,04/25 16:33,RS,SJ,"(4/21 aft AW) from reporting (4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at",C,, 20200424,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74038,,,,,,23921,50117,,1877,,,,,,,1764,1086,,04/24 16:00,,,,"(4/21 aft AW) from reporting (4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at",A,, 20200423,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71497,,,,,,23100,48397,,1947,,,,,,,1639,1036,,04/23 16:00,,,,"(4/21 aft AW) from reporting (4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at",A,, 20200422,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69918,,,,,,22469,47449,,1972,,,,,,,1544,1036,,04/22 16:00,,,,"(4/21 aft AW) from reporting (4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at",A,, 20200421,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64192,,,,,,20360,43832,,1949,,,,,,,1423,971,,04/21 0:00,,,,"(4/21 aft AW) from reporting (4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at",A,, 20200420,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62806,,,,,,19815,42991,,1919,,,,,,,1331,868,,04/20 16:00,,,,(4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at,A,, 20200419,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59759,,,,,,17550,40663,,1938,,,,,,,1086,671,,04/19 17:00,,,,(4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at,A,, 20200418,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58213,,,,,,16809,38653,,1946,,,,,,,1036,602,,04/17 16:00,,,,(4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at,A,, 20200417,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55462,,,,,,16809,38653,,1946,,,,,,,1036,554,,04/17 16:00,,,,(4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at,A,, 20200416,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53122,,,,,,15884,37238,,1926,,,,,,,971,494,,04/16 16:30,,,,(4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard: (4/16 eve SB) Timestamp is at,A,, 20200415,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50143,,,,,,14755,35388,,1908,,,,,,,868,448,,04/15 16:00,04/16 17:15,MEB,RS,(4/16 RS) CT has a new dashboard:,A,, 20200414,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45841,,,,,,13989,31852,,1779,,,,,,,671,380,,04/14 16:00,04/15 9:40,LAW,,,A,, 20200413,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44309,,,,,,13381,30928,,1760,,,,,,,602,277,,04/13 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200412,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41220,,,,,,12035,29185,,1654,,,,,,,554,277,,04/12 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200411,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39831,,,,,,11510,28321,,1593,,,,,,,494,206,,04/11 15:30,,,,,A,, 20200410,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36288,,,,,,10538,25750,,1562,,,,,,,448,189,,04/10 17:00,,,,,A,, 20200409,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33502,,,,,,9784,23718,,1464,,,,,,,380,165,,04/09 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200408,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31700,,,,,,7781,21255,,1308,,,,,,,277,131,,04/07 22:00,04/08 14:46,AW,RS,"(4/7 evening CML) Changed LocalTime from 04:00 to 10pm to reflect website's update. No changes in stats across the row. (4/5 AM) Now reporting racial data (4/4PR) negative dropped by one since +ve number had error on (4/3) -- This is now irrelevent (4/4 aft PJR) Negatives math is out of sync with Positives, keeping last calculated Negatives as per guidance ",A,, 20200407,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29036,,,,,,7781,21255,,1308,,,,,,,277,112,,04/07 4:00,04/07 16:42,RS,PR,"(4/5 AM) Now reporting racial data (4/4PR) negative dropped by one since +ve number had error on (4/3) -- This is now irrelevent (4/4 aft PJR) Negatives math is out of sync with Positives, keeping last calculated Negatives as per guidance ",A,, 20200406,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26686,,,,,,6906,19780,,1221,,,,,,,206,85,,04/06 15:15,,,,"(4/5 AM) Now reporting racial data (4/4PR) negative dropped by one since +ve number had error on (4/3) -- This is now irrelevent (4/4 aft PJR) Negatives math is out of sync with Positives, keeping last calculated Negatives as per guidance ",A,, 20200405,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23270,,,,,,5675,17595,,1142,,,,,,,189,69,,04/05 12:00,,,,"(4/5 AM) Now reporting racial data (4/4PR) negative dropped by one since +ve number had error on (4/3) -- This is now irrelevent (4/4 aft PJR) Negatives math is out of sync with Positives, keeping last calculated Negatives as per guidance ",A,, 20200404,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22029,,,,,,5276,16753,,1033,,,,,,,165,36,,04/04 13:00,,,," (4/4PR) negative dropped by one since +ve number had error on (4/3) -- This is now irrelevent (4/4 aft PJR) Negatives math is out of sync with Positives, keeping last calculated Negatives as per guidance (4/3 DG) I think I corrected an earlier mistake, cases were off by 1. (4/2 ESK) Not sure about dropping CUM suddenly, but I removed it per our discussions. GitHub... I love you",A,, 20200403,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20015,,,,,,4914,15101,,909,,,,,,,131,34,,04/03 15:30,04/03 16:31,MEB,ESK,"(4/2 ESK) Not sure about dropping CUM suddenly, but I removed it per our discussions. GitHub... I love you",A,, 20200402,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18300,,,,,,3824,14476,,827,,,,,,,112,27,,04/02 15:30,04/03 9:18,RMD,ALF,"(4/2 ESK) Not sure about dropping CUM suddenly, but I removed it per our discussions. GitHub... I love you",A,, 20200401,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16600,,,,,,3557,13043,,766,,,,,,,85,27,,04/01 13:30,,,,,A,, 20200331,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15600,,,,,,3128,13029,,608,,,,,,,69,21,,03/31 13:30,,,,,A,, 20200330,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14600,,,,,,2571,12029,,517,,,,,,,36,19,,03/30 11:30,,,,,A,, 20200329,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1993,9907,,404,,,,,,,34,12,,03/29 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200328,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1291,7109,,173,,,,,,,27,10,,03/27 13:30,,,,,A,, 20200327,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1291,7109,,173,,,,,,,27,5,,03/27 13:30,,,,,A,, 20200326,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1012,5625,,125,,,,,,,21,4,,03/26 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,875,5023,,113,,,,,,,19,3,,03/25 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,618,4682,,71,,,,,,,12,1,,03/24 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,415,4085,,54,,,,,,,10,,,03/23 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,223,2877,,43,,,,,,,5,,,03/21 19:30,,,,,,, 20200321,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,194,2106,,,,,,,,,4,,,03/20 20:44,,,,,,, 20200320,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,194,604,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/20 15:30,,,,,,, 20200319,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96,604,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/18 16:30,,,,,,, 20200318,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68,125,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 16:30,,,,,,, 20200317,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41,125,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 17:00,,,,,,, 20200316,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26,125,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:36,,,,,,, 20200315,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20,125,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 17:00,,,,,,, 20200314,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,125,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 16:00,,,,,,, 20200313,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,99,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 19:00,,,,,,, 20200312,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,89,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 15:00,,,,,,, 20200311,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,71,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,54,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,46,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,29,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,CT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,290682,,,,,,,13992,276690,,70,,21,,8,,11105,607,,,08/30 0:00,08/31 15:56,NEZ,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/29 KWS) Moved DC's totals to encounters from people to reflect outreach (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,288089,,,,,,,13959,274130,,69,,24,,10,,11087,606,,,08/29 20:30,08/30 16:02,AMW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/29 KWS) Moved DC's totals to encounters from people to reflect outreach (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,285756,,,,,,,13925,271831,,76,,25,,13,,11046,605,,,08/28 0:00,08/29 15:54,ESK,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/29 KWS) Moved DC's totals to encounters from people to reflect outreach (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,281549,,,,,,,13851,267698,,83,,22,,10,,11010,605,,,08/27 0:00,08/28 15:44,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,276704,,,,,,,13794,262910,,83,,24,,10,,10986,605,,,08/26 0:00,08/27 15:50,DZL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,273748,,,,,,,13722,260026,,77,,25,,13,,10923,605,,,08/25 0:00,08/26 15:56,NEZ,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,271622,,,,,,,13684,257938,,87,,28,,12,,10885,604,,,08/24 0:00,08/25 15:53,DZL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,269401,,,,,,,13639,255762,,85,,26,,13,,10835,604,,,08/23 0:00,08/24 15:57,CKW,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,266046,,,,,,,13590,252456,,80,,27,,12,,10812,604,,,08/22 0:00,08/23 15:46,TCD,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,262440,,,,,,,13534,248906,,81,,26,,10,,10800,604,,,08/21 0:00,08/22 15:37,RRI,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,259058,,,,,,,13469,245589,,78,,27,,12,,10772,602,,,08/20 0:00,08/21 15:42,TCD,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,253985,,,,,,,13409,240576,,78,,26,,12,,10720,601,,,08/19 0:00,08/20 15:43,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,251659,,,,,,,13354,238305,,84,,30,,14,,10596,600,,,08/18 0:00,08/19 15:49,GET,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,249478,,,,,,,13325,236153,,79,,27,,14,,10595,599,,,08/17 0:00,08/18 15:56,GET,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,245655,,,,,,,13273,232382,,82,,30,,15,,10521,597,,,08/16 0:00,08/17 15:59,SPA,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,242852,,,,,,,13220,229632,,79,,28,,9,,10493,597,,,08/15 0:00,08/16 16:00,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,239216,,,,,,,13159,226057,,81,,28,,14,,10452,597,,,08/14 0:00,08/15 15:48,SPA,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,236305,,,,,,,13118,223187,,84,,22,,12,,10416,594,,,08/13 0:00,08/14 15:47,QN,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,229649,,,,,,,13024,216625,,83,,24,,11,,10361,594,,,08/12 0:00,08/13 15:52,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,226741,,,,,,,12959,213782,,85,,25,,11,,10300,593,,,08/11 0:00,08/12 16:48,RSG,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,224749,,,,,,,12896,211853,,83,,21,,12,,10232,593,,,08/10 0:00,08/11 16:10,PK,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,220391,,,,,,,12807,207584,,75,,21,,8,,10188,591,,,08/09 0:00,08/10 15:48,DZL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,217942,,,,,,,12753,205189,,77,,17,,8,,10156,591,,,08/08 0:00,08/09 15:45,TCD,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,213334,,,,,,,12653,200681,,80,,17,,8,,10124,590,,,08/07 0:00,08/08 16:01,TCD,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,208725,,,,,,,12589,196136,,90,,18,,12,,10118,589,,,08/06 0:00,8/07 15:51,SPA,BML*,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (8/7 BML) Using hospitalization number from the ""Hospital Status Data"" page, as it is more recently updated than the dashboard (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,205983,,,,,,,12518,193465,,98,,23,,12,,10094,587,,,08/05 0:00,8/06 15:48,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,202825,,,,,,,12443,190382,,97,,21,,13,,10015,587,,,08/04 0:00,8/05 15:48,GET,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,200127,,,,,,,12398,187729,,100,,17,,10,,9959,587,,,08/03 0:00,8/04 15:52,CRG,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/4 17:58, 20200803,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,198815,,,,,,,12313,186502,,104,,24,,12,,9893,586,,,08/02 0:00,8/03 15:53,MJW,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,197192,,,,,,,12274,184918,,102,,24,,12,,9870,586,,,08/01 0:00,8/02 15:47,CRG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,193781,,,,,,,12205,181576,,100,,26,,13,,9816,585,,,07/31 0:00,8/01 15:52,TCD,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,188741,,,,,,,12126,176615,,86,,17,,9,,9816,585,,,07/30 0:00,07/31 15:39,KAT,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200730,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,182990,,,,,,,12057,170933,,87,,17,,7,,9777,584,,,07/29 0:00,07/30 15:50,CRG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200729,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,180049,,,,,,,11999,168050,,83,,17,,8,,9723,584,,,07/28 0:00,07/29 16:55,DZL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200728,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,178022,,,,,,,11945,166077,,106,,20,,9,,9664,583,,,07/27 0:00,07/28 16:04,DZL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200727,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,174148,,,,,,,11858,162290,,102,,20,,8,,9639,582,,,07/26 0:00,07/27 16:57,KAT,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200726,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,171598,,,,,,,11780,159818,,85,,22,,9,,9607,581,,,07/25 0:00,07/26 16:09,CRG,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200725,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,169009,,,,,,,11717,157292,,97,,28,,9,,9603,581,,,07/24 0:00,07/25 16:01,ISS,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200724,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,165260,,,,,,,11649,153611,,97,,21,,9,,9582,581,,,07/23 0:00,07/24 16:01,DZL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200723,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,162021,,,,,,,11571,150450,,91,,22,,9,,2020,581,,,07/22 0:00,07/23 15:48,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200722,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,159572,,,,,,,11529,148043,,81,,18,,11,,1974,580,,,07/21 0:00,07/22 16:06,SNW,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200721,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,155711,,,,,,,11427,144284,,83,,19,,13,,1932,580,,,07/20 0:00,07/21 15:48,ATS,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200720,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,151740,,,,,,,11339,140401,,83,,19,,12,,1909,579,,,07/19 0:00,07/20 15:48,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200719,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,147765,,,,,,,11261,136504,,91,,17,,12,,1886,578,,,07/18 0:00,07/19 15:46,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200718,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,144955,,,,,,,11194,133761,,88,,17,,12,,1877,578,,,07/17 0:00,07/18 16:01,SB,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/18 SB) Using hospitalization number (88) from downloaded file, since it correlates with the autocheck number. See thread for discussion. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200717,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,141607,,,,,,,11115,130492,,87,,17,,14,,1863,577,,,07/16 0:00,07/17 15:43,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200716,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,140242,,,,,,,11076,129166,,86,,24,,14,,1843,574,,,07/15 0:00,07/16 15:59,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200715,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,137944,,,,,,,11026,126918,,95,,24,,15,,1809,571,,,07/14 0:00,07/15 15:15,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200714,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,133916,,,,,,,10946,122970,,91,,21,,14,,1774,568,,,07/13 0:00,07/14 15:30,EDS,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200713,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,130220,,,,,,,10906,119314,,93,,25,,16,,1756,568,,,07/12 0:00,07/13 15:25,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200712,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,126883,,,,,,,10847,116036,,95,,30,,17,,1737,568,,,07/11 0:00,07/12 15:20,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/12 HMH) Hosp tab did not update today, so cur. hosp figure is from data download spreadsheet (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200711,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,124050,,,,,,,10801,113249,,92,,29,,17,,1717,568,,,07/10 0:00,07/11 15:22,CB-M,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200710,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,120884,,,,,,,10743,110141,,96,,26,,18,,1703,568,,,07/09 0:00,07/10 15:39,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200709,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,115923,,,,,,,10679,105244,,92,,26,,14,,1662,568,,,07/08 0:00,07/09 15:39,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200708,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,114289,,,,,,,10642,103647,,86,,30,,17,,1625,564,,,07/07 0:00,07/08 15:32,RRI,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200707,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,110377,,,,,,,10569,99808,,90,,25,,20,,1574,561,,,07/06 0:00,07/07 15:18,DZL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200706,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,107650,,,,,,,10515,97135,,88,,23,,16,,1553,561,,,07/05 0:00,07/06 15:17,CKW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200705,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,105993,,,,,,,10482,95511,,87,,26,,18,,1542,559,,,07/04 0:00,07/05 15:13,HMH,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200704,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,104554,,,,,,,10447,94107,,95,,28,,21,,1523,557,,,07/03 0:00,07/04 15:14,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200703,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,102809,,,,,,,10435,92374,,110,,38,,24,,1497,555,,,07/02 0:00,07/03 15:17,HMH,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (7/3 JJA) Removed value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether these values are solely confirmed. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200702,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,101063,,,,,,,10390,90673,,120,,33,,28,,1465,554,,,07/01 0:00,07/02 15:27,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200701,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,100035,,,,,,,10365,89670,,119,,33,,26,,1451,553,,,06/30 0:00,07/01 15:43,JAC,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200630,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,97295,,,,,,,10327,86968,,126,,33,,22,,1270,551,,,06/29 0:00,06/30 16:22,EDS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200629,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,95360,,,,,,,10292,85068,,121,,34,,23,,1200,551,,,06/28 0:00,06/29 15:25,CKW,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200628,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,93132,,,,,,,10248,82884,,126,,34,,27,,1199,550,,,06/27 0:00,06/28 15:12,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200627,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,89271,,,,,,,10216,79055,,136,,43,,26,,1194,548,,,06/26 0:00,06/27 15:24,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200626,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,88123,,,,,,,10185,77938,,147,,48,,29,,1186,546,,,06/25 0:00,06/26 17:04,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip from ""Dashboard embedded on page -> Total Deaths"" to ""no data"" since DC provides an unclear figure. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200625,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,86731,,,,,,,10159,76572,,157,,53,,34,,1182,543,,,06/24 0:00,06/25 15:30,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200624,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,84173,,,,,,,10128,74045,,167,,58,,36,,1182,541,,,06/24 0:00,06/25 15:30,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200623,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,83302,,,,,,,10094,73208,,171,,61,,40,,1182,537,,,06/22 0:00,06/23 15:30,CB-M,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200622,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,82004,,,,,,,10058,71946,,155,,50,,34,,1182,535,,,06/21 0:00,06/22 15:18,CKW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200621,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,79522,,,,,,,10020,69502,,168,,61,,37,,1172,533,,,06/20 0:00,06/21 15:15,CKW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200620,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,77953,,,,,,,9984,67969,,177,,58,,40,,1166,531,,,06/19 0:00,06/20 15:18,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200619,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,73791,,,,,,,9952,63839,,184,,63,,44,,1162,530,,,06/18 0:00,06/19 15:13,BHP,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200618,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,72199,,,,,,,9903,62296,,189,,86,,45,,1155,527,,,06/17 0:00,06/18 15:20,HMH,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200617,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,70086,,,,,,,9847,60239,,197,,73,,47,,1155,523,,,06/16 0:00,06/17 15:53,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200616,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,67126,,,,,,,9818,57308,,192,,70,,49,,1155,520,,,06/15 0:00,06/16 16:43,KWS,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200615,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,65846,,,,,,,9799,56047,,191,,76,,48,,1155,515,,,06/14 0:00,06/15 15:12,SB,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200614,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,64530,,,,,,,9767,54763,,186,,71,,50,,1150,515,,,06/13 0:00,06/14 15:46,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200613,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,63036,,,,,,,9709,53327,,197,,78,,52,,1143,511,,,06/12 0:00,06/13 15:05,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200612,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,61953,,,,,,,9654,52299,,212,,82,,57,,1143,506,,,06/11 0:00,06/12 14:56,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (6/12 HMH) Recovered has not changed since 6/6, not sure if they are updating it or not. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200611,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,59288,,,,,,,9589,49699,,238,,82,,53,,1143,502,,,06/10 0:00,06/11 14:50,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200610,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,58192,,,,,,,9537,48655,,245,,79,,60,,1143,499,,,06/09 0:00,06/10 14:57,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200609,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,57152,,,,,,,9474,47678,,255,,89,,59,,1143,495,,,06/08 0:00,06/09 15:00,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200608,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,55766,,,,,,,9389,46377,,268,,102,,72,,1143,491,,,06/07 0:00,06/08 14:44,ETW,RS,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200607,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,54547,,,,,,,9332,45215,,285,,90,,73,,1143,489,,,06/06 0:00,06/07 14:58,SB,JAC,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200606,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,53678,,,,,,,9269,44409,,276,,100,,68,,1138,483,,,06/05 0:00,06/06 14:39,SPA,QN,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200605,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,51861,,,,,,,9199,42662,,273,,99,,75,,1138,475,,,06/04 0:00,06/05 15:12,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200604,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,51096,,,,,,,9120,41976,,276,,98,,73,,1138,475,,,06/03 0:00,06/04 16:18,JAC,PR,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200603,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,49562,,,,,,,9016,40546,,285,,103,,72,,1138,473,,,06/02 0:00,06/03 15:57,BSL,ALF,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200602,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,47701,,,,,,,8886,38815,,295,,106,,74,,1137,470,,,06/01 0:00,06/02 16:25,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200601,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,47263,,,,,,,8857,38406,,302,,108,,67,,1126,468,,,06/01 0:00,06/02 16:25,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200531,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,46483,,,,,,,8801,37682,,295,,109,,66,,1116,466,,,05/30 0:00,05/31 16:58,ALF,SB,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200530,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,45629,,,,,,,8717,36912,,317,,109,,66,,1100,462,,,05/29 0:00,05/30 16:16,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200529,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,43858,,,,,,,8538,35320,,338,,114,,65,,1089,460,,,05/28 0:00,05/29 15:37,G-S,SPA,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200528,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,43514,,,,,,,8492,35022,,343,,108,,65,,1082,453,,,05/27 0:00,05/28 15:14,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200527,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,42697,,,,,,,8406,34291,,349,,113,,76,,1082,445,,,05/26 0:00,05/27 14:39,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200526,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,42055,,,,,,,8334,33721,,353,,113,,76,,1080,440,,,05/25 0:00,05/26 14:28,MM,RS,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200525,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,40803,,,,,,,8225,32578,,331,,106,,70,,1080,440,,,05/24 0:00,05/25 15:46,RS,ESK,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/25 RS) Reported Tests decreased by ~11K (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200524,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,51991,,,,,,,7966,44025,,324,,110,,73,,1075,427,,,05/22 0:00,05/24 16:22,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200523,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,51991,,,,,,,7966,44025,,324,,110,,73,,1075,427,,,05/22 0:00,05/24 16:22,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200522,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,42993,,,,,,,7893,35100,,342,,112,,74,,1069,418,,,05/21 0:00,05/22 16:43,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. Current Hosp/ICU can be found in most recent ""Download copy of DC COVID-19 data"" spreadsheet As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. (5/21-22 QN/RS) Did not update hosp and vent ",A+,, 20200521,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,41756,,,,,,,7788,33968,,336,,,,74,,1061,412,,,05/20 0:00,05/21 16:02,QN,PR,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. Paging through dashboard now has all the numbers, without having to go to hospitalization page (5/21 QN) Did not update hosp and vent (5/12 RS) Host and Vent #s not updates on page (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser:",A,, 20200520,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,40419,,,,,,,7551,32868,,336,,,,74,,1059,407,,,05/19 0:00,05/20 16:08,RSB,REB,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. Paging through dashboard now has all the numbers, without having to go to hospitalization page (5/12 RS) Host and Vent #s not updates on page (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source",A,, 20200519,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,39374,,,,,,,7434,31940,,375,,,,77,,1040,400,,,05/18 0:00,05/19 14:46,MM,RS,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. Paging through dashboard now has all the numbers, without having to go to hospitalization page (5/12 RS) Host and Vent #s not updates on page (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source",A,, 20200518,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,37825,,,,,,,7270,30555,,374,,,,70,,1028,392,,,05/17 0:00,05/18 16:09,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard. Paging through dashboard now has all the numbers, without having to go to hospitalization page (5/12 RS) Host and Vent #s not updates on page (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source",A,, 20200517,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,36526,,,,,,,7123,29403,,369,,,,74,,1023,383,,,05/16 0:00,05/17 17:10,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard (5/12 RS) Host and Vent #s not updates on page (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source",A,, 20200516,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,35532,,,,,,,7042,28490,,382,,,,79,,998,375,,,05/15 0:00,05/16 14:59,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard (5/12 RS) Host and Vent #s not updates on page (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source",A,, 20200515,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,34339,,,,,,,6871,27468,,393,,,,90,,975,368,,,05/14 0:00,05/15 16:16,MM,REB,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard (5/12 RS) Host and Vent #s not updates on page (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source",A,, 20200514,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,31658,,,,,,,6736,26263,,397,,,,90,,966,358,,,05/13 0:00,05/14 14:55,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard (5/12 RS) Host and Vent #s not updates on page (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source",A,, 20200513,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,31050,,,,,,,6584,25074,,423,,,,82,,934,350,,,05/12 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard (5/12 RS) Host and Vent #s not updates on page (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source",A,, 20200512,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,31050,,,,,,,6485,24565,,416,,,,82,,886,336,,,05/11 0:00,05/12 14:51,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard (5/12 RS) Host and Vent #s not updates on page (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source",A,, 20200511,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,30261,,,,,,,6389,23872,,416,,,,82,,881,328,,,05/10 0:00,05/11 15:05,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. As of 5/11 current hospitalization and vent numbers are on dashboard (5/10 aft G-S) carrying hosp, ICU and vent numbers (5/9 aft SLW) carrying hosp, ICU and vent numbers (5/7 aft QN) carrying hosp, ICU and vent numbers (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source",A,, 20200510,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,29570,,,,,,,6272,23298,,447,,130,,91,,880,323,,,05/09 0:00,05/10 16:41,G-S,KP,"(5/10 aft G-S) carrying hosp, ICU and vent numbers (5/9 aft SLW) carrying hosp, ICU and vent numbers (5/7 aft QN) carrying hosp, ICU and vent numbers (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A+,, 20200509,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,28183,,,,,,,6102,22081,,447,,130,,91,,879,311,,,05/08 0:00,05/09 15:32,SLW,BL,"(5/9 aft SLW) carrying hosp, ICU and vent numbers (5/7 aft QN) carrying hosp, ICU and vent numbers (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A+,, 20200508,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,27115,,,,,,,5899,21216,,447,,130,,91,,825,304,,,05/07 0:00,05/08 15:32,RS,REB,"(5/7 aft QN) carrying hosp, ICU and vent numbers (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A+,, 20200507,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,25856,,,,,,,5654,20202,,447,,130,,91,,825,285,,,05/06 0:00,05/07 14:43,QN,RS,"(5/7 aft QN) carrying hosp, ICU and vent numbers (5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A+,, 20200506,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,24984,,,,,,,5461,19523,,447,,130,,91,,808,277,,,05/05 0:00,05/06 14:24,AW,DPT,"(5/6 aft AW) carrying hosp, ICU, and vent numbers (5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A+,, 20200505,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,24329,,,,,,,5322,19007,,447,,130,,91,,667,264,,,05/04 0:00,05/05 16:30,RS,REB,"(5/5 aft RS) We had a mistake from Reporting yesterday, causing us to mistakenly report deaths as 284. This has been fixed in the historical data. (5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A+,, 20200504,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,23795,,,,,,,5170,18625,,447,,130,,91,,666,258,,,05/03 0:00,05/04 16:14,RS,MM,"(5/4 aft MM/RS) Deaths, host from reporting (5/3) Curr. Hosp #s from Presser: (4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A+,, 20200503,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,23102,,,,,,,5016,18086,,,,,,,,666,251,,,05/02 0:00,05/03 16:11,RS,KP ,"(4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",B,, 20200502,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,22004,,,,,,,4797,17207,,,,,,,,666,240,,,05/01 0:00,,,,"(4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",B,, 20200501,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,21135,,,,,,,4658,16477,,,,,,,,666,231,,,04/30 0:00,05/01 16:20,ESK,AW,"(4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",B,, 20200430,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,20079,,,,,,,4323,15756,,,,,,,,660,224,,,04/30 0:00,05/01 16:20,ESK,AW,"(4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",B,, 20200429,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,19229,,,,,,,4106,15123,,,,,,,,660,205,,,04/29 0:00,04/30 10:06,ERG,AFG,"(4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",B,, 20200428,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,18885,,,,,,,3994,14891,,,,,,,,660,190,,,04/27 0:00,04/28 15:18,RS,LH,"(4/28 mor ERG) removied curr hosp bc last update was 4/20 (4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",B,, 20200427,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,18416,,,,,,,3892,14524,,402,,,,,,659,185,,,04/26 0:00,04/27 15:03,ESK,RS,"(4/27 ESK) removed hosp numbers do to no recent source PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",B,, 20200426,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,18068,,,,,,,3841,14227,,402,,120,,69,,657,178,,,04/25 0:00,04/26 15:04,RS,KP,"(4/25 aft QN/RS) All hospitalization data not updated since 4/20 (4/24 Aft RS) Reduced Vent #s because the previous source used is not Covid specific (4/24 eve SB) Clarification RE reduced vent numbers: the current number is a reversion to a previous value from reporting (4/20 mor AFG) Current hospitalization numbers from Reporting PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",B,, 20200425,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,17302,,,,,,,3699,13603,,402,,120,,69,,652,165,,,04/24 0:00,04/25 15:02,RS,QN,"(4/25 aft QN/RS) All hospitalization data not updated since 4/20 (4/24 Aft RS) Reduced Vent #s because the previous source used is not Covid specific (4/24 eve SB) Clarification RE reduced vent numbers: the current number is a reversion to a previous value from reporting (4/20 mor AFG) Current hospitalization numbers from Reporting PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",B,, 20200424,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,16533,,,,,,,3528,13005,,402,,120,,69,,651,153,,,04/23 0:00,,,,"(4/24 Aft RS) Reduced Vent #s because the previous source used is not Covid specific (4/24 eve SB) Clarification RE reduced vent numbers: the current number is a reversion to a previous value from reporting (4/20 mor AFG) Current hospitalization numbers from Reporting PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A,, 20200423,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,15930,,,,,,,3361,12569,,402,,120,,200,,648,139,,,04/22 0:00,,,,"(4/23 mor ALF) New source for ventilator usage only at Have updated Source Note and put link in Other. (4/20 mor AFG) Current hospitalization numbers from Reporting PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A,, 20200422,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,15502,,,,,,,3206,12296,,402,,120,,69,,645,127,,,04/21 0:00,,,,"(4/20 mor AFG) Current hospitalization numbers from Reporting PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A,, 20200421,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,14939,,,,,,,3098,11841,,402,,120,,69,,636,112,,,04/20 0:00,,,,"(4/20 mor AFG) Current hospitalization numbers from Reporting PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A,, 20200420,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,14113,,,,,,,2927,11186,,402,,120,,69,,630,105,,,04/19 0:00,,,,"(4/20 mor AFG) Current hospitalization numbers from Reporting PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A,, 20200419,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,13699,,,,,,,2793,10906,,313,,105,,79,,622,96,,,04/18 0:00,,,,"(4/18 PR) hosp not updated PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A,, 20200418,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,13268,,,,,,,2666,10602,,313,,105,,79,,608,91,,,04/17 0:00,,,,"(4/18 PR) hosp not updated PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A,, 20200417,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,12643,,,,,,,2476,10167,,313,,105,,79,,573,86,,,04/16 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (4/15 aft AW/ESK) Based on available data, it appears the negatives from 4/14 were incorrect or DC changed historical data. Will need to clean up previous entries; curr hsop, ICU, and vent #s from 4/15 presser using 4/15 0:00 as timestamp for presser",A,, 20200416,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,12150,,,,,,,2350,9800,,313,,105,,79,,552,81,,,04/15 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (4/15 aft AW/ESK) Based on available data, it appears the negatives from 4/14 were incorrect or DC changed historical data. Will need to clean up previous entries; curr hsop, ICU, and vent #s from 4/15 presser using 4/15 0:00 as timestamp for presser",A,, 20200415,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,11525,,,,,,,2197,9328,,313,,105,,79,,530,72,,,04/15 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. (4/15 aft AW/ESK) Based on available data, it appears the negatives from 4/14 were incorrect or DC changed historical data. Will need to clean up previous entries; curr hsop, ICU, and vent #s from 4/15 presser using 4/15 0:00 as timestamp for presser",A,, 20200414,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,11284,,,,,,,2058,9226,,295,,95,,31,,518,67,,,04/14 0:00,04/15 10:08,LAW,AFG,"(4/13 aft AW): curr hosp, ICU, and vent #s from 4/13 presser, or see data entry thread: Using 4/13 00:00 as timestamp for presser as couldnt find exact time. Deaths also updated in presser (53 vs. the 52 reported on site) (4/11 eve RV) The formula for Negatives was using a cell reference instead of a hard-coded number. Updated for consistency with other states. PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A,, 20200413,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,10934,,,,,,,1955,8979,,295,,95,,31,,507,53,,,04/13 0:00,,,,"(4/13 aft AW): curr hosp, ICU, and vent #s from 4/13 presser, or see data entry thread: Using 4/13 00:00 as timestamp for presser as couldnt find exact time. Deaths also updated in presser (53 vs. the 52 reported on site) (4/11 eve RV) The formula for Negatives was using a cell reference instead of a hard-coded number. Updated for consistency with other states. PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A,, 20200412,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,10640,,,,,,,1875,8765,,,,,,,,493,50,,,04/11 0:00,,,,"(4/11 eve RV) The formula for Negatives was using a cell reference instead of a hard-coded number. Updated for consistency with other states. PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A,, 20200411,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,10039,,,,,,,1778,8261,,,,,,,,447,47,,,04/10 10:00,04/11 23:01,BL,RV,"(4/11 eve RV) The formula for Negatives was using a cell reference instead of a hard-coded number. Updated for consistency with other states. PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A,, 20200410,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,9355,,,,,,,1660,7695,,,,,,,,426,38,,,04/10 10:00,04/11 23:01,BL,RV,"(4/11 eve RV) The formula for Negatives was using a cell reference instead of a hard-coded number. Updated for consistency with other states. PROCESS: Note, the 10am page update throws the URL flag. Do not update with values from the page; use only values from the embedded dashboard, which is not updated immediately. ",A,, 20200409,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,8724,,,,,,,1523,7201,,,,,,,,393,32,,,04/08 0:00,04/09 22:52,AJM,,,A,, 20200408,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,8283,,,,,,,1440,6843,,,,,,,,361,27,,,04/07 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200407,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,7823,,,,,,,1211,6612,,,,,,,,318,22,,,04/06 0:00,,,,"(4/7 RS Aft) DC revised down deaths from 24 to 22. (4/7 morning ALF) Data in text at top of page is different from embedded dashboard lower down on page. Using data from embedded dashboard. (4/7 morning RMD) total deaths went down from 24 to 22, Page shows 22 at top but 24 middle of page (4/04 aft PJR) Page's timestamp updated to 4/3, leaving Local Time unchanged",A,, 20200406,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,7453,,,,,,,1097,6356,,,,,,,,287,24,,,04/05 0:00,,,,"(4/04 aft PJR) Page's timestamp updated to 4/3, leaving Local Time unchanged",A,, 20200405,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,6834,,,,,,,998,5836,,,,,,,,258,22,,,04/04 0:00,,,,"(4/04 aft PJR) Page's timestamp updated to 4/3, leaving Local Time unchanged",A,, 20200404,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,6438,,,,,,,902,5536,,,,,,,,235,21,,,04/03 0:00,,,,"(4/04 aft PJR) Page's timestamp updated to 4/3, leaving Local Time unchanged (4/03 morning ATS) - No update time listed for 4/2 data so assuming 4/3 00:00 (4/02 morning LRA) - DC hasn't reported negatives for the last two days, so we calculated negatives as total minus positives. Also removed the ""2 pending"" as that is now from 3/30 when DC did report all numbers",A,, 20200403,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,5584,,,,,,,757,4827,,,,,,,,206,15,,,04/03 0:00,,,,"(4/04 aft PJR) Page's timestamp updated to 4/3, leaving Local Time unchanged (4/03 morning ATS) - No update time listed for 4/2 data so assuming 4/3 00:00 (4/02 morning LRA) - DC hasn't reported negatives for the last two days, so we calculated negatives as total minus positives. Also removed the ""2 pending"" as that is now from 3/30 when DC did report all numbers",A,, 20200402,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,5070,,,,,,,653,4417,,,,,,,,173,12,,,04/02 9:00,,,,"(4/02 morning LRA) - DC hasn't reported negatives for the last two days, so we calculated negatives as total minus positives. Also removed the ""2 pending"" as that is now from 3/30 when DC did report all numbers",A,, 20200401,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,3848,,,,,,,586,3262,2,,,,,,,142,11,,,03/31 21:24,,,,,A,, 20200331,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,3757,,,,,,,495,3262,2,,,,,,,121,9,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,3083,,,,,,,401,2682,2,,,,,,,106,9,,,03/29 20:45,,,,,A,, 20200329,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,2811,,,,,,,342,2469,1,,,,,,,66,5,,,03/28 19:45,,,,,A,, 20200328,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,2515,,,,,,,304,2211,1,,,,,,,51,4,,,03/27 20:30,,,,,A,, 20200327,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,2164,,,,,,,267,1897,2,,,,,,,49,3,,,03/26 19:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,1857,,,,,,,231,1626,1,,,,,,,21,3,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,1606,,,,,,,183,1423,3,,,,,,,,2,,,03/24 19:30,,,,,A,, 20200324,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,1332,,,,,,,137,1195,2,,,,,,,,2,,,03/23 19:30,,,,,A,, 20200323,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,1229,,,,,,,116,1113,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/22 19:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,1055,,,,,,,98,957,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/21 19:30,,,,,,, 20200321,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,583,,,,,,,77,506,0,,,,,,,,1,,,03/20 20:00,,,,,,, 20200320,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,572,,,,,,,71,501,1,,,,,,,,1,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,192,,,,,,,39,153,11,,,,,,,,0,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,169,,,,,,,31,138,1,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 19:00,,,,,,, 20200317,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,126,,,,,,,22,104,0,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 19:00,,,,,,, 20200316,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,113,,,,,,,17,96,7,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:36,,,,,,, 20200315,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,95,,,,,,,16,79,20,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 19:30,,,,,,, 20200314,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,59,,,,,,,10,49,10,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 19:00,,,,,,, 20200313,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,,,,,,,10,20,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 17:45,,,,,,, 20200312,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,,,,,,,10,20,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 17:45,,,,,,, 20200311,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,25,,,,,,,5,20,15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,22,,,,,,,5,17,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,15,,,,,,,1,14,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,,,,,,,1,10,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,0,8,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,0,8,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,DC,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,,0,6,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16431,998,236849,17429,219420,,58,,16,,,,9381,605,533,72,08/30 18:00,08/31 16:45,JNG,RSG,"PROCESS: Cum hosp query at this link (8/27 QN) Decrease in total cases from prior entry (7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16346,997,234661,17343,217318,,55,,16,,,,9318,604,533,71,08/29 18:00,08/30 17:35,ESK,HMH,"PROCESS: Cum hosp query at this link (8/27 QN) Decrease in total cases from prior entry (7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16336,1013,232884,17349,215535,,61,,14,,,,9271,604,533,71,08/28 18:00,08/29 15:41,SB,HMH,"(8/27 QN) Decrease in total cases from prior entry (7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16092,991,231041,17083,213958,,57,,12,,,,9156,604,533,71,08/27 18:00,08/28 15:40,SPA,BSL,"(8/27 QN) Decrease in total cases from prior entry (7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15987,989,228059,16976,211083,,57,,15,,,,9101,604,533,71,08/26 18:00,08/27 16:14,XMH,QN,"(8/27 QN) Decrease in total cases from prior entry (7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15991,995,227095,16986,210109,,50,,13,,,,9050,604,533,71,08/25 18:00,08/26 16:12,JNG,DZL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15960,1002,225328,16962,208366,,40,,12,,,,9010,603,531,72,08/24 18:00,08/25 17:05,JAG,DZL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15930,1012,223501,16942,206559,,38,,7,,,,8972,604,532,72,08/23 18:00,08/24 16:10,KAT,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15881,1014,221845,16895,204950,,44,,8,,,,8936,600,531,69,08/22 18:00,08/23 17:12,TCD,HMH,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15820,1008,219876,16828,203048,,44,,11,,,,8923,600,531,69,08/21 18:00,08/22 17:01,TCD,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15766,1004,218008,16770,201238,,37,,10,,,,8839,600,531,69,08/20 18:00,08/21 17:02,TCD,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15714,1004,216956,16718,200238,,40,,10,,,,8809,595,526,69,08/19 18:00,08/20 15:38,GET,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15639,1004,214869,16643,198226,,32,,7,,,,8780,595,526,69,08/18 18:00,08/19 16:31,GET,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15589,1004,213845,16593,197252,,32,,7,,,,8749,593,524,69,08/17 18:00,08/18 16:07,BHP,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15532,1004,212638,16536,196102,,29,,7,,,,8713,593,524,69,08/16 18:00,08/17 17:18,SPA,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15448,1003,210385,16451,193934,,30,,8,,,,8671,593,524,69,08/15 18:00,08/16 15:36,JJO,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15392,1004,208761,16396,192365,,32,,10,,,,8649,593,524,69,08/14 18:00,08/15 15:46,JJO,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15340,1000,207475,16340,191135,,38,,10,,,,8613,593,524,69,08/13 18:00,08/14 15:32,GET,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14968,999,205628,15967,189661,,37,,10,,,,8587,593,524,69,08/12 18:00,08/13 15:37,GET,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14700,999,202200,15699,186501,,35,,13,,,,8519,591,521,70,08/11 18:00,08/12 17:02,GET,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14700,999,202200,15699,186501,,35,,13,,,,8519,591,521,70,08/10 18:00,08/11 16:09,PK,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14636,998,200672,15634,185038,,34,,12,,,,8500,591,521,70,08/09 18:00,08/10 17:06,GET,SB,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14576,999,198119,15575,182544,,36,,11,,,,8449,591,521,70,08/08 18:00,08/09 15:38,TCD,HMH,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14502,1000,195894,15502,180392,,36,,11,,,,8416,590,520,70,08/07 18:00,08/08 15:38,RRI,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14447,998,194784,15445,179339,,37,,15,,,,8392,588,518,70,08/06 18:00,8/07 15:40,GET,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14368,997,192703,15365,177338,,45,,15,,,,8365,587,517,70,08/05 18:00,8/06 15:37,GET,HMH,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14299,997,190700,15296,175404,,47,,4,,,,8339,587,517,70,08/04 18:00,8/05 15:44,GET,DZL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14140,997,189308,15137,174171,,42,,11,,,,8303,587,517,70,08/03 18:00,8/04 15:40,CRG,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/4 17:46, 20200803,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14058,997,187659,15055,172604,,40,,9,,,,8267,585,515,70,08/02 18:00,8/03 15:56,CKW,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13952,997,184911,14949,169962,,43,,8,,,,8235,585,515,70,08/01 18:00,8/02 17:59,CRG,HMH,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13880,997,182896,14877,168019,,45,,18,,,,8212,585,515,70,07/31 18:00,8/01 15:39,TCD,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13791,997,181047,14788,166259,,46,,11,,,,8179,585,515,70,07/30 18:00,07/31 15:41,EDS,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200730,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13692,997,178863,14689,164174,,69,,11,,,,8140,581,511,70,07/29 18:00,07/30 15:46,CRG,RSG,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200729,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13606,996,177016,14602,162414,,68,,15,,,,8108,581,511,70,07/28 18:00,07/29 15:40,DZL,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200728,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13480,996,174623,14476,160147,,62,,14,,,,8076,580,510,70,07/27 18:00,07/28 15:37,ETW,HMH,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200727,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13410,,173059,14406,158653,,63,,18,,,,8035,579,509,70,07/26 18:00,07/27 16:18,SB,QN,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200726,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13294,,169993,14290,155703,,57,,9,,,,7996,579,509,70,07/25 18:00,07/26 15:43,CRG,BSL,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200725,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13179,,166922,14175,152747,,55,,11,,,,7961,579,509,70,07/24 18:00,07/25 16:10,JJO,BHP,"(7/25 JJO) Decrease in Total Cases & Confirmed Cases from prior entry. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200724,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13205,,164326,14202,150124,,55,,9,,,,7936,578,508,70,07/23 18:00,07/24 15:41,ALT,HMH,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200723,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12933,,162351,13924,148427,,56,,7,,,,7893,529,471,58,07/22 18:00,07/23 15:59,EDS,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200722,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12804,,159433,13792,145641,,61,,7,,,,7859,527,469,58,07/21 18:00,07/22 15:39,RSG,HMH,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200721,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12763,,158347,13746,144601,,58,,11,,,,7362,525,467,58,07/20 18:00,07/21 15:41,HMH,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200720,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12537,,152995,13519,139476,,47,,9,,,,7362,523,465,58,07/19 18:00,07/20 16:46,SMG,RS,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200719,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12537,,152995,13519,139476,,47,,9,,,,7362,523,465,58,07/18 18:00,07/19 15:40,JJO,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200718,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12447,,150757,13429,137328,,51,,8,,,,7362,523,465,58,07/17 18:00,07/18 15:39,DCC,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200717,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12355,,148610,13337,135273,,55,,7,,,,7315,521,463,58,07/16 18:00,07/17 15:40,RRI,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200716,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12131,,144870,13114,131756,,50,,8,,,,7269,521,463,58,07/15 18:00,07/16 15:49,ATS,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200715,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12069,,143388,13050,130338,,51,,11,,,,7236,521,463,58,07/14 18:00,07/15 15:06,RSG,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200714,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11989,,139363,12969,128631,,48,,10,,,,7184,518,460,58,07/13 18:00,07/14 15:33,JJO,REB,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200713,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11898,,139363,12879,126484,,49,,12,,,,7139,517,459,58,07/12 18:00,07/13 15:12,SB,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200712,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11823,,137409,12804,124605,,58,,10,,,,7120,517,459,58,07/11 18:00,07/12 15:17,SB,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200711,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11699,,134115,12743,121372,,65,,13,,,,7002,517,460,57,07/10 18:00,07/11 15:11,CB-M,BML,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200710,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11608,,132708,12652,120056,,58,,11,,,,6949,517,460,57,07/09 18:00,07/10 15:10,GET,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200709,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11487,,130205,12531,117674,,63,,12,,,,6901,517,460,57,07/08 18:00,07/09 15:15,GET,QN,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200708,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11418,,129034,12462,116572,,57,,11,,,,6851,515,458,57,07/07 18:00,07/08 15:28,GET,HMH,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200707,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11370,,128685,12414,116271,,56,,15,,,,6815,514,457,57,07/06 18:00,07/07 15:11,CB-M,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200706,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11249,,127179,12293,114886,,54,,15,,,,6778,512,455,57,07/05 18:00,07/06 15:16,CKW,SB,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200705,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11084,,123941,12128,111813,,53,,15,,,,6740,512,455,57,07/04 18:00,07/05 15:10,DZL,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200704,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10952,,120693,11996,108697,,54,,13,,,,6711,512,455,57,07/03 18:00,07/04 15:09,JJO,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200703,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10879,,118343,11923,106420,,57,,13,,,,6692,512,455,57,07/02 18:00,07/03 15:14,GET,BML,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200702,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10687,,114918,11731,103187,,67,,16,,,,6678,510,453,57,07/01 18:00,07/02 15:16,ENT,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200701,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10466,,111384,11510,99874,,68,,13,,,,6676,509,451,58,06/30 18:00,07/01 15:15,RSG,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200630,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10430,,110881,11474,99407,,64,,13,,,,6667,509,451,58,06/29 18:00,06/30 15:30,ASL,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200629,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10306,,109931,11376,98555,,72,,15,,,,6665,507,449,58,06/28 18:00,06/29 15:10,CKW,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200628,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10162,,106346,11226,95120,,78,,14,,,,6665,507,449,58,06/27 18:00,06/28 16:24,BSL,REB,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200627,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10047,,104262,11091,93171,,83,,15,,,,6665,507,449,58,06/27 0:00,06/27 15:10,DCC,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A+,, 20200626,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9972,,102100,11017,91083,,78,,,,,,6661,507,449,58,06/25 18:00,06/26 15:13,CB-M,RS,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200625,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9925,,100992,10980,90012,,93,,,,,,6646,507,449,58,06/24 18:00,06/25 15:33,SMG,QN,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200624,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9834,,98201,10889,87312,,85,,,,,,6598,505,447,58,06/23 18:00,06/24 15:22,HMH,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200623,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9792,,97536,10847,86689,,91,,,,,,6554,504,446,58,06/22 18:00,06/23 15:15,AJC,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200622,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9764,,96723,10820,85903,,89,,,,,,6459,504,446,58,06/21 18:00,06/22 15:10,CKW,HMH,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200621,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9724,,94974,10775,84199,,79,,,,,,6459,504,446,58,06/20 18:00,06/21 15:07,SNW,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200620,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9632,,92416,10681,81735,,75,,,,,,6395,504,446,58,06/19 18:00,06/20 15:07,SB,BSL,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200619,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9580,,90434,10611,79823,,75,,,,,,6395,504,446,58,06/18 6:00,06/19 15:09,CB-M,RS,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200618,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9524,,88684,10499,78185,,79,,,,,,6350,502,444,58,06/17 18:00,06/18 15:17,SMS,RS,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200617,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9470,,86593,10444,76143,,83,,,,,,6305,502,444,58,06/16 18:00,06/17 15:47,BSL,JAC,"(6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200616,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9429,,86074,10403,75671,,87,,,,,,6256,499,441,58,06/15 18:00,06/16 15:13,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use the linked dashboard to find all data. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200615,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9378,,84686,10340,74346,,88,,,,,,6172,498,440,58,06/14 18:00,06/15 15:03,RSG,AFG,"PROCESS: 1. Use the linked dashboard to find all data. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200614,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9313,,81787,10264,71523,,93,,,,,,6172,496,438,58,06/13 18:00,06/14 14:50,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Use the linked dashboard to find all data. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200613,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9278,,80099,10229,69870,,93,,,,,,6116,495,437,58,06/12 18:00,06/13 14:41,SB,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Use the linked dashboard to find all data. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200612,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9222,,77694,10173,67521,,100,,,,,,6062,494,436,58,06/11 18:00,06/12 14:59,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use the linked dashboard to find all data. (6/12 BSL) Decrease in cumulative deaths (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200611,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9158,,74033,10106,63927,,109,,,,,,6001,494,436,58,06/10 18:00,06/11 14:46,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use the linked dashboard to find all data. (6/11 HMH) DE now reports probable cases and probable deaths in addition to comfirmed. Edited source notes to reflect that total cases and deaths should now both be formulas. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200610,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71745,10056,61689,,108,,,,,,5939,493,435,58,06/09 18:00,06/10 14:41,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use the linked dashboard to find all data. (6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200609,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70753,10020,60733,,108,,,,,,5888,492,434,58,06/08 18:00,06/09 14:52,NRC,RS,"(6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200608,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69947,9972,59975,,113,,,,,,5791,490,432,58,06/07 18:00,06/08 14:38,ETW,RS,"(6/8 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200607,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68997,9942,59055,,103,,,,,,5792,488,430,58,06/06 18:00,06/07 14:30,SB,KP,"(5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200606,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67635,9845,57790,,117,,,,,,5696,485,427,58,06/05 18:00,06/06 14:11,BSL,QN,"(5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200605,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66729,9773,56956,,128,,,,,,5631,485,427,58,06/04 18:00,06/05 14:16,REB,RS,"(5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200604,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65909,9746,56163,,142,,,,,,5562,483,425,58,06/03 18:00,06/04 16:13,JAC,PR,"(5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200603,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64920,9712,55208,,153,,,,,,5493,475,418,57,06/02 18:00,06/03 15:26,ETW,RS,"(5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200602,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64062,9685,54377,,157,,,,,,5442,471,414,57,06/01 18:00,06/02 15:59,RS,CML,"(5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200601,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62447,9605,52842,,159,,,,,,5353,471,414,57,05/31 18:00,06/01 16:12,RS,MM,"(5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200531,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60671,9498,51173,,160,,,,,,5266,468,411,57,05/30 18:00,05/31 17:13,BL,SB,"(5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200530,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59329,9422,49907,,174,,,,,,5205,466,409,57,05/29 18:00,05/30 14:16,CML,RS,"(5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200529,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57533,9236,48297,,183,,,,,,5103,463,406,57,05/28 18:00,05/29 15:27,G-S,SPA,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. State dashboard is outdated, pull data from main state page instead. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200528,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56801,9171,47630,,192,,,,,,5010,459,402,57,05/27 18:00,05/28 15:16,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. State dashboard is outdated, pull data from main state page instead. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200527,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55421,9096,46325,,196,,,,,,4909,453,397,56,05/26 18:00,05/27 14:46,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. State dashboard is outdated, pull data from main state page instead. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",A,, 20200526,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54914,9066,45848,,201,,,,,,4802,444,389,55,05/25 18:00,05/26 14:34,MM,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. State dashboard is outdated, pull data from main state page instead. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",B,, 20200525,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53896,8965,44931,,205,,,,,,4693,436,382,54,05/24 18:00,05/25 14:07,ESK,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. State dashboard is outdated, pull data from main state page instead. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",B,, 20200524,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51870,8809,43061,,211,,,,,,4598,431,377,54,05/23 18:00,05/24 14:18,QN,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. State dashboard is outdated, pull data from main state page instead. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",B,, 20200523,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50534,8690,41844,,210,,,,,,4454,425,371,54,05/22 18:00,05/23 14:22,REB,BL,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. State dashboard is outdated, pull data from main state page instead. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",B,, 20200522,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48986,8529,40457,,221,,,,,,4296,420,367,53,05/21 18:00,05/22 16:50,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. State dashboard is outdated, pull data from main state page instead. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",B,, 20200521,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47542,8386,39156,,220,,,,,,4130,417,364,53,05/20 18:00,05/21 16:07,RS,PR,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. (5/20 RSB) Note: Dashboard hasn't updated since 5/7, use coronavirus page (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO",B,, 20200520,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45412,8194,37218,,220,,,,,,3965,414,362,52,05/19 18:00,05/20 16:19,RSB,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. (5/20 RSB) Note: Dashboard hasn't updated since 5/7, use coronavirus page (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO (4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day""",B,, 20200519,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44132,8037,36095,,236,,,,,,3760,408,357,51,05/18 18:00,05/19 16:15,MM,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO (4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day""",B,, 20200518,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42458,7869,34589,,240,,,,,,3545,399,351,48,05/17 18:00,05/18 16:10,RS,PR,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO (4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day""",B,, 20200517,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40865,7670,33195,,229,,,,,,3478,392,345,47,05/17 11:57,05/17 17:12,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO (4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day""",B,, 20200516,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39758,7547,32211,,250,,,,,,3367,383,336,47,05/15 18:00,05/16 16:55,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO (4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day""",B,, 20200515,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38278,7373,30905,,269,,,,,,3210,373,327,46,05/14 18:00,05/15 16:32,MM,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO (4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day""",B,, 20200514,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34753,7223,29634,,273,,,,,,3080,362,318,44,05/13 18:00,05/14 16:20,RS,AFG,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. (5/14 MM) removing ICU/vent from here. Need to add to FL (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO (4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day""",B,, 20200513,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33291,6952,27801,,282,,,,,,2942,351,308,43,05/12 18:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO (4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day""",B,, 20200512,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6741,26550,,276,,,,,,2802,334,296,38,05/11 18:00,05/12 14:57,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. (5/11 PR) ICU / Vent from presser per KO (4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day""",B,, 20200511,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6565,25363,,275,,,,,,2619,324,288,36,05/10 18:00,05/11 15:27,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering. (4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day""",B,, 20200510,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6447,24592,,285,,,,,,2537,312,277,35,05/10 12:03,05/10 16:37,G-S,KP,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200509,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6277,23019,,288,,,,,,2450,301,268,33,05/08 18:00,05/09 15:58,SLW,QN,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200508,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6111,22153,,289,,,,,,2288,297,264,33,05/07 18:00,05/08 16:32,REB,RS,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200507,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5939,21387,,285,,,,,,2110,285,253,32,05/06 18:00,05/07 14:18,PR,RS,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200506,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5778,20690,,299,,,,,,2008,269,237,32,05/05 18:00,05/06 14:16,AW,DPT,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200505,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5371,19309,,284,,,,,,1847,266,235,31,05/04 18:00,05/05 16:47,RS,REB,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200504,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5288,18822,,281,,,,,,1716,255,226,29,05/03 18:00,05/04 16:28,RS,MM,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200503,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5208,18529,,284,,,,,,1640,246,220,26,05/02 18:00,,,,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200502,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5038,18074,,300,,,,,,1546,235,209,26,05/02 9:10,,,,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200501,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4918,17667,,281,,,,,,1403,222,197,25,05/01 13:15,05/01 14:31,ESK,MM,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200430,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4734,17086,,296,,,,,,1275,210,185,25,04/30 12:10,,,,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200429,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4655,16883,,326,,,,,,1173,204,179,25,04/28 18:00,,,,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200428,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4575,16605,,337,,,,,,1096,192,170,22,04/27 18:00,04/28 14:14,RS,LH,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200427,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4162,15454,,325,,,,,,996,181,159,22,04/26 18:00,,,,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200426,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4034,15215,,317,,,,,,911,168,147,21,04/25 18:00,,,,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200425,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3576,14122,,300,,,,,,809,155,136,19,04/24 18:00,04/25 15:13,RS,QN,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",B,, 20200424,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3442,13937,,277,,,,,,703,147,128,19,04/23 18:00,04/24 23:01,SB,,"(4/24 eve SB) Freshness check, nothing changed (4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",A,, 20200423,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3308,13604,,290,,,,,,643,131,114,17,04/22 18:00,,,,"(4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",A,, 20200422,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3200,13353,,269,,,,,,599,117,103,14,04/21 18:00,,,,"(4/22 aft PR) Revised -ves down (4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",A,, 20200421,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2931,12935,,263,,,,,,565,104,92,12,04/20 18:00,,,,"(4/21 aft AW) note state revised negatives downward. Per KP, leaving the old number for now-- if the negative number continues to be lower thru the evening and 4/22 morn shift, we may revise. Also New timestamp note: ""data are current as of 6 Pm previous day"" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",A,, 20200420,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2745,12508,,256,,,,,,495,99,89,10,04/20 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",A,, 20200419,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2538,12256,,249,,,,,,466,90,80,10,04/18 17:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",A,, 20200418,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2323,11694,,224,,,,,,423,86,77,9,04/17 17:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",A,, 20200417,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2323,11694,,224,,,,,,423,76,67,9,04/17 17:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",A,, 20200416,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2075,11275,,209,,,,,,378,70,61,9,04/16 16:00,,,,"(4/10 JL Evening)** The dashboard states Negatives = 9089, changed to lower negative to be consistant with the site per EK (even though previous screenshot was a higher number). There's a note about the negative numbers in the dashboard: ""*Data are preliminary and only represent persons who tested negative based on negative test results that have been reported to the Delaware Division of Public Health. Multiple negative tests per person are counted once."" PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So you are not in EST, translate from local time to EST before entering.",A,, 20200415,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2014,11088,,208,,,,,,354,67,59,8,04/15 16:15,,,,"(4/10 JL Evening)** The dashboard states Negatives = 9089, changed to lower negative to be consistant with the site per EK (even though previous screenshot was a higher number). There's a note about the negative numbers in the dashboard: ""*Data are preliminary and only represent persons who tested negative based on negative test results that have been reported to the Delaware Division of Public Health. Multiple negative tests per person are counted once.""",A,, 20200414,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1761,10543,,204,,,,,,277,60,53,7,04/14 17:45,,,,"(4/10 JL Evening)** The dashboard states Negatives = 9089, changed to lower negative to be consistant with the site per EK (even though previous screenshot was a higher number). There's a note about the negative numbers in the dashboard: ""*Data are preliminary and only represent persons who tested negative based on negative test results that have been reported to the Delaware Division of Public Health. Multiple negative tests per person are counted once.""",A,, 20200413,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1625,10195,,201,,,,,,213,53,47,6,04/13 17:00,04/14 14:52,REB,MC,"(4/10 JL Evening)** The dashboard states Negatives = 9089, changed to lower negative to be consistant with the site per EK (even though previous screenshot was a higher number). There's a note about the negative numbers in the dashboard: ""*Data are preliminary and only represent persons who tested negative based on negative test results that have been reported to the Delaware Division of Public Health. Multiple negative tests per person are counted once.""",A,, 20200412,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1479,9624,,190,,,,,,191,48,42,6,04/11 13:30,04/12 14:28,JL,RS,"(4/10 JL Evening)** The dashboard states Negatives = 9089, changed to lower negative to be consistant with the site per EK (even though previous screenshot was a higher number). There's a note about the negative numbers in the dashboard: ""*Data are preliminary and only represent persons who tested negative based on negative test results that have been reported to the Delaware Division of Public Health. Multiple negative tests per person are counted once.""",A,, 20200411,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1479,9624,,190,,,,,,191,43,37,6,04/11 13:30,04/12 14:28,JL,RS,"(4/10 JL Evening)** The dashboard states Negatives = 9089, changed to lower negative to be consistant with the site per EK (even though previous screenshot was a higher number). There's a note about the negative numbers in the dashboard: ""*Data are preliminary and only represent persons who tested negative based on negative test results that have been reported to the Delaware Division of Public Health. Multiple negative tests per person are counted once.""",A,, 20200410,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1326,10415,,181,,,,,,177,36,30,6,04/10 14:00,,,,"(4/10 JL Evening)** The dashboard states Negatives = 9089, changed to lower negative to be consistant with the site per EK (even though previous screenshot was a higher number). There's a note about the negative numbers in the dashboard: ""*Data are preliminary and only represent persons who tested negative based on negative test results that have been reported to the Delaware Division of Public Health. Multiple negative tests per person are counted once.""",A,, 20200409,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1207,8683,,201,,,,,,173,34,28,6,04/09 17:00,04/09 22:55,JL,QN,,A,, 20200408,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,928,7628,,147,,,,,,144,32,27,5,04/07 16:30,04/08 14:54,AW,RS,"(4/7 RS) Previous shift had error for Recovered. Fixed to report what state is reporting. Also, the state's data was updated, but they did not update their timestamp, so entered 4/7 0:00. (4/2 RS Aft) Current hospitalization # not listed on site / could not confirm (4/2 ESK) hosp reported on state is fluctuating - I am assuming this is current so I am updating. DE was not caught by urlwatch",A,, 20200407,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,928,7628,,147,,,,,,144,28,23,5,04/07 16:30,04/08 14:54,AW,RS,"(4/7 RS) Previous shift had error for Recovered. Fixed to report what state is reporting. Also, the state's data was updated, but they did not update their timestamp, so entered 4/7 0:00. (4/2 RS Aft) Current hospitalization # not listed on site / could not confirm (4/2 ESK) hosp reported on state is fluctuating - I am assuming this is current so I am updating. DE was not caught by urlwatch",A,, 20200406,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,673,6321,,101,,,,,,71,24,20,4,04/05 3:30,04/06 15:04,MC,JJ/PR," (4/2 RS Aft) Current hospitalization # not listed on site / could not confirm (4/2 ESK) hosp reported on state is fluctuating - I am assuming this is current so I am updating. DE was not caught by urlwatch",A,, 20200405,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,673,6321,,101,,,,,,71,19,16,3,04/05 12:30,04/06 10:21,MM,ALF," (4/2 RS Aft) Current hospitalization # not listed on site / could not confirm (4/2 ESK) hosp reported on state is fluctuating - I am assuming this is current so I am updating. DE was not caught by urlwatch",C,, 20200404,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,593,5874,,95,,,,,,71,17,16,1,04/04 13:45,,,,"(4/3 morning RMD): the Local Time states 4/2 16:45, but on the website I only see 4/2 13:45 (4/2 RS Aft) Current hospitalization # not listed on site / could not confirm (4/2 ESK) hosp reported on state is fluctuating - I am assuming this is current so I am updating. DE was not caught by urlwatch",C,, 20200403,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,450,4995,,63,,,,,,71,17,16,1,04/03 0:00,,,,"(4/3 morning RMD): the Local Time states 4/2 16:45, but on the website I only see 4/2 13:45 (4/2 RS Aft) Current hospitalization # not listed on site / could not confirm (4/2 ESK) hosp reported on state is fluctuating - I am assuming this is current so I am updating. DE was not caught by urlwatch",C,, 20200402,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,393,4566,,56,,,,,,49,16,15,1,04/02 16:45,04/03 10:33,RMD,ALF,"(4/3 morning RMD): the Local Time states 4/2 16:45, but on the website I only see 4/2 13:45 (4/2 RS Aft) Current hospitalization # not listed on site / could not confirm (4/2 ESK) hosp reported on state is fluctuating - I am assuming this is current so I am updating. DE was not caught by urlwatch",C,, 20200401,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,368,4015,,51,,,,,,49,13,13,0,04/01 12:30,,,,,C,, 20200331,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,319,3696,,57,,,,,,22,12,12,0,03/31 16:00,,,,,C,, 20200330,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,264,2216,,45,,,,,,9,11,11,0,03/30 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200329,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,232,36,,33,,,,,,9,10,10,0,03/29 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200328,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,214,36,,31,,,,,,9,9,9,0,03/28 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200327,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,163,36,,15,,,,,,9,5,5,0,03/27 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200326,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,130,36,,13,,,,,,4,3,3,0,03/26 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200325,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,115,36,,11,,,,,,,2,2,0,03/25 12:00,,,,,C,, 20200324,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91,36,,,,,,,,,1,1,0,03/24 10:45,,,,,C,, 20200323,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68,36,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,03/23 11:15,,,,,C,, 20200322,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56,36,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,03/22 16:15,,,,,,, 20200321,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45,36,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,03/21 15:15,,,,,,, 20200320,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38,36,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,03/20 10:00,,,,,,, 20200319,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,36,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,03/19 12:00,,,,,,, 20200318,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25,36,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,03/18 11:30,,,,,,, 20200317,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16,36,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,03/16 11:40,,,,,,, 20200316,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,36,32,,,,,,,,0,0,0,03/16 15:37,,,,,,, 20200315,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,36,32,,,,,,,,0,0,0,03/14 13:00,,,,,,, 20200314,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,36,32,,,,,,,,0,0,0,03/14 13:00,,,,,,, 20200313,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,30,10,,,,,,,,0,0,0,03/12 16:00,,,,,,, 20200312,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,23,14,,,,,,,,0,0,0,03/12 11:30,,,,,,, 20200311,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,17,2,,,,,,,,0,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200310,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,17,3,,,,,,,,0,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200309,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,15,3,,,,,,,,0,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200308,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,10,0,,,,,,,,0,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200307,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,10,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,DE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,10,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,FL,,8779,,,,,437913,34017,403867,446669,34738,411877,,6329581,800773,5492615,623471,,4622552,623471,3992068,3472,3736,38942,,,,,,11331,11331,,08/30 23:59,08/31 15:38,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,FL,,8675,,,,,437913,34017,403867,446669,34738,411877,,6303641,798352,5469322,621586,,4606568,621586,3978022,3497,3793,38857,,,,,,11263,11263,,08/29 23:59,08/30 17:45,ESK,KP,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,FL,,8571,,,,,437913,34017,403867,446669,34738,411877,,6262317,794867,5431783,619003,,4582134,619003,3956208,3474,3799,38761,,,,,,11249,11249,,08/28 23:59,08/29 15:41,RSG,BML,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,FL,,8336,,,,,437913,34017,403867,446669,34738,411877,,6216004,790677,5390000,615806,,4554563,615806,3931871,3447,4001,38474,,,,,,11099,11099,,08/27 23:59,08/28 15:47,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,FL,,8070,,,,,437913,34017,403867,446669,34738,411877,,6167043,785463,5346674,611991,,4524203,611991,3905373,3473,4252,38163,,,,,,11011,11011,,08/26 23:59,08/27 17:02,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,FL,,7743,,,,,437913,34017,403867,446669,34738,411877,,6125699,781065,5310027,608722,,4499640,608722,3884096,3504,4405,37847,,,,,,10872,10872,,08/25 23:59,08/26 17:10,HMH,ALF,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,FL,,7435,,,,,437913,34017,403867,446669,34738,411877,,6081254,776457,5270516,605502,,4473343,605502,3861022,3555,4544,37477,,,,,,10717,10717,,08/24 23:59,08/25 16:15,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,FL,,7174,,,,,437913,34017,403867,446669,34738,411877,,6047364,772578,5240838,602829,,4453929,602829,3844327,3561,4646,37032,,,,,,10534,10534,,08/23 23:59,08/24 15:40,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,FL,,6905,,,,,437913,34017,403867,446669,34738,411877,,6016043,769714,5212677,600571,,4435417,600571,3828062,3568,4580,36903,,,,,,10462,10462,,08/22 23:59,08/23 15:42,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,FL,,6855,,,,,437913,34017,403867,446669,34738,411877,,5970687,765446,5171972,597597,,4408611,597597,3804250,3572,4745,36764,,,,,,10411,10411,,08/21 23:59,08/22 17:04,HMH,CB-M,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,FL,,6686,,,,,437913,34017,403867,446669,34738,411877,,5909822,759737,5117438,593286,,4373944,593286,3773926,3564,4902,36425,,,,,,10304,10304,,08/20 23:59,08/21 15:41,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,FL,,6338,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5856136,753364,5070645,588602,,4342418,588602,3747150,3604,5067,36070,,,,,,10186,10186,,08/19 23:59,08/20 15:58,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,FL,,6050,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5805672,746905,5027142,584047,,4312904,584047,3722192,3850,5298,35620,,,,,,10067,10067,,08/18 23:59,08/19 15:50,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,FL,,5884,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5757074,741276,4984524,579932,,4285720,579932,3699108,3814,5484,35112,,,,,,9893,9893,,08/17 23:59,08/18 16:34,CB-M,RS,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",B,8/18 17:32, 20200817,FL,,5727,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5713403,735900,4946578,576094,,4259573,576094,3676782,3799,5631,34607,,,,,,9674,9674,,08/16 23:59,08/17 16:43,RSG,SB,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/17 RSG) ArcGIS has not updated with today's data so today's reported data is from the state report. Carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (413) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (34,194) (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",B,8/17 17:55, 20200816,FL,,5703,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5679906,732039,4917254,573416,,4239309,573416,3659212,3791,5690,34341,,,,,,9587,9587,,08/15 23:59,08/16 15:39,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,FL,,5683,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5632204,726846,4875096,569637,,4209375,569637,3633088,3790,5721,34074,,,,,,9480,9480,,08/14 23:59,08/15 16:01,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,FL,,5559,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5562499,718241,4814951,563285,,4167081,563285,3597280,3718,5893,33568,,,,,,9276,9276,,08/13 23:59,08/14 15:59,RSG,CB-M,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,FL,,,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5497351,710087,4758626,557137,,4128584,557137,3564981,3618,6325,32947,,,,,,9047,9047,,08/12 23:59,08/13 15:53,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,FL,,,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5438795,701395,4709452,550901,,4093972,550901,3536678,3529,6551,32349,,,,,,8898,8898,,08/11 23:59,08/12 15:38,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,FL,,,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5375903,690302,4658471,542792,,4055587,542792,3506483,3444,6753,31750,,,,,,8685,8685,,08/10 23:59,08/11 15:40,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,FL,,,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5320145,682190,4611442,536961,,4020073,536961,3476896,3362,6948,31177,,,,,,8408,8408,,08/09 23:59,08/10 16:19,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,FL,,,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5274241,676365,4571866,532806,,3991826,532806,3452857,3353,6848,30893,,,,,,8315,8315,,08/08 23:59,08/09 16:54,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,FL,,,,,,,401862,26788,375046,408950,27323,381574,,5212309,667997,4518861,526577,,3952028,526577,3419295,3350,6890,30639,,,,,,8238,8238,,08/07 23:59,08/08 15:49,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,358283,19175,339059,,5135173,656841,4453694,518075,,3903010,518075,3378864,3374,7144,30114,,,,,,8051,8051,,08/06 23:59,8/07 17:44,RSG,CB-M,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (8/7 RSG) ArcGIS is broken and has yesterday's data. Today's reported data is from the state report. The state report doesn't report non-FL resident cum. hospitalizations so I carried over yesterday's non-resident cum. hospitalizations (384) and added in today's resident hospitalizations (29,730) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,358283,19175,339059,,5073879,646583,4403366,510389,,3863276,510389,3346974,3325,7459,29515,,,,,,7871,7871,,08/05 23:59,8/06 16:20,RSG,DZL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,358283,19175,339059,,5004570,637404,4344367,502739,,3820683,502739,3312145,3277,7615,28956,,,,,,7751,7751,,08/04 23:59,8/05 15:37,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,358283,19175,339059,,4957810,630093,4305309,497330,,3790202,497330,3287128,3280,7857,28333,,,,,,7526,7526,,08/03 23:59,8/04 15:42,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/4 17:58, 20200803,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,358283,19175,339059,,4908466,622594,4263794,491884,,3758496,491884,3260914,3228,7938,27744,,,,,,7279,7279,,08/02 23:59,8/03 15:49,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,358283,19175,339059,,4859321,615892,4221931,487132,,3726562,487132,3233865,3394,7952,27524,,,,,,7206,7206,,08/02 10:45,8/02 17:15,CB-M,ALF,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,358283,19175,339059,,4793361,605946,4166771,480028,,3684875,480028,3199415,3409,8072,27344,,,,,,7144,7144,,07/31 23:59,8/01 15:38,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,358283,19175,339059,,4712187,592572,4099817,470386,,3633393,470386,3157702,3363,8209,26905,,,,,,6966,6966,,07/30 23:59,07/31 16:04,RSG,REB,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200730,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,358283,19175,339059,,4635026,580808,4035319,461379,,3584193,461379,3117738,3304,8395,26386,,,,,,6709,6709,,07/29 23:59,07/30 15:42,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200729,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,,,,,4557000,567610,3971204,451423,,3531721,451423,3075342,3220,8720,25867,,,,,,6457,6457,,07/28 23:59,07/29 16:59,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200728,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,,,,,4485040,555415,3912374,441977,,3485141,441977,3038322,3017,8992,25280,,,,,,6240,6240,,07/27 23:59,07/28 17:17,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200727,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,,,,,4411284,542920,3851809,432747,,3436270,432747,2998750,2902,9098,24690,,,,,,6049,6049,,07/26 23:59,07/27 16:58,RSG,REB,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200726,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,,,,,4340661,531369,3793442,423855,,3391133,423855,2962648,2871,8951,24421,,,,,,5972,5972,,07/25 23:59,07/26 16:40,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200725,FL,,,,,,,353026,18780,334221,,,,,4263177,519405,3728507,414511,,3340929,414511,2921866,2850,9035,24086,,,,,,5894,5894,,07/24 23:59,07/25 15:39,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200724,FL,,,,,,,326476,14627,311824,,,,,4166644,502625,3649517,402312,,3281087,402312,2874324,2727,9200,23575,,,,,,5768,5768,,07/23 23:59,07/24 17:34,RSG,KP,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200723,FL,,,,,,,326476,14627,311824,,,,,4075056,486782,3574573,389868,,3215185,389868,2821074,2626,9422,22991,,,,,,5632,5632,,07/22 23:59,07/23 15:59,BHP,RSG,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200722,FL,,,,,,,326476,14627,311824,,,,,3993867,473128,3507785,379619,,3158741,379619,2775092,2524,9475,22588,,,,,,5459,5459,,07/21 23:59,07/22 15:45,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200721,FL,,,,,,,326476,14627,311824,,,,,3912910,460918,3439642,369834,,3103674,369834,2729916,2462,9520,22123,,,,,,5319,5319,,07/20 23:59,07/21 17:14,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200720,FL,,,,,,,297009,12002,284980,,,,,3845270,448764,3384679,360394,,3055922,360394,2691712,2391,9489,21605,,,,,,5183,5183,,07/19 23:59,07/20 16:40,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200719,FL,,,,,,,297009,12002,284980,,,,,3775936,435616,3329053,350047,,3006290,350047,2652594,2406,9363,21309,,,,,,5091,5091,,07/18 23:59,07/19 16:59,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200718,FL,,,,,,,297009,12002,284980,,,,,3677144,420156,3246327,337569,,2935521,337569,2594419,2320,9144,20969,,,,,,5002,5002,,07/17 23:59,07/18 15:49,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200717,FL,,,,,,,297009,12002,284980,,,,,3600738,407133,3183379,327241,,2884245,327241,2553527,2250,8961,20526,,,,,,4912,4912,,07/16 23:59,07/17 17:04,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200716,FL,,,,,,,297009,12002,284980,,,,,3509789,393209,3106801,315775,,2819000,315775,2499843,2163,9112,20154,,,,,,4782,4782,,07/14 23:59,07/16 17:14,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200715,FL,,,,,,,297009,12002,284980,,,,,3404892,376345,3019257,301810,,2739169,301810,2434143,2189,8217,19659,,,,,,4626,4626,,07/14 23:59,07/16 17:14,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200714,FL,,,,,,,297009,12002,284980,,,,,3330418,363828,2957751,291629,,2688366,291629,2393614,387,8354,19201,,,,,,4514,4514,,07/12 23:59,07/14 16:35,RS,PR,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200713,FL,,,,,,,297009,12002,284980,,,,,3268471,351831,2908137,282435,,2642613,282435,2357139,1995,8051,18817,,,,,,4381,4381,,07/12 23:59,07/14 16:35,RS,PR,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200712,FL,,,,,,,297009,12002,284980,,,,,3165354,337795,2819784,269811,,2576813,269811,2304196,2096,7542,18590,,,,,,4346,4346,,07/11 23:59,07/12 11:49,RSG,HMH,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200711,FL,,,,,,,297009,12002,284980,,,,,3029149,318664,2703554,254511,,2477810,254511,2220788,2040,7186,18341,,,,,,4301,4301,,07/11 9:25,07/11 16:03,BHP,BML,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200710,FL,,,,,,,271978,10831,261121,,,,,2945253,305374,2633526,244151,,2423992,244151,2177476,1911,6974,17916,,,,,,4203,4203,,07/09 23:59,07/10 16:04,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200709,FL,,,,,,,271978,10831,261121,,,,,2855852,291210,2558651,232718,,2359636,232718,2124680,1896,,17479,,,,,,4111,4111,,07/08 23:59,07/09 17:00,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200708,FL,,,,,,,271978,10831,261121,,,,,2806420,280774,2519880,223783,,2322389,223783,2096424,1773,,17068,,,,,,3991,3991,,07/07 23:59,07/09 17:00,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200707,FL,,,,,,,271978,10831,261121,,,,,2735238,268024,2461715,213794,,2271267,213794,2055400,1604,,16733,,,,,,3943,3943,,07/06 23:59,07/07 16:01,RSG,KP,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs",A,, 20200706,FL,,,,,,,271978,10831,261121,,,,,2706077,262521,2438200,206447,,2235937,206447,2027493,1516,,16352,,,,,,3880,3880,,07/05 23:59,07/06 15:40,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200705,FL,,,,,,,271978,10831,261121,,,,,2662423,254652,2402605,200111,,2202095,200111,2000088,1508,,16201,,,,,,3832,3832,,07/04 23:59,07/05 15:05,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200704,FL,,,,,,,236304,9575,226699,,,,,2595006,242571,2347444,190052,,2148327,190052,1956445,1672,,16040,,,,,,3803,3803,,07/03 23:59,07/04 15:15,RSG,SB,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200703,FL,,,,,,,236304,9575,226699,,,,,2513115,228506,2279841,178594,,2083056,178594,1902766,1717,,15795,,,,,,3785,3785,,07/02 23:59,07/03 16:24,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200702,FL,,,,,,,236304,9575,226699,,,,,2449162,216375,2228207,169106,,2033794,169106,1863077,1683,,15454,,,,,,3718,3718,,07/01 23:59,07/02 15:41,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200701,FL,,,,,,,236304,9575,226699,,,,,2380131,203480,2172217,158997,,1981915,158997,1821357,2094,,15125,,,,,,3650,3650,,06/30 23:59,07/01 15:45,BSL,PR,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200630,FL,,,,,,,236304,9575,226699,,,,,2337165,195894,2136944,152434,,1946510,152434,1792561,1904,,14879,,,,,,3604,3604,,06/29 23:59,06/30 16:30,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200629,FL,,,,,,,236304,9575,226699,,,,,2299430,189183,2106109,146341,,1914151,146341,1766402,1744,,14651,,,,,,3546,3546,,06/28 23:59,06/29 15:50,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200628,FL,,,,,,,236304,9575,226699,,,,,2256314,182100,2070179,141075,,1883244,141075,1740822,1726,,14540,,,,,,3518,3518,,06/27 23:59,06/28 15:21,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200627,FL,,,,,,,236304,9575,226699,,,,,2186400,171768,2010839,132545,,1830791,132545,1696980,1731,,14432,,,,,,3489,3489,,06/26 23:59,06/27 16:05,RSG,KWS,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/27 KWS) Restored confirmed deaths since the data dictionary reflects that FL deaths are confirmed (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200626,FL,,,,,,,236304,9575,226699,,,,,2107048,159793,1943604,122960,,1770081,122960,1645925,1752,,14281,,,,,,3464,3464,,06/25 23:59,06/26 15:39,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since FL only provides an unclear figure (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200625,FL,,,,,,,206789,8627,198132,,,,,2037374,148081,1885749,114018,,1721812,114018,1606626,1675,,14068,,,,,,3423,3423,,06/24 23:59,06/25 15:59,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200624,FL,,,,,,,206789,8627,198132,,,,,1978757,142315,1833006,109014,,1669440,109014,1559328,1535,,13865,,,,,,3377,3377,,06/23 23:59,06/24 17:01,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200623,FL,,,,,,,206789,8627,198132,,,,,1944730,135955,1805379,103503,,1641838,103503,1537249,1425,,13614,,,,,,3333,3333,,06/22 23:59,06/23 16:16,RSG,REB,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200622,FL,,,,,,,206789,8627,198132,,,,,1911676,131152,1777209,100217,,1618540,100217,1517270,1546,,13407,,,,,,3266,3266,,06/22 10:00,06/22 16:19,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200621,FL,,,,,,,206789,8627,198132,,,,,1889662,127837,1758538,97291,,1600335,97291,1502005,1625,,13325,,,,,,3254,3254,,06/21 9:05,06/21 17:29,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). We include non-residents in our data. (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200620,FL,,,,,,,206789,8627,198132,,,,,1844106,123815,1717070,93797,,1562280,93797,1467475,1630,,13227,,,,,,3237,3237,,06/20 10:00,06/20 16:04,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200619,FL,,,,,,,179109,7717,171364,,,,,1809654,118915,1687546,89748,,1533876,89748,1443123,1578,,13062,,,,,,3197,3197,,06/19 10:00,06/19 16:14,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). (6/19 RSG) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200618,FL,,,,,,,179109,7717,171364,,,,,1783115,114435,1665500,85926,,1512315,85926,1425386,1457,,12862,,,,,,3154,3154,,06/18 10:00,06/18 17:08,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200617,FL,,,,,,,179109,7717,171364,,,,,1752714,110650,1638911,82719,,1486759,82719,1403040,1240,,12673,,,,,,3110,3110,,06/17 10:00,06/17 16:44,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200616,FL,,,,,,,179109,7717,171364,,,,,1722067,107506,1611442,80109,,1461297,80109,1380200,1150,,12489,,,,,,3085,3085,,06/16 10:00,06/16 16:29,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200615,FL,,,,,,,179109,7717,171364,,,,,1684379,103802,1577532,77326,,1431164,77326,1352858,1167,,12298,,,,,,3030,3030,,06/15 10:00,06/15 15:51,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200614,FL,,,,,,,179109,7717,171364,,,,,1658074,101662,1553385,75568,,1409992,75568,1333447,1184,,12224,,,,,,3022,3022,,06/14 10:00,06/14 16:46,RSG,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2. Check each source note for the mapping. Pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200613,FL,,,,,,,179109,7717,171364,,,,,1612617,99168,1510430,73552,,1371401,73552,1296861,1241,,12155,,,,,,3016,3016,,06/13 10:00,06/13 15:32,RSG,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2. Check each source note for the mapping. Pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200612,FL,,,,,,,179109,7717,171364,,,,,1571222,96007,1472224,70971,,1336895,70971,1264928,1242,,11986,,,,,,2967,2967,,06/12 10:00,06/12 16:00,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2. Check each source note for the mapping. Pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200611,FL,,,,,,,155835,6828,148981,,,,,1535825,93533,1439362,69069,,1307728,69069,1237679,1242,,11850,,,,,,2938,2938,,06/11 10:00,06/11 16:10,RSG,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2. Check each source note for the mapping. Pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. (6/6 RSG) Serology report still not updated (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200610,FL,,,,,,,155835,6828,148981,,,,,1501053,91285,1406853,67371,,1280003,67371,1211652,1134,,11621,,,,,,2889,2889,,06/10 10:00,06/10 16:44,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2. Check each source note for the mapping. Pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. (6/6 RSG) Serology report still not updated (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs ",A,, 20200609,FL,,,,,,,155835,6828,148981,,,,,1474600,89566,1382146,66000,,1259283,66000,1192305,1100,,11460,,,,,,2851,2851,,06/09 10:00,06/09 16:05,RSG,KP,"PROCESS: 1) Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2) Review current public notes. 3) Check each source note for the mapping. **Notice, pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. 4) Specimens data from: A) Search for ""see state report"" button. Click to open the PDF (5/30 report was 975 pages long) B) Search the PDF report for the heading ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory""; scroll down to the totals (might need to scroll 15+ pages) 5) Antibody data from same page as #4. Report updated on Fridays A) Search antibody. Totals on first page. (6/6 RSG) Serology report still not updated (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs (5/31 BL) State report not out by ~5pm ET, left PCR test numbers from previous day (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data",A,, 20200608,FL,,,,,,,123552,5474,118053,,,,,1445259,88102,1354303,64904,,1235513,64904,1169646,1024,,11282,,,,,,2798,2798,,06/08 10:00,06/08 15:54,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: 1) Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2) Review current public notes. 3) Check each source note for the mapping. **Notice, pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. 4) Specimens data from: A) Search for ""see state report"" button. Click to open the PDF (5/30 report was 975 pages long) B) Search the PDF report for the heading ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory""; scroll down to the totals (might need to scroll 15+ pages) 5) Antibody data from same page as #4. Report updated on Fridays A) Search antibody. Totals on first page. (6/6 RSG) Serology report still not updated (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs (5/31 BL) State report not out by ~5pm ET, left PCR test numbers from previous day (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data",A,, 20200607,FL,,,,,,,123552,5474,118053,,,,,1422347,86827,1332711,63938,,1217105,63938,1152220,1161,,11215,,,,,,2786,2786,,06/07 9:59,06/07 17:26,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1) Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2) Review current public notes. 3) Check each source note for the mapping. **Notice, pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. 4) Specimens data from: A) Search for ""see state report"" button. Click to open the PDF (5/30 report was 975 pages long) B) Search the PDF report for the heading ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory""; scroll down to the totals (might need to scroll 15+ pages) 5) Antibody data from same page as #4. Report updated on Fridays A) Search antibody. Totals on first page. (6/6 RSG) Serology report still not updated (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs (5/31 BL) State report not out by ~5pm ET, left PCR test numbers from previous day (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data",A,, 20200606,FL,,,,,,,123552,5474,118053,,,,,1372933,85372,1284797,62758,,1175106,62758,1111427,1265,,11163,,,,,,2773,2773,,06/06 10:00,06/06 15:32,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: 1) Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2) Review current public notes. 3) Check each source note for the mapping. **Notice, pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. 4) Specimens data from: A) Search for ""see state report"" button. Click to open the PDF (5/30 report was 975 pages long) B) Search the PDF report for the heading ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory""; scroll down to the totals (might need to scroll 15+ pages) 5) Antibody data from same page as #4. Report updated on Fridays A) Search antibody. Totals on first page. (6/6 RSG) Serology report still not updated (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs (5/31 BL) State report not out by ~5pm ET, left PCR test numbers from previous day (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data",A,, 20200605,FL,,,,,,,123552,5474,118053,,,,,1327264,83619,1240903,61488,,1135865,61488,1073452,1193,,11066,,,,,,2745,2745,,06/05 9:55,06/05 16:17,REB,RS,"PROCESS: 1) Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2) Review current public notes. 3) Check each source note for the mapping. **Notice, pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. 4) Specimens data from: A) Search for ""see state report"" button. Click to open the PDF (5/30 report was 975 pages long) B) Search the PDF report for the heading ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory""; scroll down to the totals (might need to scroll 15+ pages) 5) Antibody data from same page as #4. Report updated on Fridays A) Search antibody. Totals on first page. (6/5 REB) Serology report should update today (Friday), but didn't happen yet (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs (5/31 BL) State report not out by ~5pm ET, left PCR test numbers from previous day (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data",A,, 20200604,FL,,,,,,,123552,5474,118053,,,,,1292876,81817,1208362,60183,,1107952,60183,1046860,1221,,10923,,,,,,2691,2691,,06/04 10:06,06/04 16:18,JAC,PR,"PROCESS: 1) Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2) Review current public notes. 3) Check each source note for the mapping. **Notice, pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. 4) Specimens data from: A) Search for ""see state report"" button. Click to open the PDF (5/30 report was 975 pages long) B) Search the PDF report for the heading ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory""; scroll down to the totals (might need to scroll 15+ pages) 5) Antibody data from same page as #4. Report updated on Fridays A) Search antibody. Totals on first page. (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs (5/31 BL) State report not out by ~5pm ET, left PCR test numbers from previous day (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data",A,, 20200603,FL,,,,,,,123552,5474,118053,,,,,1259176,79855,1176653,58764,,1081825,58764,1022149,1191,,10796,,,,,,2650,2650,,06/03 10:41,06/03 16:30,MM,QN,"PROCESS: 1) Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2) Review current public notes. 3) Check each source note for the mapping. **Notice, pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. 4) Specimens data from: A) Search for ""see state report"" button. Click to open the PDF (5/30 report was 975 pages long) B) Search the PDF report for the heading ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory""; scroll down to the totals (might need to scroll 15+ pages) 5) Antibody data from same page as #4. A) Search antibody. Totals on first page. (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs (5/31 BL) State report not out by ~5pm ET, left PCR test numbers from previous day (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data",B,, 20200602,FL,,,,,,,123552,5474,118053,,,,,1210100,77387,1130070,57447,,1050671,57447,992305,1206,,10678,,,,,,2613,2613,,06/01 9:54,06/02 16:17,RS,ESK,"PROCESS: 1) Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2) Review current public notes. 3) Check each source note for the mapping. **Notice, pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. 4) Specimens data from: A) Search for ""see state report"" button. Click to open the PDF (5/30 report was 975 pages long) B) Search the PDF report for the heading ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory""; scroll down to the totals (might need to scroll 15+ pages) 5) Antibody data from same page as #4. A) Search antibody. Totals on first page. (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs (5/31 BL) State report not out by ~5pm ET, left PCR test numbers from previous day (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data",A,, 20200601,FL,,,,,,,123552,5474,118053,,,,,1210100,77387,1130070,56830,,1041318,56830,983570,1160,,10494,,,,,,2543,2543,,06/01 9:54,06/02 16:17,RS,ESK,"PROCESS: 1) Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2) Review current public notes. 3) Check each source note for the mapping. **Notice, pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. 4) Specimens data from: A) Search for ""see state report"" button. Click to open the PDF (5/30 report was 975 pages long) B) Search the PDF report for the heading ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory""; scroll down to the totals (might need to scroll 15+ pages) 5) Antibody data from same page as #4. A) Search antibody. Totals on first page. (6/2 RS) no new Antibody or Specimen data PDFs (5/31 BL) State report not out by ~5pm ET, left PCR test numbers from previous day (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data",A,, 20200531,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1155650,75508,1077549,56163,,1022265,56163,965186,1332,,10453,,,,,,2534,2534,,05/31 12:20,05/31 17:06,BL,KP,"PROCESS: 1) Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2) Review current public notes. 3) Check each source note for the mapping. **Notice, pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. 4) Specimens data from: A) Search for ""see state report"" button. Click to open the PDF (5/30 report was 975 pages long) B) Search the PDF report for the heading ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory""; scroll down to the totals (might need to scroll 15+ pages) (5/31 BL) State report not out by ~5pm ET, left PCR test numbers from previous day (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data",A,, 20200530,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1155650,75508,1077549,55424,,995886,55424,939544,0,,10375,,,,,,2530,2530,,05/30 11:24,05/30 14:57,CML,RS,"PROCESS: 1) Use ""Other"" link (o-vid.herokuapp). 2) Review current public notes. 3) Check each source note for the mapping. **Notice, pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard. 4) Specimens data from: A) Search for ""see state report"" button. Click to open the PDF (5/30 report was 975 pages long) B) Search the PDF report for the heading ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory""; scroll down to the totals (might need to scroll 15+ pages) (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data",A,, 20200529,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1103658,72521,1028579,53285,,984160,54497,928742,1308,,10243,,,,,,2495,2495,,05/29 11:00,05/29 16:50,KP,PR,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). For Cum Hosp and Deaths and indeed all numbers sum residents & non-residents. Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data ",A,, 20200528,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1081512,71569,1007406,53285,,953321,53285,898331,1158,,10056,,,,,,2446,2446,,05/28 11:06,05/28 15:39,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). For Cum Hosp and Deaths and indeed all numbers sum residents & non-residents. Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data ",A,, 20200527,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1081512,71569,1007406,52634,,935271,52634,880937,955,,9899,,,,,,2400,2400,,05/27 10:13,05/27 17:26,REB,ALF,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). For Cum Hosp and Deaths and indeed all numbers sum residents & non-residents. Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data ",A,, 20200526,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1068679,71039,995118,52255,,924920,52255,870969,901,,9740,,,,,,2338,2338,,05/26 11:01,05/26 17:21,MM,KP,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data ",A,, 20200525,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1050247,70360,977392,51746,,909928,51746,856489,988,,9681,,,,,,2331,2331,,05/25 10:04,05/25 14:19,ESK,RS,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data ",A,, 20200524,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1008670,69459,936730,50867,,872916,50867,820368,1337,,9638,,,,,,2316,2316,,05/24 10:04,05/24 14:23,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data ",A,, 20200523,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,990300,68322,919519,50127,,858112,50127,806310,1563,,9567,,,,,,2312,2312,,05/23 10:00,05/23 15:48,REB,ESK,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data ",A,, 20200522,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,940758,66424,871876,49451,,837172,49451,786045,1487,,9372,,,,,,2268,2268,,05/22 9:39,05/22 17:00,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data ",A,, 20200521,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,940758,66424,871876,48675,,815584,48675,765254,1471,,9200,,,,,,2222,2222,,05/21 10:09,05/21 15:12,RS,PR,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/21 RS) Removed Stale Curr Hosp and ICU #s (5/18 RS) No new specimens data ",A,, 20200520,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,887380,64172,821168,47471,,772669,47471,723877,1357,,8934,,,,,,2173,2173,,05/20 9:42,05/20 16:39,MM,BL,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/18 RS) No new specimens data (5/15 MM) Updated deaths from top FLovid after consulting w Olivier (5/14 QN/RS) Current Hosp and ICU #s come from presser. (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",A+,, 20200519,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,819927,63148,754767,46442,,717162,46944,668911,1369,,8744,,,,,,2129,2129,,05/19 10:31,05/19 15:00,MM,RS,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/18 RS) No new specimens data (5/15 MM) Updated deaths from top FLovid after consulting w Olivier (5/14 QN/RS) Current Hosp and ICU #s come from presser. (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",A+,, 20200518,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,746124,60938,683219,46442,,677710,46442,629970,1346,,8553,,,,,,2073,2073,,05/18 9:28,05/18 16:53,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/18 RS) No new specimens data (5/15 MM) Updated deaths from top FLovid after consulting w Olivier (5/14 QN/RS) Current Hosp and ICU #s come from presser. (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",A+,, 20200517,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,746124,60938,683219,45588,,653081,45588,606204,1479,,8478,,,,,,2049,2049,,05/17 10:08,05/17 17:02,RS**,KP ,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. Specimens data from:, click on ""see state report"" under ""Review case, monitoring and PUI information on the latest COVID-19 Report."" -> look in the report for ""Coronavirus: testing by laboratory"" -> scroll down to the totals ((in the 5/16 pdf, the testing by laboratory section starts on p. 19 of the pdf and the totals are on p. 34)) (5/15 MM) Updated deaths from top FLovid after consulting w Olivier (5/14 QN/RS) Current Hosp and ICU #s come from presser. (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",A+,, 20200516,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44811,,630795,44811,585236,1676,,8393,,,,,,2040,2040,,05/16 10:02,05/16 14:27,BL,RS,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part for most metrics but top part for deaths. (5/15 MM) Updated deaths from top FLovid after consulting w Olivier (5/14 QN/RS) Current Hosp and ICU #s come from presser. (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",A+,, 20200515,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43210,,609574,43210,565627,1228,,7993,,,,,,1991,1991,,05/14 12:33,05/15 17:02,MM,REB,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part, the top one is aggregation of casse, and it's out of date now (5/15 MM) Updated deaths from top FLovid after consulting w Olivier (5/14 QN/RS) Current Hosp and ICU #s come from presser. (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",A+,, 20200514,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43210,,595478,43210,565627,1228,,7993,,,,,,1948,1948,,05/14 12:33,05/15 17:02,MM,REB,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part, the top one is aggregation of casse, and it's out of date now (5/15 MM) Updated deaths from top FLovid after consulting w Olivier (5/14 QN/RS) Current Hosp and ICU #s come from presser. (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",A+,, 20200513,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42402,,579604,42402,552361,1191,,7835,,,,,,1898,1898,,05/13 9:43,,,,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part, the top one is aggregation of casse, and it's out of date now (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",A+,, 20200512,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41923,,,41923,537681,1064,,7654,,,,,,1849,1849,,05/12 9:28,05/12 15:55,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part, the top one is aggregation of casse, and it's out of date now (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",A+,, 20200511,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40982,,,40982,520075,1080,,7458,,,,,,1805,1805,,05/11 9:31,05/11 16:01,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part, the top one is aggregation of casse, and it's out of date now (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",B,, 20200510,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40596,,,40596,498352,1265,,7404,,,,,,1791,1791,,05/10 11:52,05/10 17:17,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part, the top one is aggregation of casse, and it's out of date now (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",B,, 20200509,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40001,,,40001,487730,1452,,7325,,,,,,1785,1785,,05/09 10:39,05/09 15:41,SLW,BL,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part, the top one is aggregation of casse, and it's out of date now (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",B,, 20200508,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39199,,,39199,474142,1433,,7157,,,,,,1738,1738,,05/08 10:10,05/08 15:39,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note). Notice: There are 2 sections in o-vid, use the bottom part, the top one is aggregation of casse, and it's out of date now (5/8 MM) Used Hospitalization&Death numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",C,, 20200507,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38828,,,38828,454122,1499,,6990,,,,,,1667,1667,,05/07 14:40,05/07 16:17,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",C,, 20200506,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38002,,,38002,442049,1351,,6776,,,,,,1605,1605,,05/06 9:45,05/06 14:14,AW,RS,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",C,, 20200505,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37439,,,37439,428252,1265,,6546,,,,,,1536,1536,,05/05 10:31,05/05 16:45,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",C,, 20200504,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36897,,,36897,407373,1181,,6329,,,,,,1423,1423,,05/04 9:12,05/04 15:25,RS,PR,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",C,, 20200503,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36078,,,36078,392111,1226,,6244,,,,,,1403,1403,,05/02 10:14,05/03 16:22,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",C,, 20200502,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35463,,,35463,380549,,,5945,,,,,,1388,,,05/02 10:14,05/03 16:22,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",C,, 20200501,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34728,,,34728,367971,,,5795,,,,,,1314,,,05/01 14:32,05/01 14:59,ESK,MM,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",C,, 20200430,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33690,,,33690,348715,1187,,5795,,,,,,1290,,,04/30 9:44,,,,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",C,, 20200429,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33193,,,33193,340295,1252,,5624,,,,,,1240,,,04/29 9:51,,,,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",C,, 20200428,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32846,334029,1216,,5266,,,,,,1154,,,04/28 9:36,04/28 14:54,RS,AW,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",C,, 20200427,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32138,324325,1099,,5211,,,,,,1101,,,04/27 9:24,,,,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/27 ESK) Used Hospitalization numbers from second section - summed up in and out of state cases",C,, 20200426,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31528,313085,1183,,5155,,,,,,1094,,,04/26 9:32,,,,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13-4/16) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from ",C,, 20200425,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30839,302260,1292,,5045,,,,,,1075,,,04/25 9:36,04/25 15:55,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13-4/16) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from ",C,, 20200424,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30174,286785,1287,,4888,,,,,,1031,,,04/24 16:39,04/24 22:54,SB,SJ,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13-4/16) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from ",A,, 20200423,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28832,267876,1301,,4693,,,,,,979,,,04/23 18:27,,,,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13-4/16) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from ",A,, 20200422,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28309,260318,1258,,4469,,,,,,910,,,04/22 11:17,,,,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13-4/16) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from ",A,, 20200421,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27495,249564,1203,,4235,,,,,,856,,,04/21 16:19,04/22 8:21,ERG,,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13-4/16) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from ",A,, 20200420,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26660,239565,1104,,4010,,,,,,806,,,04/20 9:28,04/20 14:36,AW,RS,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13-4/16) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from ",A,, 20200419,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25996,230083,1179,,3930,,,,,,781,,,04/19 16:12,,,,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13-4/16) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from ",A,, 20200418,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25269,221258,0,,3842,,,,,,754,,,04/18 9:24,,,,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13-4/16) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from ",A,, 20200417,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24119,210718,1285,,3665,,,,,,699,,,04/17 16:21,04/17 22:24,JFC,RV,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13 eve,4/14 noon) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from Ditto for 4/16 eve (SB)",A,, 20200416,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22897,196351,1325,,3460,,,,,,646,,,04/16 16:39,,,,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13 eve,4/14 noon) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from Ditto for 4/16 eve (SB)",A,, 20200415,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22511,190998,1335,,3344,,,,,,609,,,04/15 13:50,04/15 15:56,AW,ESK,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13 eve,4/14 noon) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from ",A,, 20200414,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21367,181813,1275,,3060,,,,,,537,,,04/14 16:59,,,,"PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for numbers. pending and hospitalizations are correct there, and higher than the dashboard (see public note) (4/13 eve,4/14 noon) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from ",A,, 20200413,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20601,175606,1789,,2833,,,,,,483,,,04/13 17:27,,,,"(4/13 eve AGS) updated pending, hospitalizations, and deaths from Higher numbers than dashboard. (4/13 aft AW) numbers are from flovid app as they seem more updated than dashboard (4/12 evening JFC) gives higher numbers for ""data aggregated from individual cases"" vs ""data aggregated from county totals,"" i used numbers from individual cases except for negatives and pending which were only available from county totals, per site county deaths ""may be out of date compared to individual case death total which is updated more frequently"" (4/12 afternoon JL)** daily report pdf from 10am ( has lower number of pending results, cumulative hospitalized and deaths 4/11 evening BL) Cumulative hospitalized figure = sum of FL residents and non-FL residents figures from the o-vid site (MC 4/9 aft) need to public note that we take total cases (resident + non-resident); total column AH does not reflect total in Daily Report PDF ( because we don't take into account inconclusive figure of 150 PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for pending and cumulative hospitalized numbers",A,, 20200412,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19355,163398,1297,,2772,,,,,,465,,,04/12 11:23,04/12 16:41,RS,ESK,"(4/12 afternoon JL)** daily report pdf from 10am ( has lower number of pending results, cumulative hospitalized and deaths 4/11 evening BL) Cumulative hospitalized figure = sum of FL residents and non-FL residents figures from the o-vid site (MC 4/9 aft) need to public note that we take total cases (resident + non-resident); total column AH does not reflect total in Daily Report PDF ( because we don't take into account inconclusive figure of 150 PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for pending and cumulative hospitalized numbers",A,, 20200411,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18494,154439,1418,,2661,,,,,,438,,,04/11 11:30,04/11 16:04,AM,RS,"(MC 4/9 aft) need to public note that we take total cases (resident + non-resident); total column AH does not reflect total in Daily Report PDF ( because we don't take into account inconclusive figure of 150 PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for pending and cumulative hospitalized numbers",A,, 20200410,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17531,145299,1411,,2487,,,,,,390,,,04/10 11:30,04/10 15:01,JJ,RS,"(MC 4/9 aft) need to public note that we take total cases (resident + non-resident); total column AH does not reflect total in Daily Report PDF ( because we don't take into account inconclusive figure of 150 PROCESS: Use Florida COVID-19 Report: for pending and cumulative hospitalized numbers",A,, 20200409,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16364,136185,1395,,2268,,,,,,354,,,04/09 10:00,04/09 14:39,MC,RS,"(MC 4/9 aft) need to public note that we take total cases (resident + non-resident); total column AH does not reflect total in Daily Report PDF ( because we don't take into account inconclusive figure of 150 PROCESS: Use for pending and cumulative hospitalized numbers",A,, 20200408,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15455,127679,1324,,2062,,,,,,309,,,04/08 14:00,04/08 16:26,AW,ESK,"(4/8 aft AW) Positives and total cases are off by 1, used positives. Timestamp from state's webpage (not dashboard or flovid). Pending, negatives, and positives still do not add up to reported total tests (4/7 eve CML) No changes to the row of data. Used combination of this PDF: and the flovid app (link below) (4/6 DG) Numbers do not add up to reported total. I assume there are 75 inconclusive tests. Unsure how to account for total. -- PR - flovid notes 116 inconclusive - still does not add up PROCESS: Use for pending and cumulative hospitalized numbers",A,, 20200407,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14747,123415,1407,,1999,,,,,,296,,,04/07 16:36,,,,"(4/7 eve CML) No changes to the row of data. Used combination of this PDF: and the flovid app (link below) (4/6 DG) Numbers do not add up to reported total. I assume there are 75 inconclusive tests. Unsure how to account for total. -- PR - flovid notes 116 inconclusive - still does not add up PROCESS: Use for pending and cumulative hospitalized numbers",A,, 20200406,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13324,109950,1142,,1682,,,,,,236,,,04/06 12:17,04/06 16:18,MC,HDF,PROCESS: Use for pending and cumulative hospitalized numbers,A,, 20200405,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12151,101253,1129,,1572,,,,,,218,,,04/05 13:30,,,,PROCESS: Use for pending and cumulative hospitalized numbers,A,, 20200404,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11111,90956,1281,,1462,,,,,,191,,,04/04 9:51,04/04 16:29,OL,SD/ESK,"**(4/4 SD) positive + negative + pending does not add up to total test from dashboard, the non-resident negatives are not included in negatives. Kept previous pending which is from Also dashboard hospitalization number is smaller than number from I used dashboard number. PROCESS: Use for pending and cumulative hospitalized numbers",A,, 20200403,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9585,82137,1225,,1287,,,,,,163,,,04/03 11:30,04/03 14:59,EB***,HDF,"PROCESS: Use 1237 (4/3 EB) Use for pending and cumulative hospitalized numbers (4/2 LH Afternoon) Positive + Negative + Pending numbers do not add up to total on Florida site. ",A,, 20200402,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8010,69286,1285,,1123,,,,,,128,,,04/02 11:01,04/02 14:26,LH,HDF,"PROCESS: Use (4/2 LH Afternoon) Positive + Negative + Pending numbers do not add up to total on Florida site. ",A,, 20200401,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6955,59529,1235,,949,,,,,,87,,,04/01 11:30,,,,,A,, 20200331,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6338,54285,1163,,823,,,,,,77,,,03/31 11:30,,,,,A,, 20200330,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5473,48225,,,652,,,,,,63,,,03/30 11:30,,,,,A,, 20200329,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4246,39070,,,594,,,,,,56,,,03/29 11:30,,,,,A,, 20200328,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3763,35366,,,526,,,,,,54,,,03/28 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2765,28186,1517,,456,,,,,,34,,,03/27 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2355,23741,1443,,406,,,,,,28,,,03/26 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1682,15374,1233,,316,,,,,,22,,,03/25 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1412,13127,1008,,259,,,,,,18,,,03/24 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1171,11063,860,,217,,,,,,14,,,03/23 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,830,7990,963,,185,,,,,,13,,,03/22 11:00,,,,,,, 20200321,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,658,6579,1002,,158,,,,,,12,,,03/21 11:00,,,,,,, 20200320,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,520,1870,1026,,,,,,,,10,,,03/20 11:00,,,,,,, 20200319,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,390,1533,1019,,,,,,,,8,,,03/19 11:00,,,,,,, 20200318,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,314,1225,954,,,,,,,,7,,,03/18 11:00,,,,,,, 20200317,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,186,940,872,,,,,,,,6,,,03/17 11:00,,,,,,, 20200316,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141,684,514,,,,,,,,4,,,03/16 16:13,,,,,,, 20200315,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,116,678,454,,,,,,,,4,,,03/15 1:45,,,,,,, 20200314,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77,478,221,,,,,,,,3,,,03/14 0:54,,,,,,, 20200313,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,478,221,,,,,,,,2,,,03/13 13:53,,,,,,, 20200312,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32,301,147,,,,,,,,2,,,03/12 9:07,,,,,,, 20200311,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28,301,147,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,222,155,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18,140,115,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,118,108,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,100,88,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9,55,51,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9,31,69,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,FL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,24,16,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,GA,,,,,,,,,,278200,21369,,,2343634,247592,2096042,270471,,,270471,2073163,,2463,24604,,4493,,,,5632,,,08/31 14:50,08/31 16:36,MJW,RSG,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,GA,,,,,,,,,,276958,21177,,,2327490,245837,2081653,268973,,,268973,2058517,,2489,24572,,4489,,,,5604,,,08/30 14:50,08/30 16:08,BHP,KP,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,GA,,,,,,,,,,275453,20980,,,2312179,244513,2067666,267758,,,267758,2044421,,2582,24533,,4479,,,,5576,,,08/29 14:50,08/29 16:02,LDH,HMH,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,GA,,,,,,,,,,273911,20781,,,2286984,242320,2044664,265372,,,265372,2021612,,2648,24335,,4433,,,,5471,,,08/28 14:50,08/28 15:40,RSG,BSL,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,GA,,,,,,,,,,272383,20571,,,2268837,240686,2028151,263074,,,263074,2005763,,2129,24127,,4397,,,,5393,,,08/27 14:50,08/27 16:38,XMH,DZL,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,GA,,,,,,,,,,271737,20483,,,2248901,239055,2009846,260590,,,260590,1988311,,2227,23939,,4360,,,,5311,,,08/26 14:50,08/26 16:04,PK,BSL,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,GA,,,,,,,,,,270000,20242,,,2230850,237435,1993415,258354,,,258354,1972496,,2260,23717,,4322,,,,5262,,,08/25 14:50,08/25 16:37,AJC,BHP,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,GA,,,,,,,,,,269215,20127,,,2205181,235432,1969749,256253,,,256253,1948928,,2350,23425,,4272,,,,5156,,,08/24 14:50,08/24 16:24,JB,BSL,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,GA,,,,,,,,,,267561,19716,,,2171884,230533,1941351,253949,,,253949,1917935,,2360,23369,,4265,,,,5132,,,08/23 14:50,08/23 16:08,BHP,BSL,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,GA,,,,,,,,,,265893,19488,,,2149170,228623,1920547,252222,,,252222,1896948,,2361,23325,,4251,,,,5092,,,08/22 14:50,08/22 16:08,LDH,BSL,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,GA,,,,,,,,,,263245,19106,,,2120102,225938,1894164,249630,,,249630,1870472,,2408,23125,,4218,,,,4998,,,08/21 14:50,08/21 16:02,LDH,BSL,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,GA,,,,,,,,,,261409,18832,,,2096835,223540,1873295,246741,,,246741,1850094,,2506,22880,,4185,,,,4904,,,08/20 15:50,08/20 15:52,BHP,BSL,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,GA,,,,,,,,,,259422,18600,,,2075697,221593,1854104,243982,,,243982,1831715,,2573,22664,,4143,,,,4849,,,08/19 15:50,08/19 16:30,JAG,BSL,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,GA,,,,,,,,,,258672,18507,,,2060319,219987,1840332,241677,,,241677,1818642,,2596,22429,,4117,,,,4794,,,08/18 14:50,08/18 16:47,BHP,BSL,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,GA,,,,,,,,,,257747,18393,,,2027417,221905,1805512,238861,,,238861,1788556,,2626,22133,,4061,,,,4727,,,08/17 14:50,08/17 16:02,CKW,BSL,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,GA,,,,,,,,,,253837,17969,,,2005273,215528,1753745,237030,,,237030,1768243,,2603,22087,,4050,,,,4702,,,08/16 14:50,08/16 16:04,XMH,BHP,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,GA,,,,,,,,,,251604,17676,,,1988066,213697,1774369,235168,,,235168,1752898,,2586,22028,,4042,,,,4669,,,08/15 14:50,08/15 16:18,TCD,BSL,"NOTE: if the values of the cells are green with yesterday's value and turn black when you update it, that's a known issue with the scraper vs. GA's website, keep on keepin on (6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,GA,,,,,,,,,,249475,17442,,,1970053,212140,1757913,231895,,,231895,1738158,,2691,21818,,3999,,,,4573,,,08/14 14:50,08/14 15:57,RRI,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,GA,,,,,,,,,,247048,17140,,,1942610,209150,1733460,228668,,,228668,1713942,,2807,21581,,3963,,,,4538,,,08/13 14:50,08/13 16:56,KSB,BHP,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,GA,,,,,,,,,,245877,17025,,,1916742,206894,1709848,226153,,,226153,1690589,,2865,21379,,3929,,,,4456,,,08/12 14:50,08/12 16:39,MJW,BHP,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,GA,,,,,,,,,,243577,16791,,,1895485,204556,1690929,222588,,,222588,1672897,,2881,21031,,3832,,,,4351,,,08/11 14:50,08/11 16:30,PK,RSG,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,GA,,,,,,,,,,243257,16749,,,1861962,201853,1660109,219025,,,219025,1642937,,2871,20676,,3767,,,,4229,,,08/10 14:50,08/10 16:15,LDH,HMH,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,GA,,,,,,,,,,241290,16503,,,1835048,199610,1635438,216596,,,216596,1618452,,2865,20628,,3752,,,,4199,,,08/09 14:50,08/09 15:54,BHP,HMH,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,GA,,,,,,,,,,239168,16252,,,1797966,196576,1601390,213427,,,213427,1584539,,2878,20556,,3739,,,,4186,,,08/08 14:50,08/08 16:51,BHP,RSG,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,GA,,,,,,,,,,236570,15910,,,1753129,192229,1560900,209004,,,209004,1544125,,2981,20282,,3700,,,,4117,,,08/07 14:50,8/07 16:12,LDH,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,GA,,,,,,,,,,234055,15596,,,1724762,188995,1535767,204895,,,204895,1519867,,3006,20002,,3647,,,,4026,,,08/06 14:50,8/06 15:52,BHP,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,GA,,,,,,,,,,231824,15410,,,1695224,185954,1509270,201713,,,201713,1493511,,3077,19788,,3616,,,,3984,,,08/05 14:50,8/05 16:59,LDH,DZL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,GA,,,,,,,,,,229556,15079,,,1664412,182579,1481833,197948,,,197948,1466464,,3094,19426,,3556,,,,3921,,,08/04 14:50,8/04 16:17,NMJ,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/4 17:46, 20200803,GA,,,,,,,,,,229417,15069,,,1646401,180291,1466110,195435,,,195435,1450966,,3111,19124,,3512,,,,3842,,,08/03 14:50,8/03 16:15,CKW,HMH,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,GA,,,,,,,,,,227358,14823,,,1624640,177680,1446960,193177,,,193177,1431463,,3069,19064,,3496,,,,3840,,,08/02 14:50,8/02 17:10,JJO,KP,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,GA,,,,,,,,,,224874,14462,,,1596085,174402,1421683,190012,,,190012,1406073,,3095,18995,,3475,,,,3825,,,08/01 14:50,8/01 16:08,JJO,JAC,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,GA,,,,,,,,,,222213,14138,,,1574687,171306,1403381,186352,,,186352,1388335,,3155,18689,,3414,,,,3752,,,07/31 14:50,07/31 17:03,BAS,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200730,GA,,,,,,,,,,219867,13886,,,1541389,167410,1373979,182286,,,182286,1359103,,3200,18303,,3354,,,,3671,,,07/30 14:50,07/30 16:25,LRH,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200729,GA,,,,,,,,,,217543,13606,,,1512464,163761,1348703,178323,,,178323,1334141,,3188,17964,,3301,,,,3642,,,07/29 14:50,07/29 15:44,BHP,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200728,GA,,,,,,,,,,216727,13511,,,1487326,160824,1326502,175052,,,175052,1312274,,3157,17544,,3236,,,,3563,,,07/28 14:50,07/28 17:37,DZL,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200727,GA,,,,,,,,,,216240,13456,,,1452963,156693,1296270,170843,,,170843,1282120,,3181,17138,,3172,,,,3509,,,07/27 14:50,07/27 16:12,DZL,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200726,GA,,,,,,,,,,213487,13147,,,1428945,153305,1275640,167953,,,167953,1260992,,3079,17091,,3168,,,,3498,,,07/26 14:50,07/26 16:03,MEC,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200725,GA,,,,,,,,,,211405,12875,,,1407840,150626,1257214,165188,,,165188,1242652,,3094,17029,,3158,,,,3495,,,07/25 14:50,07/25 15:51,GET,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200724,GA,,,,,,,,,,208597,12547,,,1382444,147195,1235249,161401,,,161401,1221043,,3135,16752,,3119,,,,3442,,,07/24 14:50,07/24 16:12,DZL,HMH,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200723,GA,,,,,,,,,,205171,12208,,,1336938,142092,1194846,156588,,,156588,1180350,,3157,16353,,3034,,,,3360,,,07/23 14:50,07/23 15:39,BHP,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200722,GA,,,,,,,,,,203453,12035,,,1316844,138662,1178182,152302,,,152302,1164542,,3179,15922,,2967,,,,3335,,,07/22 14:50,07/22 16:44,ALF2,BHP,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200721,GA,,,,,,,,,,203234,12022,,,1295291,136015,1159276,148988,,,148988,1146303,,3155,15494,,2904,,,,3254,,,07/21 14:50,07/21 16:12,DZL,HMH,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200720,GA,,,,,,,,,,202941,11985,,,1273781,133027,1140754,145575,,,145575,1128206,,3183,15047,,2829,,,,3176,,,07/20 14:50,07/20 16:24,KAT,JAC,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200719,GA,,,,,,,,,,200457,11782,,,1255319,130490,1124829,143123,,,143123,1112196,,3036,15010,,2822,,,,3173,,,07/19 14:50,07/19 16:03,JJO,BHP,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200718,GA,,,,,,,,,,197631,11530,,,1231806,127413,1104393,139872,,,139872,1091934,,2929,14961,,2819,,,,3168,,,07/18 14:50,07/18 17:05,AJC,BHP,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200717,GA,,,,,,,,,,193476,10253,,,1198678,123040,1075638,135183,,,135183,1063495,,2902,14647,,2781,,,,3132,,,07/17 14:50,07/17 16:04,RRI,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200716,GA,,,,,,,,,,191262,10071,,,1178222,119761,1058461,131275,,,131275,1046947,,2841,14346,,2736,,,,3104,,,07/16 14:50,07/16 16:39,ATS,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200715,GA,,,,,,,,,,187083,9591,,,1154983,116295,1038688,127834,,,127834,1027149,,2786,14102,,2702,,,,3091,,,07/15 14:50,07/15 15:37,BHP,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200714,GA,,,,,,,,,,186113,9516,,,1131034,113044,1017990,123963,,,123963,1007071,,2741,13685,,2662,,,,3054,,,07/14 14:50,07/14 15:57,JJO,HMH,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200713,GA,,,,,,,,,,185935,9505,,,1107967,109888,998079,120569,,,120569,987398,,2600,13476,,2643,,,,3026,,,07/13 14:50,07/13 15:40,DZL,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200712,GA,,,,,,,,,,183094,9367,,,1083416,106089,977327,116926,,,116926,966490,,2512,13259,,2621,,,,3001,,,07/12 14:50,07/12 15:29,BHP,JAC,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200711,GA,,,,,,,,,,180366,9270,,,1064873,103672,961201,114401,,,114401,950472,,2446,13205,,2610,,,,2996,,,07/11 14:50,07/11 16:21,BHP,BML,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200710,GA,,,,,,,,,,177244,9169,,,1046348,101057,945291,111211,,,111211,935137,,2443,12937,,2565,,,,2965,,,07/10 14:50,07/10 15:24,BHP,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200709,GA,,,,,,,,,,174915,9117,,,1019422,97500,921922,106727,,,106727,912695,,2322,12606,,2519,,,,2930,,,07/09 14:50,07/09 15:48,DZL,QN,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200708,GA,,,,,,,,,,171858,9032,,,1000409,94773,905636,103890,,,103890,896519,,2215,12500,,2502,,,,2922,,,07/08 16:45,07/08 17:20,KVP,REB,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200707,GA,,,,,,,,,,171020,8976,,,979452,91665,887787,100470,,,100470,878982,,2096,12226,,2471,,,,2899,,,07/07 14:50,07/07 16:56,CB-M,KWS,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200706,GA,,,,,,,,,,170796,8942,,,958953,89063,869890,97064,,,97064,861889,,1962,11919,,2441,,,,2878,,,07/06 14:50,07/06 15:57,DZL,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200705,GA,,,,,,,,,,170392,8925,,,949185,87822,861363,95516,,,95516,853669,,1805,11775,,2429,,,,2860,,,07/04 14:50,07/05 15:32,SNW,SB,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200704,GA,,,,,,,,,,168048,8839,,,926359,85349,841010,93319,,,93319,833040,,1726,11743,,2425,,,,2857,,,07/04 14:50,07/05 15:32,SNW,SB,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200703,GA,,,,,,,,,,164412,8717,,,901217,82421,818796,90493,,,90493,810724,,1671,11653,,2413,,,,2856,,,07/03 15:22,07/03 16:01,GET,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200702,GA,,,,,,,,,,161483,8645,,,883239,79970,803269,87709,,,87709,795530,,1649,11500,,2389,,,,2849,,,07/02 14:50,07/02 16:03,SMG,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200701,GA,,,,,,,,,,157971,8556,,,855038,76664,778374,84237,,,84237,770801,,1570,11275,,2357,,,,2827,,,07/01 14:57,07/01 15:45,RSG,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200630,GA,,,,,,,,,,157623,8547,,,833878,74214,759664,81291,,,81291,752587,,1459,11051,,2323,,,,2805,,,06/30 14:50,06/30 17:04,BHP,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200629,GA,,,,,,,,,,157375,8529,,,823117,73044,750073,79417,,,79417,743700,,1359,10824,,2289,,,,2784,,,06/29 14:50,06/29 15:53,CKW,RS,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200628,GA,,,,,,,,,,154116,8416,,,806938,70881,736057,77210,,,77210,729728,,1236,10711,,2268,,,,2778,,,06/28 14:50,06/28 15:25,BHP,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200627,GA,,,,,,,,,,152220,8367,,,789813,68568,721245,74985,,,74985,714828,,1178,10689,,2261,,,,2776,,,06/27 14:50,06/27 15:45,DCC,BSL,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200626,GA,,,,,,,,,,149086,8275,,,771028,66510,704518,72995,,,72995,698033,,1184,10605,,2244,,,,2770,,,06/26 14:50,06/26 16:43,CB-M,KWS,"(6/26 KWS) deleted total tests figure from total PCR tests (people) since it reflects specimens (6/25 SNW) Confirmed tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" was updated to ""no data"" on 6/25. (6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200625,GA,,,,,,,,,,146230,8185,,,757924,64822,693102,71095,,757924,71095,686829,,1135,10457,,2222,,,,2745,,,06/25 14:50,06/25 15:59,AJC,BSL,"(6/25 JJA) Death values are historically recorded in both the ""Deaths"" and ""Deaths (Confirmed)"" columns for GA. However, GA’s death values are unclear about what they represent, so they should only be recorded in the main ""Deaths"" field. (6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200624,GA,,,,,,,,,,143350,8106,,,743234,63170,680064,69381,,743234,69381,673853,,1124,10313,,2206,,,,2698,,,06/24 14:50,06/24 16:12,BHP,BSL,"(6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200623,GA,,,,,,,,,,142862,8090,,,731261,61843,669418,67678,,731261,67678,663583,,1056,10123,,2174,,,,2688,,,06/23 14:50,06/23 15:55,RSG,CML,"(6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200622,GA,,,,,,,,,,142648,8079,,,708026,60017,648009,65928,,708026,65928,642098,,1000,9953,,2155,,,,2648,,,06/22 14:50,06/22 15:32,CKW,BSL,"(6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200621,GA,,,,,,,,,,140694,8017,,,698307,58928,639379,64701,,688588,64701,633606,,960,9837,,2140,,,,2643,,,06/21 14:50,06/21 15:46,ETW,SB,"(6/21 ETW) GA EMA twitter does not have an update for today on current hospitalizations (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200620,GA,,,,,,,,,,138123,7943,,,688588,58013,630575,63809,,688588,63809,630575,,944,9837,,2140,,,,2642,,,06/20 14:50,06/20 15:52,ETS,BHP,"(6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200619,GA,,,,,,,,,,134309,7848,,,663975,55678,608297,62009,,663975,62009,608297,,937,9772,,2122,,,,2636,,,06/19 14:50,06/19 15:55,SNW,RS,"(6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200618,GA,,,,,,,,,,121151,6982,,,657419,55127,602292,60912,,,60912,602292,,921,9663,,2109,,,,2605,,,06/18 14:50,06/18 16:28,ETS,BSL,"(6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200617,GA,,,,,,,,,,118426,6912,,,644723,54286,590437,60030,,,60030,590437,,881,9543,,2084,,,,2575,,,06/17 14:50,,,,,A,, 20200616,GA,,,,,,,,,,118075,6897,,,629273,53373,575900,59078,,,59078,575900,,875,9454,,2065,,,,2529,,,06/16 15:32,06/16 16:23,KWS,RS,"(6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200615,GA,,,,,,,,,,117901,6885,,,625055,52973,572082,58414,,,58414,572082,,865,9322,,2043,,,,2494,,,06/15 14:50,06/15 16:30,VVR,REB,"(6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200614,GA,,,,,,,,,,115727,6769,,,615466,52357,563109,57681,,,57681,563109,,829,9248,,2034,,,,2451,,,06/14 14:50,06/14 15:47,MEC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200613,GA,,,,,,,,,,113405,6631,,,599680,51203,548477,56801,,,56801,542879,,810,9224,,2029,,,,2446,,,06/13 14:00,06/13 15:42,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (6/13 BHP) AE15 is connected to the dashboard but the State page is always more up to date according to the note above. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200612,GA,,,,,,,,,,110825,6504,,,586426,50251,536175,55783,,,55783,536175,,836,9181,,2021,,,,2418,,,06/12 14:50,06/12 16:35,HMH,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200611,GA,,,,,,,,,,108194,6381,,,578933,49665,529278,54973,,,54973,529268,,842,9073,,2006,,,,2375,,,06/11 14:50,06/11 15:37,ETW,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200610,GA,,,,,,,,,,105491,6232,,,565758,48783,516975,53980,,,53980,516975,,817,8974,,1991,,,,2329,,,06/10 15:04,06/10 15:38,ETW,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. No Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200609,GA,,,,,,,,,,105160,6207,,,551908,47974,503934,53249,,,53249,503934,,834,8872,,1960,,,,2285,,,06/09 14:50,06/09 15:58,ETW,ESK,"PROCESS: Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. Not Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200608,GA,,,,,,,,,,105013,6203,,,544371,47493,496878,52497,,,52497,496878,,819,8746,,1925,,,,2208,,,06/08 15:00,06/08 16:19,ETW,QN,"PROCESS: Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. Not Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200607,GA,,,,,,,,,,102638,6084,,,534861,46875,487986,51898,,,51898,487986,,783,8685,,1909,,,,2180,,,06/07 15:36,06/07 16:53,ETW,CML,"PROCESS: Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. Not Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200606,GA,,,,,,,,,,99894,5903,,,522857,46119,476738,51309,,,51309,471548,,788,8662,,1901,,,,2174,,,06/06 15:00,06/06 15:59,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. Not Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200605,GA,,,,,,,,,,97294,5748,,,507788,45258,462530,50621,,,50621,457167,,790,8646,,1897,,,,2174,,,06/05 15:00,06/05 15:49,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. Not Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200604,GA,,,,,,,,,,94626,5599,,,496331,44479,451852,49847,,,49847,446484,,807,8557,,1872,,,,2147,,,06/04 15:00,06/04 16:28,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. Not Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200603,GA,,,,,,,,,,91688,5425,,,482712,43637,439075,48894,,,48894,433818,,815,8419,,1841,,,,2123,,,06/03 15:00,06/03 16:34,JA,QN,"PROCESS: Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. Not Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",B,, 20200602,GA,,,,,,,,,,91325,5395,,,474287,43178,431109,48207,,,48207,426080,,828,8334,,1821,,,,2102,,,06/02 15:11,06/02 16:38,QN,ESK,"PROCESS: Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (6/2 REB) carrying over negative number, totals didnt update but positives did. Not Twitter updates from GEMA today (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard",A,, 20200601,GA,,,,,,,,,,91184,,,,471631,,,47618,,,47618,424013,,841,8127,,1800,,,,2074,,,06/01 13:00,06/01 16:28,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard (5/27 G-S) Total tests include antibody tests and show separate number for serology, causing negative number to go down. (5/25 ESK) Removing the total PCR test number since it is not currently reported",A,, 20200531,GA,,,,,,,,,,88461,,,,465525,,,46986,,,46986,418539,,853,7946,,1794,,,,2042,,,05/31 13:00,05/31 17:29,BL,SB,"PROCESS: Use main state page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (5/31 SB) Cumulative ICU and hospitalization are on the main page, not the dashboard (5/27 G-S) Total tests include antibody tests and show separate number for serology, causing negative number to go down. (5/25 ESK) Removing the total PCR test number since it is not currently reported",A,, 20200530,GA,,,,,,,,,,84803,,,,454838,,,46286,,,46286,408552,,850,7921,,1790,,,,2003,,,05/30 13:00,05/30 15:10,CML,SPA,"PROCESS: Use main stage page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (5/27 G-S) Total tests include antibody tests and show separate number for serology, causing negative number to go down. (5/25 ESK) Removing the total PCR test number since it is not currently reported",A,, 20200529,GA,,,,,,,,,,81736,,,,450271,,,45670,,,45670,404601,,889,7852,,1780,,,,1974,,,05/29 13:00,05/29 16:49,AW,KP,"PROCESS: Use main stage page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (5/27 G-S) Total tests include antibody tests and show separate number for serology, causing negative number to go down. (5/25 ESK) Removing the total PCR test number since it is not currently reported",A,, 20200528,GA,,,,,,,,,,78173,,,,445186,,,45070,,,45070,399576,,903,7767,,1761,,,,1962,,,05/28 13:00,05/28 15:54,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: Use main stage page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (5/27 G-S) Total tests include antibody tests and show separate number for serology, causing negative number to go down. (5/25 ESK) Removing the total PCR test number since it is not currently reported",A,, 20200527,GA,,,,,,,,,,77835,,,,440756,,,44421,,,44421,396335,,907,7666,,1735,,,,1907,,,05/27 13:24,05/27 16:38,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: Use main stage page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (5/27 G-S) Total tests include antibody tests and show separate number for serology, causing negative number to go down. (5/25 ESK) Removing the total PCR test number since it is not currently reported",A,, 20200526,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,514945,,,43344,,,43730,471215,,854,7547,,1703,,,,1871,,,05/26 13:00,05/26 14:50,GGR,KP,"PROCESS: Use main stage page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (5/25 ESK) Removing the total PCR test number since it is not currently reported",A,, 20200525,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,513545,,,43344,,,43344,470201,,892,7475,,1686,,,,1830,,,05/25 13:00,05/25 16:41,ESK,CML,"PROCESS: Use main stage page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. for the Current Hosp # (5/25 ESK) Removing the total PCR test number since it is not currently reported",A,, 20200524,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,481954,,,42838,,,42838,439116,,848,7439,,1683,,,,1824,,,05/24 13:00,05/24 14:51,QN,REB,"PROCESS: Use main stage page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/23 REB) curr hosp -- twitter: (5/21 RS) No new Curr Hosp # (5/20 G-S) Current hosp from ",A,, 20200523,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,453537,,,42132,,,42132,411405,,848,7411,,1678,,,,1811,,,05/23 13:00,05/23 15:27,REB,BL,"PROCESS: Use main stage page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/23 REB) curr hosp -- twitter: (5/21 RS) No new Curr Hosp # (5/20 G-S) Current hosp from ",A,, 20200522,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,427249,,,41218,,,41218,386031,,889,7313,,1658,,,,1785,,,05/22 13:00,05/22 14:20,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Use main stage page to update numbers as the dashboard is always behind. Check with . When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/21 RS) No new Curr Hosp # (5/20 G-S) Current hosp from ",A,, 20200521,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,407731,,,40405,,,40405,367326,,919,7235,,1642,,,,1754,,,05/21 13:00,05/21 15:15,RS,PR,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/21 RS) No new Curr Hosp # (5/20 G-S) Current hosp from ",A,, 20200520,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,402940,,,39647,,,39647,363293,,959,7107,,1617,,,,1687,,,05/20 13:00,05/20 15:21,G-S,REB,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/20 G-S) Current hosp from (5/19 MM) Current hosp from (5/18 SPA) Current hosp from GA DPH tweet: (5/17 SB) Current hosp from Georgia DPH tweet: (5/16 BL) Current hosp from Georgia DPH tweet: (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200519,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,378156,,,38721,,,38721,339435,,986,7027,,1589,,,,1664,,,05/19 13:00,05/19 16:43,MM,REB,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/19 MM) Current hosp from (5/18 SPA) Current hosp from GA DPH tweet: (5/17 SB) Current hosp from Georgia DPH tweet: (5/16 BL) Current hosp from Georgia DPH tweet: (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A+,, 20200518,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,364289,,,38081,,,38081,326208,,1025,6916,,1565,,,,1642,,,05/18 13:00,05/18 14:47,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/18 SPA) Current hosp from GA DPH tweet: (5/17 SB) Current hosp from Georgia DPH tweet: (5/16 BL) Current hosp from Georgia DPH tweet: (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A+,, 20200517,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,351175,,,37701,,,37701,313474,,1010,6790,,1557,,,,1606,,,05/17 13:00,05/17 15:23,SB,KP ,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/17 SB) Current hosp from Georgia DPH tweet: (5/16 BL) Current hosp from Georgia DPH tweet: (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A+,, 20200516,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,321069,,,37147,,,37147,283922,,1005,6735,,1554,,,,1592,,,05/16 13:00,05/16 15:17,BL,REB,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/16 BL) Current hosp from Georgia DPH tweet: (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A+,, 20200515,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,301874,,,36681,,,36681,265193,,1029,6438,,1534,,,,1557,,,05/15 13:00,05/15 14:58,AW,QN,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A+,, 20200514,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,285881,,,35858,,,35858,250023,,1060,6345,,1513,,,,1527,,,05/14 13:30,05/14 14:12,rsb,RS,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A+,, 20200513,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,273904,,,35332,,,35332,238572,,1091,6259,,1494,,,,1505,,,05/13 13:25,,,,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A+,, 20200512,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,262179,,,34635,,,34635,227544,,1125,6130,,1443,,,,1461,,,05/11 13:00,05/12 16:05,RS,QN,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A+,, 20200511,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,251288,,,33927,,,33927,217361,,1133,6015,,1414,,,,1441,,,05/11 13:00,05/12 16:05,RS,QN,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200510,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,243547,,,33441,,,33441,210106,,1144,5997,,1412,,,,1405,,,05/10 15:25,05/10 16:30,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200509,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,235324,,,32532,,,32532,202792,,1179,5987,,1409,,,,1400,,,05/09 15:25,05/09 16:00,ALF,QN,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200508,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,227477,,,32106,,,32106,195461,,1227,5935,,1399,,,,1377,,,05/08 15:25,05/08 15:50,MM,REB,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200507,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,204137,,,31439,,,31439,185864,,1309,5835,,1374,,,,1336,,,05/07 14:29,05/07 15:13,PR,REB,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200506,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,204137,,,30696,,,30696,173441,,1339,5765,,1343,,,,1311,,,05/06 15:25,05/06 15:47,MM,REB,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200505,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,200814,,,29711,,,29711,171172,,1343,5634,,1318,,,,1288,,,05/05 16:25,05/05 16:43,RS,REB,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200504,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,183012,,,29368,,,29368,153957,,1377,5526,,1284,,,,1222,,,05/04 15:25,05/04 16:37,RS,PR,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (5/4 RS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200503,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,174800,,,28602,,,28602,146494,,1410,5393,,1249,,,,1177,,,05/03 10:25,05/03 14:53,REB,RS,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (4/30-5/3 KWS/REB) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29 aft REB/PR) Totals didn't update, leaving negative as is (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200502,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,174800,,,28306,,,28306,146494,,1440,5387,,1247,,,,1174,,,05/02 14:25,,,,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (4/30 mor KWS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29 aft REB/PR) Totals didn't update, leaving negative as is (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200501,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,168367,,,27270,,,27270,141097,,1500,5269,,1215,,,,1154,,,05/01 14:25,05/01 15:02,ESK,AW,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (4/30 mor KWS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29 aft REB/PR) Totals didn't update, leaving negative as is (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200430,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149044,,,26155,,,26155,122889,,,5156,,1171,,,,1120,,,04/30 14:25,04/30 14:38,BL,ESK,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (4/30 mor KWS) Totals lagging, leaving negatives as is to prevent decrease (4/29 aft REB/PR) Totals didn't update, leaving negative as is (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200429,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,140223,,,25411,,,25623,118155,,,5056,,1148,,,,1093,,,04/29 14:25,04/29 16:41,PR,ESK,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. (4/29 aft REB/PR) Totals didn't update, leaving negative as is (4/29- 4/24 mor/eve RSB/SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. ",A,, 20200428,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,140020,,,,,,24615,115405,,,4814,,1087,,,,1026,,,04/28 13:25,04/28 14:07,QN,RS,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. Easy dashboard: (4/27-4/18 mor/mor QN/ERG) Carrying negatives (4/24 eve SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. (4/21-23 eve REB) no updates on negative tests. They're clowns (4/20 eve REB) as withprevious days, no updates on negative tests (4/11-4/17 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/18-4/19 eve SB) kept previously calculated negative; positives have updated but total tests have not (calculation for negatives would be 69355+4853-(16891+950))",B,, 20200427,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,127169,,,,,,23913,103256,,,4681,,1057,,,,971,,,04/27 11:27,04/27 15:33,RS,PR,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. Easy dashboard: (4/27 mor QN) Carrying negatives (4/24 eve SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. (4/21-23 eve REB) no updates on negative tests. They're clowns (4/20 eve REB) as withprevious days, no updates on negative tests (4/11-4/17 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/18-4/19 eve SB) kept previously calculated negative; positives have updated but total tests have not (calculation for negatives would be 69355+4853-(16891+950))",B,, 20200426,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,123223,,,,,,23401,99822,,,4359,,,,,,912,,,04/26 11:28,04/26 16:37,RS,REB,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. Easy dashboard: (4/24 eve SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. (4/21-23 eve REB) no updates on negative tests. They're clowns (4/20 eve REB) as withprevious days, no updates on negative tests (4/11-4/17 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/18-4/19 eve SB) kept previously calculated negative; positives have updated but total tests have not (calculation for negatives would be 69355+4853-(16891+950))",B,, 20200425,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,119014,,,,,,22695,96319,,,4326,,,,,,904,,,04/25 11:28,04/25 15:10,LH,QN,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. Easy dashboard: (4/24 eve SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. (4/21-23 eve REB) no updates on negative tests. They're clowns (4/20 eve REB) as withprevious days, no updates on negative tests (4/11-4/17 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/18-4/19 eve SB) kept previously calculated negative; positives have updated but total tests have not (calculation for negatives would be 69355+4853-(16891+950))",B,, 20200424,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107176,,,,,,22147,85029,,,4221,,,,,,892,,,04/24 18:28,04/24 23:10,SB,QN,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. Easy dashboard: (4/24 eve SB) Number of positives on state page is higher (and time stamped more recently) than number on ""easy dashboard"", so using that larger number per the PROCESS Using this larger number, whoever, would decrease the negatives, so leaving those unchanged. (4/21-23 eve REB) no updates on negative tests. They're clowns (4/20 eve REB) as withprevious days, no updates on negative tests (4/11-4/17 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/18-4/19 eve SB) kept previously calculated negative; positives have updated but total tests have not (calculation for negatives would be 69355+4853-(16891+950))",A,, 20200423,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,101062,,,,,,21512,79550,,,4069,,,,,,872,,,04/23 18:28,,,,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. Easy dashboard: (4/21-23 eve REB) no updates on negative tests. They're clowns (4/20 eve REB) as withprevious days, no updates on negative tests (4/11-4/17 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/18-4/19 eve SB) kept previously calculated negative; positives have updated but total tests have not (calculation for negatives would be 69355+4853-(16891+950))",A,, 20200422,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94072,,,,,,20740,73332,,,3959,,,,,,836,,,04/22 18:28,,,,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers. Easy dashboard: (4/22 eve REB) no updates on negative tests (4/21 eve AGS) no updates on negative tests (4/20 eve REB) as withprevious days, no updates on negative tests (4/11-4/17 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/18-4/19 eve SB) kept previously calculated negative; positives have updated but total tests have not (calculation for negatives would be 69355+4853-(16891+950))",A,, 20200421,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88140,,,,,,19881,68259,,,3779,,,,,,799,,,04/21 18:28,,,,"PROCESS: When there's a discrepency between page and o-vid/gis query, use the higher numbers (4/21 eve AGS) no updates on negative tests (4/20 eve REB) as withprevious days, no updates on negative tests (4/11-4/17 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/18-4/19 eve SB) kept previously calculated negative; positives have updated but total tests have not (calculation for negatives would be 69355+4853-(16891+950))",A,, 20200420,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84328,,,,,,18947,65381,,,3550,,,,,,733,,,04/20 11:27,04/20 14:21,PR,RS,"(4/11-4/17 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/18-4/19 eve SB) kept previously calculated negative; positives have updated but total tests have not (calculation for negatives would be 69355+4853-(16891+950))",A,, 20200419,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79933,,,,,,18301,61632,,,3464,,,,,,687,,,04/19 21:34,,,,"(4/11-4/17 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/18-4/19 eve SB) kept previously calculated negative; positives have updated but total tests have not (calculation for negatives would be 69355+4853-(16891+950))",A,, 20200418,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74208,,,,,,17669,56539,,,3420,,,,,,673,,,04/18 11:28,,,,"(4/11-4/17 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev ",A,, 20200417,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71684,,,,,,17194,54490,,,3324,,,,,,650,,,04/17 18:28,04/17 22:25,JFC,RV,"(4/17 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/16 eve BL) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/15 eve DB) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/14 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (413 eve DPT) Keep previously calculated negative, as current negative is less than the previous (4/9 evening JL) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous (4/11 evening SB) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous (State web page has updated positives but not total tests)",A,, 20200416,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67939,,,,,,15669,52270,,,3108,,,,,,587,,,04/16 18:28,,,,"(4/16 eve BL) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/15 eve DB) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (4/14 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (413 eve DPT) Keep previously calculated negative, as current negative is less than the previous (4/9 evening JL) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous (4/11 evening SB) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous (State web page has updated positives but not total tests)",A,, 20200415,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64090,,,,,,14987,49103,,,2922,,,,,,552,,,04/15 11:28,04/15 16:00,DPT,ESK,"(4/14 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (413 eve DPT) Keep previously calculated negative, as current negative is less than the previous (4/9 evening JL) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous (4/11 evening SB) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous (State web page has updated positives but not total tests)",A,, 20200414,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61795,,,,,,14223,47572,,,2769,,,,,,501,,,04/14 18:28,,,,"(4/14 eve JFC) kept previously calculated neg, as current neg < prev (413 eve DPT) Keep previously calculated negative, as current negative is less than the previous (4/9 evening JL) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous (4/11 evening SB) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous (State web page has updated positives but not total tests)",A,, 20200413,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57021,,,,,,13315,43706,,,2589,,,,,,464,,,04/13 18:27,,,,"(413 eve DPT) Keep previously calculated negative, as current negative is less than the previous (4/9 evening JL) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous (4/11 evening SB) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous (State web page has updated positives but not total tests)",A,, 20200412,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54453,,,,,,12452,42001,,,2505,,,,,,433,,,04/12 11:27,04/12 14:12,DPT,RS,"(4/9 evening JL) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous (4/11 evening SB) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous (State web page has updated positives but not total tests)",A,, 20200411,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51715,,,,,,12159,39556,,,2479,,,,,,428,,,04/11 11:28,04/11 14:07,QN,RS,"(4/9 evening JL) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous",A,, 20200410,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46147,,,,,,11483,34664,,,2351,,,,,,416,,,04/10 11:28,04/10 14:08,MM,MC,"(4/9 evening JL) Keeping previously calculated negative, as the current negative is less than the previous",A,, 20200409,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41085,,,,,,10566,30519,,,2159,,,,,,379,,,04/09 11:54,04/09 14:21,RS,HDF,,A,, 20200408,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38787,,,,,,9901,28886,,,1993,,,,,,362,,,04/08 12:29,04/08 14:23,MM,RS,"(4/7 eve PR) -ves reverted since only half of labs were reported (4/6 eve RV) I think the negatives were calculated incorrectly for the previous entry. They were calculated as [(Total commercial lab tests + Positive commercial lab tests) - (Total Gphl tests + Positive Gphl tests)] when they should have been calculated as [(Total commercial lab tests + Total Gphl test) - (Positive commercial lab tests + Positive Gphl tests)]. I've corrected the formula using the totals from the afternoon as totals were not updated for the evening. (4/5 eve RV) keeping previous negative (4/2 eve NG) Website only updated positives, not total tests ",A,, 20200407,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33713,,,,,,8818,24895,,,1774,,,,,,329,,,04/07 11:28,04/07 14:42,RS,JJ,"(4/6 eve RV) I think the negatives were calculated incorrectly for the previous entry. They were calculated as [(Total commercial lab tests + Positive commercial lab tests) - (Total Gphl tests + Positive Gphl tests)] when they should have been calculated as [(Total commercial lab tests + Total Gphl test) - (Positive commercial lab tests + Positive Gphl tests)]. I've corrected the formula using the totals from the afternoon as totals were not updated for the evening. (4/5 eve RV) keeping previous negative (4/2 eve NG) Website only updated positives, not total tests ",A,, 20200406,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31274,,,,,,7314,23960,,,1332,,,,,,229,,,04/06 11:28,04/06 15:15,LH,HDF,"(4/5 eve RV) keeping previous negative (4/2 eve NG) Website only updated positives, not total tests ",A,, 20200405,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27832,,,,,,6647,21185,,,1283,,,,,,211,,,04/05 11:27,04/05 15:52,DB,AM,"(4/4 DG) keeping previous negative (4/2 eve SJ) keeping previous negative, so they don't decrease, per public notes (4/2 eve NG) Website only updated positives, not total tests (4/1 evening AW) Negatives causing flag, not sure why",A,, 20200404,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26294,,,,,,6160,20134,,,1239,,,,,,201,,,04/04 11:27,04/04 15:51,RS,SD,"(4/2 eve SJ) keeping previous negative, so they don't decrease, per public notes (4/2 eve NG) Website only updated positives, not total tests (4/1 evening AW) Negatives causing flag, not sure why",A,, 20200403,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25265,,,,,,5831,19434,,,1158,,,,,,184,,,04/03 11:28,04/03 15:18,EB,PR,"(4/2 eve SJ) keeping previous negative, so they don't decrease, per public notes (4/2 eve NG) Website only updated positives, not total tests (4/1 evening AW) Negatives causing flag, not sure why",A,, 20200402,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22957,,,,,,5348,17609,,,1056,,,,,,163,,,04/02 11:28,04/02 14:28,RS,HDF,"(4/1 evening AW) Negatives causing flag, not sure why",A,, 20200401,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20326,,,,,,4638,15688,,,952,,,,,,139,,,04/01 11:28,,,,,A,, 20200331,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16181,,,,,,3929,12252,,,833,,,,,,111,,,03/31 12:57,,,,,A,, 20200330,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12724,,,,,,2809,9915,,,707,,,,,,87,,,03/30 11:28,,,,,A,, 20200329,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12564,,,,,,2651,9913,,,666,,,,,,80,,,03/28 18:27,,,,,A,, 20200328,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11051,,,,,,2366,8685,,,617,,,,,,69,,,03/28 11:27,,,,,A,, 20200327,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9865,,,,,,2001,7864,,,566,,,,,,64,,,03/27 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8926,,,,,,1525,7401,,,473,,,,,,48,,,03/26 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6179,,,,,,1247,4932,,,394,,,,,,40,,,03/25 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5484,,,,,,1026,4458,,,,,,,,,32,,,03/24 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5069,,,,,,772,4297,,,,,,,,,25,,,03/23 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4020,,,,,,600,3420,,,,,,,,,23,,,03/22 12:00,,,,,,, 20200321,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3064,,,,,,507,2557,,,,,,,,,14,,,03/21 12:00,,,,,,, 20200320,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2386,,,,,,420,1966,,,,,,,,,13,,,03/20 12:00,,,,,,, 20200319,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1831,,,,,,287,1544,,,,,,,,,10,,,03/19 12:00,,,,,,, 20200318,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1508,,,,,,197,1311,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/18 12:00,,,,,,, 20200317,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,146,,,,,,146,,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/17 12:00,,,,,,, 20200316,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,121,,,,,,121,,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/16 15:19,,,,,,, 20200315,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,99,,,,,,99,,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/15 11:43,,,,,,, 20200314,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66,,,,,,66,,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/14 12:00,,,,,,, 20200313,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42,,,,,,42,,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31,,,,,,31,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 20:00,,,,,,, 20200311,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22,,,,,,22,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,,,,,,17,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,,,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,GA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,GU,,,,,,,,,,158,2,156,,37874,,,1387,8,37876,1395,36489,,38,,5,,,,533,10,,,08/31 6:00,08/31 16:56,HMH,ESK,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/21 HMH) GU had a recent PR listing a 7th death, we used cur. hosp from image since it was more recent that PR, and the sudden death should have caused a -1 drop in cur. hosp (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,GU,,,,,,,,,,158,2,156,,36916,,,1339,8,37452,1347,36113,,36,,4,,,,488,10,,,08/29 5:15,08/30 15:48,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/21 HMH) GU had a recent PR listing a 7th death, we used cur. hosp from image since it was more recent that PR, and the sudden death should have caused a -1 drop in cur. hosp (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,GU,,,,,,,,,,158,2,156,,36916,,,1339,8,37452,1347,36113,,36,,4,,,,488,10,,,08/29 5:15,08/29 16:47,HMH,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/21 HMH) GU had a recent PR listing a 7th death, we used cur. hosp from image since it was more recent that PR, and the sudden death should have caused a -1 drop in cur. hosp (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,GU,,,,,,,,,,158,2,156,,36916,,,1279,8,36918,1287,35639,,36,,4,,,,488,10,,,08/28 6:35,08/28 17:12,QN,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/21 HMH) GU had a recent PR listing a 7th death, we used cur. hosp from image since it was more recent that PR, and the sudden death should have caused a -1 drop in cur. hosp (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,GU,,,,,,,,,,158,2,156,,36346,,,1224,8,36348,1232,35124,,30,,3,,,,456,10,,,08/27 6:30,08/27 16:06,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/21 HMH) GU had a recent PR listing a 7th death, we used cur. hosp from image since it was more recent that PR, and the sudden death should have caused a -1 drop in cur. hosp (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,GU,,,,,,,,,,158,2,156,,35344,,,1112,8,35346,1120,34234,,26,,4,,,,435,9,,,08/26 7:35,08/26 16:03,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/21 HMH) GU had a recent PR listing a 7th death, we used cur. hosp from image since it was more recent that PR, and the sudden death should have caused a -1 drop in cur. hosp (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,GU,,,,,,,,,,158,2,156,,34392,,,976,8,34394,984,33418,,27,,6,,,,429,7,,,08/25 5:55,08/25 16:14,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/21 HMH) GU had a recent PR listing a 7th death, we used cur. hosp from image since it was more recent that PR, and the sudden death should have caused a -1 drop in cur. hosp (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,GU,,,,,,,,,,158,2,156,,33461,,,899,8,33463,907,32564,,17,,4,,,,428,7,,,08/24 5:30,08/24 16:56,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/21 HMH) GU had a recent PR listing a 7th death, we used cur. hosp from image since it was more recent that PR, and the sudden death should have caused a -1 drop in cur. hosp (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,GU,,,,,,,,,,155,2,153,,31506,,,812,8,32583,820,31771,,16,,3,,,,394,7,,,08/22 20:00,08/23 16:14,HMH,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/21 HMH) GU had a recent PR listing a 7th death, we used cur. hosp from image since it was more recent that PR, and the sudden death should have caused a -1 drop in cur. hosp (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,GU,,,,,,,,,,155,2,153,,31506,,,759,8,31508,767,30749,,14,,3,,,,394,7,,,08/21 8:15,08/22 16:17,SB,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/21 HMH) GU had a recent PR listing a 7th death, we used cur. hosp from image since it was more recent that PR, and the sudden death should have caused a -1 drop in cur. hosp (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,GU,,,,,,,,,,155,2,153,,31506,,,759,8,31508,767,30749,,14,,3,,,,394,7,,,08/21 8:15,08/21 15:45,QN,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/21 HMH) GU had a recent PR listing a 7th death, we used cur. hosp from image since it was more recent that PR, and the sudden death should have caused a -1 drop in cur. hosp (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,GU,,,,,,,,,,155,2,153,,30702,,,696,8,30684,704,29988,,13,,5,,,,381,6,,,08/20 5:35,08/20 16:04,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,GU,,,,,,,,,,155,2,153,,29740,,,591,8,29742,599,29151,,14,,4,,,,363,5,,,08/18 23:50,08/19 17:02,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,GU,,,,,,,,,,155,2,153,,29216,,,569,8,29218,577,28649,,14,,4,,,,353,5,,,08/17 23:40,08/18 16:14,CB-M,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,GU,,,,,,,,,,155,2,153,,28763,,,550,8,28765,558,28215,,13,,4,,,,352,5,,,08/17 1:30,08/17 16:24,SB,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,GU,,,,,,,,,,153,2,151,,27086,,,508,8,27765,516,27257,,12,,3,,,,345,5,,,08/15 20:00,08/16 16:34,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/16 HMH) PR had two days worth of data, but no profiles of cases, so used cur, hosp from facebook graphic. (8/15 HMH) GU did not update any data sources today (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,GU,,,,,,,,,,153,2,151,,27086,,,494,8,27088,502,26594,,8,,2,,,,345,5,,,08/14 5:05,08/15 16:43,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,GU,,,,,,,,,,153,2,151,,27086,,,494,8,27088,502,26594,,8,,2,,,,345,5,,,08/14 5:05,08/14 15:58,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,GU,,,,,,,,,,152,2,150,,26670,,,469,8,26672,477,26203,,8,,1,,,,343,5,,,08/13 2:55,08/13 15:48,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/13 HMH) No cur. icu number posted, carried over from yesterday (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,GU,,,,,,,,,,151,2,149,,26226,,,441,8,26228,449,25787,,7,,1,,,,341,5,,,08/12 0:15,08/12 17:03,MJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,GU,,,,,,,,,,151,2,149,,25606,,,426,8,25608,434,25182,,7,,1,,,,325,5,,,08/11 3:00,08/11 16:17,CB-M,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,GU,,,,,,,,,,147,2,145,,24354,,,410,8,25068,418,24658,,5,,1,,,,325,5,,,08/10 0:50,08/10 16:03,HMH,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (8/10 SB) ICU number comes from See today's thread for discussion (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,GU,,,,,,,,,,147,2,145,,24354,,,404,8,24521,412,24117,,3,,,,,,321,5,,,08/08 1:45,08/09 15:46,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,GU,,,,,,,,,,147,2,145,,24354,,,404,8,24521,412,24117,,3,,,,,,321,5,,,08/08 1:45,08/08 17:02,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,GU,,,,,,,,,,147,2,145,,24354,,,403,8,24354,411,23951,,3,,,,,,321,5,,,08/06 23:30,8/07 16:19,BML,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,GU,,,,,,,,,,147,2,145,,23869,,,389,8,23869,397,23480,,3,,,,,,321,5,,,08/05 22:25,8/06 16:09,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,GU,,,,,,,,,,146,2,144,,23427,,,381,8,23427,389,23046,,3,,,,,,319,5,,,08/05 1:25,8/05 15:55,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,GU,,,,,,,,,,146,2,144,,22914,,,367,8,22915,375,22548,,3,,,,,,318,5,,,08/03 22:00,8/04 16:21,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,8/4 17:58, 20200803,GU,,,,,,,,,,146,2,144,,22563,,,360,8,22565,368,22205,,5,,2,,,,305,5,,,08/02 23:20,8/03 16:27,HMH,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,21873,,,359,8,22044,367,21685,,2,,2,,,,304,5,,,07/31 21:30,8/02 16:56,BML,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,21873,,,359,8,22044,367,21685,,2,,2,,,,304,5,,,07/31 21:25,8/01 17:38,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,21873,,,348,8,21874,356,21526,,2,,2,,,,304,5,,,07/30 23:30,07/31 16:22,KP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200730,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,21533,,,346,8,21534,354,21188,,2,,2,,,,297,5,,,07/29 21:25,07/30 16:11,MM,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200729,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,21320,,,343,8,20784,351,20978,,4,,2,,,,297,5,,,07/28 22:15,07/29 16:08,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200728,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,20773,,,341,8,20784,349,20443,,5,,2,,,,291,5,,,07/28 1:45,07/28 17:16,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200727,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,20472,,,338,,20473,346,20135,,4,,,,,,291,5,,,07/27 2:40,07/27 17:26,MM,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200726,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,19791,,,329,,20024,337,19695,,1,,,,,,244,5,,,07/24 20:40,07/26 15:49,HMH,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200725,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,19791,,,329,,20024,337,19695,,1,,,,,,244,5,,,07/24 20:40,07/26 15:49,HMH,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/25 SB) Current hospitalization number taken from situation report today (no number given in today's press release). See thread today RE decision. (7/25 BHP) Went with hosp number(1) from 7/24 situation report. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200724,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,19791,,,329,,19461,337,19132,,0,,,,,,244,5,,,07/24 0:00,07/24 17:20,KP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/24 HMH) No PR today, used 7/24 0:00as timestamp since sit. update was updated. (7/21 HMH) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200723,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,19456,,,324,,19456,332,19132,,0,,,,,,244,5,,,07/22 22:50,07/23 15:44,MM,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/21 HMH)) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200722,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,19074,,,322,,19074,330,18752,,3,,,,,,242,5,,,07/22 2:50,07/22 17:09,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/21 HMH)) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200721,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,18583,,,319,,18749,327,18430,,3,,,,,,235,5,,,07/20 20:30,07/21 17:15,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/21 HMH)) Sit. report not updated today, caeried over W-Z. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200720,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,18583,,,311,,18563,319,18252,,3,,,,,,235,5,,,07/19 22:10,07/20 16:38,HMH,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200719,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,18244,,,307,,18245,315,17938,,4,,,,,,222,5,,,07/17 20:50,07/19 15:41,BML,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200718,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,18244,,,307,,18245,315,17938,,4,,,,,,222,5,,,07/17 20:50,07/19 15:41,BML,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/19 BML) Still no updates, most recent numbers from PR 229 (7/18 SB) Most recent numbers from Press Release 229 (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200717,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,18224,,,306,,18244,314,17938,,4,,,,,,214,5,,,07/16 21:40,07/17 15:56,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200716,GU,,,,,,,,,,145,2,143,,18003,,,306,,18003,314,17697,,4,,,,,,214,5,,,07/15 22:45,07/16 16:16,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200715,GU,,,,,,,,,,142,2,140,,17819,,,305,,17819,313,17514,,4,,,,,,213,5,,,07/14 22:15,07/15 16:13,HMH,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200714,GU,,,,,,,,,,142,2,140,,17529,,,304,,17529,312,17225,,3,,,,,,210,5,,,07/13 21:35,07/14 15:19,KP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200713,GU,,,,,,,,,,142,2,140,,17334,,,304,,17334,312,17030,,3,,,,,,202,5,,,07/12 21:45,07/13 15:15,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200712,GU,,,,,,,,,,142,2,140,,16858,,,304,,16971,312,16667,,3,,,,,,202,5,,,07/10 23:15,07/12 15:33,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200711,GU,,,,,,,,,,142,2,140,,16858,,,304,,16971,312,16667,,3,,,,,,202,5,,,07/10 23:15,07/12 15:33,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200710,GU,,,,,,,,,,142,2,140,,16858,,,302,,16858,310,16556,,3,,,,,,202,5,,,07/09 22:00,07/10 15:21,KP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200709,GU,,,,,,,,,,142,2,140,,16526,,,301,,16524,309,16223,,3,,,,,,202,5,,,07/08 22:00,07/09 16:03,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200708,GU,,,,,,,,,,142,2,140,,16232,,,299,,16132,307,15833,,3,,,,,,202,5,,,07/07 21:45,07/08 16:18,HMH,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200707,GU,,,,,,,,,,142,2,140,,15903,,,295,,15903,303,15608,,3,,,,,,184,5,,,07/06 22:15,07/07 15:35,KP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200706,GU,,,,,,,,,,142,2,140,,15541,,,293,,15541,301,15248,,2,,,,,,179,5,,,07/05 23:45,07/06 16:19,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200705,GU,,,,,,,,,,128,2,126,,13925,,,280,,14946,288,14666,,3,,,,,,179,5,,,07/03 22:30,07/05 15:14,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200704,GU,,,,,,,,,,128,2,126,,13925,,,280,,14946,288,14666,,3,,,,,,179,5,,,07/03 22:30,07/05 15:14,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/5 HMH) No update today (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200703,GU,,,,,,,,,,128,2,126,,13925,,,278,,14541,286,14263,,2,,,,,,179,5,,,07/03 0:00,07/03 15:20,BML,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200702,GU,,,,,,,,,,128,2,126,,13925,,,272,,13925,280,13653,,1,,,,,,179,5,,,07/01 22:10,07/02 16:20,KWS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (7/2 KWS) removed positives and negatives due to GU's annotation that positives are people-wise: ""Total positives is defined as the number of people with a positive test result.” (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200701,GU,,,,,,,,,,128,2,126,,13411,259,13152,259,,13776,267,13517,,0,,,,,,179,5,,,06/30 8:15,07/01 16:49,JAC,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200630,GU,,,,,,,,,,128,2,126,,13041,249,12792,251,,13307,259,13056,,0,,,,,,179,5,,,06/30 8:15,07/01 16:49,JAC,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200629,GU,,,,,,,,,,128,2,126,,12841,245,12596,247,,12906,255,12659,,0,,,,,,179,5,,,06/29 7:30,06/29 17:43,ALF,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200628,GU,,,,,,,,,,125,2,123,,11523,239,11284,240,,12370,248,12130,,1,,,,,,179,5,,,06/28 3:30,06/28 16:32,HMH,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200627,GU,,,,,,,,,,125,2,123,,11523,239,11284,240,,12143,248,11903,,1,,,,,,179,5,,,06/27 5:45,06/27 16:42,KP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200626,GU,,,,,,,,,,125,2,123,,11523,239,11284,240,,11884,248,11644,,1,,,,,,179,5,,,06/26 7:30,06/26 15:43,HMH,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/26 HMH) JIC Release 201 was more recent than sit. report so used their testing breakdown table for total pos. PCR. (6/25 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since GU provides an unclear figure. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200625,GU,,,,,,,,,,122,2,120,,11101,223,10878,237,,11410,245,11173,,0,,0,,0,,174,5,,,06/25 7:15,06/25 16:43,QN,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,, 20200624,GU,,,,,,,,,,122,2,120,,10711,218,10493,223,,11030,231,10807,,0,,0,,0,,174,5,,,06/24 8:00,06/24 16:17,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,, 20200623,GU,,,,,,,,,,122,2,120,,10445,217,10228,217,,10643,225,10426,,0,,0,,0,,174,5,,,06/23 8:00,06/23 15:46,QN,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,, 20200622,GU,,,,,,,,,,122,2,120,,10293,216,10077,216,,10396,224,10180,,0,,0,,0,,173,5,,,06/22 8:00,06/22 16:31,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/22 HMH) GU has this note under their profile of confirmed cases on their press releases ""*Some cases that were previously released from isolation have tested positive through follow-up testing"". Also, two press releases list 222 comfirmed. cases, but dashboard and sit. report list 214 comfirmed cases and 8 probable so we went with 214 as it seemed more likely. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,, 20200621,GU,,,,,,,,,,116,2,114,,10066,214,9852,214,,10002,222,9788,,0,,0,,0,,173,5,,,06/19 22:00,06/21 15:48,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,, 20200620,GU,,,,,,,,,,116,2,114,,10066,214,9852,214,,10010,222,9788,,0,,0,,0,,173,5,,,06/19 22:00,06/21 15:48,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,, 20200619,GU,,,,,,,,,,114,2,112,,9707,192,9515,192,,9707,200,9515,,0,,0,,0,,173,5,,,06/19 7:30,06/19 16:28,BHP,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200618,GU,,,,,,,,,,114,2,112,,9260,184,9076,185,,9580,193,9395,,0,,0,,0,,170,5,,,06/18 6:45,06/18 16:24,ALF,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. Be sure to read all press releases issued since last check. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard and in Other column. Situation report data is often older than the latest press release. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/18 ALF) PCR test specimen data in Situation Report lags behind case info in last press release (#187). (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,, 20200617,GU,,,,,,,,,,114,2,111,,9096,181,8914,180,,9190,188,9010,,0,,0,,0,,170,5,,,06/17 6:45,06/17 17:53,HMH,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/17 HMH) Positive PCR tests - Calc(from percentages from press report) gives us 181. But 188 cases that they said (in a press release) were comfirmed by testing. Both press reports are from 6/17 but only the 188 one has a date. Also, cur. hosp number is 0, so put 0 for cur. icu and vent since you can't be in the icu or on a vent(for covid) if you aren't hospitalized. Antibody data not updated (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",A,, 20200616,GU,,,,,,,,,,114,2,111,,8801,176,8624,178,,9024,186,8846,,,,,,,,169,5,,,06/16 7:30,06/16 16:42,KP,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200615,GU,,,,,,,,,,114,2,111,,8706,174,8531,177,,8750,185,8573,,,,,,,,169,5,,,06/15 5:50,06/15 16:21,REB,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200614,GU,,,,,,,,,,110,2,108,,8426,176,8249,177,,8535,185,8358,,,,,,,,168,5,,,06/14 1:25,06/14 16:36,MM,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/14 SB) Link to press release 176 in our threads, but not yet up on Guam's main page. Note updated popup notes. Confirmed cases 185 in press release used rather than ""case count"" number (182) from dashboard. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200613,GU,,,,,,,,,,110,2,108,,8426,174,8249,185,,8543,185,8358,,,,,,,,168,5,,,06/13 0:30,06/13 16:32,SB,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/13 SB) UPdated negative cases or people number (8358) and total cases (185) from today's press release. Situation report numbers lag slightly. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200612,GU,,,,,,,,,,110,2,108,,8426,174,8249,174,,8517,184,8343,,,,,,,,168,5,,,06/12 5:00,06/12 17:32,KP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200611,GU,,,,,,,,,,109,2,107,,8366,175,8191,175,,,183,8197,,,,,,,,168,5,,,06/11 8:00,06/11 15:28,RSG,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200610,GU,,,,,,,,,,109,2,107,,8076,172,7904,174,,,182,8100,,,,,,,,164,5,,,06/10 7:00,06/10 16:55,RSG,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. 2. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard. 3. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 ",B,, 20200609,GU,,,,,,,,,,109,2,107,,7797,172,7625,172,,,180,7796,,,,,,,,163,5,,,06/09 7:00,06/09 16:13,RSG,ESK,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 (5/29 AW ) neg number from press release, positive from the sit report. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",B,, 20200608,GU,,,,,,,,,,109,2,107,,7729,171,7550,171,,,179,7550,,,,,,,,163,5,,,06/08 7:00,06/08 15:19,ETW,MM,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 (5/29 AW ) neg number from press release, positive from the sit report. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",B,, 20200607,GU,,,,,,,,,,105,2,103,,7116,170,6945,171,,,179,7284,,,,,,,,162,5,,,06/06 1:45,06/07 16:20,RS,ALF,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 (5/29 AW ) neg number from press release, positive from the sit report. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",B,, 20200606,GU,,,,,,,,,,105,2,103,,7116,170,6945,171,,,179,7284,,,,,,,,162,5,,,06/06 1:45,06/07 16:20,RS,ALF,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (6/7 HMH) Data not updated since 6/5 (5/29 AW ) neg number from press release, positive from the sit report. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",B,, 20200605,GU,,,,,,,,,,105,2,103,,7116,170,6945,171,,,179,7195,,,,,,,,162,5,,,06/05 7:30,06/05 14:28,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/29 AW ) neg number from press release, positive from the sit report. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",B,, 20200604,GU,,,,,,,,,,94,2,92,,6829,171,,171,,,179,6805,,,,,,,,162,5,,,06/04 6:45,06/04 16:30,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/29 AW ) neg number from press release, positive from the sit report. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",B,, 20200603,GU,,,,,,,,,,93,2,91,,6497,170,,170,,,178,6549,,,,,,,,151,5,,,06/03 8:00,06/03 16:43,JA,QN,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/29 AW ) neg number from press release, positive from the sit report. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",B,, 20200602,GU,,,,,,,,,,93,2,,,6354,,,167,,,177,6214,,,,,,,,148,5,,,06/02 6:15,06/02 15:47,CML,QN,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/29 AW ) neg number from press release, positive from the sit report. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",B,, 20200601,GU,,,,,,,,,,85,2,,,6281,,,167,,,175,6141,,,,,,,,145,5,,,06/01 6:35,06/01 16:45,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/29 AW ) neg number from press release, positive from the sit report. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",B,, 20200531,GU,,,,,,,,,,54,1,,,6011,,,166,,,173,5929,,,,,,,,144,5,,,05/30 3:05,05/31 17:36,BL,MM,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/29 AW ) neg number from press release, positive from the sit report. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",C,, 20200530,GU,,,,,,,,,,54,1,,,6011,,,166,,6102,173,5929,,,,,,,,144,5,,,05/30 3:05,05/31 17:36,BL,MM,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/29 AW ) neg number from press release, positive from the sit report. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",C,, 20200529,GU,,,,,,,,,,54,1,,,6011,,,165,,6088,172,5923,,,,,,,,144,5,,,05/29 5:45,05/29 15:45,AW,PR,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/29 AW ) neg number from press release, positive from the sit report. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",C,, 20200528,GU,,,,,,,,,,54,1,,,5894,,,164,,5954,172,5790,,,,,,,,143,5,,,05/28 7:45,05/28 16:28,REB,JAC,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report",C,, 20200527,GU,,,,,,,,,,54,1,,,5749,,,163,,5685,170,5515,,1,,,,,,143,5,,,05/27 8:15,05/27 15:49,G-S,JAC,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/27 G-S) Serology tests in the Sit Report. Hospitalized was in Sit Report under Case Breakdown. Difference between total PCR tests in Sit Report (5749) vs calculated from press release (5686). Difference between Pos case count on Sit Report (170) vs Press Release. I suspect it's because there is 1 pos antibody reported in Sit Report. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report ",C,, 20200526,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,161,,5684,169,5515,,,,,,,,139,5,,,05/26 6:30,05/26 17:26,KP,REB,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/26 GGR) used total released from isolation for recovered and assume PCR is same as positive cases. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report ",C,, 20200525,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,161,,5564,166,5403,,,,,,,,138,5,,,05/25 0:15,05/25 16:50,ESK,PR,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report ",C,, 20200524,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5704,161,5403,161,,5564,166,5403,,,,,,,,138,5,,,05/23 18:00,05/24 15:04,QN,REB,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/24 QN) Added 140 ""follow up tests"" for the sitrep for total tests (PCR) but did not include it in total tests (people) as it possibly pertains to repeat testing (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report ",C,, 20200523,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5487,,5190,160,,5359,165,5194,,,,,,,,134,5,,,05/23 2:35,05/23 14:44,REB,BL,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report ",C,, 20200522,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5331,,5037,160,,5279,165,5114,,,,,,,,125,5,,,05/22 5:35,05/22 15:37,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Press releases linked in the ""Press Conference"" column have updated data compared to dashboard. For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. Testing data can be obtained from the sit report which can be retrieved from the ""COVID-19 daily situation report"" link on top of the dashboard Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report ",C,, 20200521,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5167,160,4875,160,,5064,165,4899,,,,,,,,125,5,,,05/21 8:00,05/21 15:19,RS,PR,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report (5/17 aft SB) negatives and total tests updated from (dowloadeded as Daily Sit Rep from top right corner of state dashboard). This file is time stamped 5/15. ",C,, 20200520,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5035,149,4754,160,,4972,165,4807,,,,,,,,125,5,,,05/20 6:30,05/20 15:30,G-S,REB,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/20 G-S) Used Sit report for test counts, press release for positive cases; Recovered revised down from Press release (5/19 SLW) Used press release for case counts, Sit Report for test counts, didn't include follow-up tests as uncertain where they would fall (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report (5/17 aft SB) negatives and total tests updated from (dowloadeded as Daily Sit Rep from top right corner of state dashboard). This file is time stamped 5/15. (5/15 aft AW) negatives from exec order; total tests from dashboard pdfs (5/10 G-S) Positive and Negative from press release. No changes. (5/9 SJ) Check the reports at -- Guam reports current hosp and demographics in ""Profiles of Earlier Confirmed Cases"". ",C,, 20200519,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4920,149,4645,149,,4827,154,4673,,,,,,,,126,5,,,05/19 5:45,05/19 16:57,SLW,REB,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/19 SLW) Used press release for case counts, Sit Report for test counts, didn't include follow-up tests as uncertain where they would fall (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report (5/17 aft SB) negatives and total tests updated from (dowloadeded as Daily Sit Rep from top right corner of state dashboard). This file is time stamped 5/15. (5/15 aft AW) negatives from exec order; total tests from dashboard pdfs (5/10 G-S) Positive and Negative from press release. No changes. (5/9 SJ) Check the reports at -- Guam reports current hosp and demographics in ""Profiles of Earlier Confirmed Cases"". ",C,, 20200518,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149,,4841,154,4569,,,,,,,,126,5,,,05/16 4:30,05/18 14:24,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report (5/17 aft SB) negatives and total tests updated from (dowloadeded as Daily Sit Rep from top right corner of state dashboard). This file is time stamped 5/15. (5/15 aft AW) negatives from exec order; total tests from dashboard pdfs (5/10 G-S) Positive and Negative from press release. No changes. (5/9 SJ) Check the reports at -- Guam reports current hosp and demographics in ""Profiles of Earlier Confirmed Cases"". ",C,, 20200517,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149,,4599,154,4450,,,,,,,,126,5,,,05/16 4:30,05/18 14:24,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report (5/17 aft SB) negatives and total tests updated from (dowloadeded as Daily Sit Rep from top right corner of state dashboard). This file is time stamped 5/15. (5/15 aft AW) negatives from exec order; total tests from dashboard pdfs (5/10 G-S) Positive and Negative from press release. No changes. (5/9 SJ) Check the reports at -- Guam reports current hosp and demographics in ""Profiles of Earlier Confirmed Cases"". ",C,, 20200516,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149,,4514,154,4365,,,,,,,,126,5,,,05/16 4:30,05/18 14:24,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/18 RS) Case counts from Sit Report (5/17 aft SB) negatives and total tests updated from (dowloadeded as Daily Sit Rep from top right corner of state dashboard). This file is time stamped 5/15. (5/15 aft AW) negatives from exec order; total tests from dashboard pdfs (5/10 G-S) Positive and Negative from press release. No changes. (5/9 SJ) Check the reports at -- Guam reports current hosp and demographics in ""Profiles of Earlier Confirmed Cases"". ",C,, 20200515,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,150,,4510,154,4361,,,,,,,,124,5,,,05/15 4:45,05/15 15:15,AW,QN,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/15 aft AW) negatives from exec order; total tests from dashboard pdfs (5/10 G-S) Positive and Negative from press release. No changes. (5/9 SJ) Check the reports at -- Guam reports current hosp and demographics in ""Profiles of Earlier Confirmed Cases"". (5/8 MM) recoveries went down by one again (5/6 MM) total cases & negatives update from Reporting is checking why recoveries went down (5/5 at REB) recovered (""released from isolation"") went down from 125 to 124 in the 2 recent reports (5/4 mor KWS) total positives have gone down by one: “On Sunday, May 3, the Joint Information received information of two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Monday, May 4, it was clarified that one of the positive cases reported the day prior had already been accounted for.” Recovered number has also gone down because ""seven people previously released from isolation have returned to active isolation status"" (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am)",C,, 20200514,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149,,4258,153,4226,,,,,,,,124,5,,,05/14 5:45,05/14 14:21,RSB,RS,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/10 G-S) Positive and Negative from press release. No changes. (5/9 SJ) Check the reports at -- Guam reports current hosp and demographics in ""Profiles of Earlier Confirmed Cases"". (5/8 MM) recoveries went down by one again (5/6 MM) total cases & negatives update from Reporting is checking why recoveries went down (5/5 at REB) recovered (""released from isolation"") went down from 125 to 124 in the 2 recent reports (5/4 mor KWS) total positives have gone down by one: “On Sunday, May 3, the Joint Information received information of two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Monday, May 4, it was clarified that one of the positive cases reported the day prior had already been accounted for.” Recovered number has also gone down because ""seven people previously released from isolation have returned to active isolation status"" (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am)",C,, 20200513,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,148,,4087,152,4110,,,,,,,,124,5,,,05/13 7:55,,,,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/10 G-S) Positive and Negative from press release. No changes. (5/9 SJ) Check the reports at -- Guam reports current hosp and demographics in ""Profiles of Earlier Confirmed Cases"". (5/8 MM) recoveries went down by one again (5/6 MM) total cases & negatives update from Reporting is checking why recoveries went down (5/5 at REB) recovered (""released from isolation"") went down from 125 to 124 in the 2 recent reports (5/4 mor KWS) total positives have gone down by one: “On Sunday, May 3, the Joint Information received information of two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Monday, May 4, it was clarified that one of the positive cases reported the day prior had already been accounted for.” Recovered number has also gone down because ""seven people previously released from isolation have returned to active isolation status"" (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am)",C,, 20200512,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,148,,,152,3939,,,,,,,,124,5,,,05/11 18:00,05/12 15:09,DPT,QN,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/12 DPT) Negatives not yet updated today. (5/10 G-S) Positive and Negative from press release. No changes. (5/9 SJ) Check the reports at -- Guam reports current hosp and demographics in ""Profiles of Earlier Confirmed Cases"". (5/8 MM) recoveries went down by one again (5/6 MM) total cases & negatives update from Reporting is checking why recoveries went down (5/5 at REB) recovered (""released from isolation"") went down from 125 to 124 in the 2 recent reports (5/4 mor KWS) total positives have gone down by one: “On Sunday, May 3, the Joint Information received information of two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Monday, May 4, it was clarified that one of the positive cases reported the day prior had already been accounted for.” Recovered number has also gone down because ""seven people previously released from isolation have returned to active isolation status"" (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am)",C,, 20200511,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147,,,151,3838,,,,,,,,124,5,,,05/11 6:45,05/11 15:52,REB,MM,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/10 G-S) Positive and Negative from press release. No changes. (5/9 SJ) Check the reports at -- Guam reports current hosp and demographics in ""Profiles of Earlier Confirmed Cases"". (5/8 MM) recoveries went down by one again (5/6 MM) total cases & negatives update from Reporting is checking why recoveries went down (5/5 at REB) recovered (""released from isolation"") went down from 125 to 124 in the 2 recent reports (5/4 mor KWS) total positives have gone down by one: “On Sunday, May 3, the Joint Information received information of two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Monday, May 4, it was clarified that one of the positive cases reported the day prior had already been accounted for.” Recovered number has also gone down because ""seven people previously released from isolation have returned to active isolation status"" (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am)",C,, 20200510,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147,,,151,3643,,,,,,,,124,5,,,05/09 3:50,05/10 16:27,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract ""Probable cases"" from ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences, and current hosp. in reports titled ""Profiles of Confirmed Cases"". Record the number of the press release referenced. (5/10 G-S) Positive and Negative from press release. No changes. (5/9 SJ) Check the reports at -- Guam reports current hosp and demographics in ""Profiles of Earlier Confirmed Cases"". (5/8 MM) recoveries went down by one again (5/6 MM) total cases & negatives update from Reporting is checking why recoveries went down (5/5 at REB) recovered (""released from isolation"") went down from 125 to 124 in the 2 recent reports (5/4 mor KWS) total positives have gone down by one: “On Sunday, May 3, the Joint Information received information of two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Monday, May 4, it was clarified that one of the positive cases reported the day prior had already been accounted for.” Recovered number has also gone down because ""seven people previously released from isolation have returned to active isolation status"" (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am)",C,, 20200509,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147,,,151,3643,,,,,,,,124,5,,,05/09 0:00,05/09 14:13,QN,RS,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract the ""Probable cases"" from the ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. (5/8 MM) recoveries went down by one again (5/6 MM) total cases & negatives update from Reporting is checking why recoveries went down (5/5 at REB) recovered (""released from isolation"") went down from 125 to 124 in the 2 recent reports (5/4 mor KWS) total positives have gone down by one: “On Sunday, May 3, the Joint Information received information of two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Monday, May 4, it was clarified that one of the positive cases reported the day prior had already been accounted for.” Recovered number has also gone down because ""seven people previously released from isolation have returned to active isolation status"" (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am) (4/30 aft ESK) Taking the 4 back out of confirmed cases until Guam clarifies if they are laboratory confirmed, or belong to the category of probable as listed. Previously, GU has been know to list diagnosed, but not tested as confirmed (4/30 mor KWS) added back 4 cases labeled as ""probable"" to ""cases confirmed by testing"" due to notice above (they are included in the ""confirmed"" sum at the bottom of the page)",C,, 20200508,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147,,,151,3626,,,,,,,,122,5,,,05/08 0:00,05/08 15:49,MM,REB,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract the ""Probable cases"" from the ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. (5/8 MM) recoveries went down by one again (5/6 MM) total cases & negatives update from Reporting is checking why recoveries went down (5/5 at REB) recovered (""released from isolation"") went down from 125 to 124 in the 2 recent reports (5/4 mor KWS) total positives have gone down by one: “On Sunday, May 3, the Joint Information received information of two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Monday, May 4, it was clarified that one of the positive cases reported the day prior had already been accounted for.” Recovered number has also gone down because ""seven people previously released from isolation have returned to active isolation status"" (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am) (4/30 aft ESK) Taking the 4 back out of confirmed cases until Guam clarifies if they are laboratory confirmed, or belong to the category of probable as listed. Previously, GU has been know to list diagnosed, but not tested as confirmed (4/30 mor KWS) added back 4 cases labeled as ""probable"" to ""cases confirmed by testing"" due to notice above (they are included in the ""confirmed"" sum at the bottom of the page)",D,, 20200507,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147,,,151,3564,,,,,,,,123,5,,,05/07 0:00,05/07 15:11,PR,REB,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract the ""Probable cases"" from the ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. (5/6 MM) total cases & negatives update from Reporting is checking why recoveries went down (5/5 at REB) recovered (""released from isolation"") went down from 125 to 124 in the 2 recent reports (5/4 mor KWS) total positives have gone down by one: “On Sunday, May 3, the Joint Information received information of two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Monday, May 4, it was clarified that one of the positive cases reported the day prior had already been accounted for.” Recovered number has also gone down because ""seven people previously released from isolation have returned to active isolation status"" (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am) (4/30 aft ESK) Taking the 4 back out of confirmed cases until Guam clarifies if they are laboratory confirmed, or belong to the category of probable as listed. Previously, GU has been know to list diagnosed, but not tested as confirmed (4/30 mor KWS) added back 4 cases labeled as ""probable"" to ""cases confirmed by testing"" due to notice above (they are included in the ""confirmed"" sum at the bottom of the page)",F,, 20200506,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147,,,151,3476,,,,,,,,123,5,,,05/06 0:00,05/06 15:55,MM,REB,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract the ""Probable cases"" from the ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. (5/6 MM) total cases & negatives update from Reporting is checking why recoveries went down (5/5 at REB) recovered (""released from isolation"") went down from 125 to 124 in the 2 recent reports (5/4 mor KWS) total positives have gone down by one: “On Sunday, May 3, the Joint Information received information of two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Monday, May 4, it was clarified that one of the positive cases reported the day prior had already been accounted for.” Recovered number has also gone down because ""seven people previously released from isolation have returned to active isolation status"" (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am) (4/30 aft ESK) Taking the 4 back out of confirmed cases until Guam clarifies if they are laboratory confirmed, or belong to the category of probable as listed. Previously, GU has been know to list diagnosed, but not tested as confirmed (4/30 mor KWS) added back 4 cases labeled as ""probable"" to ""cases confirmed by testing"" due to notice above (they are included in the ""confirmed"" sum at the bottom of the page)",F,, 20200505,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,145,,,149,3341,,,,,,,,124,5,,,05/05 9:00,05/05 14:21,REB,RS,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract the ""Probable cases"" from the ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. (5/5 at REB) recovered (""released from isolation"") went down from 125 to 124 in the 2 recent reports (5/4 mor KWS) total positives have gone down by one: “On Sunday, May 3, the Joint Information received information of two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Monday, May 4, it was clarified that one of the positive cases reported the day prior had already been accounted for.” Recovered number has also gone down because ""seven people previously released from isolation have returned to active isolation status"" (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am) (4/30 aft ESK) Taking the 4 back out of confirmed cases until Guam clarifies if they are laboratory confirmed, or belong to the category of probable as listed. Previously, GU has been know to list diagnosed, but not tested as confirmed (4/30 mor KWS) added back 4 cases labeled as ""probable"" to ""cases confirmed by testing"" due to notice above (they are included in the ""confirmed"" sum at the bottom of the page) ",F,, 20200504,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,145,,,149,3242,,,,,,,,125,5,,,05/04 7:40,05/04 15:36,ESK,REB,"PROCESS: For confirmed positives, we subtract the ""Probable cases"" from the ""Total Confirmed"" at the bottom of the table. For confirmed + probable positives we leave them in. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. (5/4 mor KWS) total positives have gone down by one: “On Sunday, May 3, the Joint Information received information of two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Monday, May 4, it was clarified that one of the positive cases reported the day prior had already been accounted for.” Recovered number has also gone down because ""seven people previously released from isolation have returned to active isolation status"" (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am) (4/30 aft ESK) Taking the 4 back out of confirmed cases until Guam clarifies if they are laboratory confirmed, or belong to the category of probable as listed. Previously, GU has been know to list diagnosed, but not tested as confirmed (4/30 mor KWS) added back 4 cases labeled as ""probable"" to ""cases confirmed by testing"" due to notice above (they are included in the ""confirmed"" sum at the bottom of the page) ",F,, 20200503,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,146,,,150,3152,,,,,,,,126,5,,,05/03 6:20,05/03 14:12,REB,RS,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. NOTICE: They report ""probable"" in the top table, but list them all as confirmed in the report -- THAT'S THE NUMBER TO USE (5/3 aft REB) ""Released from isolation"" (recovered) is now reported as 126, lower than previous 131 that was previously reported (up to May 3, 12:45am) (4/30 aft ESK) Taking the 4 back out of confirmed cases until Guam clarifies if they are laboratory confirmed, or belong to the category of probable as listed. Previously, GU has been know to list diagnosed, but not tested as confirmed (4/30 mor KWS) added back 4 cases labeled as ""probable"" to ""cases confirmed by testing"" due to notice above (they are included in the ""confirmed"" sum at the bottom of the page) ",F,, 20200502,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,144,,,148,3040,,,,,,,,131,5,,,05/02 8:15,,,,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. NOTICE: They report ""probable"" in the top table, but list them all as confirmed in the report -- THAT'S THE NUMBER TO USE (4/30 aft ESK) Taking the 4 back out of confirmed cases until Guam clarifies if they are laboratory confirmed, or belong to the category of probable as listed. Previously, GU has been know to list diagnosed, but not tested as confirmed (4/30 mor KWS) added back 4 cases labeled as ""probable"" to ""cases confirmed by testing"" due to notice above (they are included in the ""confirmed"" sum at the bottom of the page) ",F,, 20200501,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,142,,,146,2859,,,,,,,,131,5,,,05/01 8:15,05/01 15:34,ESK,MM,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. NOTICE: They report ""probable"" in the top table, but list them all as confirmed in the report -- THAT'S THE NUMBER TO USE (4/30 aft ESK) Taking the 4 back out of confirmed cases until Guam clarifies if they are laboratory confirmed, or belong to the category of probable as listed. Previously, GU has been know to list diagnosed, but not tested as confirmed (4/30 mor KWS) added back 4 cases labeled as ""probable"" to ""cases confirmed by testing"" due to notice above (they are included in the ""confirmed"" sum at the bottom of the page) ",F,, 20200430,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,142,,,146,1962,,,,,,,,131,5,,,04/30 9:15,04/30 15:40,ESK,PR,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. Dashboard: NOTICE: They report ""probable"" in the top table, but list them all as confirmed in the report -- THAT'S THE NUMBER TO USE (4/30 aft ESK) Taking the 4 back out of confirmed cases until Guam clarifies if they are laboratory confirmed, or belong to the category of probable as listed. Previously, GU has been know to list diagnosed, but not tested as confirmed (4/30 mor KWS) added back 4 cases labeled as ""probable"" to ""cases confirmed by testing"" due to notice above (they are included in the ""confirmed"" sum at the bottom of the page) ",F,, 20200429,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141,,,145,1702,,,,,,,,130,5,,,04/29 9:35,04/29 15:14,REB,ESK,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. Dashboard: NOTICE: They report ""probable"" in the top table, but list them all as confirmed in the report -- THAT'S THE NUMBER TO USE (4/28 mor/aft QN/ERG) carried over current hospitalization (4/25 aft LH) PR#92 - No new positives, negative cases and recovered went up slightly. No new data on hospitalization - carrying over current number. also: 4 probable cases (4/24 mor ALF) PR #91 lists more confirmed cases and fewer probable cases than the dashboard. Using that as source. Hospitalized from PR #90. (4/23 mor ATS/QN) PR #89, hospital number from PR #88. Curr. ICU removed as the number is 1 week old without change. (4/21 aft KP) hospital numbers from PR #85 (4/20 eve RV) Note that numbers from #Reporting for Confirmed Cases may be including probable cases. Be sure to cross check with Dashboard and Press Releases. ",D,, 20200428,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,145,1538,,3,,,,,,129,5,,,04/28 9:15,04/28 14:43,QN,RS,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. Dashboard: NOTICE: They report ""probable"" in the top table, but list them all as confirmed in the report -- THAT'S THE NUMBER TO USE (4/28 mor/aft QN/ERG) carried over current hospitalization (4/25 aft LH) PR#92 - No new positives, negative cases and recovered went up slightly. No new data on hospitalization - carrying over current number. also: 4 probable cases (4/24 mor ALF) PR #91 lists more confirmed cases and fewer probable cases than the dashboard. Using that as source. Hospitalized from PR #90. (4/23 mor ATS/QN) PR #89, hospital number from PR #88. Curr. ICU removed as the number is 1 week old without change. (4/21 aft KP) hospital numbers from PR #85 (4/20 eve RV) Note that numbers from #Reporting for Confirmed Cases may be including probable cases. Be sure to cross check with Dashboard and Press Releases. ",D,, 20200427,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,144,1424,,3,,,,,,128,5,,,04/27 7:20,04/27 15:53,RS,REB,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. Dashboard: NOTICE: They report ""probable"" in the top table, but list them all as confirmed in the report -- THAT'S THE NUMBER TO USE (4/25 aft LH) PR#92 - No new positives, negative cases and recovered went up slightly. No new data on hospitalization - carrying over current number. also: 4 probable cases (4/24 mor ALF) PR #91 lists more confirmed cases and fewer probable cases than the dashboard. Using that as source. Hospitalized from PR #90. (4/23 mor ATS/QN) PR #89, hospital number from PR #88. Curr. ICU removed as the number is 1 week old without change. (4/21 aft KP) hospital numbers from PR #85 (4/20 eve RV) Note that numbers from #Reporting for Confirmed Cases may be including probable cases. Be sure to cross check with Dashboard and Press Releases. ",D,, 20200426,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141,1387,,2,,,,,,128,5,,,04/26 7:30,04/26 14:50,REB,RS,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. Dashboard: NOTICE: They report ""probable"" in the top table, but list them all as confirmed in the report -- THAT'S THE NUMBER TO USE (4/25 aft LH) PR#92 - No new positives, negative cases and recovered went up slightly. No new data on hospitalization - carrying over current number. also: 4 probable cases (4/24 mor ALF) PR #91 lists more confirmed cases and fewer probable cases than the dashboard. Using that as source. Hospitalized from PR #90. (4/23 mor ATS/QN) PR #89, hospital number from PR #88. Curr. ICU removed as the number is 1 week old without change. (4/21 aft KP) hospital numbers from PR #85 (4/20 eve RV) Note that numbers from #Reporting for Confirmed Cases may be including probable cases. Be sure to cross check with Dashboard and Press Releases. ",D,, 20200425,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141,1308,,2,,,,,,128,5,,,04/25 7:30,04/25 14:59,LH,SJ,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We include the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Please record the change and the number of the press release here. Dashboard: (4/25 aft LH) PR#92 - No new positives, negative cases and recovered went up slightly. No new data on hospitalization - carrying over current number. also: 4 probable cases (4/24 mor ALF) PR #91 lists more confirmed cases and fewer probable cases than the dashboard. Using that as source. Hospitalized from PR #90. (4/23 mor ATS/QN) PR #89, hospital number from PR #88. Curr. ICU removed as the number is 1 week old without change. (4/21 aft KP) hospital numbers from PR #85 (4/20 eve RV) Note that numbers from #Reporting for Confirmed Cases may be including probable cases. Be sure to cross check with Dashboard and Press Releases. ",D,, 20200424,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141,1233,,2,,,,,,126,5,,,04/24 7:40,,,,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Whenever Guam data changes, please record the change and the number of the press release here. Dashboard: (4/24 mor ALF) PR #91 lists more confirmed cases and fewer probable cases than the dashboard. Using that as source. Hospitalized from PR #90. (4/23 mor ATS/QN) PR #89, hospital number from PR #88. Curr. ICU removed as the number is 1 week old without change. (4/21 aft KP) hospital numbers from PR #85 (4/20 eve RV) Note that numbers from #Reporting for Confirmed Cases may be including probable cases. Be sure to cross check with Dashboard and Press Releases. (4/20 aft REB) positive, recovered from #Reporting line 162 (4/20 mor AFG) Hospitalized from PR #82",,, 20200423,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,135,1180,,2,,,,,,126,5,,,04/23 7:45,,,,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Whenever Guam data changes, please record the change and the number of the press release here. Dashboard: (4/23 mor ATS/QN) PR #89, hospital number from PR #88. Curr. ICU removed as the number is 1 week old without change. (4/22 mor ERG) PR #87 (4/21 aft KP) hospital numbers from PR #85 (4/20 eve RV) Note that numbers from #Reporting for Confirmed Cases may be including probable cases. Be sure to cross check with Dashboard and Press Releases. (4/20 aft REB) positive, recovered from #Reporting line 162 (4/20 mor AFG) Hospitalized from PR #82 (4/19 Aft RS) Positives decreased because we decided to only report Confirmed cases (not probable) (4/18 Aft RS) Hosp. stats not updated (4/17 morning QN): New current hospitalization and ICU are from 4/14 - 4/15 presser. All other numbers from PR # 79. They have a new dashboard now (4/16 morning QN): Removed current ICU and Ventilation numbers since they're stale since 4/6. Keeping current hospitalized as the numbers are from PR #76. All other numbers taken from PR #77",,, 20200422,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,134,1086,,3,,2,,,,119,5,,,04/22 7:45,,,,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Whenever Guam data changes, please record the change and the number of the press release here. Dashborad: (4/22 mor ERG) PR #87 (4/21 aft KP) hospital numbers from PR #85 (4/21 mor QN) ICU numbers are from 4/14 - should remove if not updated by 4/22 (4/20 eve RV) Note that numbers from #Reporting for Confirmed Cases may be including probable cases. Be sure to cross check with Dashboard and Press Releases. (4/20 aft REB) positive, recovered from #Reporting line 162 (4/20 mor AFG) Hospitalized from PR #82 (4/19 Aft RS) Positives decreased because we decided to only report Confirmed cases (not probable) (4/18 Aft RS) Hosp. stats not updated (4/17 morning QN): New current hospitalization and ICU are from 4/14 - 4/15 presser. All other numbers from PR # 79. They have a new dashboard now (4/16 morning QN): Removed current ICU and Ventilation numbers since they're stale since 4/6. Keeping current hospitalized as the numbers are from PR #76. All other numbers taken from PR #77",,, 20200421,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,1033,,3,,2,,,,114,5,,,04/21 8:05,,,,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Whenever Guam data changes, please record the change and the number of the press release here. (4/21 aft KP) hospital numbers from PR #85 (4/21 mor QN) ICU numbers are from 4/14 - should remove if not updated by 4/22 (4/20 eve RV) Note that numbers from #Reporting for Confirmed Cases may be including probable cases. Be sure to cross check with Dashboard and Press Releases. (4/20 aft REB) positive, recovered from #Reporting line 162 (4/20 mor AFG) Hospitalized from PR #82 (4/19 Aft RS) Positives decreased because we decided to only report Confirmed cases (not probable) (4/18 Aft RS) Hosp. stats not updated (4/17 morning QN): New current hospitalization and ICU are from 4/14 - 4/15 presser. All other numbers from PR # 79. They have a new dashboard now (4/16 morning QN): Removed current ICU and Ventilation numbers since they're stale since 4/6. Keeping current hospitalized as the numbers are from PR #76. All other numbers taken from PR #77",,, 20200420,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,991,,3,,2,,,,112,5,,,04/20 6:50,04/21 0:21,REB,RV,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Whenever Guam data changes, please record the change and the number of the press release here. (4/20 eve RV) Note that numbers from #Reporting for Confirmed Cases may be including probable cases. Be sure to cross check with Dashboard and Press Releases. (4/20 aft REB) positive, recovered from #Reporting line 162 (4/20 mor AFG) Hospitalized from PR #82 (4/19 Aft RS) Positives decreased because we decided to only report Confirmed cases (not probable) (4/18 Aft RS) Hosp. stats not updated (4/17 morning QN): New current hospitalization and ICU are from 4/14 - 4/15 presser. All other numbers from PR # 79. They have a new dashboard now (4/16 morning QN): Removed current ICU and Ventilation numbers since they're stale since 4/6. Keeping current hospitalized as the numbers are from PR #76. All other numbers taken from PR #77",,, 20200419,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,943,,6,,2,,,,112,5,,,04/19 5:00,,,,"PROCESS: We report only Confirmed Cases as part of Positives. We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Whenever Guam data changes, please record the change and the number of the press release here. (4/19 Aft RS) Positives decreased because we decided to only report Confirmed cases (not probable) (4/18 Aft RS) Hosp. stats not updated (4/17 morning QN): New current hospitalization and ICU are from 4/14 - 4/15 presser. All other numbers from PR # 79. They have a new dashboard now (4/16 morning QN): Removed current ICU and Ventilation numbers since they're stale since 4/6. Keeping current hospitalized as the numbers are from PR #76. All other numbers taken from PR #77",,, 20200418,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,943,,6,,2,,,,110,5,,,04/18 6:50,,,,"PROCESS: We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Whenever Guam data changes, please record the change and the number of the press release here. (4/18 Aft RS) Hosp. stats not updated (4/17 morning QN): New current hospitalization and ICU are from 4/14 - 4/15 presser. All other numbers from PR # 79. They have a new dashboard now (4/16 morning QN): Removed current ICU and Ventilation numbers since they're stale since 4/6. Keeping current hospitalized as the numbers are from PR #76. All other numbers taken from PR #77",,, 20200417,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,940,,6,,2,,,,97,5,,,04/17 7:00,,,,"PROCESS: We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Whenever Guam data changes, please record the change and the number of the press release here. (4/17 morning QN): New current hospitalization and ICU are from 4/14 - 4/15 presser. All other numbers from PR # 79. They have a new dashboard now (4/16 morning QN): Removed current ICU and Ventilation numbers since they're stale since 4/6. Keeping current hospitalized as the numbers are from PR #76. All other numbers taken from PR #77 (4/15 aft DPT) updated local time with time of the press release #75, no other change (4/15 morning LAW) current hospitalization numbers and negative case count came from press release #75 (4/14 morning ATS) #72 has curr hosp number (4/13 aft AW) #70 has our curr hosp number (4/13 morning ALF) Updated positives with a calculation 134+1 to cinclude the clinically diagnosed case with the confirmed cases. Guam now reports the total negative test results from its public lab and from private labs. #71 (4/12 afternoon DPT) Updated cur hosp with numbers from press release #68 on 4/11 (4/9 evening JL) New press conference video posted on facebook for 4/10: Recovered=33, however dashboard states Recovered=41. No other stats mentioned in 4/10 press conference. (4/9 morning ALF) The stats for Guam ICU and Ventilator are very old; we need to track down the original source. Guam has not reported these stats for at least ten days. (4/10 morning LAW) Guam is including 2 tests in their official numbers that had negative results but were assumed to be positive based on symptoms and exposure",,, 20200416,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,870,,9,,,,,,86,5,,,04/16 7:45,,,,"PROCESS: We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Whenever Guam data changes, please record the change and the number of the press release here. (4/16 morning QN): Removed current ICU and Ventilation numbers since they're stale since 4/6. Keeping current hospitalized as the numbers are from PR #76. All other numbers taken from PR #77 (4/15 aft DPT) updated local time with time of the press release #75, no other change (4/15 morning LAW) current hospitalization numbers and negative case count came from press release #75 (4/14 morning ATS) #72 has curr hosp number (4/13 aft AW) #70 has our curr hosp number (4/13 morning ALF) Updated positives with a calculation 134+1 to cinclude the clinically diagnosed case with the confirmed cases. Guam now reports the total negative test results from its public lab and from private labs. #71 (4/12 afternoon DPT) Updated cur hosp with numbers from press release #68 on 4/11 (4/9 evening JL) New press conference video posted on facebook for 4/10: Recovered=33, however dashboard states Recovered=41. No other stats mentioned in 4/10 press conference. (4/9 morning ALF) The stats for Guam ICU and Ventilator are very old; we need to track down the original source. Guam has not reported these stats for at least ten days. (4/10 morning LAW) Guam is including 2 tests in their official numbers that had negative results but were assumed to be positive based on symptoms and exposure",,, 20200415,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,843,,9,,2,,2,,73,5,,,04/15 7:45,,,,"PROCESS: We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Whenever Guam data changes, please record the change and the number of the press release here. (4/15 aft DPT) updated local time with time of the press release #75, no other change (4/15 morning LAW) current hospitalization numbers and negative case count came from press release #75 (4/14 morning ATS) #72 has curr hosp number (4/13 aft AW) #70 has our curr hosp number (4/13 morning ALF) Updated positives with a calculation 134+1 to cinclude the clinically diagnosed case with the confirmed cases. Guam now reports the total negative test results from its public lab and from private labs. #71 (4/12 afternoon DPT) Updated cur hosp with numbers from press release #68 on 4/11 (4/9 evening JL) New press conference video posted on facebook for 4/10: Recovered=33, however dashboard states Recovered=41. No other stats mentioned in 4/10 press conference. (4/9 morning ALF) The stats for Guam ICU and Ventilator are very old; we need to track down the original source. Guam has not reported these stats for at least ten days. (4/10 morning LAW) Guam is including 2 tests in their official numbers that had negative results but were assumed to be positive based on symptoms and exposure",,, 20200414,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,811,,13,,2,,2,,66,5,,,04/14 8:15,04/15 8:28,LAW,AFG,"PROCESS: We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press conferences. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Whenever Guam data changes, please record the change and the number of the press release here. (4/15 morning LAW) current hospitalization numbers and negative case count came from press release #75 (4/14 morning ATS) #72 has curr hosp number (4/13 aft AW) #70 has our curr hosp number (4/13 morning ALF) Updated positives with a calculation 134+1 to cinclude the clinically diagnosed case with the confirmed cases. Guam now reports the total negative test results from its public lab and from private labs. #71 (4/12 afternoon DPT) Updated cur hosp with numbers from press release #68 on 4/11 (4/9 evening JL) New press conference video posted on facebook for 4/10: Recovered=33, however dashboard states Recovered=41. No other stats mentioned in 4/10 press conference. (4/9 morning ALF) The stats for Guam ICU and Ventilator are very old; we need to track down the original source. Guam has not reported these stats for at least ten days. (4/10 morning LAW) Guam is including 2 tests in their official numbers that had negative results but were assumed to be positive based on symptoms and exposure",,, 20200413,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,770,,12,,2,,2,,58,5,,,04/13 8:00,,,,"PROCESS: We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press conferences. Guam releases daily testing numbers and does not sum its negative results, so we calculate Negatives by adding each day's negative results. Guam sometimes reports the same numbers multiple times in a single day. Whenever Guam data changes, please record the change and the number of the press release here. (4/13 aft AW) #70 has our curr hosp number (4/13 morning ALF) Updated positives with a calculation 134+1 to cinclude the clinically diagnosed case with the confirmed cases. Guam now reports the total negative test results from its public lab and from private labs. #71 (4/12 afternoon DPT) Updated cur hosp with numbers from press release #68 on 4/11 (4/9 evening JL) New press conference video posted on facebook for 4/10: Recovered=33, however dashboard states Recovered=41. No other stats mentioned in 4/10 press conference. (4/9 morning ALF) The stats for Guam ICU and Ventilator are very old; we need to track down the original source. Guam has not reported these stats for at least ten days. (4/10 morning LAW) Guam is including 2 tests in their official numbers that had negative results but were assumed to be positive based on symptoms and exposure",,, 20200412,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,693,,13,,2,,2,,58,5,,,04/11 7:40,,,,"PROCESS: We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press releases (4/12 afternoon DPT) Updated cur hosp with numbers from press release #68 on 4/11 (4/9 evening JL) New press conference video posted on facebook for 4/10: Recovered=33, however dashboard states Recovered=41. No other stats mentioned in 4/10 press conference. (4/9 morning ALF) The stats for Guam ICU and Ventilator are very old; we need to track down the original source. Guam has not reported these stats for at least ten days. (4/10 morning LAW) Guam is including 2 tests in their official numbers that had negative results but were assumed to be positive based on symptoms and exposure",,, 20200411,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133,693,,14,,2,,2,,58,5,,,04/11 7:40,,,,"PROCESS: We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press releases (4/12 afternoon DPT) Updated cur hosp with numbers from press release #68 on 4/11 (4/9 evening JL) New press conference video posted on facebook for 4/10: Recovered=33, however dashboard states Recovered=41. No other stats mentioned in 4/10 press conference. (4/9 morning ALF) The stats for Guam ICU and Ventilator are very old; we need to track down the original source. Guam has not reported these stats for at least ten days. (4/10 morning LAW) Guam is including 2 tests in their official numbers that had negative results but were assumed to be positive based on symptoms and exposure",,, 20200410,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,130,662,,14,,2,,2,,41,4,,,04/09 20:45,04/10 14:13,MM,MC,"PROCESS: We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press releases (4/9 evening JL) New press conference video posted on facebook for 4/10: Recovered=33, however dashboard states Recovered=41. No other stats mentioned in 4/10 press conference. (4/9 morning ALF) The stats for Guam ICU and Ventilator are very old; we need to track down the original source. Guam has not reported these stats for at least ten days. (4/10 morning LAW) Guam is including 2 tests in their official numbers that had negative results but were assumed to be positive based on symptoms and exposure",,, 20200409,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,128,593,,14,,2,,2,,33,4,,,04/09 8:00,04/09 14:11,RS,MC,"PROCESS: We are including the tests from San Diego, as this is how they report the data. Hospitalization data is contained in video press releases (4/9 morning ALF) The stats for Guam ICU and Ventilator are very old; we need to track down the original source. Guam has not reported these stats for at least ten days.",,, 20200408,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,125,562,,21,,2,,2,,31,4,,,04/08 7:30,,,,"(4/8 morning RMD) total today 125-2 , 2 is for those tested in San Diego, listed in Facebook video, & in Release;11 positive from Naval in San Diego as of today. ",,, 20200407,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,121,529,,21,,2,,2,,27,4,,,04/07 7:00,,,,"(4/7 morning ALF) If we are not going to count the cases tested in San Diego for Guam, then the positive number for Guam should be a calculation -- their reported Total minus the number of cases testeed in San Diego. Today, that would be (121-9) (from gov FB), which would be 112, which would be one less than was reported yesterday. I am therefore leaving the positive count as is, at 113, until we know for sure whether to calculate Positives for Guam or to record their total, which includes the cases in San Diego. (4/7 morning RDM) Today's counts do not include 9 US Sailors (San Diego Naval Base) per the Facebook release. The positive number went down because those 9 soldiers were not subtracted in previous count ",,, 20200406,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113,505,,21,,2,,,,25,4,,,04/06 6:00,,,,"(4/6 aft MC) ICU and hosp # not reported again (4/6 morning JRF) Added additional negatives from 4/6 press release",,, 20200405,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,112,493,,21,,2,,,,23,4,,,04/05 9:05,04/05 16:15,DB,HDF,(4/5 aft DB) ICU and Hosp #'s not reported. Updated negs by adding new daily neg. Two clinically diagnosed but test negative cases included in positive category. ,,, 20200404,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93,472,,20,,2,,,,20,4,,,04/04 6:45,,,,(4/4 Aft RS) ICU and Hosp #s not reported. Updated negatives by adding new daily Negative to previous formula.,,, 20200403,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84,459,,19,,2,,,,14,4,,,04/03 9:45,,,,(4/3 aft PR and MEB) - presser transcript -- but Facebook data is most current. ,,, 20200402,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,82,442,,19,,2,,,,12,3,,,04/02 8:30,04/02 17:11,RS,ESK,"[4/2 morning LRA] - Guam last reported total negatives on 3/29. Since then they've reported daily new negatives, so the negative column is all of those added Can't find updated currently hospitalized or ICU numbers, all others are fresh.",,, 20200401,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77,406,,19,,2,,,,9,3,,,04/01 8:30,,,,,,, 20200331,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69,371,,19,,2,,,,7,2,,,03/31 7:55,,,,,,, 20200330,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58,352,,19,,2,,,,7,1,,,03/30 4:30,,,,,,, 20200329,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56,334,,15,,,,,,7,1,,,03/29 4:00,,,,,,, 20200328,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55,299,,15,,,,,,7,1,,,03/28 3:00,,,,,,, 20200327,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,299,,13,,,,,,,1,,,03/27 7:00,,,,,,, 20200326,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45,263,,11,,,,,,,1,,,03/26 6:30,,,,,,, 20200325,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37,233,,10,,,,,,,1,,,03/25 6:45,,,,,,, 20200324,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32,201,,5,,,,,,,1,,,03/24 6:45,,,,,,, 20200323,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29,161,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/23 6:45,,,,,,, 20200322,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27,126,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/22 7:00,,,,,,, 20200321,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15,108,,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 7:15,,,,,,, 20200320,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,86,,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 5:15,,,,,,, 20200319,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,69,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 5:15,,,,,,, 20200318,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,57,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 5:45,,,,,,, 20200317,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,41,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 4:15,,,,,,, 20200316,GU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,23,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:58,,,,,,, 20200831,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,260737,,,,,196719,8339,188380,,272,505,57,,42,,2520,63,,,08/30 5:59,08/31 16:50,RSG,ESK,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/25 SB) Lt. Governor's Twitter not updated, so using Curr Hosp from his Instagram. ICU/Vent numbers listed there as ""pending update"", so those numbers are being carried over. (8/22 HMH) Page timestamp was not updated, but all data was. Used 8/21 0:00 as timestamp per social media image (8/21 RSG) total people, curr hosp, ICU, and vent are only data that updated before pub shift ended. Carried yesterday's negative over. (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/31 17:26, 20200830,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,256650,,,,,193935,8139,185796,,272,497,57,,42,,2477,62,,,08/29 5:59,08/30 16:44,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/25 SB) Lt. Governor's Twitter not updated, so using Curr Hosp from his Instagram. ICU/Vent numbers listed there as ""pending update"", so those numbers are being carried over. (8/22 HMH) Page timestamp was not updated, but all data was. Used 8/21 0:00 as timestamp per social media image (8/21 RSG) total people, curr hosp, ICU, and vent are only data that updated before pub shift ended. Carried yesterday's negative over. (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/30 17:56, 20200829,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,251710,,,,,190910,7830,183080,,279,485,55,,38,,2410,59,,,08/28 5:59,08/29 16:59,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/25 SB) Lt. Governor's Twitter not updated, so using Curr Hosp from his Instagram. ICU/Vent numbers listed there as ""pending update"", so those numbers are being carried over. (8/22 HMH) Page timestamp was not updated, but all data was. Used 8/21 0:00 as timestamp per social media image (8/21 RSG) total people, curr hosp, ICU, and vent are only data that updated before pub shift ended. Carried yesterday's negative over. (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/29 17:49, 20200828,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,247017,,,,,188153,7566,180587,,286,462,56,,39,,2371,55,,,08/27 5:59,08/28 16:18,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/25 SB) Lt. Governor's Twitter not updated, so using Curr Hosp from his Instagram. ICU/Vent numbers listed there as ""pending update"", so those numbers are being carried over. (8/22 HMH) Page timestamp was not updated, but all data was. Used 8/21 0:00 as timestamp per social media image (8/21 RSG) total people, curr hosp, ICU, and vent are only data that updated before pub shift ended. Carried yesterday's negative over. (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/28 17:43, 20200827,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,243154,,,,,185675,7260,178415,,291,444,54,,35,,2288,51,,,08/26 5:59,08/27 16:55,HMH,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/25 SB) Lt. Governor's Twitter not updated, so using Curr Hosp from his Instagram. ICU/Vent numbers listed there as ""pending update"", so those numbers are being carried over. (8/22 HMH) Page timestamp was not updated, but all data was. Used 8/21 0:00 as timestamp per social media image (8/21 RSG) total people, curr hosp, ICU, and vent are only data that updated before pub shift ended. Carried yesterday's negative over. (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/27 18:55, 20200826,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,239269,,,,,183157,6984,176173,,270,419,50,,19,,2236,49,,,08/25 5:59,08/26 17:13,DZL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/25 SB) Lt. Governor's Twitter not updated, so using Curr Hosp from his Instagram. ICU/Vent numbers listed there as ""pending update"", so those numbers are being carried over. (8/22 HMH) Page timestamp was not updated, but all data was. Used 8/21 0:00 as timestamp per social media image (8/21 RSG) total people, curr hosp, ICU, and vent are only data that updated before pub shift ended. Carried yesterday's negative over. (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/26 18:37, 20200825,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,239269,,,,,180850,6984,173866,,250,419,35,,19,,2236,49,,,08/25 5:59,08/25 18:10,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/25 SB) Lt. Governor's Twitter not updated, so using Curr Hosp from his Instagram. ICU/Vent numbers listed there as ""pending update"", so those numbers are being carried over. (8/22 HMH) Page timestamp was not updated, but all data was. Used 8/21 0:00 as timestamp per social media image (8/21 RSG) total people, curr hosp, ICU, and vent are only data that updated before pub shift ended. Carried yesterday's negative over. (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/25 18:03, 20200824,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,232334,,,,,178824,6600,172224,,192,396,35,,19,,2143,47,,,08/23 18:00,08/24 16:45,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/22 HMH) Page timestamp was not updated, but all data was. Used 8/21 0:00 as timestamp per social media image (8/21 RSG) total people, curr hosp, ICU, and vent are only data that updated before pub shift ended. Carried yesterday's negative over. (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/24 17:21, 20200823,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,228381,,,,,176184,6356,169828,,192,377,35,,19,,2107,47,,,08/22 18:00,08/23 16:32,RSG,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/22 HMH) Page timestamp was not updated, but all data was. Used 8/21 0:00 as timestamp per social media image (8/21 RSG) total people, curr hosp, ICU, and vent are only data that updated before pub shift ended. Carried yesterday's negative over. (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/23 17:24, 20200822,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,223985,,,,,173550,6072,167478,,227,337,44,,23,,2072,46,,,08/21 0:00,08/22 16:37,HMH,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/22 HMH) Page timestamp was not updated, but all data was. Used 8/21 0:00 as timestamp per social media image (8/21 RSG) total people, curr hosp, ICU, and vent are only data that updated before pub shift ended. Carried yesterday's negative over. (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/22 17:10, 20200821,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,219986,,,,,171184,5844,162828,,165,317,29,,19,,2031,45,,,08/20 23:24,08/21 17:21,RSG,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/21 RSG) total people, curr hosp, ICU, and vent are only data that updated before pub shift ended. Carried yesterday's negative over. (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/21 17:26, 20200820,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,219986,,,,,168672,5844,162828,,187,317,33,,20,,2031,45,,,08/19 23:29,08/20 18:09,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/20 18:13, 20200819,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,216120,,,,,166113,5609,160504,,205,303,39,,22,,1977,42,,,08/19 0:52,08/19 18:12,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/19 17:55, 20200818,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,209529,,,,,164199,5215,158984,,175,288,35,,25,,1868,40,,,08/17 22:55,08/18 17:23,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/18 HMH) Cur. icu and vent were listed as ""pending updated"" on graphic, carried over those two data points. (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/18 17:32, 20200817,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,206537,,,,,161948,5042,156906,,143,283,35,,25,,1841,40,,,08/16 0:00,08/17 17:19,RSG,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/17 17:55, 20200816,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,202753,,,,,159299,4825,154474,,143,279,35,,25,,1808,40,,,08/14 22:38,08/16 16:23,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/16 17:31, 20200815,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,198152,,,,,156266,4543,151723,,173,277,41,,22,,1756,40,,,08/14 22:38,08/15 16:21,SB,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/15 17:34, 20200814,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,194351,,,,,153617,4312,149305,,146,267,29,,22,,1716,40,,,08/13 23:15,08/14 17:47,CB-M,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/14 17:41, 20200813,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,194351,,,,,150233,4312,146275,,132,267,33,,24,,1716,40,,,08/13 16:28,08/13 18:17,HMH,DPT,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/13 HMH) Most recent covid PR didn't have data so used second most recent. (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/13 18:17, 20200812,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,189492,,,,,150233,3958,146275,,166,260,31,,23,,1665,38,,,08/11 23:06,08/12 17:46,RSG,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/12 18:47, 20200811,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,183508,,,,,145836,3638,142198,,105,242,24,,15,,1586,34,,,08/10 23:37,08/11 16:16,HMH,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/11 HMH) Hosp data was incomplete so carried all values. (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/10 18:38, 20200810,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,181000,,,,,141944,3498,138598,,105,239,24,,15,,1548,31,,,08/08 20:40,08/10 16:52,HMH,DPT,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/10 18:38, 20200809,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,178211,,,,,141944,3346,138598,,105,237,24,,15,,1511,31,,,08/08 20:40,08/09 16:07,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/9 17:07, 20200808,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,174717,,,,,139246,3115,136131,,102,231,24,,19,,1467,31,,,08/07 23:38,08/08 16:32,RSG,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/8 RSG) Current hospitaliation, ICU, and ventiolation numbers from per Lt. Gov's email to Erin Kissane. (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/8 17:37, 20200807,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,172699,,,,,135284,2914,132370,,117,225,21,,14,,1440,29,,,08/06 23:37,8/07 15:41,RSG,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/7 18:08, 20200806,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,168422,,,,,134909,2763,132146,,83,214,15,,13,,1402,27,,,08/05 23:10,8/06 15:47,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/6 DZL) Patched HI curr. hosp, curr. vent, and curr. ICU from update on Instagram that came post-pub shift (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/6 17:19, 20200805,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,165176,,,,,132526,2591,129935,,83,208,15,,13,,1354,27,,,08/04 23:22,8/05 16:04,RSG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (8/5 RSG) Updated current hospitalizations, current vent, and current ICU from Lt. Gov's Instagram. Current vent and current ICU data is from his 8/3 post as he didn't have updated #s for 8/4. (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/5 17:43, 20200804,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,162785,,,,,130712,2448,128264,,138,201,15,,10,,1315,26,,,08/03 22:53,8/04 16:14,RSG,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/31-8/1,8/3,8/4 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/4 17:46, 20200803,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,158188,,,,,127279,2242,125037,,75,199,15,,10,,1294,26,,,08/02 22:32,8/03 16:06,RSG,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/31-8/1,8/3 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/3 17:32, 20200802,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,157291,,,,,126641,2197,124444,,75,194,15,,10,,1269,26,,,08/01 21:25,8/02 16:41,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/31-8/1 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/2 18:12, 20200801,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,152976,,,,,123251,2111,121140,,75,179,15,,10,,1243,26,,,07/31 23:31,8/01 15:55,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/31-8/1 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,8/1 17:50, 20200731,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,150394,,,,,121368,1989,119379,,65,177,14,,10,,1226,26,,,07/30 23:30,07/31 16:10,RSG,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/31 RSG) Carrying over current hospitalizations, current ICU, and vents. It isn't in the latest PR. (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,, 20200730,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147553,,,,,119212,1865,117347,,61,173,11,,9,,1215,26,,,07/29 18:00,07/30 17:07,RSG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/30 MM) Carrying over current ICU - it isn't in the latest PR (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link ",C,, 20200729,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,145404,,,,,117559,1757,115802,,47,167,,,,,1205,26,,,07/28 23:04,07/29 16:43,DZL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200728,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,143791,,,,,116387,1711,114676,,39,165,,,,,1191,26,,,07/28 0:00,07/28 16:13,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200727,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,142900,,,,,114052,1683,112432,,26,163,,,,,1179,26,,,07/27 0:00,07/27 16:34,SB,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/27 SB) State page has not updated, but dashboard has. Total people tested (on state page) has not changed (AM), but total cases have gone up, so negatives (AO) would decrease. Carrying over timestamp and total people tested for now. Using 7/27 00:00 for update time, instead of following our source note (see thread for decision). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200726,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,140442,,,,,114052,1620,112432,,29,161,,,,,1167,26,,,07/25 18:39,07/26 15:59,SB,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200725,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,138354,,,,,112790,1549,111241,,29,156,,,,,1148,26,,,07/24 18:00,07/25 16:12,SB,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/25 SB) Currently hospitalized from Other link (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200724,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,136008,,,,,111291,1490,109801,,39,155,,,,,1125,26,,,07/23 18:00,07/24 16:27,DZL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200723,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,132361,,,,,108813,1435,107378,,39,154,,,,,1113,25,,,07/22 18:00,07/23 16:30,RSG,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200722,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,131371,,,,,108182,1418,106764,,47,151,,,,,1084,24,,,07/21 0:00,07/22 16:35,AIA,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200721,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,129510,,,,,106783,1393,105390,,46,150,,,,,1057,24,,,07/20 0:00,07/21 16:40,ATS,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200720,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,128374,,,,,105956,1381,104575,,33,150,,,,,1043,24,,,07/19 0:00,07/20 16:47,ALF2,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200719,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,126454,,,,,104635,1354,103281,,39,140,,,,,1019,24,,,07/18 18:00,07/19 16:05,SB,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200718,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,124068,,,,,102995,1334,101661,,39,139,,,,,994,23,,,07/17 18:00,07/18 16:01,SB,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data gets revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200717,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,121512,,,,,101204,1311,99893,,39,138,,,,,975,22,,,07/16 18:00,07/17 16:22,RRI,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200716,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,118842,,,,,99387,1292,98095,,40,137,,,,,951,22,,,07/15 18:00,07/16 16:31,GMJ,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200715,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,116275,,,,,97557,1264,96293,,31,133,,,,,921,22,,,07/14 18:00,07/15 16:07,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200714,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,114109,,,,,96070,1243,94827,,23,128,,,,,911,22,,,07/13 18:00,07/14 16:34,KP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/14 SB) Dashboard still says data as of 7/12, but numbers have clearly updated since then and other places on the state pages say 7/13, so using 7/13 as the ""as of"". (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200713,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,112882,,,,,95170,1220,93950,,,125,,,,,890,19,,,07/12 0:00,07/13 16:16,ATS,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200712,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,111318,,,,,93920,1200,92720,,,125,,,,,872,19,,,07/11 18:00,07/12 15:31,BHP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200711,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109096,,,,,92234,1158,91076,,,125,,,,,847,19,,,07/10 18:00,07/11 15:39,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200710,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107009,,,,,90595,1130,89465,,,123,,,,,840,19,,,07/09 18:00,07/10 16:30,GET,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down). Previously we used a dashboard at but this was not official and should not be used. Use the Dashboard, Page, and Other links to access the offical sources (despite the .com domain, is a state site). (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200709,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105290,,,,,89152,1094,88058,,,122,,,,,811,19,,,07/08 18:00,07/09 15:53,DZL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200708,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,102674,,,,,87096,1071,86025,,,119,,,,,797,19,,,07/07 18:00,07/08 16:13,RRI,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200707,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100888,,,,,85673,1030,84643,,,119,,,,,781,19,,,07/06 18:00,07/07 16:29,CB-M,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (7/7 JJA) Deleted values from positive tests (PCR) and negative tests (PCR) and updated note to 'no data' because both of these values are calculated based on positive cases (PCR) - note below for previous issue with positive cases (PCR) (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200706,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100110,,,,,85058,1023,84035,,,118,,,,,777,19,,,07/05 18:00,07/06 15:59,RSG,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200705,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,99282,,,,,84325,999,83326,,,118,,,,,756,19,,,07/04 18:00,07/05 15:50,DZL,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200704,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98278,,,,,83476,975,82501,,,118,,,,,754,19,,,07/03 18:00,07/04 15:34,JJO,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200703,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95866,,,,,81618,946,80672,,,116,,,,,746,18,,,07/02 18:00,07/03 16:00,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from positive cases (PCR) because Hawaii likely lumps confirmed and probables for positive cases. (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200702,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94160,,,,,80290,926,79364,,,116,,,,,741,18,,,07/01 18:00,07/02 16:19,ENT,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200701,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92225,,,,,79058,917,78141,,,113,,,,,736,18,,,06/30 18:00,07/01 15:51,RSG,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200630,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90577,,,,,77743,900,76843,,,111,,,,,722,18,,,06/29 18:00,06/30 16:43,ASL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200629,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,89866,,,,,77155,899,76256,,,111,,,,,719,18,,,06/28 18:00,06/29 16:09,CKW,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200628,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87882,,,,,75478,872,74606,,,110,,,,,714,18,,,06/27 18:00,06/28 15:43,SNW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200627,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,86464,,,,,74301,866,73435,,,109,,,,,705,17,,,06/26 18:00,06/27 15:58,SPA,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200626,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84910,,,,,73005,850,72155,,,109,,,,,696,17,,,06/25 18:00,06/26 16:57,LRH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200625,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83301,,,,,71935,835,71100,,,105,,,,,686,17,,,06/24 18:00,06/25 16:24,RSG,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200624,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81648,,,,,70539,819,69720,,,104,,,,,673,17,,,06/23 18:00,06/24 16:49,SMG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) HI's Dash can be found at: (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200623,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80394,,,,,69340,816,68524,,,99,,,,,669,17,,,06/22 18:00,06/23 15:46,SAL,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200622,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79795,,,,,68711,814,67897,,,97,,,,,651,17,,,06/21 18:00,06/22 15:58,RSG,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200621,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78744,,,,,67860,803,67057,,,96,,,,,644,17,,,06/20 18:00,06/21 15:58,TCD,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200620,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77620,,,,,66734,789,65945,,,96,,,,,642,17,,,06/19 18:00,06/20 15:27,ETW,SPA,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200619,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76340,,,,,65744,762,64982,,,95,,,,,640,17,,,06/18 18:00,06/19 15:23,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200618,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74533,,,,,64374,744,63630,,,95,,,,,639,17,,,06/17 18:00,06/18 17:01,MM,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200617,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73078,,,,,63243,740,62503,,,92,,,,,637,17,,,06/16 18:00,06/17 15:27,AW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200616,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71575,,,,,62028,736,61292,,,91,,,,,630,17,,,06/15 18:00,06/16 16:15,BHP,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200615,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70877,,,,,61474,728,60746,,,91,,,,,629,17,,,06/14 18:00,06/15 15:34,RSG,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200614,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69512,,,,,60322,723,59599,,,89,,,,,628,17,,,06/13 18:00,06/14 15:07,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200613,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68738,,,,,59338,706,58632,,,87,,,,,627,17,,,06/12 18:00,06/13 15:03,ETS,SPA,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200612,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67392,,,,,58579,692,57887,,,86,,,,,623,17,,,06/11 18:00,06/12 15:04,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200611,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65852,,,,,57295,685,56610,,,85,,,,,622,17,,,06/10 18:00,06/11 15:33,ETW,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200610,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64501,,,,,56173,682,55491,,,84,,,,,621,17,,,06/09 18:00,06/10 15:36,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today.",D,, 20200609,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63533,,,,,55474,676,54798,,,84,,,,,618,17,,,06/08 18:00,06/09 15:14,RSG,REB,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. ",D,, 20200608,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63259,,,,,55147,675,54472,,,84,,,,,617,17,,,06/07 18:00,06/08 16:00,RSG,REB,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. ",D,, 20200607,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62005,,,,,,673,53382,,,83,,,,,616,17,,,06/06 18:00,06/07 16:52,ETW,JAC,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. ",D,, 20200606,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60985,,,,,,664,52593,,,83,,,,,614,17,,,06/05 18:00,06/06 14:42,RSG,QN,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. ",D,, 20200605,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59842,,,,,,655,51681,,,83,,,,,611,17,,,06/04 18:00,06/05 14:52,reb,RS,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (6/5 REB) Released from isolation decreased by 1: As a result of updated information, the count of released from isolation was reduced by 1 (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. ",D,, 20200604,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57942,,,,,,653,49985,,,83,,,,,612,17,,,06/03 18:00,06/04 15:52,VVR,JAC,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. ",D,, 20200603,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56569,,,,,,653,48855,,,83,,,,,609,17,,,06/02 18:00,06/03 16:47,JA,QN,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. ",D,, 20200602,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55719,,,,,,652,48269,,,83,,,,,608,17,,,06/01 18:00,06/02 15:55,REB,QN,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. (5/23 REB) revised down cases, total tests is specimens, not people (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate)",D,, 20200601,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55336,,,,,,652,47835,,,83,,,,,608,17,,,05/31 18:00,06/01 16:28,RS,QN,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. (5/23 REB) revised down cases, total tests is specimens, not people (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate)",D,, 20200531,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54620,,,,,,651,53969,,,83,,,,,606,17,,,05/30 18:00,05/31 16:13,BL,ALF,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/31 ALF) Page on ""Other"" gives ""Total Individuals Tested"" number (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. (5/23 REB) revised down cases, total tests is specimens, not people (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate)",D,, 20200530,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54014,,,,,,649,53365,,,83,,,,,605,17,,,05/29 18:00,05/30 16:08,CML++,SPA,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. (5/23 REB) revised down cases, total tests is specimens, not people (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate)",D,, 20200529,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52824,,,,,,647,52177,,,83,,,,,604,17,,,05/28 0:00,05/29 16:04,AW,PR,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. (5/23 REB) revised down cases, total tests is specimens, not people (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate)",D,, 20200528,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51839,,,,,,644,51195,,,83,,,,,600,17,,,05/27 18:00,05/28 14:32,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. (5/23 REB) revised down cases, total tests is specimens, not people (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate)",D,, 20200527,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51202,,,,,,643,50559,,,83,,,,,593,17,,,05/26 0:00,05/27 16:00,G-S,JAC,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/27 JAC) Revising Cum. Hosp. down, and making public note. (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. (5/23 REB) revised down cases, total tests is specimens, not people (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate)",D,, 20200526,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50371,,,,,,643,49728,,,84,,,,,592,17,,,05/25 18:00,05/26 16:36,GGR,KP,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/26 GGR) didn't update hosp since it went down by 1 today. (5/23 REB) revised down cases, total tests is specimens, not people (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) ",C,, 20200525,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50371,,,,,,643,49728,,,84,,,,,591,17,,,05/24 18:00,05/25 16:45,ESK,CML,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/23 REB) revised down cases, total tests is specimens, not people (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) ",C,, 20200524,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49572,,,,,,643,48929,,,84,,,,,589,17,,,05/23 18:00,05/24 14:50,QN,RS,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/23 REB) revised down cases, total tests is specimens, not people (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) ",C,, 20200523,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48821,,,,,,642,48179,,,84,,,,,585,17,,,05/22 18:00,05/23 15:04,REB,BL,"PROCESS: - Use main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #). - Use total tests (specimens) from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/23 REB) revised down cases, total tests is specimens, not people (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) ",C,, 20200522,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47985,647,47338,,,83,,,,,579,17,,,05/21 0:00,05/22 17:05,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use total tests from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of the main state page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time Note: HI's data get's revised a lot -- pay attention note down discrepancies (e.g. sometimes total tests goes down) (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) ",C,, 20200521,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47149,643,46506,,,82,,,,,578,17,,,05/20 18:00,05/21 15:20,RS,PR,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use total tests from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of this page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",C,, 20200520,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46304,641,45663,,,82,,,,,578,17,,,05/19 18:00,05/20 16:15,RSB,MM,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use total tests from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of this page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",C,, 20200519,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45023,640,44383,,,82,,,,,574,17,,,05/17 0:00,05/19 17:22,SLW,REB,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use total tests from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of this page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200518,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42524,640,41405,,,82,,,,,573,17,,,05/17 0:00,05/19 17:22,SLW,REB,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use total tests from the ""Covid-19 testing in Hawaii"" bar chart near the bottom of this page -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200517,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41778,639,41035,,,82,,,,,572,17,,,05/16 18:00,05/17 16:59,KP,RS,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the ""Lab Testing by County"" bar chart near the bottom of this page (mouse over chart). There is also a ""Cumulative Number of Reported Lab Tests"" chart, currently unclear which to use. -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200516,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40990,638,40245,,,81,,,,,565,17,,,05/15 18:00,05/16 15:28,BL,REB,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the ""Lab Testing by County"" bar chart near the bottom of this page (mouse over chart). There is also a ""Cumulative Number of Reported Lab Tests"" chart, currently unclear which to use. -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200515,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39767,637,38139,,,81,,,,,564,17,,,05/14 18:00,05/15 15:21,AW,QN,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the ""Lab Testing by County"" bar chart near the bottom of this page (mouse over chart). There is also a ""Cumulative Number of Reported Lab Tests"" chart, currently unclear which to use. -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200514,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38467,638,38243,,,81,,,,,563,17,,,05/13 18:00,05/14 14:29,RSB,BL,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the ""Lab Testing by County"" bar chart near the bottom of this page (mouse over chart). There is also a ""Cumulative Number of Reported Lab Tests"" chart, currently unclear which to use. -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200513,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38042,635,37730,,,81,,,,,563,17,,,05/12 18:00,,,,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the ""Lab Testing by County"" bar chart near the bottom of this page (mouse over chart). There is also a ""Cumulative Number of Reported Lab Tests"" chart, currently unclear which to use. -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200512,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,634,37305,,,81,,,,,561,17,,,05/11 18:00,05/12 16:28,DPT,QN,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the ""Lab Testing by County"" bar chart near the bottom of this page (mouse over chart). There is also a ""Cumulative Number of Reported Lab Tests"" chart, currently unclear which to use. -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200511,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,632,37051,,,81,,,,,561,17,,,05/10 18:00,05/11 15:58,REB,MM,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the ""Lab Testing by County"" bar chart near the bottom of this page (mouse over chart). There is also a ""Cumulative Number of Reported Lab Tests"" chart, currently unclear which to use. -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200510,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,631,36639,,,81,,,,,551,17,,,05/09 18:00,05/10 15:37,REB,CML,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the ""Lab Testing by County"" bar chart near the bottom of this page (mouse over chart). There is also a ""Cumulative Number of Reported Lab Tests"" chart, currently unclear which to use. -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/10 REB) revised down recovered. (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200509,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,629,35633,,,81,,,,,566,17,,,05/08 0:00,05/09 14:34,QN,ALF**,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the ""Lab Testing by County"" bar chart near the bottom of this page (mouse over chart). There is also a ""Cumulative Number of Reported Lab Tests"" chart, currently unclear which to use. -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/9 QN aft) State revised all numbers across the board - negatives dropped (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",C,, 20200508,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,629,35989,,,74,,,,,565,17,,,05/07 0:00,05/08 16:03,MM,REB,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200507,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,626,34915,,,74,,,,,558,17,,,05/06 18:00,05/07 15:37,PR,REB,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/7) positives tests for 5/5 are 599, positives for 5/3 dropped to 590 (used to be 600 for thisdate) (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200506,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,625,34574,,,73,,,,,551,17,,,05/05 18:00,05/06 16:24,MM,REB,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200505,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,621,33378,,,73,,,,,548,17,,,05/04 18:00,05/05 14:32,REB,RS,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time (5/5 aft REB) not sure what's up with positives, it's still the previous day (5/3), so maybe just lagging? ",B,, 20200504,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,620,33246,,,73,,,,,544,17,,,05/03 18:00,05/04 15:48,ESK,REB,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time ",B,, 20200503,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,620,32330,,,72,,,,,541,16,,,05/02 0:00,05/03 14:17,REB,RS,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time ",B,, 20200502,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,619,31366,,,72,,,,,532,16,,,05/01 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time ",B,, 20200501,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,618,30476,,,70,,,,,526,16,,,04/30 0:00,05/01 15:40,ESK,MM,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives and confirmed positives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. -- Data is AS OF the day prior. Use 0:00 for time ",B,, 20200430,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,613,30027,,,69,,,,,516,16,,,04/29 18:00,04/30 15:41,ESK,RS,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. ",B,, 20200429,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,628,27632,,,,609,29009,,,69,,,,,505,16,,,04/28 18:00,04/29 15:21,REB,ESK,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. ",B,, 20200428,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,607,28576,,,68,,,,,493,16,,,04/27 18:00,04/28 14:47,QN,RS,"PROCESS: - NOW using Main number for Cases from top of dashboard (in big bold #) instead of ""positive cases"" from the table, because the former number is what is being reported by the state in media and on all other DOH sources - Use negatives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. (4/28 aft RS) Positive cases declined because previous shift used ""positive cases"" instead of main total cases #. See 4/27 afternoon thread for decision to use the primary number (4/23 eve REB) HI is reporting ""positive tests"" again, number of positive dropped due to this update (4/22 eve REB) positive tests no longer reported on dashboard. Reverting to reporting cases (4/21 eve RV) Revised the positives number to be ""positive tests"", causing the count to decrease from this afternoon ",C,, 20200427,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,606,28404,,,68,,,,,488,14,,,04/26 18:00,04/27 16:01,DPT,RS/ESK,"PROCESS: - Use ""Positive Tests"" for positives, from a table below the main dashboard (and not ""Cases"" from the top of the dashboard) - Use negatives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. (4/23 eve REB) HI is reporting ""positive tests"" again, number of positive dropped due to this update (4/22 eve REB) positive tests no longer reported on dashboard. Reverting to reporting cases (4/21 eve RV) Revised the positives number to be ""positive tests"", causing the count to decrease from this afternoon ",C,, 20200426,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,603,27880,,,68,,,,,482,14,,,04/25 18:00,04/26 14:55,REB,RS,"PROCESS: - Use ""Positive Tests"" for positives, from a table below the main dashboard (and not ""Cases"" from the top of the dashboard) - Use negatives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. (4/23 eve REB) HI is reporting ""positive tests"" again, number of positive dropped due to this update (4/22 eve REB) positive tests no longer reported on dashboard. Reverting to reporting cases (4/21 eve RV) Revised the positives number to be ""positive tests"", causing the count to decrease from this afternoon ",C,, 20200425,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,601,27439,,,67,,,,,463,13,,,04/24 18:00,04/25 15:11,LH,QN,"PROCESS: - Use ""Positive Tests"" for positives, from a table below the main dashboard (and not ""Cases"" from the top of the dashboard) - Use negatives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. (4/23 eve REB) HI is reporting ""positive tests"" again, number of positive dropped due to this update (4/22 eve REB) positive tests no longer reported on dashboard. Reverting to reporting cases (4/21 eve RV) Revised the positives number to be ""positive tests"", causing the count to decrease from this afternoon ",C,, 20200424,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,596,26291,,,63,,,,,455,12,,,04/24 18:00,04/25 15:11,LH,QN,"PROCESS: - Use ""Positive Tests"" for positives, from a table below the main dashboard (and not ""Cases"" from the top of the dashboard) - Use negatives from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): -- else use the number from from the day's presser. (4/23 eve REB) HI is reporting ""positive tests"" again, number of positive dropped due to this update (4/22 eve REB) positive tests no longer reported on dashboard. Reverting to reporting cases (4/21 eve RV) Revised the positives number to be ""positive tests"", causing the count to decrease from this afternoon ",A,, 20200423,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,592,25536,,,63,,,,,444,12,,,04/22 18:00,,,,"PROCESS: - Use ""Positive Tests"" for positives, from a table below the main dashboard (and not ""Cases"" from the top of the dashboard) - Use negatives from the day's presser, else from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): (4/23 eve REB) HI is reporting ""positive tests"" again, number of positive dropped due to this update (4/22 eve REB) positive tests no longer reported on dashboard. Reverting to reporting cases (4/21 eve RV) Revised the positives number to be ""positive tests"", causing the count to decrease from this afternoon ",A,, 20200422,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,586,24760,,,56,,,,,437,12,,,04/22 18:00,,,,"PROCESS: - Use ""Positive Tests"" for positives, from a table below the main dashboard (and not ""Cases"" from the top of the dashboard) - Use negatives from the day's presser, else from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): (4/23 eve REB) HI is reporting ""positive tests"" again, number of positive dropped due to this update (4/22 eve REB) positive tests no longer reported on dashboard. Reverting to reporting cases (4/21 eve RV) Revised the positives number to be ""positive tests"", causing the count to decrease from this afternoon ",A,, 20200421,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,584,24112,,,55,,,,,423,10,,,04/21 19:30,04/22 15:23,REB,AW,"PROCESS: - Use ""Positive Tests"" for positives, from a table below the main dashboard (and not ""Cases"" from the top of the dashboard) - Use negatives from the day's presser, else from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): (4/21 eve RV) Revised the positives number to be ""positive tests"", causing the count to decrease from this afternoon (4/18 eve SB) Number of positive tests is reported as 564, while total number of cases is reported as 574. Using the number of positive tests. ",A,, 20200420,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,580,23595,,,52,,,,,414,10,,,04/19 18:00,04/20 14:50,PR,RS,"PROCESS: Calculate negatives from the day's presser, else from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): (4/18 eve SB) Number of positive tests is reported as 564, while total number of cases is reported as 574. Using the number of positive tests. ",A,, 20200419,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,574,22896,,,51,,,,,410,9,,,04/19 18:00,04/20 14:50,PR,RS,"PROCESS: Calculate negatives from the day's presser, else from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): (4/18 eve SB) Number of positive tests is reported as 564, while total number of cases is reported as 574. Using the number of positive tests. ",A,, 20200418,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,553,21790,,,48,,,,,390,9,,,04/17 18:30,,,,"PROCESS: Calculate negatives from the day's presser, else from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): ",A,, 20200417,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,541,21316,,,45,,,,,374,9,,,04/17 18:30,,,,"PROCESS: Calculate negatives from the day's presser, else from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): ",A,, 20200416,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,530,20170,,,45,,,,,359,9,,,04/16 18:00,04/17 14:43,JJ,RS,"PROCESS: Calculate negatives from the day's presser, else from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): ",A,, 20200415,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,517,19286,,,45,,,,,333,9,,,04/14 18:00,04/15 16:23,DPT,ESK,"PROCESS: Calculate negatives from the day's presser, else from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): ",A,, 20200414,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,504,18916,,,44,,,,,315,9,,,04/14 18:00,04/15 16:23,DPT,ESK,"PROCESS: Calculate negatives from the day's presser, else from the bar chart at the bottom here (mouse over the last bar in the chart): ",A,, 20200413,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,499,18345,,,44,,6,,2,310,9,,,04/13 18:00,04/14 16:11,KP,MC,"PROCESS: ""Pending"" on the state page means the county of residence is unknown. Interpret as positives. Negatives are listed on Bar Chart at Bottom here: (4/14 KP) to get negatives number, mouse over last bar in bar chart at the bottom of (4/13 eve DPT) Deleted 2-week-old ICU and ventilator numbers. Taking larger of 2 posted negative numbers (4/9 SD) ICU and ventilator from 03/30 article on public note. (4/9 RS) Update Public Notes to reflect that Negatives ARE tracked (4/9 SB evening) Top of page states update as of 12:00 4/9, but bar chart reporting cumulative tests give April 8, and last bar in graph is April 7. ICU number is from a media report on 3/30 ( Also added cumulative on ventilator number from this article (2). Box is now showing up pink, though, and number is surely no longer correct. (4/11 SB evening) Page states update as of noon 4/11, but bar chart giving number of negatives states update as of 4/10, and number of negatives in chart is for 4/10",A,, 20200412,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,486,17482,,,44,,6,,2,300,8,,,04/11 18:00,04/12 15:44,DPT,RS,"PROCESS: ""Pending"" on the state page means the county of residence is unknown. Interpret as positives. Negatives are listed on Bar Chart at Bottom here: (4/9 SD) ICU and ventilator from 03/30 article on public note. (4/9 RS) Update Public Notes to reflect that Negatives ARE tracked (4/9 SB evening) Top of page states update as of 12:00 4/9, but bar chart reporting cumulative tests give April 8, and last bar in graph is April 7. ICU number is from a media report on 3/30 ( Also added cumulative on ventilator number from this article (2). Box is now showing up pink, though, and number is surely no longer correct. (4/11 SB evening) Page states update as of noon 4/11, but bar chart giving number of negatives states update as of 4/10, and number of negatives in chart is for 4/10",A,, 20200411,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,465,17066,,,43,,6,,2,284,8,,,04/10 18:00,04/11 16:08,QN,AM,"PROCESS: ""Pending"" on the state page means the county of residence is unknown. Interpret as positives. Negatives are listed on Bar Chart at Bottom here: (4/9 SD) ICU and ventilator from 03/30 article on public note. (4/9 RS) Update Public Notes to reflect that Negatives ARE tracked (4/9 SB evening) Top of page states update as of 12:00 4/9, but bar chart reporting cumulative tests give April 8, and last bar in graph is April 7. ICU number is from a media report on 3/30 ( Also added cumulative on ventilator number from this article (2). Box is now showing up pink, though, and number is surely no longer correct.",A,, 20200410,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,442,15707,,,42,,6,,2,251,6,,,04/09 18:00,04/10 14:16,MM,MC,"PROCESS: ""Pending"" on the state page means the county of residence is unknown. Interpret as positives. Negatives are listed on Bar Chart at Bottom here: (4/9 SD) ICU and ventilator from 03/30 article on public note. (4/9 RS) Update Public Notes to reflect that Negatives ARE tracked (4/9 SB evening) Top of page states update as of 12:00 4/9, but bar chart reporting cumulative tests give April 8, and last bar in graph is April 7. ICU number is from a media report on 3/30 ( Also added cumulative on ventilator number from this article (2). Box is now showing up pink, though, and number is surely no longer correct.",A,, 20200409,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,435,15316,,,42,,6,,,113,5,,,04/08 18:00,04/09 16:52,RS,PR,"PROCESS: ""Pending"" on the state page means the county of residence is unknown. Interpret as positives. Negatives are listed on Bar Chart at Bottom here: (4/9 RS) Update Public Notes to reflect that Negatives ARE tracked",A,, 20200408,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,410,14739,,,42,,6,,,113,5,,,04/07 18:00,04/08 14:37,MM,RS,"(4/7 DB eve) ICU not updated; Negatives updated from bar chart at the bottom of (4/6 RV eve) Dashboard updated, but April 6th press release not yet posted so left negatives the same, I imagine the press release will be available at 23:00 (4/5 DM aft) ICU not updated Last ICU source: PROCESS: ""Pending"" on the state page means the county of residence is unknown. Interpret as positives. PROCESS: [Top Line, w/ timestamp ]( [Detailed Summaries, updated daily ]( [Another Summary, use Top Line as primary ](",A,, 20200407,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,387,13155,,,26,,6,,,89,5,,,04/06 18:00,04/07 14:45,RS,JJ,"(4/6 RV eve) Dashboard updated, but April 6th press release not yet posted so left negatives the same, I imagine the press release will be available at 23:00 (4/5 DM aft) ICU not updated Last ICU source: PROCESS: ""Pending"" on the state page means the county of residence is unknown. Interpret as positives. PROCESS: [Top Line, w/ timestamp ]( [Detailed Summaries, updated daily ]( [Another Summary, use Top Line as primary ](",A,, 20200406,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,371,13155,,,21,,6,,,85,4,,,04/05 18:00,04/06 14:08,LH,JJ,"(4/5 DM aft) ICU not updated Last ICU source: PROCESS: ""Pending"" on the state page means the county of residence is unknown. Interpret as positives. PROCESS: [Top Line, w/ timestamp ]( [Detailed Summaries, updated daily ]( [Another Summary, use Top Line as primary ](",A,, 20200405,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,351,12604,,,19,,6,,,82,4,,,04/04 18:00,04/05 15:58,DB,AM,"(4/5 DM aft) ICU not updated, unknown source (4/4 CML eve) Subtracted total cases - pending for 343 positive. (4/3 AFG) PROCESS note: what is shown as Pending is that the county of residence is unknown, not the test result. Interpret those as positives, do not use for [our] pending test value 4/2 DG) Negatives not updated (source dated 4/1), ICU not updated (unknown source) PROCESS: [Top Line, most current timestamp]( [Detailed Summaries, updated daily-ish]( [Another Summary, use Top Line as primary](",A,, 20200404,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,319,11959,,,18,,6,,,78,3,,,04/03 18:00,04/04 16:18,RS,PR,"(4/3 DG) Did not update ICU (source?) (4/3 afternoon MEB) No update yet on 4/3. (4/3 AFG) as a note for future data entry, what is shown as Pending is that the county of residence is unknown, not the test result, so it is different from our Pending and should not be used for the pending test value 4/2 DG) Negatives not updated (source dated 4/1), ICU not updated (unknown source), pending not updated (unknown source) [Top Line, most current timestamp]( [Detailed Summaries, updated daily-ish]( [Another Summary, us Top Line as primary](",A,, 20200403,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,285,10206,,,15,,6,,,72,2,,,04/02 18:00,04/03 16:21,MEB,PR,"(4/3 afternoon MEB) No update yet on 4/3. (4/3 AFG) as a note for future data entry, what is shown as Pending is that the county of residence is unknown, not the test result, so it is different from our Pending and should not be used for the pending test value 4/2 DG) Negatives not updated (source dated 4/1), ICU not updated (unknown source), pending not updated (unknown source) [Top Line, most current timestamp]( [Detailed Summaries, updated daily-ish]( [Another Summary, us Top Line as primary](",A,, 20200402,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,258,10206,,,15,,6,,,69,1,,,04/01 18:00,04/02 16:54,RS,PR,"[Top Line, most current timestamp]( [Detailed Summaries, updated daily-ish]( [Another Summary, us Top Line as primary](",A,, 20200401,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,208,8721,,,13,,6,,,58,1,,,03/31 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,204,8471,,,12,,6,,,49,,,,03/30 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,175,7825,,,12,,,,,,,,,03/29 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,151,6849,,,12,,,,,,,,,03/28 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,120,4357,,,8,,,,,,,,,03/27 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,106,4357,,,7,,,,,,,,,03/26 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95,4357,,,5,,,,,,,,,03/25 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90,4357,,,6,,,,,,,,,03/24 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77,3589,,,4,,,,,,,,,03/23 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56,2955,,,,,,,,,,,,03/22 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48,263,,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 18:00,,,,,,, 20200321,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37,124,,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 18:00,,,,,,, 20200320,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26,124,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 18:00,,,,,,, 20200319,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16,93,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 18:00,,,,,,, 20200318,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,93,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 20:00,,,,,,, 20200317,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 18:00,,,,,,, 20200316,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:39,,,,,,, 20200315,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,HI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,IA,11957,1500,10457,,,,49191,3052,46099,,,,,,,,63328,,622372,63328,557544,,299,,85,,46,,46740,1116,,,08/31 0:00,08/31 17:18,LDH,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,IA,11962,1488,10474,,,,49157,3044,46073,,,,,,,,62720,,618597,62720,554375,,308,,88,,42,,46555,1113,,,08/30 0:00,08/30 16:27,JJO,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,IA,11775,1450,10325,,,,48817,3034,45743,,,,,,,,61749,,614094,61749,550830,,315,,91,,43,,46409,1108,,,08/29 0:00,08/29 17:02,ETS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,IA,11155,1382,,,,,48321,3020,45261,,,,,,,,60971,,608675,60971,546188,,299,,91,,41,,45977,1095,,,08/28 0:00,08/28 16:42,QN,PK,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,IA,,,,,,,47705,3011,44654,,,,,,,,59786,,616510,59786,541857,,305,,99,,44,,45447,1083,,,08/27 0:00,08/27 17:36,DZL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,IA,,,,,,,47597,2999,44558,,,,,,,,58235,,608333,58235,535573,,313,,102,,40,,44903,1067,,,08/26 0:00,08/26 17:12,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,IA,,,,,,,47180,2993,44147,,,,,,,,57294,,602037,57294,530449,,295,,82,,37,,44396,1052,,,08/25 0:00,08/25 17:01,JAG,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,IA,,,,,,,46923,2986,43897,,,,,,,,56633,,598215,56633,527465,,275,,86,,37,,43738,1044,,,08/24 0:00,08/24 16:44,AJC,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,IA,,,,,,,46862,2980,43842,,,,,,,,56275,,595765,56275,525701,,260,,82,,39,,43493,1036,,,08/23 0:00,08/23 17:00,CRG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,IA,,,,,,,46576,2975,43561,,,,,,,,55735,,591963,55735,522620,,268,,79,,34,,43383,1031,,,08/22 0:00,08/22 16:40,RRI,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,IA,,,,,,,46117,2964,43113,,,,,,,,55006,,586622,55006,518133,,293,,81,,32,,42912,1021,,,08/21 0:00,08/21 16:35,QN,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,IA,,,,,,,45627,2955,42632,,,,,,,,54015,,581522,54015,514176,,300,,89,,31,,42372,1014,,,08/20 0:00,08/20 16:23,KSB,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,IA,,,,,,,45090,2942,42108,,,,,,,,53288,,571408,53288,509034,,299,,90,,33,,41837,1006,,,08/19 0:00,08/19 16:43,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,IA,,,,,,,44689,2928,41721,,,,,,,,52951,,565139,52951,504147,,287,,86,,35,,41565,989,,,08/18 0:00,08/18 16:50,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,IA,,,,,,,44376,2919,41418,,,,,,,,52722,,561762,52722,501262,,283,,85,,33,,40788,981,,,08/17 0:00,08/17 17:14,KAT,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,IA,,,,,,,44309,2915,41355,,,,,,,,52428,,558953,52428,498765,,271,,80,,34,,40525,975,,,08/16 0:00,08/16 16:35,LDH,BSl,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (8/16 LDH) A red banner has been added to the dashboard ""RMCC Data"" regarding severe weather conditions on Aug 10th causing patients to be transferred between facility types, therefore causing some short term data fluctuations. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,IA,,,,,,,43996,2911,41046,,,,,,,,51793,,553559,51793,494281,,261,,82,,35,,40381,973,,,08/15 0:00,08/15 16:20,JJO,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,IA,,,,,,,43518,2901,40578,,,,,,,,50932,,543482,50932,489305,,258,,75,,28,,39879,966,,,08/14 0:00,08/14 16:44,KAT,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,IA,,,,,,,43119,2896,40184,,,,,,,,50336,,538099,50336,484477,,261,,88,,25,,39320,959,,,08/13 0:00,08/13 16:33,AIA,DPT,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,IA,,,,,,,42311,2871,39401,,,,,,,,49806,,531310,49806,478342,,243,,72,,25,,38657,951,,,08/12 0:00,08/12 16:57,ALF,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,IA,,,,,,,42235,2860,39336,,,,,,,,49329,,527055,49329,474591,,244,,64,,25,,38033,940,,,08/11 0:00,08/11 17:44,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,IA,,,,,,,42105,2849,39217,,,,,,,,49071,,524445,49071,472316,,224,,57,,23,,37317,933,,,08/10 0:00,08/10 16:45,JNG,MM,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,IA,,,,,,,42052,2839,39174,,,,,,,,48789,,521783,48789,470021,,221,,57,,20,,37096,930,,,08/09 0:00,08/09 16:46,JAG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,IA,,,,,,,41699,2829,38831,,,,,,,,48283,,516402,48283,465264,,229,,58,,22,,36882,925,,,08/08 0:00,08/08 16:33,KVP,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,IA,,,,,,,41130,2821,38270,,,,,,,,47865,,511424,47865,460835,,223,,65,,25,,36322,913,,,08/07 0:00,8/07 16:34,JNG,BML,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,IA,,,,,,,40563,2808,37716,,,,,,,,47361,,505772,47361,455759,,237,,68,,32,,35548,908,,,08/06 0:00,8/06 16:49,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,IA,,,,,,,39746,2796,36911,,,,,,,,46659,,498949,46659,449769,,248,,77,,34,,34733,899,,,08/05 0:00,8/05 16:52,GET,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,IA,,,,,,,39596,2776,36781,,,,,,,,46042,,492517,46042,444329,,243,,75,,32,,34023,888,,,08/04 0:00,8/04 17:26,AIA,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/4 17:58, 20200803,IA,,,,,,,39487,2768,36680,,,,,,,,45841,,488480,45841,440634,,241,,78,,31,,33219,882,,,08/03 0:00,8/03 17:02,MJW,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,IA,,,,,,,39426,2760,36627,,,,,,,,45492,,486119,45492,438626,,231,,75,,36,,32952,876,,,08/02 0:00,8/02 17:23,CRG,SB,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,IA,,,,,,,39382,2753,36590,,,,,,,,44976,,480891,44976,433994,,242,,77,,35,,32819,872,,,08/01 14:00,8/01 16:49,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,IA,,,,,,,39222,2744,36439,,,,,,,,44582,,476322,44582,429830,,225,,71,,29,,32578,867,,,07/31 0:00,07/31 16:46,EDS,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,, 20200730,IA,,,,,,,38971,2738,36194,,,,,,,,44038,,471006,44038,425060,,237,,76,,31,,31835,857,,,07/30 0:00,07/30 16:49,CRG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard",A+,, 20200729,IA,,,,,,,38808,2728,36041,,,,,,,,43277,,464517,43277,419435,,246,,76,,32,,31246,846,,,07/29 0:00,07/29 17:09,BHP,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200728,IA,,,,,,,38634,2719,35876,,,,,,,,42777,,459226,42777,414658,,253,,75,,31,,30623,839,,,07/28 0:00,07/28 17:00,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200727,IA,,,,,,,38491,2705,35747,,,,,,,,42554,,456519,42554,412291,,241,,78,,32,,29873,833,,,07/27 0:00,07/27 16:53,DZL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200726,IA,,,,,,,38438,2700,35699,,,,,,,,42200,,452280,42200,408399,,226,,77,,29,,29625,827,,,07/26 0:00,07/26 16:46,JJO,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200725,IA,,,,,,,38332,2693,35600,,,,,,,,41671,,447923,41671,404592,,220,,72,,28,,29477,826,,,07/25 0:00,07/25 16:51,GET,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200724,IA,,,,,,,38137,2673,35425,,,,,,,,41271,,443499,41271,400602,,230,,72,,27,,29216,823,,,07/24 0:00,07/24 17:39,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200723,IA,,,,,,,37958,2663,35257,,,,,,,,40634,,437848,40634,395652,,232,,73,,32,,28924,818,,,07/23 0:00,07/23 16:59,QN,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200722,IA,,,,,,,37646,2641,34967,,,,,,,,39793,,427908,39793,386643,,224,,71,,31,,28607,808,,,07/22 0:00,07/22 16:32,KAT,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200721,IA,,,,,,,37535,2632,34865,,,,,,,,39474,,423878,39474,382959,,223,,74,,32,,28388,802,,,07/21 0:00,07/21 16:43,EDS,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200720,IA,,,,,,,37265,2619,34610,,,,,,,,39166,,419862,39166,379378,,221,,76,,30,,28024,797,,,07/20 0:00,07/20 16:43,SMG,SB,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200719,IA,,,,,,,37180,2595,34549,,,,,,,,38723,,416735,38723,376768,,214,,75,,31,,27894,794,,,07/19 0:00,07/19 16:50,SB,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200718,IA,,,,,,,36656,2516,34104,,,,,,,,37907,,403729,37907,365822,,210,,70,,27,,27820,787,,,07/18 0:00,07/18 16:35,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/18 RSG) Number of reported negatives is less than what was reported yesterday. Calculating total tests - positives is more than the reported negatives today and yesterday's total negatives, however. Used calcualtion today. (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200717,IA,,,,,,,36654,2514,34104,,,,,,,,37722,,403691,37722,364731,,210,,70,,32,,27609,784,,,07/17 0:00,07/17 17:09,RRI,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200716,IA,,,,,,,36397,2499,33862,,,,,,,,37132,,397678,37132,359319,,195,,65,,34,,27404,778,,,07/16 0:00,07/16 17:07,EDS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200715,IA,,,,,,,36077,2464,33578,,,,,,,,36291,,388516,36291,351021,,190,,62,,30,,27177,762,,,07/15 0:00,07/15 16:13,EDS,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200714,IA,,,,,,,35823,2446,33342,,,,,,,,35849,,381606,35849,344559,,186,,67,,32,,26952,757,,,07/14 0:00,07/14 17:13,EDS,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200713,IA,,,,,,,35456,2435,32986,,,,,,,,35529,,377874,35529,341187,,186,,67,,32,,26664,754,,,07/13 0:00,07/13 16:49,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200712,IA,,,,,,,35357,2428,32894,,,,,,,,35071,,375563,35071,339342,,177,,54,,26,,26234,750,,,07/12 0:00,07/12 16:31,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything.. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200711,IA,,,,,,,35213,2423,32755,,,,,,,,34647,,369503,34647,333714,,178,,56,,25,,26104,748,,,07/11 0:00,07/11 16:06,SNW,SB,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything.. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200710,IA,,,,,,,34982,2410,32537,,,,,,,,33984,,362997,33984,328264,,169,,54,,26,,25891,743,,,07/10 0:00,07/10 17:06,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything.. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200709,IA,,,,,,,34568,2395,32139,,,,,,,,33240,,355338,33240,321419,,168,,49,,22,,26340,739,,,07/09 0:00,07/09 16:37,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything.. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200708,IA,,,,,,,34326,2382,31910,,,,,,,,32509,,347006,32509,313842,,165,,44,,23,,25974,735,,,07/08 0:00,07/08 17:01,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (7/8 HMH) RMCC dash data is as of 7/7. Had to do second check bc they updated everything.. (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200707,IA,,,,,,,34103,2375,31695,,,,,,,,32029,,339940,32029,307269,,165,,44,,20,,25594,725,,,07/07 0:00,07/07 17:09,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200706,IA,,,,,,,33891,2366,31492,,,,,,,,31657,,335980,31657,303805,,151,,41,,15,,25121,723,,,07/06 0:00,07/06 17:06,DZL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200705,IA,,,,,,,33883,2359,31441,,,,,,,,31353,,332991,31353,301119,,141,,43,,16,,24739,721,,,07/05 0:00,07/05 16:03,JJO,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200704,IA,,,,,,,33761,2355,31373,,,,,,,,31041,,329518,31041,297970,,134,,40,,16,,24604,721,,,07/04 0:00,07/04 17:02,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200703,IA,,,,,,,33421,2347,31041,,,,,,,,30429,,321958,30429,291032,,146,,40,,20,,24338,720,,,07/03 0:00,07/03 17:07,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200702,IA,,,,,,,33210,2339,30838,,,,,,,,30209,,317985,30209,287329,,145,,36,,18,,23993,718,,,07/02 0:00,07/02 16:44,SMG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200701,IA,,,,,,,32844,2315,30496,,,,,,,,29451,,310218,29451,280339,,149,,37,,21,,23607,717,,,07/01 0:00,07/01 17:57,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200630,IA,,,,,,,32644,2303,30308,,,,,,,,29007,,304608,29007,275181,,133,,34,,20,,23212,715,,,06/30 0:00,06/30 17:09,EDS,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200629,IA,,,,,,,32172,2282,29858,,,,,,,,28782,,301263,28782,272063,,119,,35,,18,,17851,708,,,06/29 0:00,06/29 17:12,CKW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200628,IA,,,,,,,31915,2276,29607,,,,,,,,28489,,296335,28489,267426,,118,,36,,18,,17620,705,,,06/28 0:00,06/28 16:04,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200627,IA,,,,,,,31769,2271,29466,,,,,,,,28012,,290171,28012,261740,,131,,40,,22,,17467,704,,,06/27 0:00,06/27 16:21,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200626,IA,,,,,,,31185,2255,28898,,,,,,,,27686,,284046,27686,255957,,141,,42,,24,,17313,704,,,06/26 0:00,06/26 16:38,CB-M,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/26 SNW) Updated ""confirmed deaths"" tooltip to ""no data"" since IA provides an unclear figure. (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200625,IA,,,,,,,30674,2238,28404,,,,,,,,27197,,277444,27197,249857,,137,,42,,26,,17017,695,,,06/25 0:00,06/25 16:22,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200624,IA,,,,,,,30276,2223,28021,,,,,,,,26705,,270332,26705,243254,,140,,43,,25,,16858,692,,,06/24 0:00,06/24 17:01,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200623,IA,,,,,,,29977,2214,27733,,,,,,,,26373,,265074,26373,238330,,163,,47,,26,,16579,688,,,06/23 0:00,06/23 16:08,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200622,IA,,,,,,,29086,2207,26850,,,,,,,,26051,,259002,26051,232581,,169,,51,,28,,16240,686,,,06/22 0:00,06/22 16:24,G-S,SB,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200621,IA,,,,,,,28898,2207,26662,,,,,,,,25963,,257522,25963,231189,,170,,53,,27,,16068,685,,,06/21 0:00,06/21 17:23,CKW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200620,IA,,,,,,,28486,2202,26256,,,,,,,,25496,,250576,25496,224711,,182,,58,,30,,15963,681,,,06/20 0:00,06/20 16:12,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200619,IA,,,,,,,28015,2171,25816,,,,,,,,25275,,247015,25275,221374,,197,,60,,37,,15816,681,,,06/19 0:00,06/19 17:06,SNW,RS,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200618,IA,,,,,,,27641,2160,25453,,,,,,,,24854,,241301,24854,216077,,188,,64,,47,,15604,679,,,06/18 0:00,06/18 16:51,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200617,IA,,,,,,,27366,2152,25186,,,,,,,,24461,,235508,24461,210670,,188,,64,,47,,15289,673,,,06/17 0:00,06/17 17:11,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200616,IA,,,,,,,26817,2131,24658,,,,,,,,24179,,231012,24179,206459,,193,,71,,49,,15025,669,,,06/16 0:00,06/16 17:03,KWS,RS,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200615,IA,,,,,,,26262,2114,24121,,,,,,,,24053,,227759,24053,203335,,197,,71,,51,,14625,655,,,06/15 0:00,06/15 16:29,SB,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200614,IA,,,,,,,26080,2101,23952,,,,,,,,23926,,225001,23926,200708,,203,,77,,47,,14383,652,,,06/14 0:00,06/14 17:17,SB,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/14 SB) Number of negatives went down when IA updated during shift (from 200709 to 200708) (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200613,IA,,,,,,,25876,2097,23752,,,,,,,,23717,,219976,23717,195891,,200,,76,,43,,14326,650,,,06/13 0:00,06/13 16:09,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200612,IA,,,,,,,25697,2095,23575,,,,,,,,23337,,214943,23337,191207,,225,,81,,47,,14227,643,,,06/12 0:00,06/12 16:39,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/12 BHP) Individuals negative was calculated because subtracting positive from total tested was a larger number than what is listed on the dash. (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200611,IA,,,,,,,24898,2070,22801,,,,,,,,22938,,208539,22938,185601,,242,,75,,48,,13956,639,,,06/11 0:00,06/11 16:14,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200610,IA,,,,,,,24404,2048,22331,,,,,,,,22551,,202829,22551,180278,,245,,73,,49,,13628,630,,,06/10 0:00,06/10 15:56,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: 1. IA is releasing some information via press releases and press conferences. 2. Press releases are linked below data. Check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. 3. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA now updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200609,IA,,,,,,,23790,1994,21771,,,,,,,,22236,,197723,22236,175487,,255,,82,,51,,13411,624,,,06/09 0:00,06/09 16:39,BSL,ESK,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200608,IA,,,,,,,23143,1972,21153,,,,,,,,21987,,193622,21987,171635,,265,,85,,53,,13028,612,,,06/08 0:00,06/08 16:25,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200607,IA,,,,,,,22237,1952,20267,,,,,,,,21667,,188192,21667,166525,,269,,86,,54,,12805,604,,,06/07 0:00,06/07 17:40,ETW,JAC,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200606,IA,,,,,,,21415,1934,19464,,,,,,,,21478,,184714,21478,163236,,299,,102,,62,,12715,598,,,06/06 0:00,06/06 15:39,BSL,SPA,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200605,IA,,,,,,,20917,1920,18980,,,,,,,,21152,,180663,21152,159511,,299,,102,,62,,12585,592,,,06/05 0:00,06/05 17:29,DPT,JAC,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200604,IA,,,,,,,20328,1912,18399,,,,,,,,20805,,174935,20805,154130,,310,,105,,70,,12333,580,,,06/03 0:00,06/04 17:19,VVR,JAC,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200603,IA,,,,,,,19502,1880,17607,,,,,,,,20055,,164445,20055,144390,,314,,116,,76,,12064,574,,,06/03 0:00,06/04 17:19,VVR,JAC,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (6/3 ALF) IA Positive Cases went down by 2 today without explanation, from 12006 to 12004. (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200602,IA,,,,,,,19449,1876,17559,,,,,,,,20016,,163969,20016,143674,,327,,114,,76,,11742,561,,,06/02 0:00,06/02 16:28,CML,RS,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200601,IA,,,,,,,19051,1869,17170,,,,,,,,19697,,159292,19697,139384,,339,,125,,73,,11440,551,,,06/01 0:00,06/01 17:22,QN,ALF,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200531,IA,,,,,,,18682,1861,16810,,,,,,,,19552,,154948,19552,136744,,341,,116,,70,,11147,534,,,05/31 0:00,05/31 17:17,BL,MM,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200530,IA,,,,,,,18658,1861,16786,,,,,,,,19244,,150851,19244,131179,,368,,118,,69,,11019,531,,,05/30 0:00,05/30 17:09,QN,SPA,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200529,IA,,,,,,,17906,1846,16050,,,,,,,,18926,,14748,18926,128394,,376,,117,,78,,10753,522,,,05/29 0:00,05/29 16:01,PR,AW,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200528,IA,,,,,,,16138,1805,14324,,,,,,,,18573,,143359,18573,124360,,383,,112,,67,,10359,504,,,05/28 0:00,05/28 16:33,JAC,ALF,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200527,IA,,,,,,,15875,1795,14071,,,,,,,,18360,,139946,18360,121166,,393,,109,,66,,10016,491,,,05/27 0:00,05/27 16:11,G-S,JAC,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200526,IA,,,,,,,15597,1787,13806,,,,,,,,17703,,135307,17703,117301,,379,,115,,65,,9791,478,,,05/26 0:00,05/26 17:40,REB,DPT,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200525,IA,,,,,,,15504,1786,13714,,,,,,,,17252,,133046,17577,115138,,377,,118,,66,,9377,459,,,05/25 0:00,05/25 16:46,ESK,PR,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200524,IA,,,,,,,15219,1772,13443,,,,,,,,17252,,128040,17252,110504,,363,,114,,61,,9318,454,,,05/24 0:00,05/24 16:22,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200523,IA,,,,,,,14560,1757,12799,,,,,,,,16893,,124214,16893,107048,,362,,111,,70,,9254,444,,,05/23 0:00,05/23 17:19,BL,QN,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200522,IA,,,,,,,13818,1725,12090,,,,,,,,16504,,120514,16504,103746,,362,,123,,79,,9079,425,,,05/22 0:00,05/22 16:55,JAC,ESK,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. IA how updates data constantly. Wait till the end of the shift to check and DC - Testing info on the ""Case Counts"" tab - Hospital info on ""RMCC Dashboard"" tab - Recovered is in the ""Case Counts"" tab - Antibody testing in ""Serology"" tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard ",A+,, 20200521,IA,,,,,,,13622,1711,11908,,,,,,,,16170,,116828,16170,100395,,376,,125,,80,,8672,406,,,05/21 0:00,05/21 16:55,QN,PR,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. - Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, - recovered is in the ""Cases"" dashboard - antibody testing in serology tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard (5/10 aft REB) dashboard changed, hard to see current hosp/icu/vent, leaving as is (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200520,IA,,,,,,,13004,1696,11304,,,,,,,,15614,,111007,15614,95134,,381,,126,,84,,8362,388,,,05/20 0:00,05/20 16:43,QN,PR,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. - Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, - recovered is in the ""Cases"" dashboard - antibody testing in serology tab of dashboard (5/20 aft G-S) used Negative number from Case Counts dashboard instead of calculation; calc does not equal same number. (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard (5/10 aft REB) dashboard changed, hard to see current hosp/icu/vent, leaving as is (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200519,IA,,,,,,,12404,1683,10718,,,,,,,,15349,,107648,15349,92299,,383,,126,,83,,8130,372,,,05/19 0:00,05/19 17:44,SLW,REB,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. - Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, - recovered is in the ""Cases"" dashboard - antibody testing in serology tab of dashboard (5/19 aft SLW) serology #s now available on Serology Testing dashboard (5/10 aft REB) dashboard changed, hard to see current hosp/icu/vent, leaving as is (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200518,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14955,,103148,14955,88193,,382,,121,,85,,7324,355,,,05/17 13:00,05/18 14:45,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/10 aft REB) dashboard changed, hard to see current hosp/icu/vent, leaving as is (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200517,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100241,,,14651,,100241,14651,85590,,376,,124,,85,,7154,351,,,05/16 13:00,05/17 15:42,SB,JAC,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/10 aft REB) dashboard changed, hard to see current hosp/icu/vent, leaving as is (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200516,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14328,,96300,14328,81972,,387,,128,,83,,6927,346,,,05/15 0:00,05/16 15:33,BL,REB,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/10 aft REB) dashboard changed, hard to see current hosp/icu/vent, leaving as is (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200515,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14049,,93566,14049,79517,,387,,130,,87,,6561,336,,,05/14 0:00,05/15 15:35,AW,QN,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/10 aft REB) dashboard changed, hard to see current hosp/icu/vent, leaving as is (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200514,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13675,,85719,13675,75619,,405,,134,,93,,6231,318,,,05/13 0:00,05/14 14:38,RSB,RS,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/10 aft REB) dashboard changed, hard to see current hosp/icu/vent, leaving as is (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200513,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13289,,81288,13289,72430,,388,,133,,101,,5954,306,,,05/12 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/10 aft REB) dashboard changed, hard to see current hosp/icu/vent, leaving as is (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200512,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12912,,,12912,68376,,385,,143,,101,,5618,289,,,05/12 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/10 aft REB) dashboard changed, hard to see current hosp/icu/vent, leaving as is (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200511,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12373,,,12373,65419,,394,,152,,107,,5249,271,,,05/11 0:00,05/11 14:35,REB,AW,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/10 aft REB) dashboard changed, hard to see current hosp/icu/vent, leaving as is (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200510,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11959,,,11959,62215,,413,,157,,105,,5154,265,,,05/10 0:00,05/10 15:09,REB,CML,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/10 aft REB) dashboard changed, hard to see current hosp/icu/vent, leaving as is (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200509,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11671,,,11671,59805,,402,,161,,106,,5011,252,,,05/08 0:00,05/09 14:42,QN,RS,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200508,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11457,,,11457,58804,,407,,164,,109,,4685,243,,,05/07 0:00,05/08 14:26,MM,KP,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200507,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11059,,,11059,55368,,417,,151,,107,,4266,231,,,05/06 12:00,05/07 15:36,PR,REB,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A+,, 20200506,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10404,,,10404,52767,,414,,151,,103,,3803,219,,,05/05 12:00,05/06 14:25,MM,RS,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",B,, 20200505,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10111,,,10111,50458,,407,,152,,94,,3572,207,,,05/04 12:00,05/05 14:40,REB,RS,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",B,, 20200504,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9703,,,9703,47458,,389,,143,,93,,3486,188,,,05/03 12:00,05/04 14:51,PR,REB,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",B,, 20200503,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9169,,,9169,44017,,378,,133,,93,,3325,184,,,05/02 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",B,, 20200502,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8641,,,8641,37708,,353,,131,,90,,3156,175,,,05/01 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A,, 20200501,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7884,,,7884,37708,,345,,121,,91,,2899,170,,,04/30 12:00,05/01 15:20,ESK,AW,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (5/1 aft AW): Check press conference link from main state page to find negative number that does not need to be calculated from totals",A,, 20200430,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7145,,,7145,35522,,335,,121,,86,,2697,162,,,04/29 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard,",B,, 20200429,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6843,,,6843,34494,,323,,100,,74,,2428,148,,,04/28 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard,",B,, 20200428,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6376,,,6376,33447,,304,,98,,64,,2164,136,,,04/27 12:00,04/28 14:14,QN,RS,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no change in any of the numbers since 4/17 10:00)",B,, 20200427,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5868,,,5868,32282,,300,,100,,58,,2021,127,,,04/25 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no change in any of the numbers since 4/17 10:00)",B,, 20200426,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5476,,,5476,30614,,286,,99,,55,,1900,118,,,04/25 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no change in any of the numbers since 4/17 10:00)",B,, 20200425,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5092,,,5092,29258,,293,,108,,60,,1723,112,,,04/24 12:00,04/25 15:46,LH,QN,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no change in any of the numbers since 4/17 10:00)",B,, 20200424,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4445,,,4445,27528,,278,,104,,60,,1604,107,,,04/23 12:00,04/24 22:19,AGS,SJ,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no change in any of the numbers since 4/17 10:00)",A,, 20200423,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3924,,,3924,25338,,282,,102,,55,,1492,96,,,04/22 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no change in any of the numbers since 4/17 10:00)",A,, 20200422,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3748,,,3748,24496,,272,,92,,57,,1428,90,,,04/21 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no change in any of the numbers since 4/17 10:00)",A,, 20200421,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3641,,,3641,23974,,214,,89,,60,,1293,83,,,04/20 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no change in any of the numbers since 4/17 10:00)",A,, 20200420,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3159,,,3159,22661,,214,,91,,58,,1235,79,,,04/19 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data. Hospital info on RMCC tab of dashboard, (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no change in any of the numbers since 4/17 10:00)",A,, 20200419,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2902,,,2902,21648,,198,,86,,54,,1171,75,,,04/18 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no change in any of the numbers since 4/17 10:00)",A,, 20200418,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2513,,,2513,20434,,193,,84,,51,,1095,74,,,04/17 12:00,04/18 23:18,SB,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no change in any of the numbers since 4/17 10:00)",A,, 20200417,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2332,,,2332,19460,,183,,88,,52,,1007,64,,,04/16 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard",A,, 20200416,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2141,,,2141,18534,,175,,84,,48,,987,60,,,04/15 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard",A,, 20200415,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1995,,,1995,17874,,171,,78,,43,,908,53,,,04/14 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data (4/15 aft dpt) updated States Matrix with most data coming from dashboard. Made link in State COVID-19 Page point to main page, not directly to dashboard",A,, 20200414,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1899,,,1899,16986,,163,,73,,41,,741,49,,,04/14 0:00,,,,"(4/14 eve sj) new dashboard with more consolidated data. (4/14 aft SPA) Number of deaths updated by a post on Twitter timestamped at 11:51 (4/12 aft DPT) Updated process notes to indicate where to find press releases (4/10 morn RMD) Source data for ""recovered"" it is on Chart on page, they label it ""recovering"" current source points to press conference (4/9 RS) IA no longer reports discharged, so removed the Cumulative Stat. PROCESS: IA is releasing some information via press realeases and press conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. Dashboard may not refresh - open in an incognito window to get latest data ",A,, 20200413,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1710,,,1710,16986,,142,,70,,41,,741,43,,,04/12 0:00,,,,"(4/13 Aft RS) Positives # form dashboard, other updates from #reporting (4/12 aft DPT) Updated process notes to indicate where to find press releases (4/10 morn RMD) Source data for ""recovered"" it is on Chart on page, they label it ""recovering"" current source points to press conference (4/9 RS) IA no longer reports discharged, so removed the Cumulative Stat. PROCESS: IA has adopted releasing some information via press realeases andpress conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. ALSO, open dashboard in an incognito window to get current Negatives. (Site often does not refresh on its own)",A,, 20200412,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1587,,,1587,16005,,129,,55,,30,,674,41,,,04/12 0:00,,,,"(4/13 Aft RS) Positives # form dashboard, other updates from #reporting (4/12 aft DPT) Updated process notes to indicate where to find press releases (4/10 morn RMD) Source data for ""recovered"" it is on Chart on page, they label it ""recovering"" current source points to press conference (4/9 RS) IA no longer reports discharged, so removed the Cumulative Stat. PROCESS: IA has adopted releasing some information via press realeases andpress conferences - press releases are linked below data, and check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. ALSO, open dashboard in an incognito window to get current Negatives. (Site often does not refresh on its own)",A,, 20200411,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1510,,,1510,15622,,118,,55,,30,,585,34,,,04/11 0:00,,,,"(4/10 morn RMD) Source data for ""recovered"" it is on Chart on page, they label it ""recovering"" current source points to press conference (4/9 RS) IA no longer reports discharged, so removed the Cumulative Stat. PROCESS: IA has adopted releasing some information via press realeases andpress conferences - check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. ALSO, open dashboard in an incognito window to get current Negatives. (Site often does not refresh on its own)",A,, 20200410,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1388,,,1388,14565,,125,,55,,30,,506,31,,,04/10 0:00,,,,"(4/10 morn RMD) Source data for ""recovered"" it is on Chart on page, they label it ""recovering"" current source points to press conference (4/9 RS) IA no longer reports discharged, so removed the Cumulative Stat. PROCESS: IA has adopted releasing some information via press realeases andpress conferences - check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. ALSO, open dashboard in an incognito window to get current Negatives. (Site often does not refresh on its own)",A,, 20200409,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1270,,,1270,13703,,122,,,,,,476,29,,,04/09 0:00,04/10 9:46,RMD,QN,"(4/10 morn RMD) Source data for ""recovered"" it is on Chart on page, they label it ""recovering"" current source points to press conference (4/9 RS) IA no longer reports discharged, so removed the Cumulative Stat. PROCESS: IA has adopted releasing some information via press realeases andpress conferences - check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm. ALSO, open dashboard in an incognito window to get current Negatives. (Site often does not refresh on its own)",A,, 20200408,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1145,,,1145,12821,,122,193,,,,,431,27,,,04/08 13:00,,,,PROCESS: IA has adopted releasing some information via press realeases andpress conferences - check reporting tab/channel if you need to confirm,A,, 20200407,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1048,,,1048,11670,,104,193,,,,,341,26,,,04/07 0:00,04/08 10:22,QN,ALF,"(4/7 aft LH) Recovered based on numbers from reporting (4/5 aft DB) Recovered not updated (4/3 EB) Negatives and recovered from reporting (4/2 ESK) Following NY model of adding current hosp + discharged for cum hosp & discharge = reovered ",A,, 20200406,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,946,,,946,10653,,99,179,,,,,284,25,,,04/06 0:00,,,,"(4/5 aft DB) Recovered not updated (4/3 EB) Negatives and recovered from reporting (4/2 ESK) Following NY model of adding current hosp + discharged for cum hosp & discharge = reovered ",A,, 20200405,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,868,,,868,9973,,91,165,,,,,188,22,,,04/05 0:00,,,,"(4/5 aft DB) Recovered not updated (4/3 EB) Negatives and recovered from reporting (4/2 ESK) Following NY model of adding current hosp + discharged for cum hosp & discharge = reovered ",C,, 20200404,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,786,,,786,9454,,85,153,,,,,188,14,,,04/04 0:00,,,,"(4/3 EB) Negatives and recovered from reporting (4/2 ESK) Following NY model of adding current hosp + discharged for cum hosp & discharge = reovered",C,, 20200403,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,699,,,699,8754,,80,138,,,,,188,11,,,04/03 16:30,,,,"(4/3 EB) Negatives and recovered from reporting (4/2 ESK) Following NY model of adding current hosp + discharged for cum hosp & discharge = reovered",C,, 20200402,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,614,,,614,8054,,74,120,,,,,46,11,,,04/02 0:00,04/03 10:34,QN,ALF,(4/2 ESK) Following NY model of adding current hosp + discharged for cum hosp & discharge = reovered,C,, 20200401,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,549,,,549,7304,,63,99,,,,,118,9,,,04/01 14:40,,,,,C,, 20200331,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,497,,,497,6888,,61,94,,,,,33,7,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200330,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,424,,,424,6162,,51,74,,,,,23,6,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200329,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,336,,,336,5013,,51,68,,,,,17,4,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200328,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,298,,,298,4375,,46,61,,,,,15,3,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200327,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,235,,,235,3740,,32,50,,,,,18,3,,,03/27 15:40,,,,,C,, 20200326,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,179,,,179,2578,,31,46,,,,,15,1,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200325,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,145,,,145,2578,,23,36,,,,,,1,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200324,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,124,,,124,2315,,,27,,,,,,,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200323,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105,,,105,2043,,,,,,,,,,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200322,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90,,,90,1215,,,,,,,,,,,,03/22 0:00,,,,,,, 20200321,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68,,,68,1049,,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 14:20,,,,,,, 20200320,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45,,,45,642,,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 16:15,,,,,,, 20200319,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38,,,38,83,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 19:39,,,,,,, 20200318,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29,,,29,83,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 19:58,,,,,,, 20200317,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23,,,23,83,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22,,,22,83,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:41,,,,,,, 20200315,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18,,,18,83,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,,,17,83,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16,,,16,83,29,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,,,14,67,24,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,13,46,27,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,8,32,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,3,26,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,15,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,15,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,IA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,15,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,253702,,,29556,2311,,31867,224146,,181,1369,52,375,,,14712,359,325,34,08/30 19:00,08/31 17:00,LDH,ESK,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,252022,,,29374,2303,,31677,222648,,181,1365,52,374,,,14490,358,324,34,08/29 19:00,08/30 16:42,JJO,KP,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,248754,,,29088,2296,,31384,219666,,181,1349,52,369,,,14175,353,319,34,08/28 19:00,08/29 17:01,LDH,QN,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,246906,,,28841,2281,,31122,218065,,176,1328,53,366,,,13928,343,309,34,08/27 19:00,08/28 16:06,MEB,BSL,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,244447,,,28556,2224,,30780,215891,,176,1304,53,363,,,13657,337,304,33,08/26 19:00,08/27 16:51,KSB,HMH,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,242719,,,28332,2143,,30475,214387,,160,1285,47,359,,,13353,326,293,33,08/25 18:59,08/26 16:01,NMJ,BSL,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,238014,,,27989,2081,,30070,210025,,160,1269,47,350,,,13081,314,285,29,08/24 19:04,08/25 16:22,JB,DZL,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,236547,,,27815,2038,,29853,208732,,192,1256,52,347,,,12867,307,278,29,08/23 19:00,08/24 16:19,RSG,DZL,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,235255,,,27637,2025,,29662,207618,,192,1246,52,346,,,12606,306,277,29,08/22 18:55,08/23 16:02,CRG,BSL,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,233855,,,27371,1998,,29369,206484,,192,1233,52,344,,,12359,304,274,30,08/21 19:00,08/22 16:09,DJW,BSL,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,231799,,,27139,1981,,29120,204660,,205,1226,51,340,,,12007,298,269,29,08/20 19:00,08/21 16:07,QN,HMH,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,229205,,,26754,1942,,28696,202451,,205,1200,43,337,,,11733,291,264,27,08/19 19:00,08/20 16:06,JNG,BSL,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,227228,,,26431,1895,,28326,200797,,167,1170,37,328,,,11397,282,255,27,08/18 19:00,08/19 16:45,KAT,ALF,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,225018,,,26091,1851,,27942,198927,,167,1129,37,316,,,11093,273,245,28,08/17 19:00,08/18 16:06,GET,RS,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,222668,,,25841,1819,,27660,196827,,206,1110,38,313,,,10883,269,241,28,08/16 19:00,08/17 16:35,SPA,DZL,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,221406,,,25661,1816,,27477,195745,,206,1103,38,312,,,10616,269,241,28,08/15 19:00,08/16 16:20,LDH,BSL,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,219224,,,25385,1788,,27173,193839,,206,1091,38,309,,,10369,265,239,26,08/14 19:00,08/15 17:03,SPA,BHP,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,216473,,,24883,1748,,26631,191590,,216,1068,36,302,,,10089,251,225,26,08/13 19:03,08/14 16:11,KAT,QN,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,212898,,,24418,1715,,26133,188480,,216,1051,36,296,,,9850,246,221,25,08/12 18:52,08/13 16:29,XMH,BHP,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,210599,,,23950,1645,,25595,186649,,189,1037,32,289,,,9548,246,221,25,08/11 18:58,08/12 16:05,NMJ,BSL,"PROCESS: (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,206830,,,23525,1575,,25100,183305,,189,1006,32,282,,,9341,239,214,25,08/10 18:58,08/11 15:42,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. te (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,204928,,,23123,1548,,24671,181805,,201,999,48,280,,,9157,237,212,25,08/09 18:46,08/10 16:30,JNG,SB,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. te (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,203289,,,22953,1542,,24495,180336,,201,988,48,279,,,8921,235,211,24,08/08 19:00,08/09 16:18,JAG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. te (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,201457,,,22408,1514,,23922,179049,,201,968,48,276,,,8738,229,205,24,08/07 18:46,08/08 16:19,RRI,SB,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. te (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,197217,,,21916,1483,,23399,175301,,242,954,42,269,,,8486,223,199,24,08/06 19:00,8/07 15:56,GET,BML,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. te (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,193154,,,21268,1439,,22707,171886,,242,931,42,262,,,8207,217,194,23,08/05 19:00,8/06 16:29,AIA,CB-M/BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. te (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,190520,,,20867,1367,,22234,169653,,195,906,39,260,,,7875,210,187,23,08/04 19:00,8/05 16:49,RSG,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. te (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,186475,,,20372,1303,,21675,166103,,106,886,22,256,,,7617,200,177,23,08/03 18:56,8/04 16:42,CRG,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. te (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/4 17:46, 20200803,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,184060,,,20067,1277,,21344,163993,,239,874,54,253,,,7370,197,174,23,08/02 18:49,8/03 16:38,CKW,SB,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. te (8/3 CKW) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/29. Same issues as previous, seems like they update these graphs once every few days. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,183034,,,19849,1265,,21114,163185,,239,856,54,250,,,7146,197,174,23,08/01 18:52,8/02 16:58,EDS,SB,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,180615,,,19463,1258,,20721,161152,,239,850,54,249,,,6998,189,155,22,07/31 19:15,8/01 16:18,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,177884,,,19020,1226,,20246,158864,,236,835,51,247,,,6744,177,155,22,07/30 18:52,07/31 16:20,EDS,REB,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200730,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,174343,,,18503,1176,,19679,155840,,236,808,51,236,,,6472,173,152,21,07/29 18:58,07/30 16:20,CRG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200729,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,171892,,,18072,1150,,19222,153820,,209,783,40,232,,,6203,160,139,21,07/28 19:00,07/29 16:21,KAT,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/29 KAT) Graphs under Hospitalization tab for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only reported as recently as 7/25. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200728,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,169588,,,17565,1129,,18694,152023,,209,750,40,224,,,5964,152,130,22,07/27 19:00,07/28 16:20,SLC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200727,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,166903,,,17086,,,18177,149817,,204,741,45,222,,,5731,146,125,21,07/26 19:00,07/27 16:32,AJC,SB,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200726,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,165132,,,16735,,,17827,148397,,204,723,45,217,,,5483,146,125,21,07/25 19:00,07/26 16:10,CRG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/26 CRG) Graphs under Hospitalization tab on for Currently Hospitalized and Currently in ICU only report as recently as 7/22. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200725,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,162384,,,16208,,,17264,146176,,204,709,45,210,,,5251,144,123,21,07/24 19:00,07/25 16:03,JJO,RS,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200724,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,159163,,,15706,,,16736,143457,,204,697,46,207,,,5008,138,117,21,07/23 19:00,07/24 16:27,DZL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200723,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,155825,,,15321,,,16322,140504,,188,674,46,201,,,4746,135,114,21,07/22 19:00,07/23 16:04,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200722,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,153009,,,14860,,,15822,138149,,188,656,46,197,,,4504,126,103,33,07/21 19:00,07/22 16:04,EDS,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200721,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,150142,,,14337,,,15266,135805,,188,621,46,186,,,4335,122,100,22,07/20 19:00,07/21 16:43,WCD,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200720,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,146994,,,13979,,,14873,133015,,224,600,33,181,,,4149,119,97,22,07/19 19:00,07/20 16:08,SMG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200719,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,145303,,,13419,,,14302,131884,,224,583,33,180,,,3989,119,97,22,07/18 18:52,07/19 16:09,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200718,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141636,,,12883,,,13752,128753,,224,570,33,170,,,3827,118,96,22,07/17 19:00,07/18 16:27,JJO,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200717,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,139481,,,12295,,,13133,127186,,153,554,35,165,,,3676,114,93,21,07/16 19:00,07/17 16:24,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200716,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,136055,,,11637,,,12445,124418,,153,526,35,151,,,3513,110,89,21,07/15 19:00,07/16 16:42,EDS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200715,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133142,,,10946,,,11718,122196,,153,510,35,151,,,3360,103,83,20,07/14 19:00,07/15 15:49,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200714,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,129540,,,10658,,,11402,118882,,153,500,35,144,,,3262,102,82,20,07/13 19:00,07/14 15:55,SLC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200713,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,126393,,,10163,,,10902,116230,,153,477,35,142,,,3179,102,82,20,07/12 19:00,07/13 15:36,ENT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200712,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,124531,,,9775,,,10505,114756,,140,468,33,139,,,3114,102,82,20,07/11 19:00,07/12 15:40,BHP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200711,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,121640,,,9219,,,9928,112421,,122,449,33,138,,,3066,101,81,20,07/10 19:00,07/11 16:05,SB,QN,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200710,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,117390,,,8740,,,9428,108650,,124,432,29,137,,,3022,100,80,20,07/09 19:00,07/10 16:18,AJC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200709,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113958,,,8307,,,8969,105651,,120,411,28,133,,,2978,98,78,20,07/08 19:00,07/09 15:48,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200708,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,110676,,,7884,,,8539,102792,,118,396,26,130,,,2932,94,74,20,07/07 19:00,07/08 16:14,SLC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200707,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107925,,,7436,,,8052,100489,,105,387,25,130,,,2907,94,74,20,07/06 19:00,07/07 16:04,WCD,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200706,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105876,,,7144,,,7733,98732,,85,369,22,124,,,2886,93,73,20,07/05 19:00,07/06 16:13,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200705,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,103675,,,6779,,,7370,96896,,71,359,19,122,,,2858,93,73,20,07/03 19:00,07/05 15:33,JJO,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200704,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100474,,,6401,,,6994,94073,,67,355,23,121,,,2831,93,73,20,07/03 19:00,07/05 15:33,JJO,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200703,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98119,,,6003,,,6593,92116,,64,350,23,121,,,2801,92,72,20,07/02 19:00,07/03 16:11,SMS,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (7/03 SMS) Reported an error in auto-calculation in number Recovered on Jul 1, 2020 - it has been corrected. Number recorded for July 2 was 4393 (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200702,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94537,,,5786,,,6370,88751,,69,340,17,118,,,4393,92,72,20,07/01 19:00,07/02 16:13,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200701,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90476,,,5553,,,6117,84923,,75,330,18,116,,,4233,92,72,20,06/30 19:00,07/01 16:05,RSG,PR,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200630,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88763,,,5212,,,5752,83551,,60,322,18,114,,,4073,91,71,20,06/29 19:00,06/30 16:23,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200629,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85816,,,4790,,,5319,81026,,50,312,17,111,,,3898,91,71,20,06/27 19:00,06/29 17:06,WCD,SB,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200628,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85816,,,4790,,,5319,81026,,48,312,18,111,,,3898,91,71,20,06/27 19:00,06/29 17:06,WCD,SB,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200627,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83537,,,4629,,,5148,78908,,42,309,19,108,,,3827,90,70,20,06/26 19:00,06/27 15:42,KWS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200626,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81871,,,4366,,,4865,77505,,48,303,20,106,,,3712,90,70,20,06/25 19:00,06/26 15:29,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/26) Updated timestamp source note (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200625,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80060,,,4166,,,4645,75894,,45,300,14,106,,,3610,90,70,20,06/25 0:00,06/25 15:45,SMG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200624,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77376,,,3943,,,4402,73433,,34,298,14,105,,,3484,89,69,20,06/24 0:00,06/24 16:43,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200623,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75730,,,3820,,,4254,71910,,39,293,14,102,,,3405,89,69,20,06/23 0:00,06/23 15:48,BSL,CML,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200622,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,72547,,,3585,,,4006,68962,,41,283,12,101,,,3305,89,69,20,06/20 0:00,06/22 16:41,QN,RS,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200621,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,72547,,,3585,,,4006,68962,,31,283,12,101,,,3305,89,69,20,06/20 0:00,06/22 16:41,QN,RS,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200620,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70791,,,3466,,,3871,67325,,28,279,9,101,,,3183,89,69,20,06/19 19:00,06/20 15:51,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200619,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69156,,,3354,,,3743,65802,,28,278,9,101,,,3088,89,69,20,06/18 19:00,06/19 15:43,SMS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200618,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67638,,,3258,,,3632,64380,,23,275,7,101,,,3013,88,68,20,06/17 19:00,06/18 16:51,SMS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200617,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66441,,,3197,,,3540,63244,,28,275,8,101,,,2921,88,68,20,06/16 19:00,06/17 15:36,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200616,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65306,,,3121,,,3462,62185,,24,270,6,100,,,2877,88,68,20,06/15 19:00,06/16 15:28,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200615,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62642,,,3061,,,3399,59581,,23,266,5,98,,,2837,87,67,20,06/13 19:00,06/15 15:42,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200614,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62642,,,3061,,,3399,59581,,22,266,6,98,,,2837,87,67,20,06/13 19:00,06/15 15:42,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200613,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62328,,,3023,,,3353,59305,,24,265,5,98,,,2776,87,67,20,06/12 19:00,06/13 14:56,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200612,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61114,,,2984,,,3302,58130,,20,265,5,98,,,2684,86,66,20,06/11 19:00,06/12 15:47,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (6/12 BSL) Cum. ICU revised down by 1 (99 to 98) (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200611,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59802,,,2947,,,3260,56855,,28,262,7,99,,,2628,85,65,20,06/10 19:00,06/11 15:29,ETW,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200610,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58746,,,2914,,,3220,55832,,20,262,7,99,,,2554,85,65,20,06/09 19:00,06/10 15:44,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data from dashboard. (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200609,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57376,,,2888,,,3189,54488,,21,260,7,99,,,2509,83,63,20,06/08 19:00,06/09 15:07,NRC,BSL,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (6/9 NRC) - The numbers for deaths, ICU, and hospitilized did not change as of the 6/8 5 pm update, the last time we had updated the sheet was for the 6/6 5 pm update",A,, 20200608,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55742,,,2840,,,3139,52902,,23,260,8,99,,,2461,83,63,20,06/06 19:00,06/08 15:11,SB,SPA,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200607,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55742,,,2840,,,3139,52902,,30,260,8,99,,,2461,83,63,20,06/06 19:00,06/08 15:11,SB,SPA,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200606,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54949,,,2821,,,3111,52128,,21,257,8,98,,,2408,83,63,20,06/05 19:00,06/06 15:07,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200605,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53333,,,2763,,,3054,50570,,29,255,8,98,,,2362,83,63,20,06/04 19:00,06/05 15:14,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200604,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49524,,,2709,,,2990,46815,,28,253,3,98,,,2311,83,63,20,06/03 19:00,06/04 16:20,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200603,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48669,,,2660,,,2933,46009,,30,251,3,98,,,2282,83,63,20,06/02 19:00,06/03 16:53,JA,PR,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200602,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47870,,,2643,,,2906,45227,,34,247,4,98,,,2266,83,63,20,06/01 19:00,06/02 14:24,CML,RS,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/26 GGR) last update did not change, so not doing any updates. (5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200601,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46436,,,2578,,,2839,43858,,25,242,3,96,,,2248,82,62,20,05/30 19:00,06/01 16:56,QN,REB,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/26 GGR) last update did not change, so not doing any updates. (5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200531,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46436,,,2578,,,2839,43858,,29,242,3,96,,,2248,82,62,20,05/30 19:00,06/01 16:56,QN,REB,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/26 GGR) last update did not change, so not doing any updates. (5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200530,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45172,,,2551,,,2803,42621,,30,240,,96,,,2225,82,62,20,05/29 19:00,05/30 15:50,CML,RS,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/26 GGR) last update did not change, so not doing any updates. (5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200529,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44511,,,2519,,,2769,41992,,31,238,,96,,,2195,82,62,20,05/28 19:00,05/29 16:40,TCD,PR,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/26 GGR) last update did not change, so not doing any updates. (5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200528,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43629,,,2485,,,2731,41144,,30,234,,95,,,2185,82,62,20,05/27 19:00,05/28 15:40,JAC,PR,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/26 GGR) last update did not change, so not doing any updates. (5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200527,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42776,,,2458,,,2699,40318,,24,231,,95,,,2100,81,61,20,05/26 19:00,05/27 16:41,G-S,JAC,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/26 GGR) last update did not change, so not doing any updates. (5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200526,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41167,,,2387,,,2626,38780,,19,225,,94,,,1755,79,59,20,05/23 19:00,05/26 16:43,GGR,KP,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/26 GGR) last update did not change, so not doing any updates. (5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200525,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41167,,,2387,,,2626,38780,,15,225,,94,,,1755,79,59,20,05/23 19:00,05/26 16:43,GGR,KP,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/26 GGR) last update did not change, so not doing any updates. (5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200524,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41167,,,2387,,,2626,38780,,23,225,,94,,,1755,79,59,20,05/23 19:00,05/26 16:43,GGR,KP,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/26 GGR) last update did not change, so not doing any updates. (5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200523,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40370,,,2356,,,2595,38014,,19,225,,94,,,1735,79,59,20,05/22 19:00,05/23 16:36,REB,QN,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200522,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39362,,,2301,,,2534,37061,,19,223,,92,,,1720,77,,,05/21 19:00,05/22 14:32,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: All data from dashboard. Confirmed/probable breakdown by hovering on the ""Statewide Cases"" box. Total tests (specimens) can be obtained from the testing tab. Hospitalization and recovered numbers can be obtained from the ""Demographics"" tab (5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",A,, 20200521,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38660,,,2278,,,2506,36382,,27,221,,91,,,1688,77,,,05/20 19:00,05/21 16:16,RS,JAC,"(5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed",B,, 20200520,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38344,,,2253,,,2476,36091,,28,215,,89,,,1668,77,,,05/19 19:00,05/20 16:25,G-S,REB,"(5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200519,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37847,,,2233,,,2455,35614,,28,213,,89,,,1649,74,,,05/18 19:00,05/19 16:29,SLW,REB,"(5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200518,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36456,,,2203,,,2419,34253,,30,213,,89,,,1612,73,,,05/16 19:00,05/18 16:33,SPA,PR,"(5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200517,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36456,,,2203,,,2419,34253,,26,213,,89,,,1612,73,,,05/16 19:00,05/18 16:33,SPA,PR,"(5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200516,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35485,,,2186,,,2389,33299,,19,213,,89,,,1588,73,,,05/15 19:00,05/16 15:37,BL,REB,"(5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200515,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34546,,,2152,,,2351,32394,,26,212,,89,,,1573,72,,,05/14 19:00,05/15 15:40,AW,QN,"(5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200514,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33556,,,2126,,,2324,31430,,19,212,,88,,,1557,69,,,05/13 19:00,05/14 14:19,RSB,RS,"(5/14 RSB) Cum Hosp down by 2 (5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200513,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32934,,,2099,,,2293,30835,,20,214,,88,,,1536,69,,,05/12 19:00,,,,"(5/13 RS) State revised deaths down by 1 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200512,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32518,,,2073,,,2260,30445,,25,210,,87,,,1508,70,,,05/11 19:00,05/12 16:37,KWS,QN,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200511,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31961,,,2049,,,2230,29912,,30,207,,87,,,1473,67,,,05/09 19:00,05/11 16:15,REB,RS,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200510,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31961,,,2049,,,2230,29912,,25,207,,87,,,1473,67,,,05/09 19:00,05/11 16:15,REB,RS,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200509,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31628,,,2027,,,2205,29601,,19,206,,86,,,1442,67,,,05/08 19:00,05/09 14:51,QN,RS,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200508,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31099,,,2007,,,2178,29092,,16,206,,86,,,1420,67,,,05/07 19:00,05/08 14:15,MM,RS,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200507,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30718,,,1986,,,2158,28732,,20,205,,86,,,1399,66,,,05/06 19:00,05/07 15:49,PR,REB,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",B,, 20200506,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30375,,,1957,,,2127,28418,,21,203,,84,,,1379,65,,,05/04 19:00,05/06 14:32,MM,RS,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",C,, 20200505,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30146,,,1944,,,2106,28202,,27,201,,83,,,1358,64,,,05/03 19:00,05/05 14:49,REB,RS,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",C,, 20200504,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29651,,,1905,,,2061,27746,,27,200,,83,,,1267,64,,,05/02 19:00,05/04 15:27,MM,REB,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",C,, 20200503,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29651,,,1905,,,2061,27746,,27,200,,83,,,1267,63,,,05/02 19:00,05/04 15:27,MM,REB,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",C,, 20200502,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29335,,,1880,,,2035,27455,,23,178,,76,,,1215,63,,,05/01 19:00,,,,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Idaho is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",C,, 20200501,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29070,,,1860,,,2015,27210,,28,178,,75,,,1175,63,,,04/30 19:00,05/01 15:47,ESK,MM,"(4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",C,, 20200430,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28693,,,1831,,,1984,26862,,36,175,,74,,,1121,60,,,04/29 19:00,04/30 15:45,ESK,RS,"(4/30) for positive cases (confirmed and probable) hover over the graph on the dashboard (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",C,, 20200429,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28240,,,1810,,,1952,26430,,39,173,,73,,,1087,60,,,04/28 19:00,04/29 15:32,REB,ESK," (4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",C,, 20200428,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20052,,,,,,1917,18135,,41,172,,73,,,1039,58,,,04/27 19:00,04/28 14:50,QN,RS,"(4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",C,, 20200427,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20024,,,,,,1897,18127,,36,169,,71,,,983,56,,,04/26 19:00,04/27 15:40,RS,ESK,"(4/22 mor QN): Revised 1 count down for ICU (4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",C,, 20200426,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19498,,,,,,1887,17611,,38,169,,72,,,938,56,,,04/25 19:00,04/26 15:08,REB,RS,"(4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",C,, 20200425,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19481,,,,,,1870,17611,,35,168,,71,,,867,54,,,04/24 19:00,04/25 14:37,LH,RS,"(4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",C,, 20200424,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19447,,,,,,1836,17611,,31,166,,63,,,822,54,,,04/24 19:00,04/25 14:37,LH,RS,"(4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated",A,, 20200423,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19172,,,,,,1802,17370,,52,162,,60,,,767,54,,,04/23 19:00,04/24 16:34,KP,MM,"(4/24 aft MM) They started separating confirmed from suspected. We report the lumped number so we don't revise down (4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated (4/16 aft JJ) Positive numbers updated from the state page (dashboard was not updated). ",A,, 20200422,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18170,,,,,,1766,16404,,54,158,,58,,,710,51,,,04/22 19:00,04/23 15:04,ALF,RS,"(4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated (4/16 aft JJ) Positive numbers updated from the state page (dashboard was not updated). ",A,, 20200421,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17807,,,,,,1736,16071,,69,157,,58,,,660,48,,,04/21 19:00,04/22 14:57,REB,AW,"(4/21) positives lumped for now - negatives not updated PROCESS: Hover over the ""Statewide Cases"" count in order to see Lab Confirmed Cases. Positives = Lab Confirmed Cases, Negatives = Total Number of People Tested in Idaho - Positives (4/16 aft JJ) Positive numbers updated from the state page (dashboard was not updated). ",A,, 20200420,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17445,,,,,,1672,15773,,53,151,,53,,,585,45,,,04/19 19:00,04/20 15:27,PR,RS,(4/16 aft JJ) Positive numbers updated from the state page (dashboard was not updated). ,A,, 20200419,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17441,,,,,,1668,15773,,43,151,,53,,,520,44,,,04/19 19:00,04/20 15:27,PR,RS,(4/16 aft JJ) Positive numbers updated from the state page (dashboard was not updated). ,A,, 20200418,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16947,,,,,,1655,15292,,53,151,,53,,,453,43,,,04/17 19:00,,,,(4/16 aft JJ) Positive numbers updated from the state page (dashboard was not updated). ,A,, 20200417,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16652,,,,,,1609,15043,,58,148,,51,,,390,41,,,04/17 19:00,,,,(4/16 aft JJ) Positive numbers updated from the state page (dashboard was not updated). ,A,, 20200416,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16242,,,,,,1587,14655,,70,143,,46,,,,41,,,04/16 19:00,04/17 14:46,JJ,RS,(4/16 aft JJ) Positive numbers updated from the state page (dashboard was not updated). ,A,, 20200415,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15398,,,,,,1464,13934,,66,141,,43,,,,39,,,04/14 19:00,04/15 16:26,DPT,ESK,,A,, 20200414,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15114,,,,,,1453,13661,,59,135,,38,,,,33,,,04/14 19:00,04/15 16:26,DPT,ESK,,A,, 20200413,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14881,,,,,,1426,13455,,62,132,,38,,,,27,,,04/13 19:00,04/14 15:12,SPA,MC,"(4/10 morn RMD) ID Public Note update - add ""1 Montana resident tested in ID"" per Dashboard, bottom of page (4/8 morning RMD) noticed dashboard lists 'Covid-19 Among Heathcare Workers' ",A,, 20200412,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14308,,,,,,1407,12901,,63,131,,38,,,,27,,,04/11 19:00,04/12 14:20,DPT,RS,"(4/10 morn RMD) ID Public Note update - add ""1 Montana resident tested in ID"" per Dashboard, bottom of page (4/8 morning RMD) noticed dashboard lists 'Covid-19 Among Heathcare Workers' ",A,, 20200411,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13764,,,,,,1396,12368,,61,128,,35,,,,25,,,04/10 19:00,04/11 14:38,QN,RS,"(4/10 morn RMD) ID Public Note update - add ""1 Montana resident tested in ID"" per Dashboard, bottom of page (4/8 morning RMD) noticed dashboard lists 'Covid-19 Among Heathcare Workers' ",A,, 20200410,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13094,,,,,,1353,11741,,67,127,,33,,,,24,,,04/09 19:00,04/10 15:22,MM,MC,"(4/10 morn RMD) ID Public Note update - add ""1 Montana resident tested in ID"" per Dashboard, bottom of page (4/8 morning RMD) noticed dashboard lists 'Covid-19 Among Heathcare Workers' ",A,, 20200409,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12531,,,,,,1232,11299,,70,113,,29,,,,18,,,04/08 19:00,04/09 16:51,RS,PR,(4/8 morning RMD) noticed dashboard lists 'Covid-19 Among Heathcare Workers' ,A,, 20200408,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11898,,,,,,1210,10688,,62,93,,24,,,,15,,,04/07 19:00,04/08 14:58,MM,RS,(4/8 morning RMD) noticed dashboard lists 'Covid-19 Among Heathcare Workers' (4/4 DG) Update link to dashboard directly: (!/vizhome/DPHIdahoCOVID-19Dashboard_V2/DPHCOVID19Dashboard2),A,, 20200407,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11246,,,,,,1170,10076,,67,83,,21,,,,13,,,04/06 19:00,04/07 15:41,LH,KP,(4/4 DG) Update link to dashboard directly: (!/vizhome/DPHIdahoCOVID-19Dashboard_V2/DPHCOVID19Dashboard2),A,, 20200406,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10995,,,,,,1101,9894,,62,77,,16,,,,10,,,04/05 19:00,04/06 14:13,LH,JJ/PR,(4/4 DG) Update link to dashboard directly: (!/vizhome/DPHIdahoCOVID-19Dashboard_V2/DPHCOVID19Dashboard2),A,, 20200405,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10261,,,,,,1077,9184,,51,66,,11,,,,10,,,04/04 19:00,04/05 16:34,RS,KP,(4/4 DG) Update link to dashboard directly: (!/vizhome/DPHIdahoCOVID-19Dashboard_V2/DPHCOVID19Dashboard2),A,, 20200404,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8870,,,,,,1013,7857,,53,62,,8,,,,10,,,04/03 19:00,04/04 17:15,RS,PR,(4/3 morning RMD): Data taken from Tableau dashboard from official website. Includes Oregon and Montana residents tested in ID.,A,, 20200403,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7945,,,,,,891,7054,,45,56,,7,,,,9,,,04/02 19:00,04/03 16:18,EB,PR,(4/3 morning RMD): Data taken from Tableau dashboard from official website. Includes Oregon and Montana residents tested in ID.,A,, 20200402,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7282,,,,,,669,6613,,49,49,,7,,,,9,,,04/01 19:00,04/02 17:09,QN,KP,,A,, 20200401,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6601,,,,,,525,6076,,49,46,,7,,,,9,,,03/31 19:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5712,,,,,,415,5297,,45,45,,6,,,,7,,,03/30 19:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4706,,,,,,310,4396,,42,39,,,,,,6,,,03/29 19:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4282,,,,,,261,4021,,35,36,,,,,,5,,,03/28 18:55,,,,,A,, 20200328,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3572,,,,,,230,3342,,37,25,,,,,,4,,,03/27 19:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2857,,,,,,189,2668,,31,,,,,,,3,,,03/26 20:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2188,,,,,,123,2065,,34,,,,,,,0,,,03/25 19:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1960,,,,,,73,1887,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/24 19:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1937,,,,,,50,1887,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/23 19:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1356,,,,,,47,1309,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/22 19:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1217,,,,,,42,1175,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/21 19:55,,,,,,, 20200321,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,911,,,,,,31,880,,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 19:00,,,,,,, 20200320,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,613,,,,,,23,590,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 19:00,,,,,,, 20200319,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,470,,,,,,11,459,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 10:30,,,,,,, 20200318,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,468,,,,,,9,459,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 10:30,,,,,,, 20200317,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,353,,,,,,7,346,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 11:45,,,,,,, 20200316,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,270,,,,,,5,265,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:42,,,,,,, 20200315,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,179,,,,,,5,174,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 22:45,,,,,,, 20200314,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,176,,,,,,2,174,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 22:45,,,,,,, 20200313,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,131,,,,,,0,131,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 8:00,,,,,,, 20200312,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93,,,,,,0,93,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 9:45,,,,,,, 20200311,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67,,,,,,0,67,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41,,,,,,0,41,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41,,,,,,0,41,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27,,,,,,0,27,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27,,,,,,0,27,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4064161,,,235023,1702,,236725,3829138,,1492,,347,,157,,,8235,8026,209,08/31 0:00,08/31 16:51,JNG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/31 17:26, 20200830,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4016782,,,233355,1702,,235057,3783427,,1472,,328,,155,,,8228,8019,209,08/30 0:00,08/30 16:36,JJO,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/30 17:56, 20200829,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3973089,,,231363,1702,,233065,3741726,,1563,,349,,134,,,8217,8008,209,08/29 0:00,08/29 16:59,ESK,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/29 17:49, 20200828,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3924305,,,229483,1702,,231185,3694822,,1546,,352,,132,,,8206,7997,209,08/28 0:00,08/28 16:01,PK,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3875922,,,227334,1417,,228751,3648588,,1631,,390,,151,,,8186,7977,209,08/27 0:00,08/27 16:58,MJW,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3831412,,,225627,1417,,227044,3605785,,1573,,350,,132,,,8163,7954,209,08/26 0:00,08/26 16:19,JAG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3781050,,,223470,1417,,224887,3557580,,1549,,345,,135,,,8126,7917,209,08/25 0:00,08/25 16:43,MJW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3740191,,,221790,1417,,223207,3518401,,1529,,334,,141,,,8097,7888,209,08/24 0:00,08/24 16:34,LDH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3704036,,,220178,1417,,221595,3483858,,1449,,339,,117,,,8089,7880,209,08/23 0:00,08/23 16:37,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3649685,,,218285,1417,,219702,3431400,,1488,,322,,127,,,8083,7874,209,08/22 0:00,08/22 16:23,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3592919,,,215929,1417,,217346,3376990,,1526,,351,,121,,,8066,7857,209,08/21 0:00,08/21 16:28,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3541183,,,213721,1332,,215053,3327462,,1519,,357,,124,,,8044,7833,211,08/20 0:00,08/20 16:36,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3489571,,,211889,1332,,213221,3277682,,1519,,334,,144,,,8017,7806,211,08/19 0:00,08/19 16:02,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3439272,,,209594,1332,,210926,3229678,,1510,,335,,128,,,7993,7782,211,08/18 0:00,08/18 16:32,JB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3405097,,,207854,1332,,209186,3197243,,1544,,340,,126,,,7967,7756,211,08/17 0:00,08/17 16:37,KAT,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3366851,,,206081,1332,,207413,3160770,,1581,,345,,116,,,7955,7744,211,08/16 0:00,08/16 15:50,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3329762,,,204519,1332,,205851,3125243,,1538,,330,,127,,,7937,7726,211,08/15 0:00,08/15 15:41,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3285348,,,202691,1332,,204023,3082657,,1612,,345,,126,,,7932,7721,211,08/14 0:00,08/14 15:57,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3235807,,,200427,1300,,201727,3035380,,1628,,383,,127,,,7905,7696,209,08/13 0:00,08/13 16:14,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3189801,,,198593,1300,,199893,2991208,,1525,,357,,129,,,7881,7672,209,08/12 0:00,08/12 16:00,JNG,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3147703,,,196948,1300,,198248,2950755,,1459,,336,,127,,,7866,7657,209,08/11 0:00,08/11 16:11,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. Probable deaths are updated once a week. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3106341,,,195399,1300,,196699,2910942,,1481,,352,,138,,,7846,7637,209,08/10 0:00,08/10 16:10,JNG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3073988,,,194080,1300,,195380,2879908,,1488,,322,,114,,,7845,7636,209,08/09 0:00,08/09 16:01,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3032634,,,192698,1300,,193998,2839936,,1538,,338,,125,,,7840,7631,209,08/08 0:00,08/08 15:36,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2984618,,,190508,1300,,191808,2794110,,1486,,333,,125,,,7822,7613,209,08/07 0:00,8/07 15:59,JNG,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2937749,,,188424,1281,,189705,2749325,,1517,,346,,132,,,7791,7594,197,08/06 0:00,8/06 16:03,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2896063,,,186471,1281,,187752,2709592,,1552,,368,,129,,,7770,7573,197,08/05 0:00,8/05 16:15,BSL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2849395,,,184712,1281,,185993,2664683,,1496,,365,,125,,,7742,7545,197,08/04 0:00,8/04 17:00,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/4 17:58, 20200803,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2806797,,,183241,1281,,184522,2623556,,1418,,347,,132,,,7723,7526,197,08/03 0:00,8/03 16:37,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2778322,,,181943,1281,,183224,2596379,,1407,,339,,126,,,7714,7517,197,08/02 0:00,8/02 16:47,JJO,SB,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2739377,,,180476,1281,,181757,2558901,,1347,,334,,148,,,7700,7503,197,08/01 0:00,8/01 16:28,JJO,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2699568,,,178837,1281,,180118,2520731,,1369,,346,,148,,,7692,7495,197,07/31 0:00,07/31 16:41,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200730,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2649786,,,176896,1242,,178138,2472890,,1452,,353,,149,,,7670,7478,192,07/30 0:00,07/30 16:01,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200729,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2608652,,,175124,1242,,176366,2433528,,1491,,355,,152,,,7654,7462,192,07/29 0:00,07/29 17:17,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200728,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2570465,,,173731,1242,,174973,2396734,,1383,,329,,128,,,7638,7446,192,07/28 0:00,07/28 16:56,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200727,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2542134,,,172655,,,173897,2369479,,1417,,350,,124,,,7608,7416,192,07/27 0:00,07/27 16:33,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200726,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2511567,,,171424,,,172666,2340143,,1394,,345,,119,,,7590,7398,192,07/26 0:00,07/26 16:34,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200725,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2470723,,,169883,,,171125,2300840,,1438,,341,,110,,,7589,7397,192,07/25 0:00,07/25 16:57,ISS,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200724,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2432523,,,168457,,,169699,2264066,,1471,,325,,115,,,7577,7385,192,07/24 0:00,07/24 17:27,SPA,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200723,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2388193,,,166925,,,168100,2221268,,1473,,309,,135,,,7560,7367,193,07/23 0:00,07/23 16:06,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200722,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2348487,,,165301,,,166476,2183186,,1456,,337,,132,,,7540,7347,193,07/22 0:00,07/22 16:57,ALF2,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200721,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2308854,,,163703,,,164878,2145151,,1466,,320,,142,,,7517,7324,193,07/21 0:00,07/21 16:44,WCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200720,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2279109,,,162748,,,163923,2116361,,1410,,308,,133,,,7494,7301,193,07/20 0:00,07/20 16:21,ENT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200719,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2244511,,,161575,,,162750,2082936,,1356,,320,,132,,,7488,7295,193,07/19 0:00,07/19 16:23,JJO,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200718,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2212398,,,160610,,,161785,2051788,,1360,,326,,119,,,7483,7290,193,07/18 0:00,07/18 16:20,AJC,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200717,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2166299,,,159334,,,160509,2006965,,1431,,309,,128,,,7465,7272,193,07/16 0:00,07/17 16:49,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200716,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2122607,,,157950,,,159082,1964657,,1434,,311,,127,,,7452,7251,201,07/16 0:00,07/17 16:49,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200715,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2079601,,,156693,,,157825,1922908,,1454,,324,,130,,,7427,7226,201,07/15 0:00,07/15 16:03,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200714,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2041440,,,155506,,,156638,1885934,,1416,,333,,126,,,7419,7218,201,07/14 0:00,07/14 16:34,CB-M,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200713,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2012994,,,154799,,,155931,1858195,,1362,,334,,136,,,7394,7193,201,07/13 0:00,07/13 16:14,ENT,RS,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200712,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1982982,,,153916,,,155048,1829066,,1342,,311,,127,,,7388,7187,201,07/12 0:00,07/12 15:39,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200711,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1944088,,,152962,,,154094,1791126,,1398,,321,,139,,,7369,7168,201,07/11 0:00,07/11 15:43,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200710,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1911743,,,151767,,,152899,1759976,,1436,,306,,155,,,7345,7144,201,07/10 0:00,07/10 16:49,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200709,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1878756,,,150450,,,151572,1728306,,1507,,317,,153,,,7329,7119,210,07/09 0:00,07/09 16:42,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200708,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1842576,,,149432,,,150554,1693144,,1385,,320,,153,,,7309,7099,210,07/08 0:00,07/08 16:42,RRI,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200707,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1809834,,,148452,,,149574,1661382,,1385,,320,,153,,,7273,7063,210,07/07 0:00,07/07 16:07,WCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200706,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1782840,,,147865,,,148987,1634975,,1395,,321,,151,,,7236,7026,210,07/06 0:00,07/06 16:01,WCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200705,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1761706,,,147251,,,148373,1614455,,1326,,304,,165,,,7230,7020,210,07/05 0:00,07/05 16:07,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200704,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1734471,,,146612,,,147734,1587859,,1346,,336,,182,,,7224,7014,210,07/04 0:00,07/04 16:05,JAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. Do not use the Recovery rate to calculate Recovered since we do not have the correct N to multiply the Recovered rate by. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200703,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1700635,,,145750,,,146872,1554885,,1349,,334,,164,,,7215,7005,210,07/03 0:00,07/03 16:01,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (7/3 SNW) Updated tooltip for ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" to reference State Page as opposed to dashboard. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200702,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1666317,,,144882,,,145935,1521435,,1651,,349,,195,,,7188,6987,201,07/02 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200701,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1636055,,,144013,,,145066,1492042,,1511,,384,,189,,,7152,6951,201,07/01 0:00,07/02 16:50,SMG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (7/2 BSL) Partial update only for hospitalization-related values (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200630,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1602965,,,143185,,,144238,1459780,,1560,,401,,185,,,7124,6923,201,06/30 0:00,06/30 17:05,ASL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200629,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1571896,,,142461,,,143514,1429435,,1501,,372,,187,,,7103,6902,201,06/29 0:00,06/29 17:35,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200628,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1544978,,,141723,,,142776,1403255,,1464,,373,,193,,,7089,6888,201,06/28 0:00,06/28 15:56,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200627,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1521189,,,141077,,,142130,1380112,,1516,,400,,225,,,7074,6873,201,06/27 0:00,06/27 16:09,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200626,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1490952,,,140291,,,141344,1350661,,1516,,400,,225,,,7048,6847,201,06/26 0:00,06/26 16:24,BSL,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200625,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1460527,,,139434,,,140434,1321093,,1626,,399,,216,,,7014,6810,204,06/25 0:00,06/25 16:15,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200624,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1428841,,,138540,,,139540,1290301,,1614,,389,,219,,,6974,6770,204,06/24 0:00,06/24 16:44,BSL,AFG,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200623,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1399510,,,137825,,,138825,1261685,,1648,,424,,236,,,6911,6707,204,06/23 0:00,06/23 16:16,AW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200622,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1379003,,,137224,,,138224,1241779,,1628,,419,,250,,,6875,6671,204,06/22 0:00,06/22 16:21,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200621,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1360784,,,136762,,,137762,1224022,,1631,,422,,256,,,6851,6647,204,06/20 0:00,06/21 16:34,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200620,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1336968,,,136104,,,137104,1200864,,1696,,454,,274,,,6829,6625,204,06/20 0:00,06/21 16:34,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200619,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1311003,,,135470,,,136470,1175533,,1837,,512,,293,,,6718,6580,204,06/18 12:59,06/19 17:01,CB-M,PR,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200618,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1283832,,,134778,,,135639,1149054,,1878,,538,,321,,,6718,6537,181,06/18 0:00,06/18 17:03,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200617,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1258328,,,134185,,,135046,1124143,,1878,,563,,331,,,6666,6485,181,06/17 0:00,06/17 16:15,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/17 HMH) Probable cases and deaths has likely not been updated today. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200616,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1228341,,,133639,,,134500,1094702,,1939,,561,,331,,,6579,6398,181,06/16 0:00,06/16 16:31,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200615,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1209612,,,133016,,,133877,1076596,,1961,,569,,340,,,6507,6326,181,06/15 0:00,06/15 16:12,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200614,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1190985,,,132543,,,133404,1058442,,1914,,562,,328,,,6489,6308,181,06/14 0:00,06/14 15:48,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200613,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1168945,,,131871,,,132732,1037074,,2117,,610,,352,,,6470,6289,181,06/13 0:00,06/13 16:18,SB,BML,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200612,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1147101,,,131198,,,132059,1015903,,2209,,648,,375,,,6441,6260,181,06/12 0:00,06/12 16:45,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200611,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1122327,,,130603,,1122327,131327,991724,,2365,,638,,379,,,6363,6185,178,06/11 0:00,06/11 16:29,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",B,, 20200610,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1100002,,,129837,,1100002,130561,970165,,2458,,706,,394,,,6273,6095,178,06/10 0:59,06/10 16:09,ETW,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data comes from the main state page. (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200609,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1079182,,,129212,,1079182,129936,949970,,2573,,726,,437,,,6196,6018,178,06/09 0:59,06/09 16:04,NRC,BSL,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200608,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1058873,,,128415,,1058873,129139,930458,,2496,,713,,443,,,6102,5924,178,06/08 0:59,06/08 15:37,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (6/8 BSL) As of 6/8, IL is now reporting probable cases and deaths (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200607,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1042774,,,127757,,1042774,127757,915017,,2550,,720,,438,,,5904,5904,,06/07 0:59,06/07 17:29,ETW,JAC,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200606,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1022074,,,126890,,1022074,126890,895184,,2702,,770,,476,,,5864,5864,,06/06 0:00,06/06 15:31,BSL,SPA,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200605,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1000919,,,125915,,1000919,125915,875004,,2911,,817,,500,,,5795,5795,,06/05 0:00,06/05 16:38,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200604,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,982016,,,124759,,982016,124759,857257,,3044,,853,,516,,,5736,5736,,06/04 0:00,06/04 16:38,BSL,PR,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200603,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,959175,,,123830,,959175,123830,835345,,3173,,844,,508,,,5621,5621,,06/03 0:00,06/03 16:51,BSL,PR,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200602,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,934704,,,122848,,934704,122848,811856,,3238,,874,,548,,,5525,5525,,06/02 0:00,06/02 16:18,JA,REB,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200601,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,918273,,,121234,,918273,121234,797039,,3215,,902,,547,,,5412,5412,,06/01 0:59,06/01 16:57,QN,REB,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200531,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,898259,,,120260,,898259,120260,777999,,3296,,941,,550,,,5390,5390,,05/31 0:00,05/31 16:39,BL,ALF,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200530,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,877105,,,118917,,,118917,758188,,3336,,925,,661,,,5330,5330,,05/30 0:00,05/30 16:54,CML,QN,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200529,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,851762,,,117455,,,117455,734307,,3599,,980,,593,,,5270,5270,,05/29 0:59,05/29 16:52,TCD,PR,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200528,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,829966,,,115833,,,115833,714133,,3649,,1009,,576,,,5186,5186,,05/28 0:00,05/28 16:31,QN,KP,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/28 QN) As of 5/28, IL is reporting recovered percentage. Did not report since positives are reported in terms of specimens (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200527,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,803973,,,114306,,,114306,689667,,3826,,1031,,592,,,5083,5083,,05/27 0:00,05/27 16:27,G-S,REB,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200526,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,786794,,,113195,,,113195,673599,,3788,,1035,,590,,,4923,4923,,05/26 0:00,05/26 16:14,SLW,DPT,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200525,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,769564,,,112017,,,112017,657547,,3762,,1025,,605,,,4884,4884,,05/25 0:00,05/25 16:42,ESK,PR,"PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell) (5/25 BL) As of 5/25, IL is reporting 'total PCR specimens tested'",A,, 20200524,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,110304,,747921,110304,637617,,3667,,1007,,632,,,4856,4856,,05/24 0:00,05/24 16:19,RS,QN,PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell),A,, 20200523,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107796,,722247,107796,614451,,3753,,1027,,607,,,4790,4790,,05/22 0:00,05/23 17:00,SOJ,REB,PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell),A,, 20200522,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105444,,697133,105444,591689,,3928,,1060,,589,,,4715,4715,,05/22 0:00,05/23 17:00,SOJ,REB,PROCESS: All data comes from the main state page. Check Source Notes for more information (hover over each cell),A,, 20200521,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,102686,,672020,102686,569334,,4107,,1088,,609,,,4607,4607,,05/21 0:00,05/21 16:42,RS,PR,,A,, 20200520,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100418,,642713,100418,542295,,3914,,1005,,554,,,4525,4525,,05/20 0:00,05/20 16:26,G-S,REB,,A,, 20200519,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98030,,621684,98030,523654,,4002,,993,,576,,,4379,4379,,05/19 0:00,05/19 17:34,SLW,REB,,A,, 20200518,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96485,,603241,96485,506756,,4120,,1096,,636,,,4234,4234,,05/18 0:59,05/18 16:17,SPA,PR,,A,, 20200517,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,581944,,,94191,,,94191,487753,,4190,,1144,,735,,,4177,4177,,05/17 0:00,05/17 16:19,SB,JAC,,A,, 20200516,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92457,,561649,92457,469192,,4306,,1135,,653,,,4129,4129,,05/16 0:00,05/16 16:01,BL,REB,,A,, 20200515,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90369,,538602,90369,448233,,4367,,1129,,675,,,4058,4058,,05/15 0:00,05/15 16:50,REB,AW,,A,, 20200514,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87937,,489359,87937,424100,,4473,,1132,,689,,,3928,3928,,05/14 0:00,05/14 16:06,RSB,RS,,A,, 20200513,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84698,,471691,84698,404661,,4563,,1208,,714,,,3792,3792,,05/13 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200512,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83021,,,83021,388670,,4626,,1215,,730,,,3601,3601,,05/12 0:00,05/12 16:27,KWS,DPT,,A,, 20200511,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79007,,,79007,363418,,4319,,1248,,730,,,3459,,,05/11 0:00,05/11 16:11,AW,REB,,A,, 20200510,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77741,,,77741,352243,,4293,,1232,,709,,,3406,,,05/10 0:00,05/10 16:29,REB,CML,,A,, 20200509,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76085,,,76085,340246,,4739,,1215,,739,,,3349,,,05/09 0:00,05/09 16:17,BL,QN,,A,, 20200508,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73760,,,73760,325954,,4750,,1222,,727,,,3241,,,05/08 0:00,05/08 16:36,MM,REB,,A,, 20200507,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70873,,,70873,308170,,4862,,1253,,766,,,3111,,,05/07 0:00,05/07 16:10,RS,PR,,A,, 20200506,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68232,,,68232,293028,,4832,,1231,,780,,,2974,,,05/06 0:00,05/06 16:26,MM,REB,,A,, 20200505,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65962,,,65962,280324,,4780,,1266,,780,,,2838,,,05/05 0:00,05/05 16:39,BL,REB,,A,, 20200504,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63840,,,63840,269307,,4493,,1232,,763,,,2662,,,05/04 0:00,05/04 16:08,PR,REB,,A,, 20200503,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61499,,,61499,257814,,4701,,1232,,759,,,2618,,,05/02 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200502,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58505,,,58505,241391,,4717,,1250,,789,,,2559,,,05/02 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200501,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56055,,,56055,228633,,4900,,1263,,777,,,2457,,,05/01 0:00,05/01 16:41,ESK,AW,,A,, 20200430,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52918,,,52918,216949,,4953,,1289,,785,,,2355,,,04/30 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200429,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50355,,,50355,206312,,5036,,1290,,777,,,2215,,,04/29 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200428,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48102,194087,,4738,,1245,,778,,,2125,,,04/28 0:00,04/28 16:01,QN,EB,,A,, 20200427,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45883,181745,,4672,,1249,,763,,,1983,,,04/27 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200426,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43903,171049,,4595,,1267,,772,,,1933,,,04/26 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200425,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41777,159840,,4699,,1244,,763,,,1874,,,04/25 0:00,04/25 16:31,LH,REB,,A,, 20200424,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39658,149974,,4828,,1225,,709,,,1795,,,04/24 0:00,,,,(4/20 PR) Site text for Vents says 757 - graphic 760 - USING TEXT ,A,, 20200423,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36934,136382,,4877,,1268,,766,,,1688,,,04/23 0:00,,,,(4/20 PR) Site text for Vents says 757 - graphic 760 - USING TEXT ,A,, 20200422,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35108,129238,,4665,,1220,,747,,,1565,,,04/22 0:00,,,,(4/20 PR) Site text for Vents says 757 - graphic 760 - USING TEXT ,A,, 20200421,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33059,121938,,4776,,1226,,781,,,1468,,,04/21 0:00,,,,(4/20 PR) Site text for Vents says 757 - graphic 760 - USING TEXT ,A,, 20200420,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31508,116850,,4599,,1239,,757,,,1349,,,04/20 0:00,,,,(4/20 PR) Site text for Vents says 757 - graphic 760 - USING TEXT ,A,, 20200419,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30357,112961,,4314,,1196,,749,,,1290,,,04/19 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200418,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29160,108244,,4340,,1192,,740,,,1259,,,04/18 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200417,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27575,102588,,4454,,1196,,777,,,1134,,,04/17 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200416,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25733,96856,,4423,,1248,,797,,,1072,,,04/16 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200415,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24593,92336,,4283,,1189,,796,,,948,,,04/15 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200414,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23247,87369,,4283,,1189,,796,,,868,,,04/14 0:00,,,,"(4/11 aft QN) Hospitalized and ICU numbers not updated since 4/7. Negatives reported here (, however doesn't match up with Tot - pos",A,, 20200413,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22025,83743,,3680,,1166,,821,,,794,,,04/13 0:00,,,,"(4/11 aft QN) Hospitalized and ICU numbers not updated since 4/7. Negatives reported here (, however doesn't match up with Tot - pos",A,, 20200412,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20852,79883,,3680,,1166,,821,,,720,,,04/12 0:00,04/13 8:37,MM,,"(4/11 aft QN) Hospitalized and ICU numbers not updated since 4/7. Negatives reported here (, however doesn't match up with Tot - pos",A,, 20200411,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19180,72969,,3680,,1166,,821,,,677,,,04/11 0:00,,,,"(4/11 aft QN) Hospitalized and ICU numbers not updated since 4/7. Negatives reported here (, however doesn't match up with Tot - pos",A,, 20200410,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17887,69640,,3680,,1166,,821,,,596,,,04/10 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200409,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16422,64435,,3680,,1166,,821,,,528,,,04/09 0:00,04/10 10:06,RMD,,"(4/10 mor RMD) Source for Hospitalized, ICU, and Ventilator should be updated to 4/7 PR - Hospitalization / ICU / Vent new today from presser --",A,, 20200408,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15078,59988,,3680,,1166,,821,,,462,,,04/08 0:00,,,,4/7 PR - Hospitalization / ICU / Vent new today from presser -- ,A,, 20200407,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13549,55183,,3680,,1166,,821,,,380,,,04/07 0:00,04/08 10:24,QN,ALF,4/7 PR - Hospitalization / ICU / Vent new today from presser -- ,A,, 20200406,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12262,50680,,,,,,,,,307,,,04/06 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200405,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11256,47727,,,,,,,,,274,,,04/05 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200404,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10357,43224,,,,,,,,,243,,,04/04 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200403,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8904,39144,,,,,,,,,210,,,04/03 0:00,04/03 22:19,DG,,,A,, 20200402,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7695,35961,,,,,,,,,157,,,04/02 0:00,04/03 10:22,RMD,ALF,,A,, 20200401,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6980,33404,,,,,,,,,141,,,04/01 2:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5994,29231,,,,,,,,,99,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5057,25389,,,,,,,,,73,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4596,23166,,,,,,,,,65,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3491,22000,,,,,,,,,47,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3026,18516,,,,,,,,,34,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2538,14093,,,,,,,,,26,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1865,12344,,,,,,,,,19,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1535,9934,,,,,,,,,16,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1273,8583,,,,,,,,,12,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1049,7271,,,,,,,,,9,,,03/22 0:00,,,,,,, 20200321,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,753,5488,,,,,,,,,6,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200320,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,585,3696,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,422,2725,,,,,,,,,4,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,288,1763,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,159,1340,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/16 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93,932,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:43,,,,,,, 20200315,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64,449,195,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46,316,82,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32,294,92,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25,266,76,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,244,63,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,244,63,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,191,44,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,191,44,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,191,44,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,180,35,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,165,27,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,IL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,124,27,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1431368,,,,,1076947,94196,982751,,881,11043,222,2217,79,,71591,3296,3077,219,08/30 23:59,08/31 17:12,JNG,DZL,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1411760,,,,,1065356,93313,972043,,883,10843,267,2163,79,,70534,3291,3072,219,08/29 23:59,08/30 16:25,ESK,KP,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1396309,,,,,1055793,92434,963359,,880,10839,278,2167,72,,70183,3285,3066,219,08/28 23:59,08/29 16:08,KVP,HMH,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1377180,,,,,1044049,91313,952736,,867,10818,281,2158,67,,69723,3277,3058,219,08/27 23:59,08/28 16:13,LDH,RSG,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1361951,,,,,1034746,90504,944242,,882,10747,279,2156,71,,68675,3266,3047,219,08/26 23:59,08/27 16:30,DPT,HMH,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1342628,,,,,1022537,89359,933178,,948,10605,283,2121,75,,67673,3259,3041,218,08/25 23:59,08/26 16:24,JAG,DZL,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1325229,,,,,1010981,88421,922560,,987,10417,276,2099,77,,66703,3241,3023,218,08/24 23:59,08/25 16:27,JAG,DZL,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1310589,,,,,1002038,87592,914446,,912,10343,248,2085,75,,64131,3225,3008,217,08/23 23:59,08/24 16:29,CKW,RSG,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1273212,,,,,977802,85932,891870,,894,10281,252,2076,70,,64131,3220,3003,217,08/22 23:59,08/23 17:20,TCD,RSG,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1258884,,,,,969646,85317,884329,,883,10219,235,2067,76,,64131,3218,3001,217,08/21 23:59,08/22 16:07,TCD,RS,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1240082,,,,,958432,84317,874115,,860,10132,252,2051,81,,64131,3208,2992,216,08/20 23:59,08/21 16:23,KAT,QN,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1219850,,,,,945471,83277,862194,,921,10145,257,2069,78,,63262,3191,2979,212,08/19 23:59,08/20 16:49,GET,HMH,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1202015,,,,,934033,82336,851697,,842,10090,249,2059,88,,62483,3180,2968,212,08/18 23:59,08/19 16:16,NMJ,RSG,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1192986,,,,,928614,81847,846767,,849,10037,251,2052,94,,61518,3165,2954,211,08/17 23:59,08/18 16:22,JB,RS,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1175330,,,,,914633,81006,833627,,900,9973,262,2033,95,,60677,3135,2926,209,08/16 23:59,08/17 16:46,LDH,DZL,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1162594,,,,,906851,80415,826436,,944,9935,265,2035,92,,59801,3133,2924,209,08/15 23:59,08/16 16:32,RSG,SB,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1149279,,,,,897615,79676,817939,,922,9872,267,2032,88,,59488,3128,2921,207,08/14 23:59,08/15 16:33,SPA,BHP,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1130012,,,,,886489,78632,807857,,910,9801,291,2007,80,,59073,3113,2906,207,08/13 23:59,08/14 16:44,GET,HMH,"If the page is broken, IN posts pictures of the data everyday on twitter(other link). (8/14 HMH) The IN page was broken, so we used screenshots of it from twitter (8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1114002,,,,,877970,77565,800405,,991,9678,290,1975,86,,57209,3105,2898,207,08/12 23:59,08/13 16:15,AIA,BSL,"(8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1097934,,,,,866994,76522,790472,,936,9678,294,1975,84,,57209,3086,2878,208,08/11 23:59,08/12 16:32,GET,RSG,"(8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1090369,,,,,861655,75862,785793,,964,9599,327,1961,87,,56349,3069,2863,206,08/10 23:59,08/11 16:27,RSG,DZL,"(8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1076630,,,,,852111,74992,777119,,921,9354,305,1927,81,,54068,3044,2838,206,08/09 23:59,08/10 16:56,KAT,MM,"(8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1057194,,,,,841125,74328,766797,,960,9354,289,1927,78,,54068,3041,2835,206,08/08 23:59,08/09 16:28,JAG,HMH,"(8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1039524,,,,,828466,73287,755179,,960,9354,284,1927,85,,54068,3036,2834,202,08/07 23:59,08/08 16:19,TCD,RSG,"(8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1023328,,,,,817104,72254,744850,,990,9354,295,1927,76,,54068,3023,2821,202,08/06 23:59,8/07 17:33,KAT,RSG,"(8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1004353,,,,,804345,71015,733330,,1009,9267,301,1923,82,,53301,3013,2811,202,08/05 23:59,8/06 16:29,GET,DZL,"(8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,987706,,,,,792225,69975,722250,,923,9148,308,1894,93,,51709,3007,2805,202,08/04 23:59,8/05 17:32,LDH,HMH,"(8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,977646,,,,,785018,69255,715763,,980,9148,375,1894,83,,43535,2996,2794,202,08/03 23:59,8/04 16:40,AIA,HMH,"(8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/4 17:46, 20200803,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,964378,,,,,775482,68433,707049,,904,9004,310,1871,81,,47355,2980,2780,200,08/02 23:59,8/03 16:55,KAT,SB,"(8/03 KAT/SB) The updated value for Recoveries is 43,535 on the Regenstrief Dashboard, which is down from yesterday's value of 47,355. Unclear what is causing the reduced value; will leave previous day's value for now until the issue can be resolved. See thread for discussion. (7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,955422,,,,,769043,67857,701186,,873,8848,322,1852,77,,47355,2975,2775,200,08/01 23:59,8/02 16:54,CRG,SB,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,942105,,,,,758606,67122,691484,,977,8781,322,1836,81,,46955,2971,2771,200,07/31 23:59,8/01 16:25,JJO,SB,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,926406,,,,,747383,66154,681229,,865,8727,280,1825,81,,46466,2965,2765,200,07/30 23:59,07/31 16:26,EDS,REB,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200730,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,735848,65253,670595,,831,8667,301,1808,69,,45751,2946,2746,200,07/29 23:59,07/30 16:54,DZL,BHP,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200729,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,724238,64299,659939,,837,8587,279,1796,69,,45058,2932,2733,199,07/28 23:59,07/29 16:34,KAT,RS,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200728,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,716809,63678,653131,,907,8505,304,1772,69,,44548,2924,2725,199,07/27 23:59,07/28 16:52,ETW,KWS,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200727,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,707791,62907,644884,,835,8444,291,1767,66,,44124,2906,2709,197,07/26 23:59,07/27 16:40,SB,RSG,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200726,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,701311,62372,638939,,834,8401,282,1758,62,,43809,2903,2706,197,07/25 23:59,07/26 16:05,SB,BML,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200725,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,690274,61520,628754,,824,8180,281,1736,63,,43535,2895,2698,197,07/24 23:59,07/25 17:01,SB,RSG,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200724,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,678749,60598,618151,,850,8128,313,1725,69,,43066,2884,2687,197,07/23 23:59,07/24 16:12,ALT,HMH,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200723,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,666283,59602,606681,,869,8066,327,1708,85,,42603,2880,2683,197,07/22 23:59,07/23 16:33,EDS,BHP,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200722,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,654413,58673,595740,,869,8020,327,1703,85,,41322,2863,2666,197,07/21 23:59,07/22 16:56,EDS,RSG,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200721,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,644805,57916,586889,,803,7941,267,1691,82,,41322,2846,2652,194,07/20 23:59,07/21 16:58,EDS,BHP,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200720,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,635660,57206,578454,,805,7941,248,1691,85,,41322,2825,2632,193,07/19 23:59,07/20 16:47,SB,JAC,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200719,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,626880,56571,570309,,786,7895,244,1675,81,,40965,2822,2629,193,07/18 23:59,07/19 16:08,JJO,BML,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200718,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,614455,55654,558801,,798,7861,245,1667,84,,40722,2820,2627,193,07/17 23:59,07/18 16:23,AJC,BHP,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200717,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,604635,54813,549822,,815,7814,258,1658,80,,40421,2803,2610,193,07/16 23:59,07/17 17:18,RRI,BHP,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200716,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,595558,54080,541478,,827,7747,292,1643,86,,40004,2795,2602,193,07/15 23:59,07/16 17:25,KVP,QN,"(7/16 KVP) IN appears to have removed currently hopsitalized stats from the data set we were checking as of 16:48 EDT. (7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200715,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,586589,53370,533219,,881,7686,284,1634,79,,39571,2785,2592,193,07/14 23:59,07/15 15:59,DZL,RS,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200714,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,578409,52685,525724,,767,7633,266,1620,73,,39155,2775,2582,193,07/13 23:59,07/14 16:12,EDS,PR,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200713,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,570409,52037,518372,,764,7574,255,1601,71,,38914,2762,2569,193,07/12 23:59,07/13 16:08,DZL,SB,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200712,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,564647,51612,513035,,702,7527,237,1592,68,,38623,2760,2567,193,07/11 23:59,07/12 16:40,MD,HMH,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200711,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,558146,51079,507067,,714,7458,237,1577,72,,38441,2756,2563,193,07/10 23:59,07/11 16:08,CB-M,BSL,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200710,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,550562,50300,500262,,667,7458,217,1577,87,,38120,2748,2555,193,07/09 23:59,07/10 16:06,AJC,BSL,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200709,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,542292,49575,492717,,686,7386,226,1556,89,,37795,2739,2546,193,07/08 23:59,07/09 16:25,GET,BSL,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200708,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,535857,49063,486794,,667,7365,217,1551,87,,37462,2732,2539,193,07/07 23:59,07/08 16:25,KVP,MM,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether this value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200707,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,530075,48626,481449,,655,7333,213,1540,76,,36999,2717,2524,193,07/06 23:59,07/07 15:45,DZL,RS,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether tis value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200706,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,526592,48331,478261,,613,7285,229,1526,88,,36788,2698,2505,193,07/05 11:59,07/06 15:31,CKW,RS,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether tis value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200705,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,521722,48008,473714,,632,7254,218,1526,87,,36475,2693,2500,193,07/04 11:59,07/05 15:46,MEC,HMH,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether tis value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200704,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,512288,47432,464856,,632,7216,218,1516,87,,36076,2687,2494,193,07/03 23:59,07/04 15:35,EDS,BSL,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether tis value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200703,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,504153,46915,457238,,633,7175,217,1506,81,,35756,2681,2488,193,07/02 23:59,07/03 16:10,CB-M,BSL,"(7/3 JJA) I removed the value from 'positive cases (PCR)' because it's unclear whether tis value solely represents confirmed cases. (6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200702,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,496835,46387,450448,,644,7139,221,1493,89,,35405,2662,2469,193,07/01 23:59,07/02 16:05,ENT,BSL,"(6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200701,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,489716,45952,443764,,668,7095,232,1483,103,,35025,2650,2456,194,06/30 23:59,07/01 16:02,EDS,BHP,"(6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200630,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,484196,45594,438602,,695,7065,272,1477,97,,34646,2640,2448,192,06/29 23:59,06/30 16:00,EDS,BSL,"(6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200629,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,476519,45228,431291,,626,7024,265,1469,85,,34348,2624,2432,192,06/28 23:59,06/29 15:50,WCD,BSL,"(6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200628,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,470535,44930,425605,,617,7003,266,1468,86,,33935,2619,2427,192,06/27 23:59,06/28 16:16,ETS,SB,"(6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200627,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,463017,44575,418442,,595,6982,257,1461,82,,33725,2616,2424,192,06/26 23:59,06/27 15:53,AJC,BSL,"(6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200626,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,453890,44140,409750,,692,6944,281,1458,94,,33396,2595,2403,192,06/25 23:59,06/26 16:30,BSL,QN,"(6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200625,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,444252,43655,400597,,723,6912,276,1452,91,,33036,2586,2394,192,06/24 23:59,06/25 15:48,EDS,KWS,"(6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200624,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,431883,43140,388743,,701,6883,263,1446,89,,32152,2578,2386,192,06/23 23:59,06/24 16:14,SMG,BSL,"(6/24 SMG) Decrease of 1 for cum. ICU per Regenstrief dash (6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23.",A+,, 20200623,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,426376,42871,383505,,736,6853,297,1447,110,,32152,2569,2377,192,06/22 23:59,06/23 15:33,EDS,BSL,"(6/23 EDS/BSL) Cum ICU on Regenstrief Dashboard revised down (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (6/22- 6/23 EDS) The cumulative number of ICU admits went down from 1452 to 1447 between 6/22 and 6/23. ",A+,, 20200622,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,418916,42633,376283,,756,6819,283,1452,108,,31739,2553,2363,190,06/21 23:59,06/22 15:32,EDS,RS," (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200621,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,411920,42423,369497,,744,6788,226,1450,124,,31302,2540,2350,190,06/20 23:59,06/21 15:32,SB,BSL," (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200620,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,401802,42061,359741,,768,6755,231,1444,113,,31110,2536,2346,190,06/19 23:59,06/20 15:33,ETW,BSL," (6/20 ETW) Cumulative ICU admissions per Regenstrief Institute decreased from 1465 to 1444 (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200619,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,392887,41746,351141,,773,6731,259,1465,111,,30760,2516,2327,189,06/18 23:59,06/19 16:52,RSG,PR," (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200618,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,384722,41438,343284,,754,6589,236,1389,103,,30175,2491,2304,187,06/17 23:59,06/18 16:11,BSL,MM," (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200617,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,371182,41013,330169,,789,6526,238,1384,105,,29671,2475,2289,186,06/16 23:59,06/17 16:05,SMG,BHP," (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200616,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,363745,40786,322959,,860,6481,313,1383,121,,29093,2447,2265,182,06/15 23:59,06/16 14:36,KWS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Cum hosp/ICU from press conferences. Leave until updated. (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200615,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,355829,40430,315399,,882,6451,305,1368,123,,28744,2433,2251,182,06/14 23:59,06/15 15:30,KWS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Cum hosp/ICU from press conferences. Leave until updated. (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200614,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,348391,39909,308482,,869,6419,301,1360,113,,28522,2422,2240,182,06/13 23:59,06/14 15:32,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Cum hosp/ICU from press conferences. Leave until updated. (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200613,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,340637,39543,301094,,871,6349,316,1354,118,,28241,2413,2231,182,06/12 23:59,06/13 15:57,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Cum hosp/ICU from press conferences. Leave until updated. (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200612,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,335180,39146,296034,,906,6349,329,1354,116,,27811,2396,2214,182,06/11 23:59,06/12 15:54,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Cum hosp/ICU from press conferences. Leave until updated. (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200611,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,327342,38748,288594,,887,6314,331,1345,118,,27321,2380,2198,182,06/10 23:59,06/11 15:32,SMS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Cum hosp/ICU from press conferences. Leave until updated. (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200610,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,320094,38337,281757,,894,6261,307,1334,113,,26791,2355,2173,182,06/09 23:59,06/10 15:15,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Cum hosp/ICU from press conferences. Leave until updated. (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200609,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,315390,38033,277357,,853,6225,307,1330,113,,26205,2339,2158,181,06/08 23:59,06/09 15:16,ETW,REB,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200608,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,309503,37623,271880,,902,6179,346,1325,130,,25608,2316,2135,181,06/07 23:59,06/08 16:06,ETW,REB,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200607,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,304263,37397,266866,,913,6136,335,1317,133,,25138,2303,2121,182,06/06 23:59,06/07 15:44,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200606,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,297530,36997,260533,,926,6091,344,1304,133,,24729,2292,2110,182,06/05 23:59,06/06 15:05,RSG,QN,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200605,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,291638,36578,255060,,924,6053,368,1293,147,,24317,2258,2078,180,06/04 23:59,06/05 15:18,reb,RS,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200604,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,285234,36096,249138,,979,5999,372,1286,144,,23707,2231,2052,179,06/03 23:59,06/04 15:37,VVR,JAC,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200603,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,277815,35712,242103,,1017,5952,358,1282,138,,23182,2207,2032,175,06/02 23:59,06/03 15:30,JA,RS,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200602,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,271919,35237,236682,,961,5902,358,1261,140,,22623,2197,2022,175,06/01 23:59,06/02 14:45,reb,RS,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200601,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,265896,34830,231066,,1041,5860,366,1255,148,,22224,2142,1976,166,05/31 23:59,06/01 15:08,RS,AFG,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200531,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,261546,34574,226972,,1050,5285,372,1248,143,,21704,2134,1967,167,05/30 23:59,05/31 16:53,BL,ALF,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/31 ALF) Took Recovered & Cum Hosp from Regenstrief Institute dashboard linked to from Additional Resources on page and put link in Dashboard column (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200530,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,256395,34211,222184,,1149,5285,412,1166,161,,,2125,1958,167,05/29 23:59,05/30 15:22,CML,SPA,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200529,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,248713,33558,215155,,1149,5285,412,1166,161,,,2110,1946,164,05/28 23:59,05/29 16:12,AW,PR,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200528,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,242287,33068,209219,,1131,5285,411,1166,178,,,2068,1907,161,05/27 23:59,05/28 15:47,JAC,PR,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200527,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,235333,32437,202896,,1122,5285,400,1166,182,,,2030,1871,159,05/26 23:59,05/27 16:21,G-S,REB,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200526,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,230749,32078,198671,,1088,5285,365,1166,163,,,2004,1850,154,05/26 14:40,05/26 17:47,GGR,KP,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200525,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,226251,31715,194536,,1102,5285,365,1166,169,,,1976,1832,152,05/24 23:59,05/25 16:44,ESK,PR,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/20-5/25 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. ",A+,, 20200524,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,220801,31376,189425,,1112,5285,396,1166,173,,,1976,1824,152,05/23 23:59,05/24 14:59,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/20-5/24 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note. UPDATE: added these back on, after discussion that the process to remove old Cum #s wasn't correct (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/23 - SOJ) No press release notes as of today so these numbers remain unchanged.",A+,, 20200523,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,214933,30901,184032,,1138,5285,403,1166,173,,,1943,1812,152,05/22 23:59,05/23 17:04,SOJ,BL,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/20 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note. UPDATE: added these back on, after discussion that the process to remove old Cum #s wasn't correct (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/23 - SOJ) No press release notes as of today so these numbers remain unchanged.",A+,, 20200522,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,208561,30409,178152,,1203,5285,416,1166,173,,,1941,1791,150,05/21 23:59,05/22 15:15,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from press conf. Leave until updated (5/20 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note. UPDATE: added these back on, after discussion that the process to remove old Cum #s wasn't correct (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) ",A+,, 20200521,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,202995,29936,173059,,1166,4389,409,990,175,,,1913,1764,149,05/20 23:59,05/21 16:17,RS,PR,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from previous presser. Leaving it there until new update as per principle we don't remove old cumulative data (5/20 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note. UPDATE: added these back on, after discussion that the process to remove old Cum #s wasn't correct (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200520,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,195738,29274,166464,,1288,4389,431,990,197,,,1864,1716,148,05/19 23:59,05/20 16:21,G-S,QN,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" - Cum hosp/ICU from previous presser. Leaving it there until new update as per principle we don't remove old cumulative data (5/20 G-S/QN) Left cum hosp/ICU. Waiting for confirmation from reporting on whether AE: Positive cases (ppl, conf + prob) does includes Probable deaths. (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note. UPDATE: added these back on, after discussion that the process to remove old Cum #s wasn't correct (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200519,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,189330,28705,160625,,1268,4389,421,990,206,,,1824,1678,146,05/18 23:59,05/19 17:35,SLW,QN,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note. UPDATE: added these back on, after discussion that the process to remove old Cum #s wasn't correct (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200518,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,183912,28255,155657,,1244,4389,426,990,212,,,1765,1621,144,05/17 23:59,05/18 16:16,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note. UPDATE: added these back on, after discussion that the process to remove old Cum #s wasn't correct (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200517,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,177243,27778,149465,,1246,4389,441,990,205,,,1751,1607,144,05/16 23:59,05/17 16:27,SB,RS,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note. UPDATE: added these back on, after discussion that the process to remove old Cum #s wasn't correct (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200516,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,171358,27280,144078,,1274,4389,426,990,199,,,1741,1596,145,05/15 23:59,05/16 16:03,BL,REB,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note. UPDATE: added these back on, after discussion that the process to remove old Cum #s wasn't correct (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200515,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,165448,26655,138793,,1294,4389,492,990,213,,,1691,1550,138,05/14 23:59,05/15 16:01,AW,QN,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note. UPDATE: added these back on, after discussion that the process to remove old Cum #s wasn't correct (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200514,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,154083,26053,134186,,1381,4389,488,990,217,,,1646,1508,138,05/13 23:59,05/14 14:59,RSB,AFG,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note. UPDATE: added these back on, after discussion that the process to remove old Cum #s wasn't correct (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200513,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,150510,25473,128610,,1336,4389,481,990,217,,,1619,1482,137,05/12 23:59,,,,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note. UPDATE: added these back on, after discussion that the process to remove old Cum #s wasn't correct (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200512,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25127,125383,,1283,4389,472,,212,,,1578,1444,134,05/11 23:59,05/12 16:04,KWS,DPT,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" (5/12 DPT) deleted cum hosp/ICU per REB's note (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200511,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24627,122061,,1346,4389,452,990,213,,,1540,1411,,05/10 23:59,05/11 14:29,REB,AW,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" (5/10-11 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (will delete it tomorrow) (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200510,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24126,115903,,1328,4389,462,990,205,,,1508,1379,,05/09 23:59,05/10 16:11,REB,CML,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" (5/10 REB) no updates to cum hosp+icu (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200509,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23732,111954,,1361,4389,458,990,213,,,1490,1362,,05/08 23:59,05/09 16:28,QN,ALF,"PROCESS: * Deaths (Confirmed and Probable) Search for ""Total Deaths"" and ""Total Probable Deaths"" on Page link; sum values Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200508,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23146,106982,,1379,4389,481,990,219,,,1447,1328,,05/07 23:59,05/08 15:29,MM,RS,"PROCESS: * Deaths (Confirmed and Probable) Search for ""Total Deaths"" and ""Total Probable Deaths"" on Page link; sum values Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" (5/8 MM) cum hosp+icu from",A+,, 20200507,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22503,102279,,1457,,487,,228,,,1414,1295,,05/06 23:59,05/07 15:51,RS,PR,"PROCESS: * Deaths (Confirmed and Probable) Search for ""Total Deaths"" and ""Total Probable Deaths"" on Page link; sum values Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" ",A+,, 20200506,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21870,98626,,1558,,526,,281,,,1377,1264,,05/05 23:59,05/06 14:46,MM,RS,"PROCESS: * Deaths (Confirmed and Probable) Search for ""Total Deaths"" and ""Total Probable Deaths"" on Page link; sum values Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" ",A+,, 20200505,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21033,94801,,1537,,480,,272,,,1326,1213,,05/04 23:59,05/05 14:52,REB,RS,"PROCESS: * Deaths (Confirmed and Probable) Search for ""Total Deaths"" and ""Total Probable Deaths"" on Page link; sum values Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" ",A+,, 20200504,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20507,92790,,1449,,483,,249,,,1264,1151,,05/03 23:59,05/04 15:20,PR,REB,"PROCESS: * Deaths (Confirmed and Probable) Search for ""Total Deaths"" and ""Total Probable Deaths"" on Page link; sum values Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" ",A+,, 20200503,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19933,88926,,1398,,476,,242,,,1246,1132,,05/02 23:59,,,,"PROCESS: * Deaths (Confirmed and Probable) Search for ""Total Deaths"" and ""Total Probable Deaths"" on Page link; sum values Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" ",A+,, 20200502,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19295,84846,,1456,,487,,244,,,1229,,,05/01 23:59,,,,"PROCESS: * Deaths (Confirmed and Probable) Search for ""Total Deaths"" and ""Total Probable Deaths"" on Page link; sum values Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" ",A+,, 20200501,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18630,81009,,1431,,514,,257,,,1175,,,04/30 23:59,05/01 15:44,ESK,CML,"PROCESS: * Deaths (Confirmed and Probable) Search for ""Total Deaths"" and ""Total Probable Deaths"" on Page link; sum values Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from - Currently Hospitalized = ""beds_all_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently in ICU = ""beds_icu_occupied_beds_covid_19"" - Currently on Ventilator = ""vents_all_in_use_covid_19"" ",A+,, 20200430,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17835,77163,,1466,,549,,275,,,1114,,,04/29 23:59,,,,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from",A+,, 20200429,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17182,74368,,1484,,570,,262,,,1065,,,04/28 23:59,,,,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from",A,, 20200428,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16588,70593,,1518,,546,,275,,,901,,,04/27 23:59,04/28 14:17,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from",B,, 20200427,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15961,68515,,1493,,581,,284,,,844,,,04/26 23:59,,,,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from",B,, 20200426,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15012,66696,,1446,,589,,310,,,813,,,04/25 23:59,04/27 9:35,QN,,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from",B,, 20200425,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14395,65379,,1515,,598,,324,,,785,,,04/24 23:59,04/25 15:03,LH,REB,"PROCESS: Current hospitazilation/ICU/Vent info from",B,, 20200424,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13680,61873,,,,621,,325,,,741,,,04/23 23:59,,,,"PROCESS: Download the latest ""COVID-19 Beds and Vents"" spreadsheet from (Other Source) to get Cur ICU & Cur Vent. ",B,, 20200423,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13039,59001,,,,652,,333,,,706,,,04/22 23:59,,,,"PROCESS: Download the latest ""COVID-19 Beds and Vents"" spreadsheet from (Other Source) to get Cur ICU & Cur Vent. ",B,, 20200422,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12438,57032,,,,633,,334,,,661,,,04/21 23:59,,,,,B,, 20200421,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12097,55167,,,,676,,368,,,630,,,04/20 23:59,,,,,B,, 20200420,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11686,52953,,,,669,,353,,,569,,,04/19 23:59,,,,,B,, 20200419,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11210,49932,,,,649,,342,,,562,,,04/18 23:59,,,,,B,, 20200418,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10641,46232,,,,663,,360,,,545,,,04/17 23:59,,,,,B,, 20200417,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10154,44631,,,,638,,417,,,519,,,04/16 23:59,04/17 22:36,AW,RV,,B,, 20200416,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9542,41573,,,,696,,426,,,477,,,04/15 23:59,04/17 8:46,LAW,,,B,, 20200415,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8955,39441,,,,737,,422,,,436,,,04/14 11:59,04/15 16:34,DPT,ESK,,B,, 20200414,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8527,37490,,,,721,,435,,,388,,,04/14 13:00,,,,"(4/14 PR) - additional death from presser 388 (4/10 MM aft) updated cuttne ICU&vent based on (3;30 mark) (4/9 Aft RS) ICU and Vent #'s based on previous reporting (4/6 aft HDF) time updated to 4:00 to represent ICU/VENT data from reporting. First time on these numbers should need a public note update (4/5 RS) Link in Cell C20 is broken, but we can get data we need from the other state page. I think this is why URLWatch is flagged as X (4/6 JRF) Updating sources to Page/D20 since C20 is broken",B,, 20200413,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8236,36303,,,,740,,459,,,350,,,04/12 23:59,,,,"(4/10 MM aft) updated cuttne ICU&vent based on (3;30 mark) (4/9 Aft RS) ICU and Vent #'s based on previous reporting (4/6 aft HDF) time updated to 4:00 to represent ICU/VENT data from reporting. First time on these numbers should need a public note update (4/5 RS) Link in Cell C20 is broken, but we can get data we need from the other state page. I think this is why URLWatch is flagged as X (4/6 JRF) Updating sources to Page/D20 since C20 is broken",B,, 20200412,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7928,34561,,,,820,,497,,,343,,,04/11 11:59,04/13 9:35,AFG,ESK,"(4/10 MM aft) updated cuttne ICU&vent based on (3;30 mark) (4/9 Aft RS) ICU and Vent #'s based on previous reporting (4/6 aft HDF) time updated to 4:00 to represent ICU/VENT data from reporting. First time on these numbers should need a public note update (4/5 RS) Link in Cell C20 is broken, but we can get data we need from the other state page. I think this is why URLWatch is flagged as X (4/6 JRF) Updating sources to Page/D20 since C20 is broken",B,, 20200411,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7435,31780,,,,820,,497,,,330,,,04/10 23:59,,,,"(4/10 MM aft) updated cuttne ICU&vent based on (3;30 mark) (4/9 Aft RS) ICU and Vent #'s based on previous reporting (4/6 aft HDF) time updated to 4:00 to represent ICU/VENT data from reporting. First time on these numbers should need a public note update (4/5 RS) Link in Cell C20 is broken, but we can get data we need from the other state page. I think this is why URLWatch is flagged as X (4/6 JRF) Updating sources to Page/D20 since C20 is broken",B,, 20200410,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6907,28133,,,,820,,497,,,300,,,04/10 10:00,04/10 16:28,MM,ESK,"(4/10 MM aft) updated cuttne ICU&vent based on (3;30 mark) (4/9 Aft RS) ICU and Vent #'s based on previous reporting (4/6 aft HDF) time updated to 4:00 to represent ICU/VENT data from reporting. First time on these numbers should need a public note update (4/5 RS) Link in Cell C20 is broken, but we can get data we need from the other state page. I think this is why URLWatch is flagged as X (4/6 JRF) Updating sources to Page/D20 since C20 is broken",B,, 20200409,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6351,25782,,,,924,,507,,,245,,,04/08 23:59,,,,"(4/9 Aft RS) ICU and Vent #'s based on previous reporting (4/6 aft HDF) time updated to 4:00 to represent ICU/VENT data from reporting. First time on these numbers should need a public note update (4/5 RS) Link in Cell C20 is broken, but we can get data we need from the other state page. I think this is why URLWatch is flagged as X (4/6 JRF) Updating sources to Page/D20 since C20 is broken",B,, 20200408,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5943,24926,,,,924,,507,,,203,,,04/08 2:45,,,,"(04/07 eve DV) ICU and Vent #'s based on previous reporting (04/07 aft LH) ICU and Vent numbers are based on previous reporting (4/6 aft HDF) time updated to 4:00 to represent ICU/VENT data from reporting. First time on these numbers should need a public note update (4/5 RS) Link in Cell C20 is broken, but we can get data we need from the other state page. I think this is why URLWatch is flagged as X (4/6 JRF) Updating sources to Page/D20 since C20 is broken",B,, 20200407,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5507,23257,,,,924,,507,,,173,,,04/06 23:59,,,,"(04/07 eve DV) ICU and Vent #'s based on previous reporting (04/07 aft LH) ICU and Vent numbers are based on previous reporting (4/6 aft HDF) time updated to 4:00 to represent ICU/VENT data from reporting. First time on these numbers should need a public note update (4/5 RS) Link in Cell C20 is broken, but we can get data we need from the other state page. I think this is why URLWatch is flagged as X (4/6 JRF) Updating sources to Page/D20 since C20 is broken",B,, 20200406,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4944,21247,,,,924,,507,,,139,,,04/06 14:00,,,,"(4/6 aft HDF) time updated to 4:00 to represent ICU/VENT data from reporting. First time on these numbers should need a public note update (4/5 RS) Link in Cell C20 is broken, but we can get data we need from the other state page. I think this is why URLWatch is flagged as X (4/6 JRF) Updating sources to Page/D20 since C20 is broken",B,, 20200405,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4411,18241,,,,,,,,,127,,,04/04 11:59,04/05 22:58,DPT,SJ,"(4/5 RS) Link in Cell C20 is broken, but we can get data we need from the other state page. I think this is why URLWatch is flagged as X.",B,, 20200404,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3953,15847,,,,,,,,,116,,,04/02 23:59,,,,,B,, 20200403,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3437,14398,,,,,,,,,102,,,04/02 23:59,,,,,B,, 20200402,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3039,13246,,,,,,,,,78,,,04/01 23:59,,,,,B,, 20200401,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2565,11810,,,,,,,,,65,,,04/01 0:59,,,,,B,, 20200331,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2159,11214,,,,,,,,,49,,,03/30 12:59,,,,,B,, 20200330,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1786,9872,,,,,,,,,35,,,03/29 12:59,,,,,B,, 20200329,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1514,8316,,,,,,,,,32,,,03/29 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200328,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1232,7175,,,,,,,,,31,,,03/28 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200327,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,981,5955,,,,,,,,,24,,,03/26 12:59,,,,,B,, 20200326,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,645,4006,,,,,,,,,17,,,03/25 12:59,,,,,B,, 20200325,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,477,2879,,,1,,,,,,14,,,03/25 0:59,,,,,B,, 20200324,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,365,2566,,,1,,,,,,12,,,03/24 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200323,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,259,1701,,,1,,,,,,7,,,03/23 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200322,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,201,1293,,,1,,,,,,6,,,03/13 0:59,,,,,,, 20200321,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,126,707,,,1,,,,,,4,,,03/21 0:59,,,,,,, 20200320,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79,475,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/20 0:59,,,,,,, 20200319,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56,324,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/19 0:59,,,,,,, 20200318,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39,154,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/17 23:59,,,,,,, 20200317,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,129,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/16 23:59,,,,,,, 20200316,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24,115,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/16 15:44,,,,,,, 20200315,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,102,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/15 0:59,,,,,,, 20200314,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15,74,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/13 23:59,,,,,,, 20200313,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,61,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 23:59,,,,,,, 20200312,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,52,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 11:59,,,,,,, 20200311,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,33,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,30,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,IN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,413249,42612,370637,,211,2304,55,628,21,209,1673,446,,,08/31 10:00,08/31 16:37,NEZ,ESK,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. ",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,403147,41048,362099,,328,2278,96,616,31,206,1658,443,,,08/28 10:00,08/30 16:02,JJO,ESK,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. ",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,403147,41048,362099,,328,2278,96,616,31,206,1658,443,,,08/28 10:00,08/29 17:01,ESK,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,403147,41048,362099,,328,2278,96,616,31,206,1658,443,,,08/28 10:00,08/28 16:38,JNG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,395097,39937,355160,,262,2226,76,603,25,206,1624,437,,,08/26 10:00,08/27 17:30,AIA,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,395097,39937,355160,,262,2226,76,603,25,206,1624,437,,,08/26 10:00,08/26 16:16,PK,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,386957,38401,348556,,189,2183,64,590,22,205,1535,426,,,08/24 10:00,08/25 16:53,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,386957,38401,348556,,189,2183,64,590,22,205,1535,426,,,08/24 10:00,08/24 16:22,KAT,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,366315,36856,329459,,296,2159,89,584,24,203,1520,419,,,08/21 10:00,08/23 16:56,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,366315,36856,329459,,296,2159,89,584,24,203,1520,419,,,08/21 10:00,08/22 16:16,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,366315,36856,329459,,296,2159,89,584,24,203,1520,419,,,08/21 10:00,08/21 16:14,PK,REB,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,359840,35890,323950,,300,2090,88,567,26,202,1472,411,,,08/19 10:00,08/20 16:15,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,359840,35890,323950,,300,2090,88,567,26,202,1472,411,,,08/19 10:00,08/19 16:11,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,354262,35167,319095,,229,2034,62,560,24,200,1409,405,,,08/17 10:00,08/18 16:51,XMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,354262,35167,319095,,229,2034,62,560,24,200,1409,405,,,08/17 10:00,08/17 17:01,KAT,DZL/SB,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,343043,33885,309158,,311,2020,98,554,33,198,1399,402,,,08/14 10:00,08/16 16:04,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,343043,33885,309158,,311,2020,98,554,33,198,1399,402,,,08/14 10:00,08/15 16:10,PK,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,343043,33885,309158,,311,2020,98,554,33,198,1399,402,,,08/14 10:00,08/14 16:14,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,334563,32547,302016,,357,1975,95,548,29,195,1367,395,,,08/12 10:00,08/13 16:13,DPT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,334563,32547,302016,,357,1975,95,548,29,195,1367,395,,,08/12 10:00,08/12 16:58,JAG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,326669,31730,294939,,216,1911,60,534,19,194,1319,387,,,08/10 10:00,08/11 16:36,PK,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,326669,31730,294939,,216,1911,60,534,19,194,1319,387,,,08/10 10:00,08/10 16:14,KAT,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,316512,30638,285874,,333,1875,88,526,26,193,1293,380,,,08/07 10:00,08/09 16:25,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,316512,30638,285874,,333,1875,88,526,26,193,1293,380,,,08/07 10:00,08/08 16:12,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,316512,30638,285874,,333,1875,88,526,26,193,1293,380,,,08/07 10:00,8/07 16:59,SPA,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,308718,29717,279001,,358,1821,78,516,25,190,1254,368,,,08/05 10:00,8/06 16:24,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,308718,29717,279001,,358,1821,78,516,25,190,1254,368,,,08/05 10:00,8/05 17:02,SLC,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,301839,28876,272963,,232,1782,62,505,16,184,1196,365,,,08/03 10:00,8/04 16:05,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/4 17:58, 20200803,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,301839,28876,272963,,232,1782,62,505,16,184,1196,365,,,08/03 10:00,8/03 16:21,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,292507,27812,264695,,366,1751,98,494,26,179,1178,358,,,07/31 10:00,8/02 17:36,JJO,CB-M/ALF,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,292507,27812,264695,,366,1751,98,494,26,179,1178,358,,,07/31 10:00,8/01 16:11,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,292507,27812,264695,,366,1751,98,494,26,179,1178,358,,,07/31 10:00,07/31 16:35,GET,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,, 20200730,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,284949,26870,258079,,393,1700,83,483,29,174,1149,349,,,07/29 10:00,07/30 16:07,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,, 20200729,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,284949,26870,258079,,393,1700,83,483,29,174,1149,349,,,07/29 10:00,07/30 16:07,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,, 20200728,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,278397,26172,252764,,212,1644,58,465,24,171,1108,335,,,07/27 10:00,07/28 16:20,ETW,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,, 20200727,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,278397,26172,252764,,212,1644,58,465,24,171,1108,335,,,07/27 10:00,07/28 16:20,ETW,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,, 20200726,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,277967,25109,252858,,315,1596,98,459,24,166,1077,326,,,07/24 10:00,07/26 16:09,MEC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,, 20200725,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,277967,25109,252858,,315,1596,98,459,24,166,1077,326,,,07/24 10:00,07/26 16:09,MEC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,, 20200724,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,277967,25109,252858,,,1596,98,459,24,166,1077,326,,,07/24 10:00,07/26 16:09,MEC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,, 20200723,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,268686,24104,244582,,,1545,112,450,28,164,1050,308,,,07/22 10:00,07/23 17:06,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,, 20200722,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,268686,24104,244582,,,1545,112,450,28,164,1050,308,,,07/22 10:00,07/23 17:06,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A+,, 20200721,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,261531,23334,238197,,,1497,111,439,21,162,1016,307,,,07/20 10:00,07/21 16:16,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200720,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,261531,23334,238197,,,1497,111,439,21,162,1016,307,,,07/20 10:00,07/21 16:16,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200719,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,249353,21965,227388,,,1453,58,427,14,161,983,299,,,07/17 10:00,07/19 16:01,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200718,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,249353,21965,227388,,,1453,58,427,14,161,983,299,,,07/17 10:00,07/19 16:01,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200717,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,249353,21965,227388,,,1453,58,427,14,161,983,299,,,07/17 10:00,07/19 16:01,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200716,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,239374,20933,218441,,,1393,65,418,21,159,948,299,,,07/15 10:00,07/16 17:02,BAS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200715,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,239374,20933,218441,,,1393,65,418,21,159,948,299,,,07/15 10:00,07/16 17:02,BAS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/15 BHP) Started reporting current ICU and current Vented numbers. They are from 7/10. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200714,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,231175,20058,211117,,,1343,,410,,160,920,288,,,07/13 0:00,07/14 16:06,JJO,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200713,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,231175,20058,211117,,,1343,,410,,160,920,288,,,07/13 0:00,07/14 16:06,JJO,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200712,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,217779,18611,199168,,,1304,,405,,160,905,284,,,07/10 10:00,07/12 16:02,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200711,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,217779,18611,199168,,,1304,,405,,160,905,284,,,07/10 10:00,07/12 16:02,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200710,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,217779,18611,199168,,,1304,,405,,160,905,284,,,07/10 10:00,07/12 16:02,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200709,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,208482,17618,190864,,,1269,,397,,160,879,282,,,07/08 10:00,07/09 17:19,QN,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200708,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,208482,17618,190864,,,1269,,397,,160,879,282,,,07/08 10:00,07/09 17:19,QN,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200707,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,202219,16901,185318,,,1235,,384,,158,859,280,,,07/06 10:00,07/07 16:27,LRH,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200706,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,202219,16901,185318,,,1235,,384,,158,859,280,,,07/06 10:00,07/07 16:27,LRH,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. No data for Positive Cases (PCR). 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200705,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,191561,15919,175642,,,1219,,377,,156,842,277,,,07/03 10:00,07/05 15:54,SNW,SB,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. When checking the MWF PDF, be sure to look at the TOP pages only, which are more recent. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200704,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,191561,15919,175642,,,1219,,377,,156,842,277,,,07/03 10:00,07/05 15:54,SNW,SB,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. When checking the MWF PDF, be sure to look at the TOP pages only, which are more recent. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200703,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,191561,15919,175642,,,1219,,377,,156,842,277,,,07/03 10:00,07/05 15:54,SNW,SB,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. When checking the MWF PDF, be sure to look at the TOP pages only, which are more recent. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (7/5 SNW) Confirm no data update due to holiday. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). 7/4: Data did not change for 7/4. (kvp) ",A,, 20200702,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,182797,14990,168183,,,1195,,367,,152,834,272,,,07/02 0:00,07/02 17:17,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200701,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,182797,14990,168183,,,1152,,367,,152,834,272,,,06/30 10:00,07/01 16:15,KVP,PR,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200630,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,176348,14443,162282,,,1152,,360,,152,794,270,,,06/30 10:00,07/01 16:15,KVP,PR,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200629,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,176348,14443,162282,,,1152,,360,,152,794,270,,,06/29 10:00,06/29 15:54,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200628,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,167548,13538,154321,,,1128,,356,,152,779,264,,,06/26 10:00,06/28 16:13,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200627,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,167548,13538,154321,,,1128,,356,,152,779,264,,,06/26 10:00,06/28 16:13,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200626,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,167548,13538,154321,,,1128,,356,,152,779,264,,,06/26 10:00,06/28 16:13,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200625,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,161438,12970,148735,,,1082,,348,,150,747,261,,,06/24 10:00,06/25 16:31,SMG,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200624,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,161438,12970,148735,,,1082,,348,,150,747,261,,,06/24 10:00,06/25 16:31,SMG,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/25 KWS mor) updated tooltip on Confirmed to ""No Data"" because the meaning of KS's deaths is unclear 6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200623,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,154770,12465,142548,,,1056,,342,,149,722,259,,,06/22 10:00,06/23 16:19,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200622,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,154770,12465,142548,,,1056,,342,,149,722,259,,,06/22 10:00,06/23 16:19,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200621,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147413,12059,135590,,,1035,,338,,146,715,254,,,06/19 10:00,06/21 16:04,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200620,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147413,12059,135590,,,1035,,338,,146,715,254,,,06/19 10:00,06/21 16:04,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200619,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147413,12059,135590,,,1035,,338,,146,715,254,,,06/19 10:00,06/21 16:04,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200618,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141888,11681,130443,,,1011,,333,,146,696,247,,,06/17 10:00,06/18 16:36,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200617,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141888,11681,130443,,,1011,,333,,146,696,247,,,06/17 10:00,06/18 16:36,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200616,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,136741,11419,125543,,,988,,327,,143,676,245,,,06/15 13:30,06/16 16:33,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200615,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,136741,11419,125543,,,988,,327,,143,676,245,,,06/12 13:30,06/15 15:32,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200614,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,128939,11047,118105,,,973,,324,,143,667,243,,,06/12 13:30,06/15 15:32,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200613,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,128939,11047,118105,,,973,,324,,143,667,243,,,06/12 13:30,06/15 15:32,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200612,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,128939,11047,118105,,,973,,324,,143,667,243,,,06/12 13:30,06/15 15:32,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200611,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10812,112930,,,954,,316,,139,657,240,,,06/10 10:00,06/11 15:25,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200610,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10812,112930,,,954,,316,,139,657,240,,,06/10 10:00,06/11 15:25,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. KS is only updating M/W/F. 2. Cases include both confirmed and probable. 3. Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs. (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200609,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10650,108859,,,936,,311,,136,625,236,,,06/08 10:00,06/09 15:20,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Confirmed cases are ""positive PCR results"" from ""Testing Rates"" tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200608,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10650,108859,,,936,,311,,136,625,236,,,06/08 10:00,06/09 15:20,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Confirmed cases are ""positive PCR results"" from ""Testing Rates"" tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200607,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10393,103260,,,917,,306,,135,612,232,,,06/05 10:00,06/07 17:35,ETW,JAC,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Confirmed cases are ""positive PCR results"" from ""Testing Rates"" tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200606,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10393,103260,,,917,,306,,135,612,232,,,06/05 10:00,06/07 17:35,ETW,JAC,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Confirmed cases are ""positive PCR results"" from ""Testing Rates"" tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200605,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10393,103260,,,917,,306,,135,612,232,,,06/05 10:00,06/07 17:35,ETW,JAC,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Confirmed cases are ""positive PCR results"" from ""Testing Rates"" tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200604,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10170,97883,,,890,,302,,131,592,222,,,06/03 10:00,06/04 16:47,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Confirmed cases are ""positive PCR results"" from ""Testing Rates"" tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200603,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10170,97883,,,890,,302,,131,592,222,,,06/03 10:00,06/04 16:47,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Confirmed cases are ""positive PCR results"" from ""Testing Rates"" tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200602,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10011,93301,,,862,,290,,127,555,217,,,06/01 10:00,06/02 16:37,QN,MM,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Confirmed cases are ""positive PCR results"" from ""Testing Rates"" tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200601,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10011,85230,,,842,,284,,124,547,217,,,06/01 10:00,06/02 16:37,QN,MM,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Confirmed cases are ""positive PCR results"" from ""Testing Rates"" tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs (6/1 AFG) reported cases > tests at KHEL + tests at private labs - we chose to use the reported cases (SB 6/1 aft) Note that MWF pdf may update before the rest of the dashboard. Using most recent numbers. (Cases, deaths, positive results). ",A,, 20200531,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9719,85230,,,842,,284,,124,547,208,,,05/29 10:00,05/31 14:15,SB,BL,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs",A,, 20200530,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94780,9719,85230,,,842,,284,,124,547,208,,,05/29 10:00,05/31 14:15,SB,BL,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs",A,, 20200529,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94780,9719,85230,,,842,,284,,124,547,208,,,05/29 10:00,05/31 14:15,SB,BL,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs",A,, 20200528,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84333,9337,75151,,,822,,275,,122,534,205,,,05/27 10:00,05/28 16:24,JAC,MM,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs",A,, 20200527,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84333,9337,75151,,,822,,275,,122,534,205,,,05/27 10:00,05/28 16:24,JAC,MM,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs",A,, 20200526,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81245,9218,72181,,,800,,271,,120,493,188,,,05/25 10:00,05/26 15:25,GGR,DPT,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs",A+,, 20200525,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81245,9218,72181,,,800,,271,,120,493,188,,,05/25 10:00,05/26 15:25,GGR,DPT,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs",A+,, 20200524,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76280,8958,67476,,,787,,269,,120,485,185,,,05/22 10:00,05/24 15:06,AFG,QN,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs",A+,, 20200523,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76280,8958,67476,,,787,,269,,120,485,185,,,05/22 10:00,05/24 15:06,AFG,QN,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs",A+,, 20200522,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76280,8958,67476,,,787,,269,,120,485,185,,,05/22 10:00,05/24 15:06,AFG,QN,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases include both confirmed and probable Total tests obtained from ""Testing Rates"" Tab Hospitalization data obtained from ""Hospital and ED"" tab Remaining data from ""Case Rates"" and ""Death Rates"" tabs",A+,, 20200521,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71048,8539,62664,,,760,,258,,116,473,178,,,05/20 10:00,05/21 14:18,VVR,RS,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well Test (Specimen) data is provided in link under Daily Case Summary & Historical Data above dashboard (5/19 aft MM) dashboard keeps showing hourglass. provisional DC as per (5/18 aft ALF) KS reports confirmed cases in its MWF ""Daily Case Summary & Historical Data"" today: 4003 at KHEL & 4229 at private labs. Entering in column AC. It is also on the Testing Rates tab of the dashboard. (5/17 aft SB) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/16 aft G-S) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/12 aft RSB) Total Tests from ""Testing Rates"" Tab (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current",A+,, 20200520,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71048,8539,62664,,,760,,258,,116,473,178,,,05/20 10:00,05/21 14:18,VVR,RS,"PROCESS: KS is only updating M/W/F Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well Test (Specimen) data is provided in link under Daily Case Summary & Historical Data above dashboard (5/19 aft MM) dashboard keeps showing hourglass. provisional DC as per (5/18 aft ALF) KS reports confirmed cases in its MWF ""Daily Case Summary & Historical Data"" today: 4003 at KHEL & 4229 at private labs. Entering in column AC. It is also on the Testing Rates tab of the dashboard. (5/17 aft SB) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/16 aft G-S) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/12 aft RSB) Total Tests from ""Testing Rates"" Tab (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current",A+,, 20200519,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66882,8340,58650,,,740,,250,,115,465,173,,,05/18 10:00,05/19 18:57,SLW,MM,"KS is only updating M/W/F Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well Test (Specimen) data is provided in link under Daily Case Summary & Historical Data above dashboard (5/19 aft MM) dashboard keeps showing hourglass. provisional DC as per (5/18 aft ALF) KS reports confirmed cases in its MWF ""Daily Case Summary & Historical Data"" today: 4003 at KHEL & 4229 at private labs. Entering in column AC. It is also on the Testing Rates tab of the dashboard. (5/17 aft SB) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/16 aft G-S) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/12 aft RSB) Total Tests from ""Testing Rates"" Tab (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current",A,, 20200518,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66882,8340,58650,,,740,,250,,115,465,173,,,05/18 10:00,05/19 18:57,SLW,MM,"KS is only updating M/W/F Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well Test (Specimen) data is provided in link under Daily Case Summary & Historical Data above dashboard (5/19 aft MM) dashboard keeps showing hourglass. provisional DC as per (5/18 aft ALF) KS reports confirmed cases in its MWF ""Daily Case Summary & Historical Data"" today: 4003 at KHEL & 4229 at private labs. Entering in column AC. It is also on the Testing Rates tab of the dashboard. (5/17 aft SB) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/16 aft G-S) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/12 aft RSB) Total Tests from ""Testing Rates"" Tab (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current",A,, 20200517,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61488,7886,53706,,,724,,246,,112,443,172,,,05/15 10:00,05/17 16:33,SB,JAC,"Dashboard now at: Press conferences: Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well Test (Specimen) data is provided in link under Daily Case Summary & Historical Data above dashboard (5/17 aft SB) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/16 aft G-S) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/12 aft RSB) Total Tests from ""Testing Rates"" Tab (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details",A,, 20200516,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61488,7886,53706,,,724,,246,,112,443,172,,,05/15 10:00,05/17 16:33,SB,JAC,"Dashboard now at: Press conferences: Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well Test (Specimen) data is provided in link under Daily Case Summary & Historical Data above dashboard (5/17 aft SB) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/16 aft G-S) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/12 aft RSB) Total Tests from ""Testing Rates"" Tab (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details",A,, 20200515,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61488,7886,53706,,,724,,246,,112,443,172,,,05/15 10:00,05/17 16:33,SB,JAC,"Dashboard now at: Press conferences: Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well Test (Specimen) data is provided in link under Daily Case Summary & Historical Data above dashboard (5/17 aft SB) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/16 aft G-S) Data last updated 5/15, no changes. (5/12 aft RSB) Total Tests from ""Testing Rates"" Tab (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details",A,, 20200514,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57544,7468,50160,,,704,,238,,108,422,164,,,05/13 10:00,05/14 14:34,RSB,SJ,"Dashboard now at: Press conferences: Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well Test (Specimen) data is provided in link under Daily Case Summary & Historical Data above dashboard (5/12 aft RSB) Total Tests from ""Testing Rates"" Tab (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details",A,, 20200513,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54025,7468,50160,,,704,,238,,108,422,164,,,05/13 10:00,05/14 14:34,RSB,SJ,"Dashboard now at: Press conferences: Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well Test (Specimen) data is provided in link under Daily Case Summary & Historical Data above dashboard (5/12 aft RSB) Total Tests from ""Testing Rates"" Tab (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details",A,, 20200512,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7116,46993,,,660,,233,,101,376,158,,,05/11 10:00,05/12 16:16,RSB,RS,"Dashboard now at: Press conferences: Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well (5/12 aft RSB) Total Tests from ""Testing Rates"" Tab (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (5/2 DPT) ventilator count revised down from 96 to 95 (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 ",A,, 20200511,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7116,46993,,,660,,233,,101,376,158,,,05/11 10:00,05/12 16:16,RSB,RS,"Dashboard now at: Press conferences: Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well (5/12 aft RSB) Total Tests from ""Testing Rates"" Tab (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (5/2 DPT) ventilator count revised down from 96 to 95 (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 ",A,, 20200510,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6948,45557,,,657,,231,,101,371,157,,,05/10 10:00,05/10 16:22,REB,CML,"Dashboard now at: Press conferences: Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (5/2 DPT) ventilator count revised down from 96 to 95 (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 ",A,, 20200509,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6751,43182,,,635,,229,,100,350,157,,,05/09 10:00,05/09 15:08,QN,RS,"Dashboard now at: Press conferences: Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (5/2 DPT) ventilator count revised down from 96 to 95 (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 ",A,, 20200508,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6501,41207,,,608,,223,,99,332,152,,,05/08 10:00,05/08 14:08,REB,RS,"Dashboard now at: Press conferences: Cases are no longer only confirmed, but include probable as well (5/8/ aft REB) as of May 7th, they report confirmed and probable together. I'm no longer updating confirmed positive. (5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (5/2 DPT) ventilator count revised down from 96 to 95 (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 ",A,, 20200507,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6144,38678,,,587,,218,,97,323,147,,,05/07 10:00,05/07 15:59,BL,PR,"(5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (5/2 DPT) ventilator count revised down from 96 to 95 (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Dashboard now at: Press conferences:",A,, 20200506,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5734,36380,,,571,,213,,96,318,144,,,05/06 10:00,05/06 14:39,MM,RS,"(5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (5/2 DPT) ventilator count revised down from 96 to 95 (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Dashboard now at: Press conferences:",A,, 20200505,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5458,34634,,,566,,212,,95,296,137,,,05/05 10:00,05/05 14:55,REB,RS,"(5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (5/2 DPT) ventilator count revised down from 96 to 95 (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Dashboard now at: Press conferences:",A,, 20200504,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5245,33358,,,553,,209,,95,291,136,,,05/03 10:00,05/04 14:55,PR,MM,"(5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (5/2 DPT) ventilator count revised down from 96 to 95 (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Dashboard now at: Press conferences:",A,, 20200503,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5030,31748,,,547,,209,,95,286,134,,,05/03 10:00,05/04 14:55,PR,MM,"(5/04 QN mor) Reporting confirmed that all hospitalization numbers are cumulative not current (5/2 DPT) ventilator count revised down from 96 to 95 (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Dashboard now at: Press conferences:",A,, 20200502,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4746,30196,,,541,,206,,95,286,131,,,05/02 10:00,,,,"(5/2 DPT) ventilator count revised down from 96 to 95 (4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Dashboard now at: Press conferences:",A,, 20200501,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4449,28585,,,534,,206,,96,280,130,,,05/01 10:00,05/01 14:49,MM,AW,"(4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Dashboard now at: Press conferences:",A,, 20200430,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4238,27388,,,523,,201,,93,272,129,,,04/30 10:00,,,,"(4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Dashboard now at: Press conferences:",A,, 20200429,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3738,25720,,,515,,198,,88,266,125,,,04/29 10:00,,,,"(4/29 ESK) Hospitalization details (4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Dashboard now at: Press conferences:",A,, 20200428,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3491,24599,,,504,,,,,,124,,,04/28 10:00,04/28 14:22,QN,RS,"(4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Dashboard now at: Press conferences:",C,, 20200427,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3328,23839,,,496,,,,,,120,,,04/26 11:00,,,,"(4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Dashboard now at: Press conferences:",C,, 20200426,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3174,23053,,,485,,,,,,118,,,04/26 11:00,,,,"(4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Dashboard now at: Press conferences:",C,, 20200425,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3056,22143,,,474,,,,,,117,,,04/25 11:00,04/25 15:05,LH,REB,"(4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 Press conferences:",C,, 20200424,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2777,20811,,,457,,,,,,111,,,04/24 10:00,,,,"(4/24 KP aft) Deaths appear to have been revised down from 112 to 111 (4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:",B,, 20200423,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2482,18836,,,442,,,,,,112,,,04/23 10:45,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200422,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2211,17992,,,432,,,,,,110,,,04/22 12:00,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200421,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2025,17076,,,419,,,,,,107,,,04/21 12:00,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200420,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1986,16775,,,405,,,,,,100,,,04/20 12:00,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200419,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1849,16281,,,390,,,,,,92,,,04/19 12:00,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200418,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1790,15886,,,383,,,,,,86,,,04/18 12:00,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200417,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1705,15196,,,375,,,,,,84,,,04/17 12:00,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200416,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1588,14534,,,359,,,,,,80,,,04/16 12:00,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200415,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1494,13174,,,342,,,,,,76,,,04/15 11:30,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200414,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1426,12721,,,327,,,,,,69,,,04/14 12:00,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200413,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1376,12488,,,309,,,,,,62,,,04/13 11:30,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200412,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1337,11916,,,298,,,,,,56,,,04/12 12:00,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200411,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1268,11075,,,293,,,,,,55,,,04/11 11:00,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200410,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1166,10248,,,274,,,,,,50,,,04/10 9:30,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200409,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1106,9669,,,263,,,,,,42,,,04/09 12:00,,,,(4/8 JL evening) Link for press conferences:,B,, 20200408,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1046,9137,,,223,,,,,,38,,,04/07 12:00,04/08 16:21,MM,ESK,,B,, 20200407,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,900,8614,,,223,,,,,,27,,,04/07 12:00,04/08 16:21,MM,ESK,,B,, 20200406,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,845,8239,,,198,,,,,,25,,,04/06 12:00,,,,(4/2 aftn QN): Data taken from tableau dashboard from official state website,B,, 20200405,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,747,7476,,,183,,,,,,22,,,04/05 12:00,,,,(4/2 aftn QN): Data taken from tableau dashboard from official state website,B,, 20200404,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,698,6880,,,172,,,,,,21,,,04/04 12:00,,,,(4/2 aftn QN): Data taken from tableau dashboard from official state website,B,, 20200403,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,620,6454,,,151,,,,,,17,,,04/03 12:00,04/03 22:22,DG,,(4/2 aftn QN): Data taken from tableau dashboard from official state website,B,, 20200402,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,552,6059,,,138,,,,,,13,,,04/02 12:00,,,,(4/2 aftn QN): Data taken from tableau dashboard from official state website,B,, 20200401,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,482,5411,,,114,,,,,,10,,,04/01 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200331,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,428,4996,,,79,,,,,,9,,,03/31 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200330,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,368,4554,,,66,,,,,,8,,,03/30 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200329,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,319,4194,,,55,,,,,,6,,,03/29 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200328,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,261,3671,,,27,,,,,,5,,,03/27 9:00,,,,,B,, 20200327,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,202,3229,,,27,,,,,,4,,,03/27 9:00,,,,,B,, 20200326,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,168,2869,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/26 12:00,,,,,B,, 20200325,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,126,2360,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/25 12:00,,,,,B,, 20200324,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98,2086,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/24 12:00,,,,,B,, 20200323,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,82,417,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/23 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200322,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64,417,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/21 11:00,,,,,,, 20200321,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55,417,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/21 11:00,,,,,,, 20200320,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44,417,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/20 11:00,,,,,,, 20200319,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34,417,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/19 11:00,,,,,,, 20200318,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16,417,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/17 15:30,,,,,,, 20200317,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15,382,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/17 13:00,,,,,,, 20200316,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,166,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/16 16:17,,,,,,, 20200315,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,135,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/14 13:00,,,,,,, 20200314,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,93,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/13 11:00,,,,,,, 20200313,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,93,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 11:00,,,,,,, 20200312,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,41,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,41,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,17,21,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,11,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,11,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,11,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,KS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,4,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,KY,,,,13441,,,,,,46866,,,,817136,,,44212,4184,,48396,772924,,557,4580,144,1385,,,10375,933,924,9,08/31 0:00,08/31 17:15,JNG,RSG,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/31 17:26, 20200830,KY,,,,13441,,,,,,46781,,,,811589,,,43901,4131,,48032,768082,,570,4560,149,1379,,,10328,930,921,9,08/30 0:00,08/30 17:48,JJO,BHP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/30 17:56, 20200829,KY,,,,13441,,,,,,46781,,,,811589,,,43507,4070,,47577,768082,,570,4560,149,1379,,,10328,921,913,8,08/29 0:00,08/29 16:56,JAC,BHP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/29 17:49, 20200828,KY,,,,13399,,,,,,46635,,,,800704,,,42811,3946,,46757,757893,,572,4532,158,1375,,,10266,918,910,8,08/28 0:00,08/28 16:33,KAT,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/28 17:43, 20200827,KY,,,,13323,,,,,,46538,,,,789076,,,42169,3809,,45978,746907,,573,4501,154,1368,,,9731,910,904,6,08/27 0:00,08/27 16:42,MJW,DPT,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/27 18:55, 20200826,KY,,,,13213,,,,,,46515,,,,779726,,,41567,3663,,45230,738159,,593,4446,151,1357,,,9594,902,896,6,08/26 0:00,08/26 16:35,NEZ,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/26 18:37, 20200825,KY,,,,12864,,,,,,46484,,,,771954,,,41054,3514,,44568,730900,,593,4446,151,1357,,,9594,895,889,6,08/25 0:00,08/25 17:07,JB,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/25 18:03, 20200824,KY,,,,12456,,,,,,46390,,,,764058,,,40493,3406,,43899,723565,,564,4399,149,1348,,,9544,885,879,6,08/24 0:00,08/24 16:37,CKW,RSG,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/24 17:21, 20200823,KY,,,,11940,,,,,,45988,,,,745270,,,40181,3348,,43529,706202,,590,4362,166,1340,,,9448,881,875,6,08/23 0:00,08/23 17:12,KVP,BHP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/23 17:24, 20200822,KY,,,,11940,,,,,,45988,,,,745270,,,39068,3197,,42265,706202,,590,4362,166,1340,,,9448,864,858,6,08/21 0:00,08/22 16:09,TCD,HMH,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/22 17:10, 20200821,KY,,,,11940,,,,,,45988,,,,745270,,,39068,3197,,42265,706202,,590,4362,166,1340,,,9448,864,858,6,08/21 0:00,08/21 17:09,HMH,RSG,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/21 17:26, 20200820,KY,,,,11806,,,,,,45909,,,,736567,,,38475,3151,,41626,698092,,638,4349,155,1337,,,9388,856,850,6,08/20 0:00,08/20 16:34,BSL,HMH,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/20 18:13, 20200819,KY,,,,11549,,,,,,45847,,,,727742,,,37848,3078,,40926,689894,,640,4301,155,1332,,,9331,842,836,6,08/19 0:00,08/19 16:50,NMJ,RSG,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/19 17:55, 20200818,KY,,,,720,,,,,,45757,,,,723905,,,37304,2995,,40299,686601,,622,4252,147,1320,,,9233,830,825,5,08/18 0:00,08/18 17:22,XMH,HMH,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/18 17:32, 20200817,KY,,,,720,,,,,,45353,,,,713949,,,36824,2867,,39691,677125,,563,4215,136,1310,,,9158,818,813,5,08/17 0:00,08/17 17:07,JB,SB,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/17 17:55, 20200816,KY,,,,665,,,,,,45157,,,,709163,,,36475,2840,,39315,673046,,618,4193,131,1304,,,9091,813,808,5,08/16 0:00,08/16 16:41,JJO,HMH,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/16 17:31, 20200815,KY,,,,665,,,,,,45157,,,,709163,,,36117,2813,,38930,673046,,618,4193,131,1304,,,9091,810,805,5,08/15 0:00,08/15 17:21,BHP,RSG,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/15 17:34, 20200814,KY,,,,665,,,,,,44926,,,,697909,,,35565,2733,,38298,662344,,656,4158,147,1296,,,9021,804,799,5,08/14 0:00,08/14 16:34,KAT,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/14 17:41, 20200813,KY,,,,584,,,,,,44808,,,,684970,,,35036,2650,,37686,649934,,658,4116,140,1291,,,8965,796,791,5,08/13 0:00,08/13 16:50,AIA,QN,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,KY,,,,556,,,,,,44569,,,,672245,,,34415,2530,,36945,637830,,683,4091,143,1279,,,8893,790,785,5,08/12 0:00,08/12 16:42,NMJ,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,KY,,,,556,,,,,,44520,,,,665941,,,33379,2414,,35793,632562,,667,4063,148,1270,,,8819,783,778,5,08/11 0:00,08/11 17:19,HMH,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,KY,,,,516,,,,,,44407,,,,655494,,,32941,2313,,35254,622553,,641,4024,155,1267,,,8738,775,770,5,08/10 0:00,08/10 16:35,MJW,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,KY,,,,459,,,,,,44296,,,,646187,,,32713,2269,,34982,613857,,653,4002,149,1258,,,8674,773,768,5,08/09 0:00,08/09 17:02,TCD,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/8 TCD) Test values not updated over the weekend so leaving negative cases as-is (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,KY,,,,459,,,,,,44296,,,,646187,,,32330,2248,,34578,613857,,653,4002,149,1258,,,8674,772,767,5,08/08 0:00,08/08 17:05,RSG,RS,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,KY,,,,430,,,,,,44093,,,,639833,,,31635,2161,,33796,608198,,717,3975,136,1254,,,8589,764,760,4,08/07 0:00,8/07 17:20,GET,RSG,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,KY,,,,387,,,,,,44033,,,,630336,,,31146,2108,,33254,599190,,701,3924,140,1248,,,8523,760,756,4,08/06 0:00,8/06 16:37,BSL,DZL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,KY,,,,363,,,,,,43944,,,,618793,,,30712,2029,,32741,588081,,620,3903,131,1239,,,8467,752,748,4,08/05 0:00,8/05 16:56,BSL,RSG,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,KY,,,,273,,,,,,43924,,,,605896,,,30238,1959,,32197,575658,,638,3851,135,1232,,,8406,751,747,4,08/04 0:00,8/04 16:37,RSG,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/4 17:46, 20200803,KY,,,,273,,,,,,43896,,,,598408,,,29623,1885,,31508,568785,,612,3815,136,1212,,,8335,744,740,4,08/03 0:00,8/03 16:56,DZL,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,KY,,,,273,,,,,,43626,,,,594873,,,29346,1839,,31185,565951,,602,3782,128,1207,,,8135,742,738,4,08/02 0:00,8/02 17:34,EDS,SB,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (8/2 SB) Carrying over Negatives (People/Cases) because it would have decreased due to partial Sunday update. See thread for decision. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,KY,,,,273,,,,,,43626,,,,594873,,,28922,1801,,30723,565951,,602,3782,128,1207,,,8135,740,736,4,08/01 0:00,8/01 17:07,TCD,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,KY,,,,222,,,,,,43408,,,,586076,,,28404,1747,,30151,557672,,597,3314,150,1133,,,7481,735,731,4,07/31 0:00,07/31 17:07,GET,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200730,KY,,,,222,,,,,,43348,,,,577636,,,27716,1670,,29386,549920,,587,3304,110,1133,,,7590,731,727,4,07/30 0:00,07/30 17:07,LRH,HMH,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200729,KY,,,,222,,,,,,42980,,,,566787,,,27173,1554,,28727,539614,,571,3281,112,1133,,,7495,724,720,4,07/29 0:00,07/29 16:47,BAS,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200728,KY,,,,,,,,,,42814,,,,556243,,,26656,1470,,28126,529587,,584,3279,115,1132,,,7470,719,715,4,07/28 0:00,07/28 16:58,ETW,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200727,KY,,,,,,,,,,42699,,,,546058,,,26209,,,27601,519849,,609,3276,131,1129,,,7466,709,705,4,07/27 0:00,07/27 17:08,DZL,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/27 DZL) For PCR tests, the daily PDF reports 526058, while the dashboard reports 546058 -- using the dashboard number because the PDF number results in -14000 tests. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200726,KY,,,,,,,,,,42175,,,,540209,,,25699,,,27079,514819,,595,3266,132,1126,,,7421,700,696,4,07/26 0:00,07/26 16:15,MEC,BML,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200725,KY,,,,,,,,,,42175,,,,540209,,,25390,,,26764,514819,,595,3266,132,1126,,,7421,696,692,4,07/25 0:00,07/25 17:23,RSG,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200724,KY,,,,,,,,,,41959,,,,532160,,,24615,,,25931,507545,,618,3248,130,1125,,,7396,691,687,4,07/24 0:00,07/24 17:22,ALT,RSG,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200723,KY,,,,,,,,,,41859,,,,523530,,,23882,,,25147,499648,,581,2921,135,1040,,,7046,684,680,4,07/23 0:00,07/23 16:41,BHP,HMH,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/23 BHP) Antibody value dropped from 42223 to 41859 and KY started reporting Antigen. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200722,KY,,,,,,,,,,42223,,,,517871,,,23336,,,24540,494535,,603,2914,145,1039,,,7000,677,673,4,07/22 0:00,07/22 16:42,AIA,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200721,KY,,,,,,,,,,41592,,,,507549,,,22916,,,24060,484633,,532,2900,136,1036,,,6927,674,670,4,07/21 0:00,07/21 16:49,EDS,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200720,KY,,,,,,,,,,40357,,,,493068,,,22328,,,23414,470740,,542,2882,114,1035,,,6876,671,667,4,07/19 0:00,07/20 16:42,ENT,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200719,KY,,,,,,,,,,40309,,,,491658,,,22095,,,23161,469563,,511,2880,102,1035,,,6874,670,666,4,07/18 0:00,07/19 16:05,DCC,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200718,KY,,,,,,,,,,40308,,,,489145,,,21128,,,22184,468017,,514,2875,109,1033,,,6824,667,662,5,07/18 0:00,07/19 16:05,DCC,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200717,KY,,,,,,,,,,40203,,,,482064,,,20607,,,21605,461457,,452,2864,89,1031,,,6772,658,653,5,07/17 0:00,07/17 16:59,CB-M,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200716,KY,,,,,,,,,,40158,,,,467039,,,20118,,,21083,446921,,418,2842,92,1030,,,5500,650,646,4,07/16 0:00,07/16 16:45,EDS,JAC,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200715,KY,,,,,,,,,,39932,,,,458247,,,19737,,,20677,438510,,445,2823,92,1028,,,5475,645,641,4,07/15 0:00,07/15 17:04,RSG,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200714,KY,,,,,,,,,,39661,,,,454682,,,19349,,,20223,435333,,449,2802,84,1019,,,5389,635,631,4,07/14 0:00,07/14 16:32,EDS,REB,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200713,KY,,,,,,,,,,39316,,,,441056,,,18824,,,19653,422232,,440,2791,87,1017,,,5344,629,625,4,07/13 0:00,07/13 17:07,BAS,SB,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200712,KY,,,,,,,,,,38895,,,,437088,,,18562,,,19389,418781,,370,2779,75,1014,,,5322,625,621,4,07/12 0:00,07/12 16:48,SB,BHP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200711,KY,,,,,,,,,,38895,,,,437088,,,18307,,,19121,418781,,370,2779,75,1014,,,5322,622,618,4,07/11 0:00,07/11 17:14,BSL,BHP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200710,KY,,,,,,,,,,38638,,,,431910,,,17890,,,18670,414020,,409,2763,70,1012,,,5258,620,616,4,07/10 0:00,07/10 16:38,BHP,HMH,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200709,KY,,,,,,,,,,38497,,,,423259,,,17491,,,18245,405768,,457,2747,105,1007,,,4939,612,608,4,07/09 0:00,07/09 17:04,HMH,QN,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200708,KY,,,,,,,,,,36247,,,,415204,,,17202,,,17919,398002,,453,2737,111,1007,,,4912,608,604,4,07/08 0:00,07/08 17:05,KVP,BHP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200707,KY,,,,,,,,,,35979,,,,409217,,,16864,,,17519,392353,,421,2708,110,1003,,,4841,602,598,4,07/07 0:00,07/07 16:40,GET,BHP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200706,KY,,,,,,,,,,35756,,,,399715,,,16525,,,17152,383190,,433,2699,109,1000,,,4785,593,589,4,07/06 0:00,07/06 17:13,DZL,JAC,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not",B,, 20200705,KY,,,,,,,,,,35019,,,,395052,,,15781,,,16376,379271,,455,2685,99,996,,,4747,585,581,4,07/03 0:00,07/05 16:00,RSG,SB,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200704,KY,,,,,,,,,,35019,,,,395052,,,15781,,,16376,379271,,455,2685,99,996,,,4747,585,581,4,07/03 0:00,07/05 16:00,RSG,SB,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200703,KY,,,,,,,,,,35019,,,,395052,,,15781,,,16376,379271,,455,2685,99,996,,,4747,585,581,4,07/03 0:00,07/05 16:00,RSG,SB,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/5 RSG) Not updated since 7/3. (7/4 SNW) No updates likely due to the holiday. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200702,KY,,,,,,,,,,34835,,,,385223,,,15508,,,16079,369715,,430,2662,73,994,,,4726,581,577,4,07/02 0:00,07/02 17:13,CB-M,JAC,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/2 CB-M) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1007 to 994 (from the daily report PDF) AND the number of recovered went from 4052 to 4726. Please note - this is the second consecutive day that the Cumulative in ICU decreased. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200701,KY,,,,,,,,,,34683,,,,376534,,,15286,,,15842,361248,,427,2635,73,1007,,,4052,572,568,4,07/01 0:00,07/01 17:08,AJC,BHP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (7/1 AJC) Cumulative in ICU decreased from 1019 to 1007 (from the daily report PDF) (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200630,KY,,,,,,,,,,34381,,,,370400,,,15090,,,15624,355310,,408,2621,75,1019,,,3990,565,561,4,06/30 0:00,06/30 17:13,EDS,BHP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200629,KY,,,,,,,,,,33844,,,,360929,,,14835,,,15347,346094,,381,2602,69,999,,,3939,560,557,3,06/29 0:00,06/29 17:24,CKW,JAC,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200628,KY,,,,,,,,,,33837,,,,357928,,,14732,,,15232,343259,,386,2590,68,996,,,3730,558,555,3,06/28 0:00,06/28 16:39,ETS,BHP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200627,KY,,,,,,,,,,33340,,,,350296,,,14401,,,14859,335895,,387,2589,74,996,,,3730,553,550,3,06/26 0:00,06/27 15:45,KWS,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200626,KY,,,,,,,,,,33340,,,,350296,,,14401,,,14859,335895,,387,2589,74,996,,,3730,553,550,3,06/26 0:00,06/27 15:45,KWS,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/26 JAC) The total serology number decreased from 34447 to 34440, (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200625,KY,,,,,,,,,,34447,,,,342447,,,14182,,,14617,328265,,377,2584,79,994,,,3719,546,542,4,06/25 0:00,06/25 16:46,RSG,JAC,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200624,KY,,,,,,,,,,32876,,,,335276,,,13937,,,14363,321339,,335,2574,79,992,,,3706,538,534,4,06/24 0:00,06/24 16:52,BHP,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200623,KY,,,,,,,,,,32138,,,,330889,,,13736,,,14141,317153,,376,2556,70,988,,,3591,537,533,4,06/23 0:00,06/23 17:10,BHP,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200622,KY,,,,,,,,,,30573,,,,321642,,,13449,,,13839,308193,,349,2532,67,987,,,3534,526,522,4,06/22 0:00,06/22 16:32,BHP,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/22 BHP) Confirmed Death -1 / Probable Death +1, Note = **This number reflects duplicate cases and patients that did not meet case definition for confirmed cases (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200621,KY,,,,,,,,,,30547,,,,316784,,,13369,,,13750,303531,,354,2522,62,980,,,3530,526,523,3,06/21 0:00,06/21 16:51,BHP,SB,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/21 BHP) Update included a note, ""*Limited Reporting on Sunday, June 21, 2020"". Testing, hospital data and recoveries were not updated. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200620,KY,,,,,,,,,,30547,,,,316784,,,13253,,,13630,303531,,354,2522,62,980,,,3530,524,521,3,06/20 0:00,06/20 16:48,BHP,SPA,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200619,KY,,,,,,,,,,30270,,,,310870,,,13097,,,13454,297773,,339,2494,64,978,,,3516,522,519,3,06/19 0:00,06/19 17:38,SMS,BHP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200618,KY,,,,,,,,,,30238,,,,306029,,,12846,,,13197,293183,,400,2482,68,975,,,3506,520,518,2,06/18 0:00,06/18 16:36,HMH,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200617,KY,,,,,,,,,,30190,,,,299520,,,12646,,,12995,286874,,416,2455,61,971,,,3444,518,516,2,06/17 0:00,06/17 16:46,HMH,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200616,KY,,,,,,,,,,29733,,,,294700,,,12490,,,12829,283204,,395,2436,69,969,,,3431,512,510,2,06/16 0:00,06/16 17:45,SMS,KP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200615,KY,,,,,,,,,,29535,,,,295530,,,12326,,,12647,283204,,383,2433,63,969,,,3416,505,503,2,06/15 0:00,06/15 16:43,RSG,RS,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200614,KY,,,,,,,,,,28635,,,,294265,,,12125,,,12445,282140,,410,2433,68,969,,,3409,499,497,2,06/13 0:00,06/14 15:50,SAL,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200613,KY,,,,,,,,,,28635,,,,294265,,,12125,,,12445,282140,,410,2433,68,969,,,3409,499,497,2,06/13 0:00,06/14 15:50,SAL,BSL,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/13 BHP) Today's update is from yesterday. There may still be an update for today later on. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200612,KY,,,,,,,,,,28319,,,,280786,,,11637,,,11945,269149,,514,2406,81,967,,,3379,493,491,2,06/11 0:00,06/12 17:37,BHP,KP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200611,KY,,,,,,,,,,28319,,,,280786,,,11637,,,11945,269149,,514,2406,81,967,,,3379,493,491,2,06/11 0:00,06/12 17:37,BHP,KP,"Sometimes the PDF (State Page -> KY COVID-19 Daily Report) is more up to date than the State Page. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not ",B,, 20200610,KY,,,,,,,,,,28240,,,,274107,,,11576,,,11883,262531,,508,2396,68,966,,,3375,484,482,2,06/10 0:00,06/10 16:37,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data can be obtained from (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",B,, 20200609,KY,,,,,,,,,,27948,,,,259649,,,11419,,,11708,248230,,525,2386,75,966,,,3365,477,475,2,06/09 0:00,06/09 16:41,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (6/9 BHP) Finished KY. Press release was not updated but the daily report PDF was. There was a serology error yesterday with a surplus of 5422. Added the link to the daily report PDF page above. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",B,, 20200608,KY,,,,,,,,,,32765,,,,252593,,,11212,,,11476,241381,,486,2368,76,958,,,3359,472,470,2,06/08 0:00,06/08 16:49,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (6/8 SB) Note that there is a link to the daily report PDF on the main state page. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",B,, 20200607,KY,,,,,,,,,,32753,,,,248806,,,11031,,,11287,237775,,495,2361,75,958,,,3344,470,468,2,06/06 0:00,06/07 17:44,SB,KP,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",B,, 20200606,KY,,,,,,,,,,32753,,,,248806,,,11031,,,11287,237775,,495,2361,75,958,,,3344,470,468,2,06/06 0:00,06/07 17:44,SB,KP,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (6/7 SB) Note that cumulative hospitalizations and ICU stays, as well as breakdown of deaths into confirmed vs. probable, are currently in the PDF daily report, not (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",B,, 20200605,KY,,,,,,,,,,32745,,,,242174,,,10734,,,10977,231440,,505,2345,73,958,,,3316,466,465,1,06/05 0:00,06/05 17:17,DPT,JAC,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",B,, 20200604,KY,,,,,,,,,,26789,,,,235925,,,10479,,,10705,225220,,518,2332,67,954,,,3303,458,456,2,06/03 0:00,06/04 17:08,VVR,ALF,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",B,, 20200603,KY,,,,,,,,,,26568,,,,232199,,,10192,,,10410,221789,,488,2317,68,950,,,3283,450,449,1,06/03 0:00,06/04 17:08,VVR,ALF,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",B,, 20200602,KY,,,,,,,,,,26529,,,,227056,,,9970,,,10185,217086,,481,2307,85,941,,,3275,442,441,1,06/02 0:00,06/02 16:45,REB,KP,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",A,, 20200601,KY,,,,,,,,,,20563,,,,215853,,,9853,,,10046,206000,,457,2274,90,940,,,3232,439,438,1,06/01 17:00,06/01 17:11,AFG,ALF,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",A,, 20200531,KY,,,,,,,,,,20556,,,,213586,,,9537,,,9704,204049,,480,2272,87,940,,,3232,431,430,1,05/30 17:00,05/31 17:09,SB,ALF,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",A,, 20200530,KY,,,,,,,,,,19910,,,,208034,,,9303,,,9464,198731,,499,2266,81,940,,,3231,418,417,1,05/29 17:00,05/30 14:35,QN,AFG,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",A,, 20200529,KY,,,,,,,,,,19112,,,,221118,,,9028,,,9184,212090,,494,2180,88,937,,,3181,409,408,1,05/28 17:00,05/29 16:24,TCD,PR,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",A,, 20200528,KY,,,,,,,,,,18814,,,,181948,,,8924,,,9077,173024,,512,2142,82,899,,,3124,400,399,1,05/27 17:00,05/28 15:45,JAC,PR,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",A,, 20200527,KY,,,,,,,,,,18814,,,,181948,,,8924,,,9077,173024,,489,2136,78,897,,,3124,400,399,1,05/27 17:00,05/28 15:45,JAC,PR,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/27 G-S) Separating serology and PCR now (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",A,, 20200526,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,169736,,,8451,,,8571,161285,,484,2131,89,897,,,3102,391,390,1,05/23 17:00,05/26 17:36,GGR**,KP,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/26 GGR) didn't find any new press releases, so no updte on hosp, icu numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",A,, 20200525,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,169736,,,8451,,,8571,161285,,484,2131,89,897,,,3102,391,390,1,05/23 0:00,05/25 16:26,CML,ESK,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",A,, 20200524,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,169736,,,8451,,,8571,161285,,484,2131,89,897,,,3102,391,390,1,05/23 0:00,05/25 16:26,CML,ESK,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",A,, 20200523,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,171338,,,8305,,,8426,163033,,477,2076,90,889,,,3069,391,390,1,05/22 17:00,05/23 17:08,ESK,REB,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release. Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/23 ESK) Used total tested - confirmed positive to get negatives (previous entry may have used prob+conf for negative calc)",A,, 20200522,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,166240,,,8175,,,8286,157954,,475,2041,92,886,,,3008,386,385,1,05/21 17:00,05/22 15:21,JAC,ESK,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/20 G-S) Positive updated before total so kept last negative as per public notes. 5/19 daily summary PDF. ",A,, 20200521,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,158672,,,8059,,,8167,150505,,474,2016,98,879,,,2919,376,375,1,05/20 17:00,05/21 16:23,VVR,JAC,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/20 G-S) Positive updated before total so kept last negative as per public notes. 5/19 daily summary PDF. ",A,, 20200520,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,153800,,,7979,,,8069,145917,,443,2010,269,875,,,2826,366,365,1,05/19 17:00,05/20 16:29,G-S,QN,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/20 G-S) Positive updated before total so kept last negative as per public notes. 5/19 daily summary PDF. (5/19 SLW) Most recent PDF: (5/17 SB) Most recent news release is the 5/15 pdf. Number recovered is more recently updated on (5/15 G-S) Most recent PDF: (5/13 RS) Most recent PDF: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A,, 20200519,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,153800,,,7883,,,8069,145917,,447,1980,277,866,,,2826,366,345,1,05/19 17:00,05/20 16:29,G-S,QN,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/20 G-S) Positive updated before total so kept last negative as per public notes. 5/19 daily summary PDF. (5/19 SLW) Most recent PDF: (5/17 SB) Most recent news release is the 5/15 pdf. Number recovered is more recently updated on (5/15 G-S) Most recent PDF: (5/13 RS) Most recent PDF: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A+,, 20200518,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,129405,,,7408,,,7688,121997,,381,1896,218,797,,,2768,334,334,,05/16 17:19,05/18 15:31,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/17 SB) Most recent news release is the 5/15 pdf. Number recovered is more recently updated on (5/15 G-S) Most recent PDF: (5/13 RS) Most recent PDF: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A+,, 20200517,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,129405,,,7408,,,7688,121997,,381,1896,218,797,,,2768,334,334,,05/16 17:19,05/18 15:31,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/17 SB) Most recent news release is the 5/15 pdf. Number recovered is more recently updated on (5/15 G-S) Most recent PDF: (5/13 RS) Most recent PDF: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A+,, 20200516,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,127698,,,7408,,,7444,120290,,381,1896,218,797,,,2739,332,332,,05/15 17:00,05/16 15:47,G-S,REB,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/15 G-S) Most recent PDF: (5/13 RS) Most recent PDF: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A+,, 20200515,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,121246,,,7193,,,7225,114053,,385,1887,220,794,,,2712,328,328,,05/14 17:00,05/15 16:11,AW,QN,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/13 RS) Most recent PDF: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A+,, 20200514,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,110609,,,7049,,,7080,110315,,377,1835,215,784,,,2649,326,326,,05/13 17:00,05/14 15:10,RSB,AFG,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/13 RS) Most recent PDF: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A+,, 20200513,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,104001,,,6828,,,6853,103781,,379,1825,215,783,,,2546,321,321,,05/12 17:00,,,,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/13 RS) Most recent PDF: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A+,, 20200512,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,104001,,,6654,,,6677,97347,,383,1767,220,768,,,2335,311,311,,05/11 17:00,05/12 16:06,DPT,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: Use this for confirmed cases and hosp/ICU numbers. (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A+,, 20200511,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,86900,,,6417,,,6440,80483,,394,1757,226,758,,,2308,304,304,,05/09 17:00,05/11 16:23,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A,, 20200510,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,86900,,,6417,,,6440,80483,,394,1757,226,758,,,2308,304,304,,05/09 17:00,05/11 16:23,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A,, 20200509,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,86428,,,6269,,,6288,80159,,369,1696,210,723,,,2266,298,298,,05/08 17:00,05/09 15:20,QN,BL,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A,, 20200508,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81391,,,6119,,,6129,75272,,356,1684,199,714,,,2177,294,294,,05/07 17:00,05/08 16:54,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A,, 20200507,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78603,,,5931,,,5934,72672,,351,1616,190,693,,,2125,283,282,,05/06 17:00,05/07 16:05,BL,MM,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A,, 20200506,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61013,,,5821,,,5822,55192,,347,1603,189,685,,,2058,275,274,,05/05 17:00,05/06 14:55,MM,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A,, 20200505,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60046,,,5244,,,5245,54802,,333,1529,174,659,,,1892,261,260,,05/04 17:00,05/05 15:03,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a ""click here"" link for Additional Information for a detailed PDF, like this one: (5/5 aft REB) leaving recovered as is, because the last document says ""19212"" out of 5K confirmed is impossible.",A,, 20200504,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58408,,,5129,,,5130,53279,,329,1519,170,654,,,1892,253,252,,05/03 17:00,05/04 15:56,MEB,PR,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a link to ""Additional Information"" for a detailed PDF, like this one: ",A,, 20200503,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57648,,,4878,,,4879,52770,,334,1411,178,652,,,1752,248,252,,05/01 17:00,05/03 16:28,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a link to ""Additional Information"" for a detailed PDF, like this one: ",A,, 20200502,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57648,,,4878,,,4879,52770,,334,1411,178,652,,,1752,248,,,05/01 17:00,05/03 16:28,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release Towards the end of the news release, there's a link to ""Additional Information"" for a detailed PDF, like this one: ",A,, 20200501,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56611,,,4707,,,4708,51904,,330,1375,178,642,,,1675,240,,,04/30 17:00,05/01 16:58,ESK,MM,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at Check for a link to the daily summary in the most current news release ",A,, 20200430,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54101,,,4539,,,4539,49562,,325,1359,176,636,,,1668,235,,,04/29 17:00,04/30 16:12,ESK,PR,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at (4/27-4/28 DPT/ERG aft/mor) A lot of data is in PDFs linked from the press conferences. Add this to PROCESS if it continues for a few more days (4/26 REB aft) cum hosp + icu was not updated in latest GOV news (4/21 JAC eve) Cum ICU was listed as 582 but press release showed 532, assuming typo and going with new number (4/20 BL eve) cum hosp and recovered numbers from press release ( once again are lower than the numbers from 4/18 (though they are slightly higher than the numbers from 4/19). leaving previous (4/18) numbers.",A,, 20200429,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52410,,,4374,,,4375,48036,,320,1331,170,625,,,1617,225,,,04/28 17:00,04/29 15:44,REB,ESK,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at (4/27-4/28 DPT/ERG aft/mor) A lot of data is in PDFs linked from the press conferences. Add this to PROCESS if it continues for a few more days (4/26 REB aft) cum hosp + icu was not updated in latest GOV news (4/21 JAC eve) Cum ICU was listed as 582 but press release showed 532, assuming typo and going with new number (4/20 BL eve) cum hosp and recovered numbers from press release ( once again are lower than the numbers from 4/18 (though they are slightly higher than the numbers from 4/19). leaving previous (4/18) numbers.",A,, 20200428,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48798,,,4145,,,4146,44653,,313,1281,165,612,,,1521,213,,,04/27 17:00,04/28 14:58,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at (4/27-4/28 DPT/ERG aft/mor) A lot of data is in PDFs linked from the press conferences. Add this to PROCESS if it continues for a few more days (4/26 REB aft) cum hosp + icu was not updated in latest GOV news (4/21 JAC eve) Cum ICU was listed as 582 but press release showed 532, assuming typo and going with new number (4/20 BL eve) cum hosp and recovered numbers from press release ( once again are lower than the numbers from 4/18 (though they are slightly higher than the numbers from 4/19). leaving previous (4/18) numbers.",A,, 20200427,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48474,,,,,,4074,44400,,308,1274,166,608,,,1511,208,,,04/26 17:00,04/27 15:55,DPT,PR,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at (4/27 DPT aft) A lot of data is in PDFs linked from the press conferences. Add this to PROCESS if it continues for a few more days (4/26 REB aft) cum hosp + icu was not updated in latest GOV news (4/21 JAC eve) Cum ICU was listed as 582 but press release showed 532, assuming typo and going with new number (4/20 BL eve) cum hosp and recovered numbers from press release ( once again are lower than the numbers from 4/18 (though they are slightly higher than the numbers from 4/19). leaving previous (4/18) numbers.",A,, 20200426,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46558,,,,,,3905,42653,,301,1266,164,605,,,1501,205,,,04/25 17:00,04/26 16:44,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at (4/26 REB aft) cum hosp + icu was not updated in latest GOV news (4/21 JAC eve) Cum ICU was listed as 582 but press release showed 532, assuming typo and going with new number (4/20 BL eve) cum hosp and recovered numbers from press release ( once again are lower than the numbers from 4/18 (though they are slightly higher than the numbers from 4/19). leaving previous (4/18) numbers.",A,, 20200425,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44962,,,,,,3779,41183,,303,1143,164,575,,,1341,200,,,04/24 17:00,04/25 16:30,LH (check back at 5),REB,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at (4/21 JAC eve) Cum ICU was listed as 582 but press release showed 532, assuming typo and going with new number (4/20 BL eve) cum hosp and recovered numbers from press release ( once again are lower than the numbers from 4/18 (though they are slightly higher than the numbers from 4/19). leaving previous (4/18) numbers.",A,, 20200424,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42844,,,,,,3481,39363,,302,1115,163,570,,,1335,191,,,04/24 17:00,04/25 16:30,LH (check back at 5),REB,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at (4/21 JAC eve) Cum ICU was listed as 582 but press release showed 532, assuming typo and going with new number (4/20 BL eve) cum hosp and recovered numbers from press release ( once again are lower than the numbers from 4/18 (though they are slightly higher than the numbers from 4/19). leaving previous (4/18) numbers.",A,, 20200423,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36075,,,,,,3373,32702,,301,1105,161,564,,,1311,185,,,04/23 17:00,04/24 16:56,KP,ESK,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at (4/21 JAC eve) Cum ICU was listed as 582 but press release showed 532, assuming typo and going with new number (4/20 BL eve) cum hosp and recovered numbers from press release ( once again are lower than the numbers from 4/18 (though they are slightly higher than the numbers from 4/19). leaving previous (4/18) numbers.",A,, 20200422,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33328,,,,,,3192,30136,,286,1076,165,558,,,1266,171,,,04/22 17:00,04/23 16:00,ALF,REB,"PROCESS: Hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers reported in press releases at (4/21 JAC eve) Cum ICU was listed as 582 but press release showed 532, assuming typo and going with new number (4/20 BL eve) cum hosp and recovered numbers from press release ( once again are lower than the numbers from 4/18 (though they are slightly higher than the numbers from 4/19). leaving previous (4/18) numbers.",A,, 20200421,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32820,,,,,,3050,29770,,263,1059,147,582,,,1174,154,,,04/21 17:00,04/22 15:03,REB,AW,"(4/21 JAC eve) Cum ICU was listed as 582 but press release showed 532, assuming typo and going with new number (4/20 BL eve) cum hosp and recovered numbers from press release ( once again are lower than the numbers from 4/18 (though they are slightly higher than the numbers from 4/19). leaving previous (4/18) numbers.",A,, 20200420,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32572,,,,,,2960,29612,,274,1059,155,534,,,1174,148,,,04/19 17:00,04/20 16:07,PR,RS,"(4/17 AW eve) hosp, ICU, recovered (4/16 BL eve) cur/cum hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers from (4/18 SB eve) cur/cum hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers from (4/19 jac/QN eve) cur/cum hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers from todays' press release ( are lower than the previous days numbers, leaving previous # and asking reporting to check with them. Negatives were kept the same as well due to totals not updating as quick. ",A,, 20200419,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32225,,,,,,2707,29518,,274,1059,155,534,,,1174,144,,,04/19 17:00,04/20 16:07,PR,RS,"(4/17 AW eve) hosp, ICU, recovered (4/16 BL eve) cur/cum hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers from (4/18 SB eve) cur/cum hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers from (4/19 jac/QN eve) cur/cum hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers from todays' press release ( are lower than the previous days numbers, leaving previous # and asking reporting to check with them. Negatives were kept the same as well due to totals not updating as quick. ",A,, 20200418,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30596,,,,,,2522,28074,,360,1008,227,514,,,979,137,,,04/17 17:00,,,,"(4/17 AW eve) hosp, ICU, recovered (4/16 BL eve) cur/cum hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers from ",A,, 20200417,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29747,,,,,,2429,27318,,477,971,333,506,,,956,129,,,04/17 17:00,,,,"(4/17 AW eve) hosp, ICU, recovered (4/16 BL eve) cur/cum hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers from ",A,, 20200416,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28324,,,,,,2291,26033,,412,807,252,367,,,862,122,,,04/16 17:00,04/17 14:56,JJ,RS,"(4/16 BL eve) cur/cum hosp, ICU, and recovered numbers from (4/15 DB eve) cur/cum hosp and ICU numbers from (4/14 JFC eve) cur/cum hosp and ICU numbers from (4/13 DPT eve) cur/cum hosp and ICU numbers from (per reporting tab) (4/13 AW aft) cum hosp/ and vent numbers from here:; current hosp/vent numbers can be found using the link below. (4/11 SB evening) State web page only shows updated numbers for positives, total tests, deaths. Cumulative/current hospitalizations/ICU & patients recovered are listed here: as of 4/10. Those numbers match what is in the spreadsheet.The press conference where these numbers were released is shown in the states matrix but not linked to the corresponding boxes as sources on this page. ",A,, 20200415,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27697,,,,,,2210,25487,,305,687,137,263,,,653,115,,,04/14 17:00,04/15 15:12,DPT,RS,"(4/14 JFC eve) cur/cum hosp and ICU numbers from (4/13 DPT eve) cur/cum hosp and ICU numbers from (per reporting tab) (4/13 AW aft) cum hosp/ and vent numbers from here:; current hosp/vent numbers can be found using the link below. (4/11 SB evening) State web page only shows updated numbers for positives, total tests, deaths. Cumulative/current hospitalizations/ICU & patients recovered are listed here: as of 4/10. Those numbers match what is in the spreadsheet.The press conference where these numbers were released is shown in the states matrix but not linked to the corresponding boxes as sources on this page. ",A,, 20200414,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26683,,,,,,2048,24635,,299,673,136,259,,,629,104,,,04/14 17:00,04/15 15:12,DPT,RS,"(4/14 JFC eve) cur/cum hosp and ICU numbers from (4/13 DPT eve) cur/cum hosp and ICU numbers from (per reporting tab) (4/13 AW aft) cum hosp/ and vent numbers from here:; current hosp/vent numbers can be found using the link below. (4/11 SB evening) State web page only shows updated numbers for positives, total tests, deaths. Cumulative/current hospitalizations/ICU & patients recovered are listed here: as of 4/10. Those numbers match what is in the spreadsheet.The press conference where these numbers were released is shown in the states matrix but not linked to the corresponding boxes as sources on this page. ",A,, 20200413,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25866,,,,,,1963,23903,,289,667,136,256,,,607,97,,,04/13 17:00,04/14 15:57,SPA,AW,"(4/13 DPT eve) cur/cum hosp and ICU numbers from (per reporting tab) (4/13 AW aft) cum hosp/ and vent numbers from here:; current hosp/vent numbers can be found using the link below. (4/11 SB evening) State web page only shows updated numbers for positives, total tests, deaths. Cumulative/current hospitalizations/ICU & patients recovered are listed here: as of 4/10. Those numbers match what is in the spreadsheet.The press conference where these numbers were released is shown in the states matrix but not linked to the corresponding boxes as sources on this page. ",A,, 20200412,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24567,,,,,,1840,22727,,271,459,105,177,,,464,94,,,04/11 17:00,04/12 16:52,ESK,KP,"(4/11 SB evening) State web page only shows updated numbers for positives, total tests, deaths. Cumulative/current hospitalizations/ICU & patients recovered are listed here: as of 4/10. Those numbers match what is in the spreadsheet.The press conference where these numbers were released is shown in the states matrix but not linked to the corresponding boxes as sources on this page. ",A,, 20200411,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24288,,,,,,1693,22595,,271,459,105,177,,,464,90,,,04/10 17:00,04/11 14:37,QN,RS,"(4/10 MM afternoon) hosp(curr+cum) ,ICU(curr+cum) & recovered from via reporting tab (4/9 RS) negatives not updated (4/8 JL evening) Negative number of cases went down again- maybe there is a lag in updating total numbers",A,, 20200410,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24288,,,,,,1693,22595,,271,459,105,177,,,464,90,,,04/10 17:00,04/11 14:37,QN,RS,"(4/10 MM afternoon) hosp(curr+cum) ,ICU(curr+cum) & recovered from via reporting tab (4/9 RS) negatives not updated (4/8 JL evening) Negative number of cases went down again- maybe there is a lag in updating total numbers",A,, 20200409,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21801,,,,,,1346,20455,,,,,,,,,73,,,04/08 17:00,04/09 16:34,RS,PR,"(4/9 RS) negatives not updated (4/8 JL evening) Negative number of cases went down again- maybe there is a lag in updating total numbers",A,, 20200408,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21604,,,,,,1149,20455,,,,,,,,,65,,,04/07 17:00,04/08 16:17,MM,ESK,,A,, 20200407,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19955,,,,,,1008,18947,,,,,,,,,59,,,04/06 17:00,04/07 15:48,LH,KP,,A,, 20200406,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18767,,,,,,955,17812,,,,,,,,,45,,,04/05 17:00,04/06 14:21,LH,JJ,,A,, 20200405,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16663,,,,,,917,15746,,,,,,,,,40,,,04/04 17:00,04/05 16:35,RS,KP,,A,, 20200404,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15572,,,,,,831,14741,,,,,,,,,37,,,04/03 17:00,04/04 16:20,QN,PR,,A,, 20200403,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12804,,,,,,770,12034,,,,,,,,,31,,,04/02 17:00,04/03 16:29,RS,PR,,A,, 20200402,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7900,,,,,,680,7220,,,,,,,,,20,,,04/01 17:00,04/02 17:10,QN,KP,,A,, 20200401,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7556,,,,,,591,6965,,,,,,,,,17,,,03/31 17:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6810,,,,,,480,6330,,,,,,,,,11,,,03/30 17:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6018,,,,,,439,5579,,,,,,,,,9,,,03/29 17:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5541,,,,,,394,5147,,,,,,,,,9,,,03/28 17:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5123,,,,,,302,4821,,,,,,,,,8,,,03/27 17:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4016,,,,,,248,3768,,,,,,,,,6,,,03/26 17:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3300,,,,,,198,3102,,,,,,,,,4,,,03/25 17:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3022,,,,,,157,2865,,,,,,,,,4,,,03/24 17:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1886,,,,,,124,1762,,,,,,,,,4,,,03/23 17:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1866,,,,,,104,1762,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/23 9:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1571,,,,,,99,1472,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/22 9:00,,,,,,, 20200321,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,768,,,,,,54,714,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/21 9:00,,,,,,, 20200320,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,639,,,,,,47,592,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/19 17:00,,,,,,, 20200319,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,489,,,,,,35,454,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/18 17:00,,,,,,, 20200318,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,380,,,,,,26,354,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/17 16:00,,,,,,, 20200317,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,317,,,,,,22,295,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/16 16:00,,,,,,, 20200316,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,255,,,,,,21,234,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/16 15:45,,,,,,, 20200315,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,155,,,,,,16,139,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/14 16:00,,,,,,, 20200314,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,153,,,,,,14,139,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/13 17:00,,,,,,, 20200313,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,118,,,,,,11,107,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 20:30,,,,,,, 20200312,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64,,,,,,8,56,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 17:10,,,,,,, 20200311,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54,,,,,,8,46,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34,,,,,,6,28,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21,,,,,,4,17,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,,,,,,1,13,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,,,,1,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,KY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,0,7,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,148193,701,1872789,148193,1724596,,881,,,,132,,127918,4950,4787,163,08/31 13:00,08/31 15:58,MJW,RSG,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/31 17:26, 20200830,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147867,701,1868750,147867,1720883,,902,,,,143,,127918,4931,4768,163,08/30 13:00,08/30 15:56,JJO,KP,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/30 17:56, 20200829,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,146243,701,1828478,146243,1682235,,900,,,,141,,127918,4904,4741,163,08/28 13:00,08/29 16:36,PK,JAC,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/29 17:49, 20200828,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,146243,701,1828478,146243,1682235,,900,,,,141,,127918,4904,4741,163,08/28 13:00,08/28 15:52,SPA,QN,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,145637,701,1818203,145637,1672566,,876,,,,145,,127918,4874,4711,163,08/27 13:00,08/27 15:59,MJW,DZL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,144960,701,1808167,144960,1663207,,914,,,,148,,127918,4851,4688,163,08/26 13:00,08/26 15:46,PK,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,144116,,1794062,144116,1649946,,930,,,,141,,118120,4797,4656,141,08/25 13:00,08/25 15:45,AJC,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,143566,,1772481,143566,1628915,,939,,,,152,,118120,4764,4623,141,08/24 13:00,08/24 15:51,LDH,RSG,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,142943,,1763838,142943,1620895,,941,,,,152,,118120,4746,4605,141,08/23 13:00,08/23 15:50,BHP,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141720,,1738807,141720,1597087,,1051,,,,172,,118120,4687,4546,141,08/21 13:00,08/22 15:53,PK,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141720,,1738807,141720,1597087,,1051,,,,172,,118120,4687,4546,141,08/21 13:00,08/21 15:48,RSG,QN,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,140821,,1719034,140821,1578213,,1087,,,,178,,118120,4637,4496,141,08/20 13:00,08/20 16:54,GET,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,139903,,1704974,139903,1565071,,1160,,,,175,,118120,4609,4468,141,08/19 13:00,08/19 15:43,XMH,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,139125,,1689991,139125,1550866,,1204,,,,187,,103512,4554,4431,123,08/18 13:00,08/18 16:14,BHP,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,138485,,1674289,138485,1535804,,1226,,,,184,,103512,4526,4403,123,08/17 13:00,08/17 15:52,CKW,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,137918,,1658087,137918,1520169,,1196,,,,189,,103512,4507,4384,123,08/16 13:00,08/16 15:49,JJO,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,136737,,1637012,136737,1500275,,1243,,,,197,,103512,4430,4307,123,08/14 13:00,08/15 15:37,BHP,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,136737,,1637012,136737,1500275,,1243,,,,197,,103512,4430,4307,123,08/14 13:00,08/14 15:49,RRI,QN,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,135439,,1615980,135439,1480541,,1281,,,,196,,103512,4402,4279,123,08/13 13:00,08/13 15:56,GET,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,134304,,1598609,134304,1464305,,1320,,,,211,,103512,4361,4238,123,08/12 13:00,08/12 15:51,MJW,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133125,,1568564,133125,1435439,,1335,,,,214,,89083,4313,4195,118,08/11 13:00,08/11 16:03,BSL,RSG,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,131961,,1547933,131961,1415972,,1382,,,,215,,89083,4287,4169,118,08/10 13:00,08/10 15:41,MJW,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,131399,,1540571,131399,1409172,,1383,,,,210,,89083,4263,4145,118,08/09 0:00,08/09 16:01,BSL,KP,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,128746,,1505002,128746,1376256,,1406,,,,207,,89083,4207,4089,118,08/07 0:00,08/08 16:04,MJW,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,128746,,1505002,128746,1376256,,1406,,,,207,,89083,4207,4089,118,08/07 0:00,8/07 16:07,GET,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,127246,,1484972,127246,1357726,,1457,,,,215,,89083,4146,4028,118,08/06 0:00,8/06 15:53,GET,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,125943,,1469867,125943,1343924,,1471,,,,223,,89083,4096,3978,118,08/05 13:00,8/05 15:57,SLC,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,124461,,1449857,124461,1325396,,1487,,,,240,,74246,4051,3937,114,08/04 13:00,8/04 15:55,BAS,RSG,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/4 17:58, 20200803,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,120846,,1393910,120846,1273064,,1496,,,,230,,74246,4024,3910,114,08/03 13:00,8/03 16:00,SLC,RSG,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,119747,,1379440,119747,1259693,,1534,,,,221,,74246,4007,3893,114,08/02 13:00,8/02 15:52,JJO,HMH,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,116280,,1342243,116280,1225963,,1546,,,,222,,74246,3949,3835,114,07/31 13:00,8/01 16:03,SLC,RSG,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,116280,,1342243,116280,1225963,,1546,,,,222,,74246,3949,3835,114,07/31 13:00,07/31 16:03,RSG,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,, 20200730,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,114481,,1317390,114481,1202909,,1524,,,,205,,74246,3925,3811,114,07/30 13:00,07/30 15:49,AJC,RSG,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,, 20200729,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,112773,,1295131,112773,1182358,,1544,,,,221,,74246,3883,3769,114,07/29 13:00,07/29 15:53,KAT,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,, 20200728,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,111038,,1276304,111038,1165266,,1583,,,,214,,61456,3812,3700,112,07/28 13:00,07/28 15:58,SLC,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,, 20200727,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109917,,1260022,109917,1150105,,1600,,,,208,,61456,3786,3674,112,07/27 13:00,07/27 15:58,AJC,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,, 20200726,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107574,,1233264,107574,1125690,,1557,,,,184,,61456,3763,3651,112,07/26 13:00,07/26 15:48,JJO,HMH,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,, 20200725,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,103734,,1199726,103734,1095992,,1600,,,,197,,61456,3715,3603,112,07/24 13:00,07/25 15:54,MEC,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,, 20200724,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,103734,,1199726,103734,1095992,,1600,,,,197,,61456,3715,3603,112,07/24 13:00,07/25 15:54,MEC,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,, 20200723,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,101650,,1174868,101650,1073218,,1585,,,,197,,61456,3686,3574,112,07/23 13:00,07/23 17:20,BHP,QN,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,, 20200722,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,99354,,1152901,99354,1053547,,1581,,,,188,,61456,3670,3558,112,07/22 15:30,07/22 16:02,SNW,RSG,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",A,, 20200721,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96583,,1122962,96583,1026379,,1527,,,,186,,53288,3608,3498,110,07/21 13:00,07/21 15:49,DZL,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200720,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94892,,1102924,94892,1008032,,1508,,,,192,,53288,3572,3462,110,07/20 13:00,07/20 15:59,AIA,BSL,"(7/20 AIA) LA has stopped reporting tests performed by state and commercial tests, and are now just reporting ""tests reported"" on dashboard (7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200719,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91706,,1069304,91706,977598,,1469,,,,177,,53288,3543,3433,110,07/19 13:00,07/19 15:49,JJO,HMH,"(7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200718,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88590,,1043940,88590,955350,,1413,,,,161,,53288,3509,3399,110,07/17 13:00,07/18 15:44,RSG,BSL,"(7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200717,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88590,,1043940,88590,955350,,1413,,,,161,,53288,3509,3399,110,07/17 13:00,07/18 15:44,RSG,BSL,"(7/18 RSG) Per dash and Twitter, ""As of today, information on our #COVID19 dashboard will be updated at noon daily except on Saturdays. The next update will occur tomorrow (Sunday) at noon"" (7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200716,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,86411,,1024137,86411,937726,,1401,,,,162,,53288,3485,3375,110,07/16 13:00,07/16 16:08,ATS,BSL,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200715,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84131,,1001200,84131,917069,,1369,,,,149,,53288,3461,3351,110,07/15 13:00,07/15 15:19,RSG,BHP,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200714,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,82042,,976455,82042,894413,,1362,,,,146,,46334,3445,3337,108,07/14 13:00,07/14 15:45,JJO,REB,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200713,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79827,,953426,79827,873599,,1308,,,,142,,46334,3423,3315,108,07/13 13:00,07/13 15:21,ENT,BSL,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200712,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78122,,934995,78122,856873,,1243,,,,134,,46334,3416,3308,108,07/12 13:00,07/12 15:53,ETS,BHP,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200711,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76803,,924447,76803,847644,,1182,,,,121,,46334,3403,3295,108,07/11 13:00,07/11 15:29,KAT,KWS,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200710,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74636,,905248,74636,830612,,1117,,,,122,,46334,3380,3272,108,07/10 13:00,07/10 15:40,AJC,HMH,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200709,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71994,,880140,71994,808146,,1042,,,,110,,46334,3355,3247,108,07/09 13:00,07/09 15:25,DZL,JAC,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200708,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70151,,865737,70151,795586,,1022,,,,105,,46334,3339,3231,108,07/08 13:00,07/08 16:13,GET,REB,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200707,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68263,,847598,68263,779335,,1025,,,,109,,43026,3319,3211,108,07/07 13:00,07/07 15:19,GET,BSL,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today (6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200706,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66327,,813645,66327,747318,,964,,,,109,,43026,3296,3188,108,07/06 13:00,07/06 15:22,CKW,BSL,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200705,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65226,,802454,65226,737228,,926,,,,105,,43026,3288,3180,108,07/05 13:00,07/05 15:28,DZL,SB,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200704,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63289,,784142,63289,720853,,852,,,,93,,43026,3278,3170,108,07/03 13:00,07/04 15:53,BSL,SB,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200703,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63289,,784142,63289,720853,,852,,,,93,,43026,3278,3170,108,07/03 13:00,07/04 15:53,BSL,SB,"(7/4 BSL) No reporting due to July 4th (7/3 JJA) Deleted the value from the 'positive cases (PCR)' column because it's unclear whether this value represents solely confirmed cases. (6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one.",B,, 20200702,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61561,,767374,61561,705813,,840,,,,91,,43026,3255,3147,108,07/02 13:00,07/02 15:23,ENT,BSL,"(6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200701,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60178,,752088,60178,691910,,799,,,,84,,43026,3238,3130,108,07/01 13:00,07/01 15:36,AJC,BSL,"(6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200630,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58095,,728511,58095,670416,,781,,,,83,,42225,3221,3113,108,06/30 13:00,06/30 15:53,ASL,BSL,"(6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200629,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57081,,704637,57081,647556,,737,,,,79,,42225,3199,3091,108,06/29 13:00,06/29 15:21,WCD,BSL,"(6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200628,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56236,,696111,56236,639875,,715,,,,76,,39792,3199,3086,113,06/28 13:00,06/28 15:27,SNW,REB,"(6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200627,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54769,,678006,54769,623237,,700,,,,73,,39792,3190,3077,113,06/26 13:00,06/27 15:49,DCC,BSL,"(6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200626,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54769,,678006,54769,623237,,700,,,,73,,39792,3190,3077,113,06/26 13:00,06/27 15:49,DCC,BSL,"(6/26 LRH) Won't be updating on 6/27 due to a ""planned power outage."" Should resume 6/28 (6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200625,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53415,,660665,53415,607250,,653,,,,77,,39792,3164,3051,113,06/25 13:00,06/25 15:18,RSG,BSL,"(6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200624,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52477,,648505,52477,596028,,631,,,,77,,39792,3152,3039,113,06/24 13:00,06/24 15:53,SMG,BSL,"(6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200623,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51595,,635939,51595,584344,,646,,,,83,,39792,3134,3021,113,06/23 13:00,06/23 15:39,RSG,CML,"(6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200622,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50239,,618064,50239,567825,,630,,,,77,,39792,3117,3004,113,06/22 13:00,06/22 15:20,BHP,BSL,"(6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200621,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49778,,610812,49778,561034,,589,,,,69,,37017,3105,2993,112,06/21 13:00,06/21 15:11,ETW,BSL,"(6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200620,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49385,,604816,49385,555431,,574,,,,73,,37017,3104,2992,112,06/20 13:00,06/20 15:39,ETS,JAC,"(6/19 SNW) LA removed 1,666 duplicate records and nonresident cases causing the cases to go down (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. ",B,, 20200619,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48515,,590909,48515,542394,,561,,,,75,,37017,3084,2972,112,06/18 13:00,06/19 16:05,SNW,MM,"(6/19 SNW) Confirming Probably deaths was last updated 6/15 and will be updated weekly. Also, note from dashboard: LDH has implemented a new process for improved de-duplication and parish assignment of data received from labs around the state. In doing so, LDH identified a total of 1,666 existing duplicate cases as well as cases of out-of-state residents. These have been removed in the updated case count today. (6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. (6/11 SMS) Recovered data is still updated as of 6/8; probable deaths not yet updated (6/8 RSG) Probable deaths updates weekly. Recovered data updated as of 6/6. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number ",B,, 20200618,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48634,,545221,48634,496587,,585,,,,83,,37017,3062,2950,112,06/17 13:00,06/18 17:11,MM,BSL,"(6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. (6/11 SMS) Recovered data is still updated as of 6/8; probable deaths not yet updated (6/8 RSG) Probable deaths updates weekly. Recovered data updated as of 6/6. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number ",B,, 20200617,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48634,,545221,48634,496587,,585,,,,83,,37017,3062,2950,112,06/17 13:00,06/18 17:11,MM,BSL,"(6/18 HMH) Didn't update, dashboard says ""LDH is reviewing all data and will not be updating its dashboard today. ""(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. (6/11 SMS) Recovered data is still updated as of 6/8; probable deaths not yet updated (6/8 RSG) Probable deaths updates weekly. Recovered data updated as of 6/6. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number ",B,, 20200616,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47706,,532717,47706,485011,,588,,,,77,,37017,3042,2930,112,06/16 13:00,06/16 15:31,KWS,BSL,"(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. (6/11 SMS) Recovered data is still updated as of 6/8; probable deaths not yet updated (6/8 RSG) Probable deaths updates weekly. Recovered data updated as of 6/6. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number ",B,, 20200615,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47172,,518725,47172,471553,,568,,,,76,,37017,3018,2906,112,06/15 13:00,06/15 15:12,RSG,RS,"(6/12 RSG) Probable deaths dropped by one. (6/11 SMS) Recovered data is still updated as of 6/8; probable deaths not yet updated (6/8 RSG) Probable deaths updates weekly. Recovered data updated as of 6/6. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number ",B,, 20200614,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46619,,509332,46619,462713,,556,,,,76,,33904,3014,2901,113,06/14 13:00,06/14 14:53,RSG,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Recovered data is still updated as of 6/8; probable deaths not yet updated (6/8 RSG) Probable deaths updates weekly. Recovered data updated as of 6/6. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number ",B,, 20200613,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46283,,504383,46283,458100,,542,,,,76,,33904,3004,2891,113,06/13 13:00,06/13 14:43,RSG,BML,"(6/11 SMS) Recovered data is still updated as of 6/8; probable deaths not yet updated (6/8 RSG) Probable deaths updates weekly. Recovered data updated as of 6/6. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number ",B,, 20200612,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44995,,479534,44995,434539,,549,,,,74,,33904,2996,2883,113,06/12 13:00,06/12 16:01,RSG,JAC,"(6/11 SMS) Recovered data is still updated as of 6/8; probable deaths not yet updated (6/8 RSG) Probable deaths updates weekly. Recovered data updated as of 6/6. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number ",B,, 20200611,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44472,,469673,44472,425201,,553,,,,77,,33904,2987,2874,113,06/11 13:00,06/11 15:38,SMS,JAC,"(6/11 SMS) Recovered data is still updated as of 6/8; probable deaths not yet updated (6/8 RSG) Probable deaths updates weekly. Recovered data updated as of 6/6. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number ",B,, 20200610,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44030,,460120,44030,416090,,549,,,,72,,33904,2968,2855,113,06/10 13:00,06/10 16:02,RSG,QN,"(6/8 RSG) Probable deaths updates weekly. Recovered data updated as of 6/6. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number ",B,, 20200609,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43612,,453668,43612,410056,,568,,,,67,,33904,2957,2844,113,06/09 13:00,06/09 15:16,RSG,REB,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (6/8 RSG) Probable deaths updates weekly. Recovered data updated as of 6/6. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard",B,, 20200608,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43050,,442602,43050,399552,,582,,,,71,,33904,2944,2831,113,06/08 13:00,06/08 16:24,RSG,SPA,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (6/8 RSG) Probable deaths updates weekly. Recovered data updated as of 6/6. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard",B,, 20200607,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42816,,434065,42816,391249,,575,,,,74,,31728,2936,2825,111,06/07 13:00,06/07 15:00,HMH,ALF,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (6/7 HMH) Total recovered still not updated since 5/31. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard",B,, 20200606,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42486,,428069,42486,385583,,582,,,,77,,31728,2925,2814,111,06/06 13:00,06/06 14:51,SMS,QN,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (6/6 SMS) Total Recovered data has not been updated since 5/31 according to dashboard 5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard",B,, 20200605,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41989,,420786,41989,378797,,604,,,,75,,31728,2912,2801,111,06/05 13:00,06/05 16:42,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard",B,, 20200604,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41562,,411186,41562,369624,,613,,,,82,,31728,2883,2772,111,06/04 13:00,06/04 15:35,VVR,ALF,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard",B,, 20200603,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41133,,402087,41133,360954,,617,,,,86,,31728,2870,2759,111,06/03 13:00,06/03 16:11,JA,PR,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard",B,, 20200602,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40746,,393133,40746,352387,,639,,,,83,,31728,2835,2724,111,06/02 13:00,06/02 14:21,REB,RS,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard",B,, 20200601,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40341,,387370,40341,347029,,661,,,,86,,31728,2801,2690,111,06/01 13:00,06/01 14:54,SB,AFG,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard",B,, 20200531,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39916,,375109,39916,335193,,678,,,,84,,28700,2791,2686,105,05/31 13:00,05/31 14:38,SB,BL,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard",B,, 20200530,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39577,,368819,39577,329242,,674,,,,84,,28700,2785,2680,105,05/30 13:00,05/30 16:29,QN,REB,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard",B,, 20200529,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38802,,355027,38802,316225,,714,,,,90,,28700,2766,2661,105,05/29 13:00,05/29 16:18,AW,PR,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/28 MM) Fixed negatives based on (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard",B,, 20200528,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38802,,355027,38802,316225,,761,,,,100,,28700,2740,2635,105,05/28 13:00,05/28 15:40,JAC,PR,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard ",B,, 20200527,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38497,,347647,38497,309150,,798,,,,100,,28700,2722,2617,105,05/27 13:00,05/27 17:05,G-S,REB,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/27 REB) need to decide on how to keep carrying over probable death number (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard ",B,, 20200526,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38054,,341026,38054,302972,,831,,,,103,,28700,2701,2596,105,05/26 13:00,05/26 15:07,SLW,RS,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard ",B,, 20200525,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37809,,330898,37809,293089,,847,,,,102,,28700,2690,2585,105,05/25 13:00,05/25 16:38,CML,ESK,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard ",B,, 20200524,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37169,,316036,37169,278867,,813,,,,102,,26249,2690,2567,123,05/24 13:00,05/24 15:28,AFG,QN,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard ",B,, 20200523,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37040,,314447,37040,277407,,836,,,,112,,26249,2668,2560,123,05/23 13:00,05/23 17:32,ESK,REB,"PROCESS: All data from the dashboard. The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable.Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP Dashboard no longer shows probable death. (5/23 REB) no probable death count on the dashboard anymore. Left wishlist item on #reporting tab (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard ",B,, 20200522,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36925,,311808,36925,274883,,867,,,,104,,26249,2668,2545,123,05/22 13:00,05/22 16:22,JAC,ESK,"PROCESS: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one (under map) is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic",B,, 20200521,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36504,,305381,36504,268877,,884,,,,107,,26249,2629,2506,123,05/21 13:00,05/21 16:26,VVR,JAC,"PROCESS: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic",B,, 20200520,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35316,,285970,35316,250654,,931,,,,110,,26249,2608,2485,123,05/20 13:00,05/20 16:31,G-S,REB,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200519,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35038,,278073,35038,243035,,1004,,,,112,,26249,2581,2458,123,05/19 13:00,05/19 17:49,SLW,QN,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200518,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34709,,269748,34709,235039,,1031,,,,118,,26249,2563,2440,123,05/18 13:00,05/18 15:48,SPA,ALF,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200517,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34432,,265170,34432,230738,,1019,,,,111,,22608,2491,2425,66,05/17 13:00,05/17 17:19,SB,JAC,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AO, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AP (5/17 aft SB) Recovered data still as of 5/10 per dashboard (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200516,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34117,,259742,34117,225625,,1028,,,,123,,22608,2479,2413,66,05/16 13:00,05/16 15:59,G-S,REB,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered data as of 5/10 as per dashboard (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200515,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33837,,253189,33837,219352,,1091,,,,132,,22608,2448,2382,66,05/15 13:00,05/15 16:14,AW,QN,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200514,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33489,,237904,33489,214099,,1193,,,,140,,22608,2417,2351,66,05/14 13:00,05/14 15:16,RSB,AFG,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200513,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32662,,228012,32662,205242,,1194,,,,147,,22608,2381,2315,66,05/13 13:00,,,,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200512,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32050,,,32050,195962,,1320,,,,146,,22608,2347,2281,66,05/12 13:00,05/12 16:10,KWS,DPT,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200511,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31815,,,31815,189015,,1310,,,,157,,22608,2308,2242,,05/11 13:00,05/11 14:15,REB,AW,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200510,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31600,,,31600,184272,,1324,,,,161,,20316,2286,2213,,05/10 13:00,05/10 16:48,REB,CML,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200509,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31417,,,31417,180740,,1333,,,,165,,20316,2267,2042,,05/09 13:00,05/09 15:24,QN,RS,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200508,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30855,,,30855,171561,,1359,,,,185,,20316,2227,1991,,05/08 13:00,05/08 14:28,REB,RS,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200507,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30652,,,30652,170115,,1432,,,,189,,20316,2208,1926,,05/07 13:00,05/07 16:01,BL,REB,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200506,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30399,,,30399,164273,,1465,,,,187,,20316,2115,1907,,05/06 16:30,05/06 16:42,RS,REB,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200505,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29996,,,29996,158235,,1512,,,,194,,20316,2115,1884,,05/05 13:00,05/05 15:06,REB,RS,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/4 aft CML) Confirmed with #reporting that ""probable"" count on dashboard is not included in ""deaths"" count. Source: (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200504,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29673,,,29673,151258,,1502,,,,220,,20316,2064,1905,,05/04 13:00,05/04 16:28,MM,REB,"Process: The top death number is *only confirmed*, the bottom one is probable. Use top number + probable number for ""Death"", column AN, and top number only for ""Death (confirmed)"", column AO (5/4 aft MM) We have a q out to reporting about the probable deaths calculation. I used the existing logic (4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200503,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29340,,,29340,146820,,1530,,,,213,,17303,1969,1845,,05/03 13:00,,,,"(4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200502,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29140,,,29140,143718,,1545,,,,208,,17303,1950,1801,,05/02 13:00,,,,"(4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200501,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28711,,,28711,139540,,1607,,,,230,,17303,1927,1740,,05/01 13:00,05/01 14:56,MM,AW,"(4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200430,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28001,,,28001,133308,,1601,,,,231,,17303,1862,1729,,04/30 13:00,,,,"(4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200429,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27660,,,27660,128908,,1629,,,,244,,17303,1802,1703,,04/29 13:00,,,,"(4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200428,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27286,,,27286,123822,,1666,,,,244,,17303,1758,1660,,04/28 13:00,04/28 14:28,QN,RS,"(4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200427,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27068,,,27068,119921,,1683,,,,262,,17303,1697,1599,,04/27 13:00,,,,"(4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200426,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26773,,,26773,116263,,1701,,,,265,,14927,1670,,,04/26 13:00,,,,"(4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200425,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26512,,,26512,112490,,1700,,,,268,,14927,1644,,,04/25 13:00,04/25 15:08,LH,REB,"(4/25 aft LH) LA identified duplicate negatives in reporting. New numbers are lower than previously. (4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",B,, 20200424,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26140,,,26140,111972,,1697,,,,286,,14927,1601,,,04/24 13:00,,,,"(4/24 aft MM) They started reporting recoveries (4/24 aft KP) Not updating negatives to avoid adjusting down (4/23 aft ALF) Total private lab tests last updated 4/19/20 at noon, so negatives not updated. (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/21 KP) negatives not updated; dashboard says ""We are conducting a comprehensive review of commercial testing numbers. These data will be updated upon completion of this review. This does not impact the number of positive cases reported. Positive cases are updated and accurate."" (4/20 PR) negatives not updated since total cases did not change (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",A,, 20200423,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25739,,,25739,111774,,1727,,,,274,,14927,1540,,,04/23 13:00,,,,"(4/23 aft ALF) Total private lab tests last updated 4/19/20 at noon, so negatives not updated. (4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/21 KP) negatives not updated; dashboard says ""We are conducting a comprehensive review of commercial testing numbers. These data will be updated upon completion of this review. This does not impact the number of positive cases reported. Positive cases are updated and accurate."" (4/20 PR) negatives not updated since total cases did not change (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",A,, 20200422,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25258,,,25258,111588,,1747,,,,287,,14927,1473,,,04/22 13:00,,,,"(4/22 aft REB) not updating negatives. Dashboard says private labs (majority of tests) have 3 day lag in reporting (4/21 KP) negatives not updated; dashboard says ""We are conducting a comprehensive review of commercial testing numbers. These data will be updated upon completion of this review. This does not impact the number of positive cases reported. Positive cases are updated and accurate."" (4/20 PR) negatives not updated since total cases did not change (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",A,, 20200421,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24854,,,24854,111588,,1798,,,,297,,,1405,,,04/21 13:00,,,,"(4/21 KP) negatives not updated; dashboard says ""We are conducting a comprehensive review of commercial testing numbers. These data will be updated upon completion of this review. This does not impact the number of positive cases reported. Positive cases are updated and accurate."" (4/20 PR) negatives not updated since total cases did not change (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",A,, 20200420,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24523,,,24523,111588,,1794,,,,332,,,1328,,,04/20 13:00,,,,"(4/20 PR) negatives not updated since total cases did not change (4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",A,, 20200419,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23928,,,23928,111420,,1748,,,,349,,,1296,,,04/19 13:00,,,,"(4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",A,, 20200418,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23580,,,23580,114419,,1761,,,,347,,,1267,,,04/18 13:00,,,,"(4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info is current not cum ",A,, 20200417,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23118,,,23118,108869,,1868,,,,363,,,1213,,,04/17 13:00,,,,"(4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200416,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22532,,,22532,104054,,1914,,,,396,,,1156,,,04/16 13:00,,,,"(4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200415,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21951,,,21951,99977,,1943,,,,425,,,1103,,,04/15 13:00,04/16 8:18,AFG,,"(4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200414,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21518,,,21518,96904,,1977,,,,436,,,1013,,,04/13 13:00,,,,"(4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200413,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21016,,,21016,87075,,2134,,,,461,,,884,,,04/13 13:00,,,,"(4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200412,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20595,,,20595,83450,,2084,,,,458,,,840,,,04/12 13:00,,,,"(4/12 DPT) Dashboard starts playing a public service announcement on load, may want to mute sound (4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200411,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20014,,,20014,76901,,2067,,,,470,,,806,,,04/11 13:00,,,,"(4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200410,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19253,,,19253,73027,,2054,,,,479,,,755,,,04/10 13:00,,,,"(4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200409,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18283,,,18283,68636,,2014,,,,473,,,702,,,04/09 13:00,,,,"(4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200408,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17030,,,17030,64376,,1983,,,,490,,,652,,,04/08 13:00,,,,"(4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200407,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16284,,,16284,58371,,1996,,,,519,,,582,,,04/07 13:00,,,,"(4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200406,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14867,,,14867,54299,,1981,,,,552,,,512,,,04/06 13:00,,,,"(4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200405,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13010,,,13010,47315,,1803,,,,561,,,477,,,04/05 13:00,,,,"(4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200404,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12496,,,12496,46002,,1726,,,,571,,,409,,,04/04 13:40,,,,"(4/4 ESK) Looks like hosp and vent info si current not cum (4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations",A,, 20200403,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10297,,,10297,43348,,1707,,,,535,,,370,,,04/03 13:00,,,,(4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations,A,, 20200402,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9150,,,9150,41936,,1639,,,,507,,,310,,,04/02 13:00,04/03 9:48,AFG,ALF,(4/2 aftn HDF) ventilator can be found in smaller text under hospitalizations,A,, 20200401,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6424,,,6424,39352,,1498,,,,490,,,273,,,04/01 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5237,,,5237,33730,,1355,,,,438,,,239,,,03/31 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4025,,,4025,30008,,1185,,,,385,,,185,,,03/30 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3540,,,3540,24331,,1127,,,,380,,,151,,,03/29 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3315,,,3315,21846,,927,,,,336,,,137,,,03/28 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2746,,,2746,18613,,773,,,,270,,,119,,,03/27 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2305,,,2305,15724,,676,,,,239,,,83,,,03/26 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1795,,,1795,9656,,491,,,,163,,,65,,,03/25 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1388,,,1388,7215,,271,,,,,,,46,,,03/24 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1172,,,1172,4776,,,,,,,,,34,,,03/23 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200322,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,837,,,837,2661,,,,,,,,,20,,,03/22 10:00,,,,,,, 20200321,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,580,,,580,2180,,,,,,,,,16,,,03/21 10:30,,,,,,, 20200320,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,473,,,473,568,,,,,,,,,12,,,03/20 15:30,,,,,,, 20200319,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,347,,,347,458,,,,,,,,,8,,,03/19 10:30,,,,,,, 20200318,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,240,,,240,335,,,,,,,,,6,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,137,,,137,286,,,,,,,,,4,,,03/17 10:30,,,,,,, 20200316,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,115,,,115,188,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/16 15:50,,,,,,, 20200315,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90,,,90,156,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/15 11:30,,,,,,, 20200314,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,,,51,109,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 12:15,,,,,,, 20200313,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36,,,36,37,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 16:00,,,,,,, 20200312,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,,,14,37,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 10:30,,,,,,, 20200311,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,6,37,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,LA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,MA,86838,,,,,,112727,,,,,,,2404426,,,118784,9671,1732768,128533,1613984,,314,12364,56,,22,,103920,9060,8827,232,08/31 8:00,08/31 16:37,JNG,RS,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,MA,86612,,,,,,112603,,,,,,,2372564,,,118483,9671,1714028,128229,1595545,,290,12361,62,,25,,103920,9049,8816,232,08/30 8:00,08/30 16:45,JJO,ESK,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,MA,85450,,,,,,112464,,,,,,,2339669,,,118309,9671,1697434,128030,1579125,,305,12358,62,,26,,103920,9036,8803,232,08/29 8:00,08/29 17:38,RSG,SB,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,MA,83972,,,,,,111578,,,,,,,2290752,,,117888,9671,1673552,127584,1555664,,312,12334,60,,26,,103920,9023,8791,232,08/28 8:00,08/28 16:25,RSG,BSL,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,MA,82573,,,,,,111148,,,,,,,2246626,,,117450,9671,1649836,127124,1532386,,333,12318,61,,29,,103920,9007,8775,232,08/27 8:00,08/27 17:03,LDH,RSG,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,MA,82123,,,,,,110379,,,,,,,2194342,,,117085,9671,1624496,126756,1507411,,356,12299,68,,29,,103920,8987,8755,232,08/26 8:00,08/26 18:31,HMH,DZL,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,MA,79979,,,,,,109535,,,,,,,2157864,,,116770,9367,1604752,126420,1487982,,327,12279,61,,28,,102205,8960,8729,231,08/25 8:00,08/25 16:38,AJC,BSL,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,MA,77748,,,,,,109138,,,,,,,2122991,,,116421,9367,1581978,126022,1465557,,308,12268,62,,26,,102205,8948,8717,231,08/24 8:00,08/24 17:09,JB,JAC,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,MA,74606,,,,,,108343,,,,,,,2064529,,,115850,9367,1544163,125360,1428313,,315,12256,50,,20,,102205,8921,8690,231,08/22 10:00,08/23 17:07,JAC,RSG,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,MA,74606,,,,,,108343,,,,,,,2064529,,,115850,9367,1544163,125360,1428313,,315,12256,50,,20,,102205,8921,8690,231,08/22 10:00,08/22 16:33,LDH,RS,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,MA,74485,,,,,,108011,,,,,,,2050871,,,115741,9367,1535862,125216,1420121,,322,12245,66,,15,,102205,8901,8670,231,08/21 10:00,08/21 16:41,RSG,REB,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,MA,72890,,,,,,107203,,,,,,,2009062,,,115310,9367,1509104,124728,1393794,,379,12225,62,,23,,102205,8888,8657,231,08/20 10:00,08/20 18:05,JAC,HMH,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,MA,72330,,,,,,106540,,,,,,,1974918,,,115048,9367,1487273,124415,1372225,,365,12213,66,,27,,102205,8876,8645,231,08/19 10:00,08/19 18:24,RSG,ALF,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,MA,70597,,,,,,105874,,,,,,,1946517,,,114786,8802,1467765,123588,1352979,,374,12192,66,,23,,100486,8839,8617,222,08/18 10:00,08/18 16:39,GET,BSL,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,MA,69018,,,,,,105540,,,,,,,1929891,,,114611,8802,1456112,123413,1341501,,367,12178,59,,22,,100486,8833,8611,222,08/17 10:00,08/17 17:13,LDH,RSG,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,MA,68697,,,,,,105287,,,,,,,1908475,,,114398,8802,1441166,123200,1326768,,372,12173,65,,28,,100486,8829,8607,222,08/16 10:00,08/16 16:41,RSG,BSL,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,MA,66513,,,,,,104872,,,,,,,1886299,,,114095,8802,1425699,122897,1311604,,375,12170,65,,27,,100486,8818,8596,222,08/15 10:00,08/15 16:14,MJW,BSL,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,MA,64773,,,,,,104191,,,,,,,1853032,,,113729,8802,1402730,122531,1289001,,398,12150,58,,31,,100486,8804,8582,222,08/14 10:00,08/14 16:52,SLC,JAC,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,MA,63165,,,,,,103573,,,,,,,1821031,,,113517,8802,1381178,122319,1267661,,401,12131,61,,26,,100486,8790,8568,222,08/13 10:00,08/13 16:23,JAC,BSL,"(JAC 8/13) Total Antigen tests (people) number listed in PDF did not match the number available in the raw data provided by the state. We used the number from the raw data and update as needed (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,MA,62738,,,,,,102782,,,,,,,1781548,,,113198,8802,1353299,122000,1240101,,422,12109,64,,33,,100486,8769,8547,222,08/12 10:00,08/12 18:46,BHP,ALF," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,MA,,,,,,,102208,,,,,,,1759976,,,112969,8738,1337606,121707,1224637,,387,12089,70,,33,,99021,8751,8529,222,08/11 10:00,08/11 16:46,DZL,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,MA,,,,,,,101714,,,,,,,1739378,,,112673,8642,1322634,121315,1209961,,380,12062,60,,25,,99021,8741,8519,222,08/10 10:00,08/10 16:25,GET,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,MA,,,,,,,101485,,,,,,,1723320,,,112459,8581,1311358,121040,1198899,,375,12054,60,,26,,99021,8735,8514,221,08/09 10:00,08/09 16:42,TCD,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,MA,,,,,,,101139,,,,,,,1699442,,,112173,8538,1294206,120711,1182033,,386,12044,68,,30,,99021,8721,8500,221,08/08 10:00,08/08 16:40,RSG,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,MA,,,,,,,100383,,,,,,,1676170,,,111853,8438,1277617,120291,1165764,,390,12022,69,,30,,99021,8709,8488,221,08/07 10:00,8/07 16:30,GET,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,MA,,,,,,,99768,,,,,,,1653792,,,111533,8341,1262877,119874,1151344,,403,12007,73,,32,,99021,8691,8470,221,08/06 10:00,8/06 16:42,AIA,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,MA,,,,,,,99170,,,,,,,1636875,,,111371,8272,1251322,119643,1139951,,396,11993,57,,21,,99021,8659,8438,221,08/04 10:00,8/05 17:36,RSG,ALF," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,MA,,,,,,,98298,,,,,,,1611827,,,111033,8170,1234106,119203,1123073,,354,11973,56,,29,,97595,8657,8436,221,08/04 10:00,8/04 17:21,CB-M,RSG," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/4 17:46, 20200803,MA,,,,,,,97515,,,,,,,1589682,,,110595,8062,1218790,118657,1108195,,375,11942,64,,24,,97595,8648,8427,221,08/03 10:00,8/03 17:03,SPA,RS," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,MA,,,,,,,97293,,,,,,,1573852,,,110430,8028,1206512,118458,1096082,,406,11936,68,,33,,97595,8638,8417,221,08/02 10:00,8/02 16:48,JJO,BML," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,MA,,,,,,,96964,,,,,,,1553550,,,110077,7963,1193200,118040,1083123,,369,11930,53,,26,,97595,8626,8406,220,07/31 10:00,8/01 17:23,AMW,RSG," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,MA,,,,,,,96180,,,,,,,1535835,,,109787,7825,1180605,117612,1070818,,347,11908,58,,28,,97595,8609,8389,220,07/31 10:00,07/31 17:34,REB,HMH," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200730,MA,,,,,,,95217,,,,,,,1507320,,,109400,7698,1161454,117098,1052054,,367,11893,55,,29,,97595,8595,8375,220,07/30 10:00,07/30 17:02,DZL,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200729,MA,,,,,,,94348,,,,,,,1489896,,,109096,7588,1149230,116684,1040134,,390,11876,62,,23,,97595,8580,8360,220,07/29 10:00,07/29 17:22,BAS,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,7/29 17:30, 20200728,MA,,,,,,,93124,,,,,,,1468395,,,108740,7442,1133674,116182,1024934,,364,11855,54,,27,,96452,8551,8331,220,07/28 10:00,07/29 17:22,BAS,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200727,MA,,,,,,,92664,,,,,,,1454584,,,108562,,1123793,115926,1015231,,350,11833,57,,28,,96452,8536,8317,219,07/27 10:00,07/27 16:56,SLC,RSG," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200726,MA,,,,,,,92459,,,,,,,1440717,,,108380,,1113502,115637,1005122,,364,11828,56,,30,,96452,8529,8310,219,07/26 10:00,07/26 16:47,MEC,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200725,MA,,,,,,,91756,,,,,,,1425973,,,108107,,1103722,115268,995615,,371,11813,50,,27,,96452,8510,8291,219,07/25 10:00,07/25 16:47,KVP,RSG," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200724,MA,,,,,,,89569,,,,,,,1410099,,,107897,,1092392,114985,984495,,397,11785,49,,29,,96452,8498,8297,219,07/23 10:00,07/24 17:45,SPA,RSG," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200723,MA,,,,,,,88712,,,,,,,1391221,,,107683,,1079288,114647,971605,,351,11770,59,,30,,96452,8484,8265,219,07/22 10:00,07/23 17:05,SLC,HMH," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200722,MA,,,,,,,87346,,,,,,,1369551,,,107413,,1063155,114320,955742,,532,11761,63,,37,,96452,8468,8249,219,07/22 10:00,07/23 17:05,SLC,HMH," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200721,MA,,,,,,,87006,,,,,,,1353802,,,107221,,1052369,114033,945148,,513,11746,63,,33,,95390,8450,8231,219,07/21 10:00,07/21 16:47,SAL,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200720,MA,,,,,,,86433,,,,,,,1342652,,,107056,,1044548,113789,937492,,483,11722,67,,38,,95390,8433,8214,219,07/20 10:00,07/20 16:25,SLC,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200719,MA,,,,,,,86165,,,,,,,1328399,,,106882,,1033883,113534,927001,,498,11717,64,,41,,95390,8431,8213,218,07/19 10:00,07/19 16:09,SLC,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200718,MA,,,,,,,85623,,,,,,,1309804,,,106664,,1020259,113238,913595,,499,11709,86,,43,,95390,8419,8201,218,07/18 10:00,07/18 16:09,SLC,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200717,MA,,,,,,,84539,,,,,,,1293162,,,106487,,1008195,112879,901708,,515,11691,76,,34,,95390,8402,8184,218,07/17 10:00,07/17 16:59,SAL,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200716,MA,,,,,,,83598,,,,,,,1274585,,,106271,,995374,112581,889103,,557,11663,77,,38,,95390,8380,8163,217,07/16 10:00,07/16 16:38,JAC,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200715,MA,,,,,,,82409,,,,,,,1256303,,,106128,,982494,112347,876366,,580,11651,80,,40,,95390,8368,8152,216,07/15 10:00,07/15 17:22,HMH,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200714,MA,,,,,,,81525,,,,,,,1241465,,,105986,,972070,112130,866084,,560,11625,93,,37,,94347,8340,8125,215,07/14 10:00,07/14 16:25,SLC,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200713,MA,,,,,,,80888,,,,,,,1225332,,,105783,,960099,111827,854316,,570,11611,89,,46,,94347,8330,8115,215,07/13 16:00,07/13 16:21,DZL,HMH," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200712,MA,,,,,,,80573,,,,,,,1213914,,,105629,,951512,111597,845883,,583,11608,93,,43,,94347,8325,8110,215,07/12 10:00,07/12 16:39,MD,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200711,MA,,,,,,,80061,,,,,,,1199411,,,105457,,940393,111398,834936,,572,11600,87,,44,,94347,8310,8095,215,07/11 10:00,07/11 16:27,SPA,BML," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200710,MA,,,,,,,79073,,,,,,,1187832,,,105290,,932796,111110,827506,,632,11582,98,,47,,94347,8296,8081,215,07/10 10:00,07/10 16:50,BHP,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200709,MA,,,,,,,78417,,,,,,,1171180,,,105138,,920002,110897,814864,,635,11559,103,,42,,94347,8268,8053,215,07/09 16:00,07/09 16:50,GET,HMH," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200708,MA,,,,,,,77150,,,,,,,1157023,,,104961,,910354,110602,805393,,662,11517,102,,49,,94347,8243,8028,215,07/08 10:00,07/08 16:51,EDS,BHP," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200707,MA,,,,,,,76090,,,,,,,1144367,,,104799,,901221,110338,796422,,621,11489,104,,50,,93157,8213,7998,215,07/07 10:00,07/07 16:22,DZL,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200706,MA,,,,,,,75795,,,,,,,1134568,,,104659,,893939,110137,789280,,603,11469,99,,51,,93157,8198,7983,215,07/06 10:00,07/06 17:01,RSG,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200705,MA,,,,,,,75636,,,,,,,1124217,,,104502,,886213,109974,781711,,636,11463,100,,46,,93157,8183,7968,215,07/05 10:00,07/05 16:05,SNW,BSL," (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200704,MA,,,,,,,75302,,,,,,,1116271,,,104391,,880320,109838,775929,,640,11461,107,,51,,93157,8172,7958,214,07/04 10:00,07/04 16:32,JAS,BSL,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200703,MA,,,,,,,74598,,,,,,,1105013,,,104228,,872380,109628,768152,,656,11436,106,,55,,93157,8149,7935,214,07/03 16:00,07/03 16:25,MEC,HMH,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200702,MA,,,,,,,73613,,,,,,,1090482,,,104016,,860936,109338,756920,,681,11392,113,,52,,93157,8132,7918,214,07/02 10:00,07/02 16:50,BSL,KWS,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200701,MA,,,,,,,72752,,,,,,,1079648,,,103858,,853150,109143,749292,,760,11352,123,,65,,93157,8081,7902,179,07/01 10:00,07/01 17:49,MM,BHP,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200630,MA,,,,,,,71686,,,,,,,1066060,,,103701,,842960,108882,739259,,733,11337,120,,63,,93157,8054,7874,180,06/30 10:00,06/30 17:17,ASL,JAC,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200629,MA,,,,,,,70768,,,,,,,1057932,,,103628,,837147,108768,733519,,762,11345,138,,79,,93157,8095,7895,200,06/29 10:00,06/29 17:53,JAC,CML,"(6/29 BSL) 6/28 numbers carried over due to no update (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200628,MA,,,,,,,70476,,,,,,,1048942,,,103539,,830666,108667,727127,,748,11319,134,,81,,93157,8060,7860,200,06/28 10:00,06/28 16:47,KVP,REB,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200627,MA,,,,,,,69826,,,,,,,1036832,,,103376,,821275,108443,717899,,769,11310,143,,90,,93157,8041,7841,200,06/27 10:00,06/27 16:12,KWS,BSL,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200626,MA,,,,,,,68259,,,,,,,1020867,,,103071,,809086,108070,706015,,791,11291,156,,99,,93157,8013,7815,198,06/26 10:00,06/26 16:56,BSL,QN,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200625,MA,,,,,,,66753,,,,,,,1009203,,,102922,,800541,107837,697619,,822,11252,174,,101,,93157,7963,7776,187,06/25 10:00,06/25 16:14,BSL,KWS,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200624,MA,,,,,,,65845,,,,,,,995705,,,102762,,790223,107611,687461,,939,11219,181,,98,,91404,7938,7752,186,06/24 10:00,06/24 16:47,BSL,HMH,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200623,MA,,,,,,,65313,,,,,,,985711,,,102651,,782854,107439,680203,,953,11157,181,,112,,91404,7890,7710,180,06/23 10:00,06/23 16:10,EDS,BSL,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200622,MA,,,,,,,64592,,,,,,,975415,,,102469,,775322,107210,672853,,920,11094,180,,107,,91404,7874,7694,180,06/22 10:00,06/22 16:12,EDS,BSL,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200621,MA,,,,,,,64266,,,,,,,966551,,,102333,,768592,107061,666259,,927,11085,194,,111,,91404,7858,7677,181,06/21 10:00,06/21 16:08,SNW,BSL,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200620,MA,,,,,,,63736,,,,,,,956716,,,102228,,760229,106936,658001,,964,11076,200,,118,,91404,7828,7647,181,06/20 10:00,06/20 16:17,BSL,JAC,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200619,MA,,,,,,,62591,,,,,,,939352,,,102005,,746162,106650,644157,,994,11036,199,,124,,91404,7800,7619,181,06/19 10:00,06/19 16:02,BSL,RS,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200618,MA,,,,,,,61085,,,,,,,926804,,,101853,,736691,106422,634838,,968,10985,227,,125,,91404,7770,7591,179,06/18 10:00,06/18 16:14,BSL,RS,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200617,MA,,,,,,,59940,,,,,,,914751,,,101654,,727549,106151,625895,,998,10925,227,,135,,88725,7734,7568,166,06/17 10:00,06/17 16:22,BSL,JAC,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200616,MA,,,,,,,58795,,,,,,,903422,,,101474,,719236,105885,617762,,1045,10867,244,,151,,88725,7665,7508,157,06/16 10:00,06/16 16:08,BSL,RS,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200615,MA,,,,,,,57886,,,,,,,,,,101334,,712875,105690,611541,,1026,10817,253,,167,,88725,7647,7490,157,06/15 16:00,06/15 16:27,GET,MM,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200614,MA,,,,,,,57582,,,,,,,,,,101276,,708383,105603,607107,,1039,10802,244,,156,,88725,7624,7467,157,06/14 10:00,06/14 16:49,BSL,SB,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200613,MA,,,,,,,57048,,,,,,,,,,101070,,699271,105395,598201,,1069,10772,249,,162,,88725,7576,7420,156,06/13 10:00,06/13 16:41,SPA,BSL,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200612,MA,,,,,,,55784,,,,,,,,,,100811,,689111,105059,588300,,1143,10726,276,,170,,88725,7538,7382,156,06/12 10:00,06/12 16:29,RSG,RS,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200611,MA,,,,,,,54574,,,,,,,,,,100504,,678925,104667,578421,,1260,10654,296,,181,,88725,7492,7337,155,06/11 10:00,06/11 16:11,SMS,BSL,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200610,MA,,,,,,,53040,,,,,,,,,,100158,,668092,104156,567934,,1345,10582,319,,200,,84621,7454,7300,154,06/10 10:00,06/10 16:37,SAL,BSL,"(SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200609,MA,,,,,,,52144,,,,,,,,,,99955,,658058,103889,558103,,1397,10507,315,,202,,84621,7408,7255,153,06/09 10:00,06/09 16:35,NRC,RS,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200608,MA,,,,,,,51404,,,,,,,,,,99755,,653398,103626,553643,,1415,10425,322,,209,,84621,7353,7217,136,06/08 10:00,06/08 16:14,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report (SB 6/8) Note that front page lists confirmed + probable as ""confirmed""! Breakdown given on PDF dashboard (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200607,MA,,,,,,,51146,,,,,,,,,,99562,,648616,103436,549054,,1442,10393,335,,221,,84621,7316,7179,137,06/07 10:00,06/07 17:09,SB,RS,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report (SB 6/7) MA reporting 221 patients INTUBATED; not reporting ventilated! Also, cumulative hospitalization number and race/ethnicity pie chart are on page 18 today, not page 15. Be aware of possible page number changes if more or less data is included in the pdf.",A+,, 20200606,MA,,,,,,,50575,,,,,,,,,,99301,,640808,103132,541507,,1529,10369,359,,238,,84621,7289,7152,137,06/06 10:00,06/06 16:07,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report ",A+,, 20200605,MA,,,,,,,49556,,,,,,,,,,98796,,631008,102557,532212,,1533,10303,350,,238,,84621,7235,7097,138,06/05 10:00,06/05 16:42,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report ",A+,, 20200604,MA,,,,,,,48436,,,,,,,,,,98376,,621248,102063,522872,,1637,10238,401,,249,,84621,7201,7062,139,06/04 10:00,06/04 16:48,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report ",A+,, 20200603,MA,,,,,,,47414,,,,,,,,,,97964,,614133,101592,516169,,1684,10151,393,,263,,78108,7152,7012,140,06/03 10:00,06/03 16:48,JA,PR,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report ",A+,, 20200602,MA,,,,,,,46565,,,,,,,,,,97539,,605771,101163,508232,,1657,10063,394,,269,,78108,7085,6944,141,06/02 10:00,06/02 16:28,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report ",A+,, 20200601,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97291,,599919,100805,502628,,1747,9952,404,,289,,78108,7035,6894,141,05/31 10:00,06/01 15:01,SB,AFG,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report ",A,, 20200531,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96965,,592853,96965,495888,,1824,9823,436,,,,78108,6846,6846,,05/31 10:00,06/01 15:01,SB,AFG,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report ",A,, 20200530,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96301,,582519,96301,486218,,1904,9789,453,,,,78108,6768,6768,,05/30 10:00,05/30 16:36,QN,REB,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report ",A,, 20200529,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95512,,571745,95512,476233,,1991,9725,485,,,,78108,6718,6718,,05/29 16:00,05/29 16:39,TCD,PR,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report ",A,, 20200528,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94895,,562323,94895,467428,,2112,9618,529,,,,78108,6640,6640,,05/28 10:00,05/28 16:20,JAC,MM,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report (5/27 G-S) No updated on dashboard as of 16:12!",A,, 20200527,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93693,,545481,94220,457924,,2106,9492,556,,,,,6547,6473,,05/27 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200526,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93693,,545481,93693,451788,,2108,9388,560,,,,,6473,6473,,05/26 10:00,05/27 17:12,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report (5/27 G-S) No updated on dashboard as of 16:12!",A,, 20200525,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93271,,540561,93271,447290,,2132,9339,576,,,,,6416,6416,,05/25 10:00,05/25 16:40,ESK,PR,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200524,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92675,,532373,92675,439698,,2169,9308,558,,,,,6372,6372,,05/24 10:00,05/24 16:05,AFG,RS,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200523,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91662,,520986,91662,429324,,2237,9260,610,,,,,6304,6304,,05/23 10:00,05/23 16:06,ESK,BL,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 10:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200522,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90889,,511644,90889,420755,,2323,9162,628,,,,,6228,6228,,05/22 10:00,05/22 16:15,JAC,ESK,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200521,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90084,,501486,90084,411402,,2396,9040,647,,,,,6148,6148,,05/21 10:00,05/21 16:22,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200520,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88970,,489953,88970,400983,,2518,8897,675,,,,,6066,6066,,05/20 10:00,05/20 16:31,RSB,QN,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200519,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87925,,476940,87925,389015,,2472,8766,672,,,,,5938,5938,,05/19 10:00,05/19 16:45,SLW,DPT,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A+,, 20200518,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87052,,469199,87052,382147,,2533,8621,674,,,,,5862,5862,,05/17 10:00,05/18 16:19,SPA,PR,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A+,, 20200517,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,86010,,460826,86010,374816,,2597,8539,702,,,,,5797,5797,,05/17 10:00,05/18 16:19,SPA,PR,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A+,, 20200516,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84933,,448089,84933,363156,,2692,8456,747,,,,,5705,5705,,05/16 10:00,05/16 16:02,G-S,RS,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A+,, 20200515,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83421,,435679,83421,352258,,2767,8314,749,,,,,5592,5592,,05/14 10:00,05/15 16:21,QN,AW,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A+,, 20200514,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,82182,,410032,82182,342179,,2859,8207,781,,,,,5482,5382,,05/13 10:00,05/14 16:56,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A+,, 20200513,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80497,,401496,80497,329535,,3101,8032,794,,,,,5315,5315,,05/13 10:00,05/14 16:56,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A+,, 20200512,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79332,,,79332,322164,,3127,7842,818,,,,,5141,5141,,05/12 10:00,05/12 16:40,DPT,RS,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A+,, 20200511,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78462,,,78462,316266,,3102,7732,813,,,,,5108,5108,,05/11 10:00,05/11 16:34,SLW,REB,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200510,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77793,,,77793,310596,,3128,7617,810,,,,,4979,4979,,05/10 10:00,05/10 16:46,REB,CML,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200509,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76743,,,76743,299794,,3229,7551,814,,,,,4840,4840,,05/09 12:00,05/09 16:05,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200508,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75333,,,75333,290690,,3349,7434,826,,,,,4702,4702,,05/08 10:00,05/08 16:08,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200507,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73721,,,73721,277911,,3436,7237,852,,,,,4552,4552,,05/07 12:00,05/07 16:12,RS,PR,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200506,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,72025,,,72025,267614,,3564,7080,922,,,,,4420,4420,,05/06 12:00,05/06 16:46,MM,REB,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200505,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70271,,,70271,263078,,3542,6831,914,,,,,4212,4212,,05/05 12:00,05/05 16:40,REB,QN,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200504,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69087,,,69087,255181,,3539,6622,908,,,,,4090,4090,,05/04 12:00,05/04 16:30,PR,ESK,"PROCESS: Check PDF for ""last Update Date"" usually data is as of 12:00 the day of the report",A,, 20200503,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68087,,,68087,246559,,3617,6507,904,,,,,4004,4004,,05/03 16:00,,,,"(4/23 aft ALF) Obtained Cumulative Hospitalized data from p. 14 of the 4/22 ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" PDF. Could not confirm Cur Hosp & Cur ICU so left the same. (4/22 PR) update and Cur Hosp per reporting (4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; all numbers left as they were",A,, 20200502,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66263,,,66263,232731,,3601,6378,921,,,,,3846,,,05/02 12:00,,,,"(4/23 aft ALF) Obtained Cumulative Hospitalized data from p. 14 of the 4/22 ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" PDF. Could not confirm Cur Hosp & Cur ICU so left the same. (4/22 PR) update and Cur Hosp per reporting (4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; all numbers left as they were",A,, 20200501,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64311,,,64311,225325,,3716,6169,947,,,,,3716,,,05/01 12:00,05/01 16:55,ESK,KP,"(4/23 aft ALF) Obtained Cumulative Hospitalized data from p. 14 of the 4/22 ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" PDF. Could not confirm Cur Hosp & Cur ICU so left the same. (4/22 PR) update and Cur Hosp per reporting (4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; all numbers left as they were",A,, 20200430,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62205,,,62205,213442,,3803,5942,1001,,,,,3562,,,04/30 16:00,05/01 9:56,LAW,,"(4/23 aft ALF) Obtained Cumulative Hospitalized data from p. 14 of the 4/22 ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" PDF. Could not confirm Cur Hosp & Cur ICU so left the same. (4/22 PR) update and Cur Hosp per reporting (4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; all numbers left as they were",A,, 20200429,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60265,,,60265,205353,,3856,5758,1011,,,,,3405,,,04/29 16:00,,,,"(4/23 aft ALF) Obtained Cumulative Hospitalized data from p. 14 of the 4/22 ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" PDF. Could not confirm Cur Hosp & Cur ICU so left the same. (4/22 PR) update and Cur Hosp per reporting (4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; all numbers left as they were",A,, 20200428,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58302,196198,,3875,5515,1005,,,,,3153,,,04/28 16:00,04/28 16:34,RS,QN,"(4/23 aft ALF) Obtained Cumulative Hospitalized data from p. 14 of the 4/22 ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" PDF. Could not confirm Cur Hosp & Cur ICU so left the same. (4/22 PR) update and Cur Hosp per reporting (4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; all numbers left as they were",B,, 20200427,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56462,188425,,3892,5237,1089,,,,,3003,,,04/27 16:00,,,,"(4/23 aft ALF) Obtained Cumulative Hospitalized data from p. 14 of the 4/22 ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" PDF. Could not confirm Cur Hosp & Cur ICU so left the same. (4/22 PR) update and Cur Hosp per reporting (4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; all numbers left as they were",B,, 20200426,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54938,181162,,3879,5104,1077,,,,,2899,,,04/26 16:00,,,,"(4/23 aft ALF) Obtained Cumulative Hospitalized data from p. 14 of the 4/22 ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" PDF. Could not confirm Cur Hosp & Cur ICU so left the same. (4/22 PR) update and Cur Hosp per reporting (4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; all numbers left as they were",B,, 20200425,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53348,173497,,3879,4965,1058,,,,,2877,,,04/25 16:00,04/25 16:28,RS,QN,"(4/23 aft ALF) Obtained Cumulative Hospitalized data from p. 14 of the 4/22 ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" PDF. Could not confirm Cur Hosp & Cur ICU so left the same. (4/22 PR) update and Cur Hosp per reporting (4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; all numbers left as they were",B,, 20200424,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50969,164244,,3847,4752,1034,,,,,2877,,,04/24 12:00,04/24 22:43,AGS,SJ,"(4/23 aft ALF) Obtained Cumulative Hospitalized data from p. 14 of the 4/22 ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" PDF. Could not confirm Cur Hosp & Cur ICU so left the same. (4/22 PR) update and (Cur Hosp per reporting (4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; no change in positives, negatives or deaths since last update, despite URLwatch flag; no updates on current hospitalization or ICU in reporting, so all numbers left as they were ",B,, 20200423,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47992,156324,,3851,4493,1034,,,,,2769,,,04/22 16:00,04/24 17:01,RS,KP,"(4/23 aft ALF) Obtained Cumulative Hospitalized data from p. 14 of the 4/22 ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" PDF. Could not confirm Cur Hosp & Cur ICU so left the same. (4/22 PR) update and (Cur Hosp per reporting (4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; no change in positives, negatives or deaths since last update, despite URLwatch flag; no updates on current hospitalization or ICU in reporting, so all numbers left as they were ",B,, 20200422,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44913,144789,,3890,4256,1050,,,,,2597,,,04/22 16:00,04/24 17:01,RS,KP,"(4/23 aft ALF) Obtained Cumulative Hospitalized data from p. 14 of the 4/22 ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" PDF. Could not confirm Cur Hosp & Cur ICU so left the same. (4/22 PR) update and (Cur Hosp per reporting (4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; no change in positives, negatives or deaths since last update, despite URLwatch flag; no updates on current hospitalization or ICU in reporting, so all numbers left as they were ",B,, 20200421,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43168,141444,,3977,4009,1040,,,,,2449,,,04/21 16:00,,,,"(4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/15 QN eve) Hospitalzation from 4/13 (4/15 REB noon) cum. hospitalization removed from daily report. Current hosp + ICU from reporting Site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; no change in positives, negatives or deaths since last update, despite URLwatch flag; no updates on current hospitalization or ICU in reporting, so all numbers left as they were (4/19 BL aft) Doc still says 10 am 4/18 for updates; no changes in data despite URLwatch flag; all numbers left as they were (4/20 BL eve) Current hospitalizations from ""dashboard"" p. 6: // Prior to 4/13, only confirmed cases were included in the hospitalization count data (light blue bars); starting 4/13 both confirmed and suspected cases are included (dark blue bars). Need to update public note and file a github issue. Also: calculated current ICU from summing figures in the charts on p. 15 and 16.",B,, 20200420,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41416,136046,,3872,3872,987,,,,,2303,,,04/19 16:00,04/20 16:15,REB,PR,"(4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/15 QN eve) Hospitalzation from 4/13 (4/15 REB noon) cum. hospitalization removed from daily report. Current hosp + ICU from reporting Site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; no change in positives, negatives or deaths since last update, despite URLwatch flag; no updates on current hospitalization or ICU in reporting, so all numbers left as they were (4/19 BL aft) Doc still says 10 am 4/18 for updates; no changes in data despite URLwatch flag; all numbers left as they were",B,, 20200419,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39820,129295,,3789,3789,987,,,,,2146,,,04/19 16:00,04/20 16:15,REB,PR,"(4/20 aft REB) no changes, and no new data from reporting, some data is now stale (4/15 QN eve) Hospitalzation from 4/13 (4/15 REB noon) cum. hospitalization removed from daily report. Current hosp + ICU from reporting Site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time (4/18 SB eve) Doc says 10:00 am for update ""as of"" time; no change in positives, negatives or deaths since last update, despite URLwatch flag; no updates on current hospitalization or ICU in reporting, so all numbers left as they were (4/19 BL aft) Doc still says 10 am 4/18 for updates; no changes in data despite URLwatch flag; all numbers left as they were",B,, 20200418,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37527,124604,,3728,3728,987,,,,,1983,,,04/17 16:00,,,,"(4/15 QN eve) Hospitalzation from 4/13 (4/15 REB noon) cum. hospitalization removed from daily report. Current hosp + ICU from reporting Site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200417,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35125,117195,,3756,3756,987,,,,,1822,,,04/16 10:00,,,,"(4/15 QN eve) Hospitalzation from 4/13 (4/15 REB noon) cum. hospitalization removed from daily report. Current hosp + ICU from reporting (4/10 RS Aft) Update Public Notes to remove note about when lab numbers come out. Jordan Z indicates this is no longer the case. (4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200416,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32492,110098,,3726,3726,973,,,,,1667,,,04/16 10:00,,,,"(4/15 QN eve) Hospitalzation from 4/13 (4/15 REB noon) cum. hospitalization removed from daily report. Current hosp + ICU from reporting (4/10 RS Aft) Update Public Notes to remove note about when lab numbers come out. Jordan Z indicates this is no longer the case. (4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200415,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29970,102790,,3637,3637,973,,,,,1502,,,04/15 10:00,,,,"(4/15 REB noon) cum. hospitalization removed from daily report. Current hosp + ICU from reporting (4/10 RS Aft) Update Public Notes to remove note about when lab numbers come out. Jordan Z indicates this is no longer the case. (4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200414,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28109,98820,,3616,3616,,,,,,1329,,,04/14 10:00,,,,"(4/14 REB noon) no info for cum hospitalization on site nor in presser. Leaving as is (4/10 RS Aft) Update Public Notes to remove note about when lab numbers come out. Jordan Z indicates this is no longer the case. (4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200413,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26794,95500,,3485,3485,,,,,,1211,,,04/13 10:00,,,,"(4/10 RS Aft) Update Public Notes to remove note about when lab numbers come out. Jordan Z indicates this is no longer the case. (4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200412,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25381,91463,,2514,2514,,,,,,1056,,,04/12 16:00,,,,"(4/10 RS Aft) Update Public Notes to remove note about when lab numbers come out. Jordan Z indicates this is no longer the case. (4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200411,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22766,86115,,2507,2507,,,,,,946,,,04/11 12:30,,,,"(4/10 RS Aft) Update Public Notes to remove note about when lab numbers come out. Jordan Z indicates this is no longer the case. (4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200410,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20878,81564,,2435,2435,,,,,,832,,,04/10 12:30,,,,"(4/10 RS Aft) Update Public Notes to remove note about when lab numbers come out. Jordan Z indicates this is no longer the case. (4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200409,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18843,76146,,2302,2302,,,,,,725,,,04/09 12:30,,,,"(4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200408,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16692,70849,,2119,2119,,,,,,615,,,04/08 12:30,,,,"(4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200407,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15104,66270,,1831,1831,,,,,,515,,,04/07 12:30,,,,"(4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200406,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13739,62720,,1667,1667,,,,,,448,,,04/06 12:30,,,,"(4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200405,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12402,59565,,1632,1632,,,,,,370,,,04/05 12:30,04/06 10:07,JRF,ALF,"(4/5 aftn HDF) site says 4:00 pm for updates but doc says ""12:30pm"" going doc's time",B,, 20200404,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11637,57191,,1370,1370,,,,,,304,,,04/04 12:30,,,,,B,, 20200403,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10303,52685,,,966,,,,,,265,,,04/03 12:30,,,,(4/2 aftn QN): Changed Local time since the website said that the chart is updated at 4:00 pm,B,, 20200402,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8867,47767,,,813,,,,,,229,,,04/02 16:00,,,,(4/2 aftn QN): Changed Local time since the website said that the chart is updated at 4:00 pm,B,, 20200401,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7639,44125,,,682,,,,,,187,,,03/31 12:30,,,,,B,, 20200331,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6521,40440,,,562,,,,,,153,,,03/31 12:30,,,,,B,, 20200330,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5653,37166,,,453,,,,,,124,,,03/30 16:15,,,,,B,, 20200329,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4856,34234,,,399,,,,,,99,,,03/28 12:30,,,,,B,, 20200328,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4158,30915,,,350,,,,,,72,,,03/27 12:30,,,,,B,, 20200327,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3151,26244,,,219,,,,,,57,,,03/27 12:30,,,,,B,, 20200326,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2318,21327,,,219,,,,,,42,,,03/26 12:30,,,,,B,, 20200325,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1739,18079,,,103,,,,,,33,,,03/25 16:00,,,,,B,, 20200324,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1060,12714,,,94,,,,,,26,,,03/24 12:30,,,,,B,, 20200323,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,678,8263,,,79,,,,,,17,,,03/23 12:30,,,,,B,, 20200322,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,547,5476,,,71,,,,,,11,,,03/22 16:00,,,,,,, 20200321,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,426,4799,,,61,,,,,,7,,,03/21 16:00,,,,,,, 20200320,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,314,3795,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/20 16:00,,,,,,, 20200319,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,229,2918,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/19 11:30,,,,,,, 20200318,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,156,2115,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/18 16:00,,,,,,, 20200317,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,118,1633,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 16:00,,,,,,, 20200316,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97,1199,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:48,,,,,,, 20200315,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64,584,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 16:00,,,,,,, 20200314,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 16:00,,,,,,, 20200313,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 16:00,,,,,,, 20200312,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200303,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200302,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200301,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200229,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200228,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200227,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200226,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200225,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200224,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200223,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200222,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200221,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200220,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200219,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200218,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200217,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200216,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200215,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200214,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200213,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200212,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200211,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200210,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200209,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200208,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200207,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200206,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200205,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200204,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200203,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200202,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200201,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200131,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200130,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200129,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200128,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200127,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200126,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200125,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200124,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200123,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200122,MA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200121,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1938846,129045,,108249,,1330853,108249,1222604,,377,14303,107,,,,6124,3755,3612,143,08/31 10:00,08/31 16:11,NEZ,DZL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1919515,128493,,107791,,1319238,107791,1211447,,358,14255,107,,,,6124,3752,3609,143,08/30 10:00,08/30 15:49,KSB,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1894410,127872,,107294,,1304483,107294,1197189,,387,14217,106,,,,6124,3746,3603,143,08/29 10:00,08/29 15:39,PK,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1868927,125830,,106664,,1291270,106664,1184606,,412,14184,106,,,,6124,3736,3593,143,08/28 10:00,08/28 15:56,PK,RSG,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1841425,125056,,106063,,1275082,106063,1169019,,412,14141,107,,,,6080,3722,3580,142,08/27 10:00,08/27 15:51,BHP,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1819950,124368,,105486,,1263171,105486,1157685,,432,14090,106,,,,6061,3717,3574,143,08/26 10:00,08/26 16:19,MEB,ALF,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1807573,123831,,105046,,1255565,105046,1150519,,411,14051,97,,,,6056,3707,3564,143,08/25 10:00,08/25 15:41,JAG,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1794703,123344,,104669,,1247593,104669,1142924,,407,14007,103,,,,6047,3694,3554,140,08/24 10:00,08/24 15:43,CKW,RSG,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1772656,122660,,104102,,1232896,104102,1128794,,407,13956,99,,,,6047,3691,3552,139,08/23 10:00,08/23 15:38,CRG,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1751515,122025,,103523,,1220441,103523,1116918,,441,13864,98,,,,6047,3685,3546,139,08/22 10:00,08/22 15:38,TCD,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1722957,121174,,102899,,1204267,102899,1101368,,455,13823,102,,,,6047,3674,3536,138,08/21 10:00,08/21 15:38,PK,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1693571,120372,,102229,,1187676,102229,1085447,,455,13785,107,,,,6040,3669,3531,138,08/20 10:00,08/20 16:00,KSB,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1675530,119743,,101649,,1175768,101649,1074119,,475,13744,107,,,,6030,3661,3522,139,08/19 10:00,08/19 15:54,GET,RSG,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1661701,119238,,101235,,1167305,101235,1066070,,453,13698,102,,,,6008,3650,3511,139,08/18 10:00,08/18 15:45,GET,DZL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1645642,118601,,100715,,1157612,100715,1056897,,435,13658,106,,,,6008,3641,3504,137,08/17 10:00,08/17 15:56,JB,DZL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1611241,117988,,100212,,1142410,100212,1042198,,475,13614,115,,,,6004,3639,3502,137,08/16 10:00,08/16 15:41,TCD,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1585670,117306,,99693,,1127652,99693,1027959,,460,13556,107,,,,5995,3636,3499,137,08/15 10:00,08/15 16:03,HMH,RSG,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1552070,116321,,98875,,1110273,98875,1011398,,457,13508,107,,,,5986,3631,3495,136,08/14 10:00,08/14 15:50,GET,RSG,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1527930,115312,,98160,,1095094,98160,996934,,470,13463,111,,,,5962,3620,3483,137,08/13 10:00,08/13 17:01,KSB,BHP,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1498088,114406,,97384,,1078838,97384,981454,,488,13348,117,,,,5956,3612,3474,138,08/12 10:00,08/12 15:54,GET,RSG,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1480073,113761,,96843,,1067459,96843,970616,,529,13266,121,,,,5935,3604,3467,137,08/11 10:00,08/11 15:50,HMH,RSG,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1462928,113011,,96258,,1056810,96258,960552,,534,13247,119,,,,5910,3591,3454,137,08/10 10:00,08/10 15:43,HMH,DZL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1433396,112072,,95503,,1039345,95503,943842,,525,13177,128,,,,5910,3585,3448,137,08/09 10:00,08/09 15:53,HMH,KP,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1392724,110972,,94581,,1019523,94581,924942,,515,13105,127,,,,5899,3577,3440,137,08/08 10:00,08/08 16:46,DJW,BHP,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1371917,110068,,93806,,1006824,93806,913018,,528,13047,135,,,,5838,3565,3429,136,08/07 10:00,8/07 17:14,AJC,RSG,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1343334,109142,,93005,,992141,93005,899136,,535,12978,139,,,,5790,3551,3415,136,08/06 10:00,8/06 15:45,HMH,DZL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1326635,108502,,92426,,982395,92426,889969,,555,12922,134,,,,5749,3536,3402,134,08/05 10:00,8/05 15:58,HMH,DZL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1304873,107832,,91854,,972346,91854,880492,,547,12888,137,,,,5740,3530,3396,134,08/04 10:00,8/04 15:41,HMH,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/4 17:58, 20200803,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1288496,107019,,91144,,960637,91144,869493,,548,12832,135,,,,5740,3523,3389,134,08/03 10:00,8/03 15:49,HMH,DZL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1264012,106014,,90274,,944786,90274,854512,,553,12746,129,,,,5713,3515,3381,134,08/02 10:00,8/02 15:41,HMH,BML,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1240227,104907,,89365,,929354,89365,839989,,592,12672,132,,,,5713,3506,3374,132,08/01 10:00,8/01 16:36,JAC,RSG,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1209223,103840,,88346,,911191,88346,822845,,590,12593,128,,,,5689,3493,3362,131,07/31 10:00,07/31 15:39,HMH,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200730,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1180591,102659,,87177,,893965,87177,806788,,585,12500,139,,,,5592,3488,3357,131,07/30 10:00,07/30 15:41,DZL,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200729,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1154902,101638,,86285,,878959,86285,792674,,571,12448,145,,,,5592,3478,3347,131,07/29 10:00,07/29 15:56,HMH,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200728,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1139155,100717,,85524,,868256,85524,782732,,544,12389,150,,,,5592,3458,3327,131,07/28 10:00,07/28 15:49,HMH,KWS,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200727,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1115211,99680,,84876,,855518,84876,770642,,536,12339,145,,,,5434,3447,3315,132,07/27 10:00,07/27 15:54,SLC,QN,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200726,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1091816,98314,,83748,,838572,83748,754824,,540,12283,153,,,,5434,3440,3309,131,07/26 10:00,07/26 15:44,SLC,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200725,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1069775,97488,,83054,,825326,83054,742272,,545,12188,157,,,,5434,3433,3304,129,07/25 10:00,07/25 15:46,GET,RSG,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200724,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1034901,96121,,81766,,804350,81766,722584,,533,12119,143,,,,5434,3422,3293,129,07/24 10:00,07/24 15:49,CB-M,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200723,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1010681,95073,,80836,,789041,80836,708205,,528,12037,133,,,,5434,3409,3281,128,07/23 10:00,07/23 15:38,SLC,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200722,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,994637,94213,,80172,,782833,80172,702661,,505,11997,137,,,,5434,3405,3276,129,07/22 10:00,07/22 16:09,HMH,RSG,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200721,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,973616,93322,,79545,,764367,79545,684822,,484,11949,131,,,,5380,3402,3272,130,07/21 10:00,07/21 15:39,SAL,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200720,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,953066,92337,,78685,,749279,78685,670594,,463,11897,136,,,,5344,3382,3252,130,07/20 10:00,07/20 15:47,SLC,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200719,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,938311,91615,,78131,,739785,78131,661654,,449,11841,131,,,,5344,3377,3247,130,07/19 10:00,07/19 15:49,HMH,BHP,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200718,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,909412,90508,,77206,,720986,77206,643780,,448,11788,137,,,,5344,3368,3238,130,07/18 10:00,07/18 15:43,SLC,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200717,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,891359,89541,,76371,,708216,76371,631845,,434,11728,128,,,,5286,3359,3227,132,07/17 10:00,07/17 15:39,SLC,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200716,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,867188,88713,,75664,,692529,75664,616865,,436,11687,137,,,,5286,3347,3215,132,07/16 10:00,07/16 15:46,HMH,QN,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200715,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,850297,87891,,75016,,680088,75016,605072,,447,11625,129,,,,5238,3341,3209,132,07/15 10:00,07/15 17:07,DZL,RS,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200714,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,828762,86973,,74260,,666069,74260,591809,,415,11485,118,,,,5238,3334,3202,132,07/14 10:00,07/14 15:09,EDS,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200713,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,813347,86221,,73527,,651957,73527,578430,,386,11467,108,,,,5230,3325,3194,131,07/13 10:00,07/13 15:08,SLC,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200712,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,802280,85712,,73109,,643391,73109,570282,,392,11420,114,,,,5230,3319,3188,131,07/12 10:00,07/12 15:27,SLC,SB,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200711,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,781140,84938,,72467,,629277,72467,556810,,390,11353,120,,,,5190,3310,3179,131,07/11 10:00,07/11 15:14,SB,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200710,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,769011,84290,,71910,,621063,71910,549153,,385,11300,122,,,,5157,3303,3172,131,07/10 10:00,07/10 15:13,HMH,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200709,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,755713,83673,,71447,,612581,71447,541134,,406,11221,139,,,,5132,3288,3160,128,07/09 10:00,07/09 15:11,DZL,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200708,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,740594,83057,,70861,,603108,70861,532247,,398,11184,136,,,,5085,3275,3149,126,07/08 10:00,07/08 15:22,SLC,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200707,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,728660,82431,,70396,,594378,70396,523982,,404,11111,145,,,,5036,3266,3140,126,07/07 10:00,07/07 15:09,DZL,HMH,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200706,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,718781,81953,,69904,,587361,69904,517457,,403,11096,142,,,,5029,3246,3121,125,07/06 10:00,07/06 15:09,DZL,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200705,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,707844,81585,,69632,,579962,69632,510330,,409,11071,144,,,,5029,3243,3118,125,07/05 10:00,07/05 15:02,SNW,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200704,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,698768,81192,,69341,,573342,69341,504001,,410,11034,143,,,,5025,3236,3111,125,07/04 10:00,07/04 15:06,EDS,JAC,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200703,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,685813,80684,,68961,,563834,68961,494873,,422,10973,143,,,,5023,3223,3099,124,07/03 10:00,07/03 15:27,BAH,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200702,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,670249,79758,,68423,,553175,68423,484752,,441,10939,149,,,,5013,3212,3086,126,07/02 10:00,07/02 15:14,EDS,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200701,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,656590,79129,,67918,,542604,67918,474686,,461,10902,154,,,,5001,3205,3077,128,07/01 10:00,07/01 15:15,EDS,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200630,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,647019,78682,,67559,,535855,67559,468296,,452,10844,152,,,,4982,3190,3062,128,06/30 10:00,06/30 15:11,SLC,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200629,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,638337,78273,,67254,,529313,67254,462059,,447,10822,160,,,,4979,3175,3048,127,06/29 10:00,06/29 15:12,SB,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200628,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,625801,77679,,66777,,519473,66777,452696,,446,10793,158,,,,4976,3168,3042,126,06/28 10:00,06/28 15:07,HMH,REB,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200627,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,618237,77264,,66450,,513816,66450,447366,,478,10751,181,,,,4935,3157,3030,127,06/27 10:00,06/27 15:12,AJC,BSL,"(6/27 BSL) No update due to technical difficulties (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0",A,, 20200626,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,607823,76821,,66115,,506397,66115,440282,,487,10725,190,,,,4903,3142,3015,127,06/26 10:00,06/26 15:16,HMH,BSL,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",A,, 20200625,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,597909,76340,,65777,,498959,65777,433182,,511,10683,209,,,,4874,3129,3001,128,06/25 10:00,06/25 15:14,RSG,BSL,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",A,, 20200624,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,586272,75828,,65337,,490457,65337,425120,,544,10648,213,,,,4810,3108,2978,130,06/24 10:00,06/24 15:25,GET,BSL,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",A,, 20200623,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,577385,75363,,65007,,483535,65007,418528,,561,10611,212,,,,4797,3092,2963,129,06/23 10:00,06/23 15:08,BHP,BSL,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",A,, 20200622,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,567025,74856,,64603,,474725,64603,410122,,602,10572,232,,,,4776,3074,2945,129,06/22 10:00,06/22 15:10,HMH,BSL,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",A,, 20200621,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,559592,74473,,64306,,469031,64306,404725,,608,10544,230,,,,4773,3066,2937,129,06/21 10:00,06/21 15:05,BHP,BSL,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",A,, 20200620,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,550168,73980,,63956,,462280,63956,398324,,644,10497,238,,,,4745,3052,2923,129,06/20 10:00,06/20 15:16,ETW,JAC,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",A,, 20200619,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,538366,73424,,63548,,453669,63548,390121,,648,10447,261,,,,4685,3030,2901,129,06/19 10:00,06/19 15:06,BSL,RS,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",A,, 20200618,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,529738,72930,,63229,,447608,63229,384379,,660,10357,269,,,,4640,3016,2886,130,06/18 10:00,06/18 15:13,HMH,RS,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",A,, 20200617,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,521176,72479,,62969,,441343,62969,378374,,702,10309,283,,,,4596,2996,2866,130,06/17 10:00,06/17 15:11,HMH,BSL,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",A,, 20200616,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,505582,71784,,62409,,429225,62409,366816,,742,10262,284,,,,4579,2982,2851,131,06/16 10:00,06/16 15:17,BHP,BSL,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200615,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,495085,71293,,62032,,421108,62032,359076,,745,10222,292,,,,4567,2947,2817,130,06/15 10:00,06/15 15:15,KWS,RS,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200614,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,486599,70855,,61701,,415309,61701,353608,,751,10165,313,,,,4541,2939,2811,128,06/14 10:00,06/14 14:47,BSL,JAC,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200613,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,478119,70320,,61305,,408758,61305,347453,,799,10053,321,,,,4536,2926,2799,127,06/13 10:00,06/13 14:41,ETS,BSL,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200612,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,467564,69655,,60613,,400095,60613,339482,,836,9923,331,,,,4474,2900,2773,127,06/12 10:00,06/12 14:38,HMH,RS,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200611,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,457816,69087,,60197,,392370,60197,332173,,902,9789,358,,,,4365,2875,2750,125,06/11 10:00,06/11 15:21,BHP,JAC,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200610,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,446269,68174,,59465,,384642,59465,325177,,955,9755,379,,,,4310,2844,2719,125,06/10 10:00,06/10 15:36,HMH,JAC,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200609,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,437773,67562,,58904,,378082,58904,319178,,970,9676,386,,,,4279,2811,2686,125,06/09 10:00,06/09 14:54,BHP,KP,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200608,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,429655,66983,,58404,,371503,58404,313099,,979,9629,392,,,,4240,2776,2653,123,06/08 10:00,06/08 14:44,SB,RS,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200607,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,421554,66470,,57973,,364803,57973,306830,,1003,9546,404,,,,4240,2749,2625,124,06/07 10:00,06/07 14:31,JAC,CML,"(6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200606,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,412303,65856,,57482,,357376,57482,299894,,1059,9451,418,,,,4175,2740,2616,124,06/06 10:00,06/06 14:15,RSG,QN,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200605,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,399813,64919,,56770,,347726,56770,290956,,1076,9346,455,,,,4159,2702,2580,122,06/05 10:00,06/05 14:42,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200604,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,386603,63859,,55858,,337018,55858,281160,,1096,9217,456,,,,3985,2668,2546,122,06/04 10:00,06/04 15:44,MDH,ALF,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200603,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,375079,62955,,54982,,327625,54982,272643,,1109,9111,471,,,,3970,2666,2544,122,06/03 10:00,,,,,B,, 20200602,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,360694,62014,,54175,,315815,54175,261640,,1148,8957,481,,,,3855,2646,2525,121,06/02 10:00,06/03 16:12,ETW,PR,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200601,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,351908,61245,,53327,,308730,53327,255403,,1174,8886,479,,,,3782,2625,2505,120,06/01 10:00,06/01 16:57,GGR,AFG,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (6/1 GGR) updated intensive care # when checking for flags (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200531,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,343136,60534,,52778,,301881,52778,249103,,1183,8738,479,,,,3764,2596,2476,120,05/31 10:00,05/31 15:02,SB,BL,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200530,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,333724,59667,,52015,,293946,52015,241931,,1239,8619,492,,,,3649,2562,2444,118,05/30 0:00,05/30 16:30,QN,REB,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200529,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,322879,58514,,50988,,284518,50988,233530,,1296,8479,507,,,,3571,2538,2421,117,05/29 10:00,05/29 14:19,G-S,AW,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (5/29 G-S) Probable deaths went down by 3. Added Total Tests PCR from dashboard. [Testing volume data represent the static daily total of PCR COVID-19 tests electronically reported; this count does not include test results submitted by labs and other clinical facilities through non-electronic means0 ",B,, 20200528,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,311160,57193,,49709,,274858,49709,225149,,1334,8392,511,,,,3468,2501,2386,115,05/28 10:00,05/28 15:39,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard ",B,, 20200527,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,294806,55245,,48423,,262055,48423,213632,,1338,8281,520,,,,3401,2458,2343,115,05/27 10:00,05/27 14:14,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard ",B,, 20200526,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,284250,53775,,47687,,254487,47687,206800,,1315,8179,520,,,,3334,2417,2302,115,05/26 10:00,05/26 15:41,REB,MM,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard ",B,, 20200525,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,278124,53142,,47152,,249577,47152,202425,,1279,8092,517,,,,3329,2379,2267,112,05/25 10:00,05/25 14:38,CML,AW,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard ",B,, 20200524,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,267293,52169,,46313,,240362,46313,194049,,1290,7939,503,,,,3319,2341,2229,112,05/24 10:00,05/24 14:52,AFG,RS,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard ",B,, 20200523,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,260562,51210,,45495,,232327,45495,186832,,1320,7825,524,,,,3283,2306,2197,109,05/23 10:00,05/23 17:17,ESK,REB,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard ",B,, 20200522,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,251847,50019,,44424,,227902,44424,183478,,1329,7634,506,,,,3243,2274,2169,105,05/22 10:00,05/22 14:11,G-S,RS,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard ",B,, 20200521,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,245385,49129,,43531,,220233,43531,176702,,1374,7485,526,,,,3099,2221,2116,105,05/21 10:00,05/21 16:30,VVR,JAC,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (5/21 aft VVR) You may notice probable deaths decrease over time. In the ""Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown"" section, the website indicates the cause of death is ""not yet confirmed by a laboratory test"" which suggests to me that they may reclassify some probable cases as confirmed when new results come in. ",B,, 20200520,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,235793,47697,,42323,,215330,42323,173007,,1410,7393,539,,,,2993,2198,2093,105,05/20 10:00,05/20 16:32,RSB,QN,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",B,, 20200519,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,228258,46787,,41546,,208658,41546,167112,,1421,7199,537,,,,2868,2164,2061,103,05/19 10:00,05/19 17:37,SLW,MM,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",B,, 20200518,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,222501,45932,,39762,,201506,39762,161744,,1447,7086,555,,,,2817,2122,2020,102,05/18 10:00,05/18 14:16,RSB,MM,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",B,, 20200517,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,215795,45056,,38804,,194926,38804,156122,,1460,6993,562,,,,2816,2090,1989,101,05/17 10:00,05/17 15:49,KP,JAC,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",B,, 20200516,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,209460,44114,,37968,,190175,37968,152207,,1500,6755,598,,,,2806,2040,1943,97,05/16 10:00,05/16 14:56,G-S,BL,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",B,, 20200515,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,201862,42939,,36986,,182826,36986,145840,,1496,6679,598,,,,2685,1991,1896,95,05/15 10:00,05/15 14:47,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",B,, 20200514,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,194595,41635,,35903,,173574,35903,142551,,1538,6553,569,,,,2569,1935,1840,95,05/14 10:00,05/14 14:18,JAC,AFG,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",B,, 20200513,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,188567,40581,,34812,,169503,34812,138762,,1550,6404,572,,,,2456,1881,1787,94,05/13 10:00,,,,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",B,, 20200512,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,183142,39787,,34061,,,34061,135442,,1563,6287,590,,,,2394,1834,1742,92,05/12 10:00,05/12 16:21,KWS,DPT,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",B,, 20200511,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,179388,38979,,33373,,,33373,131407,,1544,6183,585,,,,2298,1788,1698,90,05/11 10:00,05/11 14:46,SLW,AW,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200510,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,171458,37984,,32587,,,32587,127344,,1640,5955,611,,,,2293,1739,1652,87,05/10 10:00,05/10 20:11,REB,CML,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200509,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,164118,36612,,31534,,,31534,124494,,1665,5932,575,,,,2159,1692,1609,83,05/09 10:00,05/09 14:35,ALF,RS,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section underneath Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200508,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,158069,35288,,30485,,,30485,121702,,1674,5811,571,,,,2041,1643,1561,82,05/08 10:00,05/08 14:45,REB,RS,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section on Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200507,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,153021,34106,,29374,,,29374,119226,,1683,5663,584,,,,2029,1580,1500,80,05/07 10:00,05/07 16:02,QN,MM,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section on Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200506,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,146664,32710,,28163,,,28163,115849,,1707,5497,584,,,,1903,1520,1444,76,05/06 10:00,05/06 16:34,RS,REB,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section on Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200505,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,142127,31544,,27117,,,27117,112986,,1693,5337,573,,,,1810,1476,1402,74,05/05 10:00,05/05 14:15,QN,RS,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section on Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200504,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,138984,30845,,26408,,,26408,110587,,1649,5199,563,,,,1695,1424,1353,71,05/04 10:00,05/04 15:12,PR,MM,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section on Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200503,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133367,29716,,25462,,,25462,107332,,1635,5051,565,,,,1666,1372,1302,70,05/03 10:00,05/03 15:05,DPT,REB,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section on Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200502,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,128731,28643,,24473,,,24473,101049,,1657,4910,566,,,,1590,1323,1258,65,05/02 10:00,,,,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section on Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200501,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,123603,27477,,23472,,,23472,97511,,1668,4718,568,,,,1517,1276,1214,62,05/01 10:00,05/01 16:57,ESK,REB,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable from ""COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland"" section on Dashboard (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200430,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,118325,26198,,21742,,,21742,92617,,1711,4559,590,,,,1432,1226,1167,59,04/30 10:00,04/30 14:10,REB,BL,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200429,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,112892,24841,,20849,,,20849,90080,,1610,4402,586,,,,1361,1168,1110,58,04/29 10:00,04/29 15:33,AW,REB,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200428,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109837,24059,,20113,,,20113,87672,,1528,4268,551,,,,1295,1099,1042,57,04/28 10:00,04/28 15:52,AW,QN,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200427,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107010,23404,,19487,,,19487,85489,,1513,4101,535,,,,1263,1045,990,55,04/27 10:00,04/27 15:18,REB,RS,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200426,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,102977,22350,,18581,,,18581,78084,,1463,3962,530,,,,1177,1001,950,51,04/26 10:00,04/26 15:26,REB,RS,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200425,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98689,21393,,17766,,,17766,71357,,1408,3760,538,,,,1165,948,900,48,04/25 10:00,04/25 15:26,QN,REB,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200424,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94203,20267,,16616,,,16616,68100,,1425,3618,547,,,,1108,899,853,46,04/24 10:00,,,,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200423,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,89333,19161,,15737,,,15737,64363,,1405,3477,515,,,,1040,831,789,42,04/23 10:00,,,,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered. For deaths use both confirmed and probable (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200422,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85427,18054,,14775,,,14775,61754,,1432,3325,527,,,,981,779,738,41,04/21 10:00,04/22 22:33,BL,,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200421,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,82129,17293,,14193,,,14193,59442,,1433,3158,526,,,,930,732,692,40,04/21 10:00,04/22 22:33,BL,,"PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered (4/21 aft LH) State now provides current ICU and current hospitalized numbers below the dashboard. ",A,, 20200420,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79941,16749,,13684,,,13684,57713,,,3014,,,,,917,683,644,39,04/20 10:00,,,,PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered,A,, 20200419,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75989,15669,,12830,,,12830,55061,,,2886,,,,,914,626,592,34,04/19 10:00,,,,PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered,A,, 20200418,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73250,15055,,12308,,,12308,53062,,,2757,,,,,771,582,550,32,04/18 10:00,,,,PROCESS: We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered,A,, 20200417,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69474,14075,,11572,,,11572,50437,,,2612,,,,,736,541,512,29,04/17 10:00,,,,(4/10 morning ALF) We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered,A,, 20200416,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66035,13166,,10784,,,10784,48059,,,2451,,,,,736,499,471,28,04/16 10:00,,,,(4/10 morning ALF) We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered,A,, 20200415,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62457,12107,,10032,,,10032,45731,,,2231,,,,,607,469,441,28,04/15 10:00,,,,(4/10 morning ALF) We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered,A,, 20200414,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60051,11399,,9472,,,9472,44261,,,2122,,,,,607,421,396,25,04/14 10:00,,,,(4/10 morning ALF) We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered,A,, 20200413,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58468,10971,,8936,,,8936,42815,,,1975,,,,,603,384,360,24,04/13 10:00,04/13 23:36,REB,RV,(4/10 morning ALF) We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered,A,, 20200412,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54664,10004,,8225,,,8225,41539,,,1860,,,,,456,335,317,18,04/12 10:00,04/12 22:53,RV,ESK,(4/10 morning ALF) We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered,A,, 20200411,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52489,9469,,7694,,,7694,39544,,,1709,,,,,431,298,286,12,04/11 10:00,,,,(4/10 morning ALF) We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered,A,, 20200410,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48857,8595,,6968,,,6968,37480,,,1413,,,,,397,255,244,11,04/10 10:00,,,,(4/10 morning ALF) We are using Released from Isolation as Recovered,A,, 20200409,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44933,7660,,6185,,,6185,35344,,,1348,,,,,376,221,210,11,04/09 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200408,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41778,6976,,5529,,,5529,32933,,,1210,,,,,365,191,181,10,04/08 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200407,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33842,5376,,4371,,,4371,27256,,,1106,,,,,288,160,152,8,04/07 10:00,,,,"(4/2 SJ) feedback: ""Total persons tested overall"" includes positives, negatives and also pending (4/2 ESK) @Kara Oehler received feedback that released from isolation does = recovered",A,, 20200406,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32438,5070,,4045,,,4045,25572,,,1059,,,,,184,138,131,7,04/06 10:00,,,,"(4/2 SJ) feedback: ""Total persons tested overall"" includes positives, negatives and also pending (4/2 ESK) @Kara Oehler received feedback that released from isolation does = recovered",A,, 20200405,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29805,4444,,3609,,,3609,24728,,,936,,,,,159,122,115,7,04/05 10:00,,,,"(4/2 SJ) feedback: ""Total persons tested overall"" includes positives, negatives and also pending (4/2 ESK) @Kara Oehler received feedback that released from isolation does = recovered",A,, 20200404,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26404,3825,,3125,,,3125,22485,,,821,,,,,159,101,94,7,04/04 10:00,,,,"(4/2 SJ) feedback: ""Total persons tested overall"" includes positives, negatives and also pending (4/2 ESK) @Kara Oehler received feedback that released from isolation does = recovered",A,, 20200403,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23775,3364,,2758,,,2758,20932,,,664,,,,,159,84,79,5,04/03 10:00,,,,"(4/2 SJ) feedback: ""Total persons tested overall"" includes positives, negatives and also pending (4/2 ESK) @Kara Oehler received feedback that released from isolation does = recovered",A,, 20200402,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20739,2806,,2331,,,2331,18890,,,582,,,,,81,64,60,4,04/02 10:00,,,,"(4/2 SJ) feedback: ""Total persons tested overall"" includes positives, negatives and also pending (4/2 ESK) @Kara Oehler received feedback that released from isolation does = recovered",A,, 20200401,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18203,2356,,1985,,,1985,17233,,,522,,,,,,52,50,2,04/01 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15258,1861,,1660,,,1660,14868,,,429,,,,,,43,42,1,03/31 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13204,1537,,1413,,,1413,13316,,,353,,,,,,35,34,1,03/30 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11619,1294,,1239,,,1239,12354,,,277,,,,,,24,23,1,03/29 10:00,,,,,D,, 20200328,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10311,1117,,992,,,992,11516,,,226,,,,,,17,17,,03/28 10:00,,,,,D,, 20200327,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7236,769,,774,,,774,94,,,173,,,,,25,10,10,,03/27 10:00,,,,,D,, 20200326,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5416,563,,580,,,580,94,,,132,,,,,,7,7,,03/26 10:00,,,,,D,, 20200325,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2075,161,,423,,,423,94,,,,,,,,,5,5,,03/25 10:00,,,,,D,, 20200324,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,955,77,,349,,,349,94,,,,,,,,,5,5,,03/24 10:00,,,,,D,, 20200323,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,288,,,288,94,,,,,,,,,4,4,,03/23 10:00,,,,,D,, 20200322,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,244,,,244,94,,,,,,,,,4,4,,03/22 10:00,,,,,,, 20200321,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,190,,,190,94,,,,,,,,,3,3,,03/21 10:00,,,,,,, 20200320,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149,,,149,94,,,,,,,,,3,3,,03/20 10:00,,,,,,, 20200319,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107,,,107,94,,,,,,,,,2,2,,03/19 10:00,,,,,,, 20200318,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85,,,85,94,,,,,,,,,2,2,,03/18 10:00,,,,,,, 20200317,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57,,,57,94,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 10:00,,,,,,, 20200316,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37,,,37,94,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/16 15:49,,,,,,, 20200315,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31,,,31,94,,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26,,,26,94,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,,,17,94,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,12,94,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9,,,9,94,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,6,89,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,,,5,73,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,3,52,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,3,41,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,3,26,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,MD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,17,14,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,ME,,,,,,,,,,9548,479,9056,,262469,5652,256576,4060,466,,4526,258409,,6,420,4,,1,,3923,132,131,1,08/30 23:59,08/31 16:00,BHP,DZL,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,ME,,,,,,,,,,9537,479,9045,,259196,5638,253317,4047,465,,4512,255149,,7,420,4,,1,,3910,132,131,1,08/29 23:59,08/30 17:26,ESK,BHP,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,ME,,,,,,,,,,9507,478,9016,,254901,5613,249049,4032,457,,4489,250869,,8,418,2,,1,,3899,132,131,1,08/28 23:59,08/29 15:48,RSG,HMH,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,ME,,,,,,,,,,9491,477,9001,,250718,5568,244911,3981,455,,4436,246737,,10,417,6,,1,,3887,132,131,1,08/27 23:59,08/28 15:59,JNG,QN,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,ME,,,,,,,,,,9469,474,8982,,245474,5529,239707,3961,453,,4414,241513,,9,415,4,,1,,3847,132,131,1,08/26 23:59,08/27 16:02,LDH,DPT,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,ME,,,,,,,,,,9431,474,8944,,241549,5502,235811,3942,447,,4389,237607,,8,412,5,,1,,3818,132,131,1,08/25 23:59,08/26 16:15,NMJ,ALF,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,ME,,,,,,,,,,9411,472,8926,,236925,5472,231219,3919,449,,4368,233006,,8,410,5,,1,,3784,131,130,1,08/24 23:59,08/25 15:52,JAG,DZL,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,ME,,,,,,,,,,9409,470,8926,,234410,5458,228718,3910,446,,4356,230500,,6,409,5,,1,,3762,131,130,1,08/23 23:59,08/24 16:06,LDH,RSG,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,ME,,,,,,,,,,9400,470,8917,,231256,5436,225587,3890,445,,4335,227366,,4,408,2,,1,,3734,131,130,1,08/22 23:59,08/23 16:46,TCD,RSG,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,ME,,,,,,,,,,9365,467,8885,,227306,5409,221664,3872,445,,4317,223434,,4,407,1,,1,,3718,130,129,1,08/21 23:59,08/22 15:55,LDH,RS,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,ME,,,,,,,,,,9342,467,8862,,223427,5375,217820,3847,438,,4285,219580,,7,407,1,,1,,3698,129,128,1,08/20 23:59,08/21 15:57,PK,RSG,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,ME,,,,,,,,,,9311,460,8838,,219744,5330,214185,3812,441,,4253,215932,,7,405,1,,1,,3679,128,127,1,08/19 23:59,08/20 15:50,GET,HMH,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,ME,,,,,,,,,,9285,459,8813,,216807,5311,211267,3799,435,,4234,213008,,9,403,2,,1,,3662,127,126,1,08/18 23:59,08/19 16:04,NMJ,REB,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,ME,,,,,,,,,,9268,456,8799,,213894,5283,208383,3781,432,,4213,210113,,10,401,5,,1,,3649,127,126,1,08/17 23:59,08/18 16:06,XMH,DZL,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,ME,,,,,,,,,,9260,456,8791,,212124,5261,206635,3767,430,,4197,208357,,10,399,3,,1,,3638,127,126,1,08/16 23:59,08/17 17:07,DZL,CB-M,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,ME,,,,,,,,,,9254,454,8787,,209802,5241,204335,3747,421,,4168,206055,,9,400,2,,1,,3624,127,126,1,08/15 23:59,08/16 15:55,TCD,RSG,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,ME,,,,,,,,,,9208,454,8741,,206936,5215,201496,3726,418,,4144,203210,,5,399,2,,1,,3616,127,126,1,08/14 23:59,08/15 16:09,MJW,SB,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,ME,,,,,,,,,,9186,450,8723,,204625,5183,199219,3697,418,,4115,200928,,6,399,2,,1,,3604,126,125,1,08/13 23:59,08/14 15:51,RSG,QN,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,ME,,,,,,,,,,9165,446,8706,,201874,5165,196488,3679,410,,4089,198195,,11,395,5,,3,,3592,126,125,1,08/12 23:59,08/13 16:12,XMH,BHP,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,ME,,,,,,,,,,9133,441,8679,,198710,5138,193353,3662,408,,4070,195048,,9,394,4,,1,,3579,126,125,1,08/11 23:59,08/12 16:11,GET,RSG,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,ME,,,,,,,,,,9117,441,8663,,192047,5105,186723,3644,406,,4050,188403,,9,394,4,,1,,3560,126,125,1,08/10 23:59,08/11 16:15,AJC,DZL,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,ME,,,,,,,,,,9110,440,8657,,190498,5093,185189,3641,408,,4049,186857,,8,393,3,,1,,3537,125,124,1,08/09 23:59,08/10 16:12,GET,DZL,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,ME,,,,,,,,,,9097,440,8644,,188569,5076,183277,3625,417,,4042,184944,,9,393,3,,1,,3512,125,124,1,08/08 23:59,08/09 15:53,TCD,HMH,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,ME,,,,,,,,,,9031,435,8584,,185984,5053,180715,3609,417,,4026,182375,,9,393,4,,0,,3504,125,124,1,08/07 23:59,08/08 15:53,RRI,RS,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,ME,,,,,,,,,,9016,433,8571,,183307,5034,178061,3599,415,,4014,179708,,10,393,5,,1,,3479,124,123,1,08/06 23:59,8/07 16:03,GET,BSL,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,ME,,,,,,,,,,8982,430,8540,,180501,5010,175279,3582,415,,3997,176919,,11,390,3,,1,,3475,124,123,1,08/05 23:59,8/06 16:00,AJC,BSL,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,ME,,,,,,,,,,8952,426,8514,,177821,4988,172622,3568,424,,3992,174253,,10,390,4,,1,,3456,124,123,1,08/04 23:59,8/05 15:52,GET,BSL,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,ME,,,,,,,,,,8930,424,8494,,175334,4961,170162,3548,427,,3975,171786,,12,388,1,,1,,3424,123,122,1,08/03 23:59,8/04 16:29,AIA,DZL,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/4 17:46, 20200803,ME,,,,,,,,,,8909,419,8478,,173716,4944,168562,3541,429,,3970,170175,,12,389,3,,1,,3396,124,122,2,08/02 23:59,8/03 16:11,BAS,RSG,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,ME,,,,,,,,,,8898,418,8468,,171651,4932,166510,3535,423,,3958,168116,,12,388,4,,1,,3387,123,122,1,08/01 23:59,8/02 15:59,SB,HMH,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,ME,,,,,,,,,,8854,417,8425,,169325,4905,164215,3516,421,,3937,165809,,10,388,5,,1,,3377,123,122,1,07/31 23:59,8/01 16:25,JJO,RSG,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,ME,,,,,,,,,,8821,413,8396,,166754,4880,161670,3499,413,,3912,163255,,12,388,7,,2,,3361,123,122,1,07/30 23:59,07/31 16:07,GET,RSG,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200730,ME,,,,,,,,,,8795,412,8371,,164396,4846,159348,3477,411,,3888,160919,,11,386,8,,3,,3345,122,121,1,07/29 23:59,07/30 15:51,DZL,HMH,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200729,ME,,,,,,,,,,8751,407,8332,,161668,4819,156649,3457,409,,3866,158211,,11,385,8,,5,,3336,121,120,1,07/28 23:59,07/29 15:57,SAL,HMH,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200728,ME,,,,,,,,,,8734,405,8317,,158695,4786,153711,3433,405,,3838,155262,,12,384,7,,2,,3319,121,120,1,07/27 23:59,07/28 16:00,DZL,HMH,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200727,ME,,,,,,,,,,8721,405,8304,,157031,4766,152067,3422,,,3832,153609,,13,383,8,,3,,3292,119,118,1,07/26 23:59,07/27 16:19,SB,RSG,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200726,ME,,,,,,,,,,8695,404,8279,,154912,4744,149972,3408,,,3814,151504,,14,381,10,,3,,3284,119,118,1,07/25 23:59,07/26 15:43,SB,BML,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200725,ME,,,,,,,,,,8660,401,8249,,152970,4715,148061,3387,,,3790,149583,,11,379,8,,2,,3281,119,118,1,07/24 23:59,07/25 17:11,GET,SB,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200724,ME,,,,,,,,,,8618,395,8213,,150220,4678,145352,3357,,,3757,146863,,12,378,9,,3,,3259,118,117,1,07/23 23:59,07/24 17:07,DZL,RSG,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200723,ME,,,,,,,,,,8589,390,8189,,147272,4648,142434,3334,,,3737,143938,,12,378,8,,3,,3239,118,117,1,07/22 23:59,07/23 17:13,KVP,BHP,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200722,ME,,,,,,,,,,8509,386,8113,,144616,4619,139810,3321,,,3723,141295,,10,377,8,,4,,3216,118,117,1,07/21 23:59,07/22 16:12,KAT,RSG,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200721,ME,,,,,,,,,,8479,386,8084,,141820,4586,137047,3300,,,3723,138520,,12,377,8,,4,,3191,118,117,1,07/20 23:59,07/21 15:48,WCD,HMH,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200720,ME,,,,,,,,,,8463,385,8068,,138798,4567,134046,3287,,,3711,135511,,12,375,10,,4,,3159,117,116,1,07/19 23:59,07/20 15:57,SB,BSL,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200719,ME,,,,,,,,,,8445,385,8050,,137016,4542,132293,3266,,,3687,133750,,10,375,9,,7,,3148,117,116,1,07/18 23:59,07/19 15:58,DCC,BSL,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200718,ME,,,,,,,,,,8378,380,7989,,134535,4510,129845,3252,,,3646,131283,,9,375,8,,5,,3136,117,116,1,07/17 23:59,07/18 16:51,JJO,BHP,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200717,ME,,,,,,,,,,8346,377,7960,,133048,4491,128380,3239,,,3636,129809,,12,375,11,,5,,3114,115,114,1,07/16 23:59,07/17 17:07,RRI,HMH,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200716,ME,,,,,,,,,,8263,375,7879,,130071,4445,125450,3207,,,3598,126864,,13,374,11,,4,,3094,114,113,1,07/15 23:59,07/16 16:23,HMH,QN,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200715,ME,,,,,,,,,,8188,373,7806,,127539,4415,122948,3186,,,3578,124353,,12,373,9,,4,,3079,114,113,1,07/14 23:59,07/15 15:20,RSG,BS,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200714,ME,,,,,,,,,,8154,373,7772,,125077,4389,120516,3168,,,3566,121909,,17,373,7,,3,,3062,114,113,1,07/13 23:59,07/14 15:46,JJO,REB,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200713,ME,,,,,,,,,,8135,370,7756,,123563,4363,119029,3159,,,3558,120404,,18,372,8,,3,,3008,114,113,1,07/12 23:59,07/13 15:22,SB,HMH,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200712,ME,,,,,,,,,,8116,375,7733,,121918,4344,117405,3143,,,3539,118775,,19,371,9,,3,,2994,114,113,1,07/11 23:59,07/12 15:36,ETS,HMH,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200711,ME,,,,,,,,,,8035,369,7658,,119501,4322,115011,3131,,,3520,116370,,16,368,7,,4,,2972,112,111,1,07/10 23:59,07/11 15:53,SPA,SB,"(7/11 SPA) 7/10's Negative number is 114907 and today's is 114886 due to Positive Cases (PCR) increasing while Total Tests (PCR) has not changed. (7/11 SB) So negative number carried over from 7/10. (6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200710,ME,,,,,,,,,,7900,365,7526,,118017,4287,113562,3110,,,3499,114907,,15,366,7,,4,,2931,111,110,1,07/09 23:59,07/10 15:48,GET,BSL,"(6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200709,ME,,,,,,,,,,7847,364,7474,,115364,4263,110933,3092,,,3486,112272,,16,365,7,,4,,2901,111,110,1,07/08 23:59,07/09 15:25,DZL,HMH,"(6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200708,ME,,,,,,,,,,7768,361,7398,,112543,4226,108154,3065,,,3460,109478,,22,363,8,,5,,2856,110,109,1,07/07 23:59,07/08 16:20,DZL,REB,"(6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200707,ME,,,,,,,,,,7743,359,7375,,110516,4205,106150,3050,,,3440,107466,,22,360,9,,4,,2816,110,109,1,07/06 23:59,07/07 15:20,HMH,RS,"(6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200706,ME,,,,,,,,,,7730,358,7363,,109161,4183,104817,3034,,,3423,106127,,21,359,9,,4,,2787,109,108,1,07/05 23:59,07/06 15:30,WCD,SB,"(6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200705,ME,,,,,,,,,,7713,354,7350,,107545,4176,103208,3028,,,3415,104517,,25,359,9,,3,,2772,109,108,1,07/04 23:59,07/05 15:25,JJO,BSL,"(6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200704,ME,,,,,,,,,,7700,353,7338,,105560,4151,101249,3012,,,3397,102548,,27,358,9,,3,,2751,107,106,1,07/03 23:59,07/04 15:39,SNW,JAC,"(6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200703,ME,,,,,,,,,,7607,349,7249,,103061,4074,98844,2985,,,3373,100076,,27,358,9,,3,,2731,105,104,1,07/02 23:59,07/03 15:33,HMH,BML,"(6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200702,ME,,,,,,,,,,7548,345,7194,,100440,4026,96272,2951,,,3328,97489,,30,354,9,,3,,2698,105,104,1,07/01 23:59,07/02 16:00,ENT,QN,"(6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A+,, 20200701,ME,,,,,,,,,,7496,338,7149,,96869,3962,92770,2922,,,3294,93947,,29,351,8,,3,,2671,105,104,1,06/30 23:59,07/01 15:24,RSG,BSL,"(6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A,, 20200630,ME,,,,,,,,,,7447,332,7106,,94592,3924,90532,2893,,,3253,91699,,29,348,9,,4,,2646,105,104,1,06/29 23:59,06/30 16:40,SLC,CML,"(6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A,, 20200629,ME,,,,,,,,,,7359,327,7023,,93142,3884,89123,2863,,,3219,90304,,31,347,8,,4,,2623,105,104,1,06/28 23:59,06/29 17:37,JAC,RS,"(6/29 RS) Total tests not updated, so left negatives (6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable ",A,, 20200628,ME,,,,,,,,,,7359,327,7023,,93142,3884,89123,2838,,,3191,90304,,31,346,10,,4,,2577,104,103,1,06/27 23:59,06/28 15:56,SNW,SB,"(6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable (6/22 RSG) Power outage so testing (serology and PCR) numbers weren't updated. However, positive cases were updated. (6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",A,, 20200627,ME,,,,,,,,,,7271,320,6943,,91587,3848,87604,2809,,,3154,88778,,24,345,7,,5,,2566,104,103,1,06/26 23:59,06/27 15:46,DZL,JAC,"(6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable (6/22 RSG) Power outage so testing (serology and PCR) numbers weren't updated. However, positive cases were updated. (6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",A,, 20200626,ME,,,,,,,,,,7123,316,6799,,89510,3787,85592,2758,,,3102,86752,,28,343,9,,6,,2542,103,102,1,06/25 23:59,06/26 15:51,CB-M,BSL,"(6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable (6/22 RSG) Power outage so testing (serology and PCR) numbers weren't updated. However, positive cases were updated. (6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",A,, 20200625,ME,,,,,,,,,,7099,311,6780,,87259,3743,83385,2731,,,3070,84528,,25,343,10,,7,,2512,103,102,1,06/24 23:59,06/25 16:22,SMG,BSL,"(6/24 ATS) Updated source for Deaths (confirmed) to ""Select ""Confirmed"" in Case Status dropdown to view Confirmed Deaths"" to reflect ME separating confirmed and probable deaths in ""Case Trends"" chart (6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable (6/22 RSG) Power outage so testing (serology and PCR) numbers weren't updated. However, positive cases were updated. (6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",A,, 20200624,ME,,,,,,,,,,6968,308,6652,,84853,3690,81042,2680,,,3017,82173,,26,339,12,,6,,2490,103,102,1,06/23 23:59,06/24 16:15,HMH,BSL,"(6/24. HMH) New public note - “On June 23, 2020, Maine CDC began reporting the dates of cases, deaths, recoveries, and hospitalizations on the day they occurred instead of the day the event was reported.”, updated timestamp and neg. cases source notes. Cum. hosp not updated. (6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable (6/22 RSG) Power outage so testing (serology and PCR) numbers weren't updated. However, positive cases were updated. (6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",A,, 20200623,ME,,,,,,,,,,6785,307,6470,,81707,3645,77942,2655,,,2994,78713,,24,339,12,,6,,2443,102,101,1,06/23 12:30,06/23 15:56,GET,REB,"(6/23 MM) Split deaths into 101 confirmed, and 1 probable (6/22 RSG) Power outage so testing (serology and PCR) numbers weren't updated. However, positive cases were updated. (6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200622,ME,,,,,,,,,,6649,305,6336,,80662,3619,76924,2640,,,2971,78033,,27,336,13,,6,,2409,102,102,,06/21 23:59,06/22 16:11,RSG,QN,"(6/22 RSG) Power outage so testing (serology and PCR) numbers weren't updated. However, positive cases were updated. (6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200621,ME,,,,,,,,,,6649,305,6336,,80662,3619,76924,2629,,,2957,78033,,26,336,11,,5,,2391,102,102,,06/20 23:59,06/21 17:11,SB,BHP,"(6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200620,ME,,,,,,,,,,6514,303,6203,,79248,3592,75537,2610,,,2938,76638,,29,333,13,,5,,2380,102,102,,06/19 23:59,06/20 16:37,KVP,SB,"(6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200619,ME,,,,,,,,,,6395,300,6087,,77920,3554,74248,2586,,,2913,74248,,26,328,11,,5,,2323,102,102,,06/18 23:59,06/19 16:32,RSG,PR,"(6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",A,, 20200618,ME,,,,,,,,,,6145,294,5843,,74763,3466,71182,2555,,,2878,71182,,27,323,10,,4,,2300,102,102,,06/17 23:59,06/18 15:36,SMS,MM,"(6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",A,, 20200617,ME,,,,,,,,,,6145,294,5843,,74763,3466,71182,2509,,,2836,71182,,27,323,10,,5,,2275,102,102,,06/16 23:59,06/17 15:27,HMH,BSL,"(6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",A,, 20200616,ME,,,,,,,,,,6013,290,5715,,73071,3441,69516,2499,,,2819,69516,,30,321,10,,6,,2233,101,101,,06/15 23:59,06/16 15:43,SMS,RS,"(6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200615,ME,,,,,,,,,,5917,287,5622,,71697,3425,68161,2495,,,2810,68161,,31,317,11,,4,,2189,101,101,,06/15 12:15,06/15 15:44,VVR,CML,"(6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200614,ME,,,,,,,,,,5727,281,5438,,70589,3413,67065,2486,,,2793,67065,,29,314,10,,5,,2173,100,100,,06/14 12:15,06/14 15:18,RSG,JAC,"(6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200613,ME,,,,,,,,,,5611,280,5323,,69073,3370,65593,2452,,,2757,65593,,29,313,10,,4,,2152,100,100,,06/13 12:15,06/13 14:49,RSG,BSL,"(6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200612,ME,,,,,,,,,,5464,274,5182,,67585,3311,64166,2420,,,2721,64166,,32,308,11,,5,,2105,100,100,,06/12 12:15,06/12 14:58,RSG,RS,"(6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200611,ME,,,,,,,,,,5340,261,5071,,66146,3248,62790,2380,,,2667,62790,,29,308,12,,5,,2062,100,100,,06/11 12:15,06/11 15:25,HMH,JAC,"(6/11 HMH) ME now updates testing data daily! Updated source notes to reflect this (used to report only on Wednesdays). (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200610,ME,,,,,,,,,,5245,257,4980,,64615,3204,61303,2350,,,2637,61303,,27,303,10,,5,,2023,100,100,,06/09 23:59,06/10 16:12,ETW,QN,"(6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200609,ME,,,,,,,,,,5066,255,4803,,63075,3156,59814,2606,,,2606,59814,,29,302,10,,7,,1992,100,100,,06/08 23:59,06/09 15:31,ETW,REB,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"" (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200608,ME,,,,,,,,,,4995,254,4733,,62295,3133,59057,2305,,,2588,59057,,37,301,12,,7,,1891,99,99,,06/07 11:59,06/08 16:30,SB,QN,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"" (6/8 aft SB) Current hospitalization number just from press conference; all other numbers in dashboard match those from concurrent press conference info released during shift. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200607,ME,,,,,,,,,,4810,247,4555,,59552,3049,56399,2295,,,2570,56399,,34,298,15,,7,,1864,99,99,,06/06 11:59,06/07 15:20,ETW,ALF,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"" (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200606,ME,,,,,,,,,,4810,247,4555,,59552,3049,56399,2253,,,2524,56399,,35,296,14,,7,,1845,98,98,,06/05 23:59,06/06 14:26,RSG,BML,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"" (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200605,ME,,,,,,,,,,4726,240,4478,,58140,2986,55050,2210,,,2482,55050,,35,293,13,,7,,1797,98,98,,06/04 23:59,06/05 14:52,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly on Wed. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched ",B,, 20200604,ME,,,,,,,,,,4633,232,4393,,56799,2940,53755,2181,,,2446,53755,,35,291,14,,7,,1739,95,95,,06/03 23:59,06/04 16:52,MDH,ALF,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly on Wed. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200603,ME,,,,,,,,,,4446,226,4212,,55237,2903,52234,2903,,,2418,50591,,44,285,14,,10,,1699,95,95,,06/02 23:59,,,,,B,, 20200602,ME,,,,,,,,,,4328,219,4101,,53536,2848,50591,2118,,,2377,50591,,48,287,16,,10,,1646,94,94,,06/01 23:59,06/03 16:13,ETW,PR,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly on Wed. (6/3 aft ETW) Removed confirmed and probable deaths because they are being reported together (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200601,ME,,,,,,,,,,3983,218,3757,,50078,2710,47284,2093,,,2349,47284,,52,284,17,,10,,1586,89,89,,05/31 23:59,06/01 17:14,SB,ALF,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly on Wed. (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200531,ME,,,,,,,,,,3983,218,3757,,50078,2710,47284,2067,,,2325,47284,,49,283,18,,10,,1552,89,89,,05/30 23:59,05/31 17:17,SB,ALF,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly on Wed. (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200530,ME,,,,,,,,,,3983,218,3757,,50078,2710,47284,2025,,,2282,47284,,46,272,18,,11,,1505,89,89,,05/29 23:59,05/30 15:17,QN,AFG,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly on Wed. (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200529,ME,,,,,,,,,,3669,198,3463,,46123,2563,43480,1971,,,2226,43480,,53,270,18,,12,,1458,85,85,,05/28 23:59,05/29 14:29,G-S,AW,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly on Wed. (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200528,ME,,,,,,,,,,3669,198,3463,,46123,2563,43480,1951,,,2189,43480,,58,264,22,,14,,1402,84,84,,05/27 23:59,05/28 15:34,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly on Wed. (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200527,ME,,,,,,,,,,3669,198,3463,,46123,2563,43480,1914,,,2137,43480,,59,260,25,,14,,1357,81,81,,05/26 23:59,05/27 14:39,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly on Wed. (5/27 aft JAC) Removed # from Total tests (people) as it is not being updated or published. (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200526,ME,,,,,,,,,,2884,177,2704,,37725,2201,35450,1894,,28357,2109,35450,,60,258,26,,13,,1318,79,79,,05/25 23:59,05/26 15:49,REB,MM,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly (anticipate next 5/27) (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. KO says ME will publish total number of tests 1x/wk on Weds. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200525,ME,,,,,,,,,,2884,177,2704,,37725,2201,35450,1858,,28357,2074,35450,,59,257,27,,13,,1290,78,78,,05/25 11:30,05/25 14:47,CML,AW,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly (anticipate next 5/27) (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. KO says ME will publish total number of tests 1x/wk on Weds. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200524,ME,,,,,,,,,,2884,177,2704,,37725,2201,35450,1845,,28357,2055,35450,,59,252,27,,13,,1263,78,78,,05/24 13:00,05/24 15:11,AFG,RS,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly (anticipate next 5/27) (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. KO says ME will publish total number of tests 1x/wk on Weds. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200523,ME,,,,,,,,,,2884,177,2704,,37725,2201,35450,1804,,28357,2013,35450,,50,243,26,,11,,1232,77,77,,05/23 11:00,05/23 17:17,ESK,QN,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly (anticipate next 5/27) (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. KO says ME will publish total number of tests 1x/wk on Weds. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200522,ME,,,,,,,,,,2884,177,2704,,37725,2201,35450,1749,,28357,1948,35450,,45,240,21,,12,,1192,75,75,,05/22 12:30,05/22 15:54,G-S,QN,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly (anticipate next 5/27) (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. KO says ME will publish total number of tests 1x/wk on Weds. (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting ",B,, 20200521,ME,,,,,,,,,,2884,177,2704,,37725,2201,35450,1678,,28357,1877,35450,,41,235,21,,12,,1145,73,73,,05/21 12:00,05/21 16:37,VVR,JAC,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly (anticipate next 5/27) (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. KO says ME will publish total number of tests 1x/wk on Weds. (5/14 aft JAC) Negative number is no longer posted on site; leaving yesterday's number for now (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting (5/10-5/11 REB AW) not updating antibody numbers, didn't see new reporting (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200520,ME,,,,,,,,,,2884,177,2704,,37725,2201,35450,1632,,28357,1819,35450,,43,231,24,,12,,1100,73,73,,05/20 12:30,05/20 15:09,RSB,BL,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (columns W-AC) from ""Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine"", Updates weekly (anticipate next 5/27) (5/20 aft RSB) Using Negative PCR value for Negatives colum (people or cases). As of 5/13, the number of people tested isn't reported anymore (shifting reporting to tests performed), leaving that column untouched (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. KO says ME will publish total number of tests 1x/wk on Weds. (5/14 aft JAC) Negative number is no longer posted on site; leaving yesterday's number for now (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting (5/10-5/11 REB AW) not updating antibody numbers, didn't see new reporting (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200519,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,33035,,,1561,,28357,1741,22092,,44,225,19,,11,,1088,73,73,,05/19 11:30,05/19 17:30,RSB,KP,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (total tests - specimens, total tests - people, negatives) from press release on 5/13: Testing figures are updated weekly; anticipate next update on 5/20. (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. KO says ME will publish total number of tests 1x/wk on Weds. (5/14 aft JAC) Negative number is no longer posted on site; leaving yesterday's number for now (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting (5/10-5/11 REB AW) not updating antibody numbers, didn't see new reporting (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200518,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,33035,,,1533,,28357,1713,22092,,42,223,16,,10,,1053,71,71,,05/18 12:15,05/18 14:17,RSB,RS,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (total tests - specimens, total tests - people, negatives) from press release on 5/13: Testing figures are updated weekly; anticipate next update on 5/20. (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. KO says ME will publish total number of tests 1x/wk on Weds. (5/14 aft JAC) Negative number is no longer posted on site; leaving yesterday's number for now (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting (5/10-5/11 REB AW) not updating antibody numbers, didn't see new reporting (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200517,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,,,,1511,,28357,1687,22092,,37,216,16,,11,,1028,70,70,,05/17 11:30,05/17 16:00,KP,JAC,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (total tests - specimens, total tests - people, negatives) from press release on 5/13: Testing figures are updated weekly; anticipate next update on 5/20. (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. KO says ME will publish total number of tests 1x/wk on Weds. (5/14 aft JAC) Negative number is no longer posted on site; leaving yesterday's number for now (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting (5/10-5/11 REB AW) not updating antibody numbers, didn't see new reporting (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200516,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,33035,,,1477,,28357,1648,22092,,37,214,19,,10,,1012,70,70,,05/16 12:00,05/16 15:17,G-S,BL,"PROCESS: - Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior - Testing data (total tests - specimens, total tests - people, negatives) from press release on 5/13: Testing figures are updated weekly; anticipate next update on 5/20. (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (people) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. KO says ME will publish total number of tests 1x/wk on Weds. (5/14 aft JAC) Negative number is no longer posted on site; leaving yesterday's number for now (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting (5/10-5/11 REB AW) not updating antibody numbers, didn't see new reporting (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200515,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,33035,,,1437,,28357,1603,22092,,35,211,16,,8,,993,69,69,,05/15 12:00,05/15 16:06,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior (5/15 aft G-S) No negative number, leaving what's there. Also leaving the number of total tests (positives) because Quang confirmed that tests are specimens. KO says ME will publish total number of tests 1x/wk on Weds. (5/14 aft JAC) Negative number is no longer posted on site; leaving yesterday's number for now (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting (5/10-5/11 REB AW) not updating antibody numbers, didn't see new reporting (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200514,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,33035,,,1405,,28357,1565,22092,,37,207,18,,7,,958,69,69,,05/14 12:30,05/14 14:44,JAC,AFG,"PROCESS: Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior (5/14 aft JAC) Negative number is no longer posted on site; leaving yesterday's number for now (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting (5/10-5/11 REB AW) not updating antibody numbers, didn't see new reporting (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200513,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,33035,,,1372,,23430,1515,22092,,41,204,20,,7,,943,66,66,,05/13 12:30,,,,"PROCESS: Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior (5/13 aft REB) Information about tests/specimens from reporting (5/10-5/11 REB AW) not updating antibody numbers, didn't see new reporting (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200512,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,,,,1338,,,1477,22092,,34,202,17,,8,,913,65,65,,05/12 12:30,05/12 15:06,DPT,QN,"PROCESS: Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior (5/10-5/11 REB AW) not updating antibody numbers, didn't see new reporting (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200511,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,,,,1328,,,1462,22092,,37,200,17,,9,,872,65,65,,05/11 12:00,05/11 14:56,SLW,AW,"PROCESS: Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior (5/10-5/11 REB AW) not updating antibody numbers, didn't see new reporting (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200510,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,,,,1312,,,1436,22092,,36,199,17,,10,,861,64,64,,05/10 11:30,05/10 15:27,REB,CML,"PROCESS: Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior (5/10 REB) not updating antibody numbers, didn't see new reporting (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200509,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,,,,1287,,,1408,22092,,43,198,22,,10,,857,64,64,,05/09 12:00,05/09 14:44,ALF,RS,"PROCESS: Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200508,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,,,,1264,,,1374,22092,,44,194,23,,10,,836,63,63,,05/08 12:00,05/08 14:53,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200507,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,,,,1231,,,1330,22092,,39,192,16,,11,,787,62,62,,05/07 11:45,05/07 16:03,QN,REB,"PROCESS: Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200506,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,587,,,,,1174,,,1254,22092,,37,191,18,,12,,766,62,62,,05/06 12:30,05/06 14:47,RS,CML,"PROCESS: Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior (5/6 RS Aft) Antibody tests from reporting:",B,, 20200505,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1150,,,1226,19546,,36,187,18,,12,,741,61,61,,05/04 11:59,05/05 14:19,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior",B,, 20200504,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1136,,,1205,19546,,37,186,18,,11,,720,57,57,,05/03 11:59,05/04 15:09,ESK,MM,"PROCESS: Data is updated daily ~12:30, but is current as of 11:59 day prior",B,, 20200503,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1185,,,1185,19546,,33,183,18,,12,,706,57,57,,05/03 11:45,,,,"(4/30 aft REB) Negative from 4/29, not updated (415-4/16 JJ aft RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",B,, 20200502,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1152,,,1152,19546,,36,181,19,,10,,689,56,,,05/02 11:45,,,,"(4/30 aft REB) Negative from 4/29, not updated (415-4/16 JJ aft RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",B,, 20200501,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1123,,,1123,19546,,37,177,17,,9,,657,55,,,05/01 11:45,05/01 14:29,MM,AW,"(4/30 aft REB) Negative from 4/29, not updated (415-4/16 JJ aft RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",B,, 20200430,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1095,,,1095,19546,,35,170,18,,8,,631,53,,,04/30 11:45,,,,"(4/30 aft REB) Negative from 4/29, not updated (415-4/16 JJ aft RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",B,, 20200429,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1056,,,1056,19546,,32,166,17,,7,,615,52,,,04/29 12:00,,,,"(4/26 QN aft - 4/28 AW aft) Negatives currently as of 4/22 (415-4/16 JJ aft RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",B,, 20200428,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1040,16784,,33,163,17,,7,,585,51,,,04/28 11:45,04/28 14:29,AW,QN,"(4/26 QN aft - 4/28 AW aft) Negatives currently as of 4/22 (415-4/16 JJ aft RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",B,, 20200427,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1023,16784,,39,161,16,,7,,549,51,,,04/27 11:15,,,,"(4/26 QN aft) Negatives currently as of 4/22 (415-4/16 JJ aft RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",B,, 20200426,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1015,16784,,39,159,19,,7,,532,50,,,04/26 10:30,,,,"(4/26 QN aft) Negatives currently as of 4/22 (415-4/16 JJ aft RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",B,, 20200425,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,990,16784,,39,156,17,,7,,519,50,,,04/25 12:00,04/25 15:28,QN,REB,"(4/26 QN aft) Negatives currently as of 4/22 (4/16 JJ aft) Negatives not updated per the previous notes. (415 RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",B,, 20200424,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,965,16784,,39,152,17,,7,,499,47,,,04/24 12:00,,,,"(4/16 JJ aft) Negatives not updated per the previous notes. (415 RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",A,, 20200423,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,937,16784,,42,150,18,,11,,485,44,,,04/23 11:45,,,,"(4/16 JJ aft) Negatives not updated per the previous notes. (415 RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",A,, 20200422,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,907,16784,,42,144,18,,10,,455,39,,,04/22 11:45,,,,"(4/16 JJ aft) Negatives not updated per the previous notes. (415 RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",A,, 20200421,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,888,14076,,40,139,16,,8,,443,36,,,04/21 11:45,,,,"(4/16 JJ aft) Negatives not updated per the previous notes. (415 RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",A,, 20200420,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,875,14076,,39,138,16,,9,,414,35,,,04/20 11:15,04/21 8:19,QN,,"(4/16 JJ aft) Negatives not updated per the previous notes. (415 RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",A,, 20200419,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,867,14076,,46,136,18,,9,,393,34,,,04/19 11:15,,,,"(4/16 JJ aft) Negatives not updated per the previous notes. (415 RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",A,, 20200418,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,847,14076,,49,136,20,,12,,382,32,,,04/18 15:00,,,,"(4/16 JJ aft) Negatives not updated per the previous notes. (415 RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting ",A,, 20200417,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,827,14076,,55,133,28,,8,,352,29,,,04/17 11:45,,,,"(4/16 JJ aft) Negatives not updated per the previous notes. (415 RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting (4/13 Aft RS) New negatives value reported by Artis in #Reporting, with info from an email from the state, current as of 4/9. Current Hosp also reported by #reporting with data current as of 4/12 (04/06 LH Afternoon) Negatives is carried over number. from state -- ""Because of the number of outside labs that are testing samples from Maine, it is no longer possible to post an accurate count of negative tests""",A,, 20200416,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,796,14076,,47,130,20,,7,,333,27,,,04/16 11:45,,,,"(4/16 JJ aft) Negatives not updated per the previous notes. (415 RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting (4/13 Aft RS) New negatives value reported by Artis in #Reporting, with info from an email from the state, current as of 4/9. Current Hosp also reported by #reporting with data current as of 4/12 (04/06 LH Afternoon) Negatives is carried over number. from state -- ""Because of the number of outside labs that are testing samples from Maine, it is no longer possible to post an accurate count of negative tests""",A,, 20200415,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,770,14076,,48,126,22,,9,,305,24,,,04/15 12:00,,,,"(415 RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting (4/13 Aft RS) New negatives value reported by Artis in #Reporting, with info from an email from the state, current as of 4/9. Current Hosp also reported by #reporting with data current as of 4/12 (04/06 LH Afternoon) Negatives is carried over number. from state -- ""Because of the number of outside labs that are testing samples from Maine, it is no longer possible to post an accurate count of negative tests""",A,, 20200414,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,734,11608,,58,124,21,,9,,292,20,,,04/14 11:45,,,,"(4/14 RS) Negatives not updated. Current Hosp, ICU, Vent #s from #reporting (4/13 Aft RS) New negatives value reported by Artis in #Reporting, with info from an email from the state, current as of 4/9. Current Hosp also reported by #reporting with data current as of 4/12 (04/06 LH Afternoon) Negatives is carried over number. from state -- ""Because of the number of outside labs that are testing samples from Maine, it is no longer possible to post an accurate count of negative tests""",A,, 20200413,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,698,11608,,22,124,,,,,273,19,,,04/13 11:45,,,,"(4/13 Aft RS) New negatives value reported by Artis in #Reporting, with info from an email from the state, current as of 4/9. Current Hosp also reported by #reporting with data current as of 4/12 (04/06 LH Afternoon) Negatives is carried over number. from state -- ""Because of the number of outside labs that are testing samples from Maine, it is no longer possible to post an accurate count of negative tests""",A,, 20200412,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,633,6088,,,120,,,,,266,19,,,04/12 10:30,,,,"(04/06 LH Afternoon) Negatives is carried over number. from state -- ""Because of the number of outside labs that are testing samples from Maine, it is no longer possible to post an accurate count of negative tests""",A,, 20200411,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,616,6088,,,114,,,,,256,19,,,04/11 11:00,,,,"(04/06 LH Afternoon) Negatives is carried over number. from state -- ""Because of the number of outside labs that are testing samples from Maine, it is no longer possible to post an accurate count of negative tests""",A,, 20200410,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,586,6088,,,111,,,,,246,17,,,04/10 12:00,,,,"(04/06 LH Afternoon) Negatives is carried over number. from state -- ""Because of the number of outside labs that are testing samples from Maine, it is no longer possible to post an accurate count of negative tests""",A,, 20200409,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,560,6088,,,105,,,,,202,16,,,04/09 11:00,,,,"(04/06 LH Afternoon) Negatives is carried over number. from state -- ""Because of the number of outside labs that are testing samples from Maine, it is no longer possible to post an accurate count of negative tests""",A,, 20200408,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,537,6088,,,101,,,,,187,14,,,04/08 11:00,,,,"(04/06 LH Afternoon) Negatives is carried over number. from state -- ""Because of the number of outside labs that are testing samples from Maine, it is no longer possible to post an accurate count of negative tests""",A,, 20200407,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,519,6088,,,99,,,,,176,12,,,04/07 11:45,,,,"(04/06 LH Afternoon) Negatives is carried over number. from state -- ""Because of the number of outside labs that are testing samples from Maine, it is no longer possible to post an accurate count of negative tests""",A,, 20200406,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,499,6088,,,92,,,,,158,10,,,04/06 11:00,,,,"(04/06 LH Afternoon) Negatives is carried over number. from state -- ""Because of the number of outside labs that are testing samples from Maine, it is no longer possible to post an accurate count of negative tests""",A,, 20200405,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,470,6088,,,86,,,,,156,10,,,04/05 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200404,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,456,6088,,,83,,,,,140,10,,,04/04 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200403,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,432,6088,,,75,,,,,113,9,,,04/03 12:00,,,,"(4/3 HDF) negatives still not updated. Still no source (4/2 DG) Did not update negatives (no source) (4/2 aftn QN): State officially stated that they will no longer report negative counts",A,, 20200402,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,376,6088,,,68,,,,,94,7,,,04/02 10:00,,,,"(4/2 DG) Did not update negatives (no source) (4/2 aftn QN): State officially stated that they will no longer report negative counts",A,, 20200401,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,344,6088,,,63,,,,,80,7,,,04/01 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,303,6088,,,57,,,,,68,5,,,03/31 10:30,,,,,A,, 20200330,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,275,3394,,,49,,,,,41,3,,,03/30 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,253,3394,,,,,,,,41,3,,,03/29 14:20,,,,,A,, 20200328,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,211,3394,,,,,,,,36,1,,,03/28 10:30,,,,,A,, 20200327,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,168,3394,,,,,,,,24,1,,,03/27 11:30,,,,,A,, 20200326,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,155,3394,,,,,,,,16,,,,03/26 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149,3177,,,,,,,,7,,,,03/25 11:30,,,,,A,, 20200324,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,125,3014,,,,,,,,,,,,03/24 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107,2791,,,,,,,,,,,,03/23 11:30,,,,,A,, 20200322,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,89,2264,,,,,,,,,,,,03/22 12:15,,,,,,, 20200321,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73,2264,,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 13:30,,,,,,, 20200320,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57,2264,,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 11:00,,,,,,, 20200319,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53,2004,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 12:15,,,,,,, 20200318,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43,1670,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 12:00,,,,,,, 20200317,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32,1303,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 12:00,,,,,,, 20200316,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,764,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:51,,,,,,, 20200315,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,91,17,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 14:00,,,,,,, 20200314,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,91,17,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 14:00,,,,,,, 20200313,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,91,17,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 14:00,,,,,,, 20200312,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,65,20,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 13:00,,,,,,, 20200311,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,42,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,20,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,ME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,MI,,,,,,,,,,257840,,,,2796262,144856,2651406,102468,10557,,113025,2651406,,629,,156,,90,,76151,6753,6480,273,08/31 0:00,08/31 16:16,BHP,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/29 PK) Recovered was updated on 8/28, tho the popup states it updates weekly on Weds. Value updated. Also, it was found that total tests was updated in the Total Testing tab. Those numbers have been used today. None of the other values changed,including cases and deaths. (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,MI,,,,,,,,,,257397,,,,2776497,144229,2632268,102017,10509,,112526,2632268,,669,,184,,93,,76151,6748,6473,275,08/30 0:00,08/30 15:53,HMH,ESK,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/29 PK) Recovered was updated on 8/28, tho the popup states it updates weekly on Weds. Value updated. Also, it was found that total tests was updated in the Total Testing tab. Those numbers have been used today. None of the other values changed,including cases and deaths. (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,MI,,,,,,,,,,256585,,,,2749406,142390,2572738,100699,10437,,111136,2572738,,669,,184,,93,,76151,6712,6446,266,08/29 0:00,08/29 17:22,PK,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/29 PK) Recovered was updated on 8/28, tho the popup states it updates weekly on Weds. Value updated. Also, it was found that total tests was updated in the Total Testing tab. Those numbers have been used today. None of the other values changed,including cases and deaths. (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,MI,,,,,,,,,,253766,,,,2715128,142390,2572738,100699,10437,,111136,2572738,,669,,184,,93,,72580,6712,6446,266,08/28 0:00,08/28 16:38,BSL,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,MI,,,,,,,,,,252101,,,,2681786,141298,2540488,99958,10385,,110343,2540488,,669,,184,,85,,72580,6706,6440,266,08/27 0:00,08/27 17:17,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,MI,,,,,,,,,,250244,,,,2651069,140197,2510872,99200,10280,,109480,2510872,,637,,186,,93,,72580,6690,6424,266,08/26 0:00,08/26 16:43,BSL,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,MI,,,,,,,,,,249056,,,,2609724,139186,2470538,98439,10198,,108637,2470538,,637,,186,,86,,72580,6684,6417,267,08/25 0:00,08/25 16:41,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,MI,,,,,,,,,,248310,,,,2585426,138218,2447208,97660,10026,,107686,2447208,,637,,186,,86,,72580,6663,6397,266,08/24 0:00,08/24 16:42,RS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,MI,,,,,,,,,,247944,,,,2564334,137670,2426664,96792,10016,,106808,2426664,,646,,173,,95,,72580,6659,6393,266,08/23 0:00,08/23 17:01,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,MI,,,,,,,,,,244940,,,,2488205,135210,2352995,96024,10020,,106044,2352995,,646,,173,,95,,72580,6655,6389,266,08/22 0:00,08/22 16:06,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,MI,,,,,,,,,,243222,,,,2455187,134103,2321084,94697,9921,,104618,2321084,,646,,173,,95,,67778,6634,6368,266,08/20 0:00,08/21 16:34,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,MI,,,,,,,,,,243222,,,,2455187,134103,2321084,94697,9921,,104618,2321084,,646,,173,,81,,67778,6634,6368,266,08/20 0:00,08/20 18:04,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,MI,,,,,,,,,,240643,,,,2424004,132907,2291097,94278,9813,,104091,2291097,,653,,169,,82,,67778,6618,6349,269,08/19 0:00,08/19 16:26,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,MI,,,,,,,,,,239798,,,,2391049,131927,2259122,93662,9741,,103403,2259122,,653,,169,,89,,67778,6608,6340,268,08/18 0:00,08/18 15:58,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,MI,,,,,,,,,,238946,,,,2368782,131324,2237458,93185,9564,,102749,2237458,,653,,169,,89,,67778,6592,6325,267,08/17 0:00,08/17 17:14,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,MI,,,,,,,,,,238181,,,,2349431,130640,2218791,92720,9539,,102259,2218791,,713,,184,,87,,67778,6592,6324,268,08/16 0:00,08/16 16:04,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,MI,,,,,,,,,,237323,,,,2319557,129560,2189997,92155,9627,,101782,2189997,,713,,184,,87,,67778,6586,6318,268,08/15 0:00,08/15 16:18,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,MI,,,,,,,,,,235572,,,,2288733,128306,2160427,91140,9584,,100724,2160427,,713,,184,,87,,63636,6566,6300,266,08/14 0:00,08/14 16:15,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,MI,,,,,,,,,,233568,,,,2249441,126911,2122530,90392,9464,,99856,2122530,,713,,184,,90,,63636,6555,6289,266,08/13 0:00,08/13 16:00,QN,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,MI,,,,,,,,,,231232,,,,2208812,125660,2083152,89271,9418,,98689,2083152,,640,,185,,84,,63636,6539,6273,266,08/12 0:00,08/12 17:16,BSL,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,MI,,,,,,,,,,230011,,,,2172898,124557,2048341,88756,9457,,98213,2048341,,640,,185,,85,,63636,6533,6264,269,08/11 0:00,08/11 16:25,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,MI,,,,,,,,,,229030,,,,2148786,123503,2025283,87960,9346,,97306,2025283,,640,,185,,132,,63636,6526,6257,269,08/10 0:00,08/10 16:42,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,MI,,,,,,,,,,228519,,,,2127348,122742,2004606,87403,9323,,96726,2004606,,694,,232,,132,,63636,6519,6249,270,08/09 0:00,08/09 16:08,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (8/9 BSL) Total deaths decrease by 1, from confirmed deaths 6250 to 6249 (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,MI,,,,,,,,,,227521,,,,2100848,121918,1978930,86889,9302,,96191,1978930,,694,,232,,132,,63636,6520,6250,270,08/08 0:00,08/08 16:41,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,MI,,,,,,,,,,225674,,,,2061956,120831,1941125,86191,9279,,95470,1941125,,694,,232,,132,,60022,6524,6247,277,08/07 0:00,8/07 16:36,BML,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,MI,,,,,,,,,,223982,,,,2031654,119732,1911922,85429,9227,,94656,1911922,,694,,232,,132,,60022,6506,6247,259,08/06 0:00,8/06 17:12,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,MI,,,,,,,,,,222019,,,,2005494,118915,1886579,84707,9186,,93893,1886579,,694,,232,,132,,60022,6478,6221,257,08/05 0:00,8/05 17:15,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,MI,,,,,,,,,,220799,,,,1979257,118017,1861240,84050,9125,,93175,1861240,,694,,232,,132,,60022,6471,6219,252,08/04 0:00,8/04 16:58,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/4 17:58, 20200803,MI,,,,,,,,,,218538,,,,1951555,117106,1834449,83386,8988,,92374,1834449,,694,,232,,132,,60022,6463,6212,251,08/03 0:00,8/03 17:25,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,MI,,,,,,,,,,217937,,,,1926348,116268,1810080,82782,8979,,91761,1810080,,727,,238,,144,,60022,6457,6206,251,08/02 0:00,8/02 17:12,BML,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,MI,,,,,,,,,,216608,,,,1900915,115417,1785498,82356,8976,,91332,1785498,,727,,238,,144,,60022,6457,6206,251,08/01 0:00,8/01 17:28,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,MI,,,,,,,,,,214923,,,,1868156,114283,1753873,81621,8953,,90574,1753873,,727,,238,,144,,57502,6450,6199,251,07/31 0:00,07/31 17:07,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except vent). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200730,MI,,,,,,,,,,212732,,,,1836584,113187,1723397,80887,8894,,89781,1723397,,727,,238,,153,,57502,6443,6191,252,07/30 0:00,07/30 16:07,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200729,MI,,,,,,,,,,210763,,,,1819805,115546,1704259,80172,8802,,88974,1704259,,670,,195,,135,,57502,6422,6172,250,07/29 0:00,07/29 16:31,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200728,MI,,,,,,,,,,209655,,,,1751875,111951,1639924,79176,8782,,87958,1639924,,670,,195,,135,,57502,6421,6170,251,07/28 0:00,07/28 16:21,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200727,MI,,,,,,,,,,208729,,,,1723892,110576,1613316,78507,,,87173,1613316,,670,,195,,113,,57502,6405,6154,251,07/27 0:00,07/27 16:45,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200726,MI,,,,,,,,,,207540,,,,1693712,109629,1584083,78019,,,86661,1584083,,680,,210,,113,,57502,6400,6149,251,07/26 0:00,07/26 16:10,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200725,MI,,,,,,,,,,204810,,,,1637017,107443,1529574,76541,,,85072,1529574,,751,,215,,113,,55162,6400,6151,249,07/24 0:00,07/25 17:22,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200724,MI,,,,,,,,,,204810,,,,1637017,107443,1529574,76541,,,85072,1529574,,751,,215,,113,,55162,6400,6151,249,07/24 0:00,07/25 17:22,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table OR!/vizhome/COVIDPublicDashboard/PleaseRead , use whichever is more recent (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200723,MI,,,,,,,,,,202720,,,,1608660,106367,1502293,75947,,,84431,1502293,,680,,210,,120,,55162,6395,6148,247,07/23 0:00,07/23 16:05,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200722,MI,,,,,,,,,,200528,,,,1581285,105402,1475883,75248,,,83730,1475883,,680,,210,,120,,55162,6388,6141,247,07/22 0:00,07/22 16:40,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200721,MI,,,,,,,,,,199230,,,,1550697,104381,1446316,74725,,,83059,1446316,,680,,210,,130,,55162,6382,6135,247,07/21 0:00,07/21 16:33,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200720,MI,,,,,,,,,,198479,,,,1527804,103410,1424394,74152,,,82395,1424394,,680,,210,,102,,55162,6373,6126,247,07/20 0:00,07/20 17:10,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200719,MI,,,,,,,,,,197569,,,,1505204,102613,1402591,73663,,,81868,1402591,,680,,201,,102,,55162,6366,6119,247,07/19 0:00,07/19 16:07,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200718,MI,,,,,,,,,,195843,,,,1476385,101645,1374740,73180,,,81338,1374740,,680,,201,,102,,55162,6364,6117,247,07/18 0:00,07/18 16:51,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200717,MI,,,,,,,,,,192929,,,,1445361,100448,1344913,72502,,,80593,1344913,,680,,201,,88,,53867,6355,6108,247,07/17 0:00,07/17 16:56,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200716,MI,,,,,,,,,,190043,,,,1414802,99487,1315315,71842,,,79839,1315315,,680,,201,,107,,53867,6348,6101,247,07/16 0:00,07/16 16:50,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200715,MI,,,,,,,,,,187617,,,,1387545,98539,1289006,71197,,,78913,1289006,,543,,184,,107,,53867,6330,6085,245,07/15 0:00,07/15 15:31,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200714,MI,,,,,,,,,,186178,,,,1353182,97260,1255922,70306,,,77864,1255922,,543,,184,,109,,53867,6326,6081,245,07/14 0:00,07/14 16:22,JJO,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200713,MI,,,,,,,,,,185189,,,,1332667,96438,1236229,69722,,,77198,1236229,,543,,184,,113,,53867,6321,6075,246,07/13 0:00,07/13 15:51,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200712,MI,,,,,,,,,,183784,,,,1315305,95926,1219379,69338,,,76776,1219379,,505,,174,,99,,53867,6314,6068,246,07/12 0:00,07/12 15:54,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200711,MI,,,,,,,,,,182310,,,,1292951,95199,1197752,68948,,,76370,1197752,,505,,174,,99,,53867,6313,6067,246,07/11 0:00,07/11 15:54,BML,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200710,MI,,,,,,,,,,179789,,,,1265344,94224,1171120,68295,,,75685,1171120,,505,,174,,92,,52841,6285,6039,246,07/10 0:00,07/10 16:22,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200709,MI,,,,,,,,,,177549,,,,1241962,93472,1148490,67683,,,75063,1148490,,505,,174,,93,,52841,6271,6024,247,07/09 0:00,07/09 16:34,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200708,MI,,,,,,,,,,174840,,,,1218053,92601,1125452,67237,,,74551,1125452,,505,,174,,93,,52841,6262,6015,247,07/08 0:00,07/08 17:14,HMH++,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200707,MI,,,,,,,,,,173395,,,,1194318,91707,1102611,66627,,,73900,1102611,,505,,174,,99,,52841,6251,6005,246,07/07 0:00,07/07 16:31,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (7/7 HMH) Dash note *Note on deaths (07/07/20): Regular reviews of death certificate data maintained in Vital Records reporting systems are conducted by MDHHS staff three times per week. As a part of this process, records that identify COVID-19 infection as a contributing factor to death are compared against all laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS). If a death certificate is matched to a confirmed COVID-19 case and that record in the MDSS does not indicate the individual died, the MDSS record is updated to indicate the death and the appropriate local health department is notified. These matched deaths are then included with mortality information posted to the Michigan Coronavirus website. As a result of the most recent assessment, today’s data includes 20 additional deaths identified by this methodology. (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200706,MI,,,,,,,,,,172386,,,,1177247,91153,1086094,66173,,,73269,1086094,,505,,174,,92,,52841,6221,5975,246,07/06 0:00,07/06 16:41,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29",A+,, 20200705,MI,,,,,,,,,,172203,,,,1164666,90788,1073878,65876,,,72941,1073878,,548,,193,,92,,52841,6218,5972,246,07/05 0:00,07/05 16:06,KP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200704,MI,,,,,,,,,,170893,,,,1147836,90263,1057573,65533,,,72581,1057573,,548,,193,,92,,52841,6218,5972,246,07/04 0:00,07/04 16:46,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200703,MI,,,,,,,,,,168588,,,,1125738,89648,1036090,65135,,,72175,1036090,,548,,193,,92,,51099,6215,5969,246,07/03 0:00,07/03 16:49,BML,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200702,MI,,,,,,,,,,165567,,,,1102412,88953,1013459,64675,,,71678,1013459,,548,,193,,103,,51099,6212,5966,246,07/02 0:00,07/02 16:26,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200701,MI,,,,,,,,,,162911,,,,1078989,88219,990770,64132,,,71089,990770,,471,,179,,103,,51099,6198,5951,247,07/01 0:00,07/01 15:36,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200630,MI,,,,,,,,,,160431,,,,1062116,87787,974329,63870,,,70728,974329,,471,,179,,98,,51099,6193,5947,246,06/30 0:00,06/30 17:12,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200629,MI,,,,,,,,,,158486,,,,1046545,87393,959152,63497,,,70223,959152,,557,,193,,106,,51099,6161,5915,246,06/29 0:00,06/29 15:40,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200628,MI,,,,,,,,,,156996,,,,1033820,87087,946733,63261,,,69946,946733,,557,,193,,106,,51099,6158,5912,246,06/28 0:00,06/28 15:38,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200627,MI,,,,,,,,,,154909,,,,1017855,86713,931142,63009,,,69679,931142,,557,,193,,106,,51099,6153,5907,246,06/27 0:00,06/27 15:43,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200626,MI,,,,,,,,,,151973,,,,998490,86113,912377,62695,,,69329,912377,,557,,193,,106,,49290,6134,5888,246,06/26 0:00,06/26 15:21,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200625,MI,,,,,,,,,,148912,,,,979418,85568,893850,62306,,,68989,893850,,557,,193,,115,,49290,6133,5886,247,06/25 0:00,06/25 15:44,BSL,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200624,MI,,,,,,,,,,146035,,,,961368,85118,876250,61953,,,68555,876250,,557,,209,,124,,49290,6114,5868,246,06/24 0:00,06/24 16:51,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200623,MI,,,,,,,,,,144088,,,,945209,84738,860471,61630,,,68197,860471,,557,,209,,99,,49290,6109,5864,245,06/23 0:00,06/23 15:47,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200622,MI,,,,,,,,,,143099,,,,934545,84485,850060,61409,,,67957,850060,,557,,209,,99,,49290,6097,5853,244,06/21 0:00,06/22 16:30,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200621,MI,,,,,,,,,,141941,,,,923961,84246,839715,61230,,,67711,839715,,557,,209,,99,,49290,6090,5846,244,06/21 0:00,06/22 16:30,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200620,MI,,,,,,,,,,140185,,,,911028,83939,827089,61084,,,67545,827089,,557,,209,,99,,49290,6087,5843,244,06/20 0:00,06/20 16:05,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200619,MI,,,,,,,,,,137858,,,,896382,83551,812831,60829,,,67097,812831,,557,,209,,99,,44964,6067,5823,244,06/19 0:00,06/19 16:51,RS,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200618,MI,,,,,,,,,,132227,,,,866277,82889,783388,60618,,,66798,783388,,557,,209,,101,,44964,6061,5818,243,06/18 0:00,06/18 17:07,BSL,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200617,MI,,,,,,,,,,132227,,,,866277,82889,783388,60393,,,66497,783388,,562,,210,,131,,44964,6036,5792,244,06/17 0:00,06/17 16:18,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200616,MI,,,,,,,,,,130254,,,,851830,82565,769265,60189,,,66269,769265,,562,,210,,131,,44964,6034,5790,244,06/16 0:00,06/16 16:28,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200615,MI,,,,,,,,,,128657,,,,839866,82274,757952,60064,,,66085,757952,,562,,210,,139,,44964,6017,5772,245,06/15 0:00,06/15 16:17,BSL,AFG,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200614,MI,,,,,,,,,,127842,,,,829523,82079,747444,59990,,,66054,747444,,636,,253,,139,,44964,6016,5771,245,06/14 0:00,06/14 17:33,BSL,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200613,MI,,,,,,,,,,125950,,,,815374,81727,733647,59801,,,65836,733647,,636,,253,,139,,44964,6013,5768,245,06/13 0:00,06/13 15:24,BML,SPA,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/13 BML) Hospitalization figures haven't been updated since 6/12 (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200612,MI,,,,,,,,,,122843,,,,802036,81421,720615,59621,,,65672,720615,,636,,253,,139,,42041,5990,5745,245,06/12 0:00,06/12 16:43,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 ",A+,, 20200611,MI,,,,,,,,,,120796,,,,786154,81083,705071,59496,,,65449,705071,,661,,249,,150,,42041,5985,5738,247,06/11 0:00,06/11 16:43,QN,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200610,MI,,,,,,,,,,116586,,,,771552,80683,690869,59278,,,65182,690869,,661,,249,,150,,42041,5952,5708,244,06/10 0:00,06/10 16:49,ALF,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). 2. If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/10 ALF) Probable deaths decreased by 1 from 245 to 244; could be that at least one death was confirmed (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200609,MI,,,,,,,,,,116586,,,,771552,80683,690869,59278,,,65167,690869,,661,,249,,150,,42041,5951,5708,244,06/09 0:00,06/09 16:51,REB,KP,"PROCESS: Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200608,MI,,,,,,,,,,114914,,,,754408,80348,674060,59265,,,65104,674060,,661,,249,,191,,42041,5942,5707,244,06/08 0:00,06/08 16:48,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU). If the dashboard is down and the files are up, use the file ""COVID-19 Tests By County"" for serology data and use the file ""Cases and Deaths by County by Date"" to get confirmed and proabable tests and deaths. Copy and paste relevant columns into the MI tab (all other formulas are already set up!) (6/8 QN) Keeping lumped positive the same and lumped deaths the same since the state somehow removed all probable cases and deaths. Deaths probable are also kept the same (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200607,MI,,,,,,,,,,113451,,,,741368,80112,661256,59211,,,64969,661256,,864,,315,,191,,42041,5927,5698,244,06/07 0:00,06/07 17:43,ALF,CML,"PROCESS: Look at pop-up notes! Most data can be taken from dashboard. Negative and Postive PCR tests can be taken from the ""Diagnostic Tests by Result and County"" csv file. Most hospitalization numbers are now from the Patient Census table (except ICU) There's a new dashboard, so process notes will change if this dashboard survives the day (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200606,MI,,,,,,,,,,111125,,,,730837,79895,650942,59107,,,64914,650942,,864,,315,,191,,42041,5916,5683,244,06/06 0:00,06/06 17:19,BML,QN,"PROCESS: Old proces was out of date. Look at pop-up notes There's a new dashboard, so process notes will change if this dashboard survives the day (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200605,MI,,,,,,,,,,104273,,,,720088,79638,640450,59073,,,64821,640450,,617,,321,,205,,38099,5909,5672,244,06/05 0:00,06/05 17:57,REB,KP,"PROCESS [might be out of date, there's a new dashboard]: 1. Click “State COVID-19 Page”, scroll to “WHERE WE STAND WITH COVID-19”; A) Positive = “Total Confirmed Cases”, B) Deaths = “Total COVID-19 Deaths” 2. Click “Dashboard”, A) Recoveries = “Cumulative Total of Recovered” 3. From the “Dashboard” click “LAB TESTING” in a new browser tab A) From the first table, input the total for “Total Serologic Tests"" into column W B) Scroll to second table with Diagnostic Tests data C) Copy and paste this entire table into the “MI” tab D) Sum up each column, to retrieve Total Positive Diagnostic Tests, Negative Diagnostic Tests, Total Diagnostic Tests; input into columns Z, AA, AB 4. Click the “Other” link (column H in our spreadsheet), search for “COVID-19 Metrics” table A) Curr. ICU = # of Inpatients, B) Curr. Vent = # on Ventilators, C) Curr. Hosp = # In Critical Care There's a new dashboard, so process notes will change if this dashboard survives the day (6/5 REB) New dashboard does not have recoveries. No breakdown of tests into pos/neg. Carrying over: pos/neg PCR specimens, and negatives and recoveries Added probable cases and deaths (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200604,MI,,,,,,,,,,101172,,,,707130,79223,627907,59001,,,64616,627907,,617,,321,,205,,38099,5901,5665,244,06/04 11:00,06/04 16:22,ALF,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Click “State COVID-19 Page”, scroll to “WHERE WE STAND WITH COVID-19”; A) Positive = “Total Confirmed Cases”, B) Deaths = “Total COVID-19 Deaths” 2. Click “Dashboard”, A) Recoveries = “Cumulative Total of Recovered” 3. From the “Dashboard” click “LAB TESTING” in a new browser tab A) From the first table, input the total for “Total Serologic Tests"" into column W B) Scroll to second table with Diagnostic Tests data C) Copy and paste this entire table into the “MI” tab D) Sum up each column, to retrieve Total Positive Diagnostic Tests, Negative Diagnostic Tests, Total Diagnostic Tests; input into columns Z, AA, AB 4. Click the “Other” link (column H in our spreadsheet), search for “COVID-19 Metrics” table A) Curr. ICU = # of Inpatients, B) Curr. Vent = # on Ventilators, C) Curr. Hosp = # In Critical Care (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200603,MI,,,,,,,,,,98953,,,,692016,78843,613173,58878,,,64382,613173,,646,,328,,224,,38099,5884,5657,243,06/03 11:00,06/03 16:44,ALF,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Click “State COVID-19 Page”, scroll to “WHERE WE STAND WITH COVID-19”; A) Positive = “Total Confirmed Cases”, B) Deaths = “Total COVID-19 Deaths” 2. Click “Dashboard”, A) Recoveries = “Cumulative Total of Recovered” 3. From the “Dashboard” click “LAB TESTING” in a new browser tab A) From the first table, input the total for “Total Serologic Tests"" into column W B) Scroll to second table with Diagnostic Tests data C) Copy and paste this entire table into the “MI” tab D) Sum up each column, to retrieve Total Positive Diagnostic Tests, Negative Diagnostic Tests, Total Diagnostic Tests; input into columns Z, AA, AB 4. Click the “Other” link (column H in our spreadsheet), search for “COVID-19 Metrics” table A) Curr. ICU = # of Inpatients, B) Curr. Vent = # on Ventilators, C) Curr. Hosp = # In Critical Care (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200602,MI,,,,,,,,,,97108,,,,675320,78248,597072,58760,,,64103,597072,,674,,346,,240,,38099,5869,5641,242,06/02 11:00,06/02 16:10,RS,QN/KP,"PROCESS: 1. Click “State COVID-19 Page”, scroll to “WHERE WE STAND WITH COVID-19”; A) Positive = “Total Confirmed Cases”, B) Deaths = “Total COVID-19 Deaths” 2. Click “Dashboard”, A) Recoveries = “Cumulative Total of Recovered” 3. From the “Dashboard” click “LAB TESTING” in a new browser tab A) From the first table, input the total for “Total Serologic Tests"" into column W B) Scroll to second table with Diagnostic Tests data C) Copy and paste this entire table into the “MI” tab D) Sum up each column, to retrieve Total Positive Diagnostic Tests, Negative Diagnostic Tests, Total Diagnostic Tests; input into columns Z, AA, AB 4. Click the “Other” link (column H in our spreadsheet), search for “COVID-19 Metrics” table A) Curr. ICU = # of Inpatients, B) Curr. Vent = # on Ventilators, C) Curr. Hosp = # In Critical Care (6/2 RS) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29 (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200601,MI,,,,,,,,,,67783,,,,659153,77729,581424,58594,,,63813,581424,,674,,346,,240,,38099,5843,5627,242,06/01 11:00,06/01 17:13,SB,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Click “State COVID-19 Page”, scroll to “WHERE WE STAND WITH COVID-19”; A) Positive = “Total Confirmed Cases”, B) Deaths = “Total COVID-19 Deaths” 2. Click “Dashboard”, A) Recoveries = “Cumulative Total of Recovered” 3. From the “Dashboard” click “LAB TESTING” in a new browser tab A) From the first table, input the total for “Total Serologic Tests"" into column W B) Scroll to second table with Diagnostic Tests data C) Copy and paste this entire table into the “MI” tab D) Sum up each column, to retrieve Total Positive Diagnostic Tests, Negative Diagnostic Tests, Total Diagnostic Tests; input into columns Z, AA, AB 4. Click the “Other” link (column H in our spreadsheet), search for “COVID-19 Metrics” table A) Curr. ICU = # of Inpatients, B) Curr. Vent = # on Ventilators, C) Curr. Hosp = # In Critical Care (5/31 BL) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29, antibody test figure hasn't been updated since 5/25 (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200531,MI,,,,,,,,,,67783,,,,644519,77327,567192,58417,,,63568,567192,,774,,371,,250,,38099,5818,5601,240,05/31 11:00,05/31 16:25,BL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Click “State COVID-19 Page”, scroll to “WHERE WE STAND WITH COVID-19”; A) Positive = “Total Confirmed Cases”, B) Deaths = “Total COVID-19 Deaths” 2. Click “Dashboard”, A) Recoveries = “Cumulative Total of Recovered” 3. From the “Dashboard” click “LAB TESTING” in a new browser tab A) From the first table, input the total for “Total Serologic Tests"" into column W B) Scroll to second table with Diagnostic Tests data C) Copy and paste this entire table into the “MI” tab D) Sum up each column, to retrieve Total Positive Diagnostic Tests, Negative Diagnostic Tests, Total Diagnostic Tests; input into columns Z, AA, AB 4. Click the “Other” link, search for “COVID-19 Metrics” table A) Curr. ICU = # of Inpatients, B) Curr. Vent = # on Ventilators, C) Curr. Hosp = # In Critical Care (5/31 BL) Hosp figures have not been updated since 5/29, antibody test figure hasn't been updated since 5/25 (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200530,MI,,,,,,,,,,67783,,,,631367,76858,554509,58254,,,63321,554509,,774,,371,,250,,38099,5802,5578,240,05/30 11:00,05/30 17:23,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Click “State COVID-19 Page”, scroll to “WHERE WE STAND WITH COVID-19”; A) Positive = “Total Confirmed Cases”, B) Deaths = “Total COVID-19 Deaths” 2. Click “Dashboard”, A) Recoveries = “Cumulative Total of Recovered” 3. From the “Dashboard” click “LAB TESTING” in a new browser tab A) From the first table, input the total for “Total Serologic Tests"" into column W B) Scroll to second table with Diagnostic Tests data C) Copy and paste this entire table into the “MI” tab D) Sum up each column, to retrieve Total Positive Diagnostic Tests, Negative Diagnostic Tests, Total Diagnostic Tests; input into columns Z, AA, AB 4. Click the “Other” link, search for “COVID-19 Metrics” table A) Curr. ICU = # of Inpatients, B) Curr. Vent = # on Ventilators, C) Curr. Hosp = # In Critical Care (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200529,MI,,,,,,,,,,67783,,,,615138,76270,538868,58065,,,63116,538868,,774,,371,,250,,33168,5778,5562,240,05/29 0:00,05/29 16:58,KP,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Click “State COVID-19 Page”, scroll to “WHERE WE STAND WITH COVID-19”; A) Positive = “Total Confirmed Cases”, B) Deaths = “Total COVID-19 Deaths” 2. Click “Dashboard”, A) Recoveries = “Cumulative Total of Recovered” 3. From the “Dashboard” click “LAB TESTING” in a new browser tab A) From the first table, input the total for “Total Serologic Tests"" into column W B) Scroll to second table with Diagnostic Tests data C) Copy and paste this entire table into the “MI” tab D) Sum up each column, to retrieve Total Positive Diagnostic Tests, Negative Diagnostic Tests, Total Diagnostic Tests; input into columns Z, AA, AB 4. Click the “Other” link, search for “COVID-19 Metrics” table A) Curr. ICU = # of Inpatients, B) Curr. Vent = # on Ventilators, C) Curr. Hosp = # In Critical Care (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200528,MI,,,,,,,,,,67783,,,,597828,75165,522663,57904,,,62797,522663,,860,,405,,251,,33168,5751,5538,240,05/28 11:00,05/28 15:32,RS,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Click “State COVID-19 Page”, scroll to “WHERE WE STAND WITH COVID-19”; A) Positive = “Total Confirmed Cases”, B) Deaths = “Total COVID-19 Deaths” 2. Click “Dashboard”, A) Recoveries = “Cumulative Total of Recovered” 3. From the “Dashboard” click “LAB TESTING” in a new browser tab A) From the first table, input the total for “Total Serologic Tests"" into column W B) Scroll to second table with Diagnostic Tests data C) Copy and paste this entire table into the “MI” tab D) Sum up each column, to retrieve Total Positive Diagnostic Tests, Negative Diagnostic Tests, Total Diagnostic Tests; input into columns Z, AA, AB 4. Click the “Other” link, search for “COVID-19 Metrics” table A) Curr. ICU = # of Inpatients, B) Curr. Vent = # on Ventilators, C) Curr. Hosp = # In Critical Care (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200527,MI,,,,,,,,,,67783,,,,579682,74073,505609,57695,,,62461,505609,,882,,388,,272,,33168,5727,5511,240,05/27 11:00,05/27 15:39,RS,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Click “State COVID-19 Page”, scroll to “WHERE WE STAND WITH COVID-19”; A) Positive = “Total Confirmed Cases”, B) Deaths = “Total COVID-19 Deaths” 2. Click “Dashboard”, A) Recoveries = “Cumulative Total of Recovered” 3. From the “Dashboard” click “LAB TESTING” in a new browser tab A) From the first table, input the total for “Total Serologic Tests"" into column W B) Scroll to second table with Diagnostic Tests data C) Copy and paste this entire table into the “MI” tab D) Sum up each column, to retrieve Total Positive Diagnostic Tests, Negative Diagnostic Tests, Total Diagnostic Tests; input into columns Z, AA, AB 4. Click the “Other” link, search for “COVID-19 Metrics” table A) Curr. ICU = # of Inpatients, B) Curr. Vent = # on Ventilators, C) Curr. Hosp = # In Critical Care (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200526,MI,,,,,,,,,,67783,,,,561095,73189,487906,57477,,,62075,487906,,953,,449,,319,,33168,5703,5487,240,05/26 11:00,05/26 16:31,REB,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Click “State COVID-19 Page”, scroll to “WHERE WE STAND WITH COVID-19”; A) Positive = “Total Confirmed Cases”, B) Deaths = “Total COVID-19 Deaths” 2. Click “Dashboard”, A) Recoveries = “Cumulative Total of Recovered” 3. From the “Dashboard” click “LAB TESTING” in a new browser tab A) From the first table, input the total for “Total Serologic Tests"" into column W B) Scroll to second table with Diagnostic Tests data C) Copy and paste this entire table into the “MI” tab D) Sum up each column, to retrieve Total Positive Diagnostic Tests, Negative Diagnostic Tests, Total Diagnostic Tests; input into columns Z, AA, AB 4. Click the “Other” link, search for “COVID-19 Metrics” table A) Curr. ICU = # of Inpatients, B) Curr. Vent = # on Ventilators, C) Curr. Hosp = # In Critical Care (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix",A+,, 20200525,MI,,,,,,,,,,67783,,,,549107,72782,476325,57205,,,61632,476325,,953,,449,,319,,33168,5678,5463,238,05/25 11:00,05/25 16:40,CML,AW,"PROCESS: 1. Click “State COVID-19 Page”, scroll to “WHERE WE STAND WITH COVID-19”; A) Positive = “Total Confirmed Cases”, B) Deaths = “Total COVID-19 Deaths” 2. Click “Dashboard”, A) Recoveries = “Cumulative Total of Recovered” 3. From the “Dashboard” click “LAB TESTING” in a new browser tab A) From the first table, input the total for “Total Serologic Tests"" into column W B) Scroll to second table with Diagnostic Tests data C) Copy and paste this entire table into the “MI” tab D) Sum up each column, to retrieve Total Positive Diagnostic Tests, Negative Diagnostic Tests, Total Diagnostic Tests; input into columns Z, AA, AB 4. Click the “Other” link, search for “COVID-19 Metrics” table A) Curr. ICU = # of Inpatients, B) Curr. Vent = # on Ventilators, C) Curr. Hosp = # In Critical Care (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix (5/16 RS) Positives updated from main page, but Specimen data on that page seems strange or broken, with 90% reductions from previous day. We are checking with state and not updating Negatives/Total tests in the meantime. (5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly.",A+,, 20200524,MI,,,,,,,,,,61973,,,,539550,72463,467087,56892,,,61457,467087,,953,,449,,319,,33168,5640,5440,238,05/24 11:00,05/24 16:23,QN,KP,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. (5/24 QN) Total tests did not increase -- keeping negatives the same. Removed positive tests and negatives tests (PCR) since that data is no longer given (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix (5/16 RS) Positives updated from main page, but Specimen data on that page seems strange or broken, with 90% reductions from previous day. We are checking with state and not updating Negatives/Total tests in the meantime. (5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly.",A+,, 20200523,MI,,,,,,,,,,61973,,,,527621,72065,455556,56741,,,61293,455556,,953,,449,,319,,33168,5612,5402,237,05/22 11:00,05/23 16:21,QN,BL,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix (5/16 RS) Positives updated from main page, but Specimen data on that page seems strange or broken, with 90% reductions from previous day. We are checking with state and not updating Negatives/Total tests in the meantime. (5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly.",A+,, 20200522,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,512752,71470,441282,56612,,,61075,441282,,955,,470,,348,,28234,5586,5375,237,05/22 11:00,05/23 16:21,QN,BL,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. (5/22 RS) We had a small error in our deaths value yesterday. will need to go back and fix (5/16 RS) Positives updated from main page, but Specimen data on that page seems strange or broken, with 90% reductions from previous day. We are checking with state and not updating Negatives/Total tests in the meantime. (5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly.",A+,, 20200521,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,492412,70624,421788,56445,,,60610,421788,,1054,,472,,361,,28234,5555,5349,237,05/21 11:00,05/21 16:51,QN,PR,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. (5/16 RS) Positives updated from main page, but Specimen data on that page seems strange or broken, with 90% reductions from previous day. We are checking with state and not updating Negatives/Total tests in the meantime. (5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly.",A+,, 20200520,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,475714,69866,405848,56132,,,60151,405848,,1066,,492,,332,,28234,5514,5318,236,05/20 11:00,05/20 15:46,REB,BL,"(5/16 RS) Positives updated from main page, but Specimen data on that page seems strange or broken, with 90% reductions from previous day. We are checking with state and not updating Negatives/Total tests in the meantime. (5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly. PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. ",A+,, 20200519,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,461365,69157,392208,55838,,,59576,392208,,1079,,486,,351,,28234,5470,5278,233,05/19 11:00,05/19 15:41,RS,KP,"(5/16 RS) Positives updated from main page, but Specimen data on that page seems strange or broken, with 90% reductions from previous day. We are checking with state and not updating Negatives/Total tests in the meantime. (5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly. PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. ",A+,, 20200518,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,444305,68190,376115,55461,,,58812,376115,,1075,,473,,418,,28234,5427,5237,233,05/18 11:00,05/18 16:20,RS,MM,"(5/16 RS) Positives updated from main page, but Specimen data on that page seems strange or broken, with 90% reductions from previous day. We are checking with state and not updating Negatives/Total tests in the meantime. (5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly. PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. ",A+,, 20200517,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,430802,67254,363548,54872,,,58278,363548,,1114,,488,,434,,28234,5396,5194,233,05/16 11:00,05/17 16:10,KP,JAC,"(5/16 RS) Positives updated from main page, but Specimen data on that page seems strange or broken, with 90% reductions from previous day. We are checking with state and not updating Negatives/Total tests in the meantime. (5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly. PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200516,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,419366,66210,353156,54457,,,58023,353156,,1256,,532,,440,,28234,5357,5163,233,05/16 11:00,05/17 16:10,KP,JAC,"(5/16 RS) Positives updated from main page, but Specimen data on that page seems strange or broken, with 90% reductions from previous day. We are checking with state and not updating Negatives/Total tests in the meantime. (5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly. PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200515,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,407180,65353,341827,54246,,,57687,341827,,1256,,532,,440,,22686,5325,5124,233,05/14 11:00,05/15 16:45,KP,QN,"(5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly. 5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200514,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,391176,64519,326657,53956,,,57036,326657,,1330,,653,,515,,22686,5278,5092,232,05/14 11:00,05/15 16:45,KP,QN,"(5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly. 5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200513,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,373484,63242,310242,53451,,,56458,310242,,1384,,693,,525,,22686,5232,5046,231,05/13 11:00,,,,"(5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly. 5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200512,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,353909,62208,291701,53030,,,55641,291701,,1384,,693,,525,,22686,5188,5001,230,05/12 11:00,05/12 16:21,ATS,DPT,"(5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly. 5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200511,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,339843,61550,278293,52399,,,54004,278293,,1424,,685,,557,,22686,5139,4958,228,05/11 11:00,05/11 16:17,RS,AW,"(5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly. 5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200510,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,328334,60917,267417,50925,,,53033,267417,,1437,,674,,536,,22686,5081,4911,228,05/10 11:00,05/10 16:06,REB,CML,"(5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly. 5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200509,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,319680,60415,259265,50129,,,52732,259265,,1531,,683,,539,,22686,5036,4853,227,05/09 11:00,05/09 15:03,ALF**,RS,"(5/9 aft ALF) Big jump in Recovered -- it was last updated on 5/2 so they must be reporting it weekly. 5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into MI tab of this spreadsheet, enter total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200508,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,307801,59659,248142,49871,,,52349,248142,,1637,,725,,570,,15659,4987,4809,215,05/08 11:00,05/08 16:13,REB,RS,"5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200507,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,295016,58832,236184,49565,,,51731,236184,,1697,,753,,612,,15659,4925,4772,211,05/07 11:00,05/07 16:05,RS,QN,"5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway (4/27 aft RS) Hosp #s unchanged, nothing new on page (4/27 mor ALF) The number of negatives, which is a long calculation from the Lab Testing table, was incorrectly entered on 4/26. The total number of tests, not the total number of negative results, was entered. We are filing an issue and will correct the historicals and mention it in the public Notes. (4/25 aft QN) Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200506,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,282451,57888,224563,49064,,,51131,224563,,1818,,794,,617,,15659,4839,4714,209,05/06 11:00,05/06 16:41,RS,MM,"5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway (4/27 aft RS) Hosp #s unchanged, nothing new on page (4/27 mor ALF) The number of negatives, which is a long calculation from the Lab Testing table, was incorrectly entered on 4/26. The total number of tests, not the total number of negative results, was entered. We are filing an issue and will correct the historicals and mention it in the public Notes. (4/25 aft QN) Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200505,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,269955,56864,213091,48572,,,50497,213091,,1948,,839,,670,,15659,4781,4630,208,05/05 11:00,05/05 16:31,QN,RS,"5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway (4/27 aft RS) Hosp #s unchanged, nothing new on page (4/27 mor ALF) The number of negatives, which is a long calculation from the Lab Testing table, was incorrectly entered on 4/26. The total number of tests, not the total number of negative results, was entered. We are filing an issue and will correct the historicals and mention it in the public Notes. (4/25 aft QN) Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200504,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,258536,55865,202671,48034,,,49809,202671,,1948,,839,,670,,15659,4722,4573,206,05/03 11:00,05/04 16:35,RS,ESK,"5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway (4/27 aft RS) Hosp #s unchanged, nothing new on page (4/27 mor ALF) The number of negatives, which is a long calculation from the Lab Testing table, was incorrectly entered on 4/26. The total number of tests, not the total number of negative results, was entered. We are filing an issue and will correct the historicals and mention it in the public Notes. (4/25 aft QN) Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200503,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,250589,55228,195361,47451,,,49029,195361,,2100,,850,,713,,15659,4641,4516,205,05/03 11:00,05/04 16:35,RS,ESK,"5/3 aft RS) Positive cases and Deaths were not updated. All else was. (5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway (4/27 aft RS) Hosp #s unchanged, nothing new on page (4/27 mor ALF) The number of negatives, which is a long calculation from the Lab Testing table, was incorrectly entered on 4/26. The total number of tests, not the total number of negative results, was entered. We are filing an issue and will correct the historicals and mention it in the public Notes. (4/25 aft QN) Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200502,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,243366,54653,188713,46783,,,48672,188713,,2100,,850,,713,,15659,4579,4436,203,05/02 11:00,,,,"(5/2 aft DPT) added total and positive for specimens, since I was summing up that table anyway (4/27 aft RS) Hosp #s unchanged, nothing new on page (4/27 mor ALF) The number of negatives, which is a long calculation from the Lab Testing table, was incorrectly entered on 4/26. The total number of tests, not the total number of negative results, was entered. We are filing an issue and will correct the historicals and mention it in the public Notes. (4/25 aft QN) Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200501,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,232528,53721,178807,46455,,,48240,178807,,2319,,966,,760,,8342,4520,4376,203,05/01 11:00,05/01 17:02,KP,REB,"(4/27 aft RS) Hosp #s unchanged, nothing new on page (4/27 mor ALF) The number of negatives, which is a long calculation from the Lab Testing table, was incorrectly entered on 4/26. The total number of tests, not the total number of negative results, was entered. We are filing an issue and will correct the historicals and mention it in the public Notes. (4/25 aft QN) Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200430,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,221578,52634,168944,46072,,,47505,168944,,2319,,966,,760,,8342,4434,4317,202,04/30 11:00,,,,"(4/27 aft RS) Hosp #s unchanged, nothing new on page (4/27 mor ALF) The number of negatives, which is a long calculation from the Lab Testing table, was incorrectly entered on 4/26. The total number of tests, not the total number of negative results, was entered. We are filing an issue and will correct the historicals and mention it in the public Notes. (4/25 aft QN) Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200429,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,209855,51482,158373,45406,,,46488,158373,,2498,,997,,778,,8342,4335,4232,199,04/29 11:00,,,,"(4/27 aft RS) Hosp #s unchanged, nothing new on page (4/27 mor ALF) The number of negatives, which is a long calculation from the Lab Testing table, was incorrectly entered on 4/26. The total number of tests, not the total number of negative results, was entered. We are filing an issue and will correct the historicals and mention it in the public Notes. (4/25 aft QN) Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200428,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,199206,50296,148910,44508,,,45538,148910,,2623,,1027,,801,,8342,4247,4136,198,04/28 11:00,04/28 16:21,AW,QN,"(4/27 aft RS) Hosp #s unchanged, nothing new on page (4/27 mor ALF) The number of negatives, which is a long calculation from the Lab Testing table, was incorrectly entered on 4/26. The total number of tests, not the total number of negative results, was entered. We are filing an issue and will correct the historicals and mention it in the public Notes. (4/25 aft QN) Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200427,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,190156,49184,140972,43634,,,44709,140972,,2667,,1059,,832,,8342,4148,4049,191,04/27 11:00,,,,"(4/27 aft RS) Hosp #s unchanged, nothing new on page (4/27 mor ALF) The number of negatives, which is a long calculation from the Lab Testing table, was incorrectly entered on 4/26. The total number of tests, not the total number of negative results, was entered. We are filing an issue and will correct the historicals and mention it in the public Notes. (4/25 aft QN) Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200426,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,182757,48326,134431,42885,,,43789,134431,,2757,,1099,,871,,8342,4036,3957,190,04/26 11:00,04/27 9:40,QN,ALF,"(4/27 mor ALF) The number of negatives, which is a long calculation from the Lab Testing table, was incorrectly entered on 4/26. The total number of tests, not the total number of negative results, was entered. We are filing an issue and will correct the historicals and mention it in the public Notes. (4/25 aft QN) Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Curr. Hosp. = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Curr. in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Curr. on Vent. = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Copy/Paste table into separate spreadsheet, sum total. Important- always calculate everything from scratch because negative tests table changes constantly. Other Dashboard (Recoveries, Deaths):",A+,, 20200425,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,176663,47708,128955,42027,,,43263,128955,,2889,,1164,,934,,8342,3929,3846,184,04/25 11:00,04/25 16:20,QN,RS,"(4/25 aft QN) The negative tests table change constantly - always calculate everything back from scratch. Recovered jumped ~5000 since 4/17 (4/23 aft ALF) Added all the daily negative results in the table outside of the sheet and put the total in Negatives. Could not find source for Cur Vent COVID-specific allthough ""Hospital Page"" in Other does have total ventilator usage data. (4/20 mor QN): Dashboard link (but somehow no one uses) PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Currently Hospitalized = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Currently in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Add all the numbers in the Negatives column ELSEWHERE and put the total in Negatives - best way is to copy and paste the table into a spreadsheet and do SUM ",A+,, 20200424,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,169942,46888,123054,41548,,,42730,123054,,3022,,1176,,965,,3237,3818,3745,182,04/24 11:00,,,,"(4/23 aft ALF) Added all the daily negative results in the table outside of the sheet and put the total in Negatives. Could not find source for Cur Vent COVID-specific allthough ""Hospital Page"" in Other does have total ventilator usage data. (4/20 aft REB) carrying over hospitalization numbers, don't know of a new source (4/20 mor QN): Dashboard link (but somehow no one uses) PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Currently Hospitalized = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Currently in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Add all the numbers in the Negatives column ELSEWHERE and put the total in Negatives ",B,, 20200423,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,160853,45848,115005,41066,,,41694,115005,,3611,,1148,,1027,,3237,3711,3636,180,04/23 16:00,,,,"(4/23 aft ALF) Added all the daily negative results in the table outside of the sheet and put the total in Negatives. Could not find source for Cur Vent COVID-specific allthough ""Hospital Page"" in Other does have total ventilator usage data. (4/20 aft REB) carrying over hospitalization numbers, don't know of a new source (4/20 mor QN): Dashboard link (but somehow no one uses) (4/19 eve SJ/QN) Recovered and negatives remains as of 4/17. (4/17 aft MM) MI updated negatives retroactively again PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Currently Hospitalized = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Currently in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Add all the numbers in the Negatives column ELSEWHERE and put the total in Negatives ",B,, 20200422,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,151154,44501,106653,40145,,,40705,106653,,3305,,1350,,1065,,3237,3602,3531,174,04/22 11:00,,,,"(4/20 aft REB) carrying over hospitalization numbers, don't know of a new source (4/20 mor QN): Dashboard link (but somehow no one uses) (4/19 eve SJ/QN) Recovered and negatives remains as of 4/17. (4/17 aft MM) MI updated negatives retroactively again PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Confirmed Cases"" B) Deaths = ""Reported Deaths"" C) Recovered = ""Cumulative Total of Recovered..."" 2) Click Other link, search for ""Covid-19 Metrics""; A) Currently Hospitalized = ""# of Inpatients"", B) Currently in ICU = ""# in Critical Care"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""# on Ventilators"" 3) Click Lab Testing Link (,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html); A) Negative = Add new day total to current formula ",B,, 20200421,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,142813,43146,99667,39267,,,39589,99667,,3357,,1346,,1107,,3237,3471,3428,171,04/21 11:00,,,,"(4/20 aft REB) carrying over hospitalization numbers, don't know of a new source (4/20 mor QN): Dashboard link (but somehow no one uses) (4/19 eve SJ/QN) Recovered and negatives remains as of 4/17. (4/17 aft MM) MI updated negatives retroactively again PROCESS: - Current hospital/icu/vent numbers:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html under ""Covid-19 Metrics"" - ""# of inpatients"" is ""current hospitalized"" - Recovered is on main page - For Michigan negative, add new day total to current formula. Daily negatives are found here,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html ",B,, 20200420,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,135204,41811,93393,38208,,,38494,93393,,3374,,1346,,1102,,3237,3347,3300,169,04/20 11:00,,,,"(4/20 aft REB) carrying over hospitalization numbers, don't know of a new source (4/20 mor QN): Dashboard link (but somehow no one uses) (4/19 eve SJ/QN) Recovered and negatives remains as of 4/17. (4/17 aft MM) MI updated negatives retroactively again PROCESS: - Current hospital/icu/vent numbers:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html under ""Covid-19 Metrics"" - ""# of inpatients"" is ""current hospitalized"" - Recovered is on main page - For Michigan negative, add new day total to current formula. Daily negatives are found here,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html ",B,, 20200419,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,130677,40919,89758,37170,,,37557,89758,,3403,,1344,,1115,,3237,3236,3178,160,04/19 11:00,,,,"(4/20 mor QN): Dashboard link (but somehow no one uses) (4/19 eve SJ/QN) Recovered and negatives remains as of 4/17. (4/17 aft MM) MI updated negatives retroactively again PROCESS: - Current hospital/icu/vent numbers:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html under ""Covid-19 Metrics"" - ""# of inpatients"" is ""current hospitalized"" - Recovered is on main page - For Michigan negative, add new day total to current formula. Daily negatives are found here,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html ",B,, 20200418,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,127391,40277,87114,36293,,,37029,87114,,3634,,1423,,1203,,3237,3107,3076,152,04/18 11:00,04/18 23:49,AGS,REB,"(4/17 aft MM) MI updated negatives retroactively again PROCESS: - Current hospital/icu/vent numbers:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html under ""Covid-19 Metrics"" - ""# of inpatients"" is ""current hospitalized"" - Recovered is on main page - For Michigan negative, add new day total to current formula. Daily negatives are found here,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html ",B,, 20200417,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,122507,39239,83268,35789,,,36320,83268,,3674,,1428,,1167,,629,2984,2955,148,04/17 11:00,,,,"(4/17 aft MM) MI updated negatives retroactively again (4/17 aft SPA) '# of inpatients' is 'Currently Hospitalized' MI added Recovered data to their site, and are reporting critical care and vent data here:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html For Michigan negative, add new day total to current formula. Daily negatives are found here,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html (4/15 Aft RS) Discharged # went down by ~10%. Possible this is a daily number not, Cum. Will leave existing # in for today, but may need to stop reporting this. (4/13 RS Aft) Host, ICU, Vent, Recovered numbers not updated (4/12 RS Aft) MI seems to have slightly changed their methodology for counting negatives. They made slight changes to the reported values for negatives going back several days. On 4/12, we updated the Negatives formula with the newly reported daily values. Also on 4/12, MI seems to have removed the reportings on Hosp, Vent, and ICU #s - leaving existing #s for now. (4/10 aft LH) Michigan now has a daily breakdown of positive / negative data here. This probably matches specimens rather than number of people. The negative number is significantly higher than it was previously (31,362 vs 49,261).,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html",B,, 20200416,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,116440,38166,78274,35118,,,35455,78274,,3809,,1447,,1211,,617,2841,2836,140,04/16 11:00,,,,"MI added Recovered data to their site, and are reporting critical care and vent data here:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html For Michigan negative, add new day total to current formula. Daily negatives are found here,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html (4/15 Aft RS) Discharged # went down by ~10%. Possible this is a daily number not, Cum. Will leave existing # in for today, but may need to stop reporting this. (4/13 RS Aft) Host, ICU, Vent, Recovered numbers not updated (4/12 RS Aft) MI seems to have slightly changed their methodology for counting negatives. They made slight changes to the reported values for negatives going back several days. On 4/12, we updated the Negatives formula with the newly reported daily values. Also on 4/12, MI seems to have removed the reportings on Hosp, Vent, and ICU #s - leaving existing #s for now. (4/10 aft LH) Michigan now has a daily breakdown of positive / negative data here. This probably matches specimens rather than number of people. The negative number is significantly higher than it was previously (31,362 vs 49,261).,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html",B,, 20200415,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,110766,36938,73828,34298,,,34533,73828,,3918,,1468,,1212,,452,2672,2701,135,04/15 11:00,,,,"MI added Recovered data to their site, and are reporting critical care and vent data here:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html For Michigan negative, add new day total to current formula. Daily negatives are found here,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html (4/15 Aft RS) Discharged # went down by ~10%. Possible this is a daily number not, Cum. Will leave existing # in for today, but may need to stop reporting this. (4/13 RS Aft) Host, ICU, Vent, Recovered numbers not updated (4/12 RS Aft) MI seems to have slightly changed their methodology for counting negatives. They made slight changes to the reported values for negatives going back several days. On 4/12, we updated the Negatives formula with the newly reported daily values. Also on 4/12, MI seems to have removed the reportings on Hosp, Vent, and ICU #s - leaving existing #s for now. (4/10 aft LH) Michigan now has a daily breakdown of positive / negative data here. This probably matches specimens rather than number of people. The negative number is significantly higher than it was previously (31,362 vs 49,261).,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html",B,, 20200414,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,106183,35508,70675,33448,,,33613,70675,,3910,,1497,,1235,,452,2532,2537,131,04/14 11:00,,,,"MI added Recovered data to their site, and are reporting critical care and vent data here:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html For Michigan negative, add new day total to current formula. Daily negatives are found here,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html (4/13 RS Aft) Host, ICU, Vent, Recovered numbers not updated (4/12 RS Aft) MI seems to have slightly changed their methodology for counting negatives. They made slight changes to the reported values for negatives going back several days. On 4/12, we updated the Negatives formula with the newly reported daily values. Also on 4/12, MI seems to have removed the reportings on Hosp, Vent, and ICU #s - leaving existing #s for now. (4/10 aft LH) Michigan now has a daily breakdown of positive / negative data here. This probably matches specimens rather than number of people. The negative number is significantly higher than it was previously (31,362 vs 49,261).,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html",B,, 20200413,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,101183,34120,67063,32572,,,32702,67063,,3986,,1570,,1365,,447,2391,2401,122,04/13 11:00,,,,"MI added Recovered data to their site, and are reporting critical care and vent data here:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html For Michigan negative, add new day total to current formula. Daily negatives are found here,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html (4/13 RS Aft) Host, ICU, Vent, Recovered numbers not updated (4/12 RS Aft) MI seems to have slightly changed their methodology for counting negatives. They made slight changes to the reported values for negatives going back several days. On 4/12, we updated the Negatives formula with the newly reported daily values. Also on 4/12, MI seems to have removed the reportings on Hosp, Vent, and ICU #s - leaving existing #s for now. (4/10 aft LH) Michigan now has a daily breakdown of positive / negative data here. This probably matches specimens rather than number of people. The negative number is significantly higher than it was previously (31,362 vs 49,261).,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html",B,, 20200412,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97593,33038,64555,31715,,,31666,64555,,3636,,1582,,1441,,433,2249,2269,113,04/12 11:00,,,,"MI added Recovered data to their site, and are reporting critical care and vent data here:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html For Michigan negative, add new day total to current formula. Daily negatives are found here,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html (4/12 RS Aft) MI seems to have slightly changed their methodology for counting negatives. They made slight changes to the reported values for negatives going back several days. On 4/12, we updated the Negatives formula with the newly reported daily values. Also on 4/12, MI seems to have removed the reportings on Hosp, Vent, and ICU #s - leaving existing #s for now. (4/11 eve RV) Updated the Recovered number using the ""Recovered"" number listed on the state page. The previous number had used ED discharges. (4/10 eve AW) Current ICU, hsop, and vent numbers updated since afternoon. Timestamp from that page. (4/10 aft LH) Michigan now has a daily breakdown of positive / negative data here. This probably matches specimens rather than number of people. The negative number is significantly higher than it was previously (31,362 vs 49,261).,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html",B,, 20200411,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94307,32066,62241,30727,,,30980,62241,,3636,,1582,,1441,,595,2081,2136,103,04/11 11:00,04/11 22:38,RV,PR,"MI added Recovered data to their site, and are reporting critical care and vent data here:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html For Michigan negative, add new day total to current formula. Daily negatives are found here,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html (4/11 eve RV) Updated the Recovered number using the ""Recovered"" number listed on the state page. The previous number had used ED discharges. (4/10 eve AW) Current ICU, hsop, and vent numbers updated since afternoon. Timestamp from that page. (4/10 aft LH) Michigan now has a daily breakdown of positive / negative data here. This probably matches specimens rather than number of people. The negative number is significantly higher than it was previously (31,362 vs 49,261).,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html",B,, 20200410,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90552,30955,59597,30085,,,30172,59597,,3823,,1663,,1394,,56,1917,1978,95,04/10 11:00,04/10 16:24,LH**,PR,"MI added Recovered data to their site, and are reporting critical care and vent data here:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html. For Michigan negative, add new day total to current formula. Daily negatives are found here,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html (4/10 aft LH) Michigan now has a daily breakdown of positive / negative data here. This probably matches specimens rather than number of people. The negative number is significantly higher than it was previously (31,362 vs 49,261).,9753,7-406-98163_98173_99225---,00.html",B,, 20200409,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85972,29542,56430,29327,,,29096,56430,,3826,,1628,,1434,,56,1756,1822,88,04/09 11:00,,,,"(4/9 aft MEB) MI added Recovered data to their site, and are reporting critical care and vent data here:,9753,7-406-98159-523641--,00.html. (4/8 RS) as of 4/8 MI has removed the specimen testing info from their reporting, causing negative figures to be unchanged (4/5 KP) very long slack conversation. settled on positives=confirmed cases, negatives=negative tests [confirmed according to this reasoing HDF] (4/5 early morn SJ) caught via QA Bot: Page now reports negatives; updating. (It should perhaps be 30030 + (14225-10435) )",B,, 20200408,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81186,28010,53176,28303,,,28064,53176,,,,,,,,56,1600,1668,78,04/08 11:00,,,,"(4/8 RS) as of 4/8 MI has removed the specimen testing info from their reporting, causing negative figures to be unchanged (4/5 KP) very long slack conversation. settled on positives=confirmed cases, negatives=negative tests [confirmed according to this reasoing HDF] (4/5 early morn SJ) caught via QA Bot: Page now reports negatives; updating. (It should perhaps be 30030 + (14225-10435) )",B,, 20200407,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77133,26789,50344,27334,,,26964,50344,,,,,,,,56,1449,1522,72,04/07 11:00,,,,"(4/5 KP) very long slack conversation. settled on positives=confirmed cases, negatives=negative tests [confirmed according to this reasoing HDF] (4/5 early morn SJ) caught via QA Bot: Page now reports negatives; updating. (It should perhaps be 30030 + (14225-10435) )",B,, 20200406,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,72281,25019,47262,26290,,,25785,47262,,,,,,,,56,1291,1377,66,04/06 11:00,,,,"(4/5 KP) very long slack conversation. settled on positives=confirmed cases, negatives=negative tests [confirmed according to this reasoing HDF] (4/5 early morn SJ) caught via QA Bot: Page now reports negatives; updating. (It should perhaps be 30030 + (14225-10435) )",B,, 20200405,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67055,22901,44154,25186,,,24458,44154,,,,,,,,56,1150,1225,58,04/05 11:00,04/06 10:07,JRF,ALF,"(4/5 KP) very long slack conversation. settled on positives=confirmed cases, negatives=negative tests [confirmed according to this reasoing HDF] (4/5 early morn SJ) caught via QA Bot: Page now reports negatives; updating. (It should perhaps be 30030 + (14225-10435) )",B,, 20200404,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62205,21000,41205,23908,,,23581,41205,,,,,,,,56,1030,1092,45,04/04 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200403,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55096,18036,37060,23071,,,22579,37060,,,,,,,,56,918,985,39,04/03 11:00,,,,(4/2 aftn QN): Still not changing negative as tests are still reported by specimen,B,, 20200402,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49095,15652,33443,22102,,,21376,33443,,,,,,,,,801,879,36,04/02 11:00,,,,(4/2 aftn QN): Still not changing negative as tests are still reported by specimen,B,, 20200401,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43188,13237,29951,20937,,,20246,29951,,,,,,,,,676,765,35,04/01 16:00,,,,,B,, 20200331,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37055,10721,26334,19844,,,18654,26334,,,,,,,,,551,641,33,03/31 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200330,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32172,8909,23263,18318,,,17363,23263,,,,,,,,,437,518,29,03/30 16:00,,,,,B,, 20200329,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24312,6895,17417,17058,,,15784,17417,,,,,,,,,351,408,25,03/28 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200328,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21920,6018,15902,15519,,,14865,15902,,,,,,,,,283,326,19,03/27 16:00,,,,,B,, 20200327,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19133,4993,14140,14625,,,13799,14140,,,,,,,,,212,264,15,03/27 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200326,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15597,3867,11730,13585,,,12475,11730,,,,,,,,,159,197,10,03/26 11:00,,,,,D,, 20200325,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11782,2940,8842,12288,,,11335,8842,,,,,,,,,111,149,8,03/25 15:00,,,,,D,, 20200324,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9356,2367,6989,11163,,,10155,6989,,,,,,,,,86,103,7,03/24 11:00,,,,,D,, 20200323,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7676,1829,5847,10006,,,9062,5847,,,,,,,,,57,79,3,03/23 11:00,,,,,D,, 20200322,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6223,1432,4791,8937,,,7822,4791,,,,,,,,,36,54,3,03/22 15:00,,,,,,, 20200321,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5203,1117,4086,7726,,,7023,4086,,,,,,,,,23,33,3,03/21 13:44,,,,,,, 20200320,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3845,804,3041,6938,,,6219,3041,,,,,,,,,13,20,2,03/20 15:00,,,,,,, 20200319,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2590,539,2051,6150,,,5276,2051,,,,,,,,,10,11,1,03/19 15:00,,,,,,, 20200318,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1852,374,1478,5221,,,4531,1478,,,,,,,,,5,9,1,03/18 14:00,,,,,,, 20200317,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1100,221,879,4491,,,3659,879,,,,,,,,,2,4,1,03/17 14:00,,,,,,, 20200316,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2873,,,1933,272,30,,,,,,,,,1,1,03/16 15:52,,,,,,, 20200315,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2175,,,1480,205,26,,,,,,,,,0,1,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1717,,,1196,205,26,,,,,,,,,0,1,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1353,,,945,133,26,,,,,,,,,0,1,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,996,,,702,91,27,,,,,,,,,0,1,03/11 19:00,,,,,,, 20200311,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,727,,,497,57,18,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200310,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,528,,,358,39,24,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200309,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,372,,,254,36,11,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200308,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,251,,,168,26,10,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200307,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,188,,,128,18,9,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200306,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,140,,,98,8,8,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200305,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100,,,72,8,0,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200304,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74,,,52,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200303,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,34,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,, 20200302,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27,,,18,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,, 20200301,MI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,,,9,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,, 20200831,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1489726,,,75864,,1128023,75864,1052159,,306,6480,131,1839,,,67656,1866,1817,49,08/30 17:00,08/31 15:42,RSG,RS,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1478432,,,75189,,1122071,75189,1046882,,315,6454,136,1834,,,66916,1865,1816,49,08/29 17:00,08/30 15:47,ESK,BHP,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1460381,,,74257,,1111137,74257,1036880,,313,6411,134,1822,,,66107,1863,1814,49,08/28 17:00,08/29 16:14,ETS,JAC,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1443344,,,73240,,1101710,73240,1028470,,301,6357,137,1813,,,65204,1859,1810,49,08/27 17:00,08/28 15:54,PK,RSG,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1427347,,,72390,,1093490,72390,1021100,,305,6326,139,1805,,,64876,1855,1806,49,08/26 17:00,08/27 16:26,DPT,QN,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1406007,,,71236,,1079047,71236,1007811,,304,6274,134,1796,,,64374,1842,1793,49,08/25 17:00,08/26 16:06,JNG,DZL,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1394986,,,70707,,1072526,70707,1001819,,312,6238,137,1791,,,63725,1825,1779,46,08/24 17:00,08/25 15:54,MJW,DZL,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1386513,,,70298,,1067810,70298,997512,,310,6195,135,1770,,,63059,1817,1771,46,08/23 17:00,08/24 16:33,JB,DZL,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1374536,,,69584,,1060320,69584,990736,,301,6151,137,1766,,,62373,1813,1767,46,08/22 17:00,08/23 15:52,DJW,BHP,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1357595,,,68867,,1051256,68867,982389,,316,6113,148,1761,,,61698,1807,1761,46,08/21 17:00,08/22 15:33,DJW,HMH,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1340850,,,68133,,1041537,68133,973404,,296,6064,136,1740,,,60920,1799,1753,46,08/20 17:00,08/21 15:51,GET,REB,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1322220,,,67308,,1030093,67308,962785,,309,6019,148,1734,,,60605,1791,1745,46,08/19 17:00,08/20 15:57,GET,HMH,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1308264,,,66618,,1020926,66618,954308,,321,5988,152,1727,,,60242,1784,1738,46,08/18 17:00,08/19 15:58,DJW,REB,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1273397,,,66061,,1003306,66061,937245,,304,5932,154,1722,,,59568,1767,1721,46,08/17 17:00,08/18 15:53,BHP,RS,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1266561,,,65716,,1000023,65716,934307,,286,5886,155,1716,,,58859,1758,1712,46,08/16 17:00,08/17 16:52,JB,DZL,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1254208,,,65152,,994054,65152,928902,,290,5851,152,1700,,,58196,1752,1706,46,08/15 17:00,08/16 16:06,RSG,KP,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1236918,,,64413,,984473,64413,920060,,307,5822,140,1691,,,57457,1745,1699,46,08/14 17:00,08/15 16:21,PK,SB,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1219816,,,63723,,973546,63723,909823,,313,5783,152,1679,,,56659,1739,1693,46,08/13 17:00,08/14 16:06,TCD,RSG,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1203559,,,62993,,963096,62993,900103,,308,5742,154,1671,,,56346,1731,1685,46,08/12 17:00,08/13 16:09,AIA,QN,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1188288,,,62303,,952785,62303,890482,,335,5711,154,1657,,,55855,1724,1678,46,08/11 17:00,08/12 16:38,KAT,RSG,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1177935,,,61839,,946030,61839,884191,,337,5661,147,1648,,,55151,1707,1666,41,08/10 17:00,08/11 16:08,JB,RSG,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1172118,,,61516,,944160,61516,882644,,320,5606,159,1633,,,54364,1701,1660,41,08/09 17:00,08/10 16:52,KAT,DZL,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1159139,,,60898,,934973,60898,874075,,312,5555,148,1615,,,53568,1698,1657,41,08/08 17:00,08/09 15:32,DJW,BSL,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1138595,,,60101,,921397,60101,861296,,309,5506,154,1603,,,52768,1689,1648,41,08/07 17:00,08/08 15:40,DJW,RS,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1121299,,,59185,,910271,59185,851086,,300,5458,155,1592,,,51940,1681,1640,41,08/06 17:00,8/07 17:42,DJW,RSG,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1105094,,,58640,,899480,58640,840840,,319,5421,153,1583,,,51604,1677,1636,41,08/05 17:00,8/06 16:06,KVP,DZL,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1090303,,,57779,,887623,57779,829844,,305,5373,152,1575,,,51223,1670,1629,41,08/04 17:00,8/05 16:02,MJW,DZL,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1078695,,,57162,,878111,57162,820949,,328,5346,159,1563,,,50426,1660,1620,40,08/03 17:00,8/04 16:03,CRG,DZL,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/4 17:46, 20200803,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1070925,,,56560,,872004,56560,815444,,302,5298,153,1545,,,49565,1656,1616,40,08/02 17:00,8/03 16:37,MJW,RSG,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1054962,,,55947,,858341,55947,802394,,302,5241,149,1532,,,48847,1654,1614,40,08/01 17:00,8/02 16:05,KVP,BML,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1040317,,,55188,,846268,55188,791080,,317,5208,149,1520,,,48119,1646,1606,40,07/31 17:00,8/01 16:41,SLC,RSG,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1024916,,,54463,,834354,54463,779891,,312,5155,151,1510,,,47289,1640,1600,40,07/30 17:00,07/31 17:07,RSG,MM,"(7/31 RSG) We started reporting persons tested. This resulted in a drop in negative cases when switching from calculating negatives using total specimens to total people. (7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200730,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1007882,,767125,53692,,820817,53692,954190,,298,5112,141,1490,,,46965,1634,1594,40,07/29 17:00,07/30 16:00,DJW,HMH,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200729,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,993091,,,52947,,,52947,940144,,310,5077,143,1484,,,46636,1629,1589,40,07/28 17:00,07/29 15:35,DJW,RS,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200728,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,979988,,,52281,,,52281,927707,,294,5028,138,1474,,,45987,1620,1580,40,07/27 17:00,07/28 15:35,DJW,BSL,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200727,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,970726,,,51803,,,51803,918923,,257,4961,126,1458,,,45198,1616,1576,40,07/26 17:00,07/27 16:24,DJW,SB,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200726,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,957374,,,51153,,,51153,906221,,273,4920,115,1448,,,44431,1614,1574,40,07/25 17:00,07/26 15:53,SB,BML,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200725,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,940696,,,50291,,,50291,890405,,287,4889,115,1440,,,43625,1611,1571,40,07/24 17:00,07/25 15:59,DZL,RS,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200724,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,922876,,,49488,,,49488,873388,,278,4852,108,1437,,,42882,1606,1566,40,07/23 17:00,07/24 15:35,DJW,HMH,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200723,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,905315,,,48721,,,48721,856594,,282,4818,107,1431,,,42524,1601,1561,40,07/22 17:00,07/23 15:54,DJW,JAC,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200722,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,888551,,,47961,,,47961,840590,,273,4771,119,1423,,,42234,1592,1552,40,07/21 17:00,07/22 15:00,DJW,HMH,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200721,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,876859,,,47457,,,47457,829402,,266,4723,112,1412,,,41511,1588,1548,40,07/20 17:00,07/21 17:01,ATS,BHP,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200720,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,867410,,,47107,,,47107,820303,,247,4678,115,1397,,,40742,1585,1545,40,07/19 17:00,07/20 15:51,SLC,RS,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200719,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,853188,,,46204,,,46204,806984,,258,4627,120,1389,,,40001,1581,1541,40,07/18 17:00,07/19 16:09,SLC,BHP,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200718,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,835962,,,45470,,,45470,790492,,265,4602,117,1377,,,39310,1578,1538,40,07/17 17:00,07/18 15:51,DJW,JAC,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200717,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,819511,,,45013,,,45013,774498,,252,4563,110,1369,,,38568,1573,1533,40,07/16 17:00,07/17 16:08,SLC,BSL,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200716,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,805212,,,44347,,,44347,760865,,249,4526,103,1357,,,38290,1566,1526,40,07/15 17:00,07/16 15:49,SLC,BSL,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200715,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,790497,,,43742,,,43742,746755,,254,4495,106,1353,,,38179,1558,1518,40,07/14 17:00,07/15 15:05,DJW,BSL,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200714,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,777614,,,43170,,,43170,734444,,236,4452,107,1348,,,37749,1548,1510,38,07/13 17:00,07/14 15:50,SLC,REB,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200713,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,768989,,,42772,,,42772,726217,,247,4424,114,1338,,,37199,1542,1504,38,07/12 17:00,07/13 15:29,DZL,SB,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200712,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,755052,,,42281,,,42281,712771,,251,4399,123,1335,,,36582,1540,1502,38,07/11 17:00,07/12 15:58,ETS,BHP,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200711,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,742095,,,41571,,,41571,700524,,241,4366,121,1325,,,36012,1537,1499,38,07/10 17:00,07/11 16:00,KVP,SB,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200710,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,725825,,,40767,,,40767,685058,,227,4329,124,1320,,,35442,1533,1495,38,07/09 17:00,07/10 15:45,AJC,JAC,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200709,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,705440,,,40163,,,40163,665277,,251,4305,116,1312,,,35193,1528,1490,38,07/08 17:00,07/09 15:37,DZL,KWS,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200708,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,692970,,,39589,,,39589,653381,,265,4272,122,1302,,,34902,1523,1485,38,07/07 17:00,07/08 16:01,BHP,MM,"(7/8 HMH) cur. hosp and cur. icu data not updated (7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200707,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,685247,,,39133,,,39133,646114,,267,4252,121,1295,,,34377,1514,1477,37,07/06 17:00,07/07 15:28,GET,RS,"(7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200706,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,679693,,,38569,,,38569,641124,,258,4219,125,1290,,,33907,1511,1474,37,07/05 17:00,07/06 15:25,BAS,RS,"(7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200705,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,674015,,,38136,,,38136,635879,,253,4170,132,1287,,,33408,1508,1471,37,07/04 17:00,07/05 15:14,SNW,HMH,"(7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200704,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,645172,,,37624,,,37624,607548,,270,4139,132,1277,,,32347,1503,1466,37,07/02 17:00,07/03 16:25,HMH,BSL,"(7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200703,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,645172,,,37624,,,37624,607548,,270,4139,132,1277,,,32347,1503,1466,37,07/02 17:00,07/03 16:25,HMH,BSL,"(7/4 HMH) ""In observance of the Fourth of July holiday, we will not be updating the data on this page on Saturday, July 4. Updates will resume on Sunday, July 5."" (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200702,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,630427,,,37210,,,37210,593217,,274,4112,123,1266,,,32163,1495,1458,37,07/01 17:00,07/02 15:53,GET,KWS,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200701,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,617107,,,36716,,,36716,580391,,260,4081,125,1258,,,31947,1482,1445,37,06/30 17:00,07/01 15:41,RSG,JAC,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200630,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,605316,,,36303,,,36303,569013,,270,4054,136,1258,,,31601,1476,1441,35,06/29 17:00,06/30 15:46,BHP,BSL,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200629,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,592955,,,35861,,,35861,557094,,278,4031,140,1249,,,31225,1470,1435,35,06/28 17:00,06/29 15:48,BAS,SB,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200628,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,585417,,,35549,,,35549,549868,,288,4010,143,1241,,,30809,1460,1425,35,06/27 17:00,06/28 15:30,SNW,BSL,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200627,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,568907,,,35033,,,35033,533874,,300,3986,155,1233,,,30401,1452,1417,35,06/26 17:00,06/27 15:51,AJC,JAC,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200626,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,557278,,,34616,,,34616,522662,,335,3966,157,1221,,,30008,1446,1411,35,06/25 17:00,06/26 15:53,LRH,RS,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200625,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,542696,,,34123,,,34123,508573,,336,3943,162,1218,,,29854,1441,1406,35,06/24 17:00,06/25 15:25,AJC,BSL,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200624,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,529643,,,33763,,,33763,495880,,340,3897,160,1203,,,29707,1432,1397,35,06/23 17:00,06/24 15:40,SMG,BSL,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200623,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,520045,,,33469,,,33469,486576,,339,3860,158,1191,,,29399,1425,1393,32,06/22 17:00,06/23 15:17,AW,BSL,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200622,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,513137,,,33227,,,33227,479910,,332,3830,156,1180,,,29065,1416,1384,32,06/21 17:00,06/22 15:10,G-S,HMH,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200621,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,504363,,,32920,,,32920,471443,,322,3797,160,1163,,,28663,1412,1380,32,06/20 17:00,06/21 15:13,ETW,BSL,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200620,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,492043,,,32467,,,32467,459576,,324,3767,161,1155,,,28205,1404,1372,32,06/19 17:00,06/20 15:28,SB,JAC,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200619,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,475152,,,32031,,,32031,443121,,339,3748,168,1150,,,27709,1393,1361,32,06/18 17:00,06/19 15:24,CB-M,RS,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200618,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,460879,,,31675,,,31675,429204,,345,3718,171,1144,,,27566,1376,1344,32,06/17 17:00,06/18 15:28,GMJ,MM,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200617,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,448587,,,31296,,,31296,417291,,351,3689,181,1136,,,27404,1357,1325,32,06/16 17:00,06/17 16:10,BHP,JAC,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200616,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,429145,,,30882,,,30882,398263,,357,3658,185,1128,,,27006,1344,1313,31,06/15 17:00,06/16 15:22,BHP,RS,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200615,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,422922,,,30693,,,30693,392229,,353,3630,186,1121,,,26609,1335,1304,31,06/14 17:00,06/15 15:20,RSG,RS,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200614,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,417710,,,30471,,,30471,387239,,369,3610,186,1110,,,26090,1329,1298,31,06/13 17:00,06/14 15:10,BSL,BHP,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200613,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,417710,,,30465,,,30465,387245,,390,3581,191,1104,,,25620,1314,1283,31,06/12 17:00,06/13 15:01,BHP,BML,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200612,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,408052,,,30463,,,30463,377589,,403,3557,191,1093,,,25028,1305,1274,31,06/11 17:00,06/12 15:07,BHP,RS,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200611,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,395234,,,30418,,,30418,364816,,411,3522,196,1091,,,24870,1280,1249,31,06/10 17:00,06/11 16:32,ETW,QN,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200610,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,381833,,,30199,,,30199,351634,,427,3482,193,1083,,,24675,1267,1236,31,06/09 17:00,06/10 15:03,ETW,BSL,"(6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200609,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,369793,,,29866,,,29866,339927,,455,3441,199,1068,,,24221,1228,1217,11,06/08 17:00,06/09 15:05,ETW,REB,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200608,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,360912,,,29436,,,29436,331476,,452,3401,198,1052,,,23657,1208,1197,11,06/07 17:00,06/08 14:57,SPA,MM,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200607,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,353141,,,28988,,,28988,324153,,450,3367,199,1044,,,22992,1197,1186,11,06/06 17:00,06/07 15:09,SB,RS,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (6/7 SB) Cumulative ICU has gone DOWN from 1044 to 1043! Previous day's entries seem strange as well. Leaving at 1044 for today to see if mistakes are corrected. (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200606,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,343597,,,28853,,,28853,314744,,473,3336,206,1044,,,22253,1181,1170,11,06/05 17:00,06/06 14:33,SMS,BML,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (6/6 BML) Moved the total tests value from ""Total PCR tests (People)"" to ""Total tests (PCR)"" because this value now reflects specimens, as of state page note on 6/5 (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200605,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,333185,,,28688,,,28688,304497,,478,3289,220,1044,,,21864,1159,1148,11,06/04 17:00,06/05 16:02,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200604,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,322148,,,28290,,,28290,293858,,512,3253,244,1033,,,21490,1126,1115,11,06/03 17:00,06/04 15:29,MDH,JAC,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200603,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,311208,,,27889,,,27889,283319,,537,3203,254,1022,,,21169,1097,1086,11,06/02 17:00,,,,,A,, 20200602,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,295307,,,27376,,,27376,267931,,537,3134,248,1003,,,20381,1082,1072,10,06/01 17:00,06/03 16:17,ETW,PR,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200601,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,287636,,,26897,,,26897,260739,,549,3086,253,981,,,19441,1060,1050,10,05/31 17:00,06/01 16:05,SB,RS,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200531,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,283455,,,26322,,,26322,257133,,555,3047,257,971,,,18695,1050,1040,10,05/30 17:00,05/31 15:43,SB,RS,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200530,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,276573,,,26181,,,26181,250392,,589,3011,263,960,,,17864,1036,1026,10,05/29 17:00,05/30 16:54,QN,SB ,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200529,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,268137,,,26013,,,26013,242124,,592,2936,259,938,,,16930,1006,996,10,05/28 17:00,05/29 14:34,G-S,AW,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200528,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,257754,,,25559,,,25559,232195,,606,2880,242,924,,,16655,977,967,10,05/27 17:00,05/28 16:12,VVR,REB,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200527,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,247809,,,24988,,,24988,222821,,598,2796,260,902,,,16314,942,932,10,05/26 17:00,05/27 14:43,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200526,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,238282,,,24308,,,24308,213974,,570,2709,258,886,,,15523,908,899,9,05/25 17:00,05/26 15:52,REB,MM,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200525,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,231340,,,23524,,,23524,207816,,605,2676,248,869,,,14816,890,881,9,05/24 17:00,05/25 16:03,CML,AW,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200524,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,224687,,,23121,,,23121,201566,,553,2588,207,841,,,14115,878,869,9,05/23 17:00,05/24 15:32,AFG,RS,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200523,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,217706,,,22765,,,22765,194941,,568,2534,215,832,,,13485,861,852,9,05/22 17:00,05/23 16:57,SOJ,SPA,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200522,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,208810,,,22374,,,22374,186436,,534,2432,233,806,,,12696,851,842,9,05/21 17:00,05/22 16:06,G-S,QN,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200521,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,199088,,,21582,,,21582,177506,,566,2380,229,787,,,12488,818,809,9,05/20 17:00,05/21 15:22,VVR,RS,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens",A,, 20200520,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,190808,,,20609,,,20609,170199,,550,2308,212,773,,,12227,786,777,9,05/19 17:00,05/20 14:14,RSB,BL,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens ",A,, 20200519,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,183851,,,19842,,,19842,164009,,545,2221,229,750,,,11540,757,748,9,05/18 17:00,05/19 16:22,RSB,KP,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens ",A+,, 20200518,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,177474,,,18987,,,18987,158487,,488,2128,229,731,,,10764,740,731,9,05/17 17:00,05/18 15:27,RSB,MM,"PROCESS: - Recoved from the dashboard Released From Isolation (we can use it now, it no longer includes deaths as of 5/18) - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/18 morn ATS) changed Total Tests (People) from 15605 to 150605 - believe it was a typo, removed Total Tests (Specimens) because it is not explicitly clear that this is number is specimens ",A+,, 20200517,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,171077,,,18016,,,18016,153069,,487,2090,221,716,,,10175,731,722,9,05/16 17:00,05/17 16:25,KP,JAC,"PROCESS: - Recoved is the number from the pie chart, ""Cases no longer need isolation (not including death)"" - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/13 aft REB) returning Recovered number, from a pie chart that specifically excludes death (5/12 aft ATS) stopped reporting Recovered because ""Patients no longer needing isolation represents individuals with confirmed COVID-19 who no longer need to self-isolate, including those who have died."" (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A+,, 20200516,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,165104,,,17705,,,17705,147399,,493,2039,225,700,,,9571,709,700,9,05/15 17:00,05/16 15:09,G-S,BL,"PROCESS: - Recoved is the number from the pie chart, ""Cases no longer need isolation (not including death)"" - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/13 aft REB) returning Recovered number, from a pie chart that specifically excludes death (5/12 aft ATS) stopped reporting Recovered because ""Patients no longer needing isolation represents individuals with confirmed COVID-19 who no longer need to self-isolate, including those who have died."" (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A+,, 20200515,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,157136,,,17363,,,17363,139773,,498,1985,200,679,,,8820,692,683,9,05/14 17:00,05/15 16:23,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: - Recoved is the number from the pie chart, ""Cases no longer need isolation (not including death)"" - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/13 aft REB) returning Recovered number, from a pie chart that specifically excludes death (5/12 aft ATS) stopped reporting Recovered because ""Patients no longer needing isolation represents individuals with confirmed COVID-19 who no longer need to self-isolate, including those who have died."" (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A+,, 20200514,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,148008,,,16565,,,16565,131443,,498,1915,203,663,,,8473,663,663,9,05/13 17:00,05/14 14:51,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: - Recoved is the number from the pie chart, ""Cases no longer need isolation (not including death)"" - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/13 aft REB) returning Recovered number, from a pie chart that specifically excludes death (5/12 aft ATS) stopped reporting Recovered because ""Patients no longer needing isolation represents individuals with confirmed COVID-19 who no longer need to self-isolate, including those who have died."" (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A+,, 20200513,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141274,,,15772,,,15772,125502,,494,1851,199,647,,,8149,638,638,9,05/12 17:00,,,,"PROCESS: - Recoved is the number from the pie chart, ""Cases no longer need isolation (not including death)"" - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/13 aft REB) returning Recovered number, from a pie chart that specifically excludes death (5/12 aft ATS) stopped reporting Recovered because ""Patients no longer needing isolation represents individuals with confirmed COVID-19 who no longer need to self-isolate, including those who have died."" (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A+,, 20200512,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133977,,,15043,,,15043,118934,,496,1799,199,625,,,7609,614,614,,05/11 17:00,05/12 14:23,ATS,RS,"PROCESS: - No longer reporting Recovered because ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" includes patients who have died. We cannot calculate Recovered because we do not have a number for Patient Deaths - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/12 aft ATS) stopped reporting Recovered because ""Patients no longer needing isolation represents individuals with confirmed COVID-19 who no longer need to self-isolate, including those who have died."" (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A,, 20200511,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,129964,,,14379,,,14379,115585,,452,1716,194,600,,,6945,591,591,,05/10 17:00,05/11 15:03,SLW,AW,"PROCESS: - ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" => recovered - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A,, 20200510,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,124661,,,13552,,,13552,111109,,434,1657,199,581,,,6304,578,578,,05/09 17:00,05/10 16:55,REB,CML,"PROCESS: - ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" => recovered - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A,, 20200509,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,119361,,,13321,,,13321,106040,,476,1612,180,556,,,5764,558,558,,05/08 17:00,05/09 15:09,ALF,RS,"PROCESS: - ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" => recovered - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A,, 20200508,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,114448,,,13040,,,13040,101408,,473,1549,198,540,,,5163,534,534,,05/07 17:00,05/08 15:01,REB,RS,"PROCESS: - ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" => recovered - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A,, 20200507,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109572,,,12328,,,12328,97244,,435,1459,182,512,,,4800,508,508,,05/06 17:00,05/07 15:13,QN,RS,"PROCESS: - ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" => recovered - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A,, 20200506,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,104557,,,11510,,,11510,93047,,443,1405,180,488,,,4520,485,485,,05/05 17:00,05/06 15:27,RS,AW,"PROCESS: - ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" => recovered - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A,, 20200505,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100078,,,10876,,,10876,89202,,434,1350,182,475,,,4159,455,455,,05/04 17:00,05/05 14:38,QN,RS,"PROCESS: - ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" => recovered - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A,, 20200504,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96912,,,10235,,,10235,86677,,396,1271,166,444,,,3784,428,428,,05/04 0:00,05/04 14:58,MM,REB,"PROCESS: - ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" => recovered - Cumulative ICU is in the ""Hospitalization data table"" table (5/4 aft MM) hosp data is from today so changing local time to today at 00:00 (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number ",A,, 20200503,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92844,,,9411,,,9411,83433,,373,1199,155,426,,,2596,419,419,,05/02 17:00,,,,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number (4/23 mor ALF) Assuming that Recovered = ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" (4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200502,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,89680,,,9071,,,9071,80609,,389,1159,135,404,,,2002,395,,,05/01 17:00,,,,"(5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “Minnesota is reporting people tested”; this is now removed (4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number (4/23 mor ALF) Assuming that Recovered = ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" (4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200501,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85950,,,8736,,,8736,77214,,369,1096,118,380,,,1911,371,,,04/30 17:00,05/01 15:02,KP,AW,"(4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number (4/23 mor ALF) Assuming that Recovered = ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" (4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200430,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81465,,,8116,,,8116,73349,,365,1044,130,358,,,1829,343,,,04/29 17:00,,,,"(4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number (4/23 mor ALF) Assuming that Recovered = ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" (4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200429,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77118,,,7468,,,7468,69650,,320,950,119,337,,,1724,319,,,04/28 17:00,,,,"(4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number (4/23 mor ALF) Assuming that Recovered = ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" (4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200428,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70036,,,6788,,,6788,63248,,314,912,120,324,,,1611,301,,,04/27 17:00,04/28 14:32,AW,QN,"(4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number (4/23 mor ALF) Assuming that Recovered = ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" (4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200427,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66690,,,6187,,,6187,60503,,292,861,122,316,,,1556,286,,,04/26 17:00,,,,"(4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number (4/23 mor ALF) Assuming that Recovered = ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" (4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200426,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64673,,,5512,,,5512,59161,,285,829,115,301,,,1502,272,,,04/26 12:00,,,,"(4/26 aft SPA) There was a typo in the formula for negatives resulting in a lower negative number (4/23 mor ALF) Assuming that Recovered = ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" (4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200425,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62109,,,5127,,,5127,56982,,288,797,109,291,,,1410,244,,,04/24 17:00,04/25 15:30,QN,REB,"(4/23 mor ALF) Assuming that Recovered = ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" (4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200424,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59494,,,4788,,,4788,54706,,278,756,111,281,,,1373,221,,,04/23 17:00,,,,"(4/23 mor ALF) Assuming that Recovered = ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" (4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200423,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56414,,,4270,,,4270,52144,,268,712,104,274,,,1336,200,,,04/22 17:00,,,,"(4/23 mor ALF) Assuming that Recovered = ""Patients no longer needing isolation"" (4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200422,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53923,,,3758,,,3758,50165,,240,660,107,262,,,1138,179,,,04/21 17:00,,,,"(4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200421,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51793,,,3452,,,3452,48341,,237,629,117,253,,,1094,160,,,04/20 17:00,,,,"(4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200420,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50044,,,3190,,,3190,46854,,237,602,126,241,,,1059,143,,,04/20 12:00,04/20 15:14,REB,PR,"(4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200419,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49202,,,2914,,,2914,46288,,228,574,116,226,,,1026,134,,,04/19 12:00,,,,"4/19 eve LAW – the numbers stayed the same so no need for a DC! (4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200418,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47970,,,2788,,,2788,45182,,239,561,111,215,,,997,121,,,04/17 17:00,,,,"(4/9 MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph ",A,, 20200417,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46488,,,2668,,,2668,43820,,223,518,106,202,,,955,111,,,04/16 17:00,,,,"(4/9 aftn MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph (4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients (4/6) Dashboard has been updated as of 15:00 (4/6) State COVID-19 Page updates data at 11:00 every morning with data collected at 16:00 the previous day. State COVID-19 Page has Total ICU (cumulative) on under their hospitalization chart.",A,, 20200416,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45022,,,2486,,,2486,42536,,213,475,103,188,,,926,94,,,04/15 17:00,,,,"(4/9 aftn MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph (4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients (4/6) Dashboard has been updated as of 15:00 (4/6) State COVID-19 Page updates data at 11:00 every morning with data collected at 16:00 the previous day. State COVID-19 Page has Total ICU (cumulative) on under their hospitalization chart.",A,, 20200415,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43566,,,2321,,,2321,41245,,197,445,93,175,,,853,87,,,04/14 17:00,,,,"(4/9 aftn MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph (4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients (4/6) Dashboard has been updated as of 15:00 (4/6) State COVID-19 Page updates data at 11:00 every morning with data collected at 16:00 the previous day. State COVID-19 Page has Total ICU (cumulative) on under their hospitalization chart.",A,, 20200414,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41870,,,2165,,,2165,39705,,177,405,75,155,,,830,79,,,04/13 17:00,,,,"(4/9 aftn MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph (4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients (4/6) Dashboard has been updated as of 15:00 (4/6) State COVID-19 Page updates data at 11:00 every morning with data collected at 16:00 the previous day. State COVID-19 Page has Total ICU (cumulative) on under their hospitalization chart.",A,, 20200413,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40679,,,2012,,,2012,38667,,157,361,74,146,,,772,70,,,04/12 17:00,,,,"(4/9 aftn MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph (4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients (4/6) Dashboard has been updated as of 15:00 (4/6) State COVID-19 Page updates data at 11:00 every morning with data collected at 16:00 the previous day. State COVID-19 Page has Total ICU (cumulative) on under their hospitalization chart.",A,, 20200412,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39894,,,1864,,,1864,38030,,157,361,74,146,,,772,70,,,04/11 21:00,,,,"(4/9 aftn MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph (4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients (4/6) Dashboard has been updated as of 15:00 (4/6) State COVID-19 Page updates data at 11:00 every morning with data collected at 16:00 the previous day. State COVID-19 Page has Total ICU (cumulative) on under their hospitalization chart.",A,, 20200411,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38704,,,1806,,,1806,36898,,145,340,69,138,,,729,64,,,04/10 17:00,,,,"(4/9 aftn MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph (4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients (4/6) Dashboard has been updated as of 15:00 (4/6) State COVID-19 Page updates data at 11:00 every morning with data collected at 16:00 the previous day. State COVID-19 Page has Total ICU (cumulative) on under their hospitalization chart.",A,, 20200410,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37078,,,1732,,,1732,35346,,143,317,64,131,,,675,57,,,04/09 17:00,,,,"(4/9 aftn MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by clicking ""Hosp. data table"" (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph (4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients (4/6) Dashboard has been updated as of 15:00 (4/6) State COVID-19 Page updates data at 11:00 every morning with data collected at 16:00 the previous day. State COVID-19 Page has Total ICU (cumulative) on under their hospitalization chart.",A,, 20200409,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35319,,,1637,,,1637,33682,,145,293,63,119,,,625,50,,,04/09 12:00,,,,"(4/9 aftn MEB) Cumulitive ICU data can be found by hovering mouse over pie chart in dashboard (4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph (4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients (4/6) Dashboard has been updated as of 15:00 (4/6) State COVID-19 Page updates data at 11:00 every morning with data collected at 16:00 the previous day. State COVID-19 Page has Total ICU (cumulative) on under their hospitalization chart.",A,, 20200408,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33488,,,1534,,,1534,31954,,135,271,64,105,,,593,39,,,04/08 17:00,,,,"(4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph (4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients (4/6) Dashboard has been updated as of 15:00 (4/6) State COVID-19 Page updates data at 11:00 every morning with data collected at 16:00 the previous day. State COVID-19 Page has Total ICU (cumulative) on under their hospitalization chart.",A,, 20200407,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32035,,,1432,,,1432,30603,,120,242,64,100,,,515,34,,,04/06 17:00,,,,"(4/6 PR) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph (4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients (4/6) Dashboard has been updated as of 15:00 (4/6) State COVID-19 Page updates data at 11:00 every morning with data collected at 16:00 the previous day. State COVID-19 Page has Total ICU (cumulative) on under their hospitalization chart.",A,, 20200406,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30485,,,1330,,,1330,29155,,115,223,57,90,,,440,30,,,04/06 17:11,,,,"4/6) please check fine print table for hosp / vent data - often more updated than graph (4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients (4/6) Dashboard has been updated as of 15:00 (4/6) State COVID-19 Page updates data at 11:00 every morning with data collected at 16:00 the previous day. State COVID-19 Page has Total ICU (cumulative) on under their hospitalization chart.",A,, 20200405,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29307,,,1217,,,1217,28090,,106,202,48,77,,,422,29,,,04/04 17:00,,,,"(4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients ",A,, 20200404,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27845,,,1158,,,1158,26687,,95,180,42,69,,,416,24,,,04/04 12:00,,,,"(4/4 aftn QN): MN now reports cumulative ICU in the table for hospitalization (4/4 ESK) added released from isolation as recovered since it calls them patients ",A,, 20200403,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26182,,,1119,,,1119,25063,,86,156,40,40,,,,22,,,04/02 17:00,,,,,A,, 20200402,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24836,,,1056,,,1056,23780,,75,138,38,38,,,,18,,,04/02 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200401,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22853,,,973,,,973,21880,,54,122,27,27,,,,17,,,04/01 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21851,,,916,,,916,20935,,56,112,26,26,,,,12,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20335,,,823,,,823,19512,,56,92,24,24,,,,10,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19291,,,725,,,725,18566,,39,75,,17,,,243,9,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18082,,,687,,,687,17395,,30,57,,17,,,215,5,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14245,,,640,,,640,13605,,34,51,,17,,,176,4,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13169,,,565,,,565,12604,,31,41,,,,,,2,,,03/26 13:15,,,,,A,, 20200325,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11690,,,502,,,502,11188,,26,35,,,,,121,1,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5994,,,444,,,444,5550,,,21,,,,,,1,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4904,,,393,,,393,4511,,,17,,,,,,1,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4860,,,349,,,349,4511,,,12,,,,,,1,,,03/21 12:10,,,,,,, 20200321,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4279,,,327,,,327,3952,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200320,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4044,,,303,,,303,3741,,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3236,,,287,,,287,2949,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2954,,,269,,,269,2685,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2522,,,246,,,246,2276,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2018,,,179,,,179,1839,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:52,,,,,,, 20200315,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1515,,,128,,,128,1387,,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,937,,,90,,,90,847,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,603,,,62,,,62,541,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,350,,,43,,,43,307,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,238,,,21,,,21,217,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,143,,,11,,,11,132,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85,,,5,,,5,80,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,2,,,2,48,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,2,,,2,48,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,MN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37,,,1,,,1,36,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,MO,,,,,,,68924,2899,66025,,,,,1294127,95127,1196755,84697,,982955,84697,898258,,906,,,,110,,,1530,,,08/31 0:00,08/31 17:04,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/25 HMH) Pos. antibody decreased by 9. (8/24 CB-M) - Significant drop in PCR_Total - from 1218097 to 1214456. Positive PCR from 87456 to 86924 Negative PCR from 1128457 to 1125404. No mention given on state's page, #reporting or anything unusual reported from yesterday. (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/31 17:26, 20200830,MO,,,,,,,68819,2884,65935,,,,,1283056,93879,1186910,83655,,974237,83655,890582,,1004,,,,111,,,1508,,,08/30 0:00,08/30 17:03,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/25 HMH) Pos. antibody decreased by 9. (8/24 CB-M) - Significant drop in PCR_Total - from 1218097 to 1214456. Positive PCR from 87456 to 86924 Negative PCR from 1128457 to 1125404. No mention given on state's page, #reporting or anything unusual reported from yesterday. (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/30 17:56, 20200829,MO,,,,,,,68525,2851,65674,,,,,1271859,92544,1177080,82190,,965326,82190,883136,,976,,,,113,,,1496,,,08/29 0:00,08/29 16:27,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/25 HMH) Pos. antibody decreased by 9. (8/24 CB-M) - Significant drop in PCR_Total - from 1218097 to 1214456. Positive PCR from 87456 to 86924 Negative PCR from 1128457 to 1125404. No mention given on state's page, #reporting or anything unusual reported from yesterday. (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/29 17:49, 20200828,MO,,,,,,,68113,2829,65284,,,,,1258585,91202,1165164,80992,,954633,80992,873641,,1007,,,,118,,,1464,,,08/28 0:00,08/28 17:17,QN,PK,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/25 HMH) Pos. antibody decreased by 9. (8/24 CB-M) - Significant drop in PCR_Total - from 1218097 to 1214456. Positive PCR from 87456 to 86924 Negative PCR from 1128457 to 1125404. No mention given on state's page, #reporting or anything unusual reported from yesterday. (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,MO,,,,,,,67581,2778,64803,,,,,1243050,89878,1150970,79574,,943023,79574,863449,,902,,,,110,,,1450,,,08/27 0:00,08/27 17:06,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/25 HMH) Pos. antibody decreased by 9. (8/24 CB-M) - Significant drop in PCR_Total - from 1218097 to 1214456. Positive PCR from 87456 to 86924 Negative PCR from 1128457 to 1125404. No mention given on state's page, #reporting or anything unusual reported from yesterday. (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,MO,,,,,,,67139,2737,64402,,,,,1230039,88500,1139402,78062,,932140,78062,854078,,882,,,,116,,,1449,,,08/26 0:00,08/26 16:31,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/25 HMH) Pos. antibody decreased by 9. (8/24 CB-M) - Significant drop in PCR_Total - from 1218097 to 1214456. Positive PCR from 87456 to 86924 Negative PCR from 1128457 to 1125404. No mention given on state's page, #reporting or anything unusual reported from yesterday. (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,MO,,,,,,,66891,2705,64186,,,,,1223471,87041,1134314,76636,,924078,76636,847442,,925,,,,119,,,1440,,,08/25 0:00,08/25 16:10,HMH,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/25 HMH) Pos. antibody decreased by 9. (8/24 CB-M) - Significant drop in PCR_Total - from 1218097 to 1214456. Positive PCR from 87456 to 86924 Negative PCR from 1128457 to 1125404. No mention given on state's page, #reporting or anything unusual reported from yesterday. (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,MO,,,,,,,66838,2714,64124,,,,,1214456,86924,1125404,75944,,919712,75944,843768,,957,,,,118,,,1426,,,08/24 0:00,08/24 16:25,CB-M,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/24 CB-M) - Significant drop in PCR_Total - from 1218097 to 1214456. Positive PCR from 87456 to 86924 Negative PCR from 1128457 to 1125404. No mention given on state's page, #reporting or anything unusual reported from yesterday. (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,MO,,,,,,,66819,2710,64109,,,,,1218097,87456,1128457,75075,,914833,75075,839758,,957,,,,118,,,1426,,,08/23 0:00,08/23 16:12,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,MO,,,,,,,66401,2649,63752,,,,,1196542,84986,1109461,74257,,904694,74257,830437,,913,,,,104,,,1425,,,08/22 0:00,08/22 16:02,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,MO,,,,,,,66061,2633,63428,,,,,1185535,83699,1099769,72964,,896106,72964,823142,,875,,,,114,,,1419,,,08/21 0:00,08/21 16:12,CB-M,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,MO,,,,,,,65702,2606,63096,,,,,1172659,82566,1088054,71733,,885874,71733,814141,,875,,,,114,,,1417,,,08/20 0:00,08/20 16:30,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,MO,,,,,,,65313,2576,62737,,,,,1158444,81200,1075226,70675,,874795,70675,804120,,875,,,,114,,,1414,,,08/19 0:00,08/19 16:16,BML,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,MO,,,,,,,65068,2564,62504,,,,,1150637,80526,1068096,69417,,867481,69417,798064,,891,,,,116,,,1402,,,08/18 0:00,08/18 16:27,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,MO,,,,,,,64968,2549,62419,,,,,1138890,79618,1057293,68623,,858617,68623,789994,,853,,,,119,,,1396,,,08/17 0:00,08/17 16:55,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,MO,,,,,,,64503,2521,61982,,,,,1119127,78458,1038713,67475,,845618,67475,778143,,889,,,,121,,,1367,,,08/16 0:00,08/16 16:18,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,MO,,,,,,,64229,2492,61737,,,,,1106583,77152,1027492,66397,,835441,66397,769044,,871,,,,113,,,1346,,,08/15 0:00,08/15 16:28,HMH,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,MO,,,,,,,63781,2460,61321,,,,,1093970,75959,1016099,65270,,824869,65270,759599,,882,,,,107,,,1335,,,08/14 0:00,08/14 16:56,HMH,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,MO,,,,,,,63158,2412,60746,,,,,1074461,74219,998356,63797,,811357,63797,747560,,882,,,,111,,,1325,,,08/13 0:00,08/13 16:47,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,MO,,,,,,,62801,2397,60404,,,,,1057708,72841,983054,62530,,798581,62530,736051,,861,,,,107,,,1323,,,08/12 0:00,08/12 17:52,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (8/12 RSG) Total antibody tests (people) on dash dropped from 62908 to 62801, while positives increased from 2394 to 2397. (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,MO,,,,,,,62908,2394,60514,,,,,1046810,72091,972909,60935,,787220,60935,726285,,923,,,,112,,,1312,,,08/11 0:00,08/11 16:30,CB-M,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,MO,,,,,,,62414,2345,60069,,,,,1028968,69115,958061,59954,,769918,59954,709964,,923,,,,112,,,1307,,,08/10 0:00,08/10 16:59,DPT,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,MO,,,,,,,61708,2324,59384,,,,,996617,66665,928188,57379,,752740,57379,695361,,895,,,,105,,,1301,,,08/07 0:00,08/09 16:36,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,MO,,,,,,,61708,2324,59384,,,,,996617,66665,928188,57379,,752740,57379,695361,,924,,,,108,,,1301,,,08/07 0:00,08/08 17:13,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,MO,,,,,,,61708,2324,59384,,,,,996617,66665,928188,57379,,752740,57379,695361,,930,,,,113,,,1301,,,08/07 0:00,8/07 16:25,BML,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,MO,,,,,,,61253,2293,58960,,,,,968131,64892,901518,56383,,742311,56383,685928,,966,,,,110,,,1280,,,08/06 0:00,8/06 16:41,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,MO,,,,,,,60779,2265,58514,,,,,957863,63881,892311,55321,,730574,55321,675253,,882,,,,101,,,1272,,,08/05 0:00,8/05 17:06,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,MO,,,,,,,60510,2246,58264,,,,,946923,62399,882902,54080,,721523,54080,667443,,891,,,,99,,,1266,,,08/04 0:00,8/04 17:31,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/4 17:58, 20200803,MO,,,,,,,60381,2228,58153,,,,,936013,61559,872832,52887,,712948,52887,660061,,889,,,,99,,,1255,,,08/03 0:00,8/03 16:16,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,MO,,,,,,,59983,2215,57768,,,,,920290,60974,858109,51840,,702467,51840,650627,,889,,,,96,,,1253,,,08/02 15:00,8/02 16:08,BML,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,MO,,,,,,,59883,2206,57677,,,,,910956,59544,849835,51258,,696745,51258,645487,,812,,,,103,,,1253,,,08/01 15:00,8/01 17:00,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,MO,,,,,,,59610,2178,57432,,,,,895691,57753,836423,50323,,686773,50323,636450,,869,,,,108,,,1243,,,07/31 15:00,07/31 16:39,HMH,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200730,MO,,,,,,,59210,2137,57073,,,,,877684,54787,821441,48834,,675133,48834,626299,,813,,,,111,,,1233,,,07/30 15:00,07/30 16:09,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/30 BSL) Antibody test capture changed to reflect both people and specimens (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200729,MO,,,,,,,58833,2114,56719,,,,,856436,52623,802399,46750,,660899,46750,614149,,797,,,,112,,,1220,,,07/29 15:00,07/29 17:15,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200728,MO,,,,,,,58467,2087,56380,,,,,846657,50511,794773,44823,,652924,44823,608101,,797,,,,112,,,1213,,,07/28 15:00,07/28 17:28,KP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200727,MO,,,,,,,58069,2027,56042,,,,,830014,47812,780858,43050,,641904,43050,598854,,1057,,,,159,,,1201,,,07/27 15:00,07/27 17:35,REB,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/27 QN) Positive Cases PCR should use number from Testing - PCR tab. There were concerns the number in the overview have been lumping PCR and antibody positive cases (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). on thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200726,MO,,,,,,,57483,2027,55456,,,,,806753,47784,757625,41927,,626951,41927,585024,,1057,,,,159,,,1197,,,07/26 15:00,07/26 16:29,MEC,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/26 BML) Switched to using ""Individuals with Positive PCR Results"" for the ""Positive Cases (PCR)"" column (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200725,MO,,,,,,,57152,1994,55158,,,,,795966,45726,748933,40709,,619721,40709,579012,,1057,,,,159,,,1182,,,07/25 15:00,07/25 16:43,ISS,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200724,MO,,,,,,,56784,1935,54849,,,,,784770,43687,739825,39352,,612615,39352,573263,,1057,,,,159,,,1178,,,07/24 15:00,07/24 17:56,CB-M,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200723,MO,,,,,,,56303,1909,54394,,,,,769616,42073,726302,37700,,603284,37700,565584,,875,,,,86,,,1179,,,07/23 15:00,07/23 16:50,KVP,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200722,MO,,,,,,,55622,1876,53746,,,,,749051,40767,707077,36063,,589460,36063,553397,,875,,,,86,,,1159,,,07/22 15:00,07/22 16:26,AIA,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200721,MO,,,,,,,54991,1861,53130,,,,,739140,39567,698398,34762,,580320,34762,545558,,875,,,,86,,,1143,,,07/21 15:00,07/21 16:21,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200720,MO,,,,,,,54765,1842,52923,,,,,728137,38855,688187,33624,,571912,33624,538288,,875,,,,86,,,1132,,,07/20 15:00,07/20 16:17,SMG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200719,MO,,,,,,,53533,1829,51704,,,,,709043,37936,670037,33094,,559079,33094,525985,,875,,,,86,,,1129,,,07/19 15:00,07/19 16:25,DCC,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/19 BHP) Deaths dropped by 1 from 1130 to 1129.. (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200718,MO,,,,,,,52960,1817,51143,,,,,696291,36842,658406,32248,,550876,32248,518628,,875,,,,86,,,1130,,,07/18 15:00,07/18 16:15,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/18 KVP) Hospitalization data not updated since 7/12 (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200717,MO,,,,,,,52265,1798,50467,,,,,677038,36023,639989,31288,,537896,31288,506608,,875,,,,86,,,1121,,,07/17 15:00,07/17 16:23,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200716,MO,,,,,,,52063,1789,50274,,,,,664810,35179,628610,30422,,529301,30422,498879,,875,,,,86,,,1113,,,07/16 15:00,07/16 17:01,GMJ,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200715,MO,,,,,,,51446,1779,49667,,,,,646880,34290,611600,29714,,517947,29714,488233,,875,,,,86,,,1102,,,07/15 15:00,07/15 16:32,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200714,MO,,,,,,,51099,1766,49333,,,,,633226,33231,599011,28826,,505103,28826,476277,,811,,,,74,,,1093,,,07/14 15:00,07/14 16:29,ALF,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200713,MO,,,,,,,50495,1746,48749,,,,,621043,32874,587188,27890,,495777,27890,467887,,932,,,,89,,,1083,,,07/13 15:00,07/13 16:03,ENT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200712,MO,,,,,,,50108,1745,48363,,,,,605046,32546,571520,27443,,485508,27443,458065,,883,,,,80,,,1069,,,07/12 15:00,07/12 15:46,KP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200711,MO,,,,,,,49395,1745,47650,,,,,590426,32518,556928,27133,,474550,27133,447417,,883,,,,72,,,1069,,,07/11 15:00,07/11 15:56,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: . Note that the data on this spreadsheet runs a few days behind on the date it reflects (about 72h). 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200710,MO,,,,,,,48179,1670,46509,,,,,576537,31075,544522,25999,,454825,25999,428826,,886,,,,79,,,1051,,,07/10 15:00,07/10 16:30,GET,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200709,MO,,,,,,,48179,1670,46509,,,,,563325,30270,532133,25999,,454825,25999,428826,,811,,,,75,,,1051,,,07/09 15:00,07/09 16:23,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization and ventilator values in daily excel sheet: 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (7/9 DZL) Hospitalization pdf link doesn't work. Using daily excel sheet instead (link above). (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200708,MO,,,,,,,47496,1661,45835,,,,,547352,29458,517004,25204,,442340,25204,417136,,694,,,,74,,,1046,,,07/08 15:00,07/08 16:35,GET,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200707,MO,,,,,,,47180,1636,45544,,,,,539395,28652,509876,24629,,435348,24629,410719,,676,,,,67,,,1042,,,07/07 15:00,07/07 15:59,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200706,MO,,,,,,,46848,1628,45220,,,,,528835,28348,499619,23856,,426745,23856,402889,,740,,,,73,,,1028,,,07/05 15:00,07/06 16:52,BAS,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200705,MO,,,,,,,46489,1626,44863,,,,,424214,23527,399926,23436,,419509,23436,396073,,739,,,,72,,,1028,,,07/05 15:00,07/06 16:52,BAS,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200704,MO,,,,,,,46053,1614,44439,,,,,424214,23527,399926,23215,,412261,23215,389046,,740,,,,73,,,1027,,,07/04 15:00,07/04 15:53,JAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200703,MO,,,,,,,45079,1581,43498,,,,,424214,23527,399926,22830,,404959,22830,382129,,716,,,,78,,,1026,,,07/03 0:00,07/03 16:53,SPA,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200702,MO,,,,,,,44202,1580,42622,,,,,424214,23527,399926,22283,,397318,22283,375035,,716,,,,77,,,1022,,,07/02 15:00,07/02 16:17,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200701,MO,,,,,,,43529,1568,41961,,,,,424214,23527,399926,21927,,389740,21927,367813,,592,,,,75,,,1017,,,07/01 15:00,07/01 16:30,AJC,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200630,MO,,,,,,,42984,1548,41436,,,,,424214,23527,399926,21551,,373007,21551,351456,,599,,,,66,,,1015,,,06/30 15:00,06/30 15:57,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/30 BHP) Cells (Z, AA, AB) from query did not update. (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200629,MO,,,,,,,42388,1537,40851,,,,,424214,23527,399926,21043,,367406,21043,346363,,599,,,,,,,998,,,06/29 15:00,06/29 16:31,CKW,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/29 CKW) restored current hospitalization (AH) since it is updated, albeit on a 72-hr delay (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200628,MO,,,,,,,41486,1523,39963,,,,,424214,23527,399926,20575,,361173,20575,340598,,412,,,,,,,997,,,06/28 15:00,06/28 16:00,SNW,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/28 SNW) Removed current HOSPITALIZATION and VENTILATOR numbers as the number have not been updated. (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200627,MO,,,,,,,41486,1506,39980,,,,,424214,23527,399926,20261,,355290,20261,335029,,680,,,,66,,,996,,,06/27 15:00,06/27 15:31,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200626,MO,,,,,,,40812,1497,39315,,,,,424214,23527,399926,19914,,348618,19914,328704,,600,,,,66,,,990,,,06/26 15:00,06/26 16:02,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200625,MO,,,,,,,38268,1451,37177,,,,,327024,21737,360303,19421,,341648,19421,322227,,546,,,,66,,,982,,,06/25 15:00,06/25 16:13,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/25 JJA) Changed 'deaths (confirmed)' source note to 'not provided' as it's currently unclear whether MO is reporting lumped values or confirmed values (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200624,MO,,,,,,,38268,1446,36822,,,,,327024,21737,360303,18868,,327024,18868,308156,,546,,,,66,,,975,,,06/24 15:00,06/24 17:08,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/24 BSL) Query for Z-AB broken, carrying over 6/23 values (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200623,MO,,,,,,,37664,1421,36243,,,,,382610,21737,360303,18143,,317374,18143,299231,,595,,,,66,,,961,,,06/22 15:00,06/23 16:19,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200622,MO,,,,,,,37664,1421,36243,,,,,270232,17275,252506,18143,,317374,18143,299231,,415,,,,66,,,961,,,06/22 15:00,06/23 16:19,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/22 CKW) Currently on ventilator numbers (AL) are last reported on 6/19. They are usually reported on the hospitalization pdf, by they removed the link from the main dashboard. The link is still accessible from the mobile dashboard but it hasn't been updated since 6/19. The ICU numbers are also reported on the state website by region but those pdfs hasn't been updated since 6/13. (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) ",B,, 20200621,MO,,,,,,,37632,1419,36213,,,,,270232,17275,252506,18003,,315157,18003,297154,,415,,,,66,,,956,,,06/21 15:00,06/21 17:22,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200620,MO,,,,,,,37210,1387,35823,,,,,270232,17275,252506,17590,,311115,17590,293525,,415,,,,66,,,955,,,06/20 15:00,06/20 15:59,SB,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200619,MO,,,,,,,36650,1385,35265,,,,,270232,17275,252506,17201,,306284,17201,289083,,594,,,,70,,,948,,,06/19 15:00,06/19 16:17,CB-M,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200618,MO,,,,,,,36078,1363,34715,,,,,270232,17275,252506,16908,,297342,16908,280434,,533,,,,64,,,946,,,06/18 15:00,06/18 16:45,ETS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200617,MO,,,,,,,34945,1308,33637,,,,,270232,17275,252506,16625,,284791,16625,268377,,533,,,,66,,,909,,,06/17 15:00,06/17 16:56,SMG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/17 BHP) negative PCR (AF) went down because the positive tests (AE) were updated but total tests (AD) were not. We are using yesterday's (6/16) total instead of updating. (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200616,MO,,,,,,,34945,1308,33637,,,,,270232,17275,252506,16414,,284791,16414,268377,,524,,,,66,,,882,,,06/16 15:00,06/16 17:46,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200615,MO,,,,,,,34415,1288,33127,,,,,270232,17275,252506,16189,,279941,16189,263752,,612,,,,64,,,880,,,06/15 15:00,06/15 16:14,HMH,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/15 HMH) PCR total and pos/neg. tests not updated on query (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200614,MO,,,,,,,34292,1275,33017,,,,,270232,17275,252506,15810,,275489,15810,259679,,647,,,,65,,,879,,,06/14 15:00,06/14 16:45,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200613,MO,,,,,,,33588,1275,32313,,,,,270232,17275,252506,15810,,269796,15810,253986,,595,,,,69,,,879,,,06/13 15:00,06/13 15:43,RSG,SPA,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200612,MO,,,,,,,32452,1232,31220,,,,,270232,17275,252506,15585,,265135,15585,249550,,593,,,,69,,,872,,,06/12 15:00,06/12 15:13,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200611,MO,,,,,,,31470,1195,30275,,,,,270232,17275,252506,15390,,259040,15390,243650,,537,,,,59,,,860,,,06/11 15:00,06/11 15:55,JAC,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200610,MO,,,,,,,30893,1175,29718,,,,,270232,17275,252506,15187,,251629,15187,236442,,533,,,,59,,,848,,,06/10 15:00,06/10 16:30,ALF,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): 2. Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200609,MO,,,,,,,30136,1159,28977,,,,,270232,17275,252506,14913,,245695,14913,230782,,533,,,,59,,,840,,,06/09 15:00,06/09 15:17,KP,RS,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200608,MO,,,,,,,28745,1084,27626,,,,,270232,17275,252506,14734,,241461,14734,226727,,611,,,,76,,,819,,,06/08 15:00,06/08 16:50,SPA,REB,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200607,MO,,,,,,,29518,1117,28401,,,,,270232,17275,252506,14553,,236755,14553,222305,,657,,,,84,,,809,,,06/07 0:00,06/07 16:20,KP,ALF,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200606,MO,,,,,,,28480,1084,27396,,,,,270232,17275,252506,14442,,229867,14442,215623,,666,,,,79,,,809,,,06/06 0:00,06/06 17:00,BML,QN,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200605,MO,,,,,,,27567,1061,26506,,,,,254990,16681,237939,14253,,224542,14253,210289,,666,,,,79,,,799,,,06/05 15:00,06/05 17:04,TCD,RS,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200604,MO,,,,,,,26869,1041,25828,,,,,183650,14498,168871,13774,,218378,14057,204604,,599,,,,82,,,786,,,06/04 15:00,06/04 17:15,QN**,ALF,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/4 QN) MO query for PCR tests return invalid link. Not updating those today (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200603,MO,,,,,,,25687,1006,24681,,,,,183650,14498,168871,13767,,211118,13767,197586,,571,,,,70,,,786,,,06/03 15:00,06/03 16:28,reb,PR,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200602,MO,,,,,,,24724,985,23739,,,,,183650,14498,168871,13306,,205161,13575,191855,,693,,,,81,,,783,,,06/02 0:00,06/02 16:04,MM,QN,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200601,MO,,,,,,,24048,953,23095,,,,,183650,14498,168871,13327,,199435,13327,186381,,693,,,,78,,,773,,,06/01 15:00,06/01 17:22,SB,MM,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (6/1 SB) Note discrepancy between number of positives on PCR tab (13054, lower than what we had in cell AC, 13147), and the number of positives on the front dashboard, 13327. Using larger number for AC, using 13054 in AE and for calcualtion in AF. See discussion thread for rationale and screenshots.) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200531,MO,,,,,,,23978,943,23035,,,,,183650,14498,168871,12966,,193380,13147,180414,,718,,,,83,,,772,,,05/31 0:00,05/31 17:51,BL,KP,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200530,MO,,,,,,,23252,939,22313,,,,,183650,14498,168871,12966,,185434,12962,172468,,679,,,,85,,,771,,,05/30 0:00,05/30 15:58,QN,AFG,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200529,MO,,,,,,,22184,869,21315,,,,,183650,14498,168871,12616,,177671,12795,165055,,650,,,,85,,,738,,,05/29 0:00,05/29 15:31,QN,KP,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200528,MO,,,,,,,21957,833,21094,,,,,183650,14498,168871,12470,,170864,12673,158394,,648,,,,88,,,707,,,05/28 15:00,05/28 16:28,QN,REB,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200527,MO,,,,,,,19936,813,19123,,,,,183650,14498,168871,12275,,165304,12492,153029,,644,,,,84,,,696,,,05/27 15:00,05/27 16:48,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (5/27 MM) dashboard has a hospitalizations tab that does not match PDF. Need to figure out. Using PDF for now (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200526,MO,,,,,,,19830,780,19050,,,,,183650,14498,168871,12106,,160113,12291,148007,,500,,,,82,,,686,,,05/26 15:00,05/26 16:47,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton PCR Tests: Use PCR (totals, pos/neg) (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200525,MO,,,,,,,20198,727,19443,,,,,180120,14273,165572,11913,,157131,12167,145218,,729,,,,93,,,685,,,05/25 15:00,05/25 16:49,CML++,RS,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200524,MO,,,,,,,18868,692,18176,,,,,169732,14137,155323,11988,,151619,11988,139631,,742,,,,94,,,681,,,05/24 15:00,05/24 16:32,AFG,REB,"PROCESS: Hospitalization pdf (usually updated after dashboard): Dashboard has tabs for PCR tests and Serology tests. The bar charts show ""test encounters"" i.e., specimens. The numbers on the left show tested people i.e., post deduplicaton (5/24 REB) dashboard had permissions issue, serology and PCR tests pages were only partially available. (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200523,MO,,,,,,,17138,678,16435,,,,,169050,14135,154644,11751,,165411,11752,136552,,742,,,,94,,,676,,,05/23 15:00,05/23 17:37,SB,ESK,"PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. Hospitalization Source: (5/23 aft SB) MO has just started separating PCR and antibody tests; now entering total tests and negatives based on PCR data only; note that this makes the number of negatives decrease; also, MO updates at 2 pm Central, right in the middle of the shift.",B,, 20200522,MO,,,,,,,16192,647,15520,,,,,167199,14046,152883,11558,,172946,11558,161388,,711,,,,93,,,671,,,05/22 15:00,05/22 16:14,G-S,QN,"PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. Hospitalization Source: (5/21 aft VVR) They updated the number of positives, but not the total number of tests, so keeping Negatives the same for now (calculated with previous day's positives) (5/20 aft RSB) No vent number update, can be found by navigating to ""Missouri Health Care Utilizations"" under hospitilzation tab on dashboard (5/19 aft SLW) +171 hospitalizations, noted in PDF: ""Today's increase in hospitalized patients reflects a correction in prior data submission by several hospitals and should not be perceived solely as a new increase in hospitalized cases"" (5/18 aft ALF) On 5/17 the total tests number was mistakenly entered in the negative tests column. Negs for MO are calculated as Total-Neg. Number was fixed and issue filed in GitHub. (5/13 aft REB,RSB) hosp/icu not updated yet, updates later during the day/ hosp numbers updated, total tests not, leaving negatives as is to avoid the number going down (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting Deaths in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths.",B,, 20200521,MO,,,,,,,15068,601,14443,,,,,163684,13853,149562,11340,,161984,11340,150752,,697,,,,99,,,661,,,05/21 15:00,05/21 16:30,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. Hospitalization Source: (5/21 aft VVR) They updated the number of positives, but not the total number of tests, so keeping Negatives the same for now (calculated with previous day's positives) (5/20 aft RSB) No vent number update, can be found by navigating to ""Missouri Health Care Utilizations"" under hospitilzation tab on dashboard (5/19 aft SLW) +171 hospitalizations, noted in PDF: ""Today's increase in hospitalized patients reflects a correction in prior data submission by several hospitals and should not be perceived solely as a new increase in hospitalized cases"" (5/18 aft ALF) On 5/17 the total tests number was mistakenly entered in the negative tests column. Negs for MO are calculated as Total-Neg. Number was fixed and issue filed in GitHub. (5/13 aft REB,RSB) hosp/icu not updated yet, updates later during the day/ hosp numbers updated, total tests not, leaving negatives as is to avoid the number going down (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting Deaths in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths.",B,, 20200520,MO,,,,,,,13788,545,13224,,,,,159636,13629,145742,11232,,161984,11232,150752,,546,,,,103,,,631,,,05/20 15:00,05/20 15:13,RSB,BL,"(5/20 aft RSB) No vent number update, can be found by navigating to ""Missouri Health Care Utilizations"" under hospitilzation tab on dashboard (5/19 aft SLW) +171 hospitalizations, noted in PDF: ""Today's increase in hospitalized patients reflects a correction in prior data submission by several hospitals and should not be perceived solely as a new increase in hospitalized cases"" (5/18 aft ALF) On 5/17 the total tests number was mistakenly entered in the negative tests column. Negs for MO are calculated as Total-Neg. Number was fixed and issue filed in GitHub. (5/13 aft REB,RSB) hosp/icu not updated yet, updates later during the day/ hosp numbers updated, total tests not, leaving negatives as is to avoid the number going down (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting Deaths in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200519,MO,,,,,,,13545,532,12995,,,,,154773,13393,141119,11080,,154110,11080,143030,,721,,,,103,,,616,,,05/19 15:00,05/19 17:32,SLW,KP,"(5/19 aft SLW) +171 hospitalizations, noted in PDF: ""Today's increase in hospitalized patients reflects a correction in prior data submission by several hospitals and should not be perceived solely as a new increase in hospitalized cases"" (5/18 aft ALF) On 5/17 the total tests number was mistakenly entered in the negative tests column. Negs for MO are calculated as Total-Neg. Number was fixed and issue filed in GitHub. (5/13 aft REB,RSB) hosp/icu not updated yet, updates later during the day/ hosp numbers updated, total tests not, leaving negatives as is to avoid the number going down (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting Deaths in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200518,MO,,,,,,,13090,519,12553,,,,,152320,13283,138777,10945,,151338,10945,140393,,570,,,,91,,,605,,,05/18 15:00,05/18 15:28,RSB,ALF,"(5/18 aft ALF) On 5/17 the total tests number was mistakenly entered in the negative tests column. Negs for MO are calculated as Total-Neg. Number was fixed and issue filed in GitHub. (5/13 aft REB,RSB) hosp/icu not updated yet, updates later during the day/ hosp numbers updated, total tests not, leaving negatives as is to avoid the number going down (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting Deaths in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200517,MO,,,,,,,11703,473,11214,,,,,,13191,135466,10789,,148917,10789,135466,,775,,,,116,,,594,,,05/17 15:00,05/17 16:54,KP,JAC,"(5/13 aft REB,RSB) hosp/icu not updated yet, updates later during the day/ hosp numbers updated, total tests not, leaving negatives as is to avoid the number going down (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting Deaths in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200516,MO,,,,,,,10238,422,9802,,,,,143966,12943,130771,10675,,139340,10675,128665,,775,,,,116,,,589,,,05/16 15:00,05/16 15:55,G-S,BL,"(5/13 aft REB,RSB) hosp/icu not updated yet, updates later during the day/ hosp numbers updated, total tests not, leaving negatives as is to avoid the number going down (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting Deaths in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200515,MO,,,,,,,8770,374,8387,,,,,139740,12685,126806,10456,,134458,10456,124002,,812,,,,120,,,576,,,05/15 15:00,05/15 16:37,G-S,KP,"(5/13 aft REB,RSB) hosp/icu not updated yet, updates later during the day/ hosp numbers updated, total tests not, leaving negatives as is to avoid the number going down (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting Deaths in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200514,MO,,,,,,,7644,328,7307,,,,,134975,12346,122388,10317,,124006,10317,116793,,796,,,,115,,,562,,,05/14 15:00,05/14 16:43,JAC,SJ,"(5/13 aft REB,RSB) hosp/icu not updated yet, updates later during the day/ hosp numbers updated, total tests not, leaving negatives as is to avoid the number going down (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting Deaths in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200513,MO,,,,,,,6632,293,6330,,,,,130101,12117,117748,10142,,121296,10142,114000,,771,,,,129,,,542,,,05/13 15:00,,,,"(5/13 aft REB,RSB) hosp/icu not updated yet, updates later during the day/ hosp numbers updated, total tests not, leaving negatives as is to avoid the number going down (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200512,MO,,,,,,,6514,289,6216,,,,,125042,11865,112948,10006,,,10006,111290,,787,,,,140,,,524,,,05/12 15:00,05/12 15:04,ATS,DPT,"(5/11 aft SLW) hosp and totals not updated yet (5/10 aft REB) hosp not updated yet, updates later during the day (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200511,MO,,,,,,,6234,272,5953,,,,,123746,11789,111728,9918,,,9918,105702,,824,,,,137,,,488,,,05/11 15:00,05/11 15:12,SLW**,AW,"(5/11 aft SLW) hosp and totals not updated yet (5/10 aft REB) hosp not updated yet, updates later during the day (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200510,MO,,,,,,,5533,251,5273,,,,,121559,11659,109674,9844,,,9844,105702,,824,,,,137,,,482,,,05/10 15:00,05/10 17:05,REB,CML,"(5/10 aft REB) hosp not updated yet, updates later during the day (5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200509,MO,,,,,,,4861,227,4628,,,,,117301,11486,105590,9666,,,9666,99232,,855,,,,144,,,472,,,05/09 15:00,05/09 15:34,ALF,RS,"(5/9 aft ALF) Totals / negatives not updated 5/9 (5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200508,MO,,,,,,,4258,202,4053,,,,,113490,11307,101966,9489,,,9489,99232,,832,,,,143,,,449,,,05/08 15:00,05/08 15:05,REB,RS,"(5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200507,MO,,,,,,,3644,171,3471,,,,,109282,11048,98025,9341,,,9341,94281,,917,,,,141,,,418,,,05/07 15:00,05/07 16:06,QN,MM,"(5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200506,MO,,,,,,,3057,144,2911,,,,,104488,10719,93577,9102,,,9102,91645,,953,,,,134,,,396,,,05/06 15:00,05/06 15:57,RS,MM,"(5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200505,MO,,,,,,,3050,142,2906,,,,,100383,10407,89800,8916,,,8916,86150,,893,,,,139,,,377,,,05/05 15:00,05/05 16:31,QN,REB,"(5/5 aft QN) Negatives not updated for 5/5 - keeping negative as reported previously in the day (5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. (4/29 aft AW) positives and deaths updated only (4/26 aft SPA) Positives and Deaths updated on dashboard, rest of the data has been not been updated as of now. (4/25 aft QN) Not updating negatives. State start reporting COVID patients on ventillation (4/24 aft KP) not updating negatives; positives went up from morning; total stayed constant Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",A,, 20200504,MO,,,,,,,2972,135,2835,,,,,99201,10319,88708,8754,,,8754,82697,,858,,,,135,,,358,,,05/04 15:00,05/04 15:39,PR,REB,"(5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. (4/29 aft AW) positives and deaths updated only (4/26 aft SPA) Positives and Deaths updated on dashboard, rest of the data has been not been updated as of now. (4/25 aft QN) Not updating negatives. State start reporting COVID patients on ventillation (4/24 aft KP) not updating negatives; positives went up from morning; total stayed constant Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",A,, 20200503,MO,,,,,,,2443,105,2337,,,,,97614,10227,87215,8386,,,8386,74590,,896,,,,141,,,352,,,05/03 15:00,05/04 9:45,ATS,MM,"(5/2, 5/3 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. (4/29 aft AW) positives and deaths updated only (4/26 aft SPA) Positives and Deaths updated on dashboard, rest of the data has been not been updated as of now. (4/25 aft QN) Not updating negatives. State start reporting COVID patients on ventillation (4/24 aft KP) not updating negatives; positives went up from morning; total stayed constant Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",A,, 20200502,MO,,,,,,,1997,83,1913,,,,,93120,9908,83051,8154,,,8154,74590,,896,,,,141,,,351,,,05/02 15:10,,,,"(5/2 aft DPT) Not updating negatives (5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. (4/29 aft AW) positives and deaths updated only (4/26 aft SPA) Positives and Deaths updated on dashboard, rest of the data has been not been updated as of now. (4/25 aft QN) Not updating negatives. State start reporting COVID patients on ventillation (4/24 aft KP) not updating negatives; positives went up from morning; total stayed constant Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",A,, 20200501,MO,,,,,,,1524,70,1453,,,,,88989,9578,79260,7835,,,7835,74590,,883,,,,137,,,337,,,05/01 15:00,05/01 15:57,KP,MM,"(5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. (4/29 aft AW) positives and deaths updated only (4/26 aft SPA) Positives and Deaths updated on dashboard, rest of the data has been not been updated as of now. (4/25 aft QN) Not updating negatives. State start reporting COVID patients on ventillation (4/24 aft KP) not updating negatives; positives went up from morning; total stayed constant Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",A,, 20200430,MO,,,,,,,1043,54,988,,,,,84070,9201,74728,7562,,,7562,73125,,853,,,,141,,,329,,,04/30 15:00,05/01 10:55,ALF,QN,"(5/1 mor ALF) Since MO is only reporting confirmed cases by lab test results, no probables, I’m putting the Deaths number in AO Deaths (confirmed) as well as AN Deaths. (4/29 aft AW) positives and deaths updated only (4/26 aft SPA) Positives and Deaths updated on dashboard, rest of the data has been not been updated as of now. (4/25 aft QN) Not updating negatives. State start reporting COVID patients on ventillation (4/24 aft KP) not updating negatives; positives went up from morning; total stayed constant Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",A,, 20200429,MO,,,,,,,678,37,640,,,,,79128,8781,70219,7425,,,7425,69734,,891,,,,125,,,318,,,04/29 15:00,,,,"(4/29 aft AW) positives and deaths updated only (4/26 aft SPA) Positives and Deaths updated on dashboard, rest of the data has been not been updated as of now. (4/25 aft QN) Not updating negatives. State start reporting COVID patients on ventillation (4/24 aft KP) not updating negatives; positives went up from morning; total stayed constant Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",A,, 20200428,MO,,,,,,,667,35,631,,,,,75149,8424,66603,,,,7303,66200,,655,,,,105,,,314,,,04/28 15:00,04/28 15:07,AW,QN,"(4/28 aft AW) positives and deaths updated only (4/26 aft SPA) Positives and Deaths updated on dashboard, rest of the data has been not been updated as of now. (4/25 aft QN) Not updating negatives. State start reporting COVID patients on ventillation (4/24 aft KP) not updating negatives; positives went up from morning; total stayed constant Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200427,MO,,,,,,,647,35,611,,,,,74013,8326,65566,,,,7171,63935,,679,,,,109,,,288,,,04/27 15:00,04/28 9:46,JJFC,ERG,"(4/26 aft SPA) Positives and Deaths updated on dashboard, rest of the data has been not been updated as of now. (4/25 aft QN) Not updating negatives. State start reporting COVID patients on ventillation (4/24 aft KP) not updating negatives; positives went up from morning; total stayed constant Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200426,MO,,,,,,,483,31,451,,,,,72715,8186,64409,,,,6997,62751,,679,,,,109,,,274,,,04/26 15:00,04/27 9:56,QN,ALF,"(4/26 aft SPA) Positives and Deaths updated on dashboard, rest of the data has been not been updated as of now. (4/25 aft QN) Not updating negatives. State start reporting COVID patients on ventillation (4/24 aft KP) not updating negatives; positives went up from morning; total stayed constant Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI PROCESS: If dashboard link fails to load, try loading ""COVID-19 Dashboard"" from the main page; inform shift lead to update dashboard link if necessary. ",B,, 20200425,MO,,,,,,,267,22,244,,,,,69988,7919,61965,,,,6826,60392,,850,,,,142,,,273,,,04/25 15:00,04/25 15:43,QN,REB,"(4/25 aft QN) Not updating negatives. State start reporting COVID patients on ventillation (4/24 aft KP) not updating negatives; positives went up from morning; total stayed constant Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI ",B,, 20200424,MO,,,,,,,127,17,109,,,,,67165,7639,59430,,,,6625,58582,,877,,,,,,,262,,,04/24 0:00,04/24 22:47,AGS,SJ,"(4/24 aft KP) not updating negatives; positives went up from morning; total stayed constant Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI ",A,, 20200423,MO,,,,,,,60,12,47,,,,,64187,7361,56736,,,,6321,53129,,884,,,,,,,218,,,04/23 15:00,04/24 8:49,ESK,ALF,"(4/23 aft REB) not updating negatives, total didn't change (4/22 aft RS) Only positive cases and deaths have been updated. Total test count and hospitalizations are as of 4/21. (4/19 aft BL) Only ""positive cases"" and ""deaths"" have been updated; ""total test"" count and ""hospitalizations"" are as of 4/17. (4/18 aft SPA) Only the 'Positive Cases' and 'Deaths' have been updated. 'Total test numbers have not been updated for today. (4/17 aft SPA) Positives have been updated, but overall cases has been not since 4/16 Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI ",A,, 20200422,MO,,,,,,,28,6,21,,,,,61646,7085,54480,,,,6137,52019,,1001,,,,,,,208,,,04/22 15:00,,,,"(4/22 aft RS) Only positive cases and deaths have been updated. Total test count and hospitalizations are as of 4/21. (4/19 aft BL) Only ""positive cases"" and ""deaths"" have been updated; ""total test"" count and ""hospitalizations"" are as of 4/17. (4/18 aft SPA) Only the 'Positive Cases' and 'Deaths' have been updated. 'Total test numbers have not been updated for today. (4/17 aft AW) hosp data: click Missouri Health Care Utilization on secondary page (4/17 aft SPA) Positives have been updated, but overall cases has been not since 4/16 Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI ",A,, 20200421,MO,,,,,,,28,6,21,,,,,59056,6778,52207,,,,5941,51179,,1001,,,,,,,189,,,04/21 15:00,04/22 15:33,RS,PR,"(4/22 aft RS) Only positive cases and deaths have been updated. Total test count and hospitalizations are as of 4/21. (4/19 aft BL) Only ""positive cases"" and ""deaths"" have been updated; ""total test"" count and ""hospitalizations"" are as of 4/17. (4/18 aft SPA) Only the 'Positive Cases' and 'Deaths' have been updated. 'Total test numbers have not been updated for today. (4/17 aft AW) hosp data: click Missouri Health Care Utilization on secondary page (4/17 aft SPA) Positives have been updated, but overall cases has been not since 4/16 Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI ",A,, 20200420,MO,,,,,,,25,5,19,,,,,58076,6628,51379,,,,5807,50206,,873,,,,,,,177,,,04/20 15:00,,,,"(4/19 aft BL) Only ""positive cases"" and ""deaths"" have been updated; ""total test"" count and ""hospitalizations"" are as of 4/17. (4/18 aft SPA) Only the 'Positive Cases' and 'Deaths' have been updated. 'Total test numbers have not been updated for today. (4/17 aft AW) hosp data: click Missouri Health Care Utilization on secondary page (4/17 aft SPA) Positives have been updated, but overall cases has been not since 4/16 Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI ",A,, 20200419,MO,,,,,,,11,2,9,,,,,56834,6457,50308,,,,5667,48242,,875,,,,,,,176,,,04/19 15:00,,,,"(4/19 aft BL) Only ""positive cases"" and ""deaths"" have been updated; ""total test"" count and ""hospitalizations"" are as of 4/17. (4/18 aft SPA) Only the 'Positive Cases' and 'Deaths' have been updated. 'Total test numbers have not been updated for today. (4/17 aft AW) hosp data: click Missouri Health Care Utilization on secondary page (4/17 aft SPA) Positives have been updated, but overall cases has been not since 4/16 Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI ",A,, 20200418,MO,,,,,,,8,1,7,,,,,54507,6260,48182,,,,5517,48242,,875,,,,,,,175,,,04/18 15:00,,,,"(4/18 aft SPA) Only the 'Positive Cases' and 'Deaths' have been updated. 'Total test numbers have not been updated for today. (4/17 aft AW) hosp data: click Missouri Health Care Utilization on secondary page (4/17 aft SPA) Positives have been updated, but overall cases has been not since 4/16 Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI ",A,, 20200417,MO,,,,,,,3,0,3,,,,,52444,6022,46360,,,,5283,46434,,1043,,,,,,,165,,,04/17 15:00,04/17 22:41,AW,RV,"(4/17 aft AW) hosp data: click Missouri Health Care Utilization on secondary page (4/17 aft SPA) Positives have been updated, but overall cases has been not since 4/16 Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI (4/15 aft RS) Negatives and hospitalization data not updated yet (4/14 RS) Negatives not updated (LH aft 4/10) Negatives and hospitalization data not updated yet ",A,, 20200416,MO,,,,,,,3,0,3,,,,,50402,5781,44563,,,,5111,45537,,1043,,,,,,,152,,,04/16 15:00,,,,"Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI (4/15 aft RS) Negatives and hospitalization data not updated yet (4/14 RS) Negatives not updated (LH aft 4/10) Negatives and hospitalization data not updated yet ",A,, 20200415,MO,,,,,,,3,0,3,,,,,48233,5546,42635,,,,4895,44117,,1024,,,,,,,147,,,04/15 15:00,,,,"Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI (4/15 aft RS) Negatives and hospitalization data not updated yet (4/14 RS) Negatives not updated (LH aft 4/10) Negatives and hospitalization data not updated yet ",A,, 20200414,MO,,,,,,,3,0,3,,,,,45977,5262,40667,,,,4686,43292,,1041,,,,,,,133,,,04/14 15:00,,,,"Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI (4/14 RS) Negatives not updated (LH aft 4/10) Negatives and hospitalization data not updated yet ",A,, 20200413,MO,,,,,,,3,0,3,,,,,45189,5165,39977,,,,4388,41040,,988,,,,,,,114,,,04/13 15:00,,,,"Hospitalization: - Source: - Currently hospitalized: Sum of confirmed and PUI (4/13 RS) Negatives and Hosp #s not updated (LH aft 4/10) Negatives and hospitalization data not updated yet ",A,, 20200412,MO,,,,,,,2,0,2,,,,,44241,5060,39135,,,,4160,41040,,988,,,,,,,110,,,04/12 15:00,04/13 15:17,RS,LH,"(4/13 RS) Negatives and Hosp #s not updated (LH aft 4/10) Negatives and hospitalization data not updated yet (HDF aft 4/9) Hosp data from ( (MEB aft 4/9) Total tests not updated yet, held over negative calc. (RV eve 4/8) Site says that totals were not yet updated for 4/8/20, but the number has updated since the reported number in the afternoon (RS 4/8) Negative # heldover as totals did not update (LH aft 4/7) Negative number and currently hospitalized not updated yet - carrying over previous number",A,, 20200411,MO,,,,,,,2,0,2,,,,,42151,4818,37292,,,,4024,39148,,506,,,,,,,109,,,04/11 15:00,04/11 23:13,RV,ESK,"(4/11 RS) Negatives not updated (LH aft 4/10) Negatives and hospitalization data not updated yet (HDF aft 4/9) Hosp data from ( (MEB aft 4/9) Total tests not updated yet, held over negative calc. (RV eve 4/8) Site says that totals were not yet updated for 4/8/20, but the number has updated since the reported number in the afternoon (RS 4/8) Negative # heldover as totals did not update (LH aft 4/7) Negative number and currently hospitalized not updated yet - carrying over previous number",A,, 20200410,MO,,,,,,,2,0,2,,,,,40173,4603,35533,,,,3799,36941,,568,,,,,,,96,,,04/10 15:00,,,,"(LH aft 4/10) Negatives and hospitalization data not updated yet (HDF aft 4/9) Hosp data from ( (MEB aft 4/9) Total tests not updated yet, held over negative calc. (RV eve 4/8) Site says that totals were not yet updated for 4/8/20, but the number has updated since the reported number in the afternoon (RS 4/8) Negative # heldover as totals did not update (LH aft 4/7) Negative number and currently hospitalized not updated yet - carrying over previous number",A,, 20200409,MO,,,,,,,2,0,2,,,,,37902,4348,33518,,,,3539,34955,,568,,,,,,,77,,,04/09 15:00,,,,"(HDF aft 4/9) Hosp data from ( (MEB aft 4/9) Total tests not updated yet, held over negative calc. (RV eve 4/8) Site says that totals were not yet updated for 4/8/20, but the number has updated since the reported number in the afternoon (RS 4/8) Negative # heldover as totals did not update (LH aft 4/7) Negative number and currently hospitalized not updated yet - carrying over previous number",A,, 20200408,MO,,,,,,,2,0,2,,,,,35599,4106,31459,,,,3327,30783,,519,,,,,,,58,,,04/08 15:00,,,,"(RV eve 4/8) Site says that totals were not yet updated for 4/8/20, but the number has updated since the reported number in the afternoon (RS 4/8) Negative # heldover as totals did not update (LH aft 4/7) Negative number and currently hospitalized not updated yet - carrying over previous number",A,, 20200407,MO,,,,,,,2,0,2,,,,,32855,3786,29042,,,,3037,28932,,508,,,,,,,53,,,04/07 15:00,,,,(LH aft 4/7) Negative number and currently hospitalized not updated yet - carrying over previous number,A,, 20200406,MO,,,,,,,2,0,2,,,,,31954,3673,28257,,,,2722,27113,,439,,,,,,,39,,,04/06 16:28,04/06 15:51,SPA,HDF,"(4/5 aftn HDF) updated hosp from (4/4 eve SJ) NB: 1154/661 ventilators/ICU beds available (not the data point we track, but interesting) (4/6) Dashboard for deaths and positive cases as been updated as of 15:11, State Social Media updated hospitalized as of 15:17",A,, 20200405,MO,,,,,,,1,0,1,,,,,30851,3526,27303,,,,2367,24882,,424,,,,,,,34,,,04/05 15:00,04/06 10:07,JRF,ALF,"(4/5 aftn HDF) updated hosp from (4/4 eve SJ) NB: 1154/661 ventilators/ICU beds available (not the data point we track, but interesting)",C,, 20200404,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28877,3277,25580,,,,2291,22614,,413,,,,,,,24,,,04/04 15:00,04/04 22:31,RV,SJ,"(4/4 eve SJ) 1154/661 ventilators/ICU beds available (not the data point we track, but interesting) (4/4 eve RV) Totals updated, but time of update remains the same as from the afternoon session. (4/3 eve AGS) Totals updated; Refer to 4/3 report on Missouri Health Care Utilization for current hospitalizations of confirmed COVID-19 patients ",C,, 20200403,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26710,2978,23715,,,,2113,19357,,,,,,,,,19,,,04/03 15:00,04/03 22:57,AGS,CML,"(4/3 eve CML) Totals updated to 24727 from here: (4/3 eve AGS) Totals updated; Refer to 4/3 report on Missouri Health Care Utilization for current hospitalizations of confirmed COVID-19 patients (4/3 aftn HDF) positves updates no totals update (4/2 eve GN): Totals updated (4/2 aftn QN): Totals haven't updated keeping negative the same for now",C,, 20200402,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24415,2700,21700,,,,1834,17849,,,,,,,,,19,,,04/02 15:00,,,,"(4/2 eve GN): Totals updated (4/2 aftn QN): Totals haven't updated keeping negative the same for now",C,, 20200401,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21956,2402,19540,,,,1581,15846,,,,,,,,,18,,,04/01 15:00,,,,,C,, 20200331,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19189,2037,17138,,,,1327,14614,,,,,,,,,14,,,03/31 15:00,,,,,C,, 20200330,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18299,1898,16387,,,,1031,13204,,,,,,,,,13,,,03/30 16:00,,,,,C,, 20200329,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17025,1702,15311,,,,838,11547,,,,,,,,,10,,,03/28 15:00,,,,,C,, 20200328,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14889,1406,13471,,,,838,10082,,,,,,,,,10,,,03/28 15:00,,,,,C,, 20200327,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12479,1144,11324,,,,669,369,,,,,,,,,8,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200326,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10044,915,9121,,,,502,369,,,,,,,,,8,,,03/26 15:00,,,,,C,, 20200325,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7980,700,7272,,,,356,369,,,,,,,,,8,,,03/24 16:00,,,,,C,, 20200324,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6165,520,5639,,,,183,369,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/23 15:00,,,,,C,, 20200323,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5455,441,5008,,,,183,369,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/23 15:00,,,,,C,, 20200322,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4642,358,4278,,,,90,369,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/21 22:00,,,,,,, 20200321,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3455,250,3201,,,,73,369,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/20 22:00,,,,,,, 20200320,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2327,176,2148,,,,47,369,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/20 10:05,,,,,,, 20200319,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1530,120,1409,,,,24,308,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/18 20:00,,,,,,, 20200318,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,845,70,774,,,,13,253,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/17 19:15,,,,,,, 20200317,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,405,39,365,,,,8,207,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/16 20:00,,,,,,, 20200316,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,287,29,257,,,,6,164,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/16 15:52,,,,,,, 20200315,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,188,19,168,,,,5,122,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/14 22:00,,,,,,, 20200314,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,115,12,102,,,,4,90,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/13 18:10,,,,,,, 20200313,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87,11,76,,,,2,71,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 17:45,,,,,,, 20200312,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65,9,56,,,,1,64,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54,8,46,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42,8,34,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36,7,29,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31,7,24,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,MO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23,6,17,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17626,,,56,,13540,56,13484,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/26 23:49,08/31 16:02,ESK,RSG,"(8/21, 8/24 RSG) Checker repeated steps in previous note. (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",C,8/31 17:26, 20200830,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17626,,,56,,13540,56,13484,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/26 23:49,08/30 17:16,JJO,KP,"(8/21, 8/24 RSG) Checker repeated steps in previous note. (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",C,8/30 17:56, 20200829,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17626,,,56,,13540,56,13486,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/26 23:49,08/29 16:29,LDH,RSG,"(8/21, 8/24 RSG) Checker repeated steps in previous note. (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",C,8/29 17:49, 20200828,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17626,,,54,,13540,54,13486,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/26 23:49,08/28 16:19,BSL,RSG,"(8/21, 8/24 RSG) Checker repeated steps in previous note. (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/28 17:43, 20200827,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17626,,,54,,13540,54,13486,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/26 23:49,08/27 16:29,MJW,QN,"(8/21, 8/24 RSG) Checker repeated steps in previous note. (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/27 18:55, 20200826,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16453,,,54,,12920,54,12867,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/17 19:35,08/26 16:55,MEB,BSL,"(8/21, 8/24 RSG) Checker repeated steps in previous note. (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/26 18:37, 20200825,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16453,,,54,,12920,54,12867,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/17 19:35,08/25 17:00,DZL,HMH,"(8/21, 8/24 RSG) Checker repeated steps in previous note. (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/25 18:03, 20200824,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16453,,,54,,12920,54,12867,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/17 19:35,08/24 15:54,RSG,BSL,"(8/21, 8/24 RSG) Checker repeated steps in previous note. (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/24 17:21, 20200823,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16453,,,54,,12920,54,12867,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/17 19:35,08/23 17:09,JAC,HMH,"(8/21 RSG) Checker repeated steps in previous note. (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/23 17:24, 20200822,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16453,,,54,,12920,54,12867,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/17 19:35,08/22 15:48,PK,HMH,"(8/21 RSG) Checker repeated steps in previous note. (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/22 17:10, 20200821,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16453,,,54,,12920,54,12867,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/17 19:35,08/21 15:53,BSL,RSG,"(8/21 RSG) Checker repeated steps in previous note. (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/21 17:26, 20200820,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16453,,,54,,12920,54,12867,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/17 19:35,08/20 17:13,KSB,HMH,"(8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/20 18:13, 20200819,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16453,,,54,,12920,54,12866,,,4,,,,,29,2,2,,08/17 19:35,08/19 15:51,JAG,BSL," (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/19 17:55, 20200818,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16453,,,54,,12920,54,12866,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/17 19:35,08/18 17:08,JB,DZL," (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/18 17:32, 20200817,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16453,,,53,,12920,53,12867,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/17 4:04,08/17 15:44,CKW,BSL," (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/17 17:55, 20200816,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,50,,12301,50,12252,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/14 4:04,08/16 15:42,SB,BSL," (8/16 SB) Carrying over old value of negatives in col AO; positives have increased but tests have not. (8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/16 17:31, 20200815,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,50,,12301,50,12252,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/14 4:04,08/15 16:16,MJW,BSL,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/15 17:34, 20200814,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,50,,12301,50,12252,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/14 4:04,08/14 15:39,RRI,BSL,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/14 17:41, 20200813,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,49,,12301,49,12252,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/10 17:54,08/13 16:40,GET,BSL,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/13 18:17, 20200812,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,49,,12301,49,12252,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/10 17:54,08/12 16:54,GET,BSL,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/12 18:47, 20200811,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,49,,12301,49,12252,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/10 17:54,08/11 15:43,BSL,HMH,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/10 18:38, 20200810,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,49,,12301,49,12252,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/09 0:59,08/10 15:52,DPT,BSL,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/10 18:38, 20200809,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,48,,12301,48,12253,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/09 0:59,08/09 15:58,DJW,BSL,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/9 17:07, 20200808,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,48,,12301,48,12253,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/09 0:59,08/08 15:43,TCD,BSL,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/8 17:37, 20200807,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,47,,12301,47,12254,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/06 4:01,8/07 16:51,JNG,BSL,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/7 18:08, 20200806,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,47,,12301,47,12254,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/06 4:01,8/06 15:55,LDH,BSL,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/6 17:19, 20200805,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,46,,12301,46,12255,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/05 0:22,8/05 16:29,MJW,BSL,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/5 17:43, 20200804,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,46,,12301,46,12255,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/03 3:26,8/04 15:46,CB-M,BSL,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/4 17:46, 20200803,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,46,,12301,46,12255,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/03 3:26,8/03 15:42,SPA,BSL,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/3 17:32, 20200802,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12745,,,45,,11759,45,11719,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,08/01 11:33,8/02 15:49,JJO,BML,"(8/2 JJO) Positive cases updated 8/2, but testing data hasn't updated since 7/26. Carrying over negative cases until testing updated. (7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/2 18:12, 20200801,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12745,,,42,,11759,42,11719,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/30 2:49,8/01 15:44,AMW,BSL,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,8/1 17:50, 20200731,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12745,,,42,,11759,42,11719,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/29 23:49,07/31 15:52,GET,BSL,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,, 20200730,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12745,,,42,,11759,42,11719,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/29 23:49,07/31 15:52,GET,BSL,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,, 20200729,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12745,,,40,,11759,40,11719,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/29 2:48,07/29 16:24,BSL,HMH,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,, 20200728,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12745,,,40,,11759,40,11719,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/28 1:35,07/28 15:47,CB-M,BSL,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,, 20200727,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12745,,,40,,11759,40,11719,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/27 3:22,07/27 16:11,RSG,BSL,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,, 20200726,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12745,,,40,,11338,40,11300,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/25 23:05,07/26 16:39,CRG,BSL,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,, 20200725,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12745,,,39,,11338,39,11300,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/25 7:47,07/25 16:28,DZL,BSL,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,, 20200724,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12745,,,38,,11338,38,11300,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/24 2:47,07/24 16:47,ALT,HMH,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,, 20200723,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12745,,,38,,11338,38,11300,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/22 19:22,07/23 17:21,BSL,MM,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update",D,, 20200722,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12745,,,38,,11338,38,12707,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/21 8:46,07/22 16:50,AIA,BSL,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update ",D,, 20200721,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12236,,,38,,11092,38,11055,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/20 19:53,07/21 15:47,SAL,HMH,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update ",D,, 20200720,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12236,,,37,,11092,37,11055,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/19 19:55,07/20 15:38,BSL,RS,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update ",D,, 20200719,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11335,,,37,,10697,37,10664,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/16 19:06,07/19 16:24,BSL,HMH,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update ",D,, 20200718,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11335,,,37,,10697,37,10664,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/16 19:06,07/19 16:24,BSL,HMH,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update ",D,, 20200717,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11335,,,37,,10697,37,10664,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/16 19:06,07/19 16:24,BSL,HMH,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update ",D,, 20200716,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11335,,,36,,10697,36,10664,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/13 18:48,07/16 17:11,GMJ,BSL,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update ",D,, 20200715,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11335,,,36,,10697,36,10664,,,4,,,,,29,2,,,07/14 4:48,07/15 15:24,BSL,RS,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update ",D,, 20200714,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11335,,,33,,10697,33,10664,,,4,,,,,19,2,,,07/12 13:16,07/14 16:31,BAS,REB,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update ",D,, 20200713,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11335,,,33,,10697,33,10734,,,4,,,,,19,2,,,07/12 13:16,07/14 16:31,BAS,REB,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update ",D,, 20200712,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11335,,,33,,10697,33,10734,,,4,,,,,19,2,,,07/11 7:01,07/12 16:06,BSL,JAC,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/4 - 7/7) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update ",D,, 20200711,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11335,,,31,,10697,31,10734,,,4,,,,,19,2,,,07/09 11:36,07/11 15:15,KVP,BSL,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/7 BSL) Positive cases 31 as of 7/5. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/5 RSG) Positive cases 31 as of 7/5. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/4 JJO) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. Check Total Cases tomorrow. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200710,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11335,,,31,,10697,31,10734,,,4,,,,,19,2,,,07/09 11:36,07/11 15:15,KVP,BSL,"(7/9 BSL) Overhaul of dashboard (7/7 BSL) Positive cases 31 as of 7/5. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/5 RSG) Positive cases 31 as of 7/5. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/4 JJO) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. Check Total Cases tomorrow. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200709,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11335,,,31,,10697,31,10734,,,4,,,,,19,2,,,07/08 12:50,07/09 16:20,BSL,JAC,"(7/7 BSL) Positive cases 31 as of 7/5. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/5 RSG) Positive cases 31 as of 7/5. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/4 JJO) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. Check Total Cases tomorrow. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200708,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10765,,,31,,,31,10734,,,,,,,,19,2,,,07/08 0:01,07/08 15:20,RRI,BSL,"(7/7 BSL) Positive cases 31 as of 7/5. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/5 RSG) Positive cases 31 as of 7/5. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/4 JJO) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. Check Total Cases tomorrow. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200707,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,31,,,31,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,07/05 2:01,07/07 15:59,BSL,RS,"(7/7 BSL) Positive cases 31 as of 7/5. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/5 RSG) Positive cases 31 as of 7/5. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/4 JJO) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. Check Total Cases tomorrow. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200706,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,31,,,31,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,07/04 14:01,07/06 15:10,BSL,RS,"(7/5 RSG) Positive cases 31 as of 7/5. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/4 JJO) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. Check Total Cases tomorrow. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200705,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,31,,,31,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,07/04 14:01,07/06 15:10,BSL,RS,"(7/5 RSG) Positive cases 31 as of 7/5. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/4 JJO) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. Check Total Cases tomorrow. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200704,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,31,,,31,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,07/02 18:23,07/04 16:30,JJO,BSL,"(7/4 JJO) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. Check Total Cases tomorrow. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200703,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,31,,,31,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,07/02 18:23,07/04 16:30,JJO,BSL,"(7/4 JJO) Positive cases 31 as of 7/4. Carrying over negatives due to lack of test update (7/3 SPA) The positive cases increased by 1, but the total cases remain unchanged which would result in a lower negative. Check Total Cases tomorrow. (6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200702,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,30,,,30,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/26 0:22,07/02 16:58,BSL,JAC,"(6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200701,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,30,,,30,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/26 0:22,07/02 16:58,BSL,JAC,"(6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200630,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,30,,,30,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/26 0:22,07/02 16:58,BSL,JAC,"(6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200629,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,30,,,30,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/26 0:22,07/02 16:58,BSL,JAC,"(6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200628,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,30,,,30,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/26 0:22,07/02 16:58,BSL,JAC,"(6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200627,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,30,,,30,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/26 0:22,07/02 16:58,BSL,JAC,"(6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200626,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,30,,,30,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/26 0:22,07/02 16:58,BSL,JAC,"(6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200625,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,30,,,30,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/25 3:22,06/25 16:15,BSL,JAC,"(6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200624,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,30,,,30,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/23 23:16,06/24 16:56,BSL,QN,"(6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200623,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8217,,,30,,,30,8187,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/22 21:40,06/23 15:09,GET,BSL,"(6/23 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200622,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8169,,,30,,,30,8139,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/21 19:46,06/22 15:07,BHP,BSL,"(6/11 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200621,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8169,,,30,,,30,8139,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/18 21:18,06/21 15:09,TCD,BSL,"(6/11 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200620,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8169,,,30,,,30,8139,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/18 21:18,06/21 15:09,TCD,BSL,"(6/11 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200619,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8169,,,30,,,30,8139,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/18 21:18,06/21 15:09,TCD,BSL,"(6/11 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200618,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8169,,,30,,,30,8139,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/16 18:09,06/18 17:08,BSL,MM,"(6/11 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200617,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8169,,,30,,,30,8139,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/16 18:09,06/18 17:08,BSL,MM,"(6/11 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200616,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8169,,,30,,,30,8139,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/15 18:09,06/16 15:09,BSL,RS,"(6/11 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200615,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8169,,,30,,,30,8139,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/14 18:09,06/15 15:01,BSL,AFG,"(6/11 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200614,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8169,,,30,,,30,8139,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/14 1:43,06/14 14:44,RSG,BSL,"(6/11 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200613,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7936,,,30,,,30,7906,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/12 18:18,06/13 14:36,BSL,AFG,"(6/11 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200612,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7762,,,30,,,30,7732,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/12 1:20,06/12 14:42,RSG,RS,"(6/11 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200611,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7581,,,30,,,30,7551,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/10 18:00,06/11 14:45,ETW,BSL,"(6/11 ETW) Recovered still missing from dash, left at 19 (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200610,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7523,,,30,,,30,7493,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/09 18:13,06/10 16:30,BSL,JAC," (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200609,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7523,,,30,,,30,7493,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/09 0:00,06/09 14:39,BSL,RS," (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200608,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7241,,,28,,,28,7214,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/08 0:00,06/08 14:47,MM,RS," (6/8 MM) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives; recovered are missing from dash. leaving same (5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens ",D,, 20200607,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7241,,,27,,,27,7214,,,,,,,,19,2,,,06/07 0:00,06/07 15:04,KP,JAC,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200606,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6695,,,26,,,26,6669,,,,,,,,16,2,,,06/04 19:04,06/06 14:11,BSL,BML,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200605,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6695,,,26,,,26,6669,,,,,,,,16,2,,,06/04 19:04,06/06 14:11,BSL,BML,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200604,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6695,,,26,,,26,6669,,,,,,,,16,2,,,06/04 2:45,06/04 16:24,MDH,PR,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200603,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6557,,,23,,,23,6534,,,,,,,,16,2,,,06/03 0:00,06/03 14:40,ETW,RS,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200602,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6557,,,23,,,23,6534,,,,,,,,16,2,,,06/02 0:00,06/02 14:51,MM,RS,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200601,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6334,,,22,,,22,6312,,,,,,,,16,2,,,06/01 0:00,06/01 14:16,MM,RS,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200531,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6173,,,22,,,22,6151,,,,,,,,15,2,,,05/30 0:00,05/31 14:10,JAC,BL,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200530,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6008,,,22,,,22,5986,,,,,,,,15,2,,,05/29 20:27,05/30 17:00,EPK,SB,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200529,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5684,,,22,,,22,5662,,,,,,,,13,2,,,05/29 0:00,05/29 14:37,G-S,AW,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200528,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5423,,,22,,,22,5401,,,,,,,,13,2,,,05/28 0:00,05/28 15:28,VVR,PR,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200527,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5200,,,22,,,22,5178,,,,,,,,13,2,,,05/27 0:00,05/27 14:54,JAC,RS,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200526,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4940,,,22,,,22,4918,,,,,,,,13,2,,,05/26 0:00,05/26 15:54,REB,MM,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200525,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4757,,,22,,,22,4735,,,,,,,,13,2,,,05/24 0:07,05/25 16:39,EPK,PR,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200524,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4757,,,22,,,22,4735,,,,,,,,13,2,,,05/24 0:00,05/24 14:22,ALF,REB,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200523,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4318,,,22,,,22,4296,,,,,,,,13,2,,,05/22 0:00,05/23 17:27,SB,QN,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200522,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4318,,,22,,,22,4296,,,,,,,,13,2,,,05/22 0:00,05/23 17:27,SB,QN,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200521,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4089,,,22,,,22,4067,,,,,,,,13,2,,,05/21 0:00,05/21 16:26,DB,PR,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged ",D,, 20200520,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3817,,,21,,,21,3796,,,,,,,,13,2,,,05/20 0:00,05/20 14:19,RSB,BL,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200519,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3817,,,21,,,21,3796,,,,,,,,13,2,,,05/19 0:00,05/19 17:35,RSB,MM,"(5/19 aft RSB) Total specimen test now a sum of three values based on a table update (5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200518,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3420,,,21,,,21,3399,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/18 0:00,05/18 14:33,RSB,RS,"(5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200517,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21,,,21,3318,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/16 0:00,05/17 16:27,RS,JAC,"(5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200516,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3339,,,21,,,21,3318,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/16 0:00,05/17 16:27,RS,JAC,"(5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200515,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3325,,,19,,,19,3306,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/15 0:00,05/15 16:33,G-S,KP,"(5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200514,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3325,,,19,,,19,3306,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/14 0:00,05/14 14:58,JAC,RS,"(5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200513,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3040,,,19,,,19,3021,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/13 0:00,,,,"(5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200512,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2873,,,19,,,19,2854,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/12 0:00,05/12 14:52,ATS,RS,"(5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200511,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2695,,,19,,,19,2676,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/11 0:00,05/11 15:16,SLW,AW,"(5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200510,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2336,,,16,,,16,2321,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/09 0:00,05/10 17:23,REB,KP,"(5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200509,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2336,,,16,,,16,2321,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/09 0:00,05/10 17:23,REB,KP,"(5/9 aft ALF) Left negatives the same: totals lag positives (5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200508,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2336,,,15,,,15,2321,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/08 0:00,05/08 16:37,REB,RS,"(5/8 aft REB) Notice, for negatives (column AE) we're subtracting people from specimens (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200507,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1797,,,15,,,15,1783,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/06 0:00,05/07 14:23,JAC,RS,"(5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200506,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1797,,,15,,,15,1783,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/06 0:00,05/07 14:23,JAC,RS,"(5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Positives increased but total tests did not, so leaving negs unchanged (4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200505,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,,,14,1783,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/05 0:00,05/05 14:52,QN,RS,"(4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200504,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,,,14,1321,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/04 0:00,05/04 15:14,PR,REB,"(4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200503,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,,,14,1321,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/03 0:00,05/03 15:39,DPT,REB,"(4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200502,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,934,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/02 6:37,,,,"(4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200501,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,749,,,,,,,,12,2,,,05/01 6:27,05/01 16:10,AW,REB,"(4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200430,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,585,,,,,,,,12,2,,,04/30 7:00,04/30 14:58,REB,QN,"(4/30 mor MM) Calculating negatives by subtracting positives from community testing (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200429,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,210,,,,,,,,12,2,,,04/29 2:30,04/29 15:54,AW,REB,"PROCESS: Negatives were last found in press releases published at (4/29 mor QN): State now reports cumulative tests done through community testing. Might want to use that to calculate negatives (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200428,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,51,,,,,,,,12,2,,,04/28 0:00,04/28 15:12,AW,QN,"PROCESS: Negatives were last found in press releases published at (4/20-4/28 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG/JJFC) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200427,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,51,,,,,,,,11,2,,,04/27 0:00,04/27 14:17,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Negatives were last found in press releases published at (4/20-4/27 REB/jac/ATS/QN/ERG) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200426,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,51,,,,,,,,11,2,,,04/26 0:00,04/26 15:22,SPA,KP,"PROCESS: Negatives were last found in press releases published at (4/20-4/25 REB/jac/ATS/QN) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200425,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,51,,,,,,,,11,2,,,04/25 0:00,04/25 14:49,QN,SJ,"PROCESS: Negatives were last found in press releases published at (4/20-4/25 REB/jac/ATS/QN) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",D,, 20200424,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,51,,,,,,,,11,2,,,04/24 0:00,04/24 22:10,SJ,,"PROCESS: Negatives were last found in press releases published at (4/20-4/23 REB/jac/ATS) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",,, 20200423,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,51,,,,,,,,11,2,,,04/23 22:35,04/23 23:31,SPA,,"PROCESS: Negatives were last found in press releases published at (4/20-4/23 REB/jac/ATS) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from the%20CNMI_%20First%20case%20to%20be%20confirmed%20at%20CHCC%20Laboratory.pdf(from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",,, 20200422,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,51,,,,,,,,11,2,,,04/23 0:00,04/23 16:29,REB,RS,"(4/20-4/23 REB/jac/ATS) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from the%20CNMI_%20First%20case%20to%20be%20confirmed%20at%20CHCC%20Laboratory.pdf(from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",,, 20200421,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,51,,,,,,,,11,2,,,04/21 19:25,04/22 16:08,RS,REB,"(4/21 eve jac) carrying over negative value (4/20 aft REB) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from the%20CNMI_%20First%20case%20to%20be%20confirmed%20at%20CHCC%20Laboratory.pdf(from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",,, 20200420,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,51,,,,,,,,11,2,,,04/20 0:00,,,,"(4/20 aft REB) carrying over negative value (4/20 mor AFG) negatives from (from 4/18) (4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",,, 20200419,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,42,4,,,,,,,9,2,,,04/19 0:00,,,,"(4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",,, 20200418,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,42,4,,,,,,,9,2,,,04/17 19:15,,,,"(4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",,, 20200417,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13,42,4,,,,,,,,2,,,04/17 19:15,,,,"(4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this number includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms ",,, 20200416,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13,27,7,,,,,,,,2,,,04/15 0:00,04/16 23:25,SB,QN,"(4/16/ eve SB) Updated negative and pending from this source:; note that ""released from quarantine"" should not be listed as ""recovered"" since this nubmber includes people arriving at the islands and undergoing required 14-day quarantine whether or not they exhibit symptoms (4/16 aft JJ) no updated numbers (4/15 eve AGS) No updated information for negative or pending tests (4/14 morning ALF) MP is now reporting 13 positive cases on its page, but our other numbers are from a press release 4/8 and we have no newer ones, so Totals now lag Positives. (4/10 morn RMD) Negative from 4/8 press release; Page lists ""Cumulative Number of Persons Released from Quarantine = 100"" would that be recovered? (4/8 morning QN) Negative from 4/8 press release (4/7 morning ALF) Negative from 4/2 press release (4/6 aft DPT) removed stale pending number (4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending. ",,, 20200415,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13,27,7,,,,,,,,2,,,04/14 0:00,04/15 14:40,RS,AW,"(4/14 morning ALF) MP is now reporting 13 positive cases on its page, but our other numbers are from a press release 4/8 and we have no newer ones, so Totals now lag Positives. (4/10 morn RMD) Negative from 4/8 press release; Page lists ""Cumulative Number of Persons Released from Quarantine = 100"" would that be recovered? (4/8 morning QN) Negative from 4/8 press release (4/7 morning ALF) Negative from 4/2 press release (4/6 aft DPT) removed stale pending number (4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending.",,, 20200414,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13,27,7,,,,,,,,2,,,04/14 0:00,04/15 14:40,RS,AW,"(4/14 morning ALF) MP is now reporting 13 positive cases on its page, but our other numbers are from a press release 4/8 and we have no newer ones, so Totals now lag Positives. (4/10 morn RMD) Negative from 4/8 press release; Page lists ""Cumulative Number of Persons Released from Quarantine = 100"" would that be recovered? (4/8 morning QN) Negative from 4/8 press release (4/7 morning ALF) Negative from 4/2 press release (4/6 aft DPT) removed stale pending number (4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending.",,, 20200413,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,27,9,,,,,,,,2,,,04/12 0:00,,,,"(4/10 morn RMD) Negative from 4/8 press release; Page lists ""Cumulative Number of Persons Released from Quarantine = 100"" would that be recovered? (4/8 morning QN) Negative from 4/8 press release (4/7 morning ALF) Negative from 4/2 press release (4/6 aft DPT) removed stale pending number (4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending.",,, 20200412,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,27,9,,,,,,,,2,,,04/11 0:00,,,,"(4/10 morn RMD) Negative from 4/8 press release; Page lists ""Cumulative Number of Persons Released from Quarantine = 100"" would that be recovered? (4/8 morning QN) Negative from 4/8 press release (4/7 morning ALF) Negative from 4/2 press release (4/6 aft DPT) removed stale pending number (4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending.",,, 20200411,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,27,9,,,,,,,,2,,,04/11 0:00,,,,"(4/10 morn RMD) Negative from 4/8 press release; Page lists ""Cumulative Number of Persons Released from Quarantine = 100"" would that be recovered? (4/8 morning QN) Negative from 4/8 press release (4/7 morning ALF) Negative from 4/2 press release (4/6 aft DPT) removed stale pending number (4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending.",,, 20200410,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,27,9,,,,,,,,2,,,04/10 0:00,,,,"(4/10 morn RMD) Negative from 4/8 press release; Page lists ""Cumulative Number of Persons Released from Quarantine = 100"" would that be recovered? (4/8 morning QN) Negative from 4/8 press release (4/7 morning ALF) Negative from 4/2 press release (4/6 aft DPT) removed stale pending number (4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending.",,, 20200409,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,27,9,,,,,,,,2,,,04/08 0:00,04/09 15:22,MEB,MC,"(4/8 morning QN) Negative from 4/8 press release (4/7 morning ALF) Negative from 4/2 press release (4/6 aft DPT) removed stale pending number (4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending.",,, 20200408,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,27,9,,,,,,,,2,,,04/08 0:00,04/09 15:22,MEB,MC,"(4/8 morning QN) Negative from 4/8 press release (4/7 morning ALF) Negative from 4/2 press release (4/6 aft DPT) removed stale pending number (4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending.",,, 20200407,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,15,,,,,,,,,2,,,04/07 5:39,,,,"(4/7 morning ALF) Negative from 4/2 press release (4/6 aft DPT) removed stale pending number (4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending.",,, 20200406,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,13,10,,,,,,,,1,,,04/06 2:57,04/06 15:57,DPT,HDF,"(4/6 aft DPT) removed stale pending number (4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending.",,, 20200405,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,13,10,,,,,,,,1,,,04/04 18:30,04/05 16:40,AW,KP,"(4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending. (4/2 morning ALF) This is a case where the totals are lagging the positives. The state site has a banner listing two more positive cases, but the most recent details for total tests, negatives, and deaths are from 4/1. ",,, 20200404,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,13,10,,,,,,,,1,,,04/03 13:30,04/04 16:21,JJ,PR,"(4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending. (4/2 morning ALF) This is a case where the totals are lagging the positives. The state site has a banner listing two more positive cases, but the most recent details for total tests, negatives, and deaths are from 4/1. ",,, 20200403,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,13,10,,,,,,,,1,,,04/02 18:30,,,,"(4/2 eve SJ) reducing pending by 2 b/c it should be a lower bound, and we don't know if the 2 new positives used to be pending. (4/2 morning ALF) This is a case where the totals are lagging the positives. The state site has a banner listing two more positive cases, but the most recent details for total tests, negatives, and deaths are from 4/1. ",,, 20200402,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,13,12,,,,,,,,1,,,04/02 3:00,04/02 16:23,MC,ESK,"(4/2 afternoon MC) See below comment from ALF (4/2 morning ALF) This is a case where the totals are lagging the positives. The state site has a banner listing two more positive cases, but the most recent details for total tests, negatives, and deaths are from 4/1. ",,, 20200401,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/31 21:50,,,,,,, 20200331,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/30 18:30,,,,,,, 20200330,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/30 1:30,,,,,,, 20200329,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/29 1:30,,,,,,, 20200328,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/28 4:30,,,,,,, 20200327,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/26 13:30,,,,,,, 20200326,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/26 1:30,,,,,,, 20200325,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/24 18:30,,,,,,, 20200324,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/23 1:30,,,,,,, 20200323,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/23 1:30,,,,,,, 20200322,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/22 1:30,,,,,,, 20200321,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/21 2:30,,,,,,, 20200320,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/20 1:30,,,,,,, 20200319,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/19 1:30,,,,,,, 20200318,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/18 3:30,,,,,,, 20200317,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 1:30,,,,,,, 20200316,MP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:55,,,,,,, 20200831,MS,,,,31261,,,,,,25554,95,,,570080,,,79165,3785,,82950,490915,,802,5326,207,,121,,67918,2473,2319,154,08/31 0:00,08/31 17:04,NEZ,DZL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/30 KVP) Total Deaths and supporting data points = OK today. Only cases, deaths updated a few fields. Nothing else updated as of 16:50. (8/29 PK) Total Deaths did not equal the sum of confirmed and probable deaths, and it dropped significantly from yesterday. Used the sum of confirmed and probable today. (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,MS,,,,30859,,,,,,25255,95,,,564933,,,78904,3772,,82676,486488,,819,5300,215,,111,,62707,2441,2294,147,08/30 0:00,08/30 16:14,KVP,HMH,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/30 KVP) Total Deaths and supporting data points = OK today. Only cases, deaths updated a few fields. Nothing else updated as of 16:50. (8/29 PK) Total Deaths did not equal the sum of confirmed and probable deaths, and it dropped significantly from yesterday. Used the sum of confirmed and probable today. (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,MS,,,,30859,,,,,,25255,95,,,564933,,,78445,3584,,82029,486488,,819,5300,215,,111,,62707,2427,2281,146,08/28 19:00,08/29 17:07,PK,QN,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/29 PK) Total Deaths did not equal the sum of confirmed and probable deaths, and it dropped significantly from yesterday. Used the sum of confirmed and probable today. (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,MS,,,,28733,,,,,,25000,95,,,559410,,,77822,3472,,81294,481588,,825,5279,203,,108,,62707,2413,2269,144,08/27 19:00,08/28 16:14,PK,QN,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,MS,,,,25042,,,,,,24653,95,,,553266,,,77323,3372,,80695,475943,,827,5267,230,,125,,62707,2399,2256,143,08/26 19:00,08/27 16:47,MJW,DZL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,MS,,,,24363,,,,,,24384,95,,,548597,,,76917,3193,,80110,471680,,878,5234,232,,119,,62707,2373,2234,139,08/24 19:00,08/26 18:02,DZL,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,MS,,,,23678,,,,,,24188,95,,,544283,,,76228,2978,,79206,468055,,920,5208,234,,124,,62707,2315,2201,114,08/24 19:00,08/25 16:11,MJW,DZL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,MS,,,,22904,,,,,,23899,95,,,539828,,,75571,2834,,78405,464257,,903,5179,237,,127,,56577,2248,2147,101,08/23 19:00,08/24 17:04,LDH,JAC,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,MS,,,,,,,,,,22862,95,,,530974,,,75176,2718,,77894,456354,,982,5149,259,,148,,56577,2240,2139,101,08/22 0:00,08/23 17:01,CRG,BHP,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,MS,,,,,,,,,,22862,95,,,530974,,,74620,2648,,77268,456354,,982,5149,259,,148,,56577,2237,2136,101,08/21 19:00,08/22 16:32,PK,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,MS,,,,,,,,,,22662,95,,,527305,,,73826,2497,,76323,453479,,997,5127,264,,152,,56577,2214,2119,95,08/20 19:00,08/21 16:05,CRG,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,MS,,,,,,,,,,18516,95,,,522738,,,73085,2364,,75449,452177,,1025,5097,276,,176,,56577,2190,2100,90,08/19 19:00,08/20 16:05,GET,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,MS,,,,,,,,,,18516,95,,,522738,,,72418,2137,,74555,452177,,1073,5063,286,,160,,56577,2163,2077,86,08/18 19:00,08/19 16:21,GET,BML,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/19 BML) Total tests didn't update, carried that and negative cases over. (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,MS,,,,,,,,,,18516,95,,,522738,,,71254,1953,,73207,452177,,1090,5025,284,,163,,56577,2128,2046,82,08/17 19:00,08/18 16:27,GET,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,MS,,,,,,,,,,18516,95,,,522738,,,70561,1851,,72412,452177,,1081,4989,289,,168,,56577,2095,2015,80,08/16 19:00,08/17 16:58,CKW,DZL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,MS,,,,,,,,,,18253,95,,,518057,,,70350,1786,,72136,448010,,1126,4916,321,,176,,49836,2084,2004,80,08/16 0:00,08/16 16:22,TCD,HMH,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/16 TCD) Again Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,MS,,,,,,,,,,18253,95,,,518057,,,70047,1708,,71755,448010,,1126,4916,321,,176,,49836,2080,2000,80,08/14 19:00,08/15 16:05,MJW,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,MS,,,,,,,,,,17823,95,,,509380,,,69268,1662,,70930,440112,,1107,4873,312,,179,,49836,2043,1965,78,08/13 19:00,08/14 16:48,LDH,QN,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,MS,,,,,,,,,,17765,95,,,506353,,,68430,1556,,69986,438440,,1136,4847,318,,195,,49836,2011,1942,69,08/12 19:00,08/13 16:51,GET,BHP,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/13 BHP) Total Test (PCR) value did not update today. We carried that over along with Negative Cases. (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,MS,,,,,,,,,,17765,95,,,506353,,,67913,1461,,69374,438440,,1148,4794,323,,195,,49836,1989,1922,67,08/11 19:00,08/12 16:43,JNG,BHP,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,MS,,,,,,,,,,17684,95,,,503050,,,66939,1354,,68293,436111,,1114,4738,325,,192,,49836,1944,1879,65,08/10 19:00,08/11 17:42,DZL,HMH,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,MS,,,,,,,,,,17226,95,,,492386,,,66334,1315,,67649,426944,,1074,4680,328,,196,,42391,1912,1847,65,08/09 19:00,08/10 16:10,GET,DZL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,MS,,,,,,,,,,17226,95,,,492386,,,65906,1267,,67173,426944,,1151,4606,334,,198,,42391,1896,1832,64,08/07 19:00,08/09 16:31,TCD,HMH,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/9 TCD) Value for total PCR tests wasn't updated so we won't update the value for negative cases since we don't have all the info we need for that. (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,MS,,,,,,,,,,17226,95,,,492386,,,65442,1204,,66646,426944,,1151,4606,334,,198,,42391,1874,1812,62,08/07 19:00,08/08 16:14,RRI,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,MS,,,,,,,,,,17096,95,,,486071,,,64295,1141,,65436,421776,,1136,4577,335,,191,,42391,1848,1793,55,08/06 19:00,8/07 16:15,SPA,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,MS,,,,,,,,,,17031,95,,,481443,,,63302,1098,,64400,418141,,1184,4511,337,,193,,42391,1825,1772,53,08/05 19:00,8/06 16:42,LDH,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,MS,,,,,,,,,,17016,95,,,476762,,,62384,1060,,63444,414378,,1179,4472,329,,192,,42391,1804,1754,50,08/04 19:00,8/05 17:25,MJW,DZL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,MS,,,,,,,,,,16566,95,,,460594,,,61186,1013,,62199,401592,,1164,4424,314,,173,,42391,1753,1705,48,08/03 19:00,8/04 17:27,NMJ,DZL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/4 17:58, 20200803,MS,,,,,,,,,,16566,95,,,460594,,,60147,978,,61125,401592,,1172,4380,302,,172,,42391,1711,1664,47,08/02 19:00,8/03 17:20,CKW,RSG,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/3/ CKW) Total Antibody (AD), Total PCR Test (AH), Currently Hospitalized (AQ), Currenlty in ICU (AS) and Currently on Ventilator (AU) last updated on 7/31, Total Negative (AO) carried over from yesterday 8/2 (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,MS,,,,,,,,,,16566,95,,,460594,,,59637,916,,60553,401592,,1172,4314,302,,172,,35071,1703,1657,46,07/31 19:00,8/02 17:49,JJO,SB,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (8/2 SB) Yesterday's value in col AN carried over due to partial update; see thread. (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,MS,,,,,,,,,,16566,95,,,460594,,,59002,879,,59881,401592,,1172,4314,302,,172,,35071,1693,1648,45,07/31 19:00,8/01 16:36,JJO,SB,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,MS,,,,,,,,,,16378,95,,,453670,,,57912,835,,58747,395758,,1229,4276,297,,176,,35071,1663,1620,43,07/30 19:00,07/31 16:48,GET,REB,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,, 20200730,MS,,,,,,,,,,16284,95,,,449072,,,56770,809,,57579,392302,,1245,4213,296,,177,,35071,1611,1570,41,07/29 19:00,07/30 16:33,CRG,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,, 20200729,MS,,,,,,,,,,16140,95,,,442546,,,55046,758,,55804,387500,,1211,4152,296,,178,,35071,1563,1524,39,07/28 19:00,07/29 16:58,SAL,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,, 20200728,MS,,,,,,,,,,16053,95,,,432422,,,53588,711,,54299,378834,,1184,4103,288,,169,,35071,1543,1504,39,07/27 19:00,07/28 16:34,KVP,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/28 KVP) Recoveries are updated weekly per last note ""All deaths excluded. Presumed recovered counts will be updated weekly.) (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,, 20200727,MS,,,,,,,,,,15922,95,,,426926,,,52286,,,52957,374640,,1179,4032,304,,166,,35071,1501,1464,37,07/26 19:00,07/27 17:31,WCD/BSL,QN,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,, 20200726,MS,,,,,,,,,,15740,95,,,421233,,,51639,,,52304,370789,,1172,3982,295,,159,,30315,1495,1458,37,07/24 19:00,07/26 17:13,JJO,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,, 20200725,MS,,,,,,,,,,15740,95,,,421233,,,50444,,,51097,370789,,1172,3982,295,,159,,30315,1480,1443,37,07/24 19:00,07/26 17:13,JJO,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,, 20200724,MS,,,,,,,,,,15453,95,,,410867,,,49050,,,49663,361817,,1216,3923,279,,163,,30315,1463,1428,35,07/23 19:00,07/24 16:32,SPA,HMH,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,, 20200723,MS,,,,,,,,,,15210,95,,,402474,,,47468,,,48053,355959,,1207,3878,293,,140,,30315,1436,1401,35,07/22 19:00,07/23 16:45,KVP,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/23 BSL) No PCR test count update (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong.",A+,, 20200722,MS,,,,,,,,,,15210,95,,,402474,,,46515,,,47071,355959,,1165,3844,293,,138,,30315,1423,1390,33,07/21 19:00,07/22 16:36,SNW,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A+,, 20200721,MS,,,,,,,,,,15176,95,,,394673,,,44999,,,45524,349674,,1154,3797,293,,140,,30315,1389,1358,31,07/20 19:00,07/21 16:36,DZL,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200720,MS,,,,,,,,,,15082,95,,,389466,,,43380,,,43889,346086,,1119,3766,284,,143,,30315,1358,1327,31,07/20 0:00,07/20 16:27,AIA,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200719,MS,,,,,,,,,,14559,95,,,376793,,,42130,,,42638,335439,,1129,3727,278,,132,,25932,1355,1324,31,07/17 19:00,07/19 17:25,JJO,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200718,MS,,,,,,,,,,14559,95,,,376793,,,41354,,,41846,335439,,1076,3727,253,,129,,25932,1346,1316,30,07/17 19:00,07/19 17:25,JJO,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/18 RSG) Vent, ICU and current hospitalization data not updated. (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200717,MS,,,,,,,,,,14384,95,,,370993,,,40358,,,40829,330635,,1076,3712,253,,129,,25932,1332,1303,29,07/16 19:00,07/17 17:23,CB-M,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200716,MS,,,,,,,,,,14269,95,,,363487,,,39384,,,39797,324103,,1117,3675,247,,125,,25932,1308,1283,25,07/15 19:00,07/16 16:35,GMJ,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200715,MS,,,,,,,,,,13966,95,,,356488,,,38198,,,38567,318290,,1099,3629,240,,132,,25932,1290,1266,24,07/14 19:00,07/15 16:12,RSG,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200714,MS,,,,,,,,,,13793,95,,,349869,,,37198,,,37542,312671,,1059,3585,227,,126,,25932,1272,1249,23,07/13 19:00,07/14 16:18,EDS,PR,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200713,MS,,,,,,,,,,13664,95,,,343299,,,36564,,,36680,306735,,1020,3530,208,,110,,25932,1250,1228,22,07/12 19:00,07/13 16:26,AIA,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200712,MS,,,,,,,,,,13123,95,,,334029,,,35961,,,36287,298924,,963,3495,202,,107,,22167,1249,1227,22,07/12 0:00,07/12 16:03,ETS,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200711,MS,,,,,,,,,,13123,95,,,334029,,,35105,,,35419,298924,,963,3495,202,,107,,22167,1230,1208,22,07/10 19:00,07/11 15:38,SNW,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200710,MS,,,,,,,,,,13024,95,,,330011,,,34321,,,34622,295690,,981,3455,205,,103,,22167,1215,1195,20,07/09 19:00,07/10 16:44,AJC,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200709,MS,,,,,,,,,,12769,95,,,324522,,,33309,,,33591,291213,,941,3414,187,,104,,22167,1204,1184,20,07/08 19:00,07/09 16:42,BSL,QN,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200708,MS,,,,,,,,,,12628,95,,,314459,,,32620,,,32888,283431,,883,3365,190,,101,,22167,1188,1168,20,07/07 19:00,07/08 16:46,DZL,QN,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/8 DZL) For ""Total Tests (PCR),"" previous checker recorded total tests (antibody+PCR) instead of just total PCR. Correction caused values in col Z and AF to decrease. (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200707,MS,,,,,,,,,,12628,95,,,314459,,,31966,,,32214,283431,,885,3315,173,,95,,22167,1158,1139,19,07/06 19:00,07/07 16:52,CB-M,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200706,MS,,,,,,,,,,12628,95,,,314459,,,31028,,,31257,283431,,825,3280,165,,98,,22167,1114,1096,18,07/05 19:00,07/06 15:50,WCD,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200705,MS,,,,,,,,,,12522,95,,,309699,,,30671,,,30900,279241,,872,3268,175,,88,,19388,1111,1093,18,07/03 19:00,07/05 15:42,SNW,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200704,MS,,,,,,,,,,12522,95,,,309699,,,30458,,,30674,279241,,872,3268,175,,88,,19388,1107,1089,18,07/03 19:00,07/05 15:42,SNW,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (7/5 SNW) Hospitalization and testing data not updated for 7/5. Cases and deaths were updated. Note Negative (col AF) cases was therefore left as-is from the prior day's input. (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200703,MS,,,,,,,,,,12055,95,,,298842,,,28573,,,28770,270269,,863,3208,167,,94,,19388,1092,1074,18,07/01 19:00,07/03 16:46,SPA,BML,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200702,MS,,,,,,,,,,12055,95,,,298842,,,28573,,,28770,270269,,863,3208,167,,94,,19388,1092,1074,18,07/01 19:00,07/03 16:46,SPA,BML,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200701,MS,,,,,,,,,,12038,95,,,293562,,,27710,,,27900,265852,,786,3177,160,,85,,19388,1082,1064,18,06/30 19:00,07/01 16:27,EDS,BHP,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200630,MS,,,,,,,,,,11965,95,,,287546,,,27067,,,27247,260299,,779,3156,167,,91,,19388,1073,1056,17,06/29 19:00,06/30 17:22,ASL,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200629,MS,,,,,,,,,,11922,95,,,283355,,,26400,,,26567,256955,,719,3115,158,,93,,19388,1059,1042,17,06/28 19:00,06/29 16:42,BAS,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200628,MS,,,,,,,,,,11843,95,,,280020,,,25724,,,25892,254296,,676,3102,149,,88,,17242,1039,1022,17,06/27 19:00,06/28 15:33,HMH,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200627,MS,,,,,,,,,,11652,95,,,277158,,,25368,,,25531,251790,,731,3078,169,,90,,17242,1035,1018,17,06/26 19:00,06/27 16:03,DZL,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200626,MS,,,,,,,,,,11389,95,,,271734,,,24906,,,25066,246828,,769,3044,153,,90,,17242,1022,1005,17,06/25 19:00,06/26 16:51,BSL,RS,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200625,MS,,,,,,,,,,11330,95,,,265839,,,24358,,,24516,241481,,755,2998,157,,94,,17242,1016,999,17,06/24 19:00,06/25 16:13,EDS,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200624,MS,,,,,,,,,,11008,95,,,261505,,,23268,,,23424,238237,,767,2946,157,,91,,17242,1011,994,17,06/23 19:00,06/24 17:21,GET,BHP,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/24 GET) Previous number of Total PCR Tests was wrong, it was updated to current number. (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200623,MS,,,,,,,,,,10713,95,,,253098,,,22745,,,22898,230962,,664,2915,151,,88,,17242,989,972,17,06/22 19:00,06/23 16:11,SAL,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200622,MS,,,,,,,,,,10713,95,,,253098,,,22136,,,22287,230962,,710,2881,148,,95,,17242,978,961,17,06/21 19:00,06/22 15:37,G-S,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200621,MS,,,,,,,,,,10353,95,,,238574,,,20500,,,20641,218074,,689,2767,156,,98,,15323,938,922,16,06/16 19:00,06/21 16:15,TCD,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200620,MS,,,,,,,,,,10353,95,,,238574,,,20500,,,20641,218074,,465,2767,159,,108,,15323,938,922,16,06/16 19:00,06/21 16:15,TCD,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200619,MS,,,,,,,,,,10353,95,,,238574,,,20641,,,20641,218074,,661,2767,159,,108,,15323,938,922,16,06/16 18:00,06/19 16:57,TCD,MM,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200618,MS,,,,,,,,,,10353,95,,,238574,,,20500,,,20641,218074,,668,2767,161,,100,,15323,938,922,16,06/16 19:00,06/21 16:15,TCD,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/21 BSL) Some data points accurate as of 6/20, signed off timestamp as 6/16 18:00 (6/20 ETW) Current hospitalizations from official Twitter but missing probable/suspected cases; Case Classifications table gone; (SB 6/20) Positive cases (PCR) number comes from now-missing Case Classifications table: see today's MS thread (6/19 MM) Probable/Confirmed deaths info is missing from the page today (6/19 TCD) As per rule that if the total number of tests remain the same, and the number of positives goes up, we do not change the negatives calculation, because it would look like negatives went down. So we're carrying that over (6/19 TCD) As per the page they won't be providing new data for awhile; but some things may still update. Check everything! (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200617,MS,,,,,,,,,,10222,95,,,238574,,,20500,,,20641,223748,,668,2767,161,,100,,15323,938,922,16,06/17 19:00,06/17 15:45,SNW,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200616,MS,,,,,,,,,,10161,95,,,240664,,,20013,,,20152,220651,,668,2728,160,,98,,15323,915,899,16,06/15 19:00,06/16 17:36,KWS,JAC,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200615,MS,,,,,,,,,,10161,95,,,230503,,,19664,,,19799,210704,,661,2680,163,,100,,15323,895,879,16,06/14 19:00,06/15 15:45,RSG,AFG,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200614,MS,,,,,,,,,,9442,95,,,213753,,,19216,,,19516,194537,,667,2665,151,,99,,13356,891,873,16,06/14 0:00,06/14 16:49,RSG,JAC,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/14 RSG) website is down so only columns AE, AH-AJ, AL, AO were able to be updated. (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200613,MS,,,,,,,,,,9442,95,,,213753,,,19216,,,19348,194537,,684,2644,160,,103,,13356,889,873,16,06/12 19:00,06/13 15:21,SPA,BSL,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200612,MS,,,,,,,,,,9442,95,,,213753,,,18959,,,19091,195402,,710,2643,172,,94,,13356,881,856,16,06/11 19:00,06/12 16:48,HMH,JAC,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/12 HMH) Testing data as of 6/9, so neg. cases decrease bc other data has been updated (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200611,MS,,,,,,,,,,9442,95,,,213753,,,18351,,,18483,195402,,655,2614,160,,99,,13356,868,851,17,06/09 19:00,06/11 16:51,JAC,PR,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200610,MS,,,,,,,,,,9442,95,,,213753,,,18351,,,18483,195402,,655,2614,160,,99,,13356,868,851,17,06/09 19:00,06/11 16:51,JAC,PR,"Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/11) No Update -- Our next daily COVID-19 update will take place Friday morning due to technical problems. (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200609,MS,,,,,,,,,,9140,95,,,208089,,,17645,,,17768,190444,,598,2535,142,,83,,13356,837,821,16,06/07 19:00,06/09 16:17,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. ICU & Vent each have a line. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200608,MS,,,,,,,,,,9140,95,,,208089,,,17645,,,17768,190444,,598,2535,142,,83,,13356,837,821,16,06/07 19:00,06/09 16:17,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. ICU & Vent each have a line. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200607,MS,,,,,,,,,,9021,95,,,203127,,,17148,,,17270,185979,,585,2522,133,,69,,11203,817,801,16,06/06 19:00,06/07 16:07,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. ICU & Vent each have a line. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/7 HMH) All data as of 6/6, Recoveries not updated since 5/31. (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200606,MS,,,,,,,,,,8662,95,,,193008,,,16654,,,16769,176354,,604,2475,149,,84,,11203,803,787,16,06/04 19:00,06/06 15:47,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. ICU & Vent each have a line. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200605,MS,,,,,,,,,,8662,95,,,193008,,,16654,,,16759,176354,,604,2475,149,,84,,11203,803,787,16,06/04 19:00,06/06 15:47,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. ICU & Vent each have a line. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200604,MS,,,,,,,,,,8027,95,,,184335,,,16447,,,16560,168425,,633,2340,145,,97,,11203,794,778,16,06/04 0:00,06/04 16:50,MDH,PR,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. ICU & Vent each have a line. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/4 MDH) Total tests didn't update; carrying negatives forward (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. ",A,, 20200603,MS,,,,,,,,,,8027,95,,,184335,,,15910,,,16322,168425,,602,2340,141,,96,,11203,782,767,15,06/02 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200602,MS,,,,,,,,,,7882,95,,,179388,,,15910,,,16020,163478,,584,2296,146,,97,,11203,767,752,15,06/01 0:00,06/03 16:39,ETW,PR,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. ICU & Vent each have a line. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (6/2 REB) hospitalization data didnt update (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. (5/28 aft VVR) Testing totals were updated but underlying lab and provider numbers were not, adding up to yesterday's numbers. Still including the updated numbers. Positive antibody from previous reporting. (5/27 aft JAC) Carrying neg as total did not update. Keeping previous pos antibody (5/25 aft AW) updated test #s for today. But note ""MS has revised method of counting antibody tests....producing a lower total # of tests than the one reported yesterday."" (5/25 aft EPK) Total tests, PCR tests, and antibody tests not updated since 5/23, only testing data update for 5/24 is for the state public health lab. They're directly reporting a 5/24 case count but a 5/23 test count, so it's going to look weird (5/23 aft ALF) MS reports that hospitalization data are incomplete for 5/23. ",A,, 20200601,MS,,,,,,,,,,7740,95,,,176254,,,15752,,,15752,160502,,584,2296,146,,97,,11203,739,,,05/31 19:00,06/01 17:34,AFG,SB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. ICU & Vent each have a line. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. (5/28 aft VVR) Testing totals were updated but underlying lab and provider numbers were not, adding up to yesterday's numbers. Still including the updated numbers. Positive antibody from previous reporting. (5/27 aft JAC) Carrying neg as total did not update. Keeping previous pos antibody (5/25 aft AW) updated test #s for today. But note ""MS has revised method of counting antibody tests....producing a lower total # of tests than the one reported yesterday."" (5/25 aft EPK) Total tests, PCR tests, and antibody tests not updated since 5/23, only testing data update for 5/24 is for the state public health lab. They're directly reporting a 5/24 case count but a 5/23 test count, so it's going to look weird (5/23 aft ALF) MS reports that hospitalization data are incomplete for 5/23. ",A,, 20200531,MS,,,,,,,,,,7629,95,,,171837,,,15501,,,15501,156336,,570,2272,113,,108,,9401,734,,,05/30 19:00,05/31 14:23,JAC,BL,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. ICU & Vent each have a line. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. (5/28 aft VVR) Testing totals were updated but underlying lab and provider numbers were not, adding up to yesterday's numbers. Still including the updated numbers. Positive antibody from previous reporting. (5/27 aft JAC) Carrying neg as total did not update. Keeping previous pos antibody (5/25 aft AW) updated test #s for today. But note ""MS has revised method of counting antibody tests....producing a lower total # of tests than the one reported yesterday."" (5/25 aft EPK) Total tests, PCR tests, and antibody tests not updated since 5/23, only testing data update for 5/24 is for the state public health lab. They're directly reporting a 5/24 case count but a 5/23 test count, so it's going to look weird (5/23 aft ALF) MS reports that hospitalization data are incomplete for 5/23. ",A,, 20200530,MS,,,,,,,,,,7536,95,,,165932,,,15229,,,15229,150703,,593,2240,145,,92,,9401,723,,,05/29 19:00,05/30 17:01,EPK,QN,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/30 aft EPK) No new antibody positive update today either. Yesterday's negative number was calculated using the ANTIBODY + PCR total tests number (166308), which is much higher than yesterday's total PCR tests number (158,973). So that negative was wrong. (5/28 aft VVR) Testing totals were updated but underlying lab and provider numbers were not, adding up to yesterday's numbers. Still including the updated numbers. Positive antibody from previous reporting. (5/27 aft JAC) Carrying neg as total did not update. Keeping previous pos antibody (5/25 aft AW) updated test #s for today. But note ""MS has revised method of counting antibody tests....producing a lower total # of tests than the one reported yesterday."" (5/25 aft EPK) Total tests, PCR tests, and antibody tests not updated since 5/23, only testing data update for 5/24 is for the state public health lab. They're directly reporting a 5/24 case count but a 5/23 test count, so it's going to look weird (5/23 aft ALF) MS reports that hospitalization data are incomplete for 5/23. ",A,, 20200529,MS,,,,,,,,,,7335,95,,,158973,,,14790,,,14790,151518,,584,2208,121,,77,,9401,710,,,05/28 19:00,05/29 14:46,G-S,AW,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/29 aft G-S) Did not update Positive Antibody from prev reporting. (5/28 aft VVR) Testing totals were updated but underlying lab and provider numbers were not, adding up to yesterday's numbers. Still including the updated numbers. Positive antibody from previous reporting. (5/27 aft JAC) Total tests didn't update, but cases did. Leaving Neg. Calc. so it doesn't go down. Pos antibody from previous reporting. (5/25 aft AW) updated test #s for today. But note ""MS has revised method of counting antibody tests....producing a lower total # of tests than the one reported yesterday."" (5/25 aft EPK) Total tests, PCR tests, and antibody tests not updated since 5/23, only testing data update for 5/24 is for the state public health lab. They're directly reporting a 5/24 case count but a 5/23 test count, so it's going to look weird (5/23 aft ALF) MS reports that hospitalization data are incomplete for 5/23. (5/23 aft SB) MS just started separating PCR and antibody tests. Total number of PCR tests entered yesterday conflated both types, so number of PCR tests has now decreased. Number of positive tests comes from reporting. ",A,, 20200528,MS,,,,,,,,,,7033,95,,,156497,,,14372,,,14372,142125,,594,2147,148,,78,,9401,693,,,05/27 19:00,05/28 16:06,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/28 aft VVR) Testing totals were updated but underlying lab and provider numbers were not, adding up to yesterday's numbers. Still including the updated numbers. Positive antibody from previous reporting. (5/27 aft JAC) Total tests didn't update, but cases did. Leaving Neg. Calc. so it doesn't go down. Pos antibody from previous reporting. (5/25 aft AW) updated test #s for today. But note ""MS has revised method of counting antibody tests....producing a lower total # of tests than the one reported yesterday."" (5/25 aft EPK) Total tests, PCR tests, and antibody tests not updated since 5/23, only testing data update for 5/24 is for the state public health lab. They're directly reporting a 5/24 case count but a 5/23 test count, so it's going to look weird (5/23 aft ALF) MS reports that hospitalization data are incomplete for 5/23. (5/23 aft SB) MS just started separating PCR and antibody tests. Total number of PCR tests entered yesterday conflated both types, so number of PCR tests has now decreased. Number of positive tests comes from reporting. ",A,, 20200527,MS,,,,,,,,,,6805,95,,,147819,,,14044,,,14044,134088,,547,2106,127,,73,,9401,670,,,05/26 19:00,05/27 16:58,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/27 aft JAC) Total tests didn't update, but cases did. Leaving Neg. Calc. so it doesn't go down. Pos antibody from previous reporting. (5/25 aft AW) updated test #s for today. But note ""MS has revised method of counting antibody tests....producing a lower total # of tests than the one reported yesterday."" (5/25 aft EPK) Total tests, PCR tests, and antibody tests not updated since 5/23, only testing data update for 5/24 is for the state public health lab. They're directly reporting a 5/24 case count but a 5/23 test count, so it's going to look weird (5/23 aft ALF) MS reports that hospitalization data are incomplete for 5/23. (5/23 aft SB) MS just started separating PCR and antibody tests. Total number of PCR tests entered yesterday conflated both types, so number of PCR tests has now decreased. Number of positive tests comes from reporting. ",A,, 20200526,MS,,,,,,,,,,6805,95,,,147819,,,13731,,,13731,134088,,561,2070,134,,81,,9401,652,,,05/25 19:00,05/26 16:27,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/25 aft AW) updated test #s for today. But note ""MS has revised method of counting antibody tests....producing a lower total # of tests than the one reported yesterday."" (5/25 aft EPK) Total tests, PCR tests, and antibody tests not updated since 5/23, only testing data update for 5/24 is for the state public health lab. They're directly reporting a 5/24 case count but a 5/23 test count, so it's going to look weird (5/23 aft ALF) MS reports that hospitalization data are incomplete for 5/23. (5/23 aft SB) MS just (today?) started separating PCR and antibody tests. Total number of PCR tests entered yesterday conflated both types, so number of PCR tests has now decreased. Number of positive tests comes from reporting from 5/22 and 5/21. (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated",A,, 20200525,MS,,,,,,,,,,6781,80,,,143917,,,13458,,,13458,130459,,566,2046,152,,94,,9401,635,,,05/24 19:00,05/25 16:34,AW,PR,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/25 aft AW) updated test #s for today. But note ""MS has revised method of counting antibody tests....producing a lower total # of tests than the one reported yesterday."" (5/25 aft EPK) Total tests, PCR tests, and antibody tests not updated since 5/23, only testing data update for 5/24 is for the state public health lab. They're directly reporting a 5/24 case count but a 5/23 test count, so it's going to look weird (5/23 aft ALF) MS reports that hospitalization data are incomplete for 5/23. (5/23 aft SB) MS just (today?) started separating PCR and antibody tests. Total number of PCR tests entered yesterday conflated both types, so number of PCR tests has now decreased. Number of positive tests comes from reporting from 5/22 and 5/21. (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated",A,, 20200524,MS,,,,,,,,,,9057,80,,,137902,,,13252,,,13252,124650,,512,2023,150,,73,,7681,625,,,05/23 19:00,05/24 14:51,ALF,JAC,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/23 aft ALF) MS reports that hospitalization data are incomplete for 5/23. (5/23 aft SB) MS just (today?) started separating PCR and antibody tests. Total number of PCR tests entered yesterday conflated both types, so number of PCR tests has now decreased. Number of positive tests comes from reporting from 5/22 and 5/21. (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated",A,, 20200523,MS,,,,,,,,,,8813,80,,,134220,,,13005,,,13005,121215,,590,1996,154,,93,,7681,616,,,05/22 19:00,05/23 17:07,SB,QN,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/23 aft SB) MS just (today?) started separating PCR and antibody tests. Total number of PCR tests entered yesterday conflated both types, so number of PCR tests has now decreased. Number of positive tests comes from reporting from 5/22 and 5/21. (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated",A,, 20200522,MS,,,,,,,,,,4055,80,,,137973,,,12624,,,12624,125349,,557,1966,159,,85,,7681,596,,,05/21 19:00,05/22 14:50,G-S,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated",A,, 20200521,MS,,,,,,,,,,4055,80,,,125970,,,12222,,,12222,113748,,638,1932,158,,92,,7681,580,,,05/20 19:00,05/21 16:07,DB,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated",A,, 20200520,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,120680,,,11967,,,11967,108713,,644,1901,157,,89,,7681,570,,,05/19 19:00,05/20 14:23,RSB,BL,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html",A,, 20200519,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,117760,,,11704,,,11704,106056,,611,1840,153,,87,,7681,554,,,05/18 19:00,05/19 17:35,RSB,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html",A,, 20200518,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,115767,,,11432,,,11432,104335,,559,1805,141,,75,,7681,528,,,05/17 19:00,05/18 15:37,RSB,ALF,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html",A,, 20200517,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11296,,,11296,101830,,608,1773,158,,81,,6268,521,,,05/16 19:00,05/17 16:28,KP,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html",A,, 20200516,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,108476,,,11123,,,11123,97353,,641,1748,170,,81,,6268,510,,,05/15 19:00,05/16 14:29,JAC,BL,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html",A,, 20200515,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,106823,,,10801,,,10801,96022,,573,1712,172,,81,,6268,493,,,05/14 19:00,05/15 17:12,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html",A,, 20200514,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105326,,,105326,,,10483,94843,,589,1667,131,,72,,6268,480,,,05/13 19:00,05/14 15:30,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html",A,, 20200513,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100048,,,10090,,,10090,89958,,604,1616,150,,79,,6268,465,,,05/12 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html",A,, 20200512,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97692,,,9908,,,9908,87784,,604,1582,146,,75,,6268,457,,,05/11 19:00,05/12 16:15,ATS,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/12 aft ATS) Recovered not updated, Total Tests (Specimens) and Negative from press conference (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html",A,, 20200511,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95885,,,9674,,,9674,86211,,507,1546,132,,68,,6268,435,,,05/10 19:00,05/11 15:40,SLW,AW,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html",A,, 20200510,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91999,,,9501,,,9501,72101,,645,1531,141,,78,,4421,430,,,05/09 19:00,05/10 15:55,DPT,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Hospitalized Cases by Age"" bar chart. Add up the entries there. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/10 DPT) updated process notes for cum hosp to sum the Age table (5/6-5/10 RS/JAC/DPT) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html",A,, 20200509,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90472,,,9378,,,9378,72101,,607,1512,133,,76,,4421,421,,,05/08 19:00,05/09 16:13,ALF,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. Total tests are total specimens: ""These figures now reflect number of tests performed, rather than number of individuals tested."" (5/6-5/8 RS/JAC) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",A,, 20200508,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9090,,,9090,72101,,632,1478,123,,58,,4421,409,,,05/07 19:00,05/08 16:19,EB,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (5/6-5/8 RS/JAC) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",A,, 20200507,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8686,,,8686,72101,,650,1442,139,,71,,4421,396,,,05/06 19:00,05/07 16:11,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (5/6-5/7 RS/JAC) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",A,, 20200506,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8424,,,8424,72101,,618,1392,144,,79,,4421,374,,,05/05 19:00,05/06 16:00,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (5/6 RS) Recovered and Negatives not updated (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",B,, 20200505,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8207,,,8207,72101,,645,1352,162,,77,,4421,342,,,05/04 19:00,05/05 15:22,QN,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",B,, 20200504,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7877,,,7877,71800,,646,1316,145,,78,,4421,310,,,05/03 19:00,05/04 15:58,REB,PR,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",B,, 20200503,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7550,,,7550,70043,,667,1298,143,,73,,3413,303,,,05/02 19:00,05/04 9:55,ATS,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",B,, 20200502,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7441,,,7441,67034,,632,1265,142,,71,,3413,291,,,05/01 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",B,, 20200501,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7212,,,7212,64336,,651,1226,160,,75,,3413,281,,,04/30 0:00,05/01 15:38,KP,AW,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",B,, 20200430,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6815,,,6815,59525,,639,1175,146,,72,,3413,261,,,04/29 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/30 aft REB) Total tested updated to 4/28, carrying over previous number (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",B,, 20200429,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6569,59525,,677,1126,151,,69,,3413,250,,,04/28 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/29 aft AW) recovered from presser (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",B,, 20200428,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6342,58070,,639,1088,162,,77,,,239,,,04/27 19:00,04/28 14:36,AW,QN,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",B,, 20200427,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6094,57368,,590,1060,142,,71,,,229,,,04/26 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",B,, 20200426,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5911,54877,,644,1001,146,,67,,,227,,,04/25 0:00,04/26 15:41,SPA,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",B,, 20200425,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5718,53239,,649,996,152,,78,,,221,,,04/24 19:00,04/25 14:10,AW,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",B,, 20200424,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5434,50236,,586,970,148,,74,,,209,,,04/23 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/24 aft REB) total tests didn't update, carrying over negative number (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html ",A,, 20200423,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5153,50236,,595,946,156,,78,,,201,,,04/22 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases used in the chart (example: N=3734). The ""N="" text is in very small print below the pie chart. (4/20 RS) Case counts unchanged. Hosp #s did update (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html (4/17 morn RMD, 4/16 aft MM) Total tests have remained the same, negatives remain the same. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. ",A,, 20200422,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4894,48941,,628,910,162,,86,,,193,,,04/21 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases (example: N=3734). (4/20 RS) Case counts unchanged. Hosp #s did update (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html (4/17 morn RMD, 4/16 aft MM) Total tests have remained the same, negatives remain the same. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. ",A,, 20200421,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4716,47648,,548,858,146,,89,,,183,,,04/20 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalized, Currently in ICU, Currently on Ventilator: See ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations..."" line chart. * Current Hospitalization = sum of confirmed and suspected (red + green lines). * Currently in ICU = ""Patients in an ICU"" (orange line) * Currently on Ventilator = ""Patients on Ventilator"" (blue line) Cumulative Hospitalized: See ""COVID-19 Cumulative Hospitalizations..."" pie chart. Multiple percentage for ""Yes"" by the count of cases (example: N=3734). (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html (4/17 morn RMD, 4/16 aft MM) Total tests have remained the same, negatives remain the same. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. ",A,, 20200420,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4512,46922,,548,819,146,,89,,,169,,,04/19 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: now summing up hosp numbers from bar chart on page for cum hosp Current hosp+icu+vent from main page, line chart titled ""COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations in Mississippi"". Hospitalization is sum of confirmed + suspected (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html (4/17 morn RMD) Total tests have remained the same, negatives remain the same. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. (4/16 aft MM) Total tested remained the same, so I am not updating the negatives. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no changes ",A,, 20200419,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4274,34791,,,808,138,,79,,,159,,,04/18 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: now summing up hosp numbers from bar chart on page for cum hosp (4/19 aft DB) Total tests reamined the same, so did not update negs. Updated currently on vent and currently in ICU from this chart:,21994,420,873.html (4/17 morn RMD) Total tests have remained the same, negatives remain the same. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. (4/16 aft MM) Total tested remained the same, so I am not updating the negatives. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no changes ",A,, 20200418,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3974,34791,,,782,154,,99,,,152,,,04/17 19:00,04/18 23:37,SB,,"PROCESS: now summing up hosp numbers from bar chart on page for cum hosp (4/17 morn RMD) Total tests have remained the same, negatives remain the same. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. (4/16 aft MM) Total tested remained the same, so I am not updating the negatives. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. (4/18 eve SB) Freshness check; no changes ",A,, 20200417,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3793,34791,,,736,154,,99,,,140,,,04/16 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: now summing up hosp numbers from bar chart on page for cum hosp (4/17 morn RMD) Total tests have remained the same, negatives remain the same. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. (4/16 aft MM) Total tested remained the same, so I am not updating the negatives. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. ",A,, 20200416,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3624,34791,,,682,154,,99,,,129,,,04/15 19:00,04/17 8:32,RMD,AFG,"PROCESS: now summing up hosp numbers from bar chart on page for cum hosp (4/17 morn RMD) Total tests have remained the same, negatives remain the same. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. (4/16 aft MM) Total tested remained the same, so I am not updating the negatives. Current ICU&Vent from 4/13 Press Conference. ",A,, 20200415,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3360,34791,,,645,154,,99,,,122,,,04/14 19:00,,,,"PROCESS: now summing up hosp numbers from bar chart on page for cum hosp (4/15 eve AGS) No documented source for current ICU or ventilator data. Left last reported data ",A,, 20200414,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3087,34791,,,596,154,,99,,,111,,,04/13 19:00,,,,"(4/14 aft AW) PROCESS: now summing up hosp numbers from bar chart on page for cum hosp (4/14 Aft RS) Positives changed today, but while total cases changed last night, they did not again today, so negatives did not change. ICU and Vent #s from presser. (4/13 eve REB) current icu + vent numbers from press release on 4/13, 15:00 (4/13-12 Aft) Total Cases and Negs still unchanged (4/9 SB eve) Total number of tests is still listed as 20370 (unchanged since April 5), and the total number of cases is 2260 (as of 4/8). Latest timestamp on page is 6 pm CT April 8. (4/9 MEB aft) Negatives still not updated, head over previous calculation. (4/7 eve DB) Used bar chart of hospitalizations by age for cum hospitalizations, causing total # to decrease. (also: moving away from all % calcs soon) (4/6 AM) Mississippi is now reporting all tests.",A,, 20200413,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2942,28042,,,549,124,,84,,,98,,,04/13 0:00,,,,"(4/13 eve REB) current icu + vent numbers from press release on 4/13, 15:00 (4/13-12 Aft) Total Cases and Negs still unchanged (4/9 SB eve) Total number of tests is still listed as 20370 (unchanged since April 5), and the total number of cases is 2260 (as of 4/8). Latest timestamp on page is 6 pm CT April 8. (4/9 MEB aft) Negatives still not updated, head over previous calculation. (4/7 eve DB) Used bar chart of hospitalizations by age for cum hospitalizations, causing total # to decrease. (also: moving away from all % calcs soon) (4/6 AM) Mississippi is now reporting all tests.",A,, 20200412,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2781,18632,,,548,,,,,,96,,,04/11 19:00,04/13 8:10,QN,,"(4/13 QN morning) Negs still unchanged (4/12 RS) Total Cases and Negs still unchanged (4/9 SB eve) Total number of tests is still listed as 20370 (unchanged since April 5), and the total number of cases is 2260 (as of 4/8). Latest timestamp on page is 6 pm CT April 8. (4/9 MEB aft) Negatives still not updated, head over previous calculation. (4/7 eve DB) Used bar chart of hospitalizations by age for cum hospitalizations, causing total # to decrease. (also: moving away from all % calcs soon) (4/6 AM) Mississippi is now reporting all tests.",A,, 20200411,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2642,18632,,,528,,,,,,93,,,04/10 19:00,,,,"(4/11 RS) Total Cases and Negs still unchanged (4/9 SB eve) Total number of tests is still listed as 20370 (unchanged since April 5), and the total number of cases is 2260 (as of 4/8). Latest timestamp on page is 6 pm CT April 8. (4/9 MEB aft) Negatives still not updated, head over previous calculation. (4/7 eve DB) Used bar chart of hospitalizations by age for cum hospitalizations, causing total # to decrease. (also: moving away from all % calcs soon) (4/6 AM) Mississippi is now reporting all tests.",A,, 20200410,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2469,18632,,,482,,,,,,82,,,04/09 19:00,,,,"(4/10 RS) Total Cases and Negs still unchanged (4/9 SB eve) Total number of tests is still listed as 20370 (unchanged since April 5), and the total number of cases is 2260 (as of 4/8). Latest timestamp on page is 6 pm CT April 8. (4/9 MEB aft) Negatives still not updated, head over previous calculation. (4/7 eve DB) Used bar chart of hospitalizations by age for cum hospitalizations, causing total # to decrease. (also: moving away from all % calcs soon) (4/6 AM) Mississippi is now reporting all tests.",A,, 20200409,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2260,18632,,,441,,,,,,76,,,04/08 0:00,04/09 15:03,MEB,HDF,"(4/9 MEB aft) Negatives still not updated, head over previous calculation. (4/8 RS Aft) Negatives still have not updated, held over previous calculation (4/8 AFG morning) calculated total (20,547) is larger than what the state reports (20,370), because the positive number increased, the total reported did not, and we are keeping the negative number (calculated) from decreasing (4/7 eve DB) Used bar chart of hospitalizations by age for cum hospitalizations, causing total # to decrease. (also: moving away from all % calcs soon) (47 Aft RS) In our Hosp calculation, we should use what MS reports as N for the Universe of patients Hospitalized, NOT the current Positives. Note this means the Hosp # decreased. (4/7 JJ aft) Total tested figure has not been updated since 4/5. The negative number remains the same. Others were updated. (4/6 AM) Mississippi is now reporting all tests.",A,, 20200408,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2003,18632,,,410,,,,,,67,,,04/07 19:00,,,,"(4/8 RS Aft) Negatives still have not updated, held over previous calculation (4/8 AFG morning) calculated total (20,547) is larger than what the state reports (20,370), because the positive number increased, the total reported did not, and we are keeping the negative number (calculated) from decreasing (4/7 eve DB) Used bar chart of hospitalizations by age for cum hospitalizations, causing total # to decrease. (also: moving away from all % calcs soon) (47 Aft RS) In our Hosp calculation, we should use what MS reports as N for the Universe of patients Hospitalized, NOT the current Positives. Note this means the Hosp # decreased. (4/7 JJ aft) Total tested figure has not been updated since 4/5. The negative number remains the same. Others were updated. (4/6 AM) Mississippi is now reporting all tests.",A,, 20200407,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1915,18632,,,377,,,,,,59,,,04/07 19:00,,,,"(4/8 RS Aft) Negatives still have not updated, held over previous calculation (4/8 AFG morning) calculated total (20,547) is larger than what the state reports (20,370), because the positive number increased, the total reported did not, and we are keeping the negative number (calculated) from decreasing (4/7 eve DB) Used bar chart of hospitalizations by age for cum hospitalizations, causing total # to decrease. (also: moving away from all % calcs soon) (47 Aft RS) In our Hosp calculation, we should use what MS reports as N for the Universe of patients Hospitalized, NOT the current Positives. Note this means the Hosp # decreased. (4/7 JJ aft) Total tested figure has not been updated since 4/5. The negative number remains the same. Others were updated. (4/6 AM) Mississippi is now reporting all tests.",A,, 20200406,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1738,18632,,,475,,,,,,51,,,04/06 16:33,,,,(4/6 AM) Mississippi is now reporting all tests.,A,, 20200405,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1638,5580,,,475,,,,,,43,,,04/04 19:00,,,,(4/2 morning RL) MS Total is from Public labs only; Negative is Total Tested at Public Labs - Total Positive at Public Labs,B,, 20200404,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1455,5133,,,436,,,,,,35,,,04/03 19:00,,,,(4/2 morning RL) MS Total is from Public labs only; Negative is Total Tested at Public Labs - Total Positive at Public Labs,B,, 20200403,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1358,4753,,,420,,,,,,29,,,04/02 19:00,,,,(4/2 morning RL) MS Total is from Public labs only; Negative is Total Tested at Public Labs - Total Positive at Public Labs,B,, 20200402,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1177,4753,,,360,,,,,,26,,,04/01 19:00,04/03 9:48,ATS,ALF,(4/2 morning RL) MS Total is from Public labs only; Negative is Total Tested at Public Labs - Total Positive at Public Labs,B,, 20200401,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1073,3712,,,332,,,,,,22,,,03/31 19:00,04/02 10:18,RL,ALF,(4/2 morning RL) MS Total is from Public labs only; Negative is Total Tested at Public Labs - Total Positive at Public Labs,B,, 20200331,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,937,3537,,,211,,,,,,20,,,03/30 19:00,,,,,B,, 20200330,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,847,2989,,,195,,,,,,16,,,03/29 19:00,,,,,B,, 20200329,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,758,2560,,,235,,,,,,14,,,03/28 19:00,,,,,B,, 20200328,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,663,2560,,,219,,,,,,13,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200327,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,579,2560,,,185,,,,,,8,,,03/26 19:00,,,,,B,, 20200326,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,485,2291,,,150,,,,,,6,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200325,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,377,1566,,,117,,,,,,2,,,03/24 20:00,,,,,B,, 20200324,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,320,1552,,,86,,,,,,1,,,03/23 19:00,,,,,B,, 20200323,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,249,1143,,,33,,,,,,1,,,03/22 19:22,,,,,B,, 20200322,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,207,1114,,,33,,,,,,1,,,03/22 11:20,,,,,,, 20200321,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,140,695,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/20 19:00,,,,,,, 20200320,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80,695,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/20 11:35,,,,,,, 20200319,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,552,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34,479,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21,368,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,277,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:52,,,,,,, 20200315,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,84,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,84,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 18:35,,,,,,, 20200313,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,41,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,41,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 13:20,,,,,,, 20200311,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,20,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,MS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,250238,,,7421,,,7421,242817,,134,436,,,,,5330,104,,,08/31 1:59,08/31 15:44,LDH,RSG,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",B,8/31 17:26, 20200830,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,246661,,,7340,,,7340,239321,,131,432,,,,,5283,104,,,08/30 1:59,08/30 15:40,HMH,KP,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",B,8/30 17:56, 20200829,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,245381,,,7251,,,7251,238130,,128,429,,,,,5278,104,,,08/29 1:59,08/29 15:49,ENT,RSG,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",B,8/29 17:49, 20200828,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,242875,,,7063,,,7063,235812,,121,417,,,,,5172,100,,,08/28 1:59,08/28 15:46,LDH,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/28 17:43, 20200827,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,240659,,,6929,,,6929,233730,,119,412,,,,,5024,98,,,08/27 1:59,08/27 16:35,DPT,QN,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/27 18:55, 20200826,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,238260,,,6785,,,6785,231475,,125,402,,,,,4983,98,,,08/26 1:59,08/26 15:43,PK,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/26 18:37, 20200825,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,236507,,,6624,,,6624,229883,,119,394,,,,,4891,97,,,08/25 1:59,08/25 15:40,AJC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/25 18:03, 20200824,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,233673,,,6489,,,6489,227184,,114,383,,,,,4842,91,,,08/24 1:59,08/24 15:39,RS,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/24 17:21, 20200823,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,210749,,,6429,,,6429,204320,,111,379,,,,,4816,90,,,08/23 1:59,08/23 15:41,CRG,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/23 17:24, 20200822,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,209716,,,6376,,,6376,203340,,110,378,,,,,4815,90,,,08/22 1:59,08/22 15:41,RRI,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/22 17:10, 20200821,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,208627,,,6216,,,6216,202411,,97,363,,,,,4798,89,,,08/21 0:00,08/21 15:36,GET,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/21 17:26, 20200820,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,207560,,,6072,,,6072,201488,,101,357,,,,,4434,89,,,08/20 0:00,08/20 16:09,GET,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/20 18:13, 20200819,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,206533,,,5956,,,5956,200577,,102,348,,,,,4357,84,,,08/19 0:00,08/19 17:44,JAG,BHP,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/19 17:55, 20200818,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,205512,,,5846,,,5846,199666,,97,339,,,,,4206,84,,,08/18 0:00,08/18 16:06,RS,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/18 17:32, 20200817,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,204725,,,5792,,,5792,198933,,94,330,,,,,4162,82,,,08/17 0:00,08/17 15:41,DZL,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/17 17:55, 20200816,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,201924,,,5750,,,5750,196174,,90,326,,,,,4145,82,,,08/16 0:00,08/16 15:40,LDH,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/16 17:31, 20200815,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,200936,,,5659,,,5659,195277,,90,324,,,,,4123,82,,,08/15 0:00,08/15 15:37,TCD,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/15 17:34, 20200814,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,199861,,,5541,,,5541,194320,,86,319,,,,,4011,81,,,08/14 0:00,08/14 15:55,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/14 17:41, 20200813,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,197820,,,5407,,,5407,192413,,101,315,,,,,3937,81,,,08/12 0:00,08/13 15:37,DPT,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/13 18:17, 20200812,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,196036,,,5268,,,5268,190768,,97,301,,,,,3598,80,,,08/12 0:00,08/12 15:38,NMJ,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/12 18:47, 20200811,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,194412,,,5104,,,5104,189308,,77,276,,,,,3542,77,,,08/11 0:00,08/11 15:43,BSL,DZL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/10 18:38, 20200810,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,193405,,,5017,,,5017,188388,,80,273,,,,,3413,75,,,08/10 0:00,08/10 15:36,MM,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/10 18:38, 20200809,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,189946,,,4952,,,4952,184994,,83,272,,,,,3275,75,,,08/09 0:00,08/09 15:40,JAG,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/9 17:07, 20200808,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,188846,,,4889,,,4889,183957,,81,268,,,,,3255,75,,,08/08 0:00,08/08 15:41,MJW,RS,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/8 17:37, 20200807,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,187756,,,4757,,,4757,182999,,84,264,,,,,3122,70,,,08/07 0:00,8/07 15:43,SPA,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/7 18:08, 20200806,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,185815,,,4602,,,4602,181213,,87,259,,,,,2964,65,,,08/06 0:00,8/06 15:39,AJC,DZL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/6 17:19, 20200805,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,183124,,,4429,,,4429,178695,,79,248,,,,,2820,65,,,08/05 0:00,8/05 15:37,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/5 17:43, 20200804,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,181236,,,4314,,,4314,176922,,70,238,,,,,2766,64,,,08/04 0:00,8/04 15:45,NMJ,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/4 17:46, 20200803,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,179508,,,4233,,,4233,175275,,69,236,,,,,2653,64,,,08/03 0:00,8/03 15:58,SLC,RSG,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/3 17:32, 20200802,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,174295,,,4193,,,4193,170102,,72,233,,,,,2466,61,,,08/02 0:00,8/02 15:38,KVP,BML,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/2 18:12, 20200801,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,171553,,,4081,,,4081,167472,,71,230,,,,,2456,61,,,08/01 0:00,8/01 15:36,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,8/1 17:50, 20200731,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,169970,,,3965,,,3965,166005,,71,230,,,,,2331,60,,,07/31 0:00,07/31 15:45,GET,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200730,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,168616,,,3814,,,3814,164802,,69,221,,,,,2240,55,,,07/30 0:00,07/30 15:49,LRH,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200729,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,165355,,,3676,,,3676,161679,,59,211,,,,,2212,54,,,07/29 0:00,07/29 15:38,KAT,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200728,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,161408,,,3475,,,3475,157933,,62,205,,,,,2104,51,,,07/28 0:00,07/28 15:36,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200727,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,158655,,,3381,,,3381,155274,,61,201,,,,,2090,47,,,07/27 0:00,07/27 15:44,WCD,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200726,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,152315,,,3342,,,3342,148973,,62,199,,,,,2079,46,,,07/26 0:00,07/26 15:36,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200725,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,151015,,,3260,,,3260,147755,,59,195,,,,,1977,46,,,07/25 0:00,07/25 15:37,SPA,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200724,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149200,,,3039,,,3039,146161,,56,191,,,,,1815,46,,,07/24 0:00,07/24 15:37,SLC,HMH,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200723,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,146218,,,2910,,,2910,143308,,54,183,,,,,1587,43,,,07/23 0:00,07/23 15:34,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200722,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,143518,,,2813,,,2813,140705,,52,179,,,,,1543,42,,,07/22 0:00,07/22 15:53,SLC,RSG,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200721,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141002,,,2712,,,2712,138290,,49,174,,,,,1493,40,,,07/21 0:00,07/21 15:37,DZL,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200720,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,139042,,,2621,,,2621,136421,,48,167,,,,,1334,39,,,07/20 0:00,07/20 15:25,RS,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200719,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133159,,,2533,,,2533,130626,,47,165,,,,,1075,37,,,07/19 0:00,07/19 15:42,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200718,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,131879,,,2471,,,2471,129408,,46,164,,,,,1075,37,,,07/18 0:00,07/18 15:45,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200717,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,130404,,,2366,,,2366,128038,,45,159,,,,,992,37,,,07/17 0:00,07/17 15:42,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200716,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,127840,,,2231,,,2231,125609,,37,150,,,,,970,35,,,07/16 0:00,07/16 15:46,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200715,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,123758,,,2096,,,2096,121662,,37,145,,,,,915,34,,,07/15 0:00,07/15 15:05,HMH,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200714,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,121396,,,1952,,,1952,119444,,29,136,,,,,884,34,,,07/14 0:00,07/14 15:51,SLC,REB,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200713,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,118695,,,1843,,,1843,116852,,28,133,,,,,875,32,,,07/13 0:00,07/13 15:11,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200712,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,114661,,,1758,,,1758,112903,,26,128,,,,,865,29,,,07/12 0:00,07/12 15:22,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200711,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113359,,,1677,,,1677,111682,,24,127,,,,,864,29,,,07/11 0:00,07/11 15:08,KVP,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200710,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,112178,,,1593,,,1593,110585,,21,123,,,,,855,28,,,07/10 0:00,07/10 15:15,SPA,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200709,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,108765,,,1466,,,1466,107299,,24,120,,,,,796,25,,,07/09 0:00,07/09 15:11,BSL,QN,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200708,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,106421,,,1371,,,1371,105050,,22,117,,,,,759,23,,,07/08 0:00,07/08 15:21,DZL,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200707,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105327,,,1327,,,1327,104000,,22,117,,,,,716,23,,,07/07 0:00,07/07 15:06,WCD,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200706,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,102926,,,1249,,,1249,101677,,20,112,,,,,678,23,,,07/06 0:00,07/06 15:11,ATS,RS,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200705,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100106,,,1212,,,1212,98894,,20,112,,,,,678,23,,,07/05 0:00,07/05 15:09,SNW,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200704,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98950,,,1167,,,1167,97783,,20,112,,,,,678,23,,,07/04 0:00,07/04 15:15,KVP,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200703,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97503,,,1128,,,1128,96375,,17,109,,,,,678,23,,,07/03 0:00,07/03 15:39,BAH,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200702,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95149,,,1083,,,1083,94066,,14,106,,,,,672,22,,,07/02 0:00,07/02 15:57,BSL,KWS,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200701,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93330,,,1016,,,1016,92314,,14,105,,,,,658,22,,,07/01 0:00,07/01 15:28,KVP,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200630,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90861,,,967,,,967,89894,,12,101,,,,,642,22,,,06/30 0:00,06/30 17:15,BSL,BHP,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200629,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88743,,,919,,,919,87824,,13,100,,,,,609,22,,,06/29 0:00,06/29 15:14,WCD,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200628,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,82474,,,863,,,863,81611,,11,97,,,,,604,22,,,06/28 0:00,06/28 15:02,BSL,HMH,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200627,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81247,,,852,,,852,80395,,9,95,,,,,604,22,,,06/27 0:00,06/27 15:25,KWS,BSL,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200626,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80161,,,829,,,829,79332,,14,95,,,,,589,22,,,06/26 0:00,06/26 15:16,BSL,JAC,"(6/25 KWS) MT does not clarify whether its deaths are confirmed or probable, so I have edited the tooltip on ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to ""No data"" (6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200625,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78332,,,803,,,803,77529,,15,93,,,,,572,21,,,06/25 0:00,06/25 15:07,RSG,BSL,"(6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200624,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75066,,,766,,,766,74300,,17,93,,,,,571,21,,,06/24 0:00,06/24 15:46,BSL,BHP,"(6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200623,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73923,,,743,,,743,73180,,15,91,,,,,566,21,,,06/23 0:00,06/23 15:04,RSG,BSL,"(6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200622,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71305,,,740,,,740,70565,,15,90,,,,,548,21,,,06/22 0:00,06/22 15:03,BSL,RS,"(6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200621,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70357,,,717,,,717,69640,,15,89,,,,,548,20,,,06/21 0:00,06/21 15:03,BSL,HMH,"(6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200620,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69530,,,698,,,698,68832,,10,85,,,,,548,20,,,06/20 13:30,06/20 15:06,KVP,BSL,"(6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200619,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68422,,,666,,,666,67756,,9,82,,,,,546,20,,,06/19 0:00,06/19 15:03,RSG,BSL,"(6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200618,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66870,,,655,,,655,66215,,8,81,,,,,545,20,,,06/18 0:00,06/18 16:18,ETS,BSL,"(6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200617,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65515,,,630,,,630,64885,,5,78,,,,,538,20,,,06/17 0:00,06/17 15:28,SNW,BSL,"(6/17 SNW) Cumulative hospitalization on the dashboard shows 78 today, but we know it said 79 yesterday. Local news channels are reporting 78 along with State Library's dashboard. Noting a new death was reported today also. (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200616,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63577,,,614,,,614,62963,,8,79,,,,,535,19,,,06/16 0:00,06/16 15:08,BSL,RS,(5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases,C,, 20200615,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60937,,,609,,,609,60328,,7,78,,,,,510,19,,,06/15 0:00,06/15 15:00,BSL,RS,(5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases,C,, 20200614,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58907,,,601,,,601,58306,,6,77,,,,,510,19,,,06/14 0:00,06/14 14:41,RSG,BSL,(5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases,C,, 20200613,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58004,,,588,,,588,57416,,7,77,,,,,510,18,,,06/13 0:00,06/13 16:10,BSL,JAC,(5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases,C,, 20200612,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57022,,,573,,,573,56449,,7,77,,,,,489,18,,,06/12 0:00,06/12 16:09,TCD,KP,(5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases,C,, 20200611,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55777,,,563,,,563,55214,,7,74,,,,,487,18,,,06/11 11:53,06/11 14:40,SMS,BSL,(5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases,C,, 20200610,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54616,,,561,,,561,54055,,7,74,,,,,487,18,,,06/10 0:00,06/10 14:41,RSG,BSL,(5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases,C,, 20200609,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53184,,,554,,,554,52630,,5,72,,,,,485,18,,,06/09 0:00,06/09 14:38,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200608,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51592,,,548,,,548,51044,,2,69,,,,,475,18,,,06/08 0:00,06/08 14:39,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200607,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47378,,,545,,,545,46833,,2,69,,,,,475,18,,,06/07 0:00,06/07 14:30,SB,JAC,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200606,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46754,,,540,,,540,46214,,1,68,,,,,472,18,,,06/06 0:00,06/06 14:31,SPA,QN,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200605,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45888,,,541,,,541,45347,,1,68,,,,,470,18,,,06/05 0:00,06/05 16:38,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200604,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44642,,,539,,,539,44103,,1,68,,,,,467,17,,,06/04 0:00,06/04 15:43,MDH,JAC,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200603,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43448,,,525,,,525,42923,,1,68,,,,,464,17,,,06/03 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200602,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42212,,,523,,,523,41689,,1,67,,,,,462,17,,,06/02 0:00,06/03 16:34,ETW,PR,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200601,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40657,,,519,,,519,40138,,2,67,,,,,461,17,,,06/01 0:00,06/01 14:22,MM,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200531,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39798,,,515,,,515,39283,,2,67,,,,,456,17,,,05/31 0:00,05/31 14:34,JAC,BL,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200530,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39284,,,493,,,505,38779,,2,67,,,,,448,17,,,05/30 0:00,05/30 14:50,EPK,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200529,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38529,,,493,,,493,38036,,2,67,,,,,448,17,,,05/29 0:00,05/29 14:48,G-S,AW,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200528,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36793,,,485,,,485,36308,,1,66,,,,,445,17,,,05/28 0:00,05/28 15:50,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200527,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35643,,,481,,,481,35162,,2,66,,,,,444,17,,,05/27 0:00,05/27 15:41,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200526,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33834,,,479,,,479,33355,,2,65,,,,,441,17,,,05/26 0:00,05/26 16:32,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200525,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33682,,,479,,,479,33203,,3,65,,,,,441,16,,,05/25 0:00,05/25 15:55,EPK,AW,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200524,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33381,,,479,,,479,32902,,3,65,,,,,441,16,,,05/24 11:58,05/24 15:44,ALF,JAC,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200523,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32652,,,479,,,479,32173,,3,65,,,,,441,16,,,05/23 0:00,05/23 16:29,SB,SPA,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200522,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31857,,,479,,,479,31378,,3,65,,,,,441,16,,,05/22 12:05,05/22 14:53,G-S,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200521,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30524,,,479,,,479,30045,,3,65,,,,,440,16,,,05/21 0:00,05/21 14:29,DB,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases",C,, 20200520,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29726,,,478,,,478,29248,,3,65,,,,,440,16,,,05/20 0:00,05/20 14:26,RSB,BL,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200519,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28950,,,471,,,471,28479,,5,65,,,,,437,16,,,05/19 0:00,05/19 14:42,RSB,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",B,, 20200518,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28167,,,470,,,470,27697,,4,64,,,,,434,16,,,05/18 0:00,05/18 14:45,RSB,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",B,, 20200517,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26885,,,468,,,468,26417,,3,63,,,,,431,16,,,05/17 0:00,05/17 16:31,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",B,, 20200516,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26091,,,468,,,468,25623,,3,63,,,,,431,16,,,05/16 0:00,05/16 14:33,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",B,, 20200515,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25418,,,466,,,466,24952,,3,63,,,,,431,16,,,05/15 0:00,05/15 16:53,G-S,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",B,, 20200514,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24549,,,462,,,462,24087,,3,63,,,,,431,16,,,05/14 0:00,05/14 15:37,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",B,, 20200513,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23852,,,462,,,462,23390,,3,63,,,,,430,16,,,05/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",B,, 20200512,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23035,,,461,,,461,22574,,4,63,,,,,425,16,,,05/12 0:00,05/12 15:07,ATS,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",B,, 20200511,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22572,,,459,,,459,22113,,4,62,,,,,423,16,,,05/10 0:00,05/11 15:42,SLW,AW,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200510,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21704,,,458,,,458,21246,,4,62,,,,,422,16,,,05/09 0:00,05/10 16:03,DPT,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200509,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21329,,,458,,,458,20871,,4,62,,,,,422,16,,,05/09 0:00,05/10 16:03,DPT,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200508,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20945,,,458,,,458,20487,,6,62,,,,,420,16,,,05/08 0:00,05/08 14:42,EB,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200507,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20247,,,456,,,456,19791,,6,62,,,,,417,16,,,05/07 0:00,05/07 14:14,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200506,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19704,,,456,,,456,19248,,6,62,,,,,417,16,,,05/06 0:00,05/06 15:07,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200505,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15272,,,456,,,456,14816,,6,62,,,,,410,16,,,05/05 0:00,05/05 15:24,QN,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (5/5 aft QN) State revised down 1 count for total cases (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200504,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15088,,,457,,,457,14631,,6,62,,,,,404,16,,,05/04 0:00,05/04 14:39,MM,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200503,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15007,,,455,,,455,14552,,5,61,,,,,404,16,,,05/03 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200502,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14635,,,455,,,455,14180,,5,61,,,,,404,16,,,05/02 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200501,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14203,,,453,,,453,13750,,5,61,,,,,397,16,,,04/30 0:00,05/01 16:01,KP,MM,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200430,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13914,,,453,,,453,13461,,5,61,,,,,392,16,,,04/30 0:00,05/01 16:01,KP,MM,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (4/30 aft ESK) Cum hosp data is stale from 4/25",C,, 20200429,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13528,,,,,,451,13077,,5,61,,,,,382,16,,,04/29 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (4/23 eve SB) Freshness check; nothing changed",C,, 20200428,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13191,,,,,,451,12740,,10,61,,,,,356,15,,,04/28 0:00,04/28 14:38,AW,QN,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (4/23 eve SB) Freshness check; nothing changed",C,, 20200427,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13033,,,,,,449,12584,,11,61,,,,,352,14,,,04/27 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (4/23 eve SB) Freshness check; nothing changed",C,, 20200426,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12862,,,,,,448,12414,,11,61,,,,,339,14,,,04/26 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (4/23 eve SB) Freshness check; nothing changed",C,, 20200425,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12497,,,,,,445,12052,,11,61,,,,,339,14,,,04/25 0:00,04/25 14:28,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (4/23 eve SB) Freshness check; nothing changed",C,, 20200424,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12127,,,,,,444,11683,,12,59,,,,,325,14,,,04/24 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (4/23 eve SB) Freshness check; nothing changed",A,, 20200423,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11875,,,,,,442,11433,,13,59,,,,,306,14,,,04/23 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time (4/23 eve SB) Freshness check; nothing changed",A,, 20200422,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11583,,,,,,439,11144,,13,59,,,,,296,14,,,04/22 0:00,04/23 16:39,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Dashboard is timestamped to morning, but states ""Information is reported based on the previous day"", use dashboard date with 00:00:00 as time ",A,, 20200421,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11241,,,,,,437,10804,,14,59,,,,,273,12,,,04/21 11:56,04/22 8:33,QN,,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. If you are not in MST, translate from local time to MST. ",A,, 20200420,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11051,,,,,,433,10618,,19,57,,,,,243,10,,,04/20 11:00,,,,"(MM 4/16 aft) PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in MST, translate from local time to MST before entering.",A,, 20200419,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10898,,,,,,433,10465,,18,55,,,,,243,10,,,04/19 11:40,,,,"(MM 4/16 aft) PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So if you are not in MST, translate from local time to MST before entering.",A,, 20200418,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10569,,,,,,426,10143,,17,55,,,,,234,10,,,04/18 10:18,,,,"(MM 4/16 aft) PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So you are not in MST, translate from local time to MST before entering.",A,, 20200417,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10244,,,,,,422,9822,,21,54,,,,,233,8,,,04/17 10:44,,,,"(MM 4/16 aft) PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So you are not in MST, translate from local time to MST before entering.",A,, 20200416,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9936,,,,,,415,9521,,21,52,,,,,218,7,,,04/16 11:44,,,,"(MM 4/16 aft) PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically report the time in your local timezone. So you are not in MST, translate from local time to MST before entering.",A,, 20200415,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9583,,,,,,404,9179,,21,51,,,,,209,7,,,04/15 11:59,,,,,A,, 20200414,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9234,,,,,,399,8835,,24,50,,,,,197,7,,,04/14 11:56,,,,(4/9 MC aft) current hosp from reporting tab(,A,, 20200413,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9098,,,,,,394,8704,,21,47,,,,,171,7,,,04/13 13:11,,,,(4/9 MC aft) current hosp from reporting tab(,A,, 20200412,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8913,,,,,,387,8526,,22,47,,,,,169,6,,,04/12 10:21,,,,(4/9 MC aft) current hosp from reporting tab(,A,, 20200411,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8581,,,,,,377,8204,,21,46,,,,,169,6,,,04/10 0:00,04/11 15:27,RS,QN,,A,, 20200410,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8297,,,,,,365,7932,,29,41,,,,,165,6,,,04/10 11:25,,,,,A,, 20200409,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7860,,,,,,354,7506,,13,36,,,,,157,6,,,04/09 13:33,,,,,A,, 20200408,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7398,,,,,,332,7066,,,31,,,,,135,6,,,04/08 13:45,,,,,A,, 20200407,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6985,,,,,,319,6666,,,28,,,,,,6,,,04/07 13:28,,,,,A,, 20200406,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6789,,,,,,299,6491,,,24,,,,,,6,,,04/06 10:00,04/06 16:05,MC,ESK,"(4/6 MC aft) Following morning note, figures are unchanged",A,, 20200405,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6603,,,,,,286,6317,,,24,,,,,,6,,,04/05 10:00,04/05 15:51,AW,HDF,,A,, 20200404,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6229,,,,,,265,5912,,,24,,,,,,5,,,04/04 10:00,04/04 16:22,JJ,PR,,A,, 20200403,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5718,,,,,,243,5333,,,24,,,,,,5,,,04/03 10:00,04/03 16:27,JJ,ESK,,A,, 20200402,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5188,,,,,,227,5093,,,20,,,,,,5,,,04/02 10:00,04/02 16:23,MC,ESK,,A,, 20200401,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4845,,,,,,208,4710,,,17,,,,,,5,,,04/01 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3885,,,,,,184,4234,,,14,,,,,,4,,,03/31 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3885,,,,,,171,4143,,,10,,,,,,4,,,03/30 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3885,,,,,,154,4143,,,8,,,,,,1,,,03/29 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3417,,,,,,129,3256,,,7,,,,,,1,,,03/28 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200327,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,108,2590,,,7,,,,,,,,,03/27 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71,2128,,,1,,,,,,,,,03/26 10:00,,,,,C,, 20200325,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53,1948,,,,,,,,,,,,03/25 10:00,,,,,C,, 20200324,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46,1643,,,,,,,,,,,,03/24 10:00,,,,,C,, 20200323,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34,1146,,,,,,,,,,,,03/23 10:00,,,,,C,, 20200322,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31,1146,,,,,,,,,,,,03/22 0:00,,,,,,, 20200321,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20,1146,,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 21:24,,,,,,, 20200320,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16,931,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 22:11,,,,,,, 20200319,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,761,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 23:23,,,,,,, 20200318,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,499,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 10:15,,,,,,, 20200317,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,303,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 21:22,,,,,,, 20200316,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,198,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:51,,,,,,, 20200315,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,103,57,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 17:52,,,,,,, 20200314,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,103,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 19:00,,,,,,, 20200313,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,55,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 19:00,,,,,,, 20200312,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,34,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 19:00,,,,,,, 20200311,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,21,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2256172,,,167313,,,167313,2088859,,923,,244,,,,145884,2702,2702,,08/31 12:15,08/31 15:46,MJW,RSG,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2243273,,,166127,,,166127,2077146,,917,,260,,,,136630,2692,2692,,08/30 11:55,08/30 15:53,AMW,SB,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2218149,,,165076,,,165076,2053073,,965,,264,,,,136630,2683,2683,,08/29 12:35,08/29 15:54,PK,RSG,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2182891,,,162491,,,162491,2020400,,970,,278,,,,136630,2652,2652,,08/28 12:00,08/28 16:17,NEZ,RSG,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2152725,,,161076,,,161076,1991649,,958,,272,,,,136630,2630,2630,,08/27 11:45,08/27 16:49,MJW,DZL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2121001,,,158985,,,158985,1962016,,1004,,281,,,,136630,2606,2606,,08/26 12:15,08/26 15:50,PK,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2102359,,,157741,,,157741,1944618,,1000,,270,,,,136630,2570,2570,,08/25 12:10,08/25 15:57,MJW,DZL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2087695,,,156396,,,156396,1931299,,948,,274,,,,136630,2535,2535,,08/24 11:35,08/24 15:49,LDH,CB-M,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2078472,,,155113,,,155113,1923359,,898,,268,,,,127749,2531,2531,,08/23 12:05,08/23 16:48,CRG,RSG,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2052118,,,153641,,,153641,1898477,,996,,279,,,,127749,2521,2521,,08/22 11:55,08/22 15:42,PK,HMH,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2030885,,,151912,,,151912,1878973,,1015,,284,,,,127749,2494,2494,,08/21 11:30,08/21 15:40,CRG,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2003307,,,149904,,,149904,1853403,,1023,,280,,,,127749,2465,2465,,08/20 12:10,08/20 15:54,JNG,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1978094,,,147932,,,147932,1830162,,1001,,306,,,,127749,2431,2431,,08/19 12:58,08/19 15:37,PK,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1951120,,,146779,,,146779,1804341,,1026,,313,,,,127749,2396,2396,,08/18 13:00,08/18 16:23,RS,DZL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1935472,,,145516,,,145516,1789956,,980,,290,,,,127749,2348,2348,,08/17 12:20,08/17 15:55,LDH,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1924646,,,144952,,,144952,1779694,,934,,289,,,,116969,2347,2347,,08/16 12:20,08/16 15:52,KP,SB,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1903401,,,143706,,,143706,1759695,,1032,,320,,,,116969,2343,2343,,08/15 12:30,08/15 15:40,MJW,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1877402,,,142170,,,142170,1735232,,1049,,308,,,,116969,2313,2313,,08/14 11:50,08/14 15:53,JNG,RSG,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1850689,,,140824,,,140824,1709865,,1070,,313,,,,116969,2287,2287,,08/13 12:10,08/13 15:58,AIA,JAC,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/13) Updated note for Total PCR Tests (People) to 'No Data' and created note for Total Tests (PCR) - 'Dash > ""Completed Tests""' - because NC reports total tests in specimens, not in people. (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1823283,,,139061,,,139061,1684222,,1062,,311,,,,116969,2249,2249,,08/12 14:15,08/12 15:59,JAG,BHP,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2017498,,,137895,,,137895,1879603,,1122,,329,,,,116969,2204,2204,,08/11 15:40,08/11 16:33,KVP,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2001919,,,136844,,,136844,1865075,,1111,,317,,,,105093,2172,2172,,08/10 14:20,08/10 16:05,TCD,DZL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (8/10 TCD) At time of checking ""Recovered cases"" doc has not been published; will check again at end of shift (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1986548,,,136218,,,136218,1850330,,1109,,315,,,,105093,2168,2168,,08/09 11:55,08/09 15:51,SB,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1969766,,,134766,,,134766,1835000,,1129,,335,,,,105093,2160,2160,,08/08 12:10,08/08 15:30,SB,RS,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1939812,,,132812,,,132812,1807000,,1123,,339,,,,105093,2134,2134,,08/07 12:00,8/07 15:52,GET,KP,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1904750,,,131267,,,131267,1773483,,1147,,333,,,,105093,2092,2092,,08/06 12:00,8/06 15:53,AIA,DZL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1873668,,,129288,,,129288,1744380,,1167,,346,,,,105093,2050,2050,,08/05 12:00,8/05 17:37,MJW,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1854026,,,128161,,,128161,1725865,,1166,,339,,,,105093,2010,2010,,08/04 12:30,8/04 15:49,AIA,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/4 17:58, 20200803,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1837410,,,126532,,,126532,1710878,,1057,,318,,,,105093,1982,1982,,08/03 13:10,8/03 15:42,DZL,RS,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1813510,,,125219,,,125219,1688291,,1142,,341,,,,92302,1969,1969,,08/02 13:30,8/02 15:49,JJO,CB-M/ALF,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1786412,,,123878,,,123878,1662534,,1151,,349,,,,92302,1964,1964,,08/01 15:45,8/01 17:27,JJO,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1757102,,,122148,,,122148,1634954,,1229,,363,,,,92302,1924,1924,,07/31 11:55,07/31 15:58,CB-M,RSG,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,, 20200730,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1724924,,,120194,,,120194,1604730,,1239,,358,,,,92302,1903,1903,,07/30 11:59,07/30 15:58,LRH,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,, 20200729,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1691434,,,117850,,,117850,1573584,,1291,,361,,,,92302,1865,1865,,07/29 12:10,07/29 16:03,KAT,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,, 20200728,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1663540,,,116087,,,116087,1547453,,1244,,364,,,,92302,1820,1820,,07/28 12:00,07/28 15:50,DZL,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,, 20200727,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1635476,,,114338,,,114338,1521138,,1169,,352,,,,92302,1790,1790,,07/27 12:00,07/27 16:40,DZL,SB,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,, 20200726,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1613385,,,112713,,,112713,1500672,,1170,,350,,,,78707,1785,1785,,07/26 11:45,07/26 15:43,JJO,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,, 20200725,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1579042,,,111092,,,111092,1467950,,1168,,362,,,,78707,1778,1778,,07/25 13:00,07/25 15:49,SB,RSG,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,, 20200724,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1550297,,,108995,,,108995,1441302,,1182,,363,,,,78707,1746,1746,,07/24 11:45,07/24 15:47,SPA,HMH,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,, 20200723,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1523675,,,106893,,,106893,1416782,,1188,,360,,,,78707,1726,1726,,07/23 11:50,07/23 16:02,KVP,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,, 20200722,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1491820,,,105001,,,105001,1386819,,1137,,338,,,,78707,1698,1698,,07/22 12:10,07/22 16:57,SNW,RSG,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A+,, 20200721,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1458997,,,102861,,,102861,1356136,,1179,,,,,,78707,1668,1668,,07/21 12:00,07/21 15:44,DZL,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200720,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1423888,,,101046,,,101046,1322842,,1086,,,,,,78707,1642,1642,,07/20 12:00,07/20 15:44,AIA,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200719,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1394864,,,99778,,,99778,1295086,,1115,,,,,,67124,1634,1634,,07/19 12:00,07/19 15:40,SB,HMH,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200718,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1379143,,,97958,,,97958,1281185,,1154,,,,,,67124,1629,1629,,07/18 12:10,07/18 15:40,RSG,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200717,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1343974,,,95477,,,95477,1248497,,1180,,,,,,67124,1606,1606,,07/17 11:45,07/17 15:38,SAL,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200716,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1312757,,,93426,,,93426,1219331,,1134,,,,,,67124,1588,1588,,07/16 11:25,07/16 15:50,KVP,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200715,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1284637,,,91266,,,91266,1193371,,1142,,,,,,67124,1568,1568,,07/15 12:00,07/15 15:10,RSG,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200714,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1254846,,,89484,,,89484,1165362,,1109,,,,,,67124,1552,1552,,07/14 11:30,07/14 15:55,CB-M,REB,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200713,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1220486,,,87528,,,87528,1132958,,1040,,,,,,67124,1510,1510,,07/13 11:40,07/13 15:11,DZL,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200712,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1199575,,,85701,,,85701,1113874,,1070,,,,,,55318,1503,1503,,07/12 11:15,07/12 15:21,MD,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200711,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1176058,,,83793,,,83793,1092265,,1093,,,,,,55318,1499,1499,,07/11 12:00,07/11 15:07,SNW,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200710,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1150612,,,81331,,,81331,1069281,,1046,,,,,,55318,1479,1479,,07/10 12:00,07/10 15:24,SPA,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200709,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1121811,,,79349,,,79349,1042462,,1034,,,,,,55318,1461,1461,,07/09 11:50,07/09 15:07,HMH,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200708,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1096682,,,77310,,,77310,1019372,,994,,,,,,55318,1441,1441,,07/08 11:55,07/08 16:30,KVP,MM,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200707,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1071290,,,75875,,,75875,995415,,989,,,,,,55318,1420,1420,,07/07 12:00,07/07 15:11,GET,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200706,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1051846,,,74529,,,74529,977317,,982,,,,,,55318,1398,1398,,07/06 12:00,07/06 15:18,DZL,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200705,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1036838,,,72983,,,72983,963855,,949,,,,,,45538,1396,1396,,07/05 11:50,07/05 15:04,HMH,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200704,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1018296,,,71654,,,71654,946642,,945,,,,,,45538,1395,1395,,07/04 12:00,07/04 15:06,HMH,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200703,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,999293,,,70241,,,70241,929052,,951,,,,,,45538,1392,1392,,07/03 12:00,07/03 15:17,BHP,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200702,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,971120,,,68142,,,68142,902978,,912,,,,,,45538,1391,1391,,07/02 12:00,07/02 16:03,BSL,KWS,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200701,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,942238,,,66513,,,66513,875725,,901,,,,,,45538,1373,1373,,07/01 12:30,07/01 15:33,RSG,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200630,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,910033,,,64670,,,64670,845363,,908,,,,,,45538,1343,1343,,06/30 11:45,06/30 15:06,BHP,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200629,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,886305,,,63484,,,63484,822821,,843,,,,,,45538,1325,1325,,06/28 12:00,06/29 15:14,BAS,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200628,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,871905,,,62142,,,62142,809763,,890,,,,,,36921,1322,1322,,06/28 12:00,06/29 15:14,BAS,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200627,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,855131,,,60537,,,60537,794594,,888,,,,,,36921,1312,1312,,06/27 12:00,06/27 15:25,DCC,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200626,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,836725,,,58818,,,58818,777907,,892,,,,,,36921,1303,1303,,06/26 11:55,06/26 15:32,LRH,RS,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/26 LRH) Reporting 2 different numbers for deaths, one on homepage & with demogaphic data, and one in the ""Cases"" graph. Use the number on the homepage, which is likely slightly higher. (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200625,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,811278,,,57183,,,57183,754095,,891,,,,,,36921,1284,1284,,06/25 12:00,06/25 15:32,RSG,KWS,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200624,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,791285,,,56174,,,56174,735111,,906,,,,,,36921,1266,1266,,06/24 12:00,06/24 15:48,HMH,BHP,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200623,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,773828,,,54453,,,54453,719375,,915,,,,,,36921,1251,1251,,06/23 11:55,06/23 15:27,RSG,BHP,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200622,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,757345,,,53605,,,53605,703740,,870,,,,,,36921,1223,1223,,06/22 11:35,06/22 16:31,RSG,SB,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200621,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,745775,,,52801,,,52801,692974,,845,,,,,,29219,1220,1220,,06/21 12:00,06/21 15:09,SB,HMH,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200620,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,731341,,,51389,,,51389,679952,,883,,,,,,29219,1212,1212,,06/20 11:55,06/20 15:07,ETS,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200619,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,712313,,,49840,,,49840,662473,,871,,,,,,29219,1197,1197,,06/19 11:55,06/19 15:06,RSG,RS,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200618,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,693678,,,48188,,,48188,645490,,857,,,,,,29219,1175,1175,,06/18 12:00,06/18 15:12,ETS,RS,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200617,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,667422,,,46855,,,46855,620567,,846,,,,,,29219,1168,1168,,06/17 12:00,06/17 15:09,RSG,BSL,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/17 BSL) Timestamped update returns, now to 12PM (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200616,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,651421,,,45853,,,45853,605568,,829,,,,,,29219,1154,1154,,06/16 0:00,06/16 15:12,KWS,RS,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports - (6/16 RS) Notice about data being updated by 11am gone from page. Used 00:00 for today. Did not uodate source note in case its just a temporary change.",A,, 20200615,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,638479,,,45102,,,45102,593377,,797,,,,,,29219,1118,1118,,06/15 11:40,06/15 15:37,VVR,RS,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200614,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,627130,,,44119,,,44119,583011,,798,,,,,,23653,1109,1109,,06/14 12:00,06/14 14:49,RSG,BHP,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200613,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,611690,,,42676,,,42676,569014,,823,,,,,,23653,1104,1104,,06/13 12:07,06/13 16:15,RSG,JAC,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200612,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,595697,,,41249,,,41249,554448,,760,,,,,,23653,1092,1092,,06/12 12:12,06/12 16:42,RSG,RS,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200611,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,572677,,,39481,,,39481,533196,,812,,,,,,23653,1064,1064,,06/11 11:50,06/11 14:53,RSG,QN,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200610,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,553650,,,38171,,,38171,515479,,780,,,,,,23653,1053,1053,,06/10 11:50,06/10 16:51,SAL,PR,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200609,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,535711,,,37160,,,37160,498551,,774,,,,,,23653,1029,1029,,06/09 12:00,06/09 14:45,RSG,RS,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200608,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,520113,,,36484,,,36484,483629,,739,,,,,,23653,1006,1006,,06/08 11:30,06/08 16:11,RSG,RS,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200607,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,511226,,,35546,,,35546,475680,,696,,,,,,18860,996,996,,06/06 11:15,06/07 14:31,SLC,ALF,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200606,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,497350,,,34625,,,34625,462725,,708,,,,,,18860,992,992,,06/06 11:15,06/07 14:31,SLC,ALF,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200605,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,482147,,,33255,,,33255,448892,,717,,,,,,18860,966,966,,06/05 12:15,06/05 16:40,BSL,JAC,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200604,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,468302,,,31966,,,31966,436336,,659,,,,,,18860,960,960,,06/04 12:05,06/04 15:48,MDH,JAC,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200603,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,449263,,,30777,,,30777,418486,,684,,,,,,18860,939,939,,06/03 12:25,,,,,A,, 20200602,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,434921,,,29889,,,29889,405032,,716,,,,,,18860,921,921,,06/02 12:25,06/03 16:42,ETW,PR,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200601,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,421908,,,29263,,,29263,392645,,650,,,,,,18860,898,898,,06/01 10:50,06/01 14:45,MM,RS,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200531,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,416289,,,28589,,,28589,387700,,649,,,,,,14954,886,886,,05/31 11:24,05/31 14:49,JAC,BL,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200530,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,404157,,,27673,,,27673,376484,,638,,,,,,14954,877,877,,05/30 11:20,05/30 14:58,EPK,RS,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200529,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,391231,,,26488,,,26488,364743,,680,,,,,,14954,859,859,,05/29 10:55,05/29 14:52,G-S,AW,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200528,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,375192,,,25412,,,25412,349780,,708,,,,,,14954,827,827,,05/28 10:30,05/28 16:10,VVR,PR,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200527,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,364156,,,24628,,,24628,339528,,702,,,,,,14954,794,794,,05/27 11:00,05/27 16:03,JAC,REB,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200526,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,352331,,,24140,,,24140,328191,,621,,,,,,14954,766,766,,05/26 11:00,05/26 15:23,REB,RS,"Process: For number of deaths, go to ""Cases"" tab of the dashboard, and from the top barchart select ""Deaths by date of death"" box (top left on the chart) Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200525,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,344690,,,23964,,,23964,320726,,627,,,,,,14954,754,754,,05/25 10:55,05/25 15:54,EPK,AW," Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200524,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,336656,,,23222,,,23222,313434,,587,,,,,,11637,744,744,,05/24 11:15,05/24 15:03,ALF,RS,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200523,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,329582,,,22725,,,22725,306857,,589,,,,,,11637,737,737,,05/23 11:33,05/23 16:21,ESK,SPA,"Recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under Reports -",A,, 20200522,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,303224,,,21618,,,21618,281606,,568,,,,,,11637,728,728,,05/22 10:51,05/22 15:03,G-S,RS,"(5/20 aft RSB) New dashboard: (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered hasn't been updated since 5/11 so left the number as is. (5/11 aft SLW) State added a new weekly update for recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under dashboard -",A,, 20200521,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,290645,,,20860,,,20860,269785,,578,,,,,,11637,716,716,,05/21 13:50,05/21 14:34,DB,RS,"(5/20 aft RSB) New dashboard: (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered hasn't been updated since 5/11 so left the number as is. (5/11 aft SLW) State added a new weekly update for recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under dashboard -",A,, 20200520,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,277603,,,20122,,,20122,257481,,554,,,,,,11637,702,702,,05/20 12:15,05/20 14:37,RSB,BL,"(5/20 aft RSB) New dashboard: (5/15 aft G-S) Recovered hasn't been updated since 5/11 so left the number as is. (5/11 aft SLW) State added a new weekly update for recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under dashboard -",A,, 20200519,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,265008,,,19700,,,19700,245308,,585,,,,,,11637,691,691,,05/19 14:00,05/19 14:45,RSB,RS,"(5/15 aft G-S) Recovered hasn't been updated since 5/11 so left the number as is. (5/11 aft SLW) State added a new weekly update for recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under dashboard -",A,, 20200518,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,255755,,,19023,,,19023,236732,,511,,,,,,11637,661,661,,05/18 11:00,05/18 16:33,ALF,RS,"(5/15 aft G-S) Recovered hasn't been updated since 5/11 so left the number as is. (5/11 aft SLW) State added a new weekly update for recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under dashboard -",A,, 20200517,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18512,,,18512,230432,,493,,,,,,9115,659,659,,05/17 11:00,05/17 16:33,KP,REB,"(5/15 aft G-S) Recovered hasn't been updated since 5/11 so left the number as is. (5/11 aft SLW) State added a new weekly update for recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under dashboard -",A,, 20200516,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,238586,,,17982,,,17982,220604,,481,,,,,,9115,652,652,,05/16 11:00,05/16 14:37,JAC,RS,"(5/15 aft G-S) Recovered hasn't been updated since 5/11 so left the number as is. (5/11 aft SLW) State added a new weekly update for recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under dashboard -",A,, 20200515,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,231547,,,17129,,,17129,214418,,492,,,,,,9115,641,641,,05/15 11:00,05/15 16:55,G-S,KP,"(5/15 aft G-S) Recovered hasn't been updated since 5/11 so left the number as is. (5/11 aft SLW) State added a new weekly update for recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under dashboard -",A,, 20200514,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,210457,,,16507,,,16507,202761,,507,,,,,,9115,615,615,,05/14 11:00,05/14 15:38,JAC,QN,"(5/11 aft SLW) State added a new weekly update for recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under dashboard -",A,, 20200513,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,202244,,,15816,,,15816,194641,,521,,,,,,9115,597,597,,05/13 10:40,,,,"(5/11 aft SLW) State added a new weekly update for recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under dashboard -",A,, 20200512,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15346,,,15346,186898,,475,,,,,,9115,577,577,,05/12 11:00,05/12 15:23,ATS,RS,"(5/11 aft SLW) State added a new weekly update for recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under dashboard -",A,, 20200511,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15045,,,15045,180820,,464,,,,,,9115,550,550,,05/11 14:00,05/11 16:09,SLW,RS,"(5/11 aft SLW) State added a new weekly update for recovered cases (every Monday by 4pm), link under dashboard -",B,, 20200510,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14764,,,14764,177371,,442,,,,,,,547,547,,05/10 11:00,05/10 16:05,DPT,REB,,B,, 20200509,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14360,,,14360,172002,,513,,,,,,,544,544,,05/09 10:45,05/09 15:47,ALF,RS,,B,, 20200508,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13868,,,13868,164745,,515,,,,,,,527,527,,05/08 11:00,05/08 14:46,EB,RS,,B,, 20200507,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13397,,,13397,157931,,525,,,,,,,507,507,,05/07 11:00,05/07 14:19,JAC,RS,,B,, 20200506,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12758,,,12758,151724,,516,,,,,,,477,477,,05/06 10:45,05/06 15:08,RS,MM,,B,, 20200505,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12256,,,12256,139544,,534,,,,,,,452,452,,05/05 11:00,05/05 15:27,QN,REB,,B,, 20200504,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11848,,,11848,134591,,498,,,,,,,430,430,,05/04 10:50,05/04 16:31,MM,RS,,B,, 20200503,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11664,,,11664,132171,,475,,,,,,,422,422,,05/03 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200502,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11509,,,11509,127966,,502,,,,,,,420,,,05/02 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200501,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10923,,,10923,122909,,547,,,,,,,399,,,05/01 11:00,05/01 16:25,KP,REB,,B,, 20200430,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10509,,,10509,117527,,546,,,,,,,378,,,04/30 11:00,04/30 15:05,REB,ESK,,B,, 20200429,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9948,,,9948,108492,,551,,,,,,,354,,,04/29 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200428,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9568,103184,,463,,,,,,,342,,,04/28 11:00,04/28 14:39,AW,QN,,B,, 20200427,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9142,100778,,473,,,,,,,306,,,04/27 10:20,04/28 10:14,JJFC,,,B,, 20200426,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8830,99064,,451,,,,,,,299,,,04/26 11:00,04/26 15:56,SPA,KP,,B,, 20200425,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8623,96642,,456,,,,,,,289,,,04/25 11:00,04/25 14:31,QN,RS,,B,, 20200424,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8052,92532,,477,,,,,,,269,,,04/24 11:00,04/24 22:54,SPA,,,A,, 20200423,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7608,88577,,486,,,,,,,253,,,04/23 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200422,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7220,83116,,434,,,,,,,242,,,04/22 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200421,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6951,76380,,427,,,,,,,213,,,04/21 10:35,,,,,A,, 20200420,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6764,72720,,373,,,,,,,179,,,04/20 10:35,,,,,A,, 20200419,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6493,72279,,465,,,,,,,172,,,04/19 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200418,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6140,70071,,388,,,,,,,164,,,04/18 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200417,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5859,67122,,429,,,,,,,152,,,04/17 11:00,04/17 22:46,AW,RV,,A,, 20200416,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5465,65452,,452,,,,,,,131,,,04/16 10:45,,,,,A,, 20200415,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5123,62704,,431,,,,,,,117,,,04/15 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200414,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5024,60015,,418,,,,,,,108,,,04/14 11:00,,,,"(4/4 SJ) removed cumul.hospitalized, since it was < current and w/o a source ",A,, 20200413,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4816,58572,,313,,,,,,,86,,,04/13 11:00,,,,"(4/4 SJ) removed cumul.hospitalized, since it was < current and w/o a source ",A,, 20200412,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4520,57619,,331,,,,,,,81,,,04/12 10:45,,,,"(4/4 SJ) removed cumul.hospitalized, since it was < current and w/o a source ",A,, 20200411,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4312,56081,,362,,,,,,,80,,,04/11 11:00,,,,"(4/4 SJ) removed cumul.hospitalized, since it was < current and w/o a source ",A,, 20200410,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3908,53737,,423,,,,,,,74,,,04/10 11:00,,,,"(4/4 SJ) removed cumul.hospitalized, since it was < current and w/o a source ",A,, 20200409,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3651,44158,,398,,,,,,,65,,,04/09 11:00,,,,"(4/4 SJ) removed cumul.hospitalized, since it was < current and w/o a source ",A,, 20200408,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3426,39561,,386,,,,,,,53,,,04/08 11:00,,,,"(4/4 SJ) removed cumul.hospitalized, since it was < current and w/o a source ",A,, 20200407,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3221,37861,,354,,,,,,,46,,,04/07 10:15,,,,"(4/4 SJ) removed cumul.hospitalized, since it was < current and w/o a source ",A,, 20200406,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2870,37856,,270,,,,,,,33,,,04/06 11:00,04/06 22:27,DG,,"(4/4 SJ) removed cumul.hospitalized, since it was < current and w/o a source ",A,, 20200405,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2585,37460,,261,,,,,,,31,,,04/05 11:00,04/06 10:00,RT,ALF,"(4/4 SJ) removed cumul.hospitalized, since it was < current and w/o a source ",A,, 20200404,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2402,36371,,271,,,,,,,24,,,04/04 11:00,,,,"(4/4 JJ ) Did not update cumulative hospitalized) (4/2 DG) Did not update cumulative hospitalized (don't see source for this data) (4/2 morning ALF) NC site notes deaths corrected 1:10pm on 4/1 so have used that as timestamp",A,, 20200403,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2093,29505,,184,,,,,,,19,,,04/03 13:55,,,,"(4/2 DG) Did not update cumulative hospitalized (don't see source for this data) (4/2 morning ALF) NC site notes deaths corrected 1:10pm on 4/1 so have used that as timestamp",A,, 20200402,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1857,26822,,184,,,,,,,16,,,04/02 14:00,04/02 15:33,MC,PR,(4/2 morning ALF) NC site notes deaths corrected 1:10pm on 4/1 so have used that as timestamp,A,, 20200401,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1584,24659,,204,,,,,,,10,,,04/01 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1498,21608,,157,,,,,,,8,,,03/31 9:05,,,,,A,, 20200330,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1307,19557,,137,,,,,,,6,,,03/30 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1040,17905,,91,,,,,,,4,,,03/29 10:35,,,,,A,, 20200328,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,935,16592,,87,,,,,,,4,,,03/28 10:55,,,,,A,, 20200327,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,763,14373,,77,,,,,,,3,,,03/27 11:40,,,,,A,, 20200326,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,636,12274,,29,,,,,,,2,,,03/26 12:36,,,,,A,, 20200325,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,504,9985,,29,,,,,,,1,,,03/25 16:30,,,,,A,, 20200324,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,398,8141,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/24 9:45,,,,,A,, 20200323,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,297,8141,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/23 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,255,6183,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/22 10:16,,,,,,, 20200321,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,184,5092,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/21 10:30,,,,,,, 20200320,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,137,3096,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/20 9:35,,,,,,, 20200319,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97,2408,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/19 9:45,,,,,,, 20200318,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63,1787,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/18 10:44,,,,,,, 20200317,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40,474,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/17 8:51,,,,,,, 20200316,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33,296,151,,,,,,,,0,,,03/16 15:33,,,,,,, 20200315,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32,227,151,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 10:30,,,,,,, 20200314,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23,137,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 12:00,,,,,,, 20200313,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15,86,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 8:45,,,,,,, 20200312,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,60,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 8:00,,,,,,, 20200311,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,NC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,ND,,,,,,,,,,8580,335,8245,,471211,,,11816,,201761,11816,189945,,68,554,17,149,,,9295,118,114,4,08/31 1:59,08/31 17:00,RSG,RS,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/31 RSG) Dashbaord is not loading all data. Had to carry over yesterday's current and cum. hospitalizations. (8/25 SB) Cumulative ICU dropped from 141 to 140 (8/22 PK) Used the state CSV method for negatives (see popup), since they are no longer reported in the dash. If this continues to be a reliable method we should add it to the long formulas sheet. (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",A,8/31 17:26, 20200830,ND,,,,,,,,,,8565,334,8231,,469423,,,11702,,201203,11702,188263,,68,554,17,147,,,9079,118,114,4,08/30 1:59,08/30 17:42,KVP,BHP,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/25 SB) Cumulative ICU dropped from 141 to 140 (8/22 PK) Used the state CSV method for negatives (see popup), since they are no longer reported in the dash. If this continues to be a reliable method we should add it to the long formulas sheet. (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",A,8/30 17:56, 20200829,ND,,,,,,,,,,8565,334,8231,,465649,,,11484,,199747,11484,188263,,65,551,17,147,,,9018,118,114,4,08/29 1:59,08/29 16:44,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/25 SB) Cumulative ICU dropped from 141 to 140 (8/22 PK) Used the state CSV method for negatives (see popup), since they are no longer reported in the dash. If this continues to be a reliable method we should add it to the long formulas sheet. (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",A,8/29 17:49, 20200828,ND,,,,,,,,,,8329,318,8011,,457750,,,11110,,197996,11110,186886,,70,550,17,144,,,8808,118,114,4,08/28 1:59,08/28 16:32,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/25 SB) Cumulative ICU dropped from 141 to 140 (8/22 PK) Used the state CSV method for negatives (see popup), since they are no longer reported in the dash. If this continues to be a reliable method we should add it to the long formulas sheet. (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,ND,,,,,,,,,,8329,318,8011,,449865,,,10800,,196559,10800,185759,,61,534,17,142,,,8666,118,114,4,08/27 1:59,08/27 17:07,RSG,DPT,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/25 SB) Cumulative ICU dropped from 141 to 140 (8/22 PK) Used the state CSV method for negatives (see popup), since they are no longer reported in the dash. If this continues to be a reliable method we should add it to the long formulas sheet. (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,ND,,,,,,,,,,8329,318,8011,,442896,,,10467,,195118,10467,184651,,53,525,17,142,,,8545,117,113,4,08/26 1:59,08/26 17:04,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/25 SB) Cumulative ICU dropped from 141 to 140 (8/22 PK) Used the state CSV method for negatives (see popup), since they are no longer reported in the dash. If this continues to be a reliable method we should add it to the long formulas sheet. (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,ND,,,,,,,,,,8290,314,7976,,438451,,,10229,,193599,10229,183370,,50,519,16,140,,,8410,115,111,4,08/25 1:59,08/25 16:35,CB-M,SB,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/25 SB) Cumulative ICU dropped from 141 to 140 (8/22 PK) Used the state CSV method for negatives (see popup), since they are no longer reported in the dash. If this continues to be a reliable method we should add it to the long formulas sheet. (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",B,8/25 18:03, 20200824,ND,,,,,,,,,,8218,308,7910,,435276,,,10000,,192018,10000,182018,,51,505,16,141,,,8206,112,108,4,08/24 1:59,08/24 16:09,RSG,RS,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/22 PK) Used the state CSV method for negatives (see popup), since they are no longer reported in the dash. If this continues to be a reliable method we should add it to the long formulas sheet. (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",B,8/24 17:21, 20200823,ND,,,,,,,,,,8203,308,7895,,432725,,,9876,,190885,9876,181009,,52,501,17,141,,,8064,112,108,4,08/23 1:59,08/23 16:40,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/22 PK) Used the state CSV method for negatives (see popup), since they are no longer reported in the dash. If this continues to be a reliable method we should add it to the long formulas sheet. (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",B,8/23 17:24, 20200822,ND,,,,,,,,,,8175,305,7870,,428208,,,9736,,189038,9736,179302,,53,499,16,140,,,7968,112,108,4,08/22 1:59,08/22 17:01,PK,BML,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/22 PK) Used the state CSV method for negatives (see popup), since they are no longer reported in the dash. If this continues to be a reliable method we should add it to the long formulas sheet. (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",B,8/22 17:10, 20200821,ND,,,,,,,,,,8175,305,7870,,421501,,,9474,,187012,9474,177538,,54,491,15,139,,,7841,112,108,4,08/21 0:00,08/21 17:01,TCD,REB,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",B,8/21 17:26, 20200820,ND,,,,,,,,,,8136,300,7836,,414477,,,9242,,184787,9242,175545,,45,478,15,136,,,7718,112,108,4,08/20 13:00,08/20 17:00,JB,BHP,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",B,8/20 18:13, 20200819,ND,,,,,,,,,,8105,300,7805,,406733,,,8968,,182526,8968,173558,,49,478,15,136,,,7629,110,106,4,08/19 0:00,08/19 17:09,PK,BML,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (8/19 PK) ND overhauled their dashboard. Negatives no longer being reported, number carried over from previous day. ICU data now being reported. (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/19 17:55, 20200818,ND,,,,,,,,,,8065,298,7767,,401876,,,8782,,180928,8782,172146,,47,469,,,,,7485,109,105,4,08/18 0:00,08/18 15:53,RS,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/18 17:32, 20200817,ND,,,,,,,,,,8027,293,7734,,400001,,,8647,,180419,8647,171772,,55,461,,,,,7343,105,101,4,08/17 0:00,08/17 16:04,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/17 17:55, 20200816,ND,,,,,,,,,,8016,293,7723,,397296,,,8587,,179800,8587,171213,,54,459,,,,,7249,105,101,4,08/16 0:00,08/16 15:54,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/16 17:31, 20200815,ND,,,,,,,,,,8007,293,7714,,391731,,,8444,,178145,8444,169701,,55,457,,,,,7161,105,101,4,08/15 0:00,08/15 16:06,PK,RSG,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/15 17:34, 20200814,ND,,,,,,,,,,7975,292,7683,,385320,,,8322,,176603,8322,168281,,65,455,,,,,7066,105,101,4,08/14 0:00,08/14 16:04,GET,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/14 17:41, 20200813,ND,,,,,,,,,,7896,282,7614,,379934,,,8171,,175040,8171,166869,,59,445,,,,,6953,105,101,4,08/13 0:00,08/13 15:57,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/13 18:17, 20200812,ND,,,,,,,,,,7793,277,7516,,372813,,,7970,,173019,7970,165049,,58,440,,,,,6815,104,100,4,08/12 0:00,08/12 16:19,JNG,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/12 18:47, 20200811,ND,,,,,,,,,,7745,275,7470,,368487,,,7885,,171858,7885,163973,,55,430,,,,,6668,102,98,4,08/11 0:00,08/11 15:56,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/10 18:38, 20200810,ND,,,,,,,,,,7675,272,7403,,362730,,,7713,,169839,7713,162126,,48,417,,,,,6434,101,97,4,08/10 0:00,08/10 16:09,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/10 18:38, 20200809,ND,,,,,,,,,,7663,272,7391,,358142,,,7596,,168672,7596,161076,,47,415,,,,,6355,98,94,4,08/09 0:00,08/09 16:28,BSL,KP,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/9 17:07, 20200808,ND,,,,,,,,,,7654,272,7382,,352480,,,7508,,167367,7508,159859,,49,414,,,,,6268,98,94,4,08/08 0:00,08/08 15:55,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/8 17:37, 20200807,ND,,,,,,,,,,7609,272,7337,,346437,,,7327,,165701,7327,158374,,48,408,,,,,6164,98,94,4,08/07 0:00,8/07 16:14,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/7 18:08, 20200806,ND,,,,,,,,,,7561,271,7290,,341001,,,7177,,163719,7177,156542,,46,400,,,,,5949,98,94,4,08/06 0:00,8/06 16:08,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/6 17:19, 20200805,ND,,,,,,,,,,7494,268,7226,,335542,,,7057,,162014,7057,154957,,42,394,,,,,5837,96,92,4,08/05 0:00,8/05 16:07,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/5 17:43, 20200804,ND,,,,,,,,,,7457,266,7191,,329812,,,6933,,160470,6933,153537,,51,389,,,,,5715,96,92,4,08/04 0:00,8/04 16:10,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/4 17:46, 20200803,ND,,,,,,,,,,7399,263,7136,,324901,,,6785,,158751,6785,151966,,46,379,,,,,5590,95,91,4,08/03 0:00,8/03 15:50,BAS,RS,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/3 17:32, 20200802,ND,,,,,,,,,,7374,262,7112,,316217,,,6602,,156185,6602,149583,,45,371,,,,,5396,95,91,4,08/01 0:00,8/02 16:36,JJO,BML,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/2 18:12, 20200801,ND,,,,,,,,,,7374,262,7112,,316217,,,6602,,156185,6602,149583,,45,371,,,,,5396,95,91,4,08/01 0:00,8/01 15:48,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,8/1 17:50, 20200731,ND,,,,,,,,,,7354,261,7093,,310232,,,6469,,153964,6469,147495,,47,364,,,,,5289,95,91,4,07/31 0:00,07/31 16:11,KAT,RSG,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200730,ND,,,,,,,,,,6762,248,6514,,304978,,,6301,,151861,6301,145560,,43,356,,,,,5181,95,91,4,07/30 0:00,07/30 16:02,DZL,BHP,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200729,ND,,,,,,,,,,6762,248,6514,,300971,,,6227,,151083,6227,144856,,39,351,,,,,5087,92,88,4,07/29 0:00,07/29 16:00,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200728,ND,,,,,,,,,,6724,246,6478,,297512,,,6141,,150046,6141,143905,,35,343,,,,,4957,92,88,4,07/28 0:00,07/28 16:00,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200727,ND,,,,,,,,,,6654,243,6411,,293191,,,5986,,148366,5986,142380,,43,337,,,,,4829,91,87,4,07/27 0:00,07/27 16:44,WCD,SB,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200726,ND,,,,,,,,,,6645,243,6402,,288801,,,5876,,146479,5876,140603,,42,333,,,,,4752,91,87,4,07/26 0:00,07/26 16:06,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200725,ND,,,,,,,,,,6637,243,6394,,284082,,,5736,,144260,5736,138524,,39,328,,,,,4671,91,87,4,07/25 0:00,07/25 16:04,SB,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200724,ND,,,,,,,,,,6604,240,6364,,279909,,,5614,,142708,5614,137094,,37,325,,,,,4545,88,84,4,07/24 0:00,07/24 16:24,SPA,REB,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200723,ND,,,,,,,,,,6563,238,6325,,275255,,,5493,,140816,5493,135323,,57,322,,,,,4475,88,84,4,07/23 0:00,07/23 15:59,KVP,QN,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200722,ND,,,,,,,,,,6511,234,6277,,270943,,,5367,,139266,5367,133899,,52,317,,,,,4407,88,84,4,07/22 0:00,07/22 16:04,SNW,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200721,ND,,,,,,,,,,6474,233,6241,,266690,,,5207,,137293,5207,132086,,46,309,,,,,4319,84,80,4,07/21 0:00,07/21 15:55,WCD,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200720,ND,,,,,,,,,,6359,230,6129,,262924,,,5126,,135978,5126,130852,,47,305,,,,,4219,82,78,4,07/20 0:00,07/20 15:52,SMG,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200719,ND,,,,,,,,,,6353,229,6124,,257223,,,5019,,133854,5019,128835,,45,302,,,,,4131,82,78,4,07/19 0:00,07/19 15:48,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200718,ND,,,,,,,,,,6343,229,6114,,251695,,,4907,,131515,4907,126608,,38,295,,,,,4029,82,78,4,07/18 0:00,07/18 15:37,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200717,ND,,,,,,,,,,6171,225,5946,,246903,,,4792,,129475,4792,124683,,36,290,,,,,3903,82,78,4,07/17 0:00,07/17 15:48,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200716,ND,,,,,,,,,,6109,217,5892,,242778,,,4668,,128056,4668,123388,,38,285,,,,,3796,82,78,4,07/16 0:00,07/16 15:57,GMJ,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200715,ND,,,,,,,,,,5997,211,5786,,238586,,,4565,,126564,4565,121999,,42,284,,,,,3760,81,77,4,07/15 0:00,07/15 15:32,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200714,ND,,,,,,,,,,5866,208,5658,,235497,,,4493,,125033,4493,120540,,42,280,,,,,3685,78,74,4,07/14 0:00,07/14 15:53,BAS,JAC,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200713,ND,,,,,,,,,,5812,205,5607,,"233,097",,,4442,,123878,4442,119436,,43,277,,,,,3653,78,74,4,07/13 0:00,,,,,D,, 20200712,ND,,,,,,,,,,5812,205,5607,,225535,,,4334,,122479,4334,118145,,38,271,,,,,3570,78,74,4,07/12 0:00,07/13 17:02,AIA,RS,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200711,ND,,,,,,,,,,5716,203,5513,,224050,,,4243,,120851,4243,116608,,31,263,,,,,3533,78,74,4,07/10 0:00,07/11 15:21,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200710,ND,,,,,,,,,,5586,201,5385,,219737,,,4154,,119596,4154,115442,,33,260,,,,,3496,78,74,4,07/10 0:00,07/11 15:21,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200709,ND,,,,,,,,,,5212,197,5015,,214167,,,4070,,117849,4070,113779,,30,257,,,,,3464,78,74,4,07/09 0:00,07/09 16:00,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200708,ND,,,,,,,,,,5182,197,4985,,208192,,,3971,,115839,3971,111868,,26,252,,,,,3447,78,74,4,07/08 0:00,07/08 16:37,KVP,MM,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/8 kvp) Corrected Confirmed deaths 84-74, probable death revised down by state not CTP 5 --> 4, CTP revised deaths (C+P) from 89 --> 78 (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200707,ND,,,,,,,,,,5128,197,4931,,204526,,,3898,,114357,3898,110459,,24,248,,,,,3413,81,72,9,07/07 0:00,07/07 15:20,BSL,RS,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200706,ND,,,,,,,,,,5080,194,4886,,202533,,,3849,,113582,3849,109733,,22,245,,,,,3350,78,69,9,07/06 0:00,07/06 15:19,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200705,ND,,,,,,,,,,5073,194,4879,,201303,,,3816,,113128,3816,109312,,22,242,,,,,3324,78,69,9,07/05 0:00,07/05 15:17,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200704,ND,,,,,,,,,,5067,194,4873,,197490,,,3779,,111928,3779,108149,,22,241,,,,,3288,78,69,9,07/04 0:00,07/04 15:21,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200703,ND,,,,,,,,,,5051,192,4859,,193054,,,3722,,110574,3722,106852,,20,237,,,,,3266,78,69,9,07/03 0:00,07/03 15:40,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200702,ND,,,,,,,,,,5021,188,4833,,188414,,,3657,,108195,3657,104538,,19,234,,,,,3235,78,69,9,07/02 13:00,07/02 15:45,SMG,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200701,ND,,,,,,,,,,4976,186,4790,,184792,,,3615,,107226,3615,103611,,20,234,,,,,3210,78,69,9,07/01 13:00,07/01 15:34,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the tooltips about calculating deaths values! (7/1 KWS) Updated tooltips to reflect new decisions about ND deaths in Slack (6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200630,ND,,,,,,,,,,4930,183,4747,,182283,,,3576,,106122,3576,102546,,25,231,,,,,3195,78,69,9,06/30 13:00,06/30 16:55,ASL,KWS,"PROCESS Be super sure to follow the 6/25 note about calculating deaths values! We should not be doing any adding in the confirmed field. (6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200629,ND,,,,,,,,,,4882,180,4702,,180558,,,3539,,105691,3539,102152,,25,227,,,,,3163,77,68,9,06/29 13:00,06/29 15:31,CKW,BSL,"(6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200628,ND,,,,,,,,,,4878,179,4699,,177229,,,3495,,103925,3495,100430,,24,226,,,,,3139,77,68,9,06/28 0:00,06/28 15:43,KVP,REB,"(6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200627,ND,,,,,,,,,,4869,184,4685,,173999,,,3458,,102519,3458,99061,,23,225,,,,,3119,77,68,9,06/27 0:00,06/27 15:34,SPA,BSL,"(6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200626,ND,,,,,,,,,,4819,182,4637,,169838,,,3421,,100886,3421,97465,,23,222,,,,,3090,77,68,9,06/26 0:00,06/26 15:45,BSL,RS,"(6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200625,ND,,,,,,,,,,4677,147,4530,,165430,,,3393,,99444,3393,96051,,25,222,,,,,3064,76,67,9,06/25 0:00,06/25 15:27,BSL,KWS,"(6/25 JJA) We should consider ""deaths due to COVID-19"" as confirmed, and add the remaining values - ""pending death records"", ""deaths where COVID-19 is not the primary cause"" and ""deaths of individuals presumed positive"" to obtain probables. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200624,ND,,,,,,,,,,4598,145,4453,,162468,,,3362,,98689,3362,95327,,27,219,,,,,3044,74,66,8,06/24 0:00,06/24 15:50,DCC,BSL,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),D,, 20200623,ND,,,,,,,,,,4488,139,4349,,158524,,,3320,,97553,3320,94233,,28,218,,,,,3008,73,67,6,06/23 0:00,06/23 15:24,AJC,BSL,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),D,, 20200622,ND,,,,,,,,,,4488,139,4349,,158199,,,3313,,97453,3313,94140,,31,218,,,,,2952,72,66,6,06/22 0:00,06/22 15:24,RSG,BSL,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),D,, 20200621,ND,,,,,,,,,,4483,139,4344,,155976,,,3288,,96173,3288,92885,,31,216,,,,,2910,71,65,6,06/21 0:00,06/21 15:08,BSL,HMH,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),D,, 20200620,ND,,,,,,,,,,4475,139,4336,,152043,,,3251,,94231,3251,90980,,28,213,,,,,2882,71,65,6,06/20 13:00,06/20 15:12,ETW,BSL,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),D,, 20200619,ND,,,,,,,,,,4401,135,4266,,148099,,,3226,,92606,3226,89380,,26,210,,,,,2840,71,65,6,06/19 13:00,06/19 15:14,RSG,BSL,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),D,, 20200618,ND,,,,,,,,,,4199,130,4069,,144282,,,3193,,90654,3193,87461,,26,208,,,,,2809,70,64,6,06/18 13:00,06/18 15:23,ETS,MM,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),D,, 20200617,ND,,,,,,,,,,4125,128,3997,,140098,,,3166,,89674,3166,86508,,25,201,,,,,2756,70,66,4,06/17 0:00,06/17 16:05,BSL,JAC,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),D,, 20200616,ND,,,,,,,,,,4093,126,3967,,135691,,,3124,,88651,3124,85527,,26,200,,,,,2720,69,66,3,06/16 0:00,06/16 15:21,SMS,RS,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),D,, 20200615,ND,,,,,,,,,,4000,126,3874,,133896,,,3101,,87776,3101,84675,,31,197,,,,,2683,68,65,3,06/15 0:00,06/15 15:07,BSL,RS,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),F,, 20200614,ND,,,,,,,,,,3998,126,3872,,131874,,,3080,,86880,3080,83800,,35,197,,,,,2658,67,64,3,06/14 12:00,06/14 15:00,BSL,BHP,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),F,, 20200613,ND,,,,,,,,,,3986,126,3860,,129794,,,3058,,85873,3058,82815,,35,197,,,,,2630,67,64,3,06/13 12:00,06/13 14:47,KWS,BSL,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),F,, 20200612,ND,,,,,,,,,,3816,124,3692,,126489,,,3016,,84164,3016,81148,,35,197,,,,,2573,67,64,3,06/12 0:00,06/12 15:02,BSL,JAC,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),F,, 20200611,ND,,,,,,,,,,3704,121,3583,,123082,,,2980,,82788,2980,79808,,32,193,,,,,2515,67,64,3,06/10 0:00,06/11 14:54,ETW,BSL,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),D,, 20200610,ND,,,,,,,,,,3596,118,3478,,119728,,,2941,,81660,2941,78719,,33,193,,,,,2482,67,64,3,06/09 0:00,06/10 15:59,RSG,JAC,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),D,, 20200609,ND,,,,,,,,,,3496,115,3381,,116878,,,2901,,80666,2901,77765,,32,189,,,,,2450,65,62,3,06/09 0:00,06/10 15:59,RSG,JAC,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),D,, 20200608,ND,,,,,,,,,,3428,112,3316,,115259,,,2880,,80180,2880,77300,,29,184,,,,,2336,62,59,3,06/08 0:00,06/08 14:51,SPA,RS,"Process: Scroll below the graphic dashboard for: total tests, serology testing, and way further down for confirm/probable deaths in table. Confirmed death -> ""Total number of individuals who tested positive and died"" Probable death -> ""Deaths of Individuals Presumed Positive"" (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200607,ND,,,,,,,,,,3413,111,3302,,113847,,,2861,,79933,2861,77072,,28,183,,,,,2307,59,56,3,06/07 0:00,06/07 14:46,JAC,ALF,"Process: Scroll below the graphic dashboard for: total tests, serology testing, and way further down for confirm/probable deaths in table. Confirmed death -> ""Total number of individuals who tested positive and died"" Probable death -> ""Deaths of Individuals Presumed Positive"" (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200606,ND,,,,,,,,,,3287,111,3176,,111537,,,2816,,78880,2816,76064,,29,182,,,,,2268,59,56,3,06/06 0:00,06/06 14:37,BSL,RS,"Process: Scroll below the graphic dashboard for: total tests, serology testing, and way further down for confirm/probable deaths in table. Confirmed death -> ""Total number of individuals who tested positive and died"" Probable death -> ""Deaths of Individuals Presumed Positive"" (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200605,ND,,,,,,,,,,3148,107,3041,,107509,,,2745,,76856,2745,74111,,30,180,,,,,2242,59,56,3,06/05 0:00,06/05 16:43,BSL,JAC,"Process: Scroll below the graphic dashboard for: total tests, serology testing, and way further down for confirm/probable deaths in table. Confirmed death -> ""Total number of individuals who tested positive and died"" Probable death -> ""Deaths of Individuals Presumed Positive"" (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200604,ND,,,,,,,,,,3041,104,2937,,104888,,,2706,,75744,2706,73038,,32,175,,,,,2209,58,55,3,06/04 0:00,06/04 16:21,MDH,JAC,"Process: Scroll below the graphic dashboard for: total tests, serology testing, and way further down for confirm/probable deaths in table. Confirmed death -> ""Total number of individuals who tested positive and died"" Probable death -> ""Deaths of Individuals Presumed Positive"" (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",D,, 20200603,ND,,,,,,,,,,2921,97,2824,,101327,,,2679,,74502,2679,71823,,34,172,,,,,2169,54,51,3,06/03 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200602,ND,,,,,,,,,,2842,95,2747,,98717,,,2646,,73644,2646,70998,,34,170,,,,,2127,54,51,3,06/02 0:00,06/03 16:42,ETW,PR,"Process: Scroll below the graphic dashboard for: total tests, serology testing, and way further down for confirm/probable deaths in table. Confirmed death -> ""Total number of individuals who tested positive and died"" Probable death -> ""Deaths of Individuals Presumed Positive"" (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200601,ND,,,,,,,,,,2772,91,2681,,97111,,,2625,,73301,2625,70676,,35,169,,,,,2078,50,47,3,06/01 13:00,06/01 14:47,AFG,RS,"Process: Scroll below the graphic dashboard for: total tests, serology testing, and way further down for confirm/probable deaths in table. (6/1) Deaths Where COVID-19 is Not the Primary Cause and Pending Death Records go to pending (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200531,ND,,,,,,,,,,2688,89,2599,,94711,,,2577,,,2577,69463,,36,167,,,,,1959,48,45,3,05/31 0:00,05/31 16:09,JAC,BL,"Process: Scroll below the graphic dashboard for: total tests, serology testing, and way further down for confirm/probable deaths in table. (5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest)",C,, 20200530,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92632,,,2554,,70981,2554,68427,,34,165,,,,,1943,48,45,3,05/30 15:11,05/30 15:03,EPK,RS,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),C,, 20200529,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,89599,,,2520,,69453,2520,66933,,36,164,,,,,1882,48,45,3,05/29 0:00,05/29 14:56,G-S,AW,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),C,, 20200528,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,86728,,,2481,,68254,2481,65773,,35,161,,,,,1793,48,45,3,05/28 0:00,05/28 16:13,VVR,REB,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),C,, 20200527,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,86527,,,2439,,67340,2439,64901,,40,161,,,,,1762,44,41,3,05/27 0:00,05/27 15:58,JAC,REB,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),C,, 20200526,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85479,,,2422,,66854,2422,64432,,40,156,,,,,1701,40,40,,05/26 13:06,05/26 15:22,REB,RS,(5/26 REB) number of cases decreases (site notes a machine malfuction and having to retest),C,, 20200525,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2457,,66350,2457,63893,,41,154,,,,,1551,39,39,,05/24 13:00,05/25 14:40,EPK,AW,,C,, 20200524,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2418,,65488,2418,63070,,40,152,,,,,1496,39,39,,05/24 13:00,05/25 14:40,EPK,AW,,C,, 20200523,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2365,,64148,2365,61783,,39,150,,,,,1451,39,39,,05/23 13:00,05/23 16:29,SOJ,SPA,,C,, 20200522,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2317,,62830,2317,60513,,39,147,,,,,1405,39,39,,05/22 13:00,05/22 15:04,G-S,RS,,C,, 20200521,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2229,,61279,2229,59050,,39,144,,,,,1340,38,38,,05/21 1:59,05/21 14:37,DB,RS,,C,, 20200520,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2095,,59200,2095,57105,,38,142,,,,,1302,37,37,,05/20 1:59,05/20 14:39,RSB,BL,,C,, 20200519,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1994,,57731,1994,55737,,32,135,,,,,1269,37,37,,05/19 13:00,05/19 14:47,RSB,RS,,C,, 20200518,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1931,,56561,1931,54630,,32,133,,,,,1219,37,37,,05/18 13:00,05/18 14:53,RSB,RS,,C,, 20200517,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1900,,55221,1900,53321,,30,130,,,,,1178,35,35,,05/17 13:00,05/17 16:36,KP,REB,,C,, 20200516,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1848,,53487,1848,51639,,33,130,,,,,1111,35,35,,05/16 13:00,05/16 14:44,JAC,RS,,C,, 20200515,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1761,,51715,1761,49954,,35,130,,,,,1071,35,35,,05/15 13:00,05/15 16:56,G-S,KP,,C,, 20200514,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1712,,48945,1647,48599,,38,129,,,,,1007,31,31,,05/14 13:00,05/14 15:40,JAC,QN,,C,, 20200513,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1647,,47832,1647,47298,,37,127,,,,,969,29,29,,05/13 13:00,,,,,C,, 20200512,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1571,,,1571,46261,,38,122,,,,,877,25,25,,05/12 12:10,05/12 15:19,ATS,RS,,C,, 20200511,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1518,,,1518,45496,,34,115,,,,,846,24,24,,05/11 12:10,05/11 15:00,SPA,RS,,C,, 20200510,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1491,,,1491,43378,,29,110,,,,,792,24,24,,05/10 12:10,05/10 16:05,DPT,REB,,C,, 20200509,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1464,,,1464,42469,,34,110,,,,,762,24,24,,05/09 13:00,05/09 15:57,ALF,REB,,C,, 20200508,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1425,,,1425,41076,,33,104,,,,,714,24,24,,05/08 13:00,05/08 16:21,EB,MM,,C,, 20200507,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1371,,,1371,39496,,35,102,,,,,601,23,23,,05/07 13:00,05/07 14:33,JAC,RS,,C,, 20200506,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1323,,,1323,37309,,32,97,,,,,582,22,22,,05/06 13:00,05/06 15:09,RS,MM,,C,, 20200505,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1266,,,1266,35155,,31,95,,,,,559,17,17,,05/05 13:00,05/05 15:28,QN,REB,,C,, 20200504,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1225,,,1225,33529,,31,94,,,,,540,15,15,,05/04 13:00,05/04 14:36,MM,RS,,C,, 20200503,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1191,,,1191,32162,,31,90,,,,,517,16,16,,05/03 13:00,,,,,C,, 20200502,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1153,,,1153,30394,,32,90,,,,,510,24,,,05/02 13:00,,,,,C,, 20200501,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1107,,,1107,28418,,27,86,,,,,482,23,,,05/01 13:00,05/01 16:26,KP,REB,,C,, 20200430,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1067,,,1067,26393,,30,85,,,,,458,19,,,04/30 13:00,,,,,C,, 20200429,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1033,,,1033,24503,,28,82,,,,,437,19,,,04/29 13:00,,,,,C,, 20200428,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,991,22732,,25,79,,,,,409,19,,,04/28 13:00,04/28 14:40,AW,QN,,C,, 20200427,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,942,21492,,23,77,,,,,350,19,,,04/27 13:00,,,,,C,, 20200426,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,867,19850,,18,71,,,,,326,17,,,04/26 13:00,,,,,C,, 20200425,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,803,18547,,17,70,,,,,310,16,,,04/25 13:00,04/25 14:33,QN,RS,,C,, 20200424,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,748,16701,,17,67,,,,,285,15,,,04/24 13:00,04/24 22:58,SPA,,,B,, 20200423,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,709,15621,,18,65,,,,,269,15,,,04/23 13:02,,,,,B,, 20200422,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,679,14910,,23,62,,,,,229,14,,,04/22 13:10,,,,,B,, 20200421,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,644,14343,,17,54,,,,,214,13,,,04/20 13:17,,,,,B,, 20200420,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,627,14120,,17,53,,,,,189,13,,,04/20 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200419,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,585,13045,,15,51,,,,,189,10,,,04/19 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200418,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,528,12435,,13,47,,,,,183,9,,,04/18 13:08,,,,,B,, 20200417,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,439,11903,,16,47,,,,,172,9,,,04/17 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200416,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,393,11311,,14,45,,,,,163,9,,,04/16 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200415,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,365,10952,,13,44,,,,,142,9,,,04/15 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200414,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,341,10575,,13,42,,,,,138,9,,,04/14 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200413,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,331,10450,,13,40,,,,,127,8,,,04/13 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200412,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,308,10042,,12,39,,,,,121,8,,,04/12 12:58,,,,,B,, 20200411,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,293,9787,,10,36,,,,,119,7,,,04/11 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200410,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,278,9330,,13,36,,,,,105,6,,,04/10 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200409,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,269,8721,,14,34,,,,,101,5,,,04/09 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200408,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,251,8301,,16,34,,,,,98,4,,,04/08 13:54,,,,,B,, 20200407,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,237,7466,,18,33,,,,,82,4,,,04/07 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200406,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,225,6988,,19,32,,,,,74,3,,,04/06 13:05,,,,,B,, 20200405,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,207,6580,,20,31,,,,,63,3,,,04/05 12:51,,,,,B,, 20200404,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,186,6021,,,30,,,,,63,3,,,04/04 13:00,,,,,B,, 20200403,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,173,5625,,,29,,,,,55,3,,,04/03 13:50,,,,,B,, 20200402,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,159,4821,,,28,,,,,43,3,,,04/02 12:56,,,,,B,, 20200401,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,142,4351,,,23,,,,,34,3,,,04/01 12:00,,,,,B,, 20200331,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,126,4131,,,21,,,,,30,3,,,03/31 18:00,,,,,B,, 20200330,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109,3728,,,19,,,,,19,2,,,03/30 12:00,,,,,B,, 20200329,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98,3355,,,17,,,,,18,1,,,03/29 12:00,,,,,B,, 20200328,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83,2809,,,16,,,,,16,1,,,03/28 12:00,,,,,B,, 20200327,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65,2427,,,13,,,,,15,0,,,03/27 11:31,,,,,B,, 20200326,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52,2039,,,10,,,,,,0,,,03/26 11:37,,,,,B,, 20200325,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39,1734,,,8,,,,,,0,,,03/25 11:47,,,,,B,, 20200324,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34,1454,,,5,,,,,,0,,,03/24 11:17,,,,,B,, 20200323,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,1353,,,4,,,,,,0,,,03/23 12:11,,,,,B,, 20200322,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28,1260,,,3,,,,,,0,,,03/22 11:39,,,,,,, 20200321,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28,1141,,,3,,,,,,0,,,03/21 11:56,,,,,,, 20200320,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20,800,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15,493,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,268,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,220,0,,,,,,,,0,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,123,0,,,,,,,,0,,,03/16 15:45,,,,,,, 20200315,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,95,4,,,,,,,,0,,,03/15 12:00,,,,,,, 20200314,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,54,14,,,,,,,,0,,,03/13 13:00,,,,,,, 20200313,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,39,12,,,,,,,,0,,,03/13 13:00,,,,,,, 20200312,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,12,14,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,7,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,6,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,ND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34046,,361878,34046,327305,,172,1994,,,,,25969,392,,,08/30 20:30,08/31 15:48,KVP,RSG,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33753,,358468,33753,324192,,172,1992,,,,,25727,392,,,08/29 20:20,08/30 15:57,KVP,SB,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33436,,355731,33436,321782,,168,1982,,,,,25282,392,,,08/28 20:20,08/29 15:58,PK,SB,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33101,,352922,33101,319318,,174,1968,,,,,25009,391,,,08/27 20:25,08/28 15:46,PK,BSL,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32727,,349055,32727,315848,,166,1954,,,,,24689,386,,,08/26 20:20,08/27 16:54,KSB,DZL,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32348,,345243,32348,312412,,168,1946,,,,,24524,383,,,08/25 20:20,08/26 15:55,PK,BSL,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32047,,340958,32047,308434,,154,1930,,,,,24326,383,,,08/24 21:30,08/25 15:53,JAG,BSL,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31889,,340076,31889,307711,,146,1910,,,,,24155,378,,,08/23 20:20,08/24 15:47,AJC,BSL,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31780,,338836,31780,306581,,139,1907,,,,,23878,376,,,08/22 20:20,08/23 15:45,CRG,BSL,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31626,,337058,31626,304956,,140,1891,,,,,23608,376,,,08/21 20:20,08/22 15:48,TCD,BSL,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31348,,334241,31348,302419,,146,1877,,,,,23292,373,,,08/20 20:20,08/21 15:44,CRG,BSL,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31040,,330704,31040,299368,,156,1851,,,,,22941,371,,,08/19 20:20,08/20 15:46,JB,BSL,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30825,,328673,30825,297553,,160,1835,,,,,22798,368,,,08/18 21:05,08/19 16:41,KAT,BSL,"(8/19 KAT) The value for cumulative hospitalizations dropped from 1883 to 1835. Input value of 1835 per shift lead's instruction. (7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30563,,325782,30563,294924,,158,1883,,,,,22647,362,,,08/17 20:20,08/18 15:53,KVP,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30372,,323287,30372,292619,,146,1883,,,,,22483,361,,,08/16 20:30,08/17 16:11,SPA,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30241,,321172,30241,290635,,144,1883,,,,,22251,361,,,08/15 20:20,08/16 15:55,LDH,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29988,,317977,29988,287695,,145,1880,,,,,22004,361,,,08/14 20:23,08/15 15:59,KVP,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29660,,314516,29660,284564,,147,1880,,,,,21463,360,,,08/13 20:15,08/14 15:45,LDH,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29244,,309938,29244,280400,,152,1880,,,,,21463,356,,,08/12 20:30,08/13 15:49,KVP,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29030,,308755,29030,279432,,157,1880,,,,,21312,351,,,08/11 19:15,08/12 15:55,NMJ,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28696,,306023,28696,277036,,162,1741,,,,,21113,348,,,08/10 15:20,08/11 15:39,BHP,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28432,,302926,28432,274203,,146,1722,,,,,20896,345,,,08/09 15:20,08/10 15:47,MJW,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28245,,299967,28245,271429,,147,1715,,,,,20746,345,,,08/08 22:45,08/09 15:43,SB,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28104,,297832,28104,269434,,156,1704,,,,,20333,345,,,08/07 20:15,08/08 15:44,SB,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27821,,294198,27821,266081,,151,1688,,,,,20176,340,,,08/06 20:15,8/07 16:35,KAT,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27489,,290477,27489,262692,,148,1681,,,,,19885,335,,,08/05 20:30,8/06 15:50,AIA,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27178,,287394,27178,259927,,151,1644,,,,,19764,332,,,08/04 20:30,8/05 15:58,BSL,RSG,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26956,,284145,26956,256903,,152,1644,,,,,19677,332,,,08/03 20:35,8/04 15:49,CRG,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/4 17:58, 20200803,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26702,,281387,26702,254404,,144,1630,,,,,19575,332,,,08/02 20:10,8/03 15:48,KAT,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26391,,277526,26391,250852,,142,1629,,,,,19325,332,,,08/01 20:10,8/02 15:50,CRG,BML,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26211,,275544,26211,249048,,152,1622,,,,,19172,332,,,07/31 20:10,8/01 15:51,KVP,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25766,,271245,25766,245190,,150,1610,,,,,18997,328,,,07/29 21:00,07/31 16:35,BAS,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,, 20200730,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25422,,267177,25422,241471,,137,1610,,,,,18802,324,,,07/29 20:20,07/30 15:55,CRG,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,, 20200729,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25157,,264313,25157,238876,,122,1606,,,,,18702,321,,,07/28 20:10,07/29 16:21,RS,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,, 20200728,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24899,,261383,24899,236204,,117,1587,,,,,18520,317,,,07/27 20:10,07/28 16:07,KVP,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,, 20200727,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24618,,259105,24618,234209,,109,1570,,,,,18097,316,,,07/26 19:15,07/27 16:20,DZL,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,, 20200726,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24395,,255740,24395,231069,,103,1567,,,,,18097,316,,,07/25 20:05,07/26 15:53,JJO,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,, 20200725,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24174,,252881,24174,228431,,122,1548,,,,,17999,316,,,07/24 20:05,07/25 16:01,MEC,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,, 20200724,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23818,,249344,23818,225256,,126,1548,,,,,17745,316,,,07/23 20:10,07/24 16:26,ALT,REB,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,, 20200723,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23486,,245843,23486,222087,,125,1522,,,,,17499,311,,,07/22 20:20,07/23 15:47,KVP,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,, 20200722,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23190,,242889,23190,219431,,118,1508,,,,,17389,310,,,07/21 20:30,07/22 15:48,EDS,BSL,"(7/1(3 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",A,, 20200721,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22847,,238692,22847,215594,,115,1502,,,,,17237,306,,,07/21 0:00,07/21 15:53,EDS,BSL,"(7/1(3 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200720,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22583,,235149,22583,212313,,121,1482,,,,,17112,301,,,07/19 20:00,07/20 16:17,SB,BSL,"(7/1(3 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200719,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22481,,232654,22481,209920,,113,1481,,,,,16801,301,,,07/18 20:00,07/19 15:43,DCC,BSL,"(7/1(3 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200718,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22361,,231407,22361,208790,,105,1480,,,,,16665,301,,,07/17 20:00,07/18 15:40,KVP,BSL,"(7/1(3 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200717,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22134,,226452,22134,204062,,96,1453,,,,,16501,299,,,07/16 20:30,07/17 16:24,BSL,BHP,"(7/1(3 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200716,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21979,,223482,21979,201250,,103,1453,,,,,16324,291,,,07/15 21:00,07/16 15:50,BSL,HMH,"(7/1(3 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200715,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21717,,219996,21717,198026,,110,1442,,,,,16205,286,,,07/14 20:05,07/15 15:20,DJW,BSL,"(7/1(3 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200714,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21399,,216481,21399,194836,,101,1431,,,,,16025,288,,,07/13 8:05,07/14 15:46,BAS,JAC,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200713,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21172,,211901,21172,190487,,98,1421,,,,,15860,285,,,07/13 0:00,07/13 15:39,AIA,BSL,"(7/13 AIA) There was no updated time stamp on the dashboard even though the data has changed, so put 7/13 0:00 as time the dashboard was updated (7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200712,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20998,,208338,20998,187105,,95,1421,,,,,15724,285,,,07/11 20:00,07/12 15:20,ETS,BSL,"(7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200711,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20777,,204091,20777,183077,,95,1419,,,,,15499,286,,,07/10 20:00,07/11 16:40,BSL,SB,"(7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200710,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20623,,201249,20623,180391,,100,1419,,,,,15206,284,,,07/09 20:00,07/10 16:41,BSL,JAC,"(7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200709,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20425,,198069,20425,177410,,97,1405,,,,,15031,282,,,07/08 20:00,07/09 15:27,BSL,HMH,"(7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200708,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20201,,195281,20201,174847,,102,1398,,,,,14927,282,,,07/07 20:00,07/08 16:52,RRI,QN,"(7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200707,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20046,,193299,20046,173027,,109,1369,,,,,14759,283,,,07/06 20:00,07/07 15:26,WCD,BSL,"(7/7 WCD) Deaths revised down by 1, from 284 -> 283 (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200706,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19929,,191967,19929,171811,,101,1369,,,,,14641,284,,,07/05 20:00,07/06 15:15,RSG,RS,"(6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200705,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19827,,190151,19827,170101,,109,1368,,,,,14340,284,,,07/04 20:00,07/05 15:09,JJO,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200704,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19660,,187808,19660,167928,,111,1365,,,,,14200,284,,,07/03 20:00,07/04 15:15,KVP,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200703,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19452,,184354,19452,164682,,121,1353,,,,,14022,282,,,07/02 20:30,07/03 15:22,GET,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200702,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19310,,182880,19310,163352,,117,1343,,,,,13807,276,,,07/01 19:54,07/02 16:30,BSL,QN,"(6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200701,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19177,,180826,19177,161431,,120,1330,,,,,13737,274,,,06/30 20:00,07/01 15:47,EDS,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200630,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19042,,178368,19042,159115,,121,1330,,,,,13547,269,,,06/29 12:30,06/30 15:36,EDS,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200629,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18899,,175484,18899,156373,,117,1316,,,,,13322,267,,,06/28 19:55,06/29 15:53,BAS,SB,"(6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200628,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18775,,173009,18775,154023,,123,1315,,,,,13053,267,,,06/27 19:55,06/28 15:18,SB,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200627,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18524,,168800,18524,150074,,125,1312,,,,,12698,266,,,06/26 20:05,06/27 15:32,BSL,SB,"(6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200626,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18346,,165195,18346,146656,,126,1294,,,,,12314,260,,,06/25 19:55,06/26 15:43,BSL,RS,"(6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" stating ""no data"" as NE provides an unclear figure. (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200625,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18221,,163368,18221,144949,,131,1268,,,,,12099,257,,,06/24 20:00,06/25 15:09,EDS,BSL,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200624,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18092,,161494,18092,143209,,125,1257,,,,,12099,256,,,06/23 20:00,06/24 15:50,BSL,BHP,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",B,, 20200623,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17957,,158827,17957,140685,,135,1234,,,,,11980,249,,,06/22 20:25,06/23 15:18,BHP,BSL,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200622,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17810,,156691,17810,138698,,141,1212,,,,,11776,244,,,06/21 21:50,06/22 15:23,EDS,BSL,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200621,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17707,,154423,17707,136534,,140,1212,,,,,11565,244,,,06/20 19:50,06/21 15:11,BHP,BSL,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200620,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17591,,152040,17591,134263,,141,1200,,,,,11312,244,,,06/19 19:50,06/20 15:13,ETW,BSL,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200619,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17415,,148039,17415,130431,,149,1166,,,,,11066,240,,,06/18 19:55,06/19 15:09,BSL,RS,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200618,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17226,,144996,17226,127587,,156,1141,,,,,10761,234,,,06/17 20:00,06/18 15:37,ETS,MM,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200617,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17031,,142566,17031,125356,,156,1116,,,,,10529,231,,,06/16 20:15,06/17 16:36,BSL,JAC,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200616,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16851,,139690,16851,122662,,160,1088,,,,,10351,220,,,06/15 19:50,06/16 16:49,BSL,RS,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200615,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16725,,137924,16725,121030,,160,1075,,,,,10121,216,,,06/14 20:00,06/15 15:18,KWS,BSL,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200614,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16633,,136277,16633,119482,,156,1070,,,,,9879,216,,,06/13 20:00,06/14 15:17,BSL,SB,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200613,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16513,,134536,16513,117864,,157,1067,,,,,9610,216,,,06/12 19:00,06/13 14:48,BHP,BSL,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200612,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16315,,130933,16315,114458,,164,1029,,,,,9229,212,,,06/12 21:07,06/12 14:58,BHP,BSL,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200611,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16025,,127830,16025,111637,,175,1000,,,,,8946,195,,,06/10 20:00,06/11 14:53,RSG,JAC,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200610,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15883,,125329,15883,109279,,181,989,,,,,8820,191,,,06/09 20:00,06/10 15:17,HMH,BSL,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200609,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15752,,122850,15752,106940,,176,967,,,,,8637,188,,,06/08 20:30,06/09 15:08,NRC,REB,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200608,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15634,,121569,15634,105773,,166,935,,,,,8455,188,,,06/07 20:00,06/08 14:50,BSL,RS,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200607,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15543,,119926,15543,104226,,167,928,,,,,8255,188,,,06/06 20:00,06/07 15:30,ETW,CML,"(6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200606,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15379,,117700,15379,102168,,181,919,,,,,7957,186,,,06/05 19:50,06/06 14:33,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: All data can be obtained from dashboard (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200605,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15117,,114974,15117,99705,,190,905,,,,,7598,186,,,06/04 16:00,06/05 16:47,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: All data can be obtained from dashboard (6/5 BSL) Death count revised down by 1, from 187 on 6/3 to 186 on 6/4. (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200604,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14866,,112409,14866,97389,,211,902,,,,,7005,187,,,06/03 20:00,06/04 16:25,MDH,JAC,"PROCESS: All data can be obtained from dashboard (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200603,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14611,,110119,14611,95355,,194,851,,,,,6743,181,,,06/02 20:00,,,,,C,, 20200602,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14345,,106570,14345,92073,,,,,,,,,178,,,06/01 20:00,06/03 16:40,ETW,PR,"PROCESS: All data can be obtained from dashboard (6/3 ETW) Current and cumulative hospitalizations are now on the 'hospitalized cases' tab of the dashboard. Recovered cases are on the ""recoveries"" tab. ",D,, 20200601,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14101,,103813,14101,89564,,,,,,,,,170,,,05/31 19:45,06/01 14:49,AFG,RS,"PROCESS: All data can be obtained from dashboard (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator",D,, 20200531,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13905,,101290,13905,87237,,,,,,,,,170,,,05/30 18:45,05/31 15:06,JAC,BL,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. All data can be obtained from dashboard (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator",D,, 20200530,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13654,,99158,13654,85354,,,,,,,,,170,,,05/29 19:45,05/30 15:06,EPK,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. All data can be obtained from dashboard (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator",D,, 20200529,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13261,,95187,13261,81542,,,,,,,,,164,,,05/28 19:45,05/29 14:59,G-S,AW,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. All data can be obtained from dashboard (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator",D,, 20200528,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12976,,93347,12976,80004,,,,,,,,,163,,,05/26 19:45,05/28 16:25,VVR,PR,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. All data can be obtained from dashboard (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator",D,, 20200527,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12619,,90748,12619,77802,,,,,,,,,153,,,05/26 19:00,05/27 15:42,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. All data can be obtained from dashboard (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator",D,, 20200526,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12355,,88350,12355,75687,,,,,,,,,150,,,05/25 19:00,05/26 16:17,SLW,MM,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. All data can be obtained from dashboard (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator",D,, 20200525,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12134,,86027,12134,73598,,,,,,,,,150,,,05/24 19:55,05/25 14:37,EPK,AW,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. All data can be obtained from dashboard (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator",D,, 20200524,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11989,,83485,11989,71216,,,,,,,,,147,,,05/23 16:15,05/24 15:27,ALF,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. All data can be obtained from dashboard (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator",D,, 20200523,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11662,,80475,11662,68320,,,,,,,,,147,,,05/22 19:45,05/23 14:44,AIA,QN,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. All data can be obtained from dashboard (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator",D,, 20200522,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11425,,78654,11425,66994,,,,,,,,,143,,,05/21 19:50,05/22 15:31,G-S,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator",D,, 20200521,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11122,,75864,11122,64518,,,,,,,,,138,,,05/20 19:55,05/21 14:47,DB,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator",D,, 20200520,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10846,,72333,10846,61289,,,,,,,,,132,,,05/19 19:00,05/20 14:44,RSB,BL,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator (4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200519,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10625,,70147,10625,59359,,,,,,,,,125,,,05/18 20:00,05/19 14:50,RSB,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator (4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",C,, 20200518,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10348,,67649,10348,57153,,,,,,,,,123,,,05/17 20:00,05/18 14:56,RSB,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator (4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",C,, 20200517,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65774,,,10220,,65774,10220,55420,,,,,,,,,123,,,05/16 18:15,05/17 16:38,KP,REB,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator (4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",C,, 20200516,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9772,,60092,9772,50206,,,,,,,,,119,,,05/15 15:45,05/16 14:48,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator (4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",C,, 20200515,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9416,,57315,9416,47799,,,,,,,,,113,,,05/14 15:45,05/15 15:58,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator (4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",C,, 20200514,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9075,,53427,9075,44266,,,,,,,,,107,,,05/13 20:00,05/14 15:41,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. (5/14 aft JAC) Removed Curr. values as they were still not updated (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator (4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",C,, 20200513,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8692,,49799,8692,41033,,192,,81,,56,,,103,,,05/12 20:00,,,,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. (5/13 aft REB) not updating curr hosp/icu/vent, no new press info. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator (4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",B,, 20200512,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8572,,48019,8572,39371,,192,,81,,56,,,100,,,05/11 20:05,05/12 16:40,ATS,RS,"PROCESS: Dashboard will automatically change time to your timezone so the time needs to be shifted to CDT. (5/12 aft ATS) Curr Hosp, Curr Ventilator, Curr ICU from press conference. Curr ICU = ICU Ventilator + ICU not on ventilator (4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",B,, 20200511,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8315,,46314,8315,37924,,,,,,,,,98,,,05/10 19:45,05/11 14:55,SPA,RS,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200510,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8234,,45644,8234,37335,,,,,,,,,96,,,05/09 19:45,05/10 16:06,DPT,REB,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200509,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7831,,43046,7831,35145,,,,,,,,,92,,,05/08 18:45,05/09 15:57,ALF,REB,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200508,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7190,,40482,7190,33222,,,,,,,,,90,,,05/07 17:45,05/08 16:23,EB,MM,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200507,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6771,,37829,6771,30987,,,,,,,,,86,,,05/06 17:45,05/07 14:38,JAC,RS,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200506,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6438,,36194,6438,29690,,,,,,,,,82,,,05/05 17:45,05/06 15:10,RS,MM,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200505,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6083,,34675,6083,28526,,,,,,,,,78,,,05/03 20:45,05/05 15:36,QN,REB,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200504,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5910,,33819,5910,27844,,,,,,,,,78,,,05/03 20:45,05/05 15:36,QN,REB,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200503,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5326,,31332,5326,25936,,,,,,,,,76,,,05/02 19:45,05/03 16:14,DPT,REB,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200502,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4838,,29557,4838,24510,,,,,,,,,73,,,05/01 19:45,,,,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200501,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4281,,27577,4281,23104,,,,,,,,,70,,,04/30 19:45,05/01 17:00,MM,AW,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200430,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3784,,25498,3784,21537,,,,,,,,,68,,,04/29 19:45,04/30 15:12,REB,QN,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200429,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3374,,23798,3374,20257,,,,,,,,,55,,,04/28 19:45,04/29 16:32,EB,REB,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200428,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23772,3358,20247,,,,,,,,,55,,,04/27 19:45,04/28 15:14,AW,QN,"(4/28 am JJFC) NE State Press Release: ""The total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the state to date is 55, according to the DHHS data dashboard. Yesterday's count of 56 included a death erroneously entered into the electronic system. It was removed from the total count."" Deaths data therefore revised down (4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200427,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22525,3028,19335,,,,,,,,,56,,,04/26 19:45,04/27 15:00,REB,RS,"(4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200426,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21377,2732,18496,,,,,,,,,53,,,04/25 19:45,04/26 16:05,SPA,KP,"(4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200425,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20112,2421,17552,,,,,,,,,50,,,04/24 19:45,04/25 16:22,RS,REB,"(4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",D,, 20200424,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18701,2124,16488,,,,,,,,,47,,,04/24 19:45,04/25 16:22,RS,REB,"(4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",A,, 20200423,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17394,1813,15547,,,,,,,,,45,,,04/23 19:45,04/24 16:22,RS,REB,"(4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",A,, 20200422,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16813,1722,14957,,,,,,,,,38,,,04/22 19:45,04/23 14:50,REB,RS,"(4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",A,, 20200421,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16478,1648,14724,,,,,,,,,33,,,04/21 19:45,04/22 16:13,RS,REB,"(4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",A,, 20200420,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15756,1474,14206,,,,,,,,,28,,,04/19 19:45,04/20 14:53,REB,RS,"(4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",A,, 20200419,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14652,1287,13288,,,,,,,,,28,,,04/19 19:45,04/20 14:53,REB,RS,"(4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",A,, 20200418,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13753,1138,12539,,,,,,,,,24,,,04/17 19:42,,,,"(4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",A,, 20200417,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13173,1066,12038,,,,,,,,,24,,,04/17 19:42,,,,"(4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",A,, 20200416,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12324,952,11342,,,,,,,,,21,,,04/16 19:40,04/17 15:10,SPA,RS,"(4/15 eve AGS) Total differs from ""total tested"" reported on dashboard",A,, 20200415,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11757,901,10828,,,,,,,,,20,,,04/14 19:45,04/15 14:29,RS,AW,,A,, 20200414,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11384,871,10486,,,,,,,,,18,,,04/14 19:45,04/15 14:29,RS,AW,,A,, 20200413,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10991,814,10158,,,,,,,,,17,,,04/13 20:03,04/14 15:10,RS,AW,"(4/9 SD) total posted on website (8852) is larger than positive+negative because it also includes inconclusive test results. (4/8 RS) As per ESK, need to update public notes to remove info on how we calculate Pending, as we're not adding that anymore. (4/7 JJ aft) no pending test number since they list inconclusive tests as a real possibility",A,, 20200412,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10197,791,9900,,,,,,,,,17,,,04/12 13:40,04/12 16:04,RS,ESK,"(4/9 SD) total posted on website (8852) is larger than positive+negative because it also includes inconclusive test results. (4/8 RS) As per ESK, need to update public notes to remove info on how we calculate Pending, as we're not adding that anymore. (4/7 JJ aft) no pending test number since they list inconclusive tests as a real possibility",A,, 20200411,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10007,700,9285,,,,,,,,,17,,,04/11 14:00,04/11 15:31,RS,QN,"(4/9 SD) total posted on website (8852) is larger than positive+negative because it also includes inconclusive test results. (4/8 RS) As per ESK, need to update public notes to remove info on how we calculate Pending, as we're not adding that anymore. (4/7 JJ aft) no pending test number since they list inconclusive tests as a real possibility",A,, 20200410,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9375,635,8719,,,,,,,,,15,,,04/10 13:50,04/10 14:27,RS,LH,"(4/9 SD) total posted on website (8852) is larger than positive+negative because it also includes inconclusive test results. (4/8 RS) As per ESK, need to update public notes to remove info on how we calculate Pending, as we're not adding that anymore. (4/7 JJ aft) no pending test number since they list inconclusive tests as a real possibility",A,, 20200409,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8852,567,8116,,,,,,,,,14,,,04/09 13:36,04/09 14:36,MEB,MC,"(4/8 RS) As per ESK, need to update public notes to remove info on how we calculate Pending, as we're not adding that anymore. (4/7 JJ aft) no pending test number since they list inconclusive tests as a real possibility",A,, 20200408,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8067,519,7442,,,,,,,,,12,,,04/08 13:45,04/08 14:46,RS,MC,"(4/8 RS) As per ESK, need to update public notes to remove info on how we calculate Pending, as we're not adding that anymore. (4/7 JJ aft) no pending test number since they list inconclusive tests as a real possibility",A,, 20200407,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7269,447,6811,,,,,,,,,10,,,04/07 14:38,,,,(4/7 JJ aft) no pending test number since they list inconclusive tests as a real possibility,A,, 20200406,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6796,409,6378,8,,,,,,,,8,,,04/06 13:38,04/06 16:09,DPT,ESK,"(4/5 eve SJ) getting rid of pending: they now mention ""inconclusive results"" on the dashboard",A,, 20200405,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5933,363,5558,12,,,,,,,,8,,,04/05 13:50,04/05 15:46,PJR,HDF,,A,, 20200404,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5389,321,5058,10,,,,,,,,6,,,04/04 14:05,04/04 16:23,JJ,PR,(4/2 DG) Update state link to point to dashboard directly? (,A,, 20200403,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4777,279,4487,11,,,,,,,,6,,,04/03 13:50,04/03 15:12,JJ,HDF,(4/2 DG) Update state link to point to dashboard directly? (,A,, 20200402,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4235,246,3978,11,,,,,,,,5,,,04/02 14:00,04/02 14:53,MC,PR,,A,, 20200401,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3693,210,3475,8,,,,,,,,4,,,04/01 14:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3111,172,2931,8,,,,,,,,3,,,03/31 14:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2734,145,2584,5,,,,,,,,2,,,03/30 14:30,,,,,A,, 20200329,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2345,108,1968,4,,,,,,,,2,,,03/28 20:05,,,,,A,, 20200328,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2006,96,1904,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/28 14:40,,,,,A,, 20200327,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1903,85,1761,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/27 14:30,,,,,A,, 20200326,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73,1584,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/26 14:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61,1304,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52,975,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,356,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48,356,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200321,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38,356,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200320,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32,240,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27,240,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/18 14:00,,,,,,, 20200318,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24,206,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21,206,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18,170,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:32,,,,,,, 20200315,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,80,33,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,80,33,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13,80,33,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,80,33,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,47,16,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,47,16,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,36,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,17,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,17,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,17,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,17,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,NH,,,,,,,29752,,,30373,,,,328095,,,7275,,210916,7275,203641,,6,714,,220,,,6615,432,,,08/31 9:00,08/31 16:58,PK,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (8/29 KVP) The cumulative ICU number has not updated since 8/24 with 8/23's numbers. Made not for outreach bot to assist. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/31 17:26, 20200830,NH,,,,,,,29702,,,30318,,,,325575,,,7254,,209295,7254,202041,,6,714,,220,,,6600,432,,,08/30 9:00,08/30 17:08,ESK,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (8/29 KVP) The cumulative ICU number has not updated since 8/24 with 8/23's numbers. Made not for outreach bot to assist. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/30 17:56, 20200829,NH,,,,,,,29641,,,30253,,,,321864,,,7246,,207340,7246,200094,,7,714,,220,,,6571,432,,,08/29 9:00,08/29 16:36,KVP,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (8/29 KVP) The cumulative ICU number has not updated since 8/24 with 8/23's numbers. Made not for outreach bot to assist. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/29 17:49, 20200828,NH,,,,,,,29578,,,30184,,,,319071,,,7216,,206157,7216,198941,,8,713,,220,,,6554,432,,,08/28 9:00,08/28 16:42,LDH,PK,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/28 17:43, 20200827,NH,,,,,,,29478,,,30081,,,,315112,,,7194,,204017,7194,196823,,9,713,,220,,,6542,431,,,08/27 9:00,08/27 17:27,KSB,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/27 18:55, 20200826,NH,,,,,,,29414,,,30010,,,,310869,,,7159,,201835,7159,194676,,8,713,,220,,,6510,430,,,08/26 9:00,08/26 18:20,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/26 18:37, 20200825,NH,,,,,,,29322,,,29911,,,,307293,,,7150,,199871,7150,192721,,8,713,,220,,,6484,429,,,08/25 9:00,08/25 17:30,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/25 18:03, 20200824,NH,,,,,,,29258,,,29844,,,,304499,,,7134,,198229,7134,191095,,11,712,,220,,,6450,429,,,08/24 9:00,08/24 16:56,KAT,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/24 17:21, 20200823,NH,,,,,,,29236,,,29819,,,,301316,,,7107,,196064,7107,188957,,12,711,,220,,,6428,429,,,08/23 9:00,08/23 17:05,KVP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/23 17:24, 20200822,NH,,,,,,,29166,,,29743,,,,298850,,,7092,,194675,7092,187583,,14,710,,220,,,6405,429,,,08/22 9:00,08/22 17:01,RRI,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/22 17:10, 20200821,NH,,,,,,,28924,,,29490,,,,290010,,,7050,,189682,7050,182632,,11,710,,220,,,6367,428,,,08/20 9:00,08/21 17:21,HMH,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/21 17:26, 20200820,NH,,,,,,,29490,,,29490,,,,290010,,,7050,,189682,7050,182632,,11,710,,220,,,6367,428,,,08/20 9:00,08/20 17:34,JB,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/20 18:13, 20200819,NH,,,,,,,28837,,,"29,398",,,,"287,074",,,7036,,188009,7036,180973,,12,712,,220,,,6347,427,,,08/19 9:00,08/19 16:38,JAG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/19 17:55, 20200818,NH,,,,,,,28782,,,"29,339",,,,"284,757",,,7017,,186907,7017,179890,,12,712,,220,,,6333,424,,,08/18 9:00,08/18 16:42,JB,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/18 17:32, 20200817,NH,,,,,,,28699,,,"29,241",,,,"283,133",,,7004,,185971,7004,178967,,15,709,,218,,,6302,423,,,08/17 9:00,08/17 17:01,SPA,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/17 17:55, 20200816,NH,,,,,,,28671,,,"29,225",,,,"281,010",,,6988,,184929,6988,177941,,13,708,,218,,,6287,423,,,08/16 9:00,08/16 17:20,HMH,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/16 17:31, 20200815,NH,,,,,,,28528,,,"29,130",,,,"278,912",,,6980,,183377,6980,176397,,15,706,,218,,,6264,423,,,08/15 9:00,08/15 16:20,PK,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/15 17:34, 20200814,NH,,,,,,,28351,,,"29,016",,,,"275,503",,,6921,,181616,6921,174695,,15,705,,214,,,6190,422,,,08/13 9:00,08/14 17:27,GET,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/14 17:41, 20200813,NH,,,,,,,28351,,,"28,887",,,,"272,051",,,6921,,181616,6921,174695,,15,705,,214,,,6190,422,,,08/13 9:00,08/13 17:33,XMH,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,NH,,,,,,,28195,,,"28,710",,,,"267,620",,,6887,,180451,6887,173564,,18,705,,213,,,6162,420,,,08/12 9:00,08/12 17:31,JNG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,NH,,,,,,,28105,,,"28,620",,,,"265,028",,,6861,,175399,6861,168538,,21,705,,211,,,6126,419,,,08/11 9:00,08/11 17:41,HMH,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,NH,,,,,,,28046,,,"28,541",,,,"262,950",,,6840,,174278,6840,167438,,20,704,,210,,,6095,419,,,08/10 9:00,08/10 17:50,DPT,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,NH,,,,,,,27975,,,"28,483",,,,"260,008",,,6831,,172585,6831,165754,,23,701,,210,,,6063,419,,,08/09 9:00,08/09 17:06,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,NH,,,,,,,27857,,,"28,372",,,,"257,597",,,6818,,171251,6818,164433,,24,700,,209,,,6049,419,,,08/08 9:00,08/08 17:22,SB,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,NH,,,,,,,27611,,,"28,241",,,,"254,522",,,6742,,168465,6742,161723,,21,699,,209,,,5941,419,,,08/06 9:00,8/07 16:31,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,NH,,,,,,,27506,,,"28,108",,,,"251,509",,,6719,,167407,6719,160688,,20,698,,209,,,5923,418,,,08/05 9:00,8/06 16:41,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,NH,,,,,,,27364,,,"27,977",,,,"249,006",,,6693,,165976,6693,159283,,23,698,,209,,,5915,418,,,08/04 9:00,8/05 16:50,SLC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,NH,,,,,,,27314,,,"27,830",,,,"246,591",,,6660,,164836,6660,158176,,23,697,,209,,,5848,417,,,08/03 9:00,8/04 17:24,CRG,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/4 17:46, 20200803,NH,,,,,,,27251,,,"27,753",,,,"243,785",,,6634,,162622,6634,155988,,24,696,,209,,,5820,417,,,08/02 9:00,8/03 17:25,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,NH,,,,,,,27088,,,"27,694",,,,"240,675",,,6613,,160962,6613,154349,,22,695,,208,,,5794,416,,,08/01 9:00,8/02 18:10,CRG,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,NH,,,,,,,27088,,,"27,535",,,,"237,035",,,6613,,160962,6613,154349,,22,695,,208,,,5794,416,,,08/01 9:00,8/01 17:09,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,NH,,,,,,,26810,,,"27,391",,,,"234,028",,,6544,,158309,6544,151765,,21,692,,207,,,5722,415,,,07/30 9:00,07/31 17:07,AMW,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200730,NH,,,,,,,26674,,,"27,245",,,,"231,494",,,6513,,157397,6513,150884,,22,690,,205,,,5710,411,,,07/29 9:00,07/30 17:09,CRG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200729,NH,,,,,,,26524,,,"27,084",,,,"228,352",,,6500,,156083,6500,149583,,21,690,,202,,,5688,409,,,07/28 9:00,07/29 17:21,RS,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200728,NH,,,,,,,26524,,,"26,925",,,,"225,655",,,6500,,156083,6500,149583,,21,690,,202,,,5688,409,,,07/28 9:00,07/29 17:21,RS,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200727,NH,,,,,,,26428,,,"26,858",,,,"222,691",,,6436,,153609,6436,147173,,20,688,,200,,,5438,409,,,07/26 9:00,07/27 17:08,SLC,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200726,NH,,,,,,,26428,,,"26,818",,,,"220,316",,,6436,,153609,6436,147173,,20,688,,200,,,5438,409,,,07/26 9:00,07/27 17:08,SLC,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200725,NH,,,,,,,26256,,,"26,657",,,,"218,182",,,6415,,152290,6415,145875,,27,686,,200,,,5438,409,,,07/25 9:00,07/25 17:25,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200724,NH,,,,,,,25979,,,"26,523",,,,"215,135",,,6318,,149792,6318,143474,,26,681,,198,,,5345,405,,,07/23 9:00,07/24 16:49,SLC,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200723,NH,,,,,,,25796,,,"26,345",,,,"210,911",,,6295,,146879,6295,140584,,24,680,,198,,,5341,402,,,07/22 9:00,07/23 15:55,SLC,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200722,NH,,,,,,,25611,,,"26,173",,,,"207,241",,,6262,,145538,6262,139276,,23,677,,196,,,5316,400,,,07/21 9:00,07/22 16:39,SLC,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200721,NH,,,,,,,25499,,,"25,992",,,,"205,035",,,6249,,144822,6249,138573,,20,673,,193,,,5286,398,,,07/20 9:00,07/21 15:57,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200720,NH,,,,,,,25466,,,"25,837",,,,"203,205",,,6203,,143378,6203,137175,,17,673,,193,,,5251,398,,,07/19 9:00,07/20 15:53,SLC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200719,NH,,,,,,,25466,,,"25,815",,,,"200,204",,,6203,,143378,6203,137175,,17,673,,193,,,5251,398,,,07/19 9:00,07/20 15:53,SLC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200718,NH,,,,,,,25093,,,"25,659",,,,"197,057",,,6165,,141786,6165,135621,,24,670,,192,,,5188,395,,,07/17 9:00,07/18 15:51,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200717,NH,,,,,,,25093,,,"25,450",,,,"194,852",,,6165,,141786,6165,135621,,24,670,,192,,,5188,395,,,07/17 9:00,07/18 15:51,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200716,NH,,,,,,,21942,,,"25,244",,,,"191,354",,,6113,,138272,6113,132159,,24,668,,192,,,5125,394,,,07/15 9:00,07/16 15:53,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200715,NH,,,,,,,21766,,,"25,073",,,,"188,096",,,6091,,137109,6091,131018,,23,665,,191,,,5101,392,,,07/14 9:00,07/15 15:45,DZL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200714,NH,,,,,,,21638,,,"24,831",,,,"185,226",,,6068,,136028,6068,129960,,24,589,,191,,,5056,391,,,07/13 9:00,07/14 15:42,SLC,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200713,NH,,,,,,,21562,,,"24,673",,,,"183,598",,,6054,,134866,6054,128812,,22,589,,191,,,5027,391,,,07/12 9:00,07/13 15:24,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200712,NH,,,,,,,21388,,,"24,597",,,,"181,329",,,6024,,133389,6024,127365,,22,589,,191,,,5013,391,,,07/11 9:00,07/12 16:40,MD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200711,NH,,,,,,,21186,,,"24,425",,,,"177,819",,,5991,,132302,5991,126311,,20,585,,190,,,4897,390,,,07/10 9:00,07/11 16:07,KAT,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200710,NH,,,,,,,20931,,,"24,192",,,,"175,092",,,5973,,131051,5973,125078,,24,581,,189,,,4831,387,,,07/09 9:00,07/10 15:43,SPA,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200709,NH,,,,,,,20717,,,"23,900",,,,"172,485",,,5952,,129628,5952,123676,,22,578,,164,,,4817,386,,,07/08 9:00,07/09 15:43,SLC,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200708,NH,,,,,,,20509,,,"23,657",,,,"170,463",,,5932,,128511,5932,122579,,24,577,,164,,,4758,384,,,07/07 9:00,07/08 16:56,GET,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200707,NH,,,,,,,20455,,,"23,431",,,,"168,570",,,5914,,127880,5914,121966,,25,574,,163,,,4706,382,,,07/06 9:00,07/07 15:25,DZL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200706,NH,,,,,,,20395,,,"23,280",,,,"166,872",,,5897,,125235,5897,119338,,25,570,,163,,,4684,381,,,07/05 9:00,07/06 15:19,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200705,NH,,,,,,,20057,,,"23,261",,,,"164,672",,,5857,,123749,5857,117892,,25,569,,163,,,4597,376,,,07/03 9:00,07/05 15:27,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200704,NH,,,,,,,20057,,,"23,085",,,,"161,306",,,5857,,123749,5857,117892,,25,569,,163,,,4597,376,,,07/03 9:00,07/05 15:27,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from",B,, 20200703,NH,,,,,,,19808,,,"22,894",,,,"158,920",,,5822,,122187,5822,116365,,31,567,,162,,,4508,375,,,07/02 9:00,07/03 15:39,SMS,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200702,NH,,,,,,,19483,,,"22,605",,,,"156,642",,,5802,,120307,5802,114505,,32,565,,162,,,4491,373,,,07/01 9:00,07/02 15:45,ENT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200701,NH,,,,,,,19264,,,"22,264",,,,"152,928",,,5782,,119169,5782,113387,,37,565,,162,,,4463,371,,,06/30 9:00,07/01 16:12,KVP,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200630,NH,,,,,,,19051,,,"21,950",,,,"151,394",,,5760,,118298,5760,112538,,34,565,,162,,,4435,367,,,06/29 9:00,06/30 15:56,ASL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200629,NH,,,,,,,19051,,,"21,684",,,,"149,399",,,5760,,118298,5760,112538,,34,565,,162,,,4435,367,,,06/29 9:00,06/30 15:56,ASL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200628,NH,,,,,,,18713,,,"21,628",,,,"147,282",,,5717,,116109,5717,110392,,35,562,,162,,,4401,367,,,06/27 9:00,06/28 15:47,ETS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200627,NH,,,,,,,18518,,,"21,336",,,,"144,924",,,5671,,114768,5671,109097,,32,561,,161,,,4381,365,,,06/26 9:00,06/27 15:35,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200626,NH,,,,,,,18518,,,"21,049",,,,"141,945",,,5671,,114768,5671,109097,,32,561,,161,,,4381,365,,,06/26 9:00,06/27 15:35,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NH lumps probable and confirmed deaths (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200625,NH,,,,,,,18082,,,"20,785",,,,"139,436",,,5598,,111566,5598,105968,,49,558,,160,,,4358,347,,,06/24 9:00,06/25 15:29,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200624,NH,,,,,,,17902,,,"20,541",,,,"136,661",,,5571,,110053,5571,104482,,51,558,,160,,,4316,343,,,06/23 9:00,06/24 16:07,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200623,NH,,,,,,,17822,,,"20,228",,,,"133,499",,,5558,,108158,5558,103318,,54,558,,160,,,4290,339,,,06/22 9:00,06/23 16:03,AW,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200622,NH,,,,,,,17588,,,"20,112",,,,"132,120",,,5544,,108862,5544,103318,,55,553,,159,,,4275,339,,,06/21 9:00,06/22 15:24,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200621,NH,,,,,,,17402,,,"20,002",,,,"130,833",,,5518,,105885,5518,100367,,55,551,,159,,,4244,339,,,06/20 9:00,06/21 15:18,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200620,NH,,,,,,,17126,,,"19,749",,,,"128,632",,,5486,,105567,5486,100081,,61,549,,159,,,4209,337,,,06/18 9:00,06/20 15:21,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200619,NH,,,,,,,16848,,,"19,442",,,,"125,637",,,5450,,103725,5450,98275,,56,533,,158,,,4140,331,,,06/18 9:00,06/20 15:21,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200618,NH,,,,,,,16599,,,"19,109",,,,"123,112",,,5436,,101984,5436,96548,,56,531,,156,,,4104,330,,,06/17 9:00,06/18 15:43,ETS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200617,NH,,,,,,,16285,,,"18,787",,,,"120,476",,,5364,,100086,5364,94722,,62,521,,155,,,4067,326,,,06/16 9:00,06/17 15:39,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200616,NH,,,,,,,16080,,,"18,427",,,,"118,534",,,5345,,98873,5345,93528,,69,519,,154,,,4041,320,,,06/15 9:00,06/16 16:40,KWS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200615,NH,,,,,,,16080,,,"18,167",,,,"116,817",,,5345,,98873,5345,93528,,69,519,,154,,,4041,320,,,06/15 9:00,06/16 16:40,KWS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200614,NH,,,,,,,15631,,,"18,071",,,,"114,722",,,5299,,96421,5299,91122,,70,513,,152,,,3905,318,,,06/13 9:00,06/14 15:37,SAL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (SB 6/14) Discrepancy between main page current hospitalization number (71) and dashboard number (70). Using dashboard number. (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200613,NH,,,,,,,15236,,,"17,720",,,,"112,141",,,5251,,93956,5251,88705,,76,503,,149,,,3843,315,,,06/12 9:00,06/13 16:33,KWS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests (6/13 KWS) hospitalizations corrected down from 504 to 503 as one previously-reported hosp. was not a NH resident 6/4 RSG) Dashboard and state website have differing current hospitalization #s. Reported dashboard value. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200612,NH,,,,,,,14884,,,"17,282",,,,"109,502",,,5209,,91917,5209,86708,,73,504,,149,,,3665,308,,,06/11 9:00,06/12 15:00,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests 6/4 RSG) Dashboard and state website have differing current hospitalization #s. Reported dashboard value. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",A,, 20200611,NH,,,,,,,14532,,,"16,876",,,,"106,470",,,5178,,89907,5178,84729,,81,500,,147,,,3585,301,,,06/10 9:00,06/11 15:42,ETW,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests 6/4 RSG) Dashboard and state website have differing current hospitalization #s. Reported dashboard value. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200610,NH,,,,,,,14232,,,"16,498",,,,"103,235",,,5132,,88647,5132,83515,,80,496,,146,,,3501,294,,,06/09 9:00,06/10 16:05,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Do not use ""pending""; this value likely refers to antibody tests 6/4 RSG) Dashboard and state website have differing current hospitalization #s. Reported dashboard value. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200609,NH,,,,,,,13920,,,"16,100",,,,"101,466",,,5079,,87123,5079,82044,,78,492,,145,,,3392,286,,,06/08 9:00,06/09 15:00,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so do not use it. 6/4 RSG) Dashboard and state website have differing current hospitalization #s. Reported dashboard value. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200608,NH,,,,,,,13920,,,"15,836",,,,"99,518",,,5043,,85552,5043,80509,,86,489,,145,,,3392,286,,,06/07 9:00,06/08 14:55,AS,RS,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so do not use it. 6/4 RSG) Dashboard and state website have differing current hospitalization #s. Reported dashboard value. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200607,NH,,,,,,,13604,,,"15,746",,,,"97,175",,,5019,,84009,5019,78990,,84,487,,145,,,3319,283,,,06/06 9:00,06/07 17:43,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so do not use it. 6/4 RSG) Dashboard and state website have differing current hospitalization #s. Reported dashboard value. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200606,NH,,,,,,,13604,,,"15,407",,,,"95,044",,,5019,,84009,5019,78990,,84,487,,145,,,3319,283,,,06/06 9:00,06/07 17:43,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so do not use it. 6/4 RSG) Dashboard and state website have differing current hospitalization #s. Reported dashboard value. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200605,NH,,,,,,,12944,,,"15,040",,,,"92,308",,,4876,,79765,4876,74889,,86,472,,145,,,3187,273,,,06/04 9:00,06/05 15:41,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so do not use it. 6/4 RSG) Dashboard and state website have differing current hospitalization #s. Reported dashboard value. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200604,NH,,,,,,,12614,,,"14,649",,,,"89,448",,,4795,,75965,4795,71170,1643,88,468,,144,,,3157,265,,,06/03 9:00,06/04 16:31,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so don't currently use it. 6/4 RSG) Dashboard and state website have differing current hospitalization #s. Reported dashboard value. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200603,NH,,,,,,,12249,,,"14,266",,,,"85,514",,,4749,,75739,4749,70990,1726,97,462,,142,,,3071,256,,,06/02 9:00,06/03 16:41,BSL,PR,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so don't currently use it. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200602,NH,,,,,,,12046,,,"13,827",,,,"82,744",,,4685,,74344,4685,69659,2183,98,456,,142,,,2954,245,,,06/01 9:00,06/02 14:10,JA,RS,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so don't currently use it. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU (5/25-5/30 aft) still no weekly PDF summary, ICU number is from 5/18 (5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200601,NH,,,,,,,11838,,,"13,590",,,,"81,238",,,4651,,72456,4651,67805,1661,96,451,,141,,,2948,245,,,05/31 9:00,06/01 14:48,AFG,RS,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so don't currently use it. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU (5/25-5/30 aft) still no weekly PDF summary, ICU number is from 5/18 (5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200531,NH,,,,,,,11468,,,"13,401",,,,"79,859",,,4545,,70280,4545,65735,1208,107,449,,140,,,2940,242,,,05/30 9:00,05/31 15:25,JAC,BL,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so don't currently use it. (5/31 JAC) They now have a pdf linked under ""COVID-19 Summary Dashboard"" which includes ICU (5/25-5/30 aft) still no weekly PDF summary, ICU number is from 5/18 (5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200530,NH,,,,,,,11169,,,"12,987",,,,"77,127",,,4492,,68960,4492,64468,960,105,440,,120,,,2802,238,,,05/29 9:00,05/30 16:28,EPK,CML,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so don't currently use it. (5/30 aft EPK) still no weekly PDF summary, ICU number is from 5/18 (5/28 aft GMJ) no weekly PDF summary - last is 5/18 (5/26 aft DPT) retired pending number. Still no weekly PDF summary. (5/25 aft EPK) no new weekly summary PDF today — Memorial Day (5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200529,NH,,,,,,,10553,,,"12,607",,,,"74,980",,,4386,,66862,4386,62476,891,110,438,,120,,,2730,232,,,05/28 9:00,05/29 15:46,JA,QN,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so don't currently use it. (5/28 aft GMJ) no weekly PDF summary - last is 5/18 (5/26 aft DPT) retired pending number. Still no weekly PDF summary. (5/25 aft EPK) no new weekly summary PDF today — Memorial Day (5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200528,NH,,,,,,,10262,,,"12,235",,,,"72,316",,,4286,,65596,4286,61310,,105,426,,120,,,2691,223,,,05/27 9:00,05/28 15:44,GMJ,JAC,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so don't currently use it. (5/28 aft GMJ) no weekly PDF summary - last is 5/18 (5/26 aft DPT) retired pending number. Still no weekly PDF summary. (5/25 aft EPK) no new weekly summary PDF today — Memorial Day (5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200527,NH,,,,,,,10031,,,"11,776",,,,"70,514",,,4231,,64232,4231,60001,1370,91,421,,120,,,2550,214,,,05/26 9:00,05/27 15:30,JA,JAC,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so don't currently use it. (5/26 aft DPT) retired pending number. Still no weekly PDF summary. (5/25 aft EPK) no new weekly summary PDF today — Memorial Day (5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from ",B,, 20200526,NH,,,,,,,9790,,,"11,507",,,,"68,081",,,4197,,63039,4197,58842,,91,420,,120,,,2434,210,,,05/25 9:00,05/26 14:10,JA,DPT,"PROCESS: It seems likely the ""pending"" number includes antibody tests, so don't currently use it. (5/26 aft DPT) retired pending number. Still no weekly PDF summary. (5/25 aft EPK) no new weekly summary PDF today — Memorial Day (5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200525,NH,,,,,,,9541,,,"11,259",,,,"65,977",,,4149,,61386,4149,57237,1714,92,419,,120,,,2204,209,,,05/24 9:00,05/25 15:57,EPK,RS,"(5/25 aft EPK) no new weekly summary PDF today — Memorial Day (5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200524,NH,,,,,,,9062,,,"10,972",,,,"64,577",,,4089,,59539,4089,55450,1844,93,419,,120,,,2197,208,,,05/23 9:00,05/24 15:42,ALF,AFG,"(5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200523,NH,,,,,,,9062,,,"10,491",,,,"62,612",,,4089,,59539,4089,55450,1844,93,419,,120,,,2197,208,,,05/23 9:00,05/24 15:42,ALF,AFG,"(5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200522,NH,,,,,,,7835,,,"9,988",,,,"60,573",,,3935,,55100,3935,51165,1526,97,393,,120,,,1767,199,,,05/21 9:00,05/22 15:17,GMJ,ALF,"(5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200521,NH,,,,,,,7254,,,"9,403",,,,"58,218",,,3868,,52830,3868,48962,1434,103,385,,109,,,1388,190,,,05/20 9:00,05/21 14:56,DB,RS,"(5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200520,NH,,,,,,,6617,,,"8,744",,,,"55,687",,,3721,,50888,3721,47167,861,105,383,,109,,,1275,182,,,05/19 9:00,05/20 14:14,GGR,BL,"(5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200519,NH,,,,,,,6445,,,"8,090",,,,"52,260",,,3652,,49474,3652,45822,874,109,368,,109,,,1269,172,,,05/18 9:00,05/19 14:53,RSB,RS,"(5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200518,NH,,,,,,,5839,,,"7,663",,,,"50,987",,,3596,,44878,3596,41282,1481,114,359,,109,,,1268,172,,,05/18 9:00,05/19 14:53,RSB,RS,"(5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200517,NH,,,,,,,4435,,,"7,349",,,,"48,386",,,3556,,44752,3556,41196,1216,115,347,,109,,,1258,171,,,05/16 9:00,05/17 16:12,JAC,REB,"(5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200516,NH,,,,,,,3913,,,"6,593",,,,"46,553",,,3464,,42676,3464,39212,1401,110,335,,109,,,1254,159,,,05/15 9:00,05/16 16:27,JAC,QN,"(5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200515,NH,,,,,,,,,,"5,870",,,,"44,206",,,3158,,42306,3464,39148,543,115,335,,109,,,1247,159,,,05/14 9:00,05/15 17:23,AW,KP,"(5/15 aft AW) positives, cum hos, and deaths from presser (5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4 (5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200514,NH,,,,,,,,,,"5,168",,,,"42,287",,,2588,,35840,3299,35876,735,126,326,,97,,,1236,150,,,05/13 9:00,05/14 14:37,AFG,BL,"(5/14 aft AFG) weekly update pdf is past due - last one from 5/4(5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting I am using the n= from the weekly report (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200513,NH,,,,,,,,,,"4,459",,,,"39,618",,,1863,,,3239,33977,51,121,319,,97,,,1234,142,,,05/12 9:00,,,,"(5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200512,NH,,,,,,,,,,"3,788",,,,"38,026",,,,,,3160,32401,54,117,318,,97,,,1231,133,,,05/11 9:00,05/12 15:22,ATS,RS,"(5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200511,NH,,,,,,,,,,"3,059",,,,"37,116",,,,,,3160,31723,261,113,318,,97,,,1229,133,,,05/10 9:00,05/11 16:03,AW,RS,"(5/11 aft AW) pos and cum hos # from reporting (5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200510,NH,,,,,,,,,,"2,930",,,,"35,846",,,,,,3011,30442,512,107,313,,97,,,1228,131,,,05/09 9:00,05/10 16:09,DPT,REB,"(5/10 aft DPT) cleared ""confirmed"" cases (column AC), since footnote indicates that probables are included (5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200509,NH,,,,,,,,,,"2,619",,,,"34,174",,,2947,,,2947,29351,304,112,309,,97,,,1210,121,,,05/08 9:00,05/09 14:50,REB,RS,"(5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200508,NH,,,,,,,,,,"2,326",,,,"32,660",,,2843,,,2843,27829,532,113,308,,97,,,1165,114,,,05/07 9:00,05/08 16:26,EB,MM,"(5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200507,NH,,,,,,,,,,"2,048",,,,"31,540",,,2740,,,2740,26066,345,113,307,,82,,,1110,111,,,05/06 9:00,05/07 15:22,JAC,PR,"(5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200506,NH,,,,,,,,,,"1,775",,,,"30,120",,,2636,,,2636,25097,79,115,295,,82,,,1105,92,,,05/05 9:00,05/06 14:08,DPT,RS,"(5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",B,, 20200505,NH,,,,,,,,,,"1,509",,,,"28,788",,,2588,,,2588,24282,79,111,286,,82,,,1019,86,,,05/04 9:00,05/05 15:46,BL,REB,"(5/5 aft BL) Cumulative ICU figure from (5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",C,, 20200504,NH,,,,,,,,,,"1,351",,,,"27,910",,,2588,,,2588,24282,244,103,286,,,,,1017,86,,,05/03 9:00,05/04 16:38,RS,ESK,"(5/4 aft RS) Updates from Reporting. They indicated the state revised down total tests due to an error over the weekend: (5/4 mor KWS) Recovered numbers have changed from 1107 to 1017, asked #reporting to check if this is a typo",C,, 20200503,NH,,,,,,,,,,"1,306",,,,"27,484",,,2429,,,2429,25964,220,103,277,,,,,1107,84,,,05/02 9:00,05/03 15:19,JAC,DPT,"(5/1 mor ALF) Yesterday's afternoon shift put the positives back in the lab-confirmed column and I agree it should be there. I did the same with Deaths: put them in Confirmed as well as Confirmed & Probable. NH is not reporting probable / suspected / diagnosed cases anywhere so I think it's safe to conclude they are using only lab-confirmed data. (4/30 mor MM) I removed the positives from the lab confirmed column because it says ""Includes specimens presumptive-positive at any laboratory and those confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing."" I removed the deaths because they say ""deahts attributed to Covid 19"" and I am not sure if that means lab confirmed. (4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.",C,, 20200502,NH,,,,,,,,,,"1,047",,,,"26,262",,,2310,,,2310,22039,159,103,270,,,,,980,81,,,05/01 9:00,,,,"(5/1 mor ALF) Yesterday's afternoon shift put the positives back in the lab-confirmed column and I agree it should be there. I did the same with Deaths: put them in Confirmed as well as Confirmed & Probable. NH is not reporting probable / suspected / diagnosed cases anywhere so I think it's safe to conclude they are using only lab-confirmed data. (4/30 mor MM) I removed the positives from the lab confirmed column because it says ""Includes specimens presumptive-positive at any laboratory and those confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing."" I removed the deaths because they say ""deahts attributed to Covid 19"" and I am not sure if that means lab confirmed. (4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.",C,, 20200501,NH,,,,,,,,,,816,,,,"25,142",,,2146,,,2146,19903,302,112,262,,,,,980,72,,,04/30 9:00,05/01 16:42,KP,MM,"(5/1 mor ALF) Yesterday's afternoon shift put the positives back in the lab-confirmed column and I agree it should be there. I did the same with Deaths: put them in Confirmed as well as Confirmed & Probable. NH is not reporting probable / suspected / diagnosed cases anywhere so I think it's safe to conclude they are using only lab-confirmed data. (4/30 mor MM) I removed the positives from the lab confirmed column because it says ""Includes specimens presumptive-positive at any laboratory and those confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing."" I removed the deaths because they say ""deahts attributed to Covid 19"" and I am not sure if that means lab confirmed. (4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.",C,, 20200430,NH,,,,,,,,,,589,,,,"23,863",,,2054,,,2054,19867,272,107,259,,,,,980,66,,,04/29 9:00,04/30 16:09,ESK,RS,"(4/30 mor MM) I removed the positives from the lab confirmed column because it says ""Includes specimens presumptive-positive at any laboratory and those confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing."" I removed the deaths because they say ""deahts attributed to Covid 19"" and I am not sure if that means lab confirmed. (4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.",C,, 20200429,NH,,,,,,,,,,407,,,,"22,258",,,2010,,,2010,18736,81,106,249,,,,,936,60,,,04/28 9:00,04/29 16:36,EB,REB,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,C,, 20200428,NH,,,,,,,,,,296,,,,"21,676",,,,,,1938,18207,223,99,246,,,,,798,60,,,04/27 9:00,04/28 15:50,EB,QN,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,C,, 20200427,NH,,,,,,,,,,234,,,,"21,029",,,,,,1864,17860,270,101,242,,,,,779,60,,,04/26 9:00,04/27 14:50,REB,RS,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,C,, 20200426,NH,,,,,,,,,,161,,,,"20,398",,,,,,1787,16964,550,95,238,,,,,777,60,,,04/25 9:00,04/26 15:20,SPA,RS,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,C,, 20200425,NH,,,,,,,,,,71,,,,"19,568",,,,,,1720,16007,398,89,224,,,,,578,53,,,04/24 9:00,04/25 14:33,QN,RS,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,C,, 20200424,NH,,,,,,,,,,42,,,,"18,259",,,,,,1670,15139,424,92,218,,,,,551,51,,,04/23 9:00,04/24 22:21,SPA,SJ,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,B,, 20200423,NH,,,,,,,,,,16,,,,"17,667",,,,,,1588,14424,265,91,213,,,,,550,48,,,04/23 9:00,04/24 22:21,SPA,SJ,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,B,, 20200422,NH,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,"16,882",,,,,,1491,13550,225,94,206,,,,,546,42,,,04/22 9:00,04/23 16:15,REB,QN,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,B,, 20200421,NH,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,"15,948",,,,,,1491,12848,244,78,206,,,,,521,42,,,04/21 9:00,04/22 16:18,RS,REB,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,B,, 20200420,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"15,354",,,,,,1392,12726,298,79,198,,,,,521,41,,,04/19 9:00,04/20 14:48,REB,RS,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,B,, 20200419,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"14,701",,,,,,1342,12082,316,85,192,,,,,513,38,,,04/19 9:00,04/20 14:48,REB,RS,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,B,, 20200418,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"14,100",,,,,,1287,11565,174,86,190,,,,,468,37,,,04/17 9:00,,,,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,B,, 20200417,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"13,535",,,,,,1287,11421,174,74,190,,,,,455,37,,,04/17 9:00,,,,(4/17 aft SPA) #reporting had a source with a number of negatives lower than what was entered earlier.,B,, 20200416,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"13,125",,,,,,1139,11027,121,70,178,,,,,365,32,,,04/15 9:00,04/16 23:43,QN,PR,,B,, 20200415,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"12,654",,,,,,1139,11027,121,70,178,,,,,365,32,,,04/15 9:00,04/16 23:43,QN,PR,,B,, 20200414,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"12,323",,,,,,1020,10590,25,72,152,,,,,249,23,,,04/14 9:00,,,,"(4/8 eve RV) State page now updated, revising the Local Time back to the time listed on the state page (4/8 RS Aft) Positives from press release: (4/7 PR) Commercial -ves not reported by state",B,, 20200413,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"12,098",,,,,,985,10222,125,,152,,,,,239,23,,,04/13 9:00,04/14 16:03,RS,AW,"(4/8 eve RV) State page now updated, revising the Local Time back to the time listed on the state page (4/8 RS Aft) Positives from press release: (4/7 PR) Commercial -ves not reported by state",B,, 20200412,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"11,713",,,,,,929,9996,119,,146,,,,,236,23,,,04/11 9:00,04/12 16:25,RS,ESK,"(4/8 eve RV) State page now updated, revising the Local Time back to the time listed on the state page (4/8 RS Aft) Positives from press release: (4/7 PR) Commercial -ves not reported by state",B,, 20200411,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"11,338",,,,,,885,9608,93,,134,,,,,234,22,,,04/09 9:00,04/11 15:33,RS,QN,"(4/8 eve RV) State page now updated, revising the Local Time back to the time listed on the state page (4/8 RS Aft) Positives from press release: (4/7 PR) Commercial -ves not reported by state",B,, 20200410,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"10,789",,,,,,819,9139,155,,124,,,,,234,21,,,04/09 9:00,04/11 15:33,RS,QN,"(4/8 eve RV) State page now updated, revising the Local Time back to the time listed on the state page (4/8 RS Aft) Positives from press release: (4/7 PR) Commercial -ves not reported by state",B,, 20200409,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"10,335",,,,,,788,8763,143,,118,,,,,227,18,,,04/08 9:00,04/09 15:39,MEB,MC,"(4/8 eve RV) State page now updated, revising the Local Time back to the time listed on the state page (4/8 RS Aft) Positives from press release: (4/7 PR) Commercial -ves not reported by state",B,, 20200408,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9,888",,,,,,788,8389,89,,118,,,,,211,18,,,04/08 15:11,04/08 15:57,RS,MC,"(4/8 RS Aft) Positives from press release: (4/7 PR) Commercial -ves not reported by state",B,, 20200407,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9,457",,,,,,715,8019,49,,103,,,,,151,9,,,04/06 9:00,04/07 14:20,JJ,RS,,B,, 20200406,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"9,097",,,,,,669,7701,101,,92,,,,,147,9,,,04/05 9:00,04/06 16:11,MC,ESK,"(4/2 afternoon MC) Cumulative hospitalization count is not explicitly mentioned on state dashboard, but Slack channel thread stated we are using 59 as cumulative hospitalizations",B,, 20200405,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"8,761",,,,,,621,7411,93,,86,,,,,146,9,,,04/04 9:00,04/05 16:47,PJR,KP,"(4/2 DG) Did not update ""currently hospitalized"" (I don't see a source for this), only updated total hospitalized. (4/2 afternoon MC) Cumulative hospitalization count is not explicitly mentioned on state dashboard, but Slack channel thread stated we are using 59 as cumulative hospitalizations",B,, 20200404,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"8,282",,,,,,540,6965,94,,80,,,,,144,7,,,04/03 9:00,04/04 16:25,JJ,PR,"(4/2 DG) Did not update ""currently hospitalized"" (I don't see a source for this), only updated total hospitalized. (4/2 afternoon MC) Cumulative hospitalization count is not explicitly mentioned on state dashboard, but Slack channel thread stated we are using 59 as cumulative hospitalizations",B,, 20200403,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"7,746",,,,,,479,6575,114,,73,,,,,101,5,,,04/02 9:00,04/03 16:14,JJ,ESK,"(4/2 DG) Did not update ""currently hospitalized"" (I don't see a source for this), only updated total hospitalized. (4/2 afternoon MC) Cumulative hospitalization count is not explicitly mentioned on state dashboard, but Slack channel thread stated we are using 59 as cumulative hospitalizations",B,, 20200402,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"7,266",,,,,,415,6078,126,,58,,,,,91,4,,,04/01 9:00,04/02 15:52,MC,PR,"(4/2 afternoon MC) Cumulative hospitalization count is not explicitly mentioned on state dashboard, but Slack channel thread stated we are using 59 as cumulative hospitalizations",B,, 20200401,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"6,689",,,,,,415,5985,97,,56,,,,,56,4,,,04/01 9:00,04/02 15:52,MC,PR,"(4/2 afternoon MC) Cumulative hospitalization count is not explicitly mentioned on state dashboard, but Slack channel thread stated we are using 59 as cumulative hospitalizations",B,, 20200331,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"6,240",,,,,,314,5413,65,,45,,,,,,3,,,03/30 9:00,,,,,B,, 20200330,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"5,990",,,,,,314,5386,144,,45,,,,,,3,,,03/29 9:00,,,,,B,, 20200329,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"5,477",,,,,,214,4524,285,,33,,,,,,2,,,03/28 9:00,,,,,B,, 20200328,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"5,000",,,,,,187,3656,296,,30,,,,,,2,,,03/27 9:00,,,,,B,, 20200327,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"4,338",,,,,,158,3395,592,,25,,,,,,1,,,03/26 9:00,,,,,B,, 20200326,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"3,561",,,,,,137,3001,712,,19,,,,,,1,,,03/25 9:00,,,,,B,, 20200325,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"3,175",,,,,,108,2356,804,,13,,,,,,1,,,03/25 13:30,,,,,B,, 20200324,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"2,717",,,,,,101,1447,869,,11,,,,,,1,,,03/23 9:00,,,,,B,, 20200323,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"2,493",,,,,,78,1374,889,,,,,,,,,,,03/22 9:00,,,,,B,, 20200322,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1,981",,,,,,65,1188,959,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 9:00,,,,,,, 20200321,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1,623",,,,,,55,973,942,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 9:00,,,,,,, 20200320,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1,312",,,,,,44,745,631,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 9:00,,,,,,, 20200319,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1,049",,,,,,39,621,231,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 9:00,,,,,,, 20200318,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,833,,,,,,26,513,208,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 9:00,,,,,,, 20200317,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,686,,,,,,17,355,195,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 9:00,,,,,,, 20200316,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,526,,,,,,13,271,95,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:12,,,,,,, 20200315,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,405,,,,,,13,271,95,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 9:00,,,,,,, 20200314,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,319,,,,,,7,212,31,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 9:00,,,,,,, 20200313,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,249,,,,,,6,94,21,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 9:00,,,,,,, 20200312,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,204,,,,,,6,94,21,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 9:00,,,,,,, 20200311,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,162,,,,,,4,38,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,118,,,,,,4,38,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93,,,,,,4,38,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76,,,,,,4,38,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46,,,,,,2,20,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37,,,,,,2,20,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9,,,,,,2,16,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,NH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,2,10,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2857918,,,191960,,,191960,2665958,,484,22627,103,,36,,33912,15937,14165,1780,08/31 0:00,08/31 17:12,HMH,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/28 MEB) Carrying over the negatives since total tests was not updated (8/23 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total test update (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note.",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2836334,,,191611,,,191611,2644723,,480,22627,95,,28,,33893,15937,14157,1780,08/30 0:00,08/30 17:41,JJO,KP,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/28 MEB) Carrying over the negatives since total tests was not updated (8/23 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total test update (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note.",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2807747,,,191320,,,191320,2616427,,437,22617,88,,26,,33827,15933,14153,1780,08/29 0:00,08/29 17:17,ESK,QN,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/28 MEB) Carrying over the negatives since total tests was not updated (8/23 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total test update (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note.",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2748836,,,190971,,,190971,2558223,,436,22586,83,,30,,33778,15930,14150,1780,08/28 0:00,08/28 17:33,MEB,PK,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/28 MEB) Carrying over the negatives since total tests was not updated (8/23 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total test update (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note.",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2748836,,,190613,,,190613,2558223,,455,22560,77,,29,,33744,15921,14141,1780,08/27 0:00,08/27 17:03,MJW,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/23 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total test update (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note.",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2721584,,,190306,,,190306,2531278,,425,22509,72,,29,,33692,15914,14134,1780,08/26 0:00,08/26 16:47,PK,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/23 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total test update (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note.",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2697895,,,190021,,,190021,2507874,,432,22468,78,,30,,33646,15904,14124,1780,08/25 0:00,08/25 16:22,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/23 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total test update (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note.",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2676812,,,189719,,,189719,2487093,,446,22452,66,,27,,33626,15900,14120,1780,08/24 0:00,08/24 16:15,KAT,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/23 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total test update (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note.",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2648740,,,189494,,,189494,2459504,,411,22448,72,,27,,33615,15897,14117,1780,08/23 0:00,08/23 16:59,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/23 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total test update (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note.",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2648740,,,189236,,,189236,2459504,,376,22445,66,,32,,33555,15894,14114,1780,08/22 0:00,08/22 16:43,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2615692,,,188817,,,188817,2426875,,414,22393,61,,30,,33533,15892,14112,1780,08/21 0:00,08/21 16:56,PK,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2585207,,,188527,,,188527,2396680,,433,22359,79,,28,,33490,15883,14103,1780,08/20 0:00,08/20 17:47,KSB,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2557712,,,188427,,,188427,2369285,,471,22311,92,,32,,33451,15877,14097,1780,08/19 0:00,08/19 16:20,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2532745,,,188098,,,188098,2344647,,468,22259,106,,41,,33403,15866,14086,1780,08/18 0:00,08/18 16:46,BSL,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2511070,,,187767,,,187767,2323303,,472,22218,91,,38,,33381,15856,14077,1779,08/17 0:00,08/17 17:09,CKW,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2490186,,,187455,,,187455,2302731,,450,22206,83,,42,,33320,15852,14073,1779,08/16 0:00,08/16 15:44,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2461383,,,187442,,,187442,2273941,,520,22197,99,,43,,33264,15850,14071,1779,08/15 0:00,08/15 16:11,KVP,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2429841,,,187164,,,187164,2242677,,514,22161,91,,40,,33223,15843,14064,1779,08/14 0:00,08/14 16:07,RRI,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2403690,,,186594,,,186594,2217096,,545,22125,103,,28,,33223,15833,14054,1779,08/13 0:00,08/13 17:17,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/12-13 KAT/QN/BSL) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries as it is higher than the value posted today (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2376016,,,185938,,,185938,2190078,,592,22096,111,,35,,33223,15825,14046,1779,08/12 0:00,08/12 16:44,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/12 KAT) carrying over the value from yesterday's recoveries (17581) as it is higher than the value posted today (17454) (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2350310,,,185475,,,185475,2164835,,538,22052,101,,43,,33223,15816,14037,1779,08/11 0:00,08/11 16:45,JB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2324046,,,185031,,,185031,2139015,,545,21992,83,,29,,33013,15804,14025,1779,08/10 0:00,08/10 16:04,MM,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/10 MM) Tableua login shows up in the Cumulative Hospitalized lookup place (8/9 KVP) New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2301852,,,184773,,,184773,2117079,,483,21992,83,,31,,32977,15800,14021,1779,08/09 0:00,08/09 16:50,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/9 KVP New source note for cum.hosp col AR, changed carryover to reported value. Changed AW to reflect current data point (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2252792,,,184429,,,184429,2068363,,540,21949,94,,34,,32956,15795,14016,1779,08/08 0:00,08/08 17:15,TCD,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/8 TCD) FYI CHECKER ON 8/9: Carrying over recoveries and cumulative hispjust in case it's a mistake they fix tomorrow. The reported value yesterday was 17314+15642=32956 and today it’s 17278+15642=32920 (8/8 TCD) Cumulative hospitalized value not found (8/8 TCD) Since number of tests reported hasn't updated we are not updating the negative tests value either (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2252792,,,184061,,,184061,2068731,,551,21949,120,,73,,32956,15786,14007,1779,08/07 0:00,8/07 17:05,LDH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2230245,,,183701,,,183701,2046544,,754,21565,129,,54,,32811,15775,13996,1779,08/06 0:00,8/06 16:25,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/3 SPA) Total Hospitalization number was located on the Ever Hospitalized tab under Case and Mortality Summaries. (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2187018,,,183327,,,183327,2003691,,784,21565,117,,47,,32749,15768,13989,1779,08/05 0:00,8/05 16:41,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/3 SPA) Total Hospitalization number was located on the Ever Hospitalized tab under Case and Mortality Summaries. (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2164580,,,182970,,,182970,1981966,,470,21565,126,,53,,32697,15761,13982,1779,08/04 0:00,8/04 17:03,NMJ,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/4 BSL) Carrying over negatives due to lack of total tests update (8/3 SPA) Total Hospitalization number was located on the Ever Hospitalized tab under Case and Mortality Summaries. (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,8/4 17:58, 20200803,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2164580,,,182614,,,182614,1981966,,738,21565,144,,49,,32660,15750,13971,1779,08/03 0:00,8/03 16:47,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/3 SPA) Total Hospitalization number was located on the Ever Hospitalized tab under Case and Mortality Summaries. (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2145878,,,182350,,,182350,1963528,,695,21565,113,,45,,32475,15740,13961,1779,08/02 0:00,8/02 17:24,CRG,CB-M ,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2096329,,,182029,,,182029,1914669,,695,21565,113,,45,,32475,15734,13955,1779,08/01 0:00,8/01 16:50,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (8/1 KVP) A number of data points dn chang related to hosp (AQ, AR. AS. AU. AW). AM total PCR tests dn change and therefore AO decreased causing a flag. There was a restore performed, just to make note. (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2096329,,,181660,,,181660,1914669,,695,21565,113,,45,,32475,15722,13944,1778,07/31 0:00,07/31 16:15,CB-M ,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200730,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2059564,,,180970,,,180970,1878594,,759,21565,123,,51,,32423,15711,13934,1777,07/30 0:00,07/30 17:06,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200729,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2042682,,,180766,,,180766,1861916,,761,21321,116,,49,,32365,15700,13923,1777,07/29 0:00,07/29 16:42,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200728,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1983841,,,180295,,,180295,1804009,,718,21321,112,,50,,32313,15682,13905,1777,07/28 13:00,07/28 17:04,CB-M,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200727,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1983841,,,179812,,,179812,1804029,,695,21321,128,,54,,32275,15660,13884,1776,07/27 13:00,07/27 17:03,SB,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200726,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1953289,,,179363,,,179363,1773926,,725,21314,126,,54,,32133,15643,13867,1776,07/26 13:00,07/26 16:17,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200725,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1887644,,,178858,,,178858,1709299,,831,21314,143,,56,,32061,15631,13856,1775,07/25 13:00,07/25 17:24,DZL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/25 RSG) Total tests (AD) and total negatives (AF) didn't updated. Carried previous values over. (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200724,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1887644,,,178345,,,178345,1709299,,800,21184,138,,62,,32001,15620,13845,1775,07/24 13:00,07/24 16:51,CB-M,REB,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200723,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1859638,,,177887,,,177887,1681751,,869,21184,152,,73,,31925,15585,13810,1775,07/23 13:00,07/23 16:18,EDS,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200722,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1840929,,,177645,,,177645,1663284,,873,21184,151,,77,,31850,15562,13787,1775,07/22 13:00,07/22 16:25,SNW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/22 SNW) Deaths dropped. Just 4 hrs before our shift, NJ reported 1974 probable deaths and now it’s 1920. Per Slack discussion, we are accepting the decrease in number. (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200721,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1817955,,,177256,,,177256,1640699,,833,21099,169,,79,,31781,15538,13763,1775,07/21 13:00,07/21 16:03,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200720,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1802874,,,176963,,,176963,1625911,,798,21058,146,,72,,31448,15516,13741,1775,07/20 13:00,07/20 16:05,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/20 BSL) Drop in cum hosp from new CDS report (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200719,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1791137,,,176783,,,176783,1614354,,766,21064,149,,65,,31405,15506,13732,1774,07/19 13:00,07/19 16:39,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/19 DCC) Columns (AC) and (AE) for positive castes went down from 176814 to 176783; likely probable reassignment; no CDS update (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200718,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1781450,,,176814,,,176814,1604636,,800,21064,141,,73,,31400,15498,13725,1773,07/18 13:00,07/18 16:00,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/17 RSG) recoveries decreased so carried over previous value. (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200717,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1768928,,,176551,,,176551,1592377,,868,21003,141,,66,,31400,15483,13710,1773,07/17 13:00,07/17 16:08,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200716,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1759904,,,176501,,,176501,1583403,,862,20774,146,,64,,31400,15464,13691,1773,07/16 13:00,07/16 16:54,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200715,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1742347,,,176278,,,176278,1566069,,923,20774,151,,78,,31400,15433,13660,1773,07/15 13:00,07/15 15:20,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200714,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1721231,,,175915,,,175915,1545316,,888,20632,149,,79,,31318,15408,13635,1773,07/14 13:00,07/14 14:28,BAS,SB,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200713,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1700385,,,175522,,,175522,1524863,,892,20632,166,,81,,31261,15386,13613,1773,07/13 13:00,07/13 15:54,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200712,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1685604,,,175298,,,175298,1510306,,890,20632,163,,86,,31190,15367,13594,1773,07/12 13:00,07/12 16:38,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/12 BSL) No CDS update, AH carried over (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200711,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1661284,,,174959,,,174959,1486325,,872,20632,166,,87,,31092,15351,13578,1773,07/11 13:00,07/11 15:34,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200710,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1623158,,,174628,,,174628,1448530,,904,20567,162,,94,,31014,15305,13532,1773,07/10 13:00,07/10 15:43,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200709,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1599417,,,174240,,,174240,1425177,,963,20505,170,,104,,30938,15274,13501,1773,07/09 13:00,07/09 15:49,BSL,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200708,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1577848,,,174039,,,174039,1403809,,935,20426,175,,142,,30844,15249,13476,1773,07/08 13:00,07/08 16:56,KVP,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200707,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1560133,,,173878,,,173878,1386255,,903,20246,169,,142,,30774,15197,13425,1772,07/07 13:00,07/07 15:59,HMH,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200706,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1549209,,,173611,,,173611,1375598,,861,20237,187,,152,,30729,15144,13373,1771,07/05 13:00,07/06 15:31,BSL,MM,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200705,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1534640,,,173402,,,173402,1361238,,917,20237,210,,151,,30660,15125,13355,1770,07/05 13:00,07/06 15:31,BSL,MM,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200704,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1508548,,,173033,,,173033,1335515,,983,20233,205,,164,,30565,15103,13333,1770,07/04 13:00,07/04 15:14,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200703,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1485501,,,172742,,,172742,1312759,,1028,20214,216,,167,,30464,15078,13308,1770,07/03 13:00,07/03 16:14,SMS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200702,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1463913,,,172356,,,172356,1291557,,1027,20141,216,,170,,30383,15020,13251,1769,07/02 13:00,07/02 16:32,BSL,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200701,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1442937,,,171928,,,171928,1271009,,1080,20054,217,,178,,30300,14993,13224,1769,07/01 13:00,07/01 16:04,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (7/1 RSG) Decrease in total recoveries (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200630,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1422374,,,171667,,,171667,1250707,,992,19847,211,,174,,30213,14950,13181,1769,06/30 13:00,06/30 16:39,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200629,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1403984,,,171272,,,171272,1232712,,978,19847,225,,185,,30163,14907,13138,1769,06/29 13:00,06/29 15:41,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/29 SNW) Probable-deaths began to be reported starting 6/25 with a count of 1854. Per NJ DOH (Kim Cervantes) on 6/28, NJ will provide a cumulative probable deaths number weekly. (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200628,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1387833,,,171182,,,171182,1216651,,1014,19841,223,,187,,30092,14888,13121,1767,06/28 13:00,06/28 15:47,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200627,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1367250,,,170873,,,170873,1196377,,1103,19823,236,,200,,29967,14861,13094,1767,06/27 13:00,06/27 16:03,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200626,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1346672,,,170584,,,170584,1176088,,1118,19752,234,,206,,29855,14825,13060,1765,06/26 13:00,06/26 16:11,BSL,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200625,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1320910,,,170196,,,170196,1150714,,1182,19668,252,,210,,29740,14782,13018,1764,06/25 13:00,06/25 16:19,SMG,QN,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200624,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1299645,,,169892,,,169892,1129753,,1196,19598,275,,214,,29627,14759,12995,1764,06/24 13:00,06/24 17:11,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200623,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1283451,,,169734,,,169734,1113717,,1092,19512,307,,216,,29517,14713,12949,1764,06/23 13:00,06/23 15:16,BSL,MM,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/23 BSL) Decrease in total recoveiries (drop in new discharges, post 4/28) (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200622,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1267399,,,169415,,,169415,1097984,,1033,19401,287,,213,,29522,14657,12895,1762,06/22 13:00,06/22 15:26,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200621,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1244967,,,169142,,,169142,1075825,,1105,19267,278,,219,,29450,14629,12870,1759,06/21 13:00,06/21 15:38,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/21 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (2 days stale) (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200620,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1218873,,,168834,,,168834,1050039,,1125,19267,286,,238,,29318,14614,12857,1757,06/20 13:00,06/20 16:47,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/20 BSL) Cum. hosp data (AH) not avail for publication due to late CDS update (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200619,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1194343,,,168496,,,168496,1025847,,1177,19267,286,,231,,29209,14591,12835,1756,06/19 13:00,06/19 17:35,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200618,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1171734,,,168107,,,168107,1003627,,1258,19010,319,,257,,29101,14556,12800,1756,06/18 13:00,06/18 16:03,ETS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200617,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1147841,,,167703,,,167703,980138,,1352,19010,358,,254,,28966,14524,12769,1755,06/17 13:00,06/17 17:22,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200616,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1131782,,,167426,,,167426,964356,,1291,18879,362,,245,,28872,14482,12727,1755,06/16 13:00,06/16 15:12,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200615,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1116083,,,167103,,,167103,948980,,1342,18755,399,,267,,28819,14430,12676,1754,06/15 13:00,06/15 15:12,BSL,AFG,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200614,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1097616,,,166881,,,166881,930735,,1391,18737,386,,285,,28714,14378,12625,1753,06/14 13:00,06/14 15:58,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200613,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1078215,,,166605,,,166605,911610,,1395,18707,409,,279,,28606,14341,12589,1752,06/13 13:00,06/13 14:53,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200612,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1055396,,,166164,,,166164,889232,,1480,18607,415,,300,,28509,14238,12489,1749,06/12 13:00,06/12 15:10,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200611,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1030793,,,165816,,,165816,864977,,1512,18492,445,,319,,28376,14189,12443,1746,06/11 13:00,06/11 15:04,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200610,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1008934,,,165346,,,165346,843588,,1701,18223,471,,342,,28207,14122,12377,1745,06/10 13:00,06/10 17:03,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. If dash broken, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200609,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,989497,,,164796,,,164796,824701,,1736,18069,510,,373,,28036,14046,12303,1743,06/09 13:00,06/09 15:56,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200608,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,975089,,,164497,,,164497,810592,,1740,18050,498,,361,,27941,13953,12214,1739,06/08 13:00,06/08 15:32,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200607,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,960425,,,164164,,,164164,796261,,1882,18050,503,,385,,27824,13914,12176,1738,06/07 13:00,06/07 17:26,SB,RS,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200606,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,943016,,,163893,,,163893,779123,,1933,18023,539,,410,,27641,13843,12106,1737,06/06 13:00,06/06 15:21,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200605,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,918891,,,163336,,,163336,755555,,1933,17880,542,,410,,27433,13785,12049,1736,06/05 13:00,06/05 17:04,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200604,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,857729,,,162530,,,162530,695199,,1982,17604,537,,459,,27231,13703,11970,1733,06/04 13:00,06/04 15:13,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (6/4 RSG) Dashboard still not displaying cumulative hospitalized. Left yesterday's #. (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200603,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,837420,,,162068,,,162068,675352,,2250,17390,612,,459,,27008,13608,11880,1728,06/03 13:00,06/03 16:47,BSL,PR,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200602,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,817677,,,161545,,,161545,656132,,2370,17390,639,,480,,26815,13496,11770,1726,06/02 13:00,06/02 14:22,JA,RS,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200601,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,795600,,,160918,,,160918,634682,,2466,17222,646,,459,,26703,13444,11721,1723,06/01 13:00,06/01 17:23,MM,RS,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200531,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,745308,,,160445,,,160445,585700,,2497,17197,522,,378,,26560,13418,11698,1720,05/31 13:00,05/31 15:49,JAC,BL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (5/31 aft JAC) Dashboard not displaying total tests. Left total and negative from yesterday. (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200530,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,745308,,,159608,,,159608,585700,,2626,17121,672,,499,,26301,13351,11634,1717,05/30 13:00,05/30 16:43,EPK,QN,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. CDS daily summary PDF link appears stable: (5/30 aft EPK) Since yesterday, the hospitalization dashboard has been reporting only partial data for the current day FOR CHECKERS IN SOME TIME ZONES. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200529,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,716411,,,158844,,,158844,557567,,2707,16960,720,,544,,26084,13245,11531,1714,05/29 13:00,05/29 15:55,JA,QN,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200528,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,685857,,,157815,,,157815,528042,,2797,16778,740,,564,,25804,13110,11401,1709,05/28 13:00,05/28 16:47,GMJ,ALF,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200527,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,660325,,,156628,,,156628,503697,,2761,16597,768,,583,,25552,13043,11339,1704,05/27 13:00,05/27 15:35,JA,JAC,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200526,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,635892,,,155764,,,155764,480128,,2723,16373,786,,578,,25384,12892,11191,1701,05/26 13:00,05/26 14:55,JA,DPT,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200525,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,623797,,,155092,,,155092,468705,,2755,,719,,540,,25253,12840,11144,1696,05/25 13:00,05/25 15:48,EPK,RS,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200524,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,603807,,,154154,,,154154,449653,,2857,,760,,639,,25040,12825,11133,1692,05/24 13:00,05/24 15:36,ALF,AFG,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, use the query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For Recovered numbers, there are two numbers that need to be summed: ""Discharged (old) and ""Discharged (new)"". Compare these numbers to reporting when possible. (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200523,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,578735,,,153104,,,153104,425631,,2974,,806,,611,,24762,12771,11081,1690,05/23 13:00,05/23 15:20,AIA,SPA,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For recovered numbers, there are 2 links that need to be summed. Compare these numbers to reporting when possible (5/20 aft GG) check thread on how recovered was entered ""--- NJ 5/20 aft --- (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200522,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,555314,,,152719,,,152719,402595,,3049,,846,,674,,24491,12672,10985,1687,05/22 13:00,05/22 16:58,RS,ESK,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For recovered numbers, there are 2 links that need to be summed. Compare these numbers to reporting when possible (5/20 aft GG) check thread on how recovered was entered ""--- NJ 5/20 aft --- (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200521,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,544274,,,151472,,,151472,392802,,3208,,896,,700,,24236,12524,10843,1681,05/21 13:00,05/21 15:04,DB,RS,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For recovered numbers, there are 2 links that need to be summed. Compare these numbers to reporting when possible (5/20 aft GG) check thread on how recovered was entered ""--- NJ 5/20 aft --- (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens).",A+,, 20200520,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,531343,,,150399,,,150399,380944,,3405,,969,,750,,23945,12422,10747,1675,05/20 13:00,05/20 14:46,GGR,BL,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For recovered numbers, there are 2 links that need to be summed. Compare these numbers to reporting when possible (5/20 aft GG) check thread on how recovered was entered ""--- NJ 5/20 aft --- (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens). (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200519,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,520182,,,149013,,,149013,371169,,3481,,977,,789,,23657,12254,10586,1668,05/19 13:00,05/19 14:56,FIP,KP,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For recovered numbers, there are 2 links that need to be summed. Compare these numbers to reporting when possible (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens). (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200518,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,505569,,,148039,,,148039,357530,,3509,,1053,,819,,23496,12102,10435,1667,05/18 13:00,05/18 15:30,GGR/DPT,REB,"PROCESS: If the dashboard is weird, query link for hosp/icu/vent/recovered numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: . For recovered numbers, there are 2 links that need to be summed. Compare these numbers to reporting when possible (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens). (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200517,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,487565,,,146334,,,146334,341231,,3411,,1030,,819,,23299,12019,10356,1663,05/17 13:00,05/17 16:15,JAC,REB,"Query link for hosp/icu/vent numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: (there are 2 links that need to be summed) (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens). (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. Do not Include Pending. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200516,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,475224,,,145089,,,145089,330135,,3564,,1061,,846,,22939,11909,10249,1660,05/16 13:00,05/16 16:48,JAC,QN,"Query link for hosp/icu/vent numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: (5/15 QN) Add to current recovered number the daily new discharged (not counting for deaths) in the hospital census tab from the state page (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens). (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. Do not Include Pending. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200515,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,462972,,,143905,,,143905,319067,,3823,,1127,,865,,15642,11794,10138,1656,05/15 13:00,05/15 14:28,RSB,AW,"Query link for hosp/icu/vent numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens). (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. Do not Include Pending. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200514,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,451696,,,142704,,,142704,308992,,3958,,1157,,898,,15642,11597,9946,1651,05/14 13:00,05/13 14:35,AFG,BL,"Query link for hosp/icu/vent numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens). (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. Do not Include Pending. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200513,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,441450,,,141560,,,141560,299890,,4226,,1226,,928,,15642,11344,9702,1642,05/13 13:00,,,,"Query link for hosp/icu/vent numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens). (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. Do not Include Pending. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200512,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,433060,,,140743,,,140743,292317,,4328,,1306,,982,,15642,11142,9508,1634,05/12 13:00,05/12 14:07,KWS,DPT,"Query link for hosp/icu/vent numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens). (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. Do not Include Pending. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200511,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,425933,,,139945,,,139945,285988,,4195,,1255,,970,,15642,10930,9310,1620,05/11 13:00,05/11 16:36,RS**,REB,"Query link for hosp/icu/vent numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: (5/11 aft AW/RS) Not Including Pending - it is about location of residency, not test status. ALSO, NJ changed their reporting and are no longer giving negatives. Now they report total tests (specimens). (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. Do not Include Pending. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200510,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,138532,,312447,138532,173915,591,4308,,1338,,994,,15642,10870,9255,1615,05/10 13:00,05/10 16:12,DPT,REB,"Query link for hosp/icu/vent numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200509,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,137085,,305206,137085,168121,557,4628,,1416,,1054,,15642,10719,9116,1603,05/09 13:00,05/09 14:46,REB,RS,"Query link for hosp/icu/vent numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200508,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,135454,,298759,135454,163305,553,4605,,1439,,1089,,15642,10542,8952,1590,05/08 13:00,05/08 15:20,EB,RS,"Query link for hosp/icu/vent numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200507,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133635,,292658,133635,159023,552,4996,,1470,,1107,,15642,10372,8801,1571,05/07 13:00,05/07 15:29,JAC,PR,"Query link for hosp/icu/vent numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200506,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,131890,,288920,131890,157030,594,5221,,1549,,1146,,15642,10108,8549,1559,05/06 13:00,05/06 14:35,DPT,RS,"Query link for hosp/icu/vent numbers because dashboard is weird: Links to queries (because they're long) can be found here: (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200505,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,130593,,287623,130593,157030,550,5328,,1534,,1169,,15642,9785,8244,1541,05/05 13:00,05/05 15:57,BL,REB,"Query link for recovered number here - [REB to update discharged + hosp + icu links] (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200504,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,128269,,277220,128269,148951,647,5287,,1610,,1189,,15642,9444,7910,1534,05/04 13:00,05/04 14:45,REB,RS,"Query link for recovered number here - [REB to update discharged + hosp + icu links] (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200503,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,126744,,275066,126744,148322,641,5317,,1623,,1198,,15642,9382,7871,1511,05/03 13:00,,,,"Query link for recovered number here -[{%22statisticType%22%3A+%22sum%22%2C+%22onStatisticField%22%3A+%22value%22}%2C%0D%0A{%22statisticType%22%3A+%22max%22%2C+%22onStatisticField%22%3A+%22survey_period%22}%0D%0A] (5/3 aft JAC) Hosp dashboard still broken, Curr numbers from reporting. Recovered number hasn't updated since 4/28 (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200502,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,123717,,262312,123717,138595,676,5713,,1715,,1230,,15642,9228,7742,1486,05/02 13:00,,,,"Query link for recovered number here -[{%22statisticType%22%3A+%22sum%22%2C+%22onStatisticField%22%3A+%22value%22}%2C%0D%0A{%22statisticType%22%3A+%22max%22%2C+%22onStatisticField%22%3A+%22survey_period%22}%0D%0A] (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200501,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,121190,,256545,121190,135355,583,5972,,1724,,1286,,15642,9001,7538,1463,05/01 13:00,05/01 16:59,KP,CML,"Query link for recovered number here -[{%22statisticType%22%3A+%22sum%22%2C+%22onStatisticField%22%3A+%22value%22}%2C%0D%0A{%22statisticType%22%3A+%22max%22%2C+%22onStatisticField%22%3A+%22survey_period%22}%0D%0A] (5/1 aft KP) hospital dashboard still broken (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200430,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,118652,,247918,118652,129266,478,6137,,1765,,1271,,15642,8667,7228,1439,04/30 13:00,,,,"Query link for recovered number here -[{%22statisticType%22%3A+%22sum%22%2C+%22onStatisticField%22%3A+%22value%22}%2C%0D%0A{%22statisticType%22%3A+%22max%22%2C+%22onStatisticField%22%3A+%22survey_period%22}%0D%0A] (4/30 aft REB) Hospitalization/icu/vent numbers from reporting. Dashboard has no titles, and all data seems to be up to 4/28 (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200429,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,116264,,241318,116264,125054,617,6289,,1811,,1327,,15642,8186,6770,1416,04/29 13:00,,,,"Query link for recovered number here -[{%22statisticType%22%3A+%22sum%22%2C+%22onStatisticField%22%3A+%22value%22}%2C%0D%0A{%22statisticType%22%3A+%22max%22%2C+%22onStatisticField%22%3A+%22survey_period%22}%0D%0A] (4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200428,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,234359,113856,120503,,6476,,1809,,1262,,15642,7837,6442,1395,04/28 13:00,04/28 15:52,KP,RS,"(4/28 KP aft) recovered number entered after discussion with REB about compiling data table of daily discharges. Further documentation in the works. (4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A+,, 20200427,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,227775,111188,116587,,6407,,1801,,1303,,,7409,6044,1365,04/26 11:00,,,,"(4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A,, 20200426,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,223144,109038,114106,,6573,,1804,,1418,,,7270,5938,1332,04/26 11:00,,,,"(4/26 SPA aft) Updates were made by a Twitter post at 11:00 am. PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A,, 20200425,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,213686,105523,108163,,6722,,1971,,1442,,,7169,5863,1306,04/25 13:00,04/25 14:41,QN,RS,"PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A,, 20200424,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,205962,102196,103766,,6847,,1933,,1487,,,6889,5617,1272,04/24 13:00,04/24 23:00,SPA,,"PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A,, 20200423,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,200148,99989,100159,,7240,,1990,,1462,,,6610,5368,1242,04/23 13:00,,,,"PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A,, 20200422,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,191659,95865,95794,,7210,,1983,,1570,,,6278,5063,1215,04/22 13:00,,,,"PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A,, 20200421,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,184826,92387,92439,,7594,,1930,,1501,,,5935,4753,1182,04/21 13:00,,,,"PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total. (4/21 aft ESK) Combining critcal care and ICU number for total ICU ",A,, 20200420,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,178057,88806,89251,,6986,,2018,,1594,,,5521,4377,1144,04/20 13:00,,,,PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total.,A,, 20200419,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,170688,85301,85387,,7494,,1940,,1628,,,5313,4202,1111,04/19 13:00,,,,PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total.,A,, 20200418,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,162536,81420,81116,,7718,,2024,,1641,,,5142,4070,1072,04/18 12:49,,,,PROCESS: NJ reports recovered only for previous 24 hours. Be sure not to enter the previous days value as the Cumulative total.,A,, 20200417,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,157449,78467,78982,,8011,,1961,,1594,,,4856,3840,1016,04/17 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200416,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,151830,75317,76513,,8224,,2014,,1645,,,4491,3518,973,04/16 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200415,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,144021,71030,72991,,8270,,1980,,1705,,,4070,3156,914,04/15 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200414,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,139774,68824,70950,,8185,,2051,,1626,,,3661,2805,856,04/14 13:00,,,,"(4/13 LH aft) Negatives number still pending - number carried over for now (4/11 RS) Recovered stat removed because this stat as reported on dashboard is only last 24 hours, not cumulative (4/10 RS) NJ now reports all necessary info (inc Hospitalization) at Link in Column A (4/9 MEB aft) Hospitilization, ICU, and vent data in new Hospital Census tab in dashboard. (4/8 RS Aft) Pos, Neg, Deaths from dashboard. Host #s from Presser",A,, 20200413,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,129469,64584,64885,,7781,,1886,,1611,,,3250,2443,807,04/13 14:00,,,,"(4/13 LH aft) Negatives number still pending - number carried over for now (4/11 RS) Recovered stat removed because this stat as reported on dashboard is only last 24 hours, not cumulative (4/10 RS) NJ now reports all necessary info (inc Hospitalization) at Link in Column A (4/9 MEB aft) Hospitilization, ICU, and vent data in new Hospital Census tab in dashboard. (4/8 RS Aft) Pos, Neg, Deaths from dashboard. Host #s from Presser",A,, 20200412,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,126735,61850,64885,,7604,,1914,,1644,,,3085,2350,735,04/12 13:00,,,,"(4/11 RS) Recovered stat removed because this stat as reported on dashboard is only last 24 hours, not cumulative (4/10 RS) NJ now reports all necessary info (inc Hospitalization) at Link in Column A (4/9 MEB aft) Hospitilization, ICU, and vent data in new Hospital Census tab in dashboard. (4/8 RS Aft) Pos, Neg, Deaths from dashboard. Host #s from Presser",A,, 20200411,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,120193,58151,62042,,7618,,1746,,1650,,,2845,2183,662,04/11 13:00,,,,"(4/11 RS) Recovered stat removed because this stat as reported on dashboard is only last 24 hours, not cumulative (4/10 RS) NJ now reports all necessary info (inc Hospitalization) at Link in Column A (4/9 MEB aft) Hospitilization, ICU, and vent data in new Hospital Census tab in dashboard. (4/8 RS Aft) Pos, Neg, Deaths from dashboard. Host #s from Presser (4/7 eve CML) Positives, Negatives, Deaths from Dashboard. Other stats can be validated from NYT article: (4/7 afternoon JJ) updated ICU, vent and hospitalization numbers from 4/7 presser via Slack (4/6 afternoon MC) update to vent figures per slack, no update to hospitalized figures which were originally from 4/4 presser",A,, 20200410,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113523,54588,58935,,7570,,1679,,1663,,682,2521,1932,589,04/10 13:00,,,,"(4/10 RS) NJ now reports all necessary info (inc Hospitalization) at Link in Column A (4/9 MEB aft) Hospitilization, ICU, and vent data in new Hospital Census tab in dashboard. (4/8 RS Aft) Pos, Neg, Deaths from dashboard. Host #s from Presser (4/7 eve CML) Positives, Negatives, Deaths from Dashboard. Other stats can be validated from NYT article: (4/7 afternoon JJ) updated ICU, vent and hospitalization numbers from 4/7 presser via Slack (4/6 afternoon MC) update to vent figures per slack, no update to hospitalized figures which were originally from 4/4 presser",A,, 20200409,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107192,51027,56165,,7363,,1523,,1551,,,2236,1700,536,04/09 8:00,,,,"(4/9 MEB aft) Hospitilization, ICU, and vent data in new Hospital Census tab in dashboard. (4/8 RS Aft) Pos, Neg, Deaths from dashboard. Host #s from Presser (4/7 eve CML) Positives, Negatives, Deaths from Dashboard. Other stats can be validated from NYT article: (4/7 afternoon JJ) updated ICU, vent and hospitalization numbers from 4/7 presser via Slack (4/6 afternoon MC) update to vent figures per slack, no update to hospitalized figures which were originally from 4/4 presser",A,, 20200408,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100416,47437,52979,,7026,,1617,,1576,,,1969,1504,465,04/08 14:08,,,,"(4/8 RS Aft) Pos, Neg, Deaths from dashboard. Host #s from Presser (4/7 eve CML) Positives, Negatives, Deaths from Dashboard. Other stats can be validated from NYT article: (4/7 afternoon JJ) updated ICU, vent and hospitalization numbers from 4/7 presser via Slack (4/6 afternoon MC) update to vent figures per slack, no update to hospitalized figures which were originally from 4/4 presser",A,, 20200407,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94974,44416,50558,,7017,,1651,,1540,,,1631,1232,399,04/07 13:00,,,,"(4/7 eve CML) Positives, Negatives, Deaths from Dashboard. Other stats can be validated from NYT article: (4/7 afternoon JJ) updated ICU, vent and hospitalization numbers from 4/7 presser via Slack (4/6 afternoon MC) update to vent figures per slack, no update to hospitalized figures which were originally from 4/4 presser (4/6 morning ALF) Currently Hospitalized and Currently on Ventilator from 4/4 based on presser",A,, 20200406,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,89032,41090,47942,,6390,,,,1263,,,1334,1003,331,04/06 13:00,,,,"(4/6 afternoon MC) update to vent figures per slack, no update to hospitalized figures which were originally from 4/4 presser (4/6 morning ALF) Currently Hospitalized and Currently on Ventilator from 4/4 based on presser",A,, 20200405,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,82166,37505,44661,,4000,,,,,,,1184,917,267,04/05 13:00,04/06 10:51,ALF,MM,(4/6 morning ALF) Currently Hospitalized and Currently on Ventilator from 4/4 article,A,, 20200404,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75356,34124,41232,,4000,,,,,,,1058,846,212,04/04 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200403,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67503,29895,37608,,3016,,,,,,,816,646,170,04/03 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200402,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59110,25590,33520,,2000,,,,,,,680,537,143,04/02 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200401,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52642,22255,30387,,2000,,,,,,,475,355,120,04/01 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45773,18696,27077,,2000,,,,,,,365,267,98,03/31 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41860,16636,25224,,2000,,,,,,,267,198,69,03/29 13:30,,,,,A,, 20200329,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35602,13386,22216,,2000,,,,,,,218,161,57,03/29 13:30,,,,,A,, 20200328,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30510,11124,19386,,2000,,,,,,,192,140,52,03/28 13:30,,,,,A,, 20200327,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25372,8825,16547,,2000,,,,,,,141,108,33,03/27 13:30,,,,,A,, 20200326,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20537,6876,13661,,1080,,,,,,,109,81,28,03/25 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200325,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14854,4402,10452,,,,,,,,,81,62,19,03/24 1:30,,,,,B,, 20200324,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12000,3675,8325,45,,,,,,,,60,44,16,03/24 1:30,,,,,B,, 20200323,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3203,2844,359,94,,,,,,,,40,27,13,03/23 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200322,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2241,1914,327,49,,,,,,,,29,20,9,03/22 13:30,,,,,,, 20200321,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1621,1327,294,40,,,,,,,,22,16,6,03/21 13:00,,,,,,, 20200320,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1154,890,264,86,,,,,,,,16,11,5,03/20 13:30,,,,,,, 20200319,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,952,742,210,74,,,,,,,,13,9,4,03/19 11:30,,,,,,, 20200318,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,617,427,190,21,,,,,,,,7,5,2,03/17 13:00,,,,,,, 20200317,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,430,267,163,55,,,,,,,,4,3,1,03/17 13:00,,,,,,, 20200316,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,298,178,120,20,,,,,,,,2,2,0,03/16 15:08,,,,,,, 20200315,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,218,98,120,34,,,,,,,,2,2,0,03/15 13:00,,,,,,, 20200314,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147,50,97,80,,,,,,,,1,1,0,03/13 14:00,,,,,,, 20200313,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147,50,97,80,,,,,,,,1,1,0,03/13 14:00,,,,,,, 20200312,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,104,30,74,20,,,,,,,,1,1,0,03/11 12:00,,,,,,, 20200311,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81,24,57,20,,,,,,,,1,1,0,,,,,,,, 20200310,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59,15,44,20,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200309,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46,11,35,14,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200308,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37,6,31,0,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200307,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,4,,1,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200306,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200305,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200304,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200303,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200302,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200301,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200229,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200228,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200227,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200226,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200225,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200224,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200223,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200222,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200221,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200220,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200219,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200218,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200217,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200216,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200215,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200214,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200213,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200212,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200211,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200210,NJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,0,,,,,,,, 20200831,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25283,,756933,25283,731650,,66,3126,,,,,12913,770,,,08/30 17:50,08/31 15:47,KVP,DZL,"(8/23 KVP) Total PCR tests (ppl) (AH) dn change /update this created a red box alert for negative cases (AO). Watching update, if none then will carry over previous value. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/31 17:26, 20200830,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25178,,752522,25178,727344,,67,3116,,,,,12820,769,,,08/29 17:50,08/30 14:00,KVP,SB,"(8/23 KVP) Total PCR tests (ppl) (AH) dn change /update this created a red box alert for negative cases (AO). Watching update, if none then will carry over previous value. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/30 17:56, 20200829,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25042,,747277,25042,722235,,72,3106,,,,,12679,767,,,08/28 17:50,08/29 15:59,PK,RSG,"(8/23 KVP) Total PCR tests (ppl) (AH) dn change /update this created a red box alert for negative cases (AO). Watching update, if none then will carry over previous value. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/29 17:49, 20200828,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24920,,740366,24920,715446,,68,3091,,,,,12446,764,,,08/27 17:15,08/28 15:47,KAT,BSL,"(8/23 KVP) Total PCR tests (ppl) (AH) dn change /update this created a red box alert for negative cases (AO). Watching update, if none then will carry over previous value. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/28 17:43, 20200827,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24732,,734220,24732,709488,,71,3074,,,,,12193,755,,,08/26 17:50,08/27 16:56,AIA,DZL,"(8/23 KVP) Total PCR tests (ppl) (AH) dn change /update this created a red box alert for negative cases (AO). Watching update, if none then will carry over previous value. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/27 18:55, 20200826,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24535,,728627,24535,704092,,64,3050,,,,,11909,750,,,08/25 17:50,08/26 15:53,NMJ,BSL,"(8/23 KVP) Total PCR tests (ppl) (AH) dn change /update this created a red box alert for negative cases (AO). Watching update, if none then will carry over previous value. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/26 18:37, 20200825,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24469,,723801,24469,699332,,68,3041,,,,,11668,747,,,08/24 17:50,08/25 15:59,JB,DZL,"(8/23 KVP) Total PCR tests (ppl) (AH) dn change /update this created a red box alert for negative cases (AO). Watching update, if none then will carry over previous value. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/25 18:03, 20200824,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24396,,719300,24396,694904,,64,3031,,,,,11539,745,,,08/23 17:50,08/24 15:41,KAT,BSL,"(8/23 KVP) Total PCR tests (ppl) (AH) dn change /update this created a red box alert for negative cases (AO). Watching update, if none then will carry over previous value. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/24 17:21, 20200823,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24302,,704955,24302,680860,,68,3030,,,,,11458,743,,,08/22 17:49,08/23 16:30,KVP,BSL,"(8/23 KVP) Total PCR tests (ppl) (AH) dn change /update this created a red box alert for negative cases (AO). Watching update, if none then will carry over previous value. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/23 17:24, 20200822,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24095,,704955,24095,680860,,65,3018,,,,,11312,739,,,08/21 17:50,08/22 15:49,RRI,RS,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/22 17:10, 20200821,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23951,,694824,23951,670873,,74,3009,,,,,11145,734,,,08/20 17:51,08/21 15:57,TCD,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/21 17:26, 20200820,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23749,,688495,23749,664746,,94,3002,,,,,10976,729,,,08/19 17:51,08/20 18:00,JAC,BHP,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/20 18:13, 20200819,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23579,,683053,23579,659474,,111,2998,,,,,10802,723,,,08/18 19:30,08/19 18:13,RSG,BHP,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/19 17:55, 20200818,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23500,,677150,23500,653650,,119,2984,,,,,10602,718,,,08/17 17:50,08/18 15:50,KVP,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/18 17:32, 20200817,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23408,,670573,23408,647165,,109,2965,,,,,10481,714,,,08/16 17:30,08/17 16:12,KAT,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/17 17:55, 20200816,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23302,,665291,23302,641989,,113,2957,,,,,10391,711,,,08/15 17:50,08/16 15:56,JJO,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/16 17:31, 20200815,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23160,,659042,23160,635882,,125,2946,,,,,10182,703,,,08/14 17:50,08/15 15:44,KVP,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/15 17:34, 20200814,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22987,,650491,22987,627504,,128,2928,,,,,9980,697,,,08/13 17:30,08/14 15:43,KAT,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/14 17:41, 20200813,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22816,,644823,22816,622007,,119,2907,,,,,9744,695,,,08/12 17:50,08/13 15:52,KVP,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22643,,640337,22643,617694,,134,2897,,,,,9612,693,,,08/11 17:50,08/12 15:58,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22444,,632997,22444,610553,,127,2870,,,,,9428,690,,,08/10 17:50,08/11 16:33,PK,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22315,,627627,22315,605312,,121,2851,,,,,9319,685,,,08/09 17:30,08/10 15:49,GET,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22115,,620128,22115,598013,,127,2838,,,,,9262,681,,,08/08 17:50,08/09 16:37,BSL,KP,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21965,,612854,21965,590889,,132,2819,,,,,9166,675,,,08/07 17:50,08/08 15:46,MJW,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21773,,604382,21773,582609,,138,2803,,,,,8950,669,,,08/06 17:52,8/07 17:17,BSL,RSG,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21566,,597408,21566,575842,,138,2781,,,,,8828,667,,,08/05 17:50,8/06 15:55,BSL,DZL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21340,,590825,21340,569485,,133,2753,,,,,8685,658,,,08/04 17:54,8/05 15:42,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21130,,577810,21130,556680,,131,2730,,,,,8463,655,,,08/03 17:50,8/04 15:57,BAS,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/4 17:46, 20200803,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21016,,574253,21016,553237,,127,2720,,,,,8343,654,,,08/02 17:50,8/03 15:58,BSL,DZL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20796,,565886,20796,545090,,134,2703,,,,,8286,651,,,08/01 17:50,8/02 15:52,KVP,BML,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20600,,558012,20600,537412,,152,2686,,,,,8139,642,,,07/31 17:50,8/01 15:41,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20388,,551637,20388,531249,,156,2667,,,,,8015,635,,,07/30 19:31,07/31 16:02,CB-M ,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200730,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20136,,544611,20136,524475,,158,2643,,,,,7817,632,,,07/30 17:31,07/30 17:54,RSG,MM,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200729,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19791,,536853,19791,517062,,160,2614,,,,,7657,626,,,07/28 17:50,07/29 15:53,BSL,RS,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200728,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19502,,528890,19502,509388,,159,2590,,,,,7459,619,,,07/27 17:50,07/28 15:54,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200727,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19042,,520718,19042,501676,,144,2560,,,,,7349,614,,,07/26 17:30,07/27 15:54,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200726,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18788,,512425,18788,493637,,148,2542,,,,,7268,607,,,07/25 17:45,07/26 15:53,KVP,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200725,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18475,,505177,18475,486702,,161,2525,,,,,7156,601,,,07/24 17:30,07/25 15:44,SPA,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200724,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18163,,496985,18163,478822,,167,2500,,,,,7056,596,,,07/23 17:24,07/24 16:31,SLC,RSG,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200723,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17828,,489334,17828,471506,,178,2470,,,,,6974,591,,,07/22 17:32,07/23 15:45,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200722,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17517,,481531,17517,464014,,154,2433,,,,,6870,588,,,07/21 17:31,07/22 15:47,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200721,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17215,,476497,17215,459282,,154,2399,,,,,6814,578,,,07/20 17:49,07/21 15:50,EDS,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200720,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16971,,469215,16971,452244,,161,2387,,,,,6764,571,,,07/19 17:30,07/20 15:43,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200719,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16736,,460664,16736,443928,,160,2364,,,,,6736,569,,,07/18 17:56,07/19 15:48,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200718,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16456,,452298,16456,435842,,166,2337,,,,,6654,565,,,07/17 17:50,07/18 15:36,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200717,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16138,,443368,16138,427230,,170,2312,,,,,6578,562,,,07/16 18:06,07/17 15:47,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200716,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15841,,437005,15841,421164,,174,2284,,,,,6496,557,,,07/15 18:10,07/16 15:56,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200715,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15514,,430006,15514,414492,,171,2261,,,,,6429,551,,,07/14 18:04,07/15 15:13,BSL,RS,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200714,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15291,,424355,15291,409064,,172,2227,,,,,6363,548,,,07/13 17:52,07/14 15:32,EDS,JAC,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200713,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15028,,418357,15028,403329,,170,2204,,,,,6322,545,,,07/12 17:30,07/13 15:29,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200712,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14773,,410754,14773,395981,,158,2187,,,,,6271,543,,,07/11 18:21,07/12 15:22,BAS,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200711,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14549,,403581,14549,389032,,151,2161,,,,,6181,539,,,07/10 18:17,07/11 15:19,SNW,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200710,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14251,,395881,14251,381630,,154,2137,,,,,6118,533,,,07/09 18:10,07/10 15:46,AJC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200709,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14017,,389687,14017,375670,,154,2101,,,,,6051,527,,,07/08 17:41,07/09 15:16,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200708,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13727,,385242,13727,371515,,133,2056,,,,,5986,519,,,07/07 17:46,07/08 15:29,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200707,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13507,,380240,13507,366733,,129,2033,,,,,5902,515,,,07/06 17:33,07/07 15:16,WCD,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200706,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13256,,375054,13256,361798,,119,2006,,,,,5860,513,,,07/05 17:00,07/06 15:08,BSL,RS,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200705,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13063,,372288,13063,359225,,121,1988,,,,,5845,513,,,07/04 17:00,07/05 15:09,BAS,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200704,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12776,,363374,12776,350598,,130,1970,,,,,5802,511,,,07/03 19:30,07/04 15:09,EDS,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200703,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12520,,356637,12520,344117,,127,1945,,,,,5627,503,,,07/02 17:50,07/03 15:39,CB-M,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200702,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12276,,350060,12276,337784,,127,1928,,,,,5514,500,,,07/01 17:50,07/02 15:39,EDS,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200701,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12147,,344181,12147,332034,,127,1902,,,,,5393,497,,,06/30 17:50,07/01 15:23,BHP,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200630,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11982,,337720,11982,325738,,119,1876,,,,,5296,493,,,06/29 17:30,06/30 15:34,BHP,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200629,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11809,,331048,11809,319239,,114,1865,,,,,5264,492,,,06/29 11:02,06/29 15:25,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200628,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11619,,322959,11619,311340,,122,1851,,,,,5251,491,,,06/27 18:41,06/28 15:47,SB,QN,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200627,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11408,,320638,11408,309230,,128,1828,,,,,5149,489,,,06/26 17:50,06/27 15:29,KWS,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200626,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11192,,314670,11192,303478,,135,1811,,,,,5047,485,,,06/25 17:16,06/26 15:19,BSL,RS,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NM lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200625,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10990,,308105,10990,297115,,149,1793,,,,,4984,480,,,06/24 17:50,06/25 15:35,BSL,KWS,"(6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200624,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10838,,302083,10838,291245,,141,1776,,,,,4874,476,,,06/23 17:50,06/24 15:46,SMG,BSL,"(6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",B,, 20200623,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10694,,298076,10694,287382,,139,1754,,,,,4742,469,,,06/22 17:54,06/23 15:15,BHP,BSL,"(6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200622,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10565,,293431,10565,282866,,134,1746,,,,,4684,469,,,06/21 17:01,06/22 16:41,HMH,BSL,"(6/22 HMH) NM updated timestamp but not data today. (6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200621,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10565,,293431,10565,282866,,134,1746,,,,,4684,469,,,06/20 18:01,06/21 17:39,SB,BSL,"(6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200620,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10260,,284602,10260,274342,,147,1735,,,,,4512,464,,,06/19 19:45,06/20 15:13,BSL,JAC,"(6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200619,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10153,,280175,10153,270022,,157,1726,,,,,4439,456,,,06/19 13:41,06/19 15:13,BSL,RS,"(6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200618,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10065,,275897,10065,265832,,161,1715,,,,,4351,452,,,06/17 18:45,06/18 15:40,ETS,BSL,"(6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200617,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9933,,271553,9933,261620,,156,1698,,,,,4217,447,,,06/16 17:51,06/17 15:35,RSG,BSL,"(6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200616,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9845,,267921,9845,258076,,161,1686,,,,,4160,440,,,06/16 10:58,06/16 15:16,BSL,RS,"(6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200615,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9723,,263665,9723,253942,,162,1625,,,,,4114,435,,,06/14 18:03,06/15 15:06,BSL,RS,"(6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200614,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9621,,258994,9621,249373,,172,1625,,,,,4072,431,,,06/13 18:03,06/14 15:00,SAL,BSL,"(6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200613,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9526,,255284,9526,245758,,179,1625,,,,,3983,426,,,06/12 17:30,06/13 14:40,BSL,RS,"(6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200612,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9526,,255284,9526,245758,,179,1625,,,,,3983,426,,,06/12 17:30,06/13 14:40,BSL,RS,"(6/12 BHP) Total recoved in Dashboard lower than previous input. Value used was pulled from press release (6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200611,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9250,,245557,9250,236307,,197,1583,,,,,3806,410,,,06/10 18:00,06/11 14:05,RSG,JAC,"(6/11 RSG) Current hospitalizations went up by 2, but cumulative hospitalizations didn't change. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200610,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9105,,241657,9105,232552,,193,1583,,,,,3699,404,,,06/09 17:51,06/10 16:02,BSL,JAC,"(5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200609,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9062,,238801,9062,229739,,183,1558,,,,,3380,400,,,06/08 17:51,06/09 14:53,BSL,RS,"(5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200608,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8940,,234375,8940,225435,,177,1533,,,,,3307,396,,,06/07 18:00,06/08 15:20,BSL,REB,"(5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200607,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8800,,229147,8800,220347,,176,1489,,,,,3286,392,,,06/06 18:00,06/07 15:11,SLC,JAC,"(5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200606,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8672,,224640,8672,215968,,175,1489,,,,,3206,387,,,06/05 18:00,06/06 14:31,BSL,RS,"(5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200605,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8353,,217757,8353,209404,,170,1416,,,,,3115,383,,,06/04 16:06,06/05 15:53,BSL,JAC,"(5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200604,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8140,,212996,8140,204856,,170,1416,,,,,3013,375,,,06/04 11:11,06/04 16:40,RSG,JAC,"(5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200603,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8024,,206837,8024,198813,,182,1416,,,,,2960,367,,,06/02 18:04,06/03 14:31,BSL,RS,"(5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200602,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7800,,203115,7800,195315,,191,1317,,,,,2888,362,,,06/01 18:00,06/02 16:03,RS,REB,"(5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200601,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7689,,199604,7689,191915,,182,1317,,,,,2853,356,,,05/31 19:30,06/01 15:28,AFG,RS,"(5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200531,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7624,,199604,7624,186823,,189,1317,,,,,2835,351,,,05/30 20:05,05/31 15:52,JAC,BL,"(5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200530,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7493,,188261,7493,180768,,193,1317,,,,,2728,344,,,05/29 17:56,05/30 16:33,EPK,CML,"(5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200529,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7364,,183544,7364,176180,,196,1317,,,,,2684,335,,,05/28 19:30,05/29 15:57,JA,QN,"PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200528,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7252,,179543,7252,172291,,210,1282,,,,,2638,329,,,05/27 18:19,05/28 15:20,GMJ,JAC,"PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. (5/28 GMJ) Total tests reported dropped by 1103. No note found (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200527,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7130,,180646,7130,173516,,211,1282,,,,,2564,325,,,05/27 0:32,05/27 14:19,JA,RS,"PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200526,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7026,,177361,7026,170335,,216,1264,,,,,2522,320,,,05/25 19:49,05/26 14:26,JA,DPT,"PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200525,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6943,,173481,6943,166538,,213,1243,,,,,2464,317,,,05/24 18:03,05/25 14:23,EPK,RS,"PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200524,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6795,,169119,6795,162324,,208,1139,,,,,2357,308,,,05/23 20:01,05/24 16:02,ALF,QN,"PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200523,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6625,,158383,6625,151758,,206,1139,,,,,2149,302,,,05/22 17:58,05/23 15:26,AIA,SPA,"PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200522,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6472,,152767,6472,146295,,205,1139,,,,,2041,294,,,05/21 18:00,05/22 15:33,GMJ,ALF,"PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200521,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6317,,147344,6317,141027,,206,1139,,,,,1985,283,,,05/20 18:35,05/21 15:09,DB,RS,"PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200520,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6192,,142246,6192,136054,,204,1139,,,,,1882,276,,,05/20 14:25,05/20 14:57,GGR,BL,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. (5/20 GG) used this link since it has all the data values",C,, 20200519,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6096,,137620,6096,131524,,213,886,,,,,1796,270,,,05/18 18:05,05/19 15:38,FIP,KP,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. ",C,, 20200518,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5938,,133253,5938,127315,,211,886,,,,,1755,265,,,05/17 17:29,05/18 15:43,GGR,ALF,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. ",C,, 20200517,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5847,,128574,5857,122727,,208,886,,,,,1739,259,,,05/16 18:05,05/17 16:08,JAC,REB,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. ",C,, 20200516,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5662,,124458,5662,118796,,223,886,,,,,1671,253,,,05/15 18:01,05/16 15:30,JAC,RS,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. ",C,, 20200515,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5503,,119601,5503,114098,,209,886,,,,,1576,242,,,05/14 17:55,05/15 14:30,RSB,AW,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. ",C,, 20200514,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5364,,110289,5364,109647,,200,886,,,,,1515,231,,,05/13 20:20,05/14 14:57,AFG,BL,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. ",C,, 20200513,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5212,,106721,5212,105077,,199,886,,,,,1434,219,,,05/12 18:05,,,,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. ",C,, 20200512,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5069,,,5069,101652,,207,886,,,,,1300,208,,,05/11 22:33,05/12 14:15,KWS,DPT,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. ",C,, 20200511,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4863,,,4863,97635,,194,789,,,,,1285,200,,,05/10 17:50,05/11 14:40,AW,RS,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. ",C,, 20200510,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4778,,,4778,92275,,198,789,,,,,1268,191,,,05/09 16:00,05/10 16:13,DPT,REB,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MDT. ",C,, 20200509,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4673,,,4673,88589,,201,789,,,,,1189,181,,,05/08 6:05,05/09 14:41,REB,RS,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200508,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4493,,,4493,84539,,197,760,,,,,1125,172,,,05/07 6:09,05/08 15:01,EB,RS,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200507,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4291,,,4291,81393,,193,687,,,,,1073,169,,,05/06 6:01,05/07 15:30,JAC,PR,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200506,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4138,,,4138,79113,,178,687,,,,,964,162,,,05/05 17:30,05/06 14:13,DPT,RS,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200505,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4031,,,4031,77689,,181,667,,,,,842,156,,,05/04 17:53,05/05 16:00,BL,REB,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200504,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3850,,,3850,74127,,164,587,,,,,832,151,,,05/03 17:58,05/04 16:13,RS,REB,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200503,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3732,,,3732,71212,,168,587,,,,,812,139,,,05/02 18:00,05/03 14:26,JAC,DPT,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Check for hospitalization data - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200502,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3513,,,3513,67605,,159,587,,,,,785,131,,,05/01 20:02,,,,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Check for hospitalization data - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200501,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3411,,,3411,64458,,172,536,,,,,760,123,,,05/01 10:55,05/01 16:53,ESK,MM,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Check for hospitalization data - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200430,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3213,,,3213,61872,,163,536,,,,,734,112,,,04/29 20:02,04/30 16:12,RS,ESK,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Check for hospitalization data - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200429,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2974,,,2974,58771,,157,509,,,,,705,110,,,04/28 18:00,04/29 16:42,EB,REB,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Check for hospitalization data - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200428,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2823,55980,,155,481,,,,,666,104,,,04/27 18:04,04/28 15:11,EB,KP,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Check for hospitalization data - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200427,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2726,53889,,148,412,,,,,650,99,,,04/26 18:01,04/27 15:25,REB,RS,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Check for hospitalization data - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200426,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2660,51075,,152,412,,,,,614,93,,,04/25 20:24,04/26 16:10,SPA,RS,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Check for hospitalization data - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200425,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2521,48989,,152,412,,,,,614,84,,,04/25 13:59,04/25 16:08,RS,AW,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Check for hospitalization data - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",C,, 20200424,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2379,44184,,123,367,,,,,573,78,,,04/24 20:17,04/24 23:06,SPA,SJ,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Check for hospitalization data - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",A,, 20200423,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2210,39022,,121,331,,,,,547,71,,,04/23 9:11,,,,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Check for hospitalization data - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",A,, 20200422,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2072,38805,,119,306,,,,,529,65,,,04/22 19:11,,,,"(4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: - Check for hospitalization data - Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",A,, 20200421,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1971,36784,,116,291,,,,,501,58,,,04/21 10:22,,,,"(4/14 RS) State has new dashboard. Update Links: (4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: Check for hospitalization data Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",A,, 20200420,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1845,35197,,103,274,,,,,487,55,,,04/19 18:46,04/20 14:47,REB,RS,"(4/14 RS) State has new dashboard. Update Links: (4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: Check for hospitalization data Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",A,, 20200419,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1798,34834,,92,258,,,,,465,53,,,04/19 19:46,04/20 10:36,AFG,,"(4/14 RS) State has new dashboard. Update Links: (4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: Check for hospitalization data Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",A,, 20200418,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1711,33902,,96,242,,,,,382,51,,,04/17 21:53,,,,"(4/14 RS) State has new dashboard. Update Links: (4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: Check for hospitalization data Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",A,, 20200417,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1597,32891,,90,230,,,,,353,44,,,04/17 20:53,04/17 22:15,RV,CML,"(4/14 RS) State has new dashboard. Update Links: (4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: Check for hospitalization data Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",A,, 20200416,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1484,31910,,90,215,,,,,353,36,,,04/16 19:09,,,,"(4/14 RS) State has new dashboard. Update Links: (4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data. PROCESS: Check for hospitalization data Note local dashboard reflects viewer's timezone. Change timestamp to MST. ",A,, 20200415,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1407,31443,,87,181,,,,,340,36,,,04/14 18:56,04/15 14:41,RS,AW,"(4/14 RS) State has new dashboard. Update Links: PROCESS: Check for hospitalization data (4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data",A,, 20200414,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1345,30625,,87,181,,,,,304,31,,,04/14 20:56,,,,"(4/14 RS) State has new dashboard. Update Links: PROCESS: Check for hospitalization data (4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data",A,, 20200413,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1245,29270,,80,,,,,,295,26,,,04/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check for hospitalization data (4/12 ESK) Removed current icu due to it being stale data",A,, 20200412,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1174,27518,,78,,,,18,,235,20,,,04/11 0:00,04/12 16:17,RS,PR,"(4/10 AGS eve) Currently hospitalized and recovered from press release PROCESS: Check for hospitalization data",A,, 20200411,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1091,26007,,75,,,,18,,235,19,,,04/10 0:00,04/11 15:37,RS,QN,"(4/10 AGS eve) Currently hospitalized and recovered from press release PROCESS: Check for hospitalization data",A,, 20200410,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1091,26007,,73,,,,18,,217,19,,,04/10 0:00,04/11 15:37,RS,QN,"(4/10 AGS eve) Currently hospitalized and recovered from press release PROCESS: Check for hospitalization data",A,, 20200409,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,865,22942,,59,,,,18,,201,16,,,04/08 0:00,04/09 15:46,MEB,MC,"(4/8 eve RV) Dashboard updated, updated hospitalization and recovered numbers from, note that the hospitalized number maybe include individuals who tested positive out of state but are hospitalized in New Mexico, New Mexicans who tested positive and may have transferred out of state not tracked (4/5 late AM) Check for hospitalization data ",A,, 20200408,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,794,21451,,51,,,,18,,171,13,,,04/07 0:00,04/08 14:57,RS,MC,"(4/8 RS Aft) no update, so no change (4/7 aft JJ) vent figure unchanged from 4/4 (4/6 eve QN) Review source for ventilation? Number unchaged since 4/4 (4/6 aft MC) Vent figure unchanged from 4/4 (4/5 late AM) Check for hospitalization data (4/5 eve AGS) Negatives calculated as total tests - positives. Updated hospitalized and recovered from . No update available for number currently on ventilator. (4/4 afternoon JJ) Updated hospitalized and vents (source:",A,, 20200407,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,686,21139,,48,,,,18,,133,12,,,04/06 0:00,04/07 14:12,JJ,RS,"(4/7 aft JJ) vent figure unchanged from 4/4 (4/6 eve QN) Review source for ventilation? Number unchaged since 4/4 (4/6 aft MC) Vent figure unchanged from 4/4 (4/5 late AM) Check for hospitalization data (4/5 eve AGS) Negatives calculated as total tests - positives. Updated hospitalized and recovered from . No update available for number currently on ventilator. (4/4 afternoon JJ) Updated hospitalized and vents (source:",A,, 20200406,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,624,18512,,45,,,,18,,130,12,,,04/06 0:00,04/07 14:12,JJ,RS,"(4/7 aft JJ) vent figure unchanged from 4/4 (4/6 eve QN) Review source for ventilation? Number unchaged since 4/4 (4/6 aft MC) Vent figure unchanged from 4/4 (4/5 late AM) Check for hospitalization data (4/5 eve AGS) Negatives calculated as total tests - positives. Updated hospitalized and recovered from . No update available for number currently on ventilator. (4/4 afternoon JJ) Updated hospitalized and vents (source:",A,, 20200405,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,543,16285,,37,,,,18,,54,11,,,04/04 0:00,04/05 15:40,PJR**,HDF,"(4/5 aft PJR) Updated hosp and recovered as per, current hosp went down. Local Time unchanged (4/4 DG) Did not update hospitalized or recovered (4/4 afternoon JJ) Updated hospitalized and vents (source: (4/3 evening AGS) Did not update hospitalized or recovered (4/2 DG) Did not update hospitalized or recovered",A,, 20200404,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,495,15137,,41,,,,18,,26,10,,,04/03 0:00,04/04 16:25,JJ**,ESK,"(4/4 afternoon JJ) Updated hospitalized and vents (source: (4/3 evening AGS) Did not update hospitalized or recovered (4/2 DG) Did not update hospitalized or recovered",A,, 20200403,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,403,14375,,31,,,,,,26,7,,,04/02 0:00,04/03 16:13,JJ,ESK,(4/2 DG) Did not update hospitalized or recovered,A,, 20200402,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,363,13648,,31,,,,,,26,6,,,04/01 0:00,04/02 15:50,MC,PR,,A,, 20200401,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,315,12925,,24,,,,,,26,5,,,03/31 22:22,,,,,A,, 20200331,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,281,12246,,22,,,,,,26,4,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,237,10942,,22,,,,,,26,2,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,237,10769,,19,,,,,,2,2,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,191,9196,,17,,,,,,,1,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,136,8377,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,112,7681,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100,6742,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83,5890,,,,,,,,,,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65,5321,,,,,,,,,,,,03/22 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57,4722,,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200321,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57,3771,,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200320,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43,3771,,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35,2762,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28,2326,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23,1249,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,566,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:11,,,,,,, 20200315,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13,482,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 13:00,,,,,,, 20200314,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,237,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,190,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,155,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,87,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,69,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,57,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,48,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,48,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,NM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,16,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,854785,,,69228,,597508,69228,528693,,664,,196,,106,,1773,1305,,,08/31 2:59,08/31 16:47,KVP,ESK,"(8/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,850535,,,68908,,595273,68908,526777,,675,,182,,102,,1725,1302,,,08/30 2:59,08/30 17:43,KVP,SB,"(8/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,844391,,,68461,,592115,68461,524060,,675,,182,,102,,1725,1302,,,08/29 2:59,08/29 17:02,KVP,SB,"(8/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,837057,,,67852,,588301,67852,520699,,707,,197,,108,,1725,1287,,,08/28 2:59,08/28 15:40,KAT,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,828931,,,67220,,584007,67220,517012,,727,,207,,110,,1718,1271,,,08/27 2:59,08/27 17:01,XMH,DZL,"(8/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,823189,,,66666,,580996,66666,514489,,761,,211,,118,,1705,1250,,,08/26 13:00,08/26 17:12,NEZ,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,819782,,,66413,,579176,66413,512869,,772,,216,,122,,1672,1230,,,08/25 2:59,08/25 16:04,JB,DZL,"(8/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,814793,,,66010,,576621,66010,510667,,771,,229,,126,,1611,1200,,,08/24 2:59,08/24 17:13,KAT,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,809683,,,65601,,574119,65601,508628,,825,,247,,138,,1599,1197,,,08/23 2:59,08/23 16:43,KVP,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,802019,,,65069,,569960,65069,505057,,825,,247,,138,,1599,1197,,,08/22 2:59,08/22 16:08,RRI,BSL,"(98/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,795264,,,64433,,566236,64433,501878,,807,,246,,140,,1599,1185,,,08/21 2:59,08/21 15:38,KAT,BSL,"(98/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,786344,,,63584,,560981,63584,497379,,874,,263,,152,,1567,1172,,,08/20 2:59,08/20 17:02,GET,BSl,"(98/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,769298,,,63028,,556436,63028,493498,,867,,262,,160,,1540,1134,,,08/19 2:59,08/19 17:45,PK,BSL,"(98/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,762714,,,62639,,553908,62639,491289,,903,,267,,165,,1518,1102,,,08/18 2:59,08/18 15:40,KVP,BSL,"(98/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,759112,,,61967,,551770,61967,489456,,869,,256,,150,,1498,1077,,,08/17 2:59,08/17 15:42,KAT,BSL,"(98/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,752065,,,61305,,547746,61305,486158,,941,,258,,166,,1423,1072,,,08/16 2:59,08/16 15:51,KVP,BSL,"(98/15 KVP) on 8/15 had a digit dropped from col AM Total PCR Tests (people) data point, went from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands, a factor of 10. Back to 100s of thousands, GH issue filed, shift leads checked not a critical number reported, so no public note was decision. (8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,743871,,,60608,,54926,60608,482242,,941,,258,,166,,1423,1069,,,08/15 2:59,08/15 15:41,PK,BSL,"(8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,735891,,,59749,,538202,59749,478455,,948,,260,,166,,1423,1045,,,08/14 2:59,08/14 16:56,SLC,RSG,"(8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,727283,,,58650,,533281,58650,474494,,982,,260,,174,,1393,1030,,,08/13 2:59,08/13 17:32,KVP,BSL,"(8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,717306,,,58048,,527501,58048,469487,,998,,268,,177,,1385,996,,,08/12 2:59,08/12 18:06,SLC,BSL,"(8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,712619,,,57520,,524812,57520,467229,,971,,257,,171,,1361,981,,,08/11 2:59,08/11 17:01,KVP,BSL,"(8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,708461,,,56972,,522403,56972,465220,,1014,,266,,172,,1326,963,,,08/10 13:00,08/10 15:56,LDH,DZL,"(8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,700212,,,56230,,517740,56230,461374,,976,,278,,173,,1297,957,,,08/09 2:59,08/09 16:40,KVP,BSL,"(8/8 KVP) NV states on p.1 hosp data are not updated on Sundays. (7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,691615,,,55419,,513036,55419,457600,,976,,278,,173,,1297,949,,,08/08 2:59,08/08 15:43,RRI,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,679482,,,54533,,506737,54533,452465,,1035,,289,,178,,1297,920,,,08/07 2:59,8/07 17:47,KAT,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,666990,,,53557,,499606,53557,446638,,1117,,307,,208,,1251,900,,,08/06 2:59,8/06 15:49,AJC,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,650621,,,52828,,489247,52828,438289,,1148,,320,,214,,1234,890,,,08/05 2:59,8/05 17:28,BAS,RSG,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,647677,,,52179,,487602,52179,436908,,1146,,310,,202,,1209,862,,,08/04 2:59,8/04 15:48,DZL,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/4 17:58, 20200803,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,641665,,,51199,,483520,51199,433667,,1152,,326,,207,,1158,847,,,08/03 2:59,8/03 17:01,SLC,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,637026,,,50205,,481319,50205,431914,,1165,,333,,193,,1127,832,,,08/02 2:59,8/02 16:40,BAS,BML,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,624843,,,49074,,473050,49074,425146,,1165,,333,,193,,1127,832,,,08/01 2:59,8/01 17:43,TCD,SB,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,616731,,,48088,,468967,48088,421815,,1159,,333,,191,,1127,830,,,07/31 2:59,07/31 17:24,KAT,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200730,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,607288,,,46824,,462885,46824,416821,,1145,,327,,187,,1085,801,,,07/30 2:59,07/30 15:59,AJC,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200729,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,596795,,,45806,,456602,45806,411579,,1110,,325,,190,,1061,780,,,07/29 2:59,07/29 15:47,BAS,DZL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200728,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,585736,,,44936,,449720,44936,405950,,1147,,319,,191,,1054,759,,,07/28 2:59,07/28 15:42,KVP,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200727,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,575427,,,43831,,443608,43831,400848,,1112,,310,,184,,1019,739,,,07/27 2:59,07/27 15:46,KAT,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200726,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,566376,,,42843,,437808,42843,396088,,1147,,314,,180,,994,734,,,07/26 2:59,07/26 15:41,KVP,HMH,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200725,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,552480,,,41816,,429047,41816,388705,,1147,,314,,180,,994,732,,,07/25 12:15,07/25 15:43,MEC,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200724,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,537720,,,40885,,419810,40885,380986,,1160,,315,,165,,994,722,,,07/24 13:00,07/24 17:54,SLC,REB,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200723,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,526274,,,39919,,411695,39919,374217,,1136,,306,,156,,975,709,,,07/23 14:50,07/23 15:43,SLC,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200722,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,510977,,,38657,,401440,38657,365651,,1102,,299,,154,,917,704,,,07/22 13:10,07/22 15:52,KAT,BHP,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200721,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,503464,,,37528,,396079,37528,361294,,1095,,301,,143,,874,676,,,07/21 13:30,07/21 17:19,WCD,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200720,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,498739,,,36713,,392988,36713,358708,,1086,,304,,156,,867,648,,,07/20 13:50,07/20 15:41,SLC,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200719,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,490644,,,35765,,387074,35765,354023,,1045,,287,,149,,842,647,,,07/18 12:00,07/19 17:08,SLC,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200718,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,480442,,,34477,,379879,34477,348060,,1006,,285,,150,,842,646,,,07/18 11:30,07/18 15:47,DCC,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200717,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,472989,,,33295,,374547,33295,343712,,1000,,269,,134,,842,637,,,07/17 13:20,07/17 15:51,SLC,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200716,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,465682,,,31915,,369204,31915,338928,,1051,,251,,124,,834,626,,,07/16 13:30,07/16 15:55,EDS,QN,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200715,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,457521,,,30468,,363320,30468,333957,,1051,,251,,124,,826,618,,,07/15 13:00,07/15 15:41,RSG,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200714,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,452381,,,29619,,359315,29619,330561,,983,,247,,121,,800,612,,,07/14 12:00,07/14 16:01,SLC,REB,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200713,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,443136,,,28515,,352456,28515,324678,,953,,250,,107,,789,593,,,07/13 11:45,07/13 15:15,AIA,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200712,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,434401,,,27683,,346799,27683,319873,,895,,239,,114,,764,593,,,07/12 11:50,07/12 16:32,BAS,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200711,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,425027,,,26838,,340338,26838,314395,,918,,241,,122,,764,592,,,07/10 12:00,07/11 16:21,BAS,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200710,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,416707,,,25908,,334447,25908,309583,,924,,248,,111,,764,579,,,07/10 12:00,07/11 16:21,BAS,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200709,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,408611,,,24904,,328935,24904,304874,,935,,237,,112,,759,571,,,07/09 11:30,07/09 15:12,SLC,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200708,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,396632,,,24301,,322406,24301,299352,,876,,233,,109,,754,553,,,07/08 12:00,07/08 16:29,EDS,BHP,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200707,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,383856,,,23785,,314928,23785,292761,,849,,236,,112,,743,548,,,07/07 13:00,07/07 15:27,LRH,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200706,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,376887,,,22909,,309995,22909,288572,,748,,201,,114,,742,537,,,07/06 12:00,07/06 15:11,BAS,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200705,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,371890,,,22418,,306086,22418,285279,,760,,226,,99,,727,534,,,07/05 11:40,07/05 15:23,BHP,SB,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200704,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,363432,,,21575,,299786,21575,279654,,749,,205,,97,,727,530,,,07/04 11:40,07/04 15:02,SNW,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200703,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,353255,,,20718,,292132,20718,272967,,704,,219,,87,,727,528,,,07/03 11:00,07/03 16:01,MEC,BSL,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200702,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,341163,,,19733,,282805,19733,264995,,662,,196,,78,,727,525,,,07/02 11:00,07/02 16:08,EDS,QN,"(7/2 QN/EDS): NV decreased their total people tested and negative tests (people) by 400 - keeping those numbers the same awaiting new information from reporting (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200701,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,331318,,,19101,,282805,19101,264995,,630,,142,,74,,714,511,,,07/01 11:30,07/01 15:07,EDS,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200630,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,322944,,,18456,,275978,18456,259112,,593,,134,,65,,689,507,,,06/30 11:30,06/30 15:09,EDS,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200629,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,314388,,,17894,,271397,17894,255123,,555,,124,,65,,689,504,,,06/29 11:30,06/29 17:11,SLC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200628,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,307131,,,17160,,265938,17160,250420,,511,,122,,59,,684,500,,,06/28 11:30,06/28 15:06,SNW,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200627,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,301815,,,16339,,261667,16339,246687,,503,,117,,66,,684,500,,,06/27 12:00,06/27 15:34,DCC,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200626,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,297635,,,15240,,257931,15240,243422,,471,,118,,59,,684,498,,,06/26 11:40,06/26 16:12,LRH,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that NV lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200625,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,293854,,,14859,,254874,14859,240691,,467,,98,,57,,682,495,,,06/25 11:30,06/25 15:17,EDS,BSL,"(6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200624,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,289920,,,14362,,251907,14362,238025,,439,,96,,53,,666,494,,,06/24 12:00,06/24 15:31,SMG,BSL,"(6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200623,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,285790,,,13997,,248033,13997,234529,,389,,100,,50,,658,492,,,06/23 11:30,06/23 17:09,EDS,BSL,"(6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200622,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,280618,,,13535,,243574,13535,230530,,373,,100,,46,,653,492,,,06/22 11:30,06/22 15:41,SB,BSL,"(6/22 SB) Dashboard notes that number of tests has been decreased due to a ""reporting issue over the weekend that has since been corrected"". Tests down from 283893 to 280618. Note also that recovered number is just from ""facilities"", so likely a big undercount. (6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200621,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,283893,,,13205,,241370,13205,228486,,370,,87,,49,,652,492,,,06/21 18:01,06/21 15:12,HMH,BSL,"(6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200620,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,274879,,,12931,,238674,12931,226032,,370,,87,,49,,652,491,,,06/20 11:00,06/20 15:09,BSL,JAC,"(6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200619,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,269097,,,12486,,234153,12486,221874,,370,,87,,49,,652,491,,,06/19 11:30,06/19 16:44,TCD,BSL,"(6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200618,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,264568,,,12076,,230728,12076,218720,,357,,93,,55,,641,489,,,06/18 11:00,06/18 15:35,SMS,RS,"(6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200617,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,260801,,,11842,,227592,11842,215768,,360,,96,,45,,640,486,,,06/17 12:00,06/17 15:19,SLC,BSL,"(6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200616,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,254799,,,11658,,222460,11658,210816,,349,,87,,48,,640,485,,,06/16 11:10,06/16 16:05,SMS,RS,"(6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200615,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,248498,,,11279,,216464,11279,205155,,346,,85,,40,,636,483,,,06/15 11:30,06/15 15:08,HMH,BSL,"(6/15 HMH) Cur. Vent dropped from 69 to 40. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200614,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,241729,,,11173,,210503,11173,199438,,332,,83,,69,,627,479,,,06/14 11:30,06/14 14:55,SAL,BSL,"(6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200613,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,235500,,,10946,,204788,10946,193934,,351,,81,,43,,627,478,,,06/13 11:30,06/13 15:15,RSG,AFG,"(6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200612,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,229273,,,10678,,199356,10678,188769,,328,,77,,36,,604,475,,,06/12 11:30,06/12 14:43,BHP,RS,"(6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200611,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,221786,,,10399,,193170,10399,182855,,337,,72,,35,,560,475,,,06/11 12:00,06/11 15:34,BSL,CML,"(6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200610,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,215087,,,10164,,187292,10164,177159,,359,,70,,38,,557,474,,,06/10 11:40,06/10 14:50,BHP,BSL,"(6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200609,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,211157,,,10030,,183514,10030,173559,,350,,86,,41,,557,472,,,06/09 0:00,06/09 14:41,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Open ""Dashboard"" and ""Other"" links in two browser tabs. Refer to each source note per column. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200608,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,206514,,,9786,,180003,9786,170217,,339,,74,,44,,522,469,,,06/08 0:00,06/08 15:53,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: Open ""Dashboard"" and ""Other"" links in two browser tabs. Refer to each source note per column. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200607,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,201608,,,9649,,175652,9649,166048,,348,,80,,44,,522,465,,,06/07 11:00,06/07 14:43,TCD,CML,"PROCESS: Open ""Dashboard"" and ""Other"" links in two browser tabs. Refer to each source note per column. (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200606,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,196976,,,9460,,171754,9460,162311,,348,,80,,44,,522,463,,,06/06 11:00,06/06 14:10,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200605,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,191125,,,9266,,166002,9266,156841,,341,,72,,47,,522,460,,,06/05 12:00,06/05 15:56,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200604,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,185648,,,9090,,161304,9090,152333,,364,,79,,47,,512,460,,,06/04 12:00,06/04 16:40,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200603,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,180008,,,8935,,156147,8935,147320,,372,,84,,47,,501,455,,,06/03 11:30,06/03 16:54,BSL,MM,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200602,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,176032,,,8830,,151966,8830,143261,,365,,88,,39,,464,452,,,06/01 0:00,06/02 16:01,RS,REB,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (6/2 RS) Deaths decreased by one (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated ",A+,, 20200601,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,169813,,,8688,,146688,8688,138095,,361,,87,,40,,459,445,,,06/01 11:00,06/01 14:14,GGR,RS,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/31 SB) Recovered number is just from a page relating to cases in ""Facilities"": (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated (5/26 aft JE/DPT) Arithmetic from p.2 of dashboard doesn't add up: positive + negative is greater than total (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing.",A+,, 20200531,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,165014,,,8593,,142461,8593,133967,,336,,71,,41,,428,444,,,05/31 11:30,05/31 14:33,AIA,KP,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/31 SB) Recovered number is just from a page relating to cases in ""Facilities"": (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated (5/26 aft JE/DPT) Arithmetic from p.2 of dashboard doesn't add up: positive + negative is greater than total (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing.",A+,, 20200530,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,160499,,,8495,,138414,8495,130037,,371,,92,,42,,428,439,,,05/30 10:30,05/30 16:40,SB,CML,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/31 SB) Recovered number is just from a page relating to cases in ""Facilities"": (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated (5/26 aft JE/DPT) Arithmetic from p.2 of dashboard doesn't add up: positive + negative is greater than total (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing.",A+,, 20200529,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,155449,,,8350,,134356,8350,126066,,371,,92,,42,,428,435,,,05/29 12:30,05/29 16:03,JA,QN,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/29 QN) Recovered number seem horribly outdated (5/26 aft JE/DPT) Arithmetic from p.2 of dashboard doesn't add up: positive + negative is greater than total (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing.",A+,, 20200528,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,151938,,,8208,,131203,8208,122982,,439,,123,,55,,406,425,,,05/28 12:30,05/28 15:28,GMJ,JAC,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/26 aft JE/DPT) Arithmetic from p.2 of dashboard doesn't add up: positive + negative is greater than total (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing.",A+,, 20200527,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,148525,,,8113,,128682,8113,120446,,435,,108,,48,,401,416,,,05/27 11:00,05/27 14:26,JA,RS,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/26 aft JE/DPT) Arithmetic from p.2 of dashboard doesn't add up: positive + negative is greater than total (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing.",A+,, 20200526,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,142833,,,7997,,123319,7997,115370,,390,,91,,46,,374,412,,,05/26 12:00,05/26 15:32,JA,DPT,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/26 aft JE/DPT) Arithmetic from p.2 of dashboard doesn't add up: positive + negative is greater than total (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing.",A+,, 20200525,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133508,,,7879,,114704,7879,106852,,380,,91,,45,,359,410,,,05/25 10:25,05/25 14:19,TCD,RS,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing.",A+,, 20200524,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,128803,,,7770,,110260,7770,102511,,373,,92,,51,,359,408,,,05/24 10:00,05/24 14:16,KP,RS,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing.",A+,, 20200523,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,125394,,,7696,,107047,7696,99351,,402,,99,,53,,359,404,,,05/23 13:00,05/23 15:38,AIA,SPA,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing.",A+,, 20200522,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,117606,,,7401,,99941,7401,92540,,404,,90,,51,,339,400,,,05/22 9:30,05/22 15:48,GMJ,ALF,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing.",A+,, 20200521,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,111323,,,7255,,94382,7255,87127,,410,,92,,52,,339,397,,,05/21 10:30,05/21 15:38,KWS,RS,"PROCESS: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing.",A+,, 20200520,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107666,,,7046,,91171,7166,84005,,437,,107,,60,,336,393,,,05/20 9:00,05/20 15:36,GGR,BL,"Process: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing. (5/10 aft DPT) revising recoveries down per note. Added current hosp/icu/vent from p. 7 of dashboard, not seeing any ICU or Vent data so not changing either. (5/9 aft REB) leaving recoveries unchanged, the source now shows 182, if continues to show lower # by 5/10, should revise down (4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",A,, 20200519,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,103703,,,7046,,87555,7046,80509,,405,,106,,54,,334,390,,,05/19 10:00,05/19 17:10,FIP,KP,"Process: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard, To get total tests (People) select total people tested in the right side drop down on pg 2 of dashboard (5/19 aft MM) P 2 of dashboard is broken! (5/19 aft FIP) Recoveries went down (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing. (5/10 aft DPT) revising recoveries down per note. Added current hosp/icu/vent from p. 7 of dashboard, not seeing any ICU or Vent data so not changing either. (5/9 aft REB) leaving recoveries unchanged, the source now shows 182, if continues to show lower # by 5/10, should revise down (4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",B,, 20200518,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97094,,,6906,,81832,6906,74926,,423,,105,,65,,355,383,,,05/18 11:00,05/18 16:38,GGR,REB,"Process: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard (5/18 aft GGR) p7 of PBI rpt has no update for hosp, so not changing. (5/10 aft DPT) revising recoveries down per note. Added current hosp/icu/vent from p. 7 of dashboard, not seeing any ICU or Vent data so not changing either. (5/9 aft REB) leaving recoveries unchanged, the source now shows 182, if continues to show lower # by 5/10, should revise down (4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",B,, 20200517,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95954,,,6857,,80637,6857,73780,,423,,105,,65,,272,375,,,05/17 11:00,05/17 17:03,JAC,REB,"Process: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard (5/10 aft DPT) revising recoveries down per note. Added current hosp/icu/vent from p. 7 of dashboard (5/9 aft REB) leaving recoveries unchanged, the source now shows 182, if continues to show lower # by 5/10, should revise down (4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",B,, 20200516,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87454,,,6662,,73664,6662,67002,,423,,105,,65,,272,369,,,05/16 12:00,05/16 15:04,REB,QN,"Process: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard (5/10 aft DPT) revising recoveries down per note. Added current hosp/icu/vent from p. 7 of dashboard (5/9 aft REB) leaving recoveries unchanged, the source now shows 182, if continues to show lower # by 5/10, should revise down (4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",B,, 20200515,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85791,,,6614,,72146,6614,65532,,425,,115,,73,,272,368,,,05/15 12:00,05/15 17:20,RSB,QN,"Process: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard (5/10 aft DPT) revising recoveries down per note. Added current hosp/icu/vent from p. 7 of dashboard (5/9 aft REB) leaving recoveries unchanged, the source now shows 182, if continues to show lower # by 5/10, should revise down (4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",B,, 20200514,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,82993,,,6499,,66672,6499,62985,,515,,126,,75,,244,358,,,05/14 12:00,05/14 15:05,AFG,BL,"Process: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard (5/10 aft DPT) revising recoveries down per note. Added current hosp/icu/vent from p. 7 of dashboard (5/9 aft REB) leaving recoveries unchanged, the source now shows 182, if continues to show lower # by 5/10, should revise down (4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",B,, 20200513,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79735,,,6394,,64075,6394,60278,,522,,121,,64,,198,355,,,05/13 12:30,,,,"Process: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard (5/10 aft DPT) revising recoveries down per note. Added current hosp/icu/vent from p. 7 of dashboard (5/9 aft REB) leaving recoveries unchanged, the source now shows 182, if continues to show lower # by 5/10, should revise down (4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",B,, 20200512,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76914,,,6311,,,6311,57764,,522,,121,,64,,185,350,,,05/12 12:30,05/12 16:24,KWS,DPT,"Process: hosptialization numbers on page 7 of dashboard (5/10 aft DPT) revising recoveries down per note. Added current hosp/icu/vent from p. 7 of dashboard (5/9 aft REB) leaving recoveries unchanged, the source now shows 182, if continues to show lower # by 5/10, should revise down (4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",C,, 20200511,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,72970,,,6152,,,6152,53932,,482,,117,,60,,183,344,,,05/11 13:30,05/11 14:46,AW,RS,"Process: hosptialization numbers one page 7 of dashboard (5/10 aft DPT) revising recoveries down per note. Added current hosp/icu/vent from p. 7 of dashboard (5/9 aft REB) leaving recoveries unchanged, the source now shows 182, if continues to show lower # by 5/10, should revise down (4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",C,, 20200510,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71603,,,6098,,,6098,52711,,444,,116,,65,,182,339,,,05/10 12:30,05/10 16:18,DPT,REB,"Process: hosptialization numbers one page 7 of dashboard (5/10 aft DPT) revising recoveries down per note. Added current hosp/icu/vent from p. 7 of dashboard (5/9 aft REB) leaving recoveries unchanged, the source now shows 182, if continues to show lower # by 5/10, should revise down (4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",C,, 20200509,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68366,,,6028,,,6028,50083,,,,,,,,205,334,,,05/09 12:00,05/09 16:31,REB,RS,"(5/9 aft REB) leaving recoveries unchanged, the source now shows 182, if continues to show lower # by 5/10, should revise down (4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",D,, 20200508,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65544,,,5884,,,5884,47460,,,,,,,,205,328,,,05/08 12:50,05/08 16:17,EB,RS,"(4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",D,, 20200507,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63708,,,5766,,,5766,45591,,,,,,,,205,320,,,05/07 12:40,05/07 15:31,REB,PR,"(4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",D,, 20200506,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61090,,,5663,,,5663,43612,,,,,,,,203,311,,,05/06 12:40,05/06 14:19,DPT,RS,"(4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",D,, 20200505,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59437,,,5594,,,5594,42290,,,,,,,,200,297,,,05/05 10:00,05/05 16:04,BL,REB,"(4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",D,, 20200504,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57274,,,5491,,,5491,40675,,,,,,,,185,292,,,05/04 11:00,05/04 16:33,REB,RS,"(4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",D,, 20200503,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56203,,,5426,,,5426,39843,,,,,,,,182,287,,,05/03 10:00,05/03 16:36,JAC,ESK,"(4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",D,, 20200502,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54918,,,5311,,,5311,39076,,,,,,,,182,281,,,05/02 10:00,,,,"(4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",D,, 20200501,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53984,,,5227,,,5227,38368,,,,,,,,182,277,,,05/01 10:00,05/01 14:36,SD**,MM,"(4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",D,, 20200430,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51761,,,4998,,,4998,36988,,,,,,,,158,269,,,04/30 10:00,04/30 14:25,RS,BL,"(4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",D,, 20200429,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50526,,,4898,,,4898,36130,,,,,,,,100,257,,,04/29 10:00,04/30 11:34,MM,ERG,"(4/30 mor MM) Added dashboard EK found. Use for recovered. Note it seems to only reflect state regulated fascilities, so it is a lower bound (4/29 aft ESK) Found recovered (4/29 mor ALF) NV’s stat of “(Total) People Tested” doesn’t have an explicit column in the spreadsheet, but Pos Cases + Neg Cases (from table on right of dashboard, use dropdown) will sum to (Total) People Tested. (4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",D,, 20200428,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4805,35314,,,,,,,,,251,,,04/28 10:00,04/28 16:02,CML,QN,"(4/28 mor AFG) Positive and Negative show the same for all three 'Results' options currently (4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",F,, 20200427,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4690,34123,,,,,,,,,245,,,04/27 10:00,04/27 16:34,REB,ESK,"(4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",F,, 20200426,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4602,33584,,,,,,,,,235,,,04/26 12:00,04/26 14:17,DB,KP,"(4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",F,, 20200425,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4539,32669,,,,,,,,,229,,,04/25 10:00,04/25 15:39,QN,RS,"(4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",F,, 20200424,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4398,31794,,,,,,,,,216,,,04/24 10:00,04/24 22:22,SPA,SJ,"(4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",A,, 20200423,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4208,30541,,,,,,,,,210,,,04/23 20:00,04/24 8:28,ESK,,"(4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",A,, 20200422,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4081,29807,,,,,,,,,201,,,04/22 10:00,,,,"(4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",A,, 20200421,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3937,29118,,,,,,,,,193,,,04/21 10:00,04/22 8:27,QN,,"(4/21 mor JJFC/QN) 'Positive' data increased in dashboard. Updated 'Negative' data from ""Result = Negative"" dropdown. This data is higher than if using the ""Positives"" drop down but seems to be more updated. (4/20 DB eve) Only death count was updated.",A,, 20200420,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3830,28517,,,,,,,,,180,,,04/20 10:00,04/20 14:08,REB,RS,,A,, 20200419,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3728,27870,,,,,,,,,172,,,04/19 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200418,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3626,27125,,,,,,,,,168,,,04/18 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200417,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3524,26238,,,,,,,,,162,,,04/17 10:00,04/17 22:16,RV,,,A,, 20200416,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3321,25130,,,,,,,,,158,,,04/16 19:00,04/17 8:40,LAW,,,A,, 20200415,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3211,24444,,,,,,,,,150,,,04/15 12:00,04/15 23:34,REB,SJ,,A,, 20200414,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3088,23573,,,,,,,,,141,,,04/14 18:00,04/15 8:13,AFG,," (4/12 ESK) Removing current hospitalized because its the principality of the situation - data from Apr 8th news report",A,, 20200413,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2971,22493,,,,,,,,,133,,,04/13 10:00,04/13 23:40,REB,SJ,"(4/13 eve REB) death count updated at 4pm, everything else unchanged from 7am (leaving the local time at 7am -SJ) (4/12 ESK) Removing current hospitalized because its the principality of the situation - data from Apr 8th news report",A,, 20200412,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2836,21775,,282,,,,,,,128,,,04/12 10:30,04/12 15:50,RS,PR,,A,, 20200411,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2700,20887,,282,,,,,,,125,,,04/11 10:30,04/11 16:21,RS,QN,,A,, 20200410,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2584,20165,,282,,,,,,,120,,,04/10 10:30,04/10 14:42,RS,LH,"(4/8 AFG morning) Pending left blank, as Total - Pos - Neg = 0",A,, 20200409,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2456,19315,,282,,,,,,,110,,,04/09 9:30,04/09 15:05,MEB,MC,"(4/8 AFG morning) Pending left blank, as Total - Pos - Neg = 0",A,, 20200408,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2318,18248,,282,,,,,,,101,,,04/08 15:00,,,,"(4/8 AFG morning) Pending left blank, as Total - Pos - Neg = 0",A,, 20200407,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2087,16552,,282,,,,,,,91,,,04/07 10:00,04/07 16:23,JJ,RS,,A,, 20200406,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1953,15676,,,,,,,,,79,,,04/06 10:00,04/06 16:31,RS,PR,"(4/5 eve) URL leads to the wrong page of arcgis (2nd page instead of 1st). Link needs to be fixed. (4/4 eve) Check error: not updated yet today. ",A,, 20200405,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1836,14995,,,,,,,,,76,,,04/05 9:30,04/06 10:00,RT,ALF,"(4/5 eve) URL leads to the wrong page of arcgis (2nd page instead of 1st). Link needs to be fixed. (4/4 eve) Check error: not updated yet today. ",A,, 20200404,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1742,14421,,,,,,,,,70,,,04/04 9:30,04/04 22:07,SJ,,(4/4 eve) Check error: not updated yet today. ,A,, 20200403,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1514,13018,,,,,,,,,59,,,04/03 9:30,04/03 16:02,LH,HDF,,A,, 20200402,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1458,12588,,,,,,,,,51,,,04/02 9:30,04/02 17:15,MM**,ESK,"(4/2 afternoon MM) The numbers are all the same now. I added pending as People tested-Positives-Negatives (4/2 morning ALF) We were unable to figure out exactly what numbers to use, because as is reported in the States Matrix, the numbers in the top right cell of the dashboard *increase* when you go from Totals to Positives only, which makes no sense. Want this figured out and documented before we update, or else use a different trusted source. (4/2 morning ALF) The Public Note says that Pending for NV is calculated by Totals - Positives - Negatives. The Pending cell did not have that formula: I restored it, so Pending is now 2503 for NV. ",A,, 20200401,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1279,11519,,,,,,,,,45,,,04/01 9:30,,,,,A,, 20200331,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1113,10681,,,,,,,,,37,,,03/31 9:30,,,,,A,, 20200330,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1008,10207,,,,,,,,,32,,,03/30 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,738,8412,,,,,,,,,28,,,03/28 21:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,621,7901,,,,,,,,,25,,,03/27 22:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,535,6161,,,,,,,,,21,,,03/26 23:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,420,4697,,,,,,,,,17,,,03/26 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,321,4251,,,,,,,,,13,,,03/25 2:59,,,,,A,, 20200324,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,278,3954,,,,,,,,,13,,,03/23 14:59,,,,,A,, 20200323,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,245,3490,,,,,,,,,8,,,03/22 14:59,,,,,A,, 20200322,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,190,2448,,,,,,,,,7,,,03/21 14:00,,,,,,, 20200321,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,124,2384,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/21 2:59,,,,,,, 20200320,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109,1992,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/20 2:59,,,,,,, 20200319,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95,1626,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55,168,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/17 15:00,,,,,,, 20200317,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55,168,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/17 15:00,,,,,,, 20200316,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45,168,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/16 15:16,,,,,,, 20200315,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21,168,164,,,,,,,,1,,,03/14 17:05,,,,,,, 20200314,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20,168,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/14 12:33,,,,,,, 20200313,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,168,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/12 21:27,,,,,,, 20200312,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,168,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/10 16:00,,,,,,, 20200311,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,168,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,14,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,14,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,14,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,14,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74,,,1,14,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,,, 20200305,NV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,14,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,8263033,,,,434756,,,434756,7828277,,418,89995,109,,51,,75100,25328,,,08/30 23:59,08/31 16:44,RS,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (8/29 KWS) Moved total people tested to total test encounters (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/31 17:26, 20200830,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,8196792,,,,434100,,,434100,7762692,,429,89995,112,,47,,75062,25327,,,08/29 23:59,08/30 16:07,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (8/29 KWS) Moved total people tested to total test encounters (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/30 17:56, 20200829,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,8096770,,,,433402,,,433402,7663368,,458,89995,116,,48,,74990,25319,,,08/28 23:59,08/29 15:40,JAC,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (8/29 KWS) Moved total people tested to total test encounters (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/29 17:49, 20200828,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,8002897,,,,432767,,,432767,7570130,,478,89995,122,,51,,74923,25312,,,08/27 23:59,08/28 16:24,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7905071,,,,432131,,,432131,7472940,,490,89995,126,,52,,74850,25309,,,08/26 23:59,08/27 17:04,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7821634,,,,431340,,,431340,7390294,,492,89995,136,,54,,74791,25305,,,08/25 23:59,08/26 15:49,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7750445,,,,430774,,,430774,7319671,,488,89995,133,,52,,74731,25297,,,08/24 23:59,08/25 15:50,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7683190,,,,430145,,,430145,7253045,,482,89995,120,,54,,74684,25295,,,08/23 23:59,08/24 15:37,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7621159,,,,429737,,,429737,7191422,,472,89995,110,,50,,74640,25288,,,08/22 23:59,08/23 16:51,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7547116,,,,429165,,,429165,7117951,,483,89995,116,,56,,74553,25282,,,08/21 23:59,08/22 16:07,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7452267,,,,428512,,,428512,7023755,,490,89995,119,,58,,74485,25278,,,08/20 23:59,08/21 15:54,BSL,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7353387,,,,427803,,,427803,6925584,,518,89995,120,,62,,74406,25275,,,08/19 23:59,08/20 15:46,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7272403,,,,427202,,,427202,6845201,,548,89995,131,,60,,74328,25270,,,08/18 23:59,08/19 15:35,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7191978,,,,426571,,,426571,6765407,,537,89995,126,,60,,74258,25264,,,08/17 23:59,08/18 17:02,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7125087,,,,425916,,,425916,6699171,,534,89995,133,,64,,74207,25256,,,08/16 23:59,08/17 17:04,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,7068196,,,,425508,,,425508,6642688,,527,89995,128,,59,,74154,25250,,,08/15 23:59,08/16 15:48,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6990504,,,,424901,,,424901,6565603,,523,89995,120,,58,,74081,25244,,,08/14 23:59,08/15 16:26,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6901836,,,,424167,,,424167,6477669,,554,89995,127,,59,,73997,25232,,,08/13 23:59,08/14 16:13,BSL,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6816381,,,,423440,,,423440,6392941,,555,89995,124,,56,,73907,25228,,,08/12 23:59,08/13 15:53,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6728481,,,,422703,,,422703,6305778,,558,89995,123,,62,,73842,25218,,,08/11 23:59,08/12 17:05,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6640705,,,,422003,,,422003,6218702,,540,89995,120,,60,,73779,25211,,,08/10 23:59,08/11 15:44,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6563646,,,,421336,,,421336,6142310,,535,89995,127,,62,,73736,25204,,,08/09 23:59,08/10 16:02,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6509644,,,,420860,,,420860,6088784,,548,89995,131,,66,,73689,25202,,,08/08 23:59,08/09 16:23,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6443832,,,,420345,,,420345,6023487,,573,89995,133,,64,,73609,25195,,,08/07 23:59,08/08 15:55,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6368975,,,,419642,,,419642,5949333,,579,89995,139,,66,,73530,25190,,,08/06 23:59,8/07 15:37,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6298805,,,,418928,,,418928,5879877,,570,89995,132,,69,,73472,25185,,,08/05 23:59,8/06 16:39,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6226435,,,,418225,,,418225,5808210,,564,89995,134,,69,,73410,25179,,,08/04 23:59,8/05 16:12,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6153767,,,,417589,,,417589,5736178,,568,89995,139,,69,,73326,25175,,,08/03 23:59,8/04 15:38,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/4 17:46, 20200803,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6082774,,,,416843,,,416843,5665931,,536,89995,136,,62,,73279,25172,,,08/02 23:59,8/03 15:37,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,6030935,,,,416298,,,416298,5614637,,556,89995,143,,71,,73222,25170,,,08/01 23:59,8/02 15:54,HMH,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5971974,,,,415767,,,415767,5556207,,581,89995,147,,72,,73134,25164,,,07/31 15:35,8/01 16:04,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5889237,,,,415014,,,415014,5474223,,576,89995,140,,70,,73055,25150,,,07/30 23:59,07/31 17:06,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200730,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5820368,,,,414370,,,414370,5405998,,586,89995,142,,72,,72973,25145,,,07/29 23:59,07/30 17:17,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200729,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5746822,,,,413593,,,413593,5333229,,619,89995,154,,76,,72900,25132,,,07/28 23:59,07/29 17:14,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200728,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5684546,,,,412878,,,412878,5271668,,648,89995,152,,81,,72813,25126,,,07/27 23:59,07/28 15:58,BSL,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200727,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5627149,,,,412344,,,412344,5214805,,642,89995,149,,84,,72766,25117,,,07/26 23:59,07/27 17:08,BSL,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200726,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5569879,,,,411736,,,411736,5158143,,637,89995,155,,90,,72716,25106,,,07/25 23:59,07/26 15:32,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200725,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5516311,,,,411200,,,411200,5105111,,646,89995,149,,94,,72632,25103,,,07/24 23:59,07/25 15:33,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200724,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5444845,,,,410450,,,410450,5034395,,650,89995,156,,93,,72552,25090,,,07/23 23:59,07/24 17:49,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200723,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5368338,,,,409697,,,409697,4958641,,706,89995,160,,93,,72466,25081,,,07/22 23:59,07/23 15:37,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200722,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5298640,,,,408886,,,408886,4889754,,714,89995,179,,96,,72386,25068,,,07/21 23:59,07/22 15:56,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200721,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5230981,,,,408181,,,408181,4822800,,724,89995,163,,91,,72302,25058,,,07/20 23:59,07/21 16:31,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200720,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5164812,,,,407326,,,407326,4757486,,716,89995,158,,93,,72229,25056,,,07/19 23:59,07/20 17:01,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200719,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5115470,,,,406807,,,406807,4708663,,722,89995,160,,96,,72161,25048,,,07/18 23:59,07/19 17:27,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200718,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,5069266,,,,406305,,,406305,4662961,,743,89995,172,,100,,72064,25035,,,07/17 23:59,07/18 17:31,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200717,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4999449,,,,405551,,,405551,4593898,,765,89995,179,,98,,71970,25024,,,07/16 23:59,07/17 16:48,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200716,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4921210,,,,404775,,,404775,4516435,,813,89995,165,,88,,71867,25014,,,07/15 23:59,07/16 16:21,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200715,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4848525,,,,404006,,,404006,4444519,,831,89995,165,,94,,71782,25003,,,07/14 23:59,07/15 15:06,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200714,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4784927,,,,403175,,,403175,4381752,,820,89995,167,,101,,71692,24994,,,07/13 23:59,07/14 15:23,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200713,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4724882,,,,402263,,,402263,4322619,,792,89995,175,,103,,71643,24989,,,07/12 23:59,07/13 17:07,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200712,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4673195,,,,401706,,,401706,4271489,,801,89995,174,,102,,71565,24979,,,07/11 23:59,07/12 15:10,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200711,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4610777,,,,401029,,,401029,4209748,,799,89995,177,,100,,71477,24974,,,07/10 23:59,07/11 15:26,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200710,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4541574,,,,400299,,,400299,4141275,,826,89995,178,,92,,71371,24968,,,07/09 23:59,07/10 15:40,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200709,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4468016,,,,399513,,,399513,4068503,,851,89995,173,,98,,71279,24959,,,07/08 23:59,07/09 15:44,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200708,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4402452,,,,398929,,,398929,4003523,,841,89995,166,,97,,71185,24944,,,07/07 23:59,07/08 15:32,BSL,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200707,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4344867,,,,398237,,,398237,3946630,,836,89995,160,,103,,71091,24924,,,07/06 23:59,07/07 15:16,KWS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200706,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4288131,,,,397649,,,397649,3890482,,817,89995,170,,103,,71040,24913,,,07/05 23:59,07/06 17:02,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200705,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4233803,,,,397131,,,397131,3836672,,832,89995,178,,116,,70968,24904,,,07/04 23:59,07/05 15:18,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (7/5 SB) Note that press releases report inubated patients, not patients on ventilators. We might want to edit the popup note to make sure that it's clear that we are treating those terms as equivalent in this case. (Also, I just have view only access to the ""extra credit"" sheet :) (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200704,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4170388,,,,396598,,,396598,3773790,,844,89995,190,,119,,70877,24896,,,07/03 23:59,07/04 16:34,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200703,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4107985,,,,395872,,,395872,3712113,,857,89995,188,,125,,70794,24885,,,07/02 23:59,07/03 16:38,KP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200702,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,4041593,,,,394954,,,394954,3646639,,878,89995,209,,129,,70698,24877,,,07/01 23:59,07/02 16:57,QN,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200701,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3971648,,,,394079,,,394079,3577569,,879,89995,226,,139,,70590,24866,,,06/30 23:59,07/01 16:06,JAC,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200630,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3914938,,,,393454,,,393454,3521484,,891,89995,217,,137,,70487,24855,,,06/29 0:00,06/30 17:01,KP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200629,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3862913,,,,392930,,,392930,3469983,,853,89995,216,,136,,70435,24842,,,06/28 23:59,06/29 17:04,ALF,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/29 ALF) Still can't find a newer Recovered number: state page still says 69710, leaving 70010 (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200628,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3816485,,,,392539,,,392539,3423946,,869,89995,229,,167,,70010,24835,,,06/27 23:59,06/28 16:03,MM,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/28 MM) Recovered number on state page is 69,710 which is lower than what we have. Not entering it. (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200627,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3754579,,,,391923,,,391923,3362656,,908,89995,230,,167,,70010,24830,,,06/26 23:59,06/27 16:00,KP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200626,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3681317,,,,391220,,,391220,3290097,,951,89995,244,,167,,70010,24814,,,06/25 23:59,06/26 17:30,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/26 SNW) Updated confirmed death tooltip from ""Dashboard -> Click for Fatality Data -> Fatalities by County -> Grand Total"" to ""no data"" as NY provides an unclear figure. (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200625,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3619594,,,,390415,,,390415,3229179,,996,89995,270,,167,,70010,24800,,,06/24 23:59,06/25 16:27,QN,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200624,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3551952,,,,389666,,,389666,3162286,,1071,89995,290,,228,,69710,24782,,,06/23 23:59,06/24 15:58,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200623,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3500808,,,,389085,,,389085,3111723,,1104,89995,302,,228,,69710,24766,,,06/22 23:59,06/23 15:41,QN,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/23 QN) No new web report for 6/23 -- update on curr. hosp. from tweeter (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200622,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3452099,,,,388488,,,388488,3063611,,1122,89995,330,,228,,69710,24739,,,06/21 23:59,06/22 15:14,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200621,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3395319,,,,387936,,,387936,3007383,,1142,89995,332,,237,,69506,24725,,,06/20 23:59,06/21 16:57,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200620,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3327793,,,,387272,,,387272,2940521,,1220,89995,335,,237,,69506,24710,,,06/19 23:59,06/20 16:39,SB/BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/20 BML) Changed timestamp practice to previous date 23:59 (from current date 0:00) to better match dashboard note: ""testing data as of [previous day] midnight"" (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200619,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3258963,,,,386556,,,386556,2872407,,1284,89995,359,,256,,69377,24686,,,06/19 0:00,06/19 15:56,BSL,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200618,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3179660,,,,385760,,,385760,2793900,,1358,89995,388,,278,,69243,24661,,,06/18 0:00,06/18 16:00,MM,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/18 MM) recovered and vent not provided in email. (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200617,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3111119,,,,385142,,,385142,2725977,,1479,89995,431,,304,,69085,24629,,,06/17 0:00,06/17 15:32,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200616,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,3051778,,,,384575,,,384575,2667203,,1538,89995,449,,303,,68938,24608,,,06/16 0:00,06/16 15:41,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200615,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2991210,,,,383944,,,383944,2607266,,1608,89995,470,,323,,68851,24579,,,06/15 0:00,06/15 15:57,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200614,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2934599,,,,383324,,,383324,2551275,,1657,89995,499,,346,,68761,24551,,,06/13 0:00,06/14 15:06,MM,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Check presser, etc... for a direct Cum. Hosp. #, if none leave current # 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200613,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2872240,,,,382630,,,382630,2489610,,1734,89995,517,,360,,68584,24527,,,06/12 0:00,06/13 15:52,ALF,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200612,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2801400,,,,381714,,,381714,2419686,,1898,89995,552,,387,,68399,24495,,,06/12 0:00,06/13 15:52,ALF,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200611,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2729005,,,,380892,,,380892,2348113,,2042,89995,581,,424,,68211,24442,,,06/11 0:00,06/11 16:43,QN,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/11 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200610,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2668166,,,,380156,,,380156,2288010,,2190,89995,630,,462,,68019,24404,,,06/10 0:00,06/10 16:57,RS,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/10 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200609,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2605869,,,,379482,,,379482,2226387,,2344,89995,663,,485,,67808,24348,,,06/09 0:00,06/09 14:57,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/5, 6/8, 6/9 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200608,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2555896,,,,378799,,,378799,2177097,,2371,89995,678,,507,,67687,24299,,,06/08 0:00,06/08 17:08,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/5, 6/8 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200607,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2497842,,,,378097,,,378097,2119745,,2427,89995,704,,534,,67544,24259,,,06/07 0:00,06/07 15:51,KP,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/5 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200606,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2437407,,,,377316,,,377316,2060091,,2603,89995,720,,554,,67261,24212,,,06/06 0:00,06/06 16:10,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/5 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200605,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2359512,,,,376208,,,376208,1983304,,2728,89995,758,,583,,66992,24175,,,06/05 0:00,06/05 17:10,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4-6/5 QN RS) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200604,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2293032,,,,375133,,,375133,1917899,,2849,89995,832,,613,,66756,24133,,,06/04 0:00,06/04 15:25,QN,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/4 QN) Slides did not include any new hospitalization numbers -- cum. hosp not updated (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200603,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2229473,,,,374085,,,374085,1855388,,2978,89995,865,,638,,66502,24079,,,06/03 0:00,06/03 16:20,RS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200602,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2167831,,,,373040,,,373040,1794791,,3121,89861,907,,673,,66262,24023,,,06/02 0:00,06/02 13:59,RS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then 4. Hospital Dashboard: 5. Extra Credit: Calculate difference between NYC and NYS deaths at (6/2 MM) Directly provided new hosp number seems to not match our calculations. Using calculations today but need to verify them ASAP ",A,, 20200601,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2113777,,,,371711,,,371711,1742066,,3331,89703,999,,746,,66110,23959,,,06/01 0:00,06/01 17:20,RS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200531,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2063825,,,,370770,,,370770,1693055,,3436,89590,1050,,791,,65934,23905,,,05/31 0:00,05/31 15:00,KP,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200530,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,2005381,,,,369660,,,369660,1635721,,3619,89400,1124,,857,,65609,23848,,,05/30 0:00,05/30 16:54,RS,CML,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200529,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1944130,,,,368284,,,368284,1575846,,3781,89194,1164,,889,,65289,23780,,,05/29 0:00,05/29 17:18,QN,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200528,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1876789,,,,366733,,,366733,1510056,,4010,89042,1219,,931,,64954,23722,,,05/28 0:00,05/28 16:02,RS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200527,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1811544,,,,364965,,,364965,1446579,,4208,88866,1261,,988,,64632,23643,,,05/27 0:00,05/27 16:12,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200526,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1774128,,,,363836,,,363836,1410292,,4265,88686,1273,,1002,,64443,23564,,,05/26 0:00,05/26 15:54,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200525,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1739449,,,,362764,,,362764,1376685,,4348,88554,1366,,1058,,64280,23488,,,05/25 0:00,05/25 16:51,RS,ESK,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200524,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1699826,,,,361515,,,361515,1338311,,4393,88324,1406,,1067,,64080,23391,,,05/24 0:00,05/24 15:56,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200523,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1652061,,,,359926,,,359926,1292135,,4642,88083,1502,,1254,,63292,23282,,,05/22 0:00,05/23 17:21,QN,ESK,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200522,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1600793,,,,358154,,,358154,1242639,,4844,87843,1581,,1254,,63292,23195,,,05/22 0:00,05/23 17:21,QN,ESK,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/23 QN) Total Hosp # was illegible on screenshot -- no email (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200521,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1555055,,,,356458,,,356458,1198597,,5187,87638,1695,,1345,,62826,23083,,,05/21 0:00,05/21 16:44,RS,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200520,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1505836,,,,354370,,,354370,1151466,,5570,87459,1761,,1421,,61886,22976,,,05/20 0:00,05/20 16:43,MM/RS,RS/MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200519,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1467739,,,,352845,,,352845,1114894,,5818,87169,1836,,1481,,61886,22843,,,05/19 0:00,05/19 15:31,RS,KP ,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200518,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1439557,,,,351371,,,351371,1088186,,5840,86901,1908,,1538,,61681,22729,,,05/18 0:00,05/18 15:42,RS,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200517,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1413396,,,,350121,,,350121,1063275,,5897,86575,1981,,1601,,61381,22619,,,05/17 0:00,05/17 17:31,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200516,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1378717,,,,348232,,,348232,1030485,,6220,86207,2077,,1674,,60796,22478,,,05/16 0:00,05/16 16:54,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Testing info and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200515,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1338048,,,,345813,,,345813,992235,,6394,85782,2156,,1774,,60302,22304,,,05/14 0:00,05/15 16:31,KP,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200514,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1258907,,,,343051,,,343051,955706,,6706,85454,2223,,1846,,59758,22170,,,05/14 0:00,05/15 16:31,KP,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200513,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,1225113,,,,340661,,,340661,918246,,6946,85008,2308,,1908,,59193,22013,,,05/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200512,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,338485,,,338485,886628,,7063,84489,2375,,1964,,58679,21845,,,05/12 0:00,05/12 16:45,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. (Deaths is on the Fatality Tab). 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Currently Hosp. Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from either Daily email posted in Slack (or if not that then (5/12 RS) New Hosp # was illegible on screenshot, so we're not able to get an updated value for Cum Hosp. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s:",A,, 20200511,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,337055,,,337055,867596,,7226,84194,2450,,2020,,58363,21640,,,05/10 0:00,05/11 16:38,RS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from 4. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s: (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab",A,, 20200510,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,335395,,,335395,847603,,7262,83761,2488,,2073,,58006,21478,,,05/10 0:00,05/11 16:38,RS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from 4. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s: (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab",A,, 20200509,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,333122,,,333122,820646,,7776,83285,2664,,2203,,57180,21271,,,05/09 0:00,05/09 16:35,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from 4. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s: (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab",B,, 20200508,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,330407,,,330407,791136,,8196,82730,2811,,2295,,56378,21045,,,05/08 0:00,05/08 16:40,RS,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from 4. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s: (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab",B,, 20200507,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,327649,,,327649,762267,,8665,82197,2976,,2425,,55547,20828,,,05/07 0:00,05/07 16:10,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. 2. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp. 3. Get daily update for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s from 4. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/5 RS) Found new source for Discharge, ICU, Vent #s: (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab",B,, 20200506,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,321192,,,323978,731943,,9179,81570,3098,,,,54597,19877,,,05/06 0:00,05/06 16:48,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B,, 20200505,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,321192,,,321192,707707,,9600,80918,3281,,,,58950,19645,,,05/05 0:00,05/05 16:54,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B,, 20200504,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,318953,,,318953,688357,,9647,80376,3330,,,,58950,19415,,,05/04 0:00,05/04 16:32,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (5/4 RS/MM aft) Freezing the number of recovered in NY to what we calculated up to to yesterday due to concerns about this calculation (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B,, 20200503,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,316415,,,316415,669496,,9786,79768,3430,,,,58950,19189,,,05/03 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B,, 20200502,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,312977,,,312977,646094,,10350,78942,3501,,,,57540,18909,,,05/02 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. Finally, make sure formulas in Blue cells to link to current row of NY tab. (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B,, 20200501,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,308314,,,308314,619124,,10993,78224,3640,,,,56187,18610,,,05/01 0:00,05/01 16:08,ESK,MM,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B,, 20200430,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,304372,596264,,11598,77400,3769,,,,54771,18321,,,04/30 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B,, 20200429,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,299691,572790,,12159,76450,3923,,,,53238,18015,,,04/29 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. (4/29 aft ESK) I linked the blue cells to the NY tab (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B,, 20200428,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,295106,549888,,12646,75362,4071,,,,51673,17638,,,04/28 0:00,04/28 16:23,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Get Positives, negatives and deaths from dashboard. Then, using NY tab on this sheet, enter Reported daily hospitalization numbers from daily presser into cells to get calculated Cumulative Hosp and Discharge. (4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B,, 20200427,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,291996,534099,,12819,74602,4157,,,,50751,17303,,,04/27 0:00,04/28 9:48,MM,,"(4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B,, 20200426,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,288045,517305,,12839,73540,4284,,,,49687,16966,,,04/26 0:00,,,,"(4/25 - 4/26 QN/ RS aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B,, 20200425,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,282143,495425,,13524,72444,4410,,,,47935,16599,,,04/25 0:00,04/25 14:54,QN,RS,"(4/25 QN aft) State still uses 3-day rolling averaged for new hosp. No new data on ICU and discharged (4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",B,, 20200424,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,271590,459066,,14258,71373,4540,,,,46156,16162,,,04/24 0:00,,,,"(4/24 RS) Also no new total Hospitalization numbers. If still nothing by 4/25, we're going to start calculating using the 3-day average they are providing (4/19-24 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",A,, 20200423,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,263460,432460,,15021,70182,4597,,,,44244,15740,,,04/23 0:00,,,,"(4/19-20 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",A,, 20200422,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,257216,412766,,15599,68773,4690,,,,42308,15302,,,04/22 0:00,,,,"(4/19-20 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",A,, 20200421,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,251690,397635,,16135,67271,4729,,,,40482,14828,,,04/21 0:00,04/22 8:15,QN,,"(4/19-20 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",A,, 20200420,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,247512,386349,,16103,65969,4814,,,,39085,14347,,,04/20 0:00,04/21 8:32,QN,,"(4/19-20 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",A,, 20200419,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,242786,374769,,16213,64550,4878,,,,37596,13869,,,04/19 0:00,04/20 8:22,QN,,"(4/19 Aft RS) Press conf did not list ICU or Discharged numbers, so they are unchanged.",A,, 20200418,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,236732,359800,,16967,63103,4996,,,,35458,13362,,,04/18 0:00,04/18 23:59,PR++,SJ,,A,, 20200417,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,229642,343581,,17316,61120,5039,,,,33392,12822,,,04/17 14:00,,,,,A,, 20200416,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,222284,328295,,17735,59052,5071,,,,30800,12192,,,04/16 0:00,,,,(4/16 Aft) Discharges not reported,A,, 20200415,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,213779,312233,,18335,56968,5205,,,,28004,11586,,,04/15 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200414,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,202208,296935,,18697,54653,5225,,,,25589,10834,,,04/14 0:00,,,,"(4/14 RS) No discharge reported today so our ""recovered"" and Cumulative Hospitalized numbers are stale - no new data since 4/12 (4/13 ESK) No discharge reported today so our ""recovered"" and Cumulative Hospitalized numbers are stale - no new data since 4/12",A,, 20200413,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,195031,283326,,18825,52936,5156,,,,23887,10056,,,04/13 0:00,,,,"(4/13 ESK) No discharge reported today so our ""recovered"" and Cumulative Hospitalized numbers are stale - no new data since 4/12",A,, 20200412,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,188694,272907,,18707,50919,5198,,,,23887,9385,,,04/12 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200411,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,180458,260522,,18654,48297,5009,,,,22025,8627,,,04/11 0:00,,,,"(4/9 ESK) Clarity on NY numbers from NYT (4/7 eve SJ) we need source links for Hosp/ICU/Recovered data added to the source matrix. NB: ""midnight 4/6"" = 4/7 00:00 (4/5 eve SJ) updating time stamp from today's press conf:",A,, 20200410,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,170512,247373,,18569,45768,4908,,,,20249,7844,,,04/10 0:00,,,,"(4/9 ESK) Clarity on NY numbers from NYT (4/7 eve SJ) we need source links for Hosp/ICU/Recovered data added to the source matrix. NB: ""midnight 4/6"" = 4/7 00:00 (4/5 eve SJ) updating time stamp from today's press conf:",A,, 20200409,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,159937,231612,,18279,42852,4925,,,,18297,7067,,,04/09 0:00,,,,"(4/9 ESK) Clarity on NY numbers from NYT (4/7 eve SJ) we need source links for Hosp/ICU/Recovered data added to the source matrix. NB: ""midnight 4/6"" = 4/7 00:00 (4/5 eve SJ) updating time stamp from today's press conf:",A,, 20200408,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149316,215837,,18079,39982,4841,,,,16353,6268,,,04/07 0:00,,,,"(4/7 eve SJ) we need source links for Hosp/ICU/Recovered data added to the source matrix. NB: ""midnight 4/6"" = 4/7 00:00 (4/5 eve SJ) updating time stamp from today's press conf:",A,, 20200407,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,138863,201195,,17493,36932,4539,,,,14590,5489,,,04/06 0:00,04/07 17:41,ESK,OL,(4/5 eve SJ) updating time stamp from today's press conf:,A,, 20200406,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,130689,190122,,16837,34377,4504,,,,13366,4758,,,04/06 0:00,04/07 17:41,ESK,OL,(4/5 eve SJ) updating time stamp from today's press conf:,A,, 20200405,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,122031,180249,,16479,32293,4376,,,,12187,4159,,,04/04 0:00,04/05 16:23,KP,AM,"(4/4 eve) We need a single link to press conferences, at least a youtube channel",A,, 20200404,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113704,169917,,15905,29471,4126,,,,10478,3565,,,04/03 11:00,04/04 22:09,SJ,,"(4/4 eve) We need a single link to press conferences, at least a youtube channel",A,, 20200403,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,102863,157657,,14810,26210,3731,,,,8886,2935,,,04/03 11:00,04/04 22:09,SJ,,"(4/4 eve) We need a single link to press conferences, at least a youtube channel",A,, 20200402,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92381,146584,,13383,22786,3396,,,,7434,2373,,,04/02 11:45,,,,"(4/2 eve NG) False alarm, only updated timestamp",A,, 20200401,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83712,137168,,12226,19929,3022,,,,6142,1941,,,04/01 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75795,129391,,10929,17085,2710,,,,4975,1550,,,03/29 9:16,,,,,A,, 20200330,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66497,119971,,9517,14578,2352,,,,4204,1218,,,03/29 9:16,,,,,A,, 20200329,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59513,112847,,8503,12695,2037,,,,3572,965,,,03/29 9:16,,,,,A,, 20200328,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52318,103616,,7328,10454,1755,,,,2726,728,,,03/28 13:15,,,,,A,, 20200327,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44635,101118,,6481,8732,1583,,,,2045,519,,,03/27 11:15,,,,,A,, 20200326,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37258,84846,,5327,6921,1290,,,,,385,,,03/26 16:59,,,,,B,, 20200325,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30811,72668,,4079,5126,,,,,,285,,,03/25 11:45,,,,,B,, 20200324,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25665,65605,,3343,4041,,,,,,210,,,03/24 11:30,,,,,B,, 20200323,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20875,57414,,2629,3125,,,,,,114,,,03/23 11:36,,,,,B,, 20200322,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15168,46233,,2043,2354,,,,,,114,,,03/22 11:00,,,,,,, 20200321,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10356,35081,,1436,1531,,,,,,44,,,03/20 21:22,,,,,,, 20200320,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7102,25325,,1042,,,,,,,35,,,03/20 13:20,,,,,,, 20200319,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4152,18132,,617,,,,,,,12,,,03/19 13:20,,,,,,, 20200318,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2382,12215,,416,,,,,,,12,,,03/18 15:05,,,,,,, 20200317,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1700,5506,,325,,,,,,,7,,,03/16 15:00,,,,,,, 20200316,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,950,4543,,,,,,,,,7,,,03/16 16:22,,,,,,, 20200315,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,729,4543,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/15 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,524,2779,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 12:30,,,,,,, 20200313,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,421,2779,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 16:00,,,,,,, 20200312,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,216,92,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 16:00,,,,,,, 20200311,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,216,92,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,173,92,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,142,92,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105,92,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76,92,236,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33,92,236,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22,76,24,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,NY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,,,6,48,24,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,, 20200831,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2237613,,,116666,6491,,123157,2120947,,774,13376,244,2961,140,,102631,4138,3854,284,08/31 14:00,08/31 16:38,JNG,DZL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2190404,,,115806,6456,,122262,2074598,,769,13317,254,2954,135,,101944,4128,3844,284,08/30 14:00,08/30 14:19,BHP,SB,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2164697,,,114911,6429,,121340,2049786,,791,13288,260,2952,143,,101185,4126,3842,284,08/29 14:00,08/29 16:05,ENT,RSG,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2134656,,,113725,6399,,120124,2020931,,800,13221,271,2946,151,,100127,4105,3819,286,08/28 14:00,08/28 15:57,NEZ,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2109950,,,112489,6339,,118828,1997461,,787,13150,257,2929,150,,99035,4076,3791,285,08/27 14:00,08/27 17:06,BHP,DZL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2041653,,,111331,6253,,117584,1930322,,771,13043,259,2920,144,,97823,4044,3761,283,08/26 14:00,08/26 15:46,DZL,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2021722,,,110343,6152,,116495,1911379,,783,12956,250,2903,150,,96728,3996,3716,280,08/25 14:00,08/25 16:11,BHP,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1998115,,,109566,6085,,115651,1888549,,802,12859,276,2888,146,,95554,3986,3705,281,08/24 14:00,08/24 15:55,KAT,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1977822,,,108735,6067,,114802,1869087,,777,12800,271,2878,150,,94825,3978,3697,281,08/23 14:00,08/23 16:02,CRG,BHP,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1954596,,,108133,6032,,114165,1846463,,792,12778,281,2876,155,,93914,3975,3694,281,08/22 14:00,08/22 16:00,TCD,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1930913,,,107064,5982,,113046,1823849,,849,12719,283,2864,156,,92736,3955,3675,280,08/21 14:00,08/21 15:53,CRG,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1905419,,,106063,5940,,112003,1799356,,860,12615,294,2844,169,,91656,3929,3650,279,08/20 14:00,08/20 16:18,JNG,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1882588,,,104999,5882,,110881,1777589,,894,12529,296,2827,164,,90436,3907,3627,280,08/19 14:00,08/19 17:42,GET,BHP,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1863180,,,104105,5818,,109923,1759075,,934,12436,314,2805,172,,89068,3871,3592,279,08/18 14:00,08/18 16:04,DZL,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1843274,,,103320,5742,,109062,1739954,,933,12319,316,2786,175,,87764,3832,3554,278,08/17 14:00,08/17 17:25,LDH,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1823935,,,102577,5710,,108287,1721358,,910,12236,334,2771,161,,86926,3826,3548,278,08/16 14:00,08/16 16:32,KVP,RSG,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1796692,,,102016,5658,,107674,1694676,,899,12210,318,2767,166,,86018,3824,3546,278,08/15 14:00,08/15 15:51,PK,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1773797,,,100945,5612,,106557,1672852,,925,12128,319,2755,170,,84904,3784,3510,274,08/14 14:00,08/14 15:48,KAT,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1747737,,,99856,5570,,105426,1647881,,952,12023,329,2743,178,,83642,3755,3481,274,08/13 14:00,08/13 16:30,QN,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1722857,,,98725,5523,,104248,1624132,,984,11901,320,2721,173,,82310,3734,3460,274,08/12 14:00,08/12 16:04,KAT,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1702317,,,97373,5453,,102826,1604944,,968,11760,338,2699,172,,80885,3708,3435,273,08/11 14:00,08/11 17:31,KSB,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1682271,,,96358,5373,,101731,1585913,,968,11629,351,2680,195,,79321,3673,3405,268,08/10 14:00,08/10 15:57,KAT,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1663196,,,95496,5352,,100848,1567700,,952,11565,365,2665,193,,78435,3669,3397,272,08/09 14:00,08/09 16:28,BSL,JAC,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1639195,,,94671,5298,,99969,1544524,,936,11516,363,2654,185,,77429,3668,3396,272,08/08 14:00,08/08 16:02,MJW,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1617822,,,93402,5273,,98675,1524420,,956,11447,334,2641,190,,75975,3652,3381,271,08/07 14:00,8/07 16:16,JNG,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1592841,,,92273,5198,,97471,1500568,,979,11366,342,2627,182,,74612,3618,3348,270,08/06 14:00,8/06 16:10,LDH,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1569479,,,91171,5134,,96305,1478308,,1004,11231,340,2609,189,,72950,3596,3326,270,08/05 14:00,8/05 16:44,LDH,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1550747,,,90041,5065,,95106,1460706,,1038,11119,340,2593,197,,71338,3570,3301,269,08/04 14:00,8/04 16:00,CB-M,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/4 17:58, 20200803,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1530577,,,88997,4966,,93963,1441580,,1001,10992,348,2570,199,,69501,3539,3271,268,08/03 14:00,8/03 16:06,SPA,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1512649,,,88134,4897,,93031,1424515,,1049,10900,334,2560,187,,68394,3529,3261,268,08/02 14:00,8/02 16:02,CRG,BML,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1488034,,,87218,4869,,92087,1400816,,1049,10857,340,2557,188,,67319,3515,3246,269,08/01 14:00,8/01 16:21,AMW,RSG,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1463508,,,86333,4826,,91159,1377175,,1024,10790,330,2552,185,,65788,3489,3222,267,07/31 14:00,07/31 16:00,EDS,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200730,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1441708,,,84862,4764,,89626,1356846,,1049,10678,319,2534,184,,64311,3442,3177,265,07/30 14:00,07/30 16:18,AJC,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200729,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1416157,,,83213,4680,,87893,1332944,,1100,10553,348,2513,179,,62695,3422,3156,266,07/29 14:00,07/29 17:19,KAT,DZL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200728,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1394132,,,81896,4601,,86497,1312236,,1144,10425,363,2488,176,,61056,3382,3118,264,07/28 14:00,07/28 16:46,CB-M,BHP,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200727,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1339549,,,80628,,,85177,1258921,,1110,10285,356,2466,164,,59413,3344,3082,262,07/27 14:00,07/27 16:01,WCD,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200726,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1321931,,,79573,,,84073,1242358,,1075,10199,357,2444,177,,58465,3307,3049,258,07/26 14:00,07/26 15:52,MEC,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200725,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1289373,,,78735,,,83184,1210638,,1054,10145,356,2437,167,,57731,3297,3039,258,07/25 14:00,07/25 16:11,GET,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200724,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1263191,,,77309,,,81746,1185882,,1085,10072,354,2419,169,,56823,3297,3039,258,07/24 14:00,07/24 16:36,SPA,RSG,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200723,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1240659,,,75819,,,80186,1164840,,1105,9968,365,2403,178,,55702,3256,2997,259,07/23 14:00,07/23 15:44,EDS,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200722,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1217262,,,74409,,,78742,1142853,,1098,9864,347,2386,169,,54426,3235,2976,259,07/22 14:00,07/22 15:55,EDS,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200721,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1195771,,,72963,,,77215,1122808,,1097,9736,342,2367,168,,53077,3219,2959,260,07/21 14:00,07/21 16:10,SAL,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200720,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1177696,,,71952,,,76168,1105744,,1065,9610,318,2344,165,,51860,3189,2931,258,07/20 14:00,07/20 15:56,ENT,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200719,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1158737,,,70755,,,74932,1087982,,1065,9555,318,2315,163,,51086,3174,2916,258,07/19 14:00,07/19 15:59,KVP,BHP,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200718,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1134298,,,69684,,,73822,1064614,,1024,9513,315,2311,159,,50280,3132,2875,257,07/18 14:00,07/18 15:43,AJC,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200717,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1112019,,,68175,,,72280,1043844,,1016,9445,319,2305,161,,49302,3112,2858,254,07/17 14:00,07/17 17:04,BSL,BHP,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200716,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1084732,,,66540,,,70601,1018192,,1024,9324,310,2280,150,,48330,3103,2849,254,07/16 14:00,07/16 15:56,EDS,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200715,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1058599,,,65287,,,69311,993312,,1027,9209,316,2259,146,,47303,3075,2819,256,07/15 14:00,07/15 15:40,HMH,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200714,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1039767,,,64013,,,67995,975754,,1017,9049,314,2223,156,,46282,3069,2813,256,07/14 14:00,07/14 15:52,EDS,BHP,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200713,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1020811,,,62913,,,66853,957898,,949,8915,293,2201,159,,45194,3064,2807,257,07/13 14:00,07/13 15:29,DZL,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200712,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1002463,,,61669,,,65592,940794,,954,8842,289,2185,154,,44663,3058,2801,257,07/12 14:00,07/12 16:09,BHP,JAC,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200711,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,979149,,,60328,,,64214,918821,,928,8770,299,2169,155,,44101,3036,2780,256,07/11 14:00,07/11 15:23,SNW,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200710,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,955697,,,59000,,,62856,896697,,928,8701,289,2161,151,,43435,3032,2776,256,07/10 14:00,07/10 16:00,SPA,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200709,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,911905,,,57506,,,61331,855071,,890,8570,289,2146,155,,42111,3006,2749,257,07/09 14:00,07/09 17:24,DZL,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200708,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,911905,,,56384,,,60181,855071,,890,8489,289,2127,155,,42111,2991,2737,254,07/08 14:00,07/08 16:24,EDS,BHP,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200707,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,892731,,,55150,,,58904,837581,,849,8383,289,2101,140,,41438,2970,2718,252,07/07 14:00,07/07 15:36,CB-M,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200706,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,877688,,,54232,,,57956,823456,,837,8249,267,2077,140,,40813,2927,2677,250,07/06 14:00,07/06 15:23,WCD,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200705,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,865069,,,53458,,,57151,811611,,693,8172,236,2058,119,,40460,2911,2661,250,07/05 14:00,07/05 15:18,SNW,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200704,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,844675,,,52488,,,56183,792187,,691,8111,226,2052,111,,39903,2907,2657,250,07/04 14:00,07/04 15:19,EDS,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200703,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,824481,,,51581,,,55257,772900,,740,8084,233,2044,100,,39423,2903,2653,250,07/03 14:00,07/03 15:45,MEC,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200702,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,788403,,,50523,,,54166,739140,,724,8038,244,2035,116,,38987,2903,2653,250,07/01 14:00,07/02 17:06,QN,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200701,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,788403,,,49263,,,52865,739140,,724,7911,244,2008,116,,,2876,2626,250,07/01 14:00,07/02 17:06,QN,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200630,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,784362,,,48222,,,51789,736140,,722,7839,242,1994,115,,,2863,2615,248,06/30 14:00,06/30 16:47,BSL,CML,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200629,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,770860,,,47524,,,51046,723336,,669,7746,245,1961,115,,,2818,2575,243,06/29 14:00,06/29 16:03,CKW,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200628,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,753246,,,46790,,,50309,706456,,661,7681,182,1946,101,,,2807,2564,243,06/28 14:00,06/28 15:33,SNW,SB,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200627,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,741353,,,45969,,,49455,695384,,561,7624,190,1916,106,,,2804,2561,243,06/27 14:00,06/27 15:36,KWS,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200626,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,718086,,,45172,,,48638,672914,,624,7570,205,1904,116,,,2788,2545,243,06/26 14:00,06/26 16:04,HMH,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200625,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,696200,,,44221,,,47651,651979,,624,7502,206,1897,121,,,2772,2530,242,06/25 14:00,06/25 15:39,SMG,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200624,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,680687,,,43363,,,46759,633928,,592,7447,202,1886,119,,,2755,2516,239,06/24 14:00,06/24 16:03,SMG,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200623,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,667077,,,42767,,,46127,624310,,570,7379,205,1876,126,,,2735,2497,238,06/23 14:00,06/23 15:23,RSG,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH ated: totals not updated",B,, 20200622,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,656318,,,42254,,,45537,614064,,549,7292,217,1852,124,,,2704,2467,237,06/22 14:00,06/22 15:25,BHP,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200621,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,639991,,,41578,,,44808,598413,,496,7242,194,1844,119,,,2700,2463,237,06/21 14:00,06/21 15:24,SNW,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200620,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,626765,,,41062,,,44262,585703,,482,7201,186,1833,118,,,2697,2460,237,06/20 14:00,06/20 15:20,ETW,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200619,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,612854,,,40549,,,43731,572305,,525,7167,200,1820,133,,,2667,2430,237,06/19 14:00,06/19 15:38,BHP,RS,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200618,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,596875,,,39973,,,43122,556902,,547,7104,219,1807,149,,,2633,2401,232,06/18 14:00,06/18 16:22,RSG,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200617,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,581444,,,39303,,,42422,542141,,541,7051,215,1797,148,,,2611,2377,234,06/17 14:00,06/17 15:22,RSG,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200616,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,565034,,,38911,,,42010,526123,,528,7007,216,1784,151,,,2597,2362,235,06/16 14:00,06/16 15:24,BSL,RS,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200615,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,554128,,,38536,,,41576,515592,,513,6948,216,1776,157,,,2573,2342,231,06/15 14:00,06/15 15:43,HMH,REB,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200614,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,543260,,,38188,,,41148,505072,,511,6895,216,1762,145,,,2557,2327,230,06/14 14:00,06/14 15:18,RSG,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200613,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,535943,,,37893,,,40848,498050,,516,6864,230,1754,152,,,2554,2324,230,06/13 14:00,06/13 16:18,BSL,JAC,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200612,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,520813,,,37519,,,40424,483294,,547,6814,217,1745,144,,,2508,2280,228,06/12 14:00,06/12 16:43,HMH,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200611,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,509699,,,37120,,,40004,472579,,563,6753,225,1732,155,,,2490,2263,227,06/11 14:00,06/11 15:04,SMS,BSL,"(6/11 SMS) Now includes testing performed on residents and voluntarily reported to ODH (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200610,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,499019,,,36710,,,39575,462309,,575,6693,232,1714,159,,,2457,2231,226,06/10 14:00,06/10 15:11,SAL,BSL,"(5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200609,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,487583,,,36355,,,39162,451228,,639,6620,238,1708,153,,,2421,2196,225,06/09 14:00,06/09 15:02,BSL,RS,"(5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200608,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,473988,,,36077,,,38837,437981,,644,6550,245,1668,158,,,2404,2177,227,06/08 14:00,06/08 14:48,BSL,RS,"(5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200607,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,466279,,,35731,,,38476,430548,,603,6497,240,1657,167,,,2377,2155,222,06/07 14:00,06/07 14:43,SLC,CML,"(5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200606,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,455823,,,35408,,,38111,420415,,628,6460,256,1650,155,,,2370,2148,222,06/06 14:00,06/06 15:05,SLC++,RS,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200605,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,443533,,,35096,,,37758,408437,,671,6385,259,1632,168,,,2355,2135,220,06/05 14:00,06/05 16:03,BSL,JAC,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200604,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,434608,,,34639,,,37282,399969,,693,6312,267,1623,181,,,2339,2117,222,06/04 14:00,06/04 15:33,BSL,QN,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200603,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,423521,,,34208,,,36792,389313,,704,6251,283,1604,198,,,2299,2080,219,06/03 14:00,06/03 16:10,BSL,AW,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200602,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,407450,,,33892,,,36350,373558,,697,6176,295,1583,204,,,2258,2041,217,06/02 14:00,06/02 14:30,JA,RS,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200601,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,398066,,,33501,,,35984,362082,,761,6112,324,1569,223,,,2206,1993,213,06/01 14:00,06/01 17:27,GGR,ALF,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200531,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,388468,,,33073,,,35513,355395,,779,6049,310,1556,213,,,2155,1944,211,05/31 14:00,05/31 15:36,AIA,KP,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200530,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,379552,,,32639,,,35034,346913,,806,6011,339,1548,219,,,2149,1938,211,05/30 14:00,05/30 17:10,RS,ESK,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200529,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,367526,,,32202,,,34566,335324,,833,5947,326,1533,222,,,2131,1921,210,05/29 14:00,05/29 16:11,JA,QN,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200528,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,357722,,,31625,,,33915,326097,,812,5811,285,1516,190,,,2098,1888,210,05/28 14:00,05/28 15:33,GMJ,JAC,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200527,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,347477,,,31191,,,33439,316286,,885,5700,313,1492,217,,,2044,1842,202,05/27 14:00,05/27 14:33,JA,RS,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200526,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,337221,,,30827,,,33006,306394,,937,5579,351,1450,232,,,2002,1803,199,05/26 14:00,05/26 14:54,JA,DPT,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200525,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,330334,,,30305,,,32477,297857,,872,5511,323,1443,211,,,1987,1788,199,05/25 14:00,05/25 14:43,TCD,RS,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200524,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,322419,,,29777,,,31911,292642,,864,5476,317,1438,205,,,1969,1769,200,05/23 14:00,05/24 14:53,JA,KP,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200523,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,314374,,,29288,,,31408,285086,,858,5437,333,1429,223,,,1956,1756,200,05/23 14:00,05/24 14:53,JA,KP,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200522,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,305764,,,28758,,,30794,277006,,879,5379,362,1416,232,,,1872,1691,181,05/22 14:00,05/22 15:54,GMJ,ALF,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200521,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,297085,,,28174,,,30167,268911,,892,5295,349,1397,258,,,1836,1653,183,05/21 14:00,05/21 14:31,KWS,RS,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/21 aft KWS) OH including voluntarily report tests in its totals ""as of 5/22"" (tomorrow) -- wondering if this was a typo for 5/21 (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated",B,, 20200520,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,287609,,,27517,,,29436,260092,,902,5198,333,1369,248,,,1781,1603,178,05/20 14:00,05/20 15:25,GGR,BL,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200519,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,277602,,,27106,,,28952,248650,,913,5117,365,1357,234,,,1720,1556,164,05/19 14:00,05/19 16:44,FIP,MM,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200518,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,270041,,,26646,,,28454,243395,,912,4998,367,1328,247,,,1657,1504,153,05/18 14:00,05/18 15:09,GGR,RS,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/18 aft GGR) updated current hosp&ICU from current trends page of change in last 24 hrs (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200517,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,262759,,,26220,,,27923,236539,,914,4921,343,1305,230,,,1625,1472,153,05/17 14:00,05/17 15:59,JAC,REB,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200516,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,244577,,,25836,,,27474,219228,,866,4870,366,1277,251,,,1610,1457,153,05/16 14:00,05/16 15:08,REB,QN,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (5/16 aft REB) not all dashboard pages updated: totals not updated (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200515,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,244577,,,25349,,,26954,219228,,944,4791,370,1277,260,,,1581,1431,150,05/15 14:00,05/15 14:42,RSB,AW,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200514,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,224378,,,24800,,,26357,206995,,953,4718,360,1268,253,,,1534,1388,146,05/14 14:00,05/14 15:49,AFG,QN,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200513,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,216290,,,24245,,,25721,200133,,924,4618,353,1248,244,,,1483,1347,136,05/13 14:00,,,,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200512,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,209153,,,23809,,,25250,192481,,1032,4539,401,1232,270,,,1436,1303,133,05/12 14:00,05/12 14:32,KWS,DPT,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200511,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,203672,,,23400,,,24777,185753,,1011,4413,391,1217,256,,,1357,1236,121,05/11 14:00,05/11 15:17,AW,RS,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200510,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,195533,,,22891,,,24081,180781,,962,4351,381,1205,254,,,1341,1220,121,05/10 14:00,05/10 16:29,DPT,REB,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200509,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,183269,,,22560,,,23697,172973,,929,4300,368,1200,222,,,1331,1214,117,05/09 14:00,05/09 15:30,REB,QN,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200508,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,175060,,,21969,,,23016,161300,,1060,4218,393,1188,274,,,1306,1185,121,05/08 14:00,05/08 16:40,DB,MM,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200507,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,167978,,,21132,,,22131,153928,,1057,4140,418,1167,279,,,1271,1153,118,05/07 14:00,05/07 15:32,REB,PR,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200506,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,159838,,,20625,,,21576,147353,,1045,4052,407,1151,275,,,1225,1114,111,05/06 14:00,05/06 14:42,DPT,RS,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200505,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,154290,,,20072,,,20969,139766,,1069,3956,402,1123,281,,,1135,1038,97,05/05 14:00,05/05 16:09,BL,REB,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200504,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149346,,,19609,,,20474,134681,,1078,3809,412,1090,275,,,1056,975,81,05/04 14:00,05/04 14:19,REB,RS,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200503,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,145021,,,19094,,,19914,130252,,931,3769,393,1078,255,,,1038,957,81,05/03 14:00,,,,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200502,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,139725,,,18537,,,19335,126484,,1003,3712,424,1066,267,,,1021,940,81,05/02 14:00,,,,"Process: Current hosp/icu/vent is now on ""key metrics -> hospitalization"" tab of the dashboard (4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives",B,, 20200501,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133148,,,17962,,,18743,121763,,,3634,,1056,,,,1002,922,80,05/01 14:00,05/01 14:52,SD**,MM,"(4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200430,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,128206,,,17285,,,18027,115863,,,3533,,1035,,,,975,898,77,04/30 14:00,,,,"(4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200429,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,122706,,,16601,,,17303,111605,,,3421,,1014,,,,937,856,81,04/29 14:00,,,,"(4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200428,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,119391,,,16128,,,16769,106578,,,3340,,1004,,,,799,757,42,04/28 14:00,04/28 15:34,EB,AW,"(4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200427,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,115783,,,15699,,,16325,103692,,,3232,,978,,,,753,712,41,04/27 14:00,,,,"(4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200426,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,111379,,,15360,,,15963,100423,,,3178,,952,,,,728,687,41,04/26 14:00,,,,"(4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200425,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107109,,,14983,,,15587,96396,,,3115,,938,,,,711,671,40,04/25 14:00,04/25 15:40,AW,RS,"(4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200424,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,102325,,,14581,,,15169,92528,,,3053,,920,,,,690,649,41,04/24 14:00,04/24 23:16,SPA,,"(4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200423,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97998,,,14142,,,14694,88183,,,2960,,900,,,,656,618,38,04/23 14:00,,,,"(4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200422,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94239,,,13609,,,14117,84389,,,2882,,880,,,,610,584,26,04/22 14:00,,,,"(4/22 aft AW) going off of process note that says to count only confirmed positives. Previous shift included total positives, hence the red. (4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200421,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90839,,,13250,,,13725,80989,,,2779,,838,,,,557,538,19,04/21 14:00,04/22 10:34,ERG,QN,"(4/22 mor ERG) time stamp on Key Metrics dashboard automatically reflects 2pm of the current day. If it is earlier than 2pm, use previous day's date (4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200420,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,86989,,,12516,,,12919,77920,,,2653,,798,,,,509,491,18,04/20 14:00,,,,"(4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200419,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11292,,,11602,75697,,,2565,,765,,,,471,453,18,04/19 14:00,,,,"(4/19 eve LAW) the only newly updated number is confirmed positives PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200418,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9939,,,10222,68819,,,2519,,760,,,,451,434,17,04/18 14:00,,,,"PROCESS: ONLY count CONFIRMED POSITIVES (not total or suspected) for death include both confirmed and probable ",B,, 20200417,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8858,,,9107,68819,,,2424,,740,,,,418,401,17,04/17 14:00,,,,"(4/17 aft MC) updated positive figures to be confirmed pos only (not total), which affects negative figures",B,, 20200416,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8239,,,8414,66426,,,2331,,707,,,,389,373,16,04/16 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200415,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7628,,,7791,63761,,,2237,,677,,,,361,346,15,04/15 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200414,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7153,,,7280,60721,,,2156,,654,,,,324,309,15,04/14 14:00,,,,"(4/14 aft MC) positive figures only from confirmed cases (not total); can we indicate that in public notes? (4/7 aft AW) negatives also calculated from ""Total tested in Ohio"" from ""Key Metrics on Cases"" in the dashboard. (4/6 aft MC) negatives calculated from ""Total Tested in Ohio"" from Key Metrics on Cases dashboard, in contrast to below note by HDF (4/5 aft HDF) negatives from press confirmed via formula from totals (4/5 RS Aft) Negatives from 4/5 press conf Update Public Notes",B,, 20200413,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6881,,,6975,58137,,,2033,,613,,,,274,268,6,04/13 14:00,,,,"(4/7 aft AW) negatives also calculated from ""Total tested in Ohio"" from ""Key Metrics on Cases"" in the dashboard. (4/6 aft MC) negatives calculated from ""Total Tested in Ohio"" from Key Metrics on Cases dashboard, in contrast to below note by HDF (4/5 aft HDF) negatives from press confirmed via formula from totals (4/5 RS Aft) Negatives from 4/5 press conf Update Public Notes",B,, 20200412,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6518,,,6604,56639,,,1948,,595,,,,253,248,5,04/12 14:00,,,,"(4/7 aft AW) negatives also calculated from ""Total tested in Ohio"" from ""Key Metrics on Cases"" in the dashboard. (4/6 aft MC) negatives calculated from ""Total Tested in Ohio"" from Key Metrics on Cases dashboard, in contrast to below note by HDF (4/5 aft HDF) negatives from press confirmed via formula from totals (4/5 RS Aft) Negatives from 4/5 press conf Update Public Notes",B,, 20200411,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6187,,,6250,54221,,,1859,,572,,,,247,242,5,04/11 14:00,,,,"(4/10 aft MC) per below note, need to change dashboard link to (4/7 KP) As AW points out, should change dashboard link to (4/7 aft AW) negatives also calculated from ""Total tested in Ohio"" from ""Key Metrics on Cases"" in the dashboard. (4/6 aft MC) negatives calculated from ""Total Tested in Ohio"" from Key Metrics on Cases dashboard, in contrast to below note by HDF (4/5 aft HDF) negatives from press confirmed via formula from totals (4/5 RS Aft) Negatives from 4/5 press conf Update Public Notes",B,, 20200410,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5836,,,5878,52695,,,1755,,548,,,,231,227,4,04/10 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200409,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5512,,,5512,50473,,,1612,,497,,,,213,,,04/09 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200408,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5148,,,5148,48193,,,1495,,472,,,,193,,,04/08 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200407,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4782,,,4782,46056,,,1354,,417,,,,167,,,04/07 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200406,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4450,,,4450,43928,,,1214,,371,,,,142,,,04/06 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200405,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4043,,,4043,39713,,,1104,,346,,,,119,,,04/05 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200404,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3739,,,3739,38132,,,1006,,326,,,,102,,,04/04 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200403,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3312,,,3312,35063,,,895,,288,,,,91,,,04/03 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200402,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2902,,,2902,32016,,,802,,260,,,,81,,,04/02 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200401,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2547,,,2547,26992,,,679,,222,,,,65,,,04/01 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200331,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2199,,,2199,26992,,,585,,198,,,,55,,,03/31 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200330,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1933,,,1933,25342,,,475,,163,,,,39,,,03/30 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200329,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1653,,,1653,19012,,,403,,139,,,,29,,,03/29 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200328,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1406,,,1406,19012,,,344,,123,,,,25,,,03/28 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200327,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1137,,,1137,19012,,,276,,107,,,,19,,,03/27 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200326,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,867,,,867,16449,,,223,,91,,,,15,,,03/26 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200325,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,704,,,704,14060,,,182,,74,,,,10,,,03/25 14:00,,,,,B,, 20200324,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,564,,,564,140,,,145,,,,,,8,,,03/24 14:00,,,,,D,, 20200323,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,442,140,,,104,,,,,,6,,,03/23 14:00,,,,,D,, 20200322,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,351,,,351,140,,,83,,,,,,3,,,03/20 14:00,,,,,,, 20200321,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,247,,,247,140,,,58,,,,,,3,,,03/21 14:00,,,,,,, 20200320,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,169,,,169,140,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/20 14:00,,,,,,, 20200319,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,119,,,119,140,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 14:00,,,,,,, 20200318,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88,,,88,140,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 15:00,,,,,,, 20200317,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67,,,67,140,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 15:00,,,,,,, 20200316,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,50,140,361,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:36,,,,,,, 20200315,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36,,,36,139,350,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 14:00,,,,,,, 20200314,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,13,50,159,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 14:00,,,,,,, 20200313,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,13,50,159,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 15:00,,,,,,, 20200312,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,,,5,30,52,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 14:00,,,,,,, 20200311,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,4,21,24,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,3,14,15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,3,11,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,10,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,9,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,8,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,OH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,7,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,OK,,,,,,,,,,68964,3006,65958,,874676,66512,806545,58733,,,58733,806545,7165,570,4821,214,,,,49184,800,,,08/31 0:00,08/31 16:48,HMH,DZL,"""PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/31 KVP) Fixed smushed up lines to give each date a line. (8/26 RSG) dash didn't update. Reported all data except for recoveries from state page. (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE """"",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,OK,,,,,,,,,,68964,3006,65958,,874676,66512,806545,58020,,,58020,806545,7165,570,4814,214,,,,48933,799,,,08/30 0:00,08/30 16:22,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,OK,,,,,,,,,,68964,3006,65958,,874676,66512,806545,57353,,,57353,806545,7165,570,4794,214,,,,48607,797,,,08/29 0:00,08/29 17:03,HMH,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,OK,,,,,,,,,,67322,2856,64466,,866185,65073,799520,56260,,,56260,799520,6487,559,4719,229,,,,47762,786,,,08/28 0:00,08/28 17:12,BHP,PK,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,OK,,,,,,,,,,67322,2856,64466,,855824,63967,790299,55550,,,55550,790299,7149,552,4673,211,,,,47186,778,,,08/27 0:00,08/27 16:50,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,OK,,,,,,,,,,67322,2856,64466,,847060,62969,782546,54838,,,54838,782546,,533,4609,211,,,,46414,763,,,08/26 0:00,08/26 16:44,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,OK,,,,,,,,,,67322,2856,64466,,840677,62455,776659,54172,,,54172,776659,,553,4527,226,,,,45516,744,,,08/25 0:00,08/25 16:28,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,OK,,,,,,,,,,67322,2856,64466,,821289,60433,759335,53522,,,53522,759335,,578,4431,237,,,,44660,730,,,08/24 0:00,08/24 16:48,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,OK,,,,,,,,,,67322,2856,64466,,821289,60433,759335,53165,,,53165,759335,,578,4422,237,,,,44409,726,,,08/23 0:00,08/23 16:16,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,OK,,,,,,,,,,67322,2856,64466,,821289,60433,759335,52599,,,52599,759335,,578,4368,237,,,,44035,725,,,08/22 0:00,08/22 16:25,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,OK,,,,,,,,,,65475,2649,62826,,810120,59448,749156,51746,,,51746,749156,,562,4316,246,,,,43417,715,,,08/21 0:00,08/21 16:49,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,OK,,,,,,,,,,65475,2649,62826,,800216,58523,740225,50669,,,50669,740225,,564,4268,248,,,,42695,709,,,08/20 0:00,08/20 16:43,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,OK,,,,,,,,,,65475,2649,62826,,791944,57679,732817,49923,,,49923,732817,,566,4192,250,,,,42047,699,,,08/19 0:00,08/19 17:09,PK,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,OK,,,,,,,,,,65475,2649,62826,,784218,57102,725674,49326,,,49326,725674,,568,4115,240,,,,41370,682,,,08/18 0:00,08/18 16:55,BHP,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,OK,,,,,,,,,,65475,2649,62826,,762899,54870,706619,48711,,,48711,706619,,506,4021,236,,,,40531,665,,,08/17 0:00,08/17 17:27,SPA,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,OK,,,,,,,,,,65475,2649,62826,,762899,54870,706619,48342,,,48342,706619,,506,4013,236,,,,40224,661,,,08/16 0:00,08/16 16:29,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,OK,,,,,,,,,,65475,2649,62826,,762899,54870,706619,47798,,,47798,706619,,506,3998,236,,,,39907,657,,,08/15 0:00,08/15 16:28,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,OK,,,,,,,,,,65475,2649,62826,,751437,53700,696345,46897,,,46897,696345,,567,3953,240,,,,39282,644,,,08/14 0:00,08/14 16:51,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,OK,,,,,,,,,,62502,2446,60056,,739287,52741,685169,46103,,,46103,685169,,600,3901,253,,,,38655,638,,,08/13 0:00,08/13 16:34,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (8/13 HMH) EOR was not released by the time we published (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,OK,,,,,,,,,,62502,2446,60056,,729940,51862,676709,45398,,,45398,676709,,519,3842,216,,,,37988,627,,,08/12 0:00,08/12 17:00,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,OK,,,,,,,,,,62502,2446,60056,,722098,51238,669507,44728,,,44728,669507,,530,3760,218,,,,37193,618,,,08/11 0:00,08/11 16:52,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20 HMH) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,OK,,,,,,,,,,62502,2446,60056,,700981,49186,650485,43963,,,43963,650485,,594,3625,223,,,,36378,605,,,08/10 0:00,08/10 16:48,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,OK,,,,,,,,,,62502,2446,60056,,700981,49186,650485,43566,,,43566,650485,,594,3605,223,,,,36052,603,,,08/09 0:00,08/09 16:47,JAC,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,OK,,,,,,,,,,62502,2446,60056,,700981,49186,650485,43080,,,43080,650485,,594,3594,223,,,,35745,603,,,08/08 0:00,08/08 16:25,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,OK,,,,,,,,,,60293,2272,58021,,693309,48461,643560,42255,,,42255,643560,,561,3555,216,,,,35001,600,,,08/07 0:00,8/07 16:53,KP,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,OK,,,,,,,,,,60293,2272,58021,,681848,47329,633252,41401,,,41401,633252,,643,3497,216,,,,34320,593,,,08/06 0:00,8/06 16:13,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,OK,,,,,,,,,,60293,2272,58021,,671712,46281,624166,40564,,,40564,624166,,645,3445,207,,,,33383,583,,,08/05 0:00,8/05 16:42,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,OK,,,,,,,,,,60293,2272,58021,,664579,45521,617813,39463,,,39463,617813,,504,3375,232,,,,32319,566,,,08/04 0:00,8/04 17:35,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/4 17:46, 20200803,OK,,,,,,,,,,60293,2272,58021,,644042,43360,599461,38602,,,38602,599461,,628,3275,258,,,,31165,551,,,08/03 0:00,8/03 16:59,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,OK,,,,,,,,,,60293,2272,58021,,644042,43360,599461,38225,,,38225,599461,,628,3241,258,,,,30820,550,,,08/02 0:00,8/02 17:31,KP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,OK,,,,,,,,,,60293,2272,58021,,644042,43360,599461,37731,,,37731,599461,,628,3228,258,,,,30282,549,,,08/01 0:00,8/01 17:23,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,OK,,,,,,,,,,57683,2071,55612,,632535,42245,589091,36487,,,36487,589091,,621,3161,253,,,,29187,541,,,07/31 0:00,07/31 17:11,HMH,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200730,OK,,,,,,,,,,57683,2071,55612,,621633,41179,579276,35740,,,35740,579276,,647,3104,244,,,,28411,536,,,07/30 0:00,07/30 16:26,BHP,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200729,OK,,,,,,,,,,57683,2071,55612,,613202,40163,571890,34623,,,34623,571890,,663,3041,228,,,,27386,523,,,07/29 0:00,07/29 16:56,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200728,OK,,,,,,,,,,57683,2071,55612,,595277,38785,555351,33775,,,33775,555351,,596,2987,207,,,,26363,509,,,07/28 0:00,07/28 17:22,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200727,OK,,,,,,,,,,57683,2071,55612,,573185,36489,535628,32686,,,32686,535628,,625,2872,225,,,,25252,496,,,07/27 0:00,07/27 17:17,DZL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200726,OK,,,,,,,,,,57683,2071,55612,,573185,36489,535628,31285,,,31285,535628,,625,2835,225,,,,24698,496,,,07/26 0:00,07/26 17:09,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200725,OK,,,,,,,,,,57683,2071,55612,,573185,36489,535628,30081,,,30081,535628,,625,2768,225,,,,24053,496,,,07/25 0:00,07/25 17:21,DZL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200724,OK,,,,,,,,,,55185,1854,53331,,527895,32927,493926,29116,,,29116,493926,,628,2687,260,,,,23277,484,,,07/24 0:00,07/24 17:21,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200723,OK,,,,,,,,,,55185,1854,53331,,518134,31903,485206,27969,,,27969,485206,,607,2596,255,,,,22441,477,,,07/23 0:00,07/23 16:59,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200722,OK,,,,,,,,,,55185,1854,53331,,510359,31051,478297,27301,,,27301,478297,,630,2540,257,,,,21596,474,,,07/22 0:00,,,,,A+,, 20200721,OK,,,,,,,,,,55185,1854,53331,,503326,30273,472057,26326,,,26326,472057,,613,2403,248,,,,20663,461,,,07/21 0:00,,,,,A+,, 20200720,OK,,,,,,,,,,55185,1854,53331,,479547,27903,450675,25433,,,25433,450675,,604,2403,232,,,,19750,452,,,07/20 0:00,07/22 16:52,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and /icuSTATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/20) Testing and cur. hosp data both as of 7/17, but used cur. hosp number from sit. report since it was higher. OK is having some serious testing and case reporting processing issues, see today's thread. Pos test numbers today and yesterday are lower than in reality. (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200719,OK,,,,,,,,,,55185,1854,53331,,479547,27903,450675,25265,,,25265,450675,,547,2388,232,,,,19466,451,,,07/19 0:00,07/19 16:38,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200718,OK,,,,,,,,,,55185,1854,53331,,479547,27903,450675,25056,,,25056,450675,,547,2375,232,,,,19186,451,,,07/18 0:00,07/18 16:54,DCC,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200717,OK,,,,,,,,,,49472,1592,47880,,468644,26785,440904,24140,,,24140,440904,,604,2289,247,,,,18766,445,,,07/17 8:00,07/17 17:08,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200716,OK,,,,,,,,,,49472,1592,47880,,460246,25931,433376,23441,,,23441,433376,,638,2218,235,,,,18095,438,,,07/16 8:00,07/16 17:20,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200715,OK,,,,,,,,,,49472,1592,47880,,450388,24954,424512,22813,,,22813,424512,,561,2170,231,,,,17366,432,,,07/13 0:00,07/15 15:49,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200714,OK,,,,,,,,,,49472,1592,47880,,444852,24383,419556,21738,,,21738,419556,,546,2116,234,,,,16635,428,,,07/13 0:00,07/15 15:49,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200713,OK,,,,,,,,,,49472,1592,47880,,423285,22367,400037,20745,,,20745,400037,,499,2063,186,,,,15815,424,,,07/13 0:00,07/15 15:49,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200712,OK,,,,,,,,,,49472,1592,47880,,423285,22367,400037,20235,,,20235,400037,,499,2032,186,,,,15485,422,,,07/12 0:00,07/12 16:29,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/12 HMH) Used page ""cases"" number for pos. pcr cases. (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200711,OK,,,,,,,,,,49472,1592,47880,,423285,22367,400037,19779,,,19779,400037,,499,1992,186,,,,15136,421,,,07/11 0:00,07/11 16:57,QN,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/11 BHP) OK has not updated their Situation Report today. All other sources are updated. (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200710,OK,,,,,,,,,,45013,1465,43548,,414197,21345,391982,19092,,,19092,391982,,487,1949,217,,,,14648,416,,,07/10 8:00,07/10 16:23,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200709,OK,,,,,,,,,,45013,1465,43548,,404600,20489,383258,18496,,,18496,383258,,453,1893,215,,,,14100,410,,,07/09 8:00,07/09 16:55,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200708,OK,,,,,,,,,,45013,1465,43548,,397647,19871,376930,17893,,,17893,376930,,458,1804,209,,,,13538,407,,,07/08 0:00,07/08 17:03,BHP,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200707,OK,,,,,,,,,,45013,1465,43548,,391881,19241,371798,17220,,,17220,371798,,426,1741,182,,,,13005,404,,,07/07 8:00,07/07 16:14,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200706,OK,,,,,,,,,,34490,1171,33319,,366289,16721,348789,16362,,,16362,348789,,391,1689,165,,,,12432,399,,,07/06 8:00,07/06 16:48,JAC,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200705,OK,,,,,,,,,,34490,1171,33319,,366289,16721,348789,15928,,,15928,348789,,391,1685,165,,,,12246,398,,,07/05 0:00,07/05 15:53,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/5 BHP) Some testing data comes from Executive Order report because it's more up to date than Situation Report. Using Dash case number for all confirmed positive numbers. Date coming from State page/dash. (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200704,OK,,,,,,,,,,34490,1171,33319,,366289,16721,348789,15645,,,15645,348789,,391,1676,165,,,,11965,398,,,07/04 0:00,07/04 16:29,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/4 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases again (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200703,OK,,,,,,,,,,34490,1171,33319,,366289,16721,348789,15065,,,15065,348789,,391,1661,165,,,,11519,398,,,07/03 0:00,07/03 16:33,BML,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (7/3 HMH) Used dashboard case number for pos. pcr cases as per our discusion today. For future reference, ""Ok Cases"" number on the dashboard is just pos. cases. (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200702,OK,,,,,,,,,,34490,1171,33319,,355200,15918,338511,14539,,,14539,338511,,368,1615,163,,,,11048,395,,,07/02 8:00,07/02 16:52,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200701,OK,,,,,,,,,,34490,1171,33319,,348350,15387,332201,14112,,,14112,332201,,374,1553,159,,,,10605,389,,,07/01 8:00,07/01 15:51,BHP,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200630,OK,,,,,,,,,,34490,1171,33319,,343623,15029,327840,13757,,,13757,327840,,315,1520,111,,,,10085,387,,,06/29 8:00,06/30 17:01,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200629,OK,,,,,,,,,,34490,1171,33319,,327683,13941,313021,13172,,,13172,313021,,329,1489,134,,,,9587,385,,,06/29 8:00,06/30 17:01,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200628,OK,,,,,,,,,,34490,1171,33319,,327683,13941,313021,12944,,,12944,313021,,329,1456,134,,,,9397,385,,,06/28 0:00,06/28 15:52,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/28 BHP) Only the State page was updated (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200627,OK,,,,,,,,,,34490,1171,33319,,327683,13941,313021,12642,,,12642,313021,,329,1440,134,,,,9155,384,,,06/27 0:00,06/27 16:54,KP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200626,OK,,,,,,,,,,30021,1058,28963,,312454,13338,298434,12343,,,12343,298434,,308,1393,126,,,,8817,377,,,06/26 8:00,06/26 17:17,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/26 DZL) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that OK lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200625,OK,,,,,,,,,,30021,1058,28963,,306716,13108,293017,11948,,,11948,293017,,277,1336,87,,,,8507,375,,,06/25 8:00,06/25 16:52,QN,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200624,OK,,,,,,,,,,30021,1058,28963,,299930,12498,286768,11510,,,11510,286768,,268,1319,90,,,,8144,372,,,06/24 8:00,06/24 17:10,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200623,OK,,,,,,,,,,30021,1058,28963,,296988,12295,284029,11028,,,11028,284029,,265,1288,111,,,,7888,371,,,06/23 0:00,06/23 16:31,QN,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200622,OK,,,,,,,,,,30021,1058,28963,,283875,11340,271925,10733,,,10733,271925,,197,1268,93,,,,7648,369,,,06/22 0:00,06/22 16:35,G-S,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200621,OK,,,,,,,,,,30021,1058,28963,,283875,11340,271925,10037,,,10515,271925,,197,1243,93,,,,7531,369,,,06/21 0:00,06/21 17:08,HMH,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200620,OK,,,,,,,,,,30021,1058,28963,,283875,11340,271925,10037,,,10037,271925,,197,1229,93,,,,7414,368,,,06/20 8:00,06/20 16:13,SB,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200619,OK,,,,,,,,,,27415,974,26441,,276316,10834,264872,9706,,,9706,264872,,211,1209,96,,,,7212,367,,,06/19 0:00,06/19 16:56,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200618,OK,,,,,,,,,,27415,974,26441,,271339,10535,260199,9354,,,9354,260199,,197,1146,89,,,,7071,366,,,06/17 0:00,06/18 18:00,HMH,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/18 HMH) Situation report not up bc of tech issues (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200617,OK,,,,,,,,,,27415,974,26441,,267424,10296,256528,8904,,,8904,256528,,181,1146,92,,,,6898,364,,,06/17 8:00,06/17 16:24,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200616,OK,,,,,,,,,,27415,974,26441,,263882,10130,253160,8645,,,8645,253160,,172,1130,75,,,,6765,363,,,06/16 8:00,06/16 17:11,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200615,OK,,,,,,,,,,27415,974,26441,,252624,9456,242587,8417,,,8417,242587,,149,1117,67,,,,6628,359,,,06/15 8:00,06/15 17:17,HMH,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/15 HMH) No EOR today. Only updated total cases, total deaths, and recoveries. The only new number in the situation update was cum. hosp. (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200614,OK,,,,,,,,,,27415,974,26441,,252624,9456,242587,8231,,,8231,242587,,149,1116,67,,,,6578,359,,,06/13 8:00,06/14 17:12,JAC,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200613,OK,,,,,,,,,,27415,974,26441,,248091,9456,238366,8073,,,8073,238366,,154,1111,67,,,,6495,359,,,06/12 8:00,06/13 16:51,SB,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200612,OK,,,,,,,,,,27415,974,26441,,248091,9156,238366,7848,,,7848,238366,,154,1103,65,,,,6391,359,,,06/12 8:00,06/13 16:51,SB,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation updates (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/12 HMH) Updated source notes to include situation updates (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid calculations(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28 (SB 6/13) Using dashboard numbers for current hospitalization (154) rather than the number from the EOR from 6/12 (86+63) because the former seems to be more recently updated (has hospitalization and recovery data from 6/13). I'm following the rule for the state update time, but the 6/13 numbers on the dashboard are more recent than this.",A+,, 20200611,OK,,,,,,,,,,23402,863,22539,,243214,9395,233819,7626,,,7626,233819,,153,1092,58,,,,6263,357,,,06/11 8:00,06/11 16:49,HMH,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Use Situation report (News tab) to get all specimens testing numbers 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/11 HMH) Found new source to use instead of EOR for some things. Go to EOR page, then click on NEWS at top of page, and it will show you the situation updates. They are updated early in the morning, and help you avoid math(ex; currently hosp. already includes comfirmed and probable) (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28",A+,, 20200610,OK,,,,,,,,,,23402,863,22539,,239005,8624,229817,7480,,,7480,229817,,150,1075,63,,,,6166,355,,,06/09 0:00,06/10 17:05,ETW,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Check Executive Order Reports PDF for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data under ""other""; dated for previous day 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28",A+,, 20200609,OK,,,,,,,,,,23402,863,22539,,235731,8491,226678,7363,,,7363,226678,,148,1061,66,,,,6073,353,,,06/09 0:00,06/10 17:05,ETW,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Check Executive Order Reports PDF for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data under ""other""; dated for previous day 2. Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28",A+,, 20200608,OK,,,,,,,,,,23402,863,22539,,223245,8109,214598,7205,,,7205,214598,,158,1039,65,,,,6014,348,,,06/08 0:00,06/08 17:13,ETW,RS,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day (6/8 RS) No new EOR since 6/6 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28",A+,, 20200607,OK,,,,,,,,,,23402,863,22539,,223245,8109,214598,7150,,,7150,214598,,158,1026,65,,,,5981,348,,,06/07 0:00,06/07 17:55,JAC,KP,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped - Cur. Hospital = confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28",A+,, 20200606,OK,,,,,,,,,,23402,863,22539,,223245,8109,214598,7003,,,7003,214598,,158,1026,65,,,,5867,345,,,06/05 0:00,06/06 16:15,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped. That pdf hasn't been published since May. - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28",A+,, 20200605,OK,,,,,,,,,,23402,863,22539,,218010,7921,209564,6907,,,6907,209564,,164,1014,66,,,,5781,344,,,06/04 0:00,06/05 16:53,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped. That pdf hasn't been published since May. - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28",A+,, 20200604,OK,,,,,,,,,,20278,746,19532,,213142,7802,204815,6907,,,6907,204815,,148,1014,63,,,,5781,344,,,06/04 0:00,06/05 16:53,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day 06/05 TCD: Check for an update to the ""Weekly Epidemiology"" report first; if no update, anything coming from there can be skipped. That pdf hasn't been published since May. - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) - Negatives: Use the negative specimens column in the final total row of the Executive Order report (approx. page 14) - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28",A+,, 20200603,OK,,,,,,,,,,20278,746,19532,,209286,7716,201247,6805,,,6805,201247,,136,1003,59,,,,5711,341,,,06/03 0:00,06/03 16:10,BSL,AW,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28",A+,, 20200602,OK,,,,,,,,,,20278,746,19532,,206116,7628,197965,6692,,,6692,197965,,124,994,60,,,,5599,339,,,06/02 0:00,06/02 16:22,JA,REB,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info - Antibody testing available in weekly epidemiology report, dated 5/15, 5/22, 5/28",A+,, 20200601,OK,,,,,,,,,,20278,746,19532,,194496,7291,186700,6573,,,6573,186700,,154,986,65,,,,5511,334,,,06/01 0:00,06/01 17:23,GGR,QN,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/22 aft ALF) Antibody testing is now reported in weekly epidemiology report, current numbers from 5/15",A+,, 20200531,OK,,,,,,,,,,20278,746,19532,,194496,7291,186700,6506,,,6506,186700,,154,985,65,,,,5492,334,,,05/31 0:00,05/31 16:06,AIA,JAC,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/22 aft ALF) Antibody testing is now reported in weekly epidemiology report, current numbers from 5/15",A+,, 20200530,OK,,,,,,,,,,20278,746,19532,,194496,7291,186700,6418,,,6418,186700,,154,982,65,,,,5435,334,,,05/30 0:00,05/30 17:12,SB,RS,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/22 aft ALF) Antibody testing is now reported in weekly epidemiology report, current numbers from 5/15",A+,, 20200529,OK,,,,,,,,,,20278,746,19532,,188665,7114,181060,6338,,,6338,181060,,160,982,68,,,,5340,329,,,05/29 0:00,05/29 16:19,JA,QN,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/22 aft ALF) Antibody testing is now reported in weekly epidemiology report, current numbers from 5/15",A+,, 20200528,OK,,,,,,,,,,17160,628,16532,,183632,7006,176136,6270,,,6270,176136,,181,975,80,,,,5236,326,,,05/28 0:00,05/28 16:01,GMJ,PR,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/22 aft ALF) Antibody testing is now reported in weekly epidemiology report, current numbers from 5/15",A+,, 20200527,OK,,,,,,,,,,17160,628,16532,,179842,6948,172409,6229,,,6229,172409,,156,941,74,,,,5135,322,,,05/27 0:00,05/27 16:35,JA,RS,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/22 aft ALF) Antibody testing is now reported in weekly epidemiology report, current numbers from 5/15",A+,, 20200526,OK,,,,,,,,,,17160,628,16532,,160903,6696,153804,6137,,,6137,153804,,174,941,78,,,,4823,318,,,05/26 0:00,05/26 17:43,DPT,MM,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/22 aft ALF) Antibody testing is now reported in weekly epidemiology report, current numbers from 5/15",A+,, 20200525,OK,,,,,,,,,,17160,628,16532,,160903,6696,154207,6090,,,6090,154943,,,938,78,,,,4714,313,,,05/25 12:30,05/25 16:29,TCD,PR,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/22 aft ALF) Antibody testing is now reported in weekly epidemiology report, current numbers from 5/15",A+,, 20200524,OK,,,,,,,,,,17160,628,16532,,160903,6696,154207,6037,,,6037,154943,,174,938,78,,,,4688,311,,,05/23 0:00,05/24 15:29,JA,KP,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/22 aft ALF) Antibody testing is now reported in weekly epidemiology report, current numbers from 5/15",A+,, 20200523,OK,,,,,,,,,,17160,628,16532,,160903,6696,154207,5960,,,5960,154943,,174,926,78,,,,4645,311,,,05/23 0:00,05/24 15:29,JA,KP,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/22 aft ALF) Antibody testing is now reported in weekly epidemiology report, current numbers from 5/15",A+,, 20200522,OK,,,,,,,,,,13642,459,13183,,152998,6589,146409,5849,,,5849,147318,,190,926,94,,,,4533,307,,,05/22 0:00,05/22 17:00,GMJ,ALF,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/22 aft ALF) Antibody testing is now reported in weekly epidemiology report, current numbers from 5/15 (5/18 aft GGR) current hosp/ICU # is from 5/15 EO pdf report. (5/13 aft RSB) Setting negative (people or cases) to match negative specimens. (5/12 aft DPT) Not updating negatives, since there's nothing correct we can put there. Will need to treat this manually in historical data when we fix the negative tests ",A+,, 20200521,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149447,6464,142983,5680,,,5680,143915,,201,917,78,,,,4361,304,,,05/21 0:00,05/21 16:45,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/18 aft GGR) current hosp/ICU # is from 5/15 EO pdf report. (5/13 aft RSB) Setting negative (people or cases) to match negative specimens. (5/12 aft DPT) Not updating negatives, since there's nothing correct we can put there. Will need to treat this manually in historical data when we fix the negative tests ",A+,, 20200520,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,145218,6379,138839,5532,,,5532,138839,,209,905,92,,,,4266,299,,,05/20 0:00,05/20 15:43,GGR,BL,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/18 aft GGR) current hosp/ICU # is from 5/15 EO pdf report. (5/13 aft RSB) Setting negative (people or cases) to match negative specimens. (5/12 aft DPT) Not updating negatives, since there's nothing correct we can put there. Will need to treat this manually in historical data when we fix the negative tests (5/10-11 aft DPT AW) no new EOR, not updating numbers that come from there (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200519,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,140262,6221,133658,5489,,,5489,133658,,167,897,77,,,,4135,294,,,05/19 0:00,05/19 17:48,KP,MM,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/18 aft GGR) current hosp/ICU # is from 5/15 EO pdf report. (5/13 aft RSB) Setting negative (people or cases) to match negative specimens. (5/12 aft DPT) Not updating negatives, since there's nothing correct we can put there. Will need to treat this manually in historical data when we fix the negative tests (5/10-11 aft DPT AW) no new EOR, not updating numbers that come from there (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200518,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,123954,5792,118162,5398,,,5398,118162,,76,885,45,,,,4008,288,,,05/18 0:00,05/18 15:59,GGR,PR,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/18 aft GGR) current hosp/ICU # is from 5/15 EO pdf report. (5/13 aft RSB) Setting negative (people or cases) to match negative specimens. (5/12 aft DPT) Not updating negatives, since there's nothing correct we can put there. Will need to treat this manually in historical data when we fix the negative tests (5/10-11 aft DPT AW) no new EOR, not updating numbers that come from there (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200517,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5792,118162,5310,,,5310,118162,,180,880,73,,,,3983,288,,,05/17 0:00,05/17 15:55,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/13 aft RSB) Setting negative (people or cases) to match negative specimens. (5/12 aft DPT) Not updating negatives, since there's nothing correct we can put there. Will need to treat this manually in historical data when we fix the negative tests (5/10-11 aft DPT AW) no new EOR, not updating numbers that come from there (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200516,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,123954,5792,118162,5237,,,5237,118162,,180,878,73,,,,3945,288,,,05/16 0:00,05/16 15:20,REB,QN,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/13 aft RSB) Setting negative (people or cases) to match negative specimens. (5/12 aft DPT) Not updating negatives, since there's nothing correct we can put there. Will need to treat this manually in historical data when we fix the negative tests (5/10-11 aft DPT AW) no new EOR, not updating numbers that come from there (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200515,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,118751,5645,113106,5086,,,5086,113106,,215,863,98,,,,3801,285,,,05/15 0:00,05/15 14:50,RSB,AW,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/13 aft RSB) Setting negative (people or cases) to match negative specimens. (5/12 aft DPT) Not updating negatives, since there's nothing correct we can put there. Will need to treat this manually in historical data when we fix the negative tests (5/10-11 aft DPT AW) no new EOR, not updating numbers that come from there (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200514,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,112647,5426,107221,4962,,,4962,107221,,217,858,102,,,,3660,284,,,05/14 0:00,05/14 15:56,AFG,QN,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/13 aft RSB) Setting negative (people or cases) to match negative specimens. (5/12 aft DPT) Not updating negatives, since there's nothing correct we can put there. Will need to treat this manually in historical data when we fix the negative tests (5/10-11 aft DPT AW) no new EOR, not updating numbers that come from there (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200513,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109859,5317,104275,4852,,,4852,104275,,218,848,93,,,,3559,278,,,05/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/13 aft RSB) Setting negative (people or cases) to match negative specimens. (5/12 aft DPT) Not updating negatives, since there's nothing correct we can put there. Will need to treat this manually in historical data when we fix the negative tests (5/10-11 aft DPT AW) no new EOR, not updating numbers that come from there (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200512,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,106559,5229,101082,4732,,,4732,91379,,190,828,83,,,,3423,278,,,05/12 0:00,05/12 14:48,KWS,DPT,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/12 aft DPT) Not updating negatives, since there's nothing correct we can put there. Will need to treat this manually in historical data when we fix the negative tests (5/10-11 aft DPT AW) no new EOR, not updating numbers that come from there (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200511,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95869,4923,90721,4613,,,4613,91379,,177,828,93,,,,3241,274,,,05/11 0:00,05/11 14:51,AW,RS,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/10-11 aft DPT AW) no new EOR, not updating numbers that come from there (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200510,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95869,4923,90721,4589,,,4589,91379,,177,826,93,,,,3204,272,,,05/10 0:00,05/10 16:33,DPT,REB,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/10 aft DPT) no new EOR, not updating numbers that come from there (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200509,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95869,4923,90721,4490,,,4490,91379,,177,822,93,,,,3154,270,,,05/09 0:00,05/09 15:34,REB,QN,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200508,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,89857,4779,85078,4424,,,4424,85433,,228,805,96,,,,3064,266,,,05/08 0:00,05/08 16:35,DB,MM,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/8 aft DB) updated negatives from negative speciemsn. Need to discuss off-shift. (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200507,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87459,4698,82557,4330,,,4330,82557,,223,805,97,,,,2985,260,,,05/07 0:00,05/07 16:13,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) Negatives: we can't use negative specimens, need to decide how to fill, reach out for more info (5/7 aft REB) updating negatives from negative specimens, it's incorrect. Need to discuss off-shift (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A+,, 20200506,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83401,4538,78689,4201,,,4201,78689,,230,773,102,,,,2909,253,,,05/06 0:00,05/06 15:07,DPT,RS,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column H, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) (5/6 aft DPT) using recovered and deaths from the dashboard, higher than the EOR (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A,, 20200505,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79892,4430,75290,4127,,,4127,75290,,236,773,113,,,,2830,247,,,05/05 0:00,05/05 14:58,BL,REB,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. - Cum. hospitalization is on the dashboard, and more up to date than the value in the report (that's dated one day back) (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A,, 20200504,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70368,4150,66084,4044,,,4044,59804,,236,753,92,,,,2682,238,,,05/03 0:00,05/04 14:11,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A,, 20200503,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70368,4150,66084,3972,,,3972,59804,,236,743,92,,,,2635,238,,,05/03 0:00,05/04 14:11,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (5/3-4 aft) No new EOR since 5/1, only updated pos, rec, death. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A,, 20200502,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70368,4150,66084,3851,,,3851,59804,,236,743,92,,,,2554,238,,,05/02 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day - We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A,, 20200501,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66866,4032,62714,3748,,,3748,59804,,255,715,113,,,,2467,230,,,05/01 0:00,05/01 16:20,SD**,CML,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A,, 20200430,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63779,3859,59804,3618,,,3618,59804,,291,703,127,,,,2401,222,,,04/29 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A,, 20200429,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61619,3717,57794,3473,,,3473,57794,,283,693,126,,,,2319,214,,,04/29 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A,, 20200428,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3410,,,3410,56289,,288,656,118,,,,2260,207,,,04/28 0:00,04/28 16:21,EB,AW,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A,, 20200427,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3280,,,3280,49891,,306,656,150,,,,2167,197,,,04/27 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/27 aft PR) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - new EOR today (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A,, 20200426,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3253,,,3253,49891,,306,653,150,,,,2139,195,,,04/26 0:00,04/27 9:23,ALF,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/26 aft DB) only pos, recovered, cum hosps, and deaths updated - no new EOR (4/25 aft AW) only pos, recovered, and deaths updated - no new EOR (4/22 aft AW) only pos, recovered, and deaths updated bc there is no new EOR (4/21 aft RS) Positives and Recovered from state page, rest from EOR (4/20 aft RS) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/19 aft DB) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A,, 20200425,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3193,,,3193,49891,,306,637,150,,,,2080,194,,,04/25 0:00,04/25 14:22,AW,RS,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/25 aft AW) only pos, recovered, and deaths updated - no new EOR (4/22 aft AW) only pos, recovered, and deaths updated bc there is no new EOR (4/21 aft RS) Positives and Recovered from state page, rest from EOR (4/20 aft RS) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/19 aft DB) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",A,, 20200424,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3121,,,3121,43019,,310,637,155,,,,1961,188,,,04/24 0:00,04/24 23:39,SPA,QN,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports PDF at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER Executive order report is dated for the previous day We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/22 aft AW) only pos, recovered, and deaths updated bc there is no new EOR (4/21 aft RS) Positives and Recovered from state page, rest from EOR (4/20 aft RS) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/19 aft DB) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",B,, 20200423,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3017,,,3017,43019,,284,622,156,,,,1884,179,,,04/23 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/22 aft AW) only pos, recovered, and deaths updated bc there is no new EOR (4/21 aft RS) Positives and Recovered from state page, rest from EOR (4/20 aft RS) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/19 aft DB) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",B,, 20200422,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2894,,,2894,43019,,298,588,147,,,,1772,170,,,04/22 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/22 aft AW) only pos, recovered, and deaths updated bc there is no new EOR (4/21 aft RS) Positives and Recovered from state page, rest from EOR (4/20 aft RS) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/19 aft DB) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",B,, 20200421,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2807,,,2807,41537,,346,561,164,,,,1702,164,,,04/21 0:00,04/22 10:01,ERG,QN,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/21 aft RS) Positives and Recovered from state page, rest from EOR (4/20 aft RS) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/19 aft DB) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",B,, 20200420,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2680,,,2680,32966,,307,541,136,,,,1614,143,,,04/20 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/20 aft RS) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/19 aft DB) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",B,, 20200419,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2599,,,2599,32966,,307,541,136,,,,1575,140,,,04/19 0:00,04/20 10:32,AFG,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/19 aft DB) no new executive report, only updated positives and deaths from state page. (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",B,, 20200418,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2570,,,2570,32966,,307,541,136,,,,1515,139,,,04/18 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",B,, 20200417,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2465,,,2465,31155,,325,528,155,,,,1331,136,,,04/17 11:35,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/17 aft MC) updated curr in ICU to include curr ICU *and* PUI in ICU (similar to curr hosp calc); timestamp from Looker dashboard (8:35 PDT) converted to CDT",B,, 20200416,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2357,,,2357,28542,,236,528,163,,,,1240,131,,,04/16 8:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital.",B,, 20200415,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2263,,,2263,26956,,194,510,107,,,,1115,123,,,04/15 8:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other Between this report and STATE website -- we pick number that is HIGHER We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital.",B,, 20200414,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2184,,,2184,26085,,194,488,107,,,,1060,108,,,04/14 8:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/14 aft MC) using executive report from 4/13 for everything other than positive fig (4/12 aft MM) no new exeutive report, updated positives from page (4/11 aft DB) no new executive report, used state page. Currently hosp, current ICU, and recovered not updated. Our negatives is actually negative specimens *The total includes laboratory information provided to OSDH at the time of the report. Total counts may not reflect unique individuals.",B,, 20200413,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2069,20790,,383,457,191,,,,865,99,,,04/13 8:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/12 aft MM) no new exeutive report, updated positives from page (4/11 aft DB) no new executive report, used state page. Currently hosp, current ICU, and recovered not updated. Our negatives is actually negative specimens *The total includes laboratory information provided to OSDH at the time of the report. Total counts may not reflect unique individuals.",B,, 20200412,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1970,20790,,383,446,191,,,,865,96,,,04/12 8:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/12 aft MM) no new exeutive report, updated positives from page (4/11 aft DB) no new executive report, used state page. Currently hosp, current ICU, and recovered not updated. Our negatives is actually negative specimens *The total includes laboratory information provided to OSDH at the time of the report. Total counts may not reflect unique individuals.",B,, 20200411,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1868,20790,,383,446,191,,,,865,94,,,04/11 8:00,,,,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data -- link in Column AH, Other We are now adding confirmed COVID-19 current hospitalizations *and* PUI in the hospital. (4/11 aft DB) no new executive report, used state page. Currently hosp, current ICU, and recovered not updated. Our negatives is actually negative specimens *The total includes laboratory information provided to OSDH at the time of the report. Total counts may not reflect unique individuals.",B,, 20200410,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1794,20370,,186,428,122,,,,790,88,,,04/10 8:00,,,,,B,, 20200409,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1684,18595,,188,415,120,,,,686,80,,,04/09 8:00,04/10 10:34,RMD,ALF,,B,, 20200408,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1524,11821,,188,390,120,,,,686,79,,,04/08 8:00,04/09 9:34,ALF,MM,"PROCESS: Check Executive Order Reports page at for daily COVID-19 Reports for outcomes data (4/9 morning ALF) Negative number for OK from latest report is negative specimens, not negative people. (4/8 aft MC) Current hospitalized and current ICU from; recovered cases from",B,, 20200407,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1472,11821,,186,376,137,,,,612,67,,,04/07 8:00,,,,"(4/7 aft AW) Carrying over current ICU and current hospitalized numbers from 4/6 presser; although principles sheet suggests we may stop doing this, that decision is not yet set in stone. (4/6 AM) Oklahoma reported its very first comprehensive test numbers!",B,, 20200406,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1327,1422,,161,340,143,,,,522,51,,,04/06 8:00,04/07 0:40,AM,PR,(4/6 AM) Oklahoma reported its very first comprehensive test numbers!,B,, 20200405,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1252,1401,,,330,,,,,,46,,,04/05 8:00,,,,,B,, 20200404,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1159,1362,,,316,,,,,,42,,,04/04 8:00,,,,,B,, 20200403,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,988,1315,,171,289,123,,,,383,38,,,04/03 8:00,,,,,B,, 20200402,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,879,1265,,182,257,144,,,,,34,,,04/01 8:00,04/02 15:41,RS,HDF,,B,, 20200401,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,719,1248,,174,219,98,,,,,30,,,04/01 8:00,04/02 15:41,RS,HDF,,B,, 20200331,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,565,1229,,,177,83,,,,,23,,,03/31 8:00,,,,,B,, 20200330,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,481,1207,,,153,103,,,,,17,,,03/30 8:00,,,,,B,, 20200329,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,429,1205,,,140,,,,,,16,,,03/29 8:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,377,1180,,,126,,,,,,15,,,03/27 8:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,322,1084,,,105,,,,,,8,,,03/27 8:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,248,958,,,86,,,,,,7,,,03/26 8:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,164,805,,,59,,,,,,5,,,03/25 8:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,106,735,,,25,,,,,,3,,,03/24 8:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81,694,102,,15,,,,,,2,,,03/23 8:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67,669,102,,11,,,,,,2,,,03/22 8:00,,,,,,, 20200321,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53,560,144,,10,,,,,,1,,,03/21 8:00,,,,,,, 20200320,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49,538,374,,,,,,,,1,,,03/20 8:00,,,,,,, 20200319,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44,466,250,,,,,,,,1,,,03/19 13:00,,,,,,, 20200318,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29,378,110,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 8:00,,,,,,, 20200317,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,247,82,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 9:15,,,,,,, 20200316,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,174,29,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:37,,,,,,, 20200315,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9,118,12,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 12:15,,,,,,, 20200314,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,36,37,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 22:30,,,,,,, 20200313,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,36,37,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,36,4,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,15,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,15,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,8,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,8,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,OK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,530515,25403,1310,555918,26713,530515,,136,2149,43,,24,,4884,459,,,08/31 3:01,08/31 16:55,KVP,RSG,"""PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: 8/31 KVP) Dug into daily updates for data, dashboard was updated since 8/31. Fixed smushed up lines to give each date a line. (8/26 RSG) dash didn't update. Reported all data except for recoveries from state page. (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE """"",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,526791,24776,1278,542589,26554,526791,,166,2108,47,,22,,4884,458,,,08/30 3:01,08/30 17:30,ESK,BHP,"""PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/26 RSG) dash didn't update. Reported all data except for recoveries from state page. (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE """"",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,522557,24776,1278,542589,26293,522557,,166,2108,47,,22,,4884,454,,,08/29 3:01,08/29 17:05,LDH,JAC,"""PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/26 RSG) dash didn't update. Reported all data except for recoveries from state page. (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE """"",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,517813,24776,1278,542589,26054,517813,,166,2108,47,,22,,4859,447,,,08/28 3:01,08/28 16:55,SPA,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/26 RSG) dash didn't update. Reported all data except for recoveries from state page. (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,512955,24482,1279,537437,25761,512955,,171,2093,53,,23,,4789,438,,,08/27 3:01,08/27 17:14,LDH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/26 RSG) dash didn't update. Reported all data except for recoveries from state page. (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,507167,24289,1282,531456,25571,507167,,140,2063,48,,26,,4747,433,,,08/26 3:01,08/26 17:34,RSG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/26 RSG) dash didn't update. Reported all data except for recoveries from state page. (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,502618,24085,1306,526703,25391,502618,,154,2038,53,,27,,4747,428,,,08/25 3:01,08/25 16:20,AJC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,498182,23859,1296,522041,25155,498182,,143,2028,44,,25,,4634,420,,,08/24 3:01,08/24 16:50,LDH,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,494883,23156,1265,510056,24937,494883,,173,1984,47,,19,,4589,417,,,08/23 3:01,08/23 17:19,CRG,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,491754,23156,1265,510056,24710,491754,,173,1984,47,,19,,4589,417,,,08/22 0:00,08/22 17:05,TCD,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,486900,23156,1265,510056,24421,486900,,173,1984,47,,19,,4566,414,,,08/21 3:01,08/21 16:40,RSG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,482202,22917,1248,505119,24165,482202,,175,1979,48,,21,,4566,412,,,08/20 3:01,08/20 17:30,GET,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,477286,22629,1241,499915,23870,477286,,203,1958,51,,16,,4468,408,,,08/19 3:01,08/19 17:20,GET,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,472662,22452,1224,495114,23676,472662,,214,1929,54,,20,,4468,397,,,08/18 3:01,08/18 16:55,XMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,467766,22234,1217,490000,23451,467766,,206,1913,47,,19,,4419,388,,,08/17 3:01,08/17 17:06,KAT,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,465535,21441,1172,471935,23262,465535,,224,1863,57,,16,,4355,388,,,08/16 0:00,08/16 16:47,XMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,461861,21441,1172,471935,23018,461861,,224,1863,57,,16,,4355,386,,,08/15 3:01,08/15 16:45,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,450494,21441,1172,471935,22613,450494,,224,1863,57,,16,,4355,385,,,08/14 3:01,08/14 16:59,TCD,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,444963,21141,1159,466104,22300,444963,,232,1853,57,,22,,4282,383,,,08/13 3:01,08/13 17:25,KVP,DPT,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/13 KVP) DB updated in part after first check; used state page and daily reports. Recoveries and deaths did not update again but deaths did even later later on daily report. (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,440520,20875,1147,461395,22022,440520,,213,1845,50,,17,,4282,375,,,08/12 3:01,08/12 16:57,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/12 KAT) unable to update recoveries and deaths, as link to that data hasn't yet been updated (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,435314,20643,1131,455957,21774,435314,,234,1813,59,,15,,4226,368,,,08/11 3:01,08/11 17:42,PK,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/11 RSG) dash wasn't updated so checker used numbers from state page (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,429244,20385,1103,449629,21488,429244,,214,1798,58,,22,,4226,357,,,08/10 3:01,08/10 16:22,TCD,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/10 TCD) Using deaths value from daily press release rather than dashboard (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,425765,19562,1074,436619,21272,425765,,204,1758,51,,18,,4111,356,,,08/09 3:01,08/09 16:53,JAG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,422358,19562,1074,436619,21010,417057,,204,1758,51,,18,,4111,355,,,08/08 0:00,08/08 16:29,mjw++,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,417057,19562,1074,436619,20636,417057,,204,1758,51,,18,,4111,348,,,08/07 3:01,8/07 17:04,SPA,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,412037,19162,1063,431199,20225,412037,,230,1743,58,,29,,4065,339,,,08/06 3:01,8/06 16:22,AIA,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,406823,18936,1043,425759,19979,406823,,228,1726,60,,25,,4037,338,,,08/05 3:01,8/05 17:11,BAS,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,400215,18654,1045,418869,19699,400215,,219,1688,62,,27,,3960,333,,,08/04 3:01,8/04 16:55,CRG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/4 17:58, 20200803,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,397765,18355,1011,416120,19366,397765,,215,1655,62,,27,,3960,328,,,08/03 3:01,8/03 16:46,BAS,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,394560,17540,952,403241,19097,394560,,208,1607,65,,32,,3872,326,,,08/02 3:01,8/02 16:38,CRG,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,390799,17540,952,403241,18817,390799,,208,1607,65,,32,,3872,325,,,08/01 3:01,8/01 17:21,SB,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (8/1 SB) Col AB not updated -- see thread for discussion. (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,385701,17540,952,403241,18492,385701,,208,1607,65,,32,,3872,322,,,07/31 3:01,07/31 16:40,BAS,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,, 20200730,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,380508,17197,934,397705,18131,380508,,229,1587,66,,30,,3835,316,,,07/30 3:01,07/30 16:49,MM,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE ",A+,, 20200729,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,376434,16815,906,393249,17721,376434,,235,1568,62,,32,,3736,311,,,07/29 3:01,07/29 16:18,BAS,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200728,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,370240,16546,870,386786,17416,370240,,230,1537,58,,31,,3736,303,,,07/28 3:01,07/28 17:51,SLC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200727,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,365478,16240,,381718,17088,365478,,237,1514,58,,27,,3684,289,,,07/27 3:01,07/27 16:50,WCD,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200726,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,361717,15273,,365736,16758,361717,,233,1474,58,,30,,3541,289,,,07/26 3:01,07/26 16:59,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200725,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,357518,15273,,365736,16492,357518,,233,1474,58,,30,,3541,286,,,07/25 3:01,07/25 17:51,SB,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/25 SB) Only update from an email that arrived at the end of our shift. Negative tests, deaths and cases updated. See thread for details. Email is the one that can be subscribed to here: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200724,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,350463,15273,,365736,16104,350463,,233,1474,58,,30,,3541,282,,,07/24 15:01,07/24 16:14,SLC,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200723,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,342778,14900,,357678,15713,342778,,225,1465,52,,28,,3509,273,,,07/23 15:01,07/23 16:13,AW,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200722,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,337401,14586,,351987,15393,337401,,231,1433,61,,30,,3381,269,,,07/22 15:01,07/22 16:20,SLC,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200721,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,330124,14355,,344479,15139,330124,,237,1406,64,,34,,3381,269,,,07/21 15:01,07/21 16:26,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200720,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,325197,14085,,339282,14847,325197,,233,1387,70,,34,,3338,262,,,07/20 0:00,07/20 16:19,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200719,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,321011,13085,,323478,14579,321011,,242,1327,64,,34,,3225,260,,,07/19 0:00,07/19 16:49,BML,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200718,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,316644,13085,,323478,14149,316644,,242,1327,64,,34,,3225,257,,,07/18 0:00,07/18 16:20,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200717,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,310393,13085,,323478,13802,310393,,242,1327,64,,34,,3199,254,,,07/16 3:01,07/17 16:10,AW,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200716,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,305437,12807,,318244,13509,305437,,219,1311,63,,33,,3199,249,,,07/16 3:01,07/17 16:10,AW,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200715,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,298705,12406,,311111,13081,298705,,207,1290,53,,30,,3129,247,,,07/14 3:01,07/15 17:15,RS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200714,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,292651,12151,,304802,12805,292651,,235,1254,64,,35,,3129,244,,,07/14 3:01,07/15 17:15,RS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200713,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,288274,11795,,300069,12438,288274,,246,1234,67,,35,,3094,237,,,07/13 3:01,07/13 16:21,SLC,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200712,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,284002,10881,,286197,12170,284002,,208,1180,56,,30,,3009,234,,,07/12 3:01,07/12 16:21,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200711,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,280332,10881,,286197,11851,280332,,208,1180,56,,30,,3009,232,,,07/11 3:01,07/11 16:25,BAS,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200710,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,275316,10881,,286197,11454,275316,,208,1180,56,,30,,3009,232,,,07/10 3:01,07/10 16:33,SPA,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200709,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,270887,10632,,281519,11188,270887,,192,1162,59,,25,,2977,230,,,07/09 3:01,07/09 16:24,QN,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200708,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,265450,10277,,275727,10817,265450,,188,1155,57,,27,,2877,224,,,07/08 3:01,07/08 16:52,EDS,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/8 REB) The number used as Negative PCR Tests was updated to a value that's most likely represents people. Leaving as is, but requires fixing. BEWARE (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200707,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,261301,10086,,271387,10605,261301,,191,1141,55,,22,,2877,220,,,07/07 3:01,07/07 16:07,DZL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200706,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,257326,9902,,267228,10395,257326,,183,1125,61,,26,,2846,215,,,07/05 3:01,07/06 16:38,BAS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200705,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,253971,8877,,250637,10230,253971,,173,1069,52,,25,,2759,215,,,07/05 3:01,07/06 16:38,BAS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. WEEKEND link: (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200704,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,245096,8877,,250637,9930,245096,,173,1069,52,,25,,2759,213,,,07/04 0:00,07/04 17:10,SNW,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (7/4 SNW/SB) For 7/4, the weekend press release only provided an updated new and cumulative positive case count and updated deaths. The 7/3 press release has updated negative people/cases. No other numbers were updated. NOTE: We should update the popup note for negative people/cases (col AF) to mention the weekend press release as a source. (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200703,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,245096,8877,,250637,9636,245096,,173,1069,52,,25,,2759,209,,,07/02 0:00,07/03 16:58,CB-M,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200702,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,241760,8877,,250637,9294,241760,,173,1069,52,,25,,2759,209,,,07/02 3:01,07/02 17:13,GET,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200701,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,234429,8525,,242954,8931,234429,,192,1055,62,,24,,2722,208,,,07/01 3:01,07/01 16:36,EDS,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200630,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,228978,8265,,237243,8656,228978,,149,1038,42,,25,,2722,207,,,06/30 3:01,06/30 16:52,BHP,CML,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200629,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,226648,8121,,234769,8485,226648,,151,1025,44,,25,,2700,204,,,06/29 3:01,06/29 16:23,WCD,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200628,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,223317,7521,,216344,8341,219529,,149,1022,53,,35,,2649,202,,,06/28 3:01,06/28 16:34,SNW,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200627,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7521,,216344,8094,219529,,149,1022,53,,35,,2649,202,,,06/25 3:01,06/27 16:10,DCC,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200626,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7521,,216344,7818,209050,,149,1022,53,,35,,2649,202,,,06/25 3:01,06/27 16:10,DCC,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200625,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7294,,216344,7568,209050,,189,1012,60,,29,,2649,197,,,06/25 3:01,06/27 16:10,DCC,KP,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/26 SNW) Added tooltip for ""confirmed deaths"" saying ""no data"" as OR provides an unclear figure. (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200624,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7185,,213749,7444,206564,,185,1006,59,,29,,2604,195,,,06/24 3:01,06/24 17:16,SMG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/24 SMG) The dashboard's number of positive cases did not conform with the state report. It appears the state report provided numbers from 6/24, whereas the dashboard was still relying on numbers from 6/23. Same issue with number of deaths. (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200623,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7018,,210456,7274,203438,,184,983,58,,28,,2604,192,,,06/23 3:01,06/23 16:25,AJC,CML,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200622,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6836,,206381,7083,199545,,145,969,48,,27,,2588,192,,,06/22 3:01,06/22 16:13,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200621,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6937,,202611,6937,195674,,154,946,50,,29,,2533,190,,,06/21 3:01,06/21 15:54,ETW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200620,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6344,,193689,6750,187345,,154,946,50,,29,,2533,189,,,06/19 3:01,06/20 16:15,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200619,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6344,,193689,6572,187345,,154,946,50,,29,,2533,188,,,06/19 3:01,06/20 16:15,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200618,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6140,,188910,6366,182770,,141,933,46,,28,,2502,187,,,06/18 3:01,06/18 16:18,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays.",A+,, 20200617,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6007,,184139,6218,178132,,158,929,54,,26,,2457,183,,,06/17 3:01,06/17 16:44,SNW,BSL," PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. ",A+,, 20200616,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5897,,179337,6098,173440,,141,912,50,,22,,2431,182,,,06/16 3:01,06/16 15:35,BSL,RS," PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. ",A+,, 20200615,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5625,,175941,5820,170316,,125,899,50,,19,,2396,180,,,06/14 0:00,06/15 16:12,KWS,CML," PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/15 KWS) positives, negatives and death figures from (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. ",A+,, 20200614,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5207,,166019,5636,168246,,133,875,47,,15,,2396,176,,,06/12 3:01,06/14 17:03,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. ",A+,, 20200613,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5207,,166019,5535,164944,,133,875,47,,15,,2396,174,,,06/12 3:01,06/14 17:03,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. ",A+,, 20200612,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5207,,166019,5377,160812,,133,875,47,,15,,2370,173,,,06/11 3:01,06/12 16:20,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. ",A+,, 20200611,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5076,,161643,5237,156567,,130,864,39,,19,,2350,171,,,06/11 3:01,06/12 16:20,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. ",A+,, 20200610,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5060,,156605,5060,151698,,136,857,40,,18,,2332,169,,,06/09 3:01,06/10 16:11,SAL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. ",A+,, 20200609,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4841,,153470,4988,148629,,145,851,47,,20,,2313,169,,,06/09 3:01,06/10 16:11,SAL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date 2. Weekend link: (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. ",A+,, 20200608,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4775,,149732,4922,144957,,137,843,43,,18,,2237,164,,,06/08 3:01,06/08 16:05,SB,MM,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. WEEKENDS: Check here: (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. ",A+,, 20200607,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4808,,148400,4808,143592,,121,819,39,,16,,2237,164,,,06/07 3:01,06/07 17:24,ETW,JAC,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. WEEKENDS: Check here: (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from Demographics & Disease Severity dashboard All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. ",A+,, 20200606,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4442,,143118,4662,141497,,121,819,39,,16,,2237,163,,,06/06 3:01,06/06 16:51,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". The Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (6/6 BML) Fixed a typo in Total Tests (People) from 6/5. OR is not updating dashboard on weekends, but updated case, deaths, and testing numbers can be found in press releases, eg: (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19CaseDemographicsandDiseaseSeverityStatewide/DemographicData?:display_count=y&:toolbar=n&:origin=viz_share_link&:showShareOptions=false. All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. (5/26 aft JA/DPT) Noticed another ""Public Health Indicators"" dashboard:!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19PublicHealthIndicators/COVID-19Burden . Use this for recoveries. ",A+,, 20200605,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4442,,143118,4570,138676,,121,819,39,,16,,2214,161,,,06/05 3:01,06/05 16:34,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". The Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19CaseDemographicsandDiseaseSeverityStatewide/DemographicData?:display_count=y&:toolbar=n&:origin=viz_share_link&:showShareOptions=false. All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. (5/26 aft JA/DPT) Noticed another ""Public Health Indicators"" dashboard:!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19PublicHealthIndicators/COVID-19Burden . Use this for recoveries. ",A+,, 20200604,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4350,,139188,4474,134838,,124,812,40,,13,,2199,159,,,06/04 3:01,06/04 16:38,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". The Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19CaseDemographicsandDiseaseSeverityStatewide/DemographicData?:display_count=y&:toolbar=n&:origin=viz_share_link&:showShareOptions=false. All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. (5/26 aft JA/DPT) Noticed another ""Public Health Indicators"" dashboard:!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19PublicHealthIndicators/COVID-19Burden . Use this for recoveries. ",A+,, 20200603,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4280,,136549,4399,132269,,112,800,27,,10,,2199,159,,,06/03 3:01,06/03 15:33,BSL,AW,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". The Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19CaseDemographicsandDiseaseSeverityStatewide/DemographicData?:display_count=y&:toolbar=n&:origin=viz_share_link&:showShareOptions=false. All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. (5/26 aft JA/DPT) Noticed another ""Public Health Indicators"" dashboard:!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19PublicHealthIndicators/COVID-19Burden . Use this for recoveries. (5/24 aft ALF) Two slightly different numbers reported for Neg Cases: reported the higher of the two (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly 2137report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200602,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4220,,134094,4335,129874,,102,795,29,,15,,2164,157,,,06/02 3:01,06/02 16:27,JA,QN,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". The Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19CaseDemographicsandDiseaseSeverityStatewide/DemographicData?:display_count=y&:toolbar=n&:origin=viz_share_link&:showShareOptions=false. All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. (5/26 aft JA/DPT) Noticed another ""Public Health Indicators"" dashboard:!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19PublicHealthIndicators/COVID-19Burden . Use this for recoveries. (5/24 aft ALF) Two slightly different numbers reported for Neg Cases: reported the higher of the two (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly 2137report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200601,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4192,,131508,4302,127316,,108,790,32,,17,,2164,154,,,06/01 3:01,06/01 17:22,QN,REB,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". The Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19CaseDemographicsandDiseaseSeverityStatewide/DemographicData?:display_count=y&:toolbar=n&:origin=viz_share_link&:showShareOptions=false. All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. (5/26 aft JA/DPT) Noticed another ""Public Health Indicators"" dashboard:!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19PublicHealthIndicators/COVID-19Burden . Use this for recoveries. (5/24 aft ALF) Two slightly different numbers reported for Neg Cases: reported the higher of the two (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly 2137report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200531,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4135,,129093,4243,124958,,117,786,33,,17,,2152,153,,,05/31 3:01,05/31 16:21,AIA,JAC,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". The Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19CaseDemographicsandDiseaseSeverityStatewide/DemographicData?:display_count=y&:toolbar=n&:origin=viz_share_link&:showShareOptions=false. All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. (5/26 aft JA/DPT) Noticed another ""Public Health Indicators"" dashboard:!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19PublicHealthIndicators/COVID-19Burden . Use this for recoveries. (5/24 aft ALF) Two slightly different numbers reported for Neg Cases: reported the higher of the two (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly 2137report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200530,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4083,,126693,4185,122610,,131,778,32,,17,,2137,153,,,05/30 3:01,05/30 17:14,ESK,QN,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". The Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/30 SB aft) Updated recovered numbers from!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19CaseDemographicsandDiseaseSeverityStatewide/DemographicData?:display_count=y&:toolbar=n&:origin=viz_share_link&:showShareOptions=false. All other numbers seem unchanged, page update timestamp is still 5/29 00:01. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. (5/26 aft JA/DPT) Noticed another ""Public Health Indicators"" dashboard:!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19PublicHealthIndicators/COVID-19Burden . Use this for recoveries. (5/24 aft ALF) Two slightly different numbers reported for Neg Cases: reported the higher of the two (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly 2137report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200529,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4029,,122579,4131,118550,,155,771,36,,21,,1981,151,,,05/29 3:01,05/29 16:27,JA,QN,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". The Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. (5/26 aft JA/DPT) Noticed another ""Public Health Indicators"" dashboard:!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19PublicHealthIndicators/COVID-19Burden . Use this for recoveries. (5/24 aft ALF) Two slightly different numbers reported for Neg Cases: reported the higher of the two (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200528,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3994,,119555,4086,115561,,149,768,32,,17,,1981,151,,,05/28 3:01,05/28 16:26,GMJ,KP,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". The Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/28) Weekly Report release moved to Wednesdays from Tuesdays. (5/26 aft JA/DPT) Noticed another ""Public Health Indicators"" dashboard:!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19PublicHealthIndicators/COVID-19Burden . Use this for recoveries. (5/24 aft ALF) Two slightly different numbers reported for Neg Cases: reported the higher of the two (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200527,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3947,,116901,4038,112954,,146,759,35,,16,,1795,148,,,05/27 3:01,05/27 17:05,JA,QN,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". The Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/26 aft JA/DPT) Noticed another ""Public Health Indicators"" dashboard:!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19PublicHealthIndicators/COVID-19Burden . Use this for recoveries. (5/24 aft ALF) Two slightly different numbers reported for Neg Cases: reported the higher of the two (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200526,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3879,,115450,3967,111571,,149,752,40,,17,,1795,148,,,05/26 3:01,05/26 17:27,JA,MM,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". The Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/26 aft JA/DPT) Noticed another ""Public Health Indicators"" dashboard:!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19PublicHealthIndicators/COVID-19Burden . Use this for recoveries. (5/24 aft ALF) Two slightly different numbers reported for Neg Cases: reported the higher of the two (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200525,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3861,,113770,3949,109909,,125,747,35,,23,,1376,148,,,05/25 3:01,05/25 16:32,ESK,PR,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/24 aft ALF) Two slightly different numbers reported for Neg Cases: reported the higher of the two (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200524,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3842,,112110,3927,108268,,117,742,35,,18,,1376,148,,,05/24 3:01,05/24 15:23,RS,ALF,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/24 aft ALF) Two slightly different numbers reported for Neg Cases: reported the higher of the two (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200523,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3779,,110118,3888,106319,,102,740,41,,15,,1376,147,,,05/23 3:01,05/23 17:11,SPA,ESK,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on under ""Additional Data and Projections"" Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200522,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3770,,107745,3864,103975,,146,737,47,,16,,1376,147,,,05/22 11:00,05/22 16:41,GMJ,RS,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/22 GMJ) 5/19 Weekly report shows decrease in recovered, from 1406 to 1376. No note found. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200521,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3725,,105132,3817,101407,,140,732,40,,14,,1406,145,,,05/21 11:00,05/21 16:40,RS,PR,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372)",A+,, 20200520,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3701,,102049,3801,98348,,152,723,42,,17,,1406,144,,,05/20 11:00,05/20 16:47,GGR,PR,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/20 GG) I see ""Specimens pending at OSPHL as of 8:00 p.m. 5/19/2020"" when expanding ""Demographics, Hospital Capacity, and Testing"" wondering if this should be logged as pending - page says ""20"". Leaving blank since it has never been filled in before. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200519,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3636,,99630,3726,95994,,137,714,43,,13,,1406,140,,,05/19 11:00,05/19 17:25,MM,KP,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200518,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3604,,97232,3687,93628,,137,708,43,,13,,1406,138,,,05/18 11:00,05/18 16:52,PR,REB,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date Do not fill out the specimens columns. (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200517,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3542,,94275,3623,90733,,156,703,37,,16,,1406,137,,,05/17 11:00,05/17 16:59,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200516,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3534,,92121,3612,88587,,153,699,48,,16,,1406,137,,,05/16 11:00,05/16 15:52,REB,BL,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200515,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3470,,89444,3541,85965,,161,691,46,,19,,1406,137,,,05/15 11:00,05/15 16:54,rsb,AW,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200514,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3407,,83909,3479,80571,,163,685,38,,17,,1406,137,,,05/14 11:00,05/14 16:07,AFG,QN,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on Dashboard should have updated ""Negative people tested"" however should double check with ""Total People Tested"" in the main state page to make sure the dashboard is up to date (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200513,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3338,,77542,3416,80571,,162,678,38,,17,,1406,134,,,05/13 11:00,,,,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200512,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3222,,,3286,74320,,165,673,39,,25,,1125,130,,,05/12 11:52,05/12 17:15,KP,QN,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200511,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3222,,,3286,74320,,164,673,40,,23,,1125,130,,,05/11 11:00,05/11 16:45,AW,REB,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200510,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3171,,,3228,72279,,164,670,45,,22,,1125,127,,,05/10 11:00,05/10 16:37,DPT,REB,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200509,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3111,,,3160,71460,,139,662,34,,19,,1125,127,,,05/09 11:00,05/09 15:39,REB,QN,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200508,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3032,,,3068,69625,,159,659,42,,18,,1125,124,,,05/08 11:00,05/08 16:32,DB,MM,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200507,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2957,,,2989,67469,,171,645,48,,23,,1125,121,,,05/07 11:00,05/07 16:13,REB,PR,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200506,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2887,,,2916,65060,,191,641,47,,20,,1125,115,,,05/06 11:00,05/06 15:40,DPT,RS,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200505,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2817,,,2839,62585,,219,622,49,,25,,860,113,,,05/05 11:00,05/05 16:28,BL,REB,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200504,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2745,,,2759,60698,,207,608,41,,17,,860,109,,,05/04 11:00,05/04 16:35,REB,RS,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200503,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2680,59374,,205,598,46,,21,,860,109,,,05/03 11:00,,,,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"". Oregon has a weekly recovered report. See the 'Weekly Report' link on (5/3 aft DPT) negative numbers differ between the page and the ""total persons tested"" tab of the dashboard (59374 vs 59372) (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A+,, 20200502,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2635,57501,,209,595,50,,22,,,109,,,05/02 11:00,,,,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"" (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A,, 20200501,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2579,55597,,208,591,49,,23,,,104,,,05/01 11:00,05/01 16:43,SD**,CML,"PROCESS: For currently hospitalized/ICU/vent, use ""Patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases"" (4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A,, 20200430,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2510,53522,,243,578,65,,28,,,103,,,04/30 11:00,,,,"(4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A,, 20200429,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2446,52026,,227,569,56,,24,,,101,,,04/29 11:00,,,,"(4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A,, 20200428,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2354,48844,,249,554,71,,31,,,92,,,04/27 11:00,04/28 15:31,EB,RS,"(4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",B,, 20200427,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2354,48844,,249,554,71,,31,,,92,,,04/27 11:00,04/28 15:31,EB,RS,"(4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",B,, 20200426,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2311,46653,,249,546,71,,31,,,91,,,04/26 11:00,,,,"(4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",B,, 20200425,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2253,45124,,261,536,60,,29,,,87,,,04/25 11:00,04/25 15:50,AW,RS,"(4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",B,, 20200424,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2177,43315,,258,520,56,,29,,,86,,,04/24 11:00,04/24 23:27,SPA,,"(4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A,, 20200423,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2127,41849,,304,512,74,,36,,,83,,,04/23 11:00,,,,"(4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A,, 20200422,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2059,39126,,302,488,67,,35,,,78,,,04/22 11:00,,,,"(4/22 aft AW): ""negative tests pending due to a backlog of testing."" leaving the exisiting negative number.",A,, 20200421,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2002,39126,,297,471,70,,35,,,78,,,04/21 11:00,,,," ",A,, 20200420,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1956,38089,,303,465,74,,35,,,75,,,04/20 11:00,,,," ",A,, 20200419,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1910,37128,,290,456,74,,37,,,74,,,04/19 11:00,,,," ",A,, 20200418,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1844,35739,,290,449,74,,37,,,72,,,04/18 11:00,,,," ",A,, 20200417,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1785,34536,,301,427,69,,41,,,70,,,04/17 11:00,,,,"(4/14 aft MC) no update (4/12 aft AW) Per EK, now use suspected numbers from hospital dashboard (4/10 MM aft) We use confirmed cases from the hospital dashboard (4/8 evening JL): used as source, it states ""as of 8:00 PM 4/8"" Leaving this here for now : ""(4/8 DG) Lowered hospitalized, I don't know where previous value came from. (4/8 aft MC) OR state website has not been updated and no update to cum hosp and vent 4/7 Eve PR - for Cum Hosp and Vent ",A,, 20200416,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1736,33202,,307,414,89,,43,,,64,,,04/16 11:00,,,,"(4/14 aft MC) no update (4/12 aft AW) Per EK, now use suspected numbers from hospital dashboard (4/10 MM aft) We use confirmed cases from the hospital dashboard (4/8 evening JL): used as source, it states ""as of 8:00 PM 4/8"" Leaving this here for now : ""(4/8 DG) Lowered hospitalized, I don't know where previous value came from. (4/8 aft MC) OR state website has not been updated and no update to cum hosp and vent 4/7 Eve PR - for Cum Hosp and Vent ",A,, 20200415,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1663,31688,,305,401,95,,43,,,58,,,04/15 11:00,,,,"(4/14 aft MC) no update (4/12 aft AW) Per EK, now use suspected numbers from hospital dashboard (4/10 MM aft) We use confirmed cases from the hospital dashboard (4/8 evening JL): used as source, it states ""as of 8:00 PM 4/8"" Leaving this here for now : ""(4/8 DG) Lowered hospitalized, I don't know where previous value came from. (4/8 aft MC) OR state website has not been updated and no update to cum hosp and vent 4/7 Eve PR - for Cum Hosp and Vent ",A,, 20200414,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1633,30730,,311,381,88,,44,,,55,,,04/14 11:00,,,,"(4/14 aft MC) no update (4/12 aft AW) Per EK, now use suspected numbers from hospital dashboard (4/10 MM aft) We use confirmed cases from the hospital dashboard (4/8 evening JL): used as source, it states ""as of 8:00 PM 4/8"" Leaving this here for now : ""(4/8 DG) Lowered hospitalized, I don't know where previous value came from. (4/8 aft MC) OR state website has not been updated and no update to cum hosp and vent 4/7 Eve PR - for Cum Hosp and Vent ",A,, 20200413,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1584,29537,,321,369,96,,50,,,53,,,04/13 11:00,,,,"(4/12 aft AW) Per EK, now use suspected numbers from hospital dashboard (4/10 MM aft) We use confirmed cases from the hospital dashboard (4/8 evening JL): used as source, it states ""as of 8:00 PM 4/8"" Leaving this here for now : ""(4/8 DG) Lowered hospitalized, I don't know where previous value came from. (4/8 aft MC) OR state website has not been updated and no update to cum hosp and vent 4/7 Eve PR - for Cum Hosp and Vent ",A,, 20200412,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1527,28231,,295,359,81,,52,,,52,,,04/12 11:00,,,,"(4/12 aft AW) Per EK, now use suspected numbers from hospital dashboard (4/10 MM aft) We use confirmed cases from the hospital dashboard (4/8 evening JL): used as source, it states ""as of 8:00 PM 4/8"" Leaving this here for now : ""(4/8 DG) Lowered hospitalized, I don't know where previous value came from. (4/8 aft MC) OR state website has not been updated and no update to cum hosp and vent 4/7 Eve PR - for Cum Hosp and Vent ",A,, 20200411,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1371,25853,,140,338,58,,46,,,48,,,04/10 11:00,04/11 15:33,DB,ESK,"(4/10 MM aft) We use confirmed cases from the hospital dashboard (4/8 evening JL): used as source, it states ""as of 8:00 PM 4/8"" Leaving this here for now : ""(4/8 DG) Lowered hospitalized, I don't know where previous value came from. (4/8 aft MC) OR state website has not been updated and no update to cum hosp and vent 4/7 Eve PR - for Cum Hosp and Vent ",A,, 20200410,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1321,24306,,146,326,66,,54,,,44,,,04/09 11:00,04/10 14:31,MC,MM,"(4/10 MM aft) We use confirmed cases from the hospital dashboard (4/8 evening JL): used as source, it states ""as of 8:00 PM 4/8"" Leaving this here for now : ""(4/8 DG) Lowered hospitalized, I don't know where previous value came from. (4/8 aft MC) OR state website has not been updated and no update to cum hosp and vent 4/7 Eve PR - for Cum Hosp and Vent ",A,, 20200409,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1321,24306,,146,326,66,,54,,,44,,,04/09 11:00,04/10 14:31,MC,MM,"(4/10 MM aft) We use confirmed cases from the hospital dashboard (4/8 evening JL): used as source, it states ""as of 8:00 PM 4/8"" Leaving this here for now : ""(4/8 DG) Lowered hospitalized, I don't know where previous value came from. (4/8 aft MC) OR state website has not been updated and no update to cum hosp and vent 4/7 Eve PR - for Cum Hosp and Vent ",A,, 20200408,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1239,23325,,156,324,61,,58,69,,33,,,04/07 11:00,04/08 14:56,MC**,AW,"(4/8 aft MC) OR state website has not been updated and no update to cum hosp and vent 4/7 Eve PR - for Cum Hosp and Vent (4/7 eve AGS) Cum hospitalized and cum ventilator declined from previously reported values (previously 404 and 82). Media reports suggest state data may have revised downward, or it is possible one or both numbers is reporting current instead of cumulative. Awaiting further clarification on 4/8 in the daytime. (4/5 eve AGS) Still showing pending for vent and ICU. Left cumulative vent number unchanged (4/4 DG) All hospitalized and ICU says ""pending"" on site, leaving prev values (4/3 eve CML) Note, 204 hospitalized is reported on the site and PDF but we have 188 in column Z.",A,, 20200407,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1181,21826,,,324,,,69,,,33,,,04/06 11:00,04/07 14:35,AW,LH,"(4/5 eve AGS) Still showing pending for vent and ICU. Left cumulative vent number unchanged (4/4 DG) All hospitalized and ICU says ""pending"" on site, leaving prev values (4/3 eve CML) Note, 204 hospitalized is reported on the site and PDF but we have 188 in column Z.",A,, 20200406,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1132,20669,,,258,,,40,,,27,,,04/05 11:00,04/06 16:08,MC,PR,"(4/5 eve AGS) Still showing pending for vent and ICU. Left cumulative vent number unchanged (4/4 DG) All hospitalized and ICU says ""pending"" on site, leaving prev values (4/3 eve CML) Note, 204 hospitalized is reported on the site and PDF but we have 188 in column Z.",A,, 20200405,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1068,19556,,,258,,,40,,,27,,,04/04 11:00,04/05 16:43,RS,AM,"(4/5 AM) Oregon reporting pending for ventilator and ICU, pulled current numbers, left cumulative (4/4 DG) All hospitalized and ICU says ""pending"" on site, leaving prev values (4/3 eve CML) Note, 204 hospitalized is reported on the site and PDF but we have 188 in column Z. I don't see current cumulative totals for hospitalized in the site. 9:00am timestamp is from source here: (4/3 EB) same as below (4/2 DG) ""currently hospitalized"" not updated since 3/31. (no current source), ""currently & cumulative on ventilator"" not updated (website says ""pending"")",A,, 20200404,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,999,16535,,,239,,,38,,,26,,,04/03 12:00,04/04 15:58,QN,PR,"(4/3 eve CML) Note, 204 hospitalized is reported on the site and PDF but we have 188 in column Z. I don't see current cumulative totals for hospitalized in the site. 9:00am timestamp is from source here: (4/3 EB) same as below (4/2 DG) ""currently hospitalized"" not updated since 3/31. (no current source), ""currently & cumulative on ventilator"" not updated (website says ""pending"")",A,, 20200403,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,899,16535,,188,204,,,38,,,22,,,04/02 11:00,04/03 16:09,EB,ESK,"(4/3 EB) same as below (4/2 DG) ""currently hospitalized"" not updated since 3/31. (no current source), ""currently & cumulative on ventilator"" not updated (website says ""pending"")",A,, 20200402,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,826,15259,,134,188,,,38,,,21,,,04/01 11:00,04/02 15:48,RS,PR,,A,, 20200401,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,736,13136,,132,154,,,40,,,18,,,03/31 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,690,13136,,132,154,,,40,,,18,,,03/31 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,606,12277,,132,140,,,39,,,16,,,03/30 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,548,10878,,107,129,,,37,,,13,,,03/29 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,479,9693,,107,117,,,31,,,13,,,03/27 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200327,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,414,8510,,91,102,,,31,,,12,,,03/27 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200326,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,327,6953,,,90,,,,,,11,,,03/26 16:31,,,,,A,, 20200325,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,209,4350,,,61,,,,,,8,,,03/24 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,209,4350,,,61,,,,,,8,,,03/24 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,191,3649,,,56,,,,,,5,,,03/23 11:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,161,2864,,,43,,,,,,4,,,03/22 11:00,,,,,,, 20200321,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,114,2003,433,,,,,,,,3,,,03/20 11:00,,,,,,, 20200320,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,114,2003,433,,,,,,,,3,,,03/20 11:00,,,,,,, 20200319,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88,1329,437,,,,,,,,3,,,03/19 11:00,,,,,,, 20200318,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,1118,361,,,,,,,,3,,,03/17 12:00,,,,,,, 20200317,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47,689,184,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 13:51,,,,,,, 20200316,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39,579,182,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:38,,,,,,, 20200315,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36,420,225,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 14:00,,,,,,, 20200314,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,337,157,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 13:00,,,,,,, 20200313,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,337,157,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 13:00,,,,,,, 20200312,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,286,62,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 13:00,,,,,,, 20200311,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,286,62,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15,213,67,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,165,52,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,100,53,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,77,40,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,64,28,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,45,13,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,OR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,29,18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1654406,,,130211,3814,,134025,1524195,,505,,,,78,,109900,7673,,,08/31 12:00,08/31 16:04,KVP,RS,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1645602,,,129703,3801,,133504,1515899,,499,,,,72,,109473,7673,,,08/30 14:30,08/30 16:12,AMW,BHP,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1633164,,,129056,3778,,132834,1504108,,509,,,,78,,108923,7671,,,08/29 12:00,08/29 16:24,PK,RSG,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1617085,,,128250,3741,,131991,1488835,,526,,,,80,,106912,7655,,,08/28 12:00,08/28 15:53,SPA,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1599195,,,127430,3726,,131156,1471765,,542,,,,82,,106236,7635,,,08/27 12:00,08/27 16:45,XMH,BHP,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1584477,,,126835,3701,,130536,1457642,,537,,,,80,,105734,7624,,,08/26 12:00,08/26 16:18,JNG,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1571520,,,126350,3685,,130035,1445170,,543,,,,82,,105328,7605,,,08/25 12:00,08/25 16:26,JB,BHP,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1559186,,,125822,3652,,129474,1433364,,518,,,,71,,104873,7579,,,08/24 12:00,08/24 16:12,AJC,RSG,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1549379,,,125407,3641,,129048,1423972,,501,,,,75,,103238,7578,,,08/23 12:00,08/23 16:34,KVP,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1536926,,,124802,3627,,128429,1412124,,487,,,,84,,102743,7576,,,08/22 0:00,08/22 16:16,LDH,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1523540,,,124031,3602,,127633,1399509,,510,,,,93,,102106,7558,,,08/21 0:00,08/21 16:05,PK,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1509435,,,123364,3576,,126940,1386071,,548,,,,94,,101552,7538,,,08/20 0:00,08/20 17:14,GET,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1490923,,,122605,3544,,126149,1368318,,548,,,,94,,99657,7523,,,08/19 0:00,08/19 16:07,GET,BML,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1476037,,,122050,3529,,125579,1353987,,548,,,,94,,99207,7499,,,08/18 0:00,08/18 16:41,XMH,DZL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1463829,,,121354,3490,,124844,1342475,,560,,,,95,,98626,7468,,,08/17 0:00,08/17 16:33,JB,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1453389,,,120986,3474,,124460,1332403,,559,,,,99,,98323,7468,,,08/16 0:00,08/16 16:12,JJO,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1440230,,,120346,3454,,123800,1319884,,572,,,,99,,96564,7465,,,08/15 0:00,08/15 15:56,PK,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1424251,,,119512,3438,,122950,1304739,,585,,,,103,,95901,7445,,,08/14 0:00,08/14 16:04,TCD,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1407604,,,118731,3390,,122121,1288873,,601,,,,99,,95254,7409,,,08/13 0:00,08/13 17:32,HMH,JAC,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1389715,,,117739,3391,,121130,1271976,,606,,,,96,,94481,7385,,,08/12 0:00,08/12 16:13,SLC,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1372238,,,116925,3356,,120281,1255313,,598,,,,98,,92616,7352,,,08/11 0:00,08/11 16:26,HMH,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1356928,,,116098,3355,,119453,1240830,,591,,,,108,,91978,7317,,,08/10 0:00,08/10 16:15,GET,DZL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1343863,,,115505,3347,,118852,1228358,,600,,,,103,,90930,7314,,,08/09 0:00,08/09 15:59,BHP,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1329720,,,114755,3337,,118092,1214965,,634,,,,106,,90930,7313,,,08/08 0:00,08/08 16:21,KVP,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1313589,,,113969,3310,,117279,1199620,,651,,,,99,,90304,7297,,,08/07 0:00,8/07 16:21,KAT,RSG,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1296971,,,113241,3280,,116521,1183730,,663,,,,98,,88555,7282,,,08/06 0:00,8/06 16:20,GET,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1281473,,,112462,3252,,115714,1169011,,639,,,,102,,87942,7244,,,08/05 0:00,8/05 16:35,SLC,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1268300,,,111780,3229,,115009,1156520,,656,,,,100,,86256,7232,,,08/04 0:00,8/04 16:16,RSG,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/4 17:46, 20200803,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1253384,,,110970,3185,,114155,1142414,,585,,,,103,,86757,7209,,,08/03 0:00,8/03 16:16,SLC,RSG,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1241395,,,110416,3174,,113590,1130979,,564,,,,90,,86328,7209,,,08/02 0:00,8/02 16:19,JJO,HMH,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1229165,,,109779,3157,,112936,1119386,,579,,,,89,,85831,7204,,,08/01 0:00,8/01 16:02,SLC,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1213731,,,108907,3141,,112048,1104824,,522,,,,89,,84036,7189,,,07/31 0:00,07/31 16:32,CB-M ,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200730,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1196817,,,107958,3120,,111078,1088859,,756,,,,109,,83308,7176,,,07/30 0:00,07/30 16:25,AJC,HMH,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200729,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1181001,,,107138,3080,,110218,1073863,,756,,,,109,,82663,7162,,,07/29 0:00,07/29 16:16,BHP,DZL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200728,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1166107,,,106331,3053,,109384,1059776,,716,,,,98,,82038,7146,,,07/28 0:00,07/28 16:06,SLC,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200727,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1147652,,,105228,,,108264,1042424,,704,,,,98,,81198,7122,,,07/27 0:00,07/27 16:20,SLC,JAC,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200726,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1133177,,,104401,,,107425,1028776,,707,,,,104,,80568,7118,,,07/26 0:00,07/26 16:11,SLC,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200725,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1120337,,,103632,,,106625,1016705,,709,,,,102,,79968,7114,,,07/25 0:00,07/25 16:12,JJO,RS,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200724,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1101979,,,102602,,,105571,999377,,736,,,,96,,79178,7101,,,07/24 0:00,07/24 16:44,SLC,RSG,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200723,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1082667,,,101408,,,104358,981259,,736,,,,96,,78268,7079,,,07/23 0:00,07/23 16:10,SLC,QN,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200722,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1068564,,,100483,,,103396,968081,,735,,,,100,,77547,7063,,,07/22 0:00,07/22 16:32,SNW,RSG,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200721,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1052873,,,99875,,,102765,952998,,736,,,,98,,77073,7038,,,07/21 0:00,07/21 16:28,ATS,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200720,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1037047,,,98872,,,101738,938175,,706,,,,98,,76780,7018,,,07/20 0:00,07/20 16:06,SLC,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200719,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1024516,,,98164,,,101027,926352,,703,,,,96,,76780,7015,,,07/19 0:00,07/19 16:03,SLC,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200718,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1009874,,,97388,,,100241,912486,,699,,,,93,,76183,7007,,,07/18 0:00,07/18 16:36,SLC,JAC,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200717,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,996563,,,96651,,,99478,899912,,680,,,,98,,75603,6992,,,07/17 0:00,07/17 15:55,AW,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200716,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,980827,,,95632,,,98446,885195,,652,,,,95,,74818,6973,,,07/16 0:00,07/16 16:51,SLC,JAC,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200715,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,965857,,,94873,,,97665,870984,,667,,,,92,,74436,6957,,,07/15 0:00,07/15 16:00,RSG,BSL,"(7/15 RSG) Same as previous note.U (7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200714,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,944518,,,93906,,,96671,850612,,678,,,,95,,74436,6931,,,07/14 0:00,07/14 16:05,SLC,BHP,"(7/14 BHP) The recovery rate dropped from 77% to 76% causing the Recovered value to be lower. We are sticking with the last value and not updating this today. (6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200713,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,928747,,,93015,,,95742,835732,,682,,,,96,,73721,6911,,,07/13 0:00,07/13 15:44,SLC,BSL,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200712,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,921570,,,92552,,,95266,829018,,652,,,,96,,73354,6904,,,07/12 0:00,07/12 15:40,SLC,BSL,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200711,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,909635,,,92001,,,94689,817634,,646,,,,97,,72910,6897,,,07/11 0:00,07/11 15:32,SNW,BSL,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200710,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,895970,,,91206,,,93876,804764,,653,,,,103,,72284,6880,,,07/10 0:00,07/10 16:19,SPA,BSL,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200709,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,877358,,,90202,,,92867,787156,,650,,,,102,,71507,6848,,,07/09 0:00,07/09 15:58,SLC,HMH,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200708,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,863893,,,89515,,,92148,774378,,649,,,,104,,70953,6812,,,07/08 0:00,07/08 16:44,GET,REB,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200707,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,847494,,,88691,,,91299,758803,,637,,,,101,,70437,6787,,,07/07 0:00,07/07 15:58,DZL,HMH,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200706,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,830725,,,87705,,,90304,743020,,598,,,,107,,70437,6754,,,07/06 0:00,07/06 15:39,DZL,BSL,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200705,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,822113,,,87267,,,89854,734846,,592,,,,106,,70086,6753,,,07/05 0:00,07/05 15:33,HMH,BHP,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200704,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,812261,,,86813,,,89375,725448,,589,,,,102,,69712,6749,,,07/04 0:00,07/04 15:22,SNW,HMH,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200703,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,801608,,,86205,,,88741,715403,,598,,,,105,,69217,6746,,,07/03 0:00,07/03 15:50,HMH,BSL,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200702,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,787772,,,85573,,,88074,702199,,631,,,,106,,68697,6712,,,07/02 0:00,07/02 16:24,CB-M,BSL,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200701,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,774313,,,84751,,,87242,689562,,632,,,,111,,68048,6649,,,07/01 0:00,07/01 15:46,BHP,BSL,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200630,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,761711,,,84130,,,86606,677581,,634,,,,110,,67552,6649,,,06/30 0:00,06/30 16:47,BHP,BSL,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200629,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,750430,,,83529,,,85988,666901,,635,,,,111,,67070,6614,,,06/29 0:00,06/29 16:29,WCD,BSL,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200628,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,716667,,,81956,,,85496,657486,,648,,,,121,,66686,6579,,,06/28 12:00,06/28 16:29,HMH,BHP,"(6/28 HMH) Other than hospital tab, dash not updated so used some data and timestamp from the other link since it is more current (6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200627,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,716667,,,81956,,,84370,634711,,651,,,,126,,65808,6579,,,06/26 12:00,06/27 15:58,DCC,BSL,"(6/27 DCC/BSL) No update as of time of check (6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged",A+,, 20200626,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,716667,,,81956,,,84370,634711,,661,,,,131,,65808,6579,,,06/26 0:00,06/26 15:40,BSL,RS,"(6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200625,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,702405,,,81374,,,83770,621031,,704,,,,142,,65340,6557,,,06/24 0:00,06/25 15:50,BAS,BSL,"(6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200624,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,689027,,,80810,,,83191,608217,,707,,,,136,,64502,6518,,,06/24 0:00,06/25 15:50,BAS,BSL,"(6/24 DCC) Recovered was calculated to be lower than previously. This could be due to how the state rounded Recovered %. We therefore left the previous Recovered calculation. (6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200623,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,676754,,,80347,,,82696,596407,,738,,,,151,,64502,6464,,,06/23 0:00,06/23 15:54,GET,BSL,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200622,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,665521,,,79859,,,82186,585662,,745,,,,156,,64105,6426,,,06/22 0:00,06/22 15:35,SB,BSL,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200621,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,655420,,,79405,,,81730,576015,,735,,,,157,,62932,6423,,,06/21 0:00,06/21 15:31,SNW,BSL,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200620,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,645408,,,78947,,,81266,566461,,715,,,,161,,62574,6419,,,06/19 0:00,06/20 15:27,BHP,BSL,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200619,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,634907,,,78451,,,80762,556456,,731,,,,169,,62186,6399,,,06/19 0:00,06/20 15:27,BHP,BSL,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200618,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,621781,,,77949,,,80236,543832,,740,,,,170,,60979,6361,,,06/18 0:00,06/18 16:03,SMS,BSL,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200617,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,610556,,,77543,,,79818,533013,,788,,,,179,,59863,6319,,,06/17 0:00,06/17 15:31,RSG,BSL,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200616,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,600839,,,77230,,,79483,523609,,800,,,,179,,59612,6276,,,06/16 0:00,06/16 16:36,BHP,BSL,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200615,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,590792,,,76883,,,79121,513909,,851,,,,178,,58549,6243,,,06/15 0:00,06/15 15:25,SNW,BSL,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200614,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,581002,,,76567,,,78798,504435,,852,,,,189,,58310,6215,,,06/14 0:00,06/14 15:02,RSG,BSL,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200613,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,572826,,,76237,,,78462,496589,,875,,,,192,,58061,6211,,,06/13 0:00,06/13 14:55,RSG,BSL,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200612,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,564185,,,75800,,,77999,488385,,899,,,,202,,56939,6162,,,06/12 0:00,06/12 16:52,TCD,BSL,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200611,PA,,,,,,,,,,,620,,,551558,,,75119,,,77933,476439,,946,,,,215,,55665,6113,,,06/11 0:00,06/11 14:52,BHP,CML,"(6/11 BHP) Recovered % is now published at this link (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200610,PA,,,,,,,,,,,620,,,541648,,,74684,,,77466,466964,,992,,,,218,,54560,6062,,,06/10 0:00,06/10 14:59,BHP,BSL,"(6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200609,PA,,,,,,,,,,,620,,,533546,,,74298,,,77056,459248,,1032,,,,237,,53670,6014,,,06/09 0:00,06/09 15:48,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) Positives (confirmed and probable) = Total cases + Probable from da (6/9 BHP) Recovered cell was not updated as the % is not published anymore. (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200608,PA,,,,,,,,,,,620,,,525214,,,73827,,,76563,451387,,1174,,,,268,,53670,5953,,,06/07 0:00,06/08 17:17,SPA,MM,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) Positives (confirmed and probable) = Total cases + Probable from da (6/8 MM) 620 Antibody tests no longer on page. I am not sure whether we should keep adding those probable cases to the other probable casess, but QN thinks it's the way to go. (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200607,PA,,,,,,,,,,,620,,,517652,,,73479,,,76212,444173,,1174,,,,268,,53670,5943,,,06/06 0:00,06/07 15:25,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) Positives (confirmed and probable) = Total cases + Probable due to antibody tests (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200606,PA,,,,,,,,,,,620,,,508101,,,72979,,,75706,435122,,1174,,,,268,,52560,5931,,,06/06 0:00,06/07 15:25,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) Positives (confirmed and probable) = Total cases + Probable due to antibody tests (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200605,PA,,,,,,,,,,,620,,,496493,,,72292,,,75005,424201,,1174,,,,268,,52069,5886,,,06/05 12:00,06/05 16:26,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) Positives (confirmed and probable) = Total cases + Probable due to antibody tests (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200604,PA,,,,,,,,,,,618,,,488823,,,71881,,,74560,416942,,1174,,,,268,,51019,5817,,,06/04 12:00,06/04 15:37,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) Positives (confirmed and probable) = Total cases + Probable due to antibody tests (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200603,PA,,,,,,,,,,,617,,,472730,,,71361,,,74022,401369,,1164,,,,269,,49915,5741,,,06/03 0:00,06/03 16:22,BSL,AW,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) Positives (confirmed and probable) = Total cases + Probable due to antibody tests (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200602,PA,,,,,,,,,,,616,,,470225,,,70864,,,73510,399361,,1302,,,,283,,48838,5667,,,06/02 0:00,06/02 15:30,JA,REB,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) Positives (confirmed and probable) = Total cases + Probable due to antibody tests (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200601,PA,,,,,,,,,,,616,,,459709,,,70278,,,72898,389431,,1302,,,,287,,48428,5567,,,06/01 0:00,06/01 17:13,GGR,QN,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) Positives (confirmed and probable) = Total cases + Probable due to antibody tests (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A+,, 20200531,PA,,,,,,,,,,,620,,,447146,,,69916,,,72546,383111,,1352,,,,296,,48190,5555,,,05/31 12:00,05/31 16:29,AIA,JAC,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) Positives (confirmed and probable) = Total cases + Probable due to antibody tests (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A,, 20200530,PA,,,,,,,,,,,616,,,445165,,,69424,,,72031,375741,,1352,,,,295,,47133,5537,,,05/30 12:30,05/30 17:26,SB,REB,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) Positives (confirmed and probable) = Total cases + Probable due to antibody tests (5/30 SB aft) Now shows ""data updated as of 5/30 12:30 pm""; note beta version of dashboard (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A,, 20200529,PA,,,,,,,,,,,604,,,435735,,,68765,,,71339,366970,,1445,,,,313,,46370,5464,,,05/29 0:00,05/29 16:52,JA,QN,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) Positives (confirmed and probable) = Total cases + Probable due to antibody tests (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A,, 20200528,PA,,,,,,,,,,,576,,,427846,,,68104,,,70042,357804,,1476,,,,321,,44826,5373,,,05/28 0:00,05/28 16:11,GMJ,KP,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged ",A,, 20200527,PA,,,,,,,,,,,576,,,417505,,,67515,,,69417,349990,,1493,,,,351,,43038,5265,,,05/27 0:00,05/27 15:24,JA,RS,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",A,, 20200526,PA,,,,,,,,,,,551,,,406614,,,66779,,,68637,339835,,1493,,,,334,,41868,5152,,,05/26 11:15,05/26 16:45,JA,DPT,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Confirmed Cases (with confirmed cases coming from the lower table) (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",A,, 20200525,PA,,,,,,,,,,,549,,,403114,,,68186,,,68186,334928,,1628,,,,324,,40911,5139,,,05/25 0:00,05/25 16:12,TCD,PR,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Cases (it is funny math because cases include probables but we don't have a choice) (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",A,, 20200524,PA,,,,,,,,,,,513,,,396095,,,65906,,,67713,328382,,1533,,,,336,,40627,5124,,,05/24 12:00,05/24 15:52,JA,KP ,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Cases (it is funny math because cases include probables but we don't have a choice) (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",A,, 20200523,PA,,,,,,,,,,,513,,,388452,,,65209,,,66983,321469,,1560,,,,348,,39519,5096,,,05/23 0:00,05/23 16:44,SPA,ESK,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Cases (it is funny math because cases include probables but we don't have a choice) (5/23 SPA) Recovered is the percentage listed on the 'Case Counts, Deaths, and Negatives' chart. Multiply the percentage by the 'Total Cases'. (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",A,, 20200522,PA,,,,,,,,,,,481,,,379001,,,64551,,,66258,312743,,1580,,,,368,,37767,4984,,,05/22 0:00,05/22 16:28,GMJ,RS,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Cases (it is funny math because cases include probables but we don't have a choice) (5/22 GMJ) Positive serology tests now listed on Dashboard. (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",A,, 20200521,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,368906,,,,,,65392,303514,,1654,,,,361,,,4869,,,05/21 0:00,05/21 16:50,KWS,JAC,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Cases (it is funny math because cases include probables but we don't have a choice) (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",B,, 20200520,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,349700,,,,,,63666,286034,,1818,,,,377,,,4624,,,05/19 0:00,05/20 16:41,GGR,PR,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Cases (it is funny math because cases include probables but we don't have a choice) (5/20 GG) Main dashboard not updated, but hospitalization numbers changed. Someone said PA updated but not seeing it. Calling it done. (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",B,, 20200519,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,349700,,,,,,63666,286034,,1861,,,,380,,,4624,,,05/18 0:00,05/19 16:45,FIP,KP,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Cases (it is funny math because cases include probables but we don't have a choice) (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",B,, 20200518,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,340609,,,,,,63056,277553,,1885,,,,397,,,4505,,,05/18 0:00,05/19 16:45,FIP,KP,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. Total Tests (People) = Negatives + Cases (it is funny math because cases include probables but we don't have a choice) (5/18 MM) Added Total tests (people) based on (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",C,, 20200517,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,332904,,,,,,62234,270670,,1821,,,,422,,,4418,,,05/17 0:00,05/17 15:19,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",C,, 20200516,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,327836,,,,,,61611,266225,,1873,,,,429,,,4403,,,05/16 0:00,05/16 15:28,REB,QN,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",C,, 20200515,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,319832,,,,,,60622,259210,,1934,,,,431,,,4342,,,05/15 0:00,05/15 14:55,RSB,AW,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",C,, 20200514,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,311195,,,,,,59636,251559,,1983,,,,446,,,4218,,,05/14 0:00,05/14 16:24,RSB,QN,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",C,, 20200513,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,302869,,,,,,58698,244171,,2012,,,,473,,,3943,,,05/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be day's date and 00:00, since they say ""as of 12:00 a.m. on..."". For Vent #s, use a calculation to SUM the Vent # plus to ECMO. (5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers",C,, 20200512,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,295980,,,,,,57991,237989,,2187,,,,497,,,3806,,,05/12 12:00,05/12 15:00,KWS,DPT,"(5/12 aft DPT) Data error on ventilator use, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers (05/01 SD) last update time on dashboard is 3:30 pm where time in PA is currently 3 pm! I watched the latest update video (12pm) and the numbers match. (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",C,, 20200511,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,288858,,,,,,57154,231704,,2176,,,,497,,,3731,,,05/11 0:00,05/11 15:06,AW,RS,"(5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers (05/01 SD) last update time on dashboard is 3:30 pm where time in PA is currently 3 pm! I watched the latest update video (12pm) and the numbers match. (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",C,, 20200510,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,284383,,,,,,56611,227772,,2230,,,,501,,,3707,,,05/10 0:00,05/10 14:19,CML,DPT,"(5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers (05/01 SD) last update time on dashboard is 3:30 pm where time in PA is currently 3 pm! I watched the latest update video (12pm) and the numbers match. (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",C,, 20200509,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,277107,,,,,,55316,221791,,2285,,,,502,,,3688,,,05/09 0:00,05/09 14:13,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data Sum Vent + ECMO for current vent value (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers (05/01 SD) last update time on dashboard is 3:30 pm where time in PA is currently 3 pm! I watched the latest update video (12pm) and the numbers match. (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",C,, 20200508,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,270559,,,,,,54238,216321,,2342,,,,517,,,3616,,,05/08 0:00,05/08 16:36,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data Sum Vent + ECMO for current vent value (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers (05/01 SD) last update time on dashboard is 3:30 pm where time in PA is currently 3 pm! I watched the latest update video (12pm) and the numbers match. (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",C,, 20200507,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,262788,,,,,,52915,209873,,2420,,,,539,,,3416,,,05/07 0:00,05/07 15:33,REB,PR,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data Sum Vent + ECMO for current vent value (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers (05/01 SD) last update time on dashboard is 3:30 pm where time in PA is currently 3 pm! I watched the latest update video (12pm) and the numbers match. (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",C,, 20200506,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,256340,,,,,,51845,204495,,2545,,,,560,,,3106,,,05/06 0:00,05/06 16:26,DPT,RS,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data Sum Vent + ECMO for current vent value (5/6 aft DPT) dashboard appears to have more recent numbers than presser (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers (05/01 SD) last update time on dashboard is 3:30 pm where time in PA is currently 3 pm! I watched the latest update video (12pm) and the numbers match. (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",C,, 20200505,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,250882,,,,,,50957,199925,,2580,,,,550,,,3012,,,05/05 0:00,05/05 15:30,BL,QN,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data Sum Vent + ECMO for current vent value (5/4 -5/5 aft REB/BL) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers (05/01 SD) last update time on dashboard is 3:30 pm where time in PA is currently 3 pm! I watched the latest update video (12pm) and the numbers match. (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",B,, 20200504,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,245590,,,,,,50092,195498,,2708,,,,573,,,2458,,,05/04 0:00,05/04 15:21,REB,PR,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data Sum Vent + ECMO for current vent value (5/4 aft REB) presser had lower number of hosp. and vent than dashboard, I used the dashboard numbers (05/01 SD) last update time on dashboard is 3:30 pm where time in PA is currently 3 pm! I watched the latest update video (12pm) and the numbers match. (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",B,, 20200503,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,240641,,,,,,49267,191374,,2645,,,,562,,,2444,,,05/03 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data Sum Vent + ECMO for current vent value (05/01 SD) last update time on dashboard is 3:30 pm where time in PA is currently 3 pm! I watched the latest update video (12pm) and the numbers match. (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",B,, 20200502,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,235376,,,,,,48305,187071,,2673,,,,571,,,2418,,,05/02 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data Sum Vent + ECMO for current vent value (05/01 SD) last update time on dashboard is 3:30 pm where time in PA is currently 3 pm! I watched the latest update video (12pm) and the numbers match. (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",B,, 20200501,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,227448,,,,,,46971,180477,,2683,,,,590,,,2354,,,05/01 15:30,05/01 16:45,SD**,REB,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data Sum Vent + ECMO for current vent value (05/01 SD) last update time on dashboard is 3:30 pm where time in PA is currently 3 pm! I watched the latest update video (12pm) and the numbers match. (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",B,, 20200430,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,221365,,,,,,45763,175602,,2707,,,,556,,,2292,,,04/30 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data PROCESS: Note use confirmed cases for positives, but total deaths for deaths (4/30 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",B,, 20200429,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,214883,,,,,,44366,170517,,2781,,,,602,,,2195,,,04/29 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data PROCESS: Note use confirmed cases for positives, but total deaths for deaths (4/29 aft RS) Hosp#s from presser (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",B,, 20200428,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,209088,,,,,,43264,165824,,2781,,,,616,,,1716,,,04/28 0:00,04/28 15:04,EB,RS,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data PROCESS: Note use confirmed cases for positives, but total deaths for deaths (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",B,, 20200427,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,203422,,,,,,42050,161372,,2800,,,,629,,,1597,,,04/27 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data PROCESS: Note use confirmed cases for positives, but total deaths for deaths (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",B,, 20200426,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,198593,,,,,,41165,157428,,2736,,,,632,,,1550,,,04/26 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data PROCESS: Note use confirmed cases for positives, but total deaths for deaths (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",B,, 20200425,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,192935,,,,,,40049,152886,,2748,,,,640,,,1537,,,04/25 0:00,04/25 14:13,AW,RS,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data PROCESS: Note use confirmed cases for positives, but total deaths for deaths (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",B,, 20200424,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,186143,,,,,,38652,147491,,2746,,,,679,,,1492,,,04/24 0:00,04/24 23:32,SPA,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data PROCESS: Note use confirmed cases for positives, but total deaths for deaths (4/24 aft REB) Positive are back to ""lumped cases"", since there's no info about probable cases (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200423,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,179114,,,,,,37053,142061,,2750,,,,679,,,1421,,,04/23 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data PROCESS: Note use confirmed cases for positives, but total deaths for deaths (4/23 QN aft) Positives are calculated as pos - probable from reporting. Deaths were revised down due to some probable cases removed - state has confirmed this (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200422,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,171956,,,,,,35684,136272,,2764,,,,685,,,1622,,,04/22 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data PROCESS: Note use confirmed cases for positives, but total deaths for deaths (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200421,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,166851,,,,,,34528,132323,,2743,,,,673,,,1564,,,04/21 14:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200420,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,162952,,,,,,33232,129720,,2701,,,,659,,,1204,,,04/20 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200419,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,158854,,,,,,32284,126570,,2634,,,,657,,,1112,,,04/19 13:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200418,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,153965,,,,,,31069,122896,,2613,,,,660,,,836,,,04/18 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200417,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147373,,,,,,29441,117932,,2603,,,,661,,,756,,,04/17 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200416,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,141470,,,,,,27735,113735,,2512,,,,675,,,707,,,04/16 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200415,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,137584,,,,,,26490,111094,,2395,,,,668,,,647,,,04/15 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200414,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,133631,,,,,,25345,108286,,2317,,,,675,,,584,,,04/14 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200413,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,129792,,,,,,24199,105593,,2243,,,,669,,,524,,,04/13 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200412,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,124890,,,,,,22833,102057,,2097,,,,649,,,507,,,04/12 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200411,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,120153,,,,,,21655,98498,,2115,,,,639,,,494,,,04/11 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data (4/11 DB aft) added ECMO and ventilators in the currently on ventilator group (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200410,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113019,,,,,,19979,93040,,2072,,,,611,,,416,,,04/10 12:00,,,,"PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data (4/10 MM aft) Per 4/8 process, add ECMO and ventilators from Hospital dasboard in Currently on Ventilator - Add to public notes?",A,, 20200409,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105602,,,,,,18228,87374,,2051,,,,592,,,338,,,04/09 12:00,,,,PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data,A,, 20200408,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98538,,,,,,16239,82299,,1898,,,,603,,,309,,,04/08 14:45,,,,PROCESS: Visit the new hospitalization dashboard for detailed data,A,, 20200407,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91278,,,,,,14559,76719,,1665,,,,548,,,240,,,04/07 13:00,,,,"(4/7 aft LH) PA reported on current hospitalized number at press conference but has removed cumulative hospitalized number from dashboard. We removed the cumulative number because it was lower than current. (Noticed change in the 4/6 and 4/7 screenshots) (4/7 aft AW) Curr hospitalized and current ventilator numbers from today's presser. Assuming the number in cumulative hospitalized was the curr hospitalized from yesterday's presser, and maybe should have been put in the current hospitalized tab? Leaving it for now. (4/6 aft DPT) Hospitalized and ventilator numbers from presser. Hospitalized number is much larger than on the website",A,, 20200406,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83854,,,,,,12980,70874,,,1145,,,533,,,162,,,04/06 12:00,,,,(4/6 aft DPT) Hospitalized and ventilator numbers from presser. Hospitalized number is much larger than on the website,A,, 20200405,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77771,,,,,,11510,66261,,,1072,,,,,,150,,,04/05 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200404,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70030,,,,,,10017,60013,,,1004,,,,,,136,,,04/04 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200403,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62115,,,,,,8420,53695,,,852,,,,,,102,,,04/03 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200402,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54714,,,,,,7016,47698,,,730,,,,,,90,,,04/02 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200401,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48232,,,,,,5805,42427,,,620,,,,,,74,,,04/01 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42488,,,,,,4843,37645,,,514,,,,,,63,,,03/31 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37864,,,,,,4087,33777,,,386,,,,,,49,,,03/30 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33455,,,,,,3394,30061,,,353,,,,,,38,,,03/29 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28005,,,,,,2751,25254,,,316,,,,,,34,,,03/28 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23234,,,,,,2218,21016,,,241,,,,,,22,,,03/27 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18128,,,,,,1687,16441,,,,,,,,,16,,,03/26 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12320,,,,,,1127,11193,,,,,,,,,11,,,03/25 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9494,,,,,,851,8643,,,,,,,,,7,,,03/24 12:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7239,,,,,,644,6595,,,,,,,,,6,,,03/23 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5443,,,,,,479,4964,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/22 12:00,,,,,,, 20200321,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4137,,,,,,371,3766,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/21 12:00,,,,,,, 20200320,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2842,,,,,,268,2574,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/20 12:00,,,,,,, 20200319,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1793,,,,,,185,1608,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/19 12:00,,,,,,, 20200318,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1320,,,,,,133,1187,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/18 12:00,,,,,,, 20200317,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,975,,,,,,96,879,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 12:45,,,,,,, 20200316,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,746,,,,,,76,670,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:28,,,,,,, 20200315,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,268,,,,,,63,205,183,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 12:00,,,,,,, 20200314,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,252,,,,,,47,205,150,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 14:00,,,,,,, 20200313,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,181,,,,,,41,140,130,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 15:30,,,,,,, 20200312,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,138,,,,,,22,116,81,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 13:45,,,,,,, 20200311,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,104,,,,,,16,88,54,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,PA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,PR,,,,,,,,,,,17723,,,310546,7002,303412,15476,,,33199,305972,,383,,65,,50,,,434,287,147,08/31 0:00,08/31 16:29,MJW,ESK,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/31 17:26, 20200830,PR,,,,,,,,,,,17619,,,310546,7002,303412,15229,,,32848,305972,,365,,63,,46,,,434,287,147,08/30 0:00,08/30 16:25,AMW,SB,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/30 17:56, 20200829,PR,,,,,,,,,,,17564,,,310546,7002,303412,14986,,,32550,305972,,365,,65,,44,,,428,283,145,08/29 0:00,08/29 16:51,ESK,JAC,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/29 17:49, 20200828,PR,,,,,,,,,,,17262,,,310546,7002,303412,14726,,,31988,305972,,409,,72,,51,,,424,280,144,08/28 0:00,08/28 16:09,BSL,RSG,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/28 17:43, 20200827,PR,,,,,,,,,,,16914,,,310546,7002,303412,14469,,,31383,305972,,403,,74,,41,,,412,270,142,08/27 0:00,08/27 16:01,MJW,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/27 18:55, 20200826,PR,,,,,,,,,,,16734,,,310546,7002,303412,14010,,,30744,305972,,397,,62,,44,,,404,263,141,08/26 0:00,08/26 16:07,BSL,DZL,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/26 18:37, 20200825,PR,,,,,,,,,,,16728,,,310546,7002,303412,13992,,,30720,305972,,391,,67,,43,,,395,256,139,08/25 0:00,08/25 16:04,BSL,BHP,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/25 18:03, 20200824,PR,,,,,,,,,,,16696,,,310546,7002,303412,13922,,,30618,305972,,363,,71,,42,,,390,251,139,08/24 0:00,08/24 16:15,BSL,RSG,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/24 17:21, 20200823,PR,,,,,,,,,,,16419,,,310546,7002,303412,13477,,,29896,305972,,370,,66,,36,,,390,251,139,08/23 0:00,08/23 15:51,BSL,RSG,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/23 17:24, 20200822,PR,,,,,,,,,,,16295,,,310546,7002,303412,13282,,,29577,305972,,401,,67,,41,,,381,246,135,08/22 0:00,08/22 15:33,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/22 17:10, 20200821,PR,,,,,,,,,,,15832,,,310546,7002,303412,13014,,,28846,305972,,392,,65,,42,,,374,240,134,08/21 0:00,08/21 15:35,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/21 17:26, 20200820,PR,,,,,,,,,,,15567,,,310546,7002,303412,12576,,,28143,305972,,390,,57,,37,,,367,236,131,08/20 0:00,08/20 15:36,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/20 18:13, 20200819,PR,,,,,,,,,,,15482,,,310546,7002,303412,12452,,,27934,305972,,361,,58,,39,,,356,225,131,08/19 0:00,08/19 15:34,BSL,BML,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/19 17:55, 20200818,PR,,,,,,,,,,,15342,,,310546,7002,303412,12371,,,27713,305972,,392,,62,,45,,,346,216,130,08/18 0:00,08/18 15:47,BSL,DZL,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/18 17:32, 20200817,PR,,,,,,,,,,,15037,,,310546,7002,303412,11723,,,26760,305972,,400,,55,,44,,,335,206,129,08/17 0:00,08/17 15:45,BSL,DZL,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/17 17:55, 20200816,PR,,,,,,,,,,,14755,,,310546,7002,303412,11251,,,26006,305972,,393,,64,,48,,,335,205,130,08/16 0:00,08/16 15:32,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/16 17:31, 20200815,PR,,,,,,,,,,,14626,,,310546,7002,303412,11069,,,25695,305972,,406,,66,,46,,,329,201,128,08/15 0:00,08/15 15:36,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/15 17:34, 20200814,PR,,,,,,,,,,,14398,,,310546,7002,303412,10730,,,25128,305972,,428,,70,,49,,,317,192,125,08/14 0:00,08/14 15:43,BSL,CB-M,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/14 17:41, 20200813,PR,,,,,,,,,,,14167,,,310546,7002,303412,10279,,,24446,305972,,466,,80,,57,,,306,182,124,08/13 0:00,08/13 15:47,BSL,QN,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,PR,,,,,,,,,,,13905,,,310546,7002,303412,10169,,,24074,305972,,447,,75,,57,,,295,174,121,08/12 0:00,08/12 16:43,BSL,BHP,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,PR,,,,,,,,,,,13798,,,310546,7002,303412,9605,,,23403,305972,,439,,80,,62,,,287,167,120,08/11 0:00,08/11 15:49,BSL,DZL,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,PR,,,,,,,,,,,13502,,,310546,7002,303412,9319,,,22821,305972,,423,,77,,50,,,279,161,118,08/10 0:00,08/10 15:38,BSL,DZL,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,PR,,,,,,,,,,,13187,,,310546,7002,303412,8934,,,22121,305972,,424,,79,,53,,,279,161,118,08/09 0:00,08/09 15:35,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,PR,,,,,,,,,,,12851,,,310546,7002,303412,8573,,,21424,305972,,399,,77,,54,,,274,158,116,08/08 0:00,08/08 15:32,BSL,RS,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,PR,,,,,,,,,,,12456,,,310546,7002,303412,8230,,,20686,305972,,440,,73,,58,,,265,149,116,08/07 0:00,8/07 15:36,BSL,BML,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,PR,,,,,,,,,,,12110,,,310546,7002,303412,7824,,,19934,305972,,456,,76,,53,,,258,144,114,08/06 0:00,8/06 15:57,BSL,DZL,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,PR,,,,,,,,,,,11967,,,310546,7002,303412,7684,,,19651,305972,,507,,73,,54,,,246,133,113,08/05 0:00,8/05 15:33,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,PR,,,,,,,,,,,11911,,,310546,7002,303412,7413,,,19324,305972,,509,,75,,56,,,237,127,110,08/04 6:30,8/04 15:56,BSL,DZL,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/4 17:58, 20200803,PR,,,,,,,,,,,11678,,,310546,7002,303412,7113,,,18791,305972,,533,,66,,51,,,230,119,111,08/03 6:30,8/03 16:42,BSL,DZL,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,PR,,,,,,,,,,,11576,,,310546,7002,303412,6835,,,18411,305972,,506,,64,,46,,,230,119,111,08/02 6:30,8/02 17:57,EDS,CB-M,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,PR,,,,,,,,,,,11329,,,310546,7002,303412,6543,,,17872,305972,,508,,65,,41,,,225,115,110,08/01 6:30,8/01 17:12,BSL,SB,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,PR,,,,,,,,,,,10784,,,310546,7002,303412,5997,,,16781,305972,,488,,62,,39,,,219,113,106,07/31 6:30,07/31 15:37,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200730,PR,,,,,,,,,,,10652,,,310546,7002,303412,5920,,,16572,305972,,504,,63,,40,,,214,109,105,07/30 6:30,07/30 15:33,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200729,PR,,,,,,,,,,,10361,,,310546,7002,303412,5700,,,16061,305972,,495,,66,,37,,,211,106,105,07/29 6:30,07/29 15:35,BSL,RS,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200728,PR,,,,,,,,,,,10255,,,310546,7002,303412,5585,,,15840,305972,,469,,66,,37,,,209,104,105,07/28 6:30,07/28 15:35,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200727,PR,,,,,,,,,,,10015,,,310546,7002,303412,5416,,,15431,305972,,509,,66,,37,,,201,99,102,07/27 6:30,07/27 16:13,BSL,JAC,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200726,PR,,,,,,,,,,,9907,,,310546,7002,303412,5236,,,15143,305972,,496,,61,,34,,,201,99,102,07/26 6:30,07/26 15:04,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200725,PR,,,,,,,,,,,9498,,,310546,7002,303412,5042,,,14540,305972,,496,,57,,35,,,201,99,102,07/25 6:30,07/25 15:35,BSL,RS,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200724,PR,,,,,,,,,,,9173,,,310546,7002,303412,4794,,,13967,305972,,460,,58,,31,,,191,90,101,07/24 6:30,07/24 17:24,SLC,JAC,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200723,PR,,,,,,,,,,,8899,,,310546,7002,303412,4574,,,13473,305972,,442,,56,,40,,,188,87,101,07/23 6:30,07/23 15:40,BSL,QN,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200722,PR,,,,,,,,,,,8708,,,258001,3966,253922,4330,,,13038,255766,,415,,49,,31,,,185,84,101,07/22 6:30,07/22 15:53,SLC,BSL,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200721,PR,,,,,,,,,,,8685,,,258001,3966,253922,4255,,,12940,255766,,375,,40,,24,,,180,81,99,07/21 6:30,07/21 15:38,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200720,PR,,,,,,,,,,,8450,,,258001,3966,253922,4011,,,12461,255766,,336,,31,,20,,,180,81,99,07/20 6:30,07/20 16:04,BSL,JAC,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200719,PR,,,,,,,,,,,8272,,,258001,3966,253922,3791,,,12063,255766,,315,,26,,18,,,178,81,97,07/19 6:30,07/19 15:44,BSL,BHP,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200718,PR,,,,,,,,,,,7992,,,258001,3966,253922,3461,,,11453,255766,,316,,29,,25,,,178,81,97,07/18 6:30,07/18 15:39,BSL,BHP,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200717,PR,,,,,,,,,,,7848,,,258001,3966,253922,3272,,,11120,255766,,302,,34,,27,,,177,80,97,07/17 6:30,07/17 16:00,BSL,KP,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200716,PR,,,,,,,,,,,7455,,,258001,3966,253922,3119,,,10574,255766,,280,,25,,14,,,172,75,97,07/16 6:30,07/16 15:40,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200715,PR,,,,,,,,,,,7336,,,258001,3966,253922,3043,,,10379,255766,,254,,18,,11,,,171,75,96,07/15 6:30,07/15 15:03,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200714,PR,,,,,,,,,,,7219,,,258001,3966,253922,2904,,,10123,255766,,206,,14,,9,,,169,73,96,07/14 6:30,07/14 16:03,JAC,BHP,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200713,PR,,,,,,,,,,,7199,,,258001,3966,253922,2811,,,10010,255766,,159,,15,,8,,,167,71,96,07/13 6:30,07/13 15:06,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200712,PR,,,,,,,,,,,7071,,,258001,3966,253922,2583,,,9654,255766,,174,,12,,11,,,167,71,96,07/12 6:30,07/12 15:10,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200711,PR,,,,,,,,,,,6931,,,258001,3966,253922,2435,,,9366,255766,,174,,12,,7,,,167,71,96,07/11 6:30,07/11 15:35,BSL,BHP,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200710,PR,,,,,,,,,,,6786,,,258001,3966,253922,2351,,,9137,255766,,140,,12,,10,,,159,64,95,07/09 6:30,07/10 15:12,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200709,PR,,,,,,,,,,,6627,,,258001,3966,253922,2235,,,8862,255766,,147,,11,,7,,,159,64,95,07/09 6:30,07/10 15:12,BSL,HMH,"(7/10 HMH) Data was not updated today. Some confusion over the timestamp as dashboard indicated an update on 7/10 but page said that data was as of 7/9 and reccorded the same numbers as the dash. (⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200708,PR,,,,,,,,,,,6574,,,194324,2627,191601,2171,,,8745,192686,,127,,9,,10,,,159,64,95,07/08 6:30,07/08 16:04,BSL,BHP,"(⅞ BSL) PR is showing more vents than ICU hospitalizations (7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200707,PR,,,,,,,,,,,6567,,,194324,2627,191601,2147,,,8714,192686,,122,,19,,7,,,157,62,95,07/07 6:30,07/07 16:18,BSL,BHP,"(7/7 MDH) Negatives, Total Tests (PCR), Positive Tests (PCR), Negative Tests (PCR) are now populated based on sporadically available press reports. Retain when no new information is available. (6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200706,PR,,,,,,,,,,,6514,,,194324,2627,191601,2071,,,8585,192686,,115,,18,,11,,,155,60,95,07/06 6:30,07/06 15:07,BSL,RS,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200705,PR,,,,,,,,,,,6070,,,194324,2627,191601,1846,,,7916,192686,,118,,9,,5,,,155,60,95,07/05 6:30,07/05 15:11,BSL,BHP,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200704,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5970,,,194324,2627,191601,1817,,,7787,192686,,100,,8,,4,,,155,60,95,07/04 6:30,07/04 15:24,BSL,JAC,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200703,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5892,,,194324,2627,191601,1791,,,7683,192686,,104,,11,,6,,,154,60,94,07/03 6:30,07/03 15:31,BSL,BHP,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200702,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5841,,,194324,2627,191601,1767,,,7608,192686,,97,,8,,3,,,153,59,94,07/02 6:30,07/02 16:10,BSL,JAC,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200701,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5808,,,194324,2627,191601,1729,,,7537,192686,,121,,7,,3,,,153,59,94,07/01 6:30,07/01 15:11,BSL,JAC,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200630,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5772,,,194324,2627,191601,1693,,,7465,192686,,102,,9,,2,,,153,59,94,06/30 6:30,06/30 17:18,BSL,BHP,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200629,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5612,,,194324,2627,191601,1638,,,7250,192686,,104,,8,,1,,,153,59,94,06/29 6:30,06/29 15:08,BSL,RS,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200628,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5565,,,114723,2326,112331,1624,,,7189,113280,,99,,8,,5,,,153,59,94,06/28 6:30,06/28 16:00,BSL,REB,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200627,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5464,,,114723,2326,112331,1602,,,7066,113280,,105,,10,,5,,,152,58,94,06/27 6:30,06/27 15:47,BSL,KP,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200626,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5339,,,114723,2326,112331,1583,,,6922,113280,,89,,9,,7,,,151,57,94,06/26 6:30,06/26 15:35,BSL,RS,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200625,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5298,,,114723,2326,112331,1579,,,6877,113280,,85,,12,,4,,,151,57,94,06/25 6:30,06/25 16:10,BSL,QN,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200624,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5243,,,114723,2326,112331,1577,,,6820,113280,,80,,9,,2,,,149,57,92,06/24 6:30,06/24 16:59,BSL,BHP,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200623,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5135,,,114723,2326,112331,1550,,,6685,113280,,77,,9,,2,,,149,57,92,06/23 6:30,06/23 16:05,BSL,BHP,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200622,PR,,,,,,,,,,,5024,,,114723,2326,112331,1540,,,6564,113280,,70,,10,,3,,,149,57,92,06/22 6:30,06/22 15:05,BSL,RS,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200621,PR,,,,,,,,,,,4992,,,114723,2326,112331,1533,,,6525,113280,,71,,13,,5,,,149,57,92,06/21 6:30,06/21 17:27,BSL,KP,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200620,PR,,,,,,,,,,,4932,,,114723,2326,112331,1531,,,6463,113280,,83,,10,,4,,,147,57,90,06/20 6:30,06/20 15:47,BSL,JAC,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200619,PR,,,,,,,,,,,4696,,,114723,2326,112331,1499,,,6195,113280,,78,,7,,3,,,147,57,90,06/19 6:30,06/19 15:42,TCD,BSL,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200618,PR,,,,,,,,,,,4615,,,114723,2326,112331,1496,,,6111,113280,,73,,9,,5,,,147,57,90,06/18 6:30,06/18 16:42,GMJ,BSL,"(6/18 GMJ) If Other link not working use (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200617,PR,,,,,,,,,,,4517,,,114723,2326,112331,1486,,,6003,113280,,78,,8,,1,,,147,57,90,06/17 6:30,06/17 16:03,BSL,JAC,"(6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200616,PR,,,,,,,,,,,4472,,,114723,2326,112331,1479,,,5951,113280,,94,,9,,1,,,147,57,90,06/16 6:30,06/16 15:14,BSL,RS,"(6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200615,PR,,,,,,,,,,,4413,,,114723,2326,112331,1477,,,5890,113280,,104,,8,,2,,,147,57,90,06/15 6:30,06/15 15:04,BSL,AFG,"(6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200614,PR,,,,,,,,,,,4340,,,114723,2326,112331,1471,,,5811,113280,,110,,6,,2,,,147,57,90,06/14 6:30,06/14 16:24,BSL,JAC,"(6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200613,PR,,,,,,,,,,,4230,,,114723,2326,112331,1460,,,5690,113280,,117,,4,,3,,,146,56,90,06/13 6:30,06/13 14:46,BSL,AFG,"(6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200612,PR,,,,,,,,,,,4093,,,114723,2326,112331,1443,,,5536,113280,,92,,7,,4,,,146,56,90,06/12 6:30,06/12 14:51,BSL,JAC,"(6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200611,PR,,,,,,,,,,,3949,,,90045,2060,87930,1403,,,5352,88685,,91,,7,,4,,,144,56,88,06/11 6:30,06/11 16:02,ETW,BSL,"(6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200610,PR,,,,,,,,,,,3927,,,90045,2060,87930,1402,,,5329,88685,,97,,8,,5,,,143,63,80,06/10 6:30,06/10 16:16,BSL,JAC,"(6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200609,PR,,,,,,,,,,,3799,,,90045,2060,87930,1386,,,5185,88685,,95,,9,,6,,,142,63,79,06/09 6:30,06/09 16:05,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): For Positives (confirmed + lumped) add both molecular and antibody tests (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200608,PR,,,,,,,,,,,3673,,,90045,2060,87930,1373,,,5046,88685,,107,,8,,7,,,142,63,79,06/08 5:52,06/08 14:42,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): For Positives (confirmed + lumped) add both molecular and antibody tests (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200607,PR,,,,,,,,,,,3621,,,90045,2060,87930,1364,,,4985,88685,,105,,6,,7,,,142,63,79,06/07 5:58,06/07 16:14,SB,ALF,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): For Positives (confirmed + lumped) add both molecular and antibody tests (6/7 aft SB) Carried over 61515 for total tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200606,PR,,,,,,,,,,,3555,,,90045,2060,87930,1360,,,4915,88685,,100,,7,,4,,,142,63,79,06/06 5:51,06/06 16:22,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): For Positives (confirmed + lumped) add both molecular and antibody tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200605,PR,,,,,,,,,,,3290,,,61702,1952,59701,1330,,,4620,60422,,116,,9,,7,,,141,63,78,06/05 5:51,06/05 17:11,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): For Positives (confirmed + lumped) add both molecular and antibody tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200604,PR,,,,,,,,,,,3186,,,61702,1952,59701,1322,,,4508,60422,,114,,15,,9,,,140,63,77,06/04 5:57,06/04 15:42,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): For Positives (confirmed + lumped) add both molecular and antibody tests (6/4 aft BSL) 355 new antibody tests added for unaccounted tests between 3/31 and 6/15: (5/20-6/4 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200603,PR,,,,,,,,,,,2710,,,61702,1952,59701,1313,,,4023,60422,,107,,12,,7,,,140,63,77,06/03 5:53,06/03 15:11,BSL,AW,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): For Positives (confirmed + lumped) add both molecular and antibody tests (5/20-5/31 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200602,PR,,,,,,,,,,,2630,,,61702,1952,59701,1305,,,3935,60422,,106,,17,,10,,,138,63,75,06/02 5:51,06/02 15:24,JA,REB,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): For Positives (confirmed + lumped) add both molecular and antibody tests (5/20-5/31 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200601,PR,,,,,,,,,,,2569,,,61702,1952,59701,1304,,,3873,60422,,99,,9,,4,,,136,63,73,06/01 2:51,06/01 15:34,GGR,RS,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): For Positives (confirmed + lumped) add both molecular and antibody tests (5/20-5/31 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200531,PR,,,,,,,,,,,2472,,,61702,1952,59701,1304,,,3776,60422,,99,,9,,1,,,136,63,73,05/31 4:51,05/31 16:38,AIA,JAC,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): For Positives (confirmed + lumped) add both molecular and antibody tests (5/20-5/31 aft) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200530,PR,,,,,,,,,,,2418,,,61702,1952,59701,1300,,,3718,60422,,106,,6,,5,,,133,62,71,05/30 4:51,05/30 16:56,SB,QN,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc on the dashboard are not COVID-specific Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): For Positives (confirmed + lumped) add both molecular and antibody tests (5/28 aft GMJ) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/21 aft KWS) carried over 61515 for total tests. (5/20 aft GG) I did not update the total tests - left the 61515 number from prior threads. (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200529,PR,,,,,,,,,,,2354,,,61702,1952,59701,1293,,,3647,60422,,101,,12,,5,,,132,62,70,05/29 5:51,05/29 17:01,JA,QN,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc on the dashboard are not COVID-specific Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): (5/28 aft GMJ) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/21 aft KWS) carried over 61515 for total tests. (5/20 aft GG) I did not update the total tests - left the 61515 number from prior threads. (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200528,PR,,,,,,,,,,,2206,,,61702,1952,59701,1280,,,3486,60422,,120,,12,,5,,,131,61,70,05/28 6:30,05/28 15:57,GMJ,PR,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc on the dashboard are not COVID-specific Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): (5/28 aft GMJ) carried over 61515 for total tests (5/21 aft KWS) carried over 61515 for total tests. (5/20 aft GG) I did not update the total tests - left the 61515 number from prior threads. (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200527,PR,,,,,,,,,,,2137,,,41701,1572,40095,1260,,,3397,40488,,105,,8,,4,,,129,61,68,05/27 6:30,05/27 14:50,JA,RS,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc on the dashboard are not COVID-specific Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): (5/21 aft KWS) carried over 61515 for total tests. (5/20 aft GG) I did not update the total tests - left the 61515 number from prior threads. (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200526,PR,,,,,,,,,,,2083,,,41701,1572,40095,1241,,,3324,40488,,104,,14,,4,,,129,61,68,05/26 5:53,05/26 15:30,JA,DPT,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc on the dashboard are not COVID-specific Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): (5/21 aft KWS) carried over 61515 for total tests. (5/20 aft GG) I did not update the total tests - left the 61515 number from prior threads. (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200525,PR,,,,,,,,,,,2020,,,41701,1572,40095,1240,,,3260,40488,,112,,16,,8,,,129,61,68,05/25 6:30,05/25 16:16,TCD,PR,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc on the dashboard are not COVID-specific Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths Registro Demográfico: Probable deaths (the sum of probable and confirmed should be equal to totals) Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): (5/21 aft KWS) carried over 61515 for total tests. (5/20 aft GG) I did not update the total tests - left the 61515 number from prior threads. (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200524,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1959,,,41701,1572,40095,1230,,,3189,40488,,106,,13,,7,,,127,61,66,05/24 6:30,05/24 16:02,JA,KP ,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc on the dashboard are not COVID-specific Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths (not the one that is ""Registro Demográfico"") Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): (5/21 aft KWS) carried over 61515 for total tests. (5/20 aft GG) I did not update the total tests - left the 61515 number from prior threads. (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200523,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1230,,,41701,1572,40095,1870,,,3100,40488,,106,,14,,5,,,127,61,66,05/23 6:30,05/23 16:37,SPA,ESK,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc on the dashboard are not COVID-specific Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths (not the one that is ""Registro Demográfico"") Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): (5/21 aft KWS) carried over 61515 for total tests. (5/20 aft GG) I did not update the total tests - left the 61515 number from prior threads. (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200522,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1809,,,41701,1572,40095,1221,,,3030,40488,,96,,12,,6,,,126,60,66,05/22 5:51,05/22 17:00,GMJ,ESK,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc on the dashboard are not COVID-specific Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths (not the one that is ""Registro Demográfico"") Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): (5/21 aft KWS) carried over 61515 for total tests. (5/20 aft GG) I did not update the total tests - left the 61515 number from prior threads. (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",B,, 20200521,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1700,,,41701,1572,40095,1213,,,2913,40488,,114,,13,,7,,,126,60,66,05/21 5:54,05/21 16:38,KWS,QN,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc on the dashboard are not COVID-specific Total Casos Únicos: Total cases Serológicas: Positive antibody test Moleculares: Positive PCR test Total Muertes por COVID-19: Total deaths (confirmed and probable) Muertes por COVID-19: Confirmed deaths (not the one that is ""Registro Demográfico"") Use the following link to get current ICU (T_Pacientes_Int_Covid) and current ventilation (T_Vent_Covid) (also linked in Other): (5/21 aft KWS) carried over 61515 for total tests. (5/20 aft GG) I did not update the total tests - left the 61515 number from prior threads. (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source",C,, 20200520,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1660,,,,,,1206,,,2866,,,110,,20,,5,,,125,66,,05/20 6:30,05/20 16:25,GGR,PR,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific Confirmed death is the 1st non-lumped number (not the one that is ""Registro Demográfico"") (5/20 aft GG) I did not update the total tests - left the 61515 number from prior threads. (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source (5/16 QN) Unsure about the source for curr. hosp. Reverting back to 5/8 when there is a reporting source (5/13 PR) full dash has Vent and ICU data -- can also find here (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",C,, 20200519,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1598,,,,,,1207,,,2805,,,121,,20,,8,,,124,60,,05/19 5:52,05/19 16:35,FIP,MM,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific Confirmed death is the 1st non-lumped number (not the one that is ""Registro Demográfico"") (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source (5/16 QN) Unsure about the source for curr. hosp. Reverting back to 5/8 when there is a reporting source (5/13 PR) full dash has Vent and ICU data -- can also find here (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",C,, 20200518,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1515,,,,,,2710,,,2710,,,147,,17,,4,,,124,60,,05/18 6:30,05/18 16:29,GGR,MM,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific Confirmed death is the 1st non-lumped number (not the one that is ""Registro Demográfico"") (5/18 aft MM) Total tests specimens from PR (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source (5/16 QN) Unsure about the source for curr. hosp. Reverting back to 5/8 when there is a reporting source (5/13 PR) full dash has Vent and ICU data -- can also find here (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",C,, 20200517,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1499,,,,,,1147,,,2646,,,150,,24,,5,,,123,60,,05/17 5:51,05/17 15:52,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific Confirmed death is the 1st non-lumped number (not the one that is ""Registro Demográfico"") (5/17 RS/JAC) Removed Curr. Hosp, as previous value was 9 days old and have no new source (5/16 QN) Unsure about the source for curr. hosp. Reverting back to 5/8 when there is a reporting source (5/13 PR) full dash has Vent and ICU data -- can also find here (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",C,, 20200516,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1475,,,,,,1114,,,2589,,,144,,15,,5,,,122,59,,05/16 4:59,05/16 15:47,REB,QN,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific Confirmed death is the 1st non-lumped number (not the one that is ""Registro Demográfico"") (5/16 QN) Unsure about the source for curr. hosp. Reverting back to 5/8 when there is a reporting source (5/13 PR) full dash has Vent and ICU data -- can also find here (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",B,, 20200515,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1454,,,,,,1088,,,2542,,,147,,18,,3,,,122,63,,05/15 5:51,05/15 15:06,RSB,AW,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific (5/13 PR) full dash has Vent and ICU data -- can also find here (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",B,, 20200514,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1354,,,,,,1073,,,2427,,,159,,18,,5,,,117,58,,05/14 6:30,05/14 16:22,AFG,QN,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific (5/13 PR) full dash has Vent and ICU data -- can also find here (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",B,, 20200513,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1265,,,,,,1064,,,2329,,,142,,10,,6,,,115,58,,05/12 6:30,,,,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific (5/13 PR) full dash has Vent and ICU data -- can also find here (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",C,, 20200512,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1237,,,,,,1062,,,2299,,,127,,,,,,,114,58,,05/12 6:30,,,,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific (5/13 PR) full dash has Vent and ICU data -- can also find here (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",C,, 20200511,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1202,,,,,,1054,,,2256,,,159,,,,,,,113,57,,05/11 5:57,05/11 16:07,AW,REB,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",D,, 20200510,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1158,,,,,,1040,,,2198,,,143,,,,,,,111,57,,05/10 5:51,05/10 14:28,JAC,CML,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",D,, 20200509,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1139,,,,,,1034,,,2173,,,148,,,,7,,,108,57,,05/09 5:51,05/09 14:10,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",C,, 20200508,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1127,,,,,,1029,,,2156,,,161,,,,10,,,107,56,,05/08 6:00,05/08 15:32,DB,KP,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific (5/8 aft DB) Currently hospitalized and on vents updated from reporting (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",C,, 20200507,PR,,,,,,,,,,,1018,,,,,,1013,,,2031,,,164,,,,,,,102,56,,05/07 6:00,05/07 15:34,REB,PR,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",D,, 20200506,PR,,,,,,,,,,,962,,,,,,1006,,,1968,,,144,,,,,,,99,56,,05/06 6:00,05/06 16:31,DPT,RS,"PROCESS: Negatives/totals no longer reported. Reported numbers of beds, ventilators, etc are not COVID-specific (5/6 aft DPT) Deleted ancient negative number (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice",D,, 20200505,PR,,,,,,,,,,,919,,,,,,1005,,,1924,9313,,140,,,,,,,99,56,,05/05 6:00,05/05 15:30,BL,QN,"Negatives/totals not reported (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number",D,, 20200504,PR,,,,,,,,,,,842,,,,,,1001,,,1843,9313,,152,,,,,,,97,54,,05/04 6:00,05/04 15:32,SPA,REB,"Negatives/totals not reported (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number",D,, 20200503,PR,,,,,,,,,,,820,,,,,,988,,,1808,9313,,171,,,,,,,97,53,,05/03 6:00,05/03 15:33,JAC,ESK,"Negatives/totals not reported (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number",D,, 20200502,PR,,,,,,,,,,,784,,,,,,973,,,1757,9313,,187,,,,,,,95,53,,05/02 6:00,,,,"Negatives/totals not reported (5/2 aft BL) antibody tests = ""Serológicas"" in the pie chart on the dashboard (4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number",D,, 20200501,PR,,,,,,,,,,,611,,,,,,964,,,1575,9313,,200,,,,,,,92,51,,05/01 6:00,05/01 16:53,MM,REB,"(4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number",D,, 20200430,PR,,,,,,,,,,,584,,,,,,955,,,1539,9313,,201,,,,,,,92,51,,04/30 6:00,,,,"(4/30 RS) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. Leaving negatives, but removed pending because it has been more than a week with no update (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number",D,, 20200429,PR,,,,,,,,,,,529,,,,,,904,,,1433,9313,1940,125,,,,,,,86,51,,04/29 6:00,,,,"(4/29 mor MM) Negatives & Pending still not reported on dashboard. (4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number",D,, 20200428,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,898,,,1400,9313,1940,132,,,,,,,86,,,04/28 6:30,04/28 15:30,EB,AW,"(4/27 aft EB) No negatives in dashboard. Did not update (4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number ",D,, 20200427,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,895,,,1389,9313,1940,140,,,,,,,84,,,04/27 6:00,,,,"(4/27 aft MM) PR confirmed deaths is 53. We still report lumped until further notice. Neg/Pend still not on dash (4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number ",D,, 20200426,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,891,,,1371,9313,1940,146,,,,,,,84,,,04/26 6:00,04/26 14:44,DB,RS,"(4/26 aft DB) No neg/pending on dash anymore, did not update these numbers. (4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number ",D,, 20200425,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,878,,,1307,9313,1940,137,,,,,,,83,,,04/25 6:30,04/25 14:40,AW,RS,"(4/25 aft AW) Appears that PR removed the neg/pending numbers from their dashboard. hopefully this is resolved soon and they will start reporting them again. (4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number ",D,, 20200424,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,871,,,1276,9313,1940,172,,,,,,,77,,,04/24 6:30,,,,"(4/24 aft MM) Dashboard was updated to show cases (405s serological, 871 molecular) PR confirmed deaths is 51. We still report lumped until further notice PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number ",A,, 20200423,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,915,9313,1951,154,,,,,,,69,,,04/23 6:20,,,,"(4/23 RV eve) Keeping the previous positives number per (4/23 QN aft) The number on the dashboard is significantly higher than that of the revised down number on 4/22. Possibly a lag in the dashboard update. Keeping previous number. (4/22 PR) updated per state data changes per #reporting PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number ",A,, 20200422,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,915,8842,1954,140,,,,,,,67,,,04/22 6:05,,,," (4/22 PR) updated per state data changes per #reporting PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number ",A,, 20200421,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1298,8789,1761,117,,,,,,,64,,,04/21 6:30,,,,"PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number ",A,, 20200420,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1252,8486,1895,151,,,,,,,63,,,04/20 6:30,04/20 22:13,DB,,"PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number ",A,, 20200419,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1213,8280,1839,160,,,,,,,62,,,04/19 7:00,04/19 23:35,SJ,QN,"PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number ",A,, 20200418,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1118,8055,1760,165,,,,,,,60,,,04/18 7:00,04/18 22:42,AGS,,"PROCESS: Sum Pending + Inconclusive to get our Pending number ",A,, 20200417,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1068,7864,1478,,,,,,,,58,,,04/17 6:00,,,,"(4/15 AFG morning) per MM, included inconclusive tests with pending, so our total matches the reported total",A,, 20200416,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1043,7315,1465,,,,,,,,56,,,04/16 7:00,,,,"(4/15 AFG morning) per MM, included inconclusive tests with pending, so our total matches the reported total",A,, 20200415,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,974,6825,1410,,,,,,,,51,,,04/15 7:00,,,,"(4/15 AFG morning) per MM, included inconclusive tests with pending, so our total matches the reported total",A,, 20200414,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,923,6284,1322,,,,,,,,45,,,04/14 7:00,,,,,A,, 20200413,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,903,5960,1288,,,,,,,,45,,,04/13 6:00,,,,"(4/13 aft AW) numbers are from new dashboard 4/13 morning ALF) Puerto Rico has a new data dashboard, which we have listed in the Source Matrix. It includes statistics on hospital beds and ventilators, but we can't tell if these are reporting total capacity, total use, or COVD use. Will ask Reporting to reach out for clarification. (4/10 MM aft) PR deaths include confirmed and suspected cases - maybe update public notes? (done) (4/10 morn RMD) PR Public Note update - 6 results are inconclusive per Page ""PRUEBAS REALIZADAS 7,244* * 6 resultados inconclusos."" Source Deaths also appears on Page. (4/8 aft AW) timstamp is from time of tweet (4/8 after MC) figures from and slack convo; inconclusive results = 6 but not included anywhere",A,, 20200412,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,897,5819,1251,,,,,,,,44,,,04/12 7:00,,,,"(4/10 MM aft) PR deaths include confirmed and suspected cases - maybe update public notes? (4/10 morn RMD) PR Public Note update - 6 results are inconclusive per Page ""PRUEBAS REALIZADAS 7,244* * 6 resultados inconclusos."" Source Deaths also appears on Page. (4/8 aft AW) timstamp is from time of tweet (4/8 after MC) figures from and slack convo; inconclusive results = 6 but not included anywhere",A,, 20200411,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,788,5583,1332,,,,,,,,42,,,04/11 7:00,,,,"(4/10 MM aft) PR deaths include confirmed and suspected cases - maybe update public notes? (4/10 morn RMD) PR Public Note update - 6 results are inconclusive per Page ""PRUEBAS REALIZADAS 7,244* * 6 resultados inconclusos."" Source Deaths also appears on Page. (4/8 aft AW) timstamp is from time of tweet (4/8 after MC) figures from and slack convo; inconclusive results = 6 but not included anywhere",A,, 20200410,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,725,5121,1392,,,,,,,,39,,,04/10 6:00,,,,"(4/10 MM aft) PR deaths include confirmed and suspected cases - maybe update public notes? (4/10 morn RMD) PR Public Note update - 6 results are inconclusive per Page ""PRUEBAS REALIZADAS 7,244* * 6 resultados inconclusos."" Source Deaths also appears on Page. (4/8 aft AW) timstamp is from time of tweet (4/8 after MC) figures from and slack convo; inconclusive results = 6 but not included anywhere",A,, 20200409,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,683,4703,1304,,,,,,,,33,,,04/09 7:00,,,,"(4/8 aft AW) timstamp is from time of tweet (4/8 after MC) figures from and slack convo; inconclusive results = 6 but not included anywhere (4/6 morning ALF) Inconclusive results now up to 6; still not including anywhere, so total tests will differ from official report (4/3 PR) PR reports for Tests Performed includes 4 inconclusive results so total isnt adding up to state FYI ",A,, 20200408,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,620,4266,1160,,,,,,,,24,,,04/08 9:00,04/08 22:41,DG,RV,"(4/8 aft AW) timstamp is from time of tweet (4/8 after MC) figures from and slack convo; inconclusive results = 6 but not included anywhere (4/6 morning ALF) Inconclusive results now up to 6; still not including anywhere, so total tests will differ from official report (4/3 PR) PR reports for Tests Performed includes 4 inconclusive results so total isnt adding up to state FYI ",A,, 20200407,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,573,3966,968,,,,,,,,23,,,04/07 7:00,,,,"(4/6 morning ALF) Inconclusive results now up to 6; still not including anywhere, so total tests will differ from official report (4/3 PR) PR reports for Tests Performed includes 4 inconclusive results so total isnt adding up to state FYI ",A,, 20200406,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,513,3432,1000,,,,,,,,21,,,04/06 7:00,,,,"(4/6 morning ALF) Inconclusive results now up to 6; still not including anywhere, so total tests will differ from official report (4/3 PR) PR reports for Tests Performed includes 4 inconclusive results so total isnt adding up to state FYI ",A,, 20200405,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,475,3073,1039,,,,,,,,20,,,04/05 7:00,,,,(4/3 PR) PR reports for Tests Performed includes 4 inconclusive results so total isnt adding up to state FYI ,A,, 20200404,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,452,2605,1129,,,,,,,,18,,,04/04 7:00,,,,(4/3 PR) PR reports for Tests Performed includes 4 inconclusive results so total isnt adding up to state FYI ,A,, 20200403,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,378,2049,1055,,,,,,,,15,,,04/03 7:00,,,,(4/3 PR) PR reports for Tests Performed includes 4 inconclusive results so total isnt adding up to state FYI ,A,, 20200402,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,316,1604,1119,,,,,,,,12,,,04/02 7:00,04/03 0:02,NM,SJ,"(4/2 AFG morning) PR reports for Tests Performed includes 2 inconclusive results (so reports 3041 tests, our summation gets us to 3039) ",A,, 20200401,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,286,1409,897,,,,,,,,11,,,04/01 7:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,239,1195,854,,,,,,,,8,,,03/30 7:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,174,931,794,,,,,,,,6,,,03/30 7:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,127,841,817,,,,,,,,5,,,03/29 7:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,100,739,792,,,,,,,,3,,,03/28 7:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79,519,334,,,,,,,,3,,,03/27 7:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64,377,335,,,,,,,,2,,,03/26 7:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,317,70,,,,,,,,2,,,03/25 7:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39,268,42,,,,,,,,2,,,03/23 7:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31,189,35,,,,,,,,2,,,03/23 7:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23,183,69,,,,,,,,1,,,03/22 7:00,,,,,,, 20200321,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21,143,71,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 13:00,,,,,,, 20200320,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,114,52,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 13:00,,,,,,, 20200319,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,56,29,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 7:50,,,,,,, 20200318,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,31,21,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 22:00,,,,,,, 20200317,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,13,4,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 15:41,,,,,,, 20200316,PR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,9,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:44,,,,,,, 20200831,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,524414,,31198,493216,21949,,273897,21949,251948,,77,2519,9,,5,,2108,1048,,,08/31 12:00,08/31 16:21,MJW,RS,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,520478,,31135,489343,21903,,272016,21903,250113,,77,2519,9,,5,,2108,1047,,,8/30/2020 12:00,08/30 17:02,KSB,KP,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,515142,,31071,484071,21857,,270211,21857,248354,,80,2514,8,,6,,2101,1047,,,8/29/2020 12:00,08/29 16:52,PK,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,504904,,30953,473951,21683,,266791,21683,245108,,81,2496,8,,4,,2084,1046,,,08/28 12:00,08/28 16:36,PK,MM,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,495575,,30872,464703,21589,,263413,21589,241824,,82,2485,10,,3,,2073,1044,,,08/27 12:00,08/27 16:10,LDH,DPT,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,485026,,30697,454329,21454,,259630,21454,238176,,80,2478,11,,4,,2069,1041,,,08/26 12:00,08/26 16:38,PK,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,479383,,30440,448943,21372,,257789,21372,236417,,87,2474,11,,2,,2059,1039,,,08/25 12:00,08/25 16:57,MJW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,473670,,30345,443325,21302,,254674,21302,233372,,80,2460,11,,4,,2052,1035,,,08/24 12:00,08/24 16:17,AJC,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,470162,,30300,439862,21263,,252571,21263,231308,,80,2460,11,,4,,2052,1035,,,08/23 12:00,08/23 16:51,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,464672,,30211,434461,21175,,250126,21175,228951,,87,2455,9,,4,,2040,1035,,,08/22 12:00,08/22 15:59,RRI,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,454977,,30022,424955,21022,,245854,21022,224832,,81,2438,9,,5,,2031,1030,,,08/21 12:00,08/21 16:38,PK,REB,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,444574,,29831,414743,20871,,239763,20871,218892,,84,2431,8,,4,,2021,1028,,,08/20 12:00,08/20 17:37,JAC,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,440127,,29738,410389,20795,,258314,20795,237519,,82,2419,8,,5,,2013,1027,,,08/19 12:00,08/19 15:54,KAT,BML,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,436191,,29522,406669,20692,,236163,20692,215471,,78,2405,8,,4,,2004,1024,,,08/18 12:00,08/18 16:57,GET,RS,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,431005,,29317,401688,20572,,233822,20572,213250,,80,2380,11,,3,,1982,1023,,,08/17 12:00,08/17 16:43,MM,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/17 MM) RI has switched its reporting to test encounters, so we are using ""Total Test Encounters (PCR)"" for total instead of ""Total Tests (PCR)"" (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,428977,,29246,399731,20514,,233078,20514,212564,,80,2380,11,,3,,1982,1022,,,08/16 12:00,08/16 16:43,JJO,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/16 JJO) No update on Sunday. Carrying over numbers from previous day. (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,425315,,29154,396161,20439,,231766,20439,211327,,85,2375,11,,2,,1972,1022,,,08/15 12:00,08/15 16:21,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,420733,,29007,390466,20335,,229865,20335,209530,,79,2350,8,,3,,1953,1021,,,08/14 12:00,08/14 15:55,LDH,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,416203,,28909,387294,20240,,228474,20240,208234,,80,2341,10,,4,,1943,1019,,,08/13 12:00,08/13 16:45,JAC,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,412049,,28776,382951,20129,,226133,20129,206004,,89,2336,9,,3,,1929,1018,,,08/12 12:00,08/12 16:41,NMJ,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,408074,409435,28836,380599,20053,,224170,20053,204117,,88,2317,9,,2,,1911,1016,,,08/11 12:00,08/11 16:50,KVP,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,403932,405152,28707,376445,19934,,222347,19934,202413,,93,2311,8,,2,,1900,1015,,,08/10 12:00,08/10 16:10,MJW,MM,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,402375,403746,28674,375072,19906,,221490,19906,201584,,93,2311,8,,2,,1900,1015,,,08/09 12:00,08/09 16:51,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,398976,400407,28576,371831,19832,,219965,19832,200133,,82,2294,9,,2,,1895,1015,,,08/08 12:00,08/08 15:34,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,394749,395798,28471,367327,19738,,217973,19738,198235,,84,2276,10,,4,,1876,1014,,,08/07 12:00,8/07 15:39,DJW,BML,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,389969,390478,28299,362179,19611,,215723,19611,196112,,83,2264,11,,4,,1866,1014,,,08/06 12:00,8/06 16:56,JAC,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,384487,384902,28145,356757,19481,,213535,19481,194054,,79,2248,14,,5,,1855,1012,,,08/05 12:00,8/05 16:08,LDH,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,380973,381478,28029,353449,19390,,211953,19390,192563,,80,2242,14,,6,,1848,1011,,,08/04 12:00,8/04 17:35,CB-M,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/4 17:46, 20200803,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,376009,376671,27878,348793,19246,,210066,19246,190820,,80,2231,14,,5,,1838,1010,,,08/03 12:00,8/03 16:23,MJW,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,373276,365066,27600,337466,19022,,206016,19022,186994,,76,2211,15,,5,,1823,1007,,,07/31 12:00,8/02 16:39,KVP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (8/2 KVP) Note on RI's State page (Col D) says updated Monday through Friday at 12 pm. (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,369302,365066,27600,337466,19022,,206016,19022,186994,,76,2211,15,,5,,1823,1007,,,07/31 12:00,8/01 16:32,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,364126,365066,27600,337466,19022,,206016,19022,186994,,76,2211,15,,5,,1823,1007,,,07/31 12:00,07/31 17:12,KAT,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200730,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,360095,360947,27495,333452,18950,,204519,18950,185569,,77,2202,13,,5,,1813,1007,,,07/30 12:00,07/30 16:51,DJW,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200729,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,355196,356186,27348,328838,18800,,202465,18800,183665,,74,2195,12,,6,,1810,1007,,,07/29 12:00,07/29 16:31,RS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200728,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,351472,352500,27247,325253,18725,,200960,18725,182235,,68,2182,10,,7,,1803,1005,,,07/28 12:00,07/28 16:50,DZL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200727,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,347435,345652,26961,318691,18515,,196618,18515,178103,,71,2174,8,,6,,1792,1004,,,07/27 12:00,07/27 17:08,DJW,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200726,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,344434,329556,26593,302963,18224,,190028,18224,171804,,66,2146,6,,5,,1769,1002,,,07/24 12:00,07/26 16:22,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200725,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,340063,329556,26593,302963,18224,,190028,18224,171804,,66,2146,6,,5,,1769,1002,,,07/24 12:00,07/26 16:22,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200724,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,334238,329556,26593,302963,18224,,190028,18224,171804,,66,2146,6,,5,,1769,1002,,,07/24 12:00,07/26 16:22,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200723,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,330072,325979,26489,299490,18148,,189339,18148,171191,,67,2137,7,,4,,1759,1001,,,07/23 12:00,07/23 16:55,DJW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200722,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,326177,321872,26350,295522,18062,,186856,18062,168794,,67,2127,5,,3,,1749,997,,,07/22 12:00,07/22 16:35,EDS,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200721,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,321849,317544,26222,291322,17986,,184964,17986,166978,,64,2116,4,,2,,1741,996,,,07/21 12:00,07/21 16:37,WCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200720,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,319187,315156,26152,289004,17904,,183625,17904,165721,,61,2110,2,,2,,1738,995,,,07/20 12:00,07/20 16:37,KAT,RS,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200719,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,316540,304770,25966,278804,17793,,179201,17793,161408,,62,2088,4,,2,,1717,990,,,07/17 12:00,07/19 16:41,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200718,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,313327,304770,25966,278804,17793,,179201,17793,161408,,62,2088,4,,2,,1717,990,,,07/17 12:00,07/19 16:41,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200717,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,309068,304770,25966,278804,17793,,179201,17793,161408,,62,2088,4,,2,,1717,990,,,07/17 12:00,07/19 16:41,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200716,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,305294,300801,25850,274951,17711,,177388,17711,159677,,64,2084,4,,3,,1711,988,,,07/16 12:00,07/16 16:16,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200715,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,301062,296933,25734,271199,17640,,175875,17640,158235,,59,2075,5,,3,,1707,987,,,07/15 12:00,07/15 15:42,RS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200714,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,297749,293844,25653,268191,17588,,174658,17588,157070,,69,2070,5,,3,,1692,985,,,07/14 12:00,07/14 15:31,CB-M,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200713,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,294527,290756,25518,265238,17487,,173243,17487,155756,,67,2066,3,,4,,1691,984,,,07/13 12:00,07/13 16:06,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200712,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,292723,278357,24885,253472,17312,,166655,17312,149343,,61,2051,4,,5,,1685,976,,,07/10 12:00,07/12 15:41,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200711,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,289789,278357,24885,253472,17312,,166655,17312,149343,,61,2051,4,,5,,1685,976,,,07/10 12:00,07/12 15:41,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200710,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,285282,278357,24885,253472,17312,,166655,17312,149343,,61,2051,4,,5,,1685,976,,,07/10 0:00,07/10 16:00,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200709,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,281535,274980,24790,250190,17243,,165137,17243,147894,,55,2043,4,,3,,1684,974,,,07/09 0:00,07/09 16:59,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. All data from state page or the Other link (column H) (7/7) RI started providing tests by specimen and by individual people, we have updated our numbers to match, this has caused the number of ""Negative (people or cases)"" to appear to have gone down in the spreadsheet, but it actually matches the updated historical data. (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths",A+,, 20200708,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,278058,271710,24698,247012,17204,,163270,17204,146066,,56,2043,5,,5,,1683,971,,,07/08 0:00,07/08 19:00,REB,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. All data except cum. hospitalized (see source note) from state page (7/5-7/6 RSG) No update since 7/3 (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that RI lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/6 BSL) Switching to weekday-only reporting (5/25 TCD) Note on website says no updates for memorial day holiday",A+,, 20200707,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,274545,271710,24698,247012,17204,,163270,17204,146066,,55,2036,4,,4,,1677,969,,,07/07 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200706,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,271658,268294,24624,243670,17163,,161714,17163,144551,,61,2019,9,,7,,1657,960,,,07/06 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200705,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,268696,265484,24523,240961,17108,,160155,17108,143047,,61,2019,9,,7,,1657,960,,,07/05 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200704,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,266322,262612,24477,238135,17084,,158757,17084,141673,,61,2019,9,,7,,1657,960,,,07/04 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200703,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,264265,260333,24425,235908,17057,,157778,17057,140721,,61,2019,9,,7,,1657,960,,,07/03 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200702,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,261389,258440,24383,234057,17035,,157083,17035,140048,,67,2011,11,,10,,1644,959,,,07/02 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200701,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,257151,255735,24284,231451,16976,,156039,16976,139063,,69,2007,11,,11,,1638,956,,,07/01 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200630,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,255154,251636,24143,227493,16911,,154083,16911,137172,,74,2001,13,,13,,1631,950,,,06/30 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200629,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,251398,249696,24084,225612,16871,,153069,16871,136198,,73,1995,15,,14,,1627,946,,,06/29 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200628,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,249912,245990,23998,221992,16835,,151713,16835,134878,,91,1984,16,,15,,1600,927,,,06/28 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200627,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,246628,244518,23961,220557,16813,,151113,16813,134300,,91,1984,16,,15,,1600,927,,,06/27 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200626,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,244091,241245,23877,217368,16777,,149879,16777,133102,,91,1984,16,,15,,1600,927,,,06/26 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200625,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,241120,238787,23788,214999,16708,,148496,16708,131788,,103,1981,18,,17,,1588,920,,,06/25 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200624,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,237506,235946,23693,212253,16663,,147045,16663,130382,,104,1967,20,,16,,1573,912,,,06/24 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200623,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,233518,232592,23582,209010,16612,,145508,16612,128896,,105,1958,19,,17,,1562,906,,,06/23 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200622,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,229672,228842,23434,205408,16535,,143832,16535,127297,,106,1950,18,,15,,1554,903,,,06/22 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200621,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,228600,225158,23298,201860,16476,,142177,16476,125701,,123,1922,23,,12,,1515,894,,,06/21 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200620,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,226642,224148,23263,200885,16449,,141527,16449,125078,,123,1922,23,,12,,1515,894,,,06/20 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200619,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,222743,222392,23189,199203,16413,,140810,16413,124397,,123,1922,23,,12,,1515,894,,,06/19 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200618,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,219563,218832,23058,195774,16354,,139570,16354,123216,,126,1911,23,,13,,1502,885,,,06/18 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200617,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,216622,215817,22913,192904,16283,,138280,16283,121997,,126,1898,17,,13,,1489,876,,,06/17 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200616,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,213504,213138,22800,190338,16232,,137022,16232,120790,,129,1889,16,,13,,1479,865,,,06/16 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200615,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,210220,210226,22694,187532,16180,,135484,16180,119304,,127,1882,21,,14,,1474,851,,,06/15 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200614,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,208110,207085,22514,184571,16104,,133697,16104,117593,,141,1853,28,,17,,1435,833,,,06/14 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200613,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,204980,205138,22438,182700,16072,,132781,16072,116709,,141,1853,28,,17,,1435,833,,,06/13 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200612,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,200175,202294,22336,179958,16023,,131506,16023,115483,,141,1853,28,,17,,1435,833,,,06/12 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200611,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,196488,197705,22130,175575,15942,,129332,15942,113390,,146,1842,26,,16,,1419,823,,,06/11 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200610,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,193309,194137,21937,172200,15855,,127807,15855,111952,,148,1828,27,,16,,1406,812,,,06/10 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200609,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,190419,191076,21735,169341,15751,,126339,15751,110588,,144,1815,31,,19,,1398,808,,,06/09 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200608,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,188453,188324,21516,166808,15683,,125107,15683,109424,,146,1807,28,,20,,1390,799,,,06/08 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200607,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,186766,186461,21401,165060,15638,,124178,15638,108540,,182,1775,37,,23,,1336,772,,,06/07 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200606,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,183962,184803,21324,163479,15589,,123371,15589,107782,,182,1775,37,,23,,1336,772,,,06/06 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200605,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,180235,182000,21126,160874,15521,,122177,15521,106656,,182,1775,37,,23,,1336,772,,,06/05 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200604,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,175501,178303,20913,157390,15416,,120552,15416,105136,,185,1765,42,,29,,1326,756,,,06/04 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200603,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,171766,173576,20639,152937,15299,,118435,15299,103136,,189,1753,44,,30,,1311,742,,,06/03 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200602,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,168468,169876,20386,149490,15194,,116706,15194,101512,,188,1743,48,,31,,1302,732,,,06/02 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200601,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,165474,166628,20124,146504,15087,,115199,15087,100112,,195,1724,46,,29,,1281,720,,,06/01 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200531,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,163648,163692,19922,143770,14988,,113778,14988,98790,,206,1701,46,,29,,1252,718,,,05/31 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200530,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,159525,161819,19776,142043,14912,,112852,14912,97940,,219,1682,50,,32,,1225,711,,,05/30 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200529,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,155185,157650,19565,138085,14808,,110920,14808,96112,,219,1660,47,,33,,1206,693,,,05/29 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200528,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,151469,153333,19150,134183,14630,,109205,14630,94575,,222,1639,53,,36,,1186,677,,,05/28 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200527,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,149128,149715,18813,130902,14498,,108002,14498,93504,,218,1624,49,,35,,1175,655,,,05/27 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200526,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,146224,147388,18541,128847,14365,,106765,14365,92400,,226,1613,50,,36,,1158,634,,,05/26 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200525,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,144705,144570,18268,126302,14211,,104885,14211,90674,,240,1580,49,,32,,1119,608,,,05/25 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200524,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,143184,143070,18134,124936,14141,,104065,14141,89924,,240,1580,49,,32,,1119,608,,,05/24 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200523,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,140202,141567,17983,123584,14057,,103224,14057,89167,,233,1557,51,,34,,1106,597,,,05/23 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200522,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,136692,138609,17749,120860,13949,,101799,13949,87850,,242,1537,56,,40,,1084,579,,,05/22 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200521,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,132561,135291,17405,117886,13748,,100147,13748,86399,,254,1506,56,,41,,1047,556,,,05/21 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200520,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,129465,131182,17041,114141,13579,,98039,13579,84460,,257,1486,58,,45,,1030,538,,,05/20 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200519,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,125882,128104,16721,111383,13392,,96327,13392,82935,,247,1464,59,,44,,1023,532,,,05/19 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200518,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,123631,124622,16319,108303,13177,,94234,13177,81057,,236,1438,62,,46,,1012,506,,,05/18 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200517,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,120632,122492,16095,106397,13040,,92808,13040,79768,,260,1418,64,,45,,972,499,,,05/17 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200516,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,116042,119564,15872,103692,12915,,91146,12915,78231,,273,1403,66,,44,,947,489,,,05/16 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200515,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,112203,115270,15453,99817,12663,,89130,12663,76467,,272,1372,63,,41,,919,479,,,05/15 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200514,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,108466,111593,15089,96504,12431,,87198,12431,74767,,271,1351,65,,42,,903,468,,,05/14 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200513,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,104485,107994,14782,93212,12203,,85043,12203,72840,,269,1328,68,,48,,886,462,,,05/13 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200512,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,101487,104134,14437,89697,12007,,82923,12007,70916,,277,1307,72,,53,,863,444,,,05/12 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200511,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,99373,101331,14067,87264,11788,,81153,11788,69365,,276,1280,73,,52,,841,430,,,05/11 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200510,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,96976,99293,13826,85467,11613,,79719,11613,68106,,283,1251,70,,52,,809,422,,,05/10 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200509,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,93176,96926,13549,83377,11427,,78031,11427,66604,,292,1218,77,,56,,772,418,,,05/09 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200508,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,90219,93190,13103,80087,11141,,75479,11141,64338,,312,1187,71,,52,,730,399,,,05/08 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200507,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,86825,90357,12764,77593,10910,,73557,10910,62647,,318,1153,82,,56,,696,388,,,05/07 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200506,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,83508,87037,12348,74689,10639,,71357,10639,60718,,324,1123,86,,60,,665,370,,,05/06 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200505,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,80202,83711,11858,71853,10297,,69078,10297,58781,,327,1092,89,,62,,639,355,,,05/05 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200504,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,77717,80398,11423,68975,9994,,66796,9994,56802,,339,1061,84,,61,,601,341,,,05/04 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200503,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,75274,77910,11036,66874,9703,,64936,9703,55233,,330,1013,83,,59,,565,320,,,05/03 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200502,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,73091,75458,10752,64706,9522,,63145,9522,53623,,333,977,80,,54,,531,296,,,05/02 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200501,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,69551,73273,10493,62780,9333,,61661,9333,52328,,352,937,76,,51,,485,279,,,05/01 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200430,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,66350,69727,10036,59691,9016,,59116,9016,50100,,339,896,85,,54,,461,266,,,04/30 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200429,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,62531,66523,9604,56919,8668,,56811,8668,48143,,269,750,80,,55,,391,251,,,04/29 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200428,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,59858,62696,9128,53568,8296,,53985,8296,45689,,266,732,84,,55,,466,239,,,04/28 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200427,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,57989,60017,8717,51300,7972,,51887,7972,43915,,266,718,81,,56,,452,233,,,04/27 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200426,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,55364,58143,8467,49676,7769,,50515,7769,42746,,258,691,78,,53,,433,226,,,04/26 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200425,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,52765,55513,8151,47362,7493,,48353,7493,40860,,263,576,77,,52,,410,215,,,04/25 3:00,,,,,A+,, 20200424,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,48990,52909,7757,45152,7188,,46259,7188,39071,,267,576,77,,48,,377,202,,,04/24 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200423,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,46041,49123,7263,41860,6773,,43196,6773,36423,,316,757,72,,45,,342,213,,,04/23 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200422,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,43233,46170,6781,39389,6354,,40882,6354,34528,,314,717,71,,44,,315,201,,,04/22 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200421,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,40679,43352,6361,36991,5972,,38578,5972,32606,,309,674,67,,43,,315,186,,,04/21 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200420,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,38378,40793,5916,34877,5585,,36468,5585,30883,,297,629,62,,45,,267,175,,,04/20 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200419,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,35950,38488,5520,32968,5207,,34496,5207,29289,,298,605,66,,37,,244,164,,,04/19 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200418,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,33904,36047,5138,30909,4868,,32395,4868,27527,,293,578,67,,43,,217,150,,,04/18 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200417,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,31779,33997,4816,29181,4585,,30742,4585,26157,,252,331,62,,43,,196,118,,,04/17 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200416,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,28838,31866,4508,27358,4295,,28952,4295,24657,,245,331,61,,43,,182,105,,,04/16 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200415,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,26688,28917,4059,24858,3903,,26470,3903,22567,,229,331,54,,44,,168,87,,,04/15 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200414,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,24612,26761,3706,23055,3596,,24586,3596,20990,,213,331,48,,,,135,80,,,04/14 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200413,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,23516,24684,3417,21267,3329,,22760,3329,19431,,197,331,50,,26,,135,73,,,04/13 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200412,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,21532,23584,3255,20329,3142,,21720,3142,18578,,201,,50,,26,,35,63,,,04/12 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200411,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,19330,21595,2940,18655,2853,,19983,2853,17130,,183,,50,,26,,35,56,,,04/11 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200410,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,16337,19385,2641,16744,2573,,17976,2573,15403,,169,,45,,26,,35,49,,,04/10 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200409,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,14538,16388,2221,14167,2169,,15198,2169,13029,,160,,45,,26,,35,43,,,04/09 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200408,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,12528,14583,1937,12646,1890,,13557,1890,11667,,143,,45,,26,,35,35,,,04/08 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200407,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,10615,12570,1647,10923,1617,,11712,1617,10095,,123,,40,,26,,35,30,,,04/07 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200406,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,8691,10654,1362,9292,1356,,9965,1356,8609,,109,,37,,26,,35,27,,,04/06 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200405,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,7348,8729,1144,7585,1150,,8182,1150,7032,,103,,33,,6,,35,25,,,04/05 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200404,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,6545,7386,957,6429,968,,6930,968,5962,,93,,31,,6,,35,17,,,04/04 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200403,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,5663,6583,814,5769,831,,6173,831,5342,,77,,14,,6,,35,14,,,04/03 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200402,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,5134,5700,706,4994,730,,5355,730,4625,,72,,14,,6,,35,12,,,04/02 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200401,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,4337,5171,654,4517,668,,4857,668,4189,,60,,14,,6,,35,10,,,04/01 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200331,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,3897,4373,555,3818,568,,4112,568,3544,,59,,9,,6,,35,8,,,03/31 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200330,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,3613,3933,484,3449,495,,3741,495,3246,,41,,9,,6,,,4,,,03/30 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200329,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,3163,3649,422,3227,417,,3473,417,3056,,35,,9,,6,,,3,,,03/29 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200328,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,2844,3187,316,2871,312,,3054,312,2742,138,29,,9,,6,,,,,,03/28 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200327,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,2603,2868,257,2611,248,,2750,248,2502,138,28,,9,,6,,,,,,03/27 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200326,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,2387,2626,230,2396,217,,2517,217,2300,181,23,,9,,6,,,,,,03/26 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200325,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,2179,2410,195,2215,176,,2300,176,2124,196,15,,,,,,,,,,03/25 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200324,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,1916,2201,169,2032,148,,2099,148,1951,77,,,,,,,,,,,03/24 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200323,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,1733,1938,149,1789,129,,1842,129,1713,216,,,,,,,,,,,03/23 3:00,,,,,B,, 20200322,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,1424,1755,135,1620,113,,1660,113,1547,216,,,,,,,,,,,03/22 3:00,,,,,,, 20200321,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,1286,1443,105,1338,88,,1372,88,1284,290,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 3:00,,,,,,, 20200320,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,1075,1296,84,1212,74,,1235,74,1161,140,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 3:00,,,,,,, 20200319,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,798,1084,69,1015,61,,1029,61,968,334,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 3:00,,,,,,, 20200318,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,673,805,52,753,44,,763,44,719,334,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 3:00,,,,,,, 20200317,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,499,677,40,637,33,,641,33,608,149,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 3:00,,,,,,, 20200316,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,402,499,24,475,22,,477,22,455,149,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 3:00,,,,,,, 20200315,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,347,402,22,380,20,,384,20,364,57,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 3:00,,,,,,, 20200314,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,257,347,21,326,19,,329,19,310,57,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 3:00,,,,,,, 20200313,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,201,257,21,236,19,,243,19,224,29,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 3:00,,,,,,, 20200312,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,150,201,15,186,13,,189,13,176,8,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 3:00,,,,,,, 20200311,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,116,150,6,144,5,,144,5,139,24,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 3:00,,,,,,, 20200310,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,89,116,6,110,5,,110,5,105,6,,,,,,,,,,,03/10 3:00,,,,,,, 20200309,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,73,89,4,85,4,,86,4,82,6,,,,,,,,,,,03/09 3:00,,,,,,, 20200308,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,55,73,3,70,3,,70,3,67,12,,,,,,,,,,,03/08 4:00,,,,,,, 20200307,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,36,55,3,52,3,,52,3,49,,,,,,,,,,,,03/07 3:00,,,,,,, 20200306,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,23,36,3,33,3,,33,3,30,,,,,,,,,,,,03/06 3:00,,,,,,, 20200305,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,23,2,21,3,,22,3,19,,,,,,,,,,,,03/05 3:00,,,,,,, 20200304,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,19,2,17,2,,17,2,15,,,,,,,,,,,,03/04 3:00,,,,,,, 20200303,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,7,2,5,2,,7,2,5,,,,,,,,,,,,03/03 3:00,,,,,,, 20200302,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,5,2,3,2,,5,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,03/02 3:00,,,,,,, 20200301,RI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,2,2,2,,4,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,03/01 3:00,,,,,,, 20200831,SC,,,,,,,,,,63256,5267,57989,,947889,152736,795153,117333,1659,,118992,830556,,934,7811,247,,136,,51431,2720,2588,132,08/30 23:59,08/31 16:22,KVP,RSG,"(8/29 ENT) Cum Hospitalizations and Recovered still not available at this time (8/28 SPA) Cum Hospitalizations and Recovered numbers are unavailable through recommended source at this time. (8/23 DJW) SC reportedly deduplicated data, resulting in significant drops in all testing numbers (total, pos, neg, for PCR, antibody..). This dedup was for mistakenly tabulated data on the first day of the month each of the last 4 months. The net PCR drop was around 20k. (7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed. ",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,SC,,,,,,,,,,63017,5227,57790,,941246,151869,789377,116697,1627,,118324,824549,,956,7782,250,,143,,51431,2709,2574,135,08/29 23:59,08/30 16:30,JJO,SB,"(8/29 ENT) Cum Hospitalizations and Recovered still not available at this time (8/28 SPA) Cum Hospitalizations and Recovered numbers are unavailable through recommended source at this time. (8/23 DJW) SC reportedly deduplicated data, resulting in significant drops in all testing numbers (total, pos, neg, for PCR, antibody..). This dedup was for mistakenly tabulated data on the first day of the month each of the last 4 months. The net PCR drop was around 20k. (7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed. ",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,SC,,,,,,,,,,62717,5173,57544,,934035,150585,783450,115661,1588,,117249,818374,,945,7765,245,,145,,51431,2698,2563,135,08/28 23:59,08/29 16:11,ENT,BML,"(8/29 ENT) Cum Hospitalizations and Recovered still not available at this time (8/28 SPA) Cum Hospitalizations and Recovered numbers are unavailable through recommended source at this time. (8/23 DJW) SC reportedly deduplicated data, resulting in significant drops in all testing numbers (total, pos, neg, for PCR, antibody..). This dedup was for mistakenly tabulated data on the first day of the month each of the last 4 months. The net PCR drop was around 20k. (7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed. ",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,SC,,,,,,,,,,62412,5104,57308,,924958,149006,775952,114400,1551,,115951,810558,,979,7598,246,,146,,51431,2655,2521,134,08/27 23:59,08/28 16:38,SPA,RSG,"(8/28 SPA) Cum Hospitalizations and Recovered numbers are unavailable through recommended source at this time. (8/23 DJW) SC reportedly deduplicated data, resulting in significant drops in all testing numbers (total, pos, neg, for PCR, antibody..). This dedup was for mistakenly tabulated data on the first day of the month each of the last 4 months. The net PCR drop was around 20k. (7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed. ",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,SC,,,,,,,,,,62032,5026,57006,,916528,147758,768770,113107,1491,,114598,803421,,1006,7598,262,,144,,51431,2628,2494,134,08/26 23:59,08/27 16:44,AIA,DPT,"(8/23 DJW) SC reportedly deduplicated data, resulting in significant drops in all testing numbers (total, pos, neg, for PCR, antibody..). This dedup was for mistakenly tabulated data on the first day of the month each of the last 4 months. The net PCR drop was around 20k. (7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed. ",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,SC,,,,,,,,,,61651,4949,56702,,908629,146616,762013,112643,1450,,114093,795986,,1058,7598,268,,156,,51431,2573,2451,122,08/25 23:59,08/26 16:38,PK,DZL,"(8/23 DJW) SC reportedly deduplicated data, resulting in significant drops in all testing numbers (total, pos, neg, for PCR, antibody..). This dedup was for mistakenly tabulated data on the first day of the month each of the last 4 months. The net PCR drop was around 20k. (7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed. ",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,SC,,,,,,,,,,61524,4920,56604,,904707,145798,758909,112088,1400,,113488,792619,,1025,7598,261,,144,,51431,2529,2408,121,08/24 23:59,08/25 16:36,BHP,DZL,"(8/23 DJW) SC reportedly deduplicated data, resulting in significant drops in all testing numbers (total, pos, neg, for PCR, antibody..). This dedup was for mistakenly tabulated data on the first day of the month each of the last 4 months. The net PCR drop was around 20k. (7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed. ",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,SC,,,,,,,,,,61338,4861,56477,,895128,144128,751000,111202,1349,,112551,783926,,979,7439,248,,148,,46118,2511,2387,124,08/23 23:59,08/24 16:29,AJC,DZL,"(8/23 DJW) SC reportedly deduplicated data, resulting in significant drops in all testing numbers (total, pos, neg, for PCR, antibody..). This dedup was for mistakenly tabulated data on the first day of the month each of the last 4 months. The net PCR drop was around 20k. (7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed. ",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,SC,,,,,,,,,,61190,4846,56344,,891006,143515,747491,110658,1330,,111988,780348,,1026,7439,250,,150,,46118,2504,2380,124,08/22 23:59,08/23 16:29,DJW,BSL,"(8/23 DJW) SC reportedly deduplicated data, resulting in significant drops in all testing numbers (total, pos, neg, for PCR, antibody..). This dedup was for mistakenly tabulated data on the first day of the month each of the last 4 months. The net PCR drop was around 20k. (7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed. ",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,SC,,,,,,,,,,62733,4970,57763,,910799,147046,763753,109962,1333,,111295,800837,,1025,7439,258,,155,,46118,2493,2372,121,08/21 23:59,08/22 15:53,DJW,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,SC,,,,,,,,,,62372,4894,57478,,901938,145810,756128,109135,1243,,110378,792803,,1079,7439,278,,160,,46118,2459,2339,120,08/20 23:59,08/21 16:28,PK,REB,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,SC,,,,,,,,,,61932,4812,57120,,891626,144372,747254,108146,1174,,109320,783480,,1108,7146,272,,170,,45205,2401,2289,112,08/19 23:59,08/20 17:12,KVP,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,SC,,,,,,,,,,61557,4795,56762,,882991,142839,740152,107274,1137,,108411,775717,,1168,7146,293,,164,,45205,2360,2248,112,08/18 23:59,08/19 16:46,DJW,RSG,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,SC,,,,,,,,,,61311,4738,56573,,877383,141827,735556,106574,1098,,107672,770809,,1116,7146,294,,173,,45205,2343,2230,113,08/17 23:59,08/18 16:14,KVP,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,SC,,,,,,,,,,61227,4722,56505,,872499,140812,731687,105905,1048,,106953,766594,,1101,6852,282,,175,,42730,2288,2185,103,08/16 23:59,08/17 17:08,SPA,DZL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,SC,,,,,,,,,,61005,4700,56305,,866570,140201,726369,105466,1031,,106497,761104,,1161,6852,290,,188,,42730,2269,2165,104,08/15 23:59,08/16 16:20,BAS,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,SC,,,,,,,,,,60532,4640,55892,,859392,139470,719922,104874,1008,,105882,754518,,1246,6852,311,,181,,42730,2260,2156,104,08/14 23:59,08/15 16:37,BHP,SB,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,SC,,,,,,,,,,59917,4553,55364,,850823,138036,712787,103880,961,,104841,746943,,1296,6852,327,,198,,42730,2204,2106,98,08/13 23:59,08/14 16:22,GET,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,SC,,,,,,,,,,56730,4168,52562,,805170,130613,674577,103051,858,,103909,702119,,1322,6482,323,,201,,40837,2186,2089,97,08/12 23:59,08/13 16:38,KVP,JAC,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,SC,,,,,,,,,,56309,4073,52236,,799258,129544,669714,102143,831,,102974,697115,,1366,6482,333,,206,,40837,2144,2057,87,08/11 23:59,08/12 17:09,NMJ,RSG,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,SC,,,,,,,,,,56148,4049,52099,,795581,128846,666735,101360,770,,102130,694221,,1330,6482,339,,207,,40837,2098,2012,86,08/10 23:59,08/11 16:49,AJC,DZL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,SC,,,,,,,,,,56070,4035,52035,,790902,127842,663060,100431,728,,101159,690471,,1353,6153,360,,217,,37798,2049,1966,83,08/09 23:59,08/10 16:32,DPT,DZL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,SC,,,,,,,,,,55882,4011,51871,,785262,127056,658206,99713,722,,100435,685549,,1378,6153,365,,219,,37798,2031,1949,82,08/08 23:59,08/09 16:19,DJW,KP,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,SC,,,,,,,,,,55713,3993,51720,,777358,126005,651353,98743,717,,99460,678615,,1402,6153,357,,234,,37798,2007,1931,76,08/07 23:59,08/08 16:08,DJW,BHP,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,SC,,,,,,,,,,55182,3905,51277,,767296,124324,642972,97554,665,,98219,669742,,1415,6153,358,,231,,37798,1962,1883,79,08/06 23:59,8/07 15:49,DJW,BML,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,SC,,,,,,,,,,54487,3761,50726,,755480,122278,633202,96132,665,,96797,659348,,1492,5799,356,,276,,32859,1943,1863,80,08/05 23:59,8/06 17:05,BAS,BHP,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,SC,,,,,,,,,,54232,3736,50496,,747987,120715,627272,94837,635,,95472,653150,,1469,5799,363,,270,,32859,1894,1819,75,08/04 23:59,8/05 16:50,BAS,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,SC,,,,,,,,,,54061,3683,50378,,739871,118989,620882,93604,586,,94190,646267,,1458,5799,355,,254,,32859,1847,1774,73,08/03 23:59,8/04 16:55,CB-M,RSG,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/4 17:58, 20200803,SC,,,,,,,,,,53960,3671,50289,,731675,117336,614339,92404,547,,92951,638724,,1401,5527,366,,224,,32859,1793,1721,72,08/02 23:59,8/03 16:57,BAS,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,SC,,,,,,,,,,53637,3635,50002,,721726,115794,605932,91257,531,,91788,630469,,1427,5527,365,,230,,32859,1777,1709,68,08/01 23:59,8/02 18:02,EDS,SB,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,SC,,,,,,,,,,53233,3557,49676,,711346,114251,597095,90076,523,,90599,621270,,1453,5527,359,,235,,32859,1751,1683,68,07/31 23:59,8/01 16:29,AMW,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,SC,,,,,,,,,,52407,3430,48977,,690936,110168,580768,88523,493,,89016,603819,,1516,5117,373,,237,,32859,1712,1647,65,07/31 0:00,07/31 17:09,AMW,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,, 20200730,SC,,,,,,,,,,52407,3430,48977,,690936,110168,580768,87117,455,,87572,603819,,1563,5117,389,,245,,32859,1667,1600,67,07/29 23:59,07/30 16:40,DJW,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,, 20200729,SC,,,,,,,,,,51771,3319,48452,,680567,107922,572645,85423,423,,85846,595144,,1596,5117,404,,242,,32859,1615,1551,64,07/28 23:59,07/29 16:10,DJW,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,, 20200728,SC,,,,,,,,,,51503,3235,48268,,669941,105449,564492,83720,389,,84109,586221,,1575,5117,401,,256,,32859,1565,1505,60,07/27 23:59,07/28 17:00,DJW,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,, 20200727,SC,,,,,,,,,,51401,3214,48187,,658555,103238,555317,82071,,,82417,576484,,1668,4827,,,263,,29378,1506,1452,54,07/26 23:59,07/27 16:15,DJW,BSL,"(7/27 DJW) SC is again not reporting Hospitalization-related data due to the HHS reporting change. Carrying previous. (7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,, 20200726,SC,,,,,,,,,,51222,3183,48039,,647470,101570,545900,80856,,,81199,566614,,1668,4827,,,263,,29378,1491,1436,55,07/25 23:59,07/26 16:56,KVP,BSL,"(7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,, 20200725,SC,,,,,,,,,,50741,3105,47636,,638156,100090,538066,79674,,,80008,558482,,1668,4827,,,263,,29378,1465,1412,53,07/24 23:59,07/25 16:36,SPA,RS,"(7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,, 20200724,SC,,,,,,,,,,50168,3048,47120,,629063,98172,530891,78298,,,78607,550765,,1668,4827,,,263,,29378,1385,1339,46,07/23 23:59,07/24 17:16,ALT,JAC,"(7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,, 20200723,SC,,,,,,,,,,49577,2940,46637,,618183,95676,522507,76315,,,76606,541868,,1723,4498,,,,,27062,1334,1294,40,07/22 23:59,07/23 15:10,DJW,BSL,"(7/23 DJW) Current Hospitalizations increased from 1607 to 1723, apparently as a result of resuming after a transitional period of not reporting this figure. ""lThe July 23 update includes the first hospital reporting using the new TeleTracking system.DHEC is aware that at least one hospital system had an issue in reporting data in the new system, which should be corrected in its reporting for tomorrow."" (7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200722,SC,,,,,,,,,,49007,2883,46124,,608879,93527,513352,74761,,,75042,534118,,1607,4498,,,,,27062,1285,1242,43,07/21 23:59,07/22 15:10,DJW,HMH,"(7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200721,SC,,,,,,,,,,48590,2806,45784,,598457,91459,506998,73101,,,73337,525356,,1593,4498,,,,,27062,1221,1203,18,07/20 23:59,07/21 16:16,EDS,BSL,"(7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200720,SC,,,,,,,,,,48510,2781,45729,,588084,89107,498977,71213,,,71445,516871,,1593,4182,,,,,22553,1164,1147,17,07/19 23:59,07/20 16:17,ENT,HMH,"(7/20 ENT) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200719,SC,,,,,,,,,,48226,2764,45462,,577165,87357,489808,69765,,,69986,507400,,1593,4182,,,,,22553,1155,1138,17,07/18 23:59,07/19 16:26,KVP,BSL,"(7/19 KVP) Col AH current hospitalizations remain an * (7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200718,SC,,,,,,,,,,47084,2398,44686,,561777,84547,477230,67396,,,67612,494381,,1593,4182,,,,,23849,1135,1117,18,07/17 23:59,07/18 15:50,DJW,BSL,"(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to the recent CDC data bypassing changes. The site notes it may be a few days until the numbers are back to normal. (7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that f(7/18 DJW) Hospitalization-related data is missing with an asterisk. This is related to new reporting requirements bypassing the CDC, and the site lists it may be a few days until the numbers are back in track. or timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200717,SC,,,,,,,,,,46882,2358,44524,,553172,82636,470536,65857,,,66060,487315,,1593,4182,,,,,23849,1096,1078,18,07/16 23:59,07/17 17:24,HMH,BSL,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200716,SC,,,,,,,,,,46263,2306,43957,,539761,80112,459649,63880,,,64083,475881,,1578,3744,,,,,23849,1070,1053,17,07/15 23:59,07/16 16:24,EDS,BSL,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200715,SC,,,,,,,,,,45295,2146,43149,,525983,77107,448876,62071,,,62245,463738,,1560,3744,,,,,23849,998,984,14,07/14 23:59,07/15 15:20,DJW,BSL,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200714,SC,,,,,,,,,,45101,2131,42970,,517312,75115,442197,60220,,,60389,457092,,1550,3744,,,,,23849,993,984,9,07/13 23:59,07/14 16:00,EDS,HMH,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200713,SC,,,,,,,,,,45067,2127,42940,,506936,72738,434198,58003,,,58168,448933,,1488,3398,,,,,20957,972,961,11,07/12 23:59,07/13 16:00,BAS,HMH,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200712,SC,,,,,,,,,,44173,2086,42087,,492345,69920,422425,56485,,,56648,435860,,1472,3398,,,,,20957,961,950,11,07/10 23:59,07/12 16:40,SB,JAC,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200711,SC,,,,,,,,,,44312,2055,42257,,487929,68604,419325,54538,,,54699,433391,,1396,3398,,,,,20956,951,940,11,07/10 23:59,07/12 16:40,SB,JAC,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200710,SC,,,,,,,,,,43614,2038,41576,,475089,65868,409221,52273,,,52419,422816,,1438,3398,,,,,20956,929,922,7,07/09 23:59,07/10 15:33,BHP,BSL,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200709,SC,,,,,,,,,,42786,2004,40782,,463622,63683,399939,50548,,,50691,413074,,1433,3090,,,,,19181,905,898,7,07/08 23:59,07/09 16:50,DZL,HMH,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200708,SC,,,,,,,,,,41967,1990,39977,,453701,61473,392228,48770,,,48909,404931,,1404,3090,,,,,19181,884,876,8,07/07 23:59,07/08 16:08,DZL,BHP,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200707,SC,,,,,,,,,,41635,1929,39706,,445153,59596,385557,47214,,,47352,397939,,1324,3090,,,,,19181,846,838,8,07/06 23:59,07/07 16:07,LRH,BSL,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200706,SC,,,,,,,,,,41571,1923,39648,,439724,58296,381428,46247,,,46380,393477,,1260,2882,,,,,16994,827,819,8,07/05 23:59,07/06 15:43,CKW,BSL,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200705,SC,,,,,,,,,,41450,1919,39531,,430679,56567,374112,44717,,,44847,385962,,1251,2882,,,,,16994,820,813,7,07/04 23:59,07/05 15:42,BHP,KP,"(7/5 BHP) Cumm. hospitalized and Recovered data has not updated. (6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200704,SC,,,,,,,,,,41221,1908,39313,,420567,54851,365716,43260,,,43386,377307,,1190,2882,,,,,16994,813,806,7,07/03 23:59,07/04 15:31,EDS,HMH,"(6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200703,SC,,,,,,,,,,40152,1856,38296,,408913,52487,356426,41413,,,41532,367500,,1148,2882,,,,,16994,793,787,6,07/02 23:59,07/03 16:31,CB-M,BML,"(6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200702,SC,,,,,,,,,,39570,1847,37723,,401287,50746,350541,39587,,,39701,361700,,1125,2854,,,,,15471,784,777,7,07/02 14:00,07/02 17:11,GET,JAC,"(6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200701,SC,,,,,,,,,,38532,1815,36717,,389762,48441,341321,37809,,,37919,351953,,1160,2854,,,,,15471,766,759,7,06/30 23:59,07/01 17:39,KVP,JAC,"(6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200630,SC,,,,,,,,,,38020,1796,36224,,380470,46401,334069,36297,,,36399,344173,,1021,2854,,,,,15471,739,735,4,06/29 23:59,06/30 16:22,EDS,BSL,"(6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200629,SC,,,,,,,,,,37654,1772,35882,,369207,44241,324966,34546,,,34644,334661,,1032,2622,,,,,13456,720,717,3,06/28 23:59,06/29 17:15,CKW,JAC,"(6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200628,SC,,,,,,,,,,37397,1752,35645,,359703,42618,317085,33221,,,33320,326482,,954,2622,,,,,13456,716,712,4,06/27 23:59,06/28 15:34,BHP,BSL,"(6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200627,SC,,,,,,,,,,36533,1734,34799,,351075,40970,310105,31850,,,31939,319225,,908,2622,,,,,13456,711,707,4,06/26 23:59,06/27 16:01,KWS,BSL,"(6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200626,SC,,,,,,,,,,35242,1706,33536,,334198,37673,296525,30263,,,30335,304336,,906,2622,,,,,13456,694,692,2,06/26 16:43,06/26 17:09,HMH,RS,"(6/26 HMH) Testing data not updated (6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200625,SC,,,,,,,,,,35242,1706,33536,,334198,37673,296525,28962,,,29022,304336,,881,2377,,,,,12317,693,691,2,06/24 23:59,06/25 16:16,EDS,BSL,"(6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200624,SC,,,,,,,,,,34242,1681,32561,,326631,36320,290311,27842,,,27897,290311,,832,2377,,,,,12317,683,683,0,06/24 0:00,06/24 16:52,DCC,BSL,"(6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200623,SC,,,,,,,,,,33975,1662,32313,,317438,34800,282638,26572,,,26613,282638,,824,2377,,,,,12317,673,673,0,06/22 23:59,06/23 15:46,EDS,AW,"(6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200622,SC,,,,,,,,,,33906,1630,32276,,311953,33774,278179,25666,,,25701,278179,,731,2294,,,,,10790,659,659,0,06/21 23:59,06/22 16:53,EDS,QN,"(6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200621,SC,,,,,,,,,,33506,1623,31883,,302635,32592,270043,24661,,,24693,277974,,692,2294,,,,,10790,653,653,0,06/20 11:59,06/21 17:22,BHP,SB,"(6/21 SB) Note that percent recovered is calculated from 13659, not 14197; see today's thread for discussion and fine print below SC's percent recovered number (6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200620,SC,,,,,,,,,,32877,1602,31275,,296219,31553,264666,23756,,,23786,272463,,673,2294,,,,,10790,644,644,0,06/19 11:59,06/20 16:23,RSG,JAC,"(6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200619,SC,,,,,,,,,,32092,1569,30523,,288277,30232,258045,22608,,,22631,265669,,660,2294,,,,,10790,639,639,0,06/19 16:00,06/19 16:51,SNW,JAC,"(6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200618,SC,,,,,,,,,,31376,1538,29838,,280523,28983,251540,21533,,,21548,258975,,626,2055,,,,,9734,621,621,0,06/17 23:59,06/18 16:46,ETS,BSL,"(6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200617,SC,,,,,,,,,,30378,1500,28878,,272749,27792,244957,20551,,,20556,252198,,607,2055,,,,,9734,617,617,0,06/16 23:59,06/17 17:06,BSL,JAC,"(6/17 JAC) SC started reporting probables for cases/deaths, updated notes to reflect that (6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200616,SC,,,,,,,,,,30056,1483,28573,,267679,27086,240593,19990,,,19990,247689,,571,2055,,,,,9734,607,607,,06/15 23:59,06/16 15:59,KWS,RS,"(6/16 KWS) changed negatives to be a calculated value of total tests - positive cases rather than negative specimens (6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A,, 20200615,SC,,,,,,,,,,29981,1457,28524,,262473,26294,236179,19378,,,19378,236179,,536,1988,,,,,8682,602,602,,06/15 16:00,06/15 16:39,SNW,BSL,"(6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,, 20200614,SC,,,,,,,,,,29708,1444,28264,,255096,25555,229541,18795,,,18795,229541,,521,1988,,,,,8682,600,600,,06/14 15:00,06/14 16:20,RSG,JAC,"(6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed.",A+,, 20200613,SC,,,,,,,,,,29023,1424,27599,,248562,24611,223951,17955,,,17955,223951,,523,1988,,,,,8682,599,599,,06/13 15:00,06/13 15:23,RSG,BSL,"(6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed. (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200612,SC,,,,,,,,,,28298,1385,26913,,242543,23654,218889,17170,,,17170,218889,,512,1988,,,,,8682,593,593,,06/12 16:00,06/12 16:40,RSG,ALF,"(6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed. (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200611,SC,,,,,,,,,,27609,1337,26272,,236456,22760,213616,16441,,,16441,213616,,494,1898,,,,,7928,588,588,,06/11 16:00,06/11 16:24,ETW,JAC,"(6/11 ETW) SC is now reporting antibody tests separately from PCR, and providing numbers of tests separate from total cases. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed. (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200610,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,261377,24604,236773,15759,,,15759,236773,,513,1898,,,,,7928,575,575,,06/10 16:15,06/10 16:36,SAL,BSL,"(6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed. (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200609,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,256710,23956,232754,15228,,,15228,232754,,541,1898,,,,,7928,568,568,,06/09 16:20,06/09 16:53,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed. (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200608,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,253262,23401,229861,14800,,,14800,229861,,507,1814,,,,,7347,557,557,,06/08 15:45,06/08 16:24,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed. (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200607,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,246331,22758,223573,14286,,,14286,223573,,477,1814,,,,,7347,546,546,,06/07 13:30,06/07 16:21,ETW,CML,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed. (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200606,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,241088,22260,218828,13916,,,13916,218828,,453,1814,,,,,7347,545,545,,06/05 0:00,06/06 15:44,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed. (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200605,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,238808,20962,217846,13453,,,13453,217846,,453,1814,,,,,7347,538,538,,06/05 0:00,06/06 15:44,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (6/5 JAC) Note on dash: ""The data above is up-to-date through June 4, 2020. Numbers will be updated as soon as a database issue is resolved."" Used that for timestamp, only some numbers changed. (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200604,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,238808,20962,217846,13005,,,13005,217846,,453,1789,,,,,6976,525,525,,06/04 15:15,06/04 15:54,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (5/28 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovery not updated (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200603,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,230687,20413,210274,12651,,,12651,210274,,433,1789,,,,,6976,518,518,,06/03 15:45,06/03 16:11,GGR ,AW,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (5/28 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovery not updated (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200602,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,225047,18685,206362,12415,,,12415,206362,,425,1789,,,,,6976,501,501,,06/02 16:00,06/02 16:39,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (5/28 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovery not updated (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A,, 20200601,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,210826,18286,192540,12148,,,12148,192540,,450,1634,,,,,6459,500,500,,06/01 15:10,06/01 16:07,GGR,RS,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (5/28 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovery not updated (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A,, 20200531,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,206247,17892,188355,11861,,,11861,188355,,402,1634,,,,,6459,494,494,,05/31 16:00,05/31 17:18,AIA,JAC,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (5/28 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovery not updated (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A,, 20200530,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,199735,21610,178125,11394,,,11394,178125,,387,1634,,,,,6459,487,487,,05/29 15:30,05/30 16:56,SB,REB,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (5/28 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovery not updated (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A,, 20200529,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,194047,16921,177126,11131,,,11131,177126,,399,1634,,,,,6459,483,483,,05/29 15:30,05/30 16:56,SB,REB,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (5/28 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovery not updated (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A,, 20200528,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,187788,16327,171461,10788,,,10788,171461,,397,1618,,,,,6102,470,470,,05/27 16:00,05/28 16:22,RS,KP,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (5/28 RS) Cum Hosp and Recovery not updated (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A,, 20200527,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,181154,16094,165060,10623,,,10623,165060,,398,1618,,,,,6102,466,466,,05/26 16:02,05/27 16:12,MM,RS,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A,, 20200526,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,178119,15801,162318,10416,,,10416,162318,,433,1618,,,,,6102,446,446,,05/26 16:18,05/26 17:03,SLW,DPT,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases. Note: SC does NOT include deaths in their recovery rate calculation (as of 5/26), so use their number that doesn't include deaths - the sentence should include both the percentage and the number of patients. (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200525,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,171034,15192,155842,10178,,,10178,155842,,407,1534,,,,,6063,440,440,,05/25 15:30,05/25 16:48,TCD,RS,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200524,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,168908,15057,153851,10096,,,10096,153851,,461,1534,,,,,5743,435,435,,05/24 15:33,05/24 16:13,JA,KP ,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200523,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,163818,14803,149015,9895,,,9895,149015,,430,1534,,,,,5743,425,425,,05/23 15:31,05/23 16:58,SPA,REB,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200522,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,154746,14361,140385,9638,,,9638,140385,,429,1534,,,,,5743,419,419,,05/22 16:00,05/22 17:04,SLW,JAC,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200521,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9175,,138238,9175,129063,,414,1444,,,,,5451,407,407,,05/20 17:55,05/21 15:35,KWS,QN,"PROCESS: - Hospitalization and recovered: from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19):, hospitalization under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases (5/21 aft KWS) found currently hospitalized: ""Patients hospitalized with COVID-19"" (5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. ",A+,, 20200520,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9056,,135063,9056,126007,,,1444,,,,,5451,399,399,,05/19 16:00,05/20 16:49,QN,REB,"(5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases",A+,, 20200519,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9056,,135063,9056,126007,,,1444,,,,,5451,399,399,,05/19 16:00,05/20 16:49,QN,REB,"(5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases",A,, 20200518,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8942,,131559,8942,122617,,,1421,,,,,5076,391,391,,05/18 16:15,05/18 16:41,REB,ALF,"(5/18 aft REB) hosp/recoveries not updated since the 15th (5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases",A,, 20200517,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,120331,,,,,,8816,111670,,,1421,,,,,5076,380,380,,05/16 17:25,05/17 14:50,REB,RS,"(5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases",A,, 20200516,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109616,8407,101209,,,1421,,,,,5076,380,380,,05/15 16:00,05/16 16:34,REB,RS,"(5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases",A,, 20200515,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109616,8407,101209,,,1421,,,,,5076,380,380,,05/15 16:00,05/16 16:34,REB,RS,"(5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the bottom of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation and don't use the total number of cases",A,, 20200514,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93140,8189,94346,,,1338,,,,,4914,371,371,,05/14 15:34,05/14 16:50,RS,QN,"(5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",A,, 20200513,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93140,7927,85213,,,1338,,,,,6817,355,355,,05/12 16:14,,,,"(5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",A,, 20200512,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7927,85213,,,1338,,,,,6817,355,355,,05/12 16:14,,,,"(5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",A,, 20200511,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7653,76804,,,1252,,,,,4120,331,331,,05/10 16:30,05/11 14:09,SPA,AW,"(5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200510,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7653,76804,,,1252,,,,,4120,331,331,,05/10 16:30,05/11 14:09,SPA,AW,"(5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200509,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7531,73432,,,1252,,,,,4120,330,330,,05/08 16:30,05/09 16:26,BL,REB,"(5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200508,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7142,66300,,,1152,,,,,3816,316,316,,05/07 16:13,05/08 16:24,DB,KP,"(5/8 DB aft) Negatives decreased due to previous calcuation error from state. (5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200507,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6936,70546,,,1152,,,,,3816,305,305,,05/06 16:20,05/07 16:19,REB,QN,"(5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200506,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6936,70546,,,1152,,,,,3816,305,305,,05/06 16:20,05/07 16:19,REB,QN,"(5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200505,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6757,61014,,,1110,,,,,3622,283,283,,05/04 16:35,05/05 15:36,KP,QN,"(5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200504,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6626,57562,,,1110,,,,,3622,275,275,,05/03 15:30,05/04 14:43,SPA,RS,"(5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200503,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6626,57562,,,1110,,,,,3622,275,,,05/03 15:30,05/04 14:43,SPA,RS,"(5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200502,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59379,,,6489,,,6489,55127,,,1110,,,,,3622,267,,,05/02 15:45,,,,"(5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200501,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59379,,,6258,,,6258,53121,,,1110,,,,,3622,256,,,05/01 16:00,05/01 17:06,SD,KP,"(5/1 mor ALF) Be careful to read the footnotes for Recovered. Percentage used in calculation is not multiplied by total number of current cases. (4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200430,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6095,,,6095,50417,,,1000,,,,,3252,244,,,04/30 16:04,04/30 16:27,JAC,PR,"(4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200429,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5881,,,5881,48336,,,1000,,,,,3252,203,,,04/29 15:30,,,,"(4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200428,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5613,46532,,,944,,,,,2830,177,,,04/27 16:30,04/28 14:24,KP,AW,"(4/28 mor AFG) calculated recovered from 73% of 3878, the cases when the % was calculated, rather than off the current case count (4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200427,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5490,45271,,,944,,,,,3701,174,,,04/26 15:30,04/27 16:04,PR,RS,"(4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200426,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5490,45271,,,944,,,,,3701,174,,,04/26 15:30,04/27 16:04,PR,RS,"(4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200425,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5253,43761,,,944,,,,,3701,166,,,04/25 15:39,04/25 16:12,AW,RS,"(4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200424,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4917,39546,,,837,,,,,3317,150,,,04/24 17:24,04/24 22:47,SPA,QN,"(4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200423,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4917,39546,,,837,,,,,3317,150,,,04/22 23:59,04/24 16:20,MM,RS,"(4/24 aft MM) no update. I used because the page didn't load (4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200422,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4761,38350,,,837,,,,,3317,140,,,04/21 23:59,,,,"(4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200421,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4439,36838,,,776,,,,,2063,124,,,04/21 16:30,,,,"(4/20 DB eve) not updating hospitalization and recovered counts as they haven't been updated. Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200420,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4377,36103,,,776,,,,,2063,120,,,04/19 15:30,04/20 15:37,RS,AW,"Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200419,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4377,36103,,,776,,,,,2633,120,,,04/19 15:30,04/20 15:37,RS,AW,"Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200418,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4246,34587,,,776,,,,,2633,119,,,04/18 15:25,,,,"Hospitalization and recoveries from SC Demographic Data (COVID-19): PROCESS: - Hospitalization Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" (not always up to date, use n= from chart) - Recoveries: recovery rate as percentage, at the top of the page, updated only Fri/Tue, so use the relevant numbers in calculation",B,, 20200417,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3931,32353,,,675,,,,,,109,,,04/17 16:48,04/17 22:30,CML,ESK,"(4/16 eve REB/QN) hospitalization data not updated. The chart seems to no longer be there Hospitalization data from: Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" This chart does not seem to update frequently, updated 4/14 ",B,, 20200416,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3656,31077,,,675,,,,,,107,,,04/16 17:06,04/17 14:36,RS,MC,"(4/16 eve REB/QN) hospitalization data not updated. The chart seems to no longer be there Hospitalization data from: Under the title ""Hospitalization report at time of reported illness"" This chart does not seem to update frequently, updated 4/14 ",B,, 20200415,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3656,31077,,,675,,,,,,107,,,04/15 14:55,04/16 15:42,REB,RS,(4/15 aft REB) hospitalization data not updated,B,, 20200414,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3553,30319,,,675,,,,,,97,,,04/14 15:55,,,,"(4/14 MC aft) Hospitalization chart is now located on a seperate page under demographic data( (4/13 eve RV) Worth noting that the hospitalization chart updates very infrequently",B,, 20200413,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3319,28106,,,496,,,,,,82,,,04/13 17:26,,,,(4/13 eve RV) Worth noting that the hospitalization chart updates very infrequently,B,, 20200412,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3319,28106,,,496,,,,,,82,,,04/12 15:30,04/13 15:09,EB,RS,,B,, 20200411,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3207,26886,,,496,,,,,,80,,,04/11 15:31,,,,"(4/11 ESK) Not seeing any hosp data anymore (4/9 SJ eve) previous negative # seems to have been a fluke, per screenshots - a mistake on their dash or our transcript. retroactive update? (4/9 QN eve) Official negatives in state page is less than currently on the spreadsheet. Cumulative hospitalization taken from chart. ",B,, 20200410,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3065,25118,,,496,,,,,,72,,,04/10 15:49,,,,"(4/9 SJ eve) previous negative # seems to have been a fluke, per screenshots - a mistake on their dash or our transcript. retroactive update? (4/9 QN eve) Official negatives in state page is less than currently on the spreadsheet. Cumulative hospitalization taken from chart. ",B,, 20200409,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2792,24575,,,241,,,,,,67,,,04/09 16:08,,,,"(4/9 SJ eve) previous negative # seems to have been a fluke, per screenshots - a mistake on their dash or our transcript. retroactive update? (4/9 QN eve) Official negatives in state page is less than currently on the spreadsheet. Cumulative hospitalization taken from chart. ",B,, 20200408,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2552,22082,,,241,,,,,,63,,,04/08 15:30,,,,,B,, 20200407,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2417,21263,,,241,,,,,,51,,,04/07 16:02,,,,"(4/7 KP) Leaving hospital data for now, but noting that we are likely to remove it since it's based on old percentage numbers (4/6 aft DPT) Negatives now does include private labs 4/60 hospitalization not updated since reported as 27% of 896 04/04 KP I don't love that we report 24% of 896 positives hospitalized at the same time we report 1700 positives. Not sure we can fix this 04/03 CML evening: Negative tests jumepd up significantly day-over-day from 5441 to 14,459. Hospitalized number stays the same at 27% of 896 = 241.",B,, 20200406,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2049,16927,,,241,,,,,,44,,,04/05 15:30,04/06 16:23,DPT,HDF,"(4/6 aft DPT) Negatives now does include private labs 04/04 KP I don't love that we report 24% of 896 positives hospitalized at the same time we report 1700 positives. Not sure we can fix this 04/03 CML evening: Negative tests jumepd up significantly day-over-day from 5441 to 14,459. Hospitalized number stays the same at 27% of 896 = 241.",B,, 20200405,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2049,16927,,,241,,,,,,44,,,04/05 15:30,04/06 16:23,DPT,HDF,"(4/6 aft DPT) Negatives now does include private labs 04/04 KP I don't love that we report 24% of 896 positives hospitalized at the same time we report 1700 positives. Not sure we can fix this 04/03 CML evening: Negative tests jumepd up significantly day-over-day from 5441 to 14,459. Hospitalized number stays the same at 27% of 896 = 241.",B,, 20200404,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1917,16397,,,241,,,,,,40,,,04/04 15:54,,,,"04/04 KP I don't love that we report 24% of 896 positives hospitalized at the same time we report 1700 positives. Not sure we can fix this 04/03 LH Afternoon: I think the hospitalization number is a misreading of the graph. I believe it is 27% of 896, not 896. Has now been updated. 04/03 CML evening: Negative tests jumepd up significantly day-over-day from 5441 to 14,459. Hospitalized number stays the same at 27% of 896 = 241. Deaths went up by 3 :( ",B,, 20200403,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1554,5441,,,241,,,,,,31,,,04/02 16:04,04/03 15:31,LH,HDF,"04/03 LH Afternoon: I think the hospitalization number is a misreading of the graph. I believe it is 27% of 896, not 896. Has now been updated. ",B,, 20200402,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1554,5441,,,241,,,,,,31,,,04/02 16:04,04/03 15:31,LH,HDF,"04/03 LH Afternoon: I think the hospitalization number is a misreading of the graph. I believe it is 27% of 896, not 896. Has now been updated. ",B,, 20200401,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1293,5033,,,102,,,,,,26,,,04/01 15:55,,,,,B,, 20200331,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1083,4616,,,102,,,,,,22,,,03/31 16:31,,,,,B,, 20200330,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,925,4160,,,102,,,,,,18,,,03/30 16:00,,,,,B,, 20200329,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,774,3015,,,102,,,,,,16,,,03/29 15:30,,,,,B,, 20200328,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,539,2408,,,102,,,,,,13,,,03/27 16:32,,,,,B,, 20200327,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,456,2307,,,102,,,,,,9,,,03/26 16:35,,,,,B,, 20200326,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,456,2307,,,102,,,,,,9,,,03/26 11:00,,,,,B,, 20200325,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,424,2303,,,102,,,,,,7,,,03/24 19:30,,,,,B,, 20200324,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,298,2012,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/23 16:35,,,,,B,, 20200323,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,298,1466,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/23 16:35,,,,,A,, 20200322,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,195,1466,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/22 15:40,,,,,,, 20200321,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,152,1255,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/20 16:45,,,,,,, 20200320,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81,833,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/19 17:10,,,,,,, 20200319,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60,583,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/18 16:00,,,,,,, 20200318,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60,583,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/18 16:00,,,,,,, 20200317,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33,311,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/17 12:02,,,,,,, 20200316,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28,235,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/16 15:24,,,,,,, 20200315,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,154,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 16:18,,,,,,, 20200314,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13,110,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 17:47,,,,,,, 20200313,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,75,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 16:05,,,,,,, 20200312,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,48,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 17:12,,,,,,, 20200311,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9,32,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,24,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,24,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,SC,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,192432,,,,,146529,13509,133020,,76,1029,,,,,10612,167,,,08/30 14:00,08/31 16:43,KVP,ESK,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,190950,,,,,145651,13322,132329,,78,1017,,,,,10511,167,,,08/29 14:00,08/30 17:38,KVP,SB,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,189359,,,,,144506,12942,131564,,79,1006,,,,,10347,167,,,08/28 14:00,08/29 16:37,KVP,SB,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,186442,,,,,142940,12517,130423,,80,995,,,,,10170,165,,,08/27 14:00,08/28 16:05,NEZ,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,183918,,,,,141283,12194,129089,,75,983,,,,,10032,162,,,08/26 14:00,08/27 17:34,MJW,BHP,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,181267,,,,,138045,11851,126194,,58,981,,,,,9896,162,,,08/25 14:00,08/26 15:59,JAG,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,179039,,,,,137733,11559,126174,,53,974,,,,,9814,161,,,08/24 14:00,08/25 16:23,JAG,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,178534,,,,,137463,11425,126038,,65,965,,,,,9694,161,,,08/23 14:00,08/24 15:49,KAT,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,176843,,,,,136760,11276,125484,,62,959,,,,,9564,161,,,08/22 14:00,08/23 15:57,KVP,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,175126,,,,,135630,11135,124495,,66,951,,,,,9435,160,,,08/21 14:00,08/22 15:53,RRI,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,172459,,,,,133775,10884,122891,,50,948,,,,,9349,159,,,08/20 14:00,08/21 16:52,GET,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,169767,,,,,132108,10691,121417,,53,940,,,,,9265,157,,,08/19 14:00,08/20 16:11,KVP,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,168080,,,,,131047,10566,120481,,55,935,,,,,9189,155,,,08/18 14:00,08/19 17:35,PK,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,166304,,,,,130013,10443,119570,,68,927,,,,,9126,154,,,08/17 14:00,08/18 15:49,KVP,DZL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,165065,,,,,129293,10360,118933,,60,921,,,,,9013,153,,,08/16 14:00,08/17 17:02,JB,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,164103,,,,,128774,10274,118500,,66,916,,,,,8939,153,,,08/15 14:00,08/16 16:36,JJO,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,162315,,,,,127449,10118,117331,,63,913,,,,,8884,152,,,08/14 14:00,08/15 16:34,KVP,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,160204,,,,,126014,10024,115990,,65,903,,,,,8773,150,,,08/13 14:00,08/14 16:32,JAC,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,158396,,,,,124770,9897,114873,,56,896,,,,,8691,148,,,08/12 14:00,08/13 16:55,QN,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,156759,,,,,123628,9815,113813,,59,892,,,,,8606,147,,,08/11 14:00,08/12 18:02,SLC,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,154777,,,,,122409,9713,112696,,57,887,,,,,8507,146,,,08/10 14:00,08/11 15:50,AJC,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,153507,,,,,121477,9663,111814,,63,882,,,,,8371,146,,,08/09 14:00,08/10 15:54,TCD,DZL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,152416,,,,,120897,9605,111292,,55,876,,,,,8334,146,,,08/08 14:00,08/09 16:40,KVP,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,151085,,,,,119987,9477,110510,,48,871,,,,,8307,146,,,08/07 14:00,08/08 16:42,KVP,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,149344,,,,,118727,9371,109356,,47,866,,,,,8244,144,,,08/06 14:00,8/07 17:13,DJW,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,147336,,,,,117574,9273,108301,,44,861,,,,,8145,141,,,08/05 14:00,8/06 16:27,KVP,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,145555,,,,,116374,9168,107206,,43,856,,,,,8080,137,,,08/04 14:00,8/05 17:17,SLC,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,143980,,,,,115381,9079,106302,,42,846,,,,,8008,136,,,08/03 14:00,8/04 17:38,RSG,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,8/4 17:46, 20200803,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,142922,,,,,114648,9020,105628,,39,838,,,,,7939,135,,,08/02 14:00,8/03 16:58,SPA,DZL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113953,8955,104998,,35,835,,,,,7909,135,,,08/01 14:00,8/02 17:29,KVP,HMH,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,112932,8867,104065,,36,832,,,,,7820,134,,,07/31 18:00,8/01 15:46,KVP,RSG,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,111635,8764,102871,,31,824,,,,,7761,130,,,07/30 18:00,07/31 17:06,BAS,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200730,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,110345,8685,101660,,44,815,,,,,7690,129,,,07/29 14:00,07/30 17:37,LRH,RSG,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200729,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109714,8641,101073,,46,810,,,,,7609,129,,,07/28 18:00,07/29 16:20,DJW,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200728,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107491,8492,98999,,49,808,,,,,7474,123,,,07/27 18:00,07/28 17:32,KVP,BSL,"(7/28 JJA) Updated tooltip for positive cases (PCR) to ""No data"" because it's unclear whether case results include both confirmed and probables - outreach still necessary (6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200727,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,106827,8444,98383,,47,806,,,,,7404,123,,,07/26 18:00,07/27 16:11,SLC,QN,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200726,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,106926,8395,98531,,48,801,,,,,7364,123,,,07/25 18:00,07/26 17:09,KVP,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200725,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105913,8305,97608,,46,798,,,,,7307,122,,,07/24 18:00,07/25 16:12,MEC,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200724,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,103490,8200,95290,,45,796,,,,,7261,122,,,07/23 18:00,07/24 17:50,SLC,JAC,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200723,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,102536,8143,94393,,50,792,,,,,7214,121,,,07/22 18:00,07/23 16:36,KVP,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200722,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,101058,8077,92981,,56,790,,,,,7159,119,,,07/21 18:00,07/22 15:48,SLC,BHP,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200721,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,99845,8019,91826,,62,776,,,,,7081,118,,,07/20 18:00,07/21 16:47,EDS,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200720,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98654,7943,90711,,65,774,,,,,6996,118,,,07/19 18:00,07/20 17:02,SLC,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200719,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98087,7906,90181,,63,774,,,,,6952,118,,,07/18 18:00,07/19 17:13,SB,HMH,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200718,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97247,7862,89385,,70,771,,,,,6891,116,,,07/17 18:00,07/18 15:38,SLC,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200717,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95973,7789,88184,,61,763,,,,,6808,116,,,07/16 18:00,07/17 15:54,SLC,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200716,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,94036,7694,86342,,61,757,,,,,6737,115,,,07/15 18:00,07/16 16:04,SLC,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200715,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93543,7652,85891,,59,752,,,,,6663,111,,,07/14 18:00,07/15 15:28,RSG,HMH,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200714,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92164,7572,84592,,62,744,,,,,6599,109,,,07/14 11:45,07/14 15:28,SLC,BHP,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200713,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,91378,7524,83854,,63,742,,,,,6543,109,,,07/12 18:00,07/13 15:16,SLC,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200712,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90608,7499,83109,,53,738,,,,,6522,109,,,07/11 18:00,07/12 15:34,BAS,HMH,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200711,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,89606,7454,82152,,65,738,,,,,6470,109,,,07/11 18:00,07/12 15:34,BAS,HMH,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200710,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88542,7401,81141,,65,726,,,,,6408,107,,,07/09 18:00,07/10 15:50,AJC,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200709,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87310,7336,79974,,61,718,,,,,6331,101,,,07/08 18:00,07/09 15:20,SLC,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200708,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,86226,7242,78984,,54,709,,,,,6280,98,,,07/07 18:00,07/08 16:15,SLC,BHP,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200707,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85365,7163,78202,,64,699,,,,,6190,98,,,07/06 18:00,07/07 15:29,HMH,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200706,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84303,7105,77198,,59,692,,,,,6063,97,,,07/05 18:00,07/06 15:13,KVP,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200705,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84003,7063,76940,,59,691,,,,,6063,97,,,07/04 18:00,07/05 15:19,KP,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200704,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83830,7028,76802,,54,689,,,,,6062,97,,,07/03 18:00,07/04 15:06,EDS,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200703,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,82993,6978,76015,,58,687,,,,,6049,97,,,07/02 18:00,07/03 15:50,CB-M,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200702,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,81941,6893,75048,,64,683,,,,,5982,97,,,07/01 18:00,07/02 15:44,EDS,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200701,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80943,6826,74117,,65,674,,,,,5933,93,,,07/01 11:46,07/01 15:26,AJC,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200630,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80088,6764,73324,,62,666,,,,,5872,91,,,06/30 12:39,06/30 15:15,SLC,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200629,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79457,6716,72741,,70,657,,,,,5818,91,,,06/28 18:00,06/29 16:59,SLC,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200628,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78893,6681,72212,,75,652,,,,,5752,91,,,06/27 18:00,06/28 15:15,ETS,BSL,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200627,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78100,6626,71474,,73,645,,,,,5717,91,,,06/26 18:00,06/27 15:38,BSL,JAC,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200626,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77015,6535,70480,,79,639,,,,,5652,88,,,06/25 18:00,06/26 16:22,BSL,KWS,"(6/26 SNW) Updated tooltip in ""confirmed deaths"" from ""Page - ""Deaths***"" to ""no data"" as SD provides an unclear figure. ",B,, 20200625,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75854,6479,69375,,79,632,,,,,5592,87,,,06/24 18:00,06/25 15:48,BSL,JAC,,B,, 20200624,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75077,6419,68658,,81,629,,,,,5554,84,,,06/23 18:00,06/24 16:24,BSL,BHP,,B,, 20200623,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73986,6353,67633,,85,624,,,,,5497,83,,,06/22 18:00,06/23 15:17,EDS,BSL,,B,, 20200622,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73329,6326,67003,,88,616,,,,,5437,81,,,06/21 18:00,06/22 15:12,EDS,BSL,,B,, 20200621,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73026,6297,66729,,89,608,,,,,5389,81,,,06/20 18:00,06/21 15:15,ETW,BSL,,B,, 20200620,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71915,6225,65690,,91,598,,,,,5335,81,,,06/19 18:00,06/20 15:20,BSL,JAC,,B,, 20200619,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71193,6158,65035,,95,589,,,,,5276,81,,,06/18 18:00,06/19 16:01,BSL,PR,,B,, 20200618,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70353,6109,64244,,93,585,,,,,5221,78,,,06/17 18:00,06/18 16:17,RSG,BSL,,B,, 20200617,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68988,6050,62938,,91,570,,,,,5143,78,,,06/16 18:00,06/17 15:58,BSL,JAC,,B,, 20200616,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67202,5966,61236,,92,562,,,,,5069,77,,,06/15 18:00,06/16 15:46,BSL,RS,,B,, 20200615,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66395,5928,60467,,93,544,,,,,4961,75,,,06/14 18:00,06/15 15:23,SB,BSL,,B,, 20200614,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65319,5898,59421,,87,539,,,,,4899,75,,,06/13 18:00,06/14 15:12,BSL,JAC,,B,, 20200613,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64513,5833,58680,,85,531,,,,,4828,75,,,06/13 12:00,06/13 14:48,ETS,BSL,,B,, 20200612,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63005,5742,57263,,87,525,,,,,4755,74,,,06/11 18:00,06/12 14:48,TCD,RS,,B,, 20200611,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61744,5665,56079,,87,514,,,,,4664,73,,,06/10 18:00,06/11 14:56,BHP,BSL,,B,, 20200610,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60685,5604,55081,,101,503,,,,,4573,69,,,06/09 18:00,06/10 15:04,BHP,BSL,,B,, 20200609,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59159,5523,53636,,90,487,,,,,4483,68,,,06/08 18:00,06/09 15:01,NRC,BSL,,B,, 20200608,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57819,5471,52348,,92,482,,,,,4403,65,,,06/07 18:00,06/08 15:08,AS,REB,,B,, 20200607,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57060,5438,51622,,87,478,,,,,4335,65,,,06/06 18:00,06/07 15:00,TCD,CML,,B,, 20200606,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55458,5367,50091,,93,474,,,,,4273,65,,,06/06 12:04,06/06 14:34,SLC,RS,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200605,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53363,5277,48086,,83,467,,,,,4179,65,,,06/04 18:00,06/05 15:40,TCD,RS,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200604,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53622,5247,47375,,86,464,,,,,4163,64,,,06/03 18:00,06/04 16:24,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200603,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48662,5162,43500,,87,456,,,,,4084,62,,,06/02 18:00,06/03 14:21,REB,AW,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200602,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46846,5067,41779,,89,443,,,,,3990,62,,,06/01 18:00,06/02 13:19,RS,AFG,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200601,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45661,5034,40627,,87,435,,,,,3903,62,,,06/01 11:30,06/01 16:31,GGR,RS,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200531,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44128,4993,39135,,86,432,,,,,3837,62,,,05/30 18:00,05/31 16:49,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200530,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42938,4960,37978,,93,427,,,,,3805,62,,,05/29 18:00,05/30 16:46,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200529,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40682,4866,35816,,95,418,,,,,3744,59,,,05/28 18:00,05/29 16:15,SPA,AW,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200528,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39026,4793,34233,,105,406,,,,,3698,54,,,05/27 18:00,05/28 16:13,RS,KP,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200527,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38006,4710,33296,,101,391,,,,,3619,54,,,05/26 18:00,05/27 16:54,MM,JAC,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200526,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37038,4653,32385,,106,378,,,,,3528,50,,,05/25 18:00,05/26 17:11,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",C,, 20200525,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35283,4586,30697,,99,370,,,,,3415,50,,,05/24 18:00,05/25 16:22,TCD,PR,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",C,, 20200524,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34905,4563,30342,,85,364,,,,,3371,50,,,05/23 18:00,05/24 14:25,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",C,, 20200523,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33528,4468,29060,,90,358,,,,,3336,50,,,05/22 18:00,05/23 16:45,SPA,REB,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",C,, 20200522,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32344,4356,27988,,83,351,,,,,3267,50,,,05/21 18:00,05/22 16:28,TCD,KP,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",C,, 20200521,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31301,4250,27051,,91,342,,,,,3145,48,,,05/21 11:23,05/21 15:37,KWS,QN,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",C,, 20200520,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30389,4177,26212,,81,333,,,,,3023,46,,,05/19 18:00,05/20 15:49,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",C,, 20200519,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29709,4085,25624,,75,327,,,,,2914,46,,,05/18 18:00,05/19 17:15,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200518,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29045,4027,25018,,77,316,,,,,2784,44,,,05/18 11:30,05/18 15:35,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200517,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28559,3987,24572,,77,312,,,,,2724,44,,,05/16 18:00,05/17 14:47,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200516,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28176,3959,24217,,75,304,,,,,2673,44,,,05/15 18:00,05/16 15:33,REB,JAC,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200515,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27414,3887,23527,,80,296,,,,,2574,44,,,05/14 18:00,05/15 16:39,REB,AW,"PROCESS: Timestamp should be previous day's date and 17:00 (see dashboard note - ""Data... include cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day."")",B,, 20200514,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26473,3792,22681,,85,290,,,,,2437,43,,,05/13 18:00,,,,,B,, 20200513,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25844,3732,22112,,79,281,,,,,2367,39,,,05/13 11:30,,,,,B,, 20200512,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25197,3663,21534,,74,271,,,,,2309,39,,,05/12 11:30,05/12 16:05,RSB,KP,,B,, 20200511,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24578,3614,20964,,78,263,,,,,2187,34,,,05/10 18:00,05/11 14:12,SPA,AW,,C,, 20200510,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23894,3517,20377,,77,261,,,,,2147,34,,,05/09 18:00,05/10 14:38,JAC,CML,,C,, 20200509,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22952,3393,19559,,79,253,,,,,2125,34,,,05/08 18:00,05/09 16:32,BL,RS,,C,, 20200508,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21293,3144,18149,,76,247,,,,,2069,31,,,05/07 18:00,05/08 16:03,DB,KP,,C,, 20200507,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20114,2905,17209,,70,236,,,,,2028,31,,,05/06 18:00,05/07 15:44,REB,PR,,C,, 20200506,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19416,2779,16637,,72,230,,,,,1977,29,,,05/05 18:00,05/06 15:00,REB,AW,,C,, 20200505,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19022,2721,16301,,75,220,,,,,1895,24,,,05/04 18:00,05/05 15:40,KP,QN,,C,, 20200504,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18713,2668,16045,,69,211,,,,,1830,21,,,05/03 18:00,05/04 15:35,SPA,REB,,C,, 20200503,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18417,2631,15786,,71,197,,,,,1799,21,,,05/02 18:00,05/04 10:24,KWS,ATS/QN,,C,, 20200502,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18091,2588,15503,,71,187,,,,,1759,21,,,05/01 18:00,,,,,C,, 20200501,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17363,2525,14838,,69,179,,,,,1686,21,,,05/01 11:28,05/01 16:50,SD**,MM,,C,, 20200430,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17028,2449,14579,,76,173,,,,,1573,17,,,04/30 11:31,05/01 9:37,LAW,,,C,, 20200429,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16833,2373,14460,,69,165,,,,,1492,13,,,04/28 18:00,04/29 17:04,RS,AW,,C,, 20200428,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16612,2313,14299,,69,157,,,,,1392,11,,,04/27 18:00,04/28 16:32,KP,AW,,C,, 20200427,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16375,2245,14130,,61,150,,,,,1316,11,,,04/26 18:00,04/27 15:44,PR,REB,,C,, 20200426,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16274,2212,14062,,64,135,,,,,1257,11,,,04/25 18:00,04/26 16:35,DB,REB,,C,, 20200425,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15596,2147,13449,,61,128,,,,,1223,10,,,04/24 18:00,04/25 14:15,AW,RS,,C,, 20200424,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14824,2040,12784,,61,124,,,,,1190,10,,,04/23 18:00,04/24 22:33,SJ,,,A,, 20200423,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14065,1956,12109,,58,119,,,,,1064,9,,,04/22 18:00,04/24 8:30,ESK,,"(4/20 mor JJFC) State data revised down. Lower positives, negatives, cumulative hospitalised and recovered. (4/23 eve SB) Freshness check; nothing changed.",A,, 20200422,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13446,1858,11588,,62,111,,,,,937,8,,,04/22 11:40,04/23 8:10,ERG,,"(4/20 mor JJFC) State data revised down. Lower positives, negatives, cumulative hospitalised and recovered.",A,, 20200421,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12815,1755,11060,,65,100,,,,,824,8,,,04/20 18:00,04/22 8:18,QN,,"(4/20 mor JJFC) State data revised down. Lower positives, negatives, cumulative hospitalised and recovered.",A,, 20200420,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12326,1685,10641,0,,87,,,,,709,7,,,04/19 18:00,04/21 10:20,JJFC,QN,"(4/20 mor JJFC) State data revised down. Lower positives, negatives, cumulative hospitalised and recovered.",A,, 20200419,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12062,1635,10427,0,,74,,,,,646,7,,,04/19 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200418,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11660,1542,10118,1,,68,,,,,552,7,,,04/17 18:00,04/18 22:38,AGS,,,A,, 20200417,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11062,1411,9651,0,,63,,,,,457,7,,,04/16 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200416,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10550,1311,9239,2,,55,,,,,373,7,,,04/15 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200415,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9859,1168,8691,0,,51,,,,,329,6,,,04/15 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200414,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9296,988,8308,0,,45,,,,,261,6,,,04/13 18:00,,,,"(4/13 eve RV) The page notes that the data ""includes cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day""",A,, 20200413,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9002,868,8134,0,,44,,,,,207,6,,,04/12 18:00,,,,"(4/13 eve RV) The page notes that the data ""includes cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day""",A,, 20200412,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8553,730,7823,0,,43,,,,,197,6,,,04/11 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200411,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8004,626,7378,2,,33,,,,,189,6,,,04/10 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200410,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7647,536,7111,,,29,,,,,177,6,,,04/09 18:00,04/10 16:04,MC,MM,,A,, 20200409,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7147,447,6700,,,27,,,,,161,6,,,04/08 18:00,04/09 15:27,RS,MC,,A,, 20200408,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6748,393,6355,0,,26,,,,,146,6,,,04/08 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200407,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6268,320,5948,2,,23,,,,,98,6,,,04/06 18:00,04/07 15:27,AW,LH,(4/6 aft DPT) Added pending cases of 0 as listed on page,A,, 20200406,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6020,288,5732,0,,23,,,,,91,4,,,04/06 12:30,,,,(4/6 aft DPT) Added pending cases of 0 as listed on page,A,, 20200405,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5593,240,5353,,,22,,,,,84,2,,,04/04 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200404,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5224,212,5012,1,,19,,,,,76,2,,,04/03 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200403,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4780,187,4593,3,,17,,,,,69,2,,,04/03 13:21,,,,,A,, 20200402,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4382,165,4217,0,,17,,,,,57,2,,,04/01 18:00,,,,,A,, 20200401,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4032,129,3903,0,,12,,,,,51,2,,,04/01 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200331,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3717,108,3609,0,,12,,,,,44,1,,,03/31 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200330,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3579,101,3478,0,,,,,,,34,1,,,03/30 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200329,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3217,90,3127,1,,,,,,,29,1,,,03/29 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200328,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2660,68,2592,0,,,,,,,26,1,,,03/28 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200327,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2445,58,2387,20,,,,,,,21,1,,,03/27 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200326,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2019,46,1973,125,,,,,,,16,1,,,03/25 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,860,41,819,268,,,,,,,,1,,,03/25 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,820,30,790,268,,,,,,,,1,,,03/24 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200323,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,790,28,762,265,,,,,,,,1,,,03/23 10:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,761,21,740,277,,,,,,,,1,,,03/22 12:30,,,,,,, 20200321,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,705,14,691,268,,,,,,,,1,,,03/21 13:00,,,,,,, 20200320,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,677,14,663,270,,,,,,,,1,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,562,11,551,385,,,,,,,,1,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,562,11,551,350,,,,,,,,1,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,562,11,551,35,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,504,10,494,0,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:40,,,,,,, 20200315,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,336,9,327,6,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,191,9,182,3,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,82,9,73,11,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35,8,27,11,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18,5,13,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,0,11,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,0,5,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,0,5,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,SD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,0,5,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2197316,183311,2014005,151250,3683,,154933,2046066,,910,6878,313,,155,,116864,1754,1704,50,08/31 15:00,08/31 16:16,MJW,RS,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2185364,181435,2003929,149469,3646,,153115,2035895,,889,6840,306,,155,,114769,1747,1698,49,08/30 15:00,08/30 16:44,KVP,SB,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2173406,180543,1992863,148681,3599,,152280,2024725,,1002,6751,338,,166,,114099,1725,1677,48,08/29 15:00,08/29 16:59,ENT,JAC,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2152015,178731,1973284,147326,3489,,150815,2004689,,1012,6751,324,,169,,113313,1701,1654,47,08/28 15:00,08/28 16:27,MEB,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2124793,176800,1947993,145743,3436,,149179,1979050,,1047,6677,324,,166,,111416,1673,1627,46,08/27 15:00,08/27 17:13,MJW,BHP,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2098828,174686,1924142,144060,3293,,147353,1954768,,1070,6603,340,,169,,109765,1648,1604,44,08/26 15:00,08/26 16:23,PK,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2071446,172491,1898955,142251,3166,,145417,1929195,,1099,6515,359,,226,,108035,1628,1587,41,08/25 15:00,08/25 16:39,MJW,DZL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2056341,171540,1884801,141591,3013,,144604,1914750,,1018,6421,342,,173,,106041,1588,1547,41,08/24 15:00,08/24 16:57,KAT,JAC,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2042256,170788,1871468,141000,2937,,143937,1901256,,1009,6378,330,,164,,104054,1567,1527,40,08/23 15:00,08/23 16:49,CRG,JAC,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2004861,168656,1836205,139184,2899,,142083,1865677,,1100,6328,358,,170,,103426,1563,1523,40,08/22 15:00,08/22 16:26,RRI,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1978409,167109,1811300,138015,2829,,140844,1840394,,1149,6255,359,,171,,102686,1549,1508,41,08/21 15:00,08/21 16:21,CRG,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1949404,164987,1784417,136476,2699,,139175,1812928,,1194,6156,385,,177,,100967,1488,1447,41,08/20 15:00,08/20 17:23,GET,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1926357,163288,1763069,135203,2597,,137800,1791154,,1230,6069,375,,171,,99085,1452,1412,40,08/19 15:00,08/19 16:33,KAT,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1891875,160792,1731083,133281,2497,,135778,1758594,,1231,5981,384,,183,,96896,1426,1386,40,08/18 15:00,08/18 16:24,BHP,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1868761,159582,1709179,132397,2347,,134744,1736364,,1139,5881,374,,173,,94812,1387,1345,42,08/17 15:00,08/17 16:42,SPA,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1855015,158302,1696713,131383,2325,,133708,1723632,,1148,5847,328,,158,,92655,1366,1324,42,08/16 15:00,08/16 16:25,JJO,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1827520,155633,1671887,129509,2238,,131747,1698011,,1307,5813,392,,187,,92100,1345,1304,41,08/15 15:00,08/15 15:51,BHP,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1809900,154266,1655634,128315,2143,,130458,1681585,,1264,5725,398,,176,,91323,1326,1285,41,08/14 15:00,08/14 16:25,TCD,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1785646,151925,1633721,126436,2075,,128511,1659210,,1312,5648,426,,191,,89151,1313,1273,40,08/13 15:00,08/13 16:41,KVP,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1757690,149367,1608323,124391,2002,,126393,1633299,,1295,5554,428,,185,,87290,1289,1249,40,08/12 15:00,08/12 16:14,BHP,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1738875,147566,1591309,123006,1909,,124915,1615869,,1378,5464,,,,,85313,1271,1232,39,08/11 15:00,08/11 16:24,JB,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1726090,146416,1579674,122097,1817,,123914,1603993,,1167,5339,,,,,83170,1233,1194,39,08/10 15:00,08/10 16:28,TCD,DZL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1711319,144931,1566388,120911,1801,,122712,1590408,,1290,5304,,,,,80997,1223,1184,39,08/09 15:00,08/09 16:16,KVP,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1683722,142450,1541272,118821,1764,,120585,1564901,,1393,5262,,,,,80340,1215,1176,39,08/08 15:00,08/08 16:10,KVP,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1660337,140166,1520171,117087,1695,,118782,1543250,,1406,5190,,,,,79357,1206,1167,39,08/07 15:00,8/07 16:16,GET,BML,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1633642,137277,1496365,114801,1549,,116350,1518841,,1497,5109,,,,,77558,1186,1147,39,08/06 15:00,8/06 16:31,KVP,BHP,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1610604,134738,1475866,112657,1441,,114098,1497947,,1448,5001,,,,,75550,1144,1104,40,08/04 15:00,8/05 16:45,SLC,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1591310,132703,1458607,111101,1340,,112441,1480209,,1433,4900,,,,,73259,1117,1079,38,08/04 15:00,8/04 16:35,CRG,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/4 17:58, 20200803,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1573222,130662,1442560,109325,1311,,110636,1463897,,1323,4808,,,,,70878,1092,1055,37,08/03 15:00,8/03 16:07,SLC,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1561021,129493,1431528,108350,1277,,109627,1452671,,1271,4756,,,,,68471,1073,1036,37,08/02 15:00,8/02 17:52,KVP,RSG,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1541615,127773,1413842,106946,1238,,108184,1434669,,1446,4724,,,,,67651,1067,1030,37,08/01 15:00,8/01 16:20,SLC,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1512224,124910,1387314,104778,1181,,105959,1407446,,1494,4661,,,,,66357,1060,1023,37,07/31 15:00,07/31 16:18,AMW,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200730,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1479669,121118,1358551,101728,1143,,102871,1377941,,1493,4572,,,,,64234,1033,996,37,07/30 15:00,07/30 16:41,DZL,JAC,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200729,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1455120,118715,1336405,99703,1119,,100822,1355417,,1417,4482,,,,,62129,1020,983,37,07/29 15:00,07/29 16:37,BHP,RS,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200728,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1410396,113557,1296839,95433,1056,,96489,1314963,,1420,4280,,,,,57239,978,943,35,07/27 15:00,07/28 17:09,KVP,KWS,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200727,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1410396,113557,1296839,95433,,,96489,1314963,,1328,4280,,,,,57239,978,943,35,07/27 15:00,07/28 17:09,KVP,KWS,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200726,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1381859,110435,1271424,92943,,,93936,1288916,,1313,4244,,,,,54730,967,933,34,07/26 15:00,07/26 16:16,SLC,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200725,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1331428,104656,1226772,89850,,,90796,1241578,,1414,4196,,,,,53808,964,930,34,07/25 15:00,07/25 16:23,GET,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200724,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1321707,104274,1217433,88172,,,89078,1233535,,1460,4120,,,,,52983,938,904,34,07/24 15:00,07/24 16:47,ALT,JAC,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200723,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1295115,101782,1193333,86117,,,86987,1208998,,1465,4016,,,,,51661,925,891,34,07/23 15:00,07/23 16:14,SLC,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200722,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1262993,98743,1164250,83582,,,84417,1179411,,1451,3907,,,,,49748,888,855,33,07/22 15:00,07/22 17:59,BHP,HMH,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200721,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1237411,95765,1141646,81122,,,81944,1156289,,1461,3798,,,,,47852,871,840,31,07/21 15:00,07/21 16:27,WCD,BHP,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200720,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1214383,93257,1121126,78970,,,79754,1135413,,1368,3712,,,,,45974,847,816,31,07/20 15:00,07/20 16:13,SLC,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200719,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1196543,91295,1105248,77361,,,78115,1119182,,1327,3681,,,,,44319,843,812,31,07/19 15:00,07/19 15:55,SLC,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200718,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1172913,89132,1083781,75597,,,76336,1097316,,1378,3649,,,,,43706,838,807,31,07/18 15:00,07/18 15:57,SLC,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200717,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1149991,86064,1063927,73138,,,73819,1076853,,1436,3562,,,,,42734,815,785,30,07/17 15:00,07/17 16:21,SLC,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200716,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1123038,83227,1039811,70881,,,71540,1052157,,1416,3497,,,,,41250,796,767,29,07/16 15:00,07/16 16:22,SLC,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200715,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1097053,80368,1016685,68441,,,69061,1028612,,1282,3434,,,,,39857,783,755,28,07/15 15:00,07/15 16:20,DZL,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200714,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1071320,77673,993647,66220,,,66788,1005100,,1222,3378,,,,,38272,767,740,27,07/14 15:00,07/14 16:08,SLC,BHP,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200713,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1053424,75920,977504,64737,,,65274,988687,,1120,3284,,,,,36996,749,722,27,07/13 15:00,07/13 15:53,SLC,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200712,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1017498,71982,945516,61443,,,61960,956055,,1184,3250,,,,,35855,741,714,27,07/12 15:00,07/12 15:45,SLC,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200711,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1006616,70927,935689,60508,,,61006,946108,,1184,3193,,,,,35435,738,711,27,07/11 15:00,07/11 16:00,KAT,BSL,"(7/11 BSL) Carrying over current hospitalizations (6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200710,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,994114,69283,924831,59085,,,59546,935029,,1184,3146,,,,,34740,723,697,26,07/10 15:00,07/10 16:43,SPA,BHP,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200709,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,972276,67068,905208,57153,,,57591,915123,,1135,3088,,,,,33609,710,684,26,07/09 15:00,07/09 15:49,SLC,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200708,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,950540,65002,885538,55567,,,55986,894973,,1160,3023,,,,,32736,685,660,25,07/08 15:00,07/08 16:18,SLC,BHP,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",A,, 20200707,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,920801,62185,858616,53116,,,53514,867685,,1112,2950,,,,,31827,665,640,25,07/07 15:00,07/07 16:36,WCD,RS,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200706,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,904237,60554,843683,51774,,,52155,852463,,940,2897,,,,,31020,653,628,25,07/06 15:00,07/06 15:58,DZL,JAC,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200705,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,895796,59768,836028,51061,,,51431,844735,,949,2871,,,,,30254,646,621,25,07/05 15:00,07/05 15:42,RSG,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200704,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,878230,58202,820028,49768,,,50140,828464,,949,2860,,,,,30043,637,612,25,07/04 15:00,07/04 16:43,SNW,JAC,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200703,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,862121,56644,805477,48344,,,48712,813777,,949,2825,,,,,29591,633,608,25,07/03 15:00,07/03 16:30,GET,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200702,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,838084,54471,783613,46520,,,46890,791564,,949,2775,,,,,28938,620,594,26,07/02 15:00,07/02 16:36,CB-M,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200701,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,817522,52617,764905,44951,,,45315,772571,,955,2715,,,,,28283,609,583,26,07/01 15:00,07/01 15:58,AJC,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200630,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,792779,50413,742366,43161,,,43509,749618,,886,2665,,,,,27599,604,578,26,06/30 15:00,06/30 16:09,SLC,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200629,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,776858,48873,727985,41949,,,42297,734909,,839,2599,,,,,26962,592,568,24,06/29 15:00,06/29 17:10,SLC,SB,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200628,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,748229,46468,701761,39848,,,40172,708381,,800,2564,,,,,26159,584,560,24,06/27 15:00,06/28 0:00,ETS,MM,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200627,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,748229,46468,701761,39848,,,40172,708381,,705,2564,,,,,26159,584,560,24,06/27 15:00,06/28 0:00,ETS,MM,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200626,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,741737,45734,696003,39149,,,39444,702588,,741,2498,,,,,25753,577,552,25,06/26 15:00,06/26 16:51,HMH,JAC,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200625,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,727268,44202,683066,37753,,,38034,689515,,741,2431,,,,,25280,567,540,27,06/25 15:00,06/25 15:39,RSG,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200624,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,718038,43217,674821,36969,,,37235,681069,,696,2386,,,,,24693,556,535,21,06/24 15:00,06/24 16:23,BHP,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200623,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,705164,42154,663010,36048,,,36303,669116,,721,2336,,,,,24068,542,521,21,06/23 15:00,06/23 16:13,AW,BHP,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200622,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,699854,41499,658355,35302,,,35553,664552,,664,2301,,,,,23567,531,510,21,06/22 0:00,06/22 16:31,RSG,ALF,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200621,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,685381,40967,644414,34854,,,35102,650527,,605,2291,,,,,23067,526,505,21,06/21 0:00,06/21 15:59,CKW,BHP,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200620,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,675101,40201,634900,34207,,,34446,640894,,588,2266,,,,,22838,524,503,21,06/20 15:00,06/20 15:41,ETW,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200619,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,667336,39664,627672,33776,,,34017,627672,,635,2238,,,,,22531,515,494,21,06/19 15:00,06/19 16:18,CB-M,BHP,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200618,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,652160,38194,613966,32595,,,32829,619565,,617,2209,,,,,21949,509,488,21,06/18 15:00,06/18 15:55,JAC,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200617,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,644344,37420,606924,31914,,,32143,612430,,632,2180,,,,,21282,497,476,21,06/17 15:00,06/17 16:03,SMG,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200616,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,638772,36995,601777,31612,,,31830,607160,,621,2146,,,,,20710,493,472,21,06/16 15:00,06/16 16:00,BSL,KP,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200615,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,629769,36284,593485,30951,,,31160,598818,,642,2106,,,,,20062,483,462,21,06/15 15:00,06/15 15:35,KWS,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200614,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,615043,35423,579620,30255,,,30432,584788,,588,2087,,,,,19896,475,454,21,06/14 15:00,06/14 15:48,BSL,JAC,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. ",B,, 20200613,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,601161,34409,566752,29340,,,29541,571821,,583,2073,,,,,19731,472,451,21,06/13 15:00,06/13 15:48,KWS,BSL,"(6/13 KWS) I have switched negatives back from drawing from ""laboratory tests"" to a calculated value since the negative tests figure is specimens rather than people (6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. Also, data was uploaded later than 2 today but they still wrote the upload time as 2. (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200612,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,594960,33913,561047,28942,,,29126,561047,,608,2049,,,,,19425,468,447,21,06/12 15:00,06/12 16:39,JAC,RS,"(6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. Also, data was uploaded later than 2 today but they still wrote the upload time as 2. (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200611,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28340,,528635,28538,506756,,606,2011,,,,,18992,441,441,,06/11 15:00,06/11 15:40,HMH,BSL,"(6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. Also, data was uploaded later than 2 today but they still wrote the upload time as 2. (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200610,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27869,,528635,28061,500766,,624,1990,,,,,18516,436,436,,06/10 15:00,06/10 16:39,HMH,QN,"(6/10 HMH) Positive cases =27869 comfimed cases +192 probable. Wouldn't let me add the value as an equation. The probable cases are at the bottom of the epi. and surveillence data for today. Also, data was uploaded later than 2 today but they still wrote the upload time as 2. (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200609,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27575,,521197,27575,493622,,587,1974,,,,,18013,435,435,,06/09 15:00,06/09 15:49,BSL,REB,"(5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200608,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26944,,512763,26944,485819,,617,1948,,,,,17563,421,421,,06/08 15:00,06/08 16:41,ETW,REB,"(5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200607,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26381,,491421,26381,472387,,561,1932,,,,,17222,418,418,,06/07 15:00,06/07 15:54,SLC,CML,"(5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200606,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26071,,491421,26071,465350,,535,1923,,,,,17124,417,417,,06/06 15:00,06/06 15:17,SMS,RS,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200605,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25520,,482172,25520,456652,,505,1893,,,,,16925,408,408,,06/05 15:00,06/05 16:08,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200604,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25120,,476138,25120,451018,,547,1855,,,,,16643,401,401,,06/04 15:00,06/04 16:02,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200603,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24822,,470779,24822,445957,,548,1829,,,,,16319,388,388,,06/03 15:00,06/03 16:56,AW,MM,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200602,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24375,,462136,24375,437761,,565,1792,,,,,15916,381,381,,06/02 15:00,06/02 16:19,BSL,AFG,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200601,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23554,,448493,23554,424939,,504,1767,,,,,15564,367,367,,06/01 15:00,06/01 17:17,reb,RS,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200531,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23006,,435977,23006,412971,,463,1750,,,,,15300,364,364,,05/30 15:00,05/31 16:52,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200530,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22566,,427046,22566,404480,,516,1732,,,,,15193,364,364,,05/30 15:00,05/31 16:52,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200529,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22085,,421967,22085,399882,,507,1710,,,,,14965,360,360,,05/29 15:00,05/29 16:34,AW,SPA,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200528,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21679,,415989,21679,394310,,545,1689,,,,,14632,356,356,,05/28 15:00,05/28 15:58,RS,MM,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200527,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21306,,409630,21306,388324,,501,1647,,,,,13916,353,353,,05/27 15:00,05/27 16:56,QN,ALF,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200526,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20965,,403504,20965,382539,,582,1609,,,,,13344,343,343,,05/26 15:00,05/26 15:35,SLW,RS,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200525,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20607,,396219,20607,375612,,517,1594,,,,,13073,338,338,,05/25 15:00,05/25 16:07,AW,PR,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200524,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20145,,383576,20145,363431,,526,1583,,,,,12837,336,336,,05/24 15:00,05/24 15:49,JAC,ALF,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200523,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19789,,373758,19789,353969,,478,1573,,,,,12745,329,329,,05/23 15:00,05/23 16:41,SPA,REB,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200522,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19394,,368170,19394,348776,,570,1560,,,,,12566,315,315,,05/22 15:00,05/22 17:02,TCD,KP,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/22 TCD) Negative tests: Look for ""Laboratory testing"" heading and add up negative test values for state & non-state labs (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200521,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18961,,360583,18961,341622,,601,1539,,,,,12191,313,313,,05/21 15:00,05/21 15:42,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2",B,, 20200520,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18532,,354013,18532,335481,,652,1515,,,,,11783,309,309,,05/20 15:00,05/20 16:02,reb,PR,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down ",B,, 20200519,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18378,,346123,18378,327745,,615,1498,,,,,10969,305,305,,05/19 15:00,05/19 17:20,REB,MM,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down ",A,, 20200518,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18011,,337428,18011,319417,,638,1489,,,,,9886,301,301,,05/18 15:00,05/18 15:31,REB,MM,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down ",A,, 20200517,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,325280,,,17388,,,17388,307892,,513,1482,,,,,9652,298,298,,05/17 15:00,05/17 15:26,REB,RS,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down ",A,, 20200516,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17288,,320201,17288,302913,,515,1474,,,,,9529,295,295,,05/16 15:00,05/16 16:02,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down ",A,, 20200515,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16970,,309756,16970,292786,,535,1454,,,,,9280,290,290,,05/15 15:00,05/15 16:02,REB,AW,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down ",A,, 20200514,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16699,,292917,16699,285618,,599,1435,,,,,8881,287,287,,05/14 15:00,05/14 16:46,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/14 RS) embedded PDF not loading, using presumed timestamp of same format as it always is (today's date + 2pm) (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down ",A,, 20200513,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16370,,283924,16370,276547,,635,1388,,,,,8624,273,273,,05/13 15:00,,,,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",A,, 20200512,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16111,,,16111,267713,,591,1363,,,,,8336,265,265,,05/12 16:00,05/12 17:02,RSB,KP,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",A,, 20200511,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15544,,,15544,257733,,581,1344,,,,,8038,251,251,,05/11 15:00,05/11 15:39,SPA,AW,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200510,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14985,,,14985,246884,,484,1325,,,,,7528,243,243,,05/10 0:00,05/10 15:40,JAC,DPT,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200509,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14768,,,14768,237980,,509,1319,,,,,7369,242,242,,05/09 0:00,05/09 15:44,BL,QN,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200508,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14441,,,14441,229137,,550,1299,,,,,7011,241,,,05/08 0:00,05/08 16:43,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200507,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14096,,,14096,222232,,558,1266,,,,,6783,237,,,05/07 15:00,05/07 15:56,RS,QN,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (5/7 RS) Deaths revised down by 2 (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200506,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13938,,,13938,213163,,557,1221,,,,,6564,239,,,05/06 15:00,05/06 16:36,REB,AW,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200505,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13624,,,13690,205172,,520,1156,,,,,6356,226,,,05/05 15:00,05/05 16:20,KP,QN,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200504,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13502,,,13571,197872,,499,1143,,,,,6081,219,,,05/04 15:00,05/04 16:01,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: State embedded PDF gives Confirmed and probable case breakdown, so use that (4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200503,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13177,,,13177,191430,,510,1135,,,,,5814,210,,,05/03 15:00,,,,"(4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200502,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12661,,,12661,183615,,474,1125,,,,,5718,209,,,05/02 15:00,,,,"(4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200501,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11891,,,11891,174241,,529,1113,,,,,5546,204,,,05/01 15:00,05/01 16:18,SPA,MM,"(4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200430,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10366,,,10735,166891,,605,1045,,,,,5338,199,,,04/28 15:00,04/30 16:17,JAC,PR,"(4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200429,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10366,,,10366,158183,,614,1013,,,,,5140,195,,,04/28 15:00,04/30 16:17,JAC,PR,"(4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200428,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10052,151876,,611,894,,,,,4921,188,,,04/28 15:00,04/30 16:17,JAC,PR,"(4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200427,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9918,144484,,618,837,,,,,4720,184,,,04/27 15:00,,,,"(4/27 aft DPT) fix data entry error, revise neg number for 4/26 down (4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200426,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9667,137807,,568,828,,,,,4527,181,,,04/26 15:00,,,,"(4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200425,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9189,132217,,510,821,,,,,4467,178,,,04/25 15:00,04/25 15:44,REB,RS,"(4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter:",B,, 20200424,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8726,122602,,593,808,,,,,4370,168,,,04/23 15:00,,,,"(4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter: (4/20 aft SPA) Data updated from Social Media (Twitter)",A,, 20200423,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8266,114834,,488,793,,,,,4193,170,,,04/23 15:00,,,,"(4/24 aft MM) Deaths revised down from 170 to 168 (4/23 aft) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter: (4/20 aft SPA) Data updated from Social Media (Twitter)",A,, 20200422,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7842,107138,,441,775,,,,,4012,166,,,04/22 15:00,,,,"(4/22 aft SPA) Positives, deaths, hospitalizations, and recoveries updated on Twitter (4/20 aft SPA) Data updated from Social Media (Twitter)",A,, 20200421,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7394,100788,,523,760,,,,,3828,157,,,04/21 15:00,,,,(4/20 aft SPA) Data updated from Social Media (Twitter),A,, 20200420,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7238,93451,,505,730,,,,,3575,152,,,04/20 15:00,,,,(4/20 aft SPA) Data updated from Social Media (Twitter),A,, 20200419,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7070,90028,,393,724,,,,,3344,148,,,04/19 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200418,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6762,83824,,593,719,,,,,3234,145,,,04/18 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200417,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6589,80684,,465,711,,,,,3017,142,,,04/17 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200416,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6262,78787,,444,691,,,,,2786,141,,,04/16 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200415,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6079,74817,,412,663,,,,,2196,135,,,04/15 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200414,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5823,73008,,443,633,,,,,1969,124,,,04/14 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200413,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5610,70585,,458,579,,,,,1671,109,,,04/13 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200412,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5308,65369,,324,567,,,,,1504,101,,,04/11 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200411,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5114,61714,,411,556,,,,,1386,101,,,04/11 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200410,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4862,57937,,561,536,,,,,1145,98,,,04/10 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200409,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4634,55215,,639,505,,,,,921,94,,,04/09 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200408,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4362,52256,,708,449,,,,,592,79,,,04/08 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200407,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4138,48736,,802,408,,,,,466,72,,,04/07 15:00,,,,(4/5 RS) Recovered count went down from 416 at last check to 295 now. Confirmed from screenshots this was not our mistake,A,, 20200406,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3802,43548,,834,352,,,,,356,65,,,04/06 15:00,,,,(4/5 RS) Recovered count went down from 416 at last check to 295 now. Confirmed from screenshots this was not our mistake,A,, 20200405,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3633,41667,,637,328,,,,,295,44,,,04/04 15:00,04/05 16:32,RS,HDF,(4/5 RS) Recovered count went down from 416 at last check to 295 now. Confirmed from screenshots this was not our mistake,A,, 20200404,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3321,38070,,601,311,,,,,416,43,,,04/04 15:00,04/05 16:32,RS,HDF,(4/5 RS) Recovered count went down from 416 at last check to 295 now. Confirmed from screenshots this was not our mistake,A,, 20200403,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3067,34772,,625,293,,,,,248,37,,,04/03 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200402,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2845,31766,,656,263,,,,,220,32,,,04/02 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200401,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2683,29769,,486,200,,,,,137,24,,,04/01 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2239,25121,,9,175,,,,,121,23,,,03/31 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1834,21470,,,148,,,,,,13,,,03/30 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1537,19037,,,133,,,,,,7,,,03/29 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1373,16965,,,118,,,,,,6,,,03/27 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1203,14888,,,103,,,,,,6,,,03/27 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,957,13952,,,76,,,,,,3,,,03/26 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,784,11012,,,53,,,,,,3,,,03/25 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,667,10517,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/24 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,615,3272,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/23 15:00,,,,,B,, 20200322,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,505,3272,,,,,,,,,,,,03/22 15:00,,,,,,, 20200321,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,371,3272,,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 22:48,,,,,,, 20200320,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,228,563,,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 15:00,,,,,,, 20200319,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,154,349,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 15:00,,,,,,, 20200318,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,98,349,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 15:00,,,,,,, 20200317,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73,330,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 15:00,,,,,,, 20200316,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52,270,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:23,,,,,,, 20200315,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39,157,,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 15:00,,,,,,, 20200314,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32,130,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 15:00,,,,,,, 20200313,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26,116,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18,79,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 15:00,,,,,,, 20200311,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,TN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,TX,,,,25360,3497,,,,,358718,30025,328693,,4961553,,,612969,,,612969,4348584,,4203,,1525,,,,507499,12536,,,08/31 16:45,08/31 17:13,HMH,PK,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/24 RS) Testing data not updated due to network outage on TX's end (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,TX,,,,25162,3460,,,,,356857,29723,327134,,4924712,,,610354,,,610354,4314358,,4172,,1566,,,,499518,12510,,,08/30 16:05,08/30 16:48,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/24 RS) Testing data not updated due to network outage on TX's end (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,TX,,,,24176,3371,,,,,356229,29635,326594,,4900972,,,606530,,,606530,4294442,,4273,,1648,,,,492921,12420,,,08/29 16:05,08/29 16:59,ESK,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/24 RS) Testing data not updated due to network outage on TX's end (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,TX,,,,23724,3336,,,,,353966,29287,324679,,4842362,,,601768,,,601768,4240594,,4422,,1636,,,,484880,12266,,,08/28 16:50,08/28 17:53,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/24 RS) Testing data not updated due to network outage on TX's end (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/28 17:43, 20200827,TX,,,,23267,3299,,,,,351564,28870,322694,,4793914,,,597737,,,597737,4196177,,4489,,1704,,,,478752,12070,,,08/27 18:35,08/27 18:43,DPT,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/24 RS) Testing data not updated due to network outage on TX's end (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/27 18:55, 20200826,TX,,,,22361,3213,,,,,348384,28439,319945,,4764640,,,592137,,,592137,4172503,,4806,,1723,,,,472421,11805,,,08/26 18:20,08/26 18:31,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/24 RS) Testing data not updated due to network outage on TX's end (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/26 18:37, 20200825,TX,,,,21651,3151,,,,,346519,28100,318419,,4724559,,,586730,,,586730,4137829,,4907,,1799,,,,466550,11576,,,08/25 17:50,08/25 18:00,CB-M,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/24 RS) Testing data not updated due to network outage on TX's end (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/25 18:03, 20200824,TX,,,,21648,3151,,,,,344218,27726,316492,,4668028,,,580384,,,580384,4090491,,5019,,1809,,,,457182,11395,,,08/24 18:35,08/24 18:57,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/24 RS) Testing data not updated due to network outage on TX's end (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/24 17:21, 20200823,TX,,,,21648,3151,,,,,344218,27726,316492,,4668028,,,577537,,,577537,4090491,,5186,,1878,,,,451776,11370,,,08/23 16:05,08/23 16:51,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/23 17:24, 20200822,TX,,,,21247,3117,,,,,342277,27414,314863,,4640860,,,573139,,,573139,4067721,,5274,,1963,,,,446030,11266,,,08/22 16:40,08/22 17:01,PK,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/22 17:10, 20200821,TX,,,,19189,2808,,,,,338016,26824,311192,,4580026,,,567580,,,567580,4012446,,5566,,1979,,,,438825,11051,,,08/21 16:30,08/21 16:49,HMH,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/21 17:26, 20200820,TX,,,,18883,2781,,,,,335184,26337,308847,,4547069,,,562559,,,562559,3984510,,5635,,1979,,,,431960,10793,,,08/20 16:40,08/20 17:46,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/20 18:13, 20200819,TX,,,,18620,2764,,,,,333355,25995,307360,,4517189,,,557256,,,557256,3959933,,5974,,2107,,,,424685,10559,,,08/19 17:40,08/19 17:55,BML,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/19 17:55, 20200818,TX,,,,18244,2734,,,,,326216,24732,301484,,4500645,,,550232,,,550232,3950413,,6210,,2179,,,,415903,10250,,,08/18 16:40,08/18 17:10,CB-M,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/18 17:32, 20200817,TX,,,,17887,2694,,,,,322433,23797,298636,,4476167,,,542950,,,542950,3933217,,6200,,2240,,,,405817,10034,,,08/17 16:55,08/17 17:19,JAC,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/17 17:55, 20200816,TX,,,,17011,2591,,,,,318940,23192,295748,,4439041,,,535582,,,535582,3903459,,6267,,2269,,,,399572,9983,,,08/16 16:50,08/16 17:10,RSG,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/16 RSG) Antigen tests didn't update. Antibody tests increased by 2. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/16 17:31, 20200815,TX,,,,17011,2591,,,,,318938,23192,295746,,4321676,,,528838,,,528838,3792838,,6481,,2306,,,,393266,9840,,,08/15 16:00,08/15 16:39,HMH,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/15 17:34, 20200814,TX,,,,17009,2591,,,,,312727,22100,290627,,4282041,,,520593,,,520593,3761448,,6632,,2380,,,,383717,9602,,,08/14 16:05,08/14 17:17,CB-M,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/14 17:41, 20200813,TX,,,,16699,2562,,,,,302012,20800,281212,,4230763,,,513575,,,513575,3717188,,6879,,2435,,,,375760,9289,,,08/13 17:30,08/13 17:43,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/13 BHP) Current ICU did not update. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/13 18:17, 20200812,TX,,,,16409,2536,,,,,299037,20241,278796,,4106360,,,506820,,,506820,3599540,,7028,,2479,,,,367354,9034,,,08/12 17:05,08/12 17:58,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/12 RSG) Current ICU didn't update (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/12 18:47, 20200811,TX,,,,15569,2432,,,,,295617,19800,275817,,4088863,,,500620,,,500620,3588243,,7216,,2495,,,,358312,8710,,,08/11 16:25,08/11 17:27,RSG,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/10 18:38, 20200810,TX,,,,14841,2350,,,,,290944,18924,272020,,4073661,,,490817,,,490817,3582844,,7304,,2552,,,,349833,8490,,,08/10 18:20,08/10 18:34,HMH,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/10 HMH) Normal cur. hosp number was not updated today, we used the bar graph number for 8/10 (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/10 18:38, 20200809,TX,,,,14466,2319,,,,,288928,18561,270367,,4025864,,,486362,,,486362,3539502,,7437,,2608,,,,344845,8459,,,08/09 16:20,08/09 16:44,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/9 17:07, 20200808,TX,,,,13887,2227,,,,,280434,16924,263510,,4012657,,,481483,,,481483,3531174,,7872,,2730,,,,338343,8343,,,08/08 16:35,08/08 16:46,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/8 17:37, 20200807,TX,,,,2206,505,,,,,276849,15364,261485,,4000532,,,474524,,,474524,3526008,,8065,,2742,,,,331668,8096,,,08/07 17:45,8/07 18:01,SPA,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/7 BML) Total antibody tests went down from 276849 to 260604. We kept the number from 8/6. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/7 18:08, 20200806,TX,,,,,,,,,,276849,15364,261485,,3944480,,,467485,,,467485,3476995,,8302,,2917,,,,323804,7803,,,08/06 16:15,8/06 16:36,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/6 17:19, 20200805,TX,,,,,,,,,,268978,14535,254443,,3908235,,,459887,,,459887,3448348,,8455,,2917,,,,315652,7497,,,08/05 16:30,8/05 17:30,GET,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/5 17:43, 20200804,TX,,,,,,,,,,258494,13478,245016,,3884848,,,451181,,,451181,3433667,,8674,,3006,,,,306262,7261,,,08/04 16:45,8/04 17:44,RSG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/4 17:46, 20200803,TX,,,,,,,,,,243777,12054,231723,,3834586,,,442014,,,442014,3392572,,8819,,3045,,,,297422,7016,,,08/03 16:20,8/03 17:06,RSG,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/3 17:32, 20200802,TX,,,,,,,,,,242251,11812,230439,,3747779,,,430485,,,430485,3317294,,8969,,3117,,,,282604,6837,,,08/01 16:20,8/02 17:07,KVP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/2 KVP) Error in spreadsheet data for ICU numbers, left 8/1 value as data is provisionl and due to no data being posted published. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/2 18:12, 20200801,TX,,,,,,,,,,242251,11812,230439,,3747779,,,430485,,,430485,3317294,,8969,,3117,,,,282604,6837,,,08/01 16:20,8/01 17:15,KVP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (8/1 KVP) TX says no data will be posted Sunday, August 2 due to system upgrades. Sunday will be posted with Monday's data update in files on the Additional Data tab. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,8/1 17:50, 20200731,TX,,,,,,,,,,241518,11712,229806,,3669752,,,420946,,,420946,3248806,,9336,,3117,,,,273191,6569,,,07/31 17:10,07/31 17:30,CB-M,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,, 20200730,TX,,,,,,,,,,239566,11430,228136,,3609474,,,412107,,,412107,3197367,,9296,,3087,,,,260542,6274,,,07/30 17:55,07/30 18:07,BHP,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,, 20200729,TX,,,,,,,,,,237895,11227,226668,,3539368,,,403307,,,403307,3136061,,9595,,3136,,,,251346,6190,,,07/29 16:50,07/29 17:14,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard. (7/29 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,, 20200728,TX,,,,,,,,,,237895,11227,226668,,3476926,,,394265,,,394265,3082661,,9593,,3136,,,,244449,5877,,,07/28 17:00,07/28 17:47,CB-M,KWS,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (7/28 BSL) TX reports in lab-confirmed positives. Begin reporting in Positive Cases (PCR), popup added. (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,, 20200727,TX,,,,,,,,,,235797,10921,224876,,3428882,,,385923,,,385923,3042959,,10893,,3281,,,,229107,5713,,,07/27 17:40,,,,,A,, 20200726,TX,,,,,,,,,,234534,10751,223783,,3369975,,,381656,,,381656,2988319,,10893,,3281,,,,229107,5038,,,07/26 16:50,07/27 17:47,JAC,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (7/27 SB) No updates entered for current hospitalization or ICU, due to data inconsistencies with new reporting regulation. See thread. (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,, 20200725,TX,,,,,,,,,,233410,10595,222815,,3306042,,,375846,,,375846,2930196,,10893,,3281,,,,221510,4885,,,07/25 16:05,07/25 16:50,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,, 20200724,TX,,,,,,,,,,233139,10565,222574,,3231931,,,369826,,,369826,2862105,,10893,,3281,,,,212216,4717,,,07/24 16:45,07/24 17:57,CB-M,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,, 20200723,TX,,,,,,,,,,232021,10394,221627,,3164656,,,361125,,,361125,2803531,,10893,,3281,,,,203826,4521,,,07/23 16:15,07/23 16:54,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (7/20 BSL) New HHS regulation led to drop in hospitalizations of over 2000. Carrying over previous day's number until numbers stabilize (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish",A,, 20200722,TX,,,,,,,,,,227696,8737,218959,,3104148,,,351618,,,351618,2752530,,10893,,3281,,,,195315,4348,,,07/22 17:45,07/22 17:51,HMH,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",A,, 20200721,TX,,,,,,,,,,226323,8562,217761,,3043574,,,341739,,,341739,2701835,,10848,,,,,,186529,4151,,,07/21 17:00,07/21 17:16,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200720,TX,,,,,,,,,,223303,7976,215327,,2984554,,,332434,,,332434,2652120,,10569,,,,,,177871,4020,,,07/20 17:25,07/20 17:33,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200719,TX,,,,,,,,,,221259,7752,213507,,2932364,,,325030,,,325030,2607334,,10592,,,,,,172936,3958,,,07/19 17:05,07/19 17:15,BML,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (7/19 BML) Antibody test numbers decreased from 7/18: total antibody tests went from 224,935 to 221,259; positive antibody tests went from 7,819 to 7,752 (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200718,TX,,,,,,,,,,224935,7819,217116,,2842685,,,317730,,,317730,2524955,,10658,,,,,,169581,3865,,,07/18 16:50,07/18 16:55,JJO,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200717,TX,,,,,,,,,,224781,7811,216970,,2767321,,,307572,,,307572,2459749,,10632,,,,,,162191,3735,,,07/17 17:15,07/17 17:32,CB-M,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200716,TX,,,,,,,,,,224433,7806,216627,,2699855,,,292656,,,292656,2407199,,10457,,,,,,155937,3561,,,07/15 17:00,07/16 17:36,BAS,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200715,TX,,,,,,,,,,222342,7652,214690,,2642199,,,282365,,,282365,2359834,,10471,,,,,,149276,3432,,,07/15 17:00,07/16 17:36,BAS,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200714,TX,,,,,,,,,,222123,7646,214477,,2598680,,,275058,,,275058,2323622,,10569,,,,,,142398,3322,,,07/14 17:25,07/14 17:30,CB-M,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200713,TX,,,,,,,,,,217734,7542,210192,,2540125,,,264313,,,264313,2275812,,10405,,,,,,136419,3235,,,07/13 16:30,07/13 16:36,ENT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200712,TX,,,,,,,,,,217536,7521,210015,,2492754,,,258658,,,258658,2234096,,10410,,,,,,132638,3192,,,07/12 16:30,07/12 16:34,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200711,TX,,,,,,,,,,214872,7485,207387,,2429624,,,250462,,,250462,2179162,,10083,,,,,,127880,3112,,,07/11 16:35,07/11 16:41,BML,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200710,TX,,,,,,,,,,214114,7480,206634,,2389789,,,240111,,,240111,2149678,,10002,,,,,,122996,3013,,,07/10 16:50,07/10 17:00,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200709,TX,,,,,,,,,,213728,7466,206262,,2313212,,,230346,,,230346,2082866,,9689,,,,,,118326,2918,,,07/09 16:50,07/09 17:14,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200708,TX,,,,,,,,,,212321,7437,204884,,2258708,,,220564,,,220564,2038144,,9610,,,,,,113284,2813,,,07/08 17:45,07/08 18:00,ALF,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200707,TX,,,,,,,,,,210574,7408,203166,,2221287,,,210585,,,210585,2010702,,9286,,,,,,108485,2715,,,07/07 16:45,07/07 17:03,LRH,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200706,TX,,,,,,,,,,207980,7368,200612,,2163729,,,200557,,,200557,1963172,,8698,,,,,,103782,2655,,,07/06 16:30,07/06 16:57,WCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200705,TX,,,,,,,,,,204641,7307,197334,,2133457,,,195239,,,195239,1938218,,8181,,,,,,100843,2637,,,07/05 16:15,07/05 16:21,BML,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200704,TX,,,,,,,,,,201782,7274,194508,,2071809,,,191790,,,191790,1880019,,7890,,,,,,97430,2608,,,07/04 16:15,07/04 16:41,EDS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200703,TX,,,,,,,,,,199041,7255,191786,,2013906,,,183532,,,183532,1830374,,7652,,,,,,93572,2575,,,07/03 16:25,07/03 17:04,CB-M,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200702,TX,,,,,,,,,,198745,7243,191502,,1975803,,,175977,,,175977,1799826,,7382,,,,,,90720,2525,,,07/02 16:40,07/02 17:01,ENT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200701,TX,,,,,,,,,,197088,7234,189854,,1921948,,,168062,,,168062,1753886,,6904,,,,,,87556,2481,,,07/01 16:50,07/01 17:09,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200630,TX,,,,,,,,,,192657,7116,185541,,1869282,,,159986,,,159986,1709296,,6533,,,,,,84818,2424,,,06/30 17:00,06/30 17:48,KP,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200629,TX,,,,,,,,,,187535,6973,180562,,1819189,,,153011,,,153011,1666178,,5913,,,,,,81335,2403,,,06/29 16:40,06/29 17:00,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200628,TX,,,,,,,,,,184398,6940,177458,,1775219,,,148728,,,148728,1626491,,5497,,,,,,79974,2393,,,06/28 16:40,06/28 16:58,HMH,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200627,TX,,,,,,,,,,180835,6918,173917,,1722826,,,143371,,,143371,1579455,,5523,,,,,,78248,2366,,,06/27 15:50,06/27 16:26,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200626,TX,,,,,,,,,,177863,6871,170992,,1697334,,,137624,,,137624,1559710,,5102,,,,,,76282,2324,,,06/26 16:50,06/26 17:03,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200625,TX,,,,,,,,,,176697,6823,169874,,1659340,,,131917,,,131917,1527423,,4739,,,,,,74496,2296,,,06/25 17:00,06/25 17:26,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200624,TX,,,,,,,,,,175384,6770,168614,,1630258,,,125921,,,125921,1504337,,4389,,,,,,72898,2249,,,06/24 16:50,06/24 17:02,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200623,TX,,,,,,,,,,170411,6606,163805,,1597290,,,120370,,,120370,1476920,,4092,,,,,,70714,2220,,,06/23 16:50,06/23 17:01,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200622,TX,,,,,,,,,,166168,6527,159641,,1549009,,,114881,,,114881,1434128,,3711,,,,,,69190,2192,,,06/22 16:40,06/22 16:47,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200621,TX,,,,,,,,,,163944,6493,157451,,1526180,,,111601,,,111601,1414579,,3409,,,,,,68499,2182,,,06/21 16:05,06/21 17:07,SNW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200620,TX,,,,,,,,,,159453,6431,153022,,1463398,,,107735,,,107735,1355663,,3247,,,,,,67096,2165,,,06/20 16:20,06/20 16:48,ETS/SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200619,TX,,,,,,,,,,153011,6262,146749,,1423914,,,103305,,,103305,1320609,,3148,,,,,,65329,2140,,,06/19 16:00,06/19 16:32,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200618,TX,,,,,,,,,,152796,6258,146538,,1407741,,,99851,,,99851,1307890,,2947,,,,,,63812,2105,,,06/18 17:15,06/18 17:44,RSG,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200617,TX,,,,,,,,,,152796,6258,146538,,1369638,,,96335,,,96335,1273303,,2793,,,,,,62368,2062,,,06/17 16:45,06/17 17:03,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/17 HMH)TX has a new note on top of their dashboard - The reported cases for June 16 include 2,622new cases and 1,476 cases that were previously diagnosed among Texas Department of Criminal Justice inmates but that had not been reported by local health departments (887 from Anderson County and 589 from Brazoria County). (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200616,TX,,,,,,,,,,150573,6189,144384,,1348442,,,93206,,,93206,1255236,,2518,,,,,,60681,2029,,,06/16 17:15,06/16 17:46,SMS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200615,TX,,,,,,,,,,149090,6135,142955,,1314761,,,89108,,,89108,1225653,,2326,,,,,,59089,1983,,,06/15 16:50,06/15 17:13,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (6/15 KWS) current hospitalization number updated without any other numbers or timestamp changing (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200614,TX,,,,,,,,,,146967,6062,140905,,1295983,,,87854,,,87854,1208129,,2287,,,,,,58341,1976,,,06/14 16:00,06/14 17:00,BSL,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200613,TX,,,,,,,,,,144050,5963,138087,,1260319,,,86011,,,86011,1174308,,2242,,,,,,56535,1957,,,06/13 16:50,06/13 17:02,BML,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200612,TX,,,,,,,,,,143174,5925,137249,,1226957,,,83680,,,83680,1143277,,2166,,,,,,55258,1939,,,06/12 16:40,06/12 17:06,HMH,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (HMH 6/12) All testing data as of 6/11 (6/11 MM+REB) patch for late publish ",B,, 20200611,TX,,,,,,,,,,142573,5906,136667,,1206320,,,81583,,,81583,1124737,,2008,,,,,,54096,1920,,,06/11 21:30,06/11 22:51,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200610,TX,,,,,,,,,,140962,5812,135150,,1161087,,,79757,,,79757,1081330,,2153,,,,,,52449,1885,,,06/10 16:45,06/10 17:03,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from main dashboard and ""Testing Data"" dashboard (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200609,TX,,,,,,,,,,138784,5710,133074,,1147355,,,77253,,,77253,1070102,,2056,,,,,,51140,1853,,,06/09 16:50,06/09 17:04,REB,BSL,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200608,TX,,,,,,,,,,118509,4767,113742,,1120316,,,75616,,,75616,1044700,,1935,,,,,,49758,1830,,,06/07 16:30,06/08 17:22,SPA,QN,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200607,TX,,,,,,,,,,118509,4767,113742,,1100446,,,74978,,,74978,1025468,,1878,,,,,,49758,1830,,,06/07 14:30,06/07 17:09,HMH,RS,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200606,TX,,,,,,,,,,115910,4659,111251,,1093277,,,73553,,,73553,1019724,,1822,,,,,,48895,1819,,,06/06 17:00,06/06 17:09,SPA,RS,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200605,TX,,,,,,,,,,113372,4549,108823,,1061576,,,71613,,,71613,989963,,1855,,,,,,47865,1788,,,06/05 17:00,06/05 17:19,NRC,JAC,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200604,TX,,,,,,,,,,112313,4500,107813,,1038555,,,69920,,,69920,968635,,1796,,,,,,46799,1767,,,06/04 16:50,06/04 17:08,MDH,JAC,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200603,TX,,,,,,,,,,110506,4395,106111,,1006768,,,68271,,,68271,938497,,1487,,,,,,45858,1734,,,06/03 16:25,06/03 17:02,BSL,MM,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200602,TX,,,,,,,,,,107452,4258,103194,,986224,,,66568,,,66568,919656,,1773,,,,,,44517,1698,,,06/02 16:00,06/02 17:12,BSL,MM,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200601,TX,,,,,,,,,,103460,4080,99380,,970031,,,64880,,,64880,905151,,1756,,,,,,43338,1678,,,06/01 17:00,06/01 17:21,RS,ESK,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200531,TX,,,,,,,,,,102928,4044,98884,,951865,,,64287,,,64287,887578,,1684,,,,,,42423,1672,,,05/31 16:30,05/31 17:25,TCD,ALF,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200530,TX,,,,,,,,,,98932,3882,95150,,928517,,,62338,,,62338,866179,,1752,,,,,,40068,1626,,,05/29 16:45,05/30 16:28,SPA,REB,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200529,TX,,,,,,,,,,96719,3782,92937,,893275,,,61006,,,61006,832269,,1701,,,,,,40068,1626,,,05/28 16:30,05/29 17:26,PR,KP/MM,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200528,TX,,,,,,,,,,88643,3445,85198,,873218,,,59776,,,59776,813442,,1692,,,,,,38905,1601,,,05/28 16:30,05/29 17:26,PR,KP/MM,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/28 MM) Only antibody totals changed. not positives.. (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200527,TX,,,,,,,,,,87565,3406,84159,,855674,,,57921,,,57921,797753,,1645,,,,,,37626,1562,,,05/27 16:40,05/27 17:05,MM,RS,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200526,TX,,,,,,,,,,84841,3294,81547,,821233,,,56560,,,56560,764673,,1534,,,,,,36375,"1,536",,,05/26 17:00,05/26 17:15,REB,MM,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200525,TX,,,,,,,,,,80700,3163,77537,,805654,,,55971,,,55971,749683,,1511,,,,,,35292,1527,,,05/25 4:30,05/25 16:56,REB,PR,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200524,TX,,,,,,,,,,71731,2866,68865,,762706,,,55348,,,55348,708197,,1572,,,,,,33385,1506,,,05/23 4:45,05/24 15:02,JAC,RS,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/24 JAC) TX updated 'Cases reported' but not 'Total tests', so left Negative calc (5/24 MM) Changed deaths based on 6pm screenshot. See (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab ",B,, 20200523,TX,,,,,,,,,,60252,2463,57789,,762706,,,54509,,,54509,708197,,1688,,,,,,32277,1506,,,05/22 17:00,05/23 16:39,SPA,REB,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. Positive antibody tests are in (5/22 MM) Did some patches for PCR tests. See and (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200522,TX,,,,,,,,,,49313,2463,47199,,740181,,,53449,,,53449,687913,,1578,,,,,,31223,1480,,,05/21 17:55,05/22 15:46,TCD,RS,"Process: Get TX Antibody info on Testing Data tab. (5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200521,TX,,,,,,,,,,60252,2114,58138,,740181,,,52268,,,52268,687913,,1680,,,,,,30341,1440,,,05/20 16:50,05/21 15:53,JAC,QN,"(5/21 aft JAC) Reached consensus that the ""completed fatality investigations"" number does not equal confirmed deaths. Removed number from column AP ""deaths (confirmed)"" (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200520,TX,,,,,,,,,,49313,,,,720928,,,51323,,,51323,669605,,1791,,,,,,30341,1419,,,05/19 16:50,05/20 16:39,REB,PR,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200519,TX,,,,,,,,,,44791,,,,700146,,,49912,,,49912,650234,,1732,,,,,,29359,1369,,,05/19 16:50,05/20 16:39,REB,PR,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",A,, 20200518,TX,,,,,,,,,,43168,,,,679845,,,48693,,,48693,631152,,1551,,,,,,28371,1347,,,05/18 16:25,05/18 16:33,RS,MM,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",A,, 20200517,TX,,,,,,,,,,42921,,,,650355,,,47784,,,47784,602571,,1512,,,,,,27570,1336,,,05/17 16:15,05/17 16:34,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",A,, 20200516,TX,,,,,,,,,,39732,,,,638739,,,46999,,,46999,591740,,1791,,,,,,26601,1305,,,05/15 16:15,05/16 16:33,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",A,, 20200515,TX,,,,,,,,,,36362,,,,609630,,,45198,,,45198,564432,,1716,,,,,,25454,1272,,,05/15 16:15,05/16 16:33,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",A,, 20200514,TX,,,,,,,,,,35971,,,,587313,,,43851,,,43851,543462,,1648,,,,,,24487,1216,,,05/14 16:30,05/14 16:53,RS,AFG,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",A,, 20200513,TX,,,,,,,,,,30655,,,,556776,,,42403,,,42403,514373,,1676,,,,,,23519,1158,,,05/13 16:20,,,,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",A,, 20200512,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41048,,,41048,497124,,1725,,,,,,22674,1133,,,05/11 16:25,05/12 15:01,RSB,KP,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",A,, 20200511,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39869,,,39869,485828,,1525,,,,,,21713,1100,483,,05/10 16:35,05/11 16:52,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200510,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38869,,,38869,462907,,1626,,,,,,21022,1088,481,,05/10 16:35,05/11 16:52,RS,REB,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200509,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37860,,,37860,451434,,1735,,,,,,20141,1049,470,,05/09 13:15,05/09 14:19,BL,RS,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200508,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36609,,,36609,440509,,1734,,,,,,19197,1004,453,,05/08 13:00,05/08 16:06,JAC,KP,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200507,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35390,,,35390,419772,,1750,,,,,,18440,973,449,,05/07 13:00,05/07 15:44,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Confirmed fatalities data comes from Fatalty Demographics tab (5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200506,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34422,,,34422,404516,,1812,,,,,,17622,948,443,,05/06 13:20,05/06 14:53,REB,AW,"(5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200505,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33369,,,33369,393841,,1888,,,,,,16791,906,433,,05/05 13:15,05/05 15:50,KP,QN,"(5/5 aft QN) Asking reporting for the meaning of ""completed fatality investigations"" on the dashboard - Fatality Demographics tab (5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200504,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32332,,,32332,375066,,1533,,,,,,16090,884,414,,05/04 13:15,05/04 15:34,SPA,PR,"(5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200503,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31548,,,31548,359012,,1540,,,,,,15544,867,,,05/02 12:45,,,,"(5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200502,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30522,,,30522,350126,,1725,,,,,,14891,847,,,05/02 12:45,,,,"(5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200501,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29229,,,29229,322546,,1778,,,,,,14122,816,,,05/01 13:00,05/01 14:43,SPA,AW,"(5/1 mor ALF) Total tests number on main page of dashboard is newer than total tests number on third page of dashboard. There are 336 ""completed fatality investigations"" reported on p 6 (Fatality Demographics) of the Dashboard: not sure if this is the same as ""People who died who tested positive for COVID."" The state appears to be reporting only lab-confirmed cases, so I added the number of positive cases to column AC.",B,, 20200430,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28087,,,28087,302213,,1686,,,,,,13353,782,,,04/29 13:00,04/30 15:02,JAC,BL,,B,, 20200429,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27054,,,27054,287736,,1702,,,,,,12507,732,,,04/29 13:00,04/30 15:02,JAC,BL,,B,, 20200428,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26171,,,26171,274213,,1682,,,,,,11786,690,,,04/28 13:00,04/28 14:31,KP,AW,,B,, 20200427,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25297,,,25297,265220,,1563,,,,,,11170,663,,,04/27 13:10,,,,,B,, 20200426,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24631,,,24631,251390,,1542,,,,,,10763,648,,,04/26 12:40,,,,,B,, 20200425,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23773,,,23773,239043,,1597,,,,,,9986,623,,,04/25 13:00,04/25 14:50,REB,AW,,B,, 20200424,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22806,,,22806,219741,,1674,,,,,,9156,593,,,04/24 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200423,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21944,,,21944,203134,,1649,,,,,,8025,561,,,04/23 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200422,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21069,,,21069,195714,,1678,,,,,,7341,543,,,04/22 13:15,,,,,A,, 20200421,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20196,,,20196,185203,,1419,,,,,,6486,517,,,04/21 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200420,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19458,,,19458,170936,,1411,,,,,,5706,495,,,04/20 12:45,,,,,A,, 20200419,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18923,,,18923,163787,,1471,,,,,,5334,477,,,04/19 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200418,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18260,,,18260,157979,,1321,,,,,,4806,453,,,04/18 13:45,,,,,A,, 20200417,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17371,,,17371,152165,,1522,,,,,,4190,428,,,04/17 12:45,,,,,A,, 20200416,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16455,,,16455,142092,,1459,,,,,,3677,393,,,04/16 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200415,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15492,,,15492,136318,,1538,,,,,,3150,364,,,04/15 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200414,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14624,,,14624,131843,,1409,,,,,,2580,318,,,04/14 12:45,,,,,A,, 20200413,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13906,,,13906,119320,,1176,,,,,,2269,287,,,04/13 12:45,,,,,A,, 20200412,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13484,,,13484,111049,,1338,,,,,,2014,271,,,04/11 21:00,,,,,A,, 20200411,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12561,,,12561,107972,,1514,,,,,,1617,254,,,04/11 12:40,,,,,A,, 20200410,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11671,,,11671,104047,,1532,,,,,,1366,226,,,04/10 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200409,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10230,,,10230,95904,,1439,,,,,,1101,199,,,04/09 13:15,,,,,A,, 20200408,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9353,,,9353,86905,,1491,,,,,,38,177,,,04/08 14:21,,,,,A,, 20200407,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8262,,,8262,80387,,1252,,,,,,38,154,,,04/06 21:00,,,,"(4/7 LH aft) Moved cumulative hospitalized data to currently hospitalized based on dashboard wording (""Currently In Texas Hospitals"") (4/6 RS Aft) Recovered data held over due to descrepancy reporting vs state",A,, 20200406,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7276,,,7276,78081,,1153,,,,,,38,140,,,04/05 21:00,04/06 16:06,RS,JJ/PR,(4/6 RS Aft) Recovered data held over due to descrepancy reporting vs state,A,, 20200405,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6812,,,6812,64126,,827,,,,,,38,127,,,04/05 13:00,,,,(4/5 RS) Hosp from:,A,, 20200404,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6110,,,6110,57641,,196,,,,,,38,105,,,04/03 21:00,,,,"(4/4 RS afternoon) Recovered and Hospitalizations are not reported on state page, left previous stats intact. Hospitalization Update:",A,, 20200403,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5330,,,5330,50434,,196,,,,,,38,90,,,04/02 21:00,,,,"(4/3 LH afternoon) Recovered and Hospitalizations are not reported on state page, left previous stats intact.",A,, 20200402,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4669,,,4669,46010,,196,,,,,,38,70,,,04/01 21:00,04/02 23:08,NM,,"(4/2 RS aft) Recovered and Hospitalizations are not reported on state page, left previous stats intact.",A,, 20200401,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3997,,,3997,43860,,196,,,,,,38,58,,,03/31 21:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3266,,,3266,39726,,196,,,,,,38,41,,,03/31 13:45,,,,,A,, 20200330,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2877,,,2877,33003,,,,,,,,38,34,,,03/30 12:45,,,,,A,, 20200329,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2552,,,2552,23208,,,,,,,,,34,,,03/29 13:45,,,,,A,, 20200328,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2052,,,2052,23208,,,,,,,,,27,,,03/28 12:45,,,,,A,, 20200327,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1731,,,1731,21935,,,,,,,,,23,,,03/27 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1396,,,1396,20028,,,,,,,,,18,,,03/26 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,974,,,974,12520,,,,,,,,,12,,,03/25 12:30,,,,,A,, 20200324,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,410,,,410,10757,,,,,,,,,9,,,03/23 21:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,352,,,352,9703,,,,,,,,,8,,,03/23 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,334,,,334,8422,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/21 21:00,,,,,,, 20200321,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,304,,,304,6218,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/21 13:00,,,,,,, 20200320,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,194,,,194,5083,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/20 13:00,,,,,,, 20200319,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,143,,,143,2212,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/19 13:00,,,,,,, 20200318,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83,,,83,1824,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/18 13:00,,,,,,, 20200317,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64,,,64,1204,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/17 13:00,,,,,,, 20200316,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57,,,57,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:21,,,,,,, 20200315,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56,,,56,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 13:00,,,,,,, 20200314,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,,,51,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 13:00,,,,,,, 20200313,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39,,,39,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23,,,23,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 11:00,,,,,,, 20200311,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21,,,21,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,13,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,TX,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,816876,,,52107,,659855,52107,607748,,143,3093,45,776,,319,43990,407,,,08/31 10:16,08/31 15:50,KVP,RS,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,810646,,,51854,,655507,51854,603653,,134,3080,45,776,,319,43724,407,,,08/30 11:26,08/30 16:49,KVP,SB,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,803709,,,51406,,650560,51406,599154,,139,3057,48,774,,319,43342,407,,,08/29 11:00,08/29 16:14,KVP,SB,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,799476,,,50948,,647745,50948,596797,,127,3041,44,773,,318,42959,407,,,08/28 10:45,08/28 15:52,KAT,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,792224,,,50557,,642761,50557,592204,,134,3015,41,764,,310,42512,403,,,08/27 10:03,08/27 17:12,BHP,RSG,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,784285,,,50174,,637329,50174,587155,,130,2996,40,760,,308,41937,401,,,08/26 10:28,08/26 16:36,MEB,DZL,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,775041,,,49767,,630599,49767,580832,,143,2969,47,753,,306,41529,397,,,08/25 10:08,08/25 16:19,MJW,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,769530,,,49364,,626354,49364,576990,,144,2941,57,744,,298,41164,390,,,08/24 10:24,08/24 16:04,RS,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,766985,,,49115,,624836,49115,575721,,156,2926,58,743,,298,40831,385,,,08/23 11:02,08/23 16:10,KVP,RSG,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,763337,,,48814,,622363,48814,573549,,148,2899,56,740,,297,40352,385,,,08/22 10:37,08/22 16:09,KVP,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,759154,,,48445,,619397,48445,570952,,155,2870,58,737,,294,39867,383,,,08/21 10:19,08/21 16:01,GET,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,754227,,,47982,,615804,47982,567822,,157,2853,62,732,,292,39364,381,,,08/20 11:07,08/20 16:57,KVP,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,746491,,,47521,,610362,47521,562841,,158,2832,63,727,,289,38883,377,,,08/19 10:38,08/19 16:02,DJW,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,740867,,,47157,,606516,47157,559359,,183,2804,61,718,,288,38555,369,,,08/18 11:07,08/18 16:05,KVP,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,734332,,,46894,,601795,46894,554901,,156,2782,64,708,,286,38132,364,,,08/17 10:24,08/17 16:25,KAT,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,729590,,,46652,,598527,46652,551875,,204,2771,64,707,,287,37701,363,,,08/16 13:17,08/16 16:27,KVP,BSL,"(8/15 KVP) Utah switched their dashboard from a horizontal nicely on one line to a longer vertical display. (7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,724237,,,46321,,594901,46321,548580,,186,2760,64,707,,286,37346,363,,,08/15 10:28,08/15 15:55,KVP,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,716883,,,45976,,589817,45976,543841,,190,2744,69,702,,285,36679,360,,,08/14 10:32,08/14 16:03,KAT,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,709307,,,45424,,584656,45424,539232,,206,2721,74,694,,281,35817,353,,,08/13 10:46,08/13 16:13,KVP,JAC,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,704270,,,45090,,581209,45090,536119,,236,2696,79,690,,279,35311,351,,,08/12 10:39,08/12 16:15,KAT,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,700182,,,44752,,578549,44752,533797,,208,2677,81,685,,277,34764,349,,,08/11 11:14,08/11 16:07,KVP,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,694668,,,44390,,574560,44390,530170,,222,2642,79,673,,275,34319,345,,,08/10 10:59,08/10 16:03,KAT,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,689272,,,44127,,570613,44127,526486,,224,2620,78,669,,274,33914,336,,,08/09 11:38,08/09 16:12,KVP,KP,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,683550,,,43751,,566355,43751,522604,,222,2604,77,667,,272,33115,335,,,08/08 11:03,08/08 16:01,KVP,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,673509,,,43375,,559100,43375,515725,,234,2578,81,657,,269,32371,335,,,08/07 10:33,8/07 16:17,KAT,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,667936,,,42915,,555391,42915,512476,,220,2554,80,657,,266,31619,330,,,08/06 10:42,8/06 16:20,KVP,JAC,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,660553,,,42328,,550322,42328,507994,,220,2519,81,650,,265,30911,327,,,08/05 9:57,8/05 16:53,BSL,RSG,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,653315,,,41907,,544956,41907,503049,,220,2482,81,640,,261,30449,321,,,08/04 10:30,8/04 16:50,AIA,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/4 17:58, 20200803,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,647027,,,41529,,540182,41529,498653,,252,2450,83,630,,257,29967,314,,,08/03 10:20,8/03 16:03,KAT,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,642368,,,41175,,536716,41175,495541,,289,2430,84,628,,256,29389,311,,,08/02 10:32,8/02 17:54,BAS,KP,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,637428,,,40702,,533260,40702,492558,,268,2412,82,627,,255,28747,310,,,08/01 11:41,8/01 16:16,KVP,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,631309,,,40196,,528910,40196,488714,,258,2377,81,618,,250,28130,304,,,07/31 10:58,07/31 16:19,KAT,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200730,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,624952,,,39696,,524367,39696,484671,,238,2346,87,610,,249,27261,300,,,07/30 11:19,07/30 16:40,DZL,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200729,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,616512,,,39194,,518191,39194,478997,,232,2324,88,605,,244,26643,292,,,07/29 10:45,07/29 16:06,SAL,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200728,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,613190,,,38855,,514509,38855,475654,,233,2295,90,592,,240,25905,286,,,07/28 10:15,07/28 16:15,KVP,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200727,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,607008,,,38409,,509858,38409,471449,,225,2253,83,580,,239,25321,281,,,07/27 10:59,07/27 16:43,KAT,JAC,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200726,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,600765,,,37973,,505351,37973,467378,,251,2234,83,577,,239,24798,274,,,07/26 10:29,07/26 15:59,KVP,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200725,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,594012,,,37623,,500139,37623,462516,,232,2213,79,576,,238,24390,274,,,07/25 10:57,07/25 16:23,KVP,RS,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200724,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,585839,,,36962,,494071,36962,457109,,250,2188,97,574,,237,23715,273,,,07/24 10:19,07/24 16:19,SLC,RSG,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200723,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,574216,,,36099,,485422,36099,449323,,249,2150,98,568,,234,23093,267,,,07/23 10:55,07/23 16:18,BHP,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200722,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,569107,,,35578,,481402,35578,445824,,234,2135,94,563,,231,22532,260,,,07/22 11:41,07/22 16:12,KAT,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200721,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,561500,,,35012,,475443,35012,440431,,219,2109,96,554,,229,22032,251,,,07/21 10:35,07/21 16:24,BHP,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200720,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,553616,,,34526,,469404,34526,434878,,247,2066,105,543,,224,21504,247,,,07/20 10:13,07/20 16:27,KAT,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200719,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,545296,,,34117,,462822,34117,428705,,296,2033,102,543,,222,20915,243,,,07/19 11:08,07/19 16:09,KVP,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200718,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,536950,,,33332,,456240,33332,422908,,251,2014,91,541,,222,20421,243,,,07/18 10:53,07/18 16:11,KVP,JAC,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200717,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,526288,,,32572,,447806,32572,415234,,256,1984,96,532,,220,19862,235,,,07/17 9:43,07/17 17:10,SAL,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200716,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,516003,,,31845,,439528,31845,407683,,236,1956,89,523,,214,19214,234,,,07/16 10:58,07/16 17:00,ATS,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200715,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30891,,432080,30891,401189,,250,1913,83,515,,214,18593,233,,,07/15 11:01,07/15 15:56,BSL,RS,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200714,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30478,,424521,30478,394043,,231,1888,80,505,,210,18111,226,,,07/14 11:21,07/14 16:12,SLC,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200713,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30030,,418335,30030,388305,,252,1850,86,487,,208,17728,216,,,07/13 10:41,07/13 16:01,SLC,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200712,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29484,,413058,29484,383574,,276,1824,84,486,,207,17303,215,,,07/12 13:34,07/12 15:59,BAS,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200711,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28855,,405352,28855,376497,,269,1797,84,483,,207,16897,212,,,07/11 11:13,07/11 15:33,BHP,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200710,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28223,,395974,28223,367751,,229,1748,79,477,,205,16261,207,,,07/10 10:27,07/10 15:41,BHP,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200709,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27356,,388733,27356,361377,,207,1700,74,472,,204,15661,205,,,07/09 11:13,07/09 16:16,SLC,QN,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200708,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26755,,385760,26755,359005,,236,1678,76,465,,203,15178,201,,,07/08 11:13,07/08 16:21,EDS,BHP,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200707,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26033,,382849,26033,356816,,248,1653,84,455,,200,14764,194,,,07/07 10:30,07/07 15:53,WCD,RS,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200706,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25469,,375842,25469,350373,,244,1604,83,438,,194,14448,190,,,07/06 11:02,07/06 15:54,KVP,BSL,"(7/06 KVP) Ventilator cumulative totals dropped by one from 195 to 194. No explanation found. (6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200705,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24952,,371308,24952,346356,,237,1582,84,438,,195,14147,184,,,07/05 10:48,07/05 15:36,RSG,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200704,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24542,,366716,24542,342174,,255,1565,88,436,,194,13807,181,,,07/04 10:43,07/04 15:29,SNW,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200703,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23866,,356636,23866,332770,,232,1529,85,434,,193,13408,181,,,07/03 11:46,07/03 15:44,BHP,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200702,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23270,,346386,23270,323116,,229,1505,81,430,,190,13076,176,,,07/02 11:31,07/02 16:11,EDS,QN,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200701,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22716,,343358,22716,320642,,261,1476,84,423,,187,12707,173,,,07/01 10:10,07/01 15:43,BHP,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200630,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22217,,340753,22217,318536,,250,1444,83,406,,178,12398,172,,,06/30 10:14,06/30 16:10,EDS,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200629,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21664,,333905,21664,312241,,254,1417,80,394,,170,12205,168,,,06/29 10:25,06/29 15:41,WCD,BSL,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200628,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21100,,328449,21100,307349,,289,1396,83,389,,167,11931,167,,,06/28 11:06,06/28 15:48,BHP,MM,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200627,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20628,,322802,20628,302174,,287,1365,77,388,,166,11658,167,,,06/27 11:17,06/27 16:10,DCC,JAC,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200626,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20050,,317568,20050,297518,,238,1321,80,375,,161,11097,166,,,06/26 10:23,06/26 16:12,BSL,QN,"(6/25 MDH) Changed source note for ""Deaths (confirmed)"" to Not Provided as we've found that UT lumps probable and confirmed deaths (6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200625,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19374,,312054,19374,292680,,230,1290,79,365,,160,10642,164,,,06/25 10:45,06/25 15:50,EDS,BSL,"(6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200624,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18784,,304738,18784,285954,,245,1256,77,355,,154,10334,163,,,06/24 10:46,06/24 16:04,BSL,BHP,"(6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A+,, 20200623,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18300,,302276,18300,283976,,214,1226,77,344,,153,10057,163,,,06/23 12:09,06/23 15:40,BHP,BSL,"(6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A,, 20200622,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17906,,299312,17906,281406,,198,1192,67,338,,150,9863,158,,,06/22 12:23,06/22 15:40,EDS,RS,"(6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A,, 20200621,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17462,,296395,17462,278933,,222,1184,67,338,,150,9659,158,,,06/21 12:48,06/21 15:22,BHP,BSL,"(6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A,, 20200620,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17068,,292877,17068,275809,,232,1161,66,333,,149,9390,155,,,06/20 11:33,06/20 15:47,ETS,BSL,"(6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A,, 20200619,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16425,,287358,16425,270933,,237,1145,63,330,,148,9113,155,,,06/19 10:20,06/19 15:22,BSL,RS,"(6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A,, 20200618,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15839,,282685,15839,266846,,282,1120,66,326,,145,8786,152,,,06/18 10:14,06/18 15:49,BSL,RS,"(6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A,, 20200617,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15344,,278692,15344,263348,,270,1102,64,321,,142,8552,149,,,06/17 10:18,06/17 16:00,HMH,BSL,"(6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",A,, 20200616,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14937,,275700,14937,260763,,271,1073,,311,,138,8470,145,,,06/16 10:36,06/16 16:11,BHP,KP,"(6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200615,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14608,,272938,14608,258330,,184,1041,72,304,,134,8380,143,,,06/15 10:37,06/15 15:38,HMH,RS,"(6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200614,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14313,,267713,14313,253400,,178,1028,,302,,134,8252,139,,,06/14 10:57,06/14 15:23,BSL,JAC,"(6/14 BSL) Cum. vent reduced from 5, from 139 to 134 (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200613,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13981,,262782,13981,248801,,236,1012,,300,,132,8114,139,,,06/13 10:30,06/13 15:06,RSG,BSL,(5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.,B,, 20200612,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13577,,258786,13577,245209,,197,988,,294,,130,7935,139,,,06/12 10:20,06/12 15:23,RSG,BSL,(5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.,B,, 20200611,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13252,,254668,13252,241416,,188,968,,282,,123,7745,131,,,06/11 10:16,06/11 15:16,HMH,BSL,(5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.,B,, 20200610,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12864,,249760,12864,236896,,223,954,,276,,116,7587,128,,,06/10 10:02,06/10 16:27,BSL,JAC,(5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.,B,, 20200609,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12559,,246860,12559,234301,,230,931,,274,,116,7391,127,,,06/09 10:32,06/09 15:48,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200608,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12322,,242899,12322,230577,,182,918,,270,,112,7255,124,,,06/08 15:00,06/08 15:18,AS,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200607,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12066,,237951,12066,225885,,207,900,,269,,111,7108,121,,,06/07 15:00,06/07 16:01,SLC,JAC,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200606,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11798,,235149,11798,223351,,147,890,,266,,110,6939,121,,,06/06 15:00,06/06 15:50,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200605,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11252,,232197,11252,220945,,133,870,,262,,109,6788,120,,,06/05 15:00,06/05 15:51,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200604,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10813,,227507,10813,216694,,164,850,,258,,108,6628,117,,,06/04 15:00,06/04 16:00,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200603,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10497,,223981,10497,213484,,150,829,,250,,107,6501,117,,,06/03 15:00,06/03 15:18,AW,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200602,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10202,,221791,10202,211589,,159,801,,243,,104,6319,113,,,06/02 15:00,06/02 16:27,BSL,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200601,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9999,,218112,9999,208113,,134,789,,242,,102,6251,113,,,06/01 15:00,06/01 16:25,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200531,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9797,,213914,9797,204117,,142,775,,242,,102,6137,113,,,05/31 15:00,05/31 16:57,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200530,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9533,,210105,9533,200572,,139,763,,241,,102,5995,112,,,05/30 15:00,05/30 15:22,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200529,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9264,,205855,9264,196591,,135,753,,237,,102,5813,107,,,05/29 10:19,05/29 16:56,AW,SPA,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200528,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8921,,203507,8921,194586,,169,734,,231,,98,5623,106,,,05/28 10:04,05/28 15:52,RS,PR,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200527,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8706,,200626,8706,191920,,127,716,,223,,94,5499,105,,,05/27 11:04,05/27 16:28,JAC,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200526,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8620,,198592,8620,189972,,134,696,,217,,89,5346,101,,,05/26 10:19,05/26 16:51,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200525,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8521,,196468,8521,187947,,131,692,,215,,88,5218,98,,,05/25 10:15,05/25 16:44,AW,ESK,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200524,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8392,,194433,8392,186041,,128,688,,215,,88,5081,97,,,05/24 10:39,05/24 15:55,JAC,ALF,"PROCESS: Current Hosp. comes from Hospitalization tab: Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumul. Hosp., ICU and Vent. on Hospitalization tab in table 'Level of care' -- do not include ""Under Investigation"" as this isn't ""those who are hospitalized but haven't been tested"", but rather ""those who tested positive but we don't know their hospitalization status"" For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard (5/24 JAC) On 5/22 & 5/23 Cum. Hosp included the 'under investigation' number. Historicals will be adjusted.",B,, 20200523,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8260,,190779,8260,182519,,165,676,,213,,88,4898,97,,,05/23 11:28,05/23 16:24,BL,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar Timestamp -- look at the bottom of the dashboard ",B,, 20200522,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8057,,186834,8057,178777,,163,660,,210,,88,4748,93,,,05/22 15:00,05/22 16:17,TCD,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200521,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7874,,182874,7874,175000,,169,647,,207,,88,4596,92,,,05/21 10:45,05/21 15:55,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200520,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7710,,179664,7710,171954,,144,631,,200,,87,4423,90,,,05/20 10:15,05/20 16:06,REB,PR,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200519,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7384,,174022,7518,169793,,96,619,,197,,84,4275,88,,,05/18 10:29,05/19 17:48,MM,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200518,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7384,,174022,7384,166638,,179,595,,197,,84,4183,80,,,05/18 10:29,05/19 17:48,MM,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200517,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7238,,170752,7238,163514,,181,586,,196,,84,4075,80,,,05/17 12:04,05/17 15:47,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200516,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7068,,166774,7068,159706,,168,578,,194,,84,3896,78,,,05/16 10:21,05/16 15:59,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200515,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6913,,163218,6913,156305,,161,566,,190,,83,3719,77,,,05/15 10:27,05/15 17:13,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200514,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6749,,156786,6749,153370,,142,558,,187,,83,3566,75,,,05/14 10:07,05/14 15:30,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200513,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6620,,153485,6620,150166,,158,553,,182,,81,3406,75,,,05/13 15:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200512,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6432,,,6432,147053,,166,535,,178,,80,3267,73,,,05/12 15:00,05/12 16:54,RSB,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200511,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6362,,,6362,144223,,160,517,,169,,76,3181,68,,,05/11 15:00,05/11 16:11,SPA,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200510,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6251,,,6251,140259,,144,512,,168,,76,3033,67,,,05/10 10:31,05/10 14:28,JAC,DPT,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200509,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6103,,,6103,137191,,172,498,,166,,75,2901,66,,,05/09 10:32,05/09 14:26,BL,RS,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200508,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5919,,,5919,132769,,216,488,,162,,73,2769,61,,,05/08 15:00,05/08 16:10,JAC,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200507,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5724,,,5724,128819,,194,476,,159,,73,2640,61,,,05/07 15:00,05/07 15:52,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization comes from new Hospitalization tab. Sum Confirmed + Probable. Cumulative ICU and Ventilation can be obtained from the table in the hospitalization tab For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",B,, 20200506,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5595,,,5595,125407,,,464,,,,,2509,58,,,05/06 15:00,05/06 15:43,REB,AW,"PROCESS: For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",C,, 20200505,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5449,,,5449,121266,,,456,,,,,2387,56,,,05/05 15:00,05/05 16:14,KP,QN,"PROCESS: For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",C,, 20200504,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5317,,,5317,119344,,,441,,,,,2342,50,,,05/03 15:00,05/04 15:38,SPA,PR,"PROCESS: For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",C,, 20200503,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5175,,,5175,116927,,,436,,,,,2238,50,,,05/03 15:00,05/04 15:38,SPA,PR,"PROCESS: For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",C,, 20200502,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4981,,,4981,112823,,,418,,,,,2185,49,,,05/02 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: For Recoveries, search for ""Cumulative COVID-19 Cases with Estimated Recoveries"". Hover over ""Estimated Recovered*"" green bar ",C,, 20200501,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4828,,,4828,107730,,,403,,,,,2062,46,,,05/01 15:00,05/01 15:23,SPA,AW,(4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page,C,, 20200430,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4672,,,4672,103829,,,390,,,,,1939,46,,,04/30 15:00,,,,(4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page,C,, 20200429,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4495,,,4495,101283,,,383,,,,,1790,45,,,04/29 15:00,,,,(4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page,C,, 20200428,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4343,,,4343,98096,,,370,,,,,1704,45,,,04/28 15:00,04/28 14:44,KP,AW,(4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page,C,, 20200427,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4233,,,4233,95962,,,349,,,,,1641,41,,,04/27 15:00,,,,(4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page,C,, 20200426,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4123,,,4123,91579,,,345,,,,,1568,41,,,04/26 15:00,,,,(4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page,C,, 20200425,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3948,,,3948,86258,,,329,,,,,1399,41,,,04/25 15:00,04/25 14:45,REB,AW,(4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page,C,, 20200424,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3782,,,3782,80915,,,315,,,,,1252,39,,,04/24 15:00,,,,"(4/21 aft DPT) Site updated before stated time of 1pm local time (4/20 aft SPA) Recoveries Chart listed data up to the previous day (4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page",A,, 20200423,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3612,,,3612,77015,,,301,,,,,1050,35,,,04/23 15:00,,,,"(4/21 aft DPT) Site updated before stated time of 1pm local time (4/20 aft SPA) Recoveries Chart listed data up to the previous day (4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page",A,, 20200422,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3445,,,3445,73015,,,288,,,,,970,34,,,04/22 15:00,,,,"(4/21 aft DPT) Site updated before stated time of 1pm local time (4/20 aft SPA) Recoveries Chart listed data up to the previous day (4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page",A,, 20200421,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3296,,,3296,69062,,,277,,,,,888,32,,,04/21 15:00,,,,"(4/21 aft DPT) Site updated before stated time of 1pm local time (4/20 aft SPA) Recoveries Chart listed data up to the previous day (4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page",A,, 20200420,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3213,,,3213,65098,,,268,,,,,776,28,,,04/20 15:00,,,,(4/20 aft SPA) Recoveries Chart listed data up to the previous day (4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page,A,, 20200419,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3069,,,3069,60486,,,259,,,,,679,27,,,04/19 15:00,,,,(4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page,A,, 20200418,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2931,,,2931,57013,,,251,,,,,565,25,,,04/18 15:00,,,,(4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page,A,, 20200417,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2805,,,2805,52966,,,244,,,,,443,23,,,04/17 15:00,,,,(4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page,A,, 20200416,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2683,,,2683,46995,,,238,,,,,357,21,,,04/16 15:00,,,,(4/16 Aft RS) UT now reporting Recovered on dashboard under bar chart lower on page,A,, 20200415,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2542,,,2542,45072,,,221,,,,,218,20,,,04/15 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200414,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2412,,,2412,44064,,,213,,,,,218,19,,,04/14 15:00,,,,"(4/14 aft AW) carrying over recovered number (4/13 noon REB) recovered from press release, not on dashboard",A,, 20200413,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2363,,,2363,43424,,,201,,,,,218,18,,,04/13 15:00,,,,"(4/13 noon REB) recovered from press release, not on dashboard",A,, 20200412,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2303,,,2303,41931,,,195,,,,,,18,,,04/12 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200411,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2206,,,2206,40340,,,190,,,,,,18,,,04/11 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200410,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2102,,,2102,38660,,,183,,,,,,17,,,04/10 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200409,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1976,,,1976,36397,,,168,,,,,,13,,,04/09 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200408,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1846,,,1846,34270,,,158,,,,,,13,,,04/08 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200407,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1738,,,1738,32909,,,148,,,,,,13,,,04/07 15:00,,,,(4/2 RS Afternoon) Negatives went down because previous entry was a mistake - it did not subtract the positives from the negatives.,A,, 20200406,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1675,,,1675,31719,,,138,,,,,,13,,,04/05 15:00,04/06 16:05,RS,JJ/PR,(4/2 RS Afternoon) Negatives went down because previous entry was a mistake - it did not subtract the positives from the negatives.,A,, 20200405,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1605,,,1605,29287,,,124,,,,,,8,,,04/05 15:00,04/06 16:05,RS,JJ/PR,(4/2 RS Afternoon) Negatives went down because previous entry was a mistake - it did not subtract the positives from the negatives.,A,, 20200404,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1428,,,1428,26615,,,117,,,,,,8,,,04/04 15:00,,,,(4/2 RS Afternoon) Negatives went down because previous entry was a mistake - it did not subtract the positives from the negatives.,A,, 20200403,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1246,,,1246,23002,,,106,,,,,,7,,,04/03 15:00,,,,(4/2 RS Afternoon) Negatives went down because previous entry was a mistake - it did not subtract the positives from the negatives.,A,, 20200402,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1074,,,1074,20155,,,100,,,,,,7,,,04/02 15:00,,,,(4/2 RS Afternoon) Negatives went down because previous entry was a mistake - it did not subtract the positives from the negatives.,A,, 20200401,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1012,,,1012,20155,,,91,,,,,,7,,,04/01 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,887,,,887,17626,,,73,,,,,,5,,,03/31 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,806,,,806,15197,,,,,,,,,4,,,03/30 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,719,,,719,13274,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/29 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,602,,,602,10710,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/28 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,480,,,480,8764,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/27 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,402,,,402,7308,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/26 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,346,,,346,6491,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/25 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,299,,,299,5524,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/24 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,257,,,257,4790,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/23 15:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,181,,,181,3508,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/22 15:00,,,,,,, 20200321,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,136,,,136,2424,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200320,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,112,,,112,2035,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78,,,78,1448,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63,,,63,131,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/18 14:45,,,,,,, 20200317,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,,,51,131,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/17 14:45,,,,,,, 20200316,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39,,,39,131,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/16 15:17,,,,,,, 20200315,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28,,,28,131,,,,,,,,,0,,,03/15 14:45,,,,,,, 20200314,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,6,131,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 15:00,,,,,,, 20200313,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,6,131,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 15:00,,,,,,, 20200312,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,4,131,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,UT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,VA,,,,,,,,,,124444,,,1581291,,139056,,115334,5260,,120594,1465957,318,1082,16167,257,,146,,15085,2580,2447,133,08/30 17:00,08/31 16:33,MJW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,VA,,,,,,,,,,123831,,,1568194,,137012,,114514,5233,,119747,1453680,313,1090,16089,251,,132,,14999,2569,2436,133,08/29 17:00,08/30 17:02,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,VA,,,,,,,,,,123127,,,1555487,,137012,,113623,5186,,118809,1441864,310,1101,16058,245,,131,,14957,2568,2435,133,08/28 17:00,08/29 16:26,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,VA,,,,,,,,,,122422,,,1539290,,135726,,112446,5146,,117592,1426844,288,1101,15967,261,,136,,14866,2550,2417,133,08/27 17:00,08/28 16:59,JNG,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,VA,,,,,,,,,,120887,,,1502521,,134326,,110437,5021,,115458,1392084,349,1174,15938,264,,148,,14764,2515,2382,133,08/26 17:00,08/27 17:55,AIA,DPT,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,VA,,,,,,,,,,120887,,,1502521,,133061,,110437,5021,,115458,1392084,328,1170,15852,265,,145,,14682,2515,2382,133,08/26 17:00,08/26 16:25,NEZ,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,VA,,,,,,,,,,120678,,,1495014,,132419,,109679,4956,,114635,1385335,347,1174,15755,273,,144,,14581,2494,2370,124,08/24 17:00,08/25 16:17,MJW,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,VA,,,,,,,,,,120479,,,1479117,,131291,,108767,4863,,113630,1370350,307,1127,15609,256,,134,,14482,2471,2352,119,08/23 17:00,08/24 16:01,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,VA,,,,,,,,,,119991,,,1466033,,130505,,108112,4854,,112966,1357921,309,1155,15598,251,,130,,14443,2467,2348,119,08/22 17:00,08/23 16:01,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,VA,,,,,,,,,,119311,,,1453671,,129523,,107268,4804,,112072,1346403,291,1154,15507,254,,125,,14353,2443,2324,119,08/21 17:00,08/22 16:01,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,VA,,,,,,,,,,118473,,,1437278,,128248,,106177,4683,,110860,1331101,357,1233,15482,263,,142,,14249,2436,2319,117,08/20 17:00,08/21 16:12,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,VA,,,,,,,,,,117596,,,1418335,,126909,,105289,4593,,109882,1313046,373,1266,15357,276,,148,,14091,2427,2310,117,08/19 17:00,08/20 16:40,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,VA,,,,,,,,,,116765,,,1402471,,125862,,104475,4544,,109019,1297996,343,1243,15232,280,,145,,13989,2410,2293,117,08/18 17:00,08/19 16:02,PK,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,VA,,,,,,,,,,116212,,,1385832,,125049,,103809,4473,,108282,1282023,381,1253,15163,300,,163,,13910,2396,2278,118,08/17 17:00,08/18 16:00,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,VA,,,,,,,,,,115715,,,1369037,,124287,,103016,4405,,107421,1266021,316,1173,15000,281,,158,,13827,2385,2268,117,08/16 17:00,08/17 16:36,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,VA,,,,,,,,,,114668,,,1349460,,123419,,102299,4388,,106687,1247161,341,1184,14967,283,,165,,13783,2381,2266,115,08/15 17:00,08/16 16:20,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,VA,,,,,,,,,,113984,,,1332938,,122373,,101448,4302,,105750,1231490,407,1271,14965,279,,167,,13694,2381,2265,116,08/14 17:00,08/15 15:51,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,VA,,,,,,,,,,113179,,,1316037,,121207,,100603,4235,,104838,1215434,439,1299,14776,268,,150,,13477,2370,2255,115,08/13 17:00,08/14 16:23,KAT,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,VA,,,,,,,,,,112540,,,1301909,,120124,,99428,4194,,103622,1202481,390,1258,14647,289,,141,,13389,2363,2248,115,08/12 17:00,08/13 16:04,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,VA,,,,,,,,,,111414,,,1283409,,118778,,98374,4147,,102521,1185035,397,1281,14528,290,,142,,13247,2352,2238,114,08/11 17:00,08/12 16:37,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,VA,,,,,,,,,,110946,,,1267512,,117747,,97712,4033,,101745,1169800,427,1293,14445,280,,148,,13152,2344,2232,112,08/10 17:00,08/11 16:18,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,VA,,,,,,,,,,110790,,,1257605,,116969,,96807,3942,,100749,1160798,396,1251,14212,279,,159,,12961,2327,2215,112,08/09 17:00,08/10 16:00,MJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,VA,,,,,,,,,,110147,,,1240339,,115992,,96167,3919,,100086,1144172,344,1200,14123,260,,146,,12923,2326,2214,112,08/08 17:00,08/09 16:16,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,VA,,,,,,,,,,109468,,,1219165,,115088,,95326,3863,,99189,1123839,362,1258,14101,271,,145,,12843,2322,2211,111,08/07 17:00,08/08 16:13,MJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,VA,,,,,,,,,,108689,,,1205004,,113903,,94141,3741,,97882,1110863,475,1372,14097,284,,159,,12725,2317,2208,109,08/06 17:00,8/07 16:00,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,VA,,,,,,,,,,107953,,,1191304,,112844,,92244,3623,,95867,1099060,474,1349,13984,284,,157,,12635,2299,2191,108,08/05 17:00,8/06 16:25,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,VA,,,,,,,,,,106956,,,1176180,,111669,,91473,3576,,95049,1084707,423,1304,13826,283,,144,,12522,2274,2164,110,08/04 17:00,8/05 16:44,MJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,VA,,,,,,,,,,106659,,,1164515,,110906,,90728,3523,,94251,1073787,375,1255,13640,282,,144,,12385,2244,2134,110,08/03 17:00,8/04 16:46,CB-M,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/4 17:46, 20200803,VA,,,,,,,,,,106443,,,1151604,,109903,,89602,3504,,93106,1062002,322,1205,13460,271,,151,,12255,2218,2108,110,08/02 17:00,8/03 16:49,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,VA,,,,,,,,,,105769,,,1136568,,108778,,88324,3458,,91782,1048244,315,1172,13280,267,,138,,12108,2218,2108,110,08/01 17:00,8/02 16:15,KVP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,VA,,,,,,,,,,105098,,,1123927,,107823,,87367,3434,,90801,1036560,352,1256,13263,275,,150,,12007,2215,2105,110,07/31 17:00,8/01 16:04,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (8/1 KVP Cumm hosp dropped by 108 due to decrease in Curr. Hosp. we use to calc (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,VA,,,,,,,,,,104262,,,1107360,,106630,,86501,3387,,89888,1020859,449,1334,13271,279,,145,,11937,2174,2067,107,07/30 17:00,07/31 16:30,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/31 HMH) Richmond deaths decrease by 1 on 7/30 (data from 7/29) (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,, 20200730,VA,,,,,,,,,,103486,,,1091615,,105369,,85546,3358,,88904,1006069,492,1357,13085,284,,147,,11728,2141,2035,106,07/29 17:00,07/30 16:46,AJC,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,, 20200729,VA,,,,,,,,,,102351,,,1073463,,104037,,84700,3293,,87993,988763,484,1350,13000,276,,155,,11650,2125,2020,105,07/28 17:00,07/29 16:49,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,, 20200728,VA,,,,,,,,,,101776,,,1056148,,101450,,83732,3262,,86994,972416,436,1294,12844,261,,153,,11550,2095,1991,104,07/27 17:00,07/28 16:34,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,, 20200727,VA,,,,,,,,,,101405,,,1036010,,101450,,82871,,,86072,953139,379,1200,12140,260,,140,,10940,2082,1978,104,07/26 17:00,07/27 16:30,MM,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,, 20200726,VA,,,,,,,,,,101186,,,1025066,,100785,,81393,,,84567,943673,393,1174,12056,268,,143,,10882,2078,1975,103,07/25 17:00,07/26 16:36,AMW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,, 20200725,VA,,,,,,,,,,100381,,,1007314,,99636,,80480,,,83609,926834,416,1201,12001,266,,138,,10800,2075,1972,103,07/24 17:00,07/25 16:11,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (7/25 BSL) Massive decrease in hospitalizations (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR)",A+,, 20200724,VA,,,,,,,,,,99052,,,987188,,98175,,79253,,,82364,907935,451,1250,11826,274,,142,,10576,2067,1964,103,07/23 17:00,07/24 17:31,SPA,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200723,VA,,,,,,,,,,97440,,,969145,,96887,,78182,,,81237,890963,417,1218,11697,257,,136,,10479,2054,1951,103,07/22 17:00,07/23 16:18,KVP,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200722,VA,,,,,,,,,,95847,,,951174,,94379,,77380,,,80393,873794,385,1157,11488,253,,136,,10331,2051,1948,103,07/21 17:00,07/22 16:40,KAT,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200721,VA,,,,,,,,,,94828,,,937148,,94379,,76427,,,79371,860721,427,1189,11424,258,,127,,10235,2048,1945,103,07/20 17:00,07/21 15:55,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200720,VA,,,,,,,,,,94241,,,917501,,93228,,75415,,,78375,842086,415,1158,11265,265,,125,,10107,2031,1927,104,07/19 17:00,07/20 16:54,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200719,VA,,,,,,,,,,93869,,,910003,,92712,,74490,,,77430,829933,453,1186,11203,249,,127,,10017,2027,1923,104,07/18 17:00,07/19 16:02,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200718,VA,,,,,,,,,,91892,,,897264,,91652,,73420,,,76373,813328,421,1166,11142,254,,108,,9976,2025,1921,104,07/17 17:00,07/18 15:56,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200717,VA,,,,,,,,,,90435,,,880326,,90256,,72516,,,75433,801271,470,1171,11054,247,,118,,9883,2013,1909,104,07/16 17:00,07/17 16:43,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200716,VA,,,,,,,,,,88305,,,867931,,89268,,71570,,,74431,786742,444,1134,10778,248,,118,,9644,2007,1903,104,07/15 17:00,07/16 16:29,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200715,VA,,,,,,,,,,86744,,,854366,,88265,,70669,,,73527,771455,382,1081,10608,246,,113,,9527,1992,1882,110,07/14 17:00,07/15 15:57,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200714,VA,,,,,,,,,,85278,,,840502,,87237,,69610,,,72443,758407,420,1127,10550,249,,112,,9423,1977,1870,107,07/13 17:00,07/14 16:21,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200713,VA,,,,,,,,,,84681,,,826461,,86045,,68814,,,71642,742373,466,1129,10459,243,,105,,9330,1968,1861,107,07/12 17:00,07/13 15:39,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200712,VA,,,,,,,,,,84299,,,813923,,84998,,67830,,,70670,733375,389,1045,10355,228,,101,,9310,1966,1859,107,07/11 17:00,07/12 15:46,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200711,VA,,,,,,,,,,82741,,,797916,,83832,,66963,,,69782,716553,365,1020,10291,230,,97,,9271,1962,1857,105,07/10 17:00,07/11 15:28,SNW,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200710,VA,,,,,,,,,,81023,,,781377,,82679,,66095,,,68931,699794,378,1006,10195,234,,102,,9189,1958,1853,105,07/09 17:00,07/10 16:23,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200709,VA,,,,,,,,,,79162,,,767920,,81692,,65191,,,67988,685440,370,956,10021,215,,93,,9065,1937,1832,105,07/08 17:00,07/09 16:35,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200708,VA,,,,,,,,,,77155,,,751199,,80487,,64583,,,67375,670624,377,971,9982,230,,98,,9011,1905,1799,106,07/07 17:00,07/08 16:50,DZL,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200707,VA,,,,,,,,,,76855,,,738299,,79499,,63950,,,66740,661377,313,902,9815,221,,105,,8913,1881,1775,106,07/06 17:00,07/07 16:02,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200706,VA,,,,,,,,,,76515,,,727501,,78870,,63339,,,66102,649011,218,783,9592,194,,86,,8809,1853,1747,106,07/05 17:00,07/06 15:42,RSG,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200705,VA,,,,,,,,,,76396,,,718139,,78124,,62981,,,65748,643607,246,792,9576,202,,95,,8784,1853,1746,107,07/04 17:00,07/05 15:31,MEC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200704,VA,,,,,,,,,,76035,,,707750,,77536,,62400,,,65109,634120,280,808,9549,207,,99,,8741,1849,1745,104,07/03 17:00,07/04 15:24,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200703,VA,,,,,,,,,,74372,,,696041,,76798,,61690,,,64393,623967,283,818,9529,207,,95,,8711,1845,1741,104,07/02 17:00,07/03 16:03,MEC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200702,VA,,,,,,,,,,72920,,,684558,,75964,,61039,,,63735,610521,343,888,9384,206,,95,,8496,1816,1712,104,07/01 17:00,07/02 16:49,ENT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200701,VA,,,,,,,,,,70194,,,671918,,75141,,60528,,,63203,595430,357,892,9023,205,,95,,8131,1786,1681,105,06/30 17:00,07/01 15:47,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200630,VA,,,,,,,,,,68722,,,655404,,74344,,60124,,,62787,582247,355,902,8982,230,,98,,8080,1763,1658,105,06/29 17:00,06/30 16:43,ASL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200629,VA,,,,,,,,,,68405,,,645759,,73788,,59522,,,62189,574183,261,796,8823,225,,101,,8023,1740,1635,105,06/28 17:00,06/29 16:24,BAS,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/29 SB) Cumulative hosp. decreased slightly and so left number the same until tomorrow (6/15 RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200628,VA,,,,,,,,,,68067,,,636714,,73198,,59071,,,61736,566592,295,818,8823,235,,107,,8005,1732,1628,104,06/27 17:00,06/28 15:50,ETS,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200627,VA,,,,,,,,,,66791,,,626022,,72567,,58611,,,61247,556679,284,819,8787,234,,103,,7968,1724,1620,104,06/26 17:00,06/27 16:16,DCC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200626,VA,,,,,,,,,,65491,,,615504,,71867,,57977,,,60570,545893,295,854,8722,219,,99,,7868,1700,1596,104,06/25 17:00,06/26 16:13,HMH,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200625,VA,,,,,,,,,,64096,,,603811,,70986,,57384,,,59946,533020,303,854,8672,237,,104,,7818,1675,1572,103,06/24 17:00,06/25 16:12,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200624,VA,,,,,,,,,,62083,,,592071,,70203,,56956,,,59514,517057,319,886,8651,235,,107,,7765,1661,1559,102,06/23 17:00,06/24 16:30,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200623,VA,,,,,,,,,,61413,,,581308,,69593,,56452,,,58994,509383,291,847,8572,245,,126,,7725,1645,1542,103,06/22 17:00,06/23 15:34,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200622,VA,,,,,,,,,,61200,,,573171,,69143,,55949,,,58465,499658,298,848,8511,240,,132,,7663,1620,1517,103,06/21 17:00,06/22 15:39,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200621,VA,,,,,,,,,,60730,,,564397,,68672,,55504,,,57994,487682,297,863,8509,243,,125,,7646,1611,1508,103,06/20 17:00,06/21 16:02,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200620,VA,,,,,,,,,,59738,,,550142,,67975,,54953,,,57443,473961,303,880,8487,267,,133,,7607,1607,1504,103,06/19 17:00,06/20 15:28,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200619,VA,,,,,,,,,,57232,,,541308,,67410,,54312,,,56793,455618,285,862,8425,251,,121,,7563,1602,1499,103,06/18 17:00,06/19 15:52,RSG,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200618,VA,,,,,,,,,,55863,,,531435,,66774,,53769,,,56238,445830,259,857,8350,241,,129,,7493,1586,1482,104,06/17 17:00,06/18 16:16,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200617,VA,,,,,,,,,,54801,,,520100,,66042,,53318,,,55775,438566,313,938,8367,249,,120,,7429,1583,1478,105,06/16 17:00,06/17 15:41,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200616,VA,,,,,,,,,,53965,,,509881,,65432,,52917,,,55331,430107,257,904,8245,241,,125,,7341,1570,1465,105,06/15 17:00,06/16 16:01,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200615,VA,,,,,,,,,,53859,,,502392,,64951,,52460,,,54886,424113,259,902,8132,269,,130,,7230,1552,1444,108,06/14 17:00,06/15 15:28,HMH,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/15RS) Cumulative hosp. decreased (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200614,VA,,,,,,,,,,53185,,,493715,,64446,,52103,,,54506,414494,302,958,8136,334,,155,,7178,1546,1438,108,06/13 17:00,06/14 15:52,MEC,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200613,VA,,,,,,,,,,51763,,,484215,,63856,,51499,,,53869,406124,283,959,8090,295,,142,,7131,1541,1435,106,06/12 17:00,06/13 15:09,KWS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200612,VA,,,,,,,,,,50358,,,473654,,63219,,50853,,,53211,397319,363,1026,8028,297,,143,,7002,1534,1426,108,06/11 17:00,06/12 15:29,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200611,VA,,,,,,,,,,48844,,,463688,,62434,,50275,,,52647,354750,358,1069,7964,273,,138,,6895,1520,1413,107,06/10 17:00,06/11 15:25,BHP,CML,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/11 QN/BHP) Cumulative hosp. decreased due to weird calculations (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200610,VA,,,,,,,,,,47514,,,451588,,61618,,49785,,,52177,346187,407,1155,7981,296,,139,,6826,1514,1408,106,06/09 17:00,06/10 16:23,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Hosp/ICU/Vent data from Hospital Dashboard under ""Other"" link (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200609,VA,,,,,,,,,,47095,,,440721,,60931,,49362,,,51738,339118,383,1169,7846,311,,155,,6677,1496,1391,105,06/08 17:00,06/09 15:35,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link for the Hospital Deashboard; - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200608,VA,,,,,,,,,,46962,,,432667,,60282,,48879,,,51251,332341,373,1173,7730,308,,160,,6557,1477,1373,104,06/07 17:00,06/08 14:48,reb,RS,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link for the Hospital Deashboard; - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200607,VA,,,,,,,,,,46832,,,424012,,59668,,48349,,,50681,329135,385,1186,7724,316,,165,,6538,1472,1369,103,06/06 17:00,06/07 16:24,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link for the Hospital Deashboard; - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200606,VA,,,,,,,,,,45526,,,414775,,59020,,47123,,,49397,321734,350,1171,7553,324,,169,,6382,1460,1357,103,06/05 17:00,06/06 15:04,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/6 BSL) Decrease in recovered/discharged from 6392 to 6382, cum hospitalized affected as well (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200605,VA,,,,,,,,,,44339,,,404882,,58319,,46281,,,48532,315238,374,1205,7597,320,,161,,6392,1453,1350,103,06/04 17:00,06/05 14:43,NRC,KP,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200604,VA,,,,,,,,,,42712,,,392951,,57368,,45620,,,47856,305734,412,1266,7550,321,,171,,6284,1445,1338,107,06/03 17:00,06/04 16:06,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200603,VA,,,,,,,,,,41342,,,381549,,56250,,44715,,,46905,295482,435,1311,7476,313,,185,,6165,1428,1322,106,06/02 17:00,06/03 17:05,ETW,QN,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200602,VA,,,,,,,,,,40419,,,369281,,55298,,44069,,,46239,282650,450,1362,7373,336,,186,,6011,1407,1300,107,06/01 17:00,06/02 14:39,BSL,AFG,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200601,VA,,,,,,,,,,39966,,,361797,,54481,,43247,,,45398,279321,419,1371,7326,347,,188,,5899,1392,1282,110,05/31 17:00,06/01 16:16,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (6/1 REB) not updating cum. hosp because it'll be lower than previous value (but the math there is weak to begin with) (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200531,VA,,,,,,,,,,39424,,,353839,,53898,,42499,,,44607,270784,500,1458,7326,371,,196,,5868,1375,1274,101,05/30 17:00,05/31 17:03,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200530,VA,,,,,,,,,,37426,,,344000,,53077,,41529,,,43611,261901,481,1471,7216,372,,194,,5745,1370,1269,101,05/29 17:00,05/30 14:40,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200529,VA,,,,,,,,,,36009,,,332047,,51711,,40477,,,42533,255844,525,1524,7172,373,,193,,5648,1358,1258,100,05/29 17:00,05/30 14:40,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200528,VA,,,,,,,,,,34327,,,319685,,50205,,39393,,,41401,245880,476,1502,6974,416,,195,,5472,1338,1236,102,05/27 17:00,05/28 15:59,RS,QN,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200527,VA,,,,,,,,,,33079,,,307928,,48969,,38276,,,40249,236798,444,1459,6826,390,,203,,5367,1281,1202,79,05/26 17:00,05/27 16:34,QN,RS,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200526,VA,,,,,,,,,,32991,,,296427,,47645,,37440,,,39342,227839,412,1403,6630,366,,190,,5227,1236,1175,61,05/25 17:00,05/26 15:51,SLW,REB,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200525,VA,,,,,,,,,,30041,,,291201,,47140,,35890,,,37727,221023,414,1376,6521,349,,182,,5145,1208,1158,50,05/24 17:00,05/25 15:48,AW,PR,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200524,VA,,,,,,,,,,30041,,,283616,,46256,,34451,,,36244,207841,411,1351,6453,354,,192,,5102,1171,1135,36,05/23 17:00,05/24 14:32,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200523,VA,,,,,,,,,,27480,,,276297,,45359,,33962,,,35749,196721,409,1384,6431,330,,213,,5047,1159,1123,36,05/22 17:00,05/23 16:08,BL,REB,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200522,VA,,,,,,,,,,26507,,,265667,,43902,,33208,,,34950,190225,464,1459,6422,366,,207,,4963,1136,1100,36,05/21 17:00,05/22 16:25,G-S,QN,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200521,VA,,,,,,,,,,25067,,,257480,,42676,,32428,,,34137,184462,490,1491,6269,351,,191,,4778,1099,1064,35,05/21 17:00,05/22 16:25,G-S,QN,"PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard (5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) ",A+,, 20200520,VA,,,,,,,,,,24234,,,246428,,41104,,31247,,,32908,179718,518,1536,6059,370,,202,,4523,1074,1040,34,05/19 17:00,05/20 16:09,REB,PR,"(5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) (5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200519,VA,,,,,,,,,,23808,,,238274,,39921,,30539,,,32145,170644,473,1497,5768,377,,199,,4271,1041,1007,34,05/18 17:00,05/19 17:23,REB,MM,"(5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) (5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200518,VA,,,,,,,,,,23716,,,232634,,39211,,29591,,,31140,165086,530,1502,5609,361,,194,,4107,1014,980,34,05/17 17:00,05/18 14:59,REB,MM,"(5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) (5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200517,VA,,,,,,,,,,21951,,,224126,,38003,,28901,,,30388,159973,527,1524,5517,379,,195,,3993,1009,975,34,05/16 17:00,05/17 14:43,REB,RS,"(5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) (5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Discharged + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200516,VA,,,,,,,,,,21131,,,216321,,36922,,28233,,,29683,155885,485,1505,5414,381,,189,,3909,1002,968,34,05/15 17:00,05/16 15:45,RS,JAC,"(5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) (5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200515,VA,,,,,,,,,,19001,,,209111,,35912,,27293,,,28672,149342,458,1511,5316,362,,195,,3805,977,944,33,05/14 17:00,05/15 16:16,REB,MM,"(5/15 aft REB) Dashboard has changed. Testing encountered = people. PCR and Total testing, I assume antibody testing is (Total - PCR) (5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: Total Tests (specimens) = PCR tests only Total people tested (column AD) = PCR tests only Antibody tests = Total testing - PCR testing (Testing tab) Negative = PCR tests - cases For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200514,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,201159,,34740,,26469,,,27813,139017,496,1533,5211,355,,201,,3678,955,927,28,05/13 17:00,05/14 16:42,RS,QN,"(5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200513,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,192424,,33434,,25431,,,26746,134646,485,1526,5080,374,,202,,3554,927,899,28,05/12 17:00,,,,"(5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200512,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,186415,,32577,,24601,,,25800,129529,447,1529,4929,364,,201,,3400,891,864,27,05/12 9:00,05/12 15:18,RSB,KP,"(5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200511,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,182211,,31982,,23889,,,25070,125547,432,1504,4777,362,,194,,3273,850,823,27,05/10 17:00,05/11 15:47,SLW,REB,"(5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200510,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,176658,,31136,,22962,,,24081,118974,506,1555,4756,351,,187,,3201,839,813,26,05/09 17:00,05/10 14:37,JAC,DPT,"(5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200509,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,169541,,30016,,22086,,,23196,113953,501,1593,4717,367,,198,,3124,827,801,26,05/08 17:00,05/09 15:07,BL,REB,"(5/9 BL aft) VA changed their terminology from ""total people tested"" to ""testing encounters""; we are continuing to log this number as ""total specimens tested,"" but terminology is still somewhat unclear (see 5/9 slack thread). (5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200508,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,161115,,28671,,21274,,,22342,107603,549,1625,4622,378,,199,,2997,812,787,25,05/07 17:00,05/08 15:12,JAC,KP,"(5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200507,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,153833,,27518,,20537,,,21570,101582,519,1613,4438,371,,203,,2825,769,745,24,05/06 17:00,05/07 15:43,RS,PR,"(5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200506,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,145121,,26185,,19357,,,20256,93452,469,1496,4113,361,,189,,2617,713,690,23,05/04 17:00,05/06 16:39,REB,AW,"(5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200505,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,138936,,25079,,19357,,,20256,93452,469,1496,4113,361,,189,,2617,713,690,23,05/04 17:00,05/06 16:39,REB,AW,"(5/5 KP aft) we are currently reporting ""total people tested"" as ""total specimens tested, since VA also reports a lower ""unique people tested number"". Would be good to have state's confirmation on this (5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200504,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,135641,,24539,,18640,,,19492,92801,478,1463,4010,348,,192,,2547,684,662,22,05/03 17:00,05/04 14:55,SPA,RS,"(5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",A+,, 20200503,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,130820,,23596,,17873,,,18671,89331,465,1413,3910,385,,193,,2497,660,644,16,05/02 17:00,05/03 16:40,REB,DPT,"(5/3 KP aft) revising negatives calculation to ""Unique people tested"" - ""confirmed cases"" following discussion with Betsy Ladyzhets and Quang Nguyen (5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",B,, 20200502,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,124968,,22637,,16979,,,17731,84365,458,1426,3738,375,,202,,2312,616,607,9,05/02 0:00,,,,"(5/2 CML aft) For AD, included Total Cases (Confirmed, Probable). For negatives, use 'total people tested' - 'confirmed+ cases' (5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. (4/28) Methodology change for cumulative hospitalized as per DT and EK: add up the hospital dashboard and discharged (4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: 1) For Hosp/ICU/Vent data, click Other Link; A) Recovered = ""...been hospitalized and discharged"", B) Pending = ""...Covid-19 test results are pending"", C) Currently on Ventilator = ""...currently on a ventilator"", D) Curr Hosp = ""...patients who are currently hospitalized, and... patients whose COVID-19 test results are pending"" E) Cum Hosp = Recovered + Curr Hosp - Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharged (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard",B,, 20200501,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,118355,,21476,,16109,,,16901,89539,468,1431,3654,366,,193,,2196,581,572,9,04/30 17:00,05/01 15:40,SPA,AW,"(5/1 QN mor) Keeping previous cumulative hosp. as new calculations decreased. Most likely some patients died and were not captured in discharged or currently hospitalized. (4/28) Methodology change for cumulative hospitalized as per DT and EK: add up the hospital dashboard and discharged (4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharched (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B,, 20200430,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,112915,,20578,,15180,,,15846,75663,583,1550,3654,372,,208,,2104,552,543,9,04/30 0:00,04/30 15:44,JAC,REB,"(4/28) Methodology change for cumulative hospitalized as per DT and EK: add up the hospital dashboard and discharged (4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharched (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B,, 20200429,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,106271,,19344,,14328,,,14961,70979,620,1566,3608,387,,222,,2042,522,513,9,04/29 0:00,04/29 15:58,ESK,PR,"(4/28) Methodology change for cumulative hospitalized as per DT and EK: add up the hospital dashboard and discharged (4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharched (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B,, 20200428,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,102182,,18567,,13794,,,14339,68959,560,1508,3422,376,,217,,1914,492,487,5,04/27 17:00,04/28 16:05,KP,AW,"(4/28) Methodology change for cumulative hospitalized as per DT and EK: add up the hospital dashboard and discharged (4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: Cumulative Hospitalizations calculated from Currently Hospitalized + Discharched (on the hospital dashboard), not from Total Hospitalizations on main dashboard 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B,, 20200427,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,98928,,17974,,13036,,,13535,67144,542,1455,3298,389,,217,,1843,458,454,4,04/27 0:00,04/27 15:40,DPT,ESK,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B,, 20200426,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,95186,,17180,,12488,,,12970,63630,539,1436,2014,387,,217,,1815,448,444,4,04/26 0:00,04/26 15:47,BL,REB,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B,, 20200425,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,91125,,16409,,11902,,,12366,60276,1405,1405,1942,357,,223,,1717,436,432,4,04/25 0:00,04/25 14:29,REB,AW,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. PROCESS: 'Hospitalized and discharged' = 'Recovered' Currently Hosp, ICU, and Vent is from the Other link (",B,, 20200424,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,87596,,15704,,11169,,,11594,57846,487,1399,1837,379,,220,,1672,410,407,3,04/24 0:00,04/24 22:51,SPA,QN,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. (4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200423,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,82606,,14835,,10627,,,10998,53891,492,1379,1753,400,,249,,1567,372,370,2,04/23 0:00,,,,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. (4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200422,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,77795,,13940,,9952,,,10266,50512,477,1374,1659,419,,244,,1497,349,347,2,04/22 0:00,04/22 23:05,JFC,RV,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. (4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200421,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,75079,,13382,,9451,,,9630,48724,477,1331,1581,403,,251,,1418,324,321,3,04/21 0:00,,,,"(4/21 aft AW) Per EK: Use confirmed only for positives. Use Confirmed + Positive for all hospitalization and deaths numbers. (4/21 mor JJFC) 'Positive', 'Currently Hospitalized' and 'Cumulative Hospitalized' data include confirmed & probable. Deaths data is confirmed cases only. (4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200420,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,73105,,12913,,,,,8990,47745,468,1296,1500,396,,237,,1324,300,,,04/20 0:00,04/20 22:31,DB,,"(4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200419,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,70666,,12352,,,,,8537,46196,499,1319,1422,388,,231,,1267,277,,,04/19 0:00,,,,"(4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200418,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,67960,,11808,,,,,8053,43878,486,1307,1296,398,,230,,1228,258,,,04/17 17:00,04/18 22:30,AGS,,"(4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200417,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,64655,,11200,,,,,7491,41506,499,1308,1221,400,,224,,1110,231,,,04/16 17:00,,,,"(4/17 Morning QN) Total hospitalization is taken from state page. Current hospitalization from VA hospitals dashboard, which is higher as it includes suspected cases 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200416,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,61384,,10526,,,,,6889,39555,537,1337,1114,427,,238,,951,208,,,04/16 0:00,,,," 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200415,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,58358,,9948,,,,,6500,37669,496,1298,1048,394,,234,,752,195,,,04/15 0:00,,,," 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200414,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,56311,,9551,,,,,6171,36592,469,1282,,422,,276,,721,154,,,04/13 17:00,,,,"(4/13 SPA evening) 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' (4/13 QN morn) Currently hospitalized includes confirmed and pending cases. current ICU and ventilator numbers are separate. All hospitalization data taken from hospitalization dashboard. data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200413,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,54698,,9221,,,,,5747,35654,473,1238,,428,,302,,,149,,,04/13 9:00,04/13 22:54,SPA,RV,"(4/13 SPA evening) 'Hospitalized and discharged' is another term for 'Recovered' (4/13 QN morn) Currently hospitalized includes confirmed and pending cases. current ICU and ventilator numbers are separate. All hospitalization data taken from hospitalization dashboard. data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200412,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,52556,,8813,,,,,5274,34711,521,751,,440,,294,,,141,,,04/11 17:00,04/12 22:34,EB,ESK,"(4/12 LH) Our pending number only captures pending tests for those in hospital (4/11 SD) hospitalization data only from hospital dashboard and using confirmed+. I removed the cumulative hospitalized (772). data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200411,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,50191,,8351,,,,,5077,32922,517,1252,,426,,283,,,130,,,04/10 17:00,04/11 22:23,REB,,"(4/11 SD) hospitalization data only from hospital dashboard and using confirmed+. I removed the cumulative hospitalized (772). data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other (",A,, 20200410,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,47392,,7915,,,,,4509,30950,521,1238,772,457,,287,,,121,,,04/10 9:00,,,,"(4/10 QN morning) Pending taken from hospitalization dashboard as per slack conversation (""receiving inpatient hospital care with pending test results"") (4/10 LAW morning) Our ""currently hospitalized"" number includes those who are hospitalized with both positive and pending test results, per VA's hospital website. But, our ""cumulative hospitalized"" comes from the state dashboard, and as of 4/10, is lower than the currently hospitalized number provided by the hospital website (4/9 SPA afternoon) 'Cumulative Hospitalizations' come from 'Total Hospitalizations in VA's dashboard ( while data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other ( (4/8 AFG morning) per!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard, the hospitalization number is ""Hospitalization status at the time the case was investigated by VDH. This underrepresnets the total num er of hospitaliations in Virginia"" ",A,, 20200409,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,44020,,7378,,,,,4042,28984,627,669,685,469,,285,,,109,,,04/09 0:00,04/09 22:48,SD,,"(4/9 SPA afternoon) 'Cumulative Hospitalizations' come from 'Total Hospitalizations in VA's dashboard ( while data about 'Currently Hospitalized', 'Currently in ICU', and 'Currently on Ventilator' is from Other ( (4/8 AFG morning) per!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard, the hospitalization number is ""Hospitalization status at the time the case was investigated by VDH. This underrepresnets the total num er of hospitaliations in Virginia""",A,, 20200408,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,41710,,6923,,,,,3645,27000,,,615,,145,,108,,75,,,04/07 17:00,04/08 15:22,SPA,MM,"(4/8 AFG morning) per!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard, the hospitalization number is ""Hospitalization status at the time the case was investigated by VDH. This underrepresnets the total num er of hospitaliations in Virginia"" negative = total - positive is 27,000 -- noted to see if future reports are similarly divisble by 1000 (4/7 eve AGS) ICU and Ventilator numbers have not been updated since 4/1 press conference (4/5 aft AW) Per convo w/ KP, Screenshot from last night shows dashboard had 52 deaths. Now dashboard has 51. Revising deaths number to 51 assuming that state revised their count. (4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative ICU + Vent data from 4/1 Press Conference Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A,, 20200407,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,39319,,6533,,,,,3333,25312,,,563,,145,,108,,63,,,04/06 17:00,04/07 22:56,AGS,SJ,"(4/7 eve AGS) ICU and Ventilator numbers have not been updated since 4/1 press conference (4/5 aft AW) Per convo w/ KP, Screenshot from last night shows dashboard had 52 deaths. Now dashboard has 51. Revising deaths number to 51 assuming that state revised their count. (4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative ICU + Vent data from 4/1 Press Conference Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A,, 20200406,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,36357,,6122,,,,,2878,21643,,,497,,145,,108,,54,,,04/05 17:00,04/06 16:31,RS,PR,"(4/5 aft AW) Per convo w/ KP, Screenshot from last night shows dashboard had 52 deaths. Now dashboard has 51. Revising deaths number to 51 assuming that state revised their count. (4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative ICU + Vent data from 4/1 Press Conference Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A,, 20200405,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,32548,,5637,,,,,2637,21034,,,431,,145,,108,,51,,,04/04 17:00,04/05 22:45,RV,SJ,"(4/5 aft AW) Per convo w/ KP, Screenshot from last night shows dashboard had 52 deaths. Now dashboard has 51. Revising deaths number to 51 assuming that state revised their count. (4/4 CML evening) No change in the Tableau workbook for stats. FB/Twitter has no new footage or statement from the governor (4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative ICU + Vent data from 4/1 Press Conference Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A,, 20200404,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,30355,,5230,,,,,2407,19145,,,390,,145,,108,,52,,,04/03 17:00,04/04 22:40,CML,SJ,"(4/4 CML evening) No change in the Tableau workbook for stats. FB/Twitter has no new footage or statement from the governor (4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative ICU + Vent data from 4/1 Press Conference ( Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A,, 20200403,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,27646,,4880,,,,,2012,16993,,,312,,145,,108,,46,,,04/03 9:00,04/03 23:01,AW,ESK,"(4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative Hospitalizations from 4/1 Press Conference (, Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A,, 20200402,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,25682,,4550,,,,,1706,15883,,246,305,,145,,108,,41,,,04/02 9:00,04/02 22:40,DG,SJ,"(4/2 AFG morning) Cumulative Hospitalizations from 4/1 Press Conference (, Current Hospitalizations from!/vizhome/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard/VirginiaCOVID-19Dashboard",A,, 20200401,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,23290,,4191,,,,,1484,13860,,,305,,145,,108,,34,,,04/01 13:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,21393,,3847,,,,,1250,12151,,,165,,,,,,27,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,19708,,3613,,,,,1020,11018,,,136,,,,,,25,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,18322,,3403,,,,,890,9719,,,112,,,,,,22,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,16724,,3214,,,,,739,8427,,,99,,,,,,17,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,14778,,2967,,,,,604,6733,,,83,,,,,,14,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,13374,,2777,,,,,460,5729,,,65,,,,,,13,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,12277,,2630,,,,,391,4979,,,59,,,,,,9,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,11203,,2494,,,,,290,4180,,,45,,,,,,7,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,10393,,2405,,,,,254,3443,,,38,,,,,,6,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,9895,,2375,,,,,219,3118,,,32,,,,,,3,,,03/21 17:00,,,,,,, 20200321,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,8988,,2302,,,,,152,2638,,,25,,,,,,2,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200320,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,8393,,2253,,,,,114,2211,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,7800,,2161,,,,,94,1829,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/19 12:00,,,,,,, 20200318,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,7376,,2142,,,,,77,1201,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/18 12:00,,,,,,, 20200317,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,7152,,2119,,,,,67,961,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/17 12:00,,,,,,, 20200316,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6827,,2107,,,,,51,438,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/16 16:09,,,,,,, 20200315,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6739,,2100,,,,,45,363,,,,,,,,,1,,,03/15 14:15,,,,,,, 20200314,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6680,,2098,,,,,30,117,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 11:00,,,,,,, 20200313,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6601,,2095,,,,,30,117,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6516,,2094,,,,,17,117,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 12:00,,,,,,, 20200311,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6484,,2092,,,,,9,60,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6473,,2092,,,,,8,53,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6463,,2092,,,,,3,38,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6462,,2092,,,,,2,36,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6457,,2092,,,,,0,31,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6455,,2091,,,,,0,21,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6453,,2091,,,,,0,18,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6452,,2090,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200303,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6451,,2090,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200302,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6450,,2090,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200301,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6449,,2090,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200229,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6447,,2090,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200228,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6445,,2090,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200227,VA,,,,,,,,,,,,,6445,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16250,,,,,,1134,15100,16,,,,,,,898,14,14,,08/30 19:38,08/31 16:06,KVP,ESK,"(8/23 KVP) Used state page to get numbers, dashboard was not updated. Total PCR tests obtained by: positive + negative + pending (on state page) (8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/31 17:26, 20200830,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16122,,,,,,1129,14977,16,,,,,,,893,14,14,,08/29 8:43,08/30 17:38,KVP,BHP,"(8/23 KVP) Used state page to get numbers, dashboard was not updated. Total PCR tests obtained by: positive + negative + pending (on state page) (8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/30 17:56, 20200829,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15918,,,,,,1118,14714,86,,,,,,,891,14,14,,08/29 4:04,08/29 15:45,KVP,RSG,"(8/23 KVP) Used state page to get numbers, dashboard was not updated. Total PCR tests obtained by: positive + negative + pending (on state page) (8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/29 17:49, 20200828,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15469,,,,,,1075,14304,90,,,,,,,864,14,14,,08/27 21:01,08/28 16:13,KAT,BSL,"(8/23 KVP) Used state page to get numbers, dashboard was not updated. Total PCR tests obtained by: positive + negative + pending (on state page) (8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/28 17:43, 20200827,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15269,,,,,,1052,14144,73,,,,,,,824,14,14,,08/27 8:20,08/27 17:22,MJW,RSG,"(8/23 KVP) Used state page to get numbers, dashboard was not updated. Total PCR tests obtained by: positive + negative + pending (on state page) (8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/27 18:55, 20200826,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15032,,,,,,1030,13935,67,,,,,,,801,14,14,,08/25 20:43,08/26 16:01,JNG,BSL,"(8/23 KVP) Used state page to get numbers, dashboard was not updated. Total PCR tests obtained by: positive + negative + pending (on state page) (8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/26 18:37, 20200825,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14667,,,,,,998,13613,56,,,,,,,754,12,12,,08/24 19:27,08/25 15:45,MJW,BSL,"(8/23 KVP) Used state page to get numbers, dashboard was not updated. Total PCR tests obtained by: positive + negative + pending (on state page) (8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/25 18:03, 20200824,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14537,,,,,,984,13458,95,,,,,,,712,11,11,,08/23 18:50,08/24 15:43,JB,BSL,"(8/23 KVP) Used state page to get numbers, dashboard was not updated. Total PCR tests obtained by: positive + negative + pending (on state page) (8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/24 17:21, 20200823,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,,,,960,13358,101,,,,,,,655,10,10,,08/21 22:18,08/23 16:31,KVP,RSG,"(8/23 KVP) Used state page to get numbers, dashboard was not updated. Total PCR tests obtained by: positive + negative + pending (on state page) (8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/23 17:24, 20200822,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14419,,,,,,960,13358,101,,,,,,,655,10,10,,08/21 22:18,08/22 15:37,BSL,RS,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/22 17:10, 20200821,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13915,,,,,,932,12895,88,,,,,,,649,10,10,,08/21 10:40,08/21 15:48,LDH,RSG,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/21 17:26, 20200820,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13563,,,,,,869,12673,21,,,,,,,623,10,10,,08/20 6:33,08/20 16:18,KVP,BSL,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/20 18:13, 20200819,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13360,,,,,,828,12517,15,,,,,,,584,9,9,,08/19 6:18,08/19 15:40,PK,BSL,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/19 17:55, 20200818,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12696,,,,,,796,11868,32,,,,,,,533,9,9,,08/18 6:24,08/18 15:42,KVP,BSL,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/18 17:32, 20200817,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12429,,,,,,760,11658,11,,,,,,,525,9,9,,08/17 7:14,08/17 15:45,KAT,BSL,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/17 17:55, 20200816,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12189,,,,,,741,11430,18,,,,,,,523,9,9,,08/16 7:10,08/16 15:35,KVP,BSL,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/16 17:31, 20200815,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12133,,,,,,734,11383,16,,,,,,,519,9,9,,08/14 22:56,08/15 15:35,KVP,BSL,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/15 17:34, 20200814,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12018,,,,,,704,11295,19,,,,,,,502,9,9,,08/13 23:55,08/14 15:42,TCD,BSL,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/14 17:41, 20200813,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11660,,,,,,682,10968,10,,,,,,,476,9,9,,08/13 6:27,08/13 15:40,GET,BSL,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/13 18:17, 20200812,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11444,,,,,,639,10778,27,,,,,,,468,9,9,,08/11 21:05,08/12 15:37,MJW,BSL,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/12 18:47, 20200811,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11089,,,,,,576,10487,26,,,,,,,439,9,9,,08/10 21:14,08/11 17:10,KVP,BSL,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/10 18:38, 20200810,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10905,,,,,,547,10357,1,,,,,,,410,9,9,,08/10 9:31,08/10 15:35,MJW,BSL,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/10 18:38, 20200809,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10900,,,,,,547,10332,21,,,,,,,404,9,9,,08/09 1:51,08/09 15:45,KVP,BSL,"(8/9 KVP) Used State COVID-19 page data and timestamp under COVID-19 Cases section. Screenshot in thread (8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/9 17:07, 20200808,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10643,,,,,,528,10091,24,,,,,,,404,9,9,,08/07 21:11,08/08 15:37,MJW,BSL,"(8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/8 17:37, 20200807,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10520,,,,,,522,9977,21,,,,,,,398,9,9,,08/06 20:38,8/07 16:44,BSL,RSG,"(8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/7 18:08, 20200806,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10387,,,,,,501,9874,12,,,,,,,384,9,9,,08/05 20:20,8/06 15:43,KVP,BSL,"(8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/6 17:19, 20200805,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10129,,,,,,481,9622,26,,,,,,,374,8,8,,08/05 13:44,8/05 16:16,MJW,BSL,"(8/5) Dash states having been updated 8/5 at 13:44, but looks like old data has been incorrectly uploaded (showing old numbers from 8/1). Used PDF ""VIDOH 2020 COVI-19 Response Report Date: August 4, 2020"" to update values. Data replaced matched Aug 3 data. (7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/5 17:43, 20200804,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9801,,,,,,463,9312,26,,,,,,,364,8,8,,08/04 7:09,8/04 15:40,BAS,BSL,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/4 17:58, 20200803,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9443,,,,,,439,8997,7,,,,,,,354,8,8,,08/03 6:23,8/03 15:41,BAS,BSL,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/3 17:32, 20200802,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9346,,,,,,421,8868,57,,,,,,,341,8,8,,08/01 6:53,8/02 16:36,BAS,BML,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/2 18:12, 20200801,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9346,,,,,,421,8868,57,,,,,,,341,8,8,,08/01 6:53,8/01 15:36,KVP,BSL,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,8/1 17:50, 20200731,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9193,,,,,,406,8775,12,,,,,,,338,8,8,,07/31 6:53,07/31 15:48,BAS,BSL,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200730,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8833,,,,,,385,8419,29,,,,,,,296,8,8,,07/29 6:52,07/30 15:53,BSL,RSG,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200729,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8833,,,,,,385,8419,29,,,,,,,296,8,8,,07/29 6:52,07/30 15:53,BSL,RSG,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200728,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8707,,,,,,375,8295,37,,,,,,,292,7,7,,07/27 21:09,07/28 15:41,SLC,BSL,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200727,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8410,,,,,,364,8033,13,,,,,,,250,7,7,,07/27 6:41,07/27 15:43,MM,BSL,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200726,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8372,,,,,,361,7991,20,,,,,,,238,7,7,,07/26 11:19,07/26 15:34,KVP,BSL,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200725,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8273,,,,,,352,7901,20,,,,,,,236,7,7,,07/24 20:42,07/25 15:35,KVP,BSL,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200724,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7890,,,,,,336,7500,54,,,,,,,182,7,7,,07/22 20:53,07/24 17:49,ALT,RSG,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200723,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7890,,,,,,336,7500,54,,,,,,,182,7,7,,07/22 20:53,07/24 17:49,ALT,RSG,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200722,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7557,,,,,,320,7146,91,,,,,,,172,7,7,,07/22 11:49,07/22 15:46,SNW,BHP,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200721,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7279,,,,,,308,6853,118,,,,,,,158,6,6,,07/20 20:58,07/21 15:54,ATS,BSL,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200720,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6972,,,,,,304,6617,51,,,,,,,135,6,6,,07/20 7:34,07/20 15:55,SMG,BSL,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200719,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6938,,,,,,297,6587,54,,,,,,,135,6,6,,07/18 20:58,07/19 15:40,KVP,BSL,"(7/19 KVP) No update from 7/18 posted, used state COVID-19 page as dashboard not updated. (7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200718,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6654,,,,,,283,6239,132,,,,,,,133,6,6,,07/17 20:36,07/18 15:43,KVP,BSL,"(7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200717,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6165,,,,,,263,5790,112,,,,,,,126,6,6,,07/16 21:18,07/17 15:51,BHP,BSL,"(7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200716,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5453,,,,,,249,5036,168,,,,,,,120,6,6,,07/15 20:18,07/16 15:41,GMJ,BSL,"(7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200715,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5079,,,,,,243,4637,199,,,,,,,112,6,6,,07/15 7:10,07/15 15:02,RSG,BSL,"(7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200714,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4296,,,,,,206,4084,6,,,,,,,96,6,6,,07/13 6:12,07/14 15:15,BAS,RS,"(7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200713,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4296,,,,,,206,4084,6,,,,,,,96,6,6,,07/13 6:12,07/14 15:15,BAS,RS,"(7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200712,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4095,,,,,,181,3908,6,,,,,,,93,6,6,,07/12 0:38,07/12 15:35,BAS,BSL,"(7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200711,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3865,,,,,,167,3640,58,,,,,,,92,6,6,,07/10 20:30,07/11 15:09,SNW,BSL,"(7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200710,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3679,,,,,,153,3473,53,,,,,,,87,6,6,,07/09 21:56,07/10 16:33,BSL,JAC,"(7/10 BSL) Sourced from state page (7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200709,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3610,,,,,,144,3370,96,,,,,,,81,6,6,,07/08 21:02,07/09 15:11,HMH,BSL,"(7/9 HMH) VI had 22 new cases today. Seems iike they are experiencing a significant increase in infections. (7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200708,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3453,,,,,,122,3273,58,,,,,,,80,6,6,,07/07 20:49,07/08 15:24,DZL,BSL,"(7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200707,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3354,,,,,,116,3183,55,,,,,,,79,6,6,,07/06 21:14,07/07 15:36,DZL,BSL,"(7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200706,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3231,,,,,,112,3118,1,,,,,,,79,6,6,,07/05 18:10,07/06 15:45,RSG,BSL,"(7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200705,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3173,,,,,,111,3060,2,,,,,,,76,6,6,,07/03 19:39,07/05 15:17,BSL,BML,"(7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200704,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3173,,,,,,111,3060,2,,,,,,,76,6,6,,07/03 19:39,07/05 15:17,BSL,BML,"(7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200703,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3164,,,,,,98,2963,103,,,,,,,75,6,6,,07/02 21:25,07/03 15:40,GET,BSL,"(7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200702,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3055,,,,,,92,2924,39,,,,,,,75,6,6,,07/01 21:36,07/02 15:21,SMG,BSL,"(7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200701,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2972,,,,,,90,2876,6,,,,,,,73,6,6,,07/01 3:34,07/01 15:56,RSG,BSL,"(7/1 RSG) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200630,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2907,,,,,,84,2819,4,,,,,,,73,6,6,,06/29 21:10,06/30 16:27,BSL,CML,"(6/30 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200629,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2858,,,,,,81,2746,31,,,,,,,71,6,6,,06/29 6:12,06/29 16:51,BAS,BSL,"(6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200628,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2858,,,,,,81,2746,31,,,,,,,71,6,6,,06/26 18:49,06/28 16:36,HMH,REB,"(6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200627,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2858,,,,,,81,2746,31,,,,,,,71,6,6,,06/26 18:49,06/28 16:36,HMH,REB,"(6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200626,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2798,,,,,,81,2705,12,,,,,,,67,6,6,,06/25 20:47,06/26 15:49,BSL,JAC,"(6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200625,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2755,,,,,,80,2654,21,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/24 20:29,06/25 15:40,BSL,JAC,"(6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200624,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2706,,,,,,78,2593,35,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/24 6:51,06/24 15:54,GET,BSL,"(6/24 BSL) Dash not updated, numbers from main state page; AE sum of pos, neg, and pending (6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard",C,, 20200623,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2653,,,,,,76,2544,33,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/22 19:35,06/23 16:03,BSL,REB,"(6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard.",C,, 20200622,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2593,,,,,,76,2502,15,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/22 6:25,06/22 15:05,BHP,BSL,"(6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard.",C,, 20200621,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2587,,,,,,76,2502,9,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/21 11:13,06/21 15:06,CKW,BSL,"(6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard.",C,, 20200620,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2586,,,,,,74,2492,20,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/19 22:41,06/20 15:32,RSG,JAC,"(6/20 RSG) Dashboard last updated 6/17. Pulled pending, neg, pos tests to calc total tests from DOH site. (6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard.",C,, 20200619,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2535,,,,,,74,2450,11,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/19 6:08,06/19 15:04,SNW,RS,"(6/19 SNW) Pull updated data from 6/18 daily report.Homepage does not appear to show update from 6/18 report. (6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard.",C,, 20200618,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2440,,,,,,73,2354,13,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/17 8:34,06/18 17:02,GMJ,MM,"(6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard.",C,, 20200617,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2440,,,,,,73,2354,13,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/17 8:34,06/18 17:02,GMJ,MM,"(6/18 GMJ) Dashboard last updated 6/17. State front page had updated negative and pending numbers, but used dashboard for consistency. (SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard.",C,, 20200616,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2383,,,,,,73,2305,5,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/15 7:46,06/16 17:46,sal,RS,(SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard.,C,, 20200615,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2378,,,,,,73,2305,5,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/15 7:46,06/16 17:46,sal,RS,(SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard.,C,, 20200614,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2363,,,,,,72,2305,2,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/14 7:55,06/14 14:42,BSL,SB,(SB 6/14) State front page has more updated numbers for negative and pending than dashboard.,C,, 20200613,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2363,,,,,,72,2284,7,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/12 19:53,06/13 14:35,BSL,BML,,C,, 20200612,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2299,,,,,,72,2221,6,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/12 15:30,06/12 16:01,RS,BSL,,C,, 20200611,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2280,,,,,,72,2180,28,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/10 23:13,06/11 15:03,BSL,CML,,C,, 20200610,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2247,,,,,,72,2169,6,,,,,,,64,6,6,,06/10 9:59,06/10 16:21,BSL,JAC,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200609,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2212,,,,,,71,2137,4,,,,,,,63,6,6,,06/09 8:22,06/09 16:18,BSL,REB,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200608,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2202,,,,,,71,2128,3,,,,,,,62,6,6,,06/08 15:01,06/08 16:03,AS,RS,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200607,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2201,,,,,,71,2125,4,,,,,,,62,6,6,,06/06 9:56,06/07 14:52,SB,CML,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200606,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2200,,,,,,71,2125,4,,,,,,,62,6,6,,06/06 9:56,06/07 14:52,SB,CML,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200605,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2059,,,,,,71,1980,8,,,,,,,62,6,6,,06/05 8:06,06/05 15:20,NRC,KP,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200604,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2048,,,,,,71,1975,2,,,,,,,62,6,6,,06/04 5:53,06/04 15:21,BSL,JAC,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200603,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2031,,,,,,70,1956,5,,,,,,,62,6,6,,06/03 8:03,06/03 16:59,AW,QN,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200602,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2012,,,,,,70,1936,6,,,,,,,62,6,6,,06/02 7:52,06/02 16:18,BSL,AFG,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200601,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1815,,,,,,70,1741,4,,,,,,,62,6,6,,06/01 8:00,06/01 15:49,REB,RS,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200531,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1721,,,,,,69,1633,19,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/31 6:19,05/31 17:12,TCD,MM,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200530,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1721,,,,,,69,1633,19,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/29 16:58,05/30 14:42,SPA,RS,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200529,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1721,,,,,,69,1633,19,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/29 16:58,05/30 14:42,SPA,RS,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200528,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1708,,,,,,69,1617,22,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/28 8:14,05/28 15:51,RS,QN,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200527,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1539,,,,,,69,1442,28,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/26 11:12,05/27 17:00,ALF,JAC,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200526,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1512,,,,,,69,1425,18,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/26 7:48,05/26 15:48,SLW,REB,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200525,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1457,,,,,,69,1343,45,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/22 7:29,05/25 16:19,AW,PR,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200524,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1457,,,,,,69,1343,45,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/22 7:29,05/25 16:19,AW,PR,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200523,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1457,,,,,,69,1343,45,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/22 7:29,05/25 16:19,AW,PR,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200522,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1457,,,,,,69,1343,45,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/22 7:29,05/25 16:19,AW,PR,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200521,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1409,,,,,,69,1314,26,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/20 7:09,05/21 16:02,JAC,QN,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200520,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1383,,,,,,69,1314,26,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/20 7:09,05/21 16:02,JAC,QN,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200519,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1367,,,,,,69,1298,17,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/19 6:34,05/19 17:31,REB,MM,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200518,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1347,,,,,,69,1278,45,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/17 18:35,05/18 15:40,REB,PR,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200517,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1347,,,,,,69,1278,45,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/16 18:35,05/17 14:33,REB,RS,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200516,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1300,,,,,,69,1194,37,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/14 19:04,05/16 15:47,RS,JAC,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200515,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1278,,,,,,69,1194,37,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/14 19:04,05/16 15:47,RS,JAC,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200514,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1197,,,,,,69,1164,45,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/13 17:44,05/14 15:34,RS,JAC,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200513,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1184,,,,,,69,1128,62,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/12 18:22,,,,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200512,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69,1115,58,,,,,,,61,6,6,,05/12 14:19,05/12 15:37,RSB,KP,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200511,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69,1110,36,,,,,,,60,5,5,,05/11 9:30,05/11 15:41,SPA,REB,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200510,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69,1102,39,,,,,,,59,4,4,,05/09 19:06,05/10 14:41,JAC,DPT,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200509,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68,1024,36,,,,,,,57,4,4,,05/07 23:58,05/09 15:20,BL,REB,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200508,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68,1024,36,,,,,,,57,4,4,,05/07 11:58,05/08 15:17,JAC,KP,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200507,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66,990,37,,,,,,,54,4,4,,05/06 9:46,05/07 15:45,RS,PR,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200506,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66,990,37,,,,,,,54,4,4,,05/05 20:30,05/06 14:34,REB,AW,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200505,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66,973,34,,,,,,,51,4,4,,05/04 20:30,05/05 16:00,KP,QN,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200504,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66,965,15,,,,,,,51,4,4,,05/03 20:30,05/04 14:57,SPA,RS,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200503,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66,951,29,,,,,,,51,4,,,05/03 8:04,05/03 15:46,KP ,ESK,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,C,, 20200502,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66,922,54,,,,,,,51,4,,,05/01 19:59,,,,"(4/30 mor MM) new dashboard (4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).",C,, 20200501,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66,811,68,,,,,,,51,4,,,04/30 20:37,05/01 16:19,SPA,MM,"(4/30 mor MM) new dashboard (4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).",C,, 20200430,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66,807,43,,,,,,,51,4,,,04/29 18:12,04/30 15:31,RS,REB,"(4/30 mor MM) new dashboard (4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).",C,, 20200429,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62,732,78,,,,,,,51,4,,,04/28 20:30,04/30 11:35,MM,ERG,"(4/30 mor MM) new dashboard (4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).",C,, 20200428,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59,719,57,,,,,,,51,4,,,04/27 0:00,04/28 15:40,RS,AW,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,D,, 20200427,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59,716,5,,,,,,,51,4,,,04/26 0:00,04/27 14:40,DPT,REB,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,D,, 20200426,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57,700,19,,,,,,,51,4,,,04/26 0:00,04/27 14:40,DPT,REB,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,D,, 20200425,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55,693,22,,,,,,,51,3,,,04/25 0:00,04/25 14:24,REB,AW,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using data and time from the “more details” page (also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,D,, 20200424,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54,642,35,,,,,,,50,3,,,04/23 0:00,04/24 22:09,SJ,,(4/24 mor ALF) The main page at has less recent data than the “more details” page at Using the data and date stamp on the “more details” page (which is also in the downloadable report for 4/23).,,, 20200423,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54,583,31,,,,,,,48,3,,,04/23 20:30,04/23 22:51,SPA,RV,,,, 20200422,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54,583,31,,,,,,,48,3,,,04/22 20:30,04/23 15:51,MM,RS,,,, 20200421,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54,574,35,,,,,,,48,3,,,04/21 20:30,04/22 16:26,SPA,REB,,,, 20200420,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53,554,18,,,,,,,48,3,,,04/19 20:30,04/20 14:37,SPA,AW,,,, 20200419,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53,548,22,,,,,,,48,3,,,04/19 20:30,04/20 14:37,SPA,AW,,,, 20200418,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53,390,35,,,,,,,46,3,,,04/18 8:30,,,,,,, 20200417,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,373,34,,,,,,,46,2,,,04/17 8:30,,,,,,, 20200416,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,357,35,,,,,,,46,1,,,04/16 8:30,,,,,,, 20200415,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,331,35,,,,,,,44,1,,,04/14 17:30,,,,,,, 20200414,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,326,23,,,,,,,44,1,,,04/14 17:30,,,,,,, 20200413,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,322,2,,,,,,,43,1,,,04/13 18:30,04/14 14:21,AW,RS,,,, 20200412,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,299,20,3,,,,,,43,1,,,04/10 0:00,04/12 14:26,AW,LH,"(4/11 AW aft) not updating hospitalization data; changed timestamp to reflect when these testing data are actually current of (4/10/20, per site) (4/11 REB noon) not updating hospitalization data (4/9 SJ) 3 hospitalized as of 4/6:",,, 20200411,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,299,20,3,,,,,,43,1,,,04/11 9:30,,,,"(4/11 REB noon) not updating hospitalization data (4/9 SJ) 3 hospitalized as of 4/6:",,, 20200410,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,273,45,3,,,,,,43,1,,,04/09 21:30,,,,(4/9 SJ) 3 hospitalized as of 4/6:,,, 20200409,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46,251,42,,,,,,,39,1,,,04/08 22:00,04/09 15:56,SPA,HDF,,,, 20200408,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45,242,35,,,,,,,39,1,,,04/07 19:00,04/08 15:52,SPA,MM,(4/5 eve RV) All numbers now tracked on state page,,, 20200407,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43,222,20,,,,,,,36,1,,,04/06 21:50,04/07 15:25,SPA,LH,(4/5 eve RV) All numbers now tracked on state page,,, 20200406,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43,222,20,,,,,,,36,1,,,04/05 21:50,,,,(4/5 eve RV) All numbers now tracked on state page,,, 20200405,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42,206,18,,,,,,,34,1,,,04/05 0:00,,,,(4/5 eve RV) All numbers now tracked on state page,,, 20200404,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40,184,42,,,,,,,34,,,,04/03 23:30,04/04 15:12,RS,PR,,,, 20200403,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38,154,56,,,,,,,29,,,,04/03 14:30,,,,,,, 20200402,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33,149,42,,,,,,,25,,,,04/02 9:30,04/02 13:37,RS,ESK,,,, 20200401,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,126,24,,,,,,,21,,,,03/31 17:00,,,,,,, 20200331,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,126,24,,,,,,,21,,,,03/30 17:00,,,,,,, 20200330,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,126,24,,,,,,,,,,,03/30 11:00,,,,,,, 20200329,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23,123,37,,,,,,,,,,,03/28 19:00,,,,,,, 20200328,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22,106,55,,,,,,,,,,,03/28 12:00,,,,,,, 20200327,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,55,2,,,,,,,,,,,03/27 14:00,,,,,,, 20200326,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,55,2,,,,,,,,,,,03/25 20:30,,,,,,, 20200325,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,55,2,,,,,,,,,,,03/24 20:30,,,,,,, 20200324,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/23 20:30,,,,,,, 20200323,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/22 20:30,,,,,,, 20200322,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 20:30,,,,,,, 20200321,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 20:30,,,,,,, 20200320,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 17:30,,,,,,, 20200319,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 7:30,,,,,,, 20200318,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 0:01,,,,,,, 20200316,VI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:58,,,,,,, 20200831,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1624,,135721,1624,134097,,8,,,,,,1425,58,58,,08/30 23:59,08/31 15:38,KVP,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/31 17:26, 20200830,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1616,,133275,1616,131659,,13,,,,,,1421,58,58,,08/29 23:59,08/30 17:05,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/30 17:56, 20200829,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1605,,130180,1605,128575,,10,,,,,,1413,58,58,,08/28 23:59,08/29 16:18,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/29 17:49, 20200828,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1589,,126755,1589,125166,,11,,,,,,1400,58,58,,08/27 23:59,08/28 15:56,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/28 17:43, 20200827,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1586,,124831,1586,123245,,12,,,,,,1396,58,58,,08/26 23:59,08/27 17:39,KSB,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/27 18:55, 20200826,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1577,,122841,1577,121264,,14,,,,,,1388,58,58,,08/25 23:59,08/26 16:15,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/26 18:37, 20200825,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1572,,122078,1572,120506,,13,,,,,,1386,58,58,,08/24 23:59,08/25 16:40,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/25 18:03, 20200824,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1566,,121390,1566,119824,,11,,,,,,1380,58,58,,08/23 23:59,08/24 16:18,KAT,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/24 17:21, 20200823,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1557,,120043,1557,118486,,13,,,,,,1371,58,58,,08/22 23:59,08/23 15:37,DJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/23 17:24, 20200822,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1553,,118604,1553,117051,,15,,,,,,1366,58,58,,08/21 23:59,08/22 15:42,DJW,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/22 17:10, 20200821,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1541,,116998,1541,115457,,10,,,,,,1358,58,58,,08/21 0:00,08/21 15:49,KAT,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/21 17:26, 20200820,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1537,,115459,1537,113922,,10,,,,,,1356,58,58,,08/20 0:00,08/20 16:34,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/20 18:13, 20200819,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1533,,113897,1533,112364,,12,,,,,,1354,58,58,,08/19 0:00,08/19 15:44,PK,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (8/19 PK) Total PCR Tests (People) dropped from 114097 to 113897. (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/19 17:55, 20200818,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1530,,114097,1530,112567,,17,,,,,,1347,58,58,,08/18 0:00,08/18 15:44,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/18 17:32, 20200817,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1527,,113223,1527,111696,,18,,,,,,1343,58,58,,08/17 0:00,08/17 16:38,JB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/17 17:55, 20200816,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1515,,111335,1515,109820,,17,,,,,,1337,58,58,,08/16 0:00,08/16 15:52,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/16 17:31, 20200815,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1509,,110297,1509,108788,,14,,,,,,1332,58,58,,08/15 0:00,08/15 15:41,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/15 17:34, 20200814,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1501,,107417,1501,105916,,13,,,,,,1321,58,58,,08/14 0:00,08/14 15:45,TCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/14 17:41, 20200813,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1484,,105907,1484,104423,,14,,,,,,1310,58,58,,08/13 0:00,08/13 15:50,KVP,QN,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1478,,105073,1478,103595,,9,,,,,,1302,58,58,,08/12 0:00,08/12 15:56,MJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1472,,103957,1472,102485,,12,,,,,,1295,58,58,,08/11 0:00,08/11 15:46,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1462,,103353,1462,101891,,11,,,,,,1282,58,58,,08/10 0:00,08/10 15:52,MM,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1459,,102691,1459,101232,,6,,,,,,1279,58,58,,08/09 0:00,08/09 13:36,DJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1454,,101803,1454,100349,,8,,,,,,1272,58,58,,08/08 0:00,08/08 15:35,DJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1448,,100962,1448,99514,,6,,,,,,1260,58,58,,08/07 0:00,8/07 15:38,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1445,,100052,1445,98607,,6,,,,,,1258,58,58,,08/06 0:00,8/06 15:43,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1436,,98990,1436,97554,,9,,,,,,1254,57,57,,08/05 0:00,8/05 16:15,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1431,,98801,1431,97370,,14,,,,,,1249,57,57,,08/04 0:00,8/04 15:49,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/4 17:46, 20200803,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1427,,97238,1427,95811,,14,,,,,,1240,57,57,,08/03 0:00,8/03 15:56,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1426,,96681,1426,95255,,15,,,,,,1238,57,57,,08/02 0:00,8/02 17:52,KVP,KP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1421,,95392,1421,93971,,16,,,,,,1231,57,57,,08/01 0:00,8/01 15:40,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1414,,94368,1414,92954,,16,,,,,,1211,57,57,,07/31 0:00,07/31 17:05,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200730,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1407,,93284,1407,91877,,18,,,,,,1207,57,57,,07/30 0:00,07/30 15:55,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200729,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1406,,92461,1406,91055,,18,,,,,,1199,56,56,,07/29 0:00,07/29 15:47,DJW,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200728,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1405,,91861,1405,90456,,18,,,,,,1194,56,56,,07/28 0:00,07/28 15:40,DJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200727,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1402,,90617,1402,89215,,13,,,,,,1190,56,56,,07/27 0:00,07/27 15:51,WCD,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200726,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1400,,89809,1400,88409,,10,,,,,,1186,56,56,,07/26 0:00,07/26 15:44,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200725,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1396,,88816,1396,87420,,13,,,,,,1182,56,56,,07/25 0:00,07/25 15:50,KVP,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200724,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1385,,87692,1385,86307,,12,,,,,,1177,56,56,,07/24 0:00,07/24 16:28,DJW,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200723,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1377,,86582,1377,85205,,12,,,,,,1156,56,56,,07/23 0:00,07/23 15:37,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200722,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1366,,85742,1366,84376,,14,,,,,,1152,56,56,,07/22 0:00,07/22 16:43,DJW,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200721,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1366,,84947,1366,83581,,19,,,,,,1148,56,56,,07/21 0:00,07/21 15:48,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200720,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1360,,83868,1360,82508,,22,,,,,,1139,56,56,,07/20 0:00,07/20 15:47,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200719,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1350,,82500,1350,81150,,24,,,,,,1137,56,56,,07/19 0:00,07/19 15:42,DCC,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200718,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1338,,80446,1338,79108,,25,,,,,,1125,56,56,,07/18 0:00,07/18 15:36,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200717,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1334,,79366,1334,78032,,33,,,,,,1121,56,56,,07/17 0:00,07/17 16:05,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200716,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1325,,79040,1325,77715,,25,,,,,,1111,56,56,,07/16 0:00,07/16 15:51,GMJ,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200715,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1318,,78358,1318,77040,,19,,,,,,1104,56,56,,07/15 0:00,07/15 15:20,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200714,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1305,,77624,1305,76319,,15,,,,,,1099,56,56,,07/14 0:00,07/14 15:24,CB-M,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200713,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1301,,76581,1301,75280,,10,,,,,,1096,56,56,,07/13 0:00,07/13 15:17,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200712,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1296,,75851,1296,74555,,17,,,,,,1089,56,56,,07/12 0:00,07/12 15:20,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200711,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1283,,75032,1283,73749,,18,,,,,,1066,56,56,,07/11 0:00,07/11 15:13,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200710,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1277,,74098,1277,72821,,11,,,,,,1066,56,56,,07/10 0:00,07/10 15:52,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200709,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1272,,72749,1272,71477,,15,,,,,,1054,56,56,,07/08 0:00,07/09 15:27,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200708,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1256,,71756,1256,70500,,14,,,,,,1049,56,56,,07/08 0:00,07/09 15:27,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200707,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1254,,71113,1254,69859,,13,,,,,,1039,56,56,,07/07 0:00,07/07 15:12,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200706,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1251,,70353,1251,69102,,24,,,,,,1022,56,56,,07/05 0:00,07/06 15:15,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200705,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1249,,70024,1249,68775,,15,,,,,,1007,56,56,,07/05 0:00,07/06 15:15,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200704,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1238,,69397,1238,68159,,16,,,,,,999,56,56,,07/04 0:00,07/04 15:18,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200703,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1236,,68395,1236,67159,,16,,,,,,967,56,56,,07/03 0:00,07/03 15:45,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200702,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1227,,67341,1227,66114,,21,,,,,,960,56,56,,07/02 0:00,07/02 16:07,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (7/2 BSL) Total recovered revised down by 1: 961 to 960 (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well",B,, 20200701,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1210,,66292,1210,65082,,17,,,,,,961,56,56,,07/01 0:00,07/01 15:12,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200630,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1208,,65764,1208,64556,,16,,,,,,953,56,56,,06/30 0:00,06/30 15:35,ASL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200629,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1208,,64993,1208,63785,,13,,,,,,949,56,56,,06/28 0:00,06/29 15:19,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200628,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1202,,63865,1202,62663,,15,,,,,,946,56,56,,06/28 0:00,06/29 15:19,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200627,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1200,,62723,1200,61523,,14,,,,,,946,56,56,,06/27 0:00,06/27 15:34,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200626,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1198,,61589,1198,60391,,14,,,,,,941,56,56,,06/26 0:00,06/26 15:12,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200625,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1191,,60709,1191,59518,,15,,,,,,938,56,56,,06/25 0:00,06/25 15:18,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200624,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1184,,59860,1184,58676,,13,,,,,,930,56,56,,06/24 0:00,06/24 16:19,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200623,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1164,,59328,1164,58164,,19,,,,,,927,56,56,,06/23 0:00,06/23 16:06,BSL,CML,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200622,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1163,,58607,1163,57444,,8,,,,,,926,56,56,,06/22 0:00,06/22 16:34,G-S,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200621,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1159,,57845,1159,56686,,11,,,,,,922,56,56,,06/21 0:00,06/21 17:23,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200620,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1147,,57028,1147,55881,,9,,,,,,920,56,56,,06/19 0:00,06/20 15:24,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200619,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1144,,55887,1144,54743,,8,,,,,,918,56,56,,06/19 0:00,06/20 15:24,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/19 SMS) Link to new dashboard: (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200618,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1135,,54745,1135,53610,,11,,,,,,917,56,56,,06/18 0:00,06/18 15:46,SMS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200617,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1130,,53663,1130,52533,,5,,,,,,915,55,55,,06/17 0:00,06/17 15:25,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/17 BSL) Total cases reduced by 1 (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200616,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1131,,52890,1131,51759,,12,,,,,,914,55,55,,06/16 0:00,06/16 15:15,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200615,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1128,,52557,1128,51429,,16,,,,,,912,55,55,,06/15 0:00,06/15 15:02,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200614,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1127,,50982,1127,49855,,26,,,,,,909,55,55,,06/14 0:00,06/14 14:41,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200613,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1125,,49933,1125,48808,,11,,,,,,908,55,55,,06/13 0:00,06/13 14:41,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200612,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1119,,48634,1119,47515,,16,,,,,,907,55,55,,06/11 0:00,06/12 15:08,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200611,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1110,,47209,1110,46099,,12,,,,,,905,55,55,,06/11 0:00,06/12 15:08,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200610,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1095,,45742,1095,44647,,11,,,,,,903,55,55,,06/10 0:00,06/10 16:19,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200609,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1084,,44228,1084,43144,,16,,,,,,901,55,55,,06/09 0:00,06/09 15:33,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200608,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1075,,42798,1075,41723,,13,,,,,,895,55,55,,06/08 0:00,06/08 14:49,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200607,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1063,,41218,1063,40155,,14,,,,,,890,55,55,,06/07 0:00,06/07 14:43,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200606,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1046,,40083,1046,39037,,16,,,,,,888,55,55,,06/06 0:00,06/06 14:23,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200605,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1027,,39117,1027,38090,,14,,,,,,882,55,55,,06/05 0:00,06/05 15:41,NRC,KP,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200604,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1026,,37834,1026,36808,,13,,,,,,881,55,55,,06/04 0:00,06/04 15:24,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200603,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,990,,37195,990,36205,,10,,,,,,879,55,55,,06/03 0:00,06/03 16:57,AW,QN,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200602,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,988,,36619,988,35631,,10,,,,,,879,55,55,,06/02 0:00,06/02 15:07,BSL,AFG,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (6/2 RS) Recovered decreased by 1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200601,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,983,,35326,983,34343,,16,,,,,,880,55,55,,06/01 0:00,06/01 15:48,REB,RS,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200531,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,981,,33970,981,32989,,18,,,,,,873,55,55,,05/31 0:00,05/31 17:07,TCD,JAC,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200530,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,977,,32667,977,31690,,17,,,,,,865,55,55,,05/30 0:00,05/30 14:46,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200529,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,975,,31885,975,30910,,14,,,,,,859,55,55,,05/29 10:21,05/29 16:48,G-S,ALF,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, go to and click on VT (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200528,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,974,,31152,974,30178,,17,,,,,,855,55,55,,05/27 5:00,05/28 15:49,RS,QN,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200527,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,971,,30999,971,30028,,21,,,,,,849,54,54,,05/27 0:00,05/27 17:03,MM,JAC,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200526,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,967,,30423,967,29456,,25,,,,,,848,54,54,,05/26 0:00,05/26 15:36,SLW,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200525,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,962,,29669,962,28707,,19,,,,,,843,54,54,,05/25 0:00,05/25 15:45,AW,PR,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200524,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,956,,28590,956,27634,,25,,,,,,839,54,54,,05/24 0:00,05/24 14:37,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200523,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,954,,27424,954,26470,,21,,,,,,837,54,54,,05/23 0:00,05/23 15:57,BL,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200522,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,952,,25733,952,24781,,16,,,,,,834,54,54,,05/22 0:00,05/22 16:57,G-S,KP,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200521,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,950,,25701,950,24751,,14,,,,,,827,54,54,,05/21 0:00,05/21 16:07,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well ",B,, 20200520,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,944,,25058,944,24114,,15,,,,,,824,54,54,,05/20 0:00,05/20 15:21,REB,PR,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B,, 20200519,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,944,,24591,944,24114,,24,,,,,,820,54,54,,05/19 0:00,05/19 17:25,REB,MM,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B,, 20200518,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,940,,23825,944,23547,,22,,,,,,815,54,54,,05/18 0:00,05/18 15:37,REB,MM,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B,, 20200517,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,940,,22276,940,22974,,14,,,,,,810,54,54,,05/17 0:00,05/17 14:31,REB,RS,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/17 aft REB) no update to totals, leaving negative as is (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B,, 20200516,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,934,,22276,940,22197,,20,,,,,,804,53,53,,05/16 0:00,05/16 15:55,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/16 RS) VT reduced their reported total tests by ~1000, causing negatives to go down as well (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B,, 20200515,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,933,,23205,932,21237,,17,,,,,,796,53,53,,05/15 0:00,05/15 17:03,REB,MM,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B,, 20200514,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,932,,21676,931,20497,,18,,,,,,792,53,53,,05/14 0:00,05/14 15:59,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B,, 20200513,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,929,,21262,930,19708,,17,,,,,,789,53,53,,05/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B,, 20200512,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,927,,,929,19107,,18,,,,,,787,53,53,,05/12 0:00,05/12 15:42,RSB,KP,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B,, 20200511,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,926,,,927,18797,,14,,,,,,785,53,53,,05/11 0:00,05/11 15:40,SPA,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B,, 20200510,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,927,,,926,18167,,21,,,,,,777,53,53,,05/10 0:00,05/10 14:46,JAC,DPT,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B,, 20200509,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,921,,,926,17690,,21,,,,,,744,53,53,,05/09 0:00,05/09 15:21,BL,REB,"PROCESS: - Time stamp should be 0:00 of the current day, per dashboard note that case info reflects count as of the end of previous day. - If the dashboard is not loading, use this query:*&orderByFields=date+desc&resultRecordCount=1 (5/7 aft RS) no source for ICU or Vent, leaving unchanged (5/6 aft REB) no new source for curr ICU, leaving as is (5/5 aft QN) Curr ICU and curr. ventilation from outreach (5/5). Keep an eye as this might get stale",B,, 20200508,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,919,,,918,17222,,15,,,,,,737,53,53,,05/08 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200507,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,916,,,916,16690,,14,,2,,0,,718,53,53,,05/07 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200506,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,908,,,914,16281,,26,,2,,0,,706,52,52,,05/06 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200505,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,907,,,909,16065,,33,,2,,0,,,52,52,,05/05 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200504,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,902,,,906,15889,,15,,,,,,,52,52,,05/04 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200503,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,897,,,901,15570,,19,,,,,,,52,,,05/03 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200502,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,886,,,896,15232,,11,,,,,,,51,,,05/02 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200501,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,879,,,885,14930,,19,,,,,,,50,,,05/01 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200430,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,866,,,879,14357,,23,,,,,,,49,,,04/30 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200429,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,862,,,866,14155,,26,,,,,,,47,,,04/29 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200428,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,862,,,862,13947,,29,,,,,,,47,,,04/28 0:00,04/28 11:11,JJFC,MM,"(4/26 RS) Removed recovered as it was an error. VT does not publish this # (4/25 aft REB) need to decide about recovered (4/23 aft MM) recovered number from pro publica sheet was too high. I think we should remove (4/21 aft DPT**) added updated recovered number from the referenced spreadsheet. Working on clarifying the process (4/16,19 aft REB) carrying over recovered number. It's not on dashboards and I don't have access to the doc mentioned below (4/15 morning ALF) The number for Recovered in VT comes from ProPublica original reporting, captured in cell J16 of the document ",C,, 20200427,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,862,,,862,13819,,33,,,,,,,47,,,04/27 0:00,04/27 14:49,DPT,REB,"(4/26 RS) Removed recovered as it was an error. VT does not publish this # (4/25 aft REB) need to decide about recovered (4/23 aft MM) recovered number from pro publica sheet was too high. I think we should remove (4/21 aft DPT**) added updated recovered number from the referenced spreadsheet. Working on clarifying the process (4/16,19 aft REB) carrying over recovered number. It's not on dashboards and I don't have access to the doc mentioned below (4/15 morning ALF) The number for Recovered in VT comes from ProPublica original reporting, captured in cell J16 of the document ",C,, 20200426,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,855,,,855,13518,,34,,,,,,,46,,,04/26 0:00,04/26 15:40,BL,REB,"(4/26 RS) Removed recovered as it was an error. VT does not publish this # (4/25 aft REB) need to decide about recovered (4/23 aft MM) recovered number from pro publica sheet was too high. I think we should remove (4/21 aft DPT**) added updated recovered number from the referenced spreadsheet. Working on clarifying the process (4/16,19 aft REB) carrying over recovered number. It's not on dashboards and I don't have access to the doc mentioned below (4/15 morning ALF) The number for Recovered in VT comes from ProPublica original reporting, captured in cell J16 of the document ",C,, 20200425,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,852,,,852,13270,,37,,,,,,,46,,,04/25 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200424,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,843,,,843,12808,,32,,,,,,,44,,,04/24 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200423,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,834,,,834,12420,,44,,,,,,,43,,,04/23 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200422,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,831,,,831,12097,,37,,,,,,,40,,,04/22 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200421,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,828,,,828,11767,,41,,,,,,,40,,,04/21 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200420,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,820,,,820,11671,,49,,,,,,15,38,,,04/20 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200419,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,817,,,817,11450,,53,,,,,,15,38,,,04/19 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200418,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,813,,,813,11212,,56,,,,,,15,38,,,04/18 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200417,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,802,,,802,10813,,32,,,,,,15,35,,,04/17 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200416,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,792,,,792,10259,,58,,,,,,15,35,,,04/16 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200415,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,779,,,779,9913,,63,,,,,,15,30,,,04/15 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200414,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,770,,,770,9491,,64,,,,,,15,29,,,04/14 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200413,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,761,,,761,9275,,33,,,,,,15,28,,,04/13 0:00,04/13 9:40,MM,ESK,Dashboard Link:,A,, 20200412,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,754,,,754,8724,,34,,,,,,15,27,,,04/12 0:00,,,,"(4/11 REB noon) Most data is not updated since yesterday, only POSITIVE updated today on dashboard to data from 4/9. (4/10 CML eve) Recovered not updated since 4/3. Is there an update from ProPublica? Dashboard Link:",A,, 20200411,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,733,,,733,8063,,77,,,,,,15,25,,,04/11 0:00,,,,"(4/11 REB noon) Most data is not updated since yesterday, only POSITIVE updated today on dashboard to data from 4/9. (4/10 CML eve) Recovered not updated since 4/3. Is there an update from ProPublica? Dashboard Link:",A,, 20200410,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,713,,,713,7502,,32,,,,,,15,24,,,04/10 0:00,,,,"(4/10 CML eve) Recovered not updated since 4/3. Is there an update from ProPublica? Dashboard Link:, ",A,, 20200409,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,680,,,680,7218,,33,,,,,,15,23,,,04/09 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200408,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,631,,,631,7001,,35,50,,,,,15,23,,,04/08 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200407,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,608,,,608,6645,,29,45,,,,,15,23,,,04/07 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200406,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,575,,,575,6161,,28,45,,,,,15,23,,,04/06 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200405,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,543,,,543,5830,,29,45,,,,,15,22,,,04/05 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200404,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,512,,,512,5242,,29,45,,,,,15,20,,,04/04 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200403,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,460,,,460,4865,,29,45,,,,,15,17,,,04/03 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200402,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,390,,,390,4384,,29,45,,,,,15,17,,,04/02 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200401,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,359,,,359,4162,,30,45,,,,,15,16,,,04/01 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,320,,,320,3949,,21,36,,,,,15,13,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,293,,,293,3718,,,18,,,,,,12,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,256,,,256,3483,,,18,,,,,,12,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,234,,,234,3192,,,18,,,,,,12,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,213,,,213,2868,,,18,,,,,,10,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,185,,,185,2744,,,,,,,,,9,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,160,,,160,1810,,,,,,,,,8,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,125,,,125,1569,,,,,,,,,7,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,97,,,97,1424,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76,,,76,1204,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/22 0:00,,,,,,, 20200321,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52,,,52,1080,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200320,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44,957,,,,,,,,,2,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28,764,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21,637,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,581,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,487,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 0:00,,,,,,, 20200315,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,405,,,,,,,,,,,,03/15 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,332,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,223,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,136,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,91,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200310,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,60,,,,,,,,,,,,03/10 0:00,,,,,,, 20200309,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,36,,,,,,,,,,,,03/09 0:00,,,,,,, 20200308,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,30,,,,,,,,,,,,03/08 0:00,,,,,,, 20200307,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,25,,,,,,,,,,,,03/07 0:00,,,,,,, 20200306,VT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,03/06 0:00,,,,,,, 20200831,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1461354,,,,74320,,,74320,1387034,,340,6740,,,51,,,1905,1905,,08/30 2:59,08/31 17:25,LDH,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/31 17:26, 20200830,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1461354,,,,74320,,,74320,1387034,,340,6740,,,51,,,1905,1905,,08/30 2:59,08/30 17:55,KVP,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/30 17:56, 20200829,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1423771,,,,73301,,,73301,1350470,,346,6679,,,46,,,1905,1905,,08/28 2:59,08/29 17:19,SB,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/29 17:49, 20200828,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1408164,,,,72703,,,72703,1335461,,347,6674,,,45,,,1890,1890,,08/27 2:59,08/28 17:04,BSL,PK,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/28 17:43, 20200827,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1391309,,,,72161,,,72161,1319148,,351,6640,,,37,,,1880,1880,,08/26 2:59,08/27 17:50,MJW,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/27 18:55, 20200826,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1380104,,,,71705,,,71705,1308399,,358,6595,,,47,,,1876,1876,,08/25 2:59,08/26 17:55,MM,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/26 18:37, 20200825,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1380050,,,,71681,,,71681,1308369,,354,6542,,,37,,,1867,1867,,08/24 2:59,08/25 16:40,JB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/25 18:03, 20200824,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1380050,,,,71681,,,71681,1308369,,373,6530,,,36,,,1863,1863,,08/23 2:59,08/24 17:14,CKW,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/24 17:21, 20200823,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1379036,,,,71659,,,71659,1307377,,371,6500,,,42,,,1857,1857,,08/22 2:59,08/23 16:17,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/23 17:24, 20200822,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1376533,,,,71598,,,71598,1304935,,371,6469,,,45,,,1850,1850,,08/21 2:59,08/22 16:05,KVP,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/22 17:10, 20200821,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1369264,,,,71414,,,71414,1297850,,374,6400,,,48,,,1837,1837,,08/20 2:59,08/21 16:03,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/21 17:26, 20200820,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1356868,,,,70973,,,70973,1285895,,385,6388,,,44,,,1822,1822,,08/19 2:59,08/20 16:48,KVP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/20 18:13, 20200819,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1344043,,,,70530,,,70530,1273513,,375,6358,,,43,,,1809,1809,,08/18 2:59,08/19 16:12,PK,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/19 17:55, 20200818,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1329216,,,,69967,,,69967,1259249,,394,6296,,,39,,,1785,1785,,08/17 2:59,08/18 16:44,BSL,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/18 17:32, 20200817,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1314115,,,,69369,,,69369,1244746,,391,6255,,,43,,,1781,1781,,08/16 2:59,08/17 17:25,KAT,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/17 17:55, 20200816,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1297928,,,,68729,,,68729,1229199,,395,6230,,,55,,,1766,1766,,08/15 2:59,08/16 16:06,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/16 17:31, 20200815,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1292977,,,,68579,,,68579,1224398,,390,6206,,,58,,,1755,1755,,08/13 2:59,08/15 16:18,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/15 17:34, 20200814,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1284141,,,,68234,,,68234,1215907,,403,6182,,,58,,,1736,1736,,08/13 2:59,08/14 16:58,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/14 17:41, 20200813,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1269631,,,,67611,,,67611,1202020,,395,6137,,,40,,,1724,1724,,08/11 2:59,08/13 16:05,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1254514,,,,67005,,,67005,1187509,,383,6102,,,59,,,1716,1716,,08/11 2:59,08/12 16:30,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1237902,,,,66404,,,66404,1171498,,386,6049,,,35,,,1697,1697,,08/10 2:59,08/11 17:15,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1221951,,,,65721,,,65721,1156230,,402,6001,,,49,,,1688,1688,,08/09 2:59,08/10 16:38,MJW,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1202997,,,,64918,,,64918,1138079,,400,5896,,,60,,,1688,1688,,08/08 2:59,08/09 16:40,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/9 BHP) We are continuting to carry over negatives and total tests because WA has been reporting both as NA since 8/1 and 8/7. (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1198007,,,,64723,,,64723,1133284,,415,5890,,,56,,,1672,1672,,08/06 20:30,08/08 15:42,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (8/8 BSL) Continuing to carry over negatives and total testsdue to WA notice on technical difficulties since 8/1 (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1188665,,,,64357,,,64357,1124308,,405,5874,,,50,,,1653,1653,,08/06 2:59,8/07 16:25,LDH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1173650,,,,63698,,,63698,1109952,,426,5840,,,58,,,1624,1624,,08/05 2:59,8/06 17:04,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1159061,,,,62992,,1009486,62992,1096069,,424,5779,,,47,,,1619,1619,,08/04 2:59,8/05 16:14,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1143993,,,,62267,,1008822,62267,1081726,,401,5744,,,52,,,1600,1600,,08/03 2:59,8/04 17:35,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/4 17:58, 20200803,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1127619,,,,61428,,1008280,61428,1066191,,401,5692,,,51,,,1596,1596,,08/02 2:59,8/03 16:33,SLC,DZL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1110085,,,,60588,,1001528,60588,1049497,,407,5655,,,57,,,1592,1592,,08/01 2:59,8/02 16:22,KVP,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1105298,,,,60360,,973654,60360,1044938,,415,5568,,,56,,,1564,1564,,07/30 2:59,8/01 16:08,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1096302,,,,59950,,973654,59950,1036352,,415,5568,,,56,,,1564,1564,,07/30 2:59,07/31 16:45,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200730,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1081486,,,,59263,,958307,59263,1022223,,399,5476,,,57,,,1555,1555,,07/29 2:59,07/30 16:44,BSL,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200729,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1066898,,,,58530,,945234,58530,1008368,,407,5474,,,48,,,1548,1548,,07/28 2:59,07/29 16:32,BAS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200728,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1051622,,,,57655,,933304,57655,993967,,386,5397,,,49,,,1518,1518,,07/27 2:59,07/28 16:41,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200727,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1035519,,,,56746,,919347,56746,978773,,396,5374,,,42,,,1501,1501,,07/26 2:59,07/27 16:03,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200726,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1018223,,,,55773,,903674,55773,962450,,407,5341,,,51,,,1494,1494,,07/25 2:59,07/26 16:06,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/26 BSL) Cum deaths drop by 1 (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200725,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1013279,,,,55452,,883982,55452,957827,,407,5301,,,52,,,1495,1495,,07/24 2:59,07/25 17:34,KVP,RSG,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200724,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1003710,,,,54970,,870763,54970,948740,,386,5276,,,47,,,1482,1482,,07/23 2:59,07/24 16:22,SLC,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200723,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,988535,,,,54177,,855152,54177,934358,,385,5211,,,55,,,1468,1468,,07/22 2:59,07/23 16:08,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200722,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,974082,,,,53306,,841184,53306,920776,,392,5161,,,51,,,1465,1465,,07/21 2:59,07/22 16:04,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200721,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,958315,,,,52290,,826354,52290,906025,,365,5102,,,43,,,1453,1453,,07/20 2:59,07/21 15:44,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200720,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,941258,,,,51206,,809339,51206,890052,,354,5063,,,42,,,1447,1447,,07/19 2:59,07/20 16:03,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200719,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,923531,,,,50216,,791786,50216,873315,,364,5033,,,62,,,1444,1444,,07/18 2:59,07/19 16:00,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200718,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,918320,,,,49882,,767657,49882,868438,,348,4984,,,46,,,1434,1434,,07/17 2:59,07/18 15:51,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200717,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,908633,,,,49358,,753174,49358,859275,,379,4944,,,45,,,1427,1427,,07/16 2:59,07/17 15:56,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200716,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,892236,,,,48480,,733886,48480,843756,,372,4829,,,53,,,1421,1421,,07/15 2:59,07/16 17:19,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200715,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,876825,,,,47655,,718234,47655,829170,,353,4788,,,55,,,1404,1404,,07/14 2:59,07/15 15:58,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200714,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,859975,,,,46693,,708274,46693,813282,,332,4778,,,39,,,1399,1399,,07/13 2:59,07/14 16:08,CB-M,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200713,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,842062,,,,45745,,686005,45745,796317,,331,4751,,,35,,,1438,1438,,07/12 2:59,07/13 17:04,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200712,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,823502,,,,44675,,668466,44675,778827,,326,4662,,,57,,,1424,1424,,07/10 2:59,07/12 16:05,SLC,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200711,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,818120,,,,44341,,668466,44341,773779,,326,4662,,,57,,,1424,1424,,07/10 2:59,07/12 16:05,SLC,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (7/11 BSL) Cum. hosp decrease by 3 to 4662; no explanation found (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200710,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,807777,,,,43815,,660330,43815,763962,,326,4665,,,60,,,1409,1409,,07/09 2:59,07/10 15:57,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200709,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,793550,,,,42974,,645072,42974,750576,,329,4630,,,59,,,1394,1394,,07/08 2:59,07/09 15:41,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200708,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,781051,,,,42132,,635524,42132,738919,,318,4582,,,52,,,1384,1384,,07/07 2:59,07/08 17:04,SLC,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200707,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,765654,,,,41172,,629256,41172,724482,,222,4544,,,37,,,1370,1370,,07/06 2:59,07/07 17:01,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200706,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,747998,,,,40125,,612706,40125,707873,,248,4482,,,39,,,1359,1359,,07/05 2:59,07/06 15:35,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200705,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,730249,,,,39156,,607276,39156,691093,,305,4473,,,56,,,1354,1354,,07/04 2:59,07/05 15:25,MEC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200704,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,725446,,,,38863,,599975,38863,686583,,315,4463,,,58,,,1352,1352,,07/03 2:59,07/04 14:46,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200703,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,720812,,,,38632,,584989,38632,682180,,334,4442,,,62,,,1342,1342,,07/02 2:59,07/03 16:09,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200702,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,710743,,,,38189,,571964,38189,672554,,311,4402,,,57,,,1339,1339,,07/01 2:59,07/02 16:11,ENT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200701,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,695932,,,,37320,,557275,37320,658612,,288,4361,,,50,,,1332,1332,,06/30 2:59,07/01 15:39,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200630,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,679784,,,,36442,,548220,36442,643342,,282,4323,,,50,,,1320,1320,,06/29 2:59,06/30 15:59,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200629,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,662055,,,,35540,,534443,35540,626515,,270,4275,,,52,,,1310,1310,,06/28 2:59,06/29 16:24,SLC,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200628,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,644439,,,,34556,,525802,34556,609883,,304,4240,,,58,,,1310,1310,,06/27 2:59,06/28 15:47,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200627,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,639585,,,,34292,,514428,34292,605293,,305,4194,,,50,,,1304,1304,,06/26 2:59,06/27 16:17,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200626,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,630907,,,,33803,,505795,33803,597104,,272,4106,,,49,,,1300,1300,,06/25 2:59,06/26 17:42,AW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200625,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,617320,,,,33183,,495498,33183,584137,,304,4093,,,56,,,1293,1293,,06/24 2:59,06/25 15:50,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200624,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,604087,,,,32523,,487059,32523,571564,,234,4067,,,44,,,1284,1284,,06/23 2:59,06/24 16:55,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200623,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,589542,,,,31848,,477204,31848,557694,,204,4062,,,37,,,1276,1276,,06/22 2:59,06/23 16:32,REB,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200622,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,576444,,,,31232,,474938,31232,545212,,205,4049,,,42,,,1270,1270,,06/22 2:59,06/23 16:32,REB,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200621,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,562810,,,,30513,,466069,30513,532297,,267,4030,,,54,,,1265,1265,,06/21 2:59,06/21 16:59,SNW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200620,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,559013,,,,30324,,474876,30324,528689,,245,4003,,,49,,,1255,1255,,06/20 2:59,06/20 15:36,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200619,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,551941,,,,30010,,474187,30010,521931,,276,3959,,,47,,,1245,1245,,06/18 2:59,06/19 15:36,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200618,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,541935,,,,29493,,469768,29493,512442,,263,3938,,,47,,,1226,1226,,06/17 2:59,06/18 17:37,HMH,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/18 HMH) Neg. cases, and deaths decreased. (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200617,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,532140,,,,28956,,463149,28956,503184,,256,3915,,,47,,,1231,1231,,06/16 2:59,06/17 16:35,SLC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200616,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,521345,,,,28495,,454236,28495,492850,,235,3894,,,38,,,1221,1221,,06/15 2:59,06/16 16:15,SAL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200615,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,508785,,,,28001,,443294,28001,480784,,197,3856,,,41,,,1217,1217,,06/14 2:59,06/15 15:17,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200614,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,496902,,,,27484,,432619,27484,469418,,229,3845,,,49,,,1213,1213,,06/13 2:59,06/14 15:24,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200613,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,492809,,,,27348,,428859,27348,465461,,225,3817,,,43,,,1204,1204,,06/12 2:59,06/13 15:16,BHP,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200612,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,486386,,,,27155,,422770,27155,459231,,226,3772,,,8,,,1194,1194,,06/12 2:59,06/13 15:16,BHP,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (6/13 BHP) Ventilations changed language from intubations to ventilitaions. (6/12 HMH) Cumulative hosp. went down by 1. Currently hosp. and on vent as of 6/10. Currently on vent went from 63 on 6/9 to 8 on 6/10, very big decrease. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200611,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,476749,,,,26767,,413579,26767,449982,,226,3773,,,63,,,1190,1190,,06/11 2:59,06/11 15:42,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200610,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,464779,,,,26367,,402370,26367,438412,,238,3747,,,92,,,1176,1176,,06/10 2:59,06/10 16:45,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Most data from state page; dashboard may lag (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200609,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,452358,,,,25999,,390815,25999,426359,,205,3699,,,60,,,1161,1161,,06/08 2:59,06/09 16:38,ETW,REB,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200608,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,440607,,,,25591,,381030,25591,415016,,213,3669,,,66,,,1159,1159,,06/07 2:59,06/08 16:42,BSL,REB,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200607,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,430047,,,,25081,,372754,25081,404966,,205,3652,,,57,,,1153,1153,,06/06 2:59,06/07 15:51,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200606,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,426922,,,,24971,,370382,24971,401951,,247,3639,,,86,,,1149,1149,,06/06 2:59,06/07 15:51,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200605,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,422150,,,,24809,,366633,24809,397341,,285,3615,,,91,,,1138,1138,,06/05 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200604,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,414081,,,,24416,,360374,24416,389665,,272,3578,,,94,,,1135,1135,,06/04 2:59,06/05 16:07,NRC,RS,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (6/05 NRC) WA hasn't updated their time stamp from 6/03 23:59, though the numbers have been updated. ",B,, 20200603,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,407704,,,,24086,,355785,24086,383618,,263,3543,,,89,,,1129,1129,,06/03 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200602,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,400375,,,,23703,,350457,23703,376672,,232,3517,,,48,,,1124,1124,,06/02 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200601,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,391905,,,,23288,,344050,23288,368617,,245,3501,,,52,,,1118,1118,,06/01 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200531,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,383882,,,,22878,,337852,22878,361004,,266,3480,,,67,,,1118,1118,,05/31 2:59,06/01 17:24,REB,RS,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B,, 20200530,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,380960,,,,22778,,335508,22778,358182,,319,3455,,,88,,,1111,1111,,05/30 2:59,05/30 14:54,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B,, 20200529,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,376873,,,,22630,,332210,22630,354243,,317,3413,,,85,,,1106,1106,,05/29 2:59,05/29 16:29,SPA,ALF,"PROCESS: Use the expandable tables on the main page for most metrics, since the dashboard numbers often lag. (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B,, 20200528,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,370033,,,,22285,,326818,22285,347748,,325,3394,,,94,,,1095,1095,,05/27 2:59,05/28 15:47,RS,QN," (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B,, 20200527,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,363211,,,,21985,,321586,21985,341226,,241,3338,,,53,,,1078,1078,,05/26 2:59,05/27 16:52,ALF,MM," (5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B,, 20200526,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,355902,,,,21634,,315843,21634,334268,,267,3290,,,51,,,1070,1070,,05/25 2:59,05/26 16:05,SLW,REB,"(5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B,, 20200525,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,347132,,,,21236,,308948,21236,325896,,207,3287,,,47,,,1061,1061,,05/24 2:59,05/25 15:36,AW,PR,"(5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B,, 20200524,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,343829,,,,21087,,306465,21087,322742,,313,3256,,,74,,,1055,1055,,05/23 2:59,05/24 16:05,JAC,REB,"(5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B,, 20200523,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,341006,,,,20986,,304123,20986,320020,,332,3230,,,96,,,1050,1050,,05/22 2:59,05/23 15:56,BL,REB,"(5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B,, 20200522,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,337656,,,,20837,,301452,20837,316819,,332,3156,,,85,,,1044,1044,,05/21 2:59,05/22 16:51,G-S,KP,"(5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B,, 20200521,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,331812,,,,20524,,296884,20524,311288,,242,3125,,,70,,,1037,1037,,05/20 2:59,05/21 16:18,JAC,QN,"(5/21 JAC) They are reporting Cumul. hospitalization on the dashboard now & added a note that they now report ""patients intubated"" rather than ""in ICU"", moved number to Curr Vent (5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days.",B,, 20200520,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,326079,,,,20228,,292212,20228,305851,,168,,52,,,,,1031,1031,,05/19 2:59,05/20 15:48,REB,PR,"(5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (4/24 mor ERG) still showing data from 4/22 (4/20 morning MM) WA revised positives down after data cleanup that removed 190 out of state residents",B,, 20200519,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,319019,,,,19960,,286574,19960,299059,,168,,52,,,,,1002,1002,,05/18 2:59,05/19 17:28,REB,MM,"(5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (4/24 mor ERG) still showing data from 4/22 (4/20 morning MM) WA revised positives down after data cleanup that removed 190 out of state residents",A,, 20200518,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,310386,,,,19662,,279478,19662,290724,,168,,52,,,,,1001,1001,,05/17 2:59,05/18 16:33,REB,MM,"(5/18 aft REB) hosp data didnt update (15/5 is the latest value) (5/10 aft DPT**) the hospitalization graph switched to show current rather than cumulative. Data was misinterpreted, deleting it. There is also a PDF ""Preliminary data on total hospitalizations"", showing 2719 hospitalized. Monitor this for a few days. (4/24 mor ERG) still showing data from 4/22 (4/20 morning MM) WA revised positives down after data cleanup that removed 190 out of state residents",A,, 20200517,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,301924,,,,19343,,272496,19343,282581,,168,,52,,,,,1000,1000,,05/17 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200516,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,299456,,,,19279,,270526,19279,280177,,331,,90,,,,,992,992,,05/16 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200515,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,295958,,,,19161,,267697,19161,276797,,374,,114,,,,,983,983,,05/15 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200514,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,289417,,,,18898,,262293,18898,270519,,365,,111,,,,,975,975,,05/14 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200513,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,283044,,,,18627,,257288,18627,264417,,384,,114,,,,,962,962,,05/13 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200512,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,276900,,,,18319,,252541,18319,258581,,321,,94,,,,,945,945,,05/12 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200511,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,270794,,,,18069,,247565,18069,252725,,350,,110,,,,,931,931,,05/11 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200510,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,264596,,,,17773,,242722,17773,246823,,335,,101,,,,,921,921,,05/10 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200509,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,262820,,,,17711,,241361,17711,245109,,393,,128,,,,,905,905,,05/09 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200508,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,260312,,,,17583,,239267,17583,242729,,393,,122,,,,,891,891,,05/08 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200507,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,254216,,,,17330,,234092,17330,236886,,358,,144,,,,,870,870,,05/07 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200506,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,248702,,,,17065,,229508,17065,231637,,390,,127,,,,,862,862,,05/06 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200505,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,242290,,,,16776,,224209,16776,225514,,292,,102,,,,,841,841,,05/05 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200504,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,236165,,,,16518,,219140,16518,219647,,263,,86,,,,,834,834,,05/04 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200503,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,229800,,,,16132,,213630,16132,213668,,411,,120,,,,,830,,,05/03 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200502,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,228003,,,,16048,,212146,16048,211955,,428,,117,,,,,824,,,05/02 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200501,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,225299,,,,15936,,209827,15936,209363,,470,,120,,,,,814,,,05/01 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200430,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,219604,,,,15619,,205035,15619,203985,,474,,145,,,,,801,,,04/30 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200429,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,214078,,,,15371,,200153,15371,198707,,490,,156,,,,,786,,,04/29 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200428,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,208382,,,,15043,,195230,15043,193339,,436,,158,,,,,765,,,04/28 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200427,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,202414,,,,14748,,189883,14748,187666,,536,,115,,,,,749,,,04/27 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200426,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,196617,,,,14379,,184766,14379,182238,,508,,145,,,,,738,,,04/26 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200425,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,194532,,,,14266,,182988,14266,180266,,455,,174,,,,,665,,,04/25 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200424,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,191084,,,,14100,,179977,14100,176984,,551,,164,,,,,659,,,04/24 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200423,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,184908,,,,13750,,174468,13750,171158,,544,,151,,,,,654,,,04/23 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200422,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,179945,,,,13476,,170130,13476,166469,,543,,161,,,,,647,,,04/22 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200421,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,174818,,,,13193,,165706,13193,161625,,503,,161,,,,,640,,,04/21 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200420,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,170027,,,,12923,,161504,12923,157104,,403,,122,,,,,629,,,04/20 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200419,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,165059,,,,12589,,157116,12589,152470,,586,,193,,,,,615,,,04/19 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200418,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,163092,,,,12493,,155439,12493,150599,,518,,155,,,,,598,,,04/18 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200417,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,160524,,,,12318,,153193,12318,148206,,622,,195,,,,,585,,,04/17 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200416,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,155401,,,,11967,,148741,11967,143434,,595,,196,,,,,571,,,04/16 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200415,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,150699,,,,11658,,144393,11658,139041,,645,,194,,,,,551,,,04/15 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200414,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,146201,,,,11330,,140247,11330,134871,,387,,98,,,,,542,,,04/14 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200413,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,141543,,,,11028,,135938,11028,130515,,527,,166,,,,,526,,,04/13 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200412,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,136957,,,,10657,,131718,10657,126300,,642,,191,,,,,509,,,04/12 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200411,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,135476,,,,10568,,130287,10568,124908,,649,,191,,,,,494,,,04/11 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200410,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,133289,,,,10413,,128211,10413,122876,,642,,191,,,,,476,,,04/10 0:00,,,,,C,, 20200409,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,128808,,,,10104,,123912,10104,118704,,650,,191,,,,,459,,,04/09 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200408,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,124317,,,,9741,,119606,9741,114576,,655,,186,,,,,443,,,04/08 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200407,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,119252,,,,9396,,114802,9396,109856,,641,,190,,,,,429,,,04/07 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200406,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,113776,,,,8983,,109573,8983,104793,,638,,191,,,,,407,,,04/06 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200405,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,108393,,,,8589,,104437,8589,99804,,581,,178,,,,,386,,,04/05 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200404,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,106297,,,,8418,,102485,8418,97879,,574,,174,,,,,365,,,04/04 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200403,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,103598,,,,8211,,99871,8211,95387,,,,,,,,,338,,,04/03 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200402,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,98545,,,,7796,,95017,7796,90749,,,,,,,,,310,,,04/02 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200401,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,93374,,,,7399,,90110,7399,85975,,,,,,,,,282,,,04/01 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,88412,,,,6949,,85393,6949,81463,,,,,,,,,262,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,83531,,,,6484,,80687,6484,77047,,,,,,,,,248,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,78081,,,,5921,,75537,5921,72160,,,,,,,,,237,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,76094,,,,5679,,73704,5679,70415,,,,,,,,,220,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,73297,,,,5391,,71103,5391,67906,,,,,,,,,199,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,68680,,,,4927,,66743,4927,63753,,,,,,,,,183,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,63993,,,,4492,,62272,4492,59501,,,,,,,,,159,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,58745,,,,4052,,57265,4052,54693,,,,,,,,,146,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,53245,,,,3614,,52038,3614,49631,,,,,,,,,137,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,47738,,,,3151,,46735,3151,44587,,,,,,,,,126,,,03/22 0:00,,,,,,, 20200321,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,45706,,,,2965,,44847,2965,42741,,,,,,,,,111,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200320,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,43276,,,,2771,,42505,2771,40505,,,,,,,,,104,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,39156,,,,2468,,38444,2468,36688,,,,,,,,,92,,,03/19 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,34696,,,,2135,,33894,2135,32561,,,,,,,,,82,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,29870,,,,1846,,29154,1846,28024,,,,,,,,,78,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,25055,,,,1582,,24516,1582,23473,,,,,,,,,69,,,03/16 0:00,,,,,,, 20200315,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,20059,,,,1282,,19621,1282,18777,,,,,,,,,57,,,03/15 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,18316,,,,1174,,17932,1174,17142,,,,,,,,,51,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,15940,,,,1018,,15603,1018,14922,,,,,,,,,47,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,11614,,,,801,,11369,801,10813,,,,,,,,,44,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,7805,,,,622,,7605,622,"7,183",,,,,,,,,40,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200310,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,5486,,,,488,,5338,488,4998,,,,,,,,,37,,,03/10 0:00,,,,,,, 20200309,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,3673,,,,378,,3554,378,3295,,,,,,,,,35,,,03/09 0:00,,,,,,, 20200308,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2632,,,,317,,2530,317,2315,60,,,,,,,,31,,,03/08 0:00,,,,,,, 20200307,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,2092,,,,256,,2007,256,1836,66,,,,,,,,27,,,03/07 0:00,,,,,,, 20200306,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1667,,,,218,,1604,218,1449,,,,,,,,,26,,,03/06 0:00,,,,,,, 20200305,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,1156,,,,179,,1128,179,977,,,,,,,,,20,,,03/05 0:00,,,,,,, 20200304,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,782,,,,128,,768,128,654,,,,,,,,,16,,,03/04 0:00,,,,,,, 20200303,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,531,,,,90,,523,90,441,,,,,,,,,14,,,03/03 0:00,,,,,,, 20200302,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,305,,,,65,,298,65,240,,,,,,,,,11,,,03/02 0:00,,,,,,, 20200301,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,117,,,,34,,114,34,83,,,,,,,,,8,,,03/01 0:00,,,,,,, 20200229,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,42,,,,18,,41,18,24,,,,,,,,,5,,,02/29 0:00,,,,,,, 20200228,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,, 20200227,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,, 20200226,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,, 20200225,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200224,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200223,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200222,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200221,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200220,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200219,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200218,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200217,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200216,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200215,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200214,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200213,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200212,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200211,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200210,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200209,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200208,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200207,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200206,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200205,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200204,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200203,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200202,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200201,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200131,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200130,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200129,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200128,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200127,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200126,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200125,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200124,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200123,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200122,WA,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75603,4965,1248457,80568,1172854,157,287,5817,104,1020,,,67234,1130,1122,8,08/31 0:00,08/31 16:44,ESK,BHP,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/31 17:26, 20200830,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75337,4963,1244639,80300,1169302,157,287,5804,104,1020,,,66699,1130,1122,8,08/30 0:00,08/30 17:31,BHP,SB,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/30 17:56, 20200829,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74800,4930,1239540,79730,1164740,116,309,5775,103,1017,,,66075,1127,1119,8,08/29 0:00,08/29 16:36,PK,SB,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/29 17:49, 20200828,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73981,4887,1230788,78868,1156807,116,309,5736,103,1010,,,65265,1121,1113,8,08/28 0:00,08/28 17:36,KAT,QN,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/28 17:43, 20200827,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73138,4866,1221632,78004,1148494,124,291,5684,96,1004,,,64480,1119,1111,8,08/27 0:00,08/27 17:51,BHP,DZL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/27 18:55, 20200826,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,72260,4832,1210841,77092,1138581,182,354,5651,133,996,,,63730,1108,1100,8,08/26 0:00,08/26 16:33,PK,HMH,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/26 18:37, 20200825,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71492,4814,1200463,76306,1128971,133,337,5610,121,996,,,62995,1102,1094,8,08/25 0:00,08/25 16:43,BHP,DZL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/25 18:03, 20200824,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70854,4765,1190476,75619,1119622,180,321,5573,106,991,,,62310,1089,1081,8,08/24 0:00,08/24 16:45,AJC,RS,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/24 17:21, 20200823,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70462,4743,1185611,75205,1115149,171,333,5558,108,990,,,61720,1089,1081,8,08/23 0:00,08/23 16:45,KVP,BHP,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/23 17:24, 20200822,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70009,4717,1180797,74726,1110788,190,350,5545,119,986,,,60933,1089,1081,8,08/22 0:00,08/22 17:04,KVP ,SB,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/22 17:10, 20200821,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,69059,4692,1172097,73751,1103038,190,350,5505,119,982,,,60055,1075,1068,7,08/21 0:00,08/21 17:10,GET,REB,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/21 17:26, 20200820,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68233,4670,1161527,72903,1093294,172,367,5469,120,978,,,59076,1074,1067,7,08/20 0:00,08/20 16:28,KVP,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/20 18:13, 20200819,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67493,4641,1151656,72134,1084163,166,388,5430,121,975,,,58244,1067,1060,7,08/19 0:00,08/19 16:53,PK,REB,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/19 17:55, 20200818,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66830,4594,1142227,71424,1075397,185,369,5380,109,964,,,57382,1059,1052,7,08/18 0:00,08/18 17:13,KVP,HMH,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (8/18 KVP) Pending col AP, curr hosp AQ and curr ICU AS did not update as of 16:26 (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/18 17:32, 20200817,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66196,4519,1132236,70715,1066040,172,365,5327,124,961,,,56602,1046,1039,7,08/17 0:00,08/17 17:02,KAT,JAC,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/17 17:55, 20200816,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65741,4505,1126274,70246,1060533,152,329,5304,94,957,,,55982,1046,1039,7,08/16 0:00,08/16 17:27,BHP,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/16 17:31, 20200815,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65056,4491,1120175,69547,1055119,239,336,5275,110,954,,,55172,1045,1038,7,08/15 0:00,08/15 16:43,BHP,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/15 17:34, 20200814,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,64227,4454,1108840,68681,1044613,239,336,5235,110,951,,,54181,1032,1025,7,08/14 0:00,08/14 17:12,LDH,QN,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/14 17:41, 20200813,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63206,4416,1098401,67622,1035195,221,364,5170,111,942,,,53239,1025,1018,7,08/13 0:00,08/13 17:37,BHP,HMH,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/13 18:17, 20200812,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62263,4391,1085986,66654,1023723,221,364,5125,111,941,,,52350,1018,1011,7,08/12 0:00,08/12 18:08,BHP,ALF,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/12 18:47, 20200811,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61785,4338,1076062,66123,1014277,221,364,5092,111,939,,,51456,1013,1006,7,08/11 0:00,08/11 17:18,JB,HMH,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200810,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61061,4295,1062463,65356,1001402,207,414,5031,119,938,,,50662,1005,998,7,08/10 0:00,08/10 16:44,TCD,DZL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/10 18:38, 20200809,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60554,4281,1054296,64835,993742,153,355,5000,94,938,,,50028,1005,998,7,08/09 0:00,08/09 16:18,BHP,JAC,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/9 17:07, 20200808,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59933,4280,1046878,64213,986945,152,311,4980,96,937,,,49283,1003,996,7,08/08 0:00,08/08 16:49,BHP,SB,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/8 17:37, 20200807,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,58768,4260,1033716,63028,974948,118,296,4930,101,931,,,48244,997,990,7,08/07 0:00,8/07 17:19,KAT,KP,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/7 18:08, 20200806,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57779,4206,1019630,61985,961851,92,251,4881,104,927,,,47221,985,978,7,08/06 0:00,8/06 16:02,BHP,DZL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/6 17:19, 20200805,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56940,4170,1001924,61110,944984,116,258,4826,96,919,,,46323,977,970,7,08/05 0:00,8/05 17:17,GET,HMH,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/5 17:43, 20200804,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,56056,4115,984901,60171,928845,108,294,4783,111,916,,,45368,968,961,7,08/04 0:00,8/04 17:17,BAS,HMH,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/4 17:46, 20200803,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55328,4073,966763,59401,911435,105,294,4732,106,910,,,44495,956,949,7,08/03 0:00,8/03 17:09,KAT,DZL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/3 17:32, 20200802,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54924,4066,959590,58990,904666,122,268,4717,100,910,,,43964,955,948,7,08/02 0:00,8/02 16:56,KVP,BML,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/2 18:12, 20200801,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54002,4056,949947,58058,895945,157,279,4681,88,904,,,43284,954,947,7,08/01 0:00,8/01 16:51,TCD,RSG,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,8/1 17:50, 20200731,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52940,3994,935089,56934,882149,132,255,4637,108,900,,,42317,941,934,7,07/31 0:00,07/31 16:49,KAT,HMH,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200730,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,52108,3971,919710,56079,867602,122,295,4590,101,893,,,41319,926,919,7,07/30 0:00,07/30 17:03,BHP,JAC,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200729,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51049,3939,902440,54988,851391,107,271,4539,86,886,,,40416,918,911,7,07/29 0:00,07/29 15:38,BHP,HMH,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200728,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50179,3885,887746,54064,837567,110,246,4493,86,880,,,39513,913,906,7,07/28 0:00,07/28 16:59,BHP,KWS,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200727,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49417,,873322,53281,823905,104,250,4420,85,872,,,38633,900,893,7,07/27 0:00,07/27 16:42,DZL,REB,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200726,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,48827,,866376,52680,817549,77,165,4394,64,870,,,37971,899,892,7,07/26 0:00,07/26 15:56,BHP,HMH,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200725,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47870,,856398,51715,808528,91,209,4368,75,868,,,37287,898,891,7,07/25 0:00,07/25 17:38,JJO,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200724,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46917,,842197,50727,795280,177,312,4327,60,861,,,36333,885,878,7,07/24 0:00,07/24 17:35,DZL,JAC,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200723,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45899,,824741,49669,778842,82,187,4273,51,857,,,35502,885,878,7,07/23 16:00,07/23 15:55,BHP,QN,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200722,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44847,,809477,48583,764630,51,167,4225,63,848,,,34682,872,865,7,07/22 16:00,07/22 15:43,BHP,HMH,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200721,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44135,,794697,47836,750562,190,354,4194,101,838,,,33902,866,859,7,07/21 16:00,07/21 15:40,BHP,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200720,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,43018,,780209,46675,737191,146,368,4129,111,829,,,33130,853,846,7,07/20 16:00,07/20 16:38,SMG,JAC,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200719,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42315,,773217,45948,730902,139,339,4107,99,826,,,32628,851,844,7,07/19 16:00,07/19 15:40,BHP,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200718,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41485,,765128,45099,723643,159,315,4082,89,823,,,32004,850,843,7,07/18 16:00,07/18 16:49,BHP,JAC,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200717,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40507,,752704,44068,712197,170,333,4031,97,816,,,31258,840,833,7,07/17 16:00,07/17 17:16,BHP,KP,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200716,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39627,,739297,43139,699670,154,310,3968,88,811,,,30555,838,831,7,07/16 16:00,07/16 17:02,KVP,JAC,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200715,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38727,,725026,42197,686299,177,295,3923,88,810,,,29923,834,827,7,07/15 16:00,07/15 15:04,BHP,HMH,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200714,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,37906,,711101,41349,673195,147,293,3892,83,804,,,29275,833,826,7,07/14 16:00,07/14 16:10,BHP,REB,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200713,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36942,,696421,40382,659479,143,283,3850,85,800,,,28670,827,820,7,07/13 16:00,07/13 16:28,ENT,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200712,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36448,,689800,39877,653352,148,264,3824,74,800,,,28318,827,820,7,07/12 16:00,07/12 16:22,BHP,HMH,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200711,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35679,,682183,39080,646504,155,265,3797,75,797,,,27909,828,821,7,07/11 16:00,07/11 15:15,BHP,BML,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200710,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34753,,670164,38099,635411,151,274,3766,77,792,,,27329,821,814,7,07/10 16:00,07/10 16:29,BHP,JAC,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/10 BHP) Probable deaths not updated today. (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200709,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33908,,657462,37210,623554,168,285,3726,76,787,,,26792,816,809,7,07/09 16:00,07/09 17:10,HMH,JAC,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200708,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33154,,644304,36410,611150,152,276,3683,74,787,,,26305,814,807,7,07/08 16:00,07/08 17:13,BHP,QN,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/8 BHP) Probable deaths and Cumm. ICU not updated so far today. (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200707,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32556,,633568,35765,601012,164,254,3639,69,777,,,25758,812,805,7,07/07 16:00,07/07 15:08,BHP,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/7 BHP) Probable deaths have not been updated today. (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200706,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32061,,620974,35230,588913,172,254,3602,66,772,,,25242,803,796,7,07/06 16:00,07/06 15:54,RSG,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200705,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31577,,615688,34740,584111,129,244,3586,65,771,,,24899,803,796,7,07/05 16:00,07/05 15:24,BHP,BML,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200704,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31055,,610692,34207,579637,129,235,3574,67,771,,,24491,803,796,7,07/04 16:00,07/04 16:17,KVP,SB,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200703,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30317,,603870,33431,573553,134,244,3555,75,768,,,24043,803,796,7,07/03 16:00,07/03 15:58,BHP,BML,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200702,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29738,,593684,32809,563946,143,236,3519,74,763,,,23527,800,793,7,07/02 16:00,07/02 17:03,ENT,KWS,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200701,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29199,,580806,32225,551607,147,237,3482,77,757,,,23089,793,786,7,07/01 16:00,07/01 15:31,BHP,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (7/1 BHP) Probable cases have not updated meaning cell AE was not updated today. 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200630,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28659,,568198,31662,539539,169,242,3446,79,750,,,22587,784,777,7,06/30 16:00,06/30 16:49,BHP,JAC,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200629,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28058,,555417,31033,527359,158,237,3407,90,747,,,22217,784,777,7,06/29 16:00,06/29 16:03,WCD,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) 6/29 JJA) Deaths and cases now report confirmed and probable separately. To find the data, go to 'Percent of COVID-19 deaths by age group' and select 'confirmed' and look for 'total' at the top of the graph. Do the same for probables. For cases, go to Percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases by age group and follow the same approach. For deaths (confirmed and probable), click 'confirmed and probable. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200628,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27743,,549490,30707,521747,146,239,3393,89,746,,,21953,777,777,,06/28 16:00,06/28 16:14,KVP,REB,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200627,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27286,,543009,30227,515723,140,249,3382,93,746,,,21606,777,777,,06/27 16:00,06/27 16:17,KWS,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200626,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26747,,533915,29668,507168,142,262,3351,95,741,,,21174,766,766,,06/26 16:00,06/26 16:20,JAC,RS,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200625,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26227,,524788,29105,498561,134,249,3326,93,734,,,20557,766,766,,06/24 16:00,06/25 16:39,BAS,JAC,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200624,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25763,,513566,28641,487803,160,239,3299,89,723,,,20121,757,757,,06/24 16:00,06/25 16:39,BAS,JAC,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200623,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25331,,503496,28175,478165,142,240,3268,93,716,,,19852,750,750,,06/23 16:00,06/23 15:50,BHP,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200622,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25068,,491702,27878,466634,169,246,3231,93,711,,,19543,745,745,,06/22 16:00,06/22 15:36,BHP,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200621,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24819,,485153,27615,460334,153,242,3220,94,710,,,19310,744,744,,06/21 16:00,06/21 15:27,BHP,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200620,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24539,,479102,27326,454563,155,239,3203,90,708,,,18951,744,744,,06/20 16:00,06/20 16:12,KVP,BHP,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200619,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24154,,468905,26913,444751,158,240,3177,91,704,,,18055,730,730,,06/19 16:00,06/19 16:08,BHP,PR,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200618,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23876,,457789,26590,433913,174,240,3160,83,701,,,18055,719,719,,06/18 16:00,06/18 16:11,GMJ,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200617,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23454,,447190,26129,423736,179,244,3128,94,696,,,17613,712,712,,06/17 16:00,06/17 16:02,SNW,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200616,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23198,,437528,25844,414330,192,275,3096,100,687,,,17122,703,703,,06/16 16:00,06/16 16:07,KWS,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200615,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22932,,426379,25546,403447,188,284,3061,100,680,,,16837,694,694,,06/15 16:00,06/15 15:42,SNW,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200614,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22758,,420124,25340,397366,184,289,3049,101,680,,,16558,692,692,,06/14 16:00,06/14 15:41,SAL,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200613,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22518,,410917,25089,388399,167,285,3035,99,677,,,16231,691,691,,06/13 16:00,06/13 16:33,ETS,BSL,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200612,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22246,,399608,24795,377362,172,287,3003,104,670,,,15783,689,689,,06/12 16:00,06/12 16:14,BHP,ALF,"WI has data on various pages with some crossover. Pages are not all updated at the same time. So check update dates to make sure you have the latest information. You may want to wait a little after it has flagged to find latest data. PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200611,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21926,,387980,24441,366054,188,306,2976,101,660,,,15348,682,682,,06/11 0:00,06/11 15:18,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200610,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21593,,378705,24070,357112,190,328,2943,114,654,,,14999,671,671,,06/10 0:00,06/10 15:11,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Data from main state page, cases page, and hospital capabilities page (linked on main state page) (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200609,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21308,,368518,23734,347210,174,505,2904,117,649,,,14583,661,661,,06/09 0:00,06/09 16:41,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" C) Total = Pos + Neg 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200608,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21038,,354291,23434,333253,206,528,2860,110,637,,,14242,646,646,,06/08 0:00,06/08 15:10,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" C) Total = Pos + Neg 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (6/8 BSL) Deaths reduced by 1, 647 to 646, cum ICU reduced by 1, 638 to 637 (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200607,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20835,,346702,23212,325867,183,491,2848,107,638,,,14047,647,647,,06/07 0:00,06/07 15:31,JAC,RS,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" C) Total = Pos + Neg 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200606,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20571,,335373,22937,314802,177,492,2832,118,636,,,13770,645,645,,06/06 0:00,06/06 15:18,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" C) Total = Pos + Neg 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200605,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20249,,323581,22599,303332,174,526,2791,124,625,,,13337,633,633,,06/05 0:00,06/05 16:47,NRC,KP,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" C) Total = Pos + Neg 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200604,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19892,,311259,22193,291367,196,551,2739,117,616,,,12980,626,626,,06/04 0:00,06/04 16:11,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" C) Total = Pos + Neg 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200603,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19400,,299111,21661,279711,199,556,2700,130,606,,,12172,616,616,,06/03 0:00,06/03 16:57,AW,PR,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" C) Total = Pos + Neg 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200602,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18917,,282660,21155,263743,209,597,2643,139,593,,,12172,607,607,,06/02 16:00,06/02 16:34,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" C) Total = Pos + Neg 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200601,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18543,,272138,20736,253595,211,613,2603,136,586,,,11838,595,595,,06/01 0:00,06/01 15:37,REB,RS,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" C) Total = Pos + Neg 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200531,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18403,,268506,20564,250103,211,625,2583,133,585,,,11646,592,592,,05/31 16:00,05/31 17:08,TCD,MM,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" C) Total = Pos + Neg 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200530,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18230,,261138,20382,242908,208,617,2563,144,577,,,11338,588,588,,05/30 16:00,05/30 16:27,SPA,REB,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" C) Total = Pos + Neg 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200529,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17707,,251295,19843,233588,235,658,2499,145,567,,,10880,568,568,,05/29 0:00,05/29 16:05,G-S,ALF,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" C) Total = Pos + Neg 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200528,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16974,,237693,19077,220719,250,659,2452,138,556,,,10384,550,550,,05/28 0:00,05/28 15:45,RS,QN,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200527,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16462,,227067,18513,210605,335,748,2411,139,550,,,9846,539,539,,05/27 16:00,05/27 15:40,ALF,MM,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200526,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15863,,216737,17867,200874,218,640,2362,135,544,,,9405,517,517,,05/26 0:00,05/26 15:47,SLW,REB,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200525,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15584,,208963,17571,193379,207,606,2339,126,543,,,9207,514,514,,05/25 0:00,05/25 15:41,AW,PR,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200524,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15277,,201483,17253,186206,223,611,2315,128,541,,,8999,510,510,,05/24 0:00,05/24 15:47,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (5/24 JAC) Total ICU number was revised down by 1",A+,, 20200523,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14877,,194206,16843,179329,223,611,2292,128,542,,,8688,507,507,,05/23 0:00,05/23 15:53,BL,REB,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200522,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14396,,187099,16340,172703,187,583,2259,133,535,,,8362,496,496,,05/22 0:00,05/22 16:43,SLW,KP,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200521,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13885,,161122,15792,163238,220,524,2218,126,526,,,8012,487,487,,05/21 0:00,05/21 16:18,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200520,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13413,,161122,15269,154300,211,609,2161,129,515,,,7728,481,481,,05/20 0:00,05/20 16:18,SLW,PR,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200519,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12885,,161122,14692,148237,211,609,2110,129,503,,,7371,467,467,,05/19 0:00,05/19 16:24,REB,MM,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200518,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12687,,157189,14442,144502,194,574,2068,128,496,,,6786,459,459,,05/18 0:00,05/18 15:36,REB,PR,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200517,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,152217,,,12543,,152217,14257,139674,182,543,2038,129,494,,,6542,453,453,,05/17 0:00,05/17 15:16,REB,RS,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200516,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12187,,146393,13878,134206,189,546,2018,127,488,,,6542,453,453,,05/16 0:00,05/16 15:53,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200515,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11685,,140342,13344,128657,191,548,1977,113,485,,,6250,445,445,,05/15 0:00,05/15 16:38,REB,MM,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for bar chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200514,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11275,,128013,12869,122598,169,507,1939,121,478,,,5994,434,434,,05/14 0:00,05/14 16:33,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200513,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10902,,123359,12449,117111,194,527,1908,110,469,,,5673,421,421,,05/13 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200512,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10611,,,12131,112748,180,520,1877,116,464,,,5371,418,418,,05/12 12:23,05/12 16:01,RSB,KP,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200511,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10418,,,11920,108033,180,520,1846,116,460,,,5176,409,409,,05/11 0:00,05/11 15:36,SPA,REB,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200510,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10219,,,11694,105163,182,514,1820,113,456,,,5014,400,400,,05/10 0:00,05/10 17:03,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200509,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9939,,,11402,101935,204,543,1806,110,452,,,4875,398,398,,05/09 0:00,05/09 15:38,BL,REB,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200508,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9590,,,11030,97265,204,552,1767,110,441,,,4694,384,384,,05/08 0:00,05/08 16:15,JAC,KP,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200507,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9215,,,10621,93035,219,624,1732,108,435,,,4520,374,374,,05/07 0:00,05/07 16:14,BL,PR,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200506,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8901,,,10262,87826,212,511,1694,107,423,,,4348,362,362,,05/06 0:00,05/06 15:29,REB,AW,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200505,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8566,,,9896,83967,236,543,1663,92,414,,,4131,353,353,,05/05 0:00,05/05 16:49,KP,QN,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A,, 20200504,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8236,,,9538,80467,226,573,1621,116,404,,,3973,340,340,,05/04 0:00,05/04 15:56,SPA,MM,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A,, 20200503,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7964,,,9227,77997,231,582,1608,118,402,,,3723,339,,,05/03 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go to cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200502,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7660,,,8920,75570,231,582,1591,118,400,,,3698,334,,,05/02 16:00,,,,"PROCESS: 1) Go to main page ( A) Positive = ""Positive Test Results"" B) Negative = ""Negative Test Results"" 2) Go cases link (; A) Cum. Hosp = ""Ever hospitalized as of..."" B) Cum. ICU = ""Any Intensive Care as of..."" C) Deaths = ""Deaths as of..."" D) Recovered = ""Recovered cases""; search for pie chart named ""Percent of COVID-19 cases by recovery status"" 3) Go to hosp-data link ( A) Pending = ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" B) Curr. ICU = ""ICU COVID Patients"" C) Curr. Hosp = ""Total Covid Patients"" + ""Inpatients w/ COVID Test Pending"" ** NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A+,, 20200501,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7314,,,8550,72566,218,560,1544,127,391,,,3352,327,,,05/01 16:00,05/01 15:33,SPA,AW,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization is sum of ""total covid patients"" and ""inpatients with covid test pending"". Cum ICU from ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending can be found here, but NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (4/30 aft JAC) Recovered number from: ",A+,, 20200430,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6854,,,8052,69394,195,554,1512,119,382,,,3352,316,,,04/30 16:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization is sum of ""total covid patients"" and ""inpatients with covid test pending"". Cum ICU from ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending can be found here, but NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. (4/30 aft JAC) Recovered number from: ",A+,, 20200429,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6520,,,7660,66630,227,577,1489,121,363,,,,308,,,04/29 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization is sum of ""total covid patients"" and ""inpatients with covid test pending"". Cum ICU from ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending can be found here, but NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A,, 20200428,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6289,,,7391,63535,193,544,1456,123,363,,,,300,,,04/28 16:00,04/28 15:38,KP,AW,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization is sum of ""total covid patients"" and ""inpatients with covid test pending"". Cum ICU from ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending can be found here, but NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A,, 20200427,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6081,,,7161,61311,204,337,1415,124,355,,,,281,,,04/27 16:00,,,,"PROCESS: Cum ICU from ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending can be found here, but NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A,, 20200426,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5911,,,6963,59235,197,337,1397,136,353,,,,272,,,04/26 16:00,,,,"PROCESS: Cum ICU from ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending can be found here, but NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A,, 20200425,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5687,,,6715,57138,241,337,1376,136,353,,,,266,,,04/25 16:00,04/25 16:04,REB,AW,"PROCESS: Cum ICU from ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending can be found here, but NB: the Vent # is not COVID specific. ",A,, 20200424,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5356,,,6364,54573,206,361,1353,143,346,,,,262,,,04/24 16:00,,,,"PROCESS: Cum ICU numbers under ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending numbers can be found here, but Note the Vent # is not COVID specific. (4/19 aft REB) only hosp. data updated (4/18 Aft QN) It seems current ventilation data is not exclusive to covid patients. Keeping the number the same (4/17 Aft RS) timestamp comes from Hospitalization page ",A,, 20200423,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5052,,,6011,51456,201,349,1318,146,342,,,,257,,,04/23 16:00,,,,"PROCESS: Cum ICU numbers under ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending numbers can be found here, but Note the Vent # is not COVID specific. (4/19 aft REB) only hosp. data updated (4/18 Aft QN) It seems current ventilation data is not exclusive to covid patients. Keeping the number the same (4/17 Aft RS) timestamp comes from Hospitalization page ",A,, 20200422,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4845,,,5766,49502,229,355,1302,139,324,,,,246,,,04/22 16:00,,,,"PROCESS: Cum ICU numbers under ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending numbers can be found here, but Note the Vent # is not COVID specific. (4/19 aft REB) only hosp. data updated (4/18 Aft QN) It seems current ventilation data is not exclusive to covid patients. Keeping the number the same (4/17 Aft RS) timestamp comes from Hospitalization page ",A,, 20200421,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4620,,,5509,47841,219,358,1252,137,324,,,,242,,,04/21 16:00,,,,"PROCESS: Cum ICU numbers under ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending numbers can be found here, but Note the Vent # is not COVID specific. (4/19 aft REB) only hosp. data updated (4/18 Aft QN) It seems current ventilation data is not exclusive to covid patients. Keeping the number the same (4/17 Aft RS) timestamp comes from Hospitalization page ",A,, 20200420,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4499,,,5353,46603,237,406,1211,168,307,,,,230,,,04/20 16:00,,,,"PROCESS: Cum ICU numbers under ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending numbers can be found here, but Note the Vent # is not COVID specific. (4/19 aft REB) only hosp. data updated (4/18 Aft QN) It seems current ventilation data is not exclusive to covid patients. Keeping the number the same (4/17 Aft RS) timestamp comes from Hospitalization page ",A,, 20200419,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4346,,,5176,45323,248,397,1190,162,307,,,,220,,,04/19 12:57,,,,"PROCESS: Cum ICU numbers under ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending numbers can be found here, but Note the Vent # is not COVID specific. (4/19 aft REB) only hosp. data updated (4/18 Aft QN) It seems current ventilation data is not exclusive to covid patients. Keeping the number the same (4/17 Aft RS) timestamp comes from Hospitalization page ",A,, 20200418,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4199,,,5013,43962,229,361,1176,135,307,,,,211,,,04/18 12:45,,,,"PROCESS: Cum ICU numbers under ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Current Hospitalization, ICU and pending numbers can be found here, but Note the Vent # is not COVID specific. (4/18 Aft QN) It seems current ventilation data is not exclusive to covid patients. Keeping the number the same (4/17 Aft RS) timestamp comes from Hospitalization page ",A,, 20200417,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4045,,,4839,42365,198,361,1153,141,306,348,,,205,,,04/17 14:24,,,,"PROCESS: Cum ICU numbers under ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Hospitalization and pending numbers can be found here (4/17 Aft RS) timestamp comes from Hospitalization page (4/17 morn RDM) 'Currently in ICU' and 'Currently Hospitalized' Source needs to be updated to url listed in Process; Could not find the Cumulative in ICU data on Page",A,, 20200416,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3875,,,4636,40974,218,394,1121,147,299,,,,197,,,04/16 0:00,04/17 9:14,RMD,,"PROCESS: Cum ICU numbers under ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Hospitalization and pending numbers can be found here (4/17 morn RDM) 'Currently in ICU' and 'Currently Hospitalized' Source needs to be updated to url listed in Process; Could not find the Cumulative in ICU data on Page",A,, 20200415,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3721,,,4453,39326,280,406,1091,163,290,,,,182,,,04/15 11:01,,,,"PROCESS: Cum ICU numbers under ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Hospitalization and pending numbers can be found here",A,, 20200414,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3555,,,4246,37997,277,432,1049,161,283,,,,170,,,04/14 16:00,,,," PROCESS: Cum ICU numbers under ""Wisconsin Data"" tab on main page; Hospitalization and pending numbers can be found here",A,, 20200413,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3428,,,4080,36769,273,442,993,175,264,,,,154,,,04/13 0:00,,,,PROCESS: Hospitalization numbers can be found here,A,, 20200412,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3341,,,3964,35916,,442,974,179,261,,,,144,,,04/12 9:46,04/13 16:04,REB,EB,PROCESS: Hospitalization numbers can be found here,A,, 20200411,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3213,,,3822,34680,,444,950,179,257,,,,137,,,04/11 1:00,,,,"PROCESS: Cumulative ICU numbers can be found here ""Total Number of Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilated"" is unclear if this is only covid19 patients ( Most up-to-date data (pos, neg, hosp):",A,, 20200410,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3068,,,3665,33225,,,904,190,247,,,,128,,,04/10 16:00,,,,"PROCESS: Cumulative ICU numbers can be found here ""Total Number of Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilated"" is unclear if this is only covid19 patients ( ",A,, 20200409,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2885,,,3443,31424,,,843,,230,,,,111,,,04/09 16:00,,,,"(4/9 afternoon SPA) cum ICU numbers can be found here within the 'Summary of COVID-19 Cases by Age Group' chart (4/9 aftn HDF) can't confirm ICU numbers (4/8 aft AW) cum ICU numbers can be found here",A,, 20200408,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2756,,,3279,30115,,,790,,218,,,,99,,,04/08 16:00,,,,(4/8 aft AW) cum ICU numbers can be found here,A,, 20200407,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2578,,,3064,28512,,,745,,200,,,,92,,,04/07 16:00,,,,"(4/7 LH aft) Cumulative ICU number from reporting (4/6 PR) per reporting (HDF afternoon 4/3) in the ""download the data"" link they seem to have accurate dates for when the set was posted",A,, 20200406,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2440,,,2866,26574,,,668,,186,,,,77,,,04/06 16:00,,,,"(4/6 PR) per reporting (HDF afternoon 4/3) in the ""download the data"" link they seem to have accurate dates for when the set was posted",A,, 20200405,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2267,,,2643,25169,,,624,,175,,,,68,,,04/05 16:00,04/06 10:36,JRF,ALF,"(HDF afternoon 4/3) in the ""download the data"" link they seem to have accurate dates for when the set was posted",A,, 20200404,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2112,,,2476,23859,,,588,,,,,,56,,,04/04 4:00,,,,"(HDF afternoon 4/3) in the ""download the data"" link they seem to have accurate dates for when the set was posted",A,, 20200403,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1912,,,2263,22377,,,487,,,,,,37,,,04/03 4:00,,,,"(HDF afternoon 4/3) in the ""download the data"" link they seem to have accurate dates for when the set was posted",A,, 20200402,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1730,,,2040,20317,,,461,,,,,,31,,,04/02 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200401,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1550,,,1821,18819,,,398,,,,,,24,,,04/01 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200331,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1351,,,1585,17375,,,337,,,,,,16,,,03/31 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200330,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1221,,,1422,15856,,,,,,,,,14,,,03/30 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1112,,,1276,16550,,,,,,,,,13,,,03/29 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,989,,,1134,15232,,,,,,,,,13,,,03/28 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,842,,,969,13140,,,,,,,,,13,,,03/27 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200326,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,707,,,806,11583,,,,,,,,,8,,,03/26 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,585,,,667,10089,,,,,,,,,7,,,03/25 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200324,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,457,,,525,8237,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/24 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,416,,,466,7050,,,,,,,,,5,,,03/23 16:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,385,,,425,6230,,,,,,,,,4,,,03/22 4:00,,,,,,, 20200321,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,281,,,315,4628,,,,,,,,,4,,,03/21 16:00,,,,,,, 20200320,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,206,,,235,3455,,,,,,,,,3,,,03/20 16:00,,,,,,, 20200319,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,155,,,174,2192,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 16:00,,,,,,, 20200318,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,106,,,121,1577,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 15:00,,,,,,, 20200317,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,72,,,83,1038,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 15:00,,,,,,, 20200316,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47,,,56,504,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:06,,,,,,, 20200315,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,33,,,37,313,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 15:00,,,,,,, 20200314,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,,,23,169,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 15:00,,,,,,, 20200313,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,,,23,169,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 15:00,,,,,,, 20200312,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,9,84,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 15:30,,,,,,, 20200311,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,3,43,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,2,36,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,36,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,31,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,31,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,31,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200305,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,19,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200304,WI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,19,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,WV,,,,,,,,,,15982,,,,435863,,,10066,184,,10250,425797,,139,,49,,23,,8017,214,212,2,08/30 23:59,08/31 16:38,MJW,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/31 17:26, 20200830,WV,,,,,,,,,,15943,,,,430940,,,9928,182,,10110,421012,,141,,45,,21,,7983,213,211,2,08/29 23:59,08/30 17:33,KVP,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/30 17:56, 20200829,WV,,,,,,,,,,15901,,,,426074,,,9784,183,,9967,416290,,151,,49,,23,,7935,212,210,2,08/28 23:59,08/29 16:48,LDH,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/29 17:49, 20200828,WV,,,,,,,,,,15793,,,,419401,,,9644,180,,9824,409757,,133,,50,,23,,7859,202,201,1,08/27 23:59,08/28 16:23,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/28 17:43, 20200827,WV,,,,,,,,,,15718,,,,413634,,,9458,175,,9633,404176,,146,,47,,25,,7773,199,198,1,08/26 23:59,08/27 17:22,MJW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/27 18:55, 20200826,WV,,,,,,,,,,15654,,,,409429,,,9364,176,,9540,400065,,143,,42,,22,,7601,190,189,1,08/25 23:59,08/26 16:36,JNG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/26 18:37, 20200825,WV,,,,,,,,,,15584,,,,403394,,,9219,176,,9395,394175,,139,,46,,21,,7486,187,186,1,08/24 23:59,08/25 16:45,MJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/25 18:03, 20200824,WV,,,,,,,,,,15521,,,,398479,,,9137,175,,9312,389342,,141,,47,,23,,7385,179,178,1,08/23 23:59,08/24 16:57,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/24 17:21, 20200823,WV,,,,,,,,,,15514,,,,396018,,,9097,175,,9272,386921,,139,,46,,23,,7358,178,177,1,08/22 23:59,08/23 16:51,CRG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/23 17:24, 20200822,WV,,,,,,,,,,15501,,,,391683,,,9010,175,,9185,382673,,138,,51,,23,,7307,176,175,1,08/21 23:59,08/22 17:02,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/22 17:10, 20200821,WV,,,,,,,,,,15442,,,,384143,,,8890,176,,9066,375253,,146,,54,,24,,7140,170,169,1,08/21 10:00,08/21 16:25,PK,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/21 17:26, 20200820,WV,,,,,,,,,,15352,,,,377537,,,8806,176,,8982,368731,,140,,52,,18,,7010,166,165,1,08/20 10:00,08/20 16:34,JNG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/20 18:13, 20200819,WV,,,,,,,,,,15246,,,,369546,,,8623,178,,8801,360923,,133,,46,,22,,6909,166,165,1,08/19 10:00,08/19 16:34,XMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",C,8/19 17:55, 20200818,WV,,,,,,,,,,15215,,,,365551,,,8557,174,,8731,356994,,132,,50,,21,,6737,164,163,1,08/18 10:00,08/18 16:38,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/18 17:32, 20200817,WV,,,,,,,,,,15208,,,,360669,,,8462,170,,8632,352207,,134,,50,,19,,6531,160,159,1,08/17 10:00,08/17 17:14,SPA,CB-M,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/17 17:55, 20200816,WV,,,,,,,,,,15145,,,,355168,,,8393,171,,8564,346775,,130,,52,,20,,6429,160,159,1,08/16 10:00,08/16 16:41,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/16 17:31, 20200815,WV,,,,,,,,,,15072,,,,350076,,,8289,168,,8457,341787,,132,,54,,21,,6298,160,159,1,08/15 10:00,08/15 16:23,MJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/15 17:34, 20200814,WV,,,,,,,,,,14999,,,,344530,,,8104,170,,8274,336426,,135,,52,,18,,6144,157,156,1,08/14 10:00,08/14 16:36,JNG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/14 17:41, 20200813,WV,,,,,,,,,,14935,,,,339349,,,7985,166,,8151,331364,,128,,46,,16,,6045,153,152,1,08/13 10:00,08/13 16:43,QN,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,WV,,,,,,,,,,14831,,,,335075,,,7844,164,,8008,327231,,135,,48,,16,,5960,153,,,08/12 10:00,08/12 16:45,MJW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,WV,,,,,,,,,,14810,,,,330447,,,7713,162,,7875,322734,,130,,46,,14,,5863,147,,,08/11 10:00,08/11 15:45,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,WV,,,,,,,,,,14806,,,,326886,,,7596,158,,7754,319290,,123,,43,,17,,5699,141,,,08/10 10:00,08/10 16:30,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,WV,,,,,,,,,,14766,,,,322914,,,7536,158,,7694,315378,,124,,50,,15,,5678,139,,,08/09 10:00,08/09 16:56,DJW,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,WV,,,,,,,,,,14705,,,,317763,,,7406,157,,7563,310357,,121,,46,,15,,5609,131,,,08/08 10:00,08/08 16:52,KVP,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,WV,,,,,,,,,,14597,,,,312521,,,7277,156,,7433,305244,,122,,46,,14,,5510,127,,,08/07 10:00,8/07 16:37,SPA,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,WV,,,,,,,,,,14524,,,,307255,,,7123,154,,7277,300132,,123,,47,,11,,5330,124,,,08/06 10:00,8/06 16:45,AJC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,WV,,,,,,,,,,14441,,,,302443,,,7008,151,,7159,295435,,115,,47,,13,,5218,124,,,08/05 10:00,8/05 17:06,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,WV,,,,,,,,,,14418,,,,298290,,,6902,149,,7051,291388,,111,,40,,14,,5063,124,,,08/04 11:30,8/04 17:04,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/4 17:58, 20200803,WV,,,,,,,,,,14399,,,,294902,,,6829,144,,6973,288073,,116,,50,,17,,4918,117,,,08/03 10:00,8/03 17:12,KAT,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,WV,,,,,,,,,,14364,,,,291071,,,6713,141,,6854,284358,,112,,47,,16,,4897,117,,,08/02 10:00,8/02 16:53,JJO,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,WV,,,,,,,,,,14292,,,,287084,,,6595,140,,6735,280489,,108,,39,,18,,4858,116,,,08/01 10:00,8/01 15:24,JJO,SB,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,WV,,,,,,,,,,14221,,,,283848,,,6502,140,,6642,277346,,108,,39,,18,,4815,116,,,07/31 17:00,07/31 17:30,GET,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200730,WV,,,,,,,,,,14144,,,,277343,,,6284,138,,6422,271059,,102,,40,,19,,4703,115,,,07/30 17:00,07/30 17:33,CRG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200729,WV,,,,,,,,,,13990,,,,273988,,,6187,139,,6326,267801,,98,,40,,13,,4589,112,,,07/29 17:00,07/29 17:19,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200728,WV,,,,,,,,,,13894,,,,269704,,,6033,140,,6173,263671,,94,,37,,15,,4481,111,,,07/28 17:00,07/28 17:37,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200727,WV,,,,,,,,,,13825,,,,265892,,,5913,,,6054,259979,,85,,37,,10,,4332,106,,,07/27 17:00,07/27 17:25,QN,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200726,WV,,,,,,,,,,13751,,,,261591,,,5825,,,5960,255766,,82,,35,,11,,4168,103,,,07/26 17:00,07/26 17:21,SB,BL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200725,WV,,,,,,,,,,13604,,,,256780,,,5687,,,5821,251093,,80,,35,,11,,4115,103,,,07/25 17:00,07/25 17:38,ISS,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200724,WV,,,,,,,,,,13490,,,,253040,,,5562,,,5695,247478,,76,,37,,15,,4013,103,,,07/24 17:00,07/24 17:46,ALT,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200723,WV,,,,,,,,,,13368,,,,250942,,,5420,,,5550,245522,,88,,38,,16,,3913,103,,,07/23 17:00,07/23 17:15,KVP,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200722,WV,,,,,,,,,,13019,,,,242262,,,5081,,,5206,237181,,78,,33,,16,,3625,101,,,07/22 10:00,07/22 17:05,DJW,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200721,WV,,,,,,,,,,12970,,,,240201,,,5074,,,5199,235127,,77,,33,,16,,3546,101,,,07/21 17:00,07/21 17:04,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200720,WV,,,,,,,,,,12947,,,,234857,,,5019,,,5142,229838,,77,,33,,17,,3466,100,,,07/20 17:00,07/20 17:14,HMH,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200719,WV,,,,,,,,,,12825,,,,230864,,,4918,,,5042,225946,,76,,32,,15,,3373,100,,,07/19 17:00,07/19 17:07,BML,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths.",B,, 20200718,WV,,,,,,,,,,12642,,,,225385,,,4768,,,4894,220617,,74,,33,,16,,3295,100,,,07/18 10:00,07/18 16:41,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (7/18 RSG) The last checker transposed the numbers 3627 when it should have been 3267 Today's # is 3295. (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU ",B,, 20200717,WV,,,,,,,,,,12633,,,,222427,,,4658,,,4783,217769,,69,,37,,15,,3267,100,,,07/17 17:00,07/17 17:23,RRI,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU ",B,, 20200716,WV,,,,,,,,,,12503,,,,219052,,,4535,,,4657,214517,,65,,29,,13,,3128,99,,,07/16 10:00,07/16 17:37,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU ",B,, 20200715,WV,,,,,,,,,,12365,,,,217786,,,4439,,,4557,213347,,63,,26,,13,,2999,97,,,07/15 17:00,07/15 17:07,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU ",B,, 20200714,WV,,,,,,,,,,12219,,,,213894,,,4289,,,4407,209605,,59,,24,,7,,2982,97,,,07/14 17:00,07/14 17:22,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU ",B,, 20200713,WV,,,,,,,,,,12057,,,,208109,,,4143,,,4259,203966,,63,,22,,8,,2825,96,,,07/13 10:00,07/13 16:43,AIA,HMH,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU ",B,, 20200712,WV,,,,,,,,,,12057,,,,206920,,,4091,,,4207,202829,,56,,14,,7,,2806,96,,,07/12 10:00,07/12 16:19,ETS,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU ",B,, 20200711,WV,,,,,,,,,,11849,,,,203712,,,3963,,,4074,199749,,56,,14,,7,,2763,95,,,07/11 10:00,07/11 16:01,KVP,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (7/11 KVP) Antibody testing: revised (7/10 190 --> 299) (7/8 KVP) Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) (7/4 KVP) Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU ",B,, 20200710,WV,,,,,,,,,,11695,,,,201092,,,3872,,,3983,197220,,56,,16,,7,,2756,95,,,07/10 17:00,07/10 17:03,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated 7/8 KVP: Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) 7/4 KVP: Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU ",B,, 20200709,WV,,,,,,,,,,11385,,,,197081,,,3718,,,3826,193363,,50,,15,,6,,2718,95,,,07/09 10:00,07/09 17:29,DZL,QN,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated 7/8 KVP: Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) 7/4 KVP: Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU ",B,, 20200708,WV,,,,,,,,,,10929,,,,193810,,,3602,,,3707,190208,,48,,13,,7,,2648,95,,,07/08 17:00,07/08 17:21,REB,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated 7/8 KVP: Antibody testing: revised the following -- (7/6 19 --> 24); (7/7 49 -->185) 7/4 KVP: Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU ",B,, 20200707,WV,,,,,,,,,,10709,,,,189740,,,3354,,,3461,186386,,41,,13,,6,,2535,95,,,07/07 10:00,07/07 16:52,GET,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated 7/4: Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (kvp) ",B,, 20200706,WV,,,,,,,,,,10660,,,,188875,,,3336,,,3442,185539,,41,,13,,6,,2518,95,,,07/06 17:00,07/06 17:09,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated 7/4: Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (kvp) ",B,, 20200705,WV,,,,,,,,,,10598,,,,184715,,,3156,,,3262,181559,,27,,12,,5,,2421,94,,,07/05 10:00,07/05 15:54,MEC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated 7/4: Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (kvp) ",B,, 20200704,WV,,,,,,,,,,10437,,,,181324,,,3036,,,3141,178288,,25,,11,,4,,2402,94,,,07/04 10:00,07/04 16:48,KVP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated 7/4: Hospital data dn update with 7/4, maintains 7/3 data for currently hospitalized, ICU, cumulative ICU (kvp) ",B,, 20200703,WV,,,,,,,,,,10413,,,,180597,,,3021,,,3126,177576,,25,,11,,4,,2396,93,,,07/03 17:00,07/03 17:09,HMH,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200702,WV,,,,,,,,,,10173,,,,178238,,,2949,,,3053,175288,,23,,10,,5,,2380,93,,,07/02 17:00,07/02 16:58,SMG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200701,WV,,,,,,,,,,9918,,,,173251,,,2831,,,2932,170420,,23,,5,,3,,2284,93,,,07/01 10:00,07/01 16:45,KVP,MM,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200630,WV,,,,,,,,,,9777,,,,171663,,,2804,,,2905,168859,,27,,10,,3,,2272,93,,,06/30 10:00,06/30 17:31,EDS,BHP,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200629,WV,,,,,,,,,,9637,,,,169556,,,2771,,,2870,166785,,28,,5,,3,,2196,93,,,06/29 17:00,06/29 17:33,WCD,CML,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200628,WV,,,,,,,,,,9584,,,,166414,,,2723,,,2817,163691,,32,,10,,4,,2062,93,,,06/28 10:00,06/28 16:22,BHP,REB,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200627,WV,,,,,,,,,,9243,,,,164593,,,2699,,,2761,161894,,33,,10,,4,,2042,93,,,06/27 10:00,06/27 16:35,KWS,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200626,WV,,,,,,,,,,9210,,,,161867,,,2622,,,2712,159245,,33,,10,,4,,1907,92,,,06/26 10:00,06/26 16:43,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/26 JJA) Changed value of deaths (confirmed) to 'not provided' because it's unclear whether 'deaths' represents confirmed deaths. (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200625,WV,,,,,,,,,,8988,,,,158617,,,2574,,,2661,156043,,24,,5,,2,,1858,92,,,06/25 10:00,06/25 16:31,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200624,WV,,,,,,,,,,8817,,,,156960,,,2541,,,2629,154419,,24,,5,,2,,1855,92,,,06/24 17:00,06/24 17:16,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200623,WV,,,,,,,,,,8643,,,,154239,,,2493,,,2582,151746,,21,,5,,2,,1790,92,,,06/23 10:00,06/23 16:00,REB,CML,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200622,WV,,,,,,,,,,8575,,,,151113,,,2461,,,2552,148652,,21,,5,,2,,1681,89,,,06/22 10:00,06/22 16:18,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200621,WV,,,,,,,,,,8566,,,,150498,,,2452,,,2543,148046,,23,,3,,2,,1676,89,,,06/21 17:00,06/21 17:37,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200620,WV,,,,,,,,,,8384,,,,148313,,,2403,,,2486,145910,,22,,6,,2,,1669,88,,,06/20 10:00,06/20 15:43,ETW,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200619,WV,,,,,,,,,,8223,,,,145932,,,2353,,,2435,143579,,22,,6,,2,,1665,88,,,06/19 10:00,06/19 16:40,RSG,PR,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200618,WV,,,,,,,,,,8070,,,,144347,,,2336,,,2418,142011,,25,,5,,2,,1665,88,,,06/18 17:00,06/18 17:43,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200617,WV,,,,,,,,,,7878,,,,141289,,,2295,,,2376,138994,,23,,7,,2,,1654,88,,,06/17 17:00,06/17 17:41,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200616,WV,,,,,,,,,,7813,,,,136991,,,2261,,,2341,134730,,24,,8,,3,,1636,88,,,06/16 10:00,06/16 17:32,KP,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200615,WV,,,,,,,,,,7673,,,,131875,,,2220,,,2298,129655,,25,,8,,2,,1585,88,,,06/15 10:00,06/15 15:09,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200614,WV,,,,,,,,,,7651,,,,131123,,,2213,,,2289,128910,,30,,8,,2,,1571,88,,,06/14 10:00,06/14 16:06,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated ",B,, 20200613,WV,,,,,,,,,,7485,,,,127441,,,2183,,,2259,125258,,29,,9,,2,,1568,88,,,06/13 10:00,06/13 16:38,ETS,BML,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/13) Hospital tab has not been updated since 6/12 but the other tabs have been updated on 6/13 (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total.",B,, 20200612,WV,,,,,,,,,,7354,,,,123963,,,2157,,,2233,121806,,29,,9,,2,,1553,86,,,06/12 10:00,06/12 15:46,BSL,ALF,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total.",B,, 20200611,WV,,,,,,,,,,7173,,,,122691,,,2136,,,2212,118908,,38,,8,,2,,1516,85,,,06/11 10:00,06/11 16:27,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/11 RSG) Confirmed + probable sum total remained the same, but confirmed case # went up (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total.",B,, 20200610,WV,,,,,,,,,,7006,,,,119716,,,2114,,,2188,115802,,24,,9,,5,,1485,85,,,06/10 10:00,06/10 16:02,RSG,BSL,"PROCESS: 1. Numbers from dashboard embedded on main state page (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total.",B,, 20200609,WV,,,,,,,,,,6871,,,,117075,,,2095,,,2169,112169,,24,,9,,4,,1477,84,,,06/09 10:00,06/09 15:42,ESK,REB,"PROCESS: For antibody (serology) tests: Use ""Lab Testing Trends"" tab, the bottom chart shows per-day antybody testing (right-click for table view). Use the numbers in ""Long Formulas"" sheet ( Notice that you'll have to update current number and usually 1-2 previous days, because they update historic values. Take the sum from the 3rd row. (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. ",B,, 20200608,WV,,,,,,,,,,6809,,,,113694,,,2083,,,2153,111452,,24,,9,,4,,1468,84,,,06/08 13:00,06/08 14:42,reb,RS,"PROCESS: For antibody (serology) tests: Use ""Lab Testing Trends"" tab, the bottom chart shows per-day antybody testing (right-click for table view). Use the numbers in ""Long Formulas"" sheet ( Notice that you'll have to update current number and usually 1-2 previous days, because they update historic values. Take the sum from the 3rd row. (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. ",B,, 20200607,WV,,,,,,,,,,6776,,,,111738,,,2075,,,2144,109663,,28,,9,,4,,1451,84,,,06/07 10:00,06/07 17:39,TCD,RS,"PROCESS: For antibody (serology) tests: Use ""Lab Testing Trends"" tab, the bottom chart shows per-day antybody testing (right-click for table view). Use the numbers in ""Long Formulas"" sheet ( Notice that you'll have to update current number and usually 1-2 previous days, because they update historic values. Take the sum from the 3rd row. (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. ",B,, 20200606,WV,,,,,,,,,,6634,,,,110609,,,2065,,,2131,107592,,27,,11,,3,,1446,84,,,06/06 10:00,06/06 15:13,RSG,RS,"PROCESS: For antibody (serology) tests: Use ""Lab Testing Trends"" tab, the bottom chart shows per-day antybody testing (right-click for table view). Use the numbers in ""Long Formulas"" sheet ( Notice that you'll have to update current number and usually 1-2 previous days, because they update historic values. Take the sum from the 3rd row. (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. ",B,, 20200605,WV,,,,,,,,,,6475,,,,108453,,,2054,,,2119,106399,,27,,11,,3,,1445,84,,,06/05 17:00,06/05 17:36,RS,KP,"PROCESS: For antibody (serology) tests: Use ""Lab Testing Trends"" tab, the bottom chart shows per-day antybody testing (right-click for table view). Use the numbers in ""Long Formulas"" sheet ( Notice that you'll have to update current number and usually 1-2 previous days, because they update historic values. Take the sum from the 3rd row. (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. ",B,, 20200604,WV,,,,,,,,,,6188,,,,106535,,,,,,2092,103957,,28,,11,,2,,1399,78,,,06/04 10:00,06/04 16:15,BSL,QN,"PROCESS: For antibody (serology) tests: Use ""Lab Testing Trends"" tab, the bottom chart shows per-day antybody testing. Use the numbers in ""Long Formulas"" sheet ( Notice that you'll have to update current number and usually 1-2 previous days, because they update historic values. Take the sum from the 3rd row. (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. ",B,, 20200603,WV,,,,,,,,,,5993,,,,104333,,,,,,2071,101697,,34,,13,,4,,1381,78,,,06/03 10:00,06/03 16:35,AW,REB,"PROCESS: For antibody (serology) tests: Use ""Lab Testing Trends"" tab, the bottom chart shows per-day antybody testing. Use the numbers in ""Long Formulas"" sheet ( Notice that you'll have to update current number and usually 1-2 previous days, because they update historic values. Take the sum from the 3rd row. (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. ",B,, 20200602,WV,,,,,,,,,,5776,,,,102298,,,,,,2041,98502,,31,,11,,4,,1341,77,,,06/02 9:30,06/02 16:29,RS,AFG,"PROCESS: For antibody (serology) tests: Use ""Lab Testing Trends"" tab, the bottom chart shows per-day antybody testing. Use the numbers in ""Long Formulas"" sheet ( Notice that you'll have to update current number and usually 1-2 previous days, because they update historic values. Take the sum from the 3rd row. (6/2 RS) Hosp #s had not updated (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. ",B,, 20200601,WV,,,,,,,,,,5650,,,,99751,,,,,,2017,96078,,31,,11,,4,,1313,75,,,06/01 10:00,06/01 14:57,REB,RS,"PROCESS: For antibody (serology) tests: Use ""Lab Testing Trends"" tab, the bottom chart shows per-day antybody testing. Use the numbers in ""Long Formulas"" sheet ( Notice that you'll have to update current number and usually 1-2 previous days, because they update historic values. Take the sum from the 3rd row. (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. (5/21 JAC) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference ",B,, 20200531,WV,,,,,,,,,,5638,,,,97622,,,,,,2010,95612,,33,,14,,8,,1303,75,,,05/31 17:00,05/31 17:40,TCD,BL,"PROCESS: For antibody (serology) tests: Go to the 'county summary' page, 'demographics of people tested'; sum numbers from the gender pie chart (hover over chart to get numbers) then calculate antibody test # from the percentage. (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. (5/21 JAC) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference ",B,, 20200530,WV,,,,,,,,,,5352,,,,95890,,,,,,1974,93916,,33,,14,,8,,1290,75,,,05/30 10:00,05/30 15:25,SPA,RS,"PROCESS: For antibody (serology) tests, sum the Daily Antibody Lab Test values (dark blue line) from the line graph in Lab Test Trends tab called Daily Lab Test (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. (5/21 JAC) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference ",B,, 20200529,WV,,,,,,,,,,4998,,,,93377,,,,,,1951,91426,,33,,14,,8,,1241,74,,,05/29 10:00,05/29 15:37,SPA,ALF,"PROCESS: For antibody (serology) tests, sum the Daily Antibody Lab Test values (dark blue line) from the line graph in Lab Test Trends tab called Daily Lab Test (5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. (5/21 JAC) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference ",B,, 20200528,WV,,,,,,,,,,4628,,,,90315,,,,,,1906,88409,,35,,13,,6,,1211,74,,,05/28 10:00,05/28 15:36,RS,QN,"(5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. (5/21 JAC) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference ",B,, 20200527,WV,,,,,,,,,,4284,,,,88461,,,,,,1867,86594,,36,,13,,6,,1191,74,,,05/27 10:00,05/27 15:25,ALF,REB,"(5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. (5/21 JAC) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference ",B,, 20200526,WV,,,,,,,,,,4205,,,,87811,,,,,,1854,85957,,35,,9,,7,,1180,74,,,05/26 17:00,05/26 17:41,REB,KP,"(5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. (5/21 JAC) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference ",B,, 20200525,WV,,,,,,,,,,4124,,,,86325,,,,,,1774,84551,,36,,13,,7,,1135,72,,,05/25 10:00,05/25 15:49,AW,REB,"(5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. (5/21 JAC) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference ",B,, 20200524,WV,,,,,,,,,,4094,,,,85694,,,,,,1759,83935,,23,,8,,4,,1121,72,,,05/24 10:00,05/24 15:29,JAC,REB,"(5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. (5/21 JAC) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference ",B,, 20200523,WV,,,,,,,,,,3800,,,,83744,,,,,,1717,82027,,39,,11,,9,,1110,72,,,05/23 10:00,05/23 15:43,BL,REB,"(5/23 BL) Total lab tests were revised down in the afternoon/evening on 5/22 after pub shift, from 84319 to 82747. Deleted value in the ""positive cases (PCR)"" column, as WV's total cases figure includes probable cases. WV is reporting antibody tests in the ""Lab Test Trends"" tab of the dashboard; I summed the values from ""Daily Antibody Lab Test"" for a total. (5/21 JAC) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference ",B,, 20200522,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84829,,,,,,1616,83213,,47,,13,,9,,983,71,,,05/22 10:00,05/22 16:38,SLW,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (""Health Status"" page of dashboard): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/21 JAC) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference ",B,, 20200521,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,83141,,,1593,,,1593,81548,,46,,12,,9,,983,70,,,05/21 10:00,05/21 16:26,JAC,QN,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (""Health Status"" page of dashboard): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/21 JAC) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference ",B,, 20200520,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80641,,,1545,,,1545,79096,,58,,16,,9,,950,69,,,05/20 10:00,05/20 15:25,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (""Health Status"" page of dashboard): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",B,, 20200519,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78301,,,1509,,,1509,76792,,54,,18,,9,,922,68,,,05/19 10:00,05/19 15:39,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (""Health Status"" page of dashboard): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",B,, 20200518,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76035,,,1491,,,1491,74544,,48,,11,,7,,919,67,,,05/18 10:00,05/18 16:31,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (""Health Status"" page of dashboard): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",B,, 20200517,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75490,,,1490,,,1490,74000,,48,,11,,7,,919,67,,,05/17 17:00,05/17 17:39,REB,JAC,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (""Health Status"" page of dashboard): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",B,, 20200516,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73393,,,1457,,,1457,71936,,55,,13,,6,,889,64,,,05/16 10:00,05/16 15:49,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (""Health Status"" page of dashboard): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",B,, 20200515,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,70936,,,1441,,,1441,69495,,57,,15,,8,,870,62,,,05/15 10:00,05/15 16:39,REB,MM,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (""Health Status"" page of dashboard): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",B,, 20200514,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,66680,,,1427,,,1427,67286,,52,,9,,5,,870,60,,,05/14 10:00,05/14 16:26,RS,JAC,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (""Health Status"" page of dashboard): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/14 RS) Recovery # from Reporting. (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",B,, 20200513,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65069,,,1398,,,1398,65282,,58,,11,,6,,813,58,,,05/13 10:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (""Health Status"" page of dashboard): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",B,, 20200512,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,65069,,,1371,,,1371,63698,,50,,9,,5,,803,57,,,05/12 10:00,05/12 16:03,RSB,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",C,, 20200511,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,63469,,,1366,,,1366,62103,,49,,10,,6,,775,54,54,,05/11 10:00,05/11 14:57,SPA,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",C,, 20200510,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,62644,,,1360,,,1360,61284,,49,,10,,6,,775,54,54,,05/10 10:00,05/10 16:54,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",C,, 20200509,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60997,,,1335,,,1335,59662,,53,,13,,7,,761,53,53,,05/09 10:00,05/09 15:39,BL,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",C,, 20200508,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59436,,,1310,,,1310,58126,,65,,19,,11,,761,51,51,,05/08 10:00,05/08 16:29,JAC,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/6 aft JAC) Recovered number taken from press conference (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",C,, 20200507,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,57521,,,1287,,,1287,56234,,76,,22,,12,,716,51,51,,05/07 10:00,05/07 15:53,BL,QN,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",C,, 20200506,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,55784,,,1248,,,1248,54536,,76,,22,,12,,716,50,50,,05/06 10:00,05/06 14:49,REB,AW,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",C,, 20200505,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54823,,,1238,,,1238,53585,,64,,23,,12,,630,50,50,,05/05 10:00,05/05 15:36,MDH,KP,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",C,, 20200504,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53239,,,1206,,,1206,52033,,73,,28,,15,,611,50,50,,05/04 10:00,05/04 16:17,SPA,REB,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",C,, 20200503,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51638,,,1191,,,1191,50447,,73,,28,,15,,611,50,,,05/03 10:00,05/03 15:57,KP,ESK,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",C,, 20200502,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49146,,,1169,,,1169,47977,,76,,29,,15,,572,48,,,05/02 10:00,,,,"PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number (5/2 aft CML) - Previously we published “West Virginia is reporting specimens tested”; this is now removed",C,, 20200501,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,46844,,,1136,,,1136,45708,,81,,33,,18,,555,46,,,05/01 10:00,05/01 16:26,SPA,MM,"PROCESS Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent).",C,, 20200430,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44541,,,1118,,,1118,43423,,84,,38,,20,,545,41,,,04/30 10:00,04/30 16:10,JAC,REB,"PROCESS Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent).",C,, 20200429,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42032,,,1095,,,1095,41976,,102,,40,,21,,504,38,,,04/29 10:00,04/29 15:04,ESK,PR,"PROCESS Use the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab , the 'Health Status' tab has a higher case number and a lower death number PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent).",C,, 20200428,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1079,41976,,87,,28,,15,,481,37,,,04/28 10:00,04/28 15:50,EB***,RS,"(4/28 aft EB) Total tests revised down from 43,039 to 40,489. Leaving negatives unchanged. (4/28 mor AFG) used the number for positives and deaths from the 'Home' tab (1 of 7), the 'Health Status' tab (6 of 7) has a higher case number and a lower death number Information about 'Completed Case Investigations' removed from the dashboard State revised test numbers down mid shift so we rolled back the calculation of negatives (4/24 aft MM) Positives went up but Total tests stayed the same, so keeping negatives as is (4/23 eve SPA) The state page has discrepancies with their death numbers, the amount to enter is the one listed on the main page (1/6) (4/22 aft SPA) Hos, ICU, and vent numbers updated after main page data. (4/22 mor QN) hosp/ICU/recovered/vent not updated for 4/22 (4/21 eve AGS) Deaths based on reported fatalities from page 7 of 8, which was 1 higher than reported WV resident deaths on page 1. Discrepancy between these numbers may be due to non-resident deaths. (4/17 RS) Hosp numbers were not updated. Note I believe 10pm timestamp was meant to be 10am (4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 6 of 7, Health Status): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent).",B,, 20200427,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1063,41976,,100,,38,,20,,455,36,,,04/27 10:00,04/27 15:07,DPT,RS,"(4/24 aft MM) Positives went up but Total tests stayed the same, so keeping negatives as is (4/23 eve SPA) The state page has discrepancies with their death numbers, the amount to enter is the one listed on the main page (1/6) (4/22 aft SPA) Hos, ICU, and vent numbers updated after main page data. (4/22 mor QN) hosp/ICU/recovered/vent not updated for 4/22 (4/21 eve AGS) Deaths based on reported fatalities from page 7 of 8, which was 1 higher than reported WV resident deaths on page 1. Discrepancy between these numbers may be due to non-resident deaths. (4/17 RS) Hosp numbers were not updated. Note I believe 10pm timestamp was meant to be 10am (4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 7 of 8): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Do NOT use numbers on ""Completed case investigations"" (page 6 of 8) until we have data on how many case investigations are complete (likely less than total positives).",B,, 20200426,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1044,38019,,100,,38,,20,,455,34,,,04/26 10:00,04/26 15:31,BL,REB,"(4/24 aft MM) Positives went up but Total tests stayed the same, so keeping negatives as is (4/23 eve SPA) The state page has discrepancies with their death numbers, the amount to enter is the one listed on the main page (1/6) (4/22 aft SPA) Hos, ICU, and vent numbers updated after main page data. (4/22 mor QN) hosp/ICU/recovered/vent not updated for 4/22 (4/21 eve AGS) Deaths based on reported fatalities from page 7 of 8, which was 1 higher than reported WV resident deaths on page 1. Discrepancy between these numbers may be due to non-resident deaths. (4/17 RS) Hosp numbers were not updated. Note I believe 10pm timestamp was meant to be 10am (4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 7 of 8): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Do NOT use numbers on ""Completed case investigations"" (page 6 of 8) until we have data on how many case investigations are complete (likely less than total positives).",B,, 20200425,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1020,31946,,97,,36,,19,,439,32,,,04/25 10:00,04/25 14:05,REB,AW,"(4/24 aft MM) Positives went up but Total tests stayed the same, so keeping negatives as is (4/23 eve SPA) The state page has discrepancies with their death numbers, the amount to enter is the one listed on the main page (1/6) (4/22 aft SPA) Hos, ICU, and vent numbers updated after main page data. (4/22 mor QN) hosp/ICU/recovered/vent not updated for 4/22 (4/21 eve AGS) Deaths based on reported fatalities from page 7 of 8, which was 1 higher than reported WV resident deaths on page 1. Discrepancy between these numbers may be due to non-resident deaths. (4/17 RS) Hosp numbers were not updated. Note I believe 10pm timestamp was meant to be 10am (4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 7 of 8): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Do NOT use numbers on ""Completed case investigations"" (page 6 of 8) until we have data on how many case investigations are complete (likely less than total positives).",B,, 20200424,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,988,28823,,97,,36,,19,,439,32,,,04/24 10:00,,,,"(4/24 aft MM) Positives went up but Total tests stayed the same, so keeping negatives as is (4/23 eve SPA) The state page has discrepancies with their death numbers, the amount to enter is the one listed on the main page (1/6) (4/22 aft SPA) Hos, ICU, and vent numbers updated after main page data. (4/22 mor QN) hosp/ICU/recovered/vent not updated for 4/22 (4/21 eve AGS) Deaths based on reported fatalities from page 7 of 8, which was 1 higher than reported WV resident deaths on page 1. Discrepancy between these numbers may be due to non-resident deaths. (4/17 RS) Hosp numbers were not updated. Note I believe 10pm timestamp was meant to be 10am (4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 7 of 8): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Do NOT use numbers on ""Completed case investigations"" (page 6 of 8) until we have data on how many case investigations are complete (likely less than total positives).",B,, 20200423,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,967,26938,,108,,44,,24,,380,29,,,04/23 17:00,04/24 8:11,ERG,,"(4/23 eve SPA) The state page has discrepancies with their death numbers, the amount to enter is the one listed on the main page (1/6) (4/22 aft SPA) Hos, ICU, and vent numbers updated after main page data. (4/22 mor QN) hosp/ICU/recovered/vent not updated for 4/22 (4/21 eve AGS) Deaths based on reported fatalities from page 7 of 8, which was 1 higher than reported WV resident deaths on page 1. Discrepancy between these numbers may be due to non-resident deaths. (4/17 RS) Hosp numbers were not updated. Note I believe 10pm timestamp was meant to be 10am (4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 7 of 8): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Do NOT use numbers on ""Completed case investigations"" (page 6 of 8) until we have data on how many case investigations are complete (likely less than total positives).",B,, 20200422,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,939,24897,,103,,41,,23,,330,26,,,04/22 17:00,04/22 23:15,JFC,RV,"(4/22 aft SPA) Hos, ICU, and vent numbers updated after main page data. (4/22 mor QN) hosp/ICU/recovered/vent not updated for 4/22 (4/21 eve AGS) Deaths based on reported fatalities from page 7 of 8, which was 1 higher than reported WV resident deaths on page 1. Discrepancy between these numbers may be due to non-resident deaths. (4/17 RS) Hosp numbers were not updated. Note I believe 10pm timestamp was meant to be 10am (4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 7 of 8): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Do NOT use numbers on ""Completed case investigations"" (page 6 of 8) until we have data on how many case investigations are complete (likely less than total positives).",B,, 20200421,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,914,21849,,85,,42,,24,,330,26,,,04/21 17:00,04/21 23:34,RV,AGS,"(4/21 eve AGS) Deaths based on reported fatalities from page 7 of 8, which was 1 higher than reported WV resident deaths on page 1. Discrepancy between these numbers may be due to non-resident deaths. (4/17 RS) Hosp numbers were not updated. Note I believe 10pm timestamp was meant to be 10am (4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 7 of 8): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Do NOT use numbers on ""Completed case investigations"" (page 6 of 8) until we have data on how many case investigations are complete (likely less than total positives).",B,, 20200420,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,902,21253,,77,,37,,23,,290,24,,,04/20 10:00,04/20 14:21,SPA,AW,"(4/17 RS) Hosp numbers were not updated. Note I believe 10pm timestamp was meant to be 10am (4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 7 of 8): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Do NOT use numbers on ""Completed case investigations"" (page 6 of 8) until we have data on how many case investigations are complete (likely less than total positives).",B,, 20200419,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,863,19168,,72,,37,,25,,265,18,,,04/19 17:00,04/20 8:51,MM,QN,"(4/17 RS) Hosp numbers were not updated. Note I believe 10pm timestamp was meant to be 10am (4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 7 of 8): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Do NOT use numbers on ""Completed case investigations"" (page 6 of 8) until we have data on how many case investigations are complete (likely less than total positives).",B,, 20200418,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,785,18655,,83,,40,,27,,255,16,,,04/17 17:00,,,,"(4/17 RS) Hosp numbers were not updated. Note I believe 10pm timestamp was meant to be 10am (4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 7 of 8): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Do NOT use numbers on ""Completed case investigations"" (page 6 of 8) until we have data on how many case investigations are complete (likely less than total positives).",B,, 20200417,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,754,17927,,85,,34,,24,,223,13,,,04/17 17:00,,,,"(4/17 RS) Hosp numbers were not updated. Note I believe 10pm timestamp was meant to be 10am (4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 7 of 8): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Do NOT use numbers on ""Completed case investigations"" (page 6 of 8) until we have data on how many case investigations are complete (likely less than total positives).",B,, 20200416,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,739,17567,,85,,34,,24,,223,13,,,04/16 16:30,04/17 8:44,LAW,,"(4/16 aft REB) cumulative hosp/vent/icu removed. Discuss on slack + public note updated PROCESS: Current Hospitalization (page 7 of 8): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent). Do NOT use numbers on ""Completed case investigations"" (page 6 of 8) until we have data on how many case investigations are complete (likely less than total positives).",B,, 20200415,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,702,16954,,82,164,36,73,23,50,211,10,,,04/15 10:00,04/15 15:22,REB,ESK,"- Hospitalization (page 6): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent)",B,, 20200414,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,640,16398,,87,164,38,73,25,50,147,9,,,04/14 17:00,04/15 8:47,AFG,MM,"(4/14 eve RV) Cum numbers carried over again - applying the percentages now results in much lower numbers; we need to ask them to clarify. (4/14 AW) carrying Cum numbers again (4/13 RV evening) Cumulative hospitalization and ICU numbers carried over because all the percentages on the chart have not updated even though the positives have (4/13 SPA evening) Main page of dashboard was updated at 5:00 pm, but page 6 (hospitalization) was updated at 10:00 am the same day. Dashboard comments: - Page 1 (main) and page 6 (hospitalization) in the dashboard are sometimes out of sync. For Positive, Negative, and Deaths, main page wins - Page 5 shows ""Illness Severity"" percentages. This is used to calculate cumulative hospitalization - Hospitalization (page 6): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent)",B,, 20200413,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,626,16029,,95,164,43,73,23,50,85,9,,,04/13 17:00,04/14 8:53,ATS,,"(4/13 RV evening) Cumulative hospitalization and ICU numbers carried over because all the percentages on the chart have not updated even though the positives have (4/13 SPA evening) Main page of dashboard was updated at 5:00 pm, but page 6 (hospitalization) was updated at 10:00 am the same day. Dashboard comments: - Page 1 (main) and page 6 (hospitalization) in the dashboard are sometimes out of sync. For Positive, Negative, and Deaths, main page wins - Page 5 shows ""Illness Severity"" percentages. This is used to calculate cumulative hospitalization - Hospitalization (page 6): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent)",B,, 20200412,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,611,15646,,81,,36,,24,,83,8,,,04/12 17:00,04/13 9:38,AFG,QN,"Dashboard comments: - Page 1 (main) and page 6 (hospitalization) in the dashboard are sometimes out of sync. For Positive, Negative, and Deaths, main page wins - Hospitalization (page 6): There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3. ICU count should be ICU+ICU(Vent)",B,, 20200411,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,577,14875,,85,,40,,22,,63,5,,,04/11 10:00,04/11 15:14,REB,SD,"(4/11 REB noon) Hospitalization data is from yesterday, no update today yet ""Hospitalization data: There are 4 numbers provided: (1) ICU, (2) ICU+Vent, (3) Floor (4) Total -- which is the sum of 1+2+3""",B,, 20200410,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,554,14001,,85,,20,,22,,63,5,,,04/10 10:00,04/10 16:41,REB,PR,"(4/8 AFG morning) public note is about the hospitalizations, edit history shows that hospitalization was deleted 4/4",B,, 20200409,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,523,13340,,,,,,,,,5,,,04/09 17:00,04/09 22:18,QN,," (4/8 AFG morning) public note is about the hospitalizations, edit history shows that hospitalization was deleted 4/4",B,, 20200408,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,462,12083,,,,,,,,,4,,,04/08 10:00,04/08 15:32,SPA,MM,"(4/8 AFG morning) public note is about the hospitalizations, edit history shows that hospitalization was deleted 4/4",B,, 20200407,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,412,11647,,,,,,,,,4,,,04/07 10:00,04/07 22:36,AGS,SJ,,B,, 20200406,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,345,9595,,,,,,,,,4,,,04/06 10:00,04/06 22:36,REB,,,B,, 20200405,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,324,8514,,,,,,,,,3,,,04/05 10:00,04/05 22:13,RV,,"4/4 KP removing 1 known hospitalization per discussion with Kara Oehler - (roger PR) 4/4 RS Aft Hosp stat is from media report, not updated on state site",B,, 20200404,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,282,7404,,,,,,,,,2,,,04/04 10:00,04/04 23:01,DG,SJ,"4/4 KP removing 1 known hospitalization per discussion with Kara Oehler - (roger PR) 4/4 RS Aft Hosp stat is from media report, not updated on state site",B,, 20200403,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,237,6130,,,1,,,,,,2,,,04/03 10:00,,,,"4/2 RS Aft Hosp stat is from media report, not updated on state site",B,, 20200402,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,217,5276,,,1,,,,,,2,,,04/02 0:17,04/02 17:11,LH**,KP,04/02 LH Afternoon: Not sure where cumulative hospitalized number is from ,B,, 20200401,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,191,4384,,,1,,,,,,1,,,04/01 13:11,,,,,B,, 20200331,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,162,3981,,,1,,,,,,1,,,03/31 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200330,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,126,2984,0,,1,,,,,,1,,,03/30 14:10,,,,,B,, 20200329,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113,2705,0,,1,,,,,,0,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200328,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96,2331,6,,1,,,,,,0,,,03/27 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200327,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,76,1779,43,,1,,,,,,0,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200326,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51,1031,19,,1,,,,,,0,,,03/25 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200325,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,39,759,6,,1,,,,,,0,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200324,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20,610,0,,1,,,,,,0,,,03/23 0:00,,,,,B,, 20200323,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16,444,4,,1,,,,,,0,,,03/22 19:00,,,,,B,, 20200322,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,385,1,,1,,,,,,0,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200321,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,330,2,,1,,,,,,0,,,03/21 0:00,,,,,,, 20200320,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,219,13,,,,,,,,0,,,03/20 0:00,,,,,,, 20200319,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,143,3,,,,,,,,0,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200318,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,122,14,,,,,,,,0,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,80,4,,,,,,,,0,,,03/16 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,80,4,,,,,,,,0,,,03/16 15:53,,,,,,, 20200315,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,38,1,,,,,,,,0,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,26,5,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,17,4,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,7,1,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200306,WV,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200831,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,107599,3120,104478,3264,578,75695,3842,72431,,16,215,,,,,3181,37,,,08/31 16:43,08/31 17:16,BHP,DZL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/26 ALF) Number for Total PCR Tests (People) that is usually on Testing page has disappeared. Carried over previous value. (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",A,8/31 17:26, 20200830,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105845,3069,10277,3245,575,74669,3820,71473,,15,215,,,,,3136,37,,,08/30 12:02,08/30 17:49,BHP,SB,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/26 ALF) Number for Total PCR Tests (People) that is usually on Testing page has disappeared. Carried over previous value. (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",A,8/30 17:56, 20200829,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105845,3069,10277,3210,574,74669,3784,71473,,15,215,,,,,3116,37,,,08/29 12:59,08/29 17:13,PK,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/26 ALF) Number for Total PCR Tests (People) that is usually on Testing page has disappeared. Carried over previous value. (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",A,8/29 17:49, 20200828,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,105845,3069,10277,3196,567,74669,3763,71473,,15,215,,,,,3086,37,,,08/28 17:53,08/28 17:16,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/26 ALF) Number for Total PCR Tests (People) that is usually on Testing page has disappeared. Carried over previous value. (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/28 17:43, 20200827,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,104738,3037,101700,3166,556,73976,3722,70810,,13,215,,,,,3060,37,,,08/27 17:45,08/27 17:49,BHP,HMH,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/26 ALF) Number for Total PCR Tests (People) that is usually on Testing page has disappeared. Carried over previous value. (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/27 18:55, 20200826,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,104236,3127,101108,3135,549,69983,3684,66894,,17,213,,,,,3028,37,,,08/26 16:28,08/26 18:15,ALF,HMH,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/26 ALF) Number for Total PCR Tests (People) that is usually on Testing page has disappeared. Carried over previous value. (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/26 18:37, 20200825,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,99692,2990,96701,3089,545,69983,3634,66894,,18,213,,,,,2965,37,,,08/25 17:25,08/25 17:40,HMH,SB,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/25 18:03, 20200824,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,95016,3040,91975,3068,535,65487,3603,62419,,20,211,,,,,2927,37,,,08/24 16:39,08/24 17:17,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/24 17:21, 20200823,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93231,2983,90247,3046,533,64307,3579,61313,,19,207,,,,,2896,37,,,08/23 11:32,08/23 16:36,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/23 17:24, 20200822,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93231,2983,90247,3009,534,64307,3543,61313,,19,203,,,,,2879,37,,,08/22 12:00,08/22 16:50,BSL,CB-M,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/22 17:10, 20200821,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,93231,2983,90247,2994,530,64307,3524,61313,,19,203,,,,,2864,37,,,08/21 17:22,08/21 17:20,CB-M,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/21 17:26, 20200820,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,92080,2946,89133,2940,528,63646,3468,60706,,18,202,,,,,2832,34,,,08/20 17:42,08/20 17:48,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/20 18:13, 20200819,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,90545,2897,87647,2909,521,62573,3430,59664,,12,197,,,,,2786,34,,,08/19 18:11,08/19 17:41,BML,ALF,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/19 17:55, 20200818,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,89532,2865,86666,2850,513,61928,3363,59078,,12,193,,,,,2759,34,,,08/18 16:42,08/18 17:25,DZL,CB-M,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/18 17:32, 20200817,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87365,2708,84656,2829,502,60396,3331,57567,,13,195,,,,,2699,33,,,08/17 16:57,08/17 17:32,BSL,CB-M,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/17 17:55, 20200816,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85877,2748,83128,2789,497,59503,3286,56809,,13,191,,,,,2668,30,,,08/16 11:47,08/16 16:27,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/16 17:31, 20200815,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85877,2748,83128,2730,497,59503,3227,56809,,13,191,,,,,2659,30,,,08/15 12:11,08/15 16:02,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (8/15 BHP) No testing update. (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/15 17:34, 20200814,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85877,2748,83128,2694,489,59503,3183,56809,,13,191,,,,,2641,30,,,08/14 18:08,08/14 17:27,RSG,HMH,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/14 17:41, 20200813,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,85285,2643,82641,2627,492,59079,3119,56452,,14,189,,,,,2601,30,,,08/13 17:51,08/13 17:41,DPT,HMH,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/13 18:17, 20200812,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84929,2632,82296,2600,486,58845,3086,56245,,15,187,,,,,2577,29,,,08/12 18:05,08/12 18:12,NMJ,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/12 18:47, 20200811,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84264,2612,81651,2584,489,58363,3073,55779,,15,183,,,,,2541,29,,,08/11 18:39,08/11 17:48,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/10 18:38, 20200810,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,82445,2638,79806,2565,477,57205,3042,54640,,15,179,,,,,2483,28,,,08/10 17:39,08/10 17:28,DZL,SB,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/10 18:38, 20200809,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80681,2581,78099,2533,517,56115,3050,53625,,17,177,,,,,2465,28,,,08/09 11:46,08/09 16:32,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/9 17:07, 20200808,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80681,2581,78099,2498,515,56115,3013,53625,,17,177,,,,,2462,28,,,08/08 12:22,08/08 15:58,BSL,RS,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/8 17:37, 20200807,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,80681,2581,78099,2490,510,56115,3000,53625,,17,176,,,,,2420,28,,,08/07 17:53,8/07 17:13,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/7 18:08, 20200806,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79982,2559,77422,2449,509,55599,2958,53150,,16,171,,,,,2366,27,,,08/06 17:00,8/06 17:10,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/6 17:19, 20200805,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,79405,2540,76864,2424,499,55215,2923,52791,,16,169,,,,,2323,27,,,08/05 16:45,8/05 17:32,HMH,DZL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/5 17:43, 20200804,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78634,2516,76117,2392,492,54751,2884,52359,,17,169,,,,,2284,27,,,08/04 17:26,8/04 17:32,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/4 17:46, 20200803,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,78011,2418,75592,2364,484,54396,2848,52032,,19,167,,,,,2214,27,,,08/03 16:25,8/03 17:16,DZL,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/3 17:32, 20200802,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75767,2348,73418,2333,475,52827,2808,50573,,18,167,,,,,2173,26,,,08/02 12:28,8/02 17:46,BML,KP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/2 18:12, 20200801,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75767,2348,73418,2297,472,52827,2769,50573,,18,167,,,,,2153,26,,,08/01 12:06,8/01 17:37,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,8/1 17:50, 20200731,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,75767,2348,73418,2254,472,52827,2726,50573,,18,166,,,,,2123,26,,,07/31 17:26,07/31 17:20,REB,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200730,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,74891,2321,72569,2217,469,52172,2686,49955,,18,166,,,,,2065,26,,,07/30 16:47,07/30 17:41,DZL,JAC,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200729,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73724,2285,71438,2172,456,51556,2628,49384,,16,165,,,,,2022,26,,,07/29 16:32,07/29 17:08,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200728,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,71866,2155,69710,2136,453,50327,2589,48191,,15,162,,,,,1970,26,,,07/28 17:39,07/28 17:50,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200727,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67700,2031,65669,2072,448,47745,2520,45823,,17,158,,,,,1915,25,,,07/27 16:45,07/27 17:33,DZL,REB,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/27 DZL) The cum. hosp. percentage dropped from 7.8% to 7.6% -- carrying over exact value from previous day; testing data hasn't updated since 7/23 (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200726,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67700,2031,65669,2029,446,47745,2475,45823,,14,158,,,,,1883,25,,,07/26 11:37,07/26 16:05,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200725,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67700,2031,65669,2008,438,47745,2446,45823,,14,158,,,,,1866,25,,,07/25 11:36,07/25 17:06,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200724,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67700,2031,65669,1972,433,47745,2405,45823,,14,155,,,,,1857,25,,,07/24 18:18,07/24 17:38,DZL,HMH,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200723,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,67700,2031,65669,1922,424,47745,2346,45823,,15,153,,,,,1794,25,,,07/23 17:37,07/23 17:20,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200722,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61032,1769,59262,1864,424,43605,2288,41927,,13,152,,,,,1745,25,,,07/22 18:02,07/22 17:12,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200721,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61032,1769,59262,1830,408,43605,2238,41927,,13,146,,,,,1694,25,,,07/21 17:55,07/21 17:03,BSL,HMH,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200720,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61032,1769,59262,1790,397,43605,2187,41927,,13,144,,,,,1652,24,,,07/20 17:57,07/20 17:27,BSL,SB,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200719,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61032,1769,59262,1728,398,43605,2126,41927,,17,143,,,,,1615,24,,,07/19 14:29,07/19 16:28,BML,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200718,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61032,1769,59262,1713,395,43605,2108,41927,,16,142,,,,,1611,24,,,07/18 12:02,07/18 16:54,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200717,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,61032,1769,59262,1678,391,43605,2069,41927,,19,140,,,,,1590,24,,,07/17 17:49,07/17 17:26,BSL,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200716,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60203,1745,58457,1644,382,43070,2026,41426,,18,131,,,,,1540,24,,,07/16 17:23,07/16 17:12,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200715,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,59347,1780,57566,1605,380,42534,1985,40929,,17,131,,,,,1506,22,,,07/15 18:02,07/15 17:08,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200714,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54917,1592,53324,1581,370,39552,1951,38077,,14,128,,,,,1462,22,,,07/14 18:08,07/14 17:18,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200713,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54917,1592,53324,1506,356,39552,1862,38077,,17,124,,,,,1372,21,,,07/12 11:42,07/13 16:58,SB,HMH,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200712,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54917,1592,53324,1506,356,39552,1862,38077,,12,124,,,,,1372,21,,,07/12 12:00,07/12 16:20,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200711,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54917,1592,53324,1488,351,39552,1839,38077,,12,123,,,,,1361,21,,,07/11 11:44,07/11 16:13,BML,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/11 BML) Testing page hasn't updated (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200710,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54917,1592,53324,1445,345,39552,1790,38077,,12,121,,,,,1327,21,,,07/10 13:50,07/10 15:46,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200709,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53488,1551,51936,1428,346,38699,1774,37271,,12,121,,,,,1313,21,,,07/09 17:45,07/09 17:06,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200708,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51691,1499,50191,1404,336,37456,1740,36078,,13,120,,,,,1291,21,,,07/08 17:23,07/08 17:16,HMH,BHP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/8 HMH) Only map and statistics and hospital date pages updated, used lab confirmed case number from M+S page for pos. pcr cases (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200707,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,51691,1499,50191,1378,333,37456,1711,36078,,10,119,,,,,1274,20,,,07/07 17:47,07/07 17:16,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/7 BSL) Carrying over cum. hospitalizations due to red cell (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200706,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47932,1342,46589,1312,322,34926,1634,33693,,9,119,,,,,1172,20,,,07/05 13:36,07/06 17:03,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200705,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47932,1342,46589,1312,322,34926,1634,33693,,8,119,,,,,1172,20,,,07/05 13:36,07/06 17:03,JAC,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/5 BHP) Testing page and hospitalizations have not updated. (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200704,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47932,1342,46589,1289,317,34926,1606,33693,,8,119,,,,,1169,20,,,07/04 12:20,07/04 16:54,HMH,JAC,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200703,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47932,1342,46589,1267,315,34926,1582,33693,,8,119,,,,,1154,20,,,07/03 11:24,07/03 16:25,BHP,BML,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/3 BHP) current hospitalized was recorded as 9 for 7/2 but the last two dates in the graph both show 8. (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200702,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,47932,1342,46589,1233,317,34926,1550,33693,,9,119,,,,,1139,20,,,07/02 17:52,07/02 17:24,BSL,KWS,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (7/2 KWS) recovered probables have been missing for a while....will investigate (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200701,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45310,1313,43996,1203,311,33369,1514,32185,,9,117,,,,,1119,20,,,07/01 17:40,07/01 17:20,BHP,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200630,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,45310,1313,43996,1184,303,33369,1487,32185,,6,117,,,,,1097,20,,,06/30 16:55,06/30 17:36,BSL,KP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200629,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42402,1229,41172,1151,299,31485,1450,30406,,7,112,,,,,1070,20,,,06/29 16:57,06/29 17:31,BSL,ALF,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (6/29 ALF) Carried over negatives again. (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200628,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42402,1229,41172,1121,296,31485,1417,30406,,5,112,,,,,1057,20,,,06/28 13:01,06/28 17:05,BHP,SB,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (6/28 SB) Ditto to my comment from 6/27. (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200627,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42402,1229,41172,1097,295,31485,1392,30406,,5,111,,,,,1054,20,,,06/27 12:25,06/27 16:45,SB,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Hospitalization: (6/27 SB) Carrying over previous number of negatives (AF) since testing page has not been updated, but the confirmed positive number from the Map & Statistics page has increased, so negatives would go down with these currently half-updated values. Note that cumulative hospitalization number has gone down. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200626,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,42402,1229,41172,1079,289,31485,1368,30406,,5,112,,,,,1033,20,,,06/26 18:15,06/26 17:34,HMH,BSL,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200625,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40154,1164,38989,1052,274,29885,1326,28869,,7,111,,,,,996,20,,,06/25 17:19,06/25 17:16,KWS,QN,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/24 KWS mor) Updated ""confirmed"" deaths tooltip to ""no data"" since WY only provides a lumped figure (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200624,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,40154,1164,38989,1016,263,29885,1279,28869,,7,109,,,,,966,20,,,06/24 16:59,06/24 17:21,BHP,JAC,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",B,, 20200623,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38300,1149,37151,992,262,28477,1254,27485,,8,109,,,,,953,20,,,06/23 17:46,06/23 17:14,BHP,QN,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",C,, 20200622,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36228,1086,35141,974,256,27109,1230,26162,,8,105,,,,,931,20,,,06/22 4:50,06/22 17:07,BHP,RS,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",C,, 20200621,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36228,1086,35141,947,250,27109,1197,26162,,8,100,,,,,909,20,,,06/21 11:59,06/21 16:50,ALF,KP,"PROCESS: WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Use dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/21 ALF) Today we updated AD and AF (Total PCR Tests People and Negative Cases) with WY's new ""people tested"" total, which reduced the number in AF by about 10,000. Will make a public note. (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",C,, 20200620,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36228,1086,35141,930,249,27109,1179,26162,,8,98,,,,,896,20,,,06/20 12:00,06/20 17:21,BHP,BML,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/19 BHP) WY now reporting Total People Tested. We are going to update AD and AF starting 6/20 using this number. Make note that this will reduce the number in AF. (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",C,, 20200619,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,36228,1086,35141,927,246,,1173,35301,,8,98,,,,,889,20,,,06/19 18:00,06/19 17:39,BHP,PR,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",C,, 20200618,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35916,1025,33164,906,238,,1144,35010,,8,97,,,,,870,18,,,06/18 18:00,06/18 17:46,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",C,, 20200617,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34839,1025,33164,884,230,,1114,33955,,7,97,,,,,862,18,,,06/17 18:00,06/17 17:40,BHP,ALF,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",C,, 20200616,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34190,1025,33164,866,223,,1089,33324,,7,96,,,,,852,18,,,06/15 18:00,06/16 17:50,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",C,, 20200615,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32387,941,30446,841,219,,1060,31546,,4,93,,,,,834,18,,,06/15 18:00,06/16 17:50,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",C,, 20200614,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32387,941,30446,841,219,,1060,32005,,5,93,,,,,834,18,,,06/14 12:00,06/14 17:12,BSL,JAC,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/14 JAC) Total tests have not been updating so did not update negatives (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat)",C,, 20200613,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,32387,941,30446,832,218,,1050,32005,,5,93,,,,,833,18,,,06/13 12:00,06/13 15:41,BSL,BML,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200612,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31684,941,30446,811,216,,1027,30873,,5,92,,,,,814,18,,,06/12 18:00,06/12 17:40,RS,ALF,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200611,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,31402,941,30446,793,216,,1009,30609,,7,92,,,,,814,18,,,06/11 16:12,06/11 17:17,QN,JAC,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200610,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30795,923,29871,768,212,,980,29872,,8,92,,,,,804,18,,,06/10 0:00,06/10 17:22,ALF,QN,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200609,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30126,903,29222,760,210,,970,29366,,8,91,,,,,789,17,,,06/09 17:48,06/09 17:20,BHP,KP,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200608,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29762,892,28869,748,212,,960,29014,,7,91,,,,,773,17,,,06/08 17:54,06/08 17:29,reb,QN,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200607,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28538,858,26843,734,213,,947,27804,,4,90,,,,,757,17,,,06/07 11:52,06/07 17:55,KP,ALF,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/7 HMH) Positive PCR, negative PCR, currently hosp, cumulative hosp, recovered not updated since 6/5 (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200606,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28295,858,26843,726,213,,939,27569,,4,90,,,,,757,17,,,06/06 0:00,06/06 16:39,BML,QN,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200605,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27400,849,26550,721,212,,933,26679,,4,90,,,,,755,17,,,06/05 0:00,06/05 17:20,KP,RS,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200604,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26777,826,25016,703,212,,915,26074,,4,87,,,,,714,17,,,06/03 0:00,06/04 17:21,QN,ALF,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200603,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26416,826,25016,703,212,,915,25713,,4,87,,,,,714,17,,,06/03 0:00,06/04 17:21,QN,ALF,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/3 REB) not updating cum. hosp, the number will drop by one (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200602,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25532,817,24714,700,210,,910,24832,,7,86,,,,,667,17,,,06/01 0:00,06/02 16:55,QN,KP,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (6/2 QN) Since testing tab has a higher number of reported tests, using them to populate both Z and AF (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200601,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24937,788,22402,700,210,,910,24237,,8,86,,,,,667,17,,,05/31 0:00,06/01 17:19,QN,MM,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200531,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,24183,788,22402,693,210,,903,23490,,13,85,,,,,658,16,,,05/31 0:00,06/01 17:19,QN,MM,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200530,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23900,788,22402,688,210,,898,23185,,13,85,,,,,658,16,,,05/30 0:00,05/30 16:42,QN,REB,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200529,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23060,767,21167,682,209,,891,22378,,13,84,,,,,634,15,,,05/28 0:00,05/29 17:10,SPA,MM/REB,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200528,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22591,767,21167,665,209,,874,22286,,15,82,,,,,624,15,,,05/28 0:00,05/29 17:10,SPA,MM/REB,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200527,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21300,758,20900,648,202,,850,20652,,12,82,,,,,607,13,,,05/27 0:00,05/27 15:45,ALF,MM,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. The term ""COVID-Resulted Tests"" means specimen tests for COVID that have produced any result, whether positive or negative. Positive Cases: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200526,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,21300,705,18895,648,202,,850,20652,,14,82,,,,,607,13,,,05/26 0:00,05/26 17:09,REB,MM,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Positive: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200525,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20189,705,18895,638,200,,838,19551,,10,79,,,,,575,12,,,05/24 0:00,05/25 15:07,AW,REB,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Positive: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200524,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19836,705,18895,615,198,,813,19221,,10,78,,,,,556,12,,,05/23 0:00,05/24 16:40,ALF,KP,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Positive: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200523,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19836,705,18895,615,198,,813,19221,,10,77,,,,,551,12,,,05/23 0:00,05/24 16:40,ALF,KP,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Positive: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200522,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19424,699,18724,608,195,,803,18621,,10,76,,,,,551,12,,,05/21 18:02,05/22 17:30,KP,QN,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Positive: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (KP 5/22 did not update negatives, since positives went up and totals stayed flat) ",C,, 20200521,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18649,672,17495,596,191,,787,18053,,8,75,,,,,534,11,,,05/20 16:54,05/21 16:30,REB,QN,"PROCESS: WY is reporting total specimens, not total people WY main page and dashboard can be out of sync. Main page is most recent. Always use the most recent numbers, but do not mix numbers from different sources when doing math e.g., do not take the newest testing number from main page and multiply by stale pos/neg percentages from testing dashboard. Positive: confirmed + probable. Cum. Hosp calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" multiplied by Lab Confirmed Cases from the dashboard. Testing page has the number of tests (could be out of date), and percent of positive/negative results. Use this for Positive (specimens) and Negative (specimens) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific ",C,, 20200520,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18649,672,17495,596,191,,787,18053,,9,74,,,,,528,11,,,05/20 16:15,05/20 16:48,REB,MM,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive 3) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (5/15-20 REB) the usual: cases, death, total testing from main page. neg/pos percentages from testing page (5/15 MM) Removing values from `Total Tests (People)` column since pretty sure these are specimens. Consulted w KP and REB (5/14 RS) Hosp % and N-value changed, but using the new ones makes the cumulative value decrease by 1, so not adding it. (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",C,, 20200519,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17661,653,17007,577,189,,766,17084,,8,73,,,,,504,10,,,05/18 0:00,05/19 15:06,REB,KP,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive 3) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (5/19 REB) all data (cases + testing) from main & testing dashboards (5/18 aft REB) testing not updated yet, timestamp from main page (5/17 aft REB) death and case number updated on main page but not yet on dashboard. Testing numbers updated only on main page, so updated totals but not percentages (that are taken from the testing page) (5/15 MM) Removing values from `Total Tests (People)` column since pretty sure these are specimens. Consulted w KP and REB (5/14 RS) Hosp % and N-value changed, but using the new ones makes the cumulative value decrease by 1, so not adding it. (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",B,, 20200518,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16897,616,15602,566,188,,754,16331,,8,73,,,,,498,8,,,05/17 0:00,05/18 15:51,REB,MM,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive 3) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (5/18 aft REB) testing not updated yet, timestamp from main page (5/17 aft REB) death and case number updated on main page but not yet on dashboard. Testing numbers updated only on main page, so updated totals but not percentages (that are taken from the testing page) (5/15 MM) Removing values from `Total Tests (People)` column since pretty sure these are specimens. Consulted w KP and REB (5/14 RS) Hosp % and N-value changed, but using the new ones makes the cumulative value decrease by 1, so not adding it. (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",B,, 20200517,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16709,616,15602,566,188,,754,16331,,8,70,,,,,498,8,,,05/16 15:07,05/17 15:03,REB,RS,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive 3) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (5/17 aft REB) death and case number updated on main page but not yet on dashboard. Testing numbers updated only on main page, so updated totals but not percentages (that are taken from the testing page) (5/15 MM) Removing values from `Total Tests (People)` column since pretty sure these are specimens. Consulted w KP and REB (5/14 RS) Hosp % and N-value changed, but using the new ones makes the cumulative value decrease by 1, so not adding it. (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",B,, 20200516,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16219,616,15602,541,175,,716,15678,,8,69,,,,,496,7,,,05/15 16:20,05/16 14:54,RS**,JAC,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive 3) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (5/15 MM) Removing values from `Total Tests (People)` column since pretty sure these are specimens. Consulted w KP and REB (5/14 RS) Hosp % and N-value changed, but using the new ones makes the cumulative value decrease by 1, so not adding it. (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",B,, 20200515,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15848,607,14957,541,175,,715,15307,,8,68,,,,,487,7,,,05/14 0:00,05/15 17:14,REB,MM,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive 3) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (5/15 MM) Removing values from `Total Tests (People)` column since pretty sure these are specimens. Consulted w KP and REB (5/14 RS) Hosp % and N-value changed, but using the new ones makes the cuulative value decrease by 1, so not adding it. (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",B,, 20200514,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,15417,,,529,172,,701,14729,,8,67,,,,,480,7,,,05/14 0:00,05/15 17:14,REB,MM,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive 3) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (5/15 MM) Removing values from `Total Tests (People)` column since pretty sure these are specimens. Consulted w KP and REB (5/14 RS) Hosp % and N-value changed, but using the new ones makes the cuulative value decrease by 1, so not adding it. (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",B,, 20200513,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14789,,,513,162,,675,14384,,10,67,,,,,477,7,,,05/12 15:50,,,,"PROCESS: Do not update ""negatives"" column. It's *not* totals - positives, since totals counts number of tests, not people tested 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive 3) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",B,, 20200512,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14789,,,513,162,,675,14384,,10,67,,,,,477,7,,,05/12 15:50,,,,"PROCESS: Do not update ""negatives"" column. It's *not* totals - positives, since totals counts number of tests, not people tested 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive 3) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",B,, 20200511,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13416,,,504,158,,662,11403,,12,66,,,,,443,7,,,05/10 17:38,05/11 14:55,SLW,REB,"PROCESS: Do not update ""negatives"" column. It's *not* totals - positives, since totals counts number of tests, not people tested 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive 3) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",C,, 20200510,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13416,,,503,158,,661,11403,,12,65,,,,,443,7,,,05/10 16:00,05/10 17:16,JAC/DPT,REB,"PROCESS: Do not update ""negatives"" column. It's *not* totals - positives, since totals counts number of tests, not people tested 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive 3) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",C,, 20200509,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13416,,,490,154,,644,11403,,12,64,,,,,438,7,,,05/08 13:58,05/09 15:52,BL,REB,"PROCESS: Do not update ""negatives"" column. It's *not* totals - positives, since totals counts number of tests, not people tested 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive 3) Current hospitalizations in hosp dashboard: the top bar chart. Do not use ICU and ventilator numbers from that dashboard, they are not COVID-specific (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",C,, 20200508,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12968,,,483,152,,635,11403,,9,60,,,,,428,7,,,05/07 4:28,05/08 16:32,JAC,KP,"PROCESS: Do not update ""negatives"" column. It's *not* totals - positives, since totals counts number of tests, not people tested 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (5/8 aft JAC) Negatives left untouched: Curr hosp from 5/7 reporting (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",C,, 20200507,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12569,,,479,152,,631,11403,,11,59,,,,,416,7,,,05/06 15:27,05/07 15:49,BL,PR,"PROCESS: Do not update ""negatives"" column. It's *not* totals - positives, since totals counts number of tests, not people tested 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",C,, 20200506,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12306,,,452,152,,604,11403,,11,60,,,,,409,7,,,05/05 15:30,05/06 15:36,REB,AW,"PROCESS: Do not update ""negatives"" column. It's *not* totals - positives, since totals counts number of tests, not people tested 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (5/6 aft REB) Removed specimen breakdown, because the percentages and totals are from different timestamps. Got clarification about negatives calculation -- it's incorrect to use totals - positive (5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is.",C,, 20200505,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11996,479,11517,444,152,,596,10319,,13,60,,,,,405,7,,,05/04 17:02,05/05 15:36,MDH,KP,"(5/5 aft KP) leaving cumulative hospital number, since new formula drops it by one. (5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is. PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive ",C,, 20200504,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9976,438,9538,435,151,,586,9868,,13,60,,,,,391,7,,,05/04 1:56,05/04 16:02,SPA,MM,"(5/4 mor MDH) The formula in the negative column seems like it's based on the testing summary on the state page (e.g. the +1 for CDC). But otherwise the state page numbers are very different from, and lower than, the dashboard's testing numbers. And the dashboard's numbers are lower than what we have here! So leaving the negative number as is. PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive ",C,, 20200503,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9976,438,9538,429,150,,579,9640,,13,60,,,,,391,7,,,05/02 13:12,05/03 16:08,CML,ESK,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases + Probable Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive ",C,, 20200502,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9976,438,9538,420,146,,566,9463,,13,58,,,,,387,7,,,05/01 15:49,,,,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (4/30 mor AFG) Cur Hosp from reporting WY reports tests in two places ( and, I chose to use the former, it looks like past data entry used one for totals and the other for calculating negatives (4/29 mor QN) Cumu. hosp left the same as new numbers decreased the current count (4/27 mor MM) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current Calculating Cum Hosp would have resulted in revising down to 53 so leaving number (4/26 aft BL) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current number for negatives. hospitalization figures in the state data page lag reporting (from 4/24). ",C,, 20200501,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9551,429,9122,415,144,,559,9136,,13,56,,,,,373,7,,,04/30 0:00,05/01 16:23,SPA,MM,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (4/30 mor AFG) Cur Hosp from reporting WY reports tests in two places ( and, I chose to use the former, it looks like past data entry used one for totals and the other for calculating negatives (4/29 mor QN) Cumu. hosp left the same as new numbers decreased the current count (4/27 mor MM) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current Calculating Cum Hosp would have resulted in revising down to 53 so leaving number (4/26 aft BL) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current number for negatives. hospitalization figures in the state data page lag reporting (from 4/24). ",C,, 20200430,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9306,418,8888,404,140,,544,8902,,13,56,,,,,371,7,,,04/29 0:00,04/30 16:06,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (4/30 mor AFG) Cur Hosp from reporting WY reports tests in two places ( and, I chose to use the former, it looks like past data entry used one for totals and the other for calculating negatives (4/29 mor QN) Cumu. hosp left the same as new numbers decreased the current count (4/27 mor MM) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current Calculating Cum Hosp would have resulted in revising down to 53 so leaving number (4/26 aft BL) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current number for negatives. hospitalization figures in the state data page lag reporting (from 4/24). ",C,, 20200429,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9055,407,8648,396,140,,536,8681,,12,56,,,,,362,7,,,04/29 0:00,04/30 16:06,JAC,REB,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (4/30 mor AFG) Cur Hosp from reporting WY reports tests in two places ( and, I chose to use the former, it looks like past data entry used one for totals and the other for calculating negatives (4/29 mor QN) Cumu. hosp left the same as new numbers decreased the current count (4/27 mor MM) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current Calculating Cum Hosp would have resulted in revising down to 53 so leaving number (4/26 aft BL) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current number for negatives. hospitalization figures in the state data page lag reporting (from 4/24). ",C,, 20200428,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,389,,,389,8226,,16,56,,,,,343,7,,,04/27 17:05,04/28 15:46,EB,RS,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (4/27 mor MM) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current Calculating Cum Hosp would have resulted in revising down to 53 so leaving number (4/26 aft BL) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current number for negatives. hospitalization figures in the state data page lag reporting (from 4/24). (4/24 aft MM) cur + cum hosp from reporting via Date from hovering over death in dashboard (4/22 eve JFC) negatives + cum hosp TBD. removed current hospitalization # per 4/21 morn QN note, to remove if not updated from 4/15 presser by 4/22 ",C,, 20200427,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,370,,,370,7797,,16,54,,,,,342,7,,,04/26 13:58,04/27 16:14,DPT,MM,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (4/27 mor MM) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current Calculating Cum Hosp would have resulted in revising down to 53 so leaving number (4/26 aft BL) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current number for negatives. hospitalization figures in the state data page lag reporting (from 4/24). (4/24 aft MM) cur + cum hosp from reporting via Date from hovering over death in dashboard (4/22 eve JFC) negatives + cum hosp TBD. removed current hospitalization # per 4/21 morn QN note, to remove if not updated from 4/15 presser by 4/22 ",C,, 20200426,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,362,,,362,7797,,16,54,,,,,334,7,,,04/25 17:20,04/26 15:27,BL,REB,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (4/26 aft BL) total tests figure hasn't been updated since 4/25; leaving current number for negatives. hospitalization figures in the state data page lag reporting (from 4/24). (4/24 aft MM) cur + cum hosp from reporting via Date from hovering over death in dashboard (4/22 eve JFC) negatives + cum hosp TBD. removed current hospitalization # per 4/21 morn QN note, to remove if not updated from 4/15 presser by 4/22 ",C,, 20200425,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,349,,,349,7797,,16,54,,,,,321,7,,,04/24 16:02,04/25 15:59,REB,SJ,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases"", B) Cumulative Hospitalized calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" x Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (4/24 aft MM) cur + cum hosp from reporting via Date from hovering over death in dashboard (4/22 eve JFC) negatives + cum hosp TBD. removed current hospitalization # per 4/21 morn QN note, to remove if not updated from 4/15 presser by 4/22 ",C,, 20200424,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,332,,,349,7696,,16,54,,,,,321,7,,,04/24 0:00,,,,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases"", B) Recovered = ""Recovered Cases"", C) Deaths = ""deaths"", D) Cumulative Hospitalized is calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" * Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (4/24 aft MM) cur + cum hosp from reporting via Date from hovering over death in dashboard (4/22 eve CML) Updated Negatives as Resulted Tests - Positive per Slack reporting thread (4/22 eve JFC) negatives + cum hosp TBD. removed current hospitalization # per 4/21 morn QN note, to remove if not updated from 4/15 presser by 4/22 (4/21 eve RV) Keeping negatives per discussion in Did not update hospitalization number as the rounding from the formula would have made this figure decrease. (4/21 aft PR) cases decreased to align with lab tested per graph on page 2 - testing per testing page (4/19 eve MEB) Main page now reports larger total test figure than dashboard. We used that value to calculate negatives. (4/19 eve SJ) Cumulative hosp increased. ",A,, 20200423,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,325,,,326,7241,,,52,,,,,275,7,,,04/23 16:27,,,,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases"", B) Recovered = ""Recovered Cases"", C) Deaths = ""deaths"", D) Cumulative Hospitalized is calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" * Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (4/22 eve CML) Updated Negatives as Resulted Tests - Positive per Slack reporting thread (4/22 eve JFC) negatives + cum hosp TBD. removed current hospitalization # per 4/21 morn QN note, to remove if not updated from 4/15 presser by 4/22 (4/21 eve RV) Keeping negatives per discussion in Did not update hospitalization number as the rounding from the formula would have made this figure decrease. (4/21 aft PR) cases decreased to align with lab tested per graph on page 2 - testing per testing page (4/21 morn QN) Curr. hospitalization is from 4/15 presser. Should remove if not updated by 4/22 (4/19 eve MEB) Main page now reports larger total test figure than dashboard. We used that value to calculate negatives. (4/19 eve SJ) Cumulative hosp increased. ",A,, 20200422,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,322,,,322,7301,,19,52,,,,,254,6,,,04/22 23:00,04/23 16:12,MM,PR,"PROCESS: 1) Click Dashboard link; A) Positive = ""Lab Confirmed Cases"", B) Recovered = ""Recovered Cases"", C) Deaths = ""deaths"", D) Cumulative Hospitalized is calculated from ""Labs Confirmed Cases by Hospitalization"" * Lab Confirmed Cases 2) Click Testing Data Page (; A) Negative = Resulted Tests - Positive (4/22 eve CML) Updated Negatives as Resulted Tests - Positive per Slack reporting thread (4/22 eve JFC) negatives + cum hosp TBD. removed current hospitalization # per 4/21 morn QN note, to remove if not updated from 4/15 presser by 4/22 (4/21 eve RV) Keeping negatives per discussion in Did not update hospitalization number as the rounding from the formula would have made this figure decrease. (4/21 aft PR) cases decreased to align with lab tested per graph on page 2 - testing per testing page (4/21 morn QN) Curr. hospitalization is from 4/15 presser. Should remove if not updated by 4/22 (4/19 eve MEB) Main page now reports larger total test figure than dashboard. We used that value to calculate negatives. (4/19 eve SJ) Cumulative hosp increased. ",A,, 20200421,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,317,,,320,7301,,19,52,,,,,237,6,,,04/21 16:20,04/22 14:47,PR,RS,"PROCESS: Only include lab confirmed cases in our positive number. Total tests should come from adding the three #s on the main page; but also check: (main page sometimes lags) (4/21 eve RV) Keeping negatives per discussion in Did not update hospitalization number as the rounding from the formula would have made this figure decrease. (4/21 aft PR) cases decreased to align with lab tested per graph on page 2 - testing per testing page (4/21 morn QN) Curr. hospitalization is from 4/15 presser. Should remove if not updated by 4/22 (4/19 eve MEB) Main page now reports larger total test figure than dashboard. We used that value to calculate negatives. (4/19 eve SJ) Cumulative hosp increased. (4/15 eve SJ) ftr: 113 probable cases (4/15 eve REB) cumulative and current hospitalization from reporting, 4/15",A,, 20200420,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,313,,,313,7073,,19,51,,,,,233,2,,,04/19 0:00,04/20 15:31,SPA,PR,"PROCESS: Only include lab confirmed cases in our positive number. Total tests should come from adding the three #s on the main page; but also check: (main page sometimes lags) (4/19 eve MEB) Main page now reports larger total test figure than dashboard. We used that value to calculate negatives. (4/19 eve SJ) Cumulative hosp increased. (4/15 eve SJ) ftr: 113 probable cases (4/15 eve REB) cumulative and current hospitalization from reporting, 4/15",A,, 20200419,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,309,,,309,6972,,19,50,,,,,227,2,,,04/19 0:00,04/20 15:31,SPA,PR,"PROCESS: Only include lab confirmed cases in our positive number. Total tests should come from adding the three #s on the main page; but also check: (main page sometimes lags) (4/19 eve MEB) Main page now reports larger total test figure than dashboard. We used that value to calculate negatives. (4/19 eve SJ) Cumulative hosp increased. (4/15 eve SJ) ftr: 113 probable cases (4/15 eve REB) cumulative and current hospitalization from reporting, 4/15",A,, 20200418,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,305,,,305,6217,,19,50,,,,,206,2,,,04/17 16:02,,,,"(4/15 eve REB) cumulative and current hospitalization from reporting, 4/15 PROCESS: Only include lab confirmed cases in our positive number ",A,, 20200417,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,296,,,296,6131,,19,43,,,,,148,2,,,04/17 16:02,,,,"(4/15 eve REB) cumulative and current hospitalization from reporting, 4/15 PROCESS: Only include lab confirmed cases in our positive number ",A,, 20200416,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,288,,,296,6131,,19,43,,,,,148,2,,,04/16 20:15,04/17 14:09,RS,MC,"(4/15 eve REB) cumulative and current hospitalization from reporting, 4/15 PROCESS: Only include lab confirmed cases in our positive number ",A,, 20200415,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,282,,,287,6042,,,43,,,,,129,2,,,04/15 12:30,,,,"(4/15 eve REB) Leaving negative as is, positive changed by +1, but total tests didn't change. Current hospitalization from #Reporting. Hospitalization data is given in percent, and dropped with current FLOOR formula => in practice it's probably still 43 (42.9), I changed FLOOR to ROUND in formula PROCESS: Only include lab confirmed cases in our positive number (4/15 aft REB) can't load hospitalization data, same comment as below about recovered -- not updated",A,, 20200414,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,275,,,275,5689,,,43,,,,,140,1,,,04/14 16:05,,,,"(4/14 eve SJ) probable cases: 101. Process: Recovered count now includes probabl cases, which we should not count. Reducing recovered back to 129 - should historically be set to 129 since April 12. Updated public notes. cum hosp # is now reported directly, in chart below dashboard. (4/14 aft AW) cum hosp # updated based on presser in reporting tab; did not add curr number as press release said it was approximate PROCESS: Only include lab confirmed cases in our positive number 4/13 aft PR -- main page shows 1 death - dashboard not reflecting this yet -- FYI ",A,, 20200413,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,270,,,275,5689,,,41,,,,,138,1,,,04/13 15:19,04/14 16:14,AW,ESK,"(4/14 aft AW) cum hosp # updated based on presser in reporting tab; did not add curr number as press release said it was approximate PROCESS: Only include lab confirmed cases in our positive number 4/13 aft PR -- main page shows 1 death - dashboard not reflecting this yet -- FYI ",A,, 20200412,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,261,,,261,5198,,,40,,,,,137,0,,,04/11 18:00,04/12 15:22,AW,ESK,"(4/11 PR / AM) only include Lab confirmed cased as +ve (4/10 JL evening) could not find cumulative hospitalized. keeping the number as is.",A,, 20200411,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,253,,,261,5198,,,37,,,,,129,0,,,04/11 18:00,04/12 15:22,AW,ESK,"(4/11 PR / AM) only include Lab confirmed cased as +ve (4/10 JL evening) could not find cumulative hospitalized. keeping the number as is.",A,, 20200410,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,239,,,253,4736,,,37,,,,,105,0,,,04/09 18:00,04/10 16:00,REB,ESK, ,A,, 20200409,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,230,,,230,3920,,,34,,,,,94,0,,,04/08 16:59,04/09 15:41,SPA,HDF, ,A,, 20200408,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,220,,,221,3843,,,33,,,,,62,0,,,04/07 18:21,04/08 15:56,SPA,ESK,"(4/7 evening AGS) Cumulative hospitalizations kept at 33. Calculated value from formula =floor(0.149*221,1) had it rounding down to 32. (4/7) WY Department of Health only displays hospitalization cases only submitted to them and mention data my not be complete, numbers only indicate culumative numbers but not current. (4/6) add all labs to get total test - state dash only shows state tests (4/4 eve RV) Total tests on the dashboard do not include the 1 completed at the CDC lab. The state page reports this additional 1, so I've used that figure to calculate negatives. 4/2 eve SJ: clarify historicals: we only know cum hosp, not current.",A,, 20200407,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,210,,,216,3789,,,33,,,,,62,0,,,04/07 10:57,04/07 15:04,SPA/RS,LH,"(4/7) WY Department of Health only displays hospitalization cases only submitted to them and mention data my not be complete, numbers only indicate culumative numbers but not current. (4/6) add all labs to get total test - state dash only shows state tests (4/4 eve RV) Total tests on the dashboard do not include the 1 completed at the CDC lab. The state page reports this additional 1, so I've used that figure to calculate negatives. 4/2 eve SJ: clarify historicals: we only know cum hosp, not current.",A,, 20200406,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,201,,,210,3719,,,23,,,,,52,0,,,04/06 11:32,04/06 14:59,RS,PR,"(4/6) add all labs to get total test - state dash only shows state tests (4/4 eve RV) Total tests on the dashboard do not include the 1 completed at the CDC lab. The state page reports this additional 1, so I've used that figure to calculate negatives. 4/2 eve SJ: clarify historicals: we only know cum hosp, not current.",A,, 20200405,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,187,,,197,3040,,,23,,,,,50,0,,,04/05 9:23,04/05 14:59,AW,HDF,"4/2 eve SJ: clarify historicals: we only know cum hosp, not current. 4/2 evening, NM: the cumulative hospitalized is (# positive cases) * (% of cases with reported hospitalization = yes). 04/02 LH Afternoon: Removed ""floor"" from the formula, as it gives a lower number than it should. Please use the floor formula - it is conservative and it eliminates decimals",A,, 20200404,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,165,,,187,2945,,,23,,,,,49,0,,,04/04 9:49,04/04 14:19,RS,PR,"4/2 eve SJ: clarify historicals: we only know cum hosp, not current. 4/2 evening, NM: the cumulative hospitalized is (# positive cases) * (% of cases with reported hospitalization = yes). 04/02 LH Afternoon: Removed ""floor"" from the formula, as it gives a lower number than it should. Please use the floor formula - it is conservative and it eliminates decimals",A,, 20200403,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,153,,,162,2704,,,21,,,,,37,0,,,04/03 10:42,04/03 14:48,RS,ESK,"4/2 eve SJ: clarify historicals: we only know cum hosp, not current. 4/2 evening, NM: the cumulative hospitalized is (# positive cases) * (% of cases with reported hospitalization = yes). 04/02 LH Afternoon: Removed ""floor"" from the formula, as it gives a lower number than it should. Please use the floor formula - it is conservative and it eliminates decimals",A,, 20200402,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,137,,,150,2439,,,19,,,,,31,0,,,04/02 10:30,04/02 13:39,LH**,PR,"04/02 LH Afternoon: Removed ""floor"" from the formula, as it gives a lower number than it should. Please use the floor formula - it is conservative and it eliminates decimals",A,, 20200401,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,109,,,130,2218,,,18,,,,,31,0,,,03/31 19:44,,,,,A,, 20200331,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,96,,,109,1999,,,17,,,,,26,0,,,03/31 10:37,,,,,A,, 20200330,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,87,,,94,1840,,,17,,,,,24,0,,,03/30 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200329,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,84,,,86,1554,,,15,,,,,20,0,,,03/29 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200328,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,73,,,82,1475,,,14,,,,,18,0,,,03/28 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200327,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,54,,,70,1211,,,11,,,,,17,0,,,03/27 12:50,,,,,A,, 20200326,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,44,,,53,1052,,,,,,,,12,,,,03/26 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200325,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,30,,,44,954,,,,,,,,7,,,,03/25 12:45,,,,,A,, 20200324,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,27,,,29,710,,,,,,,,,,,,03/24 0:00,,,,,A,, 20200323,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26,,,26,592,,,,,,,,,,,,03/23 14:00,,,,,A,, 20200322,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,23,,,24,438,,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 23:00,,,,,,, 20200321,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20,,,23,438,,,,,,,,,,,,03/21 12:30,,,,,,, 20200320,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18,,,19,331,,,,,,,,,,,,03/20 13:30,,,,,,, 20200319,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16,,,18,271,,,,,,,,,,,,03/19 16:45,,,,,,, 20200318,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,,,15,178,,,,,,,,,,,,03/18 0:00,,,,,,, 20200317,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,10,95,,,,,,,,,,,,03/17 0:00,,,,,,, 20200316,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/16 15:04,,,,,,, 20200315,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/14 0:00,,,,,,, 20200314,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/13 0:00,,,,,,, 20200313,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/12 0:00,,,,,,, 20200312,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,03/11 0:00,,,,,,, 20200311,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200310,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200309,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200308,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20200307,WY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 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